events schedule 2015 region marche


events schedule 2015 region marche
La regione Marche è pronta ad accogliervi con numerosi eventi
in vista dell’arrivo dell’estate …
The Marche region is ready to welcome you with a number of scheduled events ranging from culture to cuisine, from
consolidated appointments with opera to great multidisciplinary festivals…
Thanks to an efficient railway network and the high-speed train "Freccia Bianca", The Marche is an easily accessible
region: from Expo Milano 2015, it just takes 3 hours.
Title: Marche in Blue Day
Town: Sirolo and Numana
Province: Ancona
Date: 5
September 2015
On 5th September the Marche Region promotes the “Marche in Blue Day” with the aim to enhance the
tourism cluster of the sea and to confirm the important achievement of 17 Blue Flags also in 2015. The
venues are Numana and Sirolo and the program is as follows: 11,00 a.m. release of a sea turtle; 02,00 p.m.
meeting and press conference with the presence of Neri Marcorè, actor and testimonial of the Marche
Region; 06,00 p.m. speech by the Regional Head of Tourism, Mr. Moreno Pieroni; institutional ceremony
presented by Paolo Notari of handing over the Blue Flags to the mayors of the 17 municipalities (Piazza
Vittorio Veneto in Sirolo) ; aperitif by Gusta il Blu; 09,15 p.m. variety show in Piazza del Santuario in
Numana, performing Fisiorchestra Marche, the singer Gianmaria Fraska and the comic Rolando Rossi.
info event: ;
Title: Fabriano Creativa
Town: Fabriano
Date: 3 to 6 September 2015
“Fabriano Maker City "is the evolution of the Regional Handicraft Exhibition , which is becoming now "
Creativity Expo ": a skill exhibition of those making and creating, the" maker ", representing a unique
resource for the future of this city. To see together and synergically realities from different sectors, gives an
idea of how Fabriano is ready to open up itself to its revival through craftsmanship, modern technologies,
tradition and innovation. "Fabriano Maker City" wants to show new possible sceneries, be an engine of
(Creative City is one of the prestigious UNESCO acknowledgement granted to Fabriano in handcrafts and
Arts and Popular Traditions sectors. Fabriano will accompany its name with that of the most prestigious
World Agency for Culture and Education for its great paper tradition and for its handcraft creativity)
info event: ;
Title: 14
Wine Festival of “Rosso Conero”
Town: Camerano
Province: Ancona
Date: 4 to 6 September 2015
The festival aims at enhancing the Rosso Conero wine (DOCG) and all the features of the Riviera. Camerano,
a village nestled in the rolling hills of the Conero Riviera, is the ideal environment in which the Rosso
Conero wine finds its real and true expression. The town is famous for its Caves where you can discover a
second city, consisting of carved hollows running and branching underground. From Camerano, you can
reach the beautiful coast of the Riviera del Conero with its attractive beaches of Numana, Marcelli, Sirolo
and Porto Recanati, that offer recreational facilities satisfying all types of customers, without forgetting the
little guests.
info event: Proloco Carlo Maratti Camerano
tel: 071 7304018
e-mail: [email protected]
Title: International Festival
of “brodetto” and fish soups
Town: Fano
Province: Pesaro-Urbino
Date: 1011
, 12th e 13th September 2015
For taste lovers, not to be missed is the twelfth Festival of “brodetto” and fish soups where in an
"International Competition of Brodetto” , well known chefs from all over Italy and abroad will discuss
about culinary themes with a unique formula. This all happens in the city of Fano (ancient and noble
Fanum Fortunae), an equipped seaside resort and a marina, with an old town center rich in art of different
eras: Roman, Medieval, Renaissance and Baroque.
info event: [email protected]
tel: 0721 54708
Title: “Spreadable “of
town: Visso
Date: 12 and 13 September 2015
In the heart of the National Park of Sibillini Mountains ( the “norcini” land), in Visso, the capital of
"Ciauscolo", takes place the national showcase of 8 Italian typical spreadable cold meats. Moments of
meeting, guided tastings and opportunities to taste the traditional food of the mountain in the territory of
Macerata. Many opportunities for excursions and outdoor sports.
info event:
e-mail: [email protected]
Title Pane Nostrum
Town: Senigallia
Date: 17 to 20 September 2015
“Piazza del Duca” and the gardens of the “Roveresca” Fortress will become for four days the capital of the
"white art" . The bread will be taken out of the ovens strictly outdoors in the square and everyone will
admire the skilful gestures of master bakers, taste bakery delights , ask secret recipes and buy wholesome
products of the good earth. There will be bread-making classes dedicated to adults and children, to learn
how to make bread. It is an event that allows you to discover the cultures and traditions of bread making in
Italy and in the world, thanks to meetings, show cooking and tastings, open air ovens and bakers at work in
the square in front of the public, street food, and much more.
info event:
Organizing Secretariat Pane Nostrum
e-mail: [email protected]
Title: Mycological Regional Exhibition San Sisto
Town: Piandimeleto
Pesaro Urbino
Date: 26 September to 04 October
San Sisto of Piandimeleto is a generous land of mushrooms, truffles and all the products of woods. For this
reason every year the local community gathers around the " Mushroom Festival" to promote the
territory, an oasis of peace away from heavy traffic. Every year numerous visitors are not only able to
enjoy the specialities of the stands (many of which are based on mushrooms) but also the legumes of San
info event:
e-mail: [email protected]
Title: Grape Festival
Town: Arcevia
Date: 25 to 27 September 2015
Not to be missed is the "Grape Festival". Floats parade through the historical center, opening of inns of
good-food to taste the good wines of the 10 castles of Arcevia and also traditional dishes, shows and
fireworks . It really deserves a visit the beautiful and fascinating Frasassi Caves, in the municipality of
Genga, in the Natural Park of “Gola della Rossa e Frasassi", a great and unique show in the world which
every year attracts thousands of visitors from all over the world.
info event:
Title: Festa del Vino cotto di Lapedona
(Festival of “Cooked Wine” from Lapedona)
Town: Lapedona
Date: 26 and 27 September 2015
In this weekend Lapedona becomes the place to spend a pleasant evening, whether as a meeting place
among friends or as a stop during an oenological walk. Along the streets of the country, you can taste fried
pizzas, cold cuts and cheeses, accompanied by “vino cotto” (“cooked wine”).
Pro Loco Lapedona
tel: 0734 93559
info event:
Title: Agriculture Festival - National Festival of agricultural Beer - Typical of
the Marche
Town: Tolentino
Province: Macerata
Date: 26 and 27 September 2015
A national event in the enchanting scenery of the National Nature Reserve of Fiastra Abbey, seat of the
regional seat "Outside Milan Expo" for the themes of Culture, Nature and Spirituality , has been organized
in a region always oriented to cereals. It promotes a new product of the short chain: the Agricultural Beer,
for which The Marche is leader in Italy in its production. There will be conferences on agriculture, guided
tastings, market for agricultural and handmade products , natural and cultural tours and much more.
info event:
e-mail: [email protected]
Title: 40
Polenta Festival
Town: Treia
Province: Macerata
Date: 19 , 20 26 and 27 September 2015
In the enchanting village of Santa Maria in Selva, it is organized the reenactment of an ancient dish of the
rural food tradition: the polenta. In Treia you can find a local "quarantino" Corn protected by ASSAM
(Regional Agency of Food and Wine Sectors), for the conservation of biodiversity.
info event:
e-mail: [email protected]
Title: 55
Polenta Festival
Town: Apiro
Province: Macerata
Date: 26 and 27 September 2015
In the charming village of Apiro, nestled among the tourist destinations of Lake Castreccioni and the
Regional Natural Reserve of the Mountains San Vicino and Canfaito, for more than half a century it has
been celebrated the polenta, a culinary tradition that belongs to the rural population of The Marche and
that in Apiro finds a pleasant match with Verdicchio wine, a symbol of this place. There will also be food
stands and guided cultural tours.
info event:
e-mail: [email protected]
Title: Festival Pergolesi Spontini
Town: Jesi, Maiolati Spontini, Montecarotto, Monteroberto, San Marcello
Province: Ancona
Date: 4
to 20th September 2015
This year, the Festival dedicated to Francesco Degrada and Valeria Moriconi on the tenth anniversary of
their deaths will be from 4th to 20th September 2015. The title is "Tearful memory, smiling levity".
