the model a messenger - Model A Ford Club of America
the model a messenger - Model A Ford Club of America
THE MODEL A MESSENGER A MONTHLY PUBLICATION OF THE CENTRAL ALABAMA MODEL A FORD CLUB MONTGOMERY, ALABAMA □2009 MAFCA Newsletter of Excellence□ □2010 MAFCA Certificate of Merit□ □2011 MAFCA Certificate of Merit□ AUGUST 2012 John and Faye Gieske, Editors INDEPENDENCE DAY PARADES Members lining up for the Pike Road Parade Gerald Grizzard’s 1929 Fire Truck along with other A’s at Oxford Lake The July Club meeting featured two major events: the Independence Day Parade in Pike Road and Oxford, Alabama. The activities in Montgomery featured 3 events: Breakfast at Flip’s Grill, the Pike Road Independence Day Parade and back to Flips for lunch. At last count at all Independence Day activities (Montgomery & Oxford) we had over 50 members/family & guests, 18 cars participating and there may have been more in other parts of the state. Thanks for the great Independence Day turn-out. The day in Montgomery started at 8 a.m. with breakfast at Flip’s Grill. As members sat around, enjoyed pancakes, bacon egg & cheese biscuits, and muffins, there was a lot of Model “A” talk and solving world problems. After breakfast the crew saddled up for the trip to Pike Road and the start point of the parade. Upon arrival in the town of Pike Road, the Model ”A” Fords were lined up, decorated, with members taking a lot of great pictures. Hundreds of spectators lined the street as Model A’s, floats, fire trucks, horses, goats, and children in wagons paraded by. It was great to see all the Model “A” Ford’s decked out in Red, White and Blue and flying “Ole Glory”. Congratulations to the following members who won the following awards in the car category: Gary Smith 1929 AA Truck 2 place and Clint & Melon Clinton in their 1931 Deluxe Roadster 3d place. After the parade, members toured back to Flip’s Grill to have lunch and do a little more tire kicking. 1 Wallace and Francis Smith ready to parade Gary and Zac Smith and their decorated 1929 AA Truck in their 1931 Tudor The Anniston/Oxford crew did a great job representing our club at the Oxford Lake parade. Members arrived early for some fellowship and tire kicking and catching up on the latest in the Model “A” world. After the parade members and guests were able to have lunch at a number of food vendors around the lake and view the many displays that had been setup. Mark & Sandra Bowen, Alan Young and Gerald Grizzard Pike Road Parade Winners, Clint & Melon Clinton, and Gary & Zachary Smith Club members and guests that participated in one or all of the Club’s scheduled activities parades on Independence Day in their cars were: Charles & Jane Andrews: 1930 Tudor, Mark & Sandra Bowen and 2 granddaughters: 1931 Fordor, Gary (Clint) and Melon Clinton: 1931 Roadster, Ed Cook: 1930 Victoria, Roger Feazell: 1929 Tudor, David & Dianne Fletcher: 1930 Fordor, Lester, Joanne Hall and granddaughter Kate: 1930 Fordor, Glenn Kelley: 1931 Coupe, Ronald Long and grandson: 1930 Tudor, Paul Majerick & grandson Tommy:1930 Truck, Ross Miller & daughter 1956 Mercury, Gwin Norred: 1930 Fordor, Wallace & France Smith: 1930 Tudor ,Zachary Smith: 1928 Fordor, Gary Smith: 1929 AA Truck, Lance & Pee Wee Turner: 1931 Deluxe Phaeton, Alan Young: 1930 Phaeton, and Britt & Lauren Young: 1957 T-Bird, (Alan is the son, and Britt is the grandson of Louis & Linda Young). This was a beautiful day for a parade, with a great breeze and low humidity. This was truly a family affair and a great outing for club members; especially the children and grandchildren. Thanks to all our members who came out on this warm July day to celebrate Independence Day and another great Central Alabama Model “A” Ford Club event. 2 We’re a Club that is growing and on the move - Thanks to you our members! The Central Alabama Model A Ford Club 2012 Calendar of Events August 11, 2012 (Atlanta MAFCA) August 25, 2012 (CAMAFC Meeting) Swap Meet, Tucker, GA. (Projected) Model “A” Safety checks (Bert Molina) September 8, 2012 (Joint meeting with the Southside A’s) September 16-18 September 22 October 19-20, 2012 (Joint with Model “A” Clubs in the S.E.) November 10, 2012 (CAMAFC meeting) Visit Tuskegee Airmen Museum & George Washington Carver Museum (Ben Barnett) MARC National Meet, Chattanooga, TN Fifth International Model A Ford Day Sweet Home Alabama Tour, Huntsville, AL (David & Carolyn Miller) Tour of various farms & cooking lunch on the Model “A” Ford Engine contest. Moultrie Swap Meet Syrup Makin’ – Jimmy Stubbs Annual Business Meeting/ Christmas Party Down the Street Café Montgomery, AL (Dennis Leatherwood / Jane Andrews) Nov 16, 17, & 18, 2012 November 24 (Projected) December 8, 2012 INTERNATIONAL MODEL “A” DAY SEPTEMBER 22, 2012 Model “A” Ford owners from around the world will come together again this year on Saturday, September 22, 2012, to celebrate the Fifth Annual International Model “A” Day. To celebrate the day, and the Model “A” Ford’s eighty fourth birthday, thousands of Model “A” Ford restorers and preservers will be taking their cars out for a drive and to socialize with other Model “A” enthusiasts. To celebrate this special day, members are encouraged to get that ole Model “A” Ford out on the road individually or as a group so the public can see them chugging down the street and sounding their horns with that familiar Ahooooga!!! Plans for the Montgomery Area members are to meet at Flip’s Grill at 7:00 a.m. for breakfast in that “Ole Model “A” Ford”. After breakfast members are encouraged to use their Model A’s for just getting out during the day with family & friends and having fun. 3 A Look in the Moneybag The Model A Balance 6/1/12 .......................................... $4739.45 Deposits ........................................................ 574.00 Expenses .................................................... 1479.02 Balance 6/30/12 ........................................ $3834.43 Messenger is a monthly publication of THE CENTRAL ALABAMA MODEL A FORD CLUB Charles Andrews Treasurer 112 Wisdomwood Road, Montgomery, AL 36117 (334) 277-3759 Club meetings are held monthly at various places and times depending on the activity for the month. From the Editor’s Desk Dennis Leatherwood, President Montgomery, AL [email protected] (334) 277-3759 John and Faye Gieske Tom Smith, Vice President Munford, AL [email protected] (256) 358-4257 Faye and I missed the parades on the 4th of July, we were out of town visiting family. From the pictures and information I received it looks like a great time was had by all. We plan to attend the August activity at the Leatherwoods. The calendar for the second half of 2012 has many great events. We appreciate all the newsletter input we have been receiving from members. If you have any for sale or wanted items, be sure to send them to me at [email protected], or call 334-491-2543. David Fletcher, Secretary and Historian Montgomery, AL [email protected] (334) 271-4778 Charles Andrews, Treasurer Montgomery, AL [email protected] (334) 272-2688 The Central Alabama Model A Ford Club, Inc. is a chapter of both the Model A Ford Club of America and Model A Restorers Club Club dues are $20.00 per year (Prorated for less than a year) Views expressed in The Messenger are not necessarily those of the CAMAFC Officers or the National clubs MAFCA or MARC John and Faye Gieske -Editors, 1008 Fairview Avenue, Prattville, AL 36066 e-mail – [email protected] Phone (334) 491-2543 4 The Sweet Home Alabama tour is getting closer along with some opportunities to travel to some national events like the one in Chattanooga. Also next year there is an opportunity to travel the scenic drive from Virginia to Tennessee on your “A”. Several of our members have already committed. Jane and I are seriously considering the trip. Come along and join us. FROM THE PRESIDENT’S CORNER Last month I noted that I had purchased an air conditioner for my Model A Tudor. I am pleased to say that it is installed and working with the help of several of our club members. I converted to 12 volt at the same time so it was a pretty big job to get it all working. I have borrowed a few parts from Charles Andrews and Paul Majerick to get it all together. Charles helped me with the heavy lifting when we installed the condenser in the back of the car and setting up the compressor. Joe Young helped out by loading the unit with Freon. With all that help how could I not succeed! I am now running the coolest Model A in the neighborhood. I get calls all the time from individuals who are just getting into the Model A hobby. This month an individual called me by getting my number from the MARC membership roster. I always enjoy visiting with individuals who are excited about putting another car on the road. It also amazes me that cars come up for sale in our own back yard. I understand there is one on EBAY right now in Prattville. They just keep coming out of the woodwork. I have been asked by Phil Meyers over with the South Side A’s to participate with them in their planning meetings again this year. Many of their members have participated with us in our activities in the past so I look forward to working with them again. The more we network with other clubs the better the hobby and our club becomes. I was reminded by Phil of the Tucker Georgia Swap on 11 August. I, along with several of our members