Dance Longmont Theatre - Centennial State Ballet


Dance Longmont Theatre - Centennial State Ballet
2012- 2013
Student Policy Handbook
Longmont Dance Theatre
1422 Nelson Road Longmont, CO 80501
[email protected]
Kristin Kingsley, Artistic Director
Marcella Cox, Office Manager
Jenn Zavattaro, Michelle Mueller, & Lisa Taft,
Administrative Assistants
Pictures courtesy of TKN Photography, Keith Bobo Photography, and
Sophia Wood Images
Happy 15th Anniversary!
Table of Contents
Parent Policies (cont.)
Welcome................................................................................................................Page 2
Mission Statement, LDT’s Vision, and Faculty..................................Page 2
Registration...........................................................................................................Page 3
Enrollment.............................................................................................................Page 3
Class Withdrawal Policy.......................................................................... Page 3
Financial Policies.................................................................................................Page 4
Tuition Payment Options........................................................................Page 4
Tuition Information...................................................................................Page 4
Delinquent Accounts................................................................................Page 4
Withdrawal Financial Policy...................................................................Page 4
LDT School Division Description...................................................................Page 5
Pre-Collegiate Intensive Program.................................................................Page 6
Performance Opportunities............................................................................Page 7
Auditioned Performances........................................................................ Page 8-10
October Showcase.....................................................................................Page 9
The Nutcracker.............................................................................................Page 9
February Showcase................................................................................. Page10
Gala Performance 2013: Giselle.......................................................... Page 10
Calendar........................................................................................................Page 11-12
Dress Code...................................................................................................Page 13-14
Pointe Work..................................................................................................Page 15-16
School Policies............................................................................................ Page 17-19
General School Rules..............................................................................Page 17
Attendance, Tardiness Policy, Make-Up Policy..............................Page 18
Class Placement and Class Advancements.................................... Page 19
School Closures................................................................................................ Page 20
Snow Cancellation Policies.................................................................. Page 20
Holiday Observances............................................................................. Page 20
Summer Progams.............................................................................................Page 20
Parent Policies............................................................................................. Page 21-22
Progress Meetings, Observing classes.............................................Page 21
Photography and Video.........................................................................Page 21
Use of Physical Touch, Resolving Issues...........................................Page 21
Non-Discrimination and Non-Harassment Policy........................Page 21
Volunteer Opportunities.......................................................................Page 21
Emergency Events, Parking and Curbside drop-off/pick-up....Page 22
Medication Needs....................................................................................Page 22
Emergency Events
• In the event of any life threatening emergency
involving your student, 911 will be called. Once 911
is contacted, LDT will attempt to contact the family as
prescribed in the section below.
• In the event of a major injury or issue that is not life
threatening but requires immediate medical attention,
LDT will take the following steps to ensure your child’s
safety and care:
1) LDT will contact the primary parent/guardian
2) In the event that the primary contact is unavailable, LDT will contact the secondary parent/guardian
3) In the event that neither the primary nor secondary
contacts are unavailable, LDT will contact the
emergeny contact listed on the student’s
registration form.
4) If all contacts are unavailable LDT will call 911.
• In the event of a minor injury or issue that does not require immediate medical
attention, LDT will take the following steps to ensure your child’s safety and care:
1) LDT will assess the injury and situation
2) LDT will take steps to ensure no further injury or detrimental situation occurs
3) LDT will provide basic first aid, if necessary
4) LDT will attempt to contact the family as prescribed in the previous section.
Parking and Curbside drop-off/pick-up
• For our patrons’ convenience, LDT has both a front and rear parking lot. Curbside
drop-off and pick-up is available at the front (south side) entrance only. Please drive
from east to west at the curb and drop off or pick up your child at the front door. If
your child is not ready to be picked up, please park in either parking lot and enter the
LDT facility to retrieve your child. There should be no waiting or idling in the front
entrance’s driveway.
• When parking in the front parking lot please turn off your headlights, especially if
your car faces the LDT studio windows.
Medication Needs
• Due to liablity issues LDT cannot be responsible for monitoring, handling, or
administering any medication. If your child requires medication during class/rehearsal
time, LDT requires that a parent/guardian remains on premises.
• The student’s medication should be clearly labeled with the child’s name and
should be in the possession of the student or parent at all times.
• Any severe allergies to food or medication must be discussed with the office prior
to registration.
Boulder Body Wear
Use your LDT Discount! 15% OFF all your
supplies for class.
Excludes sale items
2660 Canyon Blvd., “at the Marriott”,
Boulder, CO
All Photos courtesy of Keith Bobo & TKN Photography. Used with permission. Copyright 2012.
Parent Policies
Welcome to Longmont Dance Theatre
Progress Meetings
• Parents are welcome to schedule meetings with the Artistic Director regarding
their student’s progress. The student’s instructor may attend such meetings.
Observing classes
• All studios have parent observation windows through which family members may
observe their student’s progress. However, viewing may be limited because LDT’s
lobby is small and can at times be very busy. Please be respectful to all patrons.
Photography and Video
• For the safety, security, and privacy of all students attending LDT, photography
and videotaping of any classes, auditions, rehearsals, demonstrations, or performances
is not permitted. LDT Recitals are the only exception: videotaping is allowed and nonflash photography is acceptable, as well.
Use of Physical Touch by Teachers during Class
• Instructors may be touching students from time to time in order to help them find
proper body alignment/placement, and develop the proper technical and qualitative
aspects necessary to classical dance.
