September 04, 2016 - St. Francis de Sales


September 04, 2016 - St. Francis de Sales
23rd Sunday inOrdinary Time
September 4, 2016
Monday, September 5, Labor Day and
Blessed Theresa of Calcutta
9:30 a.m. Ronald Paris (Thursday Scripture Group)
NO 6:30 p.m. Mass
Tuesday, September 6
8:15 a.m. George Olsafsky (Magdalena Schler)
6:30 p.m. Nadine Bolea (Marlene Bolea)
Wednesday, September 7
8:15 a.m. Mr. J.P. Riddle (John Rambacher)
Thursday, September 8, The Nativity of the
Blessed Virgin Mary
8:15 a.m. John Madick (Family)
9:00 a.m. Deceased of the Ken Brauer Family
(Jane Barry)
6:30 p.m. Roger Forte (Family)
Friday, September 9, St. Peter Claver
8:15 a.m. Elizabeth Nagy (Bob & Beckie Madick)
6:30 p.m. Michael Haller (Hardman Family)
Saturday, September 10
8:15 a.m. Ed & Betty Nagy (Jim & Rosemary)
5:00 p.m. Claire Altomare (Michael Altomare)
Anniversary – Michael Jonathan Lieb
September 11, 2016
24th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Anniversary – Margaret Miskalo
7:30 am - Pro-Populo, 9:00 am, 11:00 am
Scripture Readings for the Week:
This week I drove seminarian Stefano Taddei to
the airport to go back home to Ireland (Fergal Cummins
returned two weeks ago). He was overwhelmed with the
support that people gave him for these past three months,
especially our parish, "I have never seen anything like your
church before," he told me more than once. Amen! On the
way back from dropping off Stefano, I spoke with newly
ordained Fr. James Kulway about the Holy Father
proclaiming Mother Teresa as a saint at her canonization
today (Sunday). He worded things so beautifully about her,
I asked him to write a reflection for our bulletin:
"She has been a tremendous Saint for many
people over these past 50 years or so, and I am one whose
life changed by God’s work through her. No, I never met
her, but when I was 19 years old I picked up a simple, little
book on her and it began to change my life. I was
immediately struck by her simple yet profound spirituality.
Her relationship with Jesus was true and real and called her
to live out her life radically for the poorest of the poor. She
was asked to enter the streets, attend to those who had
absolutely nothing materially, and to be their light – the
visible light of Jesus to them. Mother Teresa experienced
several deep encounters with Jesus that would leave her
life changed. From September 10, 1946 through December
3, 1947 the Lord communicated His mission for her through
a series of words and visions. Mother Teresa recorded in
her diary some of these encounters with Jesus, and on one
particular occasion upon receiving Holy Communion the
Lord said to her, 'I want Indian nuns, victims of my love,
who would be Mary and Martha, who would be so united to
me as to radiate my love on souls.' She would also record
Jesus saying to her, ‘I cannot go alone to the poor people,
you carry me with you into them.’ Mother Teresa’s spiritual
director, Fr. Vazhakala, says about Mother Teresa that 'she
was so united with Jesus that she was able to radiate not
her love, but Jesus’ love through her, and with a human
expression.' I remember reading about the life of this Saint
and experiencing for the first time in my life an authentic
desire, a burning desire to serve God. The reality was that
her relationship with Jesus, and her acceptance of God’s
Will not only served the poorest of the poor in Calcutta, but
was affecting the lives of many around the world including
me. This is the work of God’s grace. One simple ‘yes’ to a
life lived totally for God (like that of the Virgin Mary’s) can
change lives in a way that is not bound to time or space but
is truly the work of grace. God’s love, and every encounter
with Jesus changes us as it did for her. We may or may not
experience visions or voices but we do encounter Jesus at
every Mass and in every Sacrament of the Church. Every
Sacrament is an encounter with Christ and if we receive the
Lord’s love and grace in these encounters it will change us.
