2015 August 30 - Toronto Prisikelimo Parapija
2015 August 30 - Toronto Prisikelimo Parapija
PARISH NEWS CHURCH of the RESURRECTION Nr. 35 (3087) August30, 2015 22nd Sunday in ordinary time - B In this Gospel, Mark addresses the question of which Jewish practices would also be observed in the newly emerging Christian community. This was a significant question for the early Christian Church, especially in communities that included both Jewish and Gentile converts to C h r i s t i a n i t y. I n G o s p e l passages such as the one today, we see the Gospel evangelists finding justification for a Christian practice distinct from Judaism in the remembrances of Jesus' teaching and the practice of his first disciples. Jesus first criticizes the Pharisees for putting human tradition above God's Law. Here, Jesus is referring to the tradition of the elders, the teachings of the Pharisees, which extended the ritual-purity laws of Temple worship to everyday Jewish life. Jesus criticizes the Pharisees for making this tradition equal to and as binding as the Law of Moses. Next, Jesus comments on the meaning behind the Pharisees' language of holiness—clean and unclean. Jesus teaches that a person is not defiled by the food that enters his or her body, but rather by sin that emerges from his or her words and actions. In this teaching, Jesus unmasks a deeper question behind the one posed to him by the Pharisees. The real issue is holiness, which is Sunday Missal pg. 525; not found in external acts alone. Holiness comes from within and is evidenced in the actions and attitudes that emerge from a person's life. If we read today's Gospel carefully, we will see a pattern in Jesus' teaching method that will be repeated in the weeks ahead. Jesus' first teaching is directed to the Pharisees who questioned him. Jesus' words are then directed to the crowd, teaching that a person is defiled by his or her words and actions, not by the food that he or she eats. The words we read at the conclusion of today's Gospel are addressed to Jesus' disciples. Mark's narrative shows several audiences for Jesus' teaching: his antagonists, the crowds, and Jesus' disciples. As we see in this reading, the words to the Pharisees are often words of challenge. The teaching to the crowds is often a general, sometimes cryptic, message. With the disciples, who often misunderstand Jesus' words, further explanation is offered about his message and its meaning. Jesus' words challenge us as well. Jesus reminds us that we do not make ourselves holy by our actions. Rather, we become holy when we allow God's Spirit to transform us. Our actions should be an expression of the conversion of our heart to God and to God's ways. (loyolapress.com) R.R. The just will live in the presence of the Lord. (CBW p.176) Sunday’s Mass intentions are for : 8 a.m. †Ona Kirsinas (B.Kazlauskas); 9 a.m. †Jurgis Leskauskas (A.Ciaucionas); 11 a.m. for living and deceased parishioners; †Kazimieras, Irena and Bronius Ardavicius (N.Ardavicius); †Petras, Vincas and Juozas Bacinskas (O.Taseckas); †Dana Tamasauskas (N.Simkus); †Wandą (1 anniv.) and Alfred (3 anniv.) Kupitis (A.Caldwell); †Ona Asevicius (1 anniv.) (family); for Senda deceased family members (family); †Anicetas and Elena Prialgauskas (by bequest). Calendar 2015 October 4 Parish annual meeting October 17 “Volunge” 40th - anniversary October 23-24 Fall Rummage Sale November 1 All Souls ‘Day November 7 Parish Annual Dinner December 6 Scouts’ Kucios December 11 Camp “Kretinga” Advent reflection December 13 Christmas Concert Next Sunday, september 6, the Parish Cafeteria will be Closed CHOIR SCHEDULE FOR AUGUST Congregational singing; Choirs are on vacation THIS WEEK’S HOLY MASSES: MONDAY (August 31): 7 p.m. †Agute, Juozas and Vincas (O.Taseckas); †Jonas Inciura (25 anniv.) (R.Inciura); TUESDAY (September 1): 7 p.m. for living and deceased benefactors; Ceponis deceased family members (family); WEDNESDAY (September 2): 10 a.m. “Labdara” †Brone Dicevicius (daughters); 7 p.m. †Kotryna Rukas (B.T.Stanulis); THURSDAY (September 3): 7 p.m. †Anthony Pichler (J.E.Cuplinskas); †Gintautas and Genovaite Venskaitis (family); for living and deceased friends (Gitana) ; †Kristina Simkus-Sukauskas (Gitana); †Maria Uscenko (Gitana); FRIDAY (September 4): 7 p.m. †Adele Abromaitis (O.Dirmantas); SATURDAY (September 5): 9 a.m. for Ta u j e n i s d e c e a s e d f a m i l y m e m b e r s (A.Ledas); 5 p.m. “Vilnius Manor” †Pranas Krilavicius (E.Krilavicius); SUNDAY (September 6): 8 a.m.