Thank you for choosing
the best school for classical dance
in the state of Colorado. The dance
training you receive at Longmont
Dance Theatre (LDT) is so much
more than a simple extracurricular activity. At LDT, students will
learn the technical aspects of a fine
art form, and will develop selfconfidence, self-motivation, and
self-assessment skills that will serve
well in other aspects of life.
Classical dance training is
a methodical, graded process that
requires a high level of commitment from parents/guardians and
students. It also requires selfdiscipline rarely matched by any other endeavor. Students become an active partner
in the process, developing a respect for the classical dance art form.
The 2012-2013 Student Policy Handbook provides answers to frequently
asked questions regarding LDT’s policies. Parents/guardians should review this handbook thoroughly, discuss it with your family, and direct any questions either to your
LDT instructor or to the school office staff. LDT expects both students and parents to
strictly adhere to the policies, rules, and regulations set forth in this handbook.
• If a student feels that touching is inappropriate or desires not to be taught in this
manner he/she needs to inform the school in writing immediately.
Resolving Issues
• LDT recommends that parents, students, and teachers have open communication.
If an issue arises, parents are encouraged to contact the Office Manager immediately
and schedule an appointment to discuss their concerns.
• After the initial meeting with the Artistic Director and Office Manager, further
meetings may be scheduled to include your child’s teachers.
• Please do not try to catch an instructor between classes to discuss any concerns.
Non-Discrimination and Non-Harassment Policy
• LDT prohibits and will not tolerate harassment of any kind to or by any persons
including teachers, staff, students, parents and any other person affiliated with or doing business with the school. This prohibition includes harassment (verbal or physical)
for any unlawful discriminatory reason, such as race, gender, national origin, disability,
age, or religion.
• Slurs, jokes, or remarks that are derogatory of a person or group’s race, ethnic
background, religion, gender, disability, sexual orientation, economic status, or age are
inexcusable. This also includes behavior which could be classified as bullying, whether
in person or via social media, and any behavior that is commonly understood to be
abusive or disrespectful toward others.
Volunteer Opportunities
• Parent volunteers are a vital resource for the LDT school. Volunteers have numerous opportunities to assist the school in areas including hospitality, the Sugarplum
Party, student performances, administrative assistance, and more.
• Research has shown that with parental involvement in their endeavors students
excel. Volunteering parents have expressed that they have a greater appreciation for
classical dance as well as the added benefits of getting to know their child’s teachers
and classmates’ families better.
• Email petitions may be sent out, or sign-up sheets may be posted on the studio
lobby windows when help is needed. Volunteers are asked to fill out a time sheet for
their donated time.
Our Mission
Longmont Dance Theatre was formed on August 31, 1998 to establish a pre-professional ballet school and youth company for Longmont and its surrounding area while
also providing a venue for our community to experience live ballet performances.
Our Vision
LDT’s vision is to develop students whose lives
are enhanced through their experience with the
school, our faculty, and other artists. We are dedicated to providing excellence in dance training to
a diverse body of students. Our comprehensive
approach is based on the traditions of classical ballet and prepares students for the widest spectrum
of opportunities within the artistic community
and professional dance world. LDT has a fantastic
facility with sprung floors and is pleased to provide
experienced and highly trained instructors for our
students. Young dancers are able to develop their
expertise in dance as a performance art in a healthy
and energetic atmosphere.
Please look for a full list of instructor biographies on LDT’s website:
Kristin Kingsley, Artistic Director
Taylor Augustine, Hillary Brennan, Sabrina Cavins, Marcella Cox, Julie Glass,
Salli Gutierrez, Meghan Larsen, Lena Line, Justin McMillan, Georganna Mills Russell,
Angie Simmons, Larry Southall, David Taylor, and Stephanie Tuley
Registration at LDT
School Closures
• Students register with LDT by completing a Registration Form. This form also contains a liability waiver. A Registration Form must be on file for each student by the first
day of classes. Students may not be allowed to participate in class until all forms have
been completed fully and returned to the office.
• Registration dates occur prior to each semester at LDT. Please refer to LDT’s class
brochures for registration dates and times.
• Upon registration, students are charged a family registration fee. Please review
the payment policies section for complete payment information.
• Please fill out a Change of Information Form if your classes, address, email, or
other contact information has changed, and return it to the school office promptly so
there is no disruption in communication.
Snow Cancellation Policy
• In the event of inclement weather, which may cause class cancellations,
LDT will place an outgoing message to that effect on the LDT voicemail system.
• LDT uses the St. Vrain Valley School District as a guideline for weather
cancellations. LDT recommends checking the LDT voicemail system to confirm
whether or not classes will be held, as circumstances may change during the
day to allow us to have regularly schedule classes.
• It is the student’s responsibility to find out if classes will be in session due
to the weather.
• Please use caution, care and judgment for travel, from your particular area.
Holiday Observances and other closures
• Please note LDT’s holiday closures on both LDT’s brochures and website.
Please refer to Pages 11 & 12 of this handbook for a full list of calendar events.
• Ballet classes are cancelled the production weeks leading up to The Nutcracker and Gala Performance 2013: Giselle.
• Students may make up classes missed for holidays and performance week
closures at any point in the semester. (Please see the Make-up Policy on Page
• Once a student is registered they may
then enroll by semester (Fall - 16 weeks,
Winter/Spring - 18 weeks, Summer - 8 weeks).
The LDT office staff will fill out an Enrollment
Card per student. This card includes the student’s name and the class(es) for which the
student is enrolled.
• Enrollment is on a first-come, first-serve
basis. LDT limits class sizes in order to offer
students the highest quality dance education.
