MASS SCHEDULE – HORARIO de MISAS Monday through Friday: Holy Days of Obligation: The parish of Saint Leo the Great is entrusted to the pastoral care of the religious Institute of the Incarnate Word (IVE: Instituto del Verbo Encarnado), whose mission is “to inculturate the Gospel, that is to extend the Incarnation to all men, in the whole man, and in all manifestations of man, in accordance with the teachings of the Magisterium of the Church” (cf. Vatican II, Gaudium et Spes nn. 53-62) FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT OUR INSTITUTE please visit us at and EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT: Monday through Saturday: 6:30 a.m. to 7:50 a.m. FRIDAY:8:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. “I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me will never hunger, and whoever believes in me will never thirst.” (John 6: 35) Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time August 17, 2014 Observe what is right, do what is just; for my salvation is about to come, my justice, about to be revealed. — Isaiah 56:1 MASS INTENTIONS August 16-23, 2014 Saturday Sunday 08/16 Celia Ocampo † 08/17 Parishioners World Peace Dolores Spencer † Maria Basulto † 5:00 p.m. 7:30 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 12:30 p.m. Montoya-Garcia Family 7:00 p.m. Roberto Pulido † Monday 08/18 8:00 a.m. Guido della Penna † Tuesday 08/19 8:00 a.m. Therese and Jose Maes (Wedding Anniversary) Wednesday 08/20 8:00 a.m. Alex Lizarraga Thursday 08/21 8:00 a.m. Montoya-Garcia Family Friday 08/22 8:00 a.m. Maria Prado † Saturday 08/23 8:00 a.m. De Anda Family Please pray for those who are ill specially for Eulalio Rodriguez. Also, pray for the faithful departed specially for Celia Ocampo, may their souls though the mercy of God rest in peace. FROM THE PASTOR’S DESK Dear Parishioners: I hope everyone has enjoyed the summer. Now we gear towards an exciting second half of 2014, then I would like to mention some of the upcoming events in our community. School starts next week. We have a new administration on board, and I am very excited about what the new Principal and Vice-Principal, and new teachers bring to the table. We are committed to build our community as one, as a family where all work together and become stronger. September 7: Ministry Fair. Come and take a look at the different groups that work in our parish and consider joining and or volunteering. That day there will be a food sale to raise some funds. Beginning on Sunday September 7, and for three Sundays, we will be doing a series of Catechesis on the Mass at the 9:30 a.m. Mass. We will show a 10’ video each time. September 19: St Leo the Great Youth Group, Paul J Kim (guest speaker), "Meant to live for more”, at 7 p.m. This is an ideal kick-off event for our youth. October 4: Harvest Festival (for mer Oktober fest). We count on your attendance and your help. Please, volunteer to make it a successful event, and also come to join the fun. October 18: Goodwill Collection Station. It will be great to fill the truck and make $1,500 for the church. And we are organizing a Back to Church Night, date still to be determined. Our community is a place where we gather in a respectful manner to praise the Lord and make our lives more meaningful. God bless you all, Father Marcelo STEWARDSHIP Saint Paul says, "Everyone must give according to what he has inwardly decided; not sadly; not grudgingly, for God loves a cheerful giver.” (cf. 2 Cor. 9). Thank you for your generosity. COLECTAS San Pablo dice “Cada un debe dar de acuerdo con lo que ha decidido en su interior; no con tristeza o remordimiento, porque Dios ama al que da generosamente.” (cf. 2 Cor. 9). Gracias por su generosidad. August 10, 2014 $4,373.50 Missionary Cooperation $2,812.00 Parishpay $705.97 DEL ESCRITORIO DEL PÁRROCO Queridos Fieles: Esta segunda parte del año nos trae muchas actividades. Por ejemplo, comenzamos las clases la