Audio-Visual Resource Materials for sale
Audio-Visual Resource Materials for sale
VIGYAN PRASAR SCIENCE ON TELEVISION DIVISION CATALOGUE OF VIDEO PROGRAMES Vigyan Prasar Title and Picture Description Mad, Mad, Mad Cow : An overview of the Mad Cow Disease The multimedia version of the publications "Mad, Mad, Mad Cow: An overview of the Mad Cow Disease", attempts to clarify the more technical issues. Simple and easy to read text with visual enhancements like photographs, animations, videos etc. enhance the educational experience. The Rustless Wonder : A Study of the Iron Pillar at Delhi Transit of Venus (E) Shukra Pargaman (H) Vigyan Prasar Particulars Type : Multimedia CD Duration : 22-24 min. Originally Produced : English No of episodes : 01 Languages : English Available for Sale : Yes Year of Production : 2000 A historical on the Iron Pillar at Delhi. The multimedia version of the publications "The Rustless Wonder: A study of the Iron pillar at Delhi" attempts to clarify the more technical and difficult points of the books. Type Duration Originally Produced No of Episodes Languages Available for Sale Year of Production : Multimedia CD : 22-24 min. : English : 01 : English : Yes : 2000 This documentary is based on Venus Transit. Today, solar eclipse is not an unknown happening to us. We all know how solar eclipse occurs. Our Earth revolves around the Sun and the Moon revolves around the Earth. When all these three come on a straight line where the Moon is in between the two and covers the Sun for some time, we on the Earth call this event as the solar eclipse. This is not the case with the Moon and the Sun only. Whenever any heavenly body comes in between the Earth and the Sun on a straight line and covers the Sun, similar events occur. Type : Multimedia CD Duration : 29:31 min. Originally Produced : Hindi No of Episodes : 01 Languages : English / Hindi Available for Sale : English / Hindi Year of Production : 2004 1 Vigyan Prasar, A-50, Institutional Area, Sector-62, Noida-201309 (UP), India VIGYAN PRASAR SCIENCE ON TELEVISION DIVISION CATALOGUE OF VIDEO PROGRAMES Vigyan Prasar Discovery of astronomical unit (E) Khoj Khogoliya Ekai Ki (H) Prof. A.K Rao: Everybody’s Mathematician Vigyan Rail This documentary film describes about the unit of measurements of distance of Sun from Earth. In this film it is well explained about the use of transit of Venus for the measurements of the distance of Sun. By use of simple experiment we can measure the distance of Sun from Earth. A documentary on work and life of great Mathematician Professor A.K Rao. This documentary jointly produced by Vigyan Prasar and Consortium for Educational Communication(EMRC) Ahemdabad The interactive CD & DVD-ROM is on “Vigyan Rail-Science Exhibition on Wheels”. Vigyan Rail was a specially designed train with twelve coaches for exhibits and activities depicting India’s achievements in various fields of science and technology. It moved throughout the length and breadth of the country for about eight months covering 60 stations during the year 2003 to 2004. The DVD contains “Vigyan Rail - A Walk through” - a four part movie (each of 30 minute Duration) produced by Vigyan Prasar covering in detail all exhibits and panels developed by 18 Ministries/ Departments of Government of India engaged in development through applications of Science and Technology. Type Duration Vigyan Prasar : Documentary Film : 32:08 min. Originally Produced : Hindi No of episodes : 01 Languages : English / Hindi Available for Sale : Yes Year of Production : 2004 Type Duration : Documentary Film : 24 min. Originally Produced : English No of Episodes : 01 Languages : English Available for Sale : Yes Year of Production : 2004 Type : Documentary Film Duration : 19:06 min. Originally Produced : Hindi No of Episodes : 01 Languages : Hindi Available for Sale : Yes Year of Production : 2004 2 Vigyan Prasar, A-50, Institutional Area, Sector-62, Noida-201309 (UP), India VIGYAN PRASAR SCIENCE ON TELEVISION DIVISION CATALOGUE OF VIDEO PROGRAMES Vigyan Prasar India in Space Geeting on Wings (E) Pankh aur Parwaz (H) Discovery of X-rays (E) X-rays Ki Khoj (H) An interactive CD-ROM provides information in various aspects of Space Science programme in India from the beginning till date. It highlights the historical perspectives, details of various launches, achievements and future prospects of space science. Vigyan Prasar Type : Multimedia CD Duration : 22-24 min. Originally Produced : English No of Episodes : 01 Languages : English Available for Sale : Not available Year of Production : 2005 The film is on the development of aircrafts. The journey of developing flying machines has been very interesting and amazing. In 1783, montgolfier brothers, born in France, took the first successful flight with the help of hot air balloons over Paris. Hot air being light rises up and so the balloon filled with it. Such balloons can fly in any direction. And the flier has no control over it. After this, efforts were made to understand more about the science of flying. Type : Documentary Film Duration : 20 min. A chance observation by Roentgen led to the discovery of X-rays, which in a sense opened the floodgates towards discovery of modern science during 20th century. The film discusses the discovery & mechanism of X-rays. Originally Produced : Hindi / English No of Episodes : 01 Languages : Hindi / English Available for Sale : Yes Year of Production : 2005 Type : Documentary Film Duration : 19 min. Originally Produced : Hindi / English No of Episodes : 01 Languages : English / Hindi Available for Sale : Yes Year of Production : 2005 3 Vigyan Prasar, A-50, Institutional Area, Sector-62, Noida-201309 (UP), India VIGYAN PRASAR SCIENCE ON TELEVISION DIVISION CATALOGUE OF VIDEO PROGRAMES Vigyan Prasar Discovery of Electron Prof. A.K. Ray Choudhari Relativity Vigyan Prasar This documentary is based on the discovery of electron. Electrical charge has always been a matter of great surprise to us. Lightning has always left a beautiful impression on our brain and mind. Benjamin Franklin explained that lightning is an electrical phenomenon. The shining thunder bolts are beautiful and unique gifts from nature to humans. The making of lighning did not remain restricted to nature only. Man also learnt to make electricity and to use it. Type : Documentary Film Duration : 25:21 min. This documentary is based on the life and work of famous scientist Amal Kumar Raychaudhuri born on 14 September 1914. By the end of 1945, Ray Chaudhuri passed the M.Sc. exam. For improving the financial condition of his family, he started teaching at Ashutosh College. But in order to pursue his research work, he met Kolkata University Professor N.R. Sen and offered to teaching free of cost under his guidance. He developed a keen interest in the general theory of relativity. Type : Documentary Film Duration : 26:16 min. This documentary covers the theory of relativity in details. The classical theory of relativity since the period of Galileo and Newton maintained its status till the last decade of the 19th century and till the experiments based on the Maxwell’s work showed that there is a motion with constant value i.e., the speed of light. With the revolutionary ideas of Einstein, the theory of relativity was established. The implication of these revolutionary ideas is explored in the film. Originally Produced : English/Hindi No of episodes : 01 Languages : English / Hindi Available for Sale : Yes Year of Production : 2005 Originally Produced : English No of episodes : 01 Languages : English Available for Sale : Yes Year of Production : 2005 Type : Documentary Film Duration : 22-24 min. Originally Produced : English / Hindi No of episodes : 01 Languages : English / Hindi Available for Sale : Yes Year of Production : 2005 4 Vigyan Prasar, A-50, Institutional Area, Sector-62, Noida-201309 (UP), India VIGYAN PRASAR SCIENCE ON TELEVISION DIVISION CATALOGUE OF VIDEO PROGRAMES Vigyan Prasar Discovery of Radioactivity Quantum Era (E) Quantum Yug (H) This documentary is based on the discovery of radioactivity and its applications. About 100 years ago, a French physicist Henri Becquerel discovered radioactivity which not only laid the foundation for nuclear physics but also became boon for humanity for treating deadly diseases like cancer. Also, it led to the discovery of new medicines and new methods of diagnosing diseases. Type : Documentary Film Duration : 22:11min. This documentary is based on the story of the origin and evolution of quantum physics. This entire world and the all the activities in it are governed by certain laws of physics, which are not easy, even to imagine for a person other than a scientist. Type : Documentary Film Duration : 22-24 min. Newton proposed that every activity in nature can be described by certain mathematics. But all the measurements