August 2011 - DavieLiFE Magazine
August 2011 - DavieLiFE Magazine
august 2011 Vol. 2 No. 3 int roducing A publication of Sum5 Communications, LLC Complimentary Important Davie County Schools Information on Page 29 Davie County Welcomes New School Superintendent Darrin Hartness and Family A Magazine Dedicated to Life in Davie County1 2 Fall 2011 s y a D l o o h c S It’s so hard to believe, but another school year is upon us! Where does the time go when you’re having fun — summer vacations and camps, kids sleeping in late, soaking in some much needed Vitamin D and just trying to squeeze in one more thing before good ole’ summertime comes to an end. Our family has enjoyed some extra time together and I hope that you have taken the time to enjoy some special time as well, but as the old saying goes, “all good things must come to an end”. Well, in DC, that saying is only partially true . . . summer may be ending, but a whole new season is upon us and it is even more exciting! DavieLiFE has once again had the privilege to partner with Davie County Schools and bring you our second annual, Back-to-School issue. Again, we have included lots of valuable information for the 2011-12 school year (see our center spread), but we also had the extra special opportunity to meet Dr. Darrin Hartness and his family. Dr. Hartness is the new Superintendent for Davie County Schools and we spent time with him in July getting to know more about him, as well as his wife, Lisa, and two daughters, Madison and Molly. I hope you will enjoy our interview with the Hartness family on pages 28 and 33. They were such a joy to work with and I am excited about them joining the Davie County community — they will make a fantastic addition! Also, a special thank you to Jessica Marie Bailey of Jessica Marie Photography for helping us capture the family’s personality in photos. Davie County is full of talented photographers, and Jessica Marie is certainly one of them…..her ability to work with the Hartness family and understand the vision of DavieLiFE for this special feature really helped bring the piece “to life”. We’ve once again been blessed by the response from readers and supporters. We’re proud to display the nearly 100 supporters in this issue of DavieLiFE and we ask that you as a reader and fan, take the time to thank the businesses and agencies (represented in this issue) for making the magazine possible. Although I have said this over and over, without our supporters, DavieLiFE would not be possible! I ask that you help DavieLiFE stay vital by supporting those represented and be sure to let them know how much you appreciate their willingness to make DavieLiFE a reality. A new addition to DavieLiFE is our partnership with the Humane Society of Davie County. Since our first issue in January of 2010, the Humane Society has been an avid supporter and advocate for our little, hometown magazine. Through their support and involvement, I realized their need for help in pairing loving families with the many animals they care for. Starting in this issue, we will be sharing with readers some of the animals that are available for adoption at our local humane society. Please be sure to check out their photos and bios, and if you are considering a pet for your home or family, we hope that you will consider one of these very loveable pets. For more information on any of the pets featured in this issue, visit the humane society website at Again, let me thank you all for making DavieLiFE the magazine it is today. I am blessed to work with such a special subject — Davie County. I am proud to be a part of this great magazine and hope to make our community proud as well. Wendy H. Horne Publisher, Editor In This Issue New Contributing Writers . . . . . . . 4 DavieLiFE Mailbag . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Save the Date--Festival of Books . . . 8 Davie County United Way: 37 Years and Counting! . . . . . . . . 11 Life Is… . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Stay Out of My Office . . . . . . . . . 14 Go Idle Free for Savings! . . . . . . . 15 Help Davie Students Score Big with Scholarships . . . . . . . . . 16 Four Ways to Beat Back-to-School Weight Gain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Flood Insurance—Maybe You Don’t Need It Or Are Paying Too Much . . . 19 Creating Happy Kids Smiles! . . . . . 23 Back in Time: Center Community . . 24 Meet the Hartness Family . . . . . . 28 Back to School Insert . . . . . . . Insert Art Works in Davie County! . . . . . . 37 Davie Marketplace . . . . . . . . . . 38 Marketplace Focus . . . . . . . . . . 39 Chamber Deals—Coming Soon . . . 40 Giving Back to Get Ready for Back-to-School . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Encouragement Café . . . . . . . . . 46 Davie Youth Spotlight: What is Young Life? . . . . . . . . . . 52 Community Calendar . . . . . . . . . 54 Back-to-School Kids’ Corner . . . . . 58 How Well Do You Know Your DavieLiFE Advertisers? . . . . . . . . 59 In the Kitchen with . . . . . . . . . . 61 Surviving the Current Economy: From An Accountant’s Perspective . . 63 Directory of Advertisers . . . . . . . . 66 3 A Magazine Dedicated to Life in Davie County Publisher Wendy H. Horne Sum5 Communications, LLC Editor Wendy H. Horne Contributing Writers Jeff Allen, Clio Austin, Chris Brady, Brandon Byers, Shasta Helsel, Luann Prater, Rachel Williams Cover & Feature Story Photography Jessica Marie Photography Graphic Design Lin Taylor Graphic Design, Inc. Account Managers Julie Coleman Angie Jordan For information on how you can support DavieLiFE through advertising, contact us at [email protected]. Comments [email protected] DavieLiFE Magazine is a publication of Sum5 Communications, LLC P.O. Box 2184 Advance, NC 27006 Tel. 336-941-3090 Fax 336-218-6346 © Copyright 2011 DavieLiFE Magazine New Contributing Writers Jeff Allen, PLS Allen Geomatics, P.C. Jeff is a lifelong and 9th generation resident of Davie County. He, wife Tara, and son Dean live in Advance. Jeff began his land surveying career in 1991 and has been the owner of Allen Geomatics, P.C. since 2008. He is active in the community, serving Advance Methodist Church, Advance Masonic Lodge, Hillsdale Sunrise Rotary, and Boy Scout Troop 732. Clio H. Austin, M.D. and Shasta Helsel, M.D. Wake Forest Baptist Health, Brenner Children’s Hospital Pediatrics – Mocksville Dr. Austin’s specialties are asthma, obesity and injury prevention, and support for breast-feeding mothers. She is the medical advisor for the Davie County School Health Advisory Council and a member of Jack and Jill of America, an organization of mothers dedicated to nurturing future leaders. Dr. Helsel’s interests are asthma, atopic dermatitis, obesity, and breast-feeding and immunization education. She and her husband are parents of 3-year-old Ashlyn. Both doctors are certified by the American Board of Pediatric Medicine. Chris Brady Davie Family YMCA Chris Brady is Executive Director of the Davie Family YMCA. She has been with the organization for more than 20 years. She’s the mother of two boys and active in her local community. The Y strengthens our community through youth development, healthy living and social responsibility. Programs include aquatics, health and wellness, youth and adult sports, Silver Sneakers Exercise, and child care including licensed before- and after-school child care at all Davie County elementary schools. Dr. Brandon Byers Davie Chiropractic Dr. Brandon Byers is originally from Greensboro and obtained his B.S. degree from East Carolina University. He received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree four years later from Logan Chiropractic College in St. Louis, MO. He has been practicing for 13 years, the last 10 of which have been in Davie County at the Davie Chiropractic Clinic. He and his wife Heather have four children, Mia, Ellie, Davis and Owen. The entire family fell in love with the county and couldn’t imagine living anywhere else. Luann Prater Encouragement Cafe Want to learn more about advertising in the next edition of DavieLiFE? Advertising is available on a first-come, first-served basis so don’t delay! Our deadline for advertising in the next edition of DavieLiFE is Tuesday, October 4th. Also, don’t forget, your ad in DavieLiFE will also be available online at For more information, contact us at 941-3090 or [email protected]. 4 Fall 2011 Luann is wife to Dwight Prater at SunTrust, mother and grandmother. She is the radio host of Encouragement Cafe with Luann & Friends and Executive Director of Encouragement Cafe Ministries, Inc. which reaches audiences worldwide through podcasts, website and Encouragement EXTREME Events. She’s been a speaker/ author with Proverbs 31 Ministries for over a decade. She is a contributing author to Encouragement For Today online devotions now reaching over 500,000 daily, the books God’s Purpose for Every Woman and The Reason We Speak, and P31 Magazine. Her new book will be available next year. She is also a realtor with Missions Realty in Mocksville. Rachel Williams DavieLiFE Summer Intern Rachel Williams has lived in Mocksville her entire life, attending Mocksville Elementary School and South Davie Middle School. She is currently a Junior at Salem Academy where she has fun playing field hockey and participating in theatre. In her free time Rachel enjoys reading and riding horses. Church is a big part of Rachel’s life. She loves attending Youth and going on mission trips. Rachel enjoys writing and hopes to be a journalist someday. HONDA Everhart Honda is the Dealership you can depend on. • Capable of taking care of all your automotive needs. • We service all makes and models not just Hondas. • Easy to get to off I-77 South exit 49B Over 200 Pre-Owned Cars – Trucks – Vans – SUVs All Makes & Models Honda Certified Pre-Owned 7 Year / 100,000 Mile Warranty Mr. Everhart, a proud resident of Davie County You’re Just a Heartbeat Aw from a Great ay Deal! eal D t s e B e h t s y a w l “A n o s e c i r P t s e w o and L ” s l e d o M a d n o H New 1015 Folder Dr. Statesville, NC interstate 77 EXIT 49B 800-841-7036 HONDA Sales Hours Service Hours Mon – Fri: 8:30 am-8:30 pm Saturday: 8:30 am-6 pm Mon – Fri: 8 am-6 pm Saturday: 8 am-4 pm closed sunday closed sunday 5 DavieLiFE Mailbag avie , iety of D avieLiFE c o D S r e a n e D Huma the ure for t of the s n o e p id x s e e t r ion. The As the p m thrilled to ge uality publicat eems Ia a high q e community s County, in such n d th io t a who with an k r organiz o brarian w li o e t h t t a s proud re azine. A ory, I am very g staff is g a m e t h ence l his me t or refer f e to welco matters of loca in z a ith od job he mag works w ing copies of t r the go o f e if L chiv avie to be ar ure. Thanks D t u f into the doing! you are County Allister Jane Mc ociety of Davie eS rary Human nty Public Lib ou Davie C ! ! s r e n n i W Nancy Beaver proudly displays her DavieLiFE tote. Danny Spry, Brittany Goodman and Nancy Beaver received this fantastic DavieLiFE tote bag for counting the birthday cakes in our January issue. A special thank you to Angie Bailey of Thirty-One gifts for working with us to create this unique gift for our lucky readers. Dear DavieLiFE, On behalf of the Davie Chamber, “THANK YOU” for bringing DavieLiFE Magazine to our community! Each edition is better than the last and provides so much useful information and interesting facts and history about Davie County. Serving as the entity that not only welcomes new businesses and residents to the area, but also the tourism authority for Davie County, we interact with so many people wanting information about our community. Our relocation package always includes the Chamber Business Guide, a county map and the latest edition DavieLiFE Magazine. We also provide copies to visitors who stop in our office looking to “Discover Davie County”. The May 2011 issue, “Growing Davie County”, was especially good as it highlighted and promoted a key economic asset in our county. It was also a great venue for the Chamber to showcase the first segment of our new tourism campaign “Discover Davie County”. We have received such great feedback on the “Discover Davie Vineyards” page and cannot thank you enough for the beautiful ad you designed. Davie County is a great community and we now have a beautiful magazine that reminds so many of us why we call this community home. Keep up the great work and thank you DavieLiFE! Sincerely, Carolyn McManamy, President Davie County Chamber of Commerce 6 Fall 2011 Dear DavieLiF E, As I finish read ing the May is sue of DavieLiF Magazine, I w E anted to pass al ong my thanks and congratula tions! The mag azine always includes a nice mix of informat ion, as well as stories of hum an interest. I am al ways impresse with the profes d sional layout an d presentation wish the magaz an d ine nothing bu t good wishes an continued succ d ess. Pat Hauser Mocksville, N C 7 Save the Date! Festival of Books Fall in Mocksville is always beautiful with huge trees covered in brightly colored leaves. This year, on October 1st, a festival for the entire family will feature a different kind of leaf – book leafs. The first Festival of Books 2011 will be held at Rich Park with nationally known, award winning authors speaking, signing copies of their books and selling books. Some of the authors appearing include Sharyn McCrumb, Ann Ross, Randy Russell, Cecelia Budd Grimes, Ed Southern, Laura Wharton and Cindy Holby. Many state and local authors will be attending as well. UN CI L ' S T Y AR TS CO DA VI E CO UN oks Festival of Bo 2011 ctober S a t u r d a yS, TO 1 LL M O CK S VI RI CH PA RK In the children’s section, there will be Little Critter and Professor Dumbledore, as well as Kim Underwood, Garnet Goldman and Linda Greene Dean. Also, a “Dig for Treasure” game, face painting and crafts related to reading. E, N C Admission is free. Be sure to mark your calendar for lots of good reading, good food, entertainment and a chance to meet and talk to talented North Carolina writers. Paisley s mb Ann Ros HE AR ….. ME ET AN D mes Cindy Holby Sharyn McCru more! Cecilia Budd Gri Randy Russell and many Laura North Carolina S. Wharton History ance ERYONE….. Fantasy Science Fiction Rom BOOKS FOR EV stery Ghosts NASCAR My ILDREN CH R rn et FO S OR der woo d & Ga ..…AND AUTH Dea n , Kim Un L in d a Gre en G ol dm a n Du mb led ore tte r an d Lit tle Cri 112 1-3 Pro fes sor CO UN C IL -75 ARANCES BY OU NT Y AR TS SPECIAL APPEO R MA TIO N C AL L DA V IE C “PAISLEY” a very sweet white-an d grey-striped domestic short-h aired girl is very loving and gets along well with other cats. She enjoys me eting everyone and talks with you an d follows you just to be petted. She ’s litter box trained, spayed, up-to-date on shots with an estimated birthdate of Feb ruary 1, 2009. www.DavieNCHumane.or g INF F O R MO RE Internationally Recognized Specialists Are Just Around the Corner The specialists at Advance Neurology & Pain provide diagnosis & treatment for conditions including: Conveniently located in the Bermuda Run community • Multiple Sclerosis • Neuropathy • Parkinson’s Disease • Back & Neck Pain • Alzheimer’s Disease • Sleep Disorders • Migraine & Headaches 336 940-2781 We are participants and principle investigators in national clinical trials 8 Fall 2011 John A. H. Porter, MD, FAAN Douglas R. Jeffery, MD, PhD 152 E. KindertonWay, Suite 101, Advance, NC NEW PATIENTS ARE WELCOME Let Us Transfer Your Home Movies or Video Tapes onto DVD! • Weddings & Anniversaries • Recitals • Home Movies •Special Events Good Time Video Productions Ken Hinkley & Associates Full Service Video Production Company in business for over 25 years Skinny Wheels Bike Shop Sales & Service All types of bikes in stock 336.409.5282 [email protected] 119 North Salisbury St. 336-751-RIDE of business with brands made right here in North Carolina! Elkin Taylorsville Conover Hickory Wilkesboro Proud to Sell American Made Quality Furniture! 848 South Main St. • Mocksville 336.751.2492 Courteous, Dependable Service for 75 Years! 