kol: the voice of tby
kol: the voice of tby
Temple Bat Yam has two beautiful KOL: THE VOICE OF TBY Torahs. One was the gift from a S EPT / OC T 2014 congregant, the second was a gift from a congregation in Baltimore. Rabbi Susan Warshaw : OUR BOOK OF LIFE 5775 One of the most beloved metaphors of the High Holidays (yes they are almost here) is being written in The Book of Life, the Sefer Chayyim. We pray over and over: Avinu Malkeinu, inscribe us for blessing in the Book of Life. Today we have a Book of Life, only we call it Facebook. Yahoo reports that 1.11 billion people use the Facebook site monthly. On Facebook we post personal profiles, pictures, vacation trips, and news about family, friends and events that shape our lives. Perhaps this modern version of the traditional Book of Life should tell a story that is more about who we really are; perhaps it should be more sophisticated, nuanced, honest. Rabbi Barry Blum writes: “imagine for a moment that your Facebook page, whose content you share on-line with others, serves as your actual Sefer Chayyim, your Book of Life. Does your personal Facebook page serve as a positive and accurate representation of the highest ideals and noble strivings in your life? Remember people will judge your experiences and pictures posted as an expression of how you live your life.” This year, as the High Holy Days draw near, think about making your Facebook page a true representation of who you are. Consider posting on your page a book that you read that inspired you. Share a good deed, a mitzvah that you have done, or a charity that you feel is worth of community support. Rabbi Blum suggests including the name of a loved one or friend for whom you will be saying Yizkor. Remember a Jewish experience shared during this past year or in the past that you always cherish. Include a picture of a Jewish hero, a teacher, or share a bit of Jewish wisdom that helps you get through the day. Consider your actions over the past year, and remember the times you missed the mark and sinned. Maybe you can have a virtual Tashlich page, where you throw away your sins, having learned from your mistakes. Many of us spend a lot of time on Facebook. We share our trivial lives and experiences with others. I invite you to consider, in this New Year of 5775, enriching your Sefer Chayyim, your Facebook Page of Life. May you strive to incorporate Torah (teaching/learning), Avodah (service to a higher being), and Gemilut Chasidim (acts of loving kindness) and post these important components. May you each have a sweet New Year, a year filled with joy, blessing, good health, forgiveness and renewal. L’Shanah tovah! Page 2 PRESIDENT CANDY GUSST : My first month as president of the congregation has been very difficult on a personal level. Most of you know that my mother passed away a couple of weeks ago. This was the first time I had such a loss while living full time in this area. The outpour of support was just amazing: phone calls, emails, cards and donations are still coming in. The caring and concern I feel from our congregation is overwhelming. Barry and I thank you all for your good wishes and strength you have given us. Now, as new presidents generally do, I’d like to tell you a bit about myself. When I was a senior in high school I wanted to be a secretary when I graduated. That’s what many girls did in “the olden days”. My parents convinced me to go to Temple University to become a teacher. Being an obedient child, I did what my parents asked of me. It was a good decision. While in my senior year Barry and I married. I taught in the Philadelphia school system, mostly first grade (I was taller than my students), for almost four years. I had to resign when I became pregnant. I had my two sons within 15 months, Paul and Adam. Not working outside of the home was difficult for me so I joined the local PTA and before you knew it I was president of the group. When my boys were in school full time I worked at a couple of jobs part time. Being home with the boys was really important to me. One day I walked into our local bank branch of PSFS and on a whim applied for a position. I started as a teller and was in the training department before a year was up. Eight years at that bank before the FDIC closed them down (not because of me). It was obvious that PSFS