Technikmuseum "Hugo Junkers"
Technikmuseum "Hugo Junkers"
Hugo Junkers exhibition documents Förderverein Technikmuseum „Hugo Junkers“ Dessau e.V. Kühnauer Str. 161a, D-06846 Dessau-Roßlau Tel.: Fax: E-mail: Internet: +49 (0)340 6611982 +49 (0)340 6611193 [email protected] 1 The history of the museums beginning In the time of social upheaval, the thought arose to erect a museum on the area of the former Junkers’ aircraft factory. In 1992, involved Dessau’ citizen and former factory members founded an association with the aim to support the erection of a Technikmuseum. The “promoting association” begun to collect exhibits and acquired a part of former area of Junkers with an empty being factory hall from the 50s. The museum in erection orients in the concept on the person Junkers as engineer, scientist and inventor. The exhibition consists of single topic complexes that represents a development section each. The fields: Junkers- heat technology and gas appliance construction and living Hugo Junkers- pioneer of aviation Hugo Junkers- pioneer of aircraft construction engine construction Hugo Junkers- life and work are already arranged and presented in the museum hall. Later, the Junkers world of employment and life, as well as the history of effects should be presented in the exhibition. The former factory hall offers exhibition area with 4200 m² for further arrangements. At the time, the free area is being used for events and presentation from economy, society and tourism. Furthermore, a managed cafeteria, as well as exhibitions changing in the special exhibition room are planned. The video and conference rooms are offered for meetings and events. In the immediate vicinity of museum you find memorial protected Junkers’ monuments from the 30s of forward century: the Junkers- administrative tower block (1934/1935) the Junkers- wind tunnel (1934/1935) an airplane compensating disc (1935) as well as the runaway of former Junkers’ airport. 2 Topic Island 1: Gas and Technology of Heat In 1887, Hugo Junkers graduate from the Technical University of BerlinCharlottenburg where he studied electronic engineering and heat technology at Professor Slaby. The theoretical knowledge he gained there played an important role in his future professional career. Recommended by his Berlin professor, Hugo Junkers joint the “Deutsche continental Gasgesellschaft” in Dessau, where Wilhelm Oechelhaueuser (senior) was the technical director. He moved to Dessau where began the most fruitful period of his creative life. 114 patents were granted only in the field of gas and heat technology. At the end of the 19th and at the beginning of the 20th centuries, Dessau was called “the European gas city” and offered the best conditions for research in the field of engineering and technology. 3 Heat in the Household: Gas-Bath Boiler Until 1900, hot water and constant room heating were something special. The new sources of energy, gas and electricity, provided new possibilities. The first gas appliances for heating rooms and water could not exploit the gas energy effectively. On the basis of his experience, Junkers constructed appliances with a high degree of effectiveness. From the 380 Junkers’ patents, 30% were on the field of gas appliances. Hugo Junkers installed fins into the with gas heated standing bath boiler to make the most of the heat. He met the first marketing problems with an expensive advertising while he propagated the hygienically advantage of warm water in the bathroom. The serial production reduced the price of bath boiler, so that about 100.000 gas appliances already were sold after the turn of the century. The factory of bath boiler employed 1100 employees in 1929. Electricity being cleaner and safer than gas, the gas was more and more superseded in the 1920s. standing gas bath boiler 4 On the link side: if heat source was missed, the boiler on a gas boiler could be used for heating room. On the right side: sectional view of gas bath boiler with fin 5 The calorimeter of 1892 was the starting point for the fluid heater of 1894 and the bath boiler of 1895. 6 Topic Island 2: Construction and Living Junkers- tower block Metal stretch as a central thread over the artistic period of Junkers. Well known by his metal airplane, Junkers was also an architect, master builder and producer of light metal halls up to detached and terrace house from steel. The Junkers’ administrative building from the years 1934/1935 was designed by him and was carried out in steel skeleton construction. In the form of typical Bauhaus-architecture, it played the cooperation with the Gropius and the Bauhaus. Many subjects were parallel worked by both of them; so there is also a metal house from Bauhaus-representative in addition to the solely preserved Junkers-Metal house in Dessau. Being pointed in the museum hall: - Junkers-Metal house - construction of hall with lamella roofs - metal furniture for garden - steel door with frame From his about 350 patents concerns a large part with the metal area. A hall with lamella roof from the year 1905 still can be seen in Dessau today. 