Therefore, families are encouraged to enroll
early. Any class with fewer than four enrolled
students is subject to cancellation.
• Enrollment will close after the 6th week
of the Fall and Winter/Spring semesters.
• Class level is determined by age or placement class and any previous dance experi
ence. Placement in all levels is at the sole discretion of the LDT school faculty.
• Summer Intensive Program placement is based
on the student’s current level.
• Longmont Dance Theatre reserves the right to
revise the curriculum and schedule, as well as to
adjust a student’s placement if deemed necessary
by the Artistic Director and teaching staff.
• Additional classes may be added to the schedule as enrollment demands.
• Upon enrollment, students are charged for the
full semester. Please review the payment policies
section for complete payment information.
Class Withdrawal Policy
• To withdraw from a class you MUST DO SO
IN WRITING to the LDT office. Until students are
formally withdrawn, you will be financially liable
for the entire semester’s tuition. Please review the
Financial Policies section for potential penalty fee
• Withdrawal from or return to class due to a
prolonged illness or injury must be verified with a
physician’s written consent.
“Why do we have to take breaks in
between semesters? I want to go to
class 52 weeks a year.”
Periodic rest refreshes the mind and
allows muscles to recover. Going to
class exhausted increases risk of injury.
Additionally, if one is too tired to pay
attention to fine details, progression
will not occur and bad habits may be
reinforced. Thus, LDT takes 2 - 3 week
breaks between semesters to
encourage rest.
Summer Programs
LDT offers an 8-week summer intensive program for its Ballet Division
students. Attending summer programs at LDT is highly encouraged as students can make tremendous progress during the summer months without the
added pressure of academic studies. These programs offer students intensive
training in ballet technique, exposure to various dance disciplines, and the
exciting experience of working with various guest teachers. Additional studies can include (but are not limited to) jazz, modern, variations, dance history,
anatomy, injury prevention, partnering, swing dancing, stage combat, hula,
Chinese dance, pilates, and yoga.
The Children’s Division has limited class offerings during the summer so
early enrollment is highly recommended. Classes in Ballet, Flamenco, Hip Hop,
Jazz, Modern, Tap, and Zumba are available for our Open Division students.
Summer is a great time for teens and adults to train in a new dance discipline
or try dance for the first time.
School Policies (cont.)
Financial Policies
Class Placement
• Class placements are at the sole discretion of the faculty and Artistic Director.
• Please understand that not all children advance at the same rate; your child’s agemates/friends may not be in the same level as your child. Placement at every level is
based on several factors including age, artistry, maturity, technique, physical strength,
attendance, and commitment.
• During the first
week of classes for
each semester,
faculty members
observe class
placement and
may make changes
as needed. Final
class placement is
determined by the
Artistic Director.
Class Advancement
Advancement may occur at any time at the sole discretion of LDT faculty, but on average students are expected to remain in a level for a minimum of one year. Students
may not be promoted every year. At times, students may require a couple of years to
accomplish the technique necessary in a particular level.
Our primary concern is that a student be placed in a level that is appropriate to
his or her skill level and physical strength. If the child is promoted too soon, then he
or she will miss some very valuable training. These children also struggle in the next
level, which is unnecessary and could result in injury. A student who carefully develops his or her technique early in the curriculum will find advancement in later years to
be smoother and more rewarding.
LDT faculty members evaluate students on artistry, physicality, maturity and technical ability. Each student progresses at a different pace; therefore, students in the same
level may be promoted at different times.
Tuition Payment Options are as follows:
1. Pre-Payment - Patrons paying tuition in full by the
first day of class will be given a 5% discount.
2. Installment Plan – This option is available for patrons
choosing to pay the full tuition in installments on defined
due dates. Please refer to Page 11 for Installment Tuition
Due Dates.
3. Drop-In Tuition – This option is offered to our Open
Division adult students. Payment must be made prior to
each class taken.
Tuition Information
• Tuition at LDT may be paid by credit card, check, or
cash. Payments made by cash or check receive a ~5%
discount on both the Pre-Payment and Installment plans.
Credit card information is NOT kept on file from semester to
semester; information must be updated upon enrollment.
• For patrons paying by the Credit Card Installment plan, the credit card will be
automatically charged on each installment due date. (See Page 11 for due dates.)
• A non-refundable registration fee of $50 per family is due on or before the first
week of classes.
• Tuition is based on a 16 week semester formula for Fall, 18 week semester formula
for Winter/Spring, and 8 week semester formula for Summer. Thanksgiving, Winter,
Spring, and Summer Breaks have been accounted for in these tuition formulas.
• Tuition will be pro-rated for students who enroll after the second week any semester.
• Tuition will not be pro-rated for vacations or missed classes, and no credits or
refunds will be given for absences during a tuition period.
• Make-up classes are strongly encouraged. (Please see the Make-up Policy on Page
• For a receipt, please enclose a self-addressed stamped envelope along with any
Delinquent Accounts
• LDT sends out account statements prior to the final installment due date as a
friendly reminder to all patrons regarding their account status. LDT thanks its installment plan patrons for paying their installments by or on the due dates.
• As some parents who drop-off/pick-up their students for classes are often unavailable for LDT administrators to hand out statements, LDT may ask students to deliver
sealed statements to their parents/guardians.
• If an account is regularly delinquent, LDT will assess a Late Payment Fee of $15.
• An additional $30 charge may be assessed for each returned check and declined
credit card transaction.
• If a student’s account is delinquent, the office will notify the family and students
may not be allowed to attend class, perform in any recitals/performances, or pick up
any recital/performance costumes.
