Allen Spine System Packages
Allen Spine System Packages
Spine Allen Spine System: Set-up in 3 Easy Steps 1 - Position Frame 3 - Attach To Table 2 - Lift Frame Up Allen Spine System Packages SPINE PACKAGE Flex Frame Premium Package #A-70002 Flex Frame Standard Package #A-70000 $48,500 $38,500 Advanced Accessories for Jackson Table Package #A-70003 Attaches to OR table Attaches to Jackson table KEY BENEFITS Lumbar intraoperative flex (anterior, posterior) Cervical intraoperative flex (anterior, posterior) Lateral flex (XLIF, DLIF) Prone positioning Lateral positioning Supine positioning Optimize chest and hip pressure Eye and airway visibility and access Cervical Management Breast Pressure Relief Flex Frame OR Table Clamp Set Standard Wingset Contour Breast Positioner C-Flex Polar Head Positioning System C-Prone Head Positioner Prone Arm Supports (2) Armboard Rails (2) Easy Lock Socket (2) Supine Tops (4) Supine Top Pads (4) PRICE 6 $33,000 7 Spine Allen Spine System Give Your OR Table Jackson Table Capabilities! A Fraction of the Price of a Standard Spine Table The Allen Spine System is an extension for your OR table that enables you to perform spine surgery with the positioning benefits of a Jackson table! In addition it offers intra-operative lumbar flex and a small storage footprint. The advanced accessories adjust to fit the individual patient's anatomy. #A-70002 with C-Flex s)NTRAOPERATIVE&LEXnUSETHEPOWEROFTHETABLETOmEXANDREPOSITIONTHEPATIENT s2ADIOLUCENT%XTENSIONXMMXMMnPROVIDESEXCELLENT#!RM s3AVES3PACEnSTORESINLESSTHANSQFTSQMANDACCESSORIESCANBESTOREDONTHEFRAME s/PTIMIZEDPRESSUREMANAGEMENTCHESTHIPANDHEADSUPPORTS s6ERSATILEnPRONELATERALANDSUPINEPOSITIONING s2ANGEOF-OTIONnPROVIDES LATERALTILTTRENDANDmEXPOWEREDBYTHE/2TABLE s(EIGHTnTOMMMM s&ITS/2TABLESWITHOUTSIDERAILWIDTHMMMM sLBSKGPATIENTWEIGHTCAPACITY #A-70000 with C-Prone (500 lbs. (227 kg) patient weight capacity using Accessory Rail A-70501 with Arm Supports.) s8,)&KITAVAILABLECALLCUSTOMERSERVICEFORDETAILS Allen Spine System Components A $48,500 #A-70000 Spine System (Standard System with C-Prone) $38,500 Spine System #A-70002 D H I A. C-Prone Head Positioner B. Standard Wingset C. Flex Frame D. Flex Frame Armboard Rail E. Flex Frame OR Table Clamp Set F. Prone Arm Supports G. Easy Lock Socket H. Supine Top Pads I. Supine Top Set Spine System #A-70000 C-Prone Head Positioner #A-70300 #A-70002 Spine System Flex Frame #A-70100 Prone Arm Supports #A-70610 Includes 2 Supine Top Set #A-70400 Includes Set of 4 Standard Wingset #A-70200 Includes Hip + Chest Comfort Cover Disposables #A-70260 1 Case of 5 Sets Comfort Mask Disposables #A-70310 1 Case of 5 Flex Frame Armboard Rail #A-70500-US, #A-70500-DEN, #A-70500-EUR, #A-70500-UK, #A-70500-Jpn Includes 1 Pair, Specify Rail Type Choose Rail Type G C-Flex Polar Head Positioner System #A-70700 Flex Frame OR Table Clamp Set #A-70510-US, #A-70510-DEN, #A-70510-EUR, #A-70510-UK, #A-70510-Jpn Includes 1 Pair, Specify Rail Type What’s Required F What’s Included (A-70000 + A-70002) E Choose Head Positioner B C 8 Spine System (Premium System with C-Flex) Comfort Mask Disposables #A-70310 1 Case of 5 Required $150 Case Comfort Cover Disposables #A-70260 1 Case of 5 Sets Required $300 Case What’s Optional B #A-70002 Prone Spinal Leg Pad #A-70441 $599 Each Short Accessory Rail #A-70501-US, #A-70501-Jpn, #A-70501-DEN, #A-70501-EU, #A-70501-UK Specify Rail Type $699 Each #A-70000 Spine System Supine Top Pads #A-70435 (3" / 7.6 cm) #A-70434 (2" / 5 cm) Includes Set of 4 (Specify Thickness) Easy Lock™ Socket #A-40022 (US), #A-40023 (Eur), #A-40024 (UK), #A-40030 (Jpn) Includes 1 Pair, Specify Rail Type Long Accessory Rail #A-70502-US, #A-70502-Jpn, #A-70502-DEN, #A-70502-EU, #A-70502-UK Specify Rail Type $1,499 Each Contour Breast Positioner #A-70270 $4,500 Each 9 Spine Wingset Body Positioners Supports That Adjust To Fit The Patient. The wingsets are prone patient supports that have been optimized for pressure management and adjustability. These supports accommodate varying patient anatomies. s!LLOWSABDOMENTOHANGFREE s!VOIDSCOMPRESSIONOFBRACHIALPLEXUS s/FFERSSTERNALDECOMPRESSION s!DJUSTABLEFORBARRELCHESTEDPEDIATRICANDSCOLIOSISPATIENTS s5SEDWITHLOWSHEARMOISTUREABSORBANTCOMFORTCOVERDISPOSABLES s-ULTILAYERPADDESIGNFOROPTIMALPRESSUREMANAGEMENT sLBSKGPATIENTWEIGHTCAPACITY s!CCOMMODATESPEDIATRICTOADULTPATIENTS s0ADSADJUSTTOWIDTHSOFMMMM s&ITSTHE!LLEN&LEX&RAME s&ITSTHE*ACKSON3PINE4ABLE Scoliosis Optional Hip Pad Set with cut-out is ideal for larger patients. The Cut-Out Hip Pad must be used with the Standard Chest Pad Set. Prone and Lateral Positioning 10 What’s Included Standard Wingset #A-70200 Includes Hip + Chest Set What’s Required Pediatric Patients Standard Wingset System Comfort Cover Disposables #A-70260 Case of 5 Sets $300 Case What’s Optional #A-70200 Standard Chest Wingset #A-70203 $2,999 $5,999 Comfort Cover Disposables #A-70260 Case of 5 Sets Cut-Out Hip Wingset #A-70201 $2,999 Wingset Disposables 11 Spine Contour Breast Positioner Breast Pressure Relief Support The Contour is a prone chest support designed to accommodate large breasted female patients. Since it relieves direct pressure on the breasts, it is also ideal for patients with implants. s!LLEVIATESDIRECTPRESSUREONTHEBREAST s0ROVIDESBRALIKESUPPORTFORCUPSIZES"$$ s3UPPORTSUNDERANDBETWEENTHEBREASTSWITHOUTCOMPROMISINGAPENDULOUSABDOMEN s!VOIDSCOMPRESSIONOFBRACHIALPLEXUS s!VOIDSTHEPOTENTIALCOMPLICATIONOFRUPTUREDIMPLANTS s5SEDWITHLOWSHEARMOISTUREABSORBANTCOMFORTCOVERDISPOSABLES s$ESIGNEDFORUSEWITHTHESTANDARDWINGSETHIPPAD sLBSKGPATIENTWEIGHTCAPACITY s0ADSADJUSTTOWIDTHSOFMMMM s&ITSTHE!LLEN&LEX&RAME s&ITSTHE*ACKSON3PINE4ABLE Breast Pressure Relief Support Contour is for Use with the Standard Wingset Hip Pads 12 $4,500 What’s Included Contour Breast Positioner Contour Breast Positioner #A-70270 Contour Cover Disposables #A-70271 Includes Case of 5 Sets What’s Required #A-70270 Contour Cover Disposables #A-70271 Case of 5 Sets $400 Case Standard Wingset #A-70200 Hip + Chest Set $5,999 Pressure Distribution Layered Foam 13 Spine C-Flex Polar Head Positioning System Just Squeeze and Position! The modular system can be used in all types of spine surgery. The quick-connect coupler makes connecting to a Mayfield skull clamp a snap! Ability to “squeeze and position” supports readjustments intraoperatively. An extensive range of motion makes C-Flex ideal for use with extremely kyphotic patients, anterior artificial discs, and lateral procedures. #A-70700 $15,000 C-Flex Base Unit #A-70701 Comfort Mask Disposables #A-70310 Includes Case of 5 C-Flex Clean Cape Disposables #A-70702 Includes Case of 10 Starburst Adaptor #A-70710 1 Included Prone Mask Head Module #A-70715 1 Included Flat Plate Head Module #A-70720 1 Included Comfort Mask Disposables #A-70310 Case of 5 $150 Case C-Flex Clean Cape Disposables #A-70702 Case of 10 $80 Case Reverse Starburst Adaptor #A-70725 $500 What’s Included Prone C-Flex Polar Head Positioning System What’s Required Kyphotic Patients What’s Optional Anterior Access s7ORKSWITHTHE-AYlELD® Skull Clamp, and Mayfield Horseshoe s)NCLUDESFOLDAWAYMIRROR s%YESFREEFROMPRESSURE s%ASYAIRWAYACCESS sLBSKGPATIENTWEIGHTLIMIT s&ITSTHE!LLEN&LEX&RAME s&ITSTHE*ACKSON3PINE4ABLE s#ERVICALmEXIONEXTENSION s,UMBARPOSITIONING s!DJUSTVERTICALLYFORKYPHOTICPATIENTS s,ATERALPOSITIONING s$EVICEWEIGHTLBSKG sCMLATERALADJUSTMENTRANGE sCMHEIGHTADJUSTMENTRANGE sCMEXTENSIONADJUSTMENTRANGE s LATERALTILT Clean Cape Disposables Just Squeeze and Position 14 15 Spine C-Flex AP-Vantage Jackson Table imaging Capabilities on Any OR Table! C-Flex AP-Vantage - what to use when imaging matters. The unique product design eliminates obstructions, leaving nothing but the patient in the shot. C-Flex AP-Vantage provides the cleanest possible cervical images on an OR table. Artifact-Free AP Shots... Better Than Radiolucent! The system can be used for both anterior and posterior cervical surgeries, it includes an OR table adaptor (with carbon fiber rails) and the C-Flex head positioner. All the benefits of C-Flex for the OR table with a variety of different head attachments. Ideal for use with Odontoid Screws, Cervical Fusion, and Artificial Cervical Discs. Artifact-Free Zone s!RTIFACT&REE)MAGING2ADIOLUCENT s3QUEEZE0OSITIONWITH#&LEX s1UICK%ASY)NTRAOPERATIVE!DJUSTMENT s!DDED3TABILITYWITH/PTIONAL,EG s$EVICE7EIGHTLBSKG sLBSKG0ATIENT7EIGHT,IMIT s7ORKSWITHTHE-AYlELD3KULL#LAMPAND-AYlELD(ORSESHOE s&ITS/24ABLESWITH/UTSIDE2AIL7IDTHv1⁄2” (508 mm - 648 mm) s&ITS!NY!CCESSORY2AIL4YPE53%55+$ENYERAND*APANESE #A-70110 C-Flex AP-Vantage (with C-Flex System) #A-70111 C-Flex AP-Vantage (without C-Flex System) What’s Included Odontoid Screw 16 Concord Position C-Flex Polar Head Positioner System #A-70700 C-Flex AP-Vantage OR Table Adaptor #A-70115 1 Included $8,995 C-Flex AP-Vantage WO#&LEX3YSTEM! OR Head Positioner C-Flex AP-Vantage (with C-Flex System) #A-70110 $23,995 C-Flex 45° Head Module #A-70118 1 Included (Replacement Price: $550) C-Flex Traction Bar #A-70117 1 Included (Replacement Price: $400) C-Flex AP-Vantage Leg #A-70116 (Replacement Price: $600) Optional Leg 17 C-Flex Clean Cape Disposables Comfort Covers are for use with wingsets and are designed to address skin integrity concerns for patients in the prone position. They are comprised of a moisture-absorbing foam, with a low shear, Tyvek® backing. s,ATEXFREE s3INGLEUSE Disposable cover to protect the C-Flex from fluids and other contaminants. C-Prone Head Positioner The Contour Cover Disposable is for use with the Contour Breast Positioner, with an adjustable cup to fit large breasted patients. The unique design addresses skin integrity concerns for female patients in the prone position. It is comprised of moisture-absorbing foam, with a low shear, Tyvek backing. Comes as a set with two comfort cover wingset disposables. s,ATEXFREE s3INGLEUSE Contour Breast Positioner Cover Disposables (Case of 5 Sets) $80 $300 Contour Cover Disposables #A-70271 C-Flex Clean Cape Disposables (Case of 10) $400 s0RONEHEADPOSITIONER s&OLDAWAYMIRROR s6ERTICALANDROTATIONALADJUSTMENT s%YESFREEFROMPRESSURE sLBSKGPATIENTWEIGHTCAPACITY s%ASYAIRWAYACCESS s&ITS!LLEN&LEX&RAMEAND*ACKSONSPINEFRAME #A-70300 C-Prone Head Positioner What’s Included Comfort Covers (Case of 5 Four Piece Sets) #A-70702 C-Prone Head Positioner #A-70300 What’s Required #A-70260 Comfort Mask Disposables #A-70310 1 Case of 5 $150 Case $3,499 Comfort Mask Disposables #A-70310 Includes 1 Case of 5 Comfort Mask Disposables Supine Top Set Comfort Mask Disposables are for use with C-Prone and C-Flex. It is designed to avoid pressure on the eyes while cradling to the face of patients in the prone position. They are comprised of a cosmetic, moisture-absorbing foam that is soft on the face and addresses skin integrity concerns. s,ATEXFREE s3INGLEUSE Radiolucent sections that convert an open spine frame to a solid imaging surface. 500 lbs. (227 kg) patient weight capacity. $3,395 Supine Top Set #A-70400 4 Included (30.5 cm (12") top sections) 12" Supine Top Set Pads, 2" (5 cm) Thickness #A-70434 4 Required $249 Each OR $150 Supine Top Set What’s Included Comfort Mask Disposables (Case of 5) #A-70400 What’s Required #A-70310 18 Spine Comfort Cover Disposables 12" Supine Top Set Pads, 3" (7.6 cm) Thickness #A-70435 4 Required $249 Each 19 1UICKCONNECTMOUNTFORATTACHINGARMSUPPORTSTOASPINEFRAME 400 lbs. (181 kg) patient weight capacity. #A-70500 Armboard Rail #A-70610 $699 Specify Rail Type #A-70501 (US) #A-70501-EU (Eur) #A-70501-UK (UK) #A-70510 Flex Frame OR Table Clamp Set (Includes Left and Right Clamps) $999 Specify Rail Type #A-70510-DEN (Denyer) #A-70510-JP (Jpn) Prone Spinal Leg Pad Mount retractors anywhere on the carbon fiber frame. Doublelength mount for attaching multiple accessories to a spine frame. LBSKGPATIENTWEIGHTCAPACITY,ENGTHOFRAILIS (43.2 cm). Thigh and leg pad for raising the legs and relieving pressure on the HIPSCMTHICK #A-70441 Long Accessory Rail Flex Frame Armboard Rail #A-70500 (US), #A-70500 (Eur), #A-70500 (UK), #A-70500 (Jpn), #A-70500 (Denyer) 1 Required $499 Each Mounts for connecting the Allen Flex Frame to any standard OR table. #A-70510 (US) #A-70510-EU (Eur) #A-70510-UK (UK) #A-70501-DEN (Denyer) #A-70501-JP (Jpn) Flex Frame Long Accessory Rail #A-70502 Easy Lock Socket #A-40022 (US), #A-40023 (Eur), #A-40024 (UK), #A-40030 (Jpn) 1 Required $299 Each $699 Flex Frame OR Table Clamp Set Mount retractors anywhere on the carbon fiber frame. Rigid mount for attaching any standard rail accessory to a spine frame. Ideal for retractors and arm supports. 500 lbs. (227 kg) patient weight CAPACITY,ENGTHOFRAILISCM Short Accessory Rail Prone Arm Support (Sold Individually) What’s Required #A-70500-JP (Jpn) #A-70500-DEN (Denyer) Flex Frame Short Accessory Rail #A-70501 s0RONEANDLATERALARMSUPPORT s#ONTOUREDHANDREST s&REEULNARNERVE s,OWPROlLE sLBSKGPATIENTWEIGHTCAPACITY $499 Specify Rail Type #A-70500 (US) #A-70500-EU (Eur) #A-70500-UK (UK) Spine Prone Arm Support Flex Frame Armboard Rail Prone Spinal Pad - 5" Thickness $599 $1,499 Specify Rail Type #A-70502 (US) #A-70502-EU (Eur) #A-70502-UK (UK) 20 #A-70502-DEN (Denyer) #A-70502-JP (Jpn) 21 PAL Pro® #A-10052 PAL® Better #A-10023 Y Y Y Yellofin® (without Lift-Assist) N #O-YFSI SAM III™ #A-10024 Adjustable Length N Y All Positions in Range Y All Positions in Range Y All Positions in Range Y All Positions in Range Y 10 Positions in Range +90, -35 +90, -22 Y All Positions in Range Y All Positions in Range Y All Positions in Range Y +90, -22 +90, -35 Fixed Abduction Track Y All Positions in Range Y +25, -9 +25, -9 +25, -9 +25, -9 Fixed Track FOR lithotomy +25, -9 Fixed Track Y 800 lbs. (on rod) (363 kg) Y 500 lbs. (on rod) (227 kg) Y 350 lbs. (on rod) (159 kg) Y 350 lbs. (on handle) (159 kg) Y 350 lbs. (on handle) (159 kg) Y 350 lbs. (on rod) (159 kg) Y +90, -26 Fixed Abduction Track FOR Lithotomy (on rod joint) N N N N N N N N N N N N #A-10008-F Basic Stirrups #A-10001-F Good Better 350 lbs. (159 kg) 350 lbs. (159 kg) 350 lbs. (159 kg) Best N Y $7,249 N Y $5,795 N Y $5,245 Y N $5,495 Y N $4,745 N Y $4,245 N N $3,745 N N $2,499 N N $1,799 Gynecology / Laparoscopy / Urology Abduction Range Abduction Adjustment (From Sterile Field) Lithotomy Adjustment (From Sterile Field) +90, -35 Y All Positions in Range Price #O-YFASI Y All Positions in Range +84, -33 Protective Fin Design Yellofin® Good Y #O-YFES Y All Positions in Range Mechanism Cover Best Yellofin® Elite Y Patient Weight Limit #O-UFAS Lithotomy Indicator Ultrafin® Lithotomy Adjustment (From Sterile Field) Product Lift Mechanism Stirrup Selection & Comparison Chart //PTIONAL * Extended Warranty Program For Stirrups - U.S. Only Keep your stirrups functioning like new for 4 full years! Allen Medical will extend the original warranty for an additional two years (4 years total) for the stirrup hardware. This program will ensure that the covered stirrup functions properly for 4 years from the date of purchase at no additional cost. Warranty Extension continues the original stirrup warranty for two years. This does not include boot pads purchased in conjunction with the stirrup or as part of the original stirrup. See page 101 for more information on Allen Medical System’s Warranty Program. 