w The Al Zaytoonah University and
w The Al Zaytoonah University and
OF MEMORANDUM UNDERSTANDING w FOREXCHANGE TheAl ZaytoonahUniversityand The Universityof Toledo .MOU')is madebetweenThe University (hereinafter of Understanding This Memorandum and Al ZaytoonahUniversity, the "University") of Toledo, Toledo,Ohio, USA, (hereinafter "Al with a mutual privateuniversity, Amman,Jordan(hereinafter Zaytoonah)in accordance desireto promoteeducation,learningand healthcare servicesand relatedtrainingin each referredto as "Party" afe individually andAl Zaytoonah other'scountryof origin.The University "Parties." as andcollectively Article l. Purposeof this MOUand DefinitiveAgreement(s) and to furtherexplorecollaboration 1.1 The Partiesdesireto initiatea seriesof discussions andpharmaceutical education areasas theyrelateto pharmacy exchangein thefollowing sciences: a. Exchangeof faculty, staff, and studentsfor experiencesinvolvingpharmaceutical in area$of research; studiesandcollaborating advanced sciences, b. Exchangeof teachingmaterialsand scientificlitpratureand for conductingjoint on topicsof mutualinterest. symposiaandengagingin discussions workshops, learners. Zaytoonah Al c. Graduateeducationfor time-limited 1.2 The Partiesagree that the purposeof this MOU is only to engagein discussions activitieslistedabove,and the exchangeof faculty,staff and students, regardingcooperative pharmacy facilitiesor programsor any type of financialarrangements of the development (the in definitivelegalagreement(s) betweenthe Partiesmustbe negotiatedand memorialized "DefinitiveAgreements"). that the executionof this MOU does not The Partiesacknowledge describedaboveunless the activities on any partyto consummate createa bindingobligation Agreements. in fullyexecutedDefinitive memorialized includebutare not limitedto: Student in Definitive Agreement(s) 1.3 Topicsto be considered of and lengthof stay in the academicexchangeprogram;Designation and facultyacceptance for communications betweenthe for eachPartyto be responsible exchangeprogramcoordinators Studentand facqltyaffair issuessuch as general Partiesand coordinatingresponsibilities; vaccinations,visa applications, insurance,personal health insurance,accommodations, financialaid,academiccreditand gradesand otherissueswith rules,scholarships, disciplinary respectto foreigntravelandjourneys. Articlell. Term This MOU will take effect from the date of last signaturehereto and will be in effect for a period Partyby givingthirty(30)days' by eithert of five (5) years. ThisMOUmaybe terminated writtennotice. advance Articlelll. IntellectualPropertyand ApplicableLaw facultyor students workbetweenthe Partiesandtheirrespective lf thereis collaborative 2.1 eachPartyreservesthe right Agreement, whichis not requiredto be formalizedintoa Definitive publication, however,each for submission Before publish collaboration. of the results the to to the other manuscript the publish, will submit and of its intention to Partywill notifythe other (30) from receipt of the days will have thirty Partyfor reviewand comment.The reviewingParty Party's comments reviewing The to the otherParty. to presentanywrittencomments manuscript of the resultsmay be Party.The publication by the submitting will be givendue consideration delayedat the reviewingParty'swrittenrequestfor a periodnot to exceedninety(90)days if it on whicheitherPartydesiresto file a UnitedStatesor of an invention(s) containsa disclosure pursuantto U.S. patentlaws. patent. will be determined of inventions Any ownership foreign involved complywith all applicable The Partieswill ensurethattheirfaculty,staffand students or items the transferof technicalinformation controlling U.S.exportcontrollawsand regulations or itemsmayrequirea licensefrom out of the U.S.The transferof certaintechnicalinformation the U.S.government. withthe lawsof the stateof Ohioapplicable in accordance 2.2 ThisMOUwill be interpreted performed entirelywithinthe stateof Ohio,withoutgivingany madeand to be to agreements againsteitherParty Any actionor proceeding effectto any conflictsor choiceof lawsprinciples. heretorelatingin anywayto thisMOUor the subjectmatterhereofwillbe broughtandenforced in the competentcourtsof Ohio,and the Partiesheretoconsentto the exclusive exclusively jurisdiction of suchcourts. Article lV. Notices mustbe in writingsignedby the Partygivingit, andwill be Any noticeto eitherPartyhereunder deemedgivenwhenmailedpostageprepaidby postalservicefirst class,certified,or express as follows: whenaddressed mailservice,or handdelivered, mail,or otherovernight To University: JeffreyP. Gold, M.D. Chancellor,ExecutiveVice President for Biosciencesand HealthAffairs, Dean of the Collegeof Medicineand Life Sciences The Universityof Toledo 3045 ArlingtonAvenue Toledo,Ohio 43614 To