have attended and had a great time. Please enjoy a ride over to Atlanta area and visit with the folks over there and see a nice collection of cars. I know it is hot, but it is a great time to get you’re A out of the garage and let her run. With the Ethanol gas we have these days we really need to burn it out of the tank and refresh with new. Nothing hurts a car more than just letting it sit around. I usually only put in 5 gallons at a time when I am just running around locally to keep new gas in. So get the cobwebs off, charge up the battery and let it run a while. It will do it good. Dennis Leatherwood We will be having our next meeting in Montgomery where we will look at reliability issues and talk about restoring original shocks. I have torn a couple apart and will share my thoughts and frustrations. Bert Molina and I will open our shops so we can look over brakes and other interests or problems members may have with their cars. We will have a few snacks and cold drinks so come and enjoy the fellowship and heat. I’ll turn on my big fan! We still do not have any volunteers to help as activities director for next year. If you are so inclined, please make it known to any of our board members. We are also coming up on the time when we need to think about new officers. Please nominate or volunteer. By the way, we need some ladies in our officer group. Please let me know where you want to serve. 5 MARC MILEAGE AWARDS FROM CHARLES ANDREWS Robert Davis received a 15,000 mile award. Cecil Freeman, Gerald Grizzard and Dick Haldeman received 10,000 mile awards. Ken Garrett received a 5,ooo mile award. Charles Andrews, Larry Best, Mark Bowen, David Fletcher, Dennis Leatherwood, Paul Majerick, Gordy Sherman, Joe Spooner & Gary Wheat received 2,000 mile awards. To be a part of this program you must be a member of the national club, MARC. Cecil Freeman is the mileage minder, anyone that wants to be a part of this program must keep up with your miles, and report to Cecil, also send him a $1.00 registration fee. I also have application forms for MARC if anyone needs one. ********************************************************************** MAFFI MUSEUM UPDATE The construction of the museum is moving along rapidly toward a completion date in early September. Individuals and local clubs have ordered over seven hundred inscribed bricks for the walkways. If you plan to have your brick installed by the Grand Opening on May 18, 2013 you should order it soon. Several MAFFI Trustees attended both the MARC and MAFCA summer meets and provided information about the museum status, and the plans for the interior of the museum. Now is the time for individual Model A owners to consider a donation or loan of items for the museum. All donated items are tax deductible and will be labeled with the donor’s name. Collections and displays that show the functioning of Model A components are especially needed as we begin to layout the exhibits. Contact Phil Ierardi at [email protected]. As always, we continue to ask for your financial support. The current Quilt and Tire Raffle is based on a beautiful quilt created by Ruth Janke of California supplemented by a second drawing of two Diamond Tread Goodyear Tires from Kelsey Tire Company. Your club's MAFFI liaison should have raffle tickets. You will also find photos and tickets at on the quilt raffle page. The drawing will be September 15th and you do not have to be present to win. We have also received a very generous gift from the Whitehouse A's in Ohio, out of proceeds from hosting the MARC membership meet in April 2012. Thank you to the Whitehouse A's! Congratulations go out to MAFFI editor Stephanie Grundman who was awarded the MAFFI Volunteer of the Year Award. Stephanie has been serving as our newsletter editor for several years and does an great job with the newsletter and everything else she tackles. At Marquette we thanked departing members of the board whose terms had expired – Howard Minners, Loukie Smith, Jay McCord, and Gary DuPen and welcomed new members Rob Seiter, Janice Barker, Anne Nealy-Beck, Don Miller, Rob Mills and Steve Ribeau. 6 MAFFI MUSEUM CHALLENGE UPDATE JULY DONATION STATUS REPORT Member Paul Majerick Charles Andrews J.D. Best Gary Smith Mark Bowen Dennis Leatherwood John Gieske Ben Barnett Cecil Freeman Lester Hall Joe Malbasa Jules Moffett Donation Amount by member $100.00 $30.00 $25.00 $100.00 $50.00 $50.00 $25.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $100.00 Rick’s Matching donation $100.00 $30.00 $25.00 $100.00 $50.00 $50.00 $25.