deel 1 - BIOS Leuven


deel 1 - BIOS Leuven
Eerste nummer november 2015
Voorwoord praeses
Open Season TD
Oh wat zijn die schachten dom
Klaasje and the hammer of the seniors
Quotes der biologen
The adventure of studying abroad
Planning Bios
Voorwoord Praeses
Hallo medebioloog,
Er zijn al wat weken achter de boeg. Drukke weken. Er werd veel gezongen op
de cantussen, gefeest (en gemuild ;) ) op onze feestjes, gelopen en gestreden
op de 24-urenloop,… En onze schachtjes hebben zich al goed kunnen inleven in
het echte studentenleven!!
Maar niet getreurd, we hebben wel nog wat activiteiten op onze kalender staan
die zeker de moeite zijn om naartoe te komen. Dus verstop je zeker nog niet
achter je boeken en kom nog meegenieten van het student zijn!!
Maar buiten dat ben ik als praeses zeer tevreden over de afgelopen weken en
over de enthousiaste eerstejaars. Laten we zo verder doen!!! En daarbij wil ik al
een hele dikke merci zeggen aan mijn praesidium die zich hard inzetten voor
onze kring, en zonder hen zijn wij niks… Dus DANKU DANKU DANKU!
Open Season TD
De Open Season TD, de eerste TD van dit academiejaar, werd door menig
bioloog gesmaakt en dat heeft de plakkende vloer van de Albatros mogen
weten. Het was voor velen al een lange – al dan niet zware – zomer geleden
nog eens een (plak)voet binnen te zetten in de Albatros. Zolen werden er
afgedanst op de beats van DJ Durza en DJ Peter White en onze jeugdige hartjes
(van de ene al wat jeugdiger dan de andere) werden in vuur en vlam gezet door
Dr. T. Jullie, liefste biologen, lagen met natte lippen op de loer toen onze
schachten zich van hun beste kant lieten zien, of was het dan toch de schuld
van dat Happy Hour? Volgende afspraak: 18 november in de Albatros, voor een
rendez-vous met onze lieve vriendjes van Geos!
Kusjes en likjes,
Ter voorbereiding van de doop, mogen de schachten al laten zien wat ze waard
zijn a.d.h.v. enkele opdrachten.
Ze mochten beginnen door hun lichaam te laten besmeuren met stift door
onbekenden hun naam erop te laten schrijven. De schachten stelden ons niet
teleur en zelfs op de billen mochten we de namen gaan tellen.
Bij de volgende opdracht kregen ze enkele porno blaadjes en moesten ze deze
verkopen, dit om meer budget voor de doop te krijgen. Ze hebben dit zeer
goed gedaan en een mooi aantal centjes bijeen gekregen.
Als 3de en 4de opdrachten moesten ze naar eten en drank gaan zoeken met
een sigaret als ruilmiddel voor de drank. Dit om de mensen van de leukste kring
in Leuven die de schachtenverkoop kwamen bezichtigen te voorzien. Ondanks
dat er genoeg volk van de leukste kring van Leuven aanwezig was kregen deze
toch waar voor hun geld (het was gratis, maar bon). De schachten kwamen
terug met hamburgers, frietjes, brood en zelfs verse sushi! Naast het eten
waren er genoeg pintjes gebracht, tequila en whisky en een volle fles vodka!
Nu deze mensen van …… van drank en eten waren voorzien konden ze
toekijken hoe de schachten de laatste opdracht kwamen vervullen voor nog
wat entertainment. De schachtjes konden per koppel komen demonstreren
hoe je nu eigenlijk een avond zou kunnen spenderen met 2 personen (en zelfs
een trio). Ze lieten veel uitbundige en verschillende standjes zien en aan het
publiek te horen was dit naar believen.
De schachten die aanwezig waren hebben al een voorproefje gegeven van hun
kunnen. En de schachtenmeesters zijn alvast trots op hun prestatie.
Oh, wat zijn die schachten dom
Er waren eens vier biologiekringen. Elk deden ze gewoon hun ding in hun stad.
Tot plotseling de vier awesome leiders van de kringen besloten eens samen te
cantussen! Zo gezegd, zo gedaan. Na veel gefacebook, geregel en gediscussieer
was het zover! Op dinsdag 13 oktober zouden de vier kringen zich verenigen in
het verre Antwerpen, ergens in the middle of nowhere, zodanig dat ze niet
gestoord zouden worden tijdens deze, tegen die tijd zo benoemde,
Heel erg benieuwd naar hoe de avond zou verlopen vertrokken we richting
Antwerpen. We waren nog niet deftig overgestapt op onze bus richting middle
of nowhere en Gent had zich al bij ons gevoegd! Tijdens de busrit werd er al
heel wat verbroederd en dan kwamen we eindelijk aan in the middle of
nowhere waar de Antwerpenaren ons al stonden op te wachten.