• Please call the school office to make any special arrangements regarding tuition
• Withdrawals within the first four weeks of a semester will incur a $50 penalty (deducted from a refund of pre-paid tuition, or paid as the difference between an installment payment minus the number of weeks enrolled.)
• Withdrawals after the first four weeks of the semester will incur a penalty fee equal
to 50% of the total tuition due for the remainder of the semester.
LDT School Division Description
Children’s Division
The Children’s Division provides classroom and recital opportunities for students
between the ages of 3-5 years old. Students must be potty trained prior to the first day
of the semester to participate in classes. Combination Ballet and Tap
classes allow children as young as three years of age to experience
the joy and physical benefits of a dance class. Imagination and storytelling through dance is emphasized using guided, creative and
age-appropriate activities. Activities to develop coordination, body
awareness, and ballet and tap class discipline are part of each class.
Open Division
School Policies (cont.)
Attendance and Tardiness Policy
• Students in the Ballet Division are required to attend all classes listed for their
level, including supplemental classes such as Modern during the Fall Semester.
• If a student will not be in class, please call or email the school so that the teacher
can be informed of the absence. Please include the reason for the absence as well as
the student’s class level.
• Regular attendance is essential to improve the skills and increase the strength
required for advancement. Students who have consistently poor attendance may be
asked to leave the school.
Adult/Teen (18-adult)
Although LDT is Longmont’s only pre-professional ballet school
and emphasizes ballet technique, LDT has many excellent teachers
who instruct a variety of dance styles, and is excited to offer fine
classes in all dance disciplines for our Teen/Adult students. We are
very proud of our excellent adult program and encourage all
students to try many dance styles. Whether a novice or an experienced dancer, students will find a class level to suit their needs.
Placement in the Adult/Teen Open Division classes is based on the
interest of the student and requires no placement evaluation class.
Student (6-18 years old)
LDT’s Student Open Division was introduced to widen the curriculum of the school and enable students to train in many dance
forms. Participation in the Open Division can be in addition to,
or independently of, the Ballet Division. LDT believes that training
in all types of dance provides the versatility necessary for our
young students while encouraging a broad understanding of dance as an art form.
Our Student Open Division instructors are excited to teach sound technique while
fostering the love of dance in all art forms. The Open Division student can choose
classes from the Open and Ballet Division offerings. Placement in the Student Open
Division classes is based on the age of the student as of the 15th of the first full month
of classes. The age of the student is used only as an initial guideline for placement.
Actual placement is subject to level-appropriateness based on faculty evaluation.
Ballet Division
The Ballet Division (6-18 years old) includes Levels 1-7 and is for students who are
serious about studying ballet. The program offers a reduction in cost for multiple
ballet classes. This incentive extends to Open Division class offerings. Students who
are age six or older on or before the 15th of the first full month of a given semester are
accepted into Ballet 1. The emphasis in the beginning level of study is on posture and
the fundamentals of ballet training. Students
enrolled in the Ballet Division have many opportunities to perform. The Ballet Annual Recital is a
non-auditioned performance, and will rehearse
during class time. The recital costume is a purple
spaghetti strapped leotard with attached skirt.
The students may also perform in auditioned
performances. LDT is proud to offer these
professional performance experiences to our
students (see Pages 7-10 for more information
regarding Auditioned Performances).
• Attendance will be taken into consideration when determining eligibility for level
advancement and any auditioned Ballet Division performance.
• Tardiness for classes is not permitted. Students must be in class, ready to dance
at the designated class time. Please call or email the school if you know you will be
late. Dancers arriving more than ten (10) minutes late will be asked to sit and observe
class. Warming up before the beginning of class is crucial for injury prevention. Class
is designed for the development of technique. Students should arrive a few minutes
before class to begin stretching and warming up.
• Students should be dropped off no more than 15 minutes prior to class and
should be picked up in at timely fashion within ten (10) minutes after their class ends.
LDT personnel cannot be responsible for students left beyond this time.
• Students are not allowed into the studios unsupervised, must not wander away
from the premises, and should remain in the building at all times.
• If a student’s attendance in the Ballet Division falls below the minimum requirements LDT reserves the right to remove the student from Ballet Division tuition status
and charge them Open Division tuition rates.
• LDT also reserves the right to excuse a student from any auditioned performance
or recital piece due to poor class or rehearsal attendance.
Make-Up Policy
• Poor attendance affects learning and progress, and can have a detrimental effect
upon the entire class.
• Students are strongly encourage to make up missed classes as progress and future
class placement can be greatly affected by even one absence.
• Students may make up missed classes in their class level or below. Please contact
the school office to schedule any make-up classes.
• Make-up classes cannot be carried over into another semester.
School Policies
Pre-Collegiate Intensive Program
General School Rules
• LDT rules and policies apply at all locations where students represent the school,
such as public appearances, performance venues, and fundraising events.
• LDT’s lobby is small so please be respectful of others. Crying babies and cell
phones should be taken outside or into the back hallway. Please help keep the lobby
tidy by picking up after yourself and your children.
• Dressing rooms are provided for your convenience; please help keep the dressing
rooms tidy by picking up after yourself or your child
• Toe tape, band-aids, containers, wrappers, etc. must be disposed of properly.
• Students are not allowed to sit or play at the pianos.
• Students are not allowed to play near or operate sound equipment. Families will
be billed for any equipment damage caused by their child.
• Students may not leave class without the instructor’s permission.