was going to be shut down so I went to St. Joseph’s University earning an MS in Training and Organizational Development. I went over to Beneficial Savings Bank just down the street and became the head of the Training Department. By the time I retired (almost 25 years in banking total) I was the head of three departments, ran all volunteerism, and was responsible for education of over 700 employees and much more. My title was now Chief Learning Officer and my rank was Vice President. I had a dream job. Upon retiring, I announced to Barry it was time to move full time to Ocean Pines where we had a home for 12 years. We belonged to Temple Bat Yam as associate members for those 12 years so our transition here was an easy one. Marion Longberg was the Sisterhood president at the time and got me hooked on Sisterhood where I served as president for several years. Then one day Larry Pack asked me to be his executive vice president. Wow! What a surprise that was. He told me there wasn’t much to do. Okay, the surprise was over. When Larry completed his term as president, the natural order of things was for me to take the position. So, here I am. I take the position of president of the congregation very seriously and invite you to contact me if you have any ideas or thoughts that you would like to run by me. This is our Temple Bat Yam and we need all of us to keep it bright and alive. Page 3 A Message from the High Holy Days Coordinating Committee It’s only a matter of days before we enter into the High Holy Days season, and there’s still information that needs repeating. In an effort to help you wrap up the loose ends, we send you these quick reminders. HIGH HOLY DAYS SEASON 2014/5775 CALENDAR OF SERVICES AND EVENTS SELICHOT SERVICE Saturday, September 20 8:00 pm Selichot Service “an important Jewish belief is that GOD wishes us to turn away from sin and that God helps us do so. The High Holy Days focus almost exclusively on this idea, which is called “teshuvah”, a Hebrew word that means “turning away from sin” Many Jews prepare spiritually for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur by attending a special service called “Selichot” (forgiveness). The Selichot service is designed to help worshipers direct their hearts and minds to the process of teshuvah. The Selichot service is traditionally held on the Saturday evening before Rosh Hashanah, in order to give people a chance to reflect on the changes of behavior that they wish to make. WE WILL START WITH DESSERT AND SOCIAL TIME WE WILL MARK THE CLOSE OF SHABBAT WITH HAVDALAH WE WILL PARTICIPATE IN SELICHOT WITH ITS MOVING WORDS, AND MAGNIFICENT MUSIC Know that in previous years we have heard many responses to Selichot – Many have called this service their most moving and inspirational religious experienceThere is NO BETTER WAY to prepare yourself for the DAYS of AWE! A Saturday evening like NO OTHER!!! EREV ROSH HASHANAH Wednesday, September 24 ROSH HASHANAH Thursday, September 25 8:00 pm 10:00 am TASHLICH Thursday, September 25 4:00 pm Tashlich at Saint Martins Neck Park off RT 90 @traffic light “a ceremony in which we “cast bread upon flowing water. Thus, it was thought, an individual could cast off his sins which would be washed away by the flowing water, allowing him to start the New Year with a “clean slate” Bat Yam Congregants will perform this ancient ritual on Rosh Hashana afternoon, the traditional time to observe Tashlich. Join the group and help build memories and traditions for your family. Page 4 BRING THE FAMILY & SOME BREAD (something the waterfowl will like) And together we will toss our sins into the flowing waters of Big Assawoman Bay a short fun break on Yom Tov afternoon High Holy Days FAMILY SERVICE Sunday, September 28 10:00 am KOL NIDRE Friday, October 3 8:00 pm YOM KIPPUR Saturday, October 4 10:00 am Congregants Hour – 3:00 pm Healing Service - 4:00 pm Yizkor & Concluding – 4:30 pm BREAK-the-FAST Saturday, October 4 6:30 pm post Yom Kippur At THE EMBERS – Ocean City Details to follow- watch your e-mail SUKKOT SHABBAT Friday, October 10 7:00 pm SIMCHAT TORAH Friday, October 17 8:00 pm Save these dates A glance at the Calendar will remind you of the schedule of High Holy Day Services. Since we are NOT providing member tickets, we advise you to post this Calendar on the front of your