Our Lady Help of Christians Parish
Our Lady Help of Christians Parish
Church of Our Lady Help of Christians Parish Website: www.olhcparish.org A Roman Catholic Faith Community in Tottenville Since 1898 SACRAMENTS Baptisms Every Sunday at 2:00 PM. Baptism classes, for firsttime parents and parents not married in the Catholic Church, are held on the first Saturday of the month, in the lower church, at 11:00 AM. Reconciliation Saturdays at 9:30 AM and 25 minutes before every weekday and weekend Masses. Communion to the Homebound Please call the Rectory to make arrangements for those homebound or hospitalized. Marriage Couples should call the Rectory to arrange a meeting with a priest or deacon at least six months in advance of their wedding. Anointing of the Sick Call the Rectory at any time. RCIA A series of classes presenting a deeper exploration of the Catholic faith for adults which prepares them to make a conscious choice to receive the SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM, FIRST HOLY COMMUNION AND CONFIRMATION. Please call the Rectory. THE HOLY FAMILY OF JESUS, MARY AND JOSEPH SICK LIST Please update us monthly. PRIVATE PRAYER The Church is open weekdays until 7:00 PM in the evening, for personal prayer and meditation. SPONSOR CERTIFICATES Individuals must come in person to see priest on duty. MASS SCHEDULE SEPTEMBER-JUNE Saturday Evening Vigil 4:30 PM Family Mass Sunday 8:00 AM 9:30 AM Family Mass 11:00 AM 12:30 PM 4:00 PM Spanish Mass 6:30 PM JULY-AUGUST Saturday Evening Vigil 4:30 PM Family Mass Sunday 8:00 AM 10:00 AM Family Mass 12:00 PM 4:00 PM Spanish Mass 6:30 PM WEEKDAYS 9:00 AM PARISH 7396 AMBOY ROAD Rectory Office 718-317-9772 Fax No. 718-317-0038 SCHOOL 23 Summit Street, Staten Island, NY 10307 School Office 718-984-1360 Fax No. 718-966-9356 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION OFFICE 23 Summit Street, Staten Island, NY 10307 Office 718-227-2441 Fax No. 718-966-9356 THE HOLY FAMILY OF JESUS, MARY AND JOSEPH DEC. 27, 2015 Pg. 2 MONTH-AT-A-GLANCE DAY DATE TIME INTENTION REQUESTED BY BEREAVEMENT Please call Carol Seaman @ 718-967-4985 CROSS ROAD FOUNDATION COLLECTION 4th Sunday after all Masses Next Collection: Dec. 27 FIRST FRIDAY Mass-9:00 AM Adoration/Benediction-9:30 AM Sat 12/26 4:30 PM Kyle Miller Happy Birthday in Heaven Mom and Dad Sun 12/27 8:00 AM Barbara & Anthony Cascardo Russell Cascardo 9:30 AM Celia & Tom Wilson Dorothy Calkins 11:00 AM Fr. Victor Buebendorf Deacon John & Judy Singler 12:30 PM Guiseppa Geloso Guiseppe Geloso 4:00 PM Spanish Mass RECITATION OF THE ROSARY Daily after the 9:00 AM Mass All are invited to pray for the world 6:30 PM Ann Kovach Jaclyn Lurker ST. EDWARD FOOD PANTRY COLLECTION 1st weekend after all Masses Next Collection: January 3rd Mon 12/28 9:00 AM Albert Cote Annette Vantina Tue 12/29 9:00 AM Natividad Casa Ponpon (1st Anniversary) Her Family THIRD ORDER OF MARY 3 Sun. after 12:30 PM Mass-Gym Next Meeting: Jan. 17th rd Wed 12/30 9:00 AM Florence & Jack Skelly Joan Dorney Thu 12/31 9:00 AM Harry Bolten, Alfred Garzino, Tom & Valerie Lavin, Michael Maffeo Vigil Mass The Golf Outing Committee 7:30 PM Fri 01/01 Sat 01/02 10:00 AM 12:00 PM 01/03 ZUMBA will resume Jan. 6th For scheduling info, contact Cathy Cataletto @ 917-829-1402 or e-mail: [email protected] 9:00 AM The People of our Parish 4:30 PM Sun The People of our Parish The People of our Parish Anthony J. Martino (24th Anniversary) Chris & Rich Bessi THE SAINTS OF THE WEEK 8:00 AM The People of our Parish 9:30 AM Adelina Alberga Angelo, her husband 11:00 AM James Holley Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Mazza 12:30 PM The People of our Parish 6:30 PM Memorial Mass for all who died in December YOUTH GROUP (GRADES 6-12) 2nd & 4th Sun. after 6:30 PM Mass Gym Next Meeting: Dec. 27 and Jan. 10 Sat . Sun . Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Friday Sat. 12/26 - St. Stephen, First Martyr 12/27 - The Holy Family 12/28 - The Holy Innocents, Martyrs S 12/29 - St. Thomas Becket 12/30 12/31 - Fr. Sylvester , Pope 01/01 -The Octive Day of The Nativity of t 01/02 St. Basil the Great and Gregory Nazianzen If a Weekend Mass is being offered for a family member, please let a priest or usher know if you wish to bring up the gifts. Pg. 3 THE HOLY FAMILY OF JESUS, MARY AND JOSEPH DECEMBER 27, 2015 Dear Sisters and Brothers, I must say the Christmas pageant presented by all the students in the parish was great. They all did their part so well. Congratulations and God bless our children. A special thanks to Patricia Calabrese for working with the school children and the Religious Education program in training the children’s choir, to Matthew Hosmer for surprising us with half hour of heart-warming caroling before the Midnight Mass and training our adult choir for weeks. The dedication of both the children’s choir and the Adult choir is truly an inspiration to all of us. Thanks to all those who gave some of their time for the community to decorate the church: it looks so beautiful and very conducive to prayer and meditation. Yes, my sincere appreciation and thanks to all of you for your generous donations for flowers without which we would not have been able to carry out the work we planned. Also, please accept my heartfelt thanks to all those who gave to the parish so generously. Please know that your donations are tax deductible and we will keep you posted about it. The tangible signs of your kind donations are visible when you look around the lawn and new parking lot etc. Our sincere thanks to Joe and Lisa Corso for their contribution to asphalting the new parking lot and special thanks to John Lagarza, the contractor who demolished the Green House for erecting a beautiful pedestal for the statue of Our Lady of Respect Life in front of the rectory office as a gift to the Church. I hope you had an enjoyable time with family and friends during the Christmas vacation. But, the most important thing is that we went to church and worshiped as a family and spent some quality time at home together; had fun sharing our stories with one another, those we love and love us, for Jesus is the reason for the Season; for God sent his only Son out of love for us! Days leading to Christmas were very busy days. I am happy to note that a good many turned up for Advent Reconciliation. Fr. Sylvester and I were kept occupied and we are happy for it; for Christmas is not only exchanging of gifts, eating, drinking and having a good time, but also, a time to pray, pray for ourselves and for others. I heard somebody say that it is a time to forget those bad feelings you might have about someone, for that is why Jesus was born to reconcile man with man, the entire humanity. May God Bless you and have a Blessed New Year, Fr. Frank MINISTRY SCHEDULE JAN. 2, 2016 AND JAN. 3, 2016 MASS EUCHARISTIC MINISTER LECTOR ALTAR SERVER USHER 4:30 PM John A. Rosemarie A. Lois B. Angela N. Carl H. Michael C. Ryan N. Daniel