HK P7K3 Users Manual
HK P7K3 Users Manual
HECKLER & KOCH GMBH D-7238 OBERNDORF/NECKAR TELEFON 0 7423/79-1 TELEX 760313 TELEGRAMM-ADRESSE: HEKLERKOCH © HK edition 1c/TD 2224 OD 1291 Printed in Fed. Rep. of Germany lmprime en R. F. A. Attention - Thoroughly read these instructions before taking the weapon in hand. M ind all notes for handling and use. - Strictly obey t he principles for handling and use. - Always treat the pistol as if it is loaded and ready to fi re. - Handling of pistols requires special prudence as their pointing d irection can be easily changed. - Never point the pistol at persons when handling or trai ning w ith it. - On no account use force when handling, dismantling and cl eaning the pistol. - Safe handling of th e pistol is guara nteed by its mature design and the accurate production of all components. However, safety and operation may be impaired by extraord inary strain as hard shocks, drops o r shock forces. If this should aris e the weapo n has to be sen t in to the producer or to an au thorized gun shop fo r inspecti on and/or re pair. - H & K does not accept any responsibility for incidents caused by incorrect handl ing, improper treatment, unauthorized exchange of parts and other manipu lations o n the weapons, as we ll as fo r incid ents caused by th e fi ring of under- or overl oaded ammunition. 1 Table of contents Design features · Advantages Calibres .22 LR I .320 ACP (7.65 mm) I .380 ACP {9 m m short) The P71<3 Pistol is the most recent model in the range of P7 Pistols. Its design and operation are largely identical to the already we ll introduced P7 M 8 and P 7 M 13 Pistols. Pag e Design features · Advantages 3 General instructions on handling 4 Filling the magazine · Loading t he pistol 5 Firing ·Sequenceof o perati ons 6 Reloading when the magazine is empty 7 Slide catch lever 8 Unloading the pistol 9 St ri pping for cleaning 10 Assembl ing the pi stol 10 Conversion for change of ca libre 11 Conversion kit cal. .22 LR 12 Remova l and installation of the fi ring pin 14 Adjustme nt· Sights 15 Care of the pisto l 16 Main cleaning 16 Specifications 17 Assembl ies 18 Components 20 Essential characte ristics of the P7 K3 : - Conversion kits fo r ca li bres .22 LR, 7.65 mm and 9 mm short - Inertia blowback action - New type of slide buffer system - Changeable, fixed barre l w ith po lygon bore profile - Excel lent ergonomic desi gn - Compactness and smooth external surfaces - Highly suitabl e fo r concea led carrying 2 3 - Rap id aiming t hanks to close proximi ty of sighting line and upper edge of the han d - High durability and ro bu stness - High accuracy of fire provided by constant low trigger pressure, right from the fi rst shot - Completely identical handling from left and right, the refore su itable fo r both left- and rightha nded shooters - Squeeze cock ing system - Hardened steel g rip frame The P7 K 3 Pistol is a service pistol w ith t hree convers ion kits for sporting, self-defence or practice shoot ing . The m ost suitable ammunition for intensive practice tra ining ist the cheap-price cal ib re .22 LR. General instructions on handling Filling the magazine Instead of a conventional double action trigger the P7 K3 features a squeeze cocker on t he fro nt of the grip. When the shooter grasps the weapon, his fi ngers simultaneously depress the squeeze cocke r, which au tomatically cocks the firi ng pin. It is not necessary for the shooter to cramp his hand in o rd er to keep the squeeze cocker depressed, since it engages in t he cocked position. As soon as the p istol is released, the squeeze cocker snaps forward and au tomatical ly uncocks th e fi ring pin. This system also eliminates the need for a conventional firing pin system incorporating a hammer which requires a great deal of space and is usually of complicated design. A ll this means that th e pistol is ready to