June 28, 2009 - St. Stanislaus
June 28, 2009 - St. Stanislaus
FRANCISCAN FRIARS PARISH AND&SCHOOL STAFF STAFF ORGANIZATIONS Fr. Michael Surufka, OFM, Pastor Mr. Bogdan (Don) Pieniak, Parish Administrator Fr. Leonard Stunek, OFM, Friary Guardian, Parochial Vicar Mrs.AND Deborah Martin, St. Stanislaus School Principal PARISH SCHOOL STAFF Fr. Placyd Kon, Koń, OFM, Parochial Vicar Dan Kane Jr., Business Manager Mr. Bogdan (Don) Pieniak, Parish Administrator Br. Justin Kwietniewski, OFM, Pastoral Ministry Mr. David Krakowski, Director of Liturgy Music Mrs. Deborah Martin, St. Stanislaus Schooland Principal Mrs.Dan Denise O’Reilly, St. Stanislaus Mr. Kane Jr., Business ManagerSchool Secretary Maintenance Manager DIRECTORY Mr. Fred DavidMendat, Krakowski, Director & of Social LiturgyCenter and Music Rectory & Parish Office 216-341-9091 Mrs.ORGANIZATIONS Denise O’Reilly, St. Stanislaus School Secretary PARISH Parish Fax 341-2688 Mrs.Fred Susan Halamek, Pastoral Council Chairperson Mr. Mendat, Maintenance & Social Center Manager St. Stanislaus Elementary School 883-3307 Ms.ORGANIZATIONS Celeste Suchocki, Finance Council Chairperson PARISH Central Catholic High School 441-4700 SophieHalamek, Wasielewski, Golden Agers President Mrs. Susan Pastoral Council Chairperson Pulaski Franciscan CDC 789-9545 Mr. Charles Janowski, Finance Jr., DadsCouncil Club President Ms. Celeste Suchocki, Chairperson Mr. Rick Krakowski, C.Y.O. Coordinator Mrs. Sophie Wasielewski, Golden Agers President Zielenski, St. Jr., Vincent Society Mr. Matt Charles Janowski, Dads DePaul Club President PARISH WEBSITE Ms. Matt Jane Bobula, Good Shepherd Catechesis Mr. Zielenski, St. Vincent DePaul Society www.ststanislaus.org Mr. Rob Parish Historical Committee Ms. Jane Jagelewski, Bobula, Good Shepherd Catechesis E-MAIL [email protected] Mrs.Rob Nancy Mack, MANNA Coordinator Mr. Jagelewski, Parish History PHOTO ALBUM Grace Hryniewicz, Shrine Shoppe Manager Mrs. Nancy Mack, MANNA Coordinator www.picturetrail.com/saintstans Mrs. Sharon Kozak, Alumni and Development Mrs. Denise Siemborski, Fr. William Scholarship Mr. John Heyink, Building andFestival Grounds Committee Ms. Marilyn Mosinski, Polish The artist’s sketch on the right artist’s sketch on the right Sister Mary Alice Building Jarosz, SSJ-TOSF, Stewardship Committee The Mr. John Heyink, and Grounds depicts the original building depicts the original building Ms. Marianna Romaniuk, PORADA Director Sister Mary Alice Jarosz, SSJ-TOSF, Stewardship with the spires. Corner Stone with the spires. Corner Stone Luis Ramirez, Lil Bros President Mrs. Alice Klafczynski, Hospitality laid in 1886, and church laid in 1886, and church dedicated in 1891. Mr. Ralph Trepal, Evangelization dedicated in 1891. Luis Ramirez, Lil Bros President SCHEDULE OF SERVICES MASS SCHEDULE MASS SCHEDULE Daily Masses: 7:00 AM & 8:30 AM (no 7:00 on Sat.) Daily Masses: AM & 8:30 Sunday Vigil: 7:00 Saturday 5:00 PMAM (no 7:00 on Sat.) Vigil: Saturday Sunday English Masses:5:00 8:30PM AM & 11:30 AM Sunday Polish EnglishMass: Masses: 8:30 AM & 11:30 AM 10:00 AM Holy DayPolish English: Refer to Schedule Sunday Mass: 10:00 AM Holy Day English: Refer Polish: 5:30 PMto Schedule Holy DayHolidays: Polish: 5:30 National 9:00PM AM National Holidays: 9:00 AM DEVOTIONS DEVOTIONS Daily Morning Prayer: 8:00 AM (exc. Sunday) Daily Anthony Morning Novena Prayer: Tuesdays 8:00 AM (exc. Sunday) Saint after Mass Saint Anthony Tuesdays afterafter MassMass Rosary for LifeNovena Tuesdays and Fridays Rosaryprayer for Life Fridays after Mass Avilas forTuesdays vocations,and second Monday of the month OFFICE HOURS Avilas prayer