A simple ‘yes’ to Jesus opens up opportunities that we
could never dream up or imagine possible but rather are
written by God in the Divine Plan. This is the work of His
grace. Mother Teresa made a personal vow not to refuse
anything from Jesus. Will
you refuse His love
totally to Jesus through
Blessed/Saint Teresa of
Calcutta this day.
Pax, Fr. Bline
Here’s What’s Happening
Around the Parish This Week…
Monday, September 5
-Labor Day – one Mass only – 9:30 a.m.
- No Adoration
Tuesday, September 6
- Opening Day – Preschool
- Women’s Book Study 9:00 a.m. (VHM)
Wednesday, September 7
- Opening Day – Pre-K
- Choir Practice 7:00-9:00 p.m.
-AA/Al-Anon 7:30 p.m. (Refectory)
Thursday, September 8
- Thursday Scripture Study Group 12:30 p.m.
(Upper Room)
Friday, September 9
- Women of Faith Movie Night 7:15 p.m.
(Marie VanDevere’s House)
Saturday, September 10
- Men’s Group 7:00 a.m. (Upper Room)
- Adults with Special Needs Cook-out 12:00 noon
(Portage Lakes Kiwanis)
Sunday, September 11
- Parish Picnic!!! 12:00 noon – 4:00 p.m.
The collection for last weekend was $17,100.11.
The second collection for the victims of the
Louisianna floods and the earthquake in Italy was
Our parish, along with so many others,
are blessed by your generosity!
Please prayerfully consider bringing the
Vocation Crucifix into your home to pray with your
family for vocations to the priesthood, religious life,
married or single life.
Jeannene Alt received the Vocation
Crucifix this weekend.
Another great week is in the books for us! This
year our students will expand on all they did last year to
SHINE in order to SOAR. We have developed the Falcon
Five: Love God, Love Others, Be Kind, Serve Well and
Work Hard, as a code for which students should strive to
live by each day. Our students have worked diligently
through the heat and have been demonstrating great
examples of our Falcon Five these past few weeks of
school. All that they have demonstrated so far this year is
promise that we will have a great year and SOAR to new
I wanted to take a moment from rejoicing in how
wonderful our current students are to wish our most recent
alumni, the class of 2016, well as they begin their freshman
year. We know they will continue to make us proud in all
they do!
On a very exciting note, all of the Chromebooks
have been distributed! Teachers and students alike are
excited about the transformation that is taking place in their
classroom. It seems like we have planned for so long and
anticipated so much that it seems almost unreal to have the
opportunity unfolding before our eyes. I have been so
impressed with our students as I watch them handle their
devices with such care and love. They are so appreciative
of the chance to have so much technology at their
fingertips. The excitement in their eyes is truly a wonderful
thing! We thank each and every one of our parents,
members of the Parish community, and donors who have
made this possible! We would not be able to have all of this
without all of you! THANK YOU! Students have already
jumped in by taking virtual tours, completing virtual labs,
and collaborating on group projects through the Google
Suite. We are excited to see how technology will help our
students to continue to SOAR this year!
With the Love of Christ Jesus,
Kathryn Buzzelli, Principal
Banns of Matrimony
I Matthew Mottice & Kristina Brown
Fridays, 8-9:00 p.m. just for the fall while the
regular adorer has another commitment. Call
Joanne at 330-338-4810 if you are able to fill this
position. Subs are available when needed.
Due to the holiday, there will be no Adoration
on Monday, September 5th (Labor Day).
Please join other parishioners for a Rosary for our
country on the nine Tuesdays leading up to election
day on November 8th, beginning this week from 78:00 p.m. We will have a public recitation of the
Rosary and private prayer specifically for our
country and for religious freedom. This is a very
critical time for our country and we need to pray like
never before! These are the dates:
September 6, 13, 20 and 27
October 4, 11, 18 and 25
November 1
It’s back to business for the Pro Life Committee of
our cluster parishes. Find out what’s going on for
the coming year to work for a respect of all life. Our
meeting will be held at the Queen of Heaven Parish
Life Center on Tuesday, September 13th at 7:00 in
the evening. A wonderful opportunity to do for “the
least of these.”
