Social Ministries - Holy Cross Catholic Church


Social Ministries - Holy Cross Catholic Church
1210 East Wood Street, Paris, Tennessee 38242-4402 Office: (731)-642-4681 Fax: (731) 644-9668
E-mail address: [email protected] Website: Office hours: Weekdays 8:30 am - 3:30 pm
29th Sunday In Ordinary Time:
October 19, 2014
Pastor: Rev. Krzysztof (Kris) Rusin
Deacons: Rev. Mr. Michael Gore, Rev. Mr. Rodney Seyller
Office Manager: Mrs. Leila Kackley
Receptionist: Mrs. Judy Warrer
Director of Preschool: Mrs. Angie Taylor
Preschool teacher: Mrs. Connie Bell
Director of Faith Formation: Ms. Dorissa Filopoulos
Assist. Director of Faith Formation: Mrs. Sam Smith
Music Minister: Mr. T. J. Gladwell
Organist: Mr. William McDonald
Maintenance: Mr. Paul Plowman and Mrs. Teresa Herman
Saturday -- 5:00 pm
Sunday -- 8:00 am, 10:00 am & 12:00 pm (Spanish)
See page 2 of the bulletin for the daily Mass schedule.
The LifeTeen Mass is the second Sunday of the month at 10:00
am during the school year .
Saturdays at 4:30 pm and Sundays at 7:30 am
Wednesdays: OLPH Novena after 12 pm Mass. Fridays:
Chaplet of Divine Mercy after 12 pm Mass.
Begin each Fall. Adults seeking information about membership in the Catholic Church should call Andy Fazzini at
Classes for 1st through 8th grade students meet on Wednesday
evenings at 6:15 pm during the school year.
Meets on the first & second Sunday evening of the month at
5:30 pm in the gym during the school year. Other meeting
times will be given at that time.
Mass is celebrated at 12:00 pm every Sunday in Spanish.
Our preschool program is conducted from 8:15 am until 11:15
am weekdays during the school year. Children must be four
years old on or before August 15th of the year they would like
to attend. For more information or a tour of our school, please
call 642-4681.
Articles for the bulletin must be submitted to the church office
(by e-mail preferred or in writing , No phone calls please)
no later than noon Monday for inclusion in the following weekend’s issue. E-mail address is :
[email protected]
If you choose to bring it to the office over the weekend put it in
the gray file cabinet drawer marked OFFICE.
Saturday -- 3:45 to 4:30 pm
Sunday -- 9:15 to 9:45 am
Anytime by appointment
Arranged by appointment. At least one godparent must be a
practicing Catholic; another practicing Christian may serve as
a Christian witness. Parents must be registered with the parish.
Arranged with the Pastor at least six months in advance. Marriage preparation is conducted by Rev. Mr. & Mrs. Michael
Anointing & Pastoral Care of the Sick
Please call the office if someone is hospitalized or ill at home
and/or would like to receive Holy Communion, Confession,
and/or Anointing of the Sick. (NOTE: the hospital does not
notify the church about admissions.)
Holy Cross Catholic Women (HCCW) meet on the third
Wednesday of the month September through May.
Knights of Columbus Council 7086 meet on the second
Thursday of the month.
Social Ministry Call Fran Brown for meeting times 642-0584.
Oktoberfest Call Al Luigs for information 731-234-9913.
Rev. Krzysztof Rusin, Mary Ellen Blanton, T. J. Gladwell,
Lorraine Hamilton, Paul Plowman, Dean Robb, and
Phil Wichlan.
Diane Mahan, Angie Taylor, Rose Cunningham,
Rosemary Hehn, Kelly McEntire, Xanne Harrison.
Rev. Krzysztof Rusin, Melody Plowman, Cynthia Guinn,
Ron Harrison, Billy Smith, Al Luigs, Brittney Plowman,
Deacon Rodney Seyller, Karen Sinn, T. J. Gladwell, Andy
Fazzini, Dorissa Filopoulos, Dustin Smith, Ryan Mahan,
Consuelo Núñez, Silvia Oñate, Fran Brown, Ann Cardoso,
Carolyn Gore, Lorraine Hamilton, Angie Taylor.
Many Cultures - One God - One Faith
All God’s Children are Welcome!
Dear Parishioners and Visitors,
Maybe you don’t feel worthy of being called the child of God, but believe me our Loving God loves you as you are. No
matter what your present status is in the Catholic Church --- maybe you have a very difficult family or financial situation, maybe you have a lot of baggage from the past or present time, maybe you don’t even want to come to Church because of your previous experience with a priest/s or parishioner/s --- PLEASE COME AND TRY AGAIN!!!
No matter what your story of life is (background, age, sexuality, race), no matter what your own self-image or selfesteem is … just remember that you are invited…, accepted…, welcomed…, respected…, and loved… here at Holy
Cross Catholic Church.
