May 17, 2015
May 17, 2015
Holy Family Catholic Church 14160 Ferndale Road Dale City, VA 22193 May 17, 2015 CLERGY Pastor………..…………...Rev. Gerard Creedon Parochial Vicars………...Rev. Alexander Diaz Amaya Rev. John T. O’Hara Permanent Deacons……Mr. Vincent Einsmann Mr. Joseph L. Santiago Mr. Helio Gomez In Residence……………Rev. Bjorn C. Lundberg PARISH INFORMATION MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Vigil 5:00 PM (Folk Choir) 6:30 PM (Misa en Español) Sunday………………… 7:30 AM (Cantor) 9:00 AM (Solemn Mass) 10:30 AM (Children’s Mass) 12:30 PM (Misa en Español) Monday-Friday…………7:00 & 9:00 AM Saturday…………………9:00 AM First Friday…………….. 7:00 PM Federal Holidays……… 9:00 AM RECONCILIATION (Confesiones) Friday…………………… 7:00-7:30 P.M. First Friday……………… 6:30-7:00 P.M. Saturday………………… 8:30-9:00 AM & 4:00-4:30 PM EXPOSITION OF THE MOST BLESSED SACRAMENT Wednesday………………9:30 AM -7:00 PM Benediction First Friday………………7:30 PM -8:30 AM Saturday Telephone……………….. 703-670-8161 Fax ………………………... 703-670-8323 Web Site: E-mail [email protected] Office Hours: Mon-Fri………………….. 9:00 AM—5:00 PM Saturday………………….9:00 AM—5:00 PM Sunday……………………9:00 AM—2:00 PM Holy Family Catholic School Principal…………………. Mrs. Sarah Chevlin Preschool Director………Mrs. Judi Peacott Office Manager…………..Mrs. Kathy Murphy Telephone……………….. 703-670-3138 NEW PARISHIONERS and those with address changes….Welcome to Holy Family Catholic Church! We are very pleased to have you join as a parish member. Simply fill out the information below and return it to us and we will contact you. God Bless, Fr. Gerry Creedon Name:_____________________________________ Home Phone:_________________ Cell# :________________ Address:________________________________________ City:______________ St:______ Zip Code:__________ El Rinconcito del Padre PASTOR’S CORNER Estimados Feligreses, Dear Parishioners, “Te alabaré Señor en la asamblea de Tu pueblo ". La Liturgia es la cumbre y la fuente de la vida de la Iglesia. La palabra liturgia es una palabra Griega que significa literalmente "El trabajo de las personas." “I will praise you Lord in the assembly of your people". The Liturgy is the summit and source of the Church's life. The word liturgy is a Greek word that literally means "The work of the people." Estoy orgulloso de servir como Párroco de la Iglesia de la Sagrada Familia y de colaborar con los Sacerdotes, Diáconos y líderes laicos al dirigir nuestra parroquia en oración y alabanza. I am proud to serve as Pastor at Holy Family and to collaborate with Priests, Deacons and lay leaders as we lead our parish in prayer and praise. El Diácono Joe Santiago ha ofrecido estos últimos meses un apoyo maravilloso a nuestros ministerios de liturgia y canto y él le gustaría continuar sirviendo como consultor en el área de la Liturgia. El Diácono Helio Gómez también ayudará con la coordinación y el apoyo litúrgico. Deacon Joe Santiago has offered wonderful support to our ministries of worship and song these past months. He would like to continue to serve as a consultant in the area of worship. Deacon Helio Gomez will also assist with Liturgy coordination and support. Janet Munford ha aceptado servir como Coordinador de Música de la Iglesia de la Sagrada Familia. Ella ha sido nuestra organista/pianista durante muchos años y, en los últimos meses, Janet ha estado coordinando nuestros coros. Como Coordinadora Musical, Janet junto con nuestros Sacerdotes y Diáconos, ayudará con la planificación de todas nuestras actividades litúrgicas, incluyendo las Misas, los Sacramentos, Bodas, Quinceañeras y Funerales. Ella va a apoyar a nuestros diversos directores de coro y coordinadores del ministerio litúrgico al alentar la participación activa y consciente de nuestra diversa asamblea. Janet Munford has agreed to serve as Holy Family's Music Coordinator. She has been our organist/pianist for many years. Over the past few months, Janet has been coordinating our choirs. As music coordinator, Janet in conjunction with our Priests and Deacons will assist with the planning of all of our liturgical activities, including Masses, Sacraments, Weddings, Quinceañeras, and Funerals. She will support our various choir directors, and liturgical ministry coordinators as we encourage the active and conscious participation of our diverse assembly. Ahora es el momento