Picture - Chebeague Island News


Picture - Chebeague Island News
April 2013
Published Monthly
Issue No. # 4
Chebeague Island Council
PO Box 12
Chebeague Island ME 04017-0012
NON-PROFIT Organization
Permit No.2
Chebeague Island, ME
On the April 2013 cover: Calder … Davis
This house on South Shore Drive (Coleman
Cove) was built in 1913 by Charles Thomas for
Silas & Winnie Calder who lived there all their
lives. Having no heirs, it was sold to Elizabeth
Jarratt Campbell &, subsequently, to Phillip Villandry. Present owner is Carol Lynn Davis
The monthly House Histories are selected and written by Martha Hamilton. This series is presented on behalf of the Chebeague Historical Society and Island Library to provide additional information and correct what had originally been documented for a 1977 House
History Survey. Martha welcomes further clarifications or details about any house she reports on ... 846.4078. Martha has been doing
the Calendar covers since 1965!
photo by Cathy MacNeill
Chebeague Island Council Calendar
April 2013
-4106 Alcoholics Anonymous
-1610 Cheb. & Cumb. Land Trust
-4988 Cheb. Health Center [CIC]
-0609 Cheb. Is. Council
-7829 Cheb. Is. Community Assoc
-0924 Cheb. Is. Comm. Sailing School
-3046 Cheb. Is. Hall Community Ctr
-5237 Cheb. Is. Historical Society
-4351 Cheb. Is. Library
-4162 Cheb. Is. School District [ToCI]
-4985 Cheb. Is. Yacht Club
-1097 Cheb. Parents Association
-7829 Comprehensive Planning Cmte
-5068 Cheb. Recreation Center
-3700 Cheb. Transportation Co
-7829 Free Concert Fund
-9478 Great Cheb. Golf Club
-7864 Great Cheb. Tennis Club
Grange -4876 Grange # 576
-4456 Is. Commons Resource Ctr
Ladies Aid -4075 a UMC group
-3148 Town of Chebeague Island
-4106 United Methodist Church
Next months’ events (see also ‘repeats...’)
date time
Sun 05/12/13
Wed 05/22/13 6pm
Mon 05/27/13
Sat 06/08/13 9am
Sun 06/16/13
Sat 06/29/13 8:45a
Sat 06/29/13 12pm
Thu 07/04/13
Mon 07/08/13
Wed 07/10/13 4pm
Sat 07/13/13 3pm
Mon 07/15/13
Sat 07/20/13 9am
Sun 07/21/13 11am
Mon 07/22/13
Fri 07/26/13
Sat 07/27/13
Sat 07/27/13 9am
Mon 07/29/13
Sun 05/12/13
Wed 05/22/13 6pm
Mon 05/27/13
Sat 06/08/13 9am
Sun 06/16/13
Sat 06/29/13 8:45a
Mother's Day
ToCI Special BoS mtg
@ Hall
Memorial Day
ToCI Ann Town Mtg
Father's Day
GCGC Swatfest
CIL Poetry Express
Independence Day
CICSS: session 1, wk
1x2 (M-F)
GCTC Mixed Doubles
Round Robin
GCGC Family Scramble
CICSS: session 1, wk
2x2 (M-F)
GCTC Perkins Cup
CRC Quadathlon/Triathlon
CICSS: session 2, wk
1x2 (M-F)
GCGC Member-Guest
GCGC Member Guest
GCTC Lessing Cup
CICSS: session 2, wk
2x2 (M-F)
Mother's Day
ToCI Special BoS mtg
@ Hall
Memorial Day
ToCI Ann Town Mtg
Father's Day
GCGC Swatfest
Calendar of Events April 2013
REMINDER: It is the responsibility of each organization to maintain the online Calendar as far in advance as possible so that other organizations can plan their upcoming events. Contact the Editor at
[email protected] if you need assistance.
April 2013
Chebeague Island Council Calendar
Articles & Organizations
Notes from you, to you
CHC - Cheb Health Center
CIC - Cheb Island Council
CIHCC/CiC/USM Health Screening
CIHS - Cheb Island Historical Society
CIL - Cheb Island Library
CIL - Directory Updates
CISD - Cheb Island School Dept
ICRC - Island Commons
Stephen Ross Scholarship
ToCI - Town of Chebeague
UMC - Cheb United Methodist Church
and please support our advertisers ...