refrigerator or some other visible spot. It will serve as a ready reference when you question where you should be and when. We hope that this information helps you plan rich and satisfying Holidays 2014-2015 RELIGIOUS SCHOOL SCHEDULE Religious School: Sundays 9:45 - 11:45 AM September 14, 21, 28 (High Holiday Family Service, 10:00 AM) October 5, 12, 19, 26 November 9, 16, 23 December 7, 14 January 11 February 1, 8, 22 March 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 April 12-make-up day if needed Mitzvah Day TBA—Attendance required Early Shabbat Services Fridays at 7:00 PM October 10—Teacher Appreciation, Consecration for new students; PIZZA DINNER 6:15 PM November 14 December 12 January 9 February 13. PIZZA DINNER 6:15 PM March 13 April 10 May 8 It’s hard to believe that the start of the 2014-2015 school year will soon be upon us. We welcome all students and families back to an exciting year of Judaic studies and activities. The first day of Religious School is September 14. The Bagel Bar will open at 9:30 a.m. Thank you to Laurie Heller for again coordinating this event to begin the religious school morning. We are asking all parents to attend for the entire morning on this first day. If you have not yet returned the religious school registration form that was mailed to you, please bring the completed form with you on September 14. On September 28, religious school will begin with the Bagel Bar at 9:30 a.m. and will follow at 10:00 a.m. with a High Holiday Family Service. We look forward to seeing all families participate. October 10 will be the first Pizza Dinner and Early Shabbat Service in recognition of our religious school teachers. The Pizza Dinner will begin at 6:15 p.m., followed by the Shabbat Service at 7:00 p.m. We invite all our religious school families and temple members to share in this special Shabbat service to honor our teachers. Also, we would like to invite the TBY congregation to join us for Serena Michnick’s Bat Mitzvah on Friday evening and Saturday morning September 12-13. This newsletter includes the Religious School and Early Shabbat services schedule for the upcoming 2014-2015 year. Please be sure to mark your calendars! If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at 410-208-9296. We are looking forward to a great year! L’Shanah Tovah from our family to yours! Becky Brunet, Religious Education Chair Page 6 THANK YOU BENEFACTORS AND PATRONS: Platinum: GLORIA NESTLER JAY AND CHERYL TAUSTIN JEFF AND RINA THALER BRUCE AND CYNDI LEINER PETER AND REBECCA ZWEIGBAUM Diamond: JONATHAN AND TERRY BELL HAL AND CHRISTINE GLICK LEE AND JENNIFER KLEPPER Patron: DEBBIE RESNICK GRAYCE COHEN CAROL SCHACHTER DO YOU KNOW THE HISTORY OF OUR STAINED GLASS SANCTUARY WINDOWS? The beautiful stained glass windows in our sanctuary were the work of members Pamela Smolins, Eleanor Goldsmith, Elaine Levy and Eve Waldman. Congregation members were distracted during services when the original glass windows revealed traffic passing by. So our first Rabbi – Richard Sternberger – came up with the idea for the stained glass windows. The theme of the new windows was inspired by Rabbi Sternberger. He was strongly influenced by Franz Rosenzweig’s writing in which it was declared that the three pillars of Judaism are Creation, Revelation, and Redemption. The window on the left (facing the bima), depicts Creation by displaying birds, fish, and plants, and animals and people. The words Ki Tov (meaning “It is good”) appear in the stream. The people represent humankind’s partnership with God. This window was designed by Eve Waldman. The window above the Torah ark depicts Revelation, represented by the burning bush, and the law, represented by the Torah. The building to the left of the burning bush is our Temple, because according to tradition, we were all at Sinai. This window was designed by Elaine Levy and Eleanor Goldsmith. The stained glass window to the right of the bima depicts Redemption with its glowing Sabbath candles, white peace dove, unfolding Torah scroll, and a rainbow arcing over Jerusalem. Eleanor also designed this window. Pamela Smolins undertook the six-yearproject to craft the windows. It required cutting and placing over 6,000 individual pieces of glass. Pam and Stu donated all of the glass and materials, labor and installation. Years