oportuno, al aproximarse nuestra Feria de Ministerios, para considerar maneras en que cada feligrés pueda colaborar con sus carismas y dones. Yo animo especialmente a nuestros jóvenes que consideren unirse al coro juvenil de la Sagrada Familia. Por favor, comuníquese con Janet. Now is an opportune time, as we consider our upcoming Ministries Fair, to consider ways that each member can contribute their charisms and gifts. I especially encourage our youth to consider joining in Holy Family's youth choir. Please be in touch with Janet. Bendiciones a los niños que celebraron su Primera Comunión en el Espíritu. Blessings to the children who celebrated their First Communion in the Spirit. Paz, Padre Gerardo Peace, Fr. Gerry Creedon Nuevos Feligreses y Feligreses con Cambio de dirección ¡Bienvenido a la Iglesia la Sagrada Familia! Estamos muy contentos que se van a inscribir como miembro de la parroquia. Favor de llenar la siguiente información y devuélvalo a la oficina y nos pondremos en contacto con usted. Nombre:_________________________________ Teléfono (Casa):______________ Teléfono Celular:________________ Dirección:______________________________________ Ciudad:______________ Edo:____ Código Postal:_______ Capital Campaign Building Fund We thank you so very much for your commitment and support to our Capital Campaign Building Fund. Please remember to use the purple envelopes when making your payments. Also, please note in the memo area of your checks "Building Fund" or "Capital Campaign". Generosity Report Please do not combine multiple donations in one check. Thank you for your continued support! Regular Collection May 2nd & 3rd In Pew: $ 14,521 Faith Direct: $ 4,950 Total Offertory $ 19,471 Second Collection Please note: In regards to the Bishops Lenten Appeal, all payments should be sent directly to the Diocese of Arlington. We at Holy Family do not record any pledges or payments for the Bishops Lenten Appeal. Thank you so much for your continued generosity and support to your parish. STAFF DIRECTORY Second and Special Collections for May 2015 Parish Staff Mrs. Daisy Ramos, Office Manager Mrs. Blanca Sloan, Office Assistant Mrs. Damaris Santiago, Secretary Mrs. Juana Bernal, Receptionist Miss Rosa Rivera, Weekend Receptionist Mrs. Paula Kane, Bookkeeper Mr. Sergio Gonzales, Facilities Director Mr. Ray Watson, Facilities Assistant Mrs. Elia Rodriguez, Rectory Administrator 703-670-8161 703-670-8161 703-670-8161 703-670-8161 703-670-8161 703-670-8161 703-670-8161 703-670-8161 703-670-8161 x302 x301 Special Parish Needs $2,373 May May May May 03 10 17 24 Capital Improvements Special Parish Needs Catholic Communications Nepal Earthquake Special Collection x306 x309 x309 Liturgy and Music Deacon Joseph Santiago, Liturgy Coordinator Ms. Janet Munford, Music Coordinator 703-670-8161 Religious Education & Youth Ministry Fr. Diaz, Director of Faith Formation Mrs. Toni Papp, Director of Youth Ministry Mrs. Linda Bishop, Secretary Mrs. Patricia Soriano, Secretary 703-670-8161 703-670-8161 703-670-8161 703-670-8161 x304 x311 x308 x325 Social Ministry Mrs. Matty Lupo, Director Ms. Guadalupe Thompson, Special Projects Volunteer Mrs. Ana Lemus, Assistant Volunteer Line Food Pantry & Assistance 703-670-8161 703-670-8161 703-670-8161 703-670-8161 703-730-1791 x312 x312 x336 x313 Bulletin Submissions Deadline: Monday, noon Please email submissions to………. [email protected] A free and easy way of giving! We ask every parish family to please consider enrolling in Faith Direct, a more convenient way to make your weekly offerings to Holy Family via automatic payment from your checking account or credit card. No more checks to write or envelopes to worry about. There is no cost to you for enrolling in this new way of supporting your parish!! Please ask the parish office for an enrollment form, or go to their website: Our Faith Direct church code is VA119. If Faith Direct is not possible at this time, you may also arrange your weekly offertory contributions through your bank via automatic disbursements. For more information, please contact the parish office. If you currently receive offertory envelopes and have enrolled in Faith Direct, please notify the parish office so that we may notify the envelope company and you no longer receive the offertory envelopes in the mail. This week