July 31, 2016 - Holy Cross Catholic Parish
July 31, 2016 - Holy Cross Catholic Parish
651 East Springfield Road • Springfield, Pennsylvania 19064 IMPORTANT PHONE NUMBERS Business Office / Rectory 610-626-3321 • 610-626-3322 Parish School 610-626-1709 Religious Education 610-626-1057 Convent 61 0-626-2492 Pastoral Minister 610-626-8266 Website www.holycrosscatholics.org E-mail [email protected] PARISH PASTORAL STAFF Rev. john D. Gabin Pastor Deacon Robert Frankenberger Deacon Joseph N. Gousie Sr. Loretta Saudarg, RSM Business Manager Sr. Mary Carmela, RSM Pastoral Minister Mrs. Maureen Ward Principal Mrs. Kelly Meliti Director of Religious Education Mr. Timothy Reilly Music Coordinator MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Evening: 4:30 PM Sunday, Upper Church: 8:30 and 11:00 AM BAPTISM POLICY Baptisms are celebrated every Sunday, except for the first Sunday of the month, at 12:00 PM. Please call the rectory at 610-626-3321 to set up an appointment with a Priest. First time parents and godparents are required to attend a Baptism Preparation Session. Only when Certificates of Eligibility from godparents are presented, then a date for the baptism can be set. Holy Day: 8:30 AM and 7:00 PM Weekday: 8:30 AM CONFESSIONS Saturday, Lower Church: 3:30 to 4: 15 PM MARRIAGE POLICY Arrangements are made directly with the Parish Priests, within six months before the intended wedding date. Weddings are reserved for active parishioners. Pre-Cana Session is required. Please call Rectory for appointment with Parish Priests. Our next Pre-Cana day will be on November 5, 2016. To register, call Bill & Nicole @ 610-626-8486. VISITATION TO SICK AND INFIRM Please call the Rectory or Sister Mary Carmela, Pastoral Minister, when a parishioner is hospitalized or homebound. REGISTRATIONS By Appointment. All Catholics living in the parish should register at the Rectory. Please call Parish Office to make an appointment with one of the Parish Priests. The Baptism Preparation Sessions are held the first Sunday of the month at 12:00 PM in the Upper Church, with registration required. To register, please call the parish secretary during regular business hours (Monday to Friday, 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM). Registration must be made prior to the last Friday of the month. If no registrations are received, a session may not be held. BUSINESS OFFICE HOURS (Entrance through the middle, rear door of the Church) Monday - Friday Only: 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM (Closed for Lunch 12-1 PM); Closed Saturday and Sunday PASTOR'S CORNER Increasing violence against police officers, between races and through terrorist attacks has deeply troubled people today. We need to pray for peace in our country and in the world. A Holy Hour of Prayer for Peace will be held at St. Francis of Assisi Church on Saxer Ave. in Springfield on Monday, August 15, at 7:00 PM. Please join me at St. Francis to pray for much needed peace in our world. The Korean Catholic Community has relocated to their newly formed parish in Newtown Square. Their departure from Holy Cross has created a vacancy in their formerly occupied area, which we would like to fill as soon as possible since their presence had been a source of income for the parish. The Archdiocesan Office for Property Services is seeking a lessee for us, along with realtor Nicholas Deluca, a member of our parish. Please contact me if you are aware of anyone who might be interested in leasing the available area. How to Become a Catholic The RCIA Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults STARTING THIS FALL If a spouse, relative, or friend is interested in becoming a fully initiated member ofthe Catholic Church, please encourage them to consider participating in our RCIA program. The classes are designed to open the hearts and minds of individuals to the saving grace of Our Lord through His Holy Catholic Church. The program is open to: * Inquirers, baptized and unbaptized * * * Those wishing to convert from another faith Baptized but uncatechised Catholics who have not received First Communion and/or Confirmation Returning Catholics who want a renewed understanding of the Catholic Church and her teachings Please help build the Mystical Body of Christ, His Catholic Church, through evangelizing and encouraging individuals to become a Catholic. HOLY HOUR FOR PEACEIN OUR COUNTRY AND THE WORLD ST. FRANCISOF ASSISI CHURCH MONDAY, AUGUST 15 7:00 PM He 0241 il» • I ~a~eeor~e NffDED: NEW EXTRAORDINARY MINISTtRS Of "l:gec-k MONDAY AUGUST 1 Saint AJphonsus tiguori, Bishop and 8:30AM Doctor of the Church Concetta Lind and Grace Tricome AUGUST 2 TUESDAY Saint Eusebius of