saude surf
saude surf
Como os doentes conseguem ajudar-se a si próprios e acabam por ajudar muitos mais Leid Zejnilović, Ph.D. Research and operations Officer O Caso particular da Inovação na área da Saude Introdução • Saúde é transversal a todos os individuos e sociedades • Os gastos em saude atingem quase 20% PIB em paises desenvolvidos • O acesso a produtos inovadores é desigual • A melhoria de técnicas, processos e procedimentos pode ter real impacto nos cuidados e saúde das populações Sharing Solutions, Improving Life 3 Inovação em saúde Relatório de Primavera 2008 – Sistema de Saúde Português – Riscos e Incertezas. OPSS, 2008‐10‐09 Sharing Solutions, Improving Life 4 Participatory Medicine Patient-centered medicine contributo dos doentes e dos seus cuidadores Patients of chronic diseases often innovate Patients of chronic diseases often innovate Research documents that patients often innovate by developing new solutions, sometime all by themselves, to help them manage the diseases that afflict them. Often patients set out to help themselves and end up helping many Sharing Solutions, Improving Life 6 6 Patients of chronic diseases often innovate Sharing Solutions, Improving Life 7 Patients of chronic diseases often innovate Patients of chronic diseases often innovate New to the respondent (n = 223) New to the world (n = 40) 8% Total (n = 263) 52% of 500 respondents Equipment (medical & non-medical / aid devices) Treatments 2% 22% 5% 57% 8% 49.% Strategy / behavior 41 % 70% 46% Total (% of 263) 85% 15% 100% • 263 (52.6%) of our survey respondents reported developing and using a solution to improve management of their diseases which they thought to be novel. • 40 (8%) were evaluated as indeed being novel by two medical experts • 44.6% were already known to medicine, although new to the patients who recreated them. Sharing Solutions, Improving Life 8 Results – value (as seen by patients vs experts) 9 Fall-offs of innovation activity – multiplecase study 15 interviews with Patients from Alcoitão and Patient Innovation, 30 cases. Source: Zejnilovic, Oliveira, Canhão, “Innovations by and for patients, and their place in the future health care system”, a chapter in Boundaryless Hospital, Springer, 2015 (in press). 10 Frequency of Innovation activity Reported frequencies along the innovation process stages 100% 64% 53% 50% 3% 0% Stage 1: idea Rare diseases 2% Stage 2: solution 17% 1% Stage 3: diffused Rheumatic diseases Stage 1: idea Stage 2: solution Stage 3: diffused Rare diseases (n=500) 320 263 84 Rheumatic diseases (n=822) 27 18 8 Rheum. D N=6000 x 72 39 11 Doentes 14 Sharing Solutions, Improving Life 15 Tal Golesworthy • Tal Golesworthy, por sofrer de Síndrome de Marfan, necessitava de ser submetido a uma cirurgia cardíaca. Ele aproveitou a sua experiência profissional em engenharia e o seu conhecimento em canalizações para desenvolver com o seu médico um suporte externo para a raiz da aorta – PERSONALIZED EXTERNAL AORTIC ROOT SUPPORT (PEARS). Desde que este suporte foi implementado no coração do Tal há dez anos atrás, a mesma técnica já foi implementada em mais de 45 doentes para prevenir a rotura da aorta. Doente implemented in more than 46 patients Sharing Solutions, Improving Life 17 18 19 Electronic trousers Amit Goffer (Israel), founder of Argo Medical Technologies, was paralyzed in a car crash and used his skills as an engineer to develop the electronic trousers. Approved by FDA ReWalk Sharing Solutions, Improving Life 20 Amit Goffer • Caso: Amit Goffer sofreu um acidente de carro em 1997, ficando tetraplégico. Desde então, tem se dedicado a desenvolver um exosqueleto para que indivíduos paraplégicos consigam andar ReWalk. • Difusão: Em Agosto de 2008, os ensaios clínicos para o ReWalk terminaram com grande sucesso em Israel. Em Outubro de 2014 obteve a aprovação da FDA. Doente Richard Bernstein and diabetes ‣ Type 1 diabetes patient (entered med school when he turned 45 y.o.) ‣ Began measuring blood sugar 5 times/day and refined his insulin and diet regimen to the point that they were normal around the clock ‣ The first individual to self-monitor his blood sugar Sharing Solutions, Improving Life 22 22 Herb Kern and Seasonal Affective Disorder ‣ Realized that he would get depressed during winter… and discovered that the reason was lack of natural light ‣ Collected data during 15 years ‣ Contacted the NIMH and was ignored ‣ Dr Norm Rosenthal at NIMH (also a SAD patient) got interested in his case ‣ He validated the knowledge and named the disease ‣ Suggested the light therapy Sharing Solutions, Improving Life 23 23 Low frequency generator for bronchial drainage ‣ Louis Plante (CF patient) had to leave a concert due to excessive coughing (seating in front of speakers) Being a skilled electronics technician, he developed a device that generates low frequency vibration He founded DYMEDSO Sharing Solutions, Improving Life 24 Louis Plante • Louis Plante sofre de Fibrose Quística. Louis costumava passar 4 horas por dia em cinesioterapia para minorar o problema, até que durante um concerto reparou que a vibração produzida pelas colunas de som provocavam um efeito positivo. Através da sua experiência em electrónica, Louis desenvolveu o FREQUENCER™, um dispositivo que produz ondas sonoras para ajudar na limpeza dos pulmões. O FREQUENCER™ é o primeiro dispositivo que produz vibrações ressonantes (acústicas) de baixa energia, reduzindo a viscosidade do muco, permitindo aumentar o fluxo de muco em doentes com Fibrose Quística. Doente Examples of CF patient innovations “Saltwater” treatment for Cystic Fibrosis ‣ Emily Haager, CF patient & surfer ‣ A typical day: ‣ 4 breathing treatments/day (1 hr each) ‣ daily regiment of over 45 pills, incl. antibiotics to keep lungs healthy, enzymes to digest the food, vitamins, etc ‣ began surfing and realized she started feeling much better shared the news with doctors Medical breakthrough: "saltwater” treatment The New England J. of Medicine, Jan. 2006 Sharing Solutions, Improving Life 26 26 Temple Grandin (high-functioning autism) Invented the hug machine to calm people who are overly sensitive to human touch. Sharing Solutions, Improving Life 27 Shower shirt Lisa Crites and the Shower Shirt Lisa was diagnosed with breast cancer. Following a mastectomy, she was advised to avoid showering in order to prevent infection through the drain sites. She created a waterresistant garment, the Shower Shirt, to enable patients in a similar situation to shower normally. The Shower Shirt has obtained FDA approval and already crossed geographic borders to reach 36 countries. Sharing Solutions, Improving Life 28 Cuidadores 29 A mobility device for children with motor impairment to stand and walk Debby Elnatan’s youngest son was born with cerebral palsy. She developed the Upseee Sharing Solutions, Improving Life 30 Sharing Solutions, Improving Life 31 Joaquina Teixeira • O filho de Joaquina, Gonçalo, sofre de Síndrome de Angelman. Apesar de ter 6 anos e conseguir andar, o Gonçalo recusava manter-se de pé. Um dia numa festa, a Joaquina reparou que os balões de hélio dispostos no tecto captavam a atenção do Gonçalo e faziam com que ele se levantasse para os tentar agarrar. Nesse mesmo dia, a Joaquina espalhou balões de hélio por toda a casa e observou o seu filho a saltar e a andar para apanhar os balões. Cuidador Examples of CF patient innovations Use of trampolines by children Our questions: Did a patient or patient's family have any involvement in the initiation of the study? Dr.J. K. Stanghelle: “The answer is YES ! We were performing different studies with physical exercise and cystic fibrosis (CF) at that time, and this was a time when it became growing interest for such therapy, contrary to "normal medicine" these days. We were discussing in several fora what kind of exercise that could be fun and effective for children with CF, and we got to hear about a young girl with CF that had a trampoline that she wanted to use many times a day for long times, and the parents observed that she didn't need to use extra treatment for lung drainage in addition.” Sharing Solutions, Improving Life 33 33 Colaboradores 34 A way to foster collaboration: the case of Ivan Owen Ivan Owen Sharing Solutions, Improving Life 35 36 Ivan Owen • Ivan Owen publicou um vídeo sobre umas “mãos mecânicas”, que ele próprio tinha desenvolvido, no YouTube. Um carpinteiro sul-africano, que tinha perdido alguns dedos num acidente, contactou-o e pediu que o ajudasse a desenhar e a desenvolver uma mão prostética de baixo custo. Ivan aceitou o desafio e ainda desenvolveu mãos prostéticas de baixo custo para crianças. Partilhou os ficheiros digitais usados para produzir estas mãos em impressoras 3D. O seu trabalho inspirou uma enorme e em contínuo crescimento rede de voluntários e “makers” comprometidos em fazer a diferença. (e.g. eNABLE). Colaborador 38 39 The Patient Innovation Platform: An international, multilingual, open, free and non-profit platform and social network to facilitate the sharing of innovative solutions developed by patients or caregivers of any disease Plataforma plurilingue, sem fins lucrativos e de livre-acesso ( ou onde doentes, cuidadores e colaboradores podem partilhar as suas inovações. Resultados: • • • • Lançamento da Plataforma: Fevereiro 2014 Análise anual: Fevereiro 2015 Número total de soluções: 260 Número total de soluções na área de Medicina Física e Reabilitação: 101 “We are very excited about this project” Semifinalist only non-US among 475 candidates A start-up to follow… "Patient Innovation is an impressive platform" 42 Screening for compliance with ‘terms of service’ The screening is aimed at preventing bad language, offensive and inappropriate content, commercial/advertising intent, drugs, chemicals, intake/topical substances, invasive devices, or other visibly and intrinsically dangerous proposals. “Screening” is NOT intended to do any medical validation. Not published in the platform (may get a R&R) No, it does not comply with terms of services Submission (if user agrees with the sentence below) Wait for screening Screening Yes Posted in PI platform and made visible to all This applies only to posts (not to comments) x To the best of my knowledge the content of this post conveys accurate and true information. The post does not contain any bad language, offensive content, inappropriate proposals, commercial or advertising intent, drugs, chemicals or something that is visibly and intrinsically dangerous. I am not disclosing my personal contacts (e.g. email, phone and address) Sharing solutions, Improving Life 44 300 innovations in about 16 months Team, Advisory Board, Supporters Sharing solutions, Improving Life Our Advisory Board Sharing Solutions, Improving Life 47 What is it that the patients do to diffuse? Still a problem! 1) Visual: Is there a visual support (picture/video/sketch) of the innovation? 2) Compatibility: Are reasons to innovate shared? 3) Complexity of Use: Is there an explanation on how to use the innovation (or is it obvious)? 4) Relative Advantage: Is the innovation compared with alternatives? 5) Observability: Are the beneficial outcomes of using the innovation explicit? 6) Trialability: Is it clear how to acquire/replicate innovation? 7) Hyperlink: Is there a link for additional information? Studying 263 solutions at and related sites, the level of comminication is low! Master thesis by Joana Roldão @ Catolica-Lisbon School of Business and Economics Sharing solutions, Improving Life 48 Patient Associations Sharing solutions, Improving Life Thank you Catherine KK Patton – i-Port • Diagnosed with type 1 diabetes after being pregnant • Story: Injection was the only solution for people with type 1 diabetes until Patton decided to innovate. She developed a small, circular, low-profile device that once applied, the insertion needle is removed and only the tiny soft tube remains below the skin, working as medication channel into the subcutaneous tissue. Product: i-Port® Sharing Solutions, Improving Life Diffusion: Founded Patton Medical Devices in 2004, producing the i-port®. In September 2005, FDA approved this device for patients who have to administer multiple daily SC injections of physician-prescribed medications.51 Hugh Herr – Bionic legs Associate Professor of Media Arts and Sciences at MIT Story: Hugh Herr was a climbing prodigy. In 1982 his legs had to be amputated. “You’re never going to rock climb again”, made Hugh return home, set up a workshop in the garage and began to develop climbing protheses. Product: Bionic Legs, Powerfoot BiOM Diffusion: At MIT lab he is revolutionizing prosthetics. Founder of a new 52 startup called iWalk. Klaus Rausch - Handcycling • Story: Klaus Rausch is restricted to a wheelchair, however he loves handcycling. His wish to continue doing what he enjoys made him came up with Do-It-Yourself Handcycle idea. As a wheelchair user he knows the advantage of handcycles, therefore he projected a low (almost no) costs, simple technology, poor roads passable, faster than a wheelchair, open source handcycle. Product: Do-It-Yourself Handcycle. Diffusion: As he would like to help other handicapped people to get the same experience (within their possibilities), he put his ideas as “open source without commercial use of the general public”. 