19 April 2015 - St Dominic`s Priory, Haverstock Hill


19 April 2015 - St Dominic`s Priory, Haverstock Hill
St Dominic
The Priory and Parish of
Our Lady of the Rosary &
Sunday Masses
6pm - Saturday Vigil
8.30 am - Mass
10.00 am - Family Mass
12.00 - Solemn Mass
6.00 pm - Mass
10.30 - 11.00am
5.30 - 6.00pm
11.15 - 11.45 am
Weekday Masses
Monday - Friday
7.30am, 10am & 6pm
7.30am, 10.00am &
6pm - Vigil Mass
Baptism course
3 Sunday of the month
after the 10am Mass.
Next course: Today
Last Week’s
5th April
Total: £864.90
Gift Aid: £655.50
12th April
Total: 1797.46
Gift Aid : £619.89
Thank you for
your generosity.
This Week’s
Sanctuary Lamp
Carol & Ray Clarke
Culleton Family
Feast Days This Week
St George,
Martyr, Patron of England
Sts Erkenwald & Mellitus,
(Haverstock Hill), Southampton Road, London, NW5 4LB | Tel 020 7482 9210
19th April 2015 - Third Sunday of Easter - Year B - Divine Office 3
Baptism Course
Parish Pilgrimage to Walsingham
Volunteers for
Maitland Park Care Home
Parish Pilgrimage to Lourdes
If you would like your baby baptised
come along after the 10am Mass
today. If you are not able to join us
today you may do so on any third
Sunday of every month after the 10am
Mass. It is a two part course and both parts must
be attended.
The annual Parish pilgrimage to
Walsingham takes place on Sunday
17th May. It is a great occasion with
Mass, a procession along the holy
mile into the village and some time
for quiet prayer, reflection and
shopping. The coach costs £20.00 per person.
Please ring Nuala on 020 7428 9340 to book
your place.
Maitland Park Care Home are looking for
volunteers to come in and spend time with their
residents and help them with some light gardening. If you have some free time to spare or know
of anyone who may also wish to volunteer please
contact Clare or June on 020 7424 6700.
8 - 12 June
Flying from Stansted, staying at the
Agena Hotel. Cost £429.00 plus insurance. Contact Nuala for more details on
020 7428 9340.
Rosary School First Holy Communion - 16 May
Walsingham Pilgrimage - 17th May
Parish First Holy Communion - 7th June
Parish Pilgrimage to Lourdes - 8th - 12th June
St Dominic’s First Holy Communion - 20th June
Confirmation - 21st June
The AGM for the Overseas Aid Group will be
held in the Priory on Sunday 26th April at
3.30pm. All members of the parish are welcome.
Dates for your diary
Vocation Discernment Group
The above group for 18 - 30’s will meet on the
24th April from 7-9 pm in the Hinsley Room, next
to Westminster Cathedral. For more information
contact, Fr Richard at
[email protected]
Pilgrimage to Our Lady of Stone
Saturday 3oth May
Priory Hall, Station Road, ST 15 8EN
For more information contact Sr Julie Alves OP,
at [email protected] or telephone
07881 505 425, or see poster in noticeboard.
Mothers’ Prayers
Mothers’ prayers will resume on Monday
20th April at 2pm in the Lourdes Chapel.
Please come along and join us in prayer.
Sanctuary Lamp Intentions
The sanctuary lamps before the Blessed
Sacrament are lit for particular prayer intentions. The lights burn for a week and
point us to the Tabernacle. There are envelopes in the repository and at the back of
Church if you would like candles lit for a
special intention. The intentions are listed
in the newsletter, with an indication of
which candle is burning for which intention. Please
complete one of the envelopes at the back of the
church and hand it to one of the Friars.
Overseas Aid Group
Priory Sports Club
The Sports Club will resume on
Wednesday 22nd April, at the Air
Dome on Weedington Road. from
5-6pm. With the weather warming up, there will be extensive opportunities to
try out a variety of sports. There is an annual
membership fee of £2.50 and 50p thereafter for
each session. Look forward to seeing lots of you.
Remember a loved one
You can help us pay for the new
hymn books, as well as commemorate your loved ones by sponsoring
a hymn book in the name of someone who has died. There are envelopes at the
back of the Church.
Acts 3:13-15.17-19
John 2:1-5
Luke 24:35-48
Lift up the light of your face on us, O Lord.
Alleluia alleluia!
Lord Jesus, explain the scriptures to us.
