c~~~~~:~1 - Holy Cross Catholic Parish
c~~~~~:~1 - Holy Cross Catholic Parish
- ~--- ., ROSS' 651 East Springfield Road • Springfield, Pennsylvania 19064 .. <"i,~:.'::@sj<'E.M'{:~~·. '}']J~U0E~.1~"':~.P!~:!"E~§~~NT~,,~~h~~_~~~~2lli~~'('~~1~E ..~:.;, IMPORTANT PHONE NUMBERS Business Office / Rectory »» 610-626-3321 ·610-626-3322 Parish School 610-626-1709 Religious Education » 610-626-1057 Convent ,..: Pastoral Minister. . C oor dimat or .•....................................... M USIC ., '.' .. G 61 0~626-2492 61 0-626-8266 215 -,' ,6'32'- 6457 6102592240 Korea~ Cath?"ce~ter » ». ',Catho.llc Social Services .....................•.......... 61 0-62~-6550 Website.» WWW.holycrosscathol~cs.org E-mail [email protected] MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Evening: 5:15 PM Sunday, Upper Church: 7:30, 9:30, 11:30 AM Holy Day: 8:30 AM and 7:00 PM Weekday: 8:30 AM CONFESSIONS Saturday, Lower Church: 4:00 to 5:00 PM MARRIAGE POLICY Arrangements are made directly with the Parish Priests, within six months before the intended wedding date. Weddings are reserved for active parishioners. Pre-Cans Session is required. Please call Rectory for appointment with Parish Priests. Our next Parish Pre-Cane day will be on October 19, 2013. To register, call Bill & Nicole @ 610-626-8486. VISITATION TO SICK AND INFIRM Please call the Rectory or Sister Mary Carmela, Pastoral Minister, when a parishioner is hospitalized or homebound. REGISTRATIONS By Appointment. All Catholics living in the parish should register at the Rectory. Please call Parish Office to make an appointment with one of the Parish Priests. PARISH PASTORAL STAFF Rev. John D. Gabin » » Rev. Edward B. Cahill.» Rev. H. James Hutchins » ».» ..»»» » Pastor Pastor Emeritus »» .. Parochial Vicar :~a~~Z~~~'~~i~~""""""""»'»" In Residence ~:~·c~~~~~:~1 D ' J hN G . ousie S eacon L tt osep S d . RSM r. ore a au arg, Sr. Mary Carmela, RSM» Ms. Kathleen Fitzpatrick Mrs. Kelly Meliti Mr. John Robinson B' M na ».. uSlness a ger .Pastoral Minister Principal Director of Religious Education » Music Coordinator BAPTISM POLICY Baptisms are celebrated every Sunday, except for the first Sunday of the month, at 12:30 PM. Please call the rectory at 610-626-3321 to set up an appointment with a Priest. First time parents and godparents are required to attend a Baptism Preparation Session. Only when Certificates of Eligibility from godparents are presented, then a date for the baptism can be set. The Baptism Preparation Sessions are held the first Sunday of the month at 12:30 PM in the Upper Church, with registration required. To register, please call the parish secretary during regular business hours (Monday to Friday, 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM). Registration must be made prior to the last Friday of the month. If no registrations are received, a session may not be held. RECTORY OFFICE HOURS Monday - Friday: same as the Business Office· 1:00 - 7:00 PM • Sunday: 8:00 AM - 2:00 PM Saturday: BUSINESS OFFICE HOURS (Entrance through the middle, rear door of the Church) Monday - Friday Only: 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM (Closed for Lunch 12-1 PM); Closed Saturday and Sunday PASTOR'S