The Festival will open with the notes of Stabat Mater of Pergolesi , entrusted to the great voices of Eva Mei
and Sara Mingardo, to be followed by many theatrical and musical events of a very different nature, among
which the show on the streets that Franco Dragone will dedicate to the famous jacoponiana sequence set
to music by the great composer from Jesi, until the Comedy in a comical key , proof of a staging of "Lo frate
'nnamorato". Piano, organ and harpsichord concerts will also revive pages of the Neapolitan School of the
eighteenth century and the Italian and Central European classicism that were backdrop to the theatrical
success of Pergolesi and Spontini. Finally a tribute to Pino Daniele in a festival that will be at the same time
a touching and joyful memory of a great music man of our time.
info event: Ticket Box Teatro G.B. Pergolesi
0731 202944
e-mail: [email protected]
Title: Offida Opera Festival
Town: Offida
Province: Ascoli Piceno
Date: 6
to 12th September 2015
A festival entirely dedicated to quality opera, which will transform the town in a "small Salzburg" for a
week. After the great success of public and critics acclaimed in the past editions, many musical events take
place in the main monumental structures: from the “Teatro Serpente Aureo” , to the Church of “Santa
Maria della Rocca”, from the “ex Convent of San Francesco” to “Palazzo De Castellotti”, seat of the
Museum in Offida.
info event:
tel: 0736 888703
e-mail: [email protected]
Title: PIF Castelfidardo 2015
Town: Castelfidardo
Province: Ancona
17th to 20th September 2015
The exhibition dedicated to the accordion, Castelfidardo’s main attraction, attracts a large number of
remarkable guests. The program of the event includes Gala performances in theatres, day and night live
shows, a Young Music Club for the training of young people to musical education, master classes,
presentation of CDs, exhibitions and exhibition areas. To keep alive the ancient tradition, in the Town Hall is
the International Accordion Museum, with a collection of 350 pieces many of which are "unique" and
coming from twenty-two different countries.
info event: Municipality of Castelfidardo (Culture Department)
tel: 071 7829349
e-mail: [email protected]
Title: Clown & Clown Festival
Town: Monte San Giusto
Province: Macerata
Date: 27
September to 4th October 2015
Every year, the city of Monte San Giusto becomes the City of Smiles with the Clown & Clown Festival.
An highly original initiative sees the spectators feel free to wear a red nose and participate in and then
enjoy the entertaining shows.
info event: Comune di Monte San Giusto
tel: 0733 839011
e-mail: [email protected]
Title: Tipicità EXPerience
-Gran Tour delle Marche 2015- Fabriano Maker City
Town: Fabriano
Province: Ancona
Date: 3
to 9th September 2015 – Fabriano Creativa
From Thursday 3 to Sunday 9 September, the enchanting and very central San Francesco Loggia becomes
the stage on which the creative local artisans and craftsmen show off their craft as they demonstrate their
famous Marchigian savoir faire and share some of its secrets. “Fabriano Maker City "is therefore the
development of the Regional Crafts Exhibition, which becomes " Creativity Expo ": a skill exhibition of those
who make and create, the" maker ", which represent a unique resource for the future of the city that wants
to be the engine of creativity.
(Creative City is a the prestigious UNESCO acknowledgement granted to Fabriano for the category of Crafts
and Arts and Popular Traditions. Thanks to its great paper tradition and artisan creativity, Fabriano will
accompany its name with that of the most prestigious World Agency for Culture and Education)
info event:
Title: Frasassi Climbing Festival
Town: Regional
Natural Park of Gola della Rossa e Frasassi
Province: Ancona
Date: 9 to 13 September 2015
The Frasassi Climbing Festival, in its second edition, wants to give a strong signal to the sport tourist
promotion of the area, almost exclusively known for its beautiful caves:, with a week of open-air sports
and various activities. Climbing practicers are expected from all over Italy to discover the beautiful lines of
our limestone; the tightline walkers of the highline (a discipline that consists of walking in balance on
tightropes tens of meters above the ground) will have as a backdrop the beautiful gorge of Frasassi and the
main halls of the famous caves. Also possible classic organized excursions for all levels, both in mountain
bike or on foot.
info event:
Title: Festa dell’Aquilone (Kyte Festival)
Town: Urbino
Province: Pesaro-Urbino
Date: 3
and 6th September 2015
This is a traditional and multicolored competition between districts with the sky animated by a collective
flight of kites. In Urbino, ancient UNESCO city in Marche, the Ducal Palace is an example of Renaissance
architecture and also home to the Galleria Nazionale delle Marche, which houses masterpieces of art.
info event:
tel: 0722 3091 – 0722 309222
tourist info: Culture and Tourism Department City of Urbino
Title: 50
National Fair of White Truffle
Town: Acqualagna
Province: Pesaro Urbino
Date: 25
-31st October and 1st, 7th, 8th, 14th, 15th November 2015
Acqualagna’s central square is a large area with over one hundred stands, where you can buy fresh truffles
and further local quality products such as cured meats, wine, honey and cheese. The Palatarufo area
counts of more than 200,000 visitors in a town recognized as the “Capital of Taste”, thanks to its quality
products, tradition, history, authentic flavours and to The white truffle which is the most valuable on the
market in terms of organoleptic properties and price.
info event:
e-mail: [email protected]
Title: 52
National Festival of Marche Prized White Truffle
Town: Sant’Angelo in Vado
Province: Pesaro Urbino
Date: 10 October to 1 November, 2015
Since 1964 Sant'Angelo in Vado has been the venue of this prestigious event. Here you can find Italy’s most
important research centre dedicated to study and application of techniques for growing truffle. This
festival includes cultural, food, sporting and scientific events and entertainment.
info event:
e-mail: [email protected]
Title: National Fair of Prized White Truffle from Pergola
Town: Pergola
Province: Pesaro Urbino
Date: 4
, 11th and 18th October 2015
Pergola's Gold will shine again in October in the main streets of the town,
through a long exhibition-market of food and wine specialities, ending at the
Museum of the Gilded Bronzes, with over 2 miles of exhibitors of local products. The event is aimed at
promoting the excellence of Pergola: the white truffle.
info event: Municipality of Pergola
tel: 0721.73731
e-mail: [email protected]
Title: Festival of Lacrima and Acqualagna Truffle
Town: Morro d’Alba (AN)
Province: Ancona
Date: 16th- 18th October 2015
Fair dedicated to the Lacrima wine, truffle and typical products and handicraft.
It will be possible to discover the successful match between these two Marche Quality Wine and Food and
also taste traditional dishes or snacks made with the DOC-awarded Lacrima di Morro d'Alba wine and
Acqualagna truffle! Morro d'Alba today retains many vestiges of its past: the walls and the “Shoe” interior
walkway, a beautiful underground, the Town Hall, the church of San Gaudenzio and that of SS. Annunziata.
The Tool Museum houses a collection of sharecroppers’ objects.
Municipality of Morro d’Alba
0731 63013
Info event:
Tel: ; ;
Title: Festival of Lunano Chestnut
Town: Lunano (PU)
Province: Pesaro Urbino
Date: 16 to 18 October 2015
Lunano hosts the traditional "Chestnut Festival": an opportunity to enjoy the famous chestnuts of Monte
della Croce. The whole town is involved in the enhancement of this renowned local produce.
Lunano was an ancient garrison belonging to the “Comitato di Montefeltro”, from which it was possible to
control the various roads branching off along the valleys. On top of a hill stand the ruins of the ‘200Century Castle Lunano, consisting of a medieval tower with surrounding military fortification, according to
historians attributed to Francesco di Giorgio Martini. To be mentioned is the Convent of Monte Illuminato,
situated on a hill, 451 m. above sea level. Here is the place where St. Francis restored sight to a young blind
and where frescoes of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries are preserved.