for vocations, second Monday of the month OFFICE TheHOURS parish office is open from Monday through Friday, The is open from Monday through Friday, 7:30 parish AM tooffice 5:00 PM. 7:30 AM OF to 5:00 PM. SACRAMENT RECONCILIATION SACRAMENT RECONCILIATION Saturday OF 4:00 to 4:45 PM or by appointment. Saturday OF 4:00 to 4:45 PM or by appointment. SACRAMENT BAPTISM SACRAMENT OFonBAPTISM Ordinarily Sundays at 1:00 PM. Alternate times must Ordinarily Sundays at 1:00 PM. Alternate times must be arrangedonwith a parish priest. Pre-Baptism instructions be a parish priest. Pre-Baptism instructions arearranged necessarywith in advance. are necessary in advance. SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE All arrangements must be made with one of the All arrangements must made in with one of the priests of the parish sixbe months advance. priests ofAND the parish six months in advance. GODPARENT SPONSOR CERTIFICATES GODPARENT AND SPONSOR CERTIFICATES Those who wish to be sponsors for Baptism or Those who wish to be registered sponsors for or members of Confirmation must andBaptism practicing Confirmation must beIfregistered and the Catholic Church. you attend St.practicing Stanislausmembers but you of the Church. If you attend Stanislaus you are Catholic not registered, please contact theSt.parish officebut so that are contact the parish office so that younot canregistered, be listed asplease a parishioner here. you can be listed as a parishioner here. FUNERALS FUNERALS Arrangements are made through the funeral home. Arrangements INQUIRY CLASSES are made through the funeral home. INQUIRY CLASSES (R.C.I.A.): Contact any member of the Pastoral Team. (R.C.I.A.): CHURCH HOURSContact any member of the Pastoral Team. CHURCH HOURS Church is open daily 30 minutes before and after all Church open daily minutes before andcall after Masses.isFor tours or 30 private prayer please theallrectory. Masses. For tours or private prayer please call the rectory. MASS INTENTIONS Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sat Sun THIRTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME June 28, (Czerwca), 2009 5:00 PM +Al, Jeno & David Schultz 8:30 AM +Lottie Gronowski 10:00 AM Sp. Int. Parishioners of St. Stanislaus 11:00 AM +Emilie and Richard Blaszak June 29 7:00 AM 8:30 AM June 30 7:00 AM 8:30 AM Jul 1 7:00 AM 8:30 AM Jul 2 7:00 AM 8:30 AM Jul 3 7:00 AM 8:30 AM Jul 4 8:30 AM St. Peter & Paul, apostles +Yeskulski Family +Mr. & Mrs. Kawecki Weekday (The First Holy Martyrs) +Tadeusz Frodyma +Walter DyLong Weekday +Felix and Helen Yeskulski +Elizabeth Dabrowski Weekday (Bl. Juniper Serra) +Henry Jarosh Sp. Int. Leah Hilliard St. Thomas, apostle +Lucy Ziolkowski +Philip Cendrowski Weekday (INDEPENDENCE DAY) +Maria & Theodore Leahy FOURTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME July 5, (Lipca), 2009 5:00 PM Sp. Int. Parishioners of St. Stanislaus 8:30 AM +John Depta 10:00 AM +Celia Kopec 11:00 AM +Casey Parada 1:00 PM Baptism of Anastazia Katherine Betley MUSIC – THIRTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME ENGLISH MASS Processional Offertory: Communion: Recessional: Amazing Grace #293 Organ Remember Me #244 We Walk by Faith #295 POLSKA MSZA ŚWIĘTA Procesja Kiedy ranne #290 (śpiewnik) Ofiarowanie: Chór kam. Na Komunię: Jezu miłości Twej #372 Zakończenie Twemu Sercu #409 SCHEDULE FOR THE WEEK Sun Mon Wed Thu Fri All Masses St. Vincent DePaul Collection 11:00 AM PARISH PICNIC! In the Rectory Garden 7:00 PM Warsaw Music Festival—Dan Kane Park E. 65th 8:00 PM A.A. & Al-Anon in the social center. 