welcoming the order of celebrating matrimony
welcoming the order of celebrating matrimony
WELCOMING THE ORDER OF CELEBRATING MATRIMONY The English translation of the “second typical edition” of the Order of Celebrating Matrimony is to be used in the dioceses of the United States by December 30, 2016. This conference session will explore the theological and historical background of the new Rite, ways to help a couple prepare their wedding liturgy, the role of music and “what’s new and not new” in this translation. This conference session is designed for musicians, liturgy committee members, parish pastoral associates/leaders, parish wedding coordinators, and clergy. The presenters will be from the Toledo Diocesan Office of Worship, including Msgr. Charles Singler, Mr. Daniel Demski, and Mr. Paul Monachino and members of the Diocesan Music Committee. SATURDAY, OCT. 1, 2016 9:45 a.m. - Noon St. Wendelin Parish 323 North Wood St. Fostoria, OH Cost: $5/person ($25 parish limit) SCHEDULE 9:15 -9:45 a.m. Registration/Hospitality (A First Saturday parish Mass will be celebrated at 9 a.m. for anyone who wishes to attend). 9:45-10:45 a.m. An overview of the rite: Historical/ Theological background and practical suggestions. 11 a.m. - noon Breakout sessions for musicians and for those who prepare and assist with wedding liturgies. SPONSORED BY: THE OFFICE OF WORSHIP, TOLEDO DIOCESAN MUSIC COMMITTEE AND TOLEDO CHAPTER OF THE NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF PASTORAL MUSICIANS NPM Funded in part by the Annual Catholic Appeal Please send registration by Sept. 21 to: Office of Worship 1933 Spielbusch, Toledo, Oh 43604 Make checks payable to: Diocese of Toledo Name ___________________________________ Telephone _____________________________________ Parish: ______________________________________ Number attending __________________________