Info event: Municipality of Lunano
Tel: 0722 70126
Title: Autunno Flavours in Montefalcone Appennino
Town: Montefalcone Appennino (FM)
Province: Fermo
Date: 10 and 11 October 2015
In Montefalcone, in the second weekend of October every year, an event called "Tastes of Autumn" is
organized. For the occasion, the old cellars are opened and the town is decorated with the colors and
flavors of autumn: walking along the streets of the town in a delicious gastronomic journey made of the
best dishes of local cuisine, from appetizers to desserts. Street artists also enliven the event. Truffles,
cheese, walnuts, chestnuts, Pink Apples, honey and much more can be bought in markets of typical
Info event: Pro Loco Duemila
0734 786025
E-mail: [email protected] ;
Title: 78th Grape Festival
Town: Cupramontana
Province: Ancona
Date: 1
to 4th October 2015
This is one of Italy’s most ancient “grape festivals”: the first one took place on 23rd September 1928 and
since then for decades on the first Sunday of October and the three previous days. The festival witnesses a
centuries old heritage of traditions, culture and farming: traditional dances, including the "ratchet ", are
performed by local folk groups; you can also enjoy traditional songs that were sung during harvest time
accompanied by accordions. The members of the neighboring towns participate in the The Palio of
Verdicchio, that is a crushing grape’s race. The floats in the parade are the key moment of the festival. The
stands , locally called "huts ", supply grapes, wine and the typical produce of the local gastronomy.
info event: Municipality of Cupramontana
tel: 0731 786811
e-mail: [email protected]
Title Biosalus National Festival of Biologic and holistic Wellness
Town: Urbino
Province: Pesaro Urbino
3rd and 4th October 2015
A Festival of national importance and with free admittance, it is organized by the Institute of Natural
Medicine and is rich of unmissable appointments with the well-being and not only. Urbino is the ancient
Unesco city in Marche, whose Ducal Palace, example of Renaissance architecture, is home to the Marche
National Picture Gallery and houses masterpieces of art. Next to the Ducal Palace is the Cathedral and in it
two masterpieces by Federico Barocci. In it also the Albani Diocesan Museum and, in the crypt, the Oratory
della Grotta.
info event: Institute of Natural Medicine
tel: 0722.351420
e-mail: [email protected]
Title: Ancient Tastes and the Richness of the Woods
Town: Cessapalombo
Province: Macerata
Date: 4
, 10th and 11th October 2015
In Montalto in Cessapalombo, once land of the Carbonari, located in the enchanting scenery of the Monti
Sibillini National Park, are shown the ancient food and wine and rural traditions, and all the arts and crafts
of the mountain people of Macerata. For the occasion, there will be cultural and natural guided tours.
info event:
e-mail: [email protected] ; [email protected]
Title: Una domenica andando per Primi
(A Sunday enjoying Main Courses)
Town: Arcevia
Province: Ancona
Date: 4
, 11th, 18th and 25th October 2015
This event is not to be missed! “Una domenica andando per primi” (A Sunday enjoying Main Courses)
takes place in the lovely town of Arcevia in October. Here you will have the chance to taste the best local
produce cooked the traditional marchigian way. Arcevia and its mostly hilly surroundings boast a truly
wonderful location set between the Apennine mountains of Umbria and the Marche to the west and the
Adriatic Sea to the east. Also to be visited the nine castles of the surrounding area, the State Archaeological
Museum and much more.
info event:
0731. 984561
Title: Leguminaria
Town: Appignano
Province: Macerata
Date: 16
, 17th and 18th Ottobre 2015
Three "no stop" days to rediscover the good food: lentils topped with sausage, chickpeas and beans tasted
in pottery produced by workshops in Appignano. Leguminaria is also the market of agricultural production,
tasting workshops, meetings and a national exhibition of ceramics and pottery.
info event: Municipality of Appignano
tel: 0733 57521
e-mail: [email protected]
Title: Autumn Festival in Acquasanta Terme
Town: Acquasanta Terme
Province: Ascoli Piceno
Date: 17 and 18 October 2015
Folklore, gastronomy and local crafts are the main attractions of this festival. In the gastronomic centre in
Piazza Roma it will be served dishes made with Marroni (chestnut Browns), such as the "Timballo with
Browns" that has garnered much success in the previous edition, and roast pork with chestnuts and pink
apples from Monti della Laga . Other specialties are polenta topped with rustic sauce of costatelle pork
and sausages, also in its white version with mushrooms. To be tasted is also a lentil soup with wooden
flavored and fried olives, roast sausages from local producers and many other goodies. To cheer this twodays, lots of music and fun for adults and for children, whom much space has been given…
Info event: Pro Loco Acquasanta Terme
Tel: 0736 801291
Title: Chestnut and Chestnut Honey Festival in Uscerno in Montegallo
Town: Montegallo
Province: Ascoli Piceno
Date: 17 and 18 October 2015
Saturday 17 th and Sunday 18 th October in Uscerno, Montegallo, it will take place the 5th edition of the
Chestnut and Chestnut Honey Festival. Every year it counts more and more tourists and fans. The opening
of gastronomic stalls will be on Saturday 17 th at 7,00 p.m. and until late at night it will be possible to buy
local products such as honey, saffron, meats and cheese, truffles, cooked wine and you will also enjoy
grilled sausages and roasted chestnuts. On Sunday 18th at 12.00 a.m. opening of gastronomic stalls offering
"Everything cooked as once, in the square" along with popular music until late at night. At 5.00 p.m. a short
film on the growing and picking of chestnuts will be screened to make this wonderful and fascinating world
known to all participants.
Info event: Municipality of Montegallo
Tel: 0736 806122
E mail: [email protected]
[email protected]
Title: Incanto d'autunno (Autumn Charm)
Town: Morrovalle
Province: Macerata
Date: 11
October 2015
It is full autumn and in the charming and industrious town of Morrovalle, worldwide known for the
production of high quality shoes, you can taste agricultural products served in delicious local dishes:
frescarelli, polenta beans with pork rind, meat, pancakes, traditional sweets, chestnuts and mulled wine.
Also to be mentioned the famous historical re-enactment of the "unwrapped": a manual operation of
removal of corn leaves.
info event:
e-mail: [email protected]
Titole: Chestnut Fair in the Square of Smerillo
Town: Smerillo
Province: Fermo
Date: 18 October 2015
During this event, which is one of the most important dedicated to the chestnut, fruit of the season, you
will find food tastings and several side events. Smerillo , also called the "roof of The Marche", houses the
Museum of Fossils and Minerals, the Children's Art Gallery Museum and the Contemporary Art Gallery. The
remains of the ancient Castrum Castelli are the castle walls and the medieval fortress. Among the churches
deserve to be named the Church of St. Martino al Faggio with its mighty Romanesque tower, the Church of
St. Peter and St. Catherine's Church.
Info event: Municipality of Smerillo
tel: 0734 79124
Title: Sapori d'Autunno (Autumn Flavours)
Town: Montefano
Province: Macerata
Date: 24
and 25th October 2015
In Montefano, agricultural autumn products can be tasted wisely proposed in traditional dishes: polenta
and codfish, boiled with gnugni -a kind of wild grass-, beans with pork rind, pancakes and much more, all
served with wines from local wineries. For culture lovers, you can admire the Teatro La Rondinella,
Carradori Palace, churches, museums and the permanent exhibition on the traditions of the territory.
info event:
e-mail: [email protected]
Title: "Marrone che Passione", Browns what a passion, in Trisungo of Arquata del Tronto
Town: Arquata del Tronto
Province: Ascoli Piceno
Date: 24th and 25 th October 2015
La sagra autunnale del "Marrone che Passione" si svolge tutti gli anni a Trisungo di Arquata del Tronto
nell'ultima domenica di ottobre. In questa giornata la frazione ospita gli stand dei vari produttori del
Comune di Arquata che vendono le prelibatezze della montagna: ospite d'onore è, ovviamente, il marrone,
pregiato frutto dei castagneti della zona, ma non mancano di certo salumi, crostate e tante altre bontà
fatte in casa, accompagnate dall'immancabile vino cotto, che bolle vivace nei pentoloni sotto gli occhi dei
numerosi visitatori.