22 23 Easily Accommodates Patients with Larger Calves! Note: Stirrups are Sold in Pairs. The Ultrafin Stirrup is an upgrade of the Yellofin Stirrup. The reinforced rod and joint assembly and the flexible boot make the system capable of positioning a patient weighing up to 800 lbs. (363 kg). Though designed for large patients, the Ultrafin Stirrup is still appropriate for use with the general patient population. sLBSKG0ATIENT7EIGHT#APACITY – Support lithotomy positioning for very large patients. s&LEXIBLE"OOT– Boot comfortably conforms to the calf shape of the patient while providing support. - Fin design helps reduce pressure under the popliteal fossa and superficial peroneal nerve. - Flexible boot allows these stirrups to be standardized throughout the facility. s&LOATING"OOT – Self adjusting boot minimizes pressure on the calf, when moving the stirrup. Gynecology / Laparoscopy / Urology Ultrafin® Stirrups s,IFT!SSIST– Allows easy movement of the leg when placing it in the desired position. s5LTRAlN#LAMSHELL0AD– Completely encapsulates the foot, ankle and calf for comfortable and secure positioning for both large and small patients. s3QUEEZE'RIP(ANDLE – Provides easy intraoperative adjustment without compromising the sterile field. Simply release the handle to secure the leg holder in all directions. s,ITHOTOMY2ANGE – Set the stirrup in any position between +84° to –33° lithotomy. s!BDUCTION2ANGE – Set the stirrup in any position between +25° to –9° abduction. s,ITHOTOMY,ENGTH)NDICATORS – Help ensure precise positioning. Flexible Boot 24 What’s Included $7,249 Ultrafin Stirrups #O-UFAS 1 Pair Ultrafin Clamshell Pad #O-AMA65S0.6S 1 Pair (Replacement Price: $799) What’s Required Clamshell Pad Shown 5LTRAlN3TIRRUPS Easy Lock Blade Clamp #A-40040 (US), #A-40041 (Eur), #A-40042 (UK), #A-40043 (Jpn) 2 Required, Specify Rail Type $279 Each Safety Drape #A-22000 Case of 10 Pairs $179 Case What’s Optional /5&!3 Stirrup Cart #A-30015 $695 Uro Catcher System #O-UC4 (US), #O-UC4E (Eur), #O-UC4UK (UK) (See Page 37 for More Info) $395 Extended Warranty #A-XWARUF Available in US Only $799 25 Simultaneous Lithotomy and Abduction! Note: Stirrups are Sold in Pairs. The Yellofin Stirrup represents the gold standard in lithotomy positioning. Yellofin Stirrups allow for easy adjustment of abduction and lithotomy while maintaining the sterile field. The boot design reduces pressure under the popliteal fossa and the superficial peroneal nerve. The Yellofin enables safe and easy positioning while providing enhanced surgical site access. Easily Grip and Squeeze... s"OOT$ESIGNn Fin design helps reduce pressure under the popliteal fossa and superficial peroneal nerve. s&LOATING"OOTnSelf-adjusting boot minimizes pressure on the calf, when moving the stirrup. s,IFT!SSISTnAllows easy movement of the leg when placing it in the desired position. s9ELLOlN2EUSABLE0ADnCompletely encapsulates the foot, ankle and calf for comfortable and secure positioning. Gynecology / Laparoscopy / Urology Yellofin® Stirrups s3QUEEZE'RIP(ANDLEnProvides easy intra-operative adjustment without compromising the sterile field. Simply release the handle to secure the leg holder in all directions. s,ITHOTOMYRANGEnSet the stirrup in any position between +90° to –35° lithotomy. s!BDUCTION2ANGEnSet the stirrup in any position between +25° to –9° abduction. s,ITHOTOMY,ENGTH)NDICATORSnVisual indicators that help ensure precise positioning. ...Raise and Abduct... /9&%3 $5,745 /9&!3) 9ELLOlNWITH,IFT!SSISTLBSKG#APACITY $5,245 /9&3) $4,245 Easy Lock Blade Clamp #A-40040 (US), #A-40041 (Eur), #A-40042 (UK), #A-40043 (Jpn) 2 Required, Specify Rail Type $279 Each Safety Drape #A-22000 Case of 10 Pairs $179 Case Stirrup Cart #A-30015 $695 Uro Catcher System #O-UC4 (US), #O-UC4E (Eur), #O-UC4UK (UK) (See Page 37 for More Info) $395 Extended Warranty #A-XWARYFPRO Available in US Only $699 Yellofin with Lift-Assist #O-YFASI 1 Pair OR Yellofin Reusable Pad #O-AMA68S0.6S 1 Pair Required $569 Pair OR Choose A Product Yellofin Elite with Lift-Assist #O-YFES 1 Pair What’s Required 9ELLOlNWITHOUT,IFT!SSISTLBSKG#APACITY What’s Optional Any Position. 9ELLOlN%LITEWITH,IFT!SSISTLBSKG#APACITY Yellofin without Lift-Assist #O-YFSI 1 Pair Squeeze and Position 26 27 The Power of Safety and Control at Your Fingertips! Note: Stirrups are Sold in Pairs. The PAL Pro Stirrup is the highest level stirrup utilizing a standard boot. The stirrup allows for easy adjustment of abduction and lithotomy while maintaining the sterile field. The PAL Pro is differentiated from the Yellofin Stirrup by boot design, optional integrated clamps, mechanism cover, the type of hand control and lithotomy indicator. s&LOATING"OOTnSelf adjusting standard boot minimizes pressure on the calf, when moving the stirrup. s,IFT!SSISTnAllows easy movement of the leg when placing it in the desired position. s(ANDLEnProvides easy intra-operative adjustment without compromising the sterile field. Simply release the handle to secure the leg holder in all directions. s,ITHOTOMYRANGEnSet the stirrup in any position between +90° to –22° lithotomy. s!BDUCTION2ANGEnSet the stirrup in any position between +25° to –9° abduction. Gynecology / Laparoscopy / Urology PAL Pro® Stirrups s,ITHOTOMY,ENGTH)NDICATORSnVisual indicators help ensure precise positioning. s-ECHANISM#OVERn Easier to clean the stirrup between cases. s/PTIONAL)NTEGRATED#LAMPnNo risk of losing clamps. sLBSKG0ATIENT7EIGHT#APACITY #A-10051 PAL Pro with Integral Clamp, for US Rail Only $5,795 #A-10052 PAL Pro without Integral Clamp $5,495 PAL Pro without integral clamp #A-10052 1 Pair PAL Pro with integral clamp, US rail only #A-10051 1 Pair What’s Optional What’s Required OR What’s Included With Integral Clamp (US Only) 28 Note: PAL Pro with integral clamp does not require an Easy Lock Blade Clamp Easy Lock Blade Clamp #A-40040 (US), #A-40041 (Eur), #A-40042 (UK), #A-40043 (Jpn) 2 Required, Specify Rail Type $279 Each FootHugger Boot Pad #A-10028-C 1 Pair Required $399 Pair Safety Drape #A-22000 Case of 10 Pairs $179 Case Polymer Gel Boot Pads #A-10026 1 Pair $203 Pair Egg Crate Foam #A-10150 Case of 10 Pairs $149 Case Top Foam Pads #A-10027 Case of 10 Pairs $89 Case Stirrup Cart #A-30015 $695 Uro Catcher System #O-UC4 (US), #O-UC4E (Eur), #O-UC4UK (UK) (See Page 37 for More Info) $395 Ext. Warranty #A-XWARYFPRO Available in US Only $699 Velcro Straps for Stirrups #A-10319 (Set of 4) $49 Set #A-10300 (Set of 6) $69 Set 29 Adjustable Length Stirrups PAL Stirrups deliver many of the great features of the PAL Pro but with controlled abduction. The abduction safety zone is estimated TOBEUPTO FROMMIDLINEANDTHE0!,3TIRRUPSABDUCTAT as they are elevated. Adjustable rod permits independent adjustment of length and knee mEXION4ELESCOPESFROMTOCMTOCM0ATENTED Allen adjustable clamping mechanism. Molded boot floats to minimize pressure on the calf. s0OWERASSISTMECHANISMISPROTECTEDBYRIGIDDURABLECOVER s)NDEXEDRODSTOAIDINDUPLICATINGPOSITIONING Adjustable Length Stirrups (1 Pair) $2,499 Safety Drape #A-22000 Case of 10 Pairs $179 Case What’s Required FootHugger Boot Pads #A-10028-C 1 Pair Required $399 Pair Stirrup Cart #A-30015 $695 Uro Catcher System #O-UC4 (US), #O-UC4E (Eur), #O-UC4UK (UK) (See Page 37 for More Info) $395 Ext. Warranty #A-XWARPALSAM Available in US Only $599 Stirrup Cart #A-30015 $695 Easy Lock Socket #A-40022 (US), #A-40023 (Eur), #A-40024 (UK), #A-40030 (Jpn) 2 Required, Specify Rail Type $299 Each OR Easy Lock Socket #A-40022 (US), #A-40023 (Eur), #A-40024 (UK), #A-40030 (Jpn) 2 Required, Specify Rail Type $299 Each Choose FootHugger Boot Pads #A-10028-C 1 Pair Required $399 Pair What’s Optional $4,745 What’s Required PAL Stirrups (1 Pair) What’s Optional #A-10023 #A-10008-F Tri-Clamp #A-40016 (US), #A-40016E (Eur) 2 Required, Specify Rail Type $299 Each Gynecology / Laparoscopy / Urology PAL® Stirrups Safety Drape #A-22000 Qty: Case of 10 Pairs $179 Case Velcro Straps for Stirrups #A-10319 (Set of 4) $49 Set #A-10300 (Set of 6) $69 Set Note: Stirrups are Sold in Pairs. SAM™ III Stirrups Basic Stirrups Easy, repeatable lithotomy positioning at a economical price. Just lift and the SAM III Stirrup clicks into place. Original Allen boot stirrup with patented adjustable clamping assembly locks motion in four directions with single handle for easy, one-step adjustment. Basic Stirrups are economical, and the molded boot floats to minimize pressure on the calf. s4ENLITHOTOMYLEVELSINDEXEDRODSANDAUTOABDUCTIONPROVIDE repeatable leg symmetry s3LIMPROlLEANDCOMPACTRODSDONOTOBSTRUCTWORKAREA s,IGHTWEIGHTDESIGNFOREASYHANDLING 30 Basic Stirrups (1 Pair) $1,799 Safety Drape #A-22000 Case of 10 Pairs $179 Case What’s Required FootHugger Boot Pads #A-10028-C 1 Pair Required $399 Pair Stirrup Cart #A-30015 $695 Uro Catcher System #O-UC4 (US), #O-UC4E (Eur), #O-UC4UK (UK) (See Page 37 for More Info) $395 Ext. Warranty #A-XWARPALSAM Available in US Only $599 Stirrup Cart #A-30015 $695 Easy Lock Socket #A-40022 (US), #A-40023 (Eur), #A-40024 (UK), #A-40030 (Jpn) 2 Required, Specify Rail Type $299 Each Velcro Straps for Stirrups #A-10319 (Set of 4) $49 Set #A-10300 (Set of 6) $69 Set OR Easy Lock Socket #A-40022 (US), #A-40023 (Eur) #A-40024 (UK), #A-40030 (Jpn) 2 Required, Specify Rail Type $299 Each Choose FootHugger Boot Pads #A-10028-C 1 Pair Required $399 Pair What’s Optional $3,745 What’s Required SAM III Stirrups (1 Pair) What’s Optional #A-10024 #A-10001-F Tri-Clamp #A-40016 (US), A-40016E (Eur) 2 Required, Specify Rail Type $299 Each Safety Drape #A-22000 Case of 10 Pairs $179 Case 31 Cysto-Lift Knee Crutch An improved “Candy Cane” design with greater leg clearance. Constructed of stainless steel for smooth operation and improved reliability. Strong rotation lock prevents slippage and permits VERTICALADJUSTMENTFROMTOCMTOCM3UPPORTS up to a 300 lbs. (136 kg) patient. Supports up to a 350 lbs. (159 kg) patient. Incorporates our patented stirrup technology allowing for simple and easy positioning of the leg during surgery. No need to access the siderail socket to make leg position changes. One convenient HANDLECONTROLSLEVELOFLITHOTOMYANDABDUCTIONADDUCTIONWHILE maintaining the sterile field. The unique “Lift Assist” neutralizes leg weight allowing even the smallest nurse to easily handle individual legs weighing up to 100 lbs. (45 kg)! Doughy soft pad reduces popliteal pressure. Integral siderail clamp makes attachment to the siderail of any cysto table a snap. Boot type stirrups are strongly recommended for longer procedures. Supports up to a 159 kg (350 lbs.) patient. Support Pole Pads #O-TSPP 1 Pair $79 Pair Heel Cups #O-HC 1 Pair $110 Pair Replacement Straps #P-AMA42X0.1Y-A $9 Each $3,995 Cysto-Lift Knee Crutch #O-CLK Cysto-Lift Knee Crutch Pad #P-AMA06A0.6S (Replacement Cost: $119 Each) Easy Lock Blade Clamp #A-40040 (US), #A-40041 (Eur), #A-40042 (UK), #A-40043 (Jpn) 1 Required, Specify Rail Type $279 Each Rail Clamp #O-RC2 (US), #O-RC2XUK (Eur/UK), #O-RC2XD (Denyer) #O-RC29X32MM (Jpn), #O-RCS (Swiss) 1 Required, Specify Rail Type $89 Each Uro Catcher System #O-UC4 (US), #O-UC4E (Eur), #O-UC4UK (UK) (See Page 37 for More Info) $395 Stirrup Cart #A-30015 $695 Pee-Wee™ Stirrups Simplicity™ Knee Crutch Comfortable, secure leg positioning for the pediatric patient. Legholder length and lithotomy adjustments are easily made via single adjustment handle. Pliable infant boots are lined with a doughy soft pad and conform to any foot. Tilt and angle adjustments for the foot are controlled by a locking mechanism on the boot. Attaches to the side rail of any surgical table. Appropriate for use with most children ages 1-7 years. Supports up to a 160 lbs. (73 kg) patient. Provides excellent patient comfort and precise surgical positioning for short duration procedures. Doughy soft pad reduces popliteal pressure. One easy to use handle provides vertical adjustment FROMTOCMTOCMAND HORIZONTALROTATION Supports up to a 400 lbs. (181 kg) patient. Includes Velcro strap for security. #O-KCP Stirrup Cart #A-30015 $695 Replacement Pads #P-AMA101XO.6S $132 Pair Easy Lock Socket #A-40022 (US), #A-40023 (Eur), #A-40024 (UK), #A-40030 (Jpn) 2 Required, Specify Rail Type $299 Each Replacement Pads #O-KCPP 1 Pair $200 Pair OR What’s Required Pads Included What’s Optional Pads Included Easy Lock Socket #A-40022 (US), #A-40023 (Eur), #A-40024 (UK), #A-40030 (Jpn) 2 Required, Specify Rail Type $299 Each Simplicity Knee Crutch (1 Pair) $899 $2,495 Choose A Clamp Pee-Wee Stirrups (1 Pair) What’s Optional #O-PWS 32 Cysto-Lift Knee Crutch (1 Pair) What’s Included Stirrup Cart #A-30015 $695 #O-CLK OR Tri-Clamp #A-40016 (US), #A-40016E (Eur) 2 Required, Specify Rail Type $299 Each Choose A Clamp Easy Lock Socket #A-40022 (US), #A-40023 (Eur), #A-40024 (UK), #A-40030 (Jpn) 2 Required, Specify Rail Type $299 Each $749 What’s Optional What’s Optional 1UICK2ELEASE Heel Cup The Twister (1 Pair) OR Choose A Clamp #O-LHPCCA Gynecology / Laparoscopy / Urology The Twister™ Device Tri-Clamp #A-40016 (US), #A-40016E (Eur) 2 Required, Specify Rail Type $299 Each 33 FootHugger™ Boot Pads Secure patients from sliding during steep reverse Trendelenburg procedures such as Nissen Fundoplication. Conductive straps encircle each upper thigh with a broad soft pad. Airplane style buckle PERMITSCONVENIENTLENGTHADJUSTMENT0ADISCMWIDE ANDCMLONG3TRAPSAREADJUSTABLEUPTOCM Convenient design. Each pad completely envelops patient’s foot in memory foam, guarding against potential pressure points as FOOTLEGISREPOSITIONED%LIMINATESNEEDFORSEPARATETOPPADAND Velcro straps. These pads will fit our PAL Pro, PAL, SAM III, Allen Adjustable Length and Allen Universal Stirrups. #O-NTS Nissen Strap (US, 1 Pair) $999 #A-10028-C #O-NTSE Nissen Strap (Eur, 1 Pair) $999 FootHugger (1 Pair) $399 Integral Clamps Shoulder Supports Clamshell Boot Pads Support without direct pressure on the brachial plexus, protecting against nerve damage. Ideal for procedures requiring Trendelenburg. Includes thick foam padding with our flexible cover. Supports up to a 500 lbs. (227 kg) patient. These replacement boot pads will fit in our Direct Placement Stirrup, Banana Boot™ Stirrup, Basic Stirrup, Infinity Stirrup, Infinimax Stirrup, and Well-Leg Holder. #A-63500 #AMA62S0.6S Replacement Pad (Left) #63501000 $223 Each $999 Clamshell Boot Pads (1 Pair) $479 Universal Accessory Clamp #A-40015 (US) 1 Pair Required Specify Rail Type $149 Each OR Choose A Clamp Easy Lock Blade Clamp #A-40040 (US), #A-40041 (Eur), #A-40042 (UK), #A-40043 (Jpn) 1 Pair Required, Specify Rail Type $279 Each What’s Optional Shoulder Supports (1 Pair) Gynecology / Laproscopy / Urology Nissen Strap/Thigh Retractor Replacement Pad (Right) #63502000 $223 Each Polymer Gel Boot Pads Table Width Extender 4" (10 cm) Increases the support surface for larger patients. Clips easily with integral locking mechanism to the rail. Can be used individually or in MULTIPLESTOCREATEACUSTOMPLATFORM3UPPORTSURFACEMEASURES XCMXCM3UPPORTSUPTOALBSKGPATIENT Includes side rail for mounting stirrup clamps, armboards, and other accessories. Call Customer Service for replacement pad info. Table Width Extender 4" (10 cm) Integral Rail Clamp 34 Polymer gel pad protects patient's feet and lower leg against pressure points. The cuffs secure the pad to your Allen stirrups (purchased separately), eliminating set-up, transport and storage hassles. Easy to clean. #A-10026 Polymer Gel Boot Pads (1 Pair) $203 $329 US Rail Eur Rail UK Rail #O-TWE1 with 1" Pad #O-TWE2 with 2" Pad #O-TWE3 with 3" Pad #O-TWE4 with 4" Pad #O-TWE1E with 2.5 cm Pad #O-TWE2E with 5 cm Pad #O-TWE3E with 7.6 cm Pad #O-TWE4E with 10 cm Pad #O-TWE1UK with 2.5 cm Pad #O-TWE2UK with 5 cm Pad #O-TWE3UK with 7.6 cm Pad #O-TWE4UK with 10 cm Pad 35 Uro Catcher® Disposable egg crate foam protects patient's feet and lower legs against pressure