The Kiwanis Portage Lakes Cook-Out will be
held at the Portage Lakes Kiwanis Civic Center;
725 Portage Lakes Dr.
Saturday, September 10th from 12:00-2:00 pm.
Hamburgers/Hot Dogs/Pop will be provided
*Please bring a covered dish*
Participants MUST be accompanied
by a caregiver.
Any questions please call Terri Evans
The Year of Mercy has brought many opportunities
for grace and experiencing God’s amazing love in
new and deeper ways. Our Women’s Study Group
will be reading Fr. Michael Gaitley’s book, 33 Days
to Merciful Love, which is a small group study in
the form of a do-it-yourself 33-day retreat. This is
Fr. Gaitley’s favorite of his small group studies and
is based on St. Therese of Lisieux’s Little Way,
discovering the power of trust in the face of
personal darkness and struggles, inspiring
participants to become great saints amid ordinary
circumstances, and culminating in a personal
consecration to Divine Mercy. Please consider
joining us and inviting a friend from within or
outside of the parish. We meet on Tuesday
mornings starting September 6th, from 9:00-11:00 in
the Visitation of Holy Mary room (inside the school
entrance and to the left.) For questions, contact
Lori at [email protected]. For book orders, you
may purchase one on your own or contact Michelle
at [email protected].
On this holiday weekend, here is a reflection from
Saint John XXIII:
…I will seek to live the livelong day positively
without wishing to solve the problems of my life all
at once.
…I will dress modestly; I will not raise my voice; I
will be courteous in my behavior; I will not criticize
anyone; I will not claim to improve or to discipline
anyone except myself.
…I will be happy in the certainty that I was created
to be happy, not only in the other world, but also in
this one.
…I will adapt to circumstances, without requiring all
circumstances to be adapted to my own wishes.
…I will devote ten minutes to some good reading,
for good reading is necessary to the life of the soul.
…I will do one good deed and not tell anyone about
…I will do at least one thing I do not like doing; and
if my feelings are hurt, I will make sure that no one
…I will make a plan for myself: I may not follow it to
the letter, but I will make it. And I will be on guard
against two evils: hastiness and indecision.
…I will firmly believe, despite appearances, that the
good providence of God cares for me as no one
else who exists in this world.
…I will have no fears. In particular, I will not be
afraid to enjoy what is beautiful and to believe in
Each week during this Year of Mercy, look for a new message
from our Social Action Commission on ways that we can bring
this Year of Mercy closer to our hearts. If you have any
feedback from any week, whether it be a testimonial to that
week’s message, or an idea for an upcoming week, please
email those ideas to [email protected]
Have you been thinking about
becoming a Catholic?
Do you know of someone who might
be interested in becoming Catholic?
Were you baptized Catholic but never received your First
Holy Communion or Confirmation?
Join us for prayer, reflection and study
on Tuesday evenings, starting
September 20, 2016, 7:15-8:30 pm
in the Upper Room.
If you would like to register or have questions, please call
Fr. Thomas at (330) 644-2225.
The National Day of Remembrance for Aborted
Children will take place this Saturday, September
10th at 1:00 p.m. at Holy Cross Cemetery to honor
the gravesites of the unborn brothers and sisters.
Every day more than 3,000 children are killed
through abortion and their bodies discarded as
medical waste. It’s time to honor their lives and
give them the dignity that the tragedy of abortion
denied them. Holy Cross Cemetery is located at
100 E. Waterloo Rd. in Akron.
Cub Scout Pack 3215 provides year-round family programming for boys in the 1st through 5th grades. We
provide opportunities to learn while we help mold young men into honest, responsible, trustworthy and reverent
members of society that take pride in America all while having fun. Look for us at the Parish Picnic from 1-2:00
p.m. or you can always give our Cubmaster, Mr. Brian Hill, a call at 330-801-4056 if you are interested and you
happen to have missed the sign-ups.