CORNER On this Father's Day we salute all fathers and thank God for the great gift they are and have been to us: examples of faith and love, protectors, providers - men who have worked and sacrificed so much for our well-being. May Our Lord reward their goodness! ! cc Jl!ly JleJw-" Jltly fww- is tfte quid lljpe, .No- nuvt.cIiing Bands, no-media fujpe, !But tIvwugA it'6 plain to.ece, a fww-, ~ ~ sent to. me. Willi g£nt& 6Vwuj1/i and quid pside, t1UJ ~ Wl6e£t-~ is set. (MUle !J0- ceach. O-utto. fii6 fd£om man, and /k tfwre witIi a flJping Iuxnd: ~ axe a 'iWtil1J, I a ~6ing to. fuunanittJ· Willi af£ tfwJ flUte and af£ tfwJ de, J' f£ 6.et tIie tIiinfJ tpnt neoec luuuu, Jltly fww- ha» ~ 6un tpnt. !Jfie ~ped £ife ~ ~ ,;:;______ liOllliliUr ~ 11Ii~ sends thanh« to. af£ JlapPlf [jatfre,t,' 6 9Jay! 0UJi ~. Mass on Vacation If you are traveling in the United States this summer and want to know where and when you can attend Mass, you can go on the web to www.masstimes.org He 0241 MONDAY 8:30AM TUESDAY 8:30AM WEDNESDAY 8:30AM THURSDAY 8:30AM FRIDAY 8:30AM 1A-1JGGCG Patricia Barry Kendall Lambert 1for IJrhe meek Denise Berry Karen Landolfi Susan Marconi JUNE 17 STEPHEN MC KEON JUNE 18 SUSAN MC DEVITT JUNE 19 JOAN POLLOCK JUNE 20 MARGARET MARY MCFADDEN Branden Chandler Maryanne Convery Victoria Cutuli Sharon Diemer Clare Doherty Melissa Dunfee Susan Dunfee Cornelius Dunleavy Dorothy Eberhard Emelia Fagnano Anne Gallagher Mario Gambol Danny Hammond Carolyn Henderson Joseph Hrubovcak Mary Kul/ Janice MacBride Patricia McCloskey James McCusker Vincent Menta Helen Murphy Helene Neary Don Palermo Eve Palermo Melanie Palermo Mary Pipitone Mary Revello Jeff Simmons Joseph Sindoni Mary Smythe Billy Winans, Jr. JUNE 21 MARGARET MCCLOSKEY FOOD PANTRY . Starting in September, the Holy Cross SATURDAY 8:30AM JUNE 22 ANNA MAE HILLEY Conference of Saint Vincent dePaul Society will open a food pantry in the former Catholic Social Services location (next to the Convent), now NEXT WEEKEND SATURDAY 5:15 PM SUNDAY 7:30AM 9:30AM 11:30 AM MASS INTENTIONS JUNE 22 PEOPLE OF HOLYCROSS JUNE 23 ELIZABETH SUTTER FOY-GREENLEAF FAMILIES ANGELINA FORLANO called the Parish Center. In August, we will begin to collect the following non-perishable items including: canned tuna fish, stews, pasta etc.), detergent, foods (soups, soap and cleaning supplies. More details will be coming soon. He 024 2 FROM THE PASTOR'S DESK One of my favorite sayings from my favorite saint, Francis de Sales, is that a really humble person never thinks anyone has done him or her wrong. This is so because there is no ego or exalted sense of self to be offended or insulted. In today's Gospel, the Pharisee Simon invited Our Lord to his home but did not show Him the ordinary courtesies given to guests. Of course, Our Lord noticed it, but ignored it. A lesser person would have turned around and walked out right then and there - or else have pouted. Not Jesus! He was too big! He went in and took His place as though nothing had happened. We can become hurt and angry at the perceived thoughtlessness and rudeness of others. It is only a person who is strong and well-balanced emotionally who can take all slights and insults in stride. We