651 East Springfield Road • Springfield, Pennsylvania 19064
651 East Springfield Road • Springfield, Pennsylvania 19064
651 East Springfield Road • Springfield, Pennsylvania 19064 I IMPORTANT PHONE NUMBERS Business Office / Rectory 61 0-626-3321 • 610-626-3322 Parish School 610-626-1709 Religious Education 610-626-1057 Convent 61 0-626-2492 Pastoral Minister 610-626-8266 Music Coordinator 215-632-6457 Korean Catholic Center 61 0-259-2240 Catholic Social Services 61 0-626-6550 Website www.holycrosscatholics.org E-mail [email protected] PARISH PASTORAL STAFF Rev. John D. Gabin Pastor Rev. Edward B. Cahill Pastor Emeritus Rev. H. James Hutchins Parochial Vicar Rev. Msgr. Paul F. Curran In Residence Deacon Robert Frankenberger Deacon Joseph N. Gousie Sr. Loretta Saudarg, RSM Business Manager Sr. Mary Carmela, RSM Pastoral Minister Ms. Kathleen Fitzpatrick Principal Mrs. Kelly Meliti Director of Religious Education Mr. John Robinson Music Coordinator MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Evening: 5:15 PM Sunday, Upper Church: 7:30, 9:30, 11:30 AM BAPTISM POLICY Baptisms are celebrated every Sunday, except for the first Sunday of the month, at 12:30 PM. Please call the rectory at 610-626-3321 to set up an appointment with a Priest. First time parents and godpClrents are required to attend a Baptism Preparation Session. Only when Certificates of Eligibility from godparents are presented" then a date for the baptism can be set. Holy Day: 8:30 AM and 7:00 PM Weekday: 8:30 AM CONFESSIONS Saturday, Lower Church: 4:00 to 5:00 PM MARRIAGE POLICY Arrangements are mad~ directly with t~e Parish Priest.s, vyithin six months before the Intended wedding date. Weddings are reserved for active parishioners. Pre-Cana Session is required. Please call Rectory for appointment with Parish Priests. Our next Parish Pre-Cana day will be on April 20, 2013. To reg\ister, call Bill & Nicole @ 610-626-8486. . VISITATION TO SICKAND INFIRM Please call the Rectory or Sister Mary Carmela, Pastoral Minister, when a parishioner is hospitalized or homebound. REGISTRATIONS By Appointment. All Catholics living in the parish should register at the Rectory. Please call Parish Office to make an appointment with one of the Parish Priests. The Baptism Preparation Sessions are held the first Sunday of the month at 12:30 PM in the Upper Church, with registration required. To register, please call the parish secretary during regular business hours (Monday to Friday, 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM). Registration must be made prior to the last Friday of the month. If no registrations are received, a session may not be held. RECTORY OFFICE HOURS Monday - Friday: same as the Business Office· 1:00 - 7:00 PM • Sunday: 8:00 AM - 2:00 PM Saturday: BUSINESS OFFICE HOURS (Entrance through the middle, rear door of the Church) Monday - Friday Only: 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM (Closed for Lunch 12-1 PM); Closed Saturday and Sunday PASTOR'S CORNER We congratulate our young parishioners who will be receiving their First Holy Communion this Saturday, May 11. May Our Eucharistic Lord bless them and their families with the fullness of His life and love and may they always stay close to Jesus and His Church through the Holy Eucharist. Next weekend, May 11 and 12, Manna Bags will be available at the church doors. We ask you to take a bag and fill it with canned food items such as beef stew, tuna fish, fruit, vegetables, pasta, soups and pork and beans. These are the most requested items by people in need of emergency food assistance. Then return the filled bags to church the following weekend - May 18 and 19. Thank you for your thoughtful charity to our needy brothers and sisters. A big thank you to our hard-working Knights of Columbus for giving us a wonderful Pancake Breakfast last Sunday. Many people attended and a good time was had by all!! As of April 24, one hundred