2016 February 28
2016 February 28
PARISH NEWS CHURCH of the RESURRECTION Nr. 9 (3114) February 28, 2016 3rd SUNDAY OF LENT Now into the third week of the Season of Lent, our Sunday Gospel prepares us to hear Lent's call to conversion and repentance. Today's reading is found in the chapters of Luke's Gospel that describe Jesus' journey to Jerusalem. During this journey, Jesus teaches and heals. He must also respond to those who question and challenge his authority and actions. Jesus curses the fig tree but today's reading makes the barren fig tree the subject of a parable. Luke tells us that some among the crowds report to Jesus a massacre of Galileans by Pilate. The intention of the crowd seems to be to ask Jesus to explain why these people suffered. It was commonplace to render people's suffering as evidence of their sinfulness. Jesus challenges this interpretation. Those who were massacred were no more or less sinful than the ones who report the situation to Jesus. Jesus replies that even a fatal accident, a natural disaster, ought not to be interpreted as punishment for sin. Jesus' words at first appear to have a fire-and-brimstone quality. Jesus says in essence, “Repent or perish as these people Sunday Missal pg. 213; did; all are sinful before God and deserving of God's punishment.” The tone changes, however, in the parable that follows. The parable of the barren fig tree contrasts the patience and hopefulness of the gardener with the practicality of the property owner. When told to cut down the fig tree because it is not producing fruit, the gardener counsels patience. If properly tended, the barren fig tree may yet bear fruit. Throughout his journey to Jerusalem, Jesus has been teaching about the Kingdom of God. In this parable, we find an image of God's patience and hopefulness as he prepares his Kingdom. God calls us to repent, and it is within his power to punish us for our failure to turn from our sinfulness. And yet God is merciful. He delays punishment and tends to us so that we may yet bear the fruit he desires from us. This, then, is our reason for hope: Not only does God refuse to abandon us, he chooses to attend to us even when we show no evidence of his efforts. (loyolapress.com) R.R. The Lord is kind and merciful. (CBW p.52) 9 a.m. †Julia Margo and deceased family members (Birute) 11 a.m. for living and deceased parishioners; †Leonas Skukauskas (V.Skukauskas) (A.Dobis) †Jonas Zabieliauskas (2nd anniv.) (family) †Ona and Pijus Sakevicius; Stasys and Katarina Kalinauskas (M.Gudelis) †Fr. Antanas Prakapas, OFM (Prakapas family) †Veronika, Benediktas, Vytautas and Antanas Navickas (family) †Anicetas and Elena Prialgauskas 2016 March 6 “Kaziukas" Fair March 20 Palm Sunday March 27 EASTER April 3 Parish Annual meeting April 8 Spring battle of the Bands April 22 - 23 Rummage sale April 30 Parish clean-up Day May 1 Confirmation May 15 PENTECOST SUNDAY First Communion June 11 “Run for Hope" Sunday’s Mass intentions are for : †Aldona Vaitonis Calendar (by bequest) Camp Kretinga English speaking July 3 - 16 Lithuanian speaking July 17 – 30 …. Camp “KRETINGA” registration forms are available in the Church office CHOIR SCHEDULE IN FEBRUARY 28th - Children This week’s holy mass Schedule MONDAY (February 29): 7 p.m. †Antanas and Katrina Rukas (A.Ulba); requesting the grace of health for Irena Matusaitis (family); TUESDAY (March 1): 7 p.m. for living and deceased benefactors; †Fr.Klemensas Žalalis, OFM (Greiciunas family); WEDNESDAY (March 2): 7 p.m. †Aldona Vaitonis (B.Čepaitis); THURSDAY (March 3): 7 p.m. †Benonas Baranauskas (B.Tamulionis); †Roma (L.Tumpa); FRIDAY (March 4): 7 p.m. †Kazys and Veronika Kartavicius (Buozis family); in thanksgiving (Fr.K.Kaknevicius); S AT U R D AY ( M a r c h 5 ) : 9 a . m . i n thanksgiving (N.N.); 5 p.m. “Vilnius Manor” †Juozas Sliauzys (G.Bacevicius); SUNDAY (March 6): 9 a.m. †Joseph Cutrara (McLoughlin family); 11 a.m. for living and deceased parishioners; †Jeronimas Pleinys (family); †Aida Vekteryte (G.Slabosevicius); † Vy t a u t a s a n d F e l i c i j a U r b o n a s (M.R.Rusinas); †Kazimieras Baltuškaitis (relatives); †Ona and Stasys Dackus (Gitana); †Antanas Bumbulis (R.V.White); †Dr.Paulius Vyte (L.Vyte and Romonas); †Bronius Matusevicius (2nd anniv.) (family); †Anicetas and Elena Prialgauskas (by bequest). Collections: Every Thursday during Lent, there will be the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament at 6 p.m. before the evening Holy Mass. Please come and spend an hour with the Lord. Reflections on the Stations of the Cross will take place Fridays during Lent at 6:30 p.m. before the evening Holy Mass. Let us in prayer accompany Jesus on his sorrowful journey. In so far as you did this to one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did it to me. (Matthew 25: 40) MANY THANKS TO.... H.E. Archbishop Sigitas Tamkevicius, SJ, and to all of you for contributing to such a special, precious, merciful and loving