SaintJosephParish - St. Joseph Parish
SaintJosephParish - St. Joseph Parish
Sandaint J oseph Parish Mission Church of St. Vincent de Paul 9961 Elk Grove Florin Road, Elk Grove, CA 95624 ● (916) 685-3681 ● FAX (916) 685-7254 Mission Church: 14673 Cantova Way, Rancho Murieta, CA 95683 ● (916) 354-2403 ● FAX (916)354-2404 We, the parish community of Saint Joseph Catholic Church (Elk Grove) and Mission Church of Saint Vincent de Paul (Rancho Murieta), enriched by many traditions and cultures, come together to worship God in Sacrament, liturgy, and prayer. We are committed to acting as One Body in Christ, and to living our One Faith with the help of the Holy Spirit. We continually seek to reach out in loving service to others, both within our parish as well as in the greater community, in order to spread the Good News of our faith.” (Parish Mission Statement) Schedule of Services Office Hours Saint Joseph Parish Saint Joseph Parish Weekend Masses Saturday Sunday 4:30 PM 7:30 9:00 11:00 AM & 1:00 PM (Español), & 5:00 PM (Filipino Mass Every First Sunday, English Mass - All Other Sundays) Weekday schedules (Monday to Friday) Liturgy of the Hours 7:30 AM Daily Mass 8:00 AM Rosary 8:30 AM First Friday Mass 7:00 PM Eucharistic Adoration Friday 8:30 - 10:00 AM Every First Friday 7:30 - 10:00 PM Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday 2:30 - 3:30 PM Or By appointment Mission Church of Saint Vincent de Paul Weekend Masses Saturday Sunday Weekday schedules Daily Mass (Wednesday) Service of the Word (Fridays) Eucharistic Adoration Every First Friday Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday 5:00 PM 9:00 AM 8:30 AM 8:30 AM 8:30 AM 4:00 - 4:30 PM Or By appointment St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic School Trina Koontz (Principal) (916) 684-7903, ext. 12 e-mail: [email protected] Monday 9:00 AM - 12:00 Noon Tuesday to Friday 9:00 AM - 4:30 PM Visit us on our website: See us on Facebook: St. Joseph Catholic Church (Elk Grove, CA) Mission Church of Saint Vincent de Paul Monday/Wednesday/Friday 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM Parish Staff Fr. Brian Atienza (Pastor), ext. 122 e-mail: [email protected] Fr. Carlo Tejano (Parochial Vicar), ext. 125 e-mail: [email protected] Deacon Larry Hiner, 916-685-3681 e-mail: [email protected] Deacon Ned Quigley e-mail: [email protected] Aurora Fragozo-Aguirre (Parish Administrator), ext. 120 e-mail: [email protected] Vernel Ploché (Database Administrator), ext. 121 e-mail: [email protected] Sr. Ma. Imelda Grace Dañas, RVM (DRE of Faith Formation),ext. 124 e-mail: [email protected] Veronica Padilla Perez (Administrative Assistant), ext. 127 e-mail: [email protected] Armida Gallegos-Lee (Administrative Assistant), ext. 128 e-mail: [email protected] Jerome Baybayan (Youth Ministry Coordinator), ext. 123 e-mail: jbaybayan Bill DuVal (SVdP -Administrative Assistant), (916) 354-2403 ext. 129 e-mail: [email protected] Amy Roberts (Liturgical Music Coordinator) e-mail: [email protected] Paul Seishas (Marriage/Family/Therapist) (916) 616-1800 e-mail: [email protected] Saint Joseph Parish : 03/16 08:00am - Richar d Beauchemin† Pete Scali † : 03/17 08:00am - The Holy Souls in Purgatory : 03/18 08:00am - Arturo L. Castrodes † - Ada Boldini † RM 08:30am - Mar y J o Williams (SI) Thu: 03/19 08:00am - Alfer t Albr ight † José C. Salamanca † Fri: 03/20 08:00am - Robert Gress † Rosalinda Ulep † Sat: 03/21 04:30pm - Missa Pr o Populo RM 05:00pm – The People of SVDP 03/22 07:30am – Nellie Trimboli † 09:00am - Students of St. Elizabeth RM 09:00am - Tim Wandell † 11:00am— Elsa LaKomy † -Dovie Arlotta † 01:00pm - J osé Gar cia Fr anco † Eduardo Sosa & Family (SI) 05:00pm - Fructuoso & Josefina Acedo † Today’s Readings First Reading — The wrath and the mercy of the Lord are revealed in the exile and liberation of the chosen people (2 Chronicles 36:14-16, 19-23) or 1 Samuel 16: 1b, 6-7, 10-13a Psalm — Let my tongue be silenced, if I ever forget you! (Psalm 137) or Psalm 23. Second Reading — By grace you have been saved (Ephesians 2:4-10) or Ephesians 5:8-14. Gospel — The Son was sent by God so that the world might be saved through him (John 3:14-21) or John 9:1-41 [1, 6-9, 13-17, 34-38]. Readings For The Week Mon: Is 65:17-21; Ps 30:2, 4-6, 11-13b; Jn 4:43-54 Tues: Ez 47:1-9, 12; Ps 46:2-3, 5-6, 8-9; Jn 