9 Now Ope n! Tanglewood Pharmacy… Because medicine is personal. When you walk in the door of Tanglewood Pharmacy, we know you by name. We are partners with you and your doctor, and we are here to provide you with better understanding of your prescription medications. Better understanding means better results and better health — for you and the ones you love. Personalized Medicine, Personalized Care (336) 793-4880 4172 Clemmons Road, Clemmons Conveniently located across from Tanglewood next to Harris Teeter 10 Fall 2011 Weekdays 9-6 • Saturdays 9-noon • Sundays Closed Davie County United Way: 37 Years and Counting! Contributed by Melinda Beauchamp You may have heard “if you love your job, you will never work a day in your life”. That’s how I feel about being the Executive Director for Davie County United Way (DCUW). I meet new people or reconnect with old friends every day, tackle new concerns, look at the overall health of the county and have joined forces with all who want Davie County to be stronger and regain economic prosperity. I talk to people who care about this community; the non-profit and government funded agencies that help thousands of our neighbors who are dealing with heart breaking issues every year. I feel blessed to be part of a network of caring, compassionate people; an organization with strong, successful roots in this area. Melinda Beauchamp Davie County United Way, Inc. The Davie County United Way began in 1973 when the Rotary Club of Mocksville identified the need for a Community Fund. Charles Dunn and Allen Martin were key organizers and raised $40,000 that first year. In 1975, the Community Fund affiliated with United Way of Atlanta and in 1977, with United Way of Forsyth County. By 1989, Davie County United Way was incorporated. During those 37 years, the organization has supported over 30 partner agencies by raising awareness of needs as well as over $10,200,000! The economic downturn in the last few years hit many families very hard causing an inability to keep a roof over their heads, clothes on their backs and food on the table. Today, as in years past, DCUW has been here to help thousands of families. Whether a disaster strikes or a bad economy, people have depended on the DCUW and the agencies we serve. Today we have 3,000 children on free and reduced lunch programs in our schools; many of them are also homeless. You see, DCUW still has much to do. We serve 18 agencies with programs to help children and youth in crisis, families about to lose their homes, cancer victims needing medication and mothers and children escaping abuse. There are programs that provide residential services to adults with developmental disabilities, home care, counseling, help with financial problems, school readiness for very young children and many more needs are addressed. The 2011-12 United Way Campaign will kick-off September 13th. Our slogan is: At Least $1 per week X United Way = Lives Changed for the Better! Our goal is 100% participation from all of our Davie County company employees. If you have never given to United Way before, please start with this campaign. You will never give so little to any cause and have it mean so much to hurting neighbors. You can give through payroll deduction in your company which makes it so easy. Would you miss $1 a week out of your pay check? Probably not, but someone will benefit greatly from your gift. If you are a current donor, thank you. We will be looking for your support again and, if possible, please increase your gift. It will make a difference! 11 Life Is... Contributed by Darryl Bandy, Jr. Life is . . . spending time with family and friends. Watching a ball game. Lying in a hammock on a Saturday afternoon. Life can be all of these things and more. Life is happy and sad and all things in between. It’s about living. Darryl Bandy, Jr., State Farm Insurance Companies But life is also about protecting your family from the unexpected. Life is making sure your family can continue without financial hardship if you are no longer around to help them. One way to do that is to have adequate life insurance coverage on you and your spouse. Life is….being protected with life insurance. Whether you are the main breadwinner or not, the American Life Insurance Council states you should have five to seven years worth of your salary in coverage. Others increase it to 10 years. According to LIMRA, 68 million adult Americans have no life insurance. With so many Americans leaving their loved ones financially vulnerable, the Life Continued on page 12 12 Fall 2011 Continued from page 13 and Health Insurance Foundation for Education (LIFE) designated September as Life Insurance Awareness Month (LIAM), a time for the public to take stock of their life insurance needs. Residential The best way to determine your needs is to begin with calculating what long-term expenses you have that your loved ones would be responsible for if you were not around. Those expenses could include a mortgage, college tuition and everyday items such as food and clothing. The type of policy you choose is an important decision. Term coverage can be very affordable initially, but premiums may increase over the life of the policy. Permanent policies usually have higher premiums but tend to stay level. How long you need the policy is also important to consider. A qualified life insurance professional can assist you in your calculations and show you policies that may fit your needs. Life is ever changing. Protecting your family from financial struggles after you are gone is what life insurance is all about. Bianca “BIANCA”, a gorgeous brindle-an dwhite boxer mix, was rescued by the Humane Society of Davie Coun ty from the county-operated an imal shelter. She’s quite a character with her loving and playful personality and enjoys running with the smaller dogs in our fenced in play area. When you are with her… she wants all of your attention and will greet you by trying to hug and will give you a kiss if you’ll let her. She’ll need basic trainin g, lots of room to run and has lots of love to give back to a loving family. She’s spayed, up-to-date on shots, with an estimated birthdate of May 7, 2010. www.DavieNCHumane.or g Live FuLLy. Live ComFortabLy. Don’t let chronic or serious illness control your quality of life. •Are you newly diagnosed with a chronic or serious illness? qYes qNo •Do you have pain & challenging symptoms from your illness? qYes qNo •Is your quality of life compromised because of your illness? qYes qNo If you answered Yes – Let us help! 336-768-3972 or 1-888-876-3663 13 Stay Out of My Office! Contributed by Dr. Brandon Byers Not exactly what you’d expect to hear from someone trying to run a business. But, if I stay true to the chiropractic principle that prevention is a better approach than treatment, I’m compelled to supply some useful spinal care tips. 80% of the population, at some point in their lives, will suffer from debilitating back pain. That’s job security for me but trouble for you. So here are a few simple, practical tips to keep you upright. Dr. Brandon Byers Davie Chiropractic 1. Move! One position, whether it’s sitting, standing or lying, allows joints in your spine to fill with pressure and cause pain. If your job demands a fixed position, get up periodically and stretch. Walk down the hallway, touch your toes, roll your neck, whatever. Just move! 2. When lifting something heavy, get help. If you can handle the weight yourself, always squat and use your legs, keeping the item as close to your body as possible. 3. Avoid twisting, especially while carrying a load. The spinal discs are beautifully designed to withstand tremendous amounts of compression (downward force). What they cannot tolerate is compression with rotation (twisting). Simple solution, make sure your toes are pointed in the direction you are headed. People have ruptured discs from picking up a toothbrush. It wasn’t the weight of the toothbrush, it was the twisting. 4. Stiffness is your warning. When pressure begins to build, the initial symptom will be stiffness. That’s the time for an adjustment. Not after it’s progressed to excruciating pain that shoots out your toes, that takes much longer to fix. Hopefully this will help keep you out of my office. But, if you need us we’re here. Dr. Brandon Byers 501 Wilkesboro St. Mocksville, NC 27028 •Back Pain, Neck Pain •Arm & Leg Pain •Shoulders, Hips, Knees •Sports Injuries •Headaches •Auto Accidents •Numbness •Family & Pediatric Care •Wellness Care 14 Fall 2011 □□In pain? □□Tired of medicine masking the symptoms? □□Ready to find and fix the cause? □□Call 751.2512 Accepting: • BlueCross/BlueShield • Medicare • United Healthcare • Medicaid • Aetna • CIGNA •MedCost Dr. Brandon Byers & Family Go Idle Free for Savings! Contributed by Brooke Kochanski You may notice some idle reduction signs starting to pop up around Davie County. Elementary schools, business and local governments are taking a keen interest in cleaner air for the community, AND saving gas money. Switch that key to the off position when waiting to drop off kids at school or any other place you tend to idle, and start to enjoy the savings! For every two minutes a car is idling, it uses approximately the same amount of fuel it takes to go about one mile. Research indicates that the average person idles their car five to 10 minutes a day. Another way to save on gas money and protect our air is to take advantage of different commute options. The Piedmont Authority for Regional Transportation, PART, offers daily commuter service to Winston Salem and beyond. PART will work with you to set up a vanpool or carpool and provide telecommuting and other transportation resources. PartNC Contact us for more information on how you can obtain an idle reduction sign free for your school or business, or to learn more about how you can share the ride, save money and clean the air! Mittens “MITTENS”, a precious black-an dwhite domestic short-haired girl with little white mittens and other white markings (including 2 unusual white spots right under her nose!), wa s rescued by the Humane Society of Davie County from the county operated animal she lter. She’s curious about everything and enjoys being hel d for a little while but then enjoys her privacy also. She ’s spayed, up-to-date on shots, litter box trained does well with most other cats with an estimated birthd ate of January 6, 2011. www.DavieNCHumane.or g 15 Help Davie Students Score Big with Scholarships Contributed by Jane Simpson Businesses, both large and small, can join together to support Davie students in September through the Community Foundation’s Touchdowns for Education project. Since 2007, businesses around the county have joined the “Team” to raise more than $30,000 for college scholarships! Businesses, both large and small, can join together to support Davie students. The project works like this: Businesses sign up to be part of the Team and agree to donate $100 to the Community Scholarship Fund at the Davie Community Foundation every time the War Eagles score a touchdown. In 2009, the project had its biggest game, raising $12,000, thanks to the generosity of 24 local sponsors combined with successful scoring by the War Eagles (a total of five touchdowns). It was our biggest winner to date! Over the past four years, students have been the real winners! Fifteen, $1,000 scholarships have been awarded from the fund. The remaining dollars are being used to build a scholarship endowment which will ensure that scholarships are still available to award, even when the project ends. Basically, Team members are helping students today AND building an endowment that will help students long into the future. The 2011 Touchdowns for Education Team will take the field on Friday, September 30th at 7:30 p.m. in the game against Reynolds High School. Since it is Homecoming, a terrific crowd is expected. It will be a great night to have your business, group, or club announced throughout the evening as a member of the Touchdowns for Education Team! Contact the Davie Community Foundation at (336) 753-6903 for more information about securing your spot on the team! 16 Fall 2011 Welcoming new patients Our pediatric practice in Mocksville is growing Brenner Children’s Hospital offers pediatric expertise and compassionate care at its convenient Mocksville location. Dr. Clio Austin Dr. Clio Austin and Dr. Shasta Helsel welcome Dr. Laura Forster, who joins them at the practice in September 2011. Dr. Shasta Helsel Dr. Laura Forster 113 Marketplace Drive Mocksville First-time patient? Call or visit: 336-716-WAKE (9253) • 888-716-WAKE (toll-free) Mocksville Peds Ad_0811_3.indd 1 8/5/11 3:47 PM 17 Four Ways to Beat Back-to-School Weight Gain Contributed by Clio H. Austin, M.D. and Shasta Helsel, M.D., Wake Forest Baptist Health, Brenner Children’s Hospital, Pediatrics – Mocksville We’ve all heard about the Freshman 15, the dreaded weight gain teens sometimes experience during their first year of college. But did you know that younger children can also pack on unwanted pounds when school begins? We’ve seen it in enough of our patients to know that it’s a pretty common occurrence. Unwanted weight gain — an increase that pushes your child over the desired weight range for their age — can happen when children become less active and eat fewer fresh fruits and vegetables during the school year. So while your child’s summer may have been filled with swimming, playing and eating lots of garden produce, their school year can bring many hours of prolonged sitting and unhealthy eating. To help make sure this doesn’t happen, here are a few healthy guidelines: 1. Dr. Clio H. Austin 2. 3. Dr. Shasta Helsel 4. tart the day off right: S A healthy morning meal should be low in sugar and include 100 percent juice, low-fat milk, and multigrain bread or cereal. You might be surprised to discover there are many great tasting cereals that are both low in sugar and high in whole grains. When you're doing your grocery shopping, check labels to be sure. Pack a nutritious lunch: The Davie County school system strives to offer students healthy lunches, but if you choose to pack your child's lunch instead, do so wisely. A sandwich with whole-grain bread, vegetables, low-fat cheese and low-fat, low-sodium deli meat is a great choice. It's also surprisingly easy to find low-calorie snacks your child will enjoy, such as baked chips, pre-packaged 100-calorie snacks, or a favorite fruit. Skip fast food for family dinners: The school year is a busy time, so look for time-saving meals that still allow you to use healthy ingredients like vegetables, lean meats and whole grains. One option is to make dishes ahead of time and freeze them to enjoy at a later date — say, an evening when you have to dash off to a soccer match or band concert. Encourage after-school and weekend activities: Your child may no longer have all day to play outside, but you should allow them to spend time outdoors after school and on weekends. Extracurricular group sports can also provide exercise. And for indoor time, allow activity promoting games like Wii Sports and Fit. With these changes, your child can be just as healthy during the school year as they were during the summer months. Dr. Laura Forster, Dr. Clio H. Austin and Dr. Shasta Helsel of PediatricsMocksville. 18 Fall 2011 Flood Insurance – Maybe You Don’t Need It or Are Paying Too Much Contributed by Jeff Allen, PLS If you have ever sat at the closing table of a real estate transaction involving a loan from a bank, you know that the fees for the various line items can become a large sum. Although it’s one of the smallest fees, the flood zone determination is necessary by federal law. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), within the Department of Homeland Security, requires all federally insured banks to require the homeowner to purchase flood insurance if the structure is within a Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA). This is determined by a Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM). The first FIRMs for Davie County were introduced in 1978, and have been revised a few times, most recently in 2009. The newest version produced a much more accurate determination of the flood zones we have here in Davie County. This may have caused some homes that were previously in a flood hazard area to be removed; and some that were not, to now be included. The average homeowner may not know their situation unless they re-finance. I have received many calls in the past couple years from people who have been informed that they must purchase flood insurance. This can be several hundred dollars a year, and it may not be necessary. The good news is that a more detailed survey of any structure can be performed to appeal to FEMA and show that the lowest floor of the house is above the flood elevation. Each foot of height above the Base Flood Elevation changes the price of insurance. A Professional Land Surveyor can provide this in the form of an Elevation Certificate that the homeowner can use to submit a Letter of Map Amendment (LOMA). Jeff Allen, PLS Allen Geomatics, P.C. The average homeowner may not know their situation unless they re-finance. I’ll be happy to help with this issue or any other Land Surveying needs you may have. 19 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY • Read a best seller • Learn a language • Start a business Davie Allergy & Asthma Clinic Comprehensive Adult and Pediatric Allergy Care The very best place to start! • Find a job • Research family history • Enjoy Story Time Board Certified Allergist / Immunologist Personalized Adult & Pediatric Allergy Care Same Week Appointments • Accepting Most Insurance Richard C. Herring, M.D. • Seasonal Allergies • Allergen Immunotherapy • Asthma • Eczema • Food Allergies • Bee Sting Allergies • Hives • Drug Allergies • Skin Allergies • Chronic Sinus Infections • Headaches • Recurrent Infections 336.998.3833 New Patients Welcome! Located in Kinderton above Davie Dermatology 108 Dornach Way, Suite 200 371 N. Main Street • Mocksville Cooleemee Shopping Center • Cooleemee Advertising and Marketing consultant Specializing in media buying and post-analysis Production of flyers,newsletters, presentations Angie Jordan, Owner 909-4327 [email protected] God’s Green Earth lawn service & stump grinding Justin Horne, Insured Specializing in lawn care and stump grinding. Call for a free estimate! Office: 336.492.2540 Cell: 336.354.3773 20 Fall 2011 hillsdale dental Come & Visit Us! “Comprehensive, conservative, quality dental care for the entire family.” •12 chair office with picture windows and streaming music providing a relaxing experience for patients •Advanced technological services with all digital charting •Emergency services available •Follow us on Facebook Adam T. Dorsett, DDS & Jason T. Moore, DDS, PA 127 Royal Troon Lane Advance, NC 27006 336.998.2427 21 Davie Farm Service Locally Owned & Operated for 59 Years! For over 59 years, we have been Davie County’s best source for all your agricultural and farm supply needs. Our mission is to provide farmers, homeowners and dealers with quality products, services and superior growing solutions all year long. As part of the Southern States family, we provide knowledgeable service along with quality products. We’ve got everything you need to make YOUR garden grow better. Have questions? Just ask us…we’re the experts! Party World Residential & Commercial • Design/Build, Lawn Care & Maintenance Operations Table Covers Gift Wrap Tickets • Horns Candles Streamers Balloons • Leis Table Cover Rolls Skirting Centerpieces Cutlery Doilies Stickers Confetti Wristbands Wigs • Makeup Costumers Banners Crepe Paper Noisemakers “Providing Benchmark Landscape Services Since 1979” Everything for Your Party! 116 Wilkesboro Street Mocksville 336.751.5021 [email protected] Visit for a full product line! Blakley Landscape Services, Inc. James Blakley 336.998.7196 3414 Kinnamon Village Commons (Corner of Kinnamon & 158 in the Food Lion Shopping Center) 778.1988 Mon-Thurs & Sat 10 a.m. - 8 p.m. Friday 10 a.m. - 9 p.m. Check out Party Tips on our blog at Custom Homes Additions & Sunrooms Kitchen & Bath Remodels Basement Remodels Giving Back... Deliciously... Visit Carvel Ice Cream and Yadkin Valley Frozen Yogurt for refreshing treats! Want to raise money for your school? Contact us for dates when we donate 20% of sales to PTAs in Davie County. Try a Carvel Ice Cream cake for your next party or celebration! Come by to view our full selection of delicious cakes! 236 NC Hwy 801 N • Advance (In the Lowe’s Foods Shopping Center) 998.9200 Welcome Back to School Davie County Schools Students and Staff! 22 Fall 2011 When we build your home, your satisfaction with our process and your Building Design continued pride of Contact Melissa Johnson ownership are our (336) 414-4908 top priorities. CKJ & Superior service • Exceeding standards • Customer satisfaction where quality & customer service is everything Creating Happy Kids Smiles! Contributed by Gina Spangler, DDS, MS and Gail Rohlfing, DDS, MS Tooth decay is one of the most common childhood diseases and yet 90% of it is preventable. Dental decay is five times more common than asthma and 25% of all preschoolers between the ages of 2 and 5 already have a cavity. The American Academy of Pediatric Dentists suggests that your child be seen by a dentist by age 1. Pediatric dentists practice preventative dentistry. Preventative dentistry for children requires parental involvement with daily oral care at home as well as visits to the dentist at least 2 times per year. By following some simple steps you can start your child off to a lifetime of healthy dental habits: 1. Wipe out your child’s mouth after feedings — even before teeth erupt. 2. Begin brushing with toddler toothpaste, twice a day as soon as teeth erupt. 3. Never put a baby to bed with a bottle. 4. Water only for at-will drinking (bottle, sippy cup, and cup). 5. Wean your baby from a bottle by age 12-14 months. 6. Use frozen teething rings and appropriate amount of acetaminophen for teething pain. 7. Avoid sweetened and/or acidic beverages, including juice. 8. Limit sweets and sticky fermentable carbohydrates. 9. Watch child around furniture as they learn to walk and remove obstacles. 10. See a pediatric dentist by age 1. Ring in the School Days... Drs. Spangler, Rohlfing and Isharani specialize in caring for children from infancy through adolescence and those with special needs. We provide excellent service and care for children in a very fun atmosphere. Let your smile lead the way! If you are on Facebook be sure to check us out at Spangler & Rohlfing Pediatric Dentistry to get your healthy smile tip of the day. We will answer your questions and provide interesting information for you and your family! This month is Back to School and back to your normal routine. That means dental routines, too! The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recommends a dental check-up at least twice a year for most children; however, some children may need more frequent dental visits. Make an appointment with Spangler & Rohlfing Pediatric Dentistry today to find out what the best dental routine is for your child – and keep ‘em smiling all year long! 1544 N. Peace Haven Road • Winston-Salem, NC 336-768-1332 Gina Spangler, DDS, MS Gail Rohlfing, DDS, MS Sona Isharani, DDS Visit us on Facebook & Twitter, or scan the QR code to visit our website. Welcoming new patients. The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recommends that your child visit a dentist by age 1. 23 Back in Time: Center Community Contributed by Ellen Newman What’s it like growing up in a small community where everybody knows your name? Just ask anyone from Center – they’ll probably tell you “there’s no place like home.” The large families of yesteryear are shrinking in number, but familiar names are still on the roster at Center United Methodist Church, established in 1830. Old Time Revivals were held under the Arbor; the 135-year old rustic structure was built with hand-hewn oak trees from local landowner Billy Tutterow. It was put together with wooden pegs, lit by pine torches, then oil lamps, and later wired for electricity. Ellen Newman Want to see your community in future editions of DavieLiFE? Tell Ellen Newman why at [email protected]! Before electricity had been made available in the area, Luke Tutterow had a Delco power system installed in his general store and home, and ran it to the church and the Arbor. The L.M. Tutterow General Store ran during the 1920s up through the 1950s. Settlers, some descended from Daniel Boone, married and grew the population to about 50 families. They were united by civic pride. In 1975, their Community Development Association was recognized by the Northwest Development Association with its highest award. Monroe Cope’s service station was a “hub of activity” in the 1960s and 70s. It’s where you could get a Brownie chocolate drink, and “chew the fat” with your neighbors. The couch always seemed to be covered in newspapers. The store was in operation from the 1950s through the 1990s. The Center BBQ Fair has taken place on the 2nd weekend of September since 1957. It was started to raise money for the first volunteer fire department. Pork shoulders are slow-cooked on a pit, served with “eastern style” vinegar based dip and “yellow” slaw. What would a county fair be without exhibits, like prize-winning pumpkins and quilts? Competing for cash and ribbons, in both adult and junior divisions, categories include horticulture, culinary, art and photography. Back in time, Center was a close knit community of hard working people who took pride in their church and ancestral ties. The same values and beliefs have been passed on for generations, and Center is still a good place to call home. y r, 1969 County Librar BBQ SuppMeartin-Wall History Room, Davie sy Photo Courte 24 Fall 2011 BBQ Supper, 195ll9History Room, Photo Courtesy Martin-Wa Davie County Library 3 BBQ Supper, 197ll His tory Photo Courtesy Martin-Wa y Room, Davie County Librar Center, NC Latitude: 35° 53' 38" N CooleemeeLon gitude: 80° 33' Contributed by S Elevation: 889 ft. 41" W Turkey Shoot, 1959 Photo Courtesy Martin-Wall History Room , Davie County Library BBQ Dinner, 1973 Photo Courtesy Martin-Wall History Room , Davie County Library Monroe Cope’s Store, c. 1957-58 Photo Courtesy of Ray Tutterow L.M. Tutterow Store Photo Courtesy of Ray Tutterow Center Fair, 1973 Photo Courtesy Martin-Wall History Room , Davie County Library Center Fair, 1973 Photo Courtesy Martin-Wall History Room , Davie County Library Center Fair, 1973 Photo Courtesy Martin-Wall History Room , Davie County Library 25 Serving the Triad Since 1987 Believe you can and you’re halfway there! Full Service Graphic Design Studio Services Include: • Logo Design • Corporate Identity Packages • Brochures • Pocket Folders & Inserts • Booklets & Annual Reports • Multi-Piece Projects • Displays, Posters & Signs • Environmental Design • Advertising Campaigns • Catalogs & Directories • Newsletters & Publications • Website Design • e-Newsletters • Promotional DVDs or CDs • PowerPoint Presentations • Project Coordination & Consultation 774.9876 336. 406 Harvey St, Winston-Salem A WBENC-Certified Women’s Business Enterprise End of Summer Sale $1.00 on all Clothing! 1300 Yadkinville Road in Mocksville 336-753-1495 M-F 10-6 • Sat 10-4 Gemini Hair & Nail Fashions Specializing in: 3020 Hwy 801 South Advance •Custom Coloring & Highlighting •Cutting/Styling •Perms/Body Waves •Weddings/Up Dos/Make-Up Application •Waxing •Manicures/Pedicures/Gel Nails •Hair Extensions Plus full lines of Professional Products 336-998-4261 26 Fall 2011 The Mebane Foundation would like to wish you well as you begin another school year—may this be your most successful year yet!!! To learn more, go to and Davie Place A Caring, Assisted-Living Community Davie Place is a 69 capacity, adult care home. Nineteen beds are dedicated to secure memory care residents, licensed by the state of North Carolina, and monitored by local government, community groups and family members. Our door is always open to goals of excellence and continued long-term care for Davie County. 337 Hospital Street Ext. Mocksville, NC 27028 (336) 751-2175 E-mail: [email protected] Secured 19 bed, Memory Care Unit Historic Mocksville Within walking distance to urgent care, social services, drug store, restaurants, funeral home and doctor’s offices Medical and social transportation Dedicated, loving staff Medication administered, 24-hour staffing Routine laundry and cleaning Dietary meals with special therapeutic diets Local Mocksville doctor with in-house visits Three dining rooms Assistance with daily living activities PCandNetwork Services Computer Services for Home & Small Businesses Did you know that PC and Network Services offers the following services to small businesses and homes? Spyware & Virus Removal • Network Security Evaluations • OS Reinstallations and Patching • Server, Desktop, Laptop Data Migration • Laptop DC Jack Replacement • Installation, Removal or Mention this Replacement of any PC ad and receive a or Notebook Component 10% discount 336.998.9111 on labor! 5244 US Highway 158 • Advance checkered flag carwash 2 Automatic Bays m 5 Self-Serve Bays 7 Vacuums m Open 24 Hours, 7 Days a week Attendant Hours: Saturdays 9am to 5pm with Free Wheel & Tire Cleaning Checkered Flag Carwash $2 off any wash present coupon to attendant on duty expires September 30, 2012 (336) 692-9985 134 commerce drive Advance, NC 27006 **Located behind A Cleaner World dry cleaning** 27 s s e n t r a H Meet the Family Over the summer, DavieLiFE magazine had the privilege to meet Davie County School’s new superintendent, Dr. Darrin Hartness. In addition to learning about him and his plans for the school system, we were introduced to his lovely family who we believe will make the transition to DC quite well. We hope you enjoy this interview with Dr. Darrin Hartness, as much as we did. DavieLiFE: Tell us a little bit about your family. Dr. Hartness: My wife, Lisa, and I have been married for 22 years. We have been blessed with two daughters, Madison and Molly. Madison will be a sophomore at Davie High School, and Molly will be an 8th grader at South Davie Middle School. Our family is extremely close; the girls are best buddies. We strive to build our relationship on the foundation of Christ and His Word. DavieLiFE: I know that you mentioned that your wife is from Davie County and graduated from DHS. Where did the two of you meet? Dr. Hartness: Lisa and I met while we were both working at a church youth camp in Charlotte, NC, during our teen years. Shortly thereafter, I began making the 72-mile commute from my home in Gastonia to Cooleemee, on a regular basis. Lisa and I married while in college. DavieLiFE: Other than your wife being from here, what did you know about Davie County before coming to the area? Did anything in particular draw you to the area? Dr. Hartness: After graduating from Appalachian State University, Lisa and I lived in Davie County for 3 years. Since that time, we have visited my in-laws frequently. Over the past 20 years, I have followed the progress of Davie County Schools, being particularly interested in their academic success and technology initiatives. Quality schools, a caring community, and proximity to extended family were three important factors in my decision to apply for the superintendency. continued on page 33 28 Fall 2011 Welcome back! SPECIAL PULL OUT SECTION! Message from the Superintendent: Welcome back! I am looking forward to the 2011-12 school year as your new superintendent! I am excited to be part of a community that truly cares about our public schools and has an unwavering love for children. It is evident that Davie County citizens are proud of our schools, and every day, we will be looking for new ways to make them even better places for our children to learn. Davie County Schools is a place where all children can grow academically, identify and develop their own talents and leadership skills, and find success. As we prepare our students to become the next generation of citizens, they must be able to compete and succeed in our globally interconnected world. In order to be competitive and successful, we are committed to providing a quality education through rich, rigorous, and relevant learning experiences for every child we serve. As I visited around the district this summer, I saw enrichment experiences for both students and our teachers. I visited teachers being trained about how to incorporate robotics in our classrooms as we continue our focus on science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM). Davie County Schools is blessed with outstanding teachers! As I reviewed testing data from this past year, I saw that our students are continuing to make significant growth in the area of reading. Reading is a foundational skill necessary for success in all other academic areas and in life. Parents, you are our greatest educational partners, and I appreciate all you do to encourage and continue the academic growth of your child at home! I would also encourage members of our community to consider joining the many volunteers who spend time with children in our schools supporting the learning process or having lunch with a child. If you are interested in a tremendously