Attention Homeschool
If you have a child that will be celebrating the
Sacraments of First Reconciliation, First
Communion, or Confirmation this year and
have not yet spoken with Kathleen Ott, please
email [email protected] or call her at
(330) 644-2225 as soon as possible.
PSR 2016-17
Choose from 40 different movies. You need not go
to the video store…just go to
Our parish code is WY494W (case specific).
Movies are available, along with many of the best
Catholic videos, books and audio talks.
The Women of Faith are back on schedule starting
with our annual movie night this Friday, September
9th at 7:15 at the home of Marie VanDevere. Please
come, bring a friend if you’d like and also a snack to
share. We'll take time to catch up on what's been
happening over the summer. Our regular meetings
will resume on Friday and Saturday, October 7th and
Our first night will be
Monday September 12, 2016
7:00-8:00 pm
PSR families: If you have not registered, it is not too
late, but please do so ASAP. If you are in need of a
registration form they are available on the parish
website, under the PSR tab, or by
emailing [email protected].
Questions? Contact Kathleen Ott by email
or 330-644-2225
"Do not be satisfied with little things,
because God wants great things!"
St. Catherine of Siena
We still need to fill a few more seats on the bus for
our upcoming St. Francis de Sales Parish
“Exceptional Erie Tour” on Wednesday,
September 21st. Please consider joining us! Cost
is $95 per person and is due in the parish office by
September 7th. The cost includes deluxe motor
coach transportation, group luncheon cruise, sight
seeing and admissions, church donations, and tour
escort. Breakfast and dinner are not included.
Checks should be made payable to St. Francis de
Sales Parish and reservations should be called into
Fran Stock, 330-606-0327.
The St. Vincent de Paul Society
of St. Francis de Sales
Please consider sponsoring Ann Coutts and Cathy
Feltrup as we walk for the poor and needy of our area.
Ann and Cathy will be walking on Sept 24th. All proceeds
will support the St. Francis de Sales St. Vincent de Paul
If you are able to help us, please go to Both Cathy and Ann have a page
where you can contribute - or just drop a check in the
collection basket, payable to St. Vincent de Paul, and we
will put it toward the walk.
Funds raised from this event remain 100% local,
allowing local SVdP Conferences/Councils to provide
emergency assistance to those in need, regardless of race,
origin, religion, or gender. Last year, over 4,500 SVdP
Conferences and Councils provided 11.5 million service
hours to help almost 15 million people in the United
States. From our Society's beginning, the central and most
basic activity of assistance to our clients has been the
visitation of the needy in their homes. During our time in
the home we strive for the following: Offer hope with the
assistance we provide, be good listeners, make a judgement
without being judgmental about the help we give, and
most of all, to represent Christ and to see Christ in those
we serve.
Thank you for your prayerful consideration.
In remembrance of September 11th, it would
be an honor and a privilege for our parish to
recognize all first responders: Policemen, Fire
Veterans and Priests, at Mass on the day of our
annual Parish Picnic. Please attend the 11:00
Mass on Sunday, September 11; sit where you
wish in the church, in uniform or in plain clothes. At
the conclusion of the Mass, you’ll be called to the
main aisle for a special blessing, and from there
you will lead us in a procession to our picnic across
the parking lot. The parish will form a parade route
to show our respect for your service and sacrifice,
then and now.
We would also like to have all Scouts (boys
and girls), in uniform to help us form the parade
route. You will be carrying flags and keeping
everyone in line as we walk from the Church to the
tents where we will conclude the parade with the
National Anthem and then the picnic will begin.
