The Catholic Parish of ...


The Catholic Parish of ...
The Catholic Parish of
Parish Office:
A/H Emergenc y:
Parish Priest:
St John 23rd
9852 0580
0403 766 468
Fr John M cSween ey
Assistant Priest:
Fr Robert William
Email: [email protected]
Office: 9852 0581
Email: [email protected]
Office: 9852 0525
Saturda y Vigil:
Sunda y Masses: 7.30am, 9.00am,10.30am and 6.00pm.
By appointment on Sunday at 12.00pm
First Rite: Saturday 5.00pm - 5.45pm & After any W eekday Mass.
Weekda y Masses: Mon, Tue, W ed, Thurs, Fri and Sat at 9.00am
Ever y Tuesda y
(2/4 Tuesda y)
Expo sition at 6.30pm . Evening Prayer of the Church at 7.00pm
Rosary 7.15pm Novena Mass to Our Lady of Perpetual Help at 7.30pm .
Hol y Hour: 7.30pm –8.30pm Novena Mass to the Sacred Heart
Of Jesus And Exposition And Benediction.
Sacrament of the Sick:
Holy Cross, Glenwood.
John XXIII, Stanhope Gardens
St Mark’s College, Stanhope Gardens
First Saturday during 9.00am Mass:
A c t i n g P ri n c i p a l :
Marina Hardy
Jayne Campbell
02 9629 8742
02 9852 0500
O f f i c e H o u r s:
8. 3 0 am - 4 . 00 pm
( M o n d ay t o T h ur s d ay )
8. 3 0 am – 3. 0 0 pm ( F r i d ay )
P ar i s h C o u n c il P r e si d en t : B ar t
S ar l a b u s:
[email protected]
Office: 9852 0580
P ar i s h S e cr et ar y:
T a ny a G a tt 98 5 2 05 8 0
( M o n d ay - F r i d ay )
[email protected]
P a st o r a l A s so c i at e/S a cr am e n t al
Co o r d in at o r :
S u e A n dr us k i n J .P . 9 8 52 0 58 3
( M o n , T u es , W e d & T h ur s )
S ac r am e n tal @j o h n2 3r d . or g. a u
F i n a n c e:
M i l a Ll am as 9 8 5 2 0 5 80
( T hu r s da y & F r i d ay )
ac c o u nt s @j o h n 23 r d . or g. a u
RCIA Co-ordinator:
Sue Andruskin 98 5 2 05 8 3
S ac r am e n tal @j o h n2 3r d . or g. a u
Youth Leaders
Krizzia Tiga: [email protected]:
C.J. Sarlabus [email protected]
House Keepers
Theresa Cassar and Brenda Recchia
Parish Mission Statement
“The Parish of Saint John XXIII is a faith community with the Eucharist as its heart.
We are inspired by John XXIII’s prophetic opening of the windows of the Church.
We welcome the fresh air of the Holy Spirit, inviting every person to share in the responsibility of enriching the life and faith of our community by sharing their
gifts and talents.”
Dedication of the Lateran Basilica: 8/9 NOVEMBER 2014
Most people think that St Peter’s Basilica in Rome is the main church of Catholicism. Certainly it’s one of, if not, the biggest cathedral in the world.
And so many liturgies of importance occur in St. Peter’s. But, in actual fact, St. John Lateran’s is the Pope’s church as
Bishop of Rome. Thus, today we celebrate the Feast of the Dedication of St John Lateran’s Basilica, the “mother church”
of Catholicism if you like!
The readings for this Feast are about “spiritual buildings”:
In our first reading Ezekiel speaks of the water flowing from the temple of the Lord. This water = spiritual nourishment; and
it never fails, for it comes from the sanctuary (that is, from God Himself).
John’s Gospel records Jesus building on the this prophetic image. Jesus moves the centre of worship from a physical
building (the Temple) to the human person as the locus (centre) of spiritual worship.
And Paul builds on this, for he calls the Corinthians “God’s building”, “God’s Temple”.
