T HE S HOSHANA S. C ARDIN J EWISH L EADERSHIP I NSTITUTE VISION STATEMENT: A stronger greater Baltimore Jewish community led by effective, connected, and Jewishly prepared leaders MISSION STATEMENT: To empower Jewish leaders to be more informed, thoughtful and effective leaders of their Jewish organizations and community by developing leadership competencies through a Jewish lens. INTENDED IMPACT STATEMENT: ACHARAI will strengthen the Baltimore Jewish Community and its organizations by providing top lay leaders of synagogues, Jewish agencies, day schools and other Jewish organizations with intensive training of intentional leadership skills integrated with Jewish values and knowledge. These individuals will form a cadre of leaders prepared to work individually and collaboratively as they take positions at the helm of their organizations. In addition, ACHARAI will continue to support participants’ personal growth over the course of their leadership journey. CORE VALUES STATEMENTS: 1. We believe effective leadership is essential to ensuring a strong and united Jewish community, which, by definition, represents an appreciation for the breadth and diversity that exists locally, nationally, and internationally. 2. We recognize the unique value of each individual and each Jewish organization, as well as the synergy created by individuals and organizations working together on behalf of our community. 3. We commit to training leaders who will support and enhance the goals and work of their organizations, and thereby strengthen the entire Jewish community. 4. We commit to providing leadership programs of the highest quality. 5. We promote effective leadership; ACHARAI integrates, Jewish learning (including Jewish texts, values, and traditions) with general leadership skill building. 6. We emphasize these specific values: humility, integrity, loyalty, tolerance, respect and a commitment to life-long learning. 7. We enhance community cohesiveness, by encouraging ongoing networking among ACHARAI participants and graduates (Revised and Approve by the BOT 6/2/14)