Saint Joseph Catholic Church • Marietta, Georgia • www


Saint Joseph Catholic Church • Marietta, Georgia • www
Saint Joseph Catholic Church
87 Lacy Street NW • Marietta, Georgia • 30060-1111
Mission Statement
We, Saint Joseph Catholic church, the Body of Christ, seek to
grow in faith, love, and service of God and one another.
Parish Contact Numbers
Monsignor John Walsh
Parochial Vicars:
Rev. Michael Sherliza
Rev. Guyma Noel
Deacon Thomas Shaver, OFS
Deacon Bruce Reed
Deacon Frank Devereux
Deacon Norman Keller
Deacon Greg Smilski
Parish Office
Phone: (770)422-5633
Fax: (770)422-1148
Office Hours
8:30 AM to 4:30 PM
Tina Harding............(770)422-5633 x24 Kathy Christianson..(770)422-5633 x52
Bruce Reed.............(770)422-5633 x27 Carol Donofrio.........(770)422-5633 x22
Laura Fenton...........(770)422-5633 x53 Tom Reichert...........(770)422-5633 x25
Jim Arnold...............(770)422-5633 x39 Pat Roberts.............(770)422-5633 x75
Sister Olivia.…….....(770)422-5633 x32 Pat Allen.........................(770)428-3328
Dolores Lomeli........(770)422-5633 x37
Lisa Fiamingo..........(770)422-5633 x50
John Brandt.............(770)422-5633 x62
Schedule of Masses
8:00 AM and 12:00 PM
8:00 AM and 12:00 PM
8:15 AM School Mass
12:00 PM Anointing of the Sick
7:00 PM en Español
8:00 AM and 12:00 PM
8:00 AM and 12:00 PM
8:00 AM
5:30 PM Vigil
7:30 PM Vigilia en Español
7:30 AM, 9:00 AM, 10:45 AM,
12:30 PM,2:30 PM en Español
5:00 PM Life Teen
3:30-4:30 PM
Miercoles 6:00 PM en Español
July 19, 2015 •
Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Living Our Faith
Join us for a Date Night on Saturday, August 22
The Love Dare
Unconditional love is eagerly promised at weddings,
but rarely practiced in real life. As a result, romantic
hopes are often replaced with disappointment in the
home. But it doesn’t have to be that way.
The Love Dare is a day by day challenge for husbands and wives to understand and practice unconditional love. Whether your marriage is hanging by a
thread or healthy and strong, The Love Dare is a
journey you need to take.
Mother’s Circle
is a ministry for moms of the parish with
young children. We meet weekly for play
dates and fellowship.
Our next activities are:
Wednesday, July 22, Swift-Cantrell Park
at 9:30 AM
For more information contact Amy Lyons at
(404)966-3710 or [email protected].
Parish Mission
for our
August 22-26
MUST Ministries Summer Lunch Program!!
Many of our neighbors will be wondering how to feed
their children lunch this summer. That’s where we can
help. MUST Ministries Summer Lunch Program provides a sack lunch each summer weekday to thousands of children in eight counties and our
community generosity makes that possible.
We are in need of”
Brown Lunch Bags
Ziploc Sandwich/Snack Bags
Juice Boxes
Salty Snacks (individually packaged)
Peanut Butter
Sweet Snacks (individually packaged)
Jelly (grape is best)
Unopened Lunch Meats (turkey, ham, bologna)
Plastic Gloves
Unopened Cheese (individually wrapped)
Please contact Tim Buchanan
[email protected] of
(770)576-0389 for menu and delivery instructions.
Saint Joseph Preschool is
currently registering
children for the2015—2016 school
year. Spots still available.
We offer a weekday preschool program for ages two to four years in a
loving, faith-based environment. Our developmentally appropriate classes are designed to provide
experiences that focus on the growth of the whole
child. For program information, class availability, or
to schedule a tour, please contact Pat Roberts,
Director, at (770)422-5633 x75 or
[email protected]. Registration packets
are available at the preschool, in the Narthex or at
Parish Meetings and Support Groups
Centering Prayer Group: Second and fourth Wednesday of the month at 7:00 PM in the PMC building. Please contact
Linda Lee Davis at [email protected] or (770)218-1584 for information.