próxima semana y la escuela tiene nueva administración, con lo cual seguiremos trabajando para construir una comunidad más fuerte y más unida. Marquen sus calendarios para el 7 de setiembre en que tendremos la Feria de Ministerios, para familiarizarnos con los distintos grupos de la parroquia. Ese día habrá venta de comida. El 19 de setiembre tendremos la primera actividad para los jóvenes con el invitado Paul J Kim a las 7 de la tarde. Queremos que todos los jóvenes participen. El 4 de octubre, Festival Parroquial. Necesitamos su presencia y su ayuda para hacer de ello un evento exitoso. Habrá rifas importantes. El 18 de octubre recibiremos donaciones de ropa y muebles para Goodwill con la posibilidad de recaudar $1,500 para la parroquia. Y también estamos organizando una noche de información para volver a la iglesia, para aquellos que quieran regresar o renovar su fe. Nos reunimos cada domingo de manera respetuosa para adorar a Dios y dar más sentido a nuestra vida. Que Dios les bendiga, Padre Marcelo SPIRITUAL EXERCISES FOR WOMEN According to the spirituality of St Ignatius of Loyola. Labor Day weekend - AUGUST 28-31, 2014 at St Claire’s Retreat Center, 2381 Laurel Glen Road, Soquel, CA Contact: [email protected]. Single room $ 140. Double room $ 130.00 REGISTRATION Registration for Catechism Classes (First Holy Communion, Confirmation, RCIA and Continuing Education) will begin on Friday, September 5th to Saturday, September 27th during Catechism Office Hours. Please bring your child’s Baptism and Birth Certificate when registering BUILDING THE KINGDOM ST LEO MINISTRY FAIR Find out how you can get more involved and recognize those who have served September 7 from 8:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Volunteer Award Reception following 12:30 p.m. Mass BBQ Lunch Fundraiser $8/plate. Prizes. Information and more. ST. LEO THE GREAT YOUTH GROUPPRESENTS PAUL J KIM “MEANT TO LIVE FOR MORE” Youth event Paul J. Kim is an International youth speaker, vocalist, and beatboxer. He shares his passion for Jesus Christ and the New Evangelization via music, comedy, and inspiSAINT BOOKS, CATECHISM BOOKS, rational talks. He has been a featured speaker & perVIRTUE BOOKS! former at the National Catholic Youth Conference, the The Catechism Program is looking for good, Steubenville Summer Youth Conferences, and the Spirit wholesome books, in English or Spanish, to start a in the City Festival in London, UK. Friday September library for the children! If you have any books to 19, 2014 @ 7:00 p.m. (Doors open at 6:30pm) donate, please drop them off in the Rectory office. Thank you! CLEANING DAY IN THE CHURCH We are looking for volunteers to help with a major SPIRITUAL EXERCISES ACCORDING TO clean up in our church. This time we need men to help clean stained glass windows and other difficult areas. ST IGNATIUS OF LOYOLA FOR MEN We encourage school parents that need to fulfill their California Mission of San Antonio Columbus Day volunteer hours for the parish, to sign up. Please call the Weekend October 10-13, 2014. Room and Board parish office to register. All materials will be provided. $100 To register call 408 988 4584 or email [email protected] WHAT’S NEW AT HARVEST FEST ADORACIÓN CRISTO TE ESPERA TODOS LOS VIERNES VEN A ADORARLO! ADORATION CHRIST WAITS FOR YOU THE BLESSED SACRAMENT EVERY FRIDAY. COME TO WORSHIP HIM! THIS YEAR? Check it out! Hamster Balls are back, inflatable pony races for the whole family, Hunger Games Archery, games, face painting, yummy food, beer garden, silent auction and raffle! Mark your calendars for Oct. 4th from 4:00pm-9:00pm. More details coming shortly including signing up to work it! See you at Harvest Fest. LaserCom Express Cover Page ST. LEO THE GREAT SAN JOSE, CALIF. BULLETIN NO. 519115 BULLETIN EDITOR: FRANCIS VALADEZ PHONE NO.(408) 293-3503 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS:
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