2016 January 24
PARISH NEWS CHURCH of the RESURRECTION Nr. 4 (3109) January 24, 2016 3rd Sunday in ordinary time - C Today's Gospel reading combines two separate passages taken from the Gospel of Luke. First we hear the opening verses where Luke establishes the purpose of his Gospel. In this passage, we learn that Luke may have written to a specific person, Theophilus; but the word Theophilus may also be a general reference, functioning as the phrase “Dear Reader” might in contemporary writing. In Greek, the word Theophilus translates as “lover of God.” Today's Gospel reading skips several chapters. In chapter four of Luke's Gospel, we hear that Jesus is in his hometown of Nazareth, attending the synagogue on the Sabbath, which is said to be his custom. In this account, we find an important clue that Jesus lived as a faithful, observant Jew. As Jesus stands in the synagogue, he reads from the scroll handed to him; it contains the words of the prophet Isaiah. At this early moment in his ministry, Jesus announces his mission in continuity with Israel's prophetic tradition. This reading from Isaiah defines Jesus' ministry. We will find more evidence of this as we continue to read from Luke's Gospel throughout the year. Sunday Missal pg. 180; Jesus' ministry will include bringing glad tidings to the poor, liberty to captives, healing to the sick, freedom to the oppressed, and proclaiming a year acceptable to the Lord. Through this text from Isaiah, Jesus announces God's salvation. The “year acceptable to the Lord” is a reference to the Jewish tradition of Sabbath years and jubilee. The Sabbath year was observed every seventh year. It was a year of rest when land was left fallow and food stores were to be shared equally with all. A year of Jubilee was celebrated every fiftieth year, the conclusion of seven cycles of Sabbath years. It was a year of renewal in which debts were forgiven and slaves were freed. This tradition of Jubilee is the framework for God's promise of salvation and yet in Jesus, something new begins. Jesus not only announces God's salvation, he brings this salvation about in his person. Jesus is Yahweh's Anointed One, filled with the Spirit of God. The Kingdom of God is now at hand. It is made present in Jesus, in his life, death, and Resurrection. Jesus will send the Holy Spirit so that the Kingdom of God can be fulfilled. (loyolapress.com) R.R. 2016 February 10 ASH Wednesday February 19 - 21 Lenten Retreat February 21, 4 p.m. Fundraiser in support of Soup Kitchens in Lithuania March 6 “Kaziukas" Fair March 20 Palm Sunday March 27 EASTER April 3 Parish Annual meeting April 22 - 23 Rummage sale Your words are spirit, Lord, and they are life. (CBW p.120) Sunday’s Mass intentions are for : 9 a.m. †Ilona Janeliunas-Smalenskas Calendar (V.Puzeris); 11 a.m. for living and deceased parishioners; †Prima and Bronius Saplys (family); †Aldona and Dr.Francis Mazeika (L.J.Krisciunas); †Ted Stanley Ozimek (Juodis family); †Jonas Matulionis (J.E.Cuplinskas); †Aldona Kazlauskas (V.Zaleckaitė); †Eleonora Alisauskas (A.A.Vaiciunas); †Vincas (2nd anniv.) and Agute Laurinavicius and deceased family members (V.Daunys); †Benediktas, Stasys and Juze Antanaitis (Daiva); †Anicetas and Elena Prialgauskas (by bequest). April 30 Parish clean-up Day May 1 First Communion June 11 “Run for Hope" Camp Kretinga English speaking July 3 - 16 Lithuanian speaking July 17 – 30 CHOIR SCHEDULE IN JANUARY Congratulations to the newly elected leadership of the Lithuanian Province of the Order of Friars Minor, and to our very own Franciscan Fathers. 24 d. - Children 31 d. - Congregation This week’s holy mass Schedule MONDAY (January 25): 7 p.m. †Tadas Krasauskas (25th anniv.) (family); †Aleksandra Leskinaite (1st anniv.) (V.Zaleckaite); TUESDAY (January 26): 7 p.m. for living and deceased benefactors; †Juze Pleckaitis (R.Stravinskas); Blessings of the Lord for friend (Gitana); WEDNESDAY (January 27): 7 p.m. †Eugenija Gaputis (B.Cepaitis); for Ulba deceased family members (A.Ulba); THURSDAY (January 28): 7 p.m. †Aldona Vaitonis (Cuplinskas family); †Mindaugas Gabrys (R.Calderone); for Priscepionkas deceased family members (A.Ulba); FRIDAY (January 29): 7 p.m. †Dr. K.Narscius (A.A.G.Laurinaitis); †Kristina Simkus-Sukauskas (parents); SATURDAY (January 30): 9 