D. Dennis C. Frank C. Larry N. 8:00 AM Frank D. Joanne F. Ralph P. Andrea A. Joanne F. Ralph P. Bavly G. Peter V. Steve P. Tony D. 9:30 AM Anna R. Greg H. Jim P. Jim P. Joan B. Peter R. Rian H. Angelo A. Rich E. 11:00 AM John R. Judy S. Kathleen P. Nino D. Ann L. Jerry W. Devin R. Julia F. Sergio L. Bill N. Pat L. Jeffrey N. 12:30 PM Maureen T. Ruth P. Gail K. Marie P. Maryellen E. Frances L. Chris M. Emile L. Martin E. Michael I. Nick Q. Michael V. 6:30 PM Frances L. Michael J. Connie S. John G. Alexa O. Jeffrey A. Jeffrey M. Jack A. Jamie A. Connor C. Carol J. THE HOLY FAMILY OF JESUS, MARY AND JOSEPH DECEMBER 27, 2015 Let us pray for all the deceased of our Parish MEMORIAL OFFERINGS Pg. 4 WEEKLY SACRIFICIAL OFFERING 2015 MONTHLY CARDINAL’S APPEAL UPDATE December 14, 2014 - $7,821. Our Goal: $76,500 Thank you for your continued support. In 2015 BREAD & WINE The People of Our Parish SANCTUARY LAMP The People of Our Parish PRAYER LIST FOR THOSE IN SERVICE ALTAR CANDLE The People of Our Parish ALTAR FLOWERS The People of Our Parish Andrew S. Aswad SC Mark Philip Martino US Army David Baggs NY Martin Moog Afghanistan Thomas Brown LA Raquel Caramanno CA Mason Morgante NC Ronald McNair Afghanistan Brian P. Fleming Germany Cody Robinson CA Anthony Manetta Africa Shawn Robinson WA Nicholas Singler NC Greg Tegano IL 50/50 Club PLEASE PRAY FOR THE PEOPLE OF OUR PARISH Aubrey Clayton Johnson Mary Pizzillo Jill Accardo Larry Hartnett John Placente Ellen Astarita Dave, Amy & Baby Gianna Kovacs Paul Quevedo Joan Bartenhagen Rafael Laskowski Anna Marie Reinthaler Ronnie Benitez Maria LaSorsa Robin Rodolfo Chris Bessi Mei Foo Liao Barbara Rotunno Joseph Burzo Joseph Liotine Frances Rotunno Carla Buonviaggio Anthony Lodareo Hayley Rusciano Patricia Calabrese Ralph Lucchese Philip Russo Dennis Castelli Stacey Cohen Scuoto Maisco Ed Malley Jordan S. Patricia Savino Scott Conniff Rita Cowan Joseph Mariconda Bill & Mary Marsh Shelia Sullivan Edward Svennigsen Joseph D’Angelo Peter Marsh Justin Too Ellen Derowski Ken Mc Call Aiden Truscelli John H. Dilgen Terence McGowan Josephine Winters George Day Laura Murillo Gail Yanchunas Josie Doty Georgianna O’Connor Joseph Yasso Leopold Fleming Joan Orena Nancy Flynn Raymond Perry Jr. Remember …..you have to be in it to win it! Donation - $5.00 —————————————————————- Valerie Bertan Ramona Fogelstrom SPC Sean Pesce Laura Grzeskowiak Nilda Peterson THE YEAR OF MERCY Pope Francis has dedicated this year to be the “JUBILLE YEAR OF MERCY”. We would like to form a committee for planning events for this very important year. If you would like to join the committee, please contact Dr. Connie Salhany or Deacon Richard Salhany at the rectory. We will let you know when the first meeting will take place. THE HOLY FAMILY OF JESUS, MARY AND JOSEPH DECEMBER 27, 2015 CLUSTER CORNER CLUSTER PARISH MASS SCHEDULE Mass Schedule for all Masses in our Cluster: Our Lady Star of the Sea: Sat. 4:00 pm, 5:30 pm Sun. 8:00 am , 9:15 am , 10:30 am, 12:00 pm, 1:15 pm , 7:00 pm St. John Neumann: Sat. 5:00 pm Sun. 8:00 am, 9:30 am, 11:00 am, 12:30 pm St. Joseph St. Thomas: St. Joseph: Sat. 5:00 pm Sun. 8:00 am, 10:00 am, 12:00 pm St. Thomas: Sat. 6:00 pm Sun. 9:00 am, 10:00 am (Italian Mass), 11:00 am, 1:00 pm , 6:00 pm CLUSTER PARISH EVENTS St. John Neumann Cub Scouts welcome -if you would like to join contact Snazzy Panepinto –646-644-9421 Pg. 5 Our Lady Help of Christians would like to welcome all who have been newly Baptized to our