• LDT is not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged items. Labeling all personal
items with the student’s name is recommended. Please check the Lost and Found for
missing items. Lost and Found items are placed in the blue tall cubbies nearest Studio
1. Valuable Lost and Found items are kept in the LDT office. Monthly, all items that
have not been retrieved will be discarded or donated to charity.
• LDT staff and volunteers may enter the costume room and storage room. Unless
permission has been granted by LDT staff or costume volunteers, these rooms are off
limits to students, siblings of students, and parents/guardians.
• Students are expected to behave respectfully and courteously at all times toward
LDT faculty and staff, as well as toward each other. (please refer to LDT’s Anti-Bullying/
Pro-Ballet Progam for more information, which is available through the LDT office)
• The LDT office telephone may not be used without permission.
• Please respect the business conducted at LDT by refraining from loud and boisterous behavior in the waiting areas.
Since it was founded in 1998, Longmont Dance Theatre’s mission has been
to build a pre-professional ballet school and youth company for Longmont and its
surrounding area, while providing a venue for our community to experience live ballet
In light of this mission and in recognition of the ever-changing goals and
needs of the LDT community, Longmont Dance Theatre is pleased to announce the
inauguration in 2012/13 of a pre-collegiate intensive ballet training program for high
school-aged dancers. In this program, students will have access to challenging academic coursework in the mornings while training intensively at LDT in the afternoons.
In addition to receiving top-notch instruction in ballet, pointe, variations, modern, and
related disciplines, students in the program will have performance opportunities that
will serve the greater Longmont community. These three productions each year will
include “mini” versions of main stage ballets, lecture-demonstrations, and additional
The program’s schedule and other logistics will be planned in partnership
with Silver Creek High School. We strongly encourage participating students to enroll
at Silver Creek High School, as this enrollment will encourage a shared experience
among participants, administrative support, access to knowledgeable counselors, the
opportunity to perform for and in collaboration with academic peers, and a logistically
streamlined experience. Students who choose not to enroll at SCHS must organize
transportation to LDT and should plan their academic scheduling carefully.
Although students will be finishing their academic school day early, they will
maintain their status as full-time students by taking six credits each year. Thus, students can enroll in the four core curriculum areas (English, Mathematics, Social Studies,
and Science) along with two electives (Foreign Languages, Health, Art, Music, etc.)
each semester. SCHS students will receive up to one PE credit for participation in the
Students in the Pre-Collegiate Intensive Program will be expected to maintain
an excellent academic record. Although students must maintain a 3.0 GPA each year
to stay in the program, they are encouraged to strive for a 3.75 GPA, as this will qualify
them for an Academic Letter.
Students and parents should work closely with the counseling staff at SCHS to
ensure that students are enrolled in advanced coursework when appropriate. Silver
Creek High School offers various Honors-level courses.
Advanced Placement courses are available in US History, Government, Comparative Government, Psychology, Language & Composition, Literature, Music Theory,
Studio Art: Design, Studio Art: Drawing, Biology,
Chemistry, Calculus-Based Physics, Calculus, Statistics,
French, and Spanish.
For more information about academic requirements and recommendations for college preparation,
consult the 2012/2013 Registration Handbook on the
Silver Creek High School website: http://schs.stvrain.
This program is expected to provide an
outstanding training opportunity for Longmont-area
students who achieve highly in both balletic and academic pursuits. The program will prepare students for
ballet-based degree programs at the collegiate level,
for the rigors of a professional ballet career, and for
academic collegiate success.
Performance Opportunities
Division Recitals
The Children’s Division, Open Division, and Ballet Division
have an end-of-the-year performance opportunity with the Annual Recital. All students of LDT may choose to participate. The
Children’s Division also may participate in the Holiday Recital in
December. Students in the Ballet Division may choose to participate in Auditioned Performances (see page 8-10).
LDT provides families five complimentary general seating
tickets per dancer. Any additional tickets may be puchased at the door for $2 each.
Recital Fees are necessary to offset the cost of venue rental fees, lighting fees, stage hand
payroll, load in and out fees, and instructor payroll.
The Artistic Director and instructors choose recital costumes that are
age appropriate, dance appropriate, and reasonably priced. If there are
modesty concerns please discuss these with LDT prior to costume ordering.
Information regarding recitals will be distributed in newsletters to all
students. These newsletters will include information about recital fees,
costume costs, hair and make-up requirements, video-taping and photography, plus other recital information. Please contact the school office
to request further information about recitals.
Children’s Division Holiday Recital
The Children’s Division Holiday Recital is an annual performance that
occurs before our Holiday Break. This show includes all registered students
of the Children’s Division (ages 3 – 5 years old) who are interested in performing. LDT has decided to hold this year’s Holiday Recital at Niwot HS
Auditorium prior to Saturday’s performances of The Nutcracker. In this way,
parents may invite as many friends to this wonderful recital to experience the
accomplishments of their dancers. All are welcome to video and take non-flash photos
during the performance. Choosing to have the Holiday Recital on the same day as The
Nutcracker will command a huge commitment from LDT’s instructors, however it is a
cost-saving measure for our students and their parents because the rental of the auditorium will be shared with The Nutcracker production. The Costume/Participation Forms
and $80 Costume/Recital Fee are due on September 22nd.
Annual Recital
for Children’s, Ballet, and Open Division
The Annual Recital is an annual performance that occurs at the end of the Wnter/Spring
Semester and includes all registered students of the Children’s Division (ages 3 – 5 years
old), Ballet, and Open Divisions who are interested in performing. Students participating
in the recitals must be present for the dress rehearsal or they may not participate in the
recital. If a student’s account is not paid in full, that student will not perform.