YÜA ^ÜéçáéàÉy eâá|Ç, Pastor at Holy Cross Catholic Church – Paris, TN
Muchas Culturas, Un Dios, Una Sola Fe
Todos los Hijos de Dios son Bienvenidos!
Queridos Feligreses y Visitantes,
Tal vez usted no se sientan dignos de ser llamados hijos de Dios, pero créanme nuestro amoroso Dios los ama tanto tal
como son. No importa cual sea su situation actual en la Iglesia Católica -- tal vez tengan un problema familiar o financiar muy dificil, o tengan una carga muy pesada del pasado o del presente, o no quieran venir a la iglesia debido a su
experiencia previa con un sacerdote/s o feligrés/s--- POR FAVOR VENGAN Y PRUEBEN DE NUEVO!!!
No importa como sea su historia de vida es (antecedentes, edad, la sexualidad, la raza), no importa cual sea la imagen
que ustedes tengan de sí mismos o su autoestima... solo recuerden que son invitados…, aceptados…,bienvenidos…..,respetados…, y amados… en la Santa Cruz Iglesia Católica.
ctwÜx ^ÜéçáéàÉy eâá|Ç? Pastor at Holy Cross Catholic Church – Paris, TN
[† deceased]
Mon 10-20
Tue 10-21
Wed 10-22
Thurs 10-23
Fri 10-24
Sat 10-25
Sun 10-26
Weekly Mass Schedule
5:00 p.m.
8:00 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
12:00 p.m.
12:00 p.m.
6:30 a.m.
12:00 p.m.
5:30 p.m.
12:00 p.m.
5:00 p.m.
8:00 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
12:00 p.m.
Dick Miller †
Ethel Riley †
Paul Plowman
Bob Warrer † and Jerri Bickley †
Holy Cross Parish
Thomas Holcomb
Jack† & Ruth† Metzo
Cathy Meldrum
Betty Fairchild †
Joseph † and Mildred † Janego
Rev. Joseph Paolozzi
The rosary is recited Saturday at 4:30
pm and Sunday at 7:30 am;
Novena of OLPH Wednesday after
12:00 pm Mass;
The Chaplet of Divine Mercy Friday
after 12:00 pm Mass.
The Pope’s October Intentions
Holy Cross Trunk or
Treat Celebration
Wednesday, Oct 29th at 6:15 -7:30 p.m.
Please pray regularly for the
Pope’s intentions.
General Intention:
That the Lord may grant peace to those parts of the world
most battered by war and violence.
Missionary Intention:
That World Mission Day may rekindle in every believer zeal for carrying the Gospel into all the world.
Las intenciones del Papa para Octubre
Intención General
Que el Señor os conceda paz a las partes del mundo
más maltratadas por la guerra y la violencia.
Intención Misionera
Que la Jornada Misionera Mundial puede reavivar
en cada creyente celo por llevar el Evangelio a todo
el mundo.
Greet the children with treats from your car
trunk, if you wish, decorate your vehicle.
Hot dogs will be provided, please bring
snacks or drinks to share with children / parents. Please no decorations or costumes
portraying evil or immoral characters
All parishioners are welcome to celebrate
with the children.
Social Ministries
There will be a Social Ministries
meeting on Thursday, October 23th at
6:30 pm in the Gym Conference
Ministerial Schedule
October 25 & 26, 2014
Altar Servers:
5:00 p.m.
8:00 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
5:00 p.m.
8:00 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
5:00 p.m.
8:00 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
Eucharistic Ministers:
5:00 p.m.
8:00 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
5:00 p.m.
B. Taylor
M. Brown
M & A Boyd
C. Herrera
P. McIntosh
Weekly Parish Support
Sunday, October 19, 2014
Budgeted weekly for operating expenses..........$6,417
October 19th contributions...................................5,439
+/- budget on October 19th.................................-1.259
+/- budget fiscal year to date [week 15]..............-6,996
M. Griffis
G. Gulish
S. Minor
B. Gardner
M. Brown
R. Boyd
J. Peberdy
D. Elkins
E. Dillon
C. & F. Brown
J. Beasley
J. & H Baskitis
B. Bragg
FOOD FOR THOUGHT: If you try tithing (10%) for one
year, you will never stop due to the many blessings you
will receive.
Thank you! ¡ Muchas Gracias!
A. Cardoso
Free 8x10 Photo & Color
October 31st 2-6 pm
November 1st 10 am-5pm
November 4th -7th 2 pm – 9pm
November 8th 10am-5pm
We Need Photos!!
If you have photos of any church activities/
events from the last few years - please drop
them off at the office. We may use them for the
activity pages at the beginning of our new
directory. We can’t promise to return them, so
be sure to keep a copy!