at Holy Family May 18, 2015 - May 24, 2015 † Denotes Mass for Deceased Monday: St. John I, Pope and martyr 7:00 AM † Gilbert Lewis 9:00 AM † Lourdes Ocampo Tuesday: 7:00 AM Larry Firth 9:00 AM † Art Barry Wednesday: St. Bernardine of Siena 7:00 AM † Sandy Coffman 9:00 AM Caroline Crisp Thursday: St. Christopher Magallanes & companions 7:00 AM † Roman Kaminski 9:00 AM † Jim Kelleher Friday: St. Rita of Cascia 7:00 AM † Paul McElroy 9:00 AM Eileen M. Soto Saturday: 9:00 AM † Tivis Baldridge 5:00 PM † John Brinkheide 6:30 PM † Leonor Isabel Garcia Sunday: Pentecost 7:30 AM † Joseph Caiazzo 9:00 AM Rev. Bjorn Lundberg 10:30 AM † Yentrice, Tyson, Adam T. Johnson 12:30 PM Basilio Rivera Readings for the Week of May 17, 2015 Sunday, May 17, 2015 8:30 8:30 9:00 11:30 2:15 5:00 AM AM AM AM PM PM Black History Heritage Outreach Bake Sale - Vestibule Blood Pressure Screening after all Masses - Baptistery Religious Education Classes - Assigned Rooms New Parishioner Welcome Reception - Baptistery Legion of Mary Potomac Comitium - Baptistery Pulse - Fr. Griffin Hall 10:00 3:30 6:30 6:45 7:00 7:00 7:00 7:00 7:00 7:00 AM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM Legion of Mary - Daily Rosary - Church Girl Scout Brownies and Daisies Meeting - Teen Center School’s Sports Banquet - Fr. Griffin Hall Familia de Nazaret - Baptistery Legion of Mary (Spanish) - Room 1 Cursillo Gathering - Library Grupo Timón Meeting - Room 6 Choir Rehearsal - Church Boy Scout Troop 1392 Meeting—Teen Center ESOL Spring 2015 Classes - Room 2,3,4,5,8 10:00 7:00 7:00 7:00 AM PM PM PM Legion of Mary - Daily Rosary—Church Immaculate Heart of Mary LOM - Employee Lounge Legion of Mary (Spanish) - Kindergarten Religious Education Classes - Assigned Rooms 9:30 9:30 10:00 7:00 7:00 7:00 7:00 7:30 7:30 AM AM AM PM PM PM PM PM PM Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament - Church Holy Family Crafters Gathering - Teen Center Legion of Mary - Daily Rosary - Church Benediction - Church Reunion de Ministros - Room 7 Spanish Choir Practice - Teen Center ESOL Spring 2015 Classes - Room 2,3,4,5,8 Schola Choir Practice - Church Pastoral Council Meeting - Meeting Room Monday, May 18, 2015 Tuesday, May 19, 2015 Wednesday, May 20, 2015 "Go into the whole world and proclaim the gospel to every creature. Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved; whoever does not believe will be condemned. 9:30 AM These signs will accompany 10:00 AM those who believe: in my 10:00 AM name they will drive out demons, they will speak new 5:00 PM 7:00 PM languages. They will lay hands on the sick, and they will 7:00 PM recover." - Mk 16:15b-17, 18c Sunday: Acts 1:15-17, 20a, 20c-26/1 Jn 4:11-16/Jn 17:11b-19 Monday: Acts 19:1-8/Jn 16:29-33 Tuesday: Acts 20:17-27/Jn 17:1-11a Wednesday: Acts 20:28-38/Jn 17:11b-19 Thursday: Acts 22:30; 23:6-11/Jn 17:20-26 Friday: Acts 25:13b-21/Jn 21:15-19 Saturday: Acts 28:16-20, 30-31/Jn 21:20-25 Next Sunday: Vigil: Gn 11:1-9 or Ex 19:3-8a, 1620b or Ez 37:1-14 or Jl 3:1-5/ Rom 8:22-27/Jn 7:37-39 Ext. Vigil: Gn 11:1-9/Ex 19:3-8a, 16-20b/ Ez 37:1-14/Jl 3:1-5/Rom 8:22-27/ Jn 7:37-39 Day: Acts 2:1-11/Gal 5:16-25 or 1 Cor 12:3b -7, 12-13/Jn 15:26-27; 16:12-15 or Jn 20:19-23 Thursday, May 21, 2015 7:00 PM 7:00 PM Circle of Caring Meeting - Baptistery Legion of Mary - Daily Rosary - Church Call and Sent Meeting—Baptistery Teen Choir Practice - Church Crecimientos Meeting - Room 1 and Teen Center Clases Biblicas - Fr. Griffin Hall Sunday Choir Rehearsal - Meeting Room Religious Education Classes - Assigned Rooms 10:00 3:30 7:00 7:00 7:00 7:15 AM PM PM PM PM PM Legion of Mary - Daily Rosary - Church Junior Girl Scout Meeting - Teen Center Grupo de Oración - Fr. Griffin Hall Grupo de Oracion para Niños y Jovenes - Room 6 & 7 Agape Meeting - Meeting Room Legion of Mary Patricians Meeting - Teen Center 9:45 10:00 10:00 4:00 AM AM AM PM Legion of Mary Queen of All Hearts - Employee Lounge Baptisms - Baptistery Legion of Mary - Daily Rosary - Church Choir Rehearsal for Saturday 5 PM Mass - Meeting Room Friday, May 22, 2015 Saturday, May 23, 2015 Liturgy and Music Thought of the Day Remember in your prayers... The sick of our Parish Community: Robin Spalding, Carl & Patricia Cotterick, Edwin & Lorraine Boshek, Anna Mae McAndrew, Edward Pantle, Mary Jean Bozzelli, Ana Cajas, Christine