Vercelli, Bishop Saint Peter Julian Eymard, Priest 8:30 AM WEDNESDAY 8:30AM Michael Connell AUGUST 3 Bill McGrory AUGUST 4 THURSDAY Saint John Vianney, Priest 8:30 AM William Millison AUGUST 5 FRIDAY The Dedication of the Basilica of 8:30 AM 7iOLY COMMUNION AND LECTORS CALL: 610-626-3321 Saint Mary Major Rocco and Magdaline Gentile SATURDAY AUGUST 6 The Transfiguration of the Lord 8:30 AM Adele DiPietro Stephen Collins Charles LaPorta Sharon Diemer Rose Leto Jim Donahue Patricia Lyons Cornelius Dunleavy Joanne Marks Dorothy Catherine Eberhard McNulty Grayson Fagan Lynn Neary Mary Fagnano Dominic Palermo Michele Goff Eve Patermo Carolyn Henderson Laurann E. Pazuier Harry Iezzi Joseph Sindoni Carole Kime Adeline Sulpizio Mary Kull Theresa Torelli Kendall Lambert Michael Waters THE SISTERSOF MERCY WILL BE SPONSORING AN OPEN HOUSE AT MC AULEY CONVENT (MERION) ON SEPTEMBER 17, 2016, 2:00 PM TO 4:00 PM. This is an opportunity to visit our retired sisters (some who served here at Holy Cross). We are calling it SHOULDERS DAY because we stand on the shoulders of the ones who came before us. We are also selling chances for the benefit of our retired sisters and the winning that event. chances '!Viii be pulled at Chances can be purchased at the Business office or by contacting Sister M. Carmela. NEXT WEEKEND MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY 4:30 PM AUGUST 6 Jim Carroll Archbishop Prendergast Class of 1966 so" Reunion October 15, 2016 - Springfield SUNDAY 8:30AM AUGUST 7 People of Holy Cross and Great afternoon Living and Deceased Members of Notre Dame information Class of 1955 11:00 AM Brian and Wanda Connolly friends. invitations Country Club Luncheon of fun and connecting with old Looking forward to seeing everyone! at bonnerprendie.org More (Alumni Events) have been sent. Please return card with your check as soon as possible. received an invitation, If you have not please contact Dottie Bracken Evangelista @ [email protected] HC0242 c~ AU; ElN~11 On Wednesday, August 24, from 7:00 PM 8:00 PM, all home schooled, public, and parochial school students are invited to the Parish Center to help make Christmas ornaments for the parish's Giving Tree in December. Please bring a pair of scissors from home. The rest of the materials will be provided that night. Pre-school and kindergarten students are asked to be accompanied by an adult to assist with cutting and tying string to their child's ornaments. An adult from the Respect Life Group will be there to assist the other students. Chocolate chip cookies and juice will be provided, as well as listening to Christmas music while the students work. Registration for the event is required and a maximum of 20 students will be permitted to attend the special night, so register early! To register orfor questions aboutthe event, please call Peg Tomassetti at 484-494-0139 and leave your child's name, grade level in September, emergency contact phone number, and if your child has any food allergies, by Friday, August 19. WE _ PRAY FOR THE SAFETY AND PROTECTION OF OUR LOVED ONES IN THE ARMED FORCES AND ALL OF OUR FIRST RESPONDERS (Police Officers, Fire Fighters, EMT's) DISCOVERING CHRIST SERIES SPONSORED BY THE CATHOLIC PARISHES OF THE SPRINGFIELD AREA What is the purpose of life? Why does Jesus matter? How can I begin a better life? EVERY THURSDAY AT 6:30 PM BEGINNING OCTOBER 6 EACH WEEK: *DINNER * DYNAMIC TEACHING * EXPLORING ANSWERS * NO COST Join us in the cafeteria on the lower level of St. Kevin Church for Discovering Christ a sevenweek series including a life changing retreat. Join us in exploring our identity in Jesus Christ. All free. Register online (preferred method) at: www.discoveringchristinspringfield.org or call St. Kevin Church - 610-544-8777 Holy Cross Church - 610-626-3321 51. Francis of Assisi Church - 610-543-0848 HOLY CROSS PREP 2016-2017 REGISTRATION INFORMATION Registration begun. for the 2016-2017 As we look forward PREP school year has to another PREP year, we would like to thank you for considering Holy Cross for your family! Our children learn and experience our PREPprogram. will need to submit Parents of all students in grades 2-6 a returning student registration form along with the fee to the business office. MAJOR PAUL ALLEN LT. AMY CALLAHAN, USN, MD LT. JAMES P. CALLAHAN, USN the Catholic faith through the message of Jesus Christ with Parents of students entering Level One will have to fill out a new student registration form and submit a copy of their baptismal certificate. All families applying should be parishioners of Holy Cross Parish. LT. JOHN R. CALLAHAN, USN LANCE CORPORAL JUSTIN D'ARCY STAFF SERGEANT GERALD DE JOHN You can find the appropriate