Sagrada Familia C.cdr -


Sagrada Familia C.cdr -
Our Lady of the Assumption Catholic Church
The Holy Family of Jesus,
Mary And Joseph
Abre, Señor, nuestro corazón, para que aceptemos las Palabras de tu Hijo.
The season of Christmas for Catholics begins with the vigil
Masses on Christmas Eve and concludes on the Feast of
the Baptism of the Lord. During this season, we celebrate
the birth of Christ into our world and into our hearts, and
reflect on the gift of salvation that is born with him
including the fact that he was born to die for us.
Para los católicos, la temporada de Navidad empieza en la
vigilia de las Misas en vísperas de Navidad y concluye el
día de la Fiesta del Bautismo del Señor. Durante esta
temporada, celebramos el nacimiento de Cristo en nuestro
mundo y en nuestros corazones y reflexionamos sobre el
don de la salvación que nace con El incluyendo el hecho de
que El nació para morir por nosotros.
796 West 48th Street - San Bernardino, CA 92407
Ph (909) 882-2931 Fax (909) 883-4851
Luke 2:41-52
Mass Schedule
Horario de las Misas
Saturday 4:30 pm Vigil Mass
8:00 am, 10:00 am
12:00 pm Español
4:30 pm Youth Mass
6:30 pm
Wednesday 8:15 am
Thursday 8:15 am
8:15 am
First Friday 8:15 am
Sacred Heart & Santo Nino Devotions
The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary,
and Joseph
December 27, 2015
Beloved, we are God's children now;
what we shall be
has not yet been revealed.
1 John 3:2a
First Reading- Hannah gives her son Samuel back to
the LORD, leaving him in the temple at Shiloh: "As long
as he lives, he shall be dedicated to the LORD" (1 Samuel
1:20-22, 24-28) or Sirach 3:2-6, 12-14.
Psalm- Blessed are they who dwell in your house, O
Lord (Psalm 84) or Psalm 128.
Second Reading - We are children of God when we
believe in the name ofGod's Son, Jesus Christ, and lave
one another justas he commanded us (1 Jn 3:1-2, 21-24)
or Colossians 3:12-21 [12-17].
Gospel- Joseph and Mary find the lost Jesus in the
temple in the midst of the teachers, listening to them and
asking questions (Luke 2:41-52).
Sacrament of Confession,
Benediction and Exposition of the
Blessed Sacrament
Saturday9:00 am-10:30 am
Sacramento de Confesión,
Veneración y Exposición del
Santísimo Sacramento
Sábado9:00 am-10:30 am
La Sagrada Familia de Jesús, María y José
27 de diciembre de 2015
Hermanos míos, ahora somos hijos de Dios,
pero aún no se ha manifestado
cómo seremos al fin.
1 Juan 3:2a
Monday: 1 Jn 1:5- 2:2; Ps 124:2-5, 7b-8;
Tuesday: 1 Jn 2:3-11; Ps 96:1-3, 5b-6; Lk 2:22-35
Wednesday: 1 Jn 2:12-17; Ps 96:7-10; Lk 2:3640
Thursday: 1 Jn 2:18-21; Ps 96:1-2, 11-13; Jn 1:1-18
Friday: Nm 6:22-27; Ps 67:2-3,5,6, 8; Gal4:4-7;
Lk 2:16-21
1 Jn 2:22-28; Ps 98:14; Jn 1:19-28
Is 60:1-6; Ps 72:1-2,7-8, 10-13;
Eph 3:2-3a, 5-6; Mt 2:1-12
12/27 Young at Heart
01/03 Social Concerns
01/10 School
Light of Christ
December 20thJanuary 2nd
Doroteo Rocha
Rest in Peace
Requested by;
Martinez Family
Corporal Works of Mercy: To Feed the Hungry
By: Dan McConnell
I am a fan of the comic strip: “Ripley's Believe it or Not!” It chronicles the strange and unusual from
around the world challenging us to believe it or not. Throughout my life, God has been mercifully
patient with me. In a way, I see this as sort of like a string of revelations that are: “God's
Coincidence or Not”. God planted a seed for me to develop a devotion to his Divine Mercy. He
further inspires me to seek an understanding of His mercy through scripture. In the Gospel of
Matthew Jesus said: “For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me
drink, a stranger and you welcomed me.” While listening to the announcements at Mass I heard a
call for people to help in the Food Outreach Ministry. My wife and I had always spoken about
becoming part of a Ministry together when I retired. The Holy Spirit “nudged us” and we became
volunteers. Together we are helping to provide food to our local community who are disabled persons,
the elderly, veterans, homeless persons and families living below poverty levels. We are a part of our parish's
effort to feed the hungry, which just so happens to be one the corporal works of mercy: “God's Coincidence or
Not”. When I came to this parish something inside me told me I was home. I have met warm, friendly caring
people who are kind and overwhelmingly generous with their time, talent and treasure. I have often wondered
why God brought me to this place and then I read that earlier this year that Pope Francis announced new global
jubilee, the Holy Year of Mercy. I thought to myself: “God's Coincidence or Not”.
