2015 September 13 - Toronto Prisikelimo Parapija
PARISH NEWS CHURCH of the RESURRECTION Nr. 37 (3089) September 13, 2015 24th Sunday in ordinary time - B Today's reading is the turning point in Mark's Gospel. In the presentation of the life and ministry of Jesus found in the Gospel of Mark, the deeds of Jesus have shown Jesus to be the Son of God. Yet many, including Jesus' disciples, have not yet realized his identity. In today's Gospel, Jesus asks the disciples for a field report by asking what others say about him. He then turns the question directly to the disciples and asks what they believe. Peter speaks for all of them when he announces that they believe Jesus to be the Christ. The word Christ is the Greek translation of the Hebrew word for Messiah, which means “the anointed one.” At the time of Jesus, the image of the Messiah was laden with popular expectations, most of which looked for a political leader who would free the Jewish people from Roman occupation. Jesus does not appear to have used this term for himself. As we see in today's reading, Jesus refers to himself instead as the Son of Man, a term derived from the Jewish Scriptures, found in the Book of Daniel and in other apocryphal writings. Many scholars suggest that the phrase Son of Man is best understood to mean “human being.” Now that the disciples have acknowledged Jesus as the Christ, Jesus Sunday Missal pg. 536; confides in them the outcome of his ministry: he will be rejected, must suffer and die, and will rise after three days. Peter rejects this prediction, and Jesus rebukes him severely. The image of Christ that Jesus is giving is not the image of the Messiah that Peter was expecting. Jesus then teaches the crowd and the disciples about the path of discipleship: To be Christ's disciple is to follow in the way of the cross. We can easily miss the fear that Jesus' words must have evoked in his disciples. Death by crucifixion was all too familiar as a method of execution in Roman-occupied territories. It was also an omnipresent danger to the Christian community for whom Mark wrote. The path that Jesus was inviting his disciples to share meant tremendous suffering and death. This is the kind of radical commitment and sacrifice that Jesus calls us to adopt for the sake of the Gospel. (loyolapress.com) "Lord Jesus, I profess and believe that you are the Christ, the Son of the living God. You are my Lord and my Savior. Make my faith strong and help me to live in the victory of the cross by rejecting sin and by accepting your will." (dailyscripture.net) R.R. I will walk in the presence of the Lord, in the land of the living. (CBW p.182) Sunday’s Mass intentions are for : 8 a.m. for Raciunas deceased family members (R.S.Oleka); 9 a.m. Special intention 11 a.m. for living and deceased parishioners; †Ona and Vytautas Judvytis (Gitana); †Dalia and Rimvydas Sonda and deceased family members (children); †Jonas Buksaitis (E.Buksaitis); †Terese and Stasys Maisaitis and deceased family members (O.Taseckas); Blessings of the Lord for the family (Gitana); †Dr.Silvestras Cepas (E.Cepas); †special intention (Samonis family) †Anicetas and Elena Prialgauskas (by bequest). Calendar 2015 September 19 Scouts registration October 4 Parish annual meeting October 17 “Volunge” 40th - anniversary October 23-24 Fall Rummage Sale November 1 All Souls’ Day November 7 Parish Annual Dinner December 6 Scouts’ Kucios December 11 Camp “Kretinga” Advent reflection December 13 Christmas Concert CHOIR SCHEDULE FOR September 13 d.- “Volunge" 20 d. - Occasional 27 d. - Children THIS WEEK’S HOLY MASSES: MONDAY (September 14): 7 p.m. †Angele Abromaitis (D.P.Petrauskas); TUESDAY (September 15): 7 p.m. for living and deceased benefactors; †Zenonas Kucinskas (D.Kucinskas); WEDNESDAY (September 16): 7 p.m. †Anele and Alfonsas Jonuska (family); THURSDAY (September 17): 7 p.m. special intention (O.Taseckas); †Eugenija and Napalys Juknevicius (Z.Ceponis); FRIDAY (September 18): 7 p.m. †Gintautas and Genovaite Venskaitis (family); SATURDAY (September 19): 9 a.m. †Lione Venslovaitis (G.Valaitis); 5 p.m. “Vilnius Manor” †Julius Jakaitinis and Antanina Krulckis (E.Shishkus); SUNDAY (September 20): 8 a.m. †Bronislava Beresnevicius (Cuplinskas family); 9 a.m. for Strumila deceased family members (Aldona Tallo and family); 11 a.m. for living and deceased parishioners; †Vincas