points. Disposable is great for easy clean-up. Provides excellent fluid containment for hysteroscopy or cysto procedures on any table. Flexible drape support frame provides unobstructed surgeon access during manipulation and springs back to its original state to facilitate optimal fluid drainage. Mounts easily with integral rail clamps to side rails and maintains its funnel shape. #A-10150 Egg Crate Foam (Case of 10 Pairs) $149 #O-UC4 Uro Catcher System (US) $395 #O-UC4E Uro Catcher System (Eur) $395 #O-UC4UK Uro Catcher System (UK) $395 Disposables Sold Separately Safety Drape Uro Catcher Drapes Transparent window provides visual continuous assessment of the patient’s leg during the operative procedure without breaking the sterile field. Packaged sterile. Open mesh filter allows for fast drainage of fluids. The flexible drain hose is compatible with all suction systems for accurate fluid measurement and metering. Velcro securement eliminates the need to use tape. Durable, latex-free drape has flexible hose. Length of TUBINGISCMEXTENDEDCMCOMPRESSED Tubing diameter is 7⁄8CM $IMENSIONSXCMXCM #A-22000 Safety Drape (Case of 10 Pairs) Gynecology / Laparoscopy / Urology Egg Crate Foam $179 #O-UC31 Sterile Drape (Case of 10) $135 #O-UC32 Non-sterile Drape (Case of 10) $115 Open Mesh Clear View™ Drape Brachytherapy Drapes for Uro Catcher Clearly and safely monitor the leg during intraoperative adjustments. Packaged sterile. Our ultra-fine mesh trap is designed to catch even very small particles while allowing fluid to drain through. The flexible drain hose is compatible with all suction systems for accurate fluid measurement and metering. Velcro securement eliminates the need to use tape. Durable, latex-free drape has flexible hose. Length of TUBINGISCMEXTENDEDCMCOMPRESSED Tubing diameter is 7⁄8CM #O-CVD Clear View Drape (Case of 10 Pairs) $129 #A-50008 Sterile Drape (Case of 10) $149 #A-50007 Non-sterile Drape (Case of 10) $129 Ultra-Fine Mesh 36 37 All of the Allen Beach Chairs feature free sliding head positioners to protect the patient’s neck when raising and lowering the table. Fold-away shoulder wings remove completely for unobstructed shear-free access to the operative shoulder. Orthopedics Allen Beach Chair Selection and Comparison Chart Table-Powered - On powered OR tables, the Table-Powered Beach Chair utilizes the table’s foot section to raise and lower the patient. Lift-Assist - On non-powered OR tables, the Lift-Assist Beach Chair reduces the effort required to raise and lower the patient. Allen Lift-Assist Beach Chair Allen Manual Lift Beach Chair Range of Motion 0° - 90° 0° - 90° 15° - 90° Positions All positions within range All positions within range Fixed Positions 15°, 38°, 60°, 75°, 90° Lift Mechanism Lift-Assist Power from table foot section Manual Clamps Integrated Separate Integrated Patient Weight Limit 500 lbs. (227 kg) 400 lbs. (181 kg) 400 lbs. (181 kg) Table Width Range 20 ⁄8" - 24 ⁄8" (52.4 cm - 63.2 cm) 21 ⁄8" - 23" (54.3 cm - 58.4 cm) 213⁄8" - 213⁄4" (54.3 cm - 55.2 cm) Part Number #A-91000 #A-90000 #O-SC or #O-SCFP 5 38 Allen Table-Powered Beach Chair 7 3 39 Orthopedics Lift-Assist Beach Chair Make Positioning Easy. Use Lift-Assist One-Handed Positioning. The Lift-Assist Beach Chair is the latest and most advanced option from Allen Medical Systems for positioning during shoulder procedures. The product offers unobstructed posterior access, and repositioning the patient is quick and easy. The lift-assist design allows for nearly effortless positioning as the pistons support most of the patient’s weight. Integral Clamps! s#HOICEIN0OSITIONINGPositioner attaches next to either break of the surgical table seat section Unobstructed Posterior and Lateral Access s,IFT!SSISTDramatically reduces the effort to lift heavy patients sLBSKG7EIGHT#APACITYHelps position larger patients s)NTEGRATED#LAMPSWITH(ANDLES Makes it easier to set-up s%NHANCED7IDTH%XTENSION 205⁄8" - 247⁄8" (52.4 cm - 63.2 cm). Allows chair to mount on a wide array of tables. s(EAD2EST$ESIGNAllows greater movement to accommodate shorter patients s5NIQUE4ABLE0AD)NTEGRATION Prevents gapping between the pad and chair s3LIDING(EADREST Reduces stress on neck when raising and lowering the patient s%XPANDED3URGICAL!CCESSLarge cut-out for excellent surgical access s,IGHTWEIGHT Under 30 lbs. (14 kg) allowing for a single-person setup s!RTICULATION2ANGE0° - 90° Lift-Assist Pistons Make Positioning Patients Easy 40 FlexiForm Head Rest Pad #A-90019 1 Case of 10 $129 Case LPS Arm Support #A-90002 1 Required $599 Each Arm Platform #A-90007 1 Required $499 Each Beach Chair Cart #A-90100 (US), #A-90100E (Eur), #A-90100 (UK) Specify Rail Type $695 Reusable Security Strap #A-90003 1 Included Easy Lock Socket #A-40022 (US), #A-40023 (Eur), #A-40024 (UK), #A-40030 (Jpn) 1 Required, Specify Rail Type $299 Each OR FlexiForm Head Rest #A-90017 1 Required $999 OR Reusable Pad Set #A-90020 1 Included AND Counter Traction Counter-Traction Strap #A-90015 1 Required $449 Each AND What’s Included Lift-Assist Beach Chair #A-91000 (US), #A-91000E (Eur), #A-91000D (Denyer), #A-91000UK (UK) Specify Rail Type Choose a Headrest What’s Required $4,599 Choose an Arm Support Chair Lies Flat for Clear Anesthesia Access Lift-Assist Beach Chair What’s Optional #A-91000 Standard Head Rest #A-90016 1 Required $699 Easy Lock Socket #A-40022 (US), #A-40023 (Eur), #A-40024 (UK), #A-40030 (Jpn) 1 Required, Specify Rail Type $299 Each Shoulder Access System #A-92000 (US), #A-92000E (Eur), #A-92000D (Denyer), #A-92000UK (UK) Specify Rail Type $4,995 41 Orthopedics Table-Powered Beach Chair Use the Power of Your OR Table. The Table-Powered Beach Chair easily attaches to the leg section of your surgical table and positions the patient using the power of the table! Supports up to a 400 lbs. (181 kg) patient. Effortlessly POSITIONSPATIENTSTHROUGHOUTTHE ARTICULATIONRANGE s0OWER,IFTUtilizes the power of the surgical table to raise and lower the chair sLBSKG7EIGHT#APACITY Accommodates most patients s3LIDING(EADRESTReduces stress on the neck when raising and lowering the patient Unobstructed Lateral Access s7IDTH%XTENSIONAdjustable width - fits all surgical tables 213⁄8" to 23" (54.3 cm - 58.4 cm) wide s(EAD2EST$ESIGNAllows greater movement to accommodate shorter patients s5NIQUE4ABLE0AD)NTEGRATION Prevents gapping between the pad and chair s3LIDING(EADREST Reduces stress on neck when raising and lowering the patient s%XPANDED3URGICAL!CCESSLarge cut-out for excellent surgical access s!RTICULATION2ANGE0° - 90° FlexiForm Head Rest #A-90017 1 Required $999 FlexiForm™ Head Rest Pad #A-90019 1 Case of 10 $129 Case LPS Arm Support #A-90002 1 Required $599 Each Easy Lock Socket #A-40022 (US), #A-40023 (Eur), #A-40024 (UK), #A-40030 (Jpn) 1 Required, Specify Rail Type $299 Each AND Beach Chair Cart #A-90100 (US), #A-90100E (Eur), #A-90100 (UK) Specify Rail Type $695 Reusable Pad Set A-90020 1 Included Reusable Security Strap A-90003 1 Included Counter-Traction Brace #A-90001 1 Required $449 Easy Lock Socket #A-40022 (US), #A-40023 (Eur), #A-40024 (UK), #A-40030 (Jpn) 1 Required, Specify Rail Type $299 Each OR AND Counter Traaction Counter-Traction Strap #A-90015 1 Required $449 OR What’s Included What’s Required Beach Chair Clamp #A-90013 (US), #A-90014 (Eur/UK) 1 Pair Required Specify Rail Type $149 Each What’s Optional 42 $3,995 Table-Powered Beach Chair A-90000 Arm Support What’s Required Chair Lies Flat Table-Powered Beach Chair Choose a Headrest #A-90000 Standard Head Rest #A-90016 1 Required $699 Shoulder Access System #A-92000 (US), #A-92000E (Eur), #A-92000D (Denyer), #A-92000UK (UK) Specify Rail Type $4,995 43 Spend Your Time on the Procedure, Not the Positioning! Unobstructed Access Unlimited Surgical Site Access in the Sterile Field Orthopedics Shoulder Access System The Allen Shoulder Access System delivers effortless arm positioning for shoulder surgery in the Beach Chair position. By indexing at the elbow, the device is able to gain complete positioning control of the shoulder joint. The revolutionary patent pending design allows the entire device to be steam sterilized and provides an unprecedented level of access to the surgical site. The device also has the capability of achieving a semi-locked state, allowing the surgeon to simply move the arm where they want it without having to adjust the tension. Effortless Positioning Ideal for use with all arthroscopic procedures including Rotator Cuff Repair, SLAP Lesion Repair, Bankart Repair, and Capsular Release. s%FFORTLESSPOSITIONINGh*UST-OVE)TvSEMILOCKEDSTATEALLOWSREPOSITIONINGWITHOUT tension adjustment s#ONNECTSOVERTHEDRAPEINTHESTERILEZONE s%ASYSTORAGEANDPORTABILITY s3INGLEKNOBRELEASESALLJOINTS s)NDEXATTHEELBOWFORCOMPLETECONTROL s)NTEGRAL#LAMP s4HEONLYFULLYAutoclaveable arm positioner for shoulder procedures on the market s1UICKSETUP s#LOSEACCESSTOTHESURGICALSITE s.O&OOT0EDAL.O"RUISED3HINS.O#ROWDING s$EVICEWEIGHSONLYLBSKG s#ANSUPPORTLBKGMAXIMUMPATIENTWEIGHT What’s Included Shoulder Access System #A-92000 (US), #A-92000E (Eur), #A-92000D (Denyer), #A-92000UK (UK) Specify Rail Type What’s Required External Rotation Shoulder Access System Shoulder Access System Sterile Disposables #A-92001 Case of 10 $500 What’s Optional #A-92000 Lift-Assist Beach Chair #A-91000 (US), #A-91000E (Eur), #A-91000D (Denyer), #A-91000UK (UK) $4,599 $4,995 Table-Powered Beach Chair #A-90000 $3,995 Beach Chair Cart #A-90100 (US) #A-90100E (Eur) #A-90100 (UK) $695 Storage Position 44 45 Standard Head Rest Accommodates up to 400 lbs. (181 kg) patients! Fits specific U.S. OR tables and includes integral clamps. This ergonomic head rest comfortably cushions the patient’s head while holding it securely. It slides freely on the frame to protect the neck and spine during positioning. It has a locking ball-joint that secures the patient’s head in the desired position. Includes Pad Set which consists of two Velcro Straps, Cradle Pad, Forehead Pad and Head Pad. #O-SC Manual Lift Beach Chair $4,995 What’s Included Manual Lift Beach Chair #O-SC Manual Lift Beach Chair Pad Set #O-AMA75S1.5R-G Standard Head Rest #A-90016 1 Included Counter-Traction Strap #A-90015 1 Included What’s Optional Integral Clamps Replacement Clamp #O-CCRC $109 Each Replacement Manual Beach Chair Pad (Left) #O-SPSCSIL $176 Each Replacement Manual Beach Chair Pad (Right) #O-SPSCSIR $176 Each Beach Chair Cart #A-90100 (US), #A-90100E (Eur), #A-90100 (UK) Specify Rail Type $695 #A-90016 Standard Head Rest $699 #A-90030 Replacement Pad Set $199 Orthopedics Manual Lift Beach Chair Arm Platform Wide base allows for comfortable positioning. Surface measures XCMXCM The flexible head rest design incorporates a vacuum bladder filled with polymer micro-beads that conform to the patient’s head. When suction is applied, the bladder maintains the shape of the patient’s face and head to create comfortable and customized stability. Velcro closures allow quick and easy head securement. This head rest is a must for maximum patient control! To protect the patient’s spine from compression during positioning, the head rest always slides freely. The locking ball joint serves to secure the head in the desired angle. 46 Replacement Bladder #C-003315 $638.40 FlexiForm Head Rest LPS Arm Support $999 Provides comfortable and convenient placement of non-operative arm. Easy access to patient I.V. and enhanced stabilization of shoulder. FlexiForm Head Rest Disposable Pads #A-90019 3 Included Replacement Straps #C-003314 $15.60 Easy Lock Socket #A-40022 (US), #A-40023 (Eur), #A-40024 (UK), #A-40030 (Jpn) 1 Required, Specify Rail Type $299 Each #A-90002 Chin Strap #C-000638 $3.42 Arm Platform Pad #P-AMA69X1.0S 1 Included (Replacement Price: $95) The Wrap-Around Pad Provides Protection and Stability. LPS Arm Support $699 What’s Included FlexiForm Head Rest Disposable Pads #A-90019 Case of 10 $129 Case #A-90017 Arm Platform #A-90007 1 Included $499 LPS Arm Support #A-90002 1 Included LPS Arm Support Pad #P-AMA74X0.6S-A 1 Included (Replacement Price: $140) What’s Required What’s Required FlexiForm Head Rest #A-90017 What’s Optional What’s Included Must be Used with FlexiForm Head Rest Pad What’s Included FlexiForm™ Head Rest Arm Platform What’s Required #A-90007 Easy Lock Socket #A-40022 (US), #A-40023 (Eur), #A-40024 (UK), #A-40030 (Jpn) 1 Required, Specify Rail Type $299 Each 47 Reusable Security Strap This disposable pad creates a more comfortable and protective environment for your patient. Available in cases of 10. Required for use with the FlexiForm Head Rest. The Security Strap secures the patient to the chair and secures the non-affected arm. #A-90003 #A-90019 FlexiForm Head Rest Pads (Case of 10) Reusable Pad Set Applied to operative side, the Counter-Traction Brace stabilizes patient for shoulder manipulation. For use with the Table-Powered Beach Chair. What’s Required Counter-Traction Brace $449 Use with the Lift-Assist or Table-Powered Beach Chair. Combines high-density foam with a durable four-way stretch cover for patient comfort and easy cleaning. #A-90020 Reusable Pad Set $499 Easy Lock Socket #A-40022 (US), #A-40023 (Eur), #A-40024 (UK), #A-40030 (Jpn) 1 Required, Specify Rail Type $299 Each Counter-Traction Strap Beach Chair Cart The Counter-Traction Strap supports the patient while they are being manipulated during surgery. Compatible with all Allen Beach Chairs. Holds and stores chair and accessories. Protect your investment. Counter-Traction Strap Easy Lock Socket #A-40022 (US), #A-40023 (Eur), #A-40024 (UK), #A-40030 (Jpn) 1 Required, Specify Rail Type $299 Each #A-90100 Beach Chair Cart (US) $695 #A-90100E Beach Chair Cart (Eur) $695 #A-90100UK Beach Chair Cart (UK) $695 $449 Accessory Hook #A-30011 $99 What’s Optional What’s Required #A-90015 48 $159 $129 Counter-Traction Brace #A-90001 Reusable Security Strap Orthopedics FlexiForm™ Head Rest Pad Disposables Single Hook #A-30012 $29 The Accessory Hook allows for faster product storage on our Beach Chair Cart. Coated prongs help protect stored product from developing scratches. Easy Lock™ design makes attachment and detachment a snap! Double Hook #A-30013 $49 49 Arm Trap Disposables The Weightless Shoulder Suspension System allows for approximate traction settings up to 40 lbs. (18.2 kg) with a simple turn of the TENSIONADJUSTMENTKNOB"OOMARMADJUSTSFROM TO 4HE boom head swivels so that its pulley always aligns properly with the cord. The system folds down for easy storage. Includes one sterile Arm Trap Disposable. Made of soft plastic mesh, the Allen Sterile Arm Trap comfortably holds any arm. Arm trap is affixed to patient with CoFlex® NL Self-Adherent Wrap (roll included). Rope loop at the top of the trap allows for easy attachment to many types of traction and suspension devices. Sterile Impervious Arm Traps come with a plastic casing to protect arm from fluid penetration. #R-644-36 Weightless Shoulder Suspension System #A-21200 Sterile Arm Traps (Case of 6) $199 #A-21205 Sterile Impervious Arm Traps (Case of 6) $229 $2,999 What’s Required Simple Clamp #A-40018 (US), #40018-UK (UK), #A-40018-DEN (Denyer) 1 Required, Specify Rail Type $279 Each What’s Optional Shown in Use Accessory Cart #A-30010 (US), #A-30010-E (Eur), #A-30010-UK (UK) Specify Rail Type $899 Orthopedics Weightless Shoulder Suspension System Arm Trap Disposables #A-21200 Sterile Arm Traps (Case of 6) $199 Case #A-21205 Sterile Impervious Arm Traps (Case of 6) $229 Case Lateral Braces Extended posts adjusts for use on patients from pediatric to