Ellen Molina, Lee Walker, Pam O’Camb, Marihna Monroe, Egor Lisizin,
Michelle Acevedo, Diana Fitzgerald, Don Brimmer, Ken Sousa, Cathy Mess, Lou Pappas, Max Brokaw, Luz
Garcia, Efrain Castro, Deangelo Rocha, Edward Thomson, Luis Angel Castro, Ruben Castro, Gabriel
Tisnado, Charlie Baca, Martha Garrett, Ofelia Scott, Sandy Lent, Cel Good, Luz Camas, Jamie & Jess
Marquez, Virginia Wellington, Fr. Paul Prince, Martha Pineda, Denise Peraza, Gloria Gutterriez, Alejandra
Cammpos, Diana Gillen y Julie Swan, Kathy Bartley, Madeleine Bartley, Caprece Daughtery...................
We, the faith community of Our Lady of the
Assumption Parish, humbly proclaim with our
beloved Virgin Mary, that we are the servants of the
Lord. Rooted in the Gospel of Jesus Christ, we value
and celebrate the diversity of our cultures and strive
to be of loving support to one another. We are
committed to the sacramental life and Traditions of
the Church through worship, prayer, study, and
service. We seek to become true evangelists by
continuing to nourish and strengthen our Roman
Catholic Faith.
Nosotros, la comunidad de fe de la parroquia de
Nuestra Señora de la Asunción, proclamamos
humildemente con nuestra amada Virgen María, que
somos siervos del Señor. Enraizados en el Evangelio
de Jesucristo, valoramos y celebramos la diversidad
de nuestras culturas y nos esforzamos amorosamente
a darnos apoyo el uno al otro. Por medio del culto, la
oración, el estudio y el servicio, estamos
comprometidos a la vida sacramental y a las
tradiciones de la Iglesia. Buscamos ser verdaderos
evangelizadores nutriendo y fortaleciendo nuestra fe
Católica Romana.
Were you raised Catholic but do not come or seldom
come to church anymore? Are you a Catholic who
now feels separated from your church? Would you
like to know more about the Catholic Church as it is
today? Would you like to feel at home in the Catholic
You may purchase your tickets after Mass, or stop by the
Church again?
Parish Office. The cost per ticket is $10. The drawing will
be held Sunday March 20th, 2016.
No matter how long you have been away and no
Gánate un carro Chevrolet último modelo. El boleto de
la rifa solo cuesta $10. Puedes comprar tus boletos matter the reason, we invite you to consider renewing
your relationship with the Catholic Church.
después de cada Misa o en la Oficina Parroquial.
Annual Migration Mass
January 10, 2016
The Diocese of San Bernardino and the Social
Concern’s Justice for Immigrants Ministry would like
to invite you to the 2016 Immigration Mass at Our
Lady of Soledad in Coachella on Sunday, January
10th beginning at 1:00pm. A relic from St. Toribio
Romo will be present! Please join us as we come
together to journey with all the refugees and migrants
that make up the Diocese of San Bernardino. For
more information please contact: Hilda Cruz at
909.475.5469 or [email protected].
Our Lady of the Assumption's six week Catholics
Returning Home at Christmas Program begins:
Date: Thursday January 7,2016
Time: 7:00pm 8:30pm
Place: Classroom 7
For more information, call Terril Bauer at
(909) 800-2570
Misa Anual de Migración
10 de enero de 2016
La diócesis de San Bernardino y el ministerio de
Justicia para Inmigrantes de la Oficina Pastoral Social
les invitan a la Misa de migración del 2016. La Misa
se llevará a cabo el domingo, 10 de enero a la una de
la tarde. ¡Tendremos una reliquia de Santo Toribio
Romo! Acompáñenos a unirnos en oración y
hermandad con todos los refugiados y migrantes que
forman parte de la diócesis de San Bernardino. Para
más información favor de contactar a: Hilda Cruz al
909.475.5469 o [email protected].