fire instantaneously. The squeeze cocker also releases the Insert the ca rt ridges under the 1nagazine lips, base fi rst, by pressing down the fo llower. The magazine holds 8 rounds. slide catch when the slide is in the open position. A squeeze is all tha t is required to snap the slide forward. And, of course, this simultaneously chambers a round if a fil led magazine is inserted. There is no lateral slide catch and release lever, this is why the P7 K3 permits superb hand ling to both left- and right-handed shooters. The pistol grip is angled 110° relative to th e barrel. In spite of this ergonomica lly favou ra ble pistol grip angle, it was nevert heless possible to arrange the magazine virtually perpendicu lar to the barre l, th ereby providing optimum feed of the cart ridge from magazine to chambe r - even when using special ammunition with u nconventional bullet configurations. This makes the pistol considerab ly less susceptible to malfunctions than conventi onal models. With the magazine in cal. .22 LR the fo llower can be pressed down from outside, to facilitate loading of the cartridges. The magazines in cal. 7.65 mm and 9 mm short look similar. They only differ by the fol lower which is provided w ith a respective inscription. Loading the pistol Insert a fi lled magazine into th e closed weapon until th e rnagazine catch engages. Pull the slide back all the way and let it snap forward again. Th is chambe rs the top cartridge from the magazine. The P7 K 3 is now ready to fire. -<II Fig. 1: Filli ng the magazine T Fig. 2: Pul I back slide 4 5 Firing Sequence of operations P7 K3 loaded - round in the chamber. Grasptheweapon, holding it rea dy to fire - press the squeeze cocker (the fi ring pin is now cocked fo r the fi rst shot) - pu ll th e t rigger - this w ill release the cocked fi ring pin. Keep the squeeze cocker pressed fo r all subsequent shots, it is only necessary to pull t he trigger. Li ght trigger pull fro m th e fi rst shot on and for all fo llowing shots, which means increased accura cy. Firing by means of the squeeze cocker When the trigger is pulled and the sqeeze cocke r is depressed, or when trigger and squeeze cocker are actuated simultaneously, the firing pin w ill be cocked, snaps forward and wil l ignite the round. This feature guaran tees that the pistol is always ready to fire, even when the shooter does not carry out the o perations in the ri ght sequence. Reloading when the magazine is empty Recocking (Should round fai l to ignite) Ease-off g rippi ng and squeeze again -to recock the fi ring pi n pull the trigger. Afte r the last ro und has been fi red , t he slide will remain open. To con tinue fi ring immediately, sim ply exchange the em pty magazine for a fu II one and Please note: When firing, th e shooter can rel ieve h is grip and hol d the P7 K3 w ith o nly the force requ ired to hold a conve ntional pistol without squ eeze cocker. Opening the shooter's hand arou nd t he grip (the squeeze cocke r w ill rn ove forward to its initial posit ion) automatically u ncocks the P7 K3. either depress squeeze cocker; this w ill cause the slide to snap forward and wi l I autom atically cock the firing p in, or pull the slide back slightly and let it snap forward . The P7 K3 is ready to fi re ag ain. Silent uncocking To uncock t he weapon silent ly, pull back the slide approx. 10 mm, re· lease the squeeze cocker and lead the slide forwa rd by hand. Fig . 4 : Reloading the pistol T Fig. 3: Squeeze cocke r de- p ressed 6 7 Slide catch lever The slide catch lever is employed for keeping the action open w ith· out a mag azine being inserted . Unloading the pistol Press magazine catch down an d extract 1nagazine. Pull slide back all the way; this will eject the chambered cartridge. Make su re, tha t the chamber is clear. Let slide snap forwa rd again. A Fig. 5: Slide catch lever Pull back slide. Depress projecting slide catch lever indirection of arrow: Fig. 6: Press in slide catch lever ,. Either Fig . 