of Newton, failed in the world of atoms. This big challenge of atomic world was named by scientists as quantum physics. Riding on Radio Waves (E) Sandeshwahini Tarango ki khoj (H) Vigyan Prasar This documentary is based on the discovery of message carrying waves. Famous physicist Maxwell while studying the relationship between electric and magnetic forces discovered that there are some invisible waves. German scientist Henry Hertz did experiments to test the experiments of Maxwell, and developed equipments based on Maxwell’s signals. Originally Produced: English / Hindi No of episodes : 01 Languages : English / Hindi Available for Sale : Yes Year of Production : 2005 Originally Produced : English / Hindi No of Episodes Languages Available for Sale Year of Production : 01 : English / Hindi : Yes : 2005 Type : Documentary Film Duration : 25 min. Originally Produced : English / Hindi No of Episodes : 01 Languages : English / Hindi Available for Sale : Yes Year of Production : 2005 5 Vigyan Prasar, A-50, Institutional Area, Sector-62, Noida-201309 (UP), India VIGYAN PRASAR SCIENCE ON TELEVISION DIVISION CATALOGUE OF VIDEO PROGRAMES Vigyan Prasar The Magical Year : Documentary on Albert Einstein (E) Jadui warsh (H) The documentary film brings in a popular style the three important papers of Albert Einstein that changed our ideas about the universe and the basic concept about time and space. During a single year, 1905 Albert Einstein published three papers on Einstein’s Theory of Relativity, Brownian Motion and Photoelectric Effect. Vigyan Prasar Type : Documentary Film Duration : 22-24 min. Originally Produced: English/Hindi No of Episodes : 01 Languages : English/Hindi Available for Sale : English/Hindi Year of Production : 2005 Anant Yatra Aisa Hi Hota Hai ‘Anant Yatra’ is a three part video programme of 26 minutes duration each commemorating hundred years of the golden decade 1895-1905 in which important discoveries were made that changed the face of the world. The salient features include shooting at the labs and institutions where these discoveries were made along with interviews of Scientists working there in the relevant fields. Type : Documentary Film Duration : 22-24 min. This science serial introduced children to the World of Science, through hand on activities Programme was anchored and narrated by children themselves. It aims to grab their attention by talking their language and putting together science features the fun way. Type : Science Serial Duration : 22-24min. Originally Produced : Hindi No of episodes : 30 Dubbed in other Languages : Bengali, Marathi, Oriya, Gujarati, Assamese, Telugu, Urdu, Malayalam, Tamil and Punjabi Available for Sale : Hindi only Year of Production : 2005 Originally Produced : Hindi No of Episodes : 03 Languages : Hindi Available for Sale : Hindi only Year of Production : 2005 6 Vigyan Prasar, A-50, Institutional Area, Sector-62, Noida-201309 (UP), India VIGYAN PRASAR SCIENCE ON TELEVISION DIVISION CATALOGUE OF VIDEO PROGRAMES Vigyan Prasar Dekh Khel Ke P.C.Vaidya Immortal coils : G.N. Ramachandran This serial specially made for the sports lovers. Enjoy not only the sports but learn the science behind. 13 part serial focuses on different principles of science and explains its concepts through different sports - cricket, table tennis, billiards etc. Vigyan Prasar Type : Science Serial Duration : 22-24 min. Originally Produced : Hindi No of Episodes : 13 Dubbed in other Languages : Bengali, Marathi, Oriya, Gujarati, Assamese, Telugu, Urdu, Malayalam, Tamil and Punjabi Available for Sale : Hindi only Year of Production : 2005 Prahalad Chunnilal Vaidya was an Indian Type physicist and mathematician, renowned for Duration his instrumental work in general theory of Originally Produced relativity. Apart from his scientific career, No of Episodes he was also an educationist and a follower Languages of Gandhi an philosophy in post- Available for Sale independence India, specifically in his Year of Production domicile state Gujarat. : Documentary Film : 25:30 min. : English : 01 : English : English : 2005 Gopalasamudram Narayana Iyer Ramachandran, or G.N. Ramachandran, was an Indian physicist who was known for his work that led to his creation of the Ramachandran plot for understanding peptide structure. : Documentary Film : 30 min. : English : 01 : English : English : 2005 Type Duration Originally Produced No of Episodes Languages Available