7 - St. Martin de Porres
7 - St. Martin de Porres
REV. ALONZO Q. COX, PASTOR RECTORY OFFICE: 583 THROOP AVENUE, BROOKLYN, NY, 11216 TELEPHONE: (718) 574-5772 FAX: (718) 919-2265 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEB: stmartindeporresparish.org OFFICE HOURS: MON.-FRI 9:30 AM-4:30 PM Dear Parishioners, “Remember that you are dust and to dust you will return.” (Gn. 3:19) Those words are uttered at the beginning of each and every Lent when the priest, or deacon, imposes ash on the faithful. It recalls for us the punishment of death attached our first parents’ disobedience. The consequence of sin not only alienates us from God, but also from our very selves. Ash Wednesday serves as a poignant reminder for the Christian that the glories of the world---pride, pleasure, prestige---do in fact pass away. We celebrated, a little over 40 days ago, the birth of the Christ-child. Now, in the 40 days of Lent, we recall the same child, now a man, enduring the bitter Cross in order to save our souls from eternal peril. The Church, in her liturgy, invites each of us to journey with the Lord Jesus as he undergoes His Passion and Death; taking up with new, or renewed, devotion the practices of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. These practices remind us of the obligations owed to God, ourselves and others. Prayer reminds us that the same God Who fashioned us desires to commune within us. Fasting demonstrates that we are not only physical beings, but spiritual ones as well. As such we are called to lay aside worldly things to aspire for sanctity. And lastly, almsgiving calls us to the charity that was the hallmark of Christ’s earthly ministry. The aforementioned practices are tied together by sacrifice; we offer God our prayers, we abstain from meat, we give to the poor. They are sacrifices as we lose ourselves in order to ‘take up our cross, and follow Him.’* This Lent, consider making the time for a weekday Mass, one of our Wednesday Night Holy Hours, or the Recitation of Stations of the Cross if it is your wish to grow in prayer. And perhaps, approach either the pastor or myself for sacramental confession if it has been a long time since you last went. In fasting from certain behaviors or foods, ask yourselves what are healthier, or even holier, alternatives to things I am doing right now? And in almsgiving, ask how do I reach out and assist those in need? It could be something as simple as donating to our parish coin collection in support of St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital or donating your time traveling with other parishioners to Father’s Heart Food Pantry, in Manhattan, on the last Saturday of the month. Allow these forty days to be transformative as we prepare to not only die, but also rise with the Savior and Redeemer of the world, Jesus Christ. In Christ, Fr. Daniel O. Kingsley *paraphrase of Mt. 16: 24 Holy Rosary Church 139 Chauncey Street Brooklyn, NY 11233 Mass Schedule Sunday: 9:00 AM Tuesday: 11:00 AM Our Lady of Victory Church 583 Throop Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11213 Mass Schedule Sun.: 7: 30 AM & 10: 15 AM Mon. to Fri.: 8 AM St. Peter Claver Church 29 Claver Place Brooklyn, NY 11238 Mass Schedule Sat.: 5 PM Sun.: 11: 30 AM Mon. & Wed.: 12 Noon 1st Fridays 12 Noon HOLY DAYS: as announced Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time february 7th, 2016 PARISH CLERGY & STAFF Fr. Daniel O. Kingsley, Parochial Vicar Dcn. Balfour Thompson, Permanent Deacon Ms. Angela Matamoro, Bookkeeper Ms. Paulitiana St. Hilaire, Secretary Ms. Alice Sorensen, Music Director Mr. Humberto DaCosta, Buildings /Grounds SCHOOL OF FAITH FORMATION: There is ongoing registration for our School of Faith Formation. Registration forms can be found in the back of each church. Registration fee is $25.00 per child. Please talk to the faith formation representative in your church: Ms. Michelle Joseph – OLV, Mr. Kenneth Callahan – SPC or Mrs. Joyce Cochran – HRC. Sun. 2/7 Mon. 2/8 Tue. 2/9 Wed. 2/10 Thu. Fri. Sat. IS 6: 1- 2A, 3- 8 P S 1 38: 1- 2, 2 -3, 4- 5, 7 - 8 1 CO R 1 5:1 -1 1 L K 5: 1- 11 1 K GS 8:1 -7, 9- 13 PS 13 2:6 -7, 8- 10 MK 6: 53 -5 6 1 KG S 8: 2 2- 23, 27 -3 0 P S 84: 3, 4, 5 & 10, 11 MK 7: 1- 13 J L 2 :12 -18 , P S 51 :3 -4 , 5 -6 AB , 12 -13, 14 & 17 2 CO R 5 :20 —6 :2 M T 6 :1 -6 , 16 -18 2/11 DT 30: 15 -2 0 P S 1: 1- 2, 3, 4 A ND 6 L K 9:2 2- 25 2/12 IS 58: 1- 9A P S 51: 3- 4, 5 -6 AB, 1 8- 19 MT 9:1 4- 15 2/13 IS 5 8:9 B- 14 PS 86: 1- 2, 3 -4, 