forms online at wwwholycrosscatholics.org under the PREP category. CPL. JOHN G. LAROUCHE Forms are available in the school office as well as in the SGT. ALEX RANKIN, USMC business office. No student will be placed on a class list if we do not have his/her payment by August 15. Supporting Parishioners: SUNDAY COLLECTION JULY 24 AMOUNT $9,334 RECEIVED $225 - for one child for registration August 15. paid by $250 - for one child for late registration after August 15. paid $300 - for 2 or more children - this family fee applies only to registrations received by August 15. HC 0243 FROM THE PASTOR'S DESK A priest speaks fondlyofhis grandmother who had traveled widely after the death of his grandfather. With loving humor the family all laughed about a needlepoint piece that hung in her sitting room which proudly prodaimed: "Being Someone once said: he worships.- This sums up Rarely are the three of sound mind, I spent it all!" "Show me how a person spends his time and money, and I'll tell you what god our Scripture readings today. readings of our Sunday Mass so closely related. They all speak of how useless possessions and the pursuit of wealth really are. We collect and collect stuff, but for what? What purpose do our possessions serve? Certainly some things are needed and practical, but how does all the rest serve God, our families or the poor? Why are our closets full when people starve? Why do some children never enjoy brand new clothes when other children have clothes they never wear? Why do we work so hard to earn enough to do better for our children, but do not always have TIME to spend with them? A priest from India working in an American parish owned only two pairs of pants. When asked "Why?" he said: "One for washing, one for wearing." We need to ask ourselves: how much do we need and how much can we give? Our answers show how much we trust and love Jesus. PRO-LIFE RADIO The Pro-Life Union of Delaware County is proud to announce the first Pro-Life radio station to If yow St'at"~ U1it:he- u,~' ~ c;u"~tycw~ ~ ~ k+ww wher~ ~ ~M~ ~ wCU'\t whew yow yow<AM'\l~O'f\It:he-w t'~ WWw.~~Ofi . CATHOLIC CLINICAL CONSULTANTS Confidential professional counseling that respects and affirms your Catholic faith 855-518-2223 originate from Delaware County. Pro-Life America Radio initiated its first show on Thursday, February 25,2016. The show broadcasts from Havertown every Thursday night from 8:00 - 9:00 PM. Please visit this site to listen live at: www.Prolifeamericaradio.com Please spread the word. ANot"~of~ Thanks to all who contributed to our backpack project for the homeless. Your donations helped brighten the spirits of those in need and were greatly appreciated. A program of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia Mary Ann O'Shea He 0244 PARENTING FOR SPIRITUALLY AND EMOTIONALLY HEALTHY KIDS (Part 2) This article is a continuation of the discussion of "parenting for spiritually and emotionally two weeks ago week. To summarize that article, the most crucial point to remember is in development and must be treated rapidly) in him/her. introducing with an understanding We look at seven inter-related the concept of "Mindsight," We can then use this understanding kids" that we began is that your child (and their brain) of the changes that are taking place (sometimes, strategies for nurturing our children. a term developed by Dr. Dan Siegel that means "understanding to understand very We begin this section by our own MINDS." the minds of others (i.e.'. our kids). Now, let's look at strategies #8 - 12: 8. Let the Clouds of Emotion Roll By: Teaching That Feelings Come and Go. Of course, it is good to teach kids to get in touch with and verbalize their feelings. But it is equally important to teach them that feelings are TEMPORARY AND CHANGEABLE (not unlike the weather). This allows them to develop the perspective that emotions won't last forever (though they may "feel" This will help in staying calmer and more effectively 9. up). SIFT: Paying Attention awareness." like they will). manage painful feelings (which will inevitably show to What's Going on Inside. Now, we are going to introduce We need to teach kids to know what is on the rim of their "wheel" the "wheel of and focus on: 1) The Sensations (messages) their body sends them; the Images they have from their experiences and imagination (mostly, from the right side of the brain); the Feelings they have (right brain); and the Thoughts they are using to make sense of or understand their world (left brain). This is the basis of "MINDSIGHT." 