for Sale Year of Production 7 Vigyan Prasar, A-50, Institutional Area, Sector-62, Noida-201309 (UP), India VIGYAN PRASAR SCIENCE ON TELEVISION DIVISION CATALOGUE OF VIDEO PROGRAMES Vigyan Prasar Professor Yash Pal: A Man of Science and People Raja Ramanna: The man of Science and Action Innovative Experiments in Physics (E) Navachari Bhotiki Prayog (H) A Documentary on work and life of Professor Yash Pal. Prof. Yash Pal is an Indian scientist and educator. He is known for his contributions to the study of cosmic rays, as well as for being an institutionbuilder and a leading science communicator of the country. Vigyan Prasar Type : Documentary Film Duration : 24 min. Originally Produced : English No of Episodes : 01 Languages : English Available for Sale : Not available Year of Production : 2005 A documentary on work and life of Dr. Raja Ramanna. Raja Ramanna was an Indian nuclear scientist, best known for his leadership directing the research integral for the development of Indian nuclear programme. Ramanna associated and directed the India's nuclear weapons for more than 4 decades, and also initiate industrial defense programmes for the Indian Armed Forces. Type Duration Originally Produced No of Episodes Languages Available for Sale Year of Production : Documentary Film : 24 min. : English : 01 : English : Not available : 2005 The objective of this interactive CD is to illustrate and demonstrate a series of novel hands on activities that may help enhance interest in physics among student and teachers Type : Originally Produced : Multimedia CD Hindi/English Duration : No of Episodes : 01 Languages : Hindi & English Available for Sale : Hindi & English Year of Production : 2006 8 Vigyan Prasar, A-50, Institutional Area, Sector-62, Noida-201309 (UP), India VIGYAN PRASAR SCIENCE ON TELEVISION DIVISION CATALOGUE OF VIDEO PROGRAMES Vigyan Prasar Vigyan Prasar Jeete Raho Jeete Raho is a health-based science series. The common medical ailments were described in this film. The various disease covered includes Hypertension, AIDS, Eye disorder, Cancer, Cardiovascular Disease etc. Type : Science Serial Duration : 22-24 min. Originally Produced : Hindi No of Episodes : 26 Dubbed in other Languages : English, Bengali, Marathi, Oriya, Gujarati, Assamese, Telugu, Urdu, Malayalam, Tamil, Punjabi Available for Sale : Hindi only Year of Production : 2006-07 Har Muthi Mai Science This serial is mainly made for the children and devoted to specific topics on various physical concepts like surface tension, magnetism, friction, buoyancy and so on. The emphasis is on activities that demand inputs only from everyday objects and observations. Type : Science Serial Duration : 22-24 min. Originally Produced : Hindi No of Episodes : 12 Dubbed in other Languages : Bengali, Marathi, Oriya, Gujarati, Assamese, Telugu, Urdu, Malayalam, Tamil and Punjabi Available for Sale : Hindi only Year of Production : 2007 Babulal Saraf- Master of experimentalist A documentary on work and life of Professor Babulal Saraf. Prof. Saraf had always himself designed and fabricated the equipments necessary for experiments besides conducting workshops for fabricating equipments which can be supplied to other universities and colleges of the country. Prof. Saraf significantly changed the way science was taught in colleges. The documentary made on Saraf not only projects his life but also highlights his contribution to the higher education of the country. This documentary jointly produced by Vigyan Prasar, and Inter University Accelerator Centre (IUAC). Type : Documentary Film Duration : 55:15 min. Originally Produced : English No of Episodes : 01 Languages : English Available for Sale : Yes Year of Production : 2007 9 Vigyan Prasar, A-50, Institutional Area, Sector-62, Noida-201309 (UP), India VIGYAN PRASAR SCIENCE ON TELEVISION DIVISION CATALOGUE OF VIDEO PROGRAMES Vigyan Prasar Vigyan Prasar Nano Ki Duniya The magic of Nanotechnology is mind boggling. In like manner, nanotechnology could revolutionize the electronic industry. Stunning stories make the serial Nano Ki Duniya produced jointly by Vigyan Prasar and Developmental Educational Unit (DECU) ISRO. Type : Science Serial Duration : 22-24 min. Originally produced: Hindi No of episodes : 13 Dubbed in other Languages : Bengali, Marathi, Oriya, Gujarati, Assamese, Telugu, Urdu, Malayalam, Tamil and Punjabi Available for Sale : Hindi only Year of Production : 2007 