Parish Family Christian Initiation of Adults RCIA Classes Forming: 18 years and older The Rite of Christian Initiation is the process by which adults become members of the Roman Catholic Church. The formation process is directed at those adults who have missed a Sacrament along the way or those from other faiths that have a calling to the Roman Catholic Faith. The culmination of the formation process takes place at the Easter Vigil where the rites of the Sacraments are administered. If interested please note the following important dates: Classes begin: First Sunday in December—Easter 2016 Please contact Deacon Richard or Constance Salhany or call the Rectory for further information: at (718)317-9772 A NEW YEARS PRAYER God, thank you for a new year. Our Lady Star of the Sea May everyone in our family be willing to begin Prayer Group—meets the 2nd , 3rd and 4th Tuesdays anew with a clean slate. of the month, 7:30 pm in the Damato Room Athletic We know that you are always Center. ready to forgive us. Bereavement Group -Join us in grief healing on Help us to be willing to forgive ourselves and to Wednesday evenings at 7:30 pm in the Rectory. If you forgive one another. would like to join please call the Rectory (718) 984As we begin a new year, remind us of our truest 0593 values and our deepest desires. 50’s Plus Club –Meets in the Damato Athletic Room on the 2nd and 4th Friday of each month from 1-3pm. Help us to live in the goodness that comes from doing what you want us to do. More info. Help us to put aside anxiety about the Call Terry 718-317-1801 future and the past, so that we might live in peace with you now, St. Joseph St. Thomas one day at a time. Please check their - web-site for any recent Events Amen THE HOLY FAMILY OF JESUS, MARY AND JOSEPH DECEMBER 27, 2015 Pg. 6 NEW YEARS RESOLUTION FOR CATHOLICS OUR LADY HELP OF CHRISTIANS “TOURING TUESDAYS” Your continued support of Catholic Education on Staten Island is very much appreciated! With your support over 300 families toured our schools during the TOURING TUESDAY open house events. We would like ALL Staten Island Parishioners, who might be interested in sending their children to a Catholic Elementary School to come and visit us on the upcoming “Touring Tuesday” dates they are as follows: Jan. 12th, Feb. 2nd, Feb. 23rd, March 8th and April 12th from 9:00 am -2:00 pm. These open houses are a great way to introduce those individuals who are interested in a faith filled education for their children and/or grandchildren. Add more prayer to your daily life. Give more time to Jesus. Do a good deed every day, no matter how small. Find a charity to donate time or money. Read the Bible. Attend Mass weekly. Listen to Catholic television and radio. Read Catholic literature. Go to confession. Be active and get involved in Church ministries. 2016 BOXED SETS OF ENVELOPES & CALENDARS are available in the Church Lobbies. Please be sure to write your envelope number when giving your offering. If you do not know the number please call the rectory and we will provide it to you.___________________ CHRISTMAS FLOWER OFFERING Envelopes are available in the lobbies as well as your boxed set. Please help to defray the cost of the flowers. Your generosity is greatly appreciated. THE OCTAVE OF THE NATIVITY OF THE LORD: MARY THE MOTHER OF GOD January 1st is a holy day of obligation this year. Masses are as follows: Thursday, Dec. 31st : Vigil Mass 7:30 PM Friday, Jan. 1st : 10:00 AM and 12:00 PM