rewarding volunteer experience, contact one of our principals to find out where your talents can be used in our schools! I cannot wait to see you in our schools or in the community! We will work together in the coming months and years as we strive to always do what is best for the children. Have a fantastic 2011-12 school year! Darrin L. Hartness, Ed.D. Superintendent Davie County Schools does not discriminate against any person on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, disability, or age in its activities and programs, including employment policies and practices. — SAVE $25 on tax preparation and we’ll send $5 to Call 1-800-234-1040 or visit us at Phone: 4786 Kinnamon Rd. Winston-Salem, NC 27103 336.766.3599 Email: [email protected] Website: Most offices are independently owned and operated. Cerificate only valid when presented at time of preparation. Donation of $5 will be made for each paid tax return. Offer valid on tax preparation fees only. Does not apply to financial products, online tax preparation product or other services. Present coupon at time of tax preparation. Valid at participating locations only and may not be combined with any other offer. EXPIRES: 4/15/2012 COUPON CODE: GL2F3 insert 29 Calendar Dates August 17-19 August 22-24 August 25 September 5 September 22 September 29 Professional Days* Required Professional Days First Day for Students Labor Day Holiday End of 1st Month Early Release, Mandated Curriculum Professional Development October 20 End of 2nd Month October 26 End of 1st Grading Period October 26 Early Release, Mandated Curriculum Professional Development October 27 Required Professional Day, Mandated Curriculum Professional Development October 28 Professional Day* November 11 Veteran’s Day Holiday November 22 End of 3rd Month November 23 Annual Leave Day November 24-25Thanksgiving Holidays December 19-21 Annual Leave Days December 22-23 Christmas Holidays December 26-29 Annual Leave Days December 30 New Year’s Day Holiday January 6 End of 4th Month January 16 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday January 20 End of Semester January 23 Professional Day* January 24 Required Professional Day, Mandated Curriculum Professional Development February 8 End of 5th Month February 21 Early Release, Mandated Curriculum Professional Development March 7 End of 6th Month March 29 Early Release, Mandated Curriculum Professional Development March 29 End of 3rd Grading Period March 30 Required Professional Day, Mandated Curriculum Professional Development April 5 End of 7th Month April 9 Easter Holiday (Spring break begins) April 10 Annual Leave Day April 11-13 Break Days May 10 End of 8th Month May 28 Memorial Day Holiday June 8 Last Day for Students, Early Release June 11-12 Required Professional Day June 13-14 Professional Days* June 15 Annual Leave Day 2011-2012 School Calendar S 3 July 2011 M T 4 W 5 6 T 7 F S 1 2 8 9 S M 7 august 2011 T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 S 4 september 2011 M 5 T 6 W 7 F S 2 3 8 9 10 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 28 29 30 31 25 26 27 28 29 30 [] 31 S october 2011 M T W T F S S november 2011 M 1 2 3 9 4 5 6 7 8 6 7 T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 8 9 10 11 12 S 4 december 2011 M 5 T 6 W 7 T F S 1 2 3 8 9 10 10 11 12 13 14 15 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 27 28 29 30 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 [ ][ ] 30 31 S M 1 8 january 2012 T W T F S 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 S 5 february 2012 M T 6 7 W T F S 1 2 3 4 8 9 10 11 S 4 M 5 march 2012 T 6 W 7 T F S 1 2 3 8 9 10 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 29 30 31 26 27 28 29 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 [] MAKE UP DAYS: December 19, December 20, January 23, April 13, April 12, April 11 T 1 S M 1 8 april 2012 T W T F S 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 [] S 6 M 7 may 2012 T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 8 9 10 11 12 [] S 3 M 4 june 2012 T 5 W 6 T 7 F S 1 2 8 9 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 29 30 27 28 29 30 31 24 25 26 27 28 There is no school for students designated as annual leave, holiday, required professional, professional days or break days. Holiday First Day for Students Professional Day (Optional per administrator’s approval) Early Release, Staff Development Approved by the Davie County Board of Education on January 4, 2011 Required Professional Day End of Grading Period Annual Leave Break Days End of Month Curriculum Professional Development [ ] Mandated ULTRA PURE WATER Call Today! Ask About our Home & Office Delivery Service! We Private Label! Fall 2011 insert 30 Davie County Schools Section 1-800-854-4471 y! Call Todaour: t Ask abou 877-998-2386 visit us online: Calendar Dates August 1-3 August 4 August 4-24 2011-2012 Early College Calendar S 3 July 2011 M T 4 5 W 6 T 7 F S 1 2 8 9 S 7 M august 2011 T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 S 4 september 2011 M 5 T 6 W 7 T F S 1 2 3 8 9 10 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 28 29 30 31 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 S october 2011 M T W T F S S november 2011 M 1 4 5 6 7 8 6 7 T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 8 9 10 11 12 S 4 december 2011 M 5 T 6 W 7 T F S 1 2 3 8 9 10 2 3 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 27 28 29 30 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 30 31 S M 1 8 january 2012 T W T F S 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 S 5 february 2012 M 6 T 7 W T F S 1 2 3 4 8 9 10 11 S 4 M 5 march 2012 T 6 W 7 T F S 1 2 3 8 9 10 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 29 30 31 26 27 28 29 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 S M 1 8 april 2012 T W T F S 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 S 6 M 7 may 2012 T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 8 9 10 11 12 S 3 M 4 june 2012 T 5 W 6 T 7 F S 1 2 8 9 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 29 30 27 28 29 30 31 24 25 26 27 28 Holiday First Day for Students End of Grading Period Professional Day (Optional per administrator’s approval) Shuttle Buses (See table to right for am/pm) Annual Leave Required Professional Day Early Release, Staff Development Break Days Professional Days* First Day for Students Shuttle Buses am/pm (Aug. 8-15, Early Release at 2 pm) August 17 DCCC College Classes Begin August 19 Professional Day*, No HS Classes September 5 Labor Day Holiday September 16 Early Release, Shuttle Buses pm September 29 Early Release, Staff Development October 7 End of 1st Grading Period October 12-14 No college courses; DCEC field trips October 14 & 21 Professional Days*, No HS Classes October 20 Student-Led conferences (pm) October 26 Early Release, Student-Led Conf. October 27-28 Shuttle Busses am/pm November 11 Veteran’s Day Holiday, No HS Classes November 23-25 Thanksgiving Break December 12-15 DCCC Exams December 16 Exams, Early Release Shuttles pm December 19 Exams, End of Semester, Shuttles am/Early Release pm Dec. 20-Jan. 4 Winter Holidays/Break (*Staff should note professional days.) January 9 DCCC Classes begin January 16 Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday January 23-24 Shuttle Buses am/pm January 27 Early Release/Shuttle buses pm February 10 Professional Day*, No HS Classes February 21 Early Release, Staff Development March 5-9 Spring Break, No HS or College Classes March 16 End of 3rd Grading Period March 23 Professional Day*, No HS Classes March 28 Student-Led Conferences (pm) March 29 Early Release, Student-Led Conf. March 30 Shuttle Buses am/pm April 6 Easter Holiday April 9-13 Shuttle Buses am/pm April 20 Professional Day*, No HS Classes May 7-10 DCCC Exams May 18, 21-22 Exams, Early Release Shuttles pm May 23 Exams, End of Semester, Early Release Shuttles pm MAKE UP DAYS: December 20, January 4, January 3, March 5, May 24, May 25, May 29, Saturdays There is no school for students designated as annual leave, holiday, required professional, professional days or break days. Approved by the Davie County Board of Education on June 7, 2011 Eaton Funeral Service, Inc. Family to Family, Generation to Generation 325 N. Main Street Mocksville, NC 27028 (336) 751-2148 Carl & Kim Lambert 31 insert Davie County Schools Administrative Offices – Central Office Superintendent, Board Policies, Career & Technical, Curriculum, Facilities Management, Finance, Human Resources, Public Information & Community Schools, Safety Committee, Technology 220 Cherry Street • Mocksville, NC 27028 336-751-5921 • 336-751-9013 Fax Central Davie Education Center 220 Campbell Road • Mocksville, NC 27028 336-751-2751 Child Nutrition 336-753-1424 Exceptional Children 336-751-0016 Preschool 336-751-7704 Student Services 336-751-7223 Testing & Accountability Services 336-751-3147 Fax Facility Maintenance Department 201 South Davie Drive • Mocksville, NC 27028 336-751-1991 • 336-751-5619 Fax School Bus Transportation Dept. 1073 Salisbury Road • Mocksville, NC 27028 336-751-2627 • 336-751-1567 Fax Schools Central Davie Academy North Davie Middle School Cooleemee Elementary School Pinebrook Elementary School 160 Campbell Road • Mocksville, NC 27028 336-751-5712 • 336-751-5719 Fax 136 Marginal Street • Cooleemee, NC 27014 336-284-2581 • 336-284-6618 Fax Cornatzer Elementary School 497 Farmington Road • Mocksville, NC 27028 336-998-5555 • 336-998-7233 Fax 477 Pinebrook School Road • Mocksville, NC 27028 336-998-3868 • 336-940-5663 Fax Shady Grove Elementary School 552 Cornatzer Road • Mocksville, NC 27028 336-940-5097 • 336-940-5647 Fax 3179 Cornatzer Road • Advance, NC 27006 336-998-4719 • 336-998-7024 Fax Davie County Early College High School South Davie Middle School Davie County High School William R. Davie Elementary School Mocksville Elementary School William Ellis Middle School Davidson County Community College Campus 1209 Salisbury Road • Mocksville, NC 27028 336-753-0888 • 336-751-6021 Fax 1200 Salisbury Road • Mocksville, NC 27028 336-751-5905 • 336-751-4597 Fax 295 Cemetery Street • Mocksville, NC 27028 336-751-2740 • 336-751-4883 Fax 700 Hardison Street • Mocksville, NC 27028 336-751-5941 • 336-751-5656 Fax 3437 US Highway 601 N • Mocksville, NC 27028 336-492-5421 • 336-492-2699 Fax 144 William Ellis Drive • Advance, NC 27006 336-998-2007 • 336-998-6249 Fax Your One Stop Destination for Kids! All Star Cheer, Tumbling, Karate, Batting Cages, Special Needs Cheer Team, Birthday Parties, Zumba & More. 336-940-3148 1-888-UW211NC 2011 insert 32 Fall Davie County Schools Section 162 Hillsdale West Dr. • Advance continued on page 29 DavieLiFE: How long have you been in the field of education? At what stage in your life did you decide you wanted a career in education, or did you always know you would be an educator? Dr. Hartness: This is my 21st year as an educator. I made the decision to go into the educational field while I attended high school. There, I had a drafting teacher who was not only a positive role model, but was also instrumental in helping me to discover my strengths. He encouraged me to truly consider my life after high school. While I applied and was accepted into the College of Architecture at UNC Charlotte, I knew that my family could not afford this route. This teacher’s advice led me to also apply for a NC Teaching Fellows Scholarship. This scholarship kick-started my career as an educator. DavieLiFE: Did you ever have any unique or interesting jobs before becoming an educator? Dr. Hartness: I have worked since age 15, including working in a cotton mill, a Christian bookstore, and Kentucky Fried Chicken. One of my most interesting jobs was being a college husband while working for the ASU Police Department. DavieLiFE: What are some things you are interested in doing to become more familiar with the area, as well as members of the community? Dr. Hartness: I have already begun to participate in Rotary. I plan to attend community events, as well as school academic and athletic events. My family and I will also be visiting area churches. We truly look forward to getting to know our neighbors. DavieLiFE: What would the community be surprised to know about you? Any interesting hobbies or achievements? Dr. Hartness: In my spare time, I enjoy woodworking and building furniture. Our girls have enjoyed picking out some pieces from the Pottery Barn catalog and having me attempt to duplicate them. I play a bit of bass guitar and banjo. Madison and Molly say that I am a techno geek, I am always interested in new technologies. I was in the very first class of NC Teaching Fellows, and the first NC Teaching Fellow to serve as a school superintendent. I have been North Carolina’s Technology Educator of the Year, and NCASCD’s Outstanding Young Educator. Last summer was a fun experience when I was featured in a NC Education Lottery commercial on site at Mount Airy High School. My girls had fun seeing a “Hollywood set” and Daddy being “fixed up” by a make-up artist to air on television.” Hartness Family— Welcome to Davie County! A special thank you to Jessica Marie Photography for the wonderful images that were captured during this very fun photo shoot! 33 336.773.0059 Need Legal Help? personal injury – criminal – civil – traffic cases Aggressive Representation, When You Need It Most. Over 20 Years of Experience Put to Work For You Call 336.773.0059 [email protected] 187 Serenity Hills Trail Advance, NC 27006 34 Fall 2011 Serving All Families with Young Children. What is the Early Childhood Resource Center? Smart Start’s Early Childhood Resource Center offers parents and child care providers FREE access to quality games, books, puzzles, and more! Come see what we have to offer you! Dozens of activity kits can be checked out, including: • Kindergarten Readiness • Dinosaurs • Puppets • Fire Safety In the center you will also find: • Parenting and childcare resources • Diecuts • Big books • Laminators Learning through play is ideal! Interactions with parents builds brainpower and social emotional skills that prepare children for success in school and beyond. Is your child ready? Did you know 90% of brain growth is complete by age 5? What are you waiting for? Give your child a Smart Start! We’d like to wish everyone a “Smart Start” to the school year! 965 Yadkinville Rd. Mocksville, NC 27028 336.751.2113 of Davie County Discover Learning – Birth to Five 35 Call toDay! Davie Programs mpus Davie Ca at Davidson County Community College Davie Campus in Mocksville, NC Accounting • Business Administration • College Transfer • Nursing Assistant II • Truck Driver Training For more information u d e . c c c n o s d i v a www.d 336.751.2885 enter ucation C Davie Ed 36 Fall 2011 Are you a professional in career transition? Do you suddenly find yourself having to relearn job-seeking skills? Examples of sessions include : • Developing your personal brand • Use of social media in job searching • Turbo charge your resumé (resumé critiqued by panel of professionals) • Earn Career Readiness Certification which is recognized by major industries September 12 – December 14 Mondays and Wednesdays 9 a.m. – Noon open enrollment, attend lab sessions on any date tuition/fees: $180* *Waived for unemployed workers and those notified of impending layoffs For more information 336.998.3220 Art Works in Davie County! The upcoming 2011-12 Season of Applause has everyone talking! The Righteous Brothers’, Bill Medley, opens the season on Saturday, September 17 with raw, emotional R&B still enjoyed by audiences of all ages. The Righteous Brothers’ signature song, You’ve Lost That Lovin’ Feelin’, is the most played in the history of American radio. Members of the audience will feel the beat of other hits such as Unchained Melody and I’ve Had the Time of My Life. Doyle Lawson and Quicksilver will perform on the Brock stage Saturday, November 5 playing their famous gospel bluegrass music. Giannini Brass will appear January 28 doing songs that everyone loves such as Pink Panther, Moon River, Strike Up the Band, Tuxedo Junction and many more. Next, and far from least, will be Little Anthony and The Imperials singing their well-known hits, Tears on My Pillow, Goin’ Out of My Head, Hurt So Bad, Make It Easy on Yourself and many more. The last show of the Season will be a professional touring company’s presentation of the musical Stand By Your Man, the story of Tammy Wynette’s life. For ticket information please call the Box Office (Mon.