Divine Mercy Group. Fourth Monday of every month after the 8:00 AM Mass in the Sugar Hill House. Please call Dick
Bomeisl (770)971-4473 for more information.
Separated and Divorced Support Group: Wednesdays, at 7:00 PM upstairs in the PMC building.
Call Pattie (770)422-1783 for more information.
Seasons of Hope If you have lost a loved one, join our grief support group every other Monday 7:00 PM in the Sugar Hill
House. Contact Annette Willis at (770)364-7876 more information.
WEDS: Join us monthly for ongoing support of the Sacrament of Marriage. Call the Armstrongs (770)795-0853
for more information.
Saint Joseph Catholic Church • Marietta, Georgia •
Christ has no body now on earth but yours,
no hands but yours.
Yours are the eyes through which
he is to go about doing good.
Yours are the hands with
which he is to bless people now.
Saint Theresa of Avila
Mass Intentions
July 19—July 26
Offertory 2015
July 5...……………………………...……...…………………..$33,696.38
Remember to sign up for our parish program—the
Elijah Cup. Praying for vocations is a responsibility and privilege of
the laity. We always need more families, couples, and individuals to pray
for vocations. For more information, please contact Ed Schafer at (770)
427-2928 or [email protected].
The Dombi Family and Joel and Helen Raeber
will take the cup home this week.
The Keadle Family and the Niswonger Family
will take the cup home next week.
We are grateful to all of our parishioners who have remembered
this parish in their wills or estate plans. Did you know that persons
who have made a planned gift for our parish automatically receive
membership in the Deo Gratias Society of The Catholic Foundation
of North Georgia? Among other benefits, this membership includes
an invitation to the annual Deo Gratias Society mass and luncheon
with Archbishop Gregory in September. If you have already included our parish in your will or estate plans, but have not informed the parish office, please let us know so we can coordinate your invitation to the September
event—or call The Catholic Foundation directly at (404)497-9440.
Scripture Readings
July 19—July 26
Sixteenth Sunday in
Ordinary Time
Jer 23:1-6
Eph 2:13-18
Mk 6:30-34
Liturgy of the Hours: Psalter IV
Ex 14:5-18 • Mt 12:38-42
Ex 14:21-15:1 • Mt 12:46-50
Ex 16:1-5,9-15 • Jn 20:1-5,11-18
Saint Mary Magdalene
Ex 19:1-2,9-11,16-20b • Mt 13:10-17
Ex 20:1-17 • Mt 13:18-23
2 Cor 4:7-15 • Mt 20:20-28
Saint James, apostle
Seventeenth Sunday in
Ordinary Time
2 Kgs 4:42-44
Eph 4:1-6
Jn 6:1-15
Liturgy of the Hours: Psalter I
Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
5:30 PM (Vigil)................. † Patrick Heerdt
7:30 PM (Vigilia) En Español…………………...
† Hermana Humbelina
7:30 AM............................ † June Graham
9:00 AM...................... † Edith McCullough
10:45 AM…............................ Parishioners
12:30 PM............................. Frances Dunn
2:30 PM En Español…………………………..
† Gaudencio Alvarado
5:00 PM Life Teen…... † Robert John Tezza
Monday, July 20
8:00 AM............................. † Barbara Azar
12:00 PM....................... † Vincent LaRosa
Tuesday, July 21
8:00 AM…….... † Castegnaro Odio Family
12:00 PM..….... † Mary & Anthony Nguyen
Wednesday, July 22
8:00 AM...…………… † Anthony Osaigbovo
12:00 PM........ (health) Kathy Christianson
7:00 PM En Español………. † Javier Macias
Thursday, July 23
8:00 AM...……………...….. † Carol McCoy
12:00 PM............................... Unemployed
Friday, July 24
8:00 AM............................ † Federico Odio
12:00 PM…………………….. Unemployed
Saturday, July 25
8:00 AM…….………..…… † Ken Bomeisl
Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
5:30 PM (Vigil)................. † Patrick Heerdt
7:30 PM (Vigilia) En Español…………………...