later, we are all beneficiaries of these moving pieces of art gracing our sanctuary and providing reminders of our Jewish legacy for years to come. Page 7 ADULT ED IN THE NEW YEAR 5775 We have an exciting year of Adult Ed planned for Temple Bat Yam. Please come and take advantage of the learning opportunities we have planned. MUSSAR: our Mussar class has been meeting for five years, and we are going to continue in the fall. The class is open to new students. We would love to have you come and explore this approach to Jewish ethics and values. The text we will be using this fall is: Ira Stone- A Responsible Life: The Spiritual Path of Mussar. Classes meet on Wednesday mornings from 10.30-12.00, once a month through December, then beginning in January every two weeks (dates below). Please contact Rabbi Warshaw if you are interested in joining this class. Class Dates: September 10, October 8, November 12, December 10, January 14, 28, February 11, 25, March 11, 25, April 8, 22, May 13, 27. TALMUD: AN INTRODUCTION: This is an informal and fun introduction to the Talmud. There is no prep necessary; we study together and learn about our Jewish heritage and how it can apply to us today. The text we will be using this fall (in English) is by a member of the Israeli Knesset, Ruth Calderon and is called A Bride for One Night: Talmud Tales. Classes meet on Wednesdays from 12:001:30. You can drop in whenever you have time/interest. Bring your lunch and learn a little Talmud. Class Dates: September 10, October 8, November 12, December 10. January 14 and 28, February 11 and 25, March 11 and 25, April 8 and 22, May 13 and 27. THE TRIBES OF ISRAEL-A SHARED HOMELAND FOR A DIVIDED PEOPLE. This is the second series of classes on Israel produced by the Hartman Institute where Rabbi Warshaw is a Senior Fellow. A year ago we studied using the Engaging Israel course. This year, in the spring (dates TBA), we will learn about the different groups of Jews who make up the Jewish people and how their approaches to religion, community, politics make Israel such a dynamic and also challenging society. The course consists of lectures by leading Israeli thinkers on DVD’s, and class readings and discussions. Please join us for this exciting and thought provoking series of classes. long term health care and estate planning seminar TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 2014 7.00-8.30 PM Our congregant Andrew Benjamin will speak on long term healthcare and ways to finance it Cynthia Malament will speak on wills, trusts, powers of attorney and estates Please join us for this informative and important session! Page 8 Thank you from Sisterhood: The TBY Sisterhood thanks everyone who contributed their time, donated items and bought new items for the Sisterhood CASA Service Project. We collected items for the children in Worcester County who are taken from their homes and put into foster or respite care. These items included toys, toiletries, underwear, socks, washcloths, toothbrushes and toothpaste. The following items were delivered to the Department of Social Services in Snow Hill on July 3rd. 1 bag of toys (a special thanks to the anonymous donor) 26 ziploc bags for girls 25 ziploc bags for boys 5 ziploc bags for babies We are a small congregation with a big heart. Thank you for helping to brighten a child's day. Stephanie Cohen Rosalie Harris Ellen G. Krawczak CONGRATULATIONS TO JAKE EISENMAN WINNER OF TONI JAFFEE SCHOLARSHIP Also a thanks to those who participated in our New Years Greeting booklet. We appreciate your sharing with everyone in the Temple. We know you will be please with the beautiful art work contributed by Rina Thaler. The booklets will be distributed for Rosh Hashana. This has been one of several fund raisers planned for Sisterhood and we are off to a great start! We hope to make the New Year Greeting booklet a new tradition at TBY! L'Shana Tova! Stephanie Cohen – President - Sisterhood of TBY Sisterhood gift shop has packages of lovely note cards available for sale with original art work by Rina Thaler. Note cards are blank inside and can be used for your New Year Greetings, thank you cards and general notes Page 9 Sarena Joanne Michnick Temple Bat Yam Bat Mitzvah – September 13, 2014 I had the pleasure of meeting with Sarena in the garden at Temple