bariatric. Stabilizes patients on OR tables and spinal frames for lateral (XLIF) procedures. For total hip and other procedures requiring optimum lateral stability. s "RACESAREFULLYADJUSTABLE s 3OFTPADSPROVIDESOFTCUSHIONINGOFBONYPROMINENCES s 3 WIVELHEADSCONFORMTOANATOMICALCONTOURSOFPATIENTAND can be securely locked for precise positioning Arm Traction Device 50 $1,599 What’s Required Arm Traction Device Simple Clamp #A-40018 (US), #40018-UK (UK), #A-40018-DEN (Denyer) 1 Required, Specify Rail Type $279 Each Sandbag 1 Required #A-10073 Small $61 #A-10074 Large $73 Arm Trap Disposables (Case of 6) #A-21200 Sterile Arm Traps $199 Case #A-21205 Sterile Impervious Arm Traps (Case of 6) $229 Case What’s Optional #A-20500 Accessory Cart #A-30010 (US), #A-30010-E (Eur), #A-30010-UK (UK) Specify Rail Type $899 Lateral Supports #O-LBL 1 Pair $599 Pair Lateral Brace 3 Piece Set #O-UPBL3S $1,299 Set #O-UPBL3S What’s Required Accommodates intraoperative traction up to 40 lbs. (18.2 kg) for shoulder, arm, and wrist procedures. A mechanical safety stop prevents patient injury in the event the support arm is inadvertently released. Save time and cost by using it as an arm support for both prepping and traction. Weights not included. Easy Lock Blade Clamp #A-40040 (US), #A-40041 (Eur), #A-40042 (UK), #A-40043 (Jpn) 3 Clamps Required, Specify Rail Type $279 Each What’s Optional Includes 2 Rectangular and 1 Circular Support Single Rectangular Support #O-UPBLR $499 Lateral Braces (3 Piece Set) Single Circular Support #O-UPBLC $499 $1,299 Accessory Cart #A-30010 (US), #A-30010-E (Eur), #A-30010-UK (UK) Specify Rail Type $899 51 Deluxe Arthroscopic Legholder System Grip patient’s front and back for secure lateral positioning. The supports slide in and out on positioning bar and lock securely in place with a quick twist of the knob. Each soft pressure management padded support has limited rotation to conform to the patient’s anatomy. Smooth, uni-directional locking mechanism enables the caregiver to set rigid fixation with one hand operation. The hinged upper brace accommodates all size patients while the structurally enhanced design enables the staff to apply pressure both medially and laterally. The ratchet-style securement strap easily adjusts for precise amount OFCOMPRESSION(OLDSLEGSUPTOCMINCIRCUMFERENCE Supports up to a 500 lbs. (227 kg) patient. Replacement Pad #O-AMA70X1.3S (3"x 9"x 11⁄4") $40 Each Vacu-Gel® & Vacu-Form® Lateral Positioners Stable and comfortable lateral positioning. Exclusive integral gel layer provides extra protection against pressure ulcer development in Vacu-Gel Positioner. Repair kit included. s %ASYTOOPERATEVALVEUSES1⁄4CMSUCTIONLINE s "AFmESCONTROLBEADMIGRATION s ,ARGESIZEXCMXCM s !XILLARYCUTOUT s &LAPTOCLIPINSTRUMENTSSAFELY #H-018-00-201 Vacu-Gel Lateral Positioner $699 #H-008-00-201 Vacu-Form Lateral Positioner $289 Deluxe Arthroscopic Legholder System What’s Included Accessory Cart #A-30010 (US), #A-30010-E (Eur), #A-30010-UK (UK) Specify Rail Type $899 #A-10015 Deluxe Arthroscopic Legholder System #A-10015 Leg Holder Disposable Pad #R-S4133-V 3 Included What’s Required Easy Lock Blade Clamp #A-40040 (US), #A-40041 (Eur), #A-40042 (UK), #A-40043 (Jpn) 2 Required $279 Each $599 Easy Lock Socket #A-40022 (US), #A-40023 (Eur), #A-40024 (UK), #A-40030 (Jpn) 1 Required, Specify Rail Type $299 Each Leg Holder Disposable Pad #R-S4133-V Case of 12 $215 Case What’s Optional What’s Required Product Shown on Top of Table Pad for Clarity Lateral Supports (1 Pair) What’s Optional #O-LBL Arthroscopic Well-Leg Holder #O-AWLH $999 Foam Well-Leg Holder #H-009-00-120 $330 Orthopedics Lateral Supports $1,799 Accessory Cart #A-30010 (US), #A-30010-E (Eur), #A-30010-UK (UK) Specify Rail Type $899 Classic Arthroscopic Legholder System The Arthroscopic Legholder immobilizes the thigh and allows for lower leg manipulation during knee arthroscopy. A removable slotted post facilitates the placement of the patient’s leg into the holder while the stabilizing bar restricts upper leg movement during knee manipulation. #R-734-33 Classic Arthroscopic Legholder System $2,249 52 Legholder Pad (Case of 12) $215 What’s Included #R-S4133-V Classic Arthroscopic Legholder System #R-734-33 Leg Holder Disposable Pad #R-S4133-V 3 Included What’s Required The Legholder Disposable Pad is compatible with all Allen leg holder systems. These pads utilize two special foam materials which are laminated together. The outer pad is a dense, slightly compressible material which allows for high clamping pressure to stabilize the leg. The inner pad is a soft, fully compressible material for gentle, non-abrasive contact with the skin. The leg pad secures with simple Velcro fasteners. Length is 373⁄4CMANDWIDTHIS 33⁄8CM Easy Lock Socket #A-40022 (US), #A-40023 (Eur), #A-40024 (UK), #A-40030 (Jpn) 1 Required, Specify Rail Type $299 Each Leg Holder Disposable Pad #R-S4133-V Case of 12 $215 Case What’s Optional Legholder Disposable Pads Arthroscopic Well-Leg Holder #O-AWLH $999 Foam Well-Leg Holder #H-009-00-120 $330 Replacement Slide Bar #R-734-34 $116 53 Arthroscopic Well-Leg Holder A convenient, stable device to support the flexed leg during total knee procedures. Eliminates awkward sandbags, and simply MOUNTSTOTHETABLERAIL4HELONGBYDIAMETERCMX 5 cm) foot support is covered with a soft, replaceable closed-cell FOAMPAD4HECMLONGMOUNTINGBARPERMITSVERTICAL height adjustment while the flat 1⁄4XCMXCMCROSS section prevents unwanted rotation. Easily and safely position the non-affected leg during arthroscopic knee procedures. Eliminate the discomfort and circulatory impairment that can result from the well leg hanging over the edge of the table. Smooth adjustment, locks securely for precise positioning. #O-AWLH Arthroscopic Well-Leg Holder System ™ The Prepper Device Padded cradle comfortably supports patient’s leg during prep procedure. Shaft can be rotated to move offset in various positions for convenient access to the leg. Post is 301⁄2CMLONG What’s Required #O-LPS The Prepper Device Easy Lock Socket #A-40022 (US), #A-40023 (Eur), #A-40024 (UK), #A-40030 (Jpn) 1 Required, Specify Rail Type $299 Each What’s Included Replacement Reusable/ Disposable Pad #O-TKSP $39 Each Arthroscopic Well-Leg Holder #O-AWLH What’s Required Easy Lock Blade Clamp #A-40040 (US), #A-40041 (Eur), #A-40042 (UK), #A-40043 (Jpn) 1 Required, Specify Rail Type $279 Each Easy Lock Socket #A-40022 (US), #A-40023 (Eur), #A-40024 (UK), #A-40030 (Jpn) 1 Required, Specify Rail Type $299 Each Accessory Cart #A-30010 (US), #A-30010-E (Eur), #A-30010-UK (UK) Specify Rail Type $899 Boot Pad #O-S1007A0.6S 1 Included (Replacement Price: $110) $239 Replacement Reusable/ Disposable Pad #O-LPSP 1 Required $49 Each Arthroscopic Stress Post Foam Well-Leg Holder A levering fulcrum for improved access to the medial compartment OFTHEKNEE4HEXCMXCMPOSTSURFACEISCOVERED WITHACMTHICKSOFTPRESSUREMANAGEMENTPADFOR maximum patient safety and comfort. The Foam Well-Leg Holder easily supports with comfort the nonaffected, well leg during arthroscopic knee procedures, fracture repairs, and cast procedures. #H-009-00-120 What’s Required #O-ASP 54 $999 $299 What’s Optional Total Knee Stabilizer with Pad What’s Required #O-TKS Arthroscopic Stress Post Orthopedics Total Knee Stabilizer Foam Well-Leg Holder $330 $309 Easy Lock Socket #A-40022 (US), #A-40023 (Eur), #A-40024 (UK), #A-40030 (Jpn) 1 Required, Specify Rail Type $299 Each 55 Allen Medical Systems offers a hand table for every need. All of the tables are radiolucent with outstanding durability, backed by a two-year warranty. Orthopedics Arm and Hand Tables Selection and Comparison Chart s4HE(EAVY$UTYTABLESAREROCKSTEADYPERFECTFORUSEWITHMICROSCOPES s4HECARBONlBER#ARBON,IGHTS™ tables have no frame or legs on the rectangular and minor procedure table to interfere with radiographic images. s4HE"ASICTABLESUTILIZEAPHENOLICBOARDWITHAPERIMETERFRAMETOALLOWFORRADIOGRAPHICIMAGING Rectangular Heavy Duty Rectangular #R-1034-14A Basic Carbon Lights #A-30450-C #O-AHTR Weight 9.3 lbs. (4.2 kg) 5.8 lbs. (2.6 kg) 8.8 lbs. (4 kg) Dimensions 18" x 29" (46 cm x 73.7 cm) 15" X 30" (38 cm x 76 cm) 14" x 32" (35.5 cm x 81 cm) Material Carbon Fiber Carbon Fiber Phenolic Height Adjustable Yes Yes Yes Legs Yes (inner leg only) Optional Integral Post Type Square Round Blade Clamp Type Included (US, Europe and Japan rails only) Universal Clamp Rail Clamp Pad 1" (2.5 cm) Standard Pad Sold Separately 2" (5 cm) Standard Pad Hourglass Heavy Duty Hourglass #R-1034-11A Minor Procedure Weight 11.8 lbs. (5.4 kg) 9.2 lbs. (4.2 kg) 11 lbs. (5 kg) 23" x 38" (58 cm x 96.5 cm) 16" X 34" (41 cm x 86 cm) 14" x 32" (35.5 cm x 81 cm) Material Carbon Fiber Carbon Fiber Phenolic Height Adjustable Yes Yes Yes Legs Yes (2) Integral Integral Post Type Square Round Blade Clamp Type Included (US, Europe and Japan rails only) Integral (US and Europe) Rail Clamp Pad 1" (2.5 cm) Standard Pad Sold Separately 2" (5 cm) Standard Pad Carbon Lights™ Minor Procedure #O-AHTH Dimensions #A-30410-C 56 Basic Carbon Lights #A-30650-C Basic #O-AHMPT Weight 3.4 lbs. (1.5 kg) 7.4 lbs. (3.4 kg) Dimensions 15" X 24" (38 cm x 61 cm) 14" x 26" (35.5 cm x 66 cm) Material Carbon Fiber Phenolic Height Adjustable Yes Yes Legs Legless Legless Post Type Round Blade Clamp Type Universal Clamp Rail Clamp Pad Sold Separately 2" (5 cm) Standard Pad 57 Heavy Duty Rectangular Table Rectangular The Heavy Duty Rectangular Table combines an inner leg with extra thick carbon fiber to provide our strongest support surface. This table is appropriate when stability is most essential. Outbound rails are US rails. Weight: 9.3 lbs. (4.2 kg) 4ABLE$IMENSIONSXCMXCM Patient Weight Capacity: 227 kg (500 lbs.) #R-1034-14A The Basic Rectangular Table features a telescoping leg that can be easily moved in various positions to provide additional support. The table permits superior access to the surgical site, and it attaches to any OR table. )NCLUDESCMPADFORUSEWITH CM/2TABLEPADS/UTBOUNDRAILSARE53RAILS Carbon Fiber Heavy Duty Rectangular Table Basic Rectangular Table Orthopedics Rectangular Weight: 8.8 lbs. (4 kg) 4ABLE$IMENSIONSXCMXCM $2,185 #O-AHTR Basic Rectangular Table $1,699 Rectangular 1"(2.5 cm) Pad #P-AMA112X1.0S 1 Included (Replacement Price: $200) What’s Included Outer Rail Leg #R-1034-15 $692 Inner Leg with Clamps #R-1034-16 (US), #R-1034-16 (Eur), #R-1034-16 (Jpn) 1 Included, Specify Rail Type Basic Rectangular Table #O-AHTR What’s Required What’s Included Heavy Duty Rectangular Table #R-1034-14A What’s Optional Optional Outer Rail Leg Easy Lock Blade Clamp #A-40040 (US), #A-40041 (Eur), #A-40042 (UK), #A-40043 (Jpn) 1 Pair Required, Specify Rail Type $279 Each 1.5" (3.8 cm) Pad #O-AHTP 1 Included (Replacement Cost: $235) Carbon Lights™ Rectangular Table The perfect answer for all arm and hand procedures. Use without the removable leg when access is paramount. Simply add the optional leg for those procedures requiring rock-solid stability. Compatible with any OR table, has two round 5⁄8CMPOSTS Weight: Approx. 5.8 lbs. (2.6 kg) 4ABLE$IMENSIONSXCMXCM Patient Weight Capacity: 181 kg (400 lbs.) 58 $1,699 #A-30450-CL Carbon Lights™ Rectangular Table w/ Leg $1,998 1" (2.5 cm) Pad #A-30300-Pad-1 1 Required $119 Each OR Schlein Hand Positioner #A-20750 $999 #A-30450-C Carbon Lights Rectangular Table Choose What’s Required Universal Accessory Clamp #A-40015 (US only) 1 Pair Required $149 Each What’s Optional Table with Leg Carbon Fiber 2" (5 cm) Pad #A-30300-Pad 1 Required $119 Each Optional Leg #A-30450-LEG $299 59 The Basic Hourglass Table features a telescoping leg that can be easily placed in various positions to provide additional support. The table provides additional surface for surgeon’s elbows or INSTRUMENTATION!TTACHESTOANY/2TABLEANDINCLUDESA CMPADFORUSEWITHCM/2TABLEPADS The Heavy Duty Hourglass Table combines two legs with extra thick carbon fiber to provide our strongest support surface. This table is appropriate when stability is most essential. Outer Rail Leg #R-1034-15 $692 Hourglass Heavy Duty Hourglass Table Inner Leg with Clamps #R-1034-16 (US), #R-1034-16 (Eur), #R-1034-16 (Jpn) 1 Included Weight: 11 lbs. (5 kg) 4ABLE$IMENSIONSXCMXCM $3,250 1" (2.5 cm) Pad #P-AMA113X1.0S 1 Included (Replacement Cost: $200) #O-AHTH Basic Hourglass Table What’s Included What’s Included Heavy Duty Hourglass Table #R-1034-11A What’s Optional #R-1034-11A Carbon Fiber Basic Hourglass Table #O-AHTH 1.5" (3.8 cm) Pad #O-AHTHP 1 Included (Replacement Price: $235) What’s Required Weight: 11.8 lbs. (5.4 kg) 4ABLE$IMENSIONSXCMXCM Patient Weight Capacity: 227 kg (500 lbs.) Basic Hourglass Table Orthopedics Hourglass Heavy Duty Hourglass Table Easy Lock Blade Clamp #A-40040 (US), #A-40041 (Eur), #A-40042 (UK), #A-40043 (Jpn) 1 Pair Required, Specify Rail Type $279 Each Rail Clamp #O-RC2 (US), #O-RC2XUK (Eur/UK), #O-RC2XD (Denyer) #O-RC29X32MM (Jpn), #O-RCS (Swiss) 1 Pair Required, Specify Rail Type $89 Each OR Hourglass $1,699 Carbon Lights™ Hourglass Table This full-sized table provides rock solid stability and yet is light enough for easy transport. The adjustable support leg enhances stability yet can be tucked under for easy access. The integral mounting clamps allow vertical adjustment to align with pads on X-ray tops. Weight: Approx. 9.2 lbs. (4.2 kg) 4ABLE$IMENSIONSXATEND 86 cm x 41 cm (66 cm at end) Patient Weight Capacity: 181 kg (400 lbs.) 60 Elbow Rest #A-30650ER 1 Included 1" (2.5 cm) Pad Set for 30650-C* #A-30502-1-B 1 Required $299 Set 2" (5 cm) Pad Set for 30650-C* #A-30502-B 1 Required $299 Set Replacement Clamp #A-30650-Clamp $115 OR What’s Included Carbon Lights Hourglass Table #A-30650-C Choose Pad Set #A-30650-C Carbon Lights™ Hourglass Table What’s Optional Fits US & Europe Rails Only Carbon Fiber Schlein Hand Positioner #A-20750 $999 $2,099 *Pad Sets Include Both Table Pad and Two Elbow Rest Pads. Elbow Rest Pads #A-30530-A $75 Each 61 Carbon Lights™ Minor Procedures Table Wrist Fracture System This small and ultra lightweight table works well for procedures such as carpal tunnel releases and AV fistulas. Compatible with any OR table. Has two round 5⁄8CMPOSTS The Wrist Fracture System provides superior traction without weights. An automatic ratcheting design can be adjusted incrementally to provide up to 21 lbs. (9.5 kg) of tension with a manual override setting for tension relaxation when needed. A unique radiolucent hand plate can be fully rotated in either direction (See figures A and B). The Wrist Fracture System is fully autoclaveable. Weight: Approx. 3.4 lbs. (1.5 kg) 4ABLE$IMENSIONSXCMXCM Patient Weight Capacity: 181 kg (400 lbs.) Carbon Fiber #A-30410-C Carbon Lights Minor Procedures Table $1,199 #A-30410-CL Carbon Lights Minor Procedures Table w/ Leg $1,498 #R-734-51 Wrist Fracture System Lateral Position Add PWC (patient Weight Capacity to !,,!