The autumn festival "Marrone che Passione" (Browns what a Passion) is held every year in Trisungo of
Arquata del Tronto on the last Sunday of October. On this day, various producers of the territory sell in
stalls delicacies of the mountain: the guest of honor is, of course, the Brown, a precious fruit of the
chestnut trees of this area. You can also taste sausages, pies and many other homemade goodness,
accompanied by a “cooked wine”, lively boiling in cauldrons.
Info event: 320 8082846 – 0736 809122 – 0736 80824
48th Lyrical Season of Tradition
Town: Jesi
Province: Ancona
Date: 2 October to 13 December 2015
The program of the 48th “Opera Season of Tradition” at the Pergolesi Theatre of Jesi will be opening on 2nd
October with the premiere "The Marriage of Figaro" (production of "La Bottega Peter Maag 2015" in
collaboration with the Music Fund Peter Maag) and it will continue with a tribute to Mario del Monaco in
the centenary of his birth. The opera season will also see the production of: the "Nabucco" expected on the
14th (preview), 16th and 18th October under the direction of Stefano Monti; "Don Pasquale" on the 11th
(preview), 13th and 15th November under the direction of Andrew Swan and finally "The Merry Widow" on
the 9th (preview), 11th and 13th December directed by Vittorio Sgarbi.
Ticket Box Teatro G.B. Pergolesi
tel: 0731 202944
info event:
e-mail: [email protected]
Title: Opera Season 2015
Town: Ancona
Province: Ancona
Date: 9
and 11th October (La Boheme) – 23rd and 25th October 2015 (Fallstaff)
The titles of the works planned for the opera season of the Teatro delle Muse in Ancona are: "The Boheme
by Giacomo Puccini (9th and 11th October 2015); "Fallstaff" (23rd and 25th October 2015) and "Zanetto-opera
in act" by Pietro Mascagni, that will be presented in form of concert on a single date.
info event: Fondazione Teatro delle Muse
tel: 071.207841
e-mail: [email protected]
Titole: Opera Season 2015
Town: Fano
Province: Pesaro Urbino
Date: 26th, 28 th October 2015
Info event:
Title: Beatle Story Teatro Ventidio Basso
Town: Ascoli Piceno
Province: Ascoli Piceno
Date: 24th October 2015
Beatle’s Story, the greatest musical Tribute Show dedicated to the FabFour ever held in Italy (exactly 50
years after their Italian tour). This spectacular theatrical tour will cross the entire peninsula.
Info event:
Title: Enrico IV, Henry IV
Town: Fano
Province: Fano
Date: 16th, 17 th, 18 th October 2015
Considered the theatrical masterpiece of Pirandello, the Sicilian playwright of Six Characters in Search of an
Author, Henry IV is a study on the meaning of insanity and on the subject dear to the author of the
relationship, complex and eventually inextricable, between man and character, fiction and truth.
Info event:
Title: L’Elisir d’Amore by Gaetano Donizetti
Town: Fermo
Province: Fermo
Date: 15
and 17th October 2015 (Fermo, dell’Aquila Theatre)
Opera lovers must attend "The Elixir of Love" by Gaetano Donizetti staged at the Aquila Theatre of Fermo,
on 15th and 17th October 2015. The production takes inspiration from the 2002 edition of the Macerata
Opera Festival directed by Saverio Marconi, with scenes by Gabriele Moreschi and costumes by Carla
info event: Ticket Box Teatro dell’Aquila
tel: 0734 284295
e-mail: [email protected]
Title: 27
Fano International Film Festival
Town: Fano
Province: Pesaro Urbino
Date: 21 to 24 October 2015
Fano International Film Festival has grown over the years in prestige and national and international interest
as to become a point of reference for filmmakers, industry insiders and specialized press. It is proposed as a
significant and defining meeting and comparison moment for the whole independent Italian and foreign
copyright film industry.
info event:
e-mail: [email protected]
Title: Tipicità EXPerience - Gran Tour of Marche 2015 - Overtime Festival
Town: Macerata
Province: Macerata
Date: 7
to 11th October 2015
An intense journey behind the scenes of authentic sport, great characters and minor disciplines, immersed
in ethics, performances and functional nutrition. We are talking about Overtime, the festival of telling and
of sports ethics, that will "invade" the old town of Macerata from 7th to 11th October 2015.
info event:
Title: 18^ “Halloween - The Feast of the Witches"
Town: Corinaldo
Province: Ancona
Date: 24th e 25th October and 30th and 31st October
This year Halloween is celebrated with "The delirium in all its various forms". Just greeted the Summer and
in Corinaldo the organizers of "Halloween - the Feast of the Witches” think of taking care of the thousands
of tourists who annually flock to the historic center one of the most beautiful villages in Italy on 24th, 25 th,
30 th and 31st October. As per tradition, a month before the theme of the competition is revealed, being this
time ®Miss Witch, the witch of the third millennium. A bit of history. ®"Halloween – the Feast of the
Witches" started in 1998 as a joke, from an idea of the Pro Loco of Corinaldo, with the aim to seasonally
adjust the flow of tourists. ®"Halloween – the Feast of the Witches" of Corinaldo has since then attracted
hundreds of thousands of visitors /viewers and a number of characters from the world of cinema, culture
and showbiz. Kids can participate in both workshops and animations although the focus remains ®Zucchino,
the mascotte of the event. Children are undoubtedly the stars of this four-days open air Halloween
amusement park. Still you can find attractions such as the tunnel of fear, fearful places and science pills,
always Halloween centered ... so gear up with pointy hats, chilling laughter and a great desire to play at the
Italy's most famous "Witches’ festival".
Info event: Tourist Association Pro Loco Corinaldo
Tel: 071 679047
Titolo: Gran Fondo Città di Porto Sant’Elpidio - Trofeo del Mare e della Calzatura
Comune: Porto Sant’Elpidio
Provincia: Fermo
Date: 18 Ottobre 2015
On 18th October 2015 the city of Porto Sant' Elpidio will host the "Gran Fondo City of Porto Sant' Elpidio Trophy of Sea and Shoes", valid for the Italian championship of amateur cycling.
info event: Municipality of Porto Sant’Elpidio (Tourism Office) ;
tel: 0734.908263
e-mail: [email protected]
Title: Fair of San Luca and of Urbania’s Women
Town: Urbania
Province: Pesaro Urbino
Date: 24th and 25 th October 2015
There comes the traditional appointment with the autumn fairs in Urbania! The ancient Casteldurante will
be stormed by over 300 stalls where you can find everything: from clothing to shoes, from home
furnishings to confectionary, from flowers to local products, from furniture to fittings. On this occasion the
"30^ Mycological Show, fruit and plants of the forest" will be opened to the public. Among the attractions
of Urbania, famous since the Renaissance for its ceramics, is Palazzo Ducale, in whose historic cellars is the
Museum of Agriculture and Crafts. also to be visited countless churches, the amazing Cemetery of the
Mummies, the Diocesan Museum with a collection of ceramics, the Cathedral of St. Cristoforo and the
Bramante theater. In the immediate vicinity is the Ducal Park or Barco, hunting location of the Dukes of
Urbino, with its large villa started by Francesco di Giorgio Martini.