53 Patrick Mayer - Wheelblades • Story: Patrick has been depending on his wheelchair for 12 years. He was surprised to find out that there was not a single, reasonably priced mobility aid on the market to enjoy the snow. As a wheel chair driver he wanted a maximum of mobility and flexibility in any weather and developed Wheeblades. • Diffusion: In 2012, Mayer was seeking for investors. He was supported for the Institution IPEK that helped him to design the current design. And he has also support from the Swiss foundation for children suffering from cerebral palsy. Wheelblades won the Reddot design award 2013 and 2014. They are now manufactured by Wheelblades GmbH. 54 Isabel Mateus – Wii fit • Story: Isabel Mateus improved her husband’s QoL. He suffers from Parkinson Disease. One way of minimizing the impact of Parkinson disease is through physical therapy, in order to keep the patient active. However, he thought physical therapy a boring and monotonous activity. That is how she came up with the idea of making him play Wii-Fit 2 sessions per week. It provides a moment of excitement and fun, managing to simultaneously increase his muscle mass and balance. • Solution: Wii-Fit games. • Diffusion: She shared her solution on Patient Innovations’ platform. 55 Susana Candeias – Hair gel • Susana’s daughter suffers from Cri du Chat, a very rare genetic disorder. Amongst its symptoms are severe cognitive, speech, and motor delays, behavioural problems, or poor growth. • Story: Susana’s daughter has a fixation with hair. When she gets more agitated her automatic response is to pull both her and other people’s hairs. Her mother noticed, though, that she avoids touching in wet hair. So, to avoid having her pulling her own hair too hard, she started putting hair gel on it. 56 Drew Ann Long – Caroline’s cart • Story: Drew Ann Long created a shopping cart for special needs children. It is named after Caroline, her daughter, who suffers from Rett Syndrome. In order to avoid having to maneuver a wheelchair and a traditional grocery cart at the same time, Drew Ann Long designed a shopping cart in a way that her daughter would not outgrow it. • Product: Caroline’s Cart. • Diffusion: Drew’s mission was to make Caroline’s Cart available to retailers everywhere. Technibilt company made her dream true. Sharing Solutions, Improving Life 57 Drew Ann Long – Caroline’s cart Sharing Solutions, Improving Life 58 Kezia and Mike Fitzgerald - CareAline • Story: Kezia created the CareAline® Sleeve and Wrap for her daughter, Saoirse, who was battling Neuroblastoma at Boston Children’s Hospital. The garments helped not only their own daughter, but other children who had PICC and central lines for treatment. • Product: CareAline® Sleeves and Wraps • Diffusion: After the death of their daughter in 2011, Mike and Kezia created CareAline® Products, LLC to make the sleeves and wraps available to all patients who need them. The Fitzgeralds are currently working to make CareAline® Sleeves and Wraps the standard of care in hospitals and medical facilities for all patients with PICC and central lines. Sharing Solutions, Improving Life 59 Kezia and Mike Fitzgerald - CareAline Sharing Solutions, Improving Life 60 Carlos Nogueira – collaboration to surf • Story: Carlos had a paraplegic friend who would love go to the see. He discovered a Brazilian surfer Otaviano Bueno, who became tetraplegic in an accident. Otaviano tried to design his own board to go to the sea. They exchanged emails with technical information and started to collaborate. • Product: Prancha dos Césares – (Board of the “Caesars”) • Diffusion: Carlos Nogueira joined Associação Salvador and Surf Academia and together they are helping more people going to the sea and surf. 61 Carlos Nogueira – collaboration to surf 62 Tyron Swan • Tyron Swan’s friend Pascale Honore is paraplegic. • Story: Pascale Honore had a dream of doing surf, but a car accident left her paraplegic. Her friend Tyron Swan, knowing her passion for the sport got the idea of duct tapping her on his back and taking her to surf with him. • Solution: Duct tape harness. • Diffusion: They made a video and posted it on Vimeo and the video got viral. Now they are helping more people in Pascale Honore’s situation. Sharing Solutions, Improving Life 63