to Sponsor`s Easter Appeal
to Sponsor`s Easter Appeal
The Church of the Ascension, Mount of Olives, Jerusalem Israel –see pg.7. Capuchins of Central Canada 2100 Jane Street Toronto, ON M3M 1A1 Province of Mary, Mother of the Good Shepherd Luke 22:42, 44 42 “Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done.” 44“And being in anguish, he prayed more earnestly, and his sweat was like drops of blood falling to the ground.” Photo: Inside the Church of All Nations, Jerusalem, Israel. The rock on which Jesus prayed. - Bro. Alan 2012 My dear sisters and brothers in Christ. Greetings from the Capuchins! Easter 2016 Again we find ourselves in the middle of the Lenten Season. The Season we are called to Fast, to Prayer and to Give Alms. It’s a Season that challenges us to put on the brakes, take a deep breath and regain that perspective that gives our lives meaning and purpose. For me it is a necessary challenge. I get so caught up with the tasks at hand that I sometimes disconnect from the awareness of why I’m doing what I do. I believe that the Lord Jesus Christ, our Good Shepherd, is continuing his work on earth and we are called to assist Him. When we lose sight of that trouble usually follows. We Capuchins are asked to give everything to assist the Good Shepherd in caring not only for the People of God but indeed for all of creation. Part of that caring is for our friars in Formation. Two friars, Michael and Fadi are in Simple (Temporary) Vows and Michael will be graduating this year with his Bachelor’s degree. Our two Novices, Vince and Akram are doing well and hope to make their First Vows in the summer. Our two Postulants, Sunil and Alex, are also doing well and are hoping to enter Novitiate this summer. There are also several other young men who are discerning a vocation with us. Having six men in Formation is a real blessing for us but as you might expect it is also very costly. Please keep us all in your prayer and be as generous as you can. Be assured of our prayer for you and those you love. Have a wonderful, Spirit-filled Easter! Bro. David Connolly, OFM, Cap. Minister Provincial -2- Answering God’s Call from our PostPost-Novitiate Program (Your donations at work for the Church) In this season of Lent, we are called to look not only inside of ourselves but also outside. We must be concerned with what is going on around us in our world. The common temptation is to be concerned only with our needs and not of those who are less fortunate than us or who are suffering violence from corrupt governments. As we look for answers to the many fundamental questions in our society, we must also look to God and His strength to sustain us. This strength is His love which overpowers all other things especially violence and the various forms of injustice. The Church teaches us to be concerned with social justice, that is, to be aware and attentive to those who are poor and lack the basic necessities that we take for granted in our everyday life. I too am constantly reminded of the many ways that I need to be aware of whether during Lent or outside of Lent. Sharing of our goods with others who are in need brings to mind the many refugees who we welcomed into our Country this year and those who are still coming. Let us open the door of our hearts this Lent and begin our journey together to strengthen others with our love and commitment to the dignity of the human person. May we never forget to be aware that everyone has a right to life and to natural resources such as water, food and clothing. One of the many ways that we can spend our time in Lent is volunteering at Saint Francis Table or any other outreach program that serves the poor. In addition to this, we can also adopt an ecological Lent where we reflect on our choices that can have a profound effect on our environment. Whichever form we choose, it is crucial that we take our concerns and difficulties to the Lord in prayer which in turn nourishes the soul. We can look to the life of Blessed Oscar Romero of El Salvador who saw the needs of the poor who were and still are marginalized in his country and responded with an abundance of love that led to his martyrdom. Francis of Assisi was so captured by the love for the crucified Christ that he devoted his life to the lepers and outcasts. We must not be afraid of the truth but be witnesses to Christ and His love. In addition to this, Pope Francis has asked us to consider the spiritual and corporal works of mercy this Lent and how we might respond. In our materialistic culture, we take many things for granted yet, we have to listen to the cry of the poor. I believe this is the calling that I have been given as a Capuchin: to be attentive and alert for the less fortunate, the poor