Discounts Available!!
20% For Senior Citizens
$5 off when you bring in a non perishable food
$10 off for signing up online with an email address
Go to
click on the link and make your appointment online
Sign Up after Mass
(Call Brittney 731-336-0934 to make an appointment or if you need assistance)
We want to make this a complete representation
of our church family— PLEASE be a part of it!
Dear parishioners,
Like last year, if you return the All Souls
Day envelope (please don’t do it at the last
minute…!!! ) we will put the name/s in the
Book of Memory so we will divide the
names for the whole month of November
and in this way we will pray for all of them
by name/s at all Masses during the whole
Please put those envelopes with the regular
collection or give them to Judy at the office.
There will be a binder at the side entrance
of the church for your convenience to check
the day (and at which Mass on that day/s
we have more than one Mass) we will pray
for our loved ones.
<God Is Love><
Thank you for your understanding,
YÜA ^Ü|á
Parent Meeting in Gym
Wednesday Night
October 22, 2014
6:30 p.m.
Calling all youth musicians! We are forming a youth
orchestra and a sacred music chorale at Holy Cross.
The orchestra will play and the chorale will sing at the 5
p.m. Christmas Eve Mass as well as at Easter. Both the
orchestra and chorale will be under the direction of our
parish organist, Mr. William McDonald. Rehearsals will
begin the first week of November and continue through
Christmas. Easter rehearsals will be announced later.
Any youth of Holy Cross who play an orchestra instrument or would like to sing sacred music are invited to
join. Please call Mrs. Kathryn McDonald (731-2354404) or send an e-mail ([email protected])
by November 2 to register or with questions. Once rehearsals commence, no additional players will be added. All participants must be able and willing to attend
every rehearsal.
Connecting with us just got easier!
We’re using to help sign-up our members, gather feedback & send out
info via email, txt msg and more. All from one, easy place. It's the best way for you to
connect with all of our groups and activities and in the way that you prefer to communicate!
There are 2 easy ways to sign-up (pick one):
Visit our network at:
or Text __PARIS__ to 84576
from your phone and follow the instructions
Text STOP to 84576 to stop txt notifications at any time. Text HELP for help. There is no charge for this service, but your carrier message and data rates may apply. View full terms & conditions
ACTUAL Church Bulletin Bloopers: Don't let worry kill you. Let the Church help.
· Thursday night will be a potluck supper. Prayer and medication to follow.
· For those of you who have children and don't know it, we have a nursery downstairs.
·A bean supper will be held on Tuesday evening in the church hall. Music will follow.
·This afternoon there will be a meeting in the south and north ends of the church. Children will be baptized at both ends.
† † † VATICAN CORNER † † †
(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis during his Angelus address on Sunday said, “the goodness of God,
“knows no boundaries and does not discriminate against anyone, everyone is given the opportunity
to respond to his invitation, to his call”. From the window of his studio overlooking Saint Peter’s
Square during his Angelus address, Pope Francis reflected on Sunday’s Gospel from Matthew, in
which the King issues an invitation to a wedding feast which is rejected by some and accepted by
The Pope explained that the invitation had three characteristics, those of gratuity, breadth and universality.
He went on to say that “none of the chosen ones accept to take part in the feast, they say they
have other plans, and indeed some show indifference, alienation, even annoyance.” The Pope
then recounted how despite this rejection, the King is not discouraged, “he does not cancel the party, but extends his invitation beyond all reasonable limits and sends his servants into the streets
and to the crossroads to gather all those they find.” Pope Francis then added “ the Gospel, rejected by some, is unexpectedly welcome in so many other hearts".
The goodness of God, underlined the Pope “knows no boundaries and does not discriminate
against anyone, everyone is given the opportunity to respond to his invitation, to his call” He continued by saying that “we need to open ourselves to the peripheries, recognizing that even those
who are on the margins, even those who are despised and rejected by society, are the object
God's generosity.
Following the recitation of the Marian prayer Pope Francis turned he attention to the recent floods
in Genoa saying, his prayers were with “the victims and for those who have suffered serious damage.” He also recalled the beatification of Fr. Francesco Zirano, who died for refusing to renounce
his faith adding that his courageous fidelity to Christ was an act of great eloquence, especially in
the context of ruthless persecution against Christians".
Our Holy Father On Tweeter this last week:
Oct 11 2014 - The spiritual power of the Sacraments is boundless. With grace, we can overcome every
Oct 10 2014 - Dear young people, Christ is coun ng on you to be his friends and witnesses to his infinite
Oct 7 2014- Let us ask the Lord for the grace not to speak badly of others, not to cri cize, not to gossip, but
rather to love everyone.
Oct 6 2014 - Come, Holy Spirit. Bestow upon us your gi s during the Synod.