Info event: Municipality of Urbania
Tel: 0722 313111
E-mail: [email protected]
Title: 19^ Diamanti a Tavola (Diamonds at the Table)
Town: Amandola
Province: Fermo
Date: 31
October 2015 – 9th November 2015
For the past eighteen years “Diamonds at the Table”, White Truffle Fair of the Sibillini, has been promoting
and enhancing the most prominent fruit of Amandola’s woods of and of Fermo’s countryside. “White
Chef” is an event within an event, that showcases some of the most renowned chefs in the Marche: Aurelio
Damiani, Enrico Mazzaroni, Rosaria Morganti, Sabrina Tuzi and Errico Recanati. Two elements are common
across the five leading chefs: the continuous research characterizing the dishes and the careful study of the
local ingredients used. The scheduled cooking shows will be a great opportunity to discover the secrets of
the chefs and explore new frontiers in the world of truffle.
info event: Pro Loco Comune di Amandola
Title: Saperi e sapori della Mela Rosa (Knowledge and Taste of the Pink Apple)
Town: Monte San Martino
Province: Macerata
Date: 7 and 8 November 2015
Tasty appointment aimed at safeguarding and promoting the Saporosa (tasty) Pink Apple from the Sibillini
Mountains, a precious fruit typical of our inland, in danger of extinction. The Pink Apple belongs to the
food and wine peasant culture: it used to be kept in special apple cellars covered with straw and besides
being consumed as it is, it was used for tasty recipes that can now be tasted at the stand, in restaurants and
farmhouses in Monte San Martino. Moreover, you can participate in guided tours to the apple orchards or
visit churches with Crivelli's famous paintings. The event hosts a major regional event dedicated to apple
info event:
e-mail: [email protected]
10th “Appassimenti Aperti” (Open Grapes drying)
Town: Serrapetrona
Province: Macerata
Date: 8 and 15 November 2015
“Appassimenti Aperti” is a unique opportunity to admire the extraordinary walls of bunches of grapes:
thanks to a free shuttle service you can reach the wineries and the "Drying", where the grapes are left to
dry for months. The rendez-vous is on 8th and 15th November in Serrapetrona, a charming small village
nestled in the Monti Azzurri (Blue Mountains), in the heart of the Macerata area. The event is organized by
the Marche Institute for Wine Protection and the Committees for the protection of Vernaccia di
Serrapetrona DOCG and Serrapetrona DOC wines. The Committees Serrapetrona DOCG and Serrapetrona
DOC wines are two denominations marked by a very strong identity, based on a deep bond with the
info event:
e-mail: [email protected]
Title: “Festa dell’olio nuovo” (Festival of the New Oil) of Scapezzano in Senigallia
Town: Senigallia
Province: Ancona
Date: 11th and 15 th November 2015
The “Festival of the New Oil” was born in 2002 thanks to the collaboration between ARCI "Pro Scapezzano"
, ACLI Scapezzano, the Scapezzano Social Centre and the mills of the area. Its aim is to promote the local
olive oil which becomes the protagonist of tasting of culinary delights in Scapezzano and an excuse to
explore Senigallia, a town famous for its velvet beach, its waterfront and its most famous Rotonda, the
town symbol. In the historical centre of Senigallia tourists also have the chance to visit the Fortress
Roveresca, Palazzo Mastai Ferretti -birthplace of Pope Pio IX- the Dome and the Portici Ercolani made of
Istrian stone. Not to be missed is the archaeological area "La Fenice", discovered during the construction of
the homonymous theater. In the hinterland, in a panoramic position, is the Renaissance church of Santa
Maria delle Grazie, which houses a valuable painting by Perugino and in the premises of its Convent a
History Museum of sharecropping
Info event:
E-mail: [email protected]
Titole: Cantine Aperte “Open Cellars” on San Martino’s Day
Date: 15th November 2015
San Martino in Cantina becomes 'Open Cellars on San Martino'. The autumn meeting of Movimento Turismo del Vino
(Wine Tourism Welcoming) starts on Sunday, 15 November, throughout Italy. Though having a new look, the aim will
always be the joy of sharing with the many fans the tasting of the last grape harvest together with seasonal products.
So are the MTV cellars prepared to welcoming visitors: offering tastings, lunches with winemakers and many other
activities until sunset.
Info event: [email protected]
Tel: 071 898232
Title: Cicerchia Bean Festival in Serra De’ Conti
Town: Serra de’ Conti
Province: Pesaro Urbino
Date: 27th- 29 th November 2015
The festival celebrates the Cicerchia Bean, a poor legume that was for centuries part of the food culture of the
Marche. In evocative and famous taverns and diners of the old town, this traditional grass pea will be offered in a
variety of versions, along with a number of other typical culinary products. There will also be folk groups, street
artists, art exhibitions, shows and flea markets. Serra de' Conti has been awarded the " Agriculture Green Flag" thanks
to its agricultural and tourist policy in favor of environmental and landscape protection and the enhancement of local
products. The terracotta walls surrounding the oldest part of town are a good example of urban plan dating back to
the thirteenth century, then modified. Passing the monumental gate of the Medieval Cross, one of the most important
examples of military architecture of the area, you enter the medieval village. The monastery with the church of St.
Mary Magdalene, dating fourteenth and seventeenth centuries, is perhaps the town’s symbol that has joined the
cloistered convent to the town. The church, rich in stucco and paintings, preserves monumental carved wooden
candlesticks and a valuable embroidered frontal altar. The visit to the "Museum of monastic Arts ", true place of the
soul, follows a theatrical and tactile route that allows you to discover the religious life of the convent. Other churches
to be mentioned are the Baroque church of the Holy Cross, dated second half of the sixteenth century, and the church
of San Michele with Romanesque-Gothic elements, founded by the Benedictines in 1290, in which you can still see
frescoes of Marche school realized between the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries.
Info event: Association Festa della Cicerchia
Tel: 0731 871711
Title: Cartoceto DOP Festival and 39
Oil and Olive Exhibition and market
Town: Cartoceto
Province: Pesaro Urbino
Date: 8
and 15th November 2015
Traditional event of promotion of the extra virgin olive oil. Stalls with oil tasting and typical products,
opening of mills and local wineries.
info event: Municipality of Cartoceto
tel: +39 0721 898123
e-mail: [email protected]
Title: Cantine Aperte e castagnata (open Wineries and chestnut taste)
Town: Pollenza
Province: Macerata
Date: 13
, 14th and 15th November 2015
An event where it is brought back to life the ancient tradition of "cellars" as places where people could eat
and drink wines produced by local farmers. Traditional dishes and recipes, agricultural market, cultural
guided tours, wine tastings and much more.
info event:
e-mail: [email protected]
Title: Sibillini In Rosa (Sibillini Mountains in Pink)
Town: Montedinove
Province: Ascoli Piceno
Date: 2
and 3rd November 2015
"Sibillini in rosa" is aimed at enhancing the Pink Apple as excellence of the mountain territory through a
series of initiatives that boost the existing agribusiness features through the creation of a brand: the Sibillini
Mountains, indeed, to consolidate a lifestyle, sharing a single strong image based on a proposal of
interpretation of the landscape and of recognizable products.
info event: Montedinove Municipality -
tel: +39 0736829410
e-mail: [email protected]
Title: Madama Butterfly by
Giacomo Puccini
Town: Ascoli Piceno, Fano and Fermo
Province: Ascoli Piceno, Pesaro Urbino and Fermo
Date: 19 and 21 November 2015 (Ascoli Piceno, Ventidio Basso Theatre)
26th and 28th November 2015 (Fano, Della Fortuna Theatre)
3rd and 5th December 2015 (Fermo, Dell’Aquila Theatre”).
Opera lovers can attend "Madame Butterfly" by Giacomo Puccini, a production hosted at the Theatre
"Ventidio Basso" in Ascoli Piceno where it will open on 19th and 21st November and then will move to the
Theater "della Fortuna" in Fano where it will be staged on 26th and 28th November. The show will be reequipped at the Theatre "dell'Aquila" in Fermo, on 3rd and 5th December 2015.
info event: Ticket Office Theatre “Ventidio Basso”; Ticket Office Theatre “dell’Aquila”; Ticket Office Theatre
“della Fortuna”
tel: +39 0736 244970; +39 0734 284295; +39 0721 800750
e-mail: [email protected] ; [email protected] ; [email protected]
Title: La Festa d'Autunno (Autumn Festival) in Piticchio
Town: Arcevia
Province: Ancona
Date: 5
to 8th November 2015
The Autumn Festival in Piticchio is a great event that combines tradition and fun with entertainment and
local dishes to be tasted in the striking cellars of the castle. The castle, built 400 meters above sea level in
the second half of the twelfth century and on a hill almost circular, is one of the most beautiful and best
preserved of the Arcevia area. The beautiful walkway allows you to enjoy a wide view. Moreover, in the
parish church of San Sebastiano you can admire an impressive altarpiece of carved and gilded wood (XVI
sec.) with deliberately embedded three paintings and two tablets, masterpiece of Ercole Ramazzani’s
maturity (90s of '500). In the small village, the most prestigious monument is the Collegiate Church of St.