Chamatkar Chamatkar is an innovative series with a unique aim of introducing science in a fun, no intimidating way. This innovative series aims to introduce science in a nonintimidating and fun way to the common man. The idea is to understand science all over again and still believe it can be very exciting and interesting. Type Duration Originally Produced No of Episodes Languages Available for Sale Year of Production Planet Earth (E) Khani Dharti Ki (H) The year 2008 was declared as the year of Planet Earth. Through this serial various bring issues reload to its threats and challenges were raised they this issue. Type : Science Serial Duration : 22-24 min. Originally Produced : Hindi No of Episodes : 26 Dubbed in other Languages :Bengali, Marathi, Oriya, Gujarati, Assamese, Telugu, Urdu, Malayalam, Tamil and Punjabi Available for Sale : Hindi only Year of Production : 2008-09 : Science Serial : 22-24 min. : Hindi : 26 : Hindi : Not available : 2008 10 Vigyan Prasar, A-50, Institutional Area, Sector-62, Noida-201309 (UP), India VIGYAN PRASAR SCIENCE ON TELEVISION DIVISION CATALOGUE OF VIDEO PROGRAMES Vigyan Prasar Surya Grahan- Ek Adbhut Najara The Taming of Chance Baatein Raaz ki Vigyan Prasar As seen from the Earth, a solar eclipse is a type of eclipse that occurs when the Moon passes between the Sun and Earth, and the Moon fully or partially blocks ("occults") the Sun. This can happen only at new moon, when the Sun and the Moon are in conjunction as seen from Earth in an alignment. In a total eclipse, the disk of the Sun is fully obscured by the Moon. In partial and annular eclipses, only part of the Sun is obscured. Type : Documentary Film Duration : 21-22 min. Originally Produced : Hindi No of episodes : 01 Languages : Hindi Available for Sale : Yes Year of Production : 2009 A documentary film on Prasanta Chandra Mahalanobis and growth of Indian statistical science. Prasanta Chandra Mahalanobis (29 June 1893 – 28 June 1972) was an Indian scientist and applied statistician. He is best remembered for the Mahalanobis distance, a statistical measure. He made pioneering studies in anthropometry in India. He founded the Indian Statistical Institute, and contributed to the design of large-scale sample surveys. This documentary jointly produced by Vigyan Prasar and Indian Statistical Science. Type : Documentary Film Duration : 22-24 minutes This 13-part serial based on education merge with entertainment for the benefit of society. This series was developing with the aim that it broadens the application of science among common audience and students. Type : Science Serial Duration : 22-24 min. Originally Produced : Hindi No of episodes : 13 Dubbed in Languages: Bengali, Marathi, Oriya, Gujarati, Assamese, Telugu, Urdu, Malayalam, Tamil and Punjabi Available for Sale : Hindi only Year of Production : 2010 Originally Produced : English No of Episodes : 01 Languages : English only Available for Sale : Not available Year of Production : 2010 11 Vigyan Prasar, A-50, Institutional Area, Sector-62, Noida-201309 (UP), India VIGYAN PRASAR SCIENCE ON TELEVISION DIVISION CATALOGUE OF VIDEO PROGRAMES Vigyan Prasar Vigyan Prasar Science Watch Science watch is a programme based on the new researches in the field of science and technology. In this programme one can see the ongoing revolutionary changes in the field of biotechnology, nanotechnology, space science, astronomy, disaster management, life sciences, chemistry and other important field of sciences. Type : Science Serial Duration : 22-24 min. Originally Produced : Hindi No of Episodes : 21 Dubbed in other Languages : Bengali, Marathi, Oriya, Gujarati, Assamese, Telugu, Urdu, Malayalam, Tamil and Punjabi Available for Sale : Not available Year of Production : 2010 Mukhaute: SACH KAA CHEHRA Mukhaute masks, is an innovative attempt to remove the many layers of stigma and ignorance that cloak the real threat of HIVAIDS. Type : Science Serial Duration : 22-24 min. Originally Produced : Hindi No of Episodes : 13 Dubbed in other Languages : Bengali, Marathi, Oriya, Gujarati, Assamese, Telugu, Urdu, Malayalam, Tamil, Punjabi Available for Sale : No Year of Production : 2011-12 Sir. C.V. Raman A documentary on work and life of Sir C.V. Raman. Sir Chandrasekhara Venkata Raman was an Indian physicist, whose ground breaking work in the field of light scattering earned him the 1930 Nobel Prize for Physics. He discovered that, when light traverses