St. James` the Great Parish Church, Longdon


St. James` the Great Parish Church, Longdon
Please pray for :Tony Nichols, Nicholas Varley, Reg Lockley
Bob Foster, Ann Thomas, Fred & Margaret Lewis, Nancy Elsworth,.
Rosemary Cliffe, Audrey Darbyshire ,
Mike Smith & Chris Cherry.
Lord we remember with thanks giving those we love and no longer
see, we pray especially for those recently departed
and their loved ones who mourn their loss at this time.
St. James’ the Great Parish Church, Longdon
Sunday 15th February 2015
Sunday before Lent
Welcome to our Family Morning Worship 11.00 am
Led by Rev’d Jan Waterfield
Remember all those who serve our country overseas.
Monthly Service Times
1st Sunday
11am Parish Eucharist
2 Sunday
11am Parish Eucharist
3rd Sunday 8am Holy Communion 11am Family Eucharist
4th Sunday
11am Parish Eucharist
5th Sunday 8am Holy Communion 11am Worship of the word
Monday & Friday Morning Prayer 9am
Wednesdays Holy Communion
Priest-in-Charge - Revd. Jan Waterfield
01543 410751
Churchwarden - Graham Passey
01543 490681
Churchwarden – Pam Cherry
01543 490194
Treasurer - Rob Heywood
01543 493488
This information sheet- Allen Juxon 01543 490418
Items for inclusion by Wednesday pm please
Web site:-
Thought for the Week
There are souls in this world which have the gift
of finding joy everywhere and leaving it
behind them when they go.
PF Farber
Please feel free to take your copy of this
pew sheet home with you
Our Hymns for Today
Meekness and Majesty
Be still for the presence of the Lord 54
We have a Gospel to proclaim
Our Readings for Today
2 Cor 4 : 3-6
Mark 9 : 2-9
Next Sunday’s Readings
Gen 9: 8-17
1 Peter 3 : 18 to end 251
Mark 1 : 9-15
Almighty Father,
whose Son was revealed in majesty
before he suffered death upon the cross:
give us grace to perceive his glory, that we may
be strengthend to suffer with him and be
changed into his likeness, from glory to glory;
who is alive and reigns with you,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever.
Jam Club
Each Monday during term time, at 2.00 pm
For babies, toddlers and parents/ carers.
Songs, play ,crafts and refreshments
In the Church meeting room.
Contact Pam 01543 490194
Ash Wednesday 18th February
There will be a service of Holy Communion at 10.00 am.
The next Messy Church
is on Saturday 21st February 4-6pm
Church Flowers
There is a rota sheet at the back of Church Please sign up.
Cross about the Pain
A quiet morning for Lent,
Saturday 14th March, 10am – 1pm St. James’ Church Longdon
Led by the Rev’d David Newsome.
An opportunity for a morning of quiet reflection during Lent.
It will explore the meaning of Christ’s cross and of how the
suffering of Jesus reaches into our own experience of suffering
and that of the world. The morning will include plenty of space for
your own reflection and prayer. Please sign up on the notice at
the back of the Church if you would like to come.
Aelfgar House
Donations this month will be for tinned
and dry foods,
Please place items in the box at the back of the Church.
Talk to Judy Grew for more information.