Pointe Work
Use plié while dancing. Students must use their pliés while dancing because this is
how they get up on pointe. If they do not use their pliés, they will have to bend their
leg incorrectly in order to go on pointe. Pliés should be done with the knees pointing
straight over their toes and with the heels down.
Point their feet while dancing. Students must point their feet while dancing in order
to strengthen the muscles that pointe-work requires. These muscles need to be strong
enough to support their body weight on the ends of their toes. If the student is not in
the habit of using these foot muscles they will not be able to support themselves on
pointe and will probably knuckle over on their toes, thereby increasing their chances
for injury.
Piqué Passé with straight leg. Students should have enough strength to push themselves onto half-pointe. This step is harder to do on pointe and a bent leg is usually a
sign of weakness or improper step preparation.
Be able to do 16 relevés and sautés in the center without stopping. Strength for
pointe work is achieved by repeating exercises. Relevés and sautés are excellent for
building up calf muscle strength, which is vital for pointe work. Relevés are more difficult to do on pointe because of the extra height, so strong relevés on half-pointe are a
good sign of strength. The student must also go up as high on half-pointe as she can,
since pointe work demands this ability. On relevé, a student who keeps her heel very
low to the ground is not preparing her calf muscles adequately, and will not have the
strength for pointe work.
Jumps must be strong and landed well-placed and turned out. Having a strong jump
demonstrates that the student has the strength necessary in the feet and legs to be
able to relevé onto pointe. The ability to maintain proper placement when landing
jumps will translate into correctly coming down off pointe and limiting her chance of
Be able to hold a passé balance on half-pointe. The student should be well-placed
(hips square, back straight, legs turned out), and have the strength to balance on halfpointe. This pose is more difficult to correct on pointe, as the surface area for balancing is smaller and the strength requirements are greater.
Purchasing your Pointe Shoes
Once a student has been given permission to begin pointe work she may purchase
pointe shoes, ribbon, elastic and toe padding (optional). At times, LDT staff may accompany a group of students and parents to Boulder Body Wear to assist in selecting
and fitting the shoes. If this option is not available, please make an appointment with
Boulder Body Wear for your pointe shoe fitting. After purchasing your shoes bring
them in for approval from the Artistic Director. Do not wear or sew ribbons or elastics
onto the shoes before they have been approved. Your child will be shown how to sew
on the ribbons and elastics. We encourage the dancers to take responsibility for learning how to maintain their own shoes.
Annual Recital Date and Time:
Saturday, May 18th, 2013
Children’s Division Recitals: 1:00pm & 2:30pm
Annual Recital Show #1 (Levels 1-4): 4:00pm
Annual Recital Show #2 (Levels 5-7): 6:00pm
Dress Rehearsal Date and Time for Annual Recitals
Annual Show #1: Friday, May 17th, 2013, 4:00- 6:00pm
Annual Show #2: Friday, May 17th, 2012, 6:00-9:00pm
Recital Fee: $65 per student, maximum fee is $120 per family
Pointe Work
Auditioned Performances
Pointe work is an exciting and essential part of a ballet student’s training. Our students begin preparing for pointe work in level 4. During this time they work in ballet
slippers and then pre-pointe shoes to develop the strength they will need to dance
on pointe. Students should expect to remain in Level 4 for a minimum of two years to
develop the skills and strength necessary for pointe work.
Most students begin pointe work in Level 5, although admittance to Level 5 is not a
guarantee that the student is ready to begin pointe at the start of the fall semester.
Students should expect to remain in Level 5 for a minimum of two years to develop the
skills, strength and technique necessary for proper and healthy pointe work.
Each student responds to the demands of pointe preparation differently, and some
will need longer than others to be ready for pointe work. For their own safety, some
students will not be allowed to begin pointe work if physical limitations prevent them
from meeting the minimum criteria.
Students will be notified individually in writing when they are ready to go on pointe.
Please feel free to speak with our teachers about any concerns you may have about
pointe work.
Criteria for Pointe Work
1. The student must be 10 ½ years or older
2. The student must have at least two years of training
3. The student must be taking a minimum of 2 classes per week consistently
4. The student must be responsible enough to bring all the ballet equipment she will
need to class. Pointe shoes require extra care and accessories.
5. The student must be in good health and able to take the entire class. If the
student frequently needs to rest because of illness, or injury, they may not be
strong enough for the extra demands that pointe work requires.
6. The student must pay attention in class and must work well. Going on pointe is a
big step and requires commitment on the part of the student.
7. The student must have enough of an arched instep to stand on pointe properly.
8. The student must have sufficient strength to do the following:
Be able to hold their turnout while dancing. The most basic concept of ballet is
turnout. It makes it possible to do certain steps that could not otherwise be done.
Holding turnout while dancing is a good sign of strength. If the student does not have
the strength to maintain their turnout, they are not strong enough for pointe, since it is
much more difficult to hold turnout on pointe.
Have a strong, straight back
while dancing, especially the lower back. Pointe work requires that
the student use the muscles in her
legs and feet to stand on pointe
and not use the pointe shoes as
a crutch. A weak back will throw
the student off balance while on
pointe and will make it difficult to
correctly execute ballet steps.
Keep the heels forward toward
the big toe (no sickling). The most
stable position for pointe work
is to have the weight slightly
forward over the big toe. If the
weight is over the little toe, it
is more difficult to stay up on
pointe, and will increase the
chances of strain and injury.