3:00 PM Church Cleanup Crew Office will be closed in observance of Independence Day Sean McNally and Meghan Barylak (I) Bread and Wine Offering Chleb i wino do odprawienia Mszy św The bread and wine used for all Masses during the month of July is donated by Betty Dabrowski In memory of her mother Elizabeth A. Dabrowski The Month of the Sacred Heart The month of June has traditionally been dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Here at the Shrine Church we have many items dealing with this topic—the image of Jesus and His Sacred Heart on the side altar, the wooden image of His heart carved in the altar table itself, the window to the side of the altar, the image of St. Margaret Mary Alacocque (the saint most associated with the devotion to the Sacred Heart) and a small holy water font at the entrance to the sacristy containing the image of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, where priests and servers bless themselves as they enter the sanctuary for Mass. When our church was built back in 1886 the feast to the Sacred Heart of Jesus was relatively new, only having been made a Solemnity in the liturgical calendar in 1856. It should come as little surprise then that the first ‘daughter church’ of St. Stanislaus was placed under the patronage of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. We should keep our neighbors in our prayers as they now face the closing of their community, and ask the Sacred heart of Jesus to remain in their hearts, wherever the Holy Spirit guides them. Perhaps we could privately pray for our neighbors at Sacred Heart by invoking God’s love and mercy on them in this, their difficult time. Heart of Jesus, Son of the eternal Father, have mercy on us! Heart of Jesus, formed by the Holy Spirit in the womb of the Virgin Mother, have mercy on us! Heart of Jesus, united substantially with the Word of God, have mercy on us! Heart of Jesus, of infinite majesty, have mercy on us! Heart of Jesus, holy temple of God, have mercy on us! Heart of Jesus, tabernacle of the most High, have mercy on us! Heart of Jesus, house of God and gate of heaven, have mercy on us! Heart of Jesus, glowing furnace of charity, have mercy on us! Heart of Jesus, vessel of justice and love, have mercy on us! Heart of Jesus, full of goodness and love, have mercy on us! Heart of Jesus, abyss of all virtues, have mercy on us! Heart of Jesus, most worthy of all praise, have mercy on us! Heart of Jesus, king and center of all hearts, have mercy on us! Heart of Jesus, in whom are all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge, have mercy on us! Heart of Jesus, in whom dwells all the fullness of divinity, have mercy on us! (The litany will continue next week...please pray this part for our neighbors in their time of loss). David Krakowski SCHEDULE FOR MINISTERS Sat Sat Sun Sun FourteenthSunday in Ordinary Time, July 5, Lipca 2009 5:00 PM LectorCorpus — Rob Jagelewski Christi Sunday, May 25, Maja 2008 Euch. Min. — Marge & Andrew Flock, Connie Aliff, Marilyn Mosinski 5:00 PM Lector — Rob Jagelewski 8:30 AM Lector — Karen Neuman Euch. Min. — Michael Wilks, Stan Witczak, Marge & Andrew Flock Euch.AM Min.Lector — Sharon Kozak,&Alice & Don Yolanda Stech Kane 8:30 — Marcia DonKlafczynski, Stech, AliceMarcia Klafczynski, 10:00 AM Lector — Mieczysław Garncarek Euch. Min. — Alice Klafczynski, M. Mosinski, Adeline Nadolny, Sharon Kozak Euch.AM Min.— Ewelina Ejsmont, W. Sztalkoper, A. Jankowski, Tom Monzell 10:30 Lector — Teresa Cyranek, Bill Bobowicz 11:30 AM Lector — Bill Bobowicz Euch. Min. — Eucharistic Ministers to be scheduled Euch. Min.