Wendt, Zachary Wendt, Mariann Mills, Tracy Woodland, Bosco Williams, Andrew Becquer, Avery Heino, Bill Archer, Hortencia Wanderlinder, Anna Braese, Pat Brooks, Olivia Bowie, Maureen Ratliff, Jadiria Centero, Eric Fuller, Molly Barcalow, Theresa Bresnahan, Philip McFadden. Please pray for our deceased relatives and friends: Angelica Arauz Rodriguez, Cecile McKoy, Michel Sylla, Aniceta Baheyan, Godfrey Swann, Nazaria Ruano de Moran, Vic Poillucci. Pray for our military men and women and their families, may God keep them safe and out of harms way: Kenny Molina, Zachary Ritter, Erick Noland, Natalie Campos, Capt. Airforce , Ivan Solvado Sanchez, Maria & Cesar Hernandez, Victoria Lopez, Jason Budoya, Patrick Rotchford, Nicolas Potter, Lance Corporal Jared E. Middleton, George Frye, U.S. Marine, Dawn Sloan. (Please let us know if your loved one returned safely home.) Seventh Sunday of Easter Ascension of the Lord May 17, 2015 “And they went out and proclaimed the good news everywhere, while the Lord worked with them.” If you are discerning a vocation to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus as a priest, deacon or in the consecrated life, Call Father J.D. Jaffe (703) 841-2514, or write: [email protected]. He ascended to receive the glory due to Him as conqueror of sin and death (Philippians 2:8-11); to be our Mediator and advocate with the Father (Hebrews 9:24); to send the Holy Spirit as He had promised at the Last Supper (John 16:7); and to prepare a place for us as He also promised . - John 14:2 Now He is seated at the Father's right hand, which means that, as He said, "all power has been given to Me in heaven and on earth (Matthew 28:18). He always had that power as God, but now He exercises it as man, as King of the Universe, with His Mother beside Him as Queen of the Universe." Eucharistic Ministry Would you consider becoming a Minister of Holy Communion for our parish? Serving Our Lord and serving our home bound community go hand in hand. It is a privilege to serve at Mass and the rewards are bountiful when we take Our Lord to those who are home bound due to illness or injury. The term is for 5 years of service. Please let the office staff know if you would like to become a Eucharistic Minister. This month we lose two of our dedicated lectors who are moving away from our parish. We would like to thank Mike Patton and Tony Gamboa for their dedication to proclaiming the Word of God so beautifully over the past few years. Our prayers go with you as you begin new phases in your lives. God bless you both and good luck. Altar Flower Donation Program A lovely way to celebrate a special occasion or honor a loved one. If you would like to donate to our flower program, please come to the front office or email us at [email protected] Ministry Fair Please keep reading our parish bulletin in the following weeks as we plan our upcoming Holy Family Ministries Fair. As you know, it is because of our ministry volunteers that we are able to have such beautiful and reverent liturgical events here at Holy Family. Please consider volunteering for one of the many music or liturgy related ministries. Youth Ministry & Religious Education May 17 May 19 June 8 Final PULSE session, 6:30-8:30 PM— Dinner, games and surprises! Final RE Class - Do Not Forget to Register for RE classes next year!! WorkCamp Crew Meeting - Parent Required WorkCamp 2015 is almost here! If you would like to be part of this amazing week, contact the Youth Ministry Office immediately. Many adult and young adult helpers are needed at homebase (where we stay for the week). All ability levels (very active to sitting at a desk.) WorkCamp is June 20-26, 2015. 2015 Graduation Mass All high school & college Class of 2015 graduates are invited to be honored on Sunday, June 7th at the 10:30 AM Mass. A reception for graduates and families is immediately following. Cap, gown & awards encouraged. RSVP to the Youth Ministry Office by June 1. Bring a picture to the main office to be included in our display of graduates. (pictures will be returned, no larger than 5x7 please). Summer Friendship Summer Friendship is coming! A whole summer of fun, field trips, sports, games and friends! Starts Monday, June 29 with a Family Cookout, then meet 2-5 PM for all middle schoolers (incoming 6th grade – 8th grade) and 7-10 