(4ABLES Rotating detail What’s Included Supine (palm up) Position Wrist Fracture System #R-734-51 Radiolucent Hand Plate #R-734-52 1 Included What’s Required Figure B 2" (5 cm) Pad #A-30410-Pad 1 Required $109 Optional Leg #A-30450-LEG $299 $1,999 Simple Clamp #A-40018 (US), #40018-UK (UK), #A-40018-DEN (Denyer) 1 Required $279 Each Heavy Duty Hourglass Table #R-1034-11A 1 Required $3,250 What’s Optional 1" (2.5 cm) Pad #A-30410-Pad-1 1 Required $109 OR Schlein Hand Positioner #A-20750 $999 Choose What’s Required What’s Optional Figure A Universal Accessory Clamp #A-40015 (US only) 1 Pair Required $149 Each Orthopedics Minor Procedure Sterile Mesh Finger Trap Disposables See Page 65 Eaches: $25 - $28 Cases: $177 - $179 The Equalizer #R-734-05 $259 Radiolucent Hand Plate (#R-734-52) Basic Carpa™ Table The Equalizer The Carpa Table is a legless design with a rigid self-bracing frame. )THASAXXCMRADIOLUCENTTOPFORMAXIMUM access and weighs a mere 7.4 lbs. (3.4 kg)! The perfect choice for carpal tunnel procedures. Easy drop-in rail attachment. Attaches to ANY/2TABLE)NCLUDESCMPADFORUSEWITHCM/2 table pads. Used when three or more digits are placed in traction, The Equalizer distributes the weight of the arm equally between each digit. This stainless steel chain and pulley system is fully autoclaveable and comes with an attaching clip. The Equalizer can also be used with the Wrist Fracture System and Weightless Shoulder Suspension System. Weight: 7.4 lbs. (3.4 kg) 4ABLE$IMENSIONSXCMXCM 62 Replacement 3" (7.5 cm) Pad #O-AHMPTP3 $155 1.5" (3.8 cm) Pad #O-AHMPTP 1 Included (Replacement Price: $145) $999 What’s Required Easy Lock Blade Clamp #A-40040 (US), #A-40041 (Eur), #A-40042 (UK), #A-40043 (Jpn) 1 Pair Required $279 Each Basic Carpa Table The Equalizer Sterile Mesh Finger Trap Disposables See Page 65 Eaches: $25 - $28 Cases: $177 - $179 What’s Optional What’s Included Basic Carpa Table #O-AHMPT What’s Required #O-AHMPT What’s Optional Fits US Rails Only #R-734-05 Easy Irrigation Tower #O-LPA $3,145 $259 Wrist Arthroscopy System #R-734-10 $3,999 63 D A. Tension adjustments up to 40 lbs. (18 kg) B. Allen self-equalizing Finger Traps distribute tension evenly C. Wrist stabilizer provides wrist flexion and extension D. Counter traction device eliminates need for hanging weights Sterile single or double traps. Disposable, for single use only. Five color-coded sizes: Pediatric, Small, Medium, Large, Extra Large. #R-734-10 Wrist Arthroscopy System Wrist Arthroscopy System #R-734-10 Simple Clamp #A-40018 (US), #40018-UK (UK), #A-40018-DEN (Denyer) 1 Required, Specify Rail Type $279 Each Orthopedics The table mounted Wrist Arthroscopy System is extremely stable and ideal for distraction of the hand, wrist, forearm and elbow. Support extensions mounted off of the tower provide wrist flexion and extension, radial and ulnar deviation and allow for dorsal and volar approaches. Autoclaveable. What’s Optional C Sterile Mesh Finger Trap Disposables What’s Included B Wrist Arthroscopy System What’s Required A Sterile Starter Kit Comes with eight finger traps in four sizes (extra large, large, medium, small - two each) $3,999 Sterile Mesh Finger Trap Disposables See Page 65 Eaches: $25 - $28 Cases: $177 - $179 #R-30522-999 Double Starter Kit $199 #R-30522-888 Single Starter Kit $179 Eaches (Minimum Order of Eight) Mix and Match! #A-30522-8 #A-30522-2 #A-30522-4 #A-30522-5 #A-30522-9 Single, Extra large Single, Large Single, Medium Single, Small Single, Pediatric trap #A-30522-7 #A-30522-1 #A-30522-3 #A-30522-6 Double, Extra large Double, Large Double, Medium Double, Small Singles (1 per hook) $25 Doubles (2 per hook) $28 Pediatric Trap Sizing Kit Cases Size / Color Key Facilitates size selection prior to opening sterile finger traps. Extra large Large #R-50522-1 Sizing Kit $70 Medium Small Pediatric trap Buy in Bulk! #R-30522-8 #R-30522-2 #R-30522-4 #R-30522-5 #R-30522-9 Single, Extra Large Single, Large Single, Medium Single, Small Single, Pediatric trap #R-30522-7 #R-30522-1 #R-30522-3 #R-30522-6 Double, Extra Large Double, Large Double, Medium Double, Small Singles (Case of 8) $179 Doubles (Case of 8) $199 Hand Positioner This aluminum malleable hand positioner is perfect for micro nerve reconstruction procedures. As a reusable-disposable product, the Allen Hand Positioner can withstand more than 20 articulations. With two sizes, the hand positioner will fit almost any surgical patient. It can be sterilized and is radiolucent. A great value! 64 #A-20900 Regular Size (Case of 5) $89 #A-20950 Extra Large Size (Case of 5) $99 65 Portable Orderly Limb Positioner Supports multiple hand positions. Innovative cleat system can be used with or without weights. Autoclaveable. Padded cradle safely supports arm during elbow procedures. Pivoting cradle automatically adjusts to the correct angle required for the selected position. Carbon Lights Minor Procedures Table #A-30410-C $1,199 $999 Rail Attachment #A-20800 1 Included Carbon Lights Rectangular Table #A-30450-C $1,699 #A-20001 What’s Included What’s Required Sterile Mesh Finger Trap Disposables See Page 65 Eaches: $25 - $28 Cases: $177 - $179 Schlein Hand Positioner Portable Orderly Limb Positioner #A-20001 What’s Required What’s Included Schlein Hand Positioner #A-20750 What’s Optional #A-20750 Easy Lock Socket #A-40022 (US), #A-40023 (Eur), #A-40024 (UK), #A-40030 (Jpn) 1 Required, Specify Rail Type $299 Each Portable Orderly Limb Positioner Polymer Gel Pad #A-10105 1 Included (Replacement Price: $32) Orthopedics Schlein Hand Positioner $445 Velcro Strap #A-20100 1 Included (Replacement Price: $12 Pair) Carbon Lights Hourglass Table #A-30650-C $2,099 Traction Attachment The traction attachment permits convenient spacing adjustment for weighted finger traps. What’s Required #O-AHTT 66 Traction Attachment $699 Sterile Mesh Finger Trap Disposables See Page 65 Eaches: $25 - $28 Cases: $177 - $179 Easy Lock Socket #A-40022 (US), #A-40023 (Eur), #A-40024 (UK), #A-40030 (Jpn) 1 Required, Specify Rail Type $299 Each Sandbag 1 Required #A-10073 Small $61 #A-10074 Large $73 67 As the experts in pressure ulcer prevention, we felt compelled to create an educational website to keep our customers abreast of new developments ranging from regulatory changes, to research studies, to technological breakthroughs. We aim to keep clinicians educated about how to keep patients safe from pressure ulcers and other related complications. OR Table Pads / Surfaces Allen Surfaces & Pads Allen Medical Systems has over 10 years of experience in the area of pressure management. The engineered foams in our stretcher and OR table pads was cutting edge when it was first developed, and our products have remained at the forefront of technological innovation with new radiolucent foam formulations, and multi-density pad layups. For more info on pressure management in the OR, visit the website: HTTPWWW3KIN)NTEGRITYCOM Skin Integrity: Why It Matters There are many reasons why healthcare professionals are implementing new initiatives in skin integrity and pressure ulcer prevention. From a surge in recent research pertaining to pressure ulcers, to the new Medicare Guidelines taking effect in October 2008, much is happening to raise awareness of the issue of hospital-acquired pressure ulcers. Additionally, professional organizations like AORN are critical to advancing awareness of the issue through their release of new standards and practices to help prevent and treat hospital-acquired pressure ulcers. Pressure Ulcer Prevalence 8.5 - 12% PRESSURE ULCERS 34 - 42% 23% SURGICAL PATIENTS OCCUR IN OR REST OF SURGICAL POPULATION Pressure Ulcer in Surgical Patients1,3 REST OF HOSPITAL Hospital Acquired Pressure Ulcers2 MEDICAL PATIENTS Annual Cost of Pressure Ulcers2 1.Aronovitch SA.Intraoperatively acquired pressure ulcer prevalence: a national study. J Wound Ostomy Continence Nurs. 1999;26(3):130-136 2. Beckrich K, Aronovitch SA. Hospital-acquired pressure ulcers: a comparison of costs in medical vs. surgical patients. Nurs Econ. 1999;17(5):263-71 3. Stotts N. Predicting pressure ulcer development in surgical patients. Heart and Lung. 1988;17(6):641-6 68 69 Skin Integrity: The Solution There are five key factors that contribute to pressure ulcers. Each alone may have a negative effect on the skin, but the combination of these factors expedites the development of pressure ulcers. Each of the five factors is outlined below. Allen pads contain multiple foam layers for optimal pressure management! Alto temperature pressure 0RESSURE External pressure pinches blood vessels against bony prominence, reducing blood flow. This cuts off the transfer of nutrients and waste within the tissue, eventually causing tissue death. moisture shear friction Alto Pad Cross-section 3HEAR Underlying tissue slides when the skeletal structure moves and the skin remains stationary. Excellent Surface for All Surgical Positions The Alto Surface is designed to offer superior pressure management in all surgical positions. Engineered, multi-layered and fully contoured, this surface allows bony prominences, or “landing gear,” to be protected in the Pressure Reducing Zones while other parts of the body are supported and cradled. This support system decreases the high pressure that bony prominences usually experience. The foot section is constructed with calf support and special soft zone for heels. The AntiShear Cover protects patients’ skin. OR Table Pads / Surfaces Skin Integrity: The Five Factors This causes bending and kinking in capillaries, which occludes blood flow, and cuts off the transfer of nutrients and waste within the tissue, eventually causing tissue death. Astrus Elite Effective Pressure Management Our Astrus Elite™ Surface has a four-layer foam composite construction that protects patients four ways. A top layer of memory foam conforms to the patient while the underlying foam layers support the patient’s weight and prevent bottoming out. -OISTURE Prolonged moisture on the skin saturates the epidermis and dissolves the connective tissue fibers. This causes a reduction of stiffness and tissue strength, leading to the erosion and sloughing of skin layers under shear and friction forces. Allen Pad Selector Chart 70 - Alexander’s Care of the Patient in Surgery, 13th Edition -EMORY&OAM Conforming layer (IGH$ENSITY%LASTIC&OAM Anti-bottoming layer ,OW$ENSITY%LASTIC&OAM Support layer #LOSED#ELL&OAM Diaphragm layer s s s s Armboard Surfaces s s s s s s s s CM4HICKNESS CM4HICKNESS CM4HICKNESS CM4HICKNESS Anti-Shear Cover CM4HICKNESS Recommended For Long Surgeries s s Velcro kit Included s s s Diaphragm Layer Improved Pressure Management Alto Varying the type of pressurereducing mattress may be the most appropriate method to prevent pressure ulcers during the perioperative period. Astrus Elite No single foam can support all four functions effectively. Listed below are the 4 foams Allen has proven effective to provide optimal pressure management in a single pad. Neither the position of the patient, nor the time spent on the OR bed can be altered easily during surgery. Pad Thickness OR Table Surfaces s s s s s s s s s s s Armboard Surfaces s s s s s s s s s s Stretcher Surfaces s s s s s Standard $ELUXE Allen uses 4 foams for effective pressure management. Optimal pressure management requires a pad that is effective in four main support functions: 1-conforming to the patient's body, 2-providing proper support, 3-prohibiting any bony prominences from bottoming out, and 4-evening out irregularities and gaps in the table surface. Benefits OR Table Surfaces Skin Integrity: Pad Technology No single foam provides effective pressure management... Anti-bottoming Layer Foam Layers Support Layer 4EMPERATURECold temperatures reduce peripheral circulation through blood vessels and capillaries. This decreases the rate at which oxygen is received by tissue and underlying skin, eventually leading to tissue starvation and death. Heat increases the metabolism of tissue. This increases the nutritional and waste disposal demand in the tissue, where blood flow is already reduced due to pressure and shear, leading to unmet demand and increased rate of tissue death. Astrus Elite Pad Cross-section Conforming Layer breach the protective skin barrier. This results in exposed tissue which is an entry point for bacteria and other infectious agents. Specialty Layer &RICTION Rubbing motions irritate the top layer of skin, leading to small tears in the epidermis that OR Table Surfaces Armboard Surfaces Stretcher Surfaces s s s s s s s s s s s 71 Scapula/Shoulder Zone Cradle & Lumbar Bolster Heel Zone Sacral/Trochanter Zone Anti-Shear Cover s#ONTOUREDTOPROVIDEEXCELLENTPRESSURERELIEFFORALLSURGICAL positions s/FFEREDWITHINTEGRALGELLAYERGRAYBOTTOMORWITHOUTBLACK bottom) s6ELCROKITINCLUDED s.ONCONDUCTIVE s4HICKNESS Slow Recovery Foam - to contour to the body Low Density Foam - for pressure reduction OR Table Pads / Surfaces Alto™ Surface High Density Foam - for support Alto Armboard Surfaces Alto Order Info Alto Gel Order Info 4" Pad Price: $1199 4.25" Pad Price: $1639 Product Number Product Number Berchtold Operon B810, B710 H-006-12-100 H-016-12-100 Berchtold Operon D850, D750 H-006-12-110 H-016-12-110 Maquet 1130 H-006-10-110 H-016-10-110 Maquet 1130 Split Leg H-006-10-100 H-016-10-100 Maquet 1130 Orthopedic H-006-10-130 H-016-10-130 Maquet Alphamaxx H-006-10-150 H-016-10-150 Maquet Alphastar 1132 H-006-10-120 H-016-10-120 Midmark 7100 H-006-06-100 H-016-06-100 Midmark Chic CST H-006-06-120 H-016-06-120 Midmark Montreal H-006-06-130 H-016-06-130 Getinge / Shampaine 4900B, 4900E, 5100B, 5100E H-006-04-100 H-016-04-100 Siemens Universal H-006-13-100 H-016-13-100 Skytron 5001, 6001, 6500, 6600 H-006-05-130 H-016-05-130 Skytron 3500 H-006-05-120 H-016-05-120 Skytron 3600 H-006-05-190 H-016-05-190 Skytron 6700 H-006-05-200 H-016-05-200 Steris-Amsco 1080, 2080 H-006-03-100 H-016-03-100 Steris-Amsco 3080, 3085 H-006-03-110 H-016-03-110 Steris C-Max H-006-03-150 H-016-03-150 Steris Surgi-graphic H-006-03-160 H-016-03-160 Armboard Surfaces Alto Order Info Product No. Thickness Price Alto Gel Order Info Product No. Thickness The Alto Surface outperformed standard OR table pads in a clinical study of 323 patients conducted by Suzy Scott-Williams (study available upon request). The study group using the Alto Surface presented with dramatically fewer ulcers (7% ulcer rate) compared to the control group (38% ulcer rate). Suzy Scott-Williams, RN, MSN, CWOCN, VA Medical Center, Memphis, Allan C. Lummus, PhD, Department of Preventive Medicine University of TN Health Science Center, Memphis Control Group 3TANDARD3URFACEN Pressure Ulcer Present 38% Study Group !LTO3URFACEN Pressure Ulcer Present 7% No Incident 62% No Incident 93% Alto OR Table Surface: Pressure Mapping Results Alto Surface 125 Price Standard / Flat (24" x 4") H-006-05-950 4" Pad $120 H-016-05-950 4.25" $195 Contoured (24" x 4") H-006-03-960 4" Pad $135 H-016-03-960 4.25" $210 Steris-Amsco X-ray H-006-03-951 5" Pad $130 H-016-03-951 5.25" $210 Skytron X-ray H-006-05-951 6" Pad $130 H-016-05-951 6.25" $205 Allen Duraboard (Standard / Flat) H-006-03-952 4" Pad $120 H-016-03-952 4.25" $210 Other table sets and individual pads for these sets are available. Contact Customer Service for pad part numbers. 