5- 6 L K 5 :2 7- 32 SACRAMENTS: Anointing of the Sick Please call the Rectory to make arrangements. Baptism Please call the Rectory to make arrangements. Confession Saturdays from 4-4:45 PM at St. Peter Claver, or call rectory for an appointment. Holy Rosary Church every Sunday between 8:15 and 8:45 AM. Marriage Arrangements must be made seven (7) months prior to the wedding. OUR MISSION STATEMENT We, the Roman Catholic Parish of St. Martin de Porres, formed from the tri-church unity of Holy Rosary, Our Lady of Victory and St. Peter Claver churches is led by the Spirit and committed to becoming one in Humility, Faith and Love. In community and nourished by the Eucharist, we journey together realizing that our strength is in our commitment to the Church founded by Christ and to the spread of His Word by the actions of our daily lives. Parish Membership All new families are welcome to the Parish and encouraged to become actively involved in parish societies and activities. New parishioners should register with ushers or at the Rectory as soon as possible. Parishioners are asked to use the weekly envelopes in making their contributions. Sat Feb. 6th, 2016 5:00PM For the people of the parish Sun Feb. 7th, 2016 7:30AM For the people of the parish 9:00AM R.I.P Fitzroy Rodney 10:15AM R.I.P. Ayden Mendoza 11:30AM R.I.P Audrey John Thurs. Feb. 11th, 2016 8:00AM R.I.P. Randy King Prayers for Sick and Homebound Ian Kellman, Brunhilda Watson, Bebe Lewis, Elsie Ward, Nettie Allman, Danly Bailey, Dorothy Bailey, Vera Walker, Hamilton Sylvester Christabel Gomes, Anthony Jerome, Gwendolyn Knight, Ms. G.Phillips-Lashley. RCIA - Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults For those who are interested in becoming Catholic or if you have not received all of the sacraments of initiation please contact Fr. Cox, Fr. Kingsley or Mr. Ken Callahan to inquire about our ongoing RCIA program. Memorial Candles at Holy Rosary Church are available now and continue through Easter season. Donation: $10.00. You may call the parish office to book your memorial Candles. You can also request Bread & Wine in memory of a loved one. in the sight of the angels I will sing your praises, lord. fifth Sunday in ordinary time The Immaculate Conception Center 7200 Douglaston Parkway, Douglaston, NY 11362 Sunday, February 14, 2016. Time: 4:00pm Dress in your cultural Attire. Homilist/Celebrant: The Most Reverend Ferdinand J. Cheri III, OFM. Auxiliary Bishop Archdiocese of New Orleans, LA. *COIN CARDS FOR ST. JUDE’S CHILDREN HOSPITAL* Lent is a time of renewal in faith. One way of renewal is a more serious devotion. This year we, at the Parish of St. Martin de Porres, would like to support St. Jude’s Hospital for Children. We will tithe 50% of the Lenten Quarters collections towards this cause. I hope you will prayerfully support this Lenten act of almsgiving. Charismatic Healing Mass is Tuesday, Feb.16th at 7:30 PM in Our Lady of Victory Church. The Rosary is prayed at 7:00PM. Celebrant: Fr. Michael Joy Akposu from St. Matthew Parish. february 7th, 2016 Throughout these 40 days of Lent, the Parish of St. Martin de Porres will be offering various ways in which we can actively participate and enter fully the spirit of this penitential season. One popular spiritual exercise is Stations of the Cross. This year we will continue this spiritual exercise with celebrations on Lenten Fridays with our parish priests, religious brother and deacon as presider at each Church. Wednesdays throughout Lent, join us for Lenten Holy Hours with Eucharist Adoration and Vespers (Evening Prayer) at 7:00pm with guest speakers at all worship sites. (Please see flyer for more info). On Friday, March 18, 2016 there will be one Parish celebration of Stations of the Cross at Our Lady of Victory Church. On Good Friday there will be one outdoor Parish celebration of the Stations of the Cross as in the past. May your Lenten season be a holy time of hope, renewal and conversion. St. Martin de Porres Pilgrimage To: Marian Shrine on Saturday April 30th. Please contact Ms. Yvonne Samaroo or call the rectory for tickets and information. Mass Schedule Church OLV OLV SPC HRC Description Mass with Ashes Prayer Service Mass with Ashes Mass with Ashes in the sight of the angels I will sing your praises, lord. Mass Times 8:00 AM 12:00 Noon 12:00 Noon 7:00 PM
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Fr. Daniel O. Kingsley, Parochial Vicar
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