-Fri., Noon until 5 p.m.) at 336.751.3000 or visit the arts council’s website at Brock Performing Arts Center ArtWorks, the arts council’s visual arts committee has planned a year of art exhibits for the Brock Gallery. Their year will begin in August with Beyond Reason, a multimedia art competition. During October and November, the gallery will showcase Uncommon Threads, a juried fiber art exhibit. A prospectus for each art exhibit is available in the lobby of the Brock Performing Arts Center. Arts In Education programs have been planned for all twelve of the Davie County Schools. First, the Kindergarten and First Grade classes will enjoy having StageWorks from Charlotte demonstrate how stories can be put into motion. Other curriculum based performances will be given by the North Carolina Shakespeare Festival, and award-winning PBS productions by EbZb Productions entitled, War Bonds and Wrights of Passage will be presented to other grade levels. Third Graders will travel to the Brock Performing Arts Center to see Open Dream Works’ presentation entitled, Red Planet. Fifth Graders will learn valuable history as Bright Star Children’s Theatre perform Heroes of the Underground Railroad. In all there will be seven companies doing multiple performances in the schools. This year’s Artist In Residence will be Davie County’s own award winning woodcarver, Clint Miller. Mr. Miller will spend a day in each of our twelve schools demonstrating his art while telling students about the impact of woodcarving in history and he will be throwing in a little of how woodcarving relates to science. Nikki Meet “NIKKI”, a beautiful, energetic, tan-and-cream Basenji/Shepherd Mix girl rescued by the Humane Society of Davie County from the county-operated animal shelter. She’s very sociable and would make an excellent hiking or running partner! She enjoys bei ng with other dogs and likes to run and play! She’s spayed, up-to-date on shots with an est imated birthdate of February 14, 2010. www.DavieNCHumane.or g 37 e i v a D Marketplace Davie Marketplace FOCUS Welcome Back to School! •New shoes and boots •Handbags and jewelry •Baby equipment •Household items •Accessories •Toys, movies, music •Games & books •Formal wear •Wedding wear & accessories •Clothing: mens, womens, teens, kids & babies •Precious Moments & collectibles We are not just a baby store. Come in and join our family. 5248 US Hwy 158 • Advance • 998-2998 1083 Salisbury Road 336.753.8090 Monday-Friday 8 a.m. – 6 p.m. Saturday 8 a.m. – 1 p.m. The Davie Marketplace offers unique advertising opportunities for small and seasonal businesses. Advertising in the Davie Marketplace provides you with 12 weeks of advertising, both in print and on the DavieLiFE website. To learn more about advertising in the Davie Marketplace, contact us at 941.3090 or [email protected]. Advance Family & Sports Medicine Center, PLLC Your Business Family Practice & Sports Medicine Walter A. Ezeigbo, M.D. Now Opmen ing & welco ts! new patien We provide quality care for infants, children and adults both for acute, chronic and sports injuries. Saturday morning hours available. Accepting major insurance including Medicare and Medicaid. 169 Yadkin Valley Rd • Suite 101 (off Exit 180B Bermuda Run) Advance, NC 27006 940.2659 Kennita’s Main St. Styles Mention this ad for 2 Off Haircut $ Stylists: Kennita Price & Jennifer Burgio 335 N. Main St. • Mocksville 753.1195 Your Business Could Be Here 38 Fall 2011 Could Be Here Screenprinting • Vinyl Graphics Ask About Discount Offers Davie Representative Marketplace FOCUS Personalized Gifts Angie Hall Bailey Executive Director Julia Howard North Carolina House of Representatives, 79th District Raleigh Address: State Legislative Building 16 W. Jones St. Room 1106 Raleigh, NC 27601-1096 (919) 733-5904 office (919) 754-3182 fax [email protected] 336.941.7020 [email protected] Shop Online: Host a Party, Earn FREE Products Start Your Own 31 Biz for Only $99! Paid for by Howard for House Committee The Tire Shop NC Licensed Makeup Artist Brakes, Oil Changes, Alignments & Tires 5240 US Hwy 158 • Advance Mon - Fri 7:30am-6pm Sat 7:30 - 2pm 336-998-8139 by Will travel to you for any event. Offering Special discounts, bonus cards & gift certificates Now offering $10 per face make-over parties. For a limited time. Ask for more details. [email protected] 336.505.9403 Davie Marketplace FOCUS: A Family Affair Consignment Lois and James Haas are the owners of A Family Affair Consignment, located in Hillsdale. Proud to reside in Davie County themselves, the couple prides itself on being a Christian, family owned business. The store opened for business in October of 2010 and is designed as a store that the whole family can enjoy. avie D Marketplace FOCUS Often mistaken as just a baby consignment store, A Family Affair Consignment offers so much more! In addition to the wonderful baby items and equipment you see displayed outside of the store, the inside of the store is even more plentiful. Offering a collection of Precious Moments, Willow Tree Figurines and Build-A-Bear…. treasures abound at A Family Affair! In addition, inventory includes new shoes, handbags, jewelry and accessories, toys, games, movies, music, household items, hand crafted items, books and more — the list just goes on and on! As you can see, the store is unique due to the variety of merchandise it carries. As you would expect, clothing for men, women, teens and children is available, but apparel options are endless. Whether you are looking for a wedding dress, formal wear, scrubs for nursing, or even a special item for the family pet, be sure to check out A Family Affair Consignment — they may have just what you are looking for! Davie Marketplace FOCUS: Thirty-One Personalized Gifts Angie Bailey is proud to be a Thirty-One Independent Consultant, serving our area. Making it a focus of her business to celebrate, encourage and reward women; Bailey makes great efforts to ensure Thirty-One Gift products are gift-able, high quality, easy to sell, cleverly and functionally designed and affordable. Bailey offers a variety of ways for you to order and promises to provide you with unparalleled customer service and can even help you make the best decisions for buying for yourself or for others. Now is a great time to shop as Thirty One has an early release of their new backpacks, thermal totes and pencil pouches — all on sale through August 31st. Available to bounce fashion ideas off of, Bailey provides just the right advice and guidance. In addition, there are four convenient ways to order products: home parties, Parties To Go, catalog parties or online ordering through her personal website at Helping you order just the right products to fit your needs is Bailey’s number one priority. Plus, she is always interested in sharing with others what it means to be a Thirty One Consultant. “If you feel that what I do sounds fun, contact me for more information on becoming a Thirty-One Consultant. I’d love to tell you about my success and have you join Team Bailey – Women With Faith (WWF).” For more information on Thirty One Gifts, contact Angie Bailey at 336-941-7020 or by e-mail at [email protected]. Gracie “GRACIE”, a beautiful blue merle smooth-coat Collie mix was rescued by the Humane Society of Davie County from he county-operated animal shelter. Gracie has a happy per sonality and is very energetic and loves to run , enjoys attention and would do best in a home with no cats. She’s spayed, up-to-da te on shots and is about 1 ½ years old. She wo uld make a great addition to an active househo ld! www.DavieNCHumane.or g 39 Chamber Deals Coming Soon Interested in saving 40 % or more on useful products and services in our community? What if those savings meant that you could not only support the local business community but also Davie County schools too? Well, get ready to do both with, a new program the Davie County Chamber of Commerce will be rolling out as the new school year gets under way. partners with Chambers of Commerce throughout the country by offering free online deals from local businesses that are typically at a 40% discount or more. A small portion of the revenue generated from each purchased “deal’ is donated to the chamber and the local schools. These funds allow Chambers to offer more services for members and be a vital economic engine for their community. Money for the schools will enhance the PTO/PTA’s fundraising efforts so they continue to offer new programs. Participating chamber member businesses also receive a portion of the revenue, a lot of free advertising and customers who will go to their business to redeem their purchased deal. DCS It will be easy to take advantage of these online deals offered through Once the program goes live in Davie County – you need only register on the site to begin receiving daily emails from announcing the Real Deal of the Day. There will be other deals listed on the site as well so you can browse through the offers to buy what suits you. Like other online deal programs – it’s easy to use but the rewards are far greater because your purchases support local businesses, the Chamber and Davie County Schools. So, sign up, start saving and give back where it counts most – Davie County! ¿Tiene usted un niño menor de 5 años? Do you have a child under 5? ¿Está embarazada o lactando? Are you pregnant or breastfeeding? WIC provides: healthy food health referrals breastfeeding support nutrition information Applicants must live in North Carolina, meet income guidelines and have an identified nutrition/medical risk factor. For more information about WIC… Visit This institution is an equal opportunity provider. 40 Fall 2011 For more information, contact the Davie County Health Department at 336-753-6750 WIC proporciona: · · · · gratuitamente alimentos saludables referencias de salud ayuda durante lactancia información sobre nutrición Los solicitantes deben vivir en Carolina del Norte, cumplir con ciertos requisitos de ingresos y tener un factor de riesgo nutricional o médico identificado. Para más información… Visite WIC es un programa con igualdad de oportunidades. Duchess Reserve your space now for the 2011 Holiday Issue of DavieLiFE! “DUCHESS”, a tan-and-black boxer/shepherd mix, was rescued by the Humane Society of Davie County from the county-operated animal shelter. She’s a very playful girl that enjoys playing with people, kids, dogs and toys. She’s spayed, up -to-date on shots, with an estimated birthdate of March 17, 2011 and will need basic puppy tra ining and the time needed for a puppy. www.DavieNCHumane.or g Deadline is Tuesday October 4, 2011 WDSL BIG HITS! 1520 AM Now Broadcasting LIVE War Eagles Football @ and on Your Local Yadtel Channel 7 A special thank you to our Featured Sponsors for War Eagles Football: HONDA West Davie Power Equipment 336.751.WDSL 5,000 Watts Contact [email protected] 41 Inspire Believe Achieve Our vision at Big Brothers Big Sisters is that ALL children achieve success in life. We work hard to provide children facing adversity with strong and enduring, professionally supported 1-to-1 relationships that change their lives for the better, forever. We don’t do this alone. We partner with parents/guardians, volunteers and others in the community and hold ourselves accountable for every child in our program achieving higher aspirations, greater confidence and better relationships. We work to ensure that our children avoid risky behaviors and achieve educational success. As we prepare for the upcoming school year, we have a question for you…What will you do to help the children of davie county achieve success in life? Will you donate, volunteer, or advocate? There are many ways to get involved. Here are a few: School Based Mentors: Volunteer one hour a week to work with a child at one of our elementary or middle schools during the school day. You may help with tutoring in reading & math, play a skill building game, or just sit and talk. Adults, College students or High School Seniors are eligible to apply.* Site Based Mentors: Volunteer one hour a week to work with a child at one of our after- school site locations during the hours of 3-6 pm. Play games, toss the football, read a book together, create and art project, help with homework, or just hang out. Adults, College students or High School Students (9th grade & up) are eligible to apply.* Community Based Mentors: Volunteer to spend one hour a week with a child for a minimum of one year. You may visit an art gallery, go to the movies, play tennis or basketball, go to a baseball game, visit the library, cook a meal, tour a college campus…the possibilities are endless. You must be at least 21 years old to apply to be a Big Brother, Big Sister or Big Couple.* Donate: Can’t be a volunteer? No problem. BBBS Davie is responsible for raising 100% of its own funding. Support Big Brothers Big Sisters financially through our Annual Campaign, General Contributions or Bowl For Kids’ Sake event. Or contribute to the BBBS Scholarship Fund. Other Ways: Sponsor an activity for our Wait List kids. Donate school supplies/backpacks for back-to-school. Believe in our mission and want to get involved on a deeper level? Then it’s time to learn more about becoming a BBBS Board Member. *All applicants must undergo a thorough screening process including application, interview, background and reference checks. BBBS kids enjoyed a picnic full of games, food and fun sponsored by Hillsdale Baptist Church. Congratulations to Caroline Lemons and Matt Borlik on being named our High School Bigs of the Year. Caroline is pictured here with her parents, Rev. Barry & Donna Lemons. These BBBS kids are preparing to take off on their brand new bikes donated by Hanes Brands/Sara Lee. This page has been made possible due to the generous support of: Dustin is all smiles because he was just matched with Big Couple, Bill & Pat Campbell. Walmart Supercenter Open 24 hours 261 Cooper Creek Drive Mocksville, NC 27028 336.751.1266 42 Fall 2011 Community Sponsor Page Circa: January 12, 1993 A Storehouse For Jesus is an independent, non-profit, Christian ministry helping those in need and reaching people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. A Completely Volunteer Ministry Everything is given freely, with no charges for services provided. 675 E. Lexington Rd. (Hwy. 64) Mocksville, NC 27028 [email protected] DM: 336-753-8081 MM: 336-753-8080 Matthew 25: 34-40 All Medical Ministries patients are Davie County residents, are within 200% of the Federal Poverty Level, and have no insurance — including Medicare B and Medicaid. 