My friends, we are the locus of worship of God. Whenever we gather to pray, we are together the spiritual edifice
(the church) which gives true worship to God.
If this is the case (and it is!) then we have to do all we can to live lives worthy of this great vocation. We are called to holiness, for in our daily living we give witness to God’s goodness. We are the Temple of the living God!!
I had a great holiday and have returned refreshed. I look forward to continuing to be pastor of this exciting &
growing parish community.
We continue to pray for Most Rev. Anthony Fisher op, who will be installed this week as Archbishop of Sydney.
We also pray for the College of Consultors of the Diocese who will meet on Thursday to elect the Administrator of
the Diocese, who will lead us until a new Bishop is appointed.
We congratulate Frs John Boyle (Castle Hill) and Ron MacFarlane (Marayong), who have just been named
Let us continue to pray for one another. God bless you all.
Fr John
From the Parish Council
Bart Sarlabus Chair
From the first Weekend of October,
Saturday Reconciliation will be from
5.00 - 5.45pm.
“We are more than just material beings, but souls, flame
that rises up to heaven.” –St. John XXIII, 30 May 1962
Volunteers are needed!
Please consider offering yourselves to
minister in one of the parish groups
including the RCIA, the Baptism
Preparation programme, the Children’s
Sacramental Programme, or Community
It’s all systems go with the production of the Wall of Remembrance plaques and refurbishing of the wall surrounds. As far
as funding is concerned, we continue to receive pledges and
donations, and we are holding a leaving collection at the Nov.
8 and Nov. 9 weekend Masses. We are really grateful for
your generosity and are confident of meeting the Nov. 30
dedication date!
The 2015 Columban Art Calendar is now
available at the Piety Stall for $7.00. When
you purchase the calendar, you are
participating in God’s Mission and assisting
Columbans in meeting the needs
of the poor.
Please pray for our children who are presently
preparing for the Sacrament of Reconciliation. The children are working with their parents
under the guidance of the facilitators who have
volunteered to help these families. We are most
grateful for the help that they are giving, showing
the children true models of Jesus’ love.
If you require the services of a Justice of the
Peace to sign a document for you, please note
that this service will no longer be available at
the parish office after the end of November.
Call Sue to make an appointment before then.
The Sacramental calendar for 2015 can now be
seen on the Sacramental notice board in the
church foyer and also on the parish website . If you know of families
wanting to know the dates for the sacraments
next year, could you please advise them.
If you know of anyone who needs help from our
Community Outreach group please contact
Sue, [email protected] or phone
9852 0583.
We invite everyone to join the SJ23 Prayer Group in its
monthly Praise and Worship Night this Saturday, 15 November from 7:30 to 9 PM. The theme is “Advent Recollection”
and the guest speaker is Fr. Ming Barawid.
We reiterate our invitation for volunteers for the new Parish
Hospitality team who will be the “face” of the community at
masses, sacramental programs and other pastoral activities
in 2015. Please sign up at the Parish Office.
The last training program for young SJ23 Altar Servers (10
years old+ and must have received the sacraments of Confirmation and Communion) will be held on 3 Sunday afternoons
(Nov. 16, 23 and 30). Please register your child’s interest
with the Parish Office.
The Holroyd family will host the Nov. 11 rotation of the SJ23
weekly rosary devotion at 3 Muswellbrook St, Glenwood.
Host families for Dec. 9 onwards are needed.
Have a great week! Bart
GTK (Getting to Know God, Others and Yourself) YOUTH GROUP
every 2nd and 4th Sunday:
School Years 4-9:
Meet St Mark’s Staff Room.
When? at 4.30pm for afternoon tea.
5.00pm Break open the word.5.30pm
Welcome others to mass. 6.00pm is
the Youth Mass and after mass veg
out and something to eat till7.30pm.