Medard, which houses two paintings by Luca Signorelli, a glazed terracotta altarpiece by Giovanni Della
Robbia and a Judgement by Ercole Ramazzini. Of particular interest is the complex of San Francesco, also a
cultural pole, as it houses the State Archaeological Museum, one of the most important Historical Archives
in the region and the permanent exhibition of the works of three great twentieth century artists linked to
Arcevia: Quirino Ruggeri, Edgardo Mannucci and Bruno d'Arcevia. The surroundings of the country are
characterized by so-called "Castelli" (Castles) including the picturesque fortified villages of Palazzo,
Piticchio, Loretello, Nidastore and Avacelli, in which parish you can admire a terracotta altarpiece of the
Madonna of the Rosary, attributed to Fra’ Mattia Della Robbia. Nearby, on a small hill, it stands the
Romanesque church of St. Ansovino (eleventh Century).
Info event: Association Amici di Piticchio
E-mail: [email protected]
Title: Christmas in Urbino - Presepe Vivente Rinascimentale (live Nativity Scene)
Town: Urbino
Province: Pesaro Urbino
Date: from 6
December 2015 to January 2016
Not to be missed the " Renaissance Live Nativity Scene in Urbino 2015" set in the picturesque Palazzo
Albani in the courtyard of which the Shepherds's Adoration by Perugino will be rebuilt. Piazza della
Repubblica will instead host the markets and the courtyard of College Raffaello will be the place of
tournaments, workshops for children and historical games. Piazza della Repubblica will be then enlivened
by a Renaissance historical market in which trades dating to the ‘400s will be showed, faithfully recalling
miniatures of the time. Palazzo Nuovo will instead be enlivened thanks to the aforementioned Renaissance
Living Nativity, but also thanks to exhibitors and crafts sellers related to the world of nativity scenes. The
result will be a path of high quality craftsmanship within the picturesque palace in the heart of Urbino.
info event: Communication Office, Departments of Culture and Tourism of the City of Urbino
tel: +39 0722 309222; +39 0722 3091
Title: “Swan Lake”
Town: Ascoli Piceno – Theatre
Province: Ascoli Piceno
Date: 15 December 2015
“Ventidio Basso”
Swan Lake, perhaps the most famous ballet in the world, continues to keep intact all its charm for the lunar
atmosphere accompanying Odette’s appearance, for the dual role of Odette-Odile, white swan and black
swan and for the eternal struggle between Good and Evil.
Info event:
Title: Candles in Candelara – Christmas Market
Town: Candelara
Province: Pesaro Urbino
Date: 28th, 29th November, 5th,6th,7th,8th,12th,13th December 2015
“Candele in Candelara” is the first Italian Christmas market dedicated to candles. It confirms its growing
success prolonging the duration, for the second consecutive year, to three weekends, to allow thousands of
visitors from all over Italy to admire the most suggestive and colorful festival dedicated to candles. The
festival is this year enriched with important news.
Info event:
Tel: 0721 286693
e-mail: [email protected]
Title: Christmas in Urbino - Presepe Vivente Rinascimentale (live Nativity Scene) –
Weinter Duke Festival
Town: Urbino
Province: Pesaro Urbino
Date: from 6 December 2015 to January 2016
Not to be missed the " Renaissance Live Nativity Scene in Urbino 2015" set in the picturesque Palazzo
Albani in which courtyard the Shepherds's Adoration by Perugino will be rebuilt. Piazza della Repubblica will
instead host the markets and the courtyard of College Raffaello will be the place of tournaments,
workshops for children and historical games. Piazza della Repubblica will be then enlivened by a
Renaissance historical market in which trades dating to the ‘400s will be showed, faithfully recalling
miniatures of the time. Palazzo Nuovo will instead be enlivened thanks to the aforementioned Renaissance
Living Nativity, but also thanks to exhibitors and crafts sellers related to the world of nativity scenes. The
result will be a path of high quality craftsmanship within the picturesque palace in the heart of Urbino.
info event: Communication Office, Departments of Culture and Tourism of the City of Urbino
tel: +39 0722 309222; +39 0722 3091
Title: Christmas markets in the City of Beer
Town: Apecchio
Province: Pesaro Urbino
Date: 6 December 2015
Many gift ideas, chestnuts and mulled wine, hot chocolate, soft music, creativity workshops for children,
highly selected exhibitors, this all in Apecchio, an ancient village belonging to the Mountain Community of
“Catria and Nerone”. It preserves various Renaissance relics and vestiges left by the “Ubaldini” counts,
including the beautiful Palazzo Ubaldini, whose basements house the interesting Fossils and Minerals
Museum of Monte Nerone. Not to be missed in the hamlet Colombara, at the foot of Monte Nerone, is the
Globe of Peace, the largest ever built, included in the Guinness World Records.
Info event: Comune di Apecchio
Tel: 0722 989004
E-mail: [email protected]
Title: In the Castle of Santa Claus (Babbo Natale)
Province: Pesaro Urbino
Date: 29th November, 6th/7th/8th/13th December 2015
A castle full of surprises! Christmas gift ideas and an absolutely charming atmosphere enliven the ancient
Castle of Frontone on 29th November – 6th/7th/8th/13th December 2015. In a splendid scenery dominated by
the 1701 mt Mount Catria, Frontone is waiting for you with the thirteenth edition of "In the Castle of Santa
Claus..." – A Christmas Market in the Castle of Frontone (XI Century). A great reason to experience this
territory, nestled between Umbria and Marche, in the hinterland of the Province of Pesaro Urbino. It all
starts from the Town Hall Square, where visitors wait for the arrival of a shuttle bus, under a majestic
Christmas tree. The climb is exciting because, after a few minutes, you can already see the castle in its
hushed atmosphere. Just got off, tourists are fascinated right away by this limestone medieval town, while
the Horse by Dall'Osso, an iron and copper sculpture, with its mane in the wind greets the Massif Catria and
welcomes visitors at the entrance to the castle. Chestnuts and mulled wine, Santa Claus specially invited
for children who take part in the event, exhibitors selected by an internal committee of the Pro Loco to
offer guests impeccable quality products to be found along the numerous heated rooms of the Castle. In
the past, the Castle of Frontone was a fortification of border and surveillance in the area crossed by the
Romans to reach the Adriatic, and the last stronghold of the Duchy of Montefeltro between '400 and' 500.
Info event: Municipality of Frontone
Tel.: 339 8429426
Title: Christmas Castle
Town: Gradara
Province: Pesaro Urbino
Date: from 29 November 2015 to 6 January 2016
Do not miss out on holidays the numerous initiatives, which range from traditional handcrafts to gift ideas
in the shops of the historical center, from entertainment and music activities to wine tasting and guided
tours in the castle of Paolo and Francesca and in its basement. For the occasion, it will open the "Santa
Claus’ House", with its goblins and fire-eaters. The Fortress of Gradara and its fortified village are one of the
best preserved medieval structures in Italy. The Castle, rich in Renaissance frescoes, is scenery of the
unfortunate love of Paolo and Francesca, immortalized by the verses in Canto V of Inferno in Dante
Alighieri's Divine Comedy. To be visited the walkways on the battlements, the Historical Museum, the Caves
of Gradara, the Church of St. John and the Garden of Olive Trees in Via Cappuccini.
Info event: Pro Loco
tel.: 0541 964115
Title: Christmas “Ciocco Visciola”
Town: Pergola
Province: Pesaro Urbino
Date: from 6th to 8 th December 2015
Not to be missed and a unique opportunity to visit the Magical World of Santa Claus. The theme of the new
edition is " Christmas Cioccovisciola ". This year has been set up a space dedicated to Santa Claus and his
world, where both children and adults can have fun and participate in many initiatives in the magical
Christmas atmosphere. This festival combines chocolate and Christmas pastries to markets, traditions,
artists, gift ideas and local products, along downtown streets. Pergola is famous for its truffles and for the
famous Gilt Bronzes from Cartoceto. The bronzes date back to the Julio-Claudian period (between 50 and
30 a. C.) and represent the only gilded bronze group in the world coming from the Roman period to today.