a.m. †Donata Jarmusis (1st anniv.) (A.Jarmusis); 5 p.m. “Vilnius Manor” † Sofija Styra (B.Tamosiunas); SUNDAY (January 31): 9 a.m. †Alfonsas Simanavicius and deceased family members (family); 11 a.m. for living and deceased parishioners; †Alfonsas, Juozas and Viktoras Merkevicius (D.Danaitis); †Ona Dainorenionas and Justinas Zakas (Daiva); †Justinas Laurinavicius (Labdara committee); †Mindaugas Gabris (Labdaros committee); †Fr. Placidas Barius, OFM (Cupinskas family); †Stefanija and Antanas Dvaranauskus (M.Vella); †Anicetas and Elena Prialgauskas (by bequest). Collections: January 17 - $3,655.20 May God reward you abundantly for your generosity. Father Augustinas Simanavicius, OFM, and Father Jonas Sileika, OFM, who have been appointed to serve in the following offices: Fr. Augustinas Simanavicius, OFM guardian and senior of the friary , Br. Aurelijus Kasparavicius, OFM friary and parish vicar, and Fr. Jonas Sileika, parish pastor. Br. Raimundas Bukauskas, OFM has been appointed vicar of Kennebunk St. Anthony’s Friary and visiting economist, assisting with managing our parish finances. We wish all the Franciscan Fathers strength, good health… may God bless you all! The Soup Kitchen dinner will be on Sunday, February 21, 2016 at 4:00 pm. Tickets are $25 and will be on sale every Sunday after Mass. There will be a brief presentation from H. E. Archbishop Sigitas Tamkevičius, SJ, followed by a soup dinner. There will be a meeting for the parents of the first communion children. It will be in the small hall at 10 am. Please attend if your child is making their first communion this year. CLC-Toronto Chapter is organizing this years Lithuanian Independence day celebration on February 27, 2016 at 6:00pm at the Lithuanian House, in the 2nd floor hall (Karaliaus Mindaugo). This years Celebration will be headlined by Lithuania's, world famous, accordionist Martynas Levickis! We invite you all to attend and Celebrate 26 years of Lithuanian Independence and a fantastic Concert by Martynas Levickis. Tickets are available by Reservation only at a cost of $75. To reserve your tickets please call Birute Juras at 905-275-8034 or e-email [email protected]. June 4, 2016 - Labdara Lithuanian Nursing Home's GOLDEN GALA Weston Golf and Country Club, Toronto Labdara Nursing Home is in need of individuals willing to help feed residents during mealtimes on the third floor, especially on the weekends. Breakfast - 8am, lunch - 12pm and/or dinner - 5pm. Please call Elenute Lelis at 416-232-2112 x413 In memoriam MARIJA GERTUS, 95 was buried on January 23rd She is survived by her nephew Alexander Fabricius ELENA (90) and VACLOVAS (91) ABRAMAVICIUS Funeral Mass on January 25th 11 a.m. They are survived by their daughter Dana and son Antanas and families. Sincere condolences to their families. Please remember them in your prayers. MESSAGE OF HIS HOLINESS POPE FRANCIS FOR THE WORLD DAY OF MIGRANTS AND REFUGEES 2016 Continue… “Migrants and Refugees Challenge Us. The Response of the Gospel of Mercy” From this perspective, it is important to view migrants not only on the basis of their status as regular or irregular, but above all as people whose dignity is to be protected and who are capable of contributing to progress and the general welfare. This is especially the case when they responsibly assume their obligations towards those who receive them, gratefully respecting the material and spiritual heritage of the host country, obeying its laws and helping with its needs. Migrations cannot be reduced merely to their political and legislative aspects, their economic implications and the concrete coexistence of various cultures in one territory. All these complement the defence and promotion of the human person, the culture of encounter, and the unity of peoples, where the Gospel of mercy inspires and encourages ways of renewing and transforming the whole of humanity. The Church stands at the side of all who work to defend each person’s right to live with dignity, first and foremost by exercising the right not to emigrate and to contribute to the development of one’s country of origin. This process should include, from the outset, the need to assist the countries which migrants and refugees leave. This will demonstrate that solidarity, cooperation, international