7: Press magazine catch down ,. or 8 9 ~ : -· ; J I Stripping for cleaning Assembling the pistol Conversion for change of calibre Remove magazine. Push slide o nto receiver from the f ront. Pull back slide all the way. The P7 K3 pistol in th e calib re 7.65 n,m can be conve rte d to 9 mm short by sirnply exchanging barrel and magazine. Pull slide back all the way and make sure that the chambe r is clear. Let slide snap forward again. Press slide reta iner on rece ive r. Press slide downward and let it snap forwa rd. For the conve rsion into the .22 LR ca libre the slide has additionally to be exchanged. This .22 LR slide is specially suited for cal. .22 LR rimfi re ca rt ri dges. Pull back slide all the way and lift off. Remove slide to the front. Conversion - Dismantle the pistol as described on page 10 - Detach the recoil spring - Loosen barrel nut by means of hook spanner - Screw the nut off a II the way - Detach the barrel to the rear. Fig. 8: Remove slide Fig. 10: Detach barrel Fig. 9: Place slide o n receiver 10 11 Subsequen tly - Insert the desired exchange barre l from the rear into the receive r - Screw barrel nut on barrel - Tighten barrel nut by means of the hook spanner - Slide reco il spring on barrel - Mount the appropriate slide on rece iver as described on page 10 - Insert the appropriate magazine. Attention The barrel nut is provided w ith clamping jaws w ith a self-locking cone an d must therefore not be tightened too strong. Fo r this reaso n screw in the barrel nut so far that the barre l seat in the grip is free from play. Subsequently tighten the barrel nut w ith the hook spanner for a further 90°. Bild 11: Ti ghten barrel nut Conversion kit cal . .22 LR Th e cal . . 22 LR barrel is provided with a longitudinally floati ng chamber to rei nfo rce recoil. If the floating chamber is blocked, use th e hook spanner fo r disassembly and We recommend cleaning of t h is chambe r each time after fi ring. - insert the hook spanner into the extractor slot in the flo ating chamber and turn the chamber approx. 30° to t he right (Fig. 12). For th is purpose turn t he cham ber approx. 30° t o the right and detach it to the rear. Depending on the type of ammunition fired there may be bad lead re sidues. Thi s could resu lt in a blockage of t he fl oating chamber du ring long firing sequences, cau sing malfunctio ns. Fig.1 2: Tu rningthechamber - Push t he chamber fu rther to the rear (Fig. 14) and deta ch. I Now the barrel may be dismounted as described on page 11 . I For ren,oving the lead resi dues out of the chamber g uide in the barrel, insert th e cleaning tool all the w ay into the barrel guide while rota ting the t ool clockwise (Fig. 15). - Place the hook spanner parallel to the barrel, set one end of the spanner against the stop ca1n of the fl oating cham ber and loosen the chamber w ith light blow by pu shing the prot rud ing spanner and the pistol against a hard surface (Fig. 13). The lead residues on the exterior su rface of the flo ating chamber are removed by means of the scraping edge of the hook spanner (Fi g. 16). Fig. 13: Loosening the chamber ·r l 12 13 Prior to re-assembly lightly oil the chamber again. Fig. 14: Pushing the chamber to the rear Fig. 15: Cleaning th echamber guide in the barrel Fig. 16: Cleaning the exterior su rfa ces of the fl oating chamber Removal and installation of the firing pin Adjustment Sights Removal Installation Depress squeeze cocke r until the firi ng pin is even with the rear of the slide. Insert the firing pin into the slide until the fi ring pin bushing is locat· ed approx. 0.5 m in inside the slide. The pistol can be adjusted for w indage by loosening the rear sigh t screw, shifting th e rea r sight and tightening the rear sight screw. Press fi ring pin bushing all the way {approx. 