expression of empathy for the hungry. Thank you to the cooks for the delicious soup, to our dear youth, and to all the helpers, for their assistance. Thank you to all those who contributed to the organization and execution of the dinner, for the excellent musical performances, and for the kind words spoken. Most of all, THANK YOU to all donors and participants for opening up your compassionate hearts. During the Soup Kitchen Dinner, donations for the hungry, in the amount of $5,085 were collected. February 21 - $4,753.55 Retreat - $685 Renovation - $280 In memory of Virginijus Juozapas Siciunas, friends donated to the Parish $1,195 May God reward you abundantly for your generosity. MAY THE LORD IN HIS MERCY BLESS YOU ALL! Syrian refugees have begun arriving in Canada. Many have risked their lives, and the lives of their families to flee persecution in their war-torn, violenceridden homeland. Upon arrival in Canada, they are faced with the challenges of starting life anew, and they need our compassion, prayers and financial support. Please consider donating to the Archdiocese of Toronto “Project Hope” in support of refugees. TODAY at 10 a.m. in the small hall meeting for the parents of the children making their Confirmation this year. “The Word Among Us” Lenten version is now available in the foyer. The youth of Camp "Kretinga" is organizing a SPRING GROUP TALENT BATTLE (COMPETITION), to take place downstairs in the church's main hall on April 8th, from 7 to 10 p.m. We invite everyone to participate - big and small, musicians, singers, dancers, comedians, and anyone wanting to share an anecdote or two. Participants willing to show their talent are asked to register by contacting Lydija Zemaitis at Thank you to Teodoras Pabreza for repainting and refurbishing the church's children's room. Kindly respect our children and parents by keeping the room clean and tidy. The Archdiocese of Vilnius is sponsoring the premier of the documentary film, “The First Painting of the Divine Mercy of God” on Sunday, February 21, 2016 (Lithuania). In a small church in Vilnius, Lithuania, there hangs a painting which changes the history of the whole world, yet so little has been known about this artwork until now. Why is this painting so special? Why do copies of it or ones very similar hang in nearly every church in the world and in millions of homes? You are invited to view this documentary film on Friday, March 18th (Adoration at 8 p.m. followed by the film) here in Toronto, presented by our Parish together with the Knights of Columbus. Filmed in Lithuania and the USA; Director: Daniel diSilva USA; Producer: Springtime Productions USA; Length: 2 hrs. [email protected] by March 30th. Come and have fun...enjoy the live music, tasty treats...have a good laugh! Tickets are $5/each and will be available at the door. We would like to notify all those who donated to the "Family of Faith" drive of the Archdiocese of Toronto, that tax receipts will be issued by the archdiocese. For more information, please contact 416-934-0606 ext. 805. C A N A D A Gas appliance installation, maintenance and repair TS 61 T K TK Services #000222 1 SA Home, Auto & Business Insurance Tadas Kartavicius Certified Gas Technician Furnaces • Air Conditioners • Water Heaters • BBQ Lines 647.999.3601 The Parish is not responsible for the content of the ads E-Mail: [email protected] www.tkservicescanada.com Affiliated Insurance Management Competitive rates Expert, professional advice Personal service Supporting the Lithuanian community Contact: Rima Dresher, [email protected] Rick Dresher, [email protected] 2012 Ontario Insurance Brokerage of the Year 905.845.4201 www.affiliatedinsurance.ca Lina Kuliavas - Sales Representative Royal LePage Real Estate Services Ltd., Brokerage 416-762-8255 bus // 416-616-1600 cell [email protected] Yorke Chapel 2357 Bloor St. W. Toronto, ON. 416-‐767-‐3153 www.turnerporter.ca PLEASE NOTE: Writing Cheques payable to Resurrection Parish in the MEMO write the charitable purpose: Donation to Parish, Mass, Soup kitchen, parish renovation… Writing Cheques payable to Franciscan Fathers in the MEMO write the charitable purpose: Sielovada, camp “Kretinga”, Monastery, Oncology centre Klaipeda, Franciscan High School Kretinga... Butler Chapel 4933 Dundas St. W. Toronto, ON. 416-‐231-‐2283 Proudly serving the Lithuanian Community Office hours: Pastor: Fr.Jonas Sileika, OFM; I - V 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Associate Pastor: Phone.: (416) 533 0621 Fr. Aurelijus Kazimieras Kasparavicius, OFM; Fax.: (416) 533 7247 Parish economist: Web: www.prisikelimas.ca Fr. Raimundas Bukauskas, OFM; Email: Serving Priests: [email protected] Fr. Augustinas Simanavicius, OFM; Msgr. Edmundas Putrimas; Rev. Kazimieras Kaknevicius; Church of the Resurrection Deacon: Dr. Kazimieras Ambrozaitis 1 Resurrection Rd., Toronto, ON. Parish office: Gitana Judvytyte M9A5G1
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