

Sunday Readings
Religious Ed News
1 Kings 17:10-16—”The widow made a little cake
from her flour and gave it to Elijah.”
Hebrews 9:24-28 —”Christ was offered once to take
away the sins of many.”
Mark 12:38-44—“This poor widow put in more
than all the others.”
At Home Religious Education Families please
complete Session Six in your Finding God book
week this week. Don't forget to check our blog and like our
Facebook page Seton At Home Religious Education
for ideas to help your family live the liturgical year
at home.
Mass Intentions
Mon 11/9
Tues 11/10
Wed 11/4
4:30 PM
7:30 AM
9:30 AM
7:00 AM
7:00 AM
7:00 AM
Thurs 11/5
Fri 11/6
7:00 AM
7:00 AM
Int. of Parishioners
+Flora Caroselli
+John Smoot
+Pete M. Galvan
Int. of Lupe Magana
+Edward Lavalle
+Mr. & Mrs. Lauro &
Margarita Capuno
+Aurita Capuno
+Souls in Purgatory
Prayers for Healing…
Socorro Mendez, Candido Costa, Cynthia Correll,
Larkie Barnett, Cecil Smart, Trice Nicholas Harvey,
Peter Shaw, Peggy Cruz, John Cauzza, Edward
Tucker, Matilda Pacheco, Lori Goodwin, George
Gallardo, Patrick Cruz, John Gonzalez, Gail Istre,
John Perkins, Linda Loebach, Chuck Castaing.
*Names on this list will be deleted after 30 days. If
you would like to add/remove names please call the
parish office.
Holy Communion for the Homebound
If you or someone you know is sick and/or unable to
make it to Mass, please call Colleen at the parish
office to have Holy Communion brought to them.
Child Care
We need volunteers to assist with Sunday childcare!
Please consider assisting at the 9:30 or 11:30
Masses!! Contact Diane Cornejo 303-9511
Office Hours:
M-TH 8:15-4pm Fridays 8:15-2 pm
Presentation of the Gifts
Sign up to bring up the bread and wine during Mass! The binder is located at the back wall near the Baptismal font.
Remembering Our Loved Ones
During this month of All Souls, we commend the
spirits of our loved ones to the Lord. The bowl filled
with All Souls Envelopes will remain in our
sanctuary through November until the Blue
Memorial Service on December 4.
Please feel free to fill out an All Souls envelope with
the names of those you wish to have remembered in
our November Masses. Donations are optional.
Place your envelope directly in the bowl or in the
collection basket on Sunday.
Blue Christmas Tree
Ornaments are available to put the names of your
loved ones on our Blue Christmas Tree which will
remain in our Church through the Memorial Service
on December 4. During that service, we will listen
to music, scripture reading, prayer and a special
candle lighting ceremony in memory of our loved
ones who have gone before us. Put December 4 on
your calendar!
Thanksgiving Mass
We will be having a Thanksgiving Day Mass on
Thursday, NOV 26 at 9 AM. Join us!
K of C Thanksgiving Food Drive
Mark your calendar for The Knights of Columbus
6th annual Thanksgiving food drive for the needy,
the weekend of NOV. 21-22.
Thank you to all
our Veterans! May
God Bless you for
your service to our
country and to the
cause of freedom!
Happy Veteran’s
Together in Faith
Bishop’s Annual Appeal Continues
If you haven’t already participated in the Bishop’s
Annual Appeal, please consider doing so by picking
up a brochure in the lobby. This is the only diocesewide fundraising effort in the Central Valley. Funds
are used to support seminarian formation, religious
education of youth, adult and family life ministries
and more. Please be generous with your Diocesan
Church! Thank you for your support!
Join us at our annual Holiday Boutique, November
14, at The Petroleum Club. Contact LisaMarie at
703.3915 or email at [email protected]
Rock “n” Roll Gala a HUGE success!
As Donald Trump would say…”It was HUGE!” Our
Rock ‘n’ Roll Gala netted over $85,000! We are
grateful for the wonderfully creative work of our
Gala Committee and all who contributed items,
sponsored tables and generously supported the event.
Parish Mission Blessings
Thank you to Fr. Jude Eli for facilitating last week’s
parish mission. His words and presence were a
blessing for those who attended.
singles club for widowed, divorced, single
men & women, over 50 years of age. We meet every
1st Sunday of the month. Join us at 2 pm for
socializing in Logan Hall or Classroom 6, at St.
Philip’s Catholic Church. We are currently organizing a trip to New Orleans April 11-15, 2016. .Please
contact Beverly for more information @ 399-9515.
NOVEMBER 8, 2015
Mass Schedule
Saturday 4:30 pm
Sunday 7:30, 9:30, 11:30 am
Monday—Friday 7 am
Eucharistic Adoration
Wednesday 7:30 am—1 pm
Confessions Friday 4:30-6:30 pm
Infant Baptisms
3rd Saturday of the month
Contact parish office for info.
Parish Staff
Msgr. Perry Kavookjian, Pastor
[email protected]
Rev. Mr. David
Hours: Deacon
[email protected]
Mon-Thurs: 8-4pm & 7-9pm
Fridays 8-2 pm & 4:30-6:30pm
Christine Nguyen, Office Manager
[email protected]
Colleen Baiza, Administrative Assistant
[email protected]
Susan Scaffidi, Music
[email protected]
SOLO is a
St. Martin of Tours: November 11
The son of a veteran, Martin was forced at the age of
15 to serve in the army. When he became a Christian
at 18, he began to struggle as a soldier with the call
to follow Christ. This Veteran’s Day, consider the
soldier who defends you, but also the veteran, the
wounded, many of whom struggle to find Jesus while
defending our nation. We have seen the effects of the
stresses they have endured because of war. Can you
help? Can you volunteer at a veterans’ hospital? Can
you work for peace?
Rory Duran, RCIA/Adult Formation
[email protected]
Megan Pruett, High School Youth
[email protected].
Liz Neuman, Elementary/Junior High Youth
[email protected]
Sam Duran, Liturgical Ministries
[email protected]
Melissa Quintanilla, Wedding Coordinator
[email protected]
Diane Cornejo, Child Care
[email protected]
Jim Dutton, Facilities Care
[email protected]

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