0.5 mm) forward and rotate 90° to the r ight. Rotate firing pin bushing 90° to the left until it engages. Depress squeeze cocke r all the way an d ren1ove the fi ring pin. Note: The fi rin g pin can only be removed from the slide when the slide is on the receiver. -Y Fig. 17 : Press firing pin bushing Adjustment for elevation is performed by means of inte rchangeab le front sights with diffe rent heigh ts. Note: The fi ring pins in cal. 7.65 mm/9 mm short and .22 LR d iffer by the shape of the tip of the firing pin. Thi s fi ring pin tip has a round shape in the ca libres 7.65 m ,n /9 mm short and a wedge-shape for the ca lib re .22 LR. For better identification, the cal. .22 LR stronger fi r ing pin spring is coloured grey. The respective height of the f ront sight is engraved on the bot tom o f the f ront sights. The sights a re equipped w ith durable contrast points. This makes them easy to line up against dark ta rgets under twi light co nditions. Th e shapes of the dif ferent fi ring pins have been designed in a way to prevent from mistakes when mounting them. The P7 K3 is also available wit h "Betalight" luminous points. forwa rd / 14 15 Fig . 18: Rear side view Care of the pistol Main cleaning For cleaning, it is sufficient to dismant le t he pistol as described on page 10. We recom 1nend to ca rry out a main clean ing after 1000 rou nds fired or once a yea r. Add itional ly to the normal cleaning, the fi ri ng pin, the trigger mechanisn1 and the magazine should also be cleaned and o iled (Removal and installation of the firing pin see page 14). The service life and performance of the pistol depend upon co rrect hand ling and proper care. T he barrel must always be cleaned every time the pistol has been fired. Generally, cleaning consists o f removing dirt and moisture. Bright parts must be wiped clean and lightly oiled. To remove dirt in th e slide, no hard tools must be used. Otherwise the drop safety catch spring (4) of the drop safety catch (3) cou ld d isengage and consequently this drop safety wou ld notfunktion anymore. Any comme rcia l cleaning agent. gun o il or gun grease wh ich does not contain ch lo ri ne o r acids may be used. Specifications Operating principle Recoi l operated Action Inert ia bolt For re1noving the grip shells unscrew the grip screws all the way, ra ise the g rip shells slig htly at the front. push them fo rward and detach. For mountin g t he grip shells slide t hem onto the grip from the front and push them on. Feed Straig ht magazine for 8 rounds Mode of fire Semi-automatic Calibres .22 LR, 7.65 mm, 9 m in short For dismantling the n1agazine press in the plug of the locking plate in the magazine floor plate, pull magazine fl oor plate forwa rd and detach the magazine components. Overall length 160mm Height of pistol 125mm Dimensions Main cleani ng should also involve an inspection of the buffer pin protrusi on. To do so, apply the hooked wrench and check w hether the pin protrusion is smaller than the step on the hooked wrench. If this is the case, the brake syste1n has to be exchanged. Width across grips 29mm Barrel length 96.5mm Sight radius 139mm Weights (approx.} .22LR 7.65mm 9mmshort 775g 760g 7509 Magazine, empty 60g 55g 55g Magazine, filled w ith 8 rounds 909 115 g 130 g Pistol w ithout magazine Fig. 19: Check buffer pin protrusion 16 17 Assemblies 4 Item Designation I dent-No. 1 Receiver, complete 228 070 ----228 069 2 Reco i I spring 3 Slide, cal. .22 LR, comp I. 4 Slide, cal. 9 mm short/ cal. 7.65mm,complete 228079 Barrel, cal. .22 LR 228095 with floating cha,nber 228096 6 Ba rrel,ca l. 7.65 mm 228092 7 Barrel, cal. 9 m,n short 228067 8 Ba rrel nut 228068 9 Magazine, cal. .22 LR 228105 10 Magazine, cal. 7.65 m m 228064 11 Magazine, cal. 9 1n1n short 228083 12 Hookspanner 228152 13 Clea ning ki t, complete 228362 5 3 228099 2 7 6 12 13 9 10 . 