2016-03-20 - St. Gabriel`s Parish


2016-03-20 - St. Gabriel`s Parish
Passion (Psalm) Sunday - March 20, 2016
Intentions - March 20 - This Sunday’s Mass is in loving memory of
Theresa Wilson, requested by the Knights of
Columbus Council #12898 and the Round Table.
Intentions are $15.00
Offertory Collection
10 March 2016 - $527.30
Development & Peace $108.20
Thank You
Today is Palm Sunday and the beginning of the holiest of Christian
Let us pray for the grace to take up our own cross and to follow Jesus
through death to new life. As you donate your gifts to the Poor,
know that you are a sign of God’s love to those who carry their
cross of suffering and pain.
March 21
Bl. Maria Candida of the Eucharist: Birth: 1884, Death: 1949,
Beatified By: Pope John Paul II on March 21, 2004. As a child,
Maria Barba, of Catanzaro, Italy, learned to play the piano. At the age
of fifteen, she underwent an interior conversion that turned her heart
and mind totally to God. Sadly, her subsequent aspiration to religious
life was opposed by her family. During this time, Maria found
consolation in developing a profound love for the Eucharist and in
reading the autobiography of the Carmelite, Saint Thérèse of Lisieux.
When at the age of thirty-six Maria was finally able to become a
religious, she entered the Discalced Carmelite Order, having already
assimilated their spirituality. Taking the
religious name Maria Candida of the
Eucharist, she soon became her convent's
prioress. Ever zealous for the faithful
observance of the Carmelite rule, she once
admonished a nun for her laxity, asking her,
"My daughter, why do you insult the Lord
like this? Don't you realize that mankind
needs you?" In the 1930s, Mother Candida
wrote a book on the Eucharist steeped in her
own devotion to the Blessed Sacrament.
She died on June 12, 1949.
Today’s Gospel Reflection: This Sunday we begin the
holiest of Christian weeks, and we carry palms in procession with the atmosphere charged with both expectation and contradiction, with joy and soberness. For most of
Holy Week unfolds like many other weeks; we still contend with
work, school, preparing meals, doing laundry, cranky folks, the usual
triumphs and set backs. The readings for Palm Sunday invite us to
make this an extraordinary week—a week that concentrates in a few
days the ultimate meaning of our whole lives. We must slow down
and make choices so that this week doesn’t go by without our taking
the time to enter into its meaning. The real pity of this Holy Week
would be that we miss the opportunity to empty ourselves, take up
our own cross, and follow Jesus through death to new life. (Living
Liturgy, p.94)
Chrism Mass: Tuesday of Holy Week, March 22, 7:30 p.m. at
Notre Dame Cathedral. Parish reps (for Holy Oils) to pick-up parish
card at the Cathedral entrance no later than 7:00 p.m. All are welcome!
Good Friday Way of the Cross: Through the streets of downtown
Ottawa this coming Fri., Mar. 25. Led by Most. Rev. Terrence
Prendergast S.J., Archbishop of Ottawa. Departure at 9:30 a.m. from
Saint Patrick Basilica, 220 Kent. Arrival around 12:00 Noon at
Notre Dame Cathedral Basilica. Organized by Communion and Liberation. Info: ([email protected]).
Ring the bells! Worshippers at the Great Vigil of Easter are encouraged to bring with them any sort of hand-held bell they would like to
ring as we sing “The Gloria”
Holy Week Schedule
22 March - Chrism Mass (Notre Dame Cathedral) 7:30 p.m.
24 March - Mass of the Last Supper (St. Gabriel’s) 7:00 p.m.
25 March - Passion of the Lord (St. Gabriel’s)
3:00 p.m.
26 March - Easter Vigil (St. Michael’s)
8:00 p.m.
27 March - Easter Sunday (St. Michael’s)
9:00 a.m.
27 March - Easter Sunday (St. Gabriel’s)
11:00 a.m.
Lenten Opportunity: During Lent we are encouraged to pray, fast
and give alms. Lent gives the perfect opportunity for alms giving by
helping the less fortunate by purchasing one or two items to donate
each week and adding them to St. Gabriel's grocery cart for the West
Carleton Food Access Centre (Food Bank).
Wedding Anniversary Mass of Thanksgiving: Notre Dame
Cathedral, Sun., May 1, 2:30 p.m. For couples celebrating 5, 10, 15,
20, 25, 30, 40, 50, 60 + years of marriage in 2016. Families & friends
are most welcome. Registration details now available in parishes.
Deadline to register: Wed., April 20.
Knights of Columbus Charities Draw: “Please refer to the posters
in the entrances to the Church and Parish Hall for the complete list of
the 500 prizes valued over $500,000 to be won from the yearly
KNIGHTS of COLUMBUS Charities Draw on July 14th 2016.
Tickets are $5 and may be purchased from Clem Bussiere at 613-8321771.”
Mercy Killing? An invitation to St. John the Apostle Parish Hall,
2340 Baseline Rd. to hear Louise Harbour, Executive Director of
Action Life, speak on the critical life issues of euthanasia and assisted
suicide. Wed., Apr. 13, 7:00 - 8:00 p.m. Free. Info. & registration:
Deborah (613-820-3580).
Divine Mercy Sunday at Holy Redeemer Parish, Kanata:
Confessions, Exposition, Veneration of the Image, and a talk on
Divine Mercy. Sun., April 3, 2:00 - 4:30 p.m. Note: advance tickets
to the Saint Luke Productions play, FAUSTINA: Messenger of
Divine Mercy will be available. Info: parish office (613-836-1764).
Pilgrimage to Fatima & Lourdes: Hosted by Fr. Virgil
Amirthakumar, St. Isidore Parish, Kanata. A 10 day pilgrimage to
Portugal, Spain and France with visits to Lourdes and Fatima planned
for Oct. 2-11. Info/register interest: parish office (613-592-1961 ext.
7). Collette Travel presentation on Thursday, March 31, 7:00 p.m.
in the church fireside room.
Prayers for the Sick. Please pray for the sick among
our families and friends, especially, Raymond Cameron, Colleen Campbell, Mary Jardine, Darryl MacDougall and Sheila Moeser. The names will remain on
the list until we are otherwise advised.