7 Junkers-metal house in the museum hall Junkers-metal armchair 8 Topic Island 3: Engine Technology gas engine with opposed pistons from 1892 Also, he graduated a additional degree in electrical engineering and heat technology beside the traditional mechanical engineering. This knowledge made it possible for him to move it practically in his activity as an employee of “Deutschen Continental-Gasgesellschaft Dessau”. The principle of opposed piston engine, that he used for his gas engine from 1892, was the beginning of decades of development ways of engine technology. Though, after the separation of Oechelhaeuser and his gas engine technology, Junkers concentrated upon the development of large-oil engine, that means heavy-oil engine according to diesel principle, which he say a great future chance for. He helped this principle to get breakthrough and his lid piston engines gained currencies in masses. He traced also the construction of light-oil engines, that made great achievement possible, in addition to the development and construction of heavy-oil aero-engines in the aero-engine construction. Still today, there are efforts to go on from the technology of valveless diesel engine under the consideration of current exhaust emission norm. 9 Junkers’ Engine Development Hugo Junkers’ unit assembly work principle had as its aim new inventions and developments. New discoveries and side products, which caused reforms and improvements in several fields of production of the Junkers factories, were produced during the work process. New drive units and side products like the water brake an the free piston compressor came up in engine development. In 1909/10 the development started with the large capacity oil engine M 12 with a double piston in a lying position, which were further developed to the large ship oil engine M 25 (1914) and a small stationed multipurpose engine. In 1920/23 Junkers adapted this engine by ordering the pistons in a standing position. The Diesel lid piston engines without compressor was used in several fields and was a milestone n engine development. These high-speed light weight Junkers Diesel engines cold be used for trucks, locomotives and railcars. The M 12 was also the predecessor model of Junkers light weight and aero-engines, e. g. the FO 2 (1918) that served as basis for the Diesel and gas engines. Excessive building of lightweight engines started with the development of aero-engines. Lid piston engine 2 HK 160 10 Topic Island 4: Hugo Junkers- Pioneer of Aviation The creation of the national and international civil aviation can be attributed to Hugo Junkers. He founded airlines as market for his aircraft. The aviation should be important for the economical development of a country and a peaceful international understanding. After the First World War Junkers realized that passenger and transport aircraft in post and courier service would have a future. This use required a “cheap, economical, light, simple, reliable and resistant aircraft”. Most of the aircraft constructors used converted military aircraft. In 1919 Junkers built the first all-metal commercial aircraft in the world with a passenger cabin, the F 13, which was based on the intensive research and construction work of a century. Security of the passengers, comfortable traveling and economy were the center of attention . There was no market for aircraft, so in 1921, Junkers established one himself by the foundation of the department “Air Traffic” in his aircraft factory to organize the participation in international airlines. In 1924 the “Junkers Luftverkehr AG“ (ILAG) was disincorporated as independent aviation company, which was financially involved in many national and international airlines and holdings. “Aviation has to be common heritage of the whole nation.” Hugo Junkers 11 Creation of Deutsche Luft Hansa AG After World War I, an atmosphere of awakening dominated civil aviation. In Germany, 15-37 small airlines were existing. These flew only routes between two towns often along railway lines. Therefore the competition was tough. All of the companies made losses because they had no economic experience in airline traffic. And in 1923, airlines, banks and business merged to the “Deutsche Aero Lloyd AG” (DAL). The DAL flew with 162 aircraft of several manufacturers, therefore the maintenance and repair was difficult. 62 of the aircraft were Junkers F 13. In contrast to DAL, Junkers Luftverkehr (ILAG) had the best and safest aircraft in the world and an efficient aircraft factory which did maintenance and repair work. In 1925/26 Junkers aircraft covered 40% of the world’s air traffic. But even Hugo Junkers had no economic experience in air traffic and his own company made losses. On 6 January 1926, Aero Hansa, Deutsche Aero Lloyd and Junkers Luftverkehr merged to “Deutsche Luft Hansa AG”. The blue, stylized crane of the DAL on a yellow background in the color of the ILAG is still the logo of Deutsche Luft Hansa. Berlin-Tempelhof stayed the home airport of the new airline. 