can be annoyed and offended so quickly! We'll mention it to others to get sympathy, or else, we get hurt and angry. Weare as big as the things that bother us! Our calm and peace of soul is a result of being humble. Humility means proper self-respect. It means knowing our dignity as a child of God, knowing that we are loved deeply by God, and so we don't have to be reassured of our dignity by the kindness and goodness of others. Being big in heart and soul brings us peace and joy in life. Let us ask our humble Savior to show us and teach us how to be big in heart and soul; how to have the right self-respect and so be a person of calm and peace. SINGERS NEEDED! OFFERINGS TO THE POOR BOXES HELP THE NEEDY Singers and cantors are needed bimonthly at the Saturday, 5:15 PM Mass for the Contemporary Music Group. If you enjoy singing or playing an instrument, please consider sharing your talents with our parish. No experience is necessary! For more information, e-mail Gary at' [email protected] or call Connie at 610-328-0599. IISING JOYFULLY TO THE LORD" OF OUR AREA. -PSALM 95. He 024 3 We wish to extend our congratulations to our graduating class in Grade 8! We are very proud of your accomplishments and look forward to bright futures for all of you! Always stay close to Jesus and continue to develop your faith. Below is a list of students who were recognized for their accomplishments. Highest General Average: Caitlin Reilly Veronica Riordan Religion Award: Mathematics Award: Caitlin Reilly Edward Issertell language Arts Award: Science Award: William Issertell Ryan James Social Studies Award: Music Award: Jacob Gindhart Ashley Renning Technology Award: Amanda Cunningham Art Award: Physical Education Award: Shayla Dilbeck Ryan Jacob Spanish Award: Jarad Zervos and Colin Clay Consistent Effort Awards: Holy Cross Council of Knights of Columbus Awards: John McVeigh, Patrick James and Andrew Shuda CYO Scholar/Athlete Awards: Gary Kelly and Ashley Renning Principal's Award: Antonio Fattizzo Sister M~ura Breslin, RSM service Award: Molly Ryan Holy Cross Council of Knights of Columbus Scholarships: Christian Lane and Bryanna McEvoy Knights of Columbus Council #8924 Altar Server Award for St. Joseph Parish: Colin Clay Serra Club of Central Delaware County Altar Server Certificate: Colin Clay Holy Cross Parish Altar Server Certificates: Antonio Fattizzo, Edward lssertell, William lssertell, Bryanna McEvoy, John McVeigh, Taylor Persia, and Molly Ryan Leadership in Faith Awards: Vincent Boyle and James Kull Perfect Attendance: Edward Isstertell and Christian Lane First Honors: Jacob Gindhart, Edward lssertell, Bryanna McEvoy, John McVeigh, Caitlin Reilly, Ashley Renning, Molly Ryan, Andrew Shuda) and Jarad Zervos Second Honors: Vincent Boyle, Lazarus Bradley, Amanda Cunningham, Antonio Fattizzo, Nicholas Ferry, John Henderson, William Issertell, Ryan Jacob, Gary Kelly, James Kull and Veronica Riordan We also extend congratulations to one of our seventh grade students, Robert Young, who was one of the top eight scorers on the Monsignor Bonner/Archbishop Prendergast Scholarship Test! We are very proud of you!! HC0244 PREP - PARISH I /t\\ ~ RELIGIOUS EDUCATION PROGRAM As we look forward