— Grams, Frank ON Greczanik, Angela Revay,SUNDAY Terry Kopania NO Ron 11:30 AM MASS CORPUS CHRISTI PARISH SUPPORT Last Sunday’s Collection 5:00 PM (83)….….….………..$1,053.25 8:30 AM (70)..………...……..$1,033.00 10:00 AM (81)……...…………..$735.00 11:30 AM (65)..……...……....$1,364.75 Mailed in (30)…....……….….....$759.00 Total (329) $4,945.20 Silent Carnival (79) $395.00 Missions $1,236.20 PASTORAL MESSAGE Fr. Michael’s annual plea— DON’T COME TO CHURCH THIS SUMMER! Look, let’s be honest about it — during summer vacation, the last thing anyone wants to do is go to church on Sunday. The church is hot and that puts people into a surly mood. We never know what to wear. Are cut-offs and T-shirts OK in church? Even the priest wears sandals… The choir is smaller, the servers are irregular, even the lectors sound a little put out from the heat and humidity. The homilies are way too long — don’t those priests know we have things to do and places to go? The kids have all kinds of sports to play, and after all, this is the number one priority. The beach beckons, and maybe Sunday morning is better for fishing than any other day. Saturday night can be a lot of fun during the summer, and who wants to wake up early Sunday after dragging into the house in the wee hours? When school is out, it just seems natural that everything else is on hold, too. So what if we just cancel church for the summer? Stay home. Don’t bother. Go somewhere else. Give us all a break. We can save some money by shutting the place down for a few months — and Lord knows, the summer collection sure dips enough to make a shut-down sound attractive! We’ll just show up for the weddings already scheduled (and maybe not book any for next summer, just in case) and funerals, but only if the family insists. The hospitals have their own chaplains, so don’t call us. Parish organizations can meet in private homes. Skip the bulletin, because there won’t be anything to report anyway. SOUND CRAZY? Of course it does. Nobody would seriously ever consider such an inane idea as to shut down a parish church for the summer. But why is it crazy to think of the church being closed to the people for the summer, but it’s accepted as normal for the people to be closed to the church during the summer? We are still here. God is still here — God, who is worthy of our praise Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall. The priests and staff at your parish do not stop serving the people. We are fullservice all year long. Certainly people’s schedules get busier during the summer. Frankly, we also enjoy an occasional day at the beach or night at the movies. But as grateful as we are for those who continue to come to Mass so faithfully, it is a bit disheartening when we look out at the congregation and see the extra empty spaces. And, too, the parish checkbook suffers, even though our bills stay constant. This is not why our ancestors fought for independence so long ago, and why so many have died to defend our freedoms since then. Freedom is not only freedom from, it is also freedom for — for the praise and worship of our God who loves us and is faithful to us, even in spite of our unfaithfulness. If you know someone who needs a gentle reminder about their summer obligation, take some extra bulletins and pass them on. And have a great Summer! Fr. Michael JUNE 28, CZERWCA 2009 Bóg śmierci nie uczynił Kilka dni temu mieliśmy przesilenie letnie. Po osiągnięciu maksymalnej długości, dni będą stawać się coraz krótsze. Przesilenie letnie nosi w sobie obraz śmierci. Używając słowo „śmierć” łączymy je z czymś, co jest definitywnie skończone. W odróżnieniu od tego, wyrażenie „przesilenie letnie” oznacza dla nas coś w rodzaju „ przejścia”, „zmiany”, ale z pewnością nie „koniec”. Najbardziej z nich podoba mi się słowo „przejście”, które jest tłumaczeniem hebrajskiego słowa „pascha”. W czasie każdej Mszy św. wspominamy „Paschę” Pana. Nie tylko Jego śmierć, ale Jego cierpienie, śmierć i zmartwychwstanie. Ostatnie słowo należy do życia, nie do śmierci. Kiedy myślimy o znaczeniu słów „umieranie” i „śmierć”, przychodzą nam z pomocą symbole zaczerpnięte ze świata mitów. Chociaż same w sobie nie są rzeczywiste, to jednak przedstawiają nam wyobrażenia naszych przodków żyjące w ogólnie znanych symbolach. Śmierć jest przedstawiona najczęściej jako „kostucha” z kosą w rękach. Z tego obrazu śmierci dwa elementy pokrywają się z naszą wiarą: - „kostucha” idzie na pole, aby zabrać żniwo, nie zaś po to, aby zniszczyć zboże. Śmierć zatem nie oznacza zniszczenie naszego bytu, ale raczej czas żniwa, czyli zebranie plonów. Nic, co w naszym życiu było wartościowe, nie zginie, lecz znajdzie swoje dopełnienie w wieczności, będąc jednocześnie źródłem naszej wiecznej radości; - to nie właściciel pola bierze kosę, ale sługa. Kostucha nie jest panem, ale sługą. Jeśli przeniesiemy to na naszą wiarę, możemy ten obraz rozumieć w ten sposób: śmierć podlega Panu Bogu i musi Mu być posłuszna. To nie śmierć jest panem, tylko Pan Bóg. Wszystko służy Jego tajemnym planom, nawet śmierć. Chociaż nie rozumiemy tych Bożych planów, Boże zamiary są zawsze dobre dla nas. Czytamy w Apokalipsie, że na końcu śmierć zostanie zadana samej śmierci: A Śmierć i Otchłań wrzucono do jeziora ognia. To jest śmierć druga jezioro ognia (Ap 20, 14). Nasz Pan Bóg jest Bogiem żyjącym na wieki i On daje życie każdego, kto do Niego przychodzi. W Księdze Mądrości czytamy: Bo śmierci Bóg nie uczynił i nie cieszy się ze zguby żyjących. Stworzył bowiem wszystko po to, aby było, i byty tego świata niosą zdrowie: nie ma w nich śmiercionośnego jadu ani władania Otchłani na tej ziemi. Bo sprawiedliwość nie podlega śmierci (Mdr 1, 13-15). A jednak kiedy obserwujemy nasz świat, wydaje się, że jest inaczej - że to śmierć panuje nad wszystkim. Codziennie słyszymy o wypadkach śmiertelnych i przykładach zgonów, śmiertelnych ofiarach kataklizmów liczonych czasem w setkach, a nawet w tysiącach. Skąd się ona wzięła na świecie? O tym mówi nam kolejne zdanie: A śmierć weszła na świat przez zawiść diabła i doświadczają jej ci, którzy do niego należą (Mdr 2, 24). To pisze o złych. A co o tych, którzy zostaną uznaną za dobrych? Zwycięzcy śmierć druga na pewno nie wyrządzi szkody (Ap 2, 11). oraz: Błogosławiony i święty, kto ma udział w pierwszym zmartwychwstaniu: nad tymi nie ma władzy śmierć druga (Ap 20, 6). Oni bowiem będą panować z Chrystusem na wieki. o. Placyd ST. STANISLAUS CLEVELAND, OHIO BREAD AND WINE OFFERING Starting for the month of July, we are inviting parishioners and friends to share in daily Mass in a special way by donating the bread and wine used at the altar for an entire month. The donor can dedicate the donation in memory of someone, or for some special intention. The dedication will appear in the bulletin each week of the donated month. Also, the donor can write a small piece for the bulletin about the person or intention they are dedicating for. Call the rectory if you would like to make a dedication for a given month. Zaczynając w miesiącu lipcu, zapraszamy parafian i przyjaciół do udziału w Ofierze codziennej Mszy św. w szczególny sposób poprzez ofiarowanie chleba i wina dla używanego w czasie Mszy św. w ciągu całego miesiąca. Ofiarodawca może uczynić to dla uczczenia dowolnej osoby, czy też w innej szczególnej intencji. Intencja ukaże się w