† Elena Talamantes
7:30 AM......................... † Elizabeth Gibbs
9:00 AM.............. (intention) Diane LaRoss
10:45 AM…............................ Parishioners
12:30 PM.............................. † Cal LaHurd
2:30 PM En Español…………………………..
† José Ballastero
5:00 PM Life Teen…... † Robert John Tezza
July 19, 2015 •
Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
The flowers on the altar on June 28
were in thanksgiving for their mom Donna on her
birthday, requested by Evan Ellis and Cameron Pearson
We pray for our loved ones
For the sick and suffering
Egan Allen
Maria del Pilar Aguirre
Lana Ahren
Fran Anderson
Frances Garcia Barna
Daniel Brown
Tylor Brown
Isaiah Buchanan
Anne Burke
Donny Burrows
Maura Byrne
Robbie Cagle
Pat & Wilson Cole
Rhonda Cotton
Oliver Crowson
Charles Davis
Joseph DiBenedetto
Erin Dichiara
Christopher Dobson
Bob Gleason
Jean Goad
Katie Grant
Barbara Green
Katie Greer
Barry Hall
Genevieve Harris
Hilda Haynie
Kelly Heidt
Julia Henderson
Judy Hispanski
Fr. Bill Hoffman
Hagan Hussey
Karen Johnson
Edward Johnston
Angelita Kelly
Tyler King
Linda Kushins
Candace Lapka
Diane LaRoss
Donna Lassiter
Marie Leday
Leisha Landworth
Frances Marnell
Marilyn Merchant
Betty Lou Douglas
Andrew Dubois
Mamie Ann Dupaty
Anne Eustace
Lena Ferree
Ed Flynn
Catherine Gagliardy
Gianna Sofia Miraglia
Steven Gensler
Elizabeth Mixon
Kaylyn Mixon
Melissa Hudson Nagel
Angeline Noel
Nancy Palmer
Jeanine Page
Daniel Pazak
Noel Ranieri
Bill Ramsay
Kerry Reid
Dee Ritacco
Mary Roy
Sandra Lee Sable
Annabelle Serpas
John Sherman
Craig Stanford
Jack Stanley
Sharon Stanley
Mary Tankersley
Florencia Thomas
Judy Thrasher
Charlene F. Tillis
Esi Toscano
Stefano West
Jeff Wilson
For all of those in nursing homes and hospice, especially those who
are suffering or dying.
Names appear on the prayer list for two weeks unless otherwise
requested. To add someone to our prayer list, please email
[email protected]
For our loved ones serving in the military
Mike Alvarado
Micheal Falvo
Justin Lowery
Todd Sartian
Brandt Ange
Wesley Farren Alixandra Mackey David Scafe
Justin Austin Gabriel Fennelly William J. Mackey Jamie Scheirer
Joseph Bailey
Lisa Flanagan Jeffrey Majkrzak Clayton Sears
Ramon Bargallo Stephen Gaughan Tyler McCaslin Joseph Sellman
P. McCartney
Andrew Barron Andrew Gebert Brian
Brian Sexton
Kenneth McIntosh
Michael Gnall
Alex Bartlett
Misty Sheerer
Nicholas Mieszala
Chris Brinkmann John B. Greene IV Matthew Molmer Matt Schlosser
David Brinkmann Michael Raymond Jeremy Moore
Logan Steele
Matthew A. Burgess
Andrew Mulcare William J. Strapp
James R. Cater
Anna Marie Sweat
Drew Hanshaw Russell O’Neill Brian M. Sweat
Adam Cole
Ryan Harris
Andrew Cole
Patrick O’Reilly John T. Sweat
Danielle Colson Connor Hughes
Michael Sweeney
Jim Orfe
Arthur L. Tarantino
Arista Cowan
Michael Ivey
Tyson Thibault
Dan Cowen
Heidi Ultzer
Mason Danner Logan Jackson
Brandon Jennings
Matthew Ultzer
Matthew Danner Chad Jennings
Preston Pass
Michael DeStefano
John Ryan Walsh
Sean Pitts
Russell Johnson Jr.