a transparent material, some of the deflected light changes in wavelength. This phenomenon is now called Raman scattering and is the result of the Raman effect In 1954, he was also honored with the highest civilian award in India, the Bharat Ratna. This documentary film was produced jointly with NCSTC, (DST) New Delhi. Type : Documentary Film Duration : 41:28 min. Originally Produced : English No of episodes : 01 Languages : English Available for Sale : Not available Year of Production : -------- 12 Vigyan Prasar, A-50, Institutional Area, Sector-62, Noida-201309 (UP), India VIGYAN PRASAR SCIENCE ON TELEVISION DIVISION CATALOGUE OF VIDEO PROGRAMES Vigyan Prasar Story of Astronomy (E) Taron ki Sair (H) The First Modern Indian Scientist: Acharya Jagdish Chandra Bose Part 1: (Radio Physics) The Voice Of Life: Acharya Jagdish Part 2: (Plant Science) This 26 part video serial have all about constellations and rashis (zodiacs), apparent movement of stars in the night sky, astronomical thoughts in ancient India, Babylon and Greece, how our ideas of sun centered solar system evolved over a period of time, contributions of Newton and Einstein to understanding the universe. Type : Science Serial Duration : 22-24 min. Originally Produced : Hindi No of Episodes : 26 Dubbed in Languages: English, Bengali, Marathi, Oriya, Gujarati, Assamese, Telugu, Urdu, Malayalam, Tamil, Punjabi Available for Sale : Hindi only Year of Production : 2011-12 The first modern Indian Scientist. This Type video programme on the co-discoverer of Duration wireless radio propagation and India’s greatest experimentalist Acharya Jagdish Originally Produced Chandra Bose exhaustively presents his No of Episodes work on electromagnetic waves. Languages The film is about the establishes Acharya J C Bose shifting interest from electromagnetic waves to physics of life and the circumstances leading to this decision. The film traces his experiments based on his believe that the meeting point between inorganic, physical and the world of living was to be found in action of electromagnetic waves. Vigyan Prasar : Documentary Film : 25:42 min. : English/Hindi : 01 : English / Hindi Available for Sale : English/ Hindi Year of Production : 2011-12 Type : Documentary Film Duration : 26:26 min. Originally Produced : English/Hindi No of Episodes : 01 Languages : English / Hindi Available for Sale : English / Hindi Year of Production : 2011-12 13 Vigyan Prasar, A-50, Institutional Area, Sector-62, Noida-201309 (UP), India VIGYAN PRASAR SCIENCE ON TELEVISION DIVISION CATALOGUE OF VIDEO PROGRAMES Vigyan Prasar In The Foot Steps of K S Krishnan (E) K S Krishnan je padchinho par (H) Life and Times of P C ray (E) P C ray ka samy aur jeevan (H) Noble At Nineteen: S Chandrasekhar Vigyan Prasar Kariamanickam Srinivasa Krishnan – the Indian Physicist, teacher and leader. He is not only a great scientist but also a perfact citizen. The film shows about his work with Nobel Laurent sir C V Raman. He worked in various scientific areas from magnetic behavior of crystals to thermionic and solid state physics. He was also an inspiring teacher and key figure in development of Scientific Institutions in India. Type : Documentary Film Duration : 28:08 min. He was a world famous chemist. He was called father of nitrites because of his path breaking work in chemistry. The famous book written by him was “History of Indian Chemistry”. He was freedom fighter, a social activist and an inspiring teacher. The film showcase about his childhood, education and talent of languages. Chandra’s fascinating life must fascinate viewers-weaved on this underlying thought this documentary delves very creatively through, every major mile stone of his life. Originally Produced : English/Hindi No of episodes : 01 Languages : English / Hindi Available for Sale : English / Hindi Year of Production : 2011-12 Type Duration Originally Produced No of Episodes Languages Available for Sale Year of Production : Documentary Film : 36: 30 min. : English/Hindi : 01 : English / Hindi : English / Hindi : 2011-12 Type Duration Originally Produced No of Episodes Languages Available for Sale Year of Production : Documentary Film : 43:22min. : English/Hindi : 01 : English / Hindi : English / Hindi : 2011-12 14 Vigyan Prasar, A-50, Institutional Area, Sector-62, Noida-201309 (UP), India VIGYAN PRASAR SCIENCE ON TELEVISION DIVISION CATALOGUE OF VIDEO PROGRAMES Vigyan Prasar The Darwin