Dick Bowen
Bruce Bowman
Island Electric
Island Energy
Island Services
Jane Leonard RE/Max
Nathan Doughty
Rob Prescott
Top Shelf Services
About the Calendar
Publisher: Chebeague Island Council, Gin Ballard,
President; [email protected]
John Holt, 23 North Rd, 207.619.2557
[email protected]
Treasurer: Gail Miller, PO Box 12, … 04017-0012
The Calendar is a monthly publication of the Chebeague Island Council, delivered to every occupied
residence on the island. Members of the Island
Council who are off-island at the time of publication
will receive their copy of the Calendar via bulk mail.
Deadline for the ‘next’ issue is 8:30 AM on the
21st of the month. Preferred delivery method is via
email attachment (best format is .pdf for all items) to
[email protected]
No computer? No problem! Just drop off or mail
your contribution or copy-ready ad to me at 23 North
Always welcome: news, stories, art, photos or
anything you would like to share with our community.
In Passing …
It is with sadness and the Council’s condolences that we report the passing of these near and far islanders:
01/13/2013 – Neicia Eldena Tompkins, mother of Michelle Jackson
03/04/2013 – Louise Smith, mother of Carol Lynn Davis
03/11/2013 – Ronald Jackson, father of Andrew Jackson
limited availability of extra Calendars at the Chebeague Island Library for $3
Chebeague Island Council Calendar
5 NOTES From You, To You
First, I want to thank CTC bus driver, Kelly, who assured me one day this winter that my car could be cleared of
snow for the next day. I later found out she had shoveled it
out herself. How kind of her.
Next I thank my daughter, Claudia, who called from NJ
and insisted it was time for me to get checked out due to
symptoms I was experiencing. She, leaving to drive here no
matter what I said, set out in a snowstorm.
I thank the Chebeague Rescue for getting me to Cousins
Island and Yarmouth Rescue, to Maine Med. Claudia survived a full spin-out on the Maine Turnpike, but arrived at
Maine Med in time to visit me, and catch the last boat to
Chebeague. I left that fine hospital, afternoon of the 3rd day,
fully apprised of my condition and necessary protocols. Some
of us have to be nudged at times.
And thank you Jeff Champagne for caring for my dog!
My thanks to all my “nudgers” … Gayle Helbig
When I had an unexpected medical emergency the evening of March 4, I pressed my Alert Button for help. My
neighbor, Wanda, arrived first and helped me. Soon after,
our great Rescue Team arrived. My thanks to all of you,
CTC for transporting me and, also, to Yarmouth Rescue
who took me to Maine Medical. We are fortunate to have
such caring people assisting us when we need medical
help. Thanks again to each and every one of you, and to
all who have contacted me with "get well wishes."
Betsey Ross
Wasn't it a magnificent party? So many familiar faces,
young and old & in between, so much wonderful food and
fun music. And, to top it off, a very surprising gift of $
for a traveling fund … and my new dog "Oliver" too!
How can I possibly thank you all appropriately? There
was so much going on that I was sorry that I did not
get to the back of the Hall to meet, greet & speak to some
of you there. Cathy MacNeill did a marvelous job organizing but I know she had a lot of help with the food,
decorations, etc. I am still hearing from people who have
seen the pictures on line. Many thanks to John Howard
& the Whalers, to Celia, Mark Dyer & "his friend" who
did not miss a beat! It was lovely to see so many Girl
Scouts reunited, to hear the poems, truly a lifetime of fun
& laughter revisited. I am so fortunate to live on Chebeague … thanks to one & all!
with love Martha O.
Page 2
To all our friends from the Brenton, Calder,
McLaughlin and Isenberg families –
Every time our families are in crisis I know
why we live on Chebeague. The response is overwhelming. It is hard to find new words to express
our thoughts because it is what it is! We have
lost our mom, sister, grandma, Aunt Marianne,
and she leaves a huge hole for us to try and fill.
Even the neighbors mentioned how she will be
missed in their neighborhood. She was always on
the run, even at home, weeding the gardens, taking veggies to Barbara and Charles, or a few
steamed clams (she dug!) to “Uncle Lew” (Ross)
when he was alive, seedlings to swap with Kitty,
a glass of wine with Maggie and Will and on
and on. This, beside her family, community and
political life on the Island and in Massachusetts.
The cards and mail have been unbelievable in
their quantity and comments. The Stephen Ross
Scholarship Fund and Chebeague and Cumberland Land Trust funds have benefited from her
death the way she wanted it to. There will be a
celebration of Marianne’s life on July 20th at the
Church at 11:30, reception to follow. We hope
you will all be able to be with us. Thank you to
all who have shown us your love and friendship in
so many ways.