to another PREP year, we would like to thank you for considering Holy Cross for your family! Our children learn and experience the Catholic faith through the message of Jesus Christ with our PREP program. Please consider being a catechist, aide, or hall monitor for the 2013-2014 PREP year. Please go to www.holycJ::osscatholics.org for information about tuition rates and guidelines for PREP. You may download a registration form from the website or contact Kelly Meliti at 610-626-1057. 'fJ!}d!/~ J ATTENTION The Parish wants to be of service to the sick and homebound (even if temporary). Please let us know if you are unable to get to church or are recuperating from an illness or surgery. We would be happy to visit and bring Holy Communion. We also like to keep in touch with parishioners who go into Rehab or Nursing Homes. Call the Business Office - 610-626-3321 or Sister Mary Carmela - 610-626-8266.!. F CV-t~0V o-vV\! Gab-Uvv ~othev~ Utv pvC0'UuJ' vOUtYy for CiVVV e-vtd" -to- ahort~ People: ~ Utv fvont;ofP~ P£NV~ ca: S-tat-0~O at- ~ VWOY\! Utvlvle.dU;v, v~S-tvee;ty 01'\1 Sat-vwdayff. to- carpool, ~ ~ If "Come unto me, all ye who labor and are heavy burdened, and I will give you rest." ~ yould. ~ ve<Xovy at- 11: 30 A lvI. I I The collection/or June 9 amounted to $12,124. The DebtReduction collection for May amounted to $2,512. I ~ (Matthew 11:28) Reserve your hourly devotion for the week Monday through Friday/ 6:00 AM to 9:00 PM or stop by to visit with Jesus in our Chapel. Length of time and day is your call! Feelfree to call: Ronnie - 610-623-8412 Catherine - 610-328-2115 Dolores - 610-284-5950 He 0245 c~r:;/:;};/,;;t!:av~r:tt.r'),~IT STAll ALL residents of De/aware County! • Shared Ride Program for Senior Citizens 65+ • Persons wi Disabilities Transportation Prog. • Medical Assistance Transportation LA6UlREo_~N~3K~t6·R 0 SE 16 7 fARM IN SURAN CE ® Program Auto-Fire-Lite-Heelth For more information call 610-490-3960 or visit us at www.ctdelco.org 0 Pi.JJ . Business O.LEARY FUNERAL HOME LTD. ~ Thomas J. O'Leary, Jr. - William J. O'Leary~~~mI -:... I ~.·~\640E.Springfield,PA19064 Just One Push of a Burton can Protect You from Emergencies I~ at Home and Away! v'Medical t/ Fire 610·789·9420 259-1959 www.drexelhillhonda.com R!.1 & Burman! Rd. Drexel Hill, 19026 CHRYSLER ~lg. UFEWakhU5A ~ ""~''"''-'"'''' ,,~._, .~~ A5lOWAS V FaUs v" Burglary JeeR $lSAYJ • VOU'(~never alone with tifeWatd1! 800.546.1073 www.lifewatcb·usuom !.>,~'"",1.IIm""U~~ Bill Robinson or ~r;: Sales Consultant, Parishioner LAW OFFICES-WILLIAM G. HALLIGAN (610) 566-6030 VIDEON CHRYSLER DODGE JEEP 4951 West Chester Pike Newtown Square Please call for an appointment [email protected] 610·356·7000 Cell 484·343·1856 Fax 610-325-0180 www.videon.com ELDER LAW ATTORNEYS 'Front & Plum St5., Media • Free On-Site Parking 'Home, Evening, & Weekend Consultation Available MEEnNG AU THE LEGAL NEEDS OF SENIOR CmZENS OUR OWN MAKE CANDY Millions of people overseas depend on you. Please help. WE DELIVER Lerro Candy Company Manufacturers of Fine Candies www.lerrocandy.com Find out how far your heart can reach. Catholic Relief Services serves the poor in nearly 100 countries around the world. 