22 LR 18 19 11 7.6Smm 9mmk Components · Pistol P7 K3 26 8 'f:t, 2 1 Item Designation ldent·No. It em Designation ldent-No. L1 Slide 9 rnm short.17.65 mm 228080 18 Trigger pin 221880 1.2 Slide .22 LR 19 Transmission lever 222282 228101 2. 1 Front sight, comp I. 222864 20 Discon necto r 221857 2.2 Front sight, comp!. 222865 21 Slide catch lever 228072 2.3 Front sight, comp!. 222866 22 Sear bar, complete 228339 2.4 Front sight, compl. 222867 23 Sear spring 222892 2.5 Front sight, com pl. 222868 24 Rocker spring 228366 221890 3 Drop safety catch 228449 25 Rocker spring axle 4 Drop safety catch spring 228322 26 Front sight/slide 5.1 Extractor9 mm short/ 7.65 m m retainer pin (2x) 922606 ®c--"'="'":."""Jll:::J© 32 33 20 • 27 Slide reta iner 221858 5.2 Extractor .22 LR 228100 28 Slide retai ner spring 221871 6 Ex tractor spring guide 22281 9 29 Grip screw (2x) 928691 7 Extractor spring 221896 30 Recoil spring 228069 8 Rear sight, compl. 222871 31 Receiver 228073 9 Rear sigh t screw 228 145 32.1 Barrel. cal. 9 m m short 228067 10 Firing pin coll ar 221889 32.2 Barrel, cal. 7.65 mm 228092 11 Firing pin collar pin 221908 32.3 Barre l, cal. .2 2 LR . 228095 I 32.4 Floating chamber .22 LR 228096 Inertia spring 221897 13.1 Firing pin spring 9 n,m Barrel nut 228068 221898 34 Squeeze cocker 228071 228394 35 Drag lever 222673 36 Magazine catch axle 222644 228138 37 Rocker 221864 14.2 Firin g pin .22 LR 228 104 38 Flange bolt 222646 15 Firing pin bush ing 228150 39 Dowel pin (2x ) 922606 16 Trigger spring 221877 40 Stop 222186 17 Trigger 228310 41 Cocking latch 221 863 13.2 Firing pin .22 LR 14.1 Firing pi n 9 m m short/ 7.65mm - \ 48 ,. I I 34 I • I \ I I • 33 sh ort/7 .65 mm ~ ~· ~ ~22 228151 12 (;'; cfss 20 C__.c -21 "" 53 ;37 <i:P 2 260 It em Designation ldent-No. 42 Cocking latch spring 221872 43 Squeezecocker spring 221875 44 Magazine catch, com pl. 228137 45 Magazine catch spring 222672 46 Buffer, complete 228379 47 Grip left, complete 228075 48 Grip right, complete 228077 49 ' Follower9mmshort "' I, 228 085 228063 50.2 Foll ower .22 LR 228089 1 ~ I 21 I 46 4 CY - :o 1· ce~ 4 c;t.., ::..., . , 2s 1 ~ 30 22 • .;, 28 261_ ~ / / / 27 i/ // @29 1/ ~~ 7 ' Foll ower spring 9 mm short/7.65 mm 63 O fj 19 11 //J) ~ - 1 ~~ ., 20 ~ 228084 50.1 Foll ower7.65mm 51 . 18~ - 49.1 Magazine housing .22 LR 228106 50 32 16J-.. Magazinehousing 9 mm short/7.65 m,n c--=::: ---.:---. -C==7fR ; -4.lldJ 0 33 228086 51.1 Foll ower spri ng .22 LR 228184 52 Locking plate 228087 53 Magazine floor plate 228 088 Loading stud .. 22 LR 228107 / ( / l \ I I I ,-1-11-1 1.iB·~ I I I I 34 1 ,, __ _. {without ill ustration) I -- - 1 ~4 2) 41~ 45 <1<?~ 40SJ 449 : ; / ~ 37 ,?39 0 I ) I / / 43 ~ ) / '39 ce, s,s3 22 23 Heckler & Koch, Inc. Lifetime Limited Warranty From Heckler & Koch, Inc. To You-All Heckler & Koch lire arms purchased after January 1, 1991. are warranted to lhe original retail purchaser only for the lifetime of the said original retail purchaser. In the evenl that this orlginaJ retail purchaser. at the time of the original purchase, shall donate this firearm to another person. the donee must be listed on the warranty card, and the warranty card must be returned at that lime to Heckler & Koch. tnc. Upon receipt of the warranty card indicating the name of the said donee. this warranty shall be extended to the lifetime ol the said donee. This wacranty applies only if the firearm was purchased from an Authorized HK Dealer in the United States or Canada. and if ii was imported into ,he United States and distributed by Heckler & Koch. Inc. to an Authori,ed HK Dealer and/or through Heckler & Koch. lnc:s Authori,ed Canadian Distributor. This lifetime warranty explicitly excfude.s sales to govemment institutions or law enf0<cement agencies. What Wiii We Do- Heckler & Koch will, at its oplion, repair or replace without charge any HK firearm lhal