It was found by chance in the countryside and is currently housed in the Museum of the Gilded Bronzes of
the city. Moreover, Pergola, also known as the city of the hundred churches, is rich in precious works of art.
Info event: Municipality of Pergola
Tel.: 0721 73731
E-mail: [email protected]
Title: Markets, Concerts, Taste and historical, cultural and traditional
Town: Pesaro
Province: Pesaro Urbino
Date: from 5th December 2015 to 6th January 2016
Markets, shopping, Christmas carols, candlelight dinners immersed in culture and tradition, Christmas
handcraft, herbalists and opening of museums, monuments and libraries. The shops of the city centre
promote through Sunday openings and entertainment activities and they create some sort of "market",
by setting up stalls with their products, in the streets of the old town. A packed schedule to spend one's
holidays, with more than 200 events in five weeks and a choice which goes from shopping to gifts, art,
music and culture. There will also be the opportunity to visit palaces, museums and libraries, and for
good food lovers… food and wine tasting. Finally, meetings with experts and workshops for children,
entertainment and much more are organized. Pesaro is known for its low and sandy coast. To be visited:
the Palazzo Ducale, the birthplace of Gioachino Rossini, the Cathedral with a double mosaic floor, the
Villino Ruggeri as a splendid example of Art Nouveau, the Renaissance jewels of Villa Caprile and Villa
Info event: Municipality of Pesaro (Tourism Office)
Telefono: 0721 387107
Sito web:
Title: Nativity of St. Mark
Town: Fano
Province: Pesaro Urbino
Date: from 25th December 2015 to 6th January 2016
Located in the cellars of the eighteenth-century Palazzo Fabbri, the crib will cover an area of almost 350
square meters, with 50 scenes (dioramas) depicting biblical scenes from the Old and New Testament. The
characters of various sizes set up in a Palestinian landscape and rebuilt with realism and care for details, are
characterized by the movement. The city of Fano, the ancient and noble Fanum Fortunae, was an important
sacred centre dedicated to the Goddess of Fortune. Roman settlement, it has many monuments (dating
back to the Augustan era), such as the Arch of Augustus that is the door to the ancient Via Flaminia. From
the Malatesta period the city maintains a monumental court with beautiful late-Gothic mullioned windows
and a Renaissance loggia. In the city centre to be visited is the sixteenth century Fountain of Fortune, in
front of which is the Historical theatre of the same name, formerly Palazzo della Ragione. In the immediate
surroundings of Fano is the unmissable Hermitage of Monte Giove, a place of prayer and meditation.
Event info: Fano (Tourism Office)
tel.: 0721 887314
Town: Fano
Province: Pesaro Urbino
Date: from 6th December 2015 to 6th January 2016
The city of Fano, the ancient and noble Fanum Fortunae, was an important sacred centre dedicated to the
Goddess of Fortune. Roman settlement, it has many monuments (dating back to the Augustan era), such as
the Arch of Augustus that is the door to the ancient Via Flaminia. From the Malatesta period the city
maintains a monumental court with beautiful late-Gothic mullioned windows and a Renaissance loggia. In
the city centre to be visited is the sixteenth century Fountain of Fortune, in front of which is the Historical
theatre of the same name, formerly Palazzo della Ragione. In the immediate surroundings of Fano is the
unmissable Hermitage of Monte Giove, a place of prayer and meditation.
Info event: Municipality of Fano, Tourism Office
Tel: 0721 887314
Title: National Day of the Epiphany (della Befana)
City: Urbania
Province: Pesaro Urbino
Dates: from 2nd to 6th January, 2016
In memory of ancient customs, Urbania is a candidate as the most original and suitable town to host the
"House of the Epiphany." This festival is important for many reasons, the first one of is, undoubtedly, the
rediscovery of the pedagogical meaning related to Befana, as well as the folk and traditional aspect of
this character in children’s imaginary.
Urbania, the ancient Castel Durante, since the Renaissance has been renowned for the splendor of its
ceramics. Among its attractions, the sixteenth century Palazzo Ducale, in whose historic cellars is the
Museum of the History of Agriculture and Crafts, countless Churches, the unique Cemetery of the
Mummies, the Diocesan Museum with its collection of ceramics, the Cathedral of San Cristoforo and the
Teatro Bramante.
Info event: City of Urbania
Tel.: Pro Loco Casteldurante 0722 317211
Title: It’s Christmas time - Mombaroccio in Festa
City: Mombaroccio
Province: Pesaro Urbino
Dates: 28th and 29th November and 5th -6th and 7th -8th December 2015
Since the opening of the market until 9:00 p.m., inside the Medieval village of Mombaroccio it’s a
succession of events and entertainment. Market of artistic crafts, tastes, traditions, music, lights, and
colours of the typical Christmas atmosphere. Exceptional snowfalls are taking place at sunset, accompanied
by the music of pipers until reaching the Nativity. Particular attention to children who can immerse
themselves in the magic of the Winter Landscape, or in the House of Santa Claus, where Santa Claus himself
will tell tales and receive the letters. The space of the Municipal Theatre will be entirely dedicated to
children with puppet shows, recited and sand animation tales. Also, a market of typical products will be
within the "Cloister of Flavours", where some of the culinary excellence of our territory can be tasted.
Again art and culture, throughout the event, the Museum of Rural Life (museum which participated in the
creation of the historical movie "Il Giovane Favoloso" by Martone), Sacred Art, Embroidery and the
Laboratory of Galileo and Guidubaldo can be visited.
Event info: Pro Loco Mombaroccio
E-mail: [email protected]
Title: Presepe Paese (Nativity Scene Town)
Town: Mondolfo
Province: Pesaro Urbino
Date: 26th – 27th December 2015 and 6th January 2016
Mondolfo becomes once again the capital of the crib, with the preparing of Presepe Paese that is a huge
nativity scene set up along the old streets and districts of the city centre, with its castle surrounded by a
double curtain wall.
Completely re-equipped with a new route designed to discover new views of the Castle, Presepe Paese
still is the biggest live nativity scene of the mid-Adriatic coast. During the festive season, Mondolfo then
annually attracts thousands of visitors thanks to the beauty of its places and the charm of Christmas in a
“City Balcony over the Sea”.
Free entrance.
Info event: Parish of Santa Giustina
tel. 0721 957257
Title: Presepe vivente (Live Nativity Scene)
Town: Piobbico
Province: Pesaro Urbino
Date: 27th December 2015
Do not miss the live nativity scene in the medieval village of Piobbico. From Piazza Sant'Antonio to
Brancaleoni Palace, children and adults dressed in traditional costumes give life to this live crib where
animated paintings allow to relive the highlights of the Nativity.
Free admission.
Opening hours to the public: from 4.30 p.m. till 08.30 p.m.
Info event: Municipality of Piobbico
tel. 0722 986225
e-mail: [email protected]
Titolo: Forum Shopping
Town: Fossombrone
Province: Pesaro Urbino
Date: 8th December 2015 to 6th January 2016
From 8th December to 6 th January 2016, the historical center of Fossombrone will be animated by a
Christmas party spirit. From 4.00 p.m. festive lights and bright trees will frame this natural shopping centre
with its more than 80 shops open. In addition to this, you are offered a traditional show of Snow & Show
(artificial snowfall to the rhythm of music and light all along the main street), live music, street artists, the
mysterious sound of a magic harp that sounds without strings or cute puzzles and cunning puzzles to play
Children can also sit to listen to animated fairy tales, see Santa Claus exceptionally arrive with his elves by
canoe on the Metauro River to cheer up the children who have been good and live the "Day of Santas"
which will all run through the centre to entertain children and adults.