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $100.00 Club Calmative total $200.00 $260.00 $310.00 $510.00 $610.00 $710.00 $760.00 $860.00 $960.00 $1060.00 $1160.00 $1360.00 ************************************************************************************************* CLUB FUND RAISER RAFFLE FOR A Model “A” Ford Painting by Larry Stewart PAINTING OF A GREAT BARN FIND Club member Larry Stewart a well known local artist has donated a framed 11”X 14” painting of a 1931 Model “A” Ford. The scene depicts a Barn with a half open door as seen from the road with what we are all looking for – “a real treasure”. Tickets are $5.00 each or 5 for $20, the painting will be raffled off at the CAMAFC annual Christmas Party in December. Funds raised will be donated to various charities supported by the CAMAFC and approved by the membership at the annual business meeting. The Central Model “A” Ford Club supports on an annual basis the following: MARC/MAFCA Scholarship Fund, the Model “A” Foundation, the MAFFI museum building fund and local charities. Attached are Raffle tickets, make as many additional copies as needed. The completed tickets along with a check written to the Central Alabama Model “A” Ford Club should be mailed Dennis Leatherwood, 112 Wisdomwood Road, Montgomery, AL 36117 7 GARAGE UPDATE FROM DAYS GONE BY JD Best is now 82. The car in each picture is a 1930 Model A. When he was 17, he bought his first Model A for $75.00 at 3 payments of $25.00 GARAGE UPDATE Tracing down grounding problems Alternator being replaced A SMOKY MOUNTAIN TRIP TO REMEMBER Recently, Paul & Marie Majerick and daughter Ann & grandson Tommy Kaufmann made a trip to the Smoky Mountains that was full of adventure. They took the back roads of Georgia & Tennessee. The trip started out well as they were touring with their new engine built by Robert Carden, an air conditioner and F-100 four (4) speed. The upgrades to the 1931 slant windshield made the trip quite enjoyable; cruising at 55 mph through the countryside. 8 In Cartersville, Georgia the ammeter started to indicate discharge and they pulled over and made a call to their expert trouble-shooter, Rick Horne, explaining the symptoms. Rick said they may have had one of two problems: a bad ground wire or an alternator that had stopped working. They stopped at a Farm Supply store, went in and purchased a tractor ground cable. Paul and his grandson Tommy installed the ground cable, which unfortunately did not help. They limped down to the local Auto Zone, purchased a new alternator, installed it and solved the problem. They proceeded on to the Smokies, the air conditioner was the coolest, the 4 speed was a great upgrade and the engine ran great for the entire trip. Paul and Marie returned to Montgomery with no additional problems. They logged a bunch of miles that will be reported next year on their MARC Mileage Report. Gerald Grizzard took delivery of this 1931 Model A Ford Cabriolet on the 4th of July. He found this car in St. Ignace, Michigan while attending a local car show during the trip to the national convention in June. The great race made a stop here and he was able to meet Cokey Coker from Coker Tire Co. “My Roadster pickup won in the top 6, and received a nice award. I got to see lots of beautiful old cars and found another "A" for my collection. It was a GREAT day.” Let us know how your restoration is coming along and any new purchases you have made. Send updates to John Gieske at [email protected] or mail to: 1008 Fairview Ave, Prattville, Alabama 36066-5161. Thomas A. Smith Model-A Enthusiast /Photographer Crooked Creek Productions 94 Harmon Lane Munford, AL 36268 Landscapes, Portraits, DVD’s, Notes, Postcards, Special Events “Specializing in custom DVD’s/VCD’s of your favorite events.” 9 TECHNICAL BITS MODEL “A” FORD CARBURETOR ADJUSTMENT By Russell E. Baetke Seattle, Washington You say you don’t look under the hood, you don’t know what a carburetor looks like, you don’t even want to get your hands dirty and never did. You may not have thought of it this way, but if you have ever started the engine and driven a Model “A,” you have done a carburetor adjustment. You hire a mechanic (or your buddy) to adjust the carburetor but you still do more important carburetor adjustments than the mechanic under the hood will or can. A carburetor like Zenith and others of the Model “A” era were not automated to compensate for all the driving conditions like our modern types. You as the operator must provide, as best you can, the adjustments necessary to help the carburetor meet the need of various driving conditions. All the mechanic under the hood can do is set the idle. That is done once, but you, the operator, adjust the carburetor with the Gas Adjusting Valve (GAV) on a continuing basis as you drive. Well, you should! I know