Bat Yam. She came with her mother, Deanne, directly from Odenton, Maryland, where she trains as a gymnast at the Win-Win Gymnastics studio. Sarena has been training there for three years and is now in the highest level 10. She started in gymnastics at age 4 at Twisters in Berlin, and attained level 7, the highest level available there. The family made the decision to continue her training at the more advanced gym in Odenton. Sarena spends her morning as a home school student, and trains six hours a day, four days a week, from 1 till 7. Extensive training leaves little time to pursue other activities. She has traveled to exciting competitions in Texas, Indianapolis, Florida and Atlanta, Georgia. Her goal is to work towards attaining a scholarship to attend a division 1 college with a gymnastic program, possibly in Georgia, or Florida. She would like to compete in the Bahamas. Recently she attended the NCAA showcase in New Jersey where scouts see the skills and abilities of the gymnasts. Her ideal role model is Aly Raisman, an Olympic Gold Medal Gymnast. Sarena is very excited about her Bat Mitzvah and confident that she is well prepared. Her parents are Deanne and Lawrence Michnick. Larry was formerly president of Temple Bat Yam. Josh, her brother, was Bar Mitzvahed at Temple Bat Yam. Her Mitzvah project is to raise money for MADD, Mother’s Against Drunk Driving. Congratulations and Mazel Tov to Sarena and her family on her achievements. We look forward to hearing more about Sarena’s future accomplishments. Submitted by Carole Eagle Page 10 LIBRARY CORNER Let’s start this report with the announcement that the “A Sip of Wine, A Nibble of Cheese, and the JEWISH ARTS” program, originally scheduled for early September, has been re-scheduled for October 26, 2014. There are numerous reasons for this re-scheduling, not lease among them, a number of Congregant comments regarding the “too early in the season” time frame for this event. We have re-thought and we recognize the many demands placed on all of us during the High Holy Days period. Jeri Lipov, the “Star” of the Arts program has most graciously allowed the date change. We so appreciate the effort Jeri has put into the preparation for this much anticipated event. Please mark your calendar, now. Be with us on Sunday, October 26 at 4:00 PM. Since our major fall event has been rescheduled, the Library re-dedication has also been re-set. We will open our doors on the newly renovated Levy Library on the day of Jeri’s Art Program. We look forward to showing you our new layout, and introduce you to our newly defined book sections. Our aim has been, and remains, to make our facility more “user friendly”, a place you will enjoy visiting and browsing. Meanwhile, work goes forward. Finally, we thank the congregants who responded to our plea for new Library Crew members. Newly connected members of the Crew are: Carole Eagle, Lynn Neidenbach, and Ellen Reitkopp. They join veteran Crew members: Carol Schachter, Janice Spieler, Enid Levine, Leslie Segall, Hilda Plisko, Marcia Hirsch, and me, Grayce Cohen. We send you warm wises for a Healthy and Happy New Year, full of good books to read and enjoy. We’ll be back with Bagels and Books, just as soon as we finish the work at hand. Don’t forget to tell a Crew member if you are reading (or have read) a book that you feel would make a good subject for our reading, and making a Bagels and Books selection. It is our pleasure to publicly thank Arleen and Don Pace for gifting the Library with both the book and the video of Simon Schama’s “The Story of the Jews”. We are so pleased to have this worthwhile work. mark your calendar – Jeri Lipov will take us on a captivating journey through the history of our people’s ART!!! HERE WE GO AGAIN!!! Steven Cohen It has been almost 75 years since Kristallnacht and the beginning of the Holocaust in Europe, but it appears anti-Semitism has again raised its ugly head in Europe. This continues centuries old anti-Semitism in Europe. Four weeks of fighting between Hamas and Israel has fueled a rise in anti-Semitism outbursts across Europe, ranging from violent attacks to chants of “Death to the Jews” at anti-Israeli demonstrations. In Germany and other European countries-especially France which has a large Jewish and Moslem population-Jews have been