Auditioned Performances:
The Nutcracker,
February Showcase (featuring Carnival of the Animals),
and Gala Performance 2013: Giselle
LDT’s Ballet Division students may audition to participate in LDT’s professional quality performances. On average, over 100 LDT students perform in each performance
of The Nutcracker and the Gala Performance. Our Gala Performance for 2013 will be
Giselle. A third auditioned performance is set during the February Showcase and will
include Carnival of the Animals. This February performance will be open to levels 1-4
and will have a limited number of performers.
The audition process is very
positive and creates self-esteem
for students. Rehearsals for these
productions are separate from
classes and take place on Saturdays
and Sundays between noon and
7:00pm. These productions require
a serious commitment on the part
of the dancer and his/her family.
Rehearsals occur every weekend
from September through May.
There are rehearsals every evening
at the auditorium during the production week (the week leading up
to the performances). Rehearsal schedules can change depending on the progress
of the production. During this process (auditions, rehearsals, and performances)
students develop skills associated with academic success including self-discipline, selfconfidence, and the ability to concentrate and collaborate. LDT students evidence an
enthusiastic work ethic and set high standards for themselves in all areas of their lives.
The participation fee is $125. This fee helps to offset the cost of auditorium rental,
light rental, costume creation, musicians and music, plus many paid sub-contractors
who make the performance possible for our dancers. Keith Bobo of Photography
Maestro will be giving each fee paying student a CD of pictures which will include
dress rehearsal and performance pictures from the Auditioned Performances of The
Nutcracker and Gala Performance 2013: Giselle.
Volunteer opportunities exist for theses productions. Longmont Dance
Theatre’s ballet productions are a fundamental way to give back to the community and
offer our students memories that last a lifetime.
”Dancing, training, and
performing at LDT was
such an incredible experience. It was more positive
than any other organization with whom I’ve trained
since graduating.”
--- alumna LDT
October Showcase
Longmont Dance Theatre’s October Showcase will feature Flower Festival in Genzano set
by David Taylor, Pas de Quatre set by Stephanie
Tuley, a Buddy Holly Tribute choreographed by
Artistic Director Kristin Kingsley, and a modern
premier by Angie Simmons, director of Evolving
Doors Dance.
This first performance by LDT’s Pre-Collegiate Intensive Program will be at Niwot High
School the weekend of October 20th . Outreach
programs will exist for this show and will be available to senior centers in Longmont.
Look for information about this amazing performance and its dates and
times. You and your family will not want to miss this show!
Sugar Plum Tea Party - A Fundraiser
Dress Code (cont.)
Open Division Attire
Hip Hop:
Girls and Boys: Leotard of any color or shirt with no words; loose fitting pants: jazz,
yoga, workout, or sweatpants (no jeans); flat bottom tennis shoes (shoes must not be worn outside-this prevents damage to our studio flooring from
bacteria, glass, rocks, or pebbles); hair must be pulled back from face and
neck; no skirts, no shorts, and no half shirts will be tolerated
Girls: Leotard of any style and color; tan, non-shiny tights; lycra jazz pants or
lycra bike shorts, black tap shoes or black jazz shoes (class appropriate); No baggy clothes; no sneakers; no jeans; hair must be pulled back from face and neck
Boys: T-shirt of any color; lycra jazz pants or lycra bike shorts; black tap shoes or black jazz shoes (class appropriate); no baggy clothes; no sneakers; no jeans
Girls: Leotard of any style and color; any color footless tights; no shoes or sock; hair pulled back from face and neck
Boys: T-shirt of any color; loose fitting pants (no jeans); no shoes/socks
Included with each $25 ticket:
A full high tea with a harp accompaniment
A mini-Nutcracker ballet performance
Your photograph taken with a Sugar Plum Fairy
Sunday, November 25, 1:00pm and 3:00pm
The Nutcracker
The Longmont DanceTheatre
produced its first Nutcracker in
December 2001 with the New
Mandolin Quartet. A live orchestra accompaniment is very rare
for even very large ballet companies. It is with extreme pride
LDT produces this holiday classic
with the LDT Chamber Orchestra
under the baton of Brandon Matthews (Metro State University).
Students will perform with full
sets, lighting, and costumes to the
choreography of Artistic Director Kristin Kingsley, after Todd
Bolender. Make sure to see this
production full of home-grown
artists and special guest artists on
December 15th and 16th.
Girls: Leotard of any style and color; any color tights; flamenco shoes; flamenco skirt; hair pulled back from face and neck
Boys: T-shirt of any color; loose fitting pants (no jeans); appropriate shoes (see instructor on first day )
Additional Dress Code considerations:
• For security reasons, street clothing and street shoes are required when entering
and exiting the building. Dance shoes are prohibited from being worn outside the
• For hygienic reasons, shoes must be worn at all times inside the building except
during modern and condition classes.
• Gently used dance clothing and shoes will be available during the Shoe Exchange.
(Please see Page 11 for dates and times of Shoe Exchanges.)
Dress Code
February Showcase
In keeping with the classical ballet tradition, and to achieve a uniformity of appearance within class levels, LDT requires students to comply with the following Dress
Code. The Dress Code enables students to remain focused during class.
Children’s Division Attire
Girls: Black leotard, no unattached skirts; pink full footed tights; pink leather ballet
slippers; black tap shoes; hair in secure bun/pulled away from the neck and face
Boys: White t-shirt tucked in; black cotton pants/shorts; white socks; black leather
ballet slippers; black tap shoes
This exciting new February Showcase will be a collaboration among LDT’s
Pre-Collegiate Intensive Program, LDT’s
Ballet Division, Metro-State University with
Brandon Matthews, and David Taylor’s Zikr
Dance Ensemble.