Kolycius (R.R.Syvokas); †Jonas Greiciunas (family); †Angele Kulnys (15 anniv.) (family); for Cuplinskas deceased family members (J.E.Cuplinskas); †Brone and Apolinaras Beresnevicius (N.Slivinskas); †Anicetas and Elena Prialgauskas (by bequest). In memoriam †KRISTINA BIRETA, 88 was buried on September 9. She is survived by her husband Adomas. Sincere condolences to her family and please remember her in your prayers. Collections: After the spectacular 10th Song Festival in Chicago and a well-deserved break for the summer, we welcome back all Resurrection Parish choirs returning to choral activities: rehearsals, singing, chanting at Mass, participating at, and hosting various functions and events. The “Volunge” Choir, led by Dalia Viskontas and Nijole Benotas, will be singing at today’s 11 o’clock Mass. The Occasional Choir, led by the same, will be singing at 11 o’clock Mass on September 20th. Those wishing to join the Occasional choir are asked to contact Dalia Viskontas at 647-244-5055. The Youth and Children’s Choir, under the direction of Dana Biskys and Danguole Radtke, meets today, September 13th, after 11 o’clock Mass in the music room. The Choir will also be singing at 11 o’clock Mass on September the 27th. May the Lord bless all of our choristers and choir leaders….We wish them all a melodious, sweet-sounding and productive new year! The parish’s youth and children’s choir’s practices resume TODAY in the music room, after 11 o’clock Mass. New choristers are welcome and will be asked to register during the first practice. For further information, please contact Dana at [email protected] or 416-562-5835. VYTAUTAS KERNAGIS EXHIBIT Comprised of 40 photographs of famous Lithuanian musician Vytautas Kernagis, this special exhibit, which has traveled throughout all of Lithuania, will be making its North American debut in Toronto this fall. In addition, supplementary material from our very own archives, of Maestro Kernagis’ performances in Canada, will also be on display. All are invited to view the exhibit at the Lithuanian MuseumArchives in Mississauga (2185 Stavebank Rd.) from September 8th to the 20th and to the opening reception, to be held on September 13th at 2 p.m. The Museum-Archives is open to visitors Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Thursdays from 4 p.m. to 9 p.m. and Sundays from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Prepared and curated by the Vytautas Kernagis Foundation in Lithuania; curated, in Toronto, by the Lithuanian Museum-Archives of Canada ([email protected]) and sponsored by the Lithuanian Canadian Foundation. September 6 - $ 4,125.05 Camp “Kretinga”thanks “Vytis” sports club for $1500 donation In memory of Elena Lukosius,her family donated $1000 to the Parish May God reward you abundantly for your generosity. The Family of Faith Campaign continues in our parish. You may place your completed pledge form in the Sunday offertory basket, or drop it off at the parish office at your convenience for forwarding to the Archdiocese. Blank pledge forms, envelopes and brochures are available in the vestibule. This year on October 17th, the Toronto Lithuanian Choir Volungė, THE EMBASSY OF THE REPUBLIC OF LITHUANIA IN CANADA will be celebrating its 40th anniversary. We invite everyone to share in this very special occasion. The celebration will begin with Holy Mass at 5 p.m., followed by a brief reception, a concert by Volunge, a formal dinner and dance with music provided by V. Ramanauskas and his band, "Viltis". Tickets are $75 per person and may be purchased from Rita Radziunas (416) 232-2434, Vida Siauciulis (416) 315-0270 or by email: [email protected]. Mr. Jonas Skardinskas, Minister plenipotentiary, will be visiting Toronto from September 25-26, 2015. He will be available to meet with all those requiring consular assistance in the facilities of the Lithuanian Canadian Community at Resurrection Parish,1 Resurrection Rd. Toronto,ON M9A 5G1 MUSIC FOR ALL All are invited by the Zephyr Trio to partake in an afternoon of classical music, featuring, among others, the works of composers Faure and Arensky. Join us Sunday, September 20th at 4 p.m. downstairs, in the main church hall. Piazzola’s pieces will be performed by Terry Holovach (violin) , Edward Hayes (cello), and Ilona Damašiūtė-Beres (piano). Tickets are $20 (12 years old and under - $5) and