5:1-16 Wed: Is 49:8-15; Ps 145:8-9, 13cd-14, 17-18; Jn 5:17-30 Thur: 2 Sm 7:4-5a, 12-14a, 16; Ps 89:2-5, 27, 29; Rm 4:13:16Fri: Sat: Sun: 18, 22; Mt 1:16, 18-21, 24a or Lk 2:41-51a Wis 2:1a, 12-22; Ps 34:17-21, 23; Jn 7:1-2, 10, 25-30 Jer 11:18-20; Ps 7:2-3, 9bc-12; Jn 7:40-53 Jer 31:31-34; Ps 51:3-4, 12-15; Heb 5:7-9; Jn 12:20-33, Alternate readings (Year A): Ez 37:12-14; Ps 130:1-8; Rom 8:8-11; Jn 11:1-45 [3-7, 17, 20-27, 33b-45] Pray For Our Military Family Steven Alsop Josh Alonzo Don R. Baker II Robert Bohon Solomon Bolt Carl Ian Bravo Jaclyn Buno Mark Dollar Benjamin Erwin Matthew Farrell Joey Feathers Roman Fernandez Serena Grandov Graham Hebert Valery Keaveny Jr. Freddie Koeller Glenn Lewis Kyle Linebaugh James Lovello Amber McGovern Russell Miller Mike Montini Jared Ortner Cherry Pangilinan Ian Rubstello Michael Riehl Jousha Shaffer Zachary Schiele Jason Stiles Shawn Tostado Jason Lee Tudor Brien Warfield Jaime Wong-Lopez Jordan Wood Jason Woodford Diosdado Pangilinan Shai-Lin Ynacay Dominic Peterson Military Prayer List Additions To add new names of active military to our military list, please send an e-mail to [email protected] or call Pat at 916-686-5977. Parish Weekly Collection Weekly Goal: St. Joseph SVdP $ 11,200.00 $ 2,600.00 Offertory this Week: St. Joseph $ 12,988.50 SVdP $ 2,909.25 FOR EFT (Electronic Fund Transfer) If you wish to contribute via EFT (electronic fund transfer) please visit our parish website for more information. “Thank you for your generosity and may God continue to bless you with His providence.” Help Wanted! Musician/Cantor St. Joseph’s Parish in Elk Grove and St. Vincent De Paul in Rancho Murieta is in need of a part-time Musician/Cantor with the ability to play the piano and sing, also bilingual is a plus. This Musician/ Cantor needs to have a thorough understanding of Catholic liturgy and is a leader in music who is able to enhance the music of the mass at St. Joseph’s in Elk Grove and at St. Vincent De Paul in Rancho Murieta. The Musician/Cantor will effectively lead through music and song during various mass times. They will provide music for various Sunday masses and other major celebrations. Lastly, they will encourage participation of the music during the various liturgies of our parish. If interested please contact Aurora FragozoAguirre at [email protected] or call the parish office at 916-685-3681 ext. 120. Saint Joseph Parish Fourth Sunday of Lent - Laetare Sunday - Year I, Cycle B "For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but might have eternal life." Perhaps this is the most quoted and known verse of the Sacred Scriptures, yet how much do we really understand what it takes to receive the fullness of such a great love that God has for us? Jesus asks us to receive this great gift of love. He is the light that has come into the world to dispel the darkness brought about by sin and death. He offers redemption and eternal life. But, because it is easier said than done, many of us prefer to stay in the dark. We are not wired to expose our sins and faults, We naturally do not want others to know the wicked things we can do and have done - gossip, discontent, anger, distrust, violence, and hatred. We find ourselves ashamed to acknowledge that we are capable of such hurtful things towards others. Jesus understands our preference to keep it in the dark. Thus He calls upon us and invites us to step into the light. Exposing and owning up to these actions is the path to dispel the darkness and death they bring into our lives and bring us back to life. But Jesus only goes as far as we are also willing to reach back. He shows us the way. The sacrifice He makes on the cross is the witness we need to believe that He has the power to bring light and life. He willingly dies for our sake to show us the path to life. Yes, stepping into the light may bring about death to us - our wicked selves - but Christ will bring us back to a life that is eternal. Are we willing to show that same kind of love and trust towards God's love as Jesus did? We can start by making an honest examination of conscience. We need to look deep into our lives, acknowledge the wrong, resist justifying why we did it, and ask for God's forgiveness. Bring these sins into the light through the Sacrament of Reconciliation --- go to confession. Then, make