biuletynie. Prosimy o telefon, jeśli chcesz uczynić taką donację Chleb i wino do odprawienia Mszy św. w miesiącu lipcu jest ofiarowane przez Betty Dąbrowski Dla uczczenia pamięci jej matki Elżbiety A. Dąbrowskiej ALTAR BREAD AND WINE DEDICATION FOR JULY July 1st marks the sixth anniversary of my mother, Elizabeth A. Dabrowski's death or better her entry into the eternal banquet of heaven. The Eucharist was very important in her life. Her only regret in her older years was that she did not feel well enough to attend daily Mass. When she had to rely on me to bring her the Eucharist, the joy that filled her is a memory I will always treasure. Fr. Michael always gave me Communion for Mom saying "The Body of Christ, Mom." He said it showed how she was part of our liturgy though she was praying at home. Betty Dabrowski CONGRATULATIONS BROTHERS! This weekend, on Saturday June 27, two Franciscan Friars from the Assumption BVM Province were ordained as deacons. Br. Jason Welle, OFM, is well known by many parishioners. He was a chaperone for the Lil Bros trip to World Youth Day in 2005, and he spent a summer here as a student chaplain at the Cleveland Clinic in the summer of 2007. Br. Jason will serve his deaconate at our mission in Greenwood, Mississippi under the direction of Fr. Greg Plata, OFM. Br. David Kelly, OFM, has been a frequent visitor at Saint Stanislaus, most recently this past January during his winter break from school. He hails from northern Wisconsin, and he brings with him a gentle disposition and a deep commitment to Franciscan life. We are doubly blessed at St. Stanislaus, because our Provincial Administration has chosen our parish as the site for Br. David to serve as deacon until his ordination to the priesthood early next year. Br. David will be moving in some time the first week of July, joining our Friar community and serving the People of God here. Please join the Franciscan Friars in thanking God for the gift of these young men, and pray that their experience of ministry and service will form them even more closely to the pattern of the Gospel. PEACE GARDEN MEMORIAL BRICKS What a great way to make a permanent memorial to someone, living or deceased! The donation for memorial bricks is $100.00 each. Order your brick in time for a Fall 2009 installation by contacting the rectory. If you previously donated a brick, you may find it by taking a stroll in the garden. The Missionaries of St. Charles Scalabrinians want to thank our Parish for the kind welcome and generosity we have given to their seminarian Rodrigo Gris, who made an appeal at all Masses Last Sunday. They would like to assure us that our generosity will help to continue their ministry to migrants and refugees and help feed, clothe and shelter the poor. May the Lord bless this Parish and Parishioners with joy, peace and good health. DADS CLUB PENNY RAFFLE A lot of the high numbers have been taken, so you have a GOOD CHANCE AT A LOW TICKET PRICE. Only 500 tickets will be sold. BUY THEM NOW—BEFORE THEY ARE ALL GONE!! Ticket cost is one penny to five dollars — you pick an envelope and pay what your ticket number is (for example if your ticket number is 201 you pay $2.01). TICKETS ARE AVAILABLE IN THE VESTIBULE OF THE CHURCH. THE RAFFLE WILL TAKE PLACE WHEN ALL TICKETS ARE SOLD. —THE 1 CENT TICKET IS STILL OUT THERE — YOU CAN STILL WIN FOR JUST ONE PENNY! BAPTISM PREPARATION CLASS Before a family may schedule the celebration of the Sacrament of Baptism, parents must attend a class to prepare themselves. Slavic Village parishes share this responsibility with each other. The next class will be held at