Stephen Deuble Timothy Johnson Kevin Regan Patrick J. Walsh
Michael C. DiMartino
Jalil Williams
Ryne Regan
Ryan Jones
Alexander Echols
Mike Williams
Daniel Eugenio
Bob Wright
Jason M. Robb
Esteban Eugenio Patrick Kane
Anthony J Falvo IV Ali Medford Kent
John Kruszuwsky Jeremy Sanusi
The flowers on the altar on July 5
were in loving memory of Aurora Eredics
requested by Arthur and Marianne Bayani
The flowers under the crucifix on July 5
were in loving memory of Ritha Joseph,
JAMS (Joseph’s
by Wilda
JAMS (Joseph’s Awesome Middle Schoolers)
Meets the 3rd Friday of each month
From 6:30 PM to 9:00 PM
Summer dates:
August 21 Back to School Bash
All students in 6th to 8th grades are invited to join us!
Evening includes food, fun and fellowship.
We are in need of an ELECTRIC
wheelchair for a member of our sister
parish of San José in El Rodeo,
If you have a wheelchair you would
like to donate, please contact
Dolores Lomeli at (770)422-5633 x37
or [email protected].
Layette Program We are in need of
donations of NEW items of clothing, blankets,
booties, caps, sleepers, etc., for our program.
All items are distributed to families in need within our
Thank you for your tremendous generosity in helping
us with this wonderful ministry that brings hope and
comfort to new families.
If you have any questions, please contact Rosemary
Buckley at (770)427-2509.
Saint Joseph Catholic Church • Marietta, Georgia •
Knowing Our Faith
Get Inspired
Get Enriched
Get Transformed
Adult Formation
(770)422-5633 x24 ☼ [email protected]
Small church communities
Groups will gather again in September. As always,
we will have exciting programs such as Bible study
and studies on the Church for our small groups to
enjoy. You can sign up for a group at Time and Talent weekend on September 19 and 20, or contact
Tina Harding at (770)422-5633 x24 or
[email protected].
Inquiry class for non-catholics
We will resume classes on Sunday, August 30 at
10:15am in the Adult Education Room. If you are
unbaptized, baptized in another faith tradition or
baptized Catholic but never received the Sacrament
of Confirmation, these classes are for you. We explore your questions and share OUR Catholic Story
with you. There is no pressure to join, just come and
participate. Please contact Tina Harding to register
for these classes.
BOOK CLUB NEWS-Change of Book
There is much excitement brewing over Pope
Francis' trip to the USA in September. Many of us
will not be able to go to Washington, D.C. or Philadelphia to see the Pope, so we are making our
September book selection Walking With Jesus by
Pope Francis instead of the The Mystery of Faith by
Andrew Greeley. The book by Pope Francis, Walking With Jesus encourages us to make Jesus
central in our lives. Each chapter of this book helps
us put one foot in front of the other as we move ever
closer to God and to our neighbor. If you are unable
to see the Pope in September, join in reading and
discussing this book on Monday, September 14 at
7:00 PM in the School Library.
Parish School of Religion
Retreat August 14-16
Tired of struggling to
meet countless demands
with little time or energy?
Do you sense an inner
emptiness as if something vital is missing? Longing for
greater meaning and purpose in life? This retreat provides tools that can enable us to allow God to fill our
emptiness with his loving presence and reveal to us our
deepest meaning and purpose. Contact Patti at the
Monastery in Conyers for a reservation
(770)760-0959 or [email protected].
Theology of the Body Night:
Ever wonder why God made us male and female?
Join Seminarian Joey Martineck on Monday, July 20
for a special presentation and discussion. Guided by
St. John Paul II’s Theology of the Body, we will
explore the question: what does it mean to be human? The event will take place in the music room
from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM. Please contact Joey at
[email protected] with any questions.
Safeguarding the Dignity of
Every Human Person
Catechist Faith Formation
Saturday, August 22,
8:00 AM to 4:30 PM
Speakers and topics for all age level of
Register at
Online registration closes August 13.
Register early to get your selections!
Lunch included. Come network with other catechists.
[email protected]
PSR registration forms for the 2015-16 year are now available in the narthex, online, or from the PSR office.
Please return your completed forms as soon as possible. Registration is ongoing throughout the summer. We look
forward to seeing everyone back in August. If you have any questions or are interested in volunteering for the 2015
-16 PSR year please contact the PSR office at (770)422-5633 x55 or [email protected].