there are many out there who set once and forget it. The car runs fine, who bother? So they think. Don’t want to bother? Okay. You don’t expect much and you don’t get much. Don’t blame the car. Rotating the GAV is key to getting the most out of your car. It is as simple as reaching over with your right hand to the knob on the dash. Rotate it counter-clockwise to enrich the fuel mixture. Rotate it clockwise to lean the fuel mixture. When do I turn it? Which way” When you start a cold engine, rotate the GAV counter-clockwise until it keeps running without the choke and the hand throttle. As you drive, and the engine warms, turn the GAV clockwise to lean the mixture. For low speed stop and go driving, experiment with the setting to find a good peppy pick up performance. Count the turns open and file for your driving reference. This may or may not agree with the old Ford driving manuals. Doesn’t matter. This setting and others may not seem critical to you in the beginning. As you gain experience the differences will become more and more apparent. Soon you will naturally reach over and adjust the GAV as naturally as you shift gears. If you enjoy touring you will want to find your cruise lean setting. Then again, why bother with getting good gas mileage, the trips are short, gas is still cheap and it’s easier to discuss your poor gas mileage with tour buddies (misery loves company). If you are thrifty and curious try this. Pick your cruise speed and turn the GAV clockwise. You should find a point where you feel a power drip. Experiment around this setting for maximum fuel economy. At this setting there is less power for acceleration and hill climbing. Reach over to open the GAV (counter-clockwise) for more power. What is happening here is that for “low speed stop and go” and “high speed power” the engine needs a rich fuel mixture, but for better fuel economy at cruise the engine should be set lean. Trouble is the carburetor isn’t smart enough to figure out when to be what. It needs you to tell it with the GAV! By now you should be fairly impressed with what engineers have accomplished with modern carburetors. Modern carburetors do it all for you! So you have a nice cruise lean setting and have to stop. One of two things might happen. The light turns green and your car just barely pulls away from the light when you try to go. That’s easy to fix. Open the GAV to your low speed power setting. Get back to speed and close it for cruise. Gee, is that a lot of trouble? Now you are learning to appreciate the improvements in technology. Remember that that was the best in those days. You are driving history. Love it for what it teaches. The second thing that can happen is the engine stalls when you stop. That is a common problem caused by a faulty idle setting. Contrary to popular opinion and conventional wisdom, the idle speed is set too fast. Repeat, too fast. Reduce the idle speed and reset the idle air needle. You can test this. When idling, the GAV should have no effect on engine speed as you rotate it to extremes in either direction. If these techniques don’t work as described, it is time to go into the inner sanctum of the carburetor. It’s time to get your hands dirty. There are a lot of ill fitted carburetors out there. From the book “Technically Speaking Vol 8” a MARC Publication 10 ERA FASHION SPORTS HEADGEAR Women of the Model A era were a little more practical in selecting hats for sportswear than when selecting for other occasions. Throughout the entire period the styles for sportswear changed very little. You will note the crown becoming a little shallower as the 1930-31 years came along, but for the most part sports hats remained fairly constant. The sports hat featured a small brim to shade the eyes from the sun. It was close fitting in order to be comfortable and useful during play. Quite often made of felt, they were also found in straw or fabric. Usually sports hats were plainly trimmed with stitching, a pasted feather, bow of the same material, or only a plain headband. Montgomery Ward, FfW 1929 Montgomery Ward, FfW 1929 National Bellas Hess, August Sale, 1931 Sears, SIS 1931 Sears, SIS 1931 Excerpted from: Model A Ford Club of America, MAFCA Model A Era Fashion Guidelines, (La Habra, California: MAFCA, 2010), pg. 3B-9. In an effort to help our membership understand the fashion of the 1928-31 period, The Model A Messenger publishes information excerpted from the MAFCA Fashion Guidelines. Although the Fashion Guidelines are primarily for those interested in Model A fashion judging, the information will be helpful to those members who might be interested in "getting their feet wet" by trying to achieve a period look in