and eighty seven gifts to the Catholic Charities Appeal were made by Holy Cross parishioners. Those gifts totaled $13 ,955 or 29% of our parish goal of$4 7,440. I'm grateful to you if you have already contributed to this important Appeal that helps so many needy people in our area. If you have not yet contributed, or even if you have and want to contribute again, I ask you to be as generous as possible. May God bless your goodness. We are in need of a few people to prepare decorated baptismal bibs for our parish infants being baptized. The parish will reimburse any expenses. If interested, please call Father Gabin at 610-626- 3321. Gina DeLuca and Joanne Miceli have agreed to be the adult coordinators of our parish Youth Group. Weare grateful to Gina and Joanne for their willingness to serve the youth of our parish in such an important way. I THIS THURSDAY IS ASCENSION T1fURSDAY A HOLY DAY OF OBLIGATION MASSES: 8:30 AM (Sr:hool Mass) and 7:00PM HC024 01 . 1Jl1asses 1for 1rhe meek Monday 8:30AM May 6 Tuesday 8:30AM May 7 Thomas and Bridget Lyons Wednesday 8:30AM MayS Michael McKeown No Vigil Mass Thursday 8:30AM May 9 Edna and Herman Pace Gene McGinnis 7:00 PM Friday 8:30AM Deceased Members of the McCloskey Family May 10 Thomas Bodell Denise Berry Branden Chandler Victoria Cutuli Sharon Diemer Clare Doherty Cornelius Dunleavy Dorothy Eberhard Emelia Fagnano Robert Fiore Anne Gallagher Mario Gambol Danny Hammond Carolyn Henderson Mary Kull Kendall Lambert Karen Landolfi Susan Marconi Patricia McCloskey Vincent Menta Helen Murphy Helene Neary Don Palermo Eve Palermo Melanie Palermo Mary Pipitone Mary Revello Helen Sciarrone Jeff Simmons Joseph Sindoni Mary Smythe Billy Winans, Jr. HOLY CROSS PARISH CARNIVAL TUESDAY, JUNE 11 TO Saturday 8:30AM _._-, May 11 Joseph Brodeur ... t n-rv: LlIIA .••.. ., Next Weekend Mass Intentions Saturday 5:15 PM May 11 Ellen Berry Sunday 7:30AM 9:30AM May 12 Michael Horan Sheila Flaherty McKinley and Mary Geary People of Holy Cross 11:30AM SATURDAY, JUNE 16 VOLUNTEERS NEEDED PLEASE CALL 610-626-3321 HC0242 FROM THE PASTOR'S DESK None of today's readings even mention traditional feasts. remembering her name. Nor is today one of her So, it might be easy to let day after day slip by without even that in this season of Easter, May is Mary's month. All the activity we hear about in the Acts of the Apostles and the love offered and commanded by Our Lord in today's Gospel would not have been possible if Mary had not said "YES" to God. Even the "new heaven" and the "new earth," promised in the Book of Revelation today, would not have been created. As small children, many of us honored Our Blessed Mother by fashioning our own little May altars. The girls yearned to play Mary in Christmas pageants, or we simply prayed the Rosary. As adults, we should continue to respect and emulate Mary. Her presence is not often visible in the New Testament, fact, at key times she is there; for example, at the Annunciation Wedding but it is there. In of Our Lord, the Feast of Cana, the Crucifixion of Our Lord and at Pentecost, and we should reflect on and follow Mary's example of obedience, faith, trust and love. Every day let us ask Mary, the Mother of God and our mother, to pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. I PREP - PARISH RELIGIOUS EDU~TION I PROGRAM As we look forward to another PREPyear, we would like to thank you for considering Holy Cross for your family! Our children learn and experience the Catholic faith through the message of Jesus Christ with our PREPprogram. Please consider being a catechist, aide, or hall monitor for the 2013-201? PREPyear. Re-registration and New Registration began in March. Please go to our website www.holvcrosscatholics.org for information about tuition rates and guidelines for PREP. You may download a registration form from the website or contact KellyMeliti at 610-626-1057. He 024 3 MANNA PRA YER Jesus. many times