Our love to you all, Brenton/Calder Families
I want to take this opportunity to thank Jeff
Putnam, Ernie Burgess, my Uncle Chris, Andy
Todd and everyone else who supported the idea
of a Chebeague Island Waiting List and made it
a reality. The waiting list is officially up and
running as of this year, and I am very fortunate to be one of the beneficiaries. I am proud
to be able to carry on the Rich family fishing
[email protected]
Chris Martin
April 2013
Chebeague Island Council Calendar
CHC – Chebeague Health Center
Lots of news this month, so grab a cuppa of tea
or a cuppa joe before you start reading.
The Annual USM student nurse Health Screening Day is Saturday 6th April from 9am until
1130am at the Community Hall. IT IS FREE. There
will be blood pressure, cholesterol, glucose testing
and a limited supply of the tetanus/Pertussis vaccine. Mac & Beth are supplying donuts. The USM
crew will bring munchies too.
What is Blood Pressure (BP)? The heart is the pump
that circulates the blood throughout your body. Your
blood pressure is the actual force of the blood as it
moves through your arteries. This is recorded in two
numbers: The Systolic pressure, which measures
when your heart pumps/contracts. The Diastolic
pressure is when your heart is relaxed/rests between
beats. The Systolic pressure is the “top” number
and the Diastolic pressure is the “bottom” number
i.e. 130/80 130=Systolic/80=Diastolic. If you BP is
too high (>140/80) you are at risk for having a heart
attack, stroke, kidney problems, blindness, and other
medical problems. High BP is called the “Silent Disease”: you feel fine but your uncontrolled BP is damaging various organs. Symptoms could be chest
pain, headache, sudden body weakness, trouble
breathing and loss of vision. Some ways to lower
your BP include increasing your exercise, losing a
few pounds, changing your eating habits, and petting
your cat/dog!
What is Cholesterol? Cholesterol helps break up fat
into smaller pieces so your body can digest it better.
It is also a key component for cell membranes. Its is
a building block for hormones & vitamins. HDL cholesterol is called “the good cholesterol” – the more
you have the better. LDL, on the other hand, is referred to as “the bad cholesterol” – the less you have
the better. Too high cholesterol puts you at risk for
having a heart attack, stroke, and other medical
problems. On Saturday your cholesterol can be
checked by taking a “fingerstick” sample of your
What is Glucose? Glucose is a simple sugar that is
the body’s main source of energy. For your body to
function properly your glucose/sugar level must be
maintained at certain levels. Too high of a level, or
hyperglycemia, can lead to Diabetes. Sometimes
your sugar level goes up gradually & you are unaware of any symptoms. Other times you might notice increased thirst and/or urination, weight loss,
fatigue or trouble with your vision. If you have DiabeApril 2013
tes you are at risk for having heart attacks, strokes,
kidney problems, nerve problems, eye problems, recurrent skin and mouth infections, and even hearing
problems. Your glucose can be checked by getting a
“fingerstick” of your blood.
What is Pertussis/Whooping Cough? What is Tetanus? Pertussis is a preventable bacterial infection
THAT CAN BE FATAL. The Center for Disease Control reported over 41,000 cases for 2012 (up from
16,800 in 2009) with 12 deaths. In Maine in January
of this year there were over 45 cases. The USM
crew will be bringing a vaccine that will update your
Pertussis status AND update your Tetanus status.
Tetanus, also called lockjaw because the first symptom is the inability to open your mouth due to muscle
spasm, is also a preventable bacterial infection that
can be fatal. It can be found in the soil, in the feces
of domesticated animals, humans, livestock, and,
yes on that proverbial rusty nail. Actually, it can be
found anywhere – including your fishing/lobster boat.
In the US older people, who often think that they
don’t need to keep on their vaccinations (when in
fact they are working in the soil and/or on their boat
more) are more adapt to get tetanus than kids.
The USM students and their professors are giving up their day off to have this Screening Day
so please remember to thank them for coming.
If you need Emergency Fuel Assistance OR
know someone who does, please call Gin Ballard at
653-5651. All calls are confidential. The Emergency Fuel Assistance program is to help you get
through a rough financial spot. The program will put
money towards WHATEVER your heat source is.
If you want to send a tax deductible donation to
this program,
please make your
to all
Deirdre Sulka-Meister,
will see
any and
in If
patients. She can be your primary care provider.
you currently have a provider on the mainland she
ME a04017.
donation will
see you andIs,send
note toYour
help Lab
a neighbor
work can be drawn and sent Thank
to youryou!
provider. Please bring your provider’s orders and their
fax number when you come to the visit.