attacked on the streets, synagogues have been bombed, Jewish groups have received hate mail and anti-Semitism slogans have been spray-painted on buildings. In Turkey-a mostly Moslem nation-Prime Minister Recep Erdogan, who is running for president, has accused Israel of aggression similar to that of Adolf Hitler. One must remember that the word semitic originally included people living in the Middle East including Arabs and Jews in the Middle East. But now this anti-Semitism seems to have been recharged by the Middle East conflict. Why are not the religious leaders in the churches and mosques condemning these actions. We can’t turn a deaf ear to this behavior. Politicians and religious leaders must take the forefront in stopping this behavior. S Page 11 LOOK AT WHAT OUR TBY YOUTH HAS BEEN UP TO: ummer has nearly passed and it was hot! We have had very busy months leading up to our time off of school! May and June we prepared for school’s end, two Bar Mitzvahs and the preparation of our first youth group meeting and event together. Now we have nearly reached September and as we prepare for school’s beginning i’ts time to get together again! In Sum….. May brought us an end to an amazing school year of B’nai Mitzvahs filled with beautiful and well read Torah services followed by fun and well-earned celebrations. We began the year with Acacia Nichols’ Bat Mtizvah in September, followed in October by Harry Heller and, in December, by Hallie Friedman. Twenty Fourteen brought us Alex Schachter in February and Gabe Dunn in March. This brings us to May when Joey Bernstein and Aiden Nichols read their Torah portions and became part of the new and thriving TBY Youth Group. Set up for Sukkot is on the schedule for Sunday, September 28th. We want to schedule our Spaghetti Dinner, too. Sunday October 12th is the “Walk for a Cure” let’s support however we can. Grayce White's Bat Mitzvah is scheduled for April 11, 2015 Ethan Scheiber’s Bar Mitzvah is scheduled for May 30, 2015. CONGRATULATIONS TO EMILY SCHEIBER WINNER OF THE FAITH-BASED VOLUNTEER SPIRIT OF WORCESTER COUNTY AWARD Page 12 Page 13 Board of Directors: Rabbi Susan Warshaw President Candy Gusst Exec VP Paul Schwab Cong VP Jay Taustin Treasurer Debbie Resnick Exec Sec Bette Bohlmann Cong Sec Jeff Thaler Board of Trustees: WELCOME NEW MEMBERS Barry and Janice Sklar 180 Windjammer Road Berlin, MD 21811 410.615.5590 [email protected] Barry and Rochelle Cohen 120 Central Park E Ocean Pines, MD 21811 410.973.1097 [email protected] (B) [email protected] (R) Michelle Schachter Sidney Eagle Hal Glick Steve Cohen Rolfe Gudelsky NOTE ADDRESS CHANGE Nelson Davidson 317 Ellenwood Drive Middletown DE 19709 Buddy Seigel Stu Smolins Past Presidents: Larry Pack Stu Eisenman Roberta Bass 21 Federal Hill Berlin MD 21811 Steve and Shelley Cohen 98 Ocean Parkway Ocean Pines Md 21811 Larry Michnick Mike Waldman Jeff Thaler Hal Glick Mel Stein Jerry Selig Andy Benjamin NOTE EMAIL ADDRESS CHANGE Dave Fox [email protected] Roberta Bass [email protected] Page 14 LOVE DINING OUT …… THERE IS STILL PLENTY OF TIME TO PURCHASE YOUR 2014 OCEAN CITY DINE AND FUN DISCOUNT COUPON BOOK. SEPT 19 AND OCT17 shabbat dinners 6.30 pm followed by 8 pm services catered by THEY ARE AVAILABLE IN JUDAICA SHOP AT $10 EACH. THE GET YOURS TODAY! FOR EVERY BOOK SOLD $5 IS DONATED TO THE STORE. IT’S THE PERFECT OPPORTUNITY TO TRY A NEW RESTAURANT Rosenfeld’s Jewish Deli watch for menus! IT'S A WIN WIN! Do you shop at Food Lion? Whether you go there occasionally or regularly, you can donate to TBY at no additional cost to you. If you buy and a Food Lion gift card from our Temple, and use it instead of cash when you shop at the store, 5% of your purchase goes back to TBY. That way your grocery dollars earn money for TBY. It's easy. Jamie has a supply of $100 & $200 gift cards in the office. When you use the card in Food Lion, the cost of your groceries will be subtracted from the value of your card. Continue to use the card on your trips to the store until the balance is zero. Then buy another card. You get what you want, and Temple Bat Yam gets a share of the money. Support your Temple through your purchases. IT’S A WIN WIN. REMEMBERING OUR LOVED ONES SEPTEMBER YAHRZEITS Samuel Robert Anzel: grandfather of Karen Abrams, Maxine Bishop: friend of Rabbi Warshaw, Paul