in our world and around us. Jean Vanier described the poor as everyone who is in need. We are all in need. The poor remind me that it is necessary to look within myself and do what I can with what is available to me to be of service to my brothers and to the poor. The response that is needed is compassion, humility and generosity to grow in our faith and live a life of holiness. Let us begin our journey of conversion this Lent together by discovering Christ in the poor with the joy of the resurrection! Bro. Michael Mascarenhas, ofm, cap. -3- Capuchin Burse Report -4- December 2015 $15,635.96 Capuchin Burse Report January January— — February 2016 For further details, or to register please visit our website or contact Bro. Alan Gaebel, ofm, cap. at [email protected] /or/ 416.241.3101 x245 -5- Please Pray For these men in our Formation Programs Our Men In Formation Bro. Fadi Touma ofm, cap. Bro. Michael Mascarenhas ofm,cap Vince Thomas – Novice Akram Esho - Novice Alex de Melo, Postulant Sunil D’Costa, Postulant Joseph Lee, Candidate and for these men currently in Discernment with us Franco Ciccello, Windsor ON Anton Gunaratnam, Toronto ON Jonah Herman, Windsor ON Deny Mutaganda, Toronto ON Paolo Sorrentino, Windsor ON John Motaz Kadan, Toronto ON Blake Daly, London ON Martin Ngo, Toronto ON Peter Delanghe, Cambridge ON Cody Theagali, Scarborough ON Gary O’Neil, Toronto ON Josh Santos, Simcoe ON W E R E M E M B E R -6- Front Cover Photo: After the Muslims conquered the place in 1187, they converted the church into a mosque, which is why the place has two names – the Mosque of the Ascension or the Church (or Chapel) of the Ascension. The Muslims do not believe that Christ is the son of God but do recognize him as an important prophet, which is why they turned the church into a mosque. It's easy to overlook this chapel, which is diminutive and decrepit. Thought to mark the site where Jesus ascended to heaven (Luke 24:50-51), it was built in the Byzantine era, reworked by the Crusaders and then converted to a mosque by Saladin in 1198. An unusual feature of the tiny building is that it contains what has been traditionally regarded as the last impression of Jesus’ right foot on earth before he ascended into heaven. Today, this place enjoys a special status – it is usually used as a mosque except on the day that Christians mark Jesus’ ascension to heaven; for that one day, it becomes a church. This is the only place in the world that serves as both a church and a mosque. Bro. John Frampton from St. Francis Table recognises our volunteer Mrs. Pat Stephens for her work in folding, stuffing envelopes and helping to prepare our newsletters for mailing. Pat who is 85, has worked in the background of all our newsletters including this one which is issued five times a year and the St. Francis Table newsletter which is issued four times a year. Thank you Pat, for your dedication and service to the Capuchins! Please join us in prayer as we prepare to gather this May, 2016, for our, 8th Provincial Chapter of Elections. -7- THE CAPUCHIN LEGACY PROGRAM As Christians and Catholics one of the most important tasks we have is that of faithful stewardship. This is beautifully expressed in Pope Francis’ “Laudato Sii” which gives thanks for our interdependent relationship with all of God’s creation, in which each one of us shares. This same spirit also finds resonance in a quote by the Venerable Fr. Solanus Casey, OFM, Cap (d.1957) who stated, “The only science that gives purpose to every other science is the science of religion – the science of our happy relationship with, and our providential dependence on God and our neighbour.” One of the most important and faith filled acts of this stewardship that you can do; is to make certain that you have a current Will and Power’s of Attorney in place. This is YOUR loving remembrance for others and an act of love that is returned a hundred-fold in your reaching out and assuring “new life” for others. Have YOU considered what your legacy will be? Our Capuchin Saints and Blesseds Not only can you leave a gift of financial remembrance but gifts of Life Insurance, Stocks, Bonds or Property may also be gifted through your will. For further information please contact: Bro. Alan R. Gaebel, ofm, cap. Development Office 2100 Jane Street Toronto, ON M3M 1A1 416.241.3101 ext.245 [email protected] PLEASE CONSIDER MAKING YOUR DONATION ONLINE ITS EASY, SAFE AND SECURE! YOUR Online Donation can be made at: Tax receipts for all online contributions are issued directly from and are immediately available when you make your donation. Your donations will continue to appear in our Benefactor reports and your information will remain private and not be shared, traded or sold . -8-