De cantus zelf was een beetje chaotisch, maar zeer fijn! Ook is gebleken dat
Leuven (uiteraard) de beste adjes kan zetten door de heuze estafette
gewonnen te hebben (Hoera voor Leuven!). We hebben eveneens gemerkt dat
de Diepenbeekse biologiekring, eigenlijk geen kring is maar een club. Dus
hebben we stiekem zelfs eens meegecantust met een club. Dit bleek uit de vele
adjes en bij hen vanzelfsprekend daarmee gespaard gaand gespauw. Ze hadden
zelfs een spauwemmer mee (een spauwemmer, serious?).
Dus na veel drinken, zingen en lachen vertrok Leuven moe, maar voldaan, terug
richting de allerleukste studentenstad in Vlaanderen.
jullie vice
Klaasje and the Hammer of Seniors
Once upon a time, in the realm of Scientica, deep in the forests of Biosia, there
lived a boy. His name was Klaasje and he appeared to be a very regular boy in
his deeds and sayings. But at that time no one could foresee what the future
had in store for him. He would cause great turmoil in the peaceful lives under
the Trees, and the Scientists would speak of him for a long time thereafter.
But before we come to this, Klaasje was living happily in his camp under a tall,
old oak, not far from the banks of the Brendonck, where daphnids and
copepods float without any sorrow through the gentle, babbling water. It was a
warm day in late summer and he was minding his own business, not aware
that, at the same time, Sarah, who possessed the Scalpel and Tweezers and sat
on the Wooden Throne of House Bios, for she was Ruler of the Trees of Life and
Leader of all Biologists, Victor of the Battle of the Bohemian Raspberry, Heir of
the Seamarshes, Friend of Feral Beasts and Firm Trees and Protector of the
Salamander-and-Flower sigil, was riding through the woods with her company.
They were returning from a long visit to the Phanerozoic Mountains, where
House Geos rules the cavedwelling folks, and were resting for a while near the
calm river they had crossed a little earlier. But she was deep in thought when
she parted away from her company and wandered through the tall trees that
put the world in an everlasting twilight. The sun was setting and the shadows
grew longer before she noticed that she was alone in the woods. There was no
sign of fear in her eyes, because she knew that nature would be ever gentle to
her, but the nights were getting colder and she longed for the warmth of a fire.
Just when she thought she would have to settle with merely tightening her
woolen cape, she observed a mild shimmering between the shadows. When
she came near, she heard a low voice singing.
Silent are the fields, purple all you see
There’s a lonely home, shadowed by a tree
On a summer’s evening, it seemed as in a dream
I came without knowing abruptly by this scene
How fair are the plains lush with purple heather
On this world of ours, here lies my heaven
Sarah recognized the words, for they belonged to the ancient song of the
people of the Camps. She remembered how peaceful and kind these people are
and came out of the hiding trees to meet the singer. Upon seeing her, his
singing faded abruptly away and Klaasje fell upon his knee in greeting of his
ruler, whom he recognised immediately, albeit he had never seen her before.
“Stand up, young man. Such customs are not necessary here, ‘t is I who should
be humble to you, for I want to ask of you the warmth of your fire and the
refreshment of your water, although I wouldn’t say no to a glass of sangria or a
shot of tequila.”
“Noble Sarah, my home is yours and my food is too, my fire can give heat to
both of us and there is more water flowing past my house than I will ever be
able to drink. Whether I can give you sangria or tequila is something I would
have to check first, but feel free to take a seat and warm yourself near the
flames of this fire, while I do so.”
“I thank you, kind man, tell me your name and you will be rewarded for your
hospitality when I return to my castle. Well, it’s not actually fair to call it a
castle, it’s more like a small room in a basement in a building in the park of a
castle, but it serves its purpose, for now…”
“My name is Klaasje, but I don’t really care for any recompense, because it
would be rewarding enough to know that I can serve my fair Lady of Bios.” He
disappeared in the small house and returned a while later with a large flask of
sangria that he was reluctant to have found. They talked, sang, ate and drank
for a long time and enjoyed the hours of the night. Sarah became tired and fell
asleep near the fire. Klaasje thought it best to also go to bed, when he noticed
something at Sarah’s side. He took away the folds of the woolen cape and
uncovered a large, seemingly very heavy hammer. It was as if it had a soft glow
around it, although this was not coming from reflection of the flames because
it was not ornamented with any gems or steel.