HOURS: Every Tuesday 8:45am – 11:15am
PHONE: 846-4988 … after hours, this number
is re-directed to the Royal River Family Care office.
In case of ANY emergency,
call Rescue at 911
[email protected]
Page 3
Chebeague Island Council Calendar
Stephen Ross Scholarship
It is time once more for graduating seniors
and potential 2nd year students to apply for
the Stephen Ross Scholarship.
The applications may be obtained online
or pick up a copy from Deb at the Library.
It is absolutely imperative that the applications are filed before the deadline of May
1st. Any questions, please call Ken Hamilton (-4161) or Dianne Calder (-4176).
Page 4
[email protected]
April 2013
Chebeague Island Council Calendar
April 2013
[email protected]
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Chebeague Island Council Calendar
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[email protected]
April 2013
Chebeague Island Council Calendar
Island Directory Updates
For your convenience, the updates follow on the next
three pages so that you can ‘tear out’ the center ‘page’
and file it with your Directory
April 2013
[email protected]
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Chebeague Island Council Calendar
Island Directory Updates 1x3
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[email protected]
April 2013
Chebeague Island Council Calendar
Island Directory Updates 2x3
April 2013
[email protected]
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Chebeague Island Council Calendar
Island Directory Updates 3x3
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[email protected]
April 2013
Chebeague Island Council Calendar
FOR SALE 10’ Walker Bay Dinghy … Stable & durable plastic skiff. Light and easy to handle, 2 years old, barely used. Does not include oars. New at Hamilton Marine for
$970.00, asking $800.00.
Contact Rob: [email protected]
HOUSE FOR RENT by the week. 3 beds, 2 full baths, 2 story. On private right of way to
the shore. All amenities, inc. washer/dryer and dishwasher.
Located at 13 Island View Rd., off the North Rd.
$900 per week ... Please call 207-831-6148 or email [email protected]
CALL CINDY AT 846-1055
April 2013
[email protected]
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Chebeague Island Council Calendar
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[email protected]
April 2013
Chebeague Island Council Calendar
April 2013
[email protected]
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Chebeague Island Council Calendar
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[email protected]
April 2013
Chebeague Island Council Calendar
April 2013
[email protected]
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Chebeague Island Council Calendar
Advertise on these pages
and be seen in close to 500 households
around the country and the island
Shown below, in approximate scale to a Calendar’s page, are the 9 different ad opportunities that we offer.
In addition to a ‘classified’ style ad, there are one- and two-column options in 3 inch increments, plus two
1.5 inch options. (The ad size ‘name’ – _x_ – indicates ‘number-of-columns’ ‘by’ ‘inches tall.’)
To get more ‘bang for your advertising buck,’ become a member of the Chebeague Island Council (the
501(c)(3), non-profit organization that publishes the monthly Island Calendar) and save 50% on the prices
To get the details on ad size, electronic or printer-ready formats, payment and delivery methods, please
email ([email protected]) or call (207-619-2557) the editor. The deadline for ads and other content is 8am on the 21st of each month, but the earlier the better!
Become a member of the Chebeague Island Council
and support community based programs that strive to promote the health and well-being of Chebeague Island residents. In addition to publishing the monthly Calendar and sponsoring the Fourth of July parade
and races, the Council programs include
• Health Center … using Council provided space at the Island Hall, Royal River Family Care, of Yarmouth, provides on-island care every Tuesday morning. Please read more about this on page 3.
• Chedemption … income generated by redeeming bottles and cans is shared among those island nonprofit groups that staff the Chedemption station during the summer.
• Samaritan Fund … to provide assistance to residents when faced with medical expenses that are either unanticipated or otherwise unbudgeted.
• Fuel Assistance … for residents in a rough financial spot during the winter/cold months, money is
available to be put toward the appropriate fuel source
• Cynnie’s Group … supports the efforts of on-island Hospice Care by providing supplies
• General Fund … ‘undirected’ tax-deductible donations are used for all other administrative expenses
As a member, you have a voting share in the business of the Council. An individual, annual, membership is
$12. A Contributing membership is $25 (provides for membership of a couple) and a Sustaining membership is $50. Please consider joining or encouraging your friends to. Checks, payable to CIC, may be sent to:
CIC Treasurer, PO Box 12, Chebeague island ME 04017-0012. Thank you!
Page 16
[email protected]
April 2013