J. Blumenthal: father of Fred Blumenthal, Selig Cohen: father-in-law of Grayce Cohen, Dorothy Fiore: mother of Pamela Smolins, Lillian Firestone: mother of Phyllis Alpern, Beatrice Freeman: aunt of Cheryl Taustin, Frank Grill: father of Sherry Auerbach, Avron Gudelsky: father of Rolfe Gudelsky, Martha Gudelsky: grandmother of Rolfe Gudelsky, Christopher Heyer: father of Kimberly Cuesta, Dorothy Hodziewick: mother of Stephanie Cohen, Frances Katz: mother of Joane Wolpin, Ella Klein: mother-in-law of Marion Longberg, Nathan Klioze: father of Shirley Goodman, Robert Krawczak: husband of Ellen Krawczak, Morris Kurland: grandfather of Victor Cohen, Tillie Kurland: grandmother of Victor Cohen, Ruth Leber: mother of Arleen Pace, Bernard Lepselter: father of Jay Lepselter, Hy Lipov: father of Richard Lipov, Ira Novick: brother of Marvin Novick, Charles Rabinowitz: father-in-law of Elaine Rabinowitz, Frieda Rosenstock: mother of George Rosenstock, Joyce Claire Schneider: daughter of Leslie Segall, Etta Schwartz: grandmother of Janice Spieler, Elaine Sheiman: mother of Beth Woodell, Philip Siegel: grandfather of Jodi Sabo, Sylvia Strauss: mother of Robert Strauss, Ruth Taustin: mother of Jay Taustin Irving Brickner, father of Gloria Furman Flora Cohen, mother of Barry Cohen Stephanie Edelstein, daughter of Gloria Furman Rose Horwitz, mother of Gladys Miller Page 15 OCTOBER YAHRZEITS Robert Lee Abrams: brother of Sanford Abrams, Rose Leah Anzel: grandmother of Karen Abrams, Florence Auerbach: mother of Ron Auerbach, Albert A. Bell: father of Jonathan Bell, Michael Dickson: cousin of Victor Cohen, Mollie Eagle: mother of Sidney Eagle, Edward Eisenman: father of Stu Eisenman, Florence Feinman: grandmother of Amy Eskridge, Albert Feirman: uncle of Beth Woodell, Gwen Gilman: mother of Judith Galuardi, Esther Glickman: mother of Miriam Green, Anne Goldberg: mother of Marsha Sandler, Muriel Green: mother of Ellen Krawczak, Anne Hamburg: mother of Donald Hamburg, Roger Hartzband: nephew of Gloria Nestler, Fannie Klein: mother of Donald Klein, Ira Kline: father of Sheryl Pearson, Frank Lavin: brother-in-law of Bud Mitnick, Marcia Meyers: sister of Phyllis Brodsky, Bruce Michnick: father of Larry Michnick, Elliot Mitnick: brother of Bud Mitnick, Bessie Novick: mother of Marvin Novick, Henry Segal: father of Candy Gusst, Myer Seigel: father of Buddy Seigel, Louis Shilan: father of Marion Longberg, Joanne Smith: mother of Deanne Michnick, Evva Sobeloff Vale: mother of Emily Schwab, Roslyn Tannenbaum: aunt of Janice Spieler, Emanuel Wirkman: father of Edward Wirkman, Howard Witt: father of Arleen Pace, Albert F. Wolf: father of Veronica Kahn, Lewis Wolpin: father of Edward Wolpin, Riva Zampilione: mother in law of John Willmuth Page 16 GENERAL FUND Steve and Carol Rosen: ~Stuart and Debra Wodlinger, condolences on the loss of Sandie she was a special person Gloria Nestler: ~Stuart and Debra Wodlinger in memory of Sandie Wodlinger she was one of a kind and will definitely be missed Debbie Resnick: ~Stuart and Debra Wodlinger, condolences on the loss of your mother-she was a dear friend who I will always remember Sara Pitcock: ~Stuart Wodlinger from your friends and co-workers at Birchmere in memory of Sandie Wodlinger who was an active member Art and Marsha Sandler, Hal and Christine Glick, Sidney and Carole Eagle, Kenneth and Janet Mellits, Janice Spieler, Hilda Plisko, Howard and Helen Hammerman, Jeff and Rina Thaler, Sandra Rusk, Rachel Melnick, Edward and Penny Cunningham, Don and Arlene Pace, Marcia Hirsch and Phyllis Alpern: ~Stuart and Debra Wodlinger in memory of Sandie Wodlinger Stu and Pam Smolins: ~Candy Gusst, condolences on the loss of your beloved mother Marcia Hirsch: ~my deepest condolence and sincerest sympathy to your family in memory of your beloved mother, Libby Segal Debbie Resnick: ~Candy Gusst in memory of your mother, so sorry for your loss ~Don and Joyce Klein, best wishes, I hope you are both feeling better real soon Steve and Carol Rosen: ~Candy Gusst in memory of your mother, Libby Segal Sidney and Carole Eagle: ~Candy Gusst in memory of Libby Segal Roberta and Meir: ~Candy Gusst, our deepest condolences on the loss of your beloved mother, Libby Segal Joel and Patti Wiedermann: ~Candy Gusst in memory of Libby Segal Sylvia Burkom: ~Candy Gusst, condolences