amends with those we hurt, and seek their forgiveness. If someone has hurt you, show the same mercy, forgive as God has forgiven you, lovingly and unconditionally. This Sunday is Laetare Sunday. It gets its name from the introit of the mass, "Rejoice O Jerusalem." It is said to encourage the call of the faithful to stay on course with their Lenten practices and keep sight of what lies beyond the passion and death of Christ - the Resurrection. Thank you to those who participated in our St. Patrick's Day Dinner hosted by the Knights of Columbus. I am grateful to Jeanne & Jeff Ecker, the Knights and all others involved in putting together this event, and for their generosity I hope we can continue to make time to attend these events that builds up our parish family beyond the celebration of the Mass each Sunday. God bless! In Christ, Father Brian KOC Council 7241 Scholarships St. Joseph's Knights of Columbus Council 7241, is making available three (3) $800 scholarships for academic year 2014-2015. Candidates must be high school seniors having met the necessary requirements for graduation, an active member of St. Joseph's Parish or the Mission Church of St. Vincent de Paul in Rancho Murieta, and completed the necessary items on the application. Scholarship Applications may be obtained from the church vestibule, office, or your high school career center. The deadline for receipt of the application is 4:30pm on 4/1/2015. Please see application for further instructions. Any questions regarding the scholarship may be directed to Nick Garcia via email at [email protected]. Submit bulletin Articles by Friday 12 noon (one week prior ) to: e-mail: [email protected] Children’s Liturgy Children’s Liturgy is a ministry of the Word for children ages 4-9 who have not yet received their First Communion. Many thanks to those of you who responded to my pulpit request for Children’s Liturgy volunteers for the 9:00am and 11:00am Masses. We are still in need of more volunteers at the 9:00am Mass. If you feel called to share God’s Word with the young children of this parish and you attend the 9:00am Mass, please contact Cherie Hiner at [email protected] for more information. Thank you. Lenten Penance Service Our Lenten Penance Service will be on Thursday, March 19th, at 7pm, English and Spanish. Saint Joseph Parish Nota del Pastor– Cuarto Domingo de Cuaresma- Domingo de Regocijo- Año 1, Ciclo B “Porque tanto amó Dios al mundo, que le entregó a su Hijo único, para que todo el que crea en Él no perezca, sino que tenga vida eterna.” Este quizás es el versículo más importante de las Sagradas Escrituras, ¿pero, en realidad entendemos lo que significa recibir plenamente la muestra más grande del amor Dios para nosotros? Jesús nos pide recibir este gran regalo de amor. Él es la luz que ha venido al mundo para dispersar la oscuridad que llegó por el pecado y la muerte. Él ofrece la redención y la vida eterna. Pero más fácil decirlo que hacerlo, muchos de nosotros preferimos permanecer en la oscuridad. Nosotros no estamos acostumbrados a exponer nuestros pecados y faltas, y preferimos estar en la oscuridad. Naturalmente no queremos que otros conozcan las cosas malas que podemos hacer y hemos hecho - chismes, descontento, enojo, desconfianza, violencia y odio. Nos avergonzamos de reconocer que somos capaces de tales cosas hirientes hacia los demás. Jesús entiende nuestra preferencia para mantenerlo en la oscuridad. Aun así Él nos exhorta e invita a salir a la luz. El exponer y aceptar estas acciones es la ruta para dispersar la oscuridad y la muerte de nuestras vidas y esto nos lleva de nuevo a la vida. Pero Jesús solamente va tan lejos como nosotros le permitimos llegar. Nos muestra el camino, el sacrificio que Él hizo en la Cruz es el testimonio que necesitamos para creer que Él tiene el poder para traer la luz y vida. Él muere voluntariamente por nosotros para mostrarnos el camino a la vida. Sí, entrar en la luz puede llevarnos a la muerte – la muerte a nuestra maldad - pero Cristo nos traerá de regreso a la vida, que es eterna. ¿Estamos dispuestos a demostrar el mismo amor y confianza hacia el amor de Dios como Jesús lo hizo? Podemos empezar por hacer un examen sincero de conciencia. Miremos profundamente nuestras vidas, aceptemos el mal que hemos hecho a nuestro prójimo, resistamos justificar