Our ballet division students will
have the opportunity to audition for corps
parts in Carnival of the Animals which will
be accompanied by Metro State Chamber
Orchestra conducted by Brandon Matthews. LDT’s Pre-Collegiate Intensive Program students will audition for the soloist
roles. Carnival of the Animals is a musical
suite of fourteen movements by French
Romantic composer Camille Saint-Saëns.
The Zikr Dance Ensemble will
perform in the second half of this performance and our LDT Pre-Collegiate Intensive
students will perform with this professional
The audition will happen on the
same date as the Giselle Audition on
January 14, 2013.
Ballet Division Attire:
Girls: 1) Any style solid black leotard (no designs or
sequins), or the Ballet Recital Blue/Purple Leotard with
attached skirt; no unattached skirts for Ballet Levels 1-4;
levels 5-7 may wear skirts during pointe class only
2) Pink canvas or leather ballet slippers with draw
string bows tucked in; where applicable pointe shoes
must be properly fitted by Boulder Body Wear
3) Hair must be in a secure bun or pulled away from
the neck and face; no swinging ponytails
4) Full Footed Tights. Level 1-7: Ballet Pink, Bloch Endura Adaptatoe convertible tights with seams
Available sizes: Child Sm/Med (6-8), Med/Large (10-12)
& Adult: A, B, C, D
Boys: White t-shirt tucked in; dark colored (black
preferred) jazz/yoga pants, shorts, or tights; white socks;
black leather or canvas ballet slippers
Additional Ballet Division Dress Code Requirements for classes, auditions,
and rehearsals:
• No dangly earrings longer than 1 inch. No necklaces, bracelets, anklets, rings or
watches allowed. Stud earrings are acceptable.
• No shorts, capris, pants, or legwarmers allowed in Ballet Division classes and
rehearsals. Additionally, no shirts of any kind for classes
• Elastics and ribbons on ballet slippers and pointe shoes must be properly sewn.
• Female students with short hair must use a headband and also secure the hair in
the back. Male students with long hair must be arranged off of the face.
• All students should carry a dance notebook with them at all times so that they
may be prepared to take notes regarding classes and rehearsals.
Gala Performance 2013: Giselle
Don’t forget to mark your calendar for this amazing event!
April 27 & 28 at 2:00 pm Niwot High School Auditorium
Giselle is prized today as the supreme achievement of the
“Romantic” style of ballet in the nineteenth century and
is an amazing ballet to celebrate LDT’s 15th Anniversary.
The natural and supernatural are combined in this ballet as
Giselle transforms from the simple and charming peasant
girl of Act 1 into a ghostly Wili in Act 2. The LDT Chamber
Orchestra, under the baton of Rick Thomas, will delight our
audience members with the imaginative music of Adophe
Adam during this LDT premiere.
Fall 2012
Winter/Spring 2013
Summer 2013
August 20 - December 15
January 7 - May 18
June 3 - July 26
16 weeks
18 weeks
8 weeks
Shoe Exchange/Costume Sale/Bake Sale
August 25, 2012
January 12, 2013
Labor Day
All Classes
All Classes
Thanksgiving Break
All Classes
Nutcracker Production Week
Ballet Classes
Winter Break
All Classes
Spring Break
All Classes
4/22 - 4/28/13
Gala Production Week
Ballet Classes
Summer Break #1
All Classes
Beginning of Summer Break #2
All Classes
Tuition Due Dates
Fall 2012 Semester Pre-Paid Tuition
Fall 2012 Semester Installment #1 of 4
Fall 2012 Semester Installment #2 of 4
Fall 2012 Semester Installment #3 of 4
Fall 2012 Semester Installment #4 of 4
Winter/Spring 2013 Semester Pre-Paid Tuition
Winter/Spring 2013 Semester Installment #1 of 5
Winter/Spring 2013 Semester Installment #2 of 5
Winter/Spring 2013 Semester Installment #3 of 5
Winter/Spring 2013 Semester Installment #4 of 5
Winter/Spring 2013 Semester Installment #5 of 5
Summer 2013 Semester Pre-Paid Tuition
Due 8/20/12
Due 8/20/12
Due 9/10/12
Due 10/10/12
Due 11/10/12
Due 1/10/13
Due 1/10/13
Due 2/10/13
Due 3/10/13
Due 4/10/13
Due 5/10/13
Due 6/3/13
October Showcase
Sugar Plum Tea Party
Children’s Division Holiday
The Nutcracker
The Nutcracker
The Nutcracker
1:00 &
10:00 &
February Showcase
Gala Performance 2013
featuring Giselle
Studio Annual Recitals
(All Divisions)
Audition Dates and Times
8/25/12, Saturday for
The Nutcracker
Ballet 1 & 2 - 1:00-1:30
Ballet 3 - 2:15-2:45
Ballet 4A/4B - 4:00-4:45
Ballet 5A/5B/Boys - 4:45-5:30
Ballet 6A/6B - 1:30-2:15
Ballet 7 - 2:45-4:00
1/14/13, Saturday for
Gala Performance 2013 and
February 2013 Showcase
Ballet 1 & 2 - 1:30-2:00
Ballet 3 - 3:30-4:00
Ballet 4A/4B/4C - 4:00-4:45
Ballet 5/Boys - 4:30-5:30
Ballet 6A/6B - 2:45-3:30
Ballet 7 - 2:00-2:45
Niwot HS
Niwot HS
Niwot HS
Niwot HS
Niwot HS
Niwot HS
Niwot HS
Niwot HS