PM for all high schoolers (9-12th grades). Open to all teens, regardless of parish or faith background so bring friends & family! June 30 – August 14! Registration information coming soon! Holy Family Vacation Bible School (VBS) June 22 - June 26 from 9:00 am - 12:00 pm Registration Fees: (includes T-shirt, crafts, and snacks) $80 - per child (up to 3 children in the same family) Additional children may attend free of charge. $90 - per child of non-parish families VBS is for students entering Pre-K (must be potty trained and be 4 years old by September 30th.) through 5th Grade. You may register your children in the Religious Education Office Charity Bingo The Knights of Columbus are sponsoring a Charity Bingo on To all our Religious Ed volunteers; Memorial Day at the VDW Hall Catechists, Assistants, Office Aides, Hall on Minnieville Rd. Doors open Monitors, Substitutes and Parking Moniat 12:30 pm and sales start at tors. Each one of you is important in the 1:00 pm and play begins at 2:00 fabric of our program and we could not be successful without you. Please let us know if pm. All net proceeds go to the John Paul I Charity Fund, which supports Holy Family Parish activities you are interested in helping again next year. To others, we are always looking for new talent to help in many and charitable groups within Prince William County. ways! Please offer yours. Works of Mercy Opportunities May Henderson Elementary Husky Fun Run – May 28 & May 31 –use this website to sign up Holy Family Ministry Fair – May 31st, 7:30 AM – 2 PM, sign up at RE Office June Graduation Mass & Reception – Sunday, June 7, 8:30 AM – 1 PM Summer Friendship Bulk Mailing – June, date to be announced, after school. Regular Monday night Knights of Columbus bingo will begin no less than one hour after the end of the first session. Sales should start at 6:30 pm. Both Sessions feature $1,000 jackpots, regular game payouts of $100 and instant progressive jackpots. For information, call Bill Gleicshner at (703) 491- HOLY FAMILY SCHOOL NEWS Plan to have dinner at Brother’s Encore on Wednesday, May 20th. If you From the desk of Mrs. Judi Peacott, Our “Hoppin’ Up” Ceremony will be held mention Holy Family when you are oron Friday, May 22nd. This event celedering, the school will receive a perbrates our children “hoppin’ up” to their centage of the profits. Thanks for next level of education, be it Kindergarten the support. or one of our preschool classes. This will Now Accepting Applications We are now accepting enrollment applications for the 2015 - 2016 academic year. The Holy Family Catholic School Experience provides a safe and nurturing environment for all students with a commitment to Catholic Faith, learning and mutual respect for all. Please call Mrs. Murphy, Admissions Director, at 703-670-3138 to set up an to set up an appointment to tour our exceptional school. This summer the school be celebrated by all our children and there will be special program hours. The children should be in their classrooms at 9:30 on that day. The program will begin around 9:45in the Gym and a small reception, provided by our wonderful PTO, will follow. The children are busy working on special songs and performances for this and we look forward to seeing all of you there. This event will conclude our preschool year! It has been a fabulous year, filled with all types of fun and adventures! Thank you to all of our preschool families for sharing your children with us! We will also say goodbye to a few of our beloved teachers & staff ~ Mrs. Ginny will be retiring, Miss Peggy and Mrs. Maria will be leaving us as well. Please join us in thanking these lovely ladies for all the beautiful loving care they have provided our children over the years ~ If you are interested in joining our preschool team, please contact Mrs. Judi Peacott, ext. 314, for more information! plans to host a summer camp that will be open to children in the parish as well as our school children. We plan to have an iPhone/IPad Only Photography Course For Children. (Bring your own device or a Holy Family Catholic School mini iPad available on request) The camp will be July 6-July 9 from 9 – 11 AM at Holy Family Catholic School. For more information or a registration flyer call the school office at 703-670-3138. Our Mission: Holy Family Catholic