Sunday:The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and
Monday:The Holy Innocents
Tuesday:Fifth Day within the Octave of the Nativity
of the Lord; St. Thomas Becket
Wednesday: Sixth Day within the Octave of the Nativity
of the Lord
Thursday:Seventh Day within the Octave of the
Nativity of the Lord; St. Sylvester I;
New Year's Eve
Friday:The Octave of the Nativity of the Lord;
Mary, the Holy Mother of God;
World Day of Prayer for Peace;
First Friday; New Year's Day
Saturday:Ss. Basil the Great and Gregory Nazianzen;
First Saturday
his Week's Events
Adult Faith
© Clare Colella
This is a time for us to continue to enjoy family members, to appreciate both the blessings and challenges
of family! Such a short time after the celebration of Christmas, we hear the Gospel story of the Jesus, age
12, staying in the temple while his parents and the caravan continue homeward from the Temple
celebration. There is much to consider in this story - why at this age, Jesus was so drawn to the temple and the Hebrew
scriptures, why he would have been traveling with either the men or the women in the caravan, what Mary and Joseph
may have been thinking as they searched for Jesus, what was discussed during the family's journey home........................
The Church offers us this Gospel and the readings which speak strongly of the importance of both family and dedication
to God. It is within the family that children first learn their sense of God, of sharing faith, of prayer. In the Vatican
Council II document Lumen Gentium, the Constitution on the Church, we read, "In what might be regarded as the
domestic Church, the parents, by word and example, are the first heralds of the faith withregard to their children."
(LG, #11). ...............................................................................................................................................................................
In another Council document, the Decree on the Laity, the Church teaches that "The mission of being the primary vital
cell of society has been given to the family by God. This mission will be accomplished if the family, by the mutual
affection of its members and by family prayer, presents itself as a domestic sanctuary of the church; if the whole family
takes its part in the church's liturgical worship; if, finally, it offers active hospitality and practices justice and other good
works for the benefit of all its sisters and brothers who suffer from want."..........................................................................
These give us an incredibly courageous image of family as the heart of the faith community and discipleship.Very simple
gestures of prayer and blessings within our families plant and nourish the seeds of faith - and bringus closer to God.
May we use the privilege we have been given of being "domestic church" to bless one another with faith and grace,
especially as a gathering of parishioners, families, we welcome the New Year!
January 6: Epiphany Party: The Spirit of Giving
January 13: Introduction to the Sacraments; Baptism
January 20: Confirmation and Eucharist
Ministry Center Office Hours
Horario de la Oficina Ministerial
Sunday / Domingo: 10am to 12pm
Monday through Friday: 9am to 3pm
Saturday / Sabado: closed / cerrado
Baptisms and Baptism Preparation
Bautizos y Preparacion 909-882-2931
Rev. Henry Sseriiso882-2931 x29
[email protected]
Dan O’Camb882-2931
[email protected]
Mark Weber882-2931
[email protected]
R.C.I.A. & Adult Confirmation
Clare Colella882-2931 x34
[email protected]
Coordinator of Youth Ministry
Confirmation and Music
Kathleen Estrella882-2931 x16
[email protected]
Coordinator of Religious Education
Maria Rivera-Mena882-2931 x22
[email protected]
Susan Doyle882-8931 x15 or x28
[email protected]
Parish Secretary
Ana Gurule882-2931 [email protected]
Parish Office Reception
Lucia Godoy882-2931 x10
OLA School
Sue Long
(909) 881-2416
[email protected]
School Secretary
Rina McNamara
(909) 881-2416
Delila Vasquez
(909) 234-6960
[email protected]
After School Day Care
(909) 881-2417
OLA School Email & Website
[email protected]
Marriages / Bodas
Arrangements require a six month period of
preparation. Please call the Ministry Center Office.
/ Reservaciones seis meses de anticipación
The scheduling for Quinceañeras should be made at
least one year in advance. / Reservación - por lo
menos un año de anticipación
Funerals / Funerales
Please call the Parish Ministry Center Office. / Favor
de llamar a la Oficina Ministerial
Sisters of Mercy882-2931 x18
Pastoral Council
[email protected]
Wills/Bequests - Testamentos/Legados
Please call the Diocese. / Por favor llamar a la
diócesis (909) 475-5300
Visiting of the Sick/Home Blessings
If you’d like our priest to visit and anoint a sick family member, or to bless your home, please contact the Parish Office. He will call to
arrange a date and time.
Visitas a los Enfermos y Bendición
a los Hogares
Si gusta que nuestro sacerdote vaya a dar la unción a un familiar enfermo, o a bendecir su hogar, por favor llame a la oficina parroquial. El
sacerdote se comunicará con usted para acordar la fecha y la hora.
E-mail Bulletin Submissions to: [email protected]