72 Clinical Data for Pressure Reducing Table Surfaces Standard Surface Relative Pressure (mm Hg) OR Table 3-piece Pad Sets Manufacturer / Model Name Alto OR Table Surfaces 0 Actual Pressure Map Shown -ODEL Male 7EIGHT195 lbs. (EIGHTg Scale 73 OR Table 3-Piece Pad Sets 4" Pad $749 5" Pad $799 A step up in comfort and pressure management from standard surgical table surfaces. Offered with integral gel layer (gray bottom) or without BLACKBOTTOM!VAILABLEINCMANDCM6ELCRO+IT included. Non-conductive. Astrus Elite Gel - Ordering Info 3.25" Pad $1,139 4.25" Pad $1,189 5.25" Pad $1,239 Product No. Product No. Product No. Product No. Product No. Product No. Berchtold Operon B810, B710 H-303-12-100 H-403-12-100 H-503-12-100 H-313-12-100 H-413-12-100 H-513-12-100 Berchtold Operon D850, D750 H-303-12-110 H-403-12-110 H-503-12-110 H-313-12-110 H-413-12-110 H-513-12-110 Maquet 1130 H-303-10-110 H-403-10-110 H-503-10-110 H-313-10-110 H-413-10-110 H-513-10-110 Support Layer Maquet 1130 Split Leg H-303-10-100 H-403-10-110 H-503-10-110 H-313-10-100 H-413-10-100 H-513-10-100 Diaphragm Layer Maquet 1130 Orthopedic H-303-10-130 H-403-10-130 H-503-10-130 H-313-10-130 H-413-10-130 H-513-10-130 Maquet Alphamaxx H-303-10-150 H-403-10-150 H-503-10-150 H-313-10-150 H-413-10-150 H-513-10-150 Maquet Alphastar 1132 H-303-10-120 H-403-10-120 H-503-10-120 H-313-10-120 H-413-10-120 H-513-10-120 Midmark 7100 H-303-06-100 H-403-06-100 H-503-06-100 H-313-06-100 H-413-06-100 H-513-06-100 Midmark Chic CST H-303-06-120 H-403-06-120 H-503-06-120 H-313-06-120 H-413-06-120 H-513-06-120 Midmark Montreal H-303-06-130 H-403-06-130 H-503-06-130 H-313-06-130 H-413-06-130 H-513-06-130 Getinge / Shampaine 4900B, 4900E, 5100B, 5100E H-303-04-100 H-403-04-100 H-503-04-100 H-313-04-100 H-413-04-100 H-513-04-100 Siemens Universal H-303-13-100 H-403-13-100 H-503-13-100 H-313-13-100 H-413-13-100 H-513-13-100 Skytron 5001, 6001, 6500, 6600 H-303-05-130 H-403-05-130 H-503-05-130 H-313-05-130 H-413-05-130 H-513-05-130 Skytron 3500 H-303-05-120 H-403-05-120 H-503-05-120 H-313-05-120 H-413-05-120 H-513-05-120 Skytron 3600 H-303-05-190 H-403-05-190 H-503-05-190 H-313-05-190 H-413-05-190 H-513-05-190 Skytron 6700 H-303-05-200 H-403-05-200 H-503-05-200 H-313-05-200 H-413-05-200 H-513-05-200 Steris-Amsco 1080, 2080 H-303-03-100 H-403-03-100 H-503-03-100 H-313-03-100 H-413-03-100 H-513-03-100 Steris-Amsco 3080, 3085 H-303-03-110 H-403-03-110 H-503-03-110 H-313-03-110 H-413-03-110 H-513-03-110 Steris C-Max H-303-03-150 H-403-03-150 H-503-03-150 H-313-03-150 H-413-03-150 H-513-03-150 Steris Surgi-graphic H-303-03-170 H-403-03-170 H-503-03-170 H-313-03-170 H-413-03-170 H-513-03-170 Effective Pressure Management Our Astrus Elite™ Surface has a four-layer foam composite construction that protects patients four ways. A top layer of conforming foam molds to your patients’ anatomy. The pressure displacement foam middle layer transfers pressure off the bony prominences, and the closed cell foam bottom layer prevents bottoming out. The Anti-Shear™ Cover protects patients’ skin. Conforming Layer Anti-Bottoming Layer Astrus Elite OR Table Surface: Pressure Mapping Results Astrus Elite Surface 125 Relative Pressure (mm Hg) Astrus Elite - Ordering Info 3" Pad $699 OR Table Pads / Surfaces Astrus Elite OR Table Surfaces Astrus Elite OR Table Surfaces Standard Surface 0 Scale Actual Pressure Map Shown -ODEL Male 7EIGHT195 lbs. (EIGHTg Astrus Elite Armboard Surfaces Astrus Elite - Order Info 3" Pad $110 Product No. Product No. Product No. Product No. Product No. Product No. Allen, Steris-Amsco H-303-03-950 H-403-03-950 H-503-03-950 H-313-03-950 H-413-03-950 H-513-03-950 Berchtold H-303-12-950 H-403-12-950 H-503-12-950 H-313-12-950 H-413-12-950 H-513-12-950 Maquet H-303-10-950 H-403-10-950 H-503-10-950 H-313-10-950 H-413-10-950 H-513-10-950 Midmark H-303-06-950 H-403-06-950 H-503-06-950 H-313-06-950 H-413-06-950 H-513-06-950 Getinge / Shampaine H-303-04-950 H-403-04-950 H-503-04-950 H-313-04-950 H-413-04-950 H-513-04-950 Skytron H-303-05-950 H-403-05-950 H-503-05-950 H-313-05-950 H-413-05-950 H-513-05-950 5" Pad $125 3.25" Pad $185 4.25" Pad $190 5.25" Pad $200 Pressure Management 31⁄2" (9 cm) Surface Conforming Layer 4" Pad $130 5" Pad $140 3.25" Pad $200 4.25" Pad $205 Product No. Product No. Product No. Product No. Product No. Product No. Allen, Steris-Amsco H-303-03-960 H-403-03-960 H-503-03-960 H-313-03-960 H-413-03-960 H-513-03-960 Berchtold H-303-12-960 H-403-12-960 H-503-12-960 H-313-12-960 H-413-12-960 H-513-12-960 Maquet H-303-10-960 H-403-10-960 H-503-10-960 H-313-10-960 H-413-10-960 H-513-10-960 5.25" Pad $215 Midmark H-303-06-960 Getinge / Shampaine H-303-04-960 H-403-04-960 H-503-04-960 H-313-04-960 H-413-04-960 H-513-04-960 Skytron H-303-05-960 H-403-05-960 H-503-05-960 H-313-05-960 H-413-05-960 H-513-05-960 H-503-06-960 Diaphragm Layer Astrus Elite Gel - Order Info 3" Pad $125 H-403-06-960 Anti-Bottoming Layer H-313-06-960 H-413-06-960 H-513-06-960 74 Other table sets and individual pads for these sets are available. Contact Customer Service for X-ray pad part numbers and additional information. Length: 74" (188 cm) Length: 76" (193 cm) Width Astrus Elite - Order Info Our Astrus Elite Surface has a four-layer foam composite construction THATPROTECTSPATIENTS&ORUSEIN0!#5%NDOSCOPY!MBULATORY3AME $AY/UTPATIENT3URGERY%XTENDED3TAY%MERGENCY Support Layer Astrus Elite Stretcher Contoured Armboard Surfaces 4" Pad $115 Astrus Elite Stretcher Surface Astrus Elite Gel - Order Info Standard Armboard Surfaces Product No. Product No. Length: 78" (198 cm) Product No. 3.5" Price $720 3.5" Price $720 3.5" Price $720 24" H-323-00-424 H-323-00-624 H-323-00-824 26" H-323-00-426 H-323-00-626 H-323-00-826 28" H-323-00-428 H-323-00-628 H-323-00-828 30" H-323-00-430 H-323-00-630 H-323-00-830 Other table sets and individual pads for these sets are available. Contact Customer Service for more information. 75 Deluxe - Order Info 2" Pad Price: $379 Deluxe Gel - Order Info 3" Pad Price: $429 2.25" Pad Price: $819 3.25" Pad Price: $869 Product No. Product No. Product No. Product No. Product No. Product No. Berchtold Operon B810, B710 H-201-12-100 H-301-12-100 H-202-12-100 H-302-12-100 H-212-12-100 H-312-12-100 Berchtold Operon D850, D750 H-201-12-110 H-301-12-110 H-202-12-110 H-302-12-110 H-212-12-110 H-312-12-110 Maquet 1130 H-201-10-110 H-301-10-110 H-202-10-110 H-302-10-110 H-212-10-110 H-312-10-110 Maquet 1130 Split Leg Table H-201-10-100 H-301-10-100 H-202-10-100 H-302-10-100 H-212-10-100 H-312-10-100 Maquet 1130 Orthopedic Table H-201-10-130 H-301-10-130 H-202-10-130 H-302-10-130 H-212-10-130 H-312-10-130 Maquet Alphamaxx (5 Piece Set) H-201-10-150 H-301-10-150 H-202-10-150 H-302-10-150 H-212-10-150 H-312-10-150 Maquet Alphastar 1132 H-201-10-120 H-301-10-120 H-202-10-120 H-302-10-120 H-212-10-120 H-312-10-120 Midmark 7100 H-201-06-100 H-301-06-100 H-202-06-100 H-302-06-100 H-212-06-100 H-312-06-100 Midmark Chic CST H-201-06-120 H-301-06-120 H-202-06-120 H-302-06-120 H-212-06-120 H-312-06-120 Midmark Montreal H-201-06-130 H-301-06-130 H-202-06-130 H-302-06-130 H-212-06-130 H-312-06-130 Getinge / Shampaine 4900B, 4900E, 5100B, 5100E H-201-04-100 H-301-04-100 H-202-04-100 H-302-04-100 H-212-04-100 H-312-04-100 Siemens Universal H-201-13-100 H-301-13-100 H-202-13-100 H-302-13-100 H-212-13-100 H-312-13-100 Skytron 5001, 6001, 6500, 6600 H-201-05-130 H-301-05-130 H-202-05-130 H-302-05-130 H-212-05-130 H-312-05-130 Skytron 3500 H-201-03-120 H-301-03-120 H-202-03-120 H-302-03-120 H-212-03-120 H-312-03-120 Skytron 3600 H-201-05-190 H-301-05-190 H-202-05-190 H-302-05-190 H-212-05-190 H-312-05-190 Skytron 6700 H-201-05-200 H-301-05-200 H-202-05-200 H-302-05-200 H-212-05-200 H-312-05-200 Steris-Amsco 1080, 2080 H-201-03-100 H-301-03-100 H-202-03-100 H-302-03-100 H-212-03-100 H-312-03-100 Steris-Amsco 3080, 3085 H-201-03-110 H-301-03-110 H-202-03-110 H-302-03-110 H-212-03-110 H-312-03-110 Steris C-Max H-201-03-150 H-301-03-150 H-202-03-150 H-302-03-150 H-212-03-150 H-312-03-150 Steris Surgi-graphic H-201-03-170 H-301-03-170 H-202-03-170 H-302-03-170 H-212-03-170 H-312-03-170 Standard & Deluxe Armboard Surfaces Standard - Order Info Standard Armboard Surfaces 2" Pad $70 3" Pad $75 4" Pad $80 Deluxe - Order Info 2" Pad $80 3" Pad $85 4" Pad $90 2" Pad $155 3" Pad $160 Standard & Deluxe Stretcher Surfaces Standard & Deluxe Surfaces: Cost Effective 2" (5 cm) Surface Product No. Product No. Product No. Product No. Product No. Product No. Product No. Product No. Product No. H-301-03-950 H-401-03-950 H-202-03-950 H-302-03-950 H-402-03-950 H-212-03-950 H-312-03-950 H-412-03-950 Berchtold H-201-12-950 H-301-12-950 H-401-12-950 H-202-12-950 H-302-12-950 H-402-12-950 H-212-12-950 H-312-12-950 H-412-12-950 Maquet H-201-10-950 H-301-10-950 H-401-10-950 H-202-10-950 H-302-10-950 H-402-10-950 H-212-10-950 H-312-10-950 H-412-10-950 Midmark H-201-06-950 H-301-06-950 H-401-06-950 H-202-06-950 H-302-06-950 H-402-06-950 H-212-06-950 H-312-06-950 H-412-06-950 Getinge / Shampaine H-201-04-950 H-301-04-950 H-401-04-950 H-202-04-950 H-302-04-950 H-402-04-950 H-212-04-950 H-312-04-950 H-412-04-950 Skytron H-201-05-950 H-301-05-950 H-401-05-950 H-202-05-950 H-302-05-950 H-402-05-950 H-212-05-950 H-312-05-950 H-412-05-950 31⁄2" (9 cm) Surface &ORUSEIN!MBULATORY3AME$AY/UTPATIENT3URGERY2ADIOLOGY Emergency, Transport, Endoscopy Standard ‘Lectrolite® Cover Standard Foam Layer Length: 74" (188 cm) Length: 76" (193 cm) Product Numbers Product Numbers Length: 78" (198 cm) 2" Price $400 3.5" Price $485 2" Price $400 3.5" Price $485 2" Price $400 3.5" Price $485 24" H-222-00-424 H-322-00-424 H-222-00-624 H-322-00-624 H-222-00-824 H-322-00-824 26" H-222-00-426 H-322-00-426 H-222-00-626 H-322-00-626 H-222-00-826 H-322-00-826 28" H-222-00-428 H-322-00-428 H-222-00-628 H-322-00-628 H-222-00-828 H-322-00-828 30" H-222-00-430 H-322-00-430 H-222-00-630 H-322-00-630 H-222-00-830 H-322-00-830 4" Pad $165 H-201-03-950 Deluxe - Order Info Standard Surfaces: Our conductive Standard Surface is equivalent to the pads that are typically provided with new surgical tables. It combines supportive urethane foam with a ‘Lectrolite® cover. Deluxe Gel - Order Info Allen, Steris-Amsco Standard - Order Info Deluxe Surfaces: Our conductive Deluxe Surface features supportive foam and a stretchable cover for added patient comfort. Recommended for use during shorter procedures and with patients who are determined to be at lower risk for developing pressure ulcers. Velcro Kit included. Width 3" Pad Price: $299 Length: 74" (188 cm) Length: 76" (193 cm) Product Numbers Product Numbers Product Numbers Length: 78" (198 cm) Width OR Table 3-Piece Pad Sets - Manufacturer / Model Name 2" Pad Price: $249 Standard Stretcher Standard - Order Info OR Table Pads / Surfaces Standard & Deluxe Surfaces Deluxe Stretcher Standard & Deluxe OR Table Surfaces 2" Price $240 3.5" Price $320 2" Price $240 3.5" Price $320 2" Price $240 3.5" Price $320 24" H-221-00-424 H-321-00-424 H-221-00-624 H-321-00-624 H-221-00-824 H-321-00-824 26" H-221-00-426 H-321-00-426 H-221-00-626 H-321-00-626 H-221-00-826 H-321-00-826 28" H-221-00-428 H-321-00-428 H-221-00-628 H-321-00-628 H-221-00-828 H-321-00-828 30" H-221-00-430 H-321-00-430 H-221-00-630 H-321-00-630 H-221-00-830 H-321-00-830 Product Numbers Deluxe Gel - Order Info Contoured Armboard Surfaces 2" Pad $85 3" Pad $90 4" Pad $95 2" Pad $95 3" Pad $100 4" Pad $105 2" Pad $170 3" Pad $175 4" Pad $180 Product No. Product No. Product No. Product No. Product No. Product No. Product No. Product No. Product No. Allen, Steris-Amsco H-201-03-960 H-301-03-960 H-401-03-960 H-202-03-960 H-302-03-960 H-402-03-960 H-212-03-960 H-312-03-960 H-412-03-960 Berchtold H-201-12-960 H-301-12-960 H-401-12-960 H-202-12-960 H-302-12-960 H-402-12-960 H-212-12-960 H-312-12-960 H-412-12-960 Maquet H-201-10-960 H-301-10-960 H-401-10-960 H-202-10-960 H-302-10-960 H-402-10-960 H-212-10-960 H-312-10-960 H-412-10-960 Midmark H-201-06-960 H-301-06-960 H-401-06-960 H-202-06-960 H-302-06-960 H-402-06-960 H-212-06-960 H-312-06-960 H-412-06-960 Getinge / Shampaine H-201-04-960 H-301-04-960 H-401-04-960 H-202-04-960 H-302-04-960 H-402-04-960 H-212-04-960 H-312-04-960 H-412-04-960 Skytron H-201-05-960 H-301-05-960 H-401-05-960 H-202-05-960 H-302-05-960 H-402-05-960 H-212-05-960 H-312-05-960 H-412-05-960 76 Other table sets and individual pads for these sets are available. Contact Customer Service for X-ray pad part numbers and additional information. 76 77 OR Table Pad Sizing Chart 9" 20.75" 11" 44" 17" 12" Getinge / Shampaine 4900B 21.5" 40 5/8" 9.5" 19.75" 10.5" 21.5" 20.5" 23.75" 20.75" Maquet 1130 Split Leg 17" 9" 38" 20" 40" 9" 20" 10" 12.5" 21" 19.25" 20" Steris/Amsco 1080 / 2080 24.25" 20" 26.5" Maquet Alphastar 1132 40" 9" Skytron 6700 10" 20" 20.25" 20.5" 9.5" 19.75" 39.5" Steris C-Max Maquet Alphamaxx (5 piece set) 20.5" 14" Midmark Montreal Midmark 7100 42 3/8" 10.5" 20" 39 5/8" 18.5" 18" 18" 32" 20" 28" 78 44.25" Skytron 3600 Skytron 5001 / 6001 / 6500 / 6600 20.5" 10" 20.5" 18.25" 10" 21" Maquet 1130 Orthopedic 18.25" 40.75" 21.25" 10.25" 20.25" 18.25" 40.25" 10" Midmark Chic CST 23.75" Maquet 1130 10" Siemens Universal 20.75" 10.5" 10.5" 19.75" 40.75" 20.5" 10.5" 31.5" 21" Berchtold B810, B710 31" 40.75" 21.5" 46" 21" 18.5" OR Table Pads / Surfaces OR Table Pad Sizing Chart Steris/Amsco 3080 / 3085 79 s s s s s !DVANCEDVISCOELASTICFORMULATIONPROVIDESCONTINUOUSTISSUESUPPORTTHATWILLNOTBOTTOMOUT %ASYTOCLEANFLEXIBLEMEMBRANECOVERHASSHEARCHARACTERISTICSSIMILARTOTHATOFHUMANSKIN 7ILLNOTABSORBBODYFLUIDSORODORS 2ADIOLUCENTANDLATEXFREE 2EPAIRABLEIFPUNCTURED Overlay Table Pads Protect and Pamper Your Patients with Luxurious Allen Polymer Gel Pads Nerve and Heel Protectors Universal 3-Piece OR Table Pad Set #A-10034 $530 Per Set Head Section Gel Pad XX3⁄8XXMM #A-10034H $77 Each Small Ulnar Nerve Gel Pad W6ELCRO3TRAP X1⁄2X5⁄16XXMM #A-10102 $68 Each Large Ulnar Nerve Gel Pad W6ELCRO3TRAPS X1⁄4X5⁄16XXMM #A-10066 $70 Each 4ORSO3ECTION;WCUTOUT= XX3⁄8XXMM #A-10034T $301 Each Foot Section Gel Pad XX3⁄8XXMM #A-10034F $159 Each Foot-Heel Gel Pad W6ELCRO 41⁄8X1⁄2X3⁄4XXMM #A-10067 $32 Each Clamshell Heel Gel Pad W6ELCRO3TRAPS X7⁄8X7⁄8XXMM #A-10068 $57 Each 3⁄4 Length Table Gel Pad 451⁄4X1⁄2X3⁄8XXMM #A-10060 $480 Each Full Length Table Gel Pad X1⁄2X3⁄8XXMM #A-10061 $530 Each Polymer Gel Boot Pads 197⁄8X3⁄4X3⁄8XXMM #A-10026 $203 Pair Head Positioners Adult Head Gel Donut /$XXMM #A-10031 $82 Each Armboard and Toboggan Pads Pediatric Head Gel Donut 31⁄2/$X3⁄4XMM #A-10103 $64 Each Adult Gel Horseshoe /$XXMM #A-10104 $82 Each Positioners 80 Small Armboard Gel Pad 151⁄2X1⁄2X3⁄8XXMM #A-10105 $32 Each Toboggan Gel Pad 151⁄2XX3⁄8XXMM #A-10029 $70 Each Large Armboard Gel Pad 235⁄8XX3⁄8XXMM #A-10032 $78 Each Allen Armboard Gel Pad 235⁄8XX3⁄8XXMM #A-10035 $101 Each Knee Crutch Pads Small Gel Positioner X3⁄4X3⁄8XXMM #A-10073 $61 Each Large Gel Positioner XX3⁄4XXMM #A-10074 $73 Each Small Knee Crutch Gel Pad 125⁄8X5⁄8X3⁄8XXMM #A-10070 $37 Each Chest Roll Gel Positioner XXXXMM #A-10076 $88 Each Chest Roll Gel Positioner W&OAM#ORE XXXXMM #A-10097 $213 Each (IP,ARGE+NEE#RUTCH'EL0AD 201⁄2X1⁄2X3⁄8XXMM #A-10033 $159 Each Chest Roll Gel Positioner XXXXMM #A-10078 $123 Each Chest Roll Gel Positioner W&OAM#ORE XXXXMM #A-10098 $286 Each Chest Roll Gel Positioner XXXXMM #A-10080 $153 Each OR Table Pads / Surfaces Allen Gel Surfaces Medium Knee Crutch Gel Pad 151⁄2XX3⁄8XXMM #A-10029 $70 Each Other 7ILSON&RAME'EL0AD 2EPAIR+IT ! +IT XX3⁄8XXMM XXMM $302 Pair $10 Each 81 “Lift-Assist™” Neutralizes Irrigation Bag Weight! Four independently adjustable hooks each safely support up to 10,000cc of fluid. Comfortable, quickrelease knobs permit vertical adjustment of hangers from 51⁄2’ to 81⁄2’. (167.5 cm x 259 cm) This nursefriendly design makes it easy for all personnel to operate effortlessly. General - Irrigation Easy Irrigation Tower s3TABLE- our tower doesn’t require sandbags or special weights to stay up! s.EARLY%FFORTLESS- lift-assist makes vertical adjustment easy 7 lbs. (3.2 kg) ... ...Becomes 2 lbs. (0.9 kg) with liftAssist! s3IMPLE - spring design NO complicated hydraulics to fail! NO battery to remember to charge! s(IGH#APACITY- holds up to 40,000cc (10,000cc max capacity per hook) s5SER&RIENDLY- easy-to-reach hangers range from 51⁄2’ to 81⁄2’ (1.67 m x 2.59 m) s#ONVENIENT- four independently adjustable hooks s%RGONOMIC - comfortable, quick-release knobs #O-LPA Easy Irrigation Tower $3,145 Lift-Assist Unique spring-loaded elliptical knob unlocks when squeezed and locks securely in place when released. The lift-assist articulation is done mechanically, there are no hydrolics or batteries to fail. Accuracy The hanger height is displayed in inches and centimeters for your convenience. 