10. Exercise Mindsight: Getting Back to the Hub. Teaching kids (and adults) that they can choose how to think and, subsequently, how to feel about what they experience in life is tremendously empowering. It teaches them that they never have to become victims (maybe the victim of an unfortunate that event does not have the power to make them into a "victim" personality). event, but The "hub"is finding our way back to our peaceful and calm center. (The second aspect of MINDSIGHT is known as the "ME-WE CONNECTION": INTEGRATING SELFAND OTHER. This allows us to develop relationships combination of insight with empathy Adults MUST create positive relationships form relationships based on kindness, compassion, leads to the development and empathy. of interpersonal with kids in order to encourage them to make friends and by helping them be receptive instead of reactive, and to use MINDSIGHT skills with ~~) 11. ~ Increase the Family Fun Factor: Making a Point to Enjoy Each Other. Spending time having fun, playing and enjoying one another is a cornerstone to growth: Each enjoyable experience releases the brain's "reward" 12. This integration. chemical (dopamine) to be valued. Connection Through Conflict: and teaches that relationships (in and of themselves) Teach Kids to Argue with a "We" in Mind. raising kids. There will be conflict. Bringing in All Together. and give them a bright future. Teach them to understand Teach them how to repair the relationship Being a "whole-brain" teaching them these strategies, There is one guarantee to So, teach kids how to handle it in useful ways using MINDSIGHT. Help them learn to recognize others' perspectives and viewpoints. cues so they can attune to others. are rewarding and will positively parent and offering impact the development "whole-brain" living to kids by of their lives (and their brains) In this way, you can help them create an amazing narrative to carry from childhood and adolescence into a healthy adult life. This will create the integrative foundation spirituality nonverbal after conflict. and healthy emotions. For more information on raising "whole-brain" for healthy children and dealing with family conflict, contact the Center for Pastoral Counseling of Greater Philadelphia at 610-544-1400, ext. 308. Dr. Keith Coleman, LMHC, AAPC Fellow He 024 5 rJ{5U{X YOl1 !! The Holy Cross Carnival Committee wishes to Thank the following sponsors: Jack Clark & Sons O'Leary Funeral Home Knights of Columbus, Holy Cross Council Tootsie's Salad Express NES EMS - Carl Monzo Iovine Brothers Westbrook Target Govannicci Family Market Market The Leitz Family Tony's Pizza Mr. & Mrs. V. Desiderio Keating Driveway Sealcoating JT Brewski, Inc. Michael Gilfedder, Attorney Catherine & Monica Armstrong Thomas L. D' Alonzo, 00 Louise Casciano State Road Builders Supply Jim & Lillian Donahue Rick Jackson Construction Margaret Gary T. Murphy The O'Connor Family Marucci Family Darby Township Republican Party Lamb Tavern Abate Construction Valori Family Scaramuzza's Pasta Brant Blackbum landscape ShopRite of Drexeline William & Mary Brophy Contractor, Inc. Cassidy Agency, Inc./Gerald Cassidy John Hauser's Drexel Automotive, Inc. Mark Dileonardo Plumbing & Heating Korean Catholic Community M. Hermann at Holy Cross Family of Nicole Gallo Pat Boyle Ellen & George Dickinson Mark Govannicci Family Mike D'Orazio Plumbing & Heating Jeannia Telfort Delco Postal Credit Union Oliver Heating & Cooling Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Purcell LaMonaca Law Mr. & Mrs. Berkley Meg & Ross Barendse Friends of Bill Adolph Jr. Duke's Tavern Alice K. Markiewicz Katy Colvin, Lincoln Financial Group Joseph Kredatus The Cleary Family Frank Boyle, CPA Ms. Josephine Davey The Judge Family Helen & Warren Bevan Mary Coughlan The DiNicola Family Teresa A. Miller, Attorney The Carroll Family The Grandizio Family Brinker, Simpson & Company, LLC Mary James AMDG Exterior Contracting The Dunleavy-Smythe at Law Mrs. Maureen Ward Family Thank You to the following Holy CrossOrganizations for the beautiful Raffle Baskets lectors and Eucharistic Ministers Home & School Association St. Vincent DePaul Eucharistic Adoration Committee Respect Ufe Committee Pre-CanaTeam Mary Kay from Dolores Morroni CYO Music Ministry HCPrep Social Committee Hospitality Committee Knights of Columbus The Philadelphia Eagles A very Special Thank you to ALL who dropped off baked goods for the food tent! And ALL of the Wonderful Volunteers, who came early, stayed late, covered double shifts, help set up and clean up! Your dedication to Holy Cross is much appreciated! God Bless! *please support our business sponsors that graciously support our parish" 024 - F
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651 East Springfield Road • Springfield, Pennsylvania 19064
Business Office / Rectory