School provides a Christ-centered and nurturing environment where every child grows in wisdom as Christ grew in wisdom with His Holy Family. Our school family is dedicated to spiritual, intellectual, and social growth while embracing individual academic needs and our culturally diverse community. Our students strive for academic excellence and become life-long learners. We mirror Christ’s love through works of service and respect towards others. SOCIAL MINISTRY Volunteer Opportunities at the Tepeyac Center We ask for weekly regular volunteers for DMC or Tepeyac of different levels during our 8 am—pm office hours or occasional events. Share your time and talents and email [email protected] or call 703-934-5552. Volunteer Baby Showers and Baby Baskets We are always looking for volunteers interested in hosting a baby shower or donating items for a baby basket. We especially need nice outfits, booties, hooded towels, hats, wash cloths, pacifiers, and diaper rash cream. We do not need blankets, furniture, or medication. Help immigrants in our Parish and community learn English! Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Arlington- Hogar Immigrant Services, Education Services is urgently seeking volunteer teachers for ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) at Holy Family. We offer five levels of English instruction and classes are held Mondays and Wednesdays from 7pm to 9pm. You only teach once per week as a part of a teaching team. Training and materials are provided. No previous experience or second language required! Please help us demonstrate Christ's love by "welcoming the stranger" in this country. If interested, please call (571) 2081572 or email [email protected]. Direct # for Social Ministry & Food Pantry 703-730-1791 Do you want to contribute to us? America’s Charities - ID #558 UNITED WAY COMBINED FEDERAL CAMPAIGN (CFC) ~ F. Y. I. ~ Weekly Diocesan TV Mass Brings the Mass to the Homebound Today is Ascension Sunday and we are reminded that Jesus is on his throne. Do we allow him to reign over our lives? One of the ways we show this is by living in humility, gentleness and love in a bond of peace. Do we reflect this in our marriage relationship? Allow Jesus to be Lord of your marriage relationship. The next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekends are both in Herndon on 10-20 September or 6-8 November. For more information or to apply, visit our website at or contact us at applications or 703-378-4150. Memorial Day Mass Monday, May 25, 2015 at 11:00am at Fairfax Memorial Park, 9900 Braddock Road, Fairfax, VA 22030. The Mass will be officiated by Father John M. O’Donohue. If this outdoor Mass is cancelled due to inclement weather, Father O’Donohue will offer an 11:00am Mass at Holy Spirit Catholic Church, 8800 Braddock Road, Annandale, VA 22003. Pilgrim Statue The statue of Fatima is a Pilgrim statue and makes regular visits to the faithful to inspire and lead us closer to our Lord. Do you know someone who can't get to Mass? Invite them to join in the Sunday TV Mass filmed in the Crypt Church of the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception. Every Sunday at 10:30 a.m. on WDCW-50, this Mass airs for the members of our Catholic family unable to be physically present for Sunday Eucharistic Liturgy. Festival 2015 We Need Your Talent! Planning for the Fall Festival is underway, but we need your talent to make it happen. Chairpersons needed immediately for many of our fun-filled activities. A few of our key vacancies are: raffle ticket coordinator, set-up, tear-down, cake walk, operations, silent auction, games, and many of our food booths. Please email Bob Bevelacqua and Laurie Dunlop at [email protected] if you can help plan this wonderful event. Did you know that you can have the Pilgrim Virgin visit in your home for a week? For more information please call Mary at 703-772-9908. 2015 Conferences for the Engaged One day Saturday conferences are held in Vienna, At our Lady of God Counsel, 8:30 am—4:00 pm. Three consecutive Thursday evening conferences are held in Woodbridge, at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, 7:00 pm—9:30 pm. For more information, please visit Please contact Bob Bevelacqua or Laurie Dunlop at the festival email [email protected] to request the next meeting date.