Leave from Church. /
Krizzia Tiga: [email protected]:
C.J. Sarlabus [email protected]
1st Collection: $2,656.60
Funds go to Diocese and helps support
2nd Collection: (Pays Parish Debt and on
going running costs. If you can, please put
a little extra on the Second Collection.)
PG Envelopes:
PG by EFT:
Total Collections :
We pray and remember…...
Born to Eternal Life:
Arturro Cobarrubias, Rizalina Cala,
Manuel Batongbacal.
Jude Vittorio Faelnar, Rosalina
Linsao, Belen Ortiz, Lisa Echevarria, Cristina Maguddayao, Paul
Aquilina, Noella Tsang, Nikhil &
Ahhil, Cynthia Ferrer, Jun Arizala,
Ron Barzaga, Gerry Galam, David
Whitelaw, Nikhil Parvathaneni,
Jerzy Kuziak, Gay Z Coco, Oscar
Nieves, Edwardo Ho, Nonita Zamora, Josie Zidar, Pumida Alexander,
Erlinda Zamora, Pixs Damayanthi
Perera, Vicky Medaglia, Elmer
Samaniego, Cynthia V Cano, Luci
Jabson, Nora Medina, Baby Edward Taylor, Liza Sehob, Celine van
de Bosch, Aida Lustre, Felomina
Docena, Cynthia Villafuerte Cano,
John & Rhronda Devereaux, Andreas Bengough, Felomina Decena,
Ronaldo Zamora, Dwayne Xavier
Erasmo, Felomina Docena, Shona Modrich, Lourdes Subijano,
Anthony Joseph, Marlon Marcelo,
Rhronda Devereaux.
Thanksgiving: Rajendra Dasi &
We welcome into our church
Thiago Nicolas Fernandez
Bently Francis Dino Crescini
Jack William Haig
Monique Louise Marshall
Alex Alves
Please pray for these children.
Novena Mass to Our Lady of
Perpetual Help
Monday 17th November
Tuesday nights beginning with
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
Seven Hills RSL
at 6.30pm, Evening Prayer of the
12noon or GGC 11.30am
at 7.00pm, Rosary at 7.15pm
For further details please call Merrilyn
9629 4552/
and Mass and Novena prayers at
0413 424 552
Saturday 6th December
Riverstone Memorial Park
12 noon
23 Market Street, Riverstone
$15 per head
(Bring along $10 Kris Kindle gift)
For further details and to book
Fran 0458 460 968
Worldwide Marriage
Encounter Weekend
A Marriage Enrichment experience for married couples. During
the weekend, couples have a
unique opportunity to reconnect,
rekindle and refresh their relationship. Invest in your most precious
asset … your marriage!
Dates: Friday 7 November to
Sunday 9 November 2014.
Venue: Mount Carmel Retreat
Centre, Varroville.
Inquiries & bookings: Ardell &
Bill Sharpe tel (02) 4283 3435 or
[email protected] www.
Find us on Facebook:
DWF Appeal in November
The Diocesan Works Fund Appeal
with the theme ‘Faith at Work’ is being held in parishes and Catholic
schools during November. This appeal gives us the opportunity to act
together as a diocesan family to support ministries and services that no
single individual or parish can offer.
For example, it supports catechists
who teach the faith in state schools,
seminarians who are preparing for
the priesthood, the All Saints of Africa Centre in Blacktown for recent
refugees and migrants, and Catherine Villa supported accommodation
for young mothers. Donations can be
made through envelopes available
from your parish or school or online
"Would you like to do something
special this Advent?
A new prayergroup is starting here
at St. JohnXXIII Parish!!
When: Friday evening
28th November
Time: 7pm
Where: In the Church Kitchen
We will look at the Sunday Mass
Readings starting with the 1st
Sunday of Advent then recite the
Rosary afterwards.
For more info call: Pauline
Camilleri 0407 417 039...or just
turn up!!
Everyone is welcome!!"
Please check lost property at back of
church. All lost property not collected
will be given to St Vincent de Paul.