82 83 CE No need to look for table notches when attaching the Easy Lock Socket. Attach the clamp anywhere on the OR table rail. Accepts any round post up to 11⁄16 CM1UICKANDEASYPULLTORELEASELEVER Lithotomy wheel for accessory angle adjustments. At Table Rail Ends, and Table Rail Notches Quite Possibly the Easiest Accessory Clamp in the World! Anywhere Between Rail Standoffs !TTACH#LAMP Anywhere On Table Rail Rectangular Blade *APANESEXMM 3WISSXMM $ENYERXMM 5+XMM %URXMM This chart provides a snapshot of Allen clamps categorized by feature, function, and country rail type for selection purposes. 533⁄8X1⁄8 Allen sells a variety of clamps for use with OR table accessories. Round Post 5SE7ITH Country Rails For Round Posts General - Clamps Easy Lock™ Socket Allen Clamps: Selection and Comparison Chart ROTATING CLAMPS Easy Lock Socket The premium clamp instantly locks into place anywhere on the rail! s s s s s s s Direct Clamp The simple design allows for rotation of round post products. s s s s s s s s s s s #A-40022 Easy Lock Socket (US) $299 #A-40023 Easy Lock Socket (Eur) $299 #A-40024 Easy Lock Socket (UK) $299 #A-40030 Easy Lock Socket (Jpn) $299 Tri-Clamp Adjust the accessory while keeping the clamp locked securely on the rail! s s s Easy Lock™ Blade Clamp Easy Lock Blade Clamp The premium clamp instantly locks into place anywhere on the rail! s s s s s s s Quite Possibly the Easiest Blade Clamp in the World! Rail Clamp FIXED CLAMPS Basic design allows for securement of blade products. s s s s s s s s s Simple Clamp Can be sterilized! Simple Clamp can secure over the surgical drape. Universal Clamp Accessory Low profile knob is unobtrusive, can accommodate post and blades. s s s s s s s s s s s Universal Clamp Can be mounted vertically or horizontally on the OR table rail. 84 s s s s s For Rectangular Blades No need to look for table notches when attaching the Easy Lock Blade Clamp. Attach the clamp anywhere on the OR TABLERAIL!CCEPTSALLX1⁄4CMX 0.6 cm) accessories with flat mounting BLADES1UICKANDEASYPULLTORELEASE lever. #A-40040 Easy Lock Blade Clamp (US) $279 #A-40041 Easy Lock Blade Clamp (Eur) $279 #A-40042 Easy Lock Blade Clamp (UK) $279 #A-40043 Easy Lock Blade Clamp (Jpn) $279 s 85 Direct Clamp Very versatile clamp, three independent adjustments for lithotomy, abduction and rail securement. Attach the clamp anywhere on the OR table rail between rail standoffs. Accepts 1⁄2TO5⁄8CMTO CMROUNDANDX1⁄4CMXCMmATACCESSORIES A strong and light-weight replacement for “Clark Sockets.” Increased clamping force stops rotation of legholders. Teeth are concealed for easier cleaning. Unique design prevents accidental sliding along rail when not in use. Attaches at OR table rail ends or rail notches. Will not hang up on rail-end gravity locks. Indicator marks facilitate faster, easier setup. Accepts up to 5⁄8CMROUNDPOST #A-40016 Tri-Clamp (US) $299 #A-40016E Tri-Clamp (Eur) $299 For Rectangular Blades For Round Posts For Round Posts For Rectangular Blades #O-CS Direct Clamp (US) $249 #O-CSU Direct Clamp (Eur/UK) $249 #O-DCD Direct Clamp (Denyer) $249 #O-CSSW Direct Clamp (Swiss) $249 Universal Clamp Simple Clamp Single clamp secures accessories with round and rectangular mounting posts from any manufacturer. Accessories can be mounted either vertically or horizontally (e.g. foot extension) with the same clamp. Attach the clamp anywhere on the OR table rail between rail standoffs. Accepts 5⁄8CMROUNDANDX1⁄4 (2.5 cm x 0.6 cm) flat accessories. Not recommended for use with stirrups. )NNOVATIVEDESIGNALLOWSPLACEMENTUNDEROVERDRAPES$URABLE aluminum and stainless steel construction. Attach the clamp anywhere on the OR table rail between rail standoffs. Holds all 1⁄2 to 5⁄8CMTOCMDIAMETERACCESSORIES #O-RCP2 Universal Clamp (US/Eur) $99 #A-40018 Simple Clamp (US/Eur) $279 #A-40018-UK Simple Clamp (UK) $279 #A-40018-DEN Simple Clamp (Denyer) $279 General - Clamps Tri-Clamp® For Round Posts For Round Posts Universal Accessory Clamp Rail Clamp Unique, basic clamp that fits both 1⁄2TO5⁄8CMTOCM table accessories with round posts as well as blade-type posts 1⁄4 XCMTOCM!TTACHTHECLAMPANYWHEREONTHE/2TABLE rail between rail standoffs. Not recommended for use with stirrups. Securely locks all accessories with flat mounting blades anywhere along the table side rail. Attaches at OR table rail ends or rail NOTCHES0ERFECTFORTABLETOPEXTENSIONSANDKNEEFOOTBOARD applications. Strong and light-weight replacements for original rail locks. Accessories can be mounted either vertically or horizontally. Reduces the “free play” associated with standard clamps. Accepts X1⁄4CMXCMmATACCESSORIES #A-40015 For Rectangular Blades For Round Posts 86 Universal Accessory Clamp (US Only) $149 For Rectangular Blades #O-RC2 Rail Clamp (US) $89 #O-RC2XUK Rail Clamp (Eur/UK) $89 #O-RC2XD Rail Clamp (Denyer) $89 #O-RC29X32MM Rail Clamp (Jpn) #O-RCS Rail Clamp (Swiss) $134 $89 87 The Accessory Cart provides convenient storage for most of your surgical table accessories. Six rails and a deep bin afford plenty of storing space. Optional accessory hooks allow quick and easy storage. Weighted base makes cart tipresistant and reduces potential vibration during transport. Polymer base is dent-resistant. Heavyduty casters roll smoothly. Two casters lock for safer and easier loading, unloading, and storage. The perfect companion, the Allen Beach Chair Cart conveniently stores the Allen Beach Chair and all of its accessories. The Beach Chair rests securely on sturdy rails at user height to reduce potential back strain. Optional accessory hooks allow quick and easy storage for larger accessories. Deep bin affords plenty of extra storing space. Weighted base makes cart tip-resistant and reduces potential vibration during transport. Polymer base is dent-resistant. Heavy-duty casters roll smoothly. Two casters lock for safer and easier loading, unloading, and storage. $899 #A-30010E Accessory Cart (Eur) $899 #A-30010UK Accessory Cart (UK) $899 Accessory Hook #A-30011 2 Included (Replacement Cost: $99) Single Hook #A-30012 $29 The Accessory Hook allows for faster product storage on our Accessory Cart. Coated prongs help protect stored product from developing scratches. Easy Lock design makes attachment and detachment a snap! Double Hook #A-30013 $49 Allen Beach Chair Cart (US) $695 #A-90100E Allen Beach Chair Cart (Eur) $695 #A-90100UK Allen Beach Chair Cart (UK) $695 Accessory Hook #A-30011 $99 Single Hook #A-30012 $29 The Accessory Hook allows for faster product storage on our Beach Chair Cart. Coated prongs help protect stored product from developing scratches. Easy Lock™ design makes attachment and detachment a snap! Double Hook #A-30013 $49 Stirrup Cart Easy Rack A great way to store and protect your investment, this strong and lightweight cart holds and transports your stirrups or legholders. Compact and state-of-the-art, the cart will hold any stirrup from any manufacturer. The sturdy molded fourcaster polymer base is dent-resistant. The deep storage bin is a great place to store clamps and pads securely. The Easy Rack will provide convenient storage for your stirrups, armboards, clamps, straps and other table accessories. Dentresistant polymer construction is easily cleanable. Specially designed hooks will take all types of stirrups and can be placed onto rack just like they came off the table. No need to readjust to fit on rack. Unique key slots accept 1⁄4X (0.6 cm x 2.5 cm) flat and 5⁄8CMROUND mounting posts without the need for clamps. Requires appropriate wall fasteners (not included). Two different size hooks allow this storage cart to hold a variety of stirrups. Hold up to a 3 ⁄4CMRODONTHESMALLERHOOKANDUP TOACMONTHELARGERHOOK #A-30015 88 #A-90100 What’s Optional Accessory Cart (US) What’s Included #A-30010 General - Storage Allen Beach Chair Cart What’s Optional Protect Your Investment Accessory Cart Stirrup Cart #O-MR2 Easy Rack (US) $349 #O-MR2E Easy Rack (Eur) $349 #O-MR2UK Easy Rack (UK) $349 $695 89 With the trigger design, simply pull the radiolucent release mechanism for full articulation and release it to lock. A spring lever accessible from both sides securely locks the armboard to the rail and eliminates the uncertainty of gravity locks. Components are enclosed in a durable, molded plastic body to protect against denting and breakage. Easy, no-tilt mounting, removal and repositioning. Pull-trigger provides easy LATERALADJUSTMENTWITHPOSITIONS2AIL clamp latch prevents inadvertent detachment. ,IGHTWEIGHTLBSKGWITHOUTPADAND radiolucent. Integral storage and carrying handle. $289 #O-ABSLTUK Easy Armboard With Trigger (UK) $289 Clamshell Armboard Pad 2" (5 cm) Pad #O-AMA96X2.0S 1 Required $95 Polymer Gel Pads # (multiple) Call Customer Service Fits US Rails Only Clamshell Armboard Pad 3" (7.6 cm) Pad #O-AMA96X3.0S 1 Required $105 Pressure Management Pads # (multiple) Call Customer Service Dura-Board® Armboard Clamshell Armboard Pad 2" (5 cm) Pad #O-AMA96X2.0S 1 Required $95 Polymer Gel Pads # (multiple) Call Customer Service $349 Clamshell Armboard Pad 3" (7.6 cm) Pad #O-AMA96X3.0S 1 Required $105 Pressure Management Pads # (multiple) Call Customer Service Easy Armboard™ Lift-to-Position Easy Extra-Wide Armboard Lift the end of the board and rotate to the desired position. The patient’s arm weight to locks the board in place when lowered. A spring lever securely locks the armboard to the rail eliminating the uncertainty of gravity locks. 4HE%XTRA7IDE!RMBOARDFEATURESAXCMXCM surface. Attaches easily and securely to the table rail, using our spring lever design. Triggerless design allows you to simply lift the end of the board and rotate to the desired position. When lowered, the patient’s arm weight causes the board to lock securely. $239 #O-ABSLE Easy Armboard™ Lift-to-Position (Eur) $239 #O-ABSLUK Easy Armboard™ Lift-to-Position (UK) $239 #O-ABSLW Easy Extra-Wide Armboard Clamshell Armboard Pad 2" (5 cm) Pad #O-AMA96X2.0S 1 Required $95 Polymer Gel Pads # (multiple) Call Customer Service OR What’s Required Easy Armboard™ Lift-to-Position (Denyer) What’s Optional #O-ABSLD $239 Clamshell Armboard Pad 3" (7.6 cm) Pad #O-AMA96X3.0S 1 Required $105 All Armboards are Radiolucent! What’s Included Easy Armboard™ Lift-to-Position (US) Easy Extra-Wide Armboard #O-ABSLW What’s Optional #O-ABSL Fits US Rails Only 90 #A-30003 OR Easy Armboard With Trigger (Eur) Choose a Pad #O-ABSLTE What’s Optional $289 OR Easy Armboard With Trigger (US) What’s Required #O-ABSLT General - Armboards Dura-Board® Armboard What’s Optional Eliminate Broken Armboard Teeth! Easy Armboard™ With Trigger Replacement 1" (2.5 cm) Pad #O-AMA10X1.0S $110 $499 2" (5 cm) Pad #O-AMA10X2.0S 1 Included (Replacement Price: $155) Pressure Management Pads # (multiple) Call Customer Service 91 Arm Shield Safely and Easily Positions Patients in Lateral, Prone and Seated Orientations. Slides under back section pad to protect arms and keep them from falling off table. The radiolucent Arm Shield provides a comfortable safe platform for surgical staff to lean on without harming patient or dislodging I.V.'s. Doughy-soft pad provides comfortable patient cushion eliminating risk of pressure related injury. Allows for effective positioning of arms to prevent potential patient injury. The malleable hand rest enables surgeon to place patient’s hand in any desired orientation. LPS Arm Support Pad #P-AMA74X0.6S-A 1 Included (Replacement Price: $140) Easy Lock Socket #A-40022 (US), #A-40023 (Eur), #A-40024 (UK), #A-40030 (Jpn) 1 Required, Specify Rail Type $299 Each Shown with Pad Arm Shield Arm Shield #O-AS $149 Arm Shield Pad #O-AMA53X0.6S 1 Included (Replacement Price: $65) Multi-Task Armboard Armboard Cradle Provides arm support for lateral, chair, prone and neuro park BENCHPOSITIONS,OCKABLEBALLSOCKETCOMBINEDWITHCM of horizontal travel permits a wide range of positioning flexibility. !DJUSTABLESURFACEEXTENDSFROMTOCMXCMIN LENGTHANDISCMWIDE Keeps arm securely in place when the back section is raised with arms extended such as in breast surgery. Mounts to side of any armboard with included straps. Protects arm and exposed I.V.’s from interference with surgical staff. Comes complete with doughy-soft pad for comfortable, safe positioning. #O-ABMT Multi-Task Armboard #O-ABRC $499 Clamshell 1" (2.5 cm) Armboard Pad #O-AMA97X1.0S 1 Required $110 OR What’s Required Easy Lock Socket #A-40022 (US), #A-40023 (Eur), #A-40024 (UK), #A-40030 (Jpn) 1 Required, Specify Rail Type $299 Each Choose Pad Shown without Pad 92 What’s Included LPS Arm Support #A-90002 #O-AS What’s Included The Wrap-Around Pad Provides Protection and Stability. Dimensions: 153⁄4WIDEBYHIGHCMXCM $699 What’s Included Seated Positioning LPS Arm Support What’s Required #A-90002 Lateral Positioning General LPS Arm Support Armboard Cradle Armboard Cradle #O-ABRC $225 Armboard Cradle Pad #O-AMA51X0.8S 1 Included (Replacement Price: $65) Standard 1" (2.5 cm) Armboard Pad #O-AMA12X1.0S 1 Required $65 93 General Anesthesia Screen Adjustable Footboard Single point mount provides easy attachment and removal. Adjusts VERTICALLYFROMTOCMXCMANDROTATESHORIZONTALLY for added flexibility and convenient patient access. Folds flat for easy storage. The 5⁄8CMMOUNTINGPOSTlTSSTANDARDCLAMPS Also available with adjustable drape support wings that pivot in all planes and lock with a simple twist. !DJUSTABLEWIDTHACCOMMODATESOUTSIDERAILDIMENSIONSOF to 231⁄4CMXCM3UPPORTSUPTOALBSKG patient. Attaches horizontally as a table extension to accommodate taller patients or vertically as a foot support. Easily mounts to the foot section side rails of any OR table. Radiolucent construction permits unhindered imaging. )NCLUDESCMPREMIUMPRESSURE management pad to reduce heel pressure. #O-ASLW Anesthesia Screen w/ Extension Wings $429 #O-ASL Anesthesia Screen w/out Wings $245 What’s Included Adjustable Footboard Adjustable Footboard #O-AFB What’s Required Easy Lock Socket #A-40022 (US), #A-40023 (Eur), #A-40024 (UK), #A-40030 (Jpn) 1 Required, Specify Rail Type $299 Each 6" What’s Required #O-AFB Easy Lock Blade Clamp #A-40040 (US), #A-40041 (Eur), #A-40042 (UK), #A-40043 (Jpn) 2 Required, Specify Rail Type $279 Each $695 Adjustable Footboard Pad #O-AMA122X2.0R 1 Included (Replacement Price: $99) Post Moves In And Out To Accommodate Various Table Widths Flexible Anesthesia Screen Security Straps Be creative! This malleable screen conforms to any shape you desire. The plastic encased metal link construction remains stable as shaped. Mounts to any surgical table. Has 5⁄8CMPOST Loops around the side rail for simple table attachment and adjusts easily with buckles. #O-PRSLH Medium Security Strap (without hooks) What’s Required #O-FAS Flexible Anesthesia Screen $295 Easy Lock Socket #A-40022 (US), #A-40023 (Eur), #A-40024 (UK), #A-40030 (Jpn) 2 Required, Specify Rail Type $299 Each #O-RSX2 #O-PRSH Hooks 94 $229 s3OFTPADDEDCENTERSECTIONIS1⁄2CMTHICK CMWIDECMLONG s3TRAPISADJUSTABLEFROMTOCMXCM Large Security Strap (without hooks) $229 s3OFTPADDEDCENTERSECTIONIS1⁄2CMTHICK CMWIDECMLONG s3TRAPISADJUSTABLEFROMTOCMXCM 95 Frogger™ Pad Step Onto Comfort and Feel the Difference! Use the Frogger Pad to position patient’s legs during saphenous vein harvesting. The cushion splays legs slightly so that