Info event: [email protected]
Title: Following the Comet
Town: Montemaggiore al Metauro
Province: Pesaro Urbino
Date: 6th, 8th and 13th December 2015
No pilgrimage and no observatory from which to get lost in the immensity of the sky, but a different way to
draw attention to one of the many pre-Christmas events, somewhere between the sacred and the profane,
between religion and materialism. An appointment created in 1998 when the administrators of the City of
Montemaggiore al Metauro thought about a new initiative to promote the great mechanized crib made by
the parish priest, and at the same time to raise awareness of the historical town center. Something born as
a challenge to attract tourists and turned into a regular event with its 18th edition this year. "Following the
Comet" is a traditional Christmas market but it's important among the events of this period, being it one of
the first experiments of this kind in the hinterland of the province of Pesaro and Urbino. In these 18 years
so many offers and side events have been created around the traditional nucleus that the old town centre
of Montemaggiore is crowded by people coming for the most various reasons. Some people do not want to
miss the crib show: an event exciting children watching "puppets" moving, the day alternating with the
night, the running of water… Some people can not wait to find original ideas for their Christmas gifts, some
want to enjoy the mix of light and artistic projections, the many exhibitors with art objects, collectibles,
curiosities and handcrafts and some are tempted through the delicacies at the Proloco stands: chestnuts
and mulled wine, chocolate and biscuits, taverns open for lunch and dinner, stands for fast food with
flatbread, pizza and snacks and the Happy Christmas Hour with Beer "Prosit" accompanied by great music
until late in the evening. In short, Following the Comet in Montemaggiore means walking along a path
leading to know the beauty of the historical center, immersed in a wonderful winter landscape thanks to
the twinkling lights and animations.
Info event: [email protected]
Title: Wonderland
Town: Macerata Feltria
Province: Pesaro Urbino
Date: 6th, 8th December 2015
Macerata Feltria will also this year be transformed into Wonderland. Fabulous sceneries and stunning
lighting effects make the Castle, ancient medieval village of the town, the perfect setting for a "magical
world". The true stars of this Wonderland are Children, with their dreams and their imagination, that
make adults revive the magic of a "fairy tale".
Info event: 0722 74244 [email protected]
Title: The Cribs’ Routes
Town: Urbino
Province: Pesaro Urbino
Date: from 5th December 2015 to 6th January 2016
In Urbino it will be held, also this year, the traditional event “the Cribs’ Routes”. Tens of cribs will be set
up in the streets, in the squares, in historical buildings and in the Oratories of the city.
“The Cribs’ Routes” presents a rich program of initiatives, concerts and Christmas carols.
A further point of excellence will be set up inside the building where the cribs will be located on display,
together with excellent antiques and jewelry and works by artisans of Urbino and the surrounding area.
Reenactments and parades, drums and fire shows.
The Ducal Palace, example of Renaissance architecture and home to the “Galleria Nazionale delle Marche”
(National Art Gallery of the Marche), houses art masterpieces. Next to it stands the Cathedral, with its
two masterpieces by Federico Barocci. Here it is also housed the Diocesan Museum Alban and, in the
crypt, the Oratory della Grotta.
Not to be missed are St. Joseph and St. John's oratories, Raphael’s home-museum and the Albornoz
Info event: [email protected]
tel. 0722 2613, fax: 07222441
Title: Live Nativity Scene
Town: Genga
Province: Ancona
Date: 26th December 2015
The live nativity scene in Genga is the largest in the world by extension; it covers an area of about
30,000 square meters inside the Frasassi Gorge, in the homonymous Park. The crib was first performed
in 1981 from an idea of some people from Genga. Since then, the "Friends of the crib" organize two
performances a year. The great work of setting up is carried out with passion and intelligence by the
inhabitants of Genga who spend most of their time, skills and expertise to relive the event that changed
the world history. The event is attended by about 300 people, committed to relive the traditions that
have sustained and animated the daily life of this area. Along the path that leads to the Nativity,
shepherds, fishermen and farmers intent on their work, mark the ascent to the event contemplation
being celebrated.
Info event:
Title: Festival del Cortometraggio Italiano “Corto Dorico”
Comune: Ancona
Provincia: Ancona
Date: dal 5 al 12 Dicembre 2015
The twelfth edition of "Short Doric" Ancona Film Festival will be held from 5th to 12th December 2015, with
the co-organization of Nie Wiem and Municipality of Ancona, the contribution of Mibact, Region Marche,
Foundation Marche Cinema Multimedia and the support of the Polytechnic University of Marche, Cooss
Marche, Coop Adriatica, iGuzzini and Amnesty International Italia. Under the artistic direction of Daniel
Ciprì, among the sponsors of the festival, along with Steve della Casa and Toni Servillo, the prestigious
competition will award the Stamura Prize, established under the auspices of the SEF Stamura sport
association. The Best Short Film will be awarded with € 5,000 and a 3D statuette designed by an artist
selected by The Hive, coworking and incubator of enterprises of Ancona ( Among other
prizes to be won, the Amnesty International Italia Award for Human Rights (€ 250), the Nie Wiem Prize for
the Best Short Film with social commitment (€ 2,000) and the Cooss Marche Award (€ 500). The final will
take place in the picturesque Mole Vanvitelliana of Ancona.
Info event: Cultural Association Nie Wiem
Tel: 329 8887357 - 349 3479730
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Call 800 222 111 (toll free number Italy only) or
+39 071 2133609 (Tourist Information from abroad)
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tourist offers of Marche main tour operators
MOTORWAY A14 (Bologna - Taranto) crosses the region North-South
The main cities and tourist centres can be aesily reached through secondary roads connecting the coast
to the inland:
-SS3 Flaminia , Roma –Fano crossing Umbria region;
-SS76 Fabriano- Jesi- Ancona, along the Esino river;
-SS77 Foligno- Civitanova Marche, passing through Tolentino and Macerata;
-SS4 Salaria, Roma/Rieti - Ascoli Piceno/San Benedetto del Tronto.
The railway network of the Marche counts of about 380 km and 60 stations:
-line Milano - Ancona - Lecce crosses the region North-Sud. The main seaside towns are connected to the
inland with either trains or buses;
-line Rome - Ancona connects the Capital to the Adriatic Sea.
High speed trains called Freccia
Rossa connect
Milan to Ancona (Milan - Reggio Emilia - Bologna –
Rimini – Pesaro – Ancona);
The Ancona Airport Raffaello Sanzio connects the Marche to:
Rome, Milan, Munich, Düsseldorf, London, Barcelona, Bruxelles, Moscow.
The Port of Ancona connects the Marche to:
Greece, Croatia, Albania e Montenegro.
The museums of the Marche also organize events for the year 2015
…come and… find out !!!
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Province of Pesaro Urbino
Centro IAT Gabicce Mare
Viale della Vittoria, 42 61011
Gabicce Mare (Pu)
[email protected]
Centro IAT Pesaro
Viale Trieste, 164
61121 Pesaro (PU)
[email protected]
Centro IAT Fano
Piazza XX Settembre
61032Fano (Pu)
0721.803534 -0721.824292
[email protected]
Centro IAT Urbino
Via Puccinotti, 35 – 61029
Urbino (Pu)
0722.2613- 0722.2441
[email protected]
Centro IAT Ancona
Via della Loggia, 50
60124 Ancona
071.358991 -071.3589912
[email protected]
Centro IAT Loreto
Via Solari, 3
60025 Loreto (An)
[email protected]
Centro IAT Fabriano
Piazza del Comune, 2
60044 Fabriano (An)
0732.625067 - 0732.629791
[email protected]
Province of Ancona
Centro IAT Senigallia
Via Manni, 7 60019
Senigallia (An)
[email protected]
Province of Macerata
Centro IAT Macerata della Repubblica,32
62100 Macerata
[email protected]
Centro IAT Civitanova Marche
Corso Umberto I, 193
62012 - Civitanova Marche (Mc)
[email protected]
Centro IAT Sarnano
Largo Ricciardi, 1
62028 Sarnano (Mc)
[email protected]
Province of Fermo
Centro IAT Fermo
Piazza del Popolo, 6
63900 Fermo (FM)
[email protected]
Centro IAT Porto San Giorgio
Via Oberdan, 5
63822 Porto San Giorgio (Fm)
0734.684868 -0734.678461
[email protected]
Province of Ascoli Piceno
Centro IAT San Benedetto del Tronto
Via Cristoforo Colombo, 5l
63074 San Benedetto del Tronto
[email protected]
Centro IAT Ascoli Piceno
Piazza Arringo 7
63100 Ascoli Piceno (AP)
[email protected]