19 de Julio de 2015
XVI Domingo Ordinario
Lecturas de Hoy
Jeremías 23,1-6 • Salmo 22 • Efesios 2,13-18 • Marcos 6,30-34
a nuestra Iglesia!
Horarios de Oficina
Lunes a Viernes,
9:30 AM—4:30 PM
Oficina del Ministerio Hispano
(770)422-5633 exts. 34, 32, 37
Fax (770)422-1148
Horario de la Santa Misa
Sábado: 7:30 PM
Domingo: 2:30 PM
Miércoles 7:00 PM
6:00 PM a 7:00 PM
Grupos del Ministerio Hispano
Grupo de Oración
Rigoberto Gramajo (678)485-0815
Grupo Nueva Vida
Estamos en búsqueda de una silla de ruedes ELECTRONICA
para un miembro de nuestra parroquia hermana de San José
en El Rodeo, Guatemala. Si usted tiene una silla que quisiera
donar, favor de llamar a Dolores Lomeli (770)422-5633 x37.
Profesión de Fé
Profesar la fé con la boca indica, a su vez, que la fé inplica un testimnio y un compromise público. El Cristiano no puede pensar nunca
que creer es un hecho privado. La fé es decidirse a estar con el Señor para vivir con EL. Y este estar con EL nos lleva a comprender las
razones por las que se cree. La fé precisamente porque es un acto de
la libertad exige tambien la responsabilidad social de lo que se cree.
Porta Fidei de Benedicto XVI.
Registros de Catequesis 2015-2016
Continúan las inscripciones para el próximo año de catequesis 2015-2016.
Requisitos: Estar registrados en la Iglesia, traer fe de bautismo y acta de
nacimiento. El cupo es limitado!
Luis Carlos (678)755-5011
Grupo de Biblia
D. José T. Merlo (404)644-0691
Grupo Apóstoles de la
Aura Triviño (770)426-6236
Día de Formación de Catequistas
Nadie puede dar lo que NO tiene. Los catequistas necesitamos prepararnos
día a día para nuestra misión. El sábado 22 de Agosto en la Iglesia Transfiguración tendremos un Día de Formación para todos nuestros catequistas.
Favor de llamar a la oficina para inscribirse.
Visita a enfermos
Rosa Juárez (678)668-6045
Unidos en Cristo
Amalia Cervantes (678)934-1385
Ministerio Stephen
Karina Garcia (770)422-5633 x81
Alberto Garcia (404)312-8655
Ministros de Eucaristia
Clases de Inglés
El nuevo Grupo de Jóvenes de la
Iglesia San José te invita a que
Le informamos que las clases de
parte del grupo que próximaInglés comenzaran nuevamente el
mente comenzará a reunirse. Este
viernes 21 de agosto en Sugar grupo es para las edades de entre 18
Hill House a las 7:00 PM.
-27 años de edad. Confirmaremos
No es necesario registrarse
fecha, lugar, y horario en los próximos boletines.
Brenda Berberena (770) 420-8910
Bautizos se celebran el cuarto sábado del mes. Llama a la
oficina para confirmar fechas y horarios (770)422-5633.
Matrimonios llamar a la oficina y pedir cita. Ver folletos de
información localizados en el Kiosco.
Presentaciones para bebes de 40 días y 3 años de edad,
es necesario pasar a la oficina para anotarlo y recibir instrucciones.
Misas de XV años se celebran Sábados a la 1:00 PM. Llama a la oficina para reservar la fecha deseada. Quinceañeras
que tengan su celebración registrada deberán asistir obligatoriamente a una charla de preparación, asi como chambelanes,
padres y padrinos.
Actividades de Verano Life Teen Hispano
Invitamos a todos nuestros jóvenes del
Grupo Life Teen a las próximas actividades:
Viernes, 24 de julio, 7:00 PM a 9:30 PM –
“Camp Fire” (con temas religiosos) en la
Sugar Hill House.
“Jóvenes amigos, vale la pena escuchar en
nuestro interior la palabra de Jesús y
caminar siguiendo sus pasos”
Bendicto XVI.