1-888-354-0060 610-532-7715 CRS.ORG/cb Morgan Basement Waterproofing Alzheimer's Care I Assisted Care I Respite and Short-term Care I Independent Living I 610-696-0100 Specializing in Basement Waterproofing & Mold Remediation Since 1984 Drainage Systems' Pumps' Coatings Foundation Repair' Outside Water Management Emergency Service Free Inspections • Licensed & Insured www.MorganBasementWaterproofing.com , Daniel Stangl Sales Manager New & Certified Pre-Owned 610-356-9000 www.ybh.com SeNfng Delaware County For Over 60 Years ' ' Michael Parr, Maintenance Director 45-Year Parishioner 263 Glen Riddle Road Media PA 19063 609-358-9933 www.residenceatgienriddie.com --- -Parisbioner Discounls- COLLINGDALE KARRYdAY v JEWELERS FLOWERS & GIFTS ,;('>,~610·,5~j·3~Op~l;!:" i091 M:,cDad~mvd~;Collillgd'J~' f_9Q~ ·s.:,/ s~reeDelivCl')' on Sympathy Artarigements www.collindalefiorists.com For all your Jewelry Needs S~rjngfie!fi.PA ~~:> WE BUY GOLD 19064 Imoo~tr:g!Or',:arot0s~W19 Bus: 610·544·19UO ~"~J:i ;~~~: i:'~i~:~e~~or. CAll ME TODAY, ~>-€..qiCS'f-HO~G'~"J ~ State Farm 328· 1141 • 544-4811 Cardinal OHarra . Class of Delivery Service Available D.~.f~.~. _ utVf.ei/ FloraiArrahgiments-Segin '. 'AL$24,~5 (local di.liveryonly) , 610-544-1121 443 Baltimore Pk. Springfield www.olitesflorist.com(610) '97 >" I ~ m L JEWELRY & I J, Heating. Cooling Air Duct Cleaning ~ _l _ (!JRJlf!llL • WATCH REpAIR DONE ON OUR PREMISES - 160SaxerAvenue·Sprin2fieldPA JAYNE P. LAMBERT 610- 338-0885 barrvi 610-544-4884 6R1eoa~t506r4il5_ &13POaOriS3hOi09~~ __ ' I wwwnarryjayjeweiers.com X ," •,MLS . Cell ~~: 610-246-0778 ,P/ANO·tmoARD, LESSONSIN 'OUR HOldE "~ "tEGINNiRn"iJ, ADVANCa> ALL AGES ' 't ~JJifNIOII DISCOUNTS JliY.f.CALLN,OIlSEI/·TELsr'''''N ' .,' .-""If ' "r 604';"898 r:::;"'kr'~0.Ji\.~~-W:"2~~1Il~~=:':~..E:;~-= f t ':: ~ your needs for ussrarce end iefi@insufl)wi1hieiLcorn Imarcesevces. Springfield, PA • 328· 1131 . ~le~se,~top.byan~say,M~j!" J2~ffE~~~~~1~~t Williams Lombardo Funeral Home, Inc. Clifton Heights, PA 19018 Joseph F. Lombardo Jr., Supervisor Edward S. Barone, Manager 610-626-2110 Serving Ihe IJe/(11l'lIr(' (·{Jjm~r.ror over Jj veurs Joseph 1. Capista, DDS Joseph P. Lamb, DDS Robert J. Spennato, DMD Brian C. Shepanski, DMD Springfield' Marple/Crossroads Shopping Center 610·544·9500 MARYEL!ZABETH DEVINE, , ,', ATTORJV~YAT LAW.- ,.. . Real Estate Wills Estates Family Law Injury. Claims Drex~IHilL;<61 q~769-0600" .,'.•.. . , ·::"www;LetDevineLawTnterVene.coin' www.wi~m.bardofu;.eralhome.com FREE INSPECTION Licensed & Insured RIGH AY N~RCBt WATERPROOFING CO. - BASEMENT WATERPROOFING SPECIALIST 610-789-3717 www.RightwayWaterproofing.com :Fres -, ROBERT W. REPETTO ~ HORTICULTURIST Spe,ializing In All Phases Of Lands~ping, Hanls,aping And Snow Removal 610-446-1290 kies,' 610.259.3644 Marlo Pagano-Kelleher Attorney-at-Law 484.442.8750 • Fax 484.442.8742 "A General Practice for All of Your Legal Needs" www.PaganoLawyers.com115W.StateSt 024 Holy Cross - Springfield, Pa (Back) - Rt. F .. Suite401.Media.PA19063 MIKE D'ORAZIO Plumbing & Heating Registered Master Plumber ~ Parishioner Springfield John Patrick Publishing Company 1-800-333-3166· 328-2631 www.jppc.net
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