fails due to a defect in materials or workmanship. Parts and labor are included. Repairs are li warranted for the duration of the warranty. If HK replaces a firearm underthiswarranty. you will receive a new warranty. HK will return your firearm to you normal surface freight prepaid. How to Obtain Service-You must send your firearm freight prepaid to Heckler & Koch at the address listed below. No C.0.0. shipments will be accepted. Only the existing HK Service Center at our Virginia tacility. and any other authori,ed HK Service Centerthat may be established by HK, shall be authoriz:ed to make wal'fanty repairs. Retum the complete, unloaded fitearm and any magazines with a detailed description of the problem. (DO NOT send any live ammunition with the firearm. If you must send ammunition to us ror proof purposes. be sure that It is sent separately from the firearm.) You must provide Heckl0f & Koch, Inc. with satisfactory proof of date of original purchase. We strongly recommend that you return a properly completed warranty reglsVatlon card to establish ellglbllity tor watranty seNlce. It you do not return a warranty card to HK, you are required at the time you send your firearm to Heckler & Koch warranty service to provide proof of the date that you purchased your new HK firearm. As stated eartier. in the event that this firearm was given as a gitt al the time of original purchase. the warranty card with the name of the donee must be senl back to Heckler & Koch, Inc .. in order for the warranty to become effective. What Is Nol Covered-Thiswacrantydoes not cover defects or damage caused by: ( 1) unreasonable use: (2) failure to provide proper care or maintenance; (3) failure to comply with instructions In the owner's manual including improper installation of original HK parts by the owner or his agent; (4} normal wear and tear for the degree of use; (5) rust or corrosion; (6) obstructions in the barrels; or (7) excessive use. Heckler & Ko·ch reserves the right to determine what conslitutes the unreasonable or excessive use o1 the firearm. All wooden parts and alt accessories are excluded from watranty coverage. This warranty does not cover any claims made by the second or subsequent owner of an HK lirearm as stated above. Any unauthorized alteration or modification of the firearm or use of parts or components not originally made by Heckler & Koch shall void this warranty. Heckler & Koch shall not be responslble for any claims Involving thi s firearm that result from the use of faulty, non.. standard, remanufactured, or reloaded ammunition or ammunition not manufactured to NATO and/or SAAMI specifications. Under no circumstances s hall Heckler & Koch, Inc. be responsible or II able forlncldental orconsequentlal damages with respect to loss of use, loss of business or profits, other economic loss or Injury to property, whether as a result of breach of express or Implied warranty, negligence of otherwise. This Lifetime Warranty applies only to relall purchases by lndlvtduats. Heckler & Koch firearms purchased by law enforcement, military, and security organizations for duty Issue to their personal are covered by a limited ono year warranty. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages. so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you. This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights wr1ich vary !tom state to stale. This limited warranty is the only express warranty by Heckler & Koch, Inc. Heckler & Koch. Inc. authorizes no dealer or any other person to vary the terms of this warranty or make any other express warranties. Where to Get Further Help?-lf you have questions concerning this warranty, please contact HK's Customer Service Department at the following address: Heckler & Koch, Inc., Customer Service, 21480 Pacific Blvd., Sterling, Virginia 20166-8903 USA. Telephone: 7031450-1900