can be purchased by calling 416-766-9959. Friday, Sept 25, 2015 from 2 p.m. to 8 p.m. Saturday, Sept 26, 2015 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. diverse influences Lithuanian citizens and others interested, should call in advance to make an appointment . Attention scouts Zephyr piano Trio Faure | arensky | piazzolla Terry Holowach (violin) Edward Hayes (cello) Ilona Damasius-Beres (piano) Sunday | September 20 | 4:00 pm RC Parish of Resurrection 1 Resurrection Road | Toronto Tickets $20 | $5 (12 & under) Information: 416.766.9959 The Toronto Gintaras dance season is upon us! We invite all children and youth (grades 2 to 10) to our first practice on Thursday September 17th, at 6:30pm, at Anapilis. The student group (grade 11 and up) will have their first practice on Sunday September 13th, at 6pm, at Anapilis. Registration will occur during the first practices. You can print the registration forms from our website: www.torontogintaras.com/registration/ We ask that all dancers bring their out-grown costumes, dance shoes, etc, for the purposes of swapping/selling. We also ask that all parents attend the first practice - we will be discussing the 2016 Baltimore dance festival! 2015-2016 Skautu-ciu Annual Registration Saturday, September 19, 2015 at 12:15pm Our Lady of Peace Catholic School, Etobicoke (after Maironio Mokykla). The scouting season is beginning on Saturday, September 19th, with an“iskilminga sueiga". Registration will be taking place during this time as well. Registration fees are $120 per participant; $80 for the third participant of a family. Leaders volunteering during the year, and Vyciai, Budziai, Vyr.Skautes and Gintares wishing to keep their status active in the LSS organization, are required to submit a $30 annual fee. We are reintroducing this year a “draugove“ catering to children 4 years of age called “Giliukai”and “Liepsneles”. Children are introduced to scouting principles through crafts, songs and games. It is planned that “sueigos” will take place once a month for a full hour after Lithuanian school, beginning at 12:15pm. A finalized schedule will be emailed after registration. For more information please contact Amy Gincauskas at [email protected] C A N A D A Gas appliance installation, maintenance and repair TS #000222 1 61 T K TK Services SA Home, Auto & Business Insurance Tadas Kartavicius Certified Gas Technician Furnaces • Air Conditioners • Water Heaters • BBQ Lines 647.999.3601 The Parish is not responsible for the content of the ads E-Mail: [email protected] www.tkservicescanada.com Affiliated Insurance Management Competitive rates Expert, professional advice Personal service Supporting the Lithuanian community Contact: Rima Dresher, [email protected] Rick Dresher, [email protected] 2012 Ontario Insurance Brokerage of the Year 905.845.4201 www.affiliatedinsurance.ca SPECIAL Lina Kuliavas - Sales Representative Royal LePage Real Estate Services Ltd., Brokerage 416-762-8255 bus // 416-616-1600 cell [email protected] 2 20 . % months 1616months For new deposits only Limited ffer Time O *Rates are subject to change without notice at any time. Yorke Chapel 2357 Bloor Street West Toronto 416-767-3153 Butler Chapel 4933 Dundas Street West Etobicoke 416-231-2283 PLEASE NOTE: Writing Cheques payable to Resurrection Parish in the MEMO write the charitable purpose: Donation to Parish, Mass, Soup kitchen, parish renovation… Writing Cheques payable to Franciscan Fathers in the MEMO write the charitable purpose: Sielovada, camp “Kretinga”, Monastery, Oncology centre Klaipeda, Franciscan High School Kretinga... GIC Peel Chapel 2180 Hurontario Street Mississauga 905-279-7663 Neweduk-Erin Mills Chapel 1981 Dundas St. West Mississauga 905-828-8000 Office hours: Pastor: Fr.Jonas Sileika, OFM; I - V 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Associate Pastor: Phone.: (416) 533 0621 Fr. Aurelijus Kazimieras Kasparavicius, OFM; Fax.: (416) 533 7247 Parish economist: Web: www.prisikelimas.ca Fr. Raimundas Bukauskas, OFM; Email: Serving Priests: [email protected] Fr. Augustinas Simanavicius, OFM; [email protected] Msgr. Edmundas Putrimas; Rev. Kazimieras Kaknevicius; Church of the Resurrection Deacon: Dr. Kazimieras Ambrozaitis 1 Resurrection Rd., Toronto, ON. Parish office: Gitana Judvytyte M9A5G1
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