St. Stanislaus on Sunday, July 12, at 1:00 PM. Please call at 341-9091 if you plan to attend. COMMUNITY NEWS The St. Stanislaus Parish Pastoral staff in 1959. Front row sitting (left to right) Father Protase Kuberek OFM, Father Agnellus Sobolewski OFM (Pastor), and Father Clarence Korgie OFM. Back row standing (left to right) Brother Crispin Koeppl OFM, Father Humbert Korgie OFM, Father John Przybylski OFM, Father Flavius Czuba OFM, and Brother Fidelis Veselak OFM. JUNE 28, CZERWCA 2009 ST. STAN’S HISTORICAL FACT by Rob Jagelewski During the years 1954– 1962 there were many expenditures for St. Stanislaus Parish. This was during the Pastorate of Father Agnellus Sobolewski OFM. The total expenditures for these years amounted to $1,097,473.62. These totals were spent for building the Social Center and equipment in the building itself in 1959 ($849,423.62), Church redecorating including returning the main altar to its original wood finish in 1955 ($100,000), boiler house repairs including new boilers and boiler stack renewal in 1960 ($45,800), new windows for the High School in 1961 ($62,350), new toilet facilities in the Elementary School in 1962 ($25,900), and black top of properties near the Social Center in 1962 ($14,000). SILENT CARNIVAL WINNERS Congratulations to the following Grand Prize winners of St. Stan’s 2009 Silent Carnival. $150.00 Winners: Joseph and Patricia Calamante Margaret Ann Blatnik Leonard Zbikowski Pauline Kikta Casmira Zajac Mr. & Mrs. Marian Cyranek Diane Dylong John & Judy Maynard Helen Sielaty Mrs. Florence Krysiak A big thank you to all who participated in the Dad’s Club Family Breakfast last Sunday. Pictured above are the Dad’s Club Chefs from left to right: Brian Lobada, Frank Krajewski, David Janowski, Charlie Janowski and Larry Mielczarek! Good eats! DIOCESAN 50TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION The diocese of Cleveland is holding an Anniversary Celebration Mass on Sunday July 26th, 2:30 PM at the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist. The Most Reverend Richard G. Lennon, Bishop of Cleveland will be the principal celebrant. Reservations are now being accepted for couples married 50 years (married in 1959). Couples who are celebrating other significant years 55 or over or have missed previous celebrations are welcome to register and attend. Seating is limited at the Cathedral. Number of guests will be determined by the seating capacity and total number of registered. Deadline to register is June 29th to include the Jubilee couple’s name in the program. Registration forms are available at the rectory INFANTS AND TODDLERS OF SLAVIC VILLAGE — “STIMULUS PACKAGE” ….the word of 2009. Your donation to the Infants/ Toddlers of Slavic Village could be the “Stimulus Package” they need to get a jump start in 2009. Give them hope—something to look forward to! It need not be much— a box of cereal, a canned good, baby food, etc. Fill our baskets and fill in an entry form with each donation. It gives you a chance to win a beach bag full of summer fun items donated bt Margie Flock. Drawing will be held July 26th. $100.00 Winners: Mr. & Mrs Frank S. Frys Jr. Mrs. Florence Krysiak Donald & Marcia Stech Mr. & Mrs. James Ostrowski Mary Long Clarence Lapka John & Mildred Swol Helen Sitarz Ray Cendrowski Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Neuman Thank you to all who participated in this year’s Silent Carnival fund raiser. JOHN PAULII CULTURAL CENTER PICNIC—only $5.00 Saturday July 18, 1:00PM 2151 W. Wallings Rd. Broadview Hts. Food and Dancing Orchestra Ptacki & DJ Slawek BUY MANNA Amazon.com Gift Cards Available