†Vytautas and Vytautas Svermickas (daughter and family); 9 a.m. †Janina Vikunas (family); 11 a.m. for living and deceased parishioners; †Algirdas Stuopis (family) ; †Anthony Pichler (K.A.Ratavicius); †Henrikas Matusaitis (O.Dirmantas); †Klara Stankus (1 anniv.) (A.Jurcevicius and family); for Martickus deceased family members (family); special intention (J.E.Cuplinskas); special intention (Gitana); †Anicetas and Elena Prialgauskas (by bequest). Collections: August 23 - $2,889.75 We welcome back our pastor, Br. Jonas Sileika, OFM, from his trip to Lithuania. Br. Jonas participated in the provincial annual meeting of St. Casimir's Province of the Order of Friars Minor. On August 23rd, in Klaipeda's Church of St. Francis of Assisi, Br. Jonas, among others, congratulated those newly enrobed in the brown habit and cord of the Franciscan Order: Pijus Stangvaltas, Karolis Romanovas and Faustas Jonas Povilaitis. The Novitiate - a time of prayer and reflection lasting approximately one year - begins with the ceremony of enrobing. Congratulations to all our new brothers, who have dedicated themselves with their promise of obedience for one year....God bless them all! Congratulations to ALEXSANDRA SMAILYS & CHRISTOPHER LANE; STEPHANIE PHILLIPS & TIMOTHY SHORTILL! August the 28th they were united in the Holy Sacrament of Matrimony by their exchange of wedding rings. May God bless their covenant of love which they pledged to one another! Soup kitchen ir Lithuania - $325 Parish renovation - $230 Mission Co-Op - $165 In memory of Bronislava Beresnevicius, family donated to the Parish $1000 May God reward you abundantly for your generosity. The Family of Faith Campaign continues in our parish through this summer. You may place your completed pledge form in the Sunday offertory basket, or drop it off at the parish office at your convenience for forwarding to the Archdiocese. Blank pledge forms, envelopes and brochures are available in the vestibule. THE WORD AMONG US The new September issue is available and can be found in the Church foyer. This wonderful publication is a genuine encouragement for Catholics who want to deepen their spiritual life through Scripture and prayer using the daily Mass readings and is available monthly for a cost of $5. Thank you. VYTAUTAS KERNAGIS EXHIBIT Comprised of 40 photographs of famous Lithuanian musician Vytautas Kernagis, this special exhibit, which has traveled throughout all of Lithuania, will be making its North American debut in Toronto this fall. In addition, supplementary material from our very own archives, of Maestro Kernagis’ performances in Canada, will also be on display. All are invited to view the exhibit at the Lithuanian Museum-Archives in Mississauga (2185 Stavebank Rd.) from September 8th to the 20th and to the opening reception, to be held on September 13th at 2 p.m. The Museum-Archives is open to visitors Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Thursdays from 4 p.m. to 9 p.m. and Sundays from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Prepared and curated by the Vytautas Kernagis Foundation in Lithuania; curated, in Toronto, by the Lithuanian Museum-Archives of Canada ([email protected]) and sponsored by the Lithuanian Canadian Foundation. Pope to parents: find time for prayer in busy family life Pope Francis on Wednesday continued his reflections on family life, focusing especially on the importance of finding time for prayer. Greeting visitors from many different countries, gathered for the weekly General Audience in St Peter’s Square, the Pope said families often experience difficulty in devoting time for prayer. But he said a heart