el porqué lo hicimos, y pidamos el perdón de Dios. Traigamos esto a la luz a través del Sacramento de la Reconciliación----ir a la confesión. Entonces debemos reconciliarnos con los que herimos, buscar su perdón. Si alguien te ha herido, debes demostrar la misma misericordia, perdonar como Dios nos perdona, amándonos e incondicionalmente. Este domingo es el domingo de Regocijo. Esto da su nombre desde el introito de la misa, “Regocíjate O Jerusalén,” Es para animar a los fieles y mantenerlos en curso con sus prácticas de cuaresma y mantener a la vista lo que está más allá de la pasión y muerte de Cristo - la Resurrección. Gracias a quienes participaron en la cena del día de San Patricio auspiciado por los Caballeros de Colón. Estoy agradecido con Jeanne y Jeff Ecker, los Caballeros y todos los demás involucrados en este evento. Agradezco a los caballeros y sus familias por esta muestra de generosidad. Espero que podamos continuar haciendo tiempo para asistir a estos eventos que construyen nuestra familia parroquial más allá de la celebración de la Misa cada domingo. Dios los Bendiga! En Cristo Father Brian/Padre Brian St. Vincent de Paul Society News We are looking for volunteers to help serve in this rewarding ministry. If you are interested in finding out what it is we do, then please drop by at one of our meetings. We meet every first Tuesday of the month, at 7pm, in the Renwald Room. Please come and join us. We will be helping to serve lunch at Loaves & Fishes on Friday March 20th. Volunteers meet at the Church parking lot at 9:30am. If you are interested in knowing more about volunteering, please contact Camile at 916-531-3762 or [email protected]. She will be able to answer any questions you may have.If you or someone you know is in need of help with food, clothing or utilities, please contact our confidential hotline at 916-667-2779 and one of our volunteers will return your call to schedule a home visit to discuss your needs. God Bless you. Noticias de la Sociedad de S.V. de Paúl Siempre estamos buscando más voluntarios que nos ayuden en nuestro ministerio. Si usted está interesado en saber que hacemos, por favor asista a nuestras juntas los primeros Martes del mes, a las 7pm, en el Salón Renwald. Estaremos sirviendo almuerzos en Loaves and Fishes el Viernes 20 de Marzo. Los voluntarios se reúnen en el estacionamiento de la Iglesia a las 9:30am. Si usted necesita más infor mación, por favor llame a Gloria, al 916-682-8599. Si usted o alguien que usted conoce necesita ayuda de comida, ropa, muebles y otros gastos de la casa, por favor llame a nuestra línea confidencial, al 916-667-2779 y deje mensaje, cuando le regresemos su llamada, platicaremos sus necesidades en su casa. Que Dios los Bendiga. Saint Joseph Parish Knights of Columbus Recruitment Announcement for March 2014 Time remains one of the most valuable commodities we enjoy in our lives. Though the amount of leisure and free time for the average person decreased in recent years, the number of activities and outside influences vying for our precious time seems to increase each year. If you believe in the importance of investing your time in friendship, the Church, and helping others, the Knights of Columbus is the ministry for you. The Knights of Columbus is an organization of Catholic men and their families that derive a great sense of satisfaction from being able to develop lasting friendships with each other while helping the less fortunate. Every day the Knights of Columbus provides its members with the opportunity to discover the importance of charity, unity, fraternity, and patriotism to our country and world. I urge all men in this parish not involved with the Knights to join the Knights of Columbus. Those parishioners who belong to the Knights, I encourage you to help a friend and his family discover the opportunities available in the Knights of Columbus to serve your parish and community. Representatives from the MSGR Raymond Renwald Council, #7241, at St. Joseph Parish are available March 14-15 to answer questions and accept applications for membership. We welcome your interest and invite your participation. For more information contact: Jackson Campbell at (916) 685-6662. Thank you Algunas personas la llaman "una obra teatral transformadora e inspiradora”. Otras, "una poderosa manera de presentar