knees tilt outward—providing easier access to the surgical site as well as a stable platform on which to operate. Useful for both minimally invasive endoscopic procedures as well as for the traditional groin-to-ankle incision. The Comfort Mat is a closed-cell, absorbent-resistant foam which helps reduce fatigue, pain and discomfort associated with standing for long periods of time. The beveled, low profile edges facilitate EASYACCESSTOTHESURFACE4HESURFACEMEASURESXCM x 84 cm) but is also available in custom sizes. This non-slip surface is chemical resistant. Custom pads are priced per square inch. #O-CM Comfort Mat $139 The cover is made with 4-way stretch material. Inside construction includes a top layer of conforming foam with soft yet supportive foam beneath. #H-009-00-100 Frogger Pad Greater Saphenous Vein $495 Needle Triever™ Device Extremity Positioner Help protect your staff from sharps injuries with the Allen Needle Triever. This suture needle retrieval system has a large magnetic surface to easily pick up any ferrous needles and sharps as small ASMMDIAMETER/URUNIQUEDESIGNALLOWSTHISMAGNETIC sweeper to reach under the surgical table and other hard-to-reach places. The lightweight aluminum is easy to use, clean and store. The long handle, more than 3 feet (1 meter), means you don’t need to bend over to find lost sharps. The Extremity Positioner is used most frequently for prepping extremity surgical sites. It is also used for positioning the leg for foot and ankle procedures. #A-75000 Needle Triever Device #H-009-00-110 Extremity Positioner $490 $199 Vacu-Gel & Vacu-Form Lateral Positioners Foam Well-Leg Holder Stable and comfortable lateral positioning. Exclusive integral gel layer provides extra protection against pressure ulcer development in Vacu-Gel Positioner. Repair kit included. The Foam Well-Leg Holder easily supports with comfort the nonaffected, well-leg during arthroscopic knee procedures, fracture repairs, and cast procedures. s %ASYTOOPERATEVALVEUSES1⁄4CMSUCTIONLINE s "AFmESCONTROLBEADMIGRATION s ,ARGESIZEXCMXCM s !XILLARYCUTOUT s &LAPTOCLIPINSTRUMENTSSAFELY 96 General Comfort Mat #H-009-00-120 #H-018-00-201 Vacu-Form Large (40" x 30") $699 #H-008-00-201 Vacu-Form Large (40" x 30", no gel layer) $289 Foam Well-Leg Holder $330 97 Bariatric Armboard The Ultrafin Stirrup is the latest in bariatric lithotomy positioning. This stirrup features a roomier boot for larger calves and accommodates up to an 800 lbs. (363 kg) patient. Piston technology helps to position heavy legs more easily. Includes clamshell-type boot pads. Our Bariatric Armboard is exactly what you need to help secure larger patients. It is easy to mount and easy to use. The spring lever mounting mechanism, accessible from both sides, securely locks the armboard to the rail and eliminates the uncertainty of gravity locks. The trigger adjustment offers easy articulation as well as fine increments of adjustment to allow for precise positioning. The tooth-free mechanism is engineered to withstand the rigors of the operating room. Accommodates up to a 1,000 lbs. (454 kg) patient. Purchase contoured armboard surfaces or our unique inclining surface that does not require extra padding to prevent hyperextending the arm. For armboard surfaces, call Customer Service. What’s Included Ultrafin Stirrups #O-UFAS 1 Pair Easy Lock Blade Clamp #A-40040 (US), #A-40041 (Eur), #A-40042 (UK), #A-40043 (Jpn) 2 Required, Specify Rail Type $279 Each $7,249 Ultrafin Clamshell Pad #O-AMA65S0.6S 1 Pair Included (Replacement Price: $749) Fits US Rails Only #A-80200 Bariatric Armboard $699 8" Bariatric Table Width Extender Bariatric Nissen Straps / Thigh Retractors Bariatric Table Width Extender (TWE) increases the support surface OFYOURSURGICALTABLEBYCMONEACHSIDE s!TTACHESTOTHEBACKSEATANDLEGSECTIONSTOCREATEEXTRAWIDTH needed by larger, heavier patients. s&ULLLENGTHEXTENDERPROVIDESAMPLESUPPORTFORPATIENTS s3HORTEREXTENDERPROVIDESSPACEONTABLERAILFORWEIGHTBEARING accessories (stirrups, thigh retractors, armboards, etc.) s"OTHVERSIONSACCOMMODATEUPTOALBSKGPATIENT Bariatric Nissen Straps offer the support larger patients need during steep reverse Trendelenburg positioning. The pad is wide and long to offer comfortable support. Integral clamps attach to rail tightly and securely. Accommodates up to a 1,000 lbs. (454 kg) patient when used as a pair. #A-80100 8"x15" (20 cm x 38 cm) Table Width Ext. (shown) $799 #A-80150 8"x11" (20 cm x 28 cm) Table Width Ext. $699 What’s Required Fits US Rails Only, Depending on Table Limitations 5LTRAlN3TIRRUPS What’s Required /5&!3 General - Bariatric Ultrafin™ Stirrups s 0ADISCMWIDEANDCMLONG s 3TRAPSAREADJUSTABLEINUSABLELENGTHUPTOCM #A-80400 Bariatric Nissen Straps/Thigh Retractors (pair) $1,599 Fits US Rails Only Bariatric Table Width Extender Pads Available in thicknesses of 2" to 7" (5 cm x 18 cm). # (multiple) Call Customer Service Bariatric Security Strap Our Bariatric Security Strap has an ample pad which provides a comfortable hold for bariatric patients. Four extra-durable straps allow for a secure hold and a good fit. Straps loop around side rail for simple table attachment. Accommodates up to 1,000 lbs. (454 kg) patient. Fits all tables. s 0ADISCMWIDEANDCMLONG s 3TRAPSAREADJUSTABLEINUSABLELENGTHUPTOCM #A-80300 98 Bariatric Security Strap $599 99 Warrior Evacuation Litter Pad Roller-Free Roller Board - Better For Patients, Easier On Nurses, and Inexpensive The Warrior Evacuation Litter Pad or “WELP” was developed to meet the needs of injured Service Members returning to the U.S on extended Aero-Medical Evacuation flights. Engineered specifically to meet the high standards set by the U.S Air Force’s “Air Mobility Command” the WELP was approved by the Air Force for aviation use but is easily adaptable for a variety of applications. s.O2OLLERS- Less traumatic transfer for patients s#OMFORTABLE- Soft but sturdy board is easy on patients s,IGHTENSTHE,OAD - No lifting required, even with your heaviest patients s,IGHTWEIGHT- Very easy to use s.O3PECIAL4RAINING2EQUIREMENTS- Uses same or similar transfer technique No Lifting Required! s2ADIOLUCENT - You can image with the board under the patient s&OWLER0OSITION4RANSFER - Long board allows for transfer in seated position s&OLDABLE - Long board folds for easy storage and set-up s3TRAPS - Carry this lightweight device on your shoulder and keep your hands free ,OW&RICTION3URFACES FOR%ASY0ATIENT4RANSFER General - WELP Patient Transfer Board The WELP features a durable non-skid bottom material that prevents sliding of the pad over the litter surface during steep ascent and rapid deceleration frequently experienced in tactical take off and landing. Baffled vents on the edge of the pad are provided to diminish pad swelling in the event of in-flight emergency rapid decompression. Innovative features and manufacturing techniques such as ultrasonically welded seams and specialized sealants reduce the risk of the interior foams wicking blood and body fluids during use. Even during prolonged use, WELP’s layered foam system coupled with a specialized patient interface surface aid in reducing the risk of soft tissue injuries such as Decubitis and Neuropathy. 3PECS 4RANSFER"OARD Color: Black 4RANSFER#OVER (rotates around transfer board) Dimensions: 72”x 23”x 2” Makes Fowler-Position Transfer a Snap! Weight: 10.5 lbs ! ,ONG0ATIENT4RANSFER"OARD XCMXCM $749 ! 3 HORT0ATIENT4RANSFER"OARD XCMXCM $499 * Not intended as a flotation device. /RDERINGINFORMATION Allen Medical Systems Catalog Number- H-223-48-223-A1 National Stock Number - 6530-01-548-0262 ! $ ISPOSABLE#OVERS#ASEOF SIZEDFOR,ONG"OARDS $99 * Call for contract pricing. (! 7ARRIOR%VACUATION,ITTER0AD Ultra-Lightweight! Short Board is 3 lbs. (1.5 kg) Long Board is 6.3 lbs. (3 kg) #A-83001 #A-83000 Spine C-Flex AP-Vantage Jackson Table imaging Capabilities on Any OR Table! C-Flex AP-Vantage - what to use when imaging matters. The unique product design eliminates obstructions, leaving nothing but the patient in the shot. C-Flex AP-Vantage provides the cleanest possible cervical images on an OR table. Artifact-Free AP Shots... Better Than Radiolucent! The system can be used for both anterior and posterior cervical surgeries, it includes an OR table adaptor (with carbon fiber rails) and the C-Flex head positioner. All the benefits of C-Flex for the OR table with a variety of different head attachments. Ideal for use with Odontoid Screws, Cervical Fusion, and Artificial Cervical Discs. Artifact-Free Zone s!RTIFACT&REE)MAGING2ADIOLUCENT s3QUEEZE0OSITIONWITH#&LEX s1UICK%ASY)NTRAOPERATIVE!DJUSTMENT s!DDED3TABILITYWITH/PTIONAL,EG s$EVICE7EIGHTLBSKG sLBSKG0ATIENT7EIGHT,IMIT s7ORKSWITHTHE-AYlELD3KULL#LAMPAND-AYlELD(ORSESHOE s&ITS/24ABLESWITH/UTSIDE2AIL7IDTHv1⁄2” (508 mm - 648 mm) s&ITS!NY!CCESSORY2AIL4YPE53%55+$ENYERAND*APANESE #A-70110 C-Flex AP-Vantage (with C-Flex System) #A-70111 C-Flex AP-Vantage (without C-Flex System) What’s Included Odontoid Screw 16 Concord Position C-Flex Polar Head Positioner System #A-70700 C-Flex AP-Vantage OR Table Adaptor #A-70115 1 Included $8,995 C-Flex AP-Vantage WO#&LEX3YSTEM! OR Head Positioner C-Flex AP-Vantage (with C-Flex System) #A-70110 $23,995 C-Flex 45° Head Module #A-70118 1 Included (Replacement Price: $550) C-Flex Traction Bar #A-70117 1 Included (Replacement Price: $400) C-Flex AP-Vantage Leg #A-70116 (Replacement Price: $600) Optional Leg 17 C-Flex Clean Cape Disposables Comfort Covers are for use with wingsets and are designed to address skin integrity concerns for patients in the prone position. They are comprised of a moisture-absorbing foam, with a low shear, Tyvek® backing. s,ATEXFREE s3INGLEUSE Disposable cover to protect the C-Flex from fluids and other contaminants. C-Prone Head Positioner The Contour Cover Disposable is for use with the Contour Breast Positioner, with an adjustable cup to fit large breasted patients. The unique design addresses skin integrity concerns for female patients in the prone position. It is comprised of moisture-absorbing foam, with a low shear, Tyvek backing. Comes as a set with two comfort cover wingset disposables. s,ATEXFREE s3INGLEUSE Contour Breast Positioner Cover Disposables (Case of 5 Sets) $80 $300 Contour Cover Disposables #A-70271 C-Flex Clean Cape Disposables (Case of 10) $400 s0RONEHEADPOSITIONER s&OLDAWAYMIRROR s6ERTICALANDROTATIONALADJUSTMENT s%YESFREEFROMPRESSURE sLBSKGPATIENTWEIGHTCAPACITY s%ASYAIRWAYACCESS s&ITS!LLEN&LEX&RAMEAND*ACKSONSPINEFRAME #A-70300 C-Prone Head Positioner What’s Included Comfort Covers (Case of 5 Four Piece Sets) #A-70702 C-Prone Head Positioner #A-70300 What’s Required #A-70260 Comfort Mask Disposables #A-70310 1 Case of 5 $150 Case $3,499 Comfort Mask Disposables #A-70310 Includes 1 Case of 5 Comfort Mask Disposables Supine Top Set Comfort Mask Disposables are for use with C-Prone and C-Flex. It is designed to avoid pressure on the eyes while cradling to the face of patients in the prone position. They are comprised of a cosmetic, moisture-absorbing foam that is soft on the face and addresses skin integrity concerns. s,ATEXFREE s3INGLEUSE Radiolucent sections that convert an open spine frame to a solid imaging surface. 500 lbs. (227 kg) patient weight capacity. $3,395 Supine Top Set #A-70400 4 Included (30.5 cm (12") top sections) 12" Supine Top Set Pads, 2" (5 cm) Thickness #A-70434 4 Required $249 Each OR $150 Supine Top Set What’s Included Comfort Mask Disposables (Case of 5) #A-70400 What’s Required #A-70310 18 Spine Comfort Cover Disposables 12" Supine Top Set Pads, 3" (7.6 cm) Thickness #A-70435 4 Required $249 Each 19 1UICKCONNECTMOUNTFORATTACHINGARMSUPPORTSTOASPINEFRAME 400 lbs. (181 kg) patient weight capacity. #A-70500 Armboard Rail #A-70610 $699 Specify Rail Type #A-70501 (US) #A-70501-EU (Eur) #A-70501-UK (UK) #A-70510 Flex Frame OR Table Clamp Set (Includes Left and Right Clamps) $999 Specify Rail Type #A-70510-DEN (Denyer) #A-70510-JP (Jpn) Prone Spinal Leg Pad Mount retractors anywhere on the carbon fiber frame. Doublelength mount for attaching multiple accessories to a spine frame. LBSKGPATIENTWEIGHTCAPACITY,ENGTHOFRAILIS (43.2 cm). Thigh and leg pad for raising the legs and relieving pressure on the HIPSCMTHICK #A-70441 Long Accessory Rail Flex Frame Armboard Rail #A-70500 (US), #A-70500 (Eur), #A-70500 (UK), #A-70500 (Jpn), #A-70500 (Denyer) 1 Required $499 Each Mounts for connecting the Allen Flex Frame to any standard OR table. #A-70510 (US) #A-70510-EU (Eur) #A-70510-UK (UK) #A-70501-DEN (Denyer) #A-70501-JP (Jpn) Flex Frame Long Accessory Rail #A-70502 Easy Lock Socket #A-40022 (US), #A-40023 (Eur), #A-40024 (UK), #A-40030 (Jpn) 1 Required $299 Each $699 Flex Frame OR Table Clamp Set Mount retractors anywhere on the carbon fiber frame. Rigid mount for attaching any standard rail accessory to a spine frame. Ideal for retractors and arm supports. 500 lbs. (227 kg) patient weight CAPACITY,ENGTHOFRAILISCM Short Accessory Rail Prone Arm Support (Sold Individually) What’s Required #A-70500-JP (Jpn) #A-70500-DEN (Denyer) Flex Frame Short Accessory Rail #A-70501 s0RONEANDLATERALARMSUPPORT s#ONTOUREDHANDREST s&REEULNARNERVE s,OWPROlLE sLBSKGPATIENTWEIGHTCAPACITY $499 Specify Rail Type #A-70500 (US) #A-70500-EU (Eur) #A-70500-UK (UK) Spine Prone Arm Support Flex Frame Armboard Rail Prone Spinal Pad - 5" Thickness $599 $1,499 Specify Rail Type #A-70502 (US) #A-70502-EU (Eur) #A-70502-UK (UK) 20 #A-70502-DEN (Denyer) #A-70502-JP (Jpn) 21 PAL Pro® #A-10052 PAL® Better #A-10023 Y Y Y Yellofin® (without Lift-Assist) N #O-YFSI SAM III™ #A-10024 Adjustable Length N Y All Positions in Range Y All Positions in Range Y All Positions in Range Y All Positions in Range Y 10 Positions in Range +90, -35 +90, -22 Y All Positions in Range Y All Positions in Range Y All Positions in Range Y +90, -22 +90, -35 Fixed Abduction Track Y All Positions in Range Y +25, -9 +25, -9 +25, -9 +25, -9 Fixed Track FOR lithotomy +25, -9 Fixed Track Y 800 lbs. (on rod) (363 kg) Y 500 lbs. (on rod) (227 kg) Y 350 lbs. (on rod) (159 kg) Y 350 lbs. (on handle) (159 kg) Y 350 lbs. (on handle) (159 kg) Y 350 lbs. (on rod) (159 kg) Y +90, -26 Fixed Abduction Track FOR Lithotomy (on rod joint) N N N N N N N N N N N N #A-10008-F Basic Stirrups #A-10001-F Good Better 350 lbs. (159 kg) 350 lbs. (159 kg) 350 lbs. (159 kg) Best N Y $7,249 N Y $5,795 N Y $5,245 Y N $5,495 Y N $4,745 N Y $4,245 N N $3,745 N N $2,499 N N $1,799 Gynecology / Laparoscopy / Urology Abduction Range Abduction Adjustment (From Sterile Field) Lithotomy Adjustment (From Sterile Field) +90, -35 Y All Positions in Range Price #O-YFASI Y All Positions in Range +84, -33 Protective Fin Design Yellofin® Good Y #O-YFES Y All Positions in Range Mechanism Cover Best Yellofin® Elite Y Patient Weight Limit #O-UFAS Lithotomy Indicator Ultrafin® Lithotomy Adjustment (From Sterile Field) Product Lift Mechanism Stirrup Selection & Comparison Chart //PTIONAL * Extended Warranty Program For Stirrups - U.S. Only Keep your stirrups functioning like new for 4 full years! Allen Medical will extend the original warranty for an additional two years (4 years total) for the stirrup hardware. This program will ensure that the covered stirrup functions properly for 4 years from the date of purchase at no additional cost. Warranty Extension continues the original stirrup warranty for two years. This does not include boot pads purchased in conjunction with the stirrup or as part of the original stirrup. See page 101 for more information on Allen Medical System’s Warranty Program. 22 23