2010 Medical Ministries Report: Medical Ministries: •Chiropractic Clinic: Every Tuesday •Chronic Care Clinic: Every Tuesday morning •Dental Clinic: Twice a month (plus emergencies seen in dentists’ offices) •Diabetic Education: Every Tuesday morning •Eye Clinic: Once a month (plus emergencies seen in opthomologists’ offices) •GYN Clinic (Began 3/11): An all day clinic, once every 3 months (plus emergencies seen in a gynecologist’s office) •Medical Clinics: 1st & 3rd Monday afternoons & every Thursday evening •Psychiatric Clinic (Began in 10/10): 3 Tuesdays each month •Pharmacy: Monday and Wednesday mornings; 1st & 3rd Monday afternoons; Every Thursday evening •Medical Clinics Patient Visits: 708 Clinics Held: 63 Value of Services Rendered: $115,759 •Chronic Care Clinic Patient Visits: 720 Clinics Held: 43 Value of Services Rendered: $121,813 •Dental Clinic Patient Visits: 314 Clinics Held: 24 Value of Services Rendered: $59,670 •Eye Clinic Patient Visits: 55 Clinics Held: 10 Value of Services Rendered: $8,600 •Psychiatric Clinic Patient Visits: 9 Clinics Held: 4 Value of Services Rendered: $1,723 •Pharmacy Visits: 4,430 Medications Dispensed: $15,617 Value of Medications Dispensed: $1,617,563 This page has been made possible due to the generous support of: Volunteers welcomed & needed! URGENT NEED for LABORATORY TECHS and PHARMACISTS. Storehouse would like to extend a special “Thank You” to our Medical Ministries volunteers, our financial donors, Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Carolina, Davie County Hospital, Davie County Health Department, Diagnostic Pathologists, LabCorp, N.C. Association of Free Clinics, and Margaret C. Woodson Foundation for their ongoing support and help with the Medical Ministries. *Patient Visits & Value of Services Rendered does not include our patients seen in our providers’ offices for dental, eye, and gynecological emergencies. Davie County owned business 1994 Rockford St. (601 S.) Mt. Airy, NC 27030 336-786-8371 or 800-686-2056 Simmons Nissan is just a short drive up 601 South from Davie County. Great selection of new and preowned vehicles, call if you’re looking for something specific and the folks at Simmons Nissan can help you find it! Community Sponsor Page 43 44 Fall 2011 Giving Back to Get Ready for Back-To-School Contributed by Chris Brady, Executive Director, Davie Family YMCA Back to school is an exciting time of year, but it also means that schedules fill up with homework, class projects and more. For many parents in our community, getting ready for the school year is a huge burden between shopping trips, childcare, and mounting costs of extracurricular activities. This year, the Davie Family YMCA partnered with local Title I schools and community groups to help those families in need. As a partner with Walmart’s “Build a Backpack” program, the Y is working with the United Way, the Rotary Club of Mocksville and other civic organization to provide much-needed backpacks, supplies, as well as new outfit and shoes for students at Mocksville and Cooleemee Elementary schools. You can help by dropping off a new backpack at the Davie Family YMCA now through August 18. New members will receive $49 off the joining fee at the Y for backpack donations. Visit your local Walmart store to purchase school supplies to be donated for local students. Dedicated to fostering of youth development, the Davie Family YMCA offers a range of youth sports led by enthusiastic staff and volunteers promoting teamwork, confidence, responsibility, and character development. Choose from T-ball, Flag Football, Soccer, Cheerleading, and a Volleyball Skills Academy. We provide options for all ages and ability levels. The Y also offers swim lessons, as well as competitive swimming through the TYDE team, one of the largest and most-respected swim teams in the state and across the country. Chris Brady, Executive Director Davie Family YMCA DavieFamilyYMCA As the largest collective provider of childcare in the country, the Y facilities provide a safe, affordable, and fun environment for kids to grow socially, intellectually, and physically. We offer a variety of packages to meet your Before and After School needs with structured programs focused on building character, lasting relationships, and developing new skills. Daily activities include Devotion and Character Development, physical activity time, homework time, snack, arts and crafts, science experiments, and more. We’re excited to help families get ready to go back to school and wish you a safe, successful and fun school year! 45 Encouragement Café “Luann, our station is missing a female perspective and we would like you to prayerfully consider doing a show for women.” “I’m not qualified,” I thought as I looked around. A stun gun could have produced a more lively response. Did they really mean me? As I agreed to prayerfully consider their request the words, “I’m not qualified,” echoed in my head then burrowed into my heart. Luann Prater Encouragement Cafe Have you been there? Has a God-sized challenge ever stepped into your life and your first response was, “Who, me?” Take heart, even the Bible greats shared our angst! Moses said, “Who am I?” Moses couldn’t see the God-sized vision so he repeated the words I’ve said myself, “What if?” I shared it with my husband, my pastor and the President of Proverbs 31 Ministries, where I’m a speaker/author, and they all said the same thing, “You didn’t open this door, God did, walk through it.” Women share with each over coffee, so on May 30, 2009 Encouragement Cafe with Luann & Friends, was born. It’s a one-hour talk show discussing topics that concern every woman. The need for the listener to continue the conversation once the show was over spurred the launch of our website and Facebook page. The connection is so real, women ask if they can stop by the cafe for a visit. Now we give them that opportunity at Encouragement EXTREME Events where our team travels to cities around the country to share life. One by one, steps of obedience followed intense times of prayer and fasting. God delivered the answers whenever we asked. He is faithful. Today we are on both secular and Christian stations across the nation and as podcasts on iTunes. Who knew? Only God. He didn’t check my list of qualifications, He was qualified. For more information visit 46 Fall 2011 Serving Your Heating & Cooling Needs Since 1978 Residential Commercial Fall into Great Savings with Trane and Webb Heating and Air! Now through October 31st, take advantage of great savings on Trane products. Your choice of: • Reduced Rate 5.9% APR with 1.75% minimum monthly OR • 36 months no interest financing option (equal pay, payment in full during program period)OR • Up to $1,250 Instant Rebate (including bonus for CleanEffects and/or ComfortLink II XL950 Thermostat) CONNECT For more information, contact Webb Heating and Air Channel: WebbHVAC search: Webb Heating & A/C 336.998.2121 153 Webb Way • Advance 336.940.4545 • [email protected] Secure • Temperature Controlled • Humidity Controlled Variety of Units to Fit Your Storage Needs! – Call for Availability! 47 FOStER drug C o m pa n y I n c . Save the Date! We’re not just Pharmacists, we’re Friends! Your Hometown Pharmacy! Davie County Owned and Operated for over 30 years 24/7 Refill Hotline Online Refill Requests Drive-thru Window • Hallmark Cards 751.2141 495 Valley Rd • Mocksville ! d e t i v n I e r ’ u o Y Saturday, October 8, 2011 Tanglewood Red Barn • 6 - 11pm Tickets: $50 • Call 751-2113 to get yours today! Dress up or dress down, but don’t miss the Upscale Hoedown! Enjoy live entertainment, a great dinner, live and silent auctions, cash bar, and great company while supporting the children of Davie County! Proceeds will benefit Smart Start of Davie County, Inc., a non-profit organization serving ALL children in Davie County from birth to five, with quality resources and services so that they are prepared for success in school and beyond! 965 Yadkinville Rd. Mocksville, NC 27028 of Davie County Discover Learning – Birth to Five Since 1984 HAVING MORE RETIREMENT ACCOUNTS IS NOT THE SAME AS HAVING MORE MONEY. When it comes to the number of retirement accounts you have, the saying“more is better” is not good to follow. In fact, if you hold multiple accounts with various brokers, it can be difficult to keep track of your investments and to see if you’re properly diversified.*At the very least, multiple accounts usually means multiple fees. Bringing your accounts to Edward Jones could help solve all that. Plus, one statement makes it easier to see if you’re moving toward your goals. Gift Certificates Available *Diversification does not guarantee a profit, nor does it protect against loss. Slayton R Harpe Financial Advisor . 5116 U S Hwy 158 Suite 102 Advance, NC 27006 336-940-4100 48 Fall 2011 To learn why consolidating your retirement accounts to Edward Jones makes sense, call your local financial advisor today. Member SIPC Commercial & Residential Services Licensed & Insured • Custom Landscape Design Call Today! • Custom Stonework • Lawn Maintenance Programs (336) 784-LAWN (5 2 9 6) • Fertilization & Weed Control • Lawn Renovations 49 Woody y/silver “WOODY”, a handsome gra the Maine Coon, was rescued by unty Humane Society of Davie Co imal from the county-operated an and shelter. He’s a very sweet fellow ce is on top of the loves to petted. His favorite pla ere he can oversee what kennels or on a high shelf wh He’s neutered, gets along all the other cats are doing. te on shots, litter box well with other cats, up-to-da thdate of May 31, 2005 trained with an estimated bir ily pet! and would make a great fam g www.DavieNCHumane.or We’re not Just Desserts! The perfect choice for lunch or your next catered meeting. 844 Valley Road • Mocksville (336) 751-9147 50 Fall 2011 Leonard Ryden Burr APPLAUSE at the Brock! Voted #1 real estate agency in the Triad. Bill Medley & the Righteous Brothers’ Band You’ve Lost That Lovin’ Feeling I’ve Had the Time of My Life Soul Inspiration Saturday, September 17, 2011 7:30 p.m. Reserved Seating Adults: $48 / Senior $46 Contact Julie Coleman for a free consultation or marketing analysis on your home or land. Proud to serve you in Davie County! Featured Property Doyle Lawson & Quick Silver Saturday, November 5, 2011 • 7:30 p.m. Reserved Seating Adults: $36 / Senior: $34 Giannini Brass Presenting Chasing Away the Winter Blues Saturday, January 28, 2012 7:30 p.m. Reserved Seating Adults: $18 Senior/Student: $17 Little anthony & the imperials Tears on My Pillow, Two Kinds of People, Hurt So Bad, Take Me Back, Make it Easy on Yourself... and many more! Saturday, February 25, 2012 7:30 p.m. Reserved Seating Adults: $48 / Senior: $46 Stand by your man The Tammy Wynette Story Professional Actors’ Musical – You will hear over twenty of her hit songs! Saturday, April 21, 2012, 7:30 p.m. Reserved Seating Adults: $36 / SenioR: $34 Clemmons West 590 Barkworth Road ~ $279,900 Beautiful brick traditional in pristine condition features 3BR/2.5 BA, 9’ ceilings and ideal flow for entertaining. Lovely kitchen with solid surface counters, tile, island and breakfast area. Retreat to a fabulous screened porch with vaulted ceiling overlooking fenced yard. Lower level has over 1000 SF unfinished space. For more information about this property and to schedule a showing please contact Julie Coleman 336 655 7153 [email protected] 2011-2012 Subscriptions Now Available Season Ticket for all 5 Shows $169 Davie County Arts Council Brock Performing Arts Center 622 North Main Street • Mocksville, NC Box Office (Mon-Fri Noon to 5pm) 336.751.3000 51 Davie Youth Spotlight: What is Young Life? Compiled by Rachel Williams Rachel Williams DavieLiFE Summer Intern Young Life, started in 1941 by Jim Rayburn, is a non-denominational Christian outreach organization focused on building relationships with middle and high school kids and sharing God’s love with them. It has a long legacy of effective work with kids and a reputation for excellence among adults worldwide. Young Life is not affiliated with any one church or denomination, but works to partner with churches and youth groups as leaders go to the individual high schools to reach kids on their turf. Young Life is there in the world of high school — learning kids’ names, hearing their stories, having fun and sharing with them the great news of a God who loves them… and more recently in middle schools through YL’s counterpart for middle school kids, WyldLife. No matter where high school kids live — in small towns, suburbs or big cities — Young Life’s commitment to them is the same. We take them as they are, place no expectations on them and seek to understand their world. It offers them fun, adventure, direction for the future and hope, not to mention lasting friendships that could change their lives forever. Here is a portion of the interview between Rachel Williams and the Davie County representatives for Young Life. DavieLiFE: How did you get involved with Young Life? Charlie Rowe had been involved with YL at Reynolds High school. Charlie and his wife Courtney have close friends who are on the “adult committee” for Young Life in Forsyth County.* Last fall the Rowe’s attended the Forsyth County YL Fall Banquet with their friends and they saw the impact YL was having on hundreds of local teens. After they saw how kids lives are being positively impacted and changed through YL, they realized that they needed to get involved in helping establish Young Life here in Davie County. Bob and Jen Smith moved to Davie County last June from Maryland. Before they had kids, Jen was a YL leader and Bob was a youth group leader at their church. It was neat to see how many of their high school kids overlapped and were involved in both groups. Jen was amazed to see how through building friendships and investing in kids lives, God used YL to give kids a hope and a reason to live, knowing the God that created them. For the four years prior to their move, the Smith’s went as a family to one of Young Life’s camps, Lake Champion, for Family Camp weekend. The weekend was run the same way a YL camp is run for a week in the summer, but one weekend out of the year they allow whole families to come. When the Smith’s relocated to NC, their kids were most upset about not being able to go to Young Life camp every year! They had so much fun doing activities such as tubing, zip lining into a lake, jumping off of the blob, etc… So this year, the Smith’s went to Young Life’s Windy Gap in NC for Forsyth County’s family camp weekend. *YL has been active in Forsyth County since the 1950’s and is currently at 9 high schools as well as there being an active WyldLife group. Jonathan Murfee, the Area Director of Forsyth County has been a huge resource in trying to establish YL in Davie County. 52 Fall 2011 DavieLiFE: What made you want to start Young Life in Davie County? Between our two families, we have kids in middle and high schools here in DC. We know all of the peer pressure and bad influences facing today’s young people. Our adolescents are dealing with so much stress and pain and trying to find acceptance, meaning and make sense out of life. We believe that life makes the most sense when we know the One who created us and live life in a relationship with Jesus Christ. Many teens whether they go to church or not, may believe that God is boring. Young Life was created to reach kids that might never step foot in a church or don’t feel connected with God. With the pain that Davie High school staff and students have been dealing with, we really believe that God wants to use Young Life to bring hope and healing to our school. We also hope it can be something that unifies folks across the county. With so many negative things out there vying for the our kids attention and trying to pull them in, why wouldn't we want something like Young Life here in Davie County to have a positive impact on our youth and our community? DavieLiFE: How can others get involved with Young Life? There are many ways that you can be involved. We have a diverse group of about 20 committed adults, and are still looking for more, who are forming our “adult committee”. This is the foundation of Young Life in Davie County. These are people who roll up their sleeves and do what it takes to make Young Life happen here. Young Life does not send out people to randomly start it up in local communities, it will only happen if we make it happen. It is exciting to already have the approval of Davie High principal Jeff Wallace as well Davie County’s new Superintendent, Darrin Hartness, in addition to other county school staff and employees. We need more people who will join us in making this happen. We need to raise money to hire a staff person for Davie County. After that person is hired we can begin to recruit and train volunteer leaders who will begin to go and build friendships with kids at Davie High. So far we have raised about $16,000 which is enough to hire a part-time staff person. To hire someone for a three year term, full time, we would need about $85,000. So we are looking for businesses, individuals and churches who want to invest in something that will impact the future of Davie County. Eventually we hope to have YL’s middle school counterpart, WyldLife, at the three county middle schools as well. We have an email contact database and periodically send out updates and information about DCYL. We are also compiling a list of people who are interested in praying for Young Life in Davie County. If you are interested in getting on our email list, joining our adult committee or prayer team, or making a contribution, please send us an email at [email protected]. DavieLiFE: What can you expect if you attend Young Life? Club – A Party with a Purpose: What is it about Young Life Club that makes it the best night of the week for thousands of kids every week? We like to think of it as a party with a purpose. It’s controlled chaos that's almost impossible to describe, but kids know it when they see it. And before the party ends, we share a simple message about God’s love for them. After all, that's what the celebration is all about. Club usually includes music, goofy skits/games, a brief message from one of the leaders and followed by the leaders and kids going to grab a snack at a nearby fast food restaurant and hanging out. Camp – The Best Week of Their Life : Young Life camping involves high adventure, lots of fun, great food and excellent speakers who understand and respect high school and middle school kids. At Young Life’s camps, kids are treated to resort-quality facilities for which Young Life has become known. Regardless of the facility, the experience is the same — kids getting away from the pressures of everyday life, having fun with friends and their Young Life leaders, and hearing the message of God’s love in terms they can understand. Young Life camping is open to kids who often are overlooked: those from economically depressed communities, kids with disabilities and teenage mothers. Each year, more than 100,000 kids around the world spend a week or weekend at Young Life camp, having an experience that many describe as the “best week of their lives.” Campaigners – A Time to Question, Learn and Grow: Campaigners (a name that points back to the early days when Young Life was referred to as “The Young Life Campaign”) is a weekly meeting for kids who wish to learn more or grow in their faith through study, service and leadership. Young Life leaders also encourage these kids to celebrate their faith through participation in a local congregation. 