on the loss of your mother, Libby Segal ~Jeffrey Leber and family, condolences on the loss of your mother and my long time friend, Edith Friedman CONTRIBUTIONS Arie and Caryn Klapholz: ~Candy Gusst, so saddened to hear of your loss, we are thinking of you CARING COMMITTEE Ed Wirkman and Leslie Segall: ~ Stuart and Debra Wodlinger in memory of our dear friend Sandie Barbara Southwell: ~Stuart and Debra Wodlinger in loving memory of your mother Sandie Marvin and Myra Novick: ~Stuart and Debra Wodlinger in memory of Sandie Wodlinger Bernie and Joan Kessler: ~Stuart and Debra Wodlinger, condolences on the loss of your mother From John and Bette Bohlmann: ~Candy Gusst in memory of your mother, Libby Segal From Barbara Southwell: ~Candy Gusst in memory of your beloved mother RABBI’S DISCRETIONARY FUND Joel and Patti Wiedermann: ~to Stuart and Debra Wodlinger in memory of Sandie Wodlinger Chris, Linda and Grant Manion: ~ to Stuart and Debra Wodlinger in memory of Sandie Wodlinger’s joyous life and in particular how she connected to our son, Grant, made him laugh to the point of crying…she will be missed Stuart Wodlinger and Debra Wodlinger: ~with thanks to Rabbi Warshaw in honor of our mother’s memorial service ~with thanks to Cheryl Taustin in honor of our mother’s memorial service Larry and Helene Caplan: ~Candy Gusst, our sincere heartfelt condolences on the passing of your beloved mother, may she rest in peace. Mr. & Mrs. John Bohlmann, William Bellistri, William Harte, Timothy Mullin, Marlin Wert, Edward Wolpin and George Wood: ~Candy Gusst in memory of your mother, Libby Segal RELIGIOUS SCHOOL Allen and Phyllis Brodsky: ~to Aiden Nichols in honor of your Bar Mitzvah, enter into adulthood with a head start and big bang philosophy like Acacia Page 17 YAHRZEIT FUND Hal Glick: ~ step-father, Victor Rubin Veronica Kahn: ~ brother, Philip Wolf Allen Brodsky: ~wonderful cousin, Richard Levin Hermione Caplan: ~mother, Sarah Caplan Ellen Kane: ~father, Irving Dunkel Janet Mellits: ~husband, David Mellits Rabbi Warshaw: ~father, Jack L. Green Ronnye Levin: ~blessed husband 10 year anniversary to the day July 19, 2004 Elaine Rabinowitz: ~mother-in-law, Anna Rabinowitz Enid Levine: ~father, Karl Meiselman Carol Schachter: ~husband, Arlan Schachter John Willmuth: ~wife, Nanette Willmuth Bud Mitnick: ~mother, Henrietta Mitnick Phil Kane: ~mother, Leah Arluck Pam Smolins: ~mother, Dorothy Fiore Fred Blumenthal ~mother, Geraldine G. Blumenthal, may her memory be for a blessing Jack and Michelle Schachter: ~Jack’s father, Arlan Schachter ~Michelle’s mother, Judy Lankford Stan and Veronica Kahn: ~Stan’s mother, Hannah Ann Kahn Hilda Plisko: ~husband, Theodore Janice Spieler: ~father, Jack Kerman ~husband, Al Spieler Cyndi Leiner: ~grandfather, George Blickstein Bruce, Cyndi, Jesse, Josh and Jill Leiner: ~beloved mother and grandmother Paul Weller: ~my mother, Ann Weller Debbie Resnick: ~sister, Petra Gordon ~mother-in-law, Stella Resnick Rabbi Warshaw: ~friend, Maxine Bishop Victor and Stephanie Cohen: ~mother, Dorothy Hodziewick-still miss you every day ~grandmother, Tillie Kirkland ~grandfather, Morris Kirkland board of directors rabbi warshaw candy gusst stu eisenman: for the nice things you do….. for just being you….. thanks so much for acknowledging us at the founder’s tribute the night was simply divine, marvelous, delightful, magnificent, splendid, superb and very very special with love, best wishes and many thanks Bruce and Cyndi Leiner Page 18 NEXT NEWSLETTER ARTICLE DEADLINE OCTOBER15 FOR NOVEMBER/DECEMBER EDITION HONOR A BIRTHDAY, WEDDING, BAR/BAT MITZVAH REMEMBER THE PASSING OF A LOVED ONE MAKE A DONATION TO THE GENERAL ACCOUNT TO THE INTEREST OF YOUR CHOICE caring committee sponsor an oneg library rabbi’s discretionary tree of cantors religious school life/memorial arts and furnishing plaque your name ___________________________________________________ donation amount ___________________________________________________ special message ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ send acknowledgement to ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ TEMPLE BAT YAM 11036 WORCESTER HIGHWAY BERLIN, MD 21811 P O BOX 3238 OCEAN CITY, MD 21843 410.641.4311 [email protected] www.templebatyam-oc.org
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