Rabbi Yitzchak Breitowitz Rabbi Levi Shem Tov


Rabbi Yitzchak Breitowitz Rabbi Levi Shem Tov
Rabbi Yitzchak Breitowitz
Rabbi Levi Shem Tov
Rabbi Abba Cohen
Washington, D.C.
Dir. of American Friends of Lubavitch
Dir. of W.A. Office for Agudat Yisroel
“EFRAT is an organization
that reminds us about the
sanctity of life, by celebrating
life...EFRAT is not involved in
politics, not involved in
legislation. Itis involved in
giving women the resources
they need.”
“Every neshamahis able to be
m’kayim kameh v'kameh
mitzvos. And here for a mere
one thousand dollars we are
able to help bring a neshamah
into this world. How much
more so if wecould bring in
thousandsof dollars,as
EFRAT did in the past year.”
“I bring you greetings from our
council of Torah Sages and
Rabbinic Leadership, who join
me and join us all in honoring
EFRAT,this extraordinary
organization... This is what
EFRAT is all about, rebuilding
the Jewish nation, rebuilding
the Jewish people.”
Rabbi Menacham Genack
Senator Jim DeMint, SC
Senator Mel Martinez, FL
“I honorDr. Schussheim and
thoseassociated with EFRAT,
for their extraordinary work,
and the hope, faith and
optimism that they give to those
“Thanks for representing in
such a great way the savingof
lives. It makes me veryproud
tohave the opportunity of being
here together with EFRAT.”
"I am delighted to tell you
that what EFRAT does is
important, it’s important to
inspire us and it's important
to keep us all accountable."
Senator Richard Lugar, IN
Senator James M. Inhofe, OK
Senator Charles Schumer, NY
“I came to shake the hands of
those who save the lives of
unborn children.”
“You give the option of life, and
that is truly the highest cause
we can dedicate ourselves to.”
Rabbinic Administrator of the OU
Congressman Trent Franks AZ.
Congressman Jeff Fortenbury NE.
Michael Schwartz
Sen. Tom Cobum’s Chief of staff
“All of G-d's children have
intrinsic, inestimatable value
to Him. And that is the only
thing that holds the family
“There are thousands of
people who have life, who
have hope and oppurtunity to
celebrate with their families
and to enjoy the wonderful
gift of life...And it's you at
EFRAT who get the credit.”
Morton Klein
Willim Daroff - UJC
National President of ZOA
"The most effective way to fight
the Jewish demographic
challenge is the organization
of EFRAT. Through their
comprehensive programs tens
of thousands of Jewish
children and their offspring
have been saved."
“I'm interested in seeing
EFRAT grow and seeing its
support in America grow.
Because I believe the more
money EFRAT raises in
America, the more Jewish
babies have life in Israel.”
Mr. Woli Stern
Chairman, EFRAT’s 30th Anniversary
“On behalf of the UJC, Iwant
to add my kavod to all of you
at EFRAT, for all the good
workthat you do in Eretz
“Several years ago I asked
Dr. Schussheim if I could be
his partner in EFRAT. He
immediately agreed and since
then we dedicated ourselves in
raising funds in order to save
lives of unborn children.”
Mr. Wolf Hirsh
Mr. Edi Ezban
Mr. Ari Teitelbaum
EFRAT’s 30th Anniversary
Mexico Representative
Director of C.R.I.B.