filled with the love of God can make even a silent thought or small gesture of devotion into a moment of prayer. Pope Francis noted that family life is complicated and time consuming: parents, he said, should win Nobel prizes for the way they manage to squeeze 48 hours’ work into just 24 hours! But if we truly love God with all our hearts, and all our mind, and all our strength, he said, we will discover that the heart of prayer is the love of God, who constantly caresses us with his love. The Pope urged parents to teach their children to pray, to read the bible and to make the sign of the Cross so that their homes may become places where Jesus always finds a warm welcome Please find below the English summary of Pope Francis’ remarks at the Wednesday General Audience Dear Brothers and Sisters: In our continuing catechesis on the family, today we reflect on the importance of devoting time to prayer. We all know how important prayer is, yet it seems so difficult to find time for it. Perhaps we need to ask if we truly love God, as he asks us to, with all our heart, and all our mind and all our strength. For the heart of prayer is the love of God, the source of our life, who constantly “caresses” us with his own love. A heart filled with the love of God can make even a silent thought or a small gesture of devotion a moment of prayer. The Holy Spirit teaches us to pray, to call God our Father, and to grow daily in his love. Our families need to ask for the gift of the Spirit! Through prayer, even in the busiest times, we give time back to God, we find the peace that comes from appreciating the important things, and we encounter the joy of God’s unexpected gifts. Through daily prayer may our homes become, like the house of Martha and Mary, places where Jesus always finds a warm welcome. I greet the English-speaking pilgrims and visitors taking part in today’s Audience, including those from England, Denmark, Malta, China, Dubai, Nigeria, Canada and the United States of America. Upon all of you, and your families, I invoke an abundance of joy and peace in the Lord Jesus. God bless you all! (Vatican Radio) C A N A D A Gas appliance installation, maintenance and repair TS #000222 1 61 T K TK Services SA Home, Auto & Business Insurance Tadas Kartavicius Certified Gas Technician Furnaces • Air Conditioners • Water Heaters • BBQ Lines E-Mail: [email protected] www.tkservicescanada.com Affiliated Insurance Management 647.999.3601 Competitive rates Expert, professional advice Personal service Supporting the Lithuanian community Contact: Rima Dresher, [email protected] Rick Dresher, [email protected] The Parish is not responsible for the content of the 2012 Ontario Insurance Brokerage of the Year 905.845.4201 www.affiliatedinsurance.ca SPECIAL Lina Kuliavas - Sales Representative Royal LePage Real Estate Services Ltd., Brokerage 416-762-8255 bus // 416-616-1600 cell [email protected] 2 .20 % months 1616months For new deposits only Limited ffer Time O *Rates are subject to change without notice at any time. Yorke Chapel 2357 Bloor Street West Toronto 416-767-3153 Butler Chapel 4933 Dundas Street West Etobicoke 416-231-2283 PLEASE NOTE: Writing Cheques payable to Resurrection Parish in the MEMO write the charitable purpose: Donation to Parish, Mass, Soup kitchen, parish renovation… Writing Cheques payable to Franciscan Fathers in the MEMO write the charitable purpose: Sielovada, camp “Kretinga”, GIC Peel Chapel 2180 Hurontario Street Mississauga 905-279-7663 Neweduk-Erin Mills Chapel 1981 Dundas St. West Mississauga 905-828-8000 Office hours: Pastor: Fr.Jonas Sileika, OFM; I - V 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Associate Pastor: Phone.: (416) 533 0621 Fr. Aurelijus Kazimieras Kasparavicius, OFM; Fax.: (416) 533 7247 Parish economist: Web: www.prisikelimas.ca Fr. Raimundas Bukauskas, OFM; Email: Serving Priests: [email protected] Fr. Augustinas Simanavicius, OFM; [email protected] Msgr. Edmundas Putrimas; Rev. Kazimieras Kaknevicius; Church of the Resurrection
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