53 y t i n u m m Co AUG-OCT 2011 Calendar August Joe’s Fest 2nd Annual Music & Poker Run. Aug. 27, Poker run starts at 11 a.m. and Bikers return at 4 p.m. with laps around Main St. Music starts at 5 p.m. until 10 p.m. Tribute to Joe from 5-7:30 p.m. from his musical friends. Mel Jones & Bag O’ Bones from 8-10 p.m. Bring your own chair. Cost $5; money goes towards Music Scholarships to our local Youths. For more info, call 909-2263. September The Moravian Festival. Sept. 12, 10 a.m.-6 p.m., New Philadelphia Moravian Church. 4440 Country Club Road, Winston-Salem. Moravian Festival 5k Challenge at 8 a.m. Enjoy Moravian music, foods and traditions like Lovefeast and candle making. Take home stars, beeswax candles and Moravian-inspired gifts. Games, crafts and fun for kids, including free pony rides and petting zoo from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Re-live history with costumed enactors. Join us, rain or shine, for Family Fun – Moravian Style! For more info, Salem ndsome and “SALEM”, a very ha ort-haired social domestic sh d by the fellow, was rescue Davie Humane Society of untyCounty from the co y... ter. He’s unique a bo el sh al im an ed at oper s name… e room and say hi th r te en u yo n he w rry on a d and will then ca he’s quick to respon e you talk you and every tim conversation with s everyone spond. He just love to him…he will re r cats at well with the othe he meets and does ined, er. He’s litter box tra our adoption cent an -date on shots with neutered and up-to te of April 7, 2009. estimated birthda www.DavieN 54 Fall 2011 ProScramble Golf Tournament. Sept. 12, 11 a.m.-8 p.m., Oak Valley Golf Club, Advance. The Davie County Chamber of Commerce invites you to enjoy a round of golf with professional golfers throughout the Carolinas. Registration opens at 11 a.m.; shotgun start at 1 p.m. For more info, contact Davie County Chamber of Commerce at 751-3304 or visit Homeschool Days: Science Alive! Sept. 14 & 16, Old Salem Museums & Gardens. Join us for a fun-filled day of Science in Salem, a daylong program for Home Educated families. Reservations can be made by calling Sales Reservations at 1-800-441-5305. $8 for children; $10 for adults. RayLen’s Sunset Musical Flight. Sept. 16, 6:30-8:30 p.m., RayLen Vineyards & Winery. FREE. Pair your favorite wine with the musical entertainment of Leah Shaw & the Band of Winos for a delightful musical pleasure at sunset. Pack a picnic and bring your friends. Flip-flops, picnic baskets, and blankets allowed. For more info, visit Bill Medley and The Righteous Brothers’ Band. Sept. 17, 7:30-11:30p.m., Brock Performing Arts Center. $48 for adults; $46 for students/seniors. Call 751-3000 for more info. Taste of the Town. Sept. 20, 6-7:30 p.m., Davie County Senior Services. $5 plus tasting tickets for 50 cents each. Sample “tastes” from a variety of local restaurants. All proceeds go to Davie County Senior Services to support their programs and services. Call 753.6230 for more info. Textile Heritage Festival. Sept. 24, 11 a.m.-4 p.m., Cooleemee Historical Association. FREE. Celebrate Cooleemee’s rich history at the 20th Annual Textile Heritage Festival at the Zachary House Grounds. Contact the Cooleemee Historical Association at 284-6040 for more info. Tams Concert. Sept. 24, 7-10:30 p.m., Junker’s Outdoor Theater. Bring your chair and come down to Junker’s Outdoor Theater for a fun night of beach music for the whole family. No coolers please. Gates open at 6:30 p.m. and the music starts at 7 p.m. For more info, visit Farmington Expo. Sept. 24, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Expo features live music, food, craft and retail vendors, farmer’s market people, businesses and non-profits, kids’ activities and more. $2. All proceeds go to the playground project and other projects at the center. October The Last Grape Harvest Festival. Oct. 1, 1-5 p.m., RayLen Vineyards. $10. Enjoy the smooth jazz of Charlene Williams and BBQ from Bennett’s Smoke House. Admission includes: Flight tasting of featured wines, souvenir wine glass, and parking. To make reservations visit Rally for the Cure Golf Tournament. Oct. 5, Oak Valley Golf Club, Advance. For more info, contact Sherry at 940-6920 for more info. Chamber Awards GALA. Oct. 6, 6:30-10 p.m., WinMock at Kinderton. $45 admission. Join us for a very special evening at the WinMock. Enjoy an elegant evening of delicious Hors D’oeuvres drinks, social networking and presentation of our annual Community Awards. RSVP to Davie County Chamber of Commerce at 751-3304 or visit the website at Fall Bazaar. Oct. 8, 8 a.m.-2 p.m. Holy Family Catholic Church, Clemmons. Featuring hand-crafted items, painted furniture, silent auction, cash raffle, bake sale and a homemade soup lunch. RayLen’s Full Moon Festival. Oct. 14, 5-9 p.m., RayLen Vineyards & Winery. Pair your favorite wine with the musical entertainment of Leah Shaw & the Band of Winos for a delightful musical pleasure at sunset. Flip-flops, picnic baskets, and blankets allowed. For more info, visit 9th Annual Catfish Fry. Oct. 15, 11:00 a.m.-2 p.m., RiverPark at Cooleemee Falls. Join us under the shelter for Blue Grass Music and fabulous Catfish, Fries, Hush Puppies, Slaw & Dessert. Tickets can be purchased at the Zachary House, Osborne Service Station in Cooleemee, LandTrust in Salisbury & the Davie County Chamber of Commerce. $8 per ticket, kids plate $3. Proceeds from this annual fundraiser benefit RiverPark at Cooleemee Falls – “The Bullhole”. For more info, call 284-6040. Beethoven “BEETHOVEN”, a loveable brindle-and-cream beagle/ terrier mix was rescued by the Humane Society of Davie Coun ty from the county-animal shelter . He has a great personality an d loves to walk the perimeter of our outside fen ce and is the first to alert you when someon e arrives. He loves one-on-one attention an d likes for you to squeak a toy when you want him to play. He’s neutered, up-to-date on shots, plays well with other dogs and has an estimate d birthdate of June 26, 2010. www.DavieNCHumane.or g Tour Of Farmington. Oct. 15, 7 a.m.-1 p.m. Enjoy riding through beautiful Historic Farmington and help us raise money for the future nature park. 20, 40, and 60 mile routes will be available. For more info, visit mocksville-nc/tour-of-farmington-2011. 55 Protect Your Home and Increase Its Value! A Complete Medical Equipment Company •CPAP/BIPAP •Oxygen/Portable Oxygen Concentrators for Travel •Power Wheelchairs/ Wheelchairs 959 Salisbury Rd. • Mocksville, NC (336) 751-4288 “Serving Davie and Surrounding Counties for 15 Years” AMCO Services specializes in waterproofing basements and sealing crawl spaces. • Reduce the risk of allergy, asthma, and respiratory problems • Prevent structural damage to beams, pipes, ductwork and flooring • Lower your energy bill and possibly your insurance premium • For new or existing homes • Locally owned company 336.998.0616 email: [email protected] First United Methodist Church Mocksville presents Sprinkle Preaching Mission Services Offering a style for every point of view…. Sales and installation of window blinds, woven wood shades, cellular shades, vertical blinds and shutters. Also, sales and installations of mailboxes, street signs and house plaques. Owned and operated by 30 year Davie County resident Annette McGuire Blevins. Showroom hours Monday – Friday, 10am – 2pm or by appointment 336-946-2164 [email protected] 5723 Q Country Club Rd • Winston-Salem, NC 27104 56 Fall 2011 (Annual Series of Inspiring & Outstanding Preaching & Music) September 11- 14 Sunday 8:45 a.m., 11 a.m. & 7 p.m. Monday & Tuesday 7 p.m. Wednesday 5:30 p.m. covered dish; 6:30 p.m. gathering for workshop on church leadership, missions & opportunities (Family Life Center) Speaker: John Ed Mathison John Ed is nationally known for his leadership in church growth and training of church laity and pastors. He is currently involved with the John Ed Mathison Leadership Ministries that focuses on preaching, teaching, conferences and seminars that impact the world for Jesus Christ. He is the author of 7 books and has written for many religious periodicals. He served for 36 years as Senior Pastor of Frazer Memorial United Methodist Church in Montgomery, Alabama taking the church from 400 members to over 8,800 with 8 services each Sunday. 310 North Main St. Mocksville, NC 336-751-2503 October continued Legends & Lanterns Halloween Tours. Oct. 28 & 29, 6 p.m.-9 p.m., Old Salem Visitor Center. Come find out by joining a Legends & Lanterns walking tour at Old Salem if you dare! During the tour, a costumed guide will light the way by lantern through Salem's nighttime streets. Visit several haunting stops in the historic district, and experience vivid tales of local ghostly legends and events. You might even catch a glimpse of a ghost or two among our historic buildings! Tour content is suitable for all ages, but does require extensive walking on streets and uneven brick sidewalks. $20 for adults; $15 for children. Please call 1-800-441-5305 to reserve your spot. Halloween Open House. Oct. 29, 1 p.m.-5 p.m., RayLen Vineyards & Winery. FREE. Enjoy a complimentary flight of featured wines. Wear a costume and win a prize! Guess the candy-corns and win a prize! Vote on the best staff costume and eat candy. Reservations recommended. Visit for more info. ! Want to Submit an Event? Send to [email protected] with “Calendar” in the subject line. Include time, date, location, admission fees and phone number. We would love to include all events, but space is limited so get your information in early! HUMANE SOCIETY OF DAVIE COUNTY Where matching pets & people is our business Pets Multiply. Please Spay and Neuter. kids eat free wednesday nights 1112 Yadkinville Rd. Mocksville 751-9464 One free kid’s meal with the purchase of an adult entrée. Begins Wednesdays at 3:30pm. Valid at 1112 Yadkinville Rd. Mocksville location only. 57 P A S T A C K E P R O I E A O S E N X X R Z J U M J L S B O L R M N I T U G S E A A C R R Y B T C O E Z L N T M I S O A A P E L N Z R L S G A L ord Search ze W C I M Y School Da CALCULATOR JOURNAL J V J Z CHALK MARKERS NOTEBOOK W Z I Q CRAYONS PEN PENCIL RULER PAPER CLIPS SCISSORS TAPE PASTE ERASER G D N S GLUE U C N M Z W S U Z A E U N O Z R L J P Z S Help the Kids Get to Davie K I W L O D B County Schools! Q D A K O I P E O S D P X N G L W E E S U U Y A U R T J E B M O M U S C I S S T U K W A H U L Z L Y R N X A R X H A B Kid’s Corner Back-to-School Kids’ Corner Y Z O Z Q O R S C K R P G P C S X P P C Y Q X J D J L Y H H O W C A M L S E R V K U F X G M D X Y D Word Jumble: Things Found in a Classroom Unscramble the letters to find the words from the list to the right. FIUNOTNA_________________ ABLETPAH_ ________________ OBKDLACRHA______________ EBLOG____________________ HWKSREOSET_ _____________ ACLKH____________________ OOEKWMRH_______________ SKOBO____________________ REETCAH__________________ PAERP_____________________ EKSD_ ____________________ RWOKTAR_ ________________ CMPTEURO_ _______________ AERRSE____________________ ALGF_ ____________________ PPSSUILE__________________ ASEGM____________________ IESTRCUP__________________ CSPTSLEA__________________ TEDSSNUT_________________ 58 Fall 2011 teacher chalkboard chalk eraser flag alphabet globe desk computer books pictures homework supplies games worksheets paper fountain class pet artwork students How Well DoYou KnowYour DavieLiFE Advertisers? Here’s how it works. Read DavieLiFE from cover-to-cover and learn more about the advertisers who make this magazine possible. Next, use the “clues” below to identify the correct DavieLiFE advertiser, provide the answers and mail it to us! Quizzes with CORRECT answers will be entered into a drawing for $50 gift certificate, courtesy of Angie Bailey —thirty one gifts. So, get busy learning about your DavieLiFE advertisers and mail those completed quizzes to us NO LATER THAN, Friday, October 21st! Mail your completed quiz to us by Friday, October 21st for a chance to win a $50 thirty-one gift certificate! All answers can be found in this issue of DavieLiFE. hints: Mail to: DavieLiFE Magazine P.O. Box 2184 Advance, NC 27006 Win a $50 thirty-one gifts Gift Certificate! *One entry per person please. 1. They aren't just baby clothes.____________________________ 22. Your care is their focus._________________________________ 2. They treat sports injuries._______________________________ 23. They are giving back deliciously.__________________________ 3. They are participants in national clinical trials._______________ 24. Giving you the competitive edge._________________________ 4. Live fully, live comfortably._ _____________________________ 25. Located at 134 Commerce Drive._________________________ 5. Remember, pets multiply--please spay and neuter.____________ 26. Orthodontics for children and adults.______________________ 6. They have batting cages.________________________________ 27. Want you to ask about their weight management program. ___________________________________________________ 7. You can save $25 on tax preparation.______________________ 8. Need legal help?______________________________________ 28. Invite you to see the quality and style that’s Lee. Contact Melissa Johnson for more information.___________________________ 9. Photographed the Hartness family.________________________ 29. Every child is a champion.______________________________ 10. Offering 15% off to start your holiday shopping early._ ________ ___________________________________________________ 30. Fully insured lawncare._________________________________ 11. Mention their ad and save $2._ __________________________ 12. Not just desserts._ ____________________________________ 13. They private label._ ___________________________________ 31. Classes start Sept. 6th.__________________________________ 32. Specializing in gourmet cupcakes.________________________ 33. Courteous, dependable service for 75 years._________________ 14. Proud to serve Davie County.____________________________ 34. Want to help if you are a professional in career transition._______ ___________________________________________________ 15. A WBENC-Certified Women’s Business Enterprise.___________ ___________________________________________________ 35. Offer comprehensive adult and pediatric allergy care.__________ 16. A Cornerstone Health Care Practice._______________________ 17. Explains flood insurance in this issue._ ____________________ 18. Protect your home and increase its value.___________________ 19. Offer adult and pediatric home care._______________________ 20. Providing benchmark landscape services since 1979.__________ ___________________________________________________ 21. Can help you with health insurance._ _____________________ 36. Wants to help you stay out of their office.___________________ 37. Join them to help Davie students score big._ ________________ 38. 2011-12 subscriptions now available._____________________ 39. Working on a new program called ChamberDeals.___________ 40. Can provide information on WIC.________________________ 41. Have a branch in Cooleemee.____________________________ 42. Welcome back!_______________________________________ 59 43. In Davie County for 37 years.____________________________ 76. Your hometown pharmacy._ ____________________________ 44. Mom’s Choice in 2011._________________________________ 77. Their phone number is 998-4261.