El viacrucis". Yo lo llamo: el evento que abrió mis ojos para ver lo que "la pasión" realmente significa hoy, cuando la aplico a mi vida. Lo invitamos a que se sumerja con nosotros en “La Pasión de Cristo” y a que saque usted sus propias conclusiones: el viernes 20 de marzo a las 7:00pm en el Salón Social de San Jose. Costo de entr ada: una mente y un corazón abiertos, dispuestos a reflexionar y orar. Este es un evento completamente en español. Some people call it "a transforming and inspiring play". Others, "a powerful way of presenting the stations of the cross". I call it: the event that opened my eyes to what "the passion" truly means, when applied to my life today. If you fully understand Spanish, you are invited to join us while we submerge ourselves in the “Passion of Christ” and can reach your own conclusions on Friday, March 20th at 7pm at the St. Joseph Social Hall. Cover charge: an open mind and open heart, ready to reflect and pray. This event is in Spanish. Will You Help Us Decorate for Easter? Our Environment & Art Committee is gladly accepting your donations of flowers for our Easter celebration. Please place your flowers in the provided areas in our Renwald Room from Palm Sunday through Good Friday, we will also have a special table set up if you would you like to remember or dedicate your donation in a loved one’s name. We are asking especially for Easter Lilies, Calla Lilies, and greenery, but all spring flowers, cut or planted, will be very much appreciated. Please join us to decorate our church Holy Saturday morning at 9:00am. All are welcome, and there’s something for everyone; from arranging flowers, ironing linens, vacuuming, polishing furniture, to cleaning windows. This a great opportunity for student service hours! Morning refreshments will be served; fruit, pastries, juice and coffee, so come and spend an hour or so with us making our church beautiful. Please call Carol: 838-6598 cell or email [email protected]. We thank you always for your generosity, and we wish you a very joyful Easter season. God bless you. Sacramento Diocesan Council of Catholic Women 2015 Convention The Sacramento Diocesan Council of Catholic Women (SDCCW) is having their annual convention April 8-9, 2015, at the Christ the King Retreat Center, Citrus Heights, Ca, beginning with Mass at 8:00am on April 8th. Women of our Diocese are encouraged to attend to learn more about their faith and where their works are needed in our Church. Cost for 1 night stay, meals, and registration is $130; cost for partial attendees (commuters) is $10 per day registration, breakfast $8, lunches $15, and Wednesday night dinner $25. Call Kathy O’ Connors at (916) 296-5949 or [email protected] with your reservation Saint Joseph Parish Youth Ministry News High School Youth Group: High School Youth Ministry meets on March 15th from 6-8pm in the Youth Room. EDGE EDGE Middle School Ministry meets on March 16th from 6:30-8pm in the Social Hall. Youth and Children’s Choir Our next rehearsal for the children and youth choir will be on Sunday March 22nd from 9-10:30am in the Youth Room. Please be on time! Children of all ages are welcome. 1:8 Program March Confirmation Dates ¡Noticias Del Ministerio Juvenil! El Grupo de Jóvenes de High School El Ministerio Juvenil de High School se reunirá el domingo 15 de Marzo en el Salón de Jóvenes. EDGE el Ministerio de Secundaria se reunirá el lunes 16 de Marzo de 6:30 a 8pm en el salón social. Coro de Niños y Jóvenes Nuestro próximo ensayo será el domingo 22 de marzo de 9 a 10:30am en el Salón para Jóvenes. Por favor sean puntuales. Niños de todas las edades son bienvenidos a unirse con nosotros! YR 2 Confirmation is on Sunday March 15 fr om 3-4:30pm in the Social Hall. Programa de 1:8 Fechas para el mes de Marzo: Youth Ministry Fundraisers Año 2 Confirmación: la sesión es el domingo 15 de Marzo de 3 a 4:30pm en el salón social. Pancakes for Poland Come join us in the St. Catherine’s/Juan Diego room for unlimited pancakes and breakfast. All proceeds with support the families attending World Youth Day. Spaghetti Dinner Come join us for a night of family fun and food! The youth are hosting a spaghetti dinner and all of the proceeds that we will receive will go to the families attending World Youth Day. Tickets will be on sale after all the masses on March 