their attire. Eventually someone may see that they have an interest in recreation of the complete and accurate era look. – Editor 11 Clas-“A”-fied Ads For Sale: 1931 Model A Deluxe Roadster. Restored several years ago. Has new pans, interior, engine gone through and runs fine. Clutch and brakes work fine. Top and curtains are all there and also the steel rods that go in doors for curtains. Rumble seat and drivers seat are in excellent condition. The interior is Lebarron‐Bonney. Has a nice trunk and luggage rack. Chrome bumpers and stainless are in good shape. It has jeweled lights and all electrical works well. Blue dot tail lights. Parade boot also with the top. Goodyear white walls. Radiator keeps things cool and has a quail motometer cap. This is a show car. Asking $28,500.00. Contact Jack Thompson at 334‐799‐7520. FOR SALE: 1930 Deluxe Roadster Pickup with matching numbers. Red and black with yellow wheels and striping. Body is all new metal except the light bar and gas tank. The speedometer has been rebuilt and set to 0 miles. The truck has 1 mile on it since restoration. It has never been rained on or washed with water. All mechanical has been rebuilt. Accessories: 6 white wall tires, stone guard, “Thermo” Quail radiator cap, chrome rear view mirrors, step plates, and stainless steel bed stripes and mounting bolts. Oak side boards on bed. Rear bumper and stainless steel hood latches. Have invoices for all body parts, top and seat. PRICE: $30,000 Firm. Call Donald Wade 256-329-1082 If no answer leave name and number and I will call you back. 12 Club banners are available to display on your Model “A” Ford when touring or just to hang up in your shop. This is another great club item to advertise our club. The price is $16.00 plus postage. Call or email Cecil Freeman at (256) 831-6426 or [email protected] for details. FOR SALE: Two 1930 Alabama license plates, restored to great condition, $90 each. Call Charles Andrews (334) 272-2688 or email at [email protected] Alabama Antique Car and Truck Tags For Sale call Donald Wade (256) 329-1082. If I don't answer, leave your name, number, and what you need. I will return your call ASAP. 4th ANNUAL MODEL A FORD PARTS SWAP MEET TUCKER GEORGIA The Georgia Chapter MAFCA will have their 4th annual Model “A” Ford Parts Swap Meet in Tucker Georgia on August 11, 2012. It will be held at the Cofer’s Stable of Thoroughbreds, 3702 Lawrenceville Hwy, Tucker GA again this year. Gates open at 8:00 a.m. and there will be food concessions available. Vendor spaces are available for $20; contact Gregg Bell for details and application forms. There will be a large variety of used Model “A” Ford parts for sale. A cash prize for the Model A Club with the most club members present, so be sure to sign in. For more information contact Gregg Bell at [email protected] or call (770) 402-7182. DIRECTIONS FROM MONTGOMERY From I-85N take exit 1-285 exit 68 towards Macon/Augusta. Merge onto 1-285E/Ga 407E. Take the US29/Lawrenceville Hwy exit 38. Keep right at the fork to go on Lawrenceville Hwy/US-29/Ga-8N. Go 1.9 miles and the Cofer Stable of Thoroughbreds is located on the left. 13 SHOCK ABSORBER REBUILD SEMINAR Shock Absorber Display (Photo Courtesy of Mike’s a-fordable Catalog) CLUB MEETING AUGUST 25, 2012 Our November meeting will be held on Saturday August 25, 2012 and will feature Three (3) events. We will begin the day’s activities at 7 a.m. with a club breakfast at Flip’s Grill on Vaughn Road. After breakfast we will meet at Dennis Leatherwood’s garage beginning at 9:00 a.m. for the Model “A” Ford shock absorber seminar. The seminar will feature: disassembly, inspection, reassembly, and restoration of the Model “A” Ford shock. After the seminar we will tour to Chappy’s Deli on Vaughn Road for lunch. If you are not able to make all the club events, make what you can; join us at breakfast, or Dennis’s or Chappy’s Deli for lunch. Come to the meeting or lunch in your Model “A” Ford, it will be a lot of fun. DIRECTIONS TO DENNIS LEATHERWOOD’S HOUSE FROM I-85: Take exit 9 onto Taylor Road, follow Taylor Road to Vaughn Road (Cecil/Union SpringsSouth AL 110 turn). Turn left onto Vaughn Road at Flips. Go down Vaughn Road and turn right onto Ray Thorington Road (CVS Drug store is on the corner). Follow Ray Thorington Road and turn left at the second road (Wisdomwood Road). Go down Wisdomwood road looking for the Leatherwood sign under the mail box on the left. Turn left into the driveway and park at the barn/garage. FROM FLIP’S GRILL: Turn right onto Vaughn Road at Flips. Go down Vaughn Road and turn right onto Ray Thorington Road (CVS Drug store is on the corner). Follow Ray Thorington Road and turn left at the second road (Wisdomwood Road). Go down Wisdomwood road looking for the Leatherwood sign under the mail box on the left. Turn left into the driveway and park at the barn & garage. ****************************************************************************************** You do not need a parachute to skydive. You only need a parachute to skydive twice. Behind every successful man is his woman. Behind the fall of a successful man is usually another woman. 