Make our hearts burn within us as you talk to
Contact Details
St Dominic’s Priory
Southampton Road
Fr Thomas Skeats OP
Parish Priest
Tel: 020 7482 9210
Fax: 020 7482 9239
[email protected]
Please Pray For...
The Risen Messiah
The scope of the appearance of the
risen Jesus given in the gospel extract
from Saint Luke today is very great.
The full setting of his teaching was not
explicitly evident in the missioning of
his earthly life; he was the Galilean who
had appeared with gifts of healing
which entailed their divine endowment
with which some passages in the later
part of Isaiah's prophesy anticipated.
His doctrinal and moral teaching were
the elements of a divine wisdom implicit in all of his words. He claimed a
heavenly origin, and that his teaching
was implicitly and historically related to
the Jewish scriptures, which it fulfilled
by clarifying and fulfilling.
The central part of his teaching would
The Holy Father’s be recorded in the discourses and discussions recorded by his disciple Saint
John giving the weight of divinity beUniversal:
hind his teaching, ultimately to be exThat people may learn plained by his unity and identity with
to respect creation
and care for it as a gift the Father, identified with the God of
of God.
Israel, with whom he will send the Holy
That persecuted
In his mission he had spoken as a man,
Christians may feel
but united personally with the Godhead
the consoling presence of the Risen Lord and accompanied by the presence of Faand the solidarity of ther and Holy Spirit, as also by the anall the Church.
gels who had always been with him:
anouncing his birth in Bethlehem, and
accompanying his solitude in the
Judean desert.
Geady Asta,
Marcillina Fejoku,
Derek Loftus,
Geady Asta,
K Barnes,
R McDonnell,
K Ruddy,
P McGuiness
Jim Wixted,
Miroslawa Kania,
Danuta Kurek,
Bridie O’Shea
Recently Deceased:
Anne Costelloe,
Mary Murphy
After his already prophesied betrayel
and arrest, his passion and his Crucifixion by the Roman procurator under the
pressure of the Jewish authorities, we
are following his appearances in his
human body resurrected by his fullyshared Trinitarian divinity. He had, according to Saint Luke, attached himself
to two travelling disciples on the way to
Emmaus, to whom he had opened the
Scriptural perspectives which set him
out as recapitulating all Jewish history
in the world perspective anounced by
the prophet Isaiah.
The disciples had returned immediately
to the Apostles in Jerusalem and were
telling them of their experience, and at
that moment He Himself appeared in
their midst uttering the words, 'Peace
Brown Bread
with you!' So he called on them to
26th April
enter into the peaceful heart of his GodVocation Sunday (PTF)
head: to experience its presence which
Second Collections
underlay his passion-wounded body.
And he asked for food to show that his
presence was both physical and spiritual.
In his earthly mission he had spoken as
a man; at this moment he speaks from
his Godhead through his glorified manhood before its definitive Ascension. So
he speaks from the perspective which
embraces all perspectives, and therefore with the greatest authority, most
useful for their ministering to his body
which they would participate as his
Church until time's end. He showed
them how he was fulfilling prophesies
in the Law of Moses, the Prophets and
the Psalms.
Exegetes currently identify five Messianic prophesies in the Law-books.
Firstly the enmity prophesied betwen
the seed of the serpent and the Seed of
the woman, not designated by a father
(Gen 3,15). Secondly, the blessing
promised to all the nations through the
Seed of Abraham (Gen 22,18); so Mary
is given a priority for the Seed of them
both. Thirdly, that 'the [Kingly] sceptre
shall not depart from Judah ... until the
Conciliator shall come, gathering the
people' (Gen 49,10), and here the slain
and risen King addresses the Apostles
to whom the gathering of all peoples is
Fourthly, the princes of neighbouring
people of Moab had asked a pagan seer,
Baalam, to curse the Israelites, but the
inspiration of God compelled him to say
'I shall see him, but not now: ... there
shall come a Star out of Jacob, and a
Sceptre shall rise out of Israel, and shall
smite the corners of Moab' (Num
24,17). Fifthly, 'I will raise up a Prophet
from among their brethren and will put
my words in his mouth; and he shall
speak unto them all that I shall command Him', which is in Deuteronomy
This gave the possibility of relating the
Law to the highest Wisdom: not just to
the Torah existing 'from the beginning'
as the Rabbis taught, but a timeless,
spiritually uttered Word of God such as
he was now giving, to be given by John
in his Prologue, and by Matthew in his
Sermon on the Mount. Amen.
Fr Edward Booth OP
A member of our Cambridge Community