________________________ 45. Located at 116 Wilkesboro Street._ _______________________ 78. Owned by Justin Horne._ ______________________________ 46. A complete medical equipment company.__________________ 79. Offer full service video production.________________________ 47. A caring, assisted-living community._______________________ 80. Want you to come and visit them!________________________ 48. Now Hiring!_________________________________________ 81. Located at 153 Webb Way.______________________________ 49. Kids eat free on Wednesday nights._ ______________________ 82. Specializing in unique and personalized gifts.________________ 50. Family to family, generation to generation.__________________ 83. A NC licensed makeup artist.____________________________ 51. Find out how to afford college and retirement._______________ 84. They hope this school year is your most successful year yet._____ ___________________________________________________ 52. The dealership you can depend on._______________________ 53. Translating accounting into English for over 20 years._ ________ ___________________________________________________ 54. Have big screen TVs._ _________________________________ 55. $10 off your first two cleanings.__________________________ 56. Call today about their 30 day free trial._____________________ 57. Specializes in media buying._____________________________ 58. Their number is 753-8090._____________________________ 59. Encourage you to go idle free.____________________________ 60. Mention their ad and save 10%.__________________________ 61. Specialize in screenprinting and vinyl graphics.______________ 62. Wide Format? You get._ _______________________________ 85. Host a party, earn free products.__________________________ 86. Come to their End of Summer Sale and save $1.00 on clothing. ___________________________________________________ 87. Now offer gift certificates._______________________________ 88. Enjoy the low cost benefits of member-ownership.___________ 89. An event benefitting Smart Start of Davie County._ ___________ 90. Need transitional help? They can help.____________________ 91. Their practice in Mocksville is growing.____________________ 92. Sponsors the Big Brothers/Big Sisters page.__________________ 93. Broadcasting War Eagle football this year.___________________ 94. Fall into savings with them._____________________________ 63. Email her at [email protected]._ __________________________ 64. Everything you need for your party. _______________________ Your Name:_______________________________________ 65. Sponsors the Storehouse for Jesus page .___________________ Phone Number:____________________________________ 66. Their number is 751-RIDE._____________________________ Email Address:_____________________________________ 67. Serving all families with young children.____________________ 68. Ring in the school days with them.________________________ 69. State of cha-ching._ ___________________________________ 70. Offering a style for every point of view._____________________ 71. Their number is 800-849-5571._________________________ 72. Personalized medicine, personalized care._ _________________ 73. Located at 5240 US Hwy. 158.___________________________ 74. Invites you to their Sprinkle Preaching Mission Services._______ 75. When you need care now.______________________________ 60 Fall 2011 ! Congratulations Congratulations to Elizabeth Bumgarner of Mocksville. She was the winner of the “How Well Do You Know Your DavieLiFE Advertisers” Quiz that appeared in the May edition of DavieLiFE. She received a $50 gift card courtesy of Haj Paj Boutique and Design Studio. In the Kitchen With... A special thanks to the Mocksville Garden Club for contributing these great recipes, just samples from their new cookbook, now on sale for $12. Proceeds from the cookbook sales go toward plantings and/or monetary contributions for plants at parks, schools and other community locations throughout the county. For more information on purchasing, contact Hetti Mazie at [email protected]. SQUASH SOUP Contributed by Lib Woodward 3 yellow squash 1 c. cheddar cheese, grated 1 chicken bouillon cube 1 pt. half and half 1 med. onion, chopped salt and pepper to taste Cook squash, onion and bouillon cube in as little water as possible without sticking until tender. Place in a blender and puree. Place back in pot and heat. Add cheddar cheese and half and half. Heat but do not boil. Add salt and pepper to taste. Note: This has won two awards! ZUCCHINI PATTIES Contributed by Evelyn Stroupe 2 c. zucchini, shredded 1 c. Bisquick or baking mix 2 T. onion, chopped (optional) 1/2 c. cheese, shredded (mozzarella or cheddar) 2 eggs, beaten 1/8 tsp. salt 1 T. butter Combine zucchini, baking mix, onion, cheese, eggs and salt and blend well. Melt butter in a large skillet. Spoon heaping teaspoons of zucchini mixture into skillet. Fry for 3-5 minutes per side until golden brown. Place browned patties on paper towel. Add more butter to skillet when necessary, for additional batches. JENNIFER’S BAKED CHICKEN Contributed by Jean Harpe 1 stick butter, melted 2 lbs. chicken tenders or strips 2-3 c. corn flakes, crushed Salt Pepper Dip chicken strips in butter and roll in corn flakes. Sprinkle with salt and pepper to taste. Cover with foil and baked at 350 degrees for 20 minutes. Uncover and bake another 10-15 min. PERFECT SPINACH BERRY SALAD Contributed by Kathy Mashburn 1 (11 oz.) pkg. baby spinach leaves 1 c. fresh strawberries, sliced 1/4 sm. red onion, thinly sliced 1 c. candied walnuts 3 T. extra virgin olive oil 1-1/2 T. balsamic vinegar 1 (4 oz.) container crumbled feta cheese Combine the spinach, strawberries, onion and walnuts in a large bowl. Drizzle the olive oil and balsamic vinegar over the mixture and toss to coat evenly. Add the feta cheese and toss again. PRALINE PEACH COBBLER Contributed by Betty Andrews Cobbler: 1-3/4 c. self-rising flour 1-3/4 c. sugar, divided 1 c. milk 1 egg, beaten 1 quart sliced peaches Mix flour, 1-1/2 cups sugar, milk and egg. Pour into a 9 x 13 pan. Combine peaches and 1/4 cup of sugar and place on top of batter. Topping: 3/4 c. self-rising flour 1/4 c. white sugar 1/3 c. brown sugar 1/2 stick butter, softened 1-1/2 c. pecans, chopped Mix together the flour, sugars, butter and pecans. Put on top of peaches. Bake in a 350 degree oven for 60-70 minutes. 61 Now Open 7 Days a Week Delicious zas Homemade Piz ique Try one of our un n varieties or create your ow lad, Chicken Wings • Sa Subs Pasta, and Toasted Senior Citizen Nights Sunday-Thursday 4p-6p 10% OFF MEAL 753.1801 720 Wilkesboro St. (Beside Miller’s Restaurant in Mocksville) Fully Insured Lawncare Offering lawn care services for: Commercial Properties Residential Properties Churches Ask us about our year round and 9 month contract options Mirror Image C l ean i ng S er v i ce New Construction • Residential • Commercial $1O off your first two cleanings! Call today for a quote and get your home back in shape! Owner: Tiffany Allen Horne Insured & Bonded Office: 336.492.2540 Cell: 336.671.1634 62 Fall 2011 Daily Lunch Specials and Every Day Combo Specials Dine in or Take Out Big Screen TVs Beer Available We may be the new kid on the block, but... we’ve been translating accounting into English for over 20 years! With over 25 years of experience, F. Mac Bond CPA, Inc. has the background and knowledge to assist you with all of your accounting needs. We specialize in: • Traditional federal and state tax preparation • Business consulting • Minimizing business and individual income taxes • Assistance and training in computerized bookkeeping • Office management Clemmons, NC Mocksville, NC Littleton, CO Office: 336.766.6811 Fax: 336.766.6809 Office: 336.753.1839 Fax: 336.766.6809 Office: 303.913.3256 Fax: 800.375.1029 Surviving the Current Economy: From an Accountant’s Perspective Contributed by F. Mac Bond The first week of August proved to be a notable one from an economic standpoint, and not in a good way. Congress finally got the debt ceiling crisis resolved without really doing anything, Standard and Poor’s downgraded the rating for the USA, and the stock market went bonkers as a result of both. Further, we have not yet addressed the underlying tax issues to address the problems we face. So, what is ahead for all of us? I am definitely not a financial or economics expert. And I certainly do have the same questions as many of you. And I have a few thoughts and suggestions from an accountant’s point of view to help you ask the right questions and hopefully find the right answers for your particular situation. F. Mac Bond, CPA, Inc. Accounting & Consulting First and foremost, do NOT panic. Yes we have lots of problems, but none of them are insurmountable. Plan and strategize and move steadily toward your goals. Secondly, realize that there are no glorious 20% rates of return products out there for you to invest in. I wish I knew about one or two, but they really do not exist anymore. Look for sound investments that will survive the roller coaster and don’t gamble unless you can stand to lose. As an accountant for over 20 years, what I can tell you about is the trend of taxes going forward. Estate planning and tax planning more than a year or two is necessary, of course. But you must realize that all of these things are in a state of change and Congress recently has been well known to change tax laws in November that affect what has happened since January. Further, after the fall election, there will almost definitely be some sort of tax law change that will affect many of us. Until that electorate is seated in Washington, none of us know what will happen to the tax laws for all of us. So, what am I trying to tell everyone today? Stay current on what is going on in Washington. It affects all of us one way or another and it is important stuff. Speak your opinion to your legislators. They really do listen to their constituents, especially if a lot of them express one particular view. And be conservative in what you do. Large returns always come at a higher risk and in a volatile economy like we have right now the risk is even greater. And try to remember that change is inevitable. We all can help to make latesome little choco sure the change is a positive one. “PACO”, a hand ingese Chihuahua/Pek le a m m a re -c and And if we do find the sky is falling, get out your tools and lets e by the Human all chip in to fix it. mix was rescued the e County from Society of Davi r. He has d animal shelte ur county-operate to curl up in yo ve lo ld u o w d n sonality a nnel a great little per . He’s already ke u yo r fo n io n a mp g lap for loving co n him into bein tio si n a tr to er si akes it ea with trained which m o-date on shots -t p u , d re te eu n He’s ake house trained. 09 and would m 20 , 13 y a M f o irthdate an estimated b sure loving family. Be a to n o iti d d a a great meet him! to come by and www.DavieN Paco 63 Now Hiring! DavieLiFE magazine is looking for independent advertising sales representatives to help us grow! Are you: • A self-starter • Motivated to contact new potential advertisers • Have excellent communication and follow-up skills • Willing to represent DavieLiFE magazine with the utmost integrity If so, we would like to hear from you! Email your resume, three references and a letter explaining why you would like to join the DavieLiFE team to [email protected]. Join us on Facebook to stay in the know on employment opportunities with DavieLiFE. Fall 2011 For more information scan this QR code on your smart phone 65 Directory of Advertisers Thank you to the following advertisers who are making DavieLiFE possible: A Family Affair Consignment . . . . 38 Hospice & Palliative CareCenter . . . 13 Advance Family & Sports Humane Society of Davie County . . . 57 Medicine Center, PLLC . . . . . . 38 In Flight Gymnasium . . . . . . Insert Advance Neurology and Pain . . . . . 8 Jackson Hewitt Tax Service . . . . Insert Advance Pediatrics . . . . . . . . . 34 James Barrett Wilson & Associates . . 34 Allen Geomatics Land Surveying . . . 19 Jessica Marie Photography . . . . . . 34 AMCO Services . . . . . . . . . . 56 Kaplan Toys . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Bayada Nurses . . . . . . . . . . 49 Kennita’s Main St. Styles . . . . . . . 38 Blakley Landscape Services, Inc. . . . 22 Ketchie Creek Bakery & Café . . . . 50 Blue Moon Benefits Group . . . . . 67 Le Bleu . . . . . . . . . . . . Insert Carolina Center for Eye Care . . . . . 20 Leonard Ryden Burr — Julie Coleman . 51 Carvel Ice Cream . . . . . . . . . 22 Lin Taylor Graphic Design . . . . . . 26 Century 21 Triad . . . . . . . . . 68 Make-Up by Audrey . . . . . . . . 38 Checkered Flag Carwash . . . . . . 27 Mebane Foundation . . . . . . . . 26 Chermak & Hanson Orthodontics . . 65 Medical Associates of Davie at Hillsdale 12 CKJ Building & Design . . . . . . . 22 Meg Brown Home Furnishings . . . . 49 Clemmons Gymnastics . . . . . Insert Miller’s Old Country Pizza Barn . . . 62 Cozart’s Handyman Service . . . . . 62 Mirror Image Cleaning Service . . . . 62 Creative Drama Children’s Theater . . . 9 Nature's Pearl . . . . . . . . . Insert Cupcakes by Three . . . . . . . . . 9 New Leaf Sales & Marketing, LLC . . 20 Daniel Furniture & Electric Co., Inc. . . 9 Osborne’s Tire & Automotive . . . . 38 Davidson County Community College 35 PART . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Davie Allergy & Asthma Clinic . . . . 20 Party World . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Davie Chiropractic . . . . . . . . . 14 PC and Network Services . . . . . . 27 Davie Community Foundation . . . . 16 Phil Smith Graphics . . . . . . . . 38 Davie County Arts Council . . . . . 51 PIP Printing and Marketing Services . . 62 Davie County Chamber of Commerce . 20 Representative Julia Howard . . . . . 38 Davie County Health Department . . . 40 Simmons Nissan . . . . . . . . . . 43 Davie County Public Library . . . . . 20 Skinny Wheels Bike Shop . . . . . . 9 Davie County Schools . . . . . . . 26 Smart Start of Davie County . . . . . 35 Davie County United Way, Inc. . . Insert Spangler & Rohlfing, DDS, PLLC . . . 23 Davie Family YMCA . . . . . . . . 44 State Farm — Davie Farm Service . . . . . . . . 22 Bandy Insurance Agency, Inc. . . . . 12 Davie Medical Equipment . . . . . . 56 Streetscapes & WindowWorks . . . . 56 Davie Place Residential Care . . . . . 27 Surry Insurance . . . . . . . . Insert DavieLiFE magazine . . . . . . . . 64 Tanglewood Pharmacy . . . . . . . 10 East Coast Wings . . . . . . . . . 57 The Tire Shop . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Eaton Funeral Service, Inc. . . . . Insert Thirty One Gifts - Angie Bailey . . . . 38 Edward Jones . . . . . . . . 48/Insert Tot Stop Consignment . . . . . . . 26 Everhart Honda . . . . . . . . . . 5 Triad Lawn & Landscaping . . . . . 48 F. Mac Bond CPA, Inc. . . . . . . . 62 Truliant Federal Credit Union . . . . 50 First United Methodist Church . . . . 56 Upscale Hoedown . . . . . . . . . 48 Forsyth Medical Center . . . . . . . 2 Wake Forest Baptist Health — Davie Hospital . . . . . . . . . . 7 Foster Drug Company, Inc. . . . . . 48 Wake Forest Baptist Health — Gemini Hair & Nail Fashions . . . . 26 Brenner Children’s Hospital . . . . 17 God’s Green Earth . . . . . . . . . 20 Walmart . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Good Times Video Productions . . . . 9 WDSL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Hillsdale Dental . . . . . . . 21/Insert Hillsdale Mini Storage . . . . . . . 47 Webb Heating & Air Co., Inc. . . . . 47 Hip Chics Boutique . . . . . . . . 50 66 Fall 2011 67 Giving You the Competitive Edge!! Brenda Bellomo Elizabeth Swicegood Kyle Swicegood [email protected] facebook: Brenda Bellomo RE Broker Specializing In Residential & New Construction [email protected] facebook: Elizabeth Sharp Swicegood Specializing In Residential & New Construction [email protected] facebook: T. Kyle Swicegood Specializing In Farms, Land, Commercial & Accelerated Marketing 336.624.6961 MLS#613117 $374,000 155 Meadows Edge main on 4 bd/3.5 bath. Master d paint level. All new carpet an reened with granite counters. Sc portch on acre lot. 336.909.2584 336.909.2583 MLS#608064 220 West Church St. $210,000 3 bd/2.5 bath with Granite counters and finished bonus room. Exceptional property all brick home on nearly an acre with extra lot.
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