14 TUSKEGEE AIRMEN MUSEUM GEORGE WASHINGTON CARVER MUSEUM CLUB MEETING September 8, 2012 Our September meeting will consist of three events, breakfast at Flip’s Grill on Vaughn Road, and visits to the Tuskegee Airmen & George Washington Carver Museum’s. For the early birds we will start with breakfast 7:00 a.m. – 8:00 a.m. at Flip’s. At 8:00 a.m. we will assemble in the parking lot next to the restaurant for some tire kicking and depart at 9:00 a.m. for a scenic tour through the countryside to Tuskegee, Alabama. Our first stop with be at the Tuskegee Airmen Museum. The Tuskegee Airmen National Historic site is dedicated to preserving the memory of America’s first African American military airmen. The museum honors the accomplishments of all African Americans who participated as air crewmen, ground crew, and operations support personnel in the Army Air Corps during World War II. When we arrive at the Airmen’s museum we will take a group photo of all the Model A Fords for our newsletter and the MARC & MAFCA magazines. When you arrive park your Model “A” Ford on the left of the museum facing out and modern cars on the right. If you drive directly to Tuskegee meet us at the Tuskegee Airmen Museum at 10 a.m. After our tour of Airmen’s museum we will saddle up in that “ole” A Model and head out for lunch at the Kellogg Hotel and Conference Center. After lunch we will visit the George Washington Carver Museum. The museum was built as a laundry in 1938 and later became a museum devoted to Carver’s work. Since 1976 the museum has also housed Tuskegee’s cultural artifacts. 15 6th Annual Sweet Home Alabama Tour October 19-20, 2012 The Sixth Annual Sweet Home Alabama Tour October 19-20, 2012 will highlight the beauty and southern hospitality of the States of Alabama & Tennessee and will feature the U.S. Space & Rocket Center in Huntsville, AL. This will be a “Hub Tour” conducted from Huntsville, Alabama with our headquarters at the Holiday Inn. The tour will kick off with a welcome “home style” dinner Thursday evening, 6:00 p.m. at the Helion Masonic Lodge for some tire kicking, renewing of old friendships, and great southern dining. The scenic tour will start Friday morning in Huntsville, AL with a tour of the Burton Collection with its antique automobiles, tractors, engine collection and many other historical items. Then we’re off on a road tour through the countryside to historic Pulaski, Tennessee. Our visit will include a stop at the Trail of Tears Memorial, a tour of the local Ford Dealer’s museum, and lunch on the town square at the historic STAAR Theater. After lunch we will visit the local antique & flee mall, “Ole Time” hardware store, drug store for some ice cream at the soda fountain, and then on to shop at a small local Amish Store. On our return trip to Huntsville we will pass under a one-lane Civil War Era Railroad Bridge, stopping at the Greenbrier Restaurant in Huntsville for dinner. After dinner we will return to the Holiday Inn. Saturday’s activities will feature a visit to the U.S. Space and Rocket Center (Rocketcenter. Com), which has the largest collection of rockets in the world, an IMAX theater, thrilling rides, and actual vehicles & artifacts from U.S. and Russian Space Programs. Afterwards, we will tour the Veteran’s Memorial Museum, which displays over 30 historical military vehicles from WWI to the present, as well as artifacts and other memorabilia dating back to the Revolutionary War. The festivities continue Saturday evening with a farewell dinner, at the Holiday Inn and the “Famous Huntsville Buffet.” Sunday morning we’re off for home and the end of another adventure on the Model “A” Highway. The Huntsville Holiday Day Inn is our host hotel. It is located at 401 Williams Ave SW, Huntsville, AL 35801 / Main Desk: (256) 533-1400, Reservations: 1-800-holiday or (256) 465-4329 / Via Website: A block of rooms has been reserved for the tour and will be released on September 18, 2012. Make your reservations early, as we have only reserved 45 rooms and they will go fast. When you make your reservations, ask for the “Antique Car Club Group” to receive the Tour discounted special rate of $89.00 per room which includes 2 full buffet breakfasts each day. If you are towing your Model “A” Ford, you will be able to park your tow vehicle and trailer in the designated area in the back Hotel parking lot. If you have any questions, please contact David Miller at (256) 313-6924 / E-mail [email protected], or our Club Activities Coordinator Paul Majerick at (334) 269-1309 / E-mail [email protected]. Bring “Henry’s Finest” and get ready to do a lot of tire kicking, touring through the countryside and just having a good old time. PLEASE NOTE: No Street Rods. Tour Registration Form is attached. 