12 Topic Island 5: Hugo Junkers-Pioneer of Aircraft Construction Hugo Junkers is the father of commercial aircraft for the civil area. His first all-metal cabin aircraft F 13 set standards and dominated the era of aircraft history with the typical corrugated metal design for more than two decade. The insertion of Duralumin and an own aircraft engine development made Germany to a leading aviation nation by its aircraft development. Also his achievements for creating of airlines over the border stay inseparably connected with the name Junkers. This attitude made him to pacifist finally and let him deny arising arming plans of National Socialists. His Ju52/3m, in 1931 introduced, was a further landmark and a commercial success. Air-worthy samples, lovingly called “Auntie Ju”, are existing still today and making the flight happening of that time experienceable. After his forces leaving the Dessau’ factory, the aircraft factory was used for arming purpose. A lasting monument should be set up to researchers, engineers and brilliant inventors with the erecting of Technikmuseum Dessau. model G 38 in the museum hall restored Ju 52/ 3m 13 Junkers J 1 of 1915 “Blechesel” (tin donkey) model F 13 14 Topic Island 6: Life and Work A board with foundation of the company, as well as an overall view about total of 380 Junkers’ patents are presented in a rotunda and on the limiting three walls. A glass cabinet contains honouring, decorations and medals. Beside a age of portrait is also a tabular curriculum vital to see. A bronze bust Hugo Junkers on a posament complete the presentation. Junkers concentrated upon the development of large-oil engine, that means heavy-oil engine according to diesel principle, which he say a great future chance for. He helped this principle to get breakthrough and his lid piston engines gained currencies in masses. 15 Wind tunnel The wind tunnel served to the aerodynamical analysis of aircraft. The wind tunnel received partly was made of reinforced concrete in 1934/ 35. With diameter of 6 metre, it was one of the greatest and the most modern wind power plants of its time. At first, it was used for the military aircraft of JFM (Junkers aircraft and engine factory), for the aircraft types Ju 86 and Ju 87. Threads were fixed on the object made the run of the air stream visible, also it was worked with flue gas. After the war, the wind tunnel was dismantled so that only parts of ringshaped concrete pipes are in existence today. The planed reconstruction is intending a glass construction which should be used as additional exhibition area. wind tunnel plant of 1935 wind tunnel in today’s condition 16 Outer Area Heavy-Oil Engine M 12 Junkers developed a gas engine according to the opposed piston principle already in 1888. Later, he concentrated upon the development of large-oil engines which he saw great future chance for. He helped this principle to get breakthrough. The test engine M 12 has been the first oil machine according to the principle of dual pistons. The machine, that was constructed in 1907, and essential investigations were analysed concerning plants, contribution of fuel and possibility of increase in efficiency. This construction being known as tandem engine has had a performance of 2x100 hp and was transported from Munich to Dessau in 1997. double piston engine M 12 on the free area of the museum Compensating Disc The partly kept compensating disc from 1933 served the error compensation of on-board compass. The aeroplane was anchored on the revolving ground disc with a diameter of 12m. With the engine running, a turn of the ground disc happened together with airplane on a certain graduated arc which was took from brass in accordance with the degree marking available at motionless outer circle. The compensation and error removal were made by small correcting magnet which was fixed at compass. It was planned to reconstruct the compensating disc and to make the interior circle poured out with concrete revolving again. compensating disc on the free area of the museum 17 Free area IL 14 The airplane was constructed under decisive interest of the aircraft constructor of Junkers-factory, who came back from the Soviet deportation some years before, in Klotzsche Dresden in 1957. It was took over from the Lufthansa and later from the Interflug and was mainly used at domestic flights. After a hard landing in 1967, it was put out of service. It had its second life as catering facility in front of the ice sport hall in Halle-Neustadt. In 1999, the acquisition happened by the technology museum Dessau as well as a restoration. In September 2003, it can be seen by museum visitors. The IL 14 presents a reference to military use of Junkers-areals in the 60s years, when a transport flight school for aircraft of type IL 14 was maintained on the area. 18