throughout Your life You fed hungry people and You call others to help. You called the young child with the loaves and fishes to share his gifts. You call each one of us today. Open our eyes to see the needs of others. Open our ears to hear your call to share. Open our hearts to welcome all people to the table of love. AMEN. .Mmma [}Jcup will De cWWDuhd at af1, of o.wt jViao6e6 on tIie useeiiend. oj May 11-12. fUndh; «eiusn. IJllWt Pf&d .Mmma [}JCUJ em S auocdaq, .May, 18 04 Sundatj, .Atlmj 19. &uuwd fiw.d items in ~t CO:N(jRJlr~L5trIONS Conqratulations to Mary iue« Jones, who won $198 from the 50/50 drawing at the Xnights oj CoIumbus 'Pancake Breakfast. Thanks to everyone who participaied. in this drawing. NEW VESTMENTS - MEMORIALS Eight new Mass vestments have been made for us. If anyone or any group would like to make a memorial donation of $125 for each vestment, a memorial patch will be sewed into the vestment and that person or persons will be remembered in the prayers of the Mass when the vestment is worn. The patch may be worded "In memory of Name ..." or "In honor of Name ..." Please make the check payable to Holy Cross. Two of the vestments have been memorialized. Please see Fr. Hutchins for any questions . CYO BOARD OPENING .For anyone interested in fillinz~ the ~ Athletic Director's position, please notify Mike Simpson or Tom Flaherty. Thank you. Tom Flaherty - 610-328-3097 [email protected] Mike Simpson - 610-329-9008 need axe: lieef "few, tuna fi,6fi, /'uUt, ttegefufdu, pasta, MJ..Up~, and pOJtii and ~. fjfuuzli lJOU f,cvt ~ eui. te. people in ~ oituatiens, He 024 4 PAYING ATTENTION TO THE ASCENSION! We have been pondering and celebrating the triumph of love over sin and death. We have heard our best stories of how the apostles and earliest followers of Jesus became convinced of His Resurrection, the reality of His glorified body; His abiding ; presence, and His promised return. Our own faith and relationship with all three persons of the Trinity are based on the experiences of these first Christians, on their interpretations of those experiences, and on the work they undertook to share the Good News with the world and-ultimately-with us. A long history of faith, work, charity, prayer, and example links us to those beliievers who stood staring at the sky and prayed together in community to await the Holy Spirit. Traditionally, the feast of the Ascension was celebrated after a forty-day "preparation" time: on the Thursday before the Seventh Sunday of Easter. In some areas, the American bishops have designated the Seventh Sunday of Easter for the celebration. Historically, Ascension traditions have included blessings of early harvests, solemn processions, holy dramas, and even hoisting of statues of the risen Christ through church roofs, complete with suspended "angels" and showers offlowers and unconsecrated wafers upon the congregation as mementos of the feast. And don't forget Ascension picnics. These are times for eating, playing, resting, and contemplating the sky that received the apostles' last glimpse of Jesus in the flesh. In the Northern Hemisphere, the spring weather draws us outside instinctively. Our central act of worship is a meal. So, a picnic is a natural expression ~f the feas.t, but we are fed on every word that comes from the mouth of God, and just as truly, l on the testimony of human lips. So nourish your picnic and your companions with your own testimony of powerful encounters with GO:d.Take the risk of admitting that you talk to God and God talks to you: that you negotiate with God for parking spaces and healing, that God humbles you With a divine sense of humor that places you exactly where you chose not to be, and that GO~ delivers the most subtle and outrageous miracles when you most need them and least expectthem. Your listeners will likely share some revelations of their own. 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