15th. $10 for adults and $5 for children under 12. Please come to mass and buy a ticket! Recaudación de Fondos para el Ministerio Juvenil Pancakes para Polonia Ven y únete con nosotros en los salones de San Juan Diego y San Catherine el domingo 12 de Abril de 8 a 11 de la mañana, para disfrutar de todos los Pancakes que gustes para desayunar. Todo lo recaudado será a beneficio de las familias que viajaran a la Jornada Juvenil Mundial en Polonia. Cena de Espagueti ¡Celebra con nosotros una noche de diversión familiar y comida! Los Jóvenes serán los anfitriones de una cena de espaguetis y todos los fondos que recibamos irán a las familias que asistirán a la Jornada Mundial de la Juventud. Los boletos estarán a la venta después de cada misa el 15 de marzo. $10 para adultos y $5 para los niños menores de 12 años. Por favor vengan a misa y compren su boleto! Ushers We are very much in need of more individuals to serve in the Usher Ministry. We have lost two of our regulars for the Sunday Mass. Will you please consider serving in this ministry. Please contact Bill in the office at 354-2403 or e-mail me at [email protected] . 40 Days for Life The 40 Days for Life started on Ash Wednesday, at the Women's Health Specialists abortion clinic at 1482 Ethan Way and Hallmark, Sacramento. Come and participate at SVDP Church prayer time. We meet every Wednesday from 11am to 1:00pm. Carpools will be leaving from SVDP Church at 10:15am. If you are interested, please contact Lynn King at [email protected] or 687-6442. Salute to Life Dinner & Auction 2014 A Black and White Gala celebration of Life will be held on Saturday, November 8 at the Hyatt Regency Lenten Observances Ballroom. the event Abby during J ohnson a for mer weather dir ectorpermits, of the lar Stations Guest of the speaker Cross is for at 3:00pm on is Fridays Lent. When wegest will Planned use our Parenthood in the US and now a nationally recognized Pro-life author, Leader and Advocate. Come beautiful Prayer Garden. This is a wonderful opportunity to walk the journey of Jesus’s Life during and the hear herSeason. story. Cost is try $135 $1300asfor a tablet of can. 10. If you are interested in going, please contact Lynn Lenten Please andorattend often as you King at [email protected] or 687-6442. M i nVi o s tcrayt itoon tshCer o S iscsk Are you looking to do something for someone who can’t make it to Mass. There are always times when A thank you to Rosie Stomsvik for taking the Vocations Cross in September and prayers for Ceres one of our for brothers just Thank can’t get to Mass, due to either a short or long term illness or disability. Holsapple takingand it insisters October. you! They miss terribly the chance to participate in the liturgy and to receive our Lord in the Eucharist. Please consider becoming part of this worthwhile ministry. I am planning a training session for those volunteers here at St. Vincent de Paul but need to make it fruitful. Please contact Bill DuVal in the office Monday, Wednesday, Friday from 9am-1pm at 354-2403 or email at [email protected] . RMA Website The RMA Website has links to the past weeks bulletins posted and the times of our regular Masses, all other information about our church can be found on the website using the Mission Church of SVdP link on the right side of the home page. The current weekend bulletins can be found on the Bulletin link accessible form the home page. Please call Bill Duval at 354-2403, if you would like to see other items posted to our SVdP section. Vocations Cross Thank you to Diana Gibson for taking the vocation cross in February and prayers for Rose Stomsvik who will take the cross in March. Thank you!! There is a 2015 sign-up sheet in Anderson Hall - please sign up to take the cross into your home for one month. Only five prayers during the month. Call Bob or Margie Coffman 354-1744 if you have any questions. NAA New Al-Anon Group at Rancho Murieta Family and friends of alcoholics and those struggling with addiction, find understanding and support at Al-Anon meetings. Join us at the Rancho Murieta Community Church., 14670 Cantova Way, Rancho Murieta. Meetings are Tuesday evenings, 7-8 pm. Please use the Community Chur ch entr ance on the left side of the FAA building. All are welcome. SVDP Youth Ministry EDGE meets on March 17th from 7-9:30pm in the Youth Room.