Life Faith Initiative: Your Faith,
Your Life Spirituality Together:
The Institute for Mission offers all, from
young adults upwards, a series of enjoyable nights connecting God, our spirituality
and our lives in the world. Bring a friend
and accompany each other on your faith
Dates: From 7.30pm-9.30pm on 27
October & 24 November 2014, and
9 February 2015.
Venue: Our Lady of the Rosary Parish
Shrine, 8 Greyfriar Place, Kellyville.
RSVP: three days prior tel
(02) 9831 4911,
[email protected]
Envelopes for November Mass
Intentions are placed at back of
Church please fill out and return so
they can be placed in book.
Dedication of the Lateran Basilica - YEAR A
© Labora Liturgy 2014 printed with permission
The waters of a river give joy to God's
city, the holy place where the Most
Glory to God in the highest, and on
High dwells. God is within, it cannot
earth peace to people of good will.
be shaken; God will help it at the
We praise you, we bless you, we adore
dawning of the day.
you, we glorify you, we give you
The Lord of hosts is with us:
thanks for your great glory, Lord
God, heavenly King, O God, almighty the God of Jacob is our stronghold.
Father. Lord Jesus Christ, Only Be- Come, consider the works of the Lord,
gotten Son, Lord God, Lamb of God, the redoubtable deeds he has done
Son of the Father, you take away the on the earth.
sins of the world, have mercy on us;
Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 3:9-11. 16-17
you take away the sins of the world,
receive our prayer; you are seated at
A reading from the first letter of St
the right hand of the Father, have
Paul to the Corinthians
mercy on us. For you alone are the
Holy One, you alone are the Lord,
You are God's building. By the grace
you alone are the Most High, Jesus
God gave me, I succeeded as an arChrist, with the Holy Spirit, in the
chitect and laid the foundations, on
glory of God the Father. Amen
which someone else is doing the
building. Everyone doing the building
First Reading: Ezekiel 47:1-2. 8-9. 12
must work carefully. For the foundation, nobody can lay any other than
A reading from the prophet
the one which has already been laid,
that is Jesus Christ.
The angel brought me to the enDidn't you realise that you were God's
trance of the Temple, where a
temple and that the Spirit of God was
stream came out from under the
living among you? If anybody should
Temple threshold and flowed eastdestroy the temple of God, God will
wards, since the Temple faced east. destroy him, because the temple of
The water flowed from under the
God is sacred; and you are that temright side of the Temple, south of the ple.
altar. He took me out by the north
The word of the Lord.
gate and led me right round outside
Thanks be to God.
as far as the outer east gate where
the water flowed out on the righthand side. He said, 'This water flows Gospel Acclamation: 2 Chronicles 7:16
east down to the Arabah and to the
Alleluia, alleluia!
sea; and flowing into the sea it
makes its waters wholesome. Wher- I have chosen and sanctified this
house, says the Lord, that my
ever the river flows, all living creatures teeming in it will live. Fish will
name may remain in it for all time.
be very plentiful, for wherever the
water goes it brings health, and life
teems wherever the river flows.
Gospel: John 2:13-22
Along the river, on either bank, will
grow every kind of fruit tree with
A reading from the holy Gospel
leaves that never wither and fruit
according to John
that never fails; they will bear new
fruit every month, because this
Just before the Jewish Passover
water comes from the sanctuary.
And their fruit will be good to eat and Jesus went up to Jerusalem, and
in the Temple he found people
the leaves medicinal.'
selling cattle and sheep and pigeons, and the money changers
sitting at their counters there. MakPsalm: Ps 45:2-3. 5-6. 8-9
ing a whip out of some cord, he
drove them all out of the Temple,
R. The waters of the river gladden
the city of God.
cattle and sheep as well, scattered
God is for us a refuge and strength, the money changers' coins,
knocked their tables over and said
a helper close at hand, in time of
distress: so we shall not fear though to the pigeon-sellers, 'Take all this
the earth should rock, though the
out of here and stop turning my
mountains fall into the depths of the Father's house into a market'.