16 SIXTH ANNUAL SWEET HOME ALABAMA TOUR REGISTRATION FORM Name: Name of Guest(s): Street Address: City: Zip Code: Phone Number: Apt./Suite: Email: Cell Number: Car Club: License No.: Model of Car: Year of Car: Auto Insurance Company: Trailering: Y / N Arrival: Thurs / Fri (Circle One) (Circle One) Auto Insurance Policy Number: Qty.: @ Fee Per Car Number of Cars Registering @ $25.00 (per car) $ Thursday – Welcome ”Home Style” Dinner @ $10.00 (per person) $ Friday – Box Lunch in the Historic STAAR Theater @ $10.00 (per person) $ Event Registration Total (Please choose one of the menu selections below for each person attending): Menu Selection #1: Chicken Salad on a Croissant, Broccoli Salad, Kettle Chips, Drink and Dessert ____ for Menu Selection One Menu Selection #2: Fried Chicken, Green Beans, Potato Salad, Roll, Drink and Desert ____ for Menu Selection Two Space & Rocket Center Admission @ $11.00 (per person) $ Veteran’s Museum Admission @ $3.00 (per person) $ Saturday – 6:00 p.m. Tour Banquet the “Famous Huntsville Buffet” @ $27.00 (per person) $ TOTAL AMOUNT ENCLOSED: (No Refunds After October 10, 2012) $ Make your reservations directly with the Huntsville Holiday Day Inn: (I) Call the Main Desk at (256) 533-1400; (II) call Reservations at 1-800holiday or (256) 465-4329; or (III) online at Includes 2 full breakfast buffets each day. The signers below, agree to indemnity and hold harmless for any and all liability due to my attendance and participation in the 2012 Sweet Home Alabama Tour, the Central Alabama Model “A” Ford Club (CAMAFC), CAMAFC Members, their officers, directors, staff and any and all constituents acting on behalf of the aforementioned affiliations and/or Tour Volunteers. Submission of this Tour Registration Form (signed or unsigned) constitutes acceptance of the terms of this release. The vehicle being used has all required automobile insurance established by state statute. Please Make Checks Payable to the ‘Central Alabama Model “A” Ford Club’ Mail Completed Registration Form to: Sweet Home Alabama Tour, 1309 Magnolia Curve, Montgomery, Alabama 36106-2010 Signed_______________________________________________________________________________________ Dated ___________________________________ 17 18 MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION AND DATA FORM CENTRAL ALABAMA MODEL A FORD CLUB 7316 White Bluff Ct. Montgomery, Alabama 36117 A Chapter of the Model “A” Ford Club of America PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE MAFCA Membership is not required, but encouraged Annual Dues $20.00 (prorate for less than a full year) LAST NAME: FIRST NAME: DATE: * Optional * BIRTHDAY (Mo. Day) SPOUSE'S NAME: * BIRTHDAY (Mo. Day) *ANNIVERSARY (Mo. Day): STREET: ST: CITY: ZIP: MAILING ADDRESS IF DIFFERENT FROM ABOVE: *EMAIL: ____________________________ I WOULD LIKE MY NEWSLETTER EMAILED: YES___ NO____ HOME PHONE: ( ) MODEL A CURRENTLY OWNED YR1: BODY1: CELL PHONE: ( BODY2: YR2: ) PREVIOUS CAR CLUB EXPERIENCE: WHAT JOB WOULD YOU LIKE TO DO OR ASSIST IN TO SUPPORT OUR CLUB? (Please circle) Newsletter Club Publicity Programs for Meetings Fund Raising Show Coordination Judging Social Activities Tour Coordination Club Library Tool Library Other/Comments CLUB ACTIVITIES DIRECTOR NEEDED The Club Activities Director position will be open beginning in 2013. The activities director formulates and coordinates club meetings working with the Board of Directors and Club Officers and input from club members. If you are interested in this position and helping organize club activities for the club contact President Dennis Leatherwood at email [email protected] or phone (334) 669-4006 or any board member. 19 Model “A” Ford Painting by Larry Stewart Raffle Tickets 20 LOOKING AHEAD TO 2013 TWO NATIONAL EVENTS IN THE SOUTHEAST 2013 MAFCA National Tour May 6-10 Charlottesville, VA to Gatlinburg, TN Club member Cecil Freeman has been working on a list of hotel rooms and other information for this tour. Contact him at (256)-225-3250 or [email protected] MARC NATIONAL MEET Lexington, Kentucky will be the site of the 2013 National Meet of the Model 'A' Restorers Club June 24-28, 2013 21