interdependence and the equitable distribution of the earth’s goods are essential for more decisive efforts, especially in areas where migration movements begin, to eliminate those imbalances which lead people, individually or collectively, to abandon their own natural and cultural environment. In any case, it is necessary to avert, if possible at the earliest stages, the flight of refugees and departures as a result of poverty, violence and persecution. Public opinion also needs to be correctly formed, not least to prevent unwarranted fears and speculations detrimental to migrants. No one can claim to be indifferent in the face of new forms of slavery imposed by criminal organizations which buy and sell men, women and children as forced labourers in construction, agriculture, fishing or in other markets. How many minors are still forced to fight in militias as child soldiers! How many people are victims of organ trafficking, forced begging and sexual exploitation! Today’s refugees are fleeing from these aberrant crimes, and they appeal to the Church and the human community to ensure that, in the outstretched hand of those who receive them, they can see the face of the Lord, “the Father of mercies and God of all consolation” (2 Cor 1:3). Dear brothers and sisters, migrants and refugees! At the heart of the Gospel of mercy the encounter and acceptance by others are intertwined with the encounter and acceptance of God himself. Welcoming others means welcoming God in person! Do not let yourselves be robbed of the hope and joy of life born of your experience of God’s mercy, as manifested in the people you meet on your journey! I entrust you to the Virgin Mary, Mother of migrants and refugees, and to Saint Joseph, who experienced the bitterness of emigration to Egypt. To their intercession I also commend those who invest so much energy, time and resources to the pastoral and social care of migrants. To all I cordially impart my Apostolic Blessing. (Vatican) C A N A D A Gas appliance installation, maintenance and repair TS #000222 1 61 T K TK Services SA Home, Auto & Business Insurance Tadas Kartavicius Certified Gas Technician Furnaces • Air Conditioners • Water Heaters • BBQ Lines 647.999.3601 The Parish is not responsible for the content of the ads E-Mail: [email protected] www.tkservicescanada.com Affiliated Insurance Management Competitive rates Expert, professional advice Personal service Supporting the Lithuanian community Contact: Rima Dresher, [email protected] Rick Dresher, [email protected] 2012 Ontario Insurance Brokerage of the Year 905.845.4201 www.affiliatedinsurance.ca SPECIAL Lina Kuliavas - Sales Representative Royal LePage Real Estate Services Ltd., Brokerage 416-762-8255 bus // 416-616-1600 cell [email protected] PARAMA Scholarship Program is now accepting applications! Deadline is February 1, 2016 2 .20 % months 1616months GIC For new deposits only Limited ffer Time O *Rates are subject to change without notice at any time. Yorke Chapel 2357 Bloor Street West Toronto 416-767-3153 Butler Chapel 4933 Dundas Street West Etobicoke 416-231-2283 APPLY TODAY! www.turnerporter.ca Peel Chapel 2180 Hurontario Street Mississauga 905-279-7663 Neweduk-Erin Mills Chapel 1981 Dundas St. West Mississauga 905-828-8000 Proudlly serving the Lithuanian Community Visit WWW.PARAMA.CA or in Branch for more details PLEASE NOTE: Writing Cheques payable to Resurrection Parish in the MEMO write the charitable purpose: Donation to Parish, Mass, Soup kitchen, parish renovation… Writing Cheques payable to Franciscan Fathers in the MEMO write the charitable purpose: Sielovada, camp “Kretinga”, Monastery, Oncology centre Klaipeda, Franciscan High School Kretinga... Office hours: Pastor: Fr.Jonas Sileika, OFM; I - V 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Associate Pastor: Phone.: (416) 533 0621 Fr. Aurelijus Kazimieras Kasparavicius, OFM; Fax.: (416) 533 7247 Parish economist: Web: www.prisikelimas.ca Fr. Raimundas Bukauskas, OFM; Email: Serving Priests: [email protected] Fr. Augustinas Simanavicius, OFM; Msgr. Edmundas Putrimas; Rev. Kazimieras Kaknevicius; Church of the Resurrection Deacon: Dr. Kazimieras Ambrozaitis 1 Resurrection Rd., Toronto, ON. Parish office: Gitana Judvytyte M9A5G1
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