Then his disciples remembered
The word of the Lord.
Thanks be to God.
the words of scripture: Zeal for your
house will devour me. The Jews
intervened and said, 'What sign can
you show us to justify what you
have done?' Jesus answered,
'Destroy this sanctuary, and in three
days I will raise it up'. The Jews replied, 'It has taken forty-six years to
build this sanctuary: are you going
to raise it up in three days?' But he
was speaking of the sanctuary that
was his body, and when Jesus rose
from the dead, his disciples remembered that he had said this, and
they believed the scripture and the
words he had said.
The Gospel of the Lord.
Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.
Nicene Creed
I believe in one God, the Father
almighty, maker of heaven and earth,
of all things visible and invisible. I
believe in one Lord Jesus Christ, the
Only Begotten Son of God, born of the
Father before all ages. God from God,
Light from Light, true God from true
God, begotten, not made, consubstantial with the Father; through him all
things were made. For us men and for
our salvation he came down from
heaven, and by the Holy Spirit was
incarnate of the Virgin Mary, and became man. For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate, he suffered
death and was buried, and rose again
on the third day in accordance with
the Scriptures. He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of
the Father. He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead and
his kingdom will have no end. I believe
in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver
of life, who proceeds from the Father
and the Son, who with the Father and
the Son is adored and glorified, who
has spoken through the prophets. I
believe in one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church. I confess one Baptism
for the forgiveness of sins and I look
forward to the resurrection of the dead
and the life of the world to come.
6:00 PM
Beth Jerusalem
Janelle Jerusalem
John McCartney
Acolyte / Sr Server
Johannes Halim
Judith Castellino
7:30 AM
Bernadette D'Silva
Colleen McCunnie
Lynn Pangilinan
Primo Pangilinan
Marc Camaligan
9:00 AM
Sabina John
Rebecca Reynolds
Sabrina Reynolds
Ramie Tirol
Neville Reynolds
10:30 AM C
Floren Fernandez
Katrin Majella
Mary Phillips
Ding Mojica
William Kingsford
6:00 PM
Jude Salonga
Youth - YFC 1
Youth - YFC 2
Mario Matias
Anh Kuziak
Ivan Crasto
Julienne Crasto
Lorraine Samonte
Lyndall Conley
Nulfa Veloso
Rosie Siachico
Althea Athaide
Maries Camaligan
Rosemarie Barretto
Shalini Abeysirinarayana
Anna Todhunter
Emily Rozanc
Ian Castellino
Sharnie Fernando
Zachary Almario
Emilia Hidayat
Gelina Montierro
Lilibeth Guevara
Nanette Gamboa
Oka Hidayat
Qwayne Guevara
Antoniette Majella
Bessie Mojica
Carmel Shields
Dulcine D'Souza
Freddie Pereira
Myrna Cala
Patricia Charlton
Helen Zammit
Janice Bonnacorso
Kylie Baker
Laura Bonnacorso
Lolita Ramiscal
Mariano Ramiscal
Naomi Reynolds
Colby Izon
Gail Erasmo
Vince Erasmo
Richie Jallorina
Phone: 0433 363 675
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Antonia Zammit
Cohen Bosworth
Olivia Bosworth
David Kuziak
Troyce Quimpo
Des & Barb Lloyd, Riza Angelas, Merrilyn Taylor
Donna Lim.
9659 0900
Educate to Communicate- Rouse Hill
Private Speech Pathology Services
Emilia Phillips
Emmanuel Phillips
Lakshan Jayakody
Elaine Simon
Katelyn Shields
Mariliza Aguas, Linda Aguas, Perlita Kingsford, Rowena Esmero,
Barbara & Jun Deang
Reliable Electrician: Michael Keft
Anna Todhunter
Charlotte Todhunter
Dean Athaide
Isaiah Reyes
Phone Tanya: 9852 0580
DOMINIC: 0412 945264
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Phone Tanya: 98520580