Again, sit where you like during Mass. At
the conclusion, Scouts will be sent to the narthex
and first responders will be called to the center
aisle for a blessing.
The Catholic Challenge Quiz Show is coming to Living Bread Catholic Radio AM1060 starting September 10 th
at noon with an encore on September 11th at noon. Teams compete to test their knowledge of the Catholic
faith and to win prize money for their favorite Catholic organization. Our very own Peggy Dolensky and Bill
Butke will team up to represent our school, and Lori and Jim Gutbrod will be competing for our parish.
The Parish Picnic will be your last opportunity to get your foursome information and payment
submitted. A representative will be at the picnic from noon to 2:00 ready to help you.
SEPTEMBER 9-11, 2016
Have you become so distracted by outside pressure
that you neglect your spouse? The Retrouvaille
program can help you put your troubled marriage
back on track. This program is supported by the
Diocese of Cleveland but is open to couples of all
faiths. To register, please call Marce or Liz (in
complete confidence) at 440-357-6580 or 1-800470-2230. To obtain additional information go to:
Walsh Jesuit High School will be hosting their
annual Junior High Dance on Friday, September 9th
from 8-10:00 p.m. Cost is $5 and dress is casual.
Please download a permission slip from and bring it with you. If you
have questions, please call 330-929-4205 ext. 153
or email [email protected].
Breads available:
Soups available:
September 15, 16, 17
raisin walnut
Sancta Clara Monastery
4200 N. Market Ave.
Canton OH 44714
First Step programs:
Continuing education
regarding marriage and divorce in the Catholic
Church during the Holy Year, the Jubilee of Mercy.
A general meeting is scheduled for Tuesday,
September 13 at Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish
in Cuyahoga Falls, 7:00 p.m. Does the Church still
care about me even though I am divorced? Am I
allowed to receive Communion? If I decide to
marry again, what do I have to do?
Representatives from the Ministry to the Divorced
Office of the Department for Marriage and Family
Ministry will be present to answer these and many
more questions you may have, and also explain the
resources they offer to the divorced. There is no
longer a fee charged for the annulment process.
The Women’s Board of Catholic Charities will hold our
first meeting of the new year on Friday, September 9th at
9:30 a.m. at the Catholic Charities offices, 812 Biruta
Street, Akron. We meet on the second Friday of each
month from September through March.
The Sisters of Notre Dame invite you to attend
their 54th Annual Barbecue and Boutique, “A
Piece of Heaven” to be held on Sunday,
September 18th and Sunday, September 25th from
noon to 5:00 p.m. Enjoy lots of great food while
shopping for select Sisters’ handmade items in
the boutique. The event will be held in the Notre
Dame Cathedral Latin gymnasium on the
campus of the Notre Dame Education Center,
13000 Auburn Road, Chardon, Ohio, just south of
Mayfield Road (Route 322).
Rain or shine;
handicapped accessible; take out dinners
The next Hungarian Mass will be held at 1:00 on Sunday
afternoon, September 18th at Nativity of the Lord Jesus
Church. All are welcome!
2425 Myersville Rd.
Akron OH 44312
Stop by the Rectory or school during office hours to purchase gift cards:
Babies R Us
Barnes & Noble
Bath & Body
Bed Bath &
Best Buy
Bob Evans
Bonefish Grill
Burger King
Carrabba Grill
Chili's Bar &
Circle K
Cracker Barrel
Dick's Sporting
Dunkin Donuts
Game Stop
The Gap
Giant Eagle
Handel’s Ice
Cream (NEW!)
Home Depot
Grille (NEW!)
Jo-Ann Fabrics
Macaroni Grill
Old Navy
Olive Garden
Pat Catan's
PF Chang's
Pier 1 Imports
Pizza Hut
Red Robin
Red Lobster
Regal Cinema
Ross Dress for
Sam's Club
Steak 'n’ Shake
Taco Bell
TJ Maxx
Toys R Us
Whole Foods