Klaasje judged that it would be better to take away the thing so it would not
disturb the refreshing sleep of his leader. He softly took hold of the hammer
and slid it out of Sarah’s grip. Without waking up, she did a weak attempt to
grab it back, but it was already out of her reach. Klaasje was impressed by the
weight of the hammer and held it near the flames to have a better look. The
head seemed to be ingraved with old runes he could not read, but he was sure
they possessed a certain power. He wanted to place the thing inside his hut,
but the weight and the heaviness in his own head, caused him to put it down at
the door, before he stumbled into his bed. He was sure nothing could happen
to it.
The next morning, Sarah felt as reborn and she left the camp of Klaasje early,
while he was still asleep, to continue her journey southwards. It was as if a
weight had fallen from her shoulders and she progressed swiftly.
Several weeks went past, before she would discover what it was exactly that
caused her to move so quickly through the woods. During an official gathering
of the Biologists, where they would commemorate the joy of life by singing and
drinking, the relic had a special place. The Hammer of Seniors is used to
admonish silence among the attendees and it brings rhythm and harmony to
the whole ceremony. But on the first of such gatherings upon her return, where
the youngest Biologists would be initiated in the art and rituals of these events,
she discovered the disappearance of the relic. She did not possess the Hammer
of Seniors anymore. When the rumour of the loss of the artifact spread through
the realm, a dark shadow fell over the Trees of Life, for the Biologists could not
rejoice in the pleasures of Life without their powerful Hammer. Sarah fell in
deep musing and locked herself away for days, until she remembered a dream
she had had weeks before, at Klaasje’s campfire. She had dreamt that someone
took the relic away from her and she now understood that it hadn’t been a
dream at all.
Blazing with anger she gave order to summon Klaasje to her court. He
answered obediently to this command, not aware of what he had done, and
was lead in front of the Wooden Throne.
“Klaasje, tell me honestly, did you disgrace my trust in you by taking away the
Hammer of Seniors from me, the ancient relic, ingraved with the names and
the power of our ancestors who brought laughter and delight in our hearts and
our minds?”
Klaasje was overwhelmed by the force in her words, but he was sure that he
was not to blame.
“I’m sorry, my Lady, but I do not know what you are talking about? I didn’t steal
anything, not from you nor from anyone else. The only hammers I have are
those that brought your words to my mind.”
“Do not speak lightly of this. I now remember that the Hammer was taken from
me when I was asleep at your fire. I do not recall anyone else there, not even
some traces of unknown visitors. Do you deny that the face I saw illuminated
by the flames when the Hammer was seized from my own hands was yours?”
Suddenly Klaasje understood what she meant. When he had woken up the day
after her visit, the hammer he had put at his door was gone, but so was Sarah.
Klaasje had thought that she had found it and taken what was hers. He hadn’t
thought about it since. But apparantly this was wrong, it seemed that the
Hammer had vanished from the world and Klaasje realised he was at least
partly responsible for this.
“I’m sorry, my Lady, I did not mean to rob you from the Hammer, I only wanted
to take a look at it and put it aside for you. I thought you had…”
“You did not take it from me, Klaasje, you have deprived all Biologists from it,
for it is a symbol of the people. For them it is the source of concord and
enjoyment. If you truly want to make amends for it, there is only one solution:
bring us back the Hammer and restore the balance in the Trees of Life.”
“I swear that I will not rest before I have fulfilled this quest, my Lady.”
And by these words, Klaasje departed from the castle (i.e. the small basement
room, where there is now a little bit more space because it is cleaned by some
of the magistrates of Sarah’s reign, but still you can hardly call it a castle, even
if you have a lot of imagination…). He returned to his camp, took only the stuff
he deemed necessary for the hunt and set off. At least, he meant to do this, but
he had no idea in which direction he had to go.
He gazed around, trying to decide which option would be the best, but he had
no clue. But than he heard a small voice in his head, saying the ancient words
of the House of Bios: “Steady as Trees, Fierce as Beasts”, and the last word kept
echoing in his mind. Beasts, beasts, beasts… Of course! There was only one
person in the realm of Scientica who could help him with his quest, but the
journey to him is a long and hard one. Still, it was the best choice he had if he
wanted to bring everything back to peace. He would have to cross the
Brendonck and follow it upstream, to where it is joined by the Stoks, which
springs from the hills at the foot of the Phanerozoic Mountain Range. From
there he has to cross the plains towards the Permian, a boarder town of the
Geos kingdom, surrounded on three sides by the Dijle river, which cuts deep
through the entire continent. If he can manage to successfully cross this roaring
stream, he has the choice between going eastwards to the harbour town of
Geepee Es or follow the coast northwards to Latitude, where he must find a
Merkatorian who is willing to help him cross the Strait of Kremer to reach the
volcanic Isles of Education. For it is there that he can find Jens the Beast, who
can teach him to communicate with all living organisms. If he is able to
understand the lark’s song and the poplar’s whisper, there will be at least a
chance of retrieving the Hammer of Seniors.
To be continued…
Can you help Klaasje to find the Hammer?