Puzzle (E) Darwin ki Paheli (H) Vigyan Prasar The Film starts with a 22-year-old setting off on a ship. A simple journey that turns epic because his discoveries on this trip will help him come up with theories that will throw religious beliefs into disarray and alter the way humanity looks at itself. Travel with Darwin to see how he came up with his world-changing ideas in “The origin of the species” and “The Descent of Man” Type : Documentary Film Duration : 34:12min. Our Celestial Neighbors (E) Hamare Khogoliya Parosi (H) The stars in the sky, planets wandering amidst have always been a source of wonderment. Who is not enchanted by the mysteries of space? In the past few decades humans have done much more than turning their head to sky and wondering; they have sent spacecraft to all the planets and studies them at close quarters. Type : Science Serial Duration : 22-24 min. Originally Produced : Hindi No of Episodes : 12 Dubbed in other Languages : English, Bengali, Marathi, Oriya, Gujarati, Assamese, Telugu, Urdu, Malayalam, Tamil, Punjabi Available for Sale : Not available Year of Production : 2011-12 Jigyasa A 26 part video serial Jigyasa is an attempt to present various facets science as science show format. Jigyasa is full of surprises and is an action-packed science show. It is not the usual laboratory, white coat, blackboard type of quiz. It presents science in an as-it-happens format. Type : Science Serial Duration : 22-24 min. Originally Produced : Hindi No of Episodes : 26 Dubbed in other Languages : Eng lish, Bengali, Marathi, Oriya, Gujarati, Assamese, Telugu, Urdu, Malayalam, Tamil, Punjabi Available for Sale : Not available Year of Production : 2011-12 Originally Produced : English/Hindi No of Episodes : 01 Languages : English / Hindi Available for Sale : English / Hindi Year of Production : 2011-12 15 Vigyan Prasar, A-50, Institutional Area, Sector-62, Noida-201309 (UP), India VIGYAN PRASAR SCIENCE ON TELEVISION DIVISION CATALOGUE OF VIDEO PROGRAMES Vigyan Prasar Sooraz Zameen Par Low Cost Physics Experiments Vigyan Prasar A interactive DVD on raising experiments like Nano Solar System, Pinhole, Magic Mirror, Ball Mirror, Make your own Telescope, Convex Lens, Secret of the Trio, Magic of 110, Solar Noon, etc. useful for Day Time Astronomy. This programme will demonstrate the importance of sun and daytime astronomy activities as teaching aids for non trivial concepts in physics and maths for children 8 and up. It may also be used in training workshop for teachers. Type : Interactive Multimedia Duration : 145 minutes An interactive DVD on interesting experiments of physics. These experiments are making possible using commonly available objects. Type Originally Produced : English No of Episodes : 01 Languages : English Available for Sale : Not available Year of Production : 2012 : Multimedia CD Originally Produced : English Duration : 70 minutes No of Episodes : 01 Languages : English Available for Sale : English Year of Production : 2012 Socho Parkho Jaano : Suron mein science The music video album has been devised from the point of view of popularizing science and making science cool. The album comprises of six songs in total. Each song has a different theme highlighting different subjects like scientific temper, achievements of physics, technology in everyday life, environment and how books lead to knowledge. Type : Music Album Duration : 30 min. Originally produced: Hindi No of episodes :1 Languages : Hindi Available for Sale : Hindi Year of Production : 2012 16 Vigyan Prasar, A-50, Institutional Area, Sector-62, Noida-201309 (UP), India VIGYAN PRASAR SCIENCE ON TELEVISION DIVISION CATALOGUE OF VIDEO PROGRAMES Vigyan Prasar Story of Chemistry (E) ‘Jo Hai Jaisa… kyon hai Vesa? (H) Experiments that shaped our world (E) 'Kuch Tukke … Kuch Teer – Prayog jinhone duniya badal di (H) The Maths Factor (E) Ganit ki Siriya (H) Vigyan Prasar A 13-part video serial ‘Jo Hai Jaisa… kyon hai Vesa?’ (Story of chemistry) produced by Vigyan Prasar, based on current trend in Chemistry. This serial makes us understand about uses of chemistry in daily life and span of development in industry era. Type : Science Serial Duration : 22-24 minutes Originally Produced : Hindi/English No of Episodes : 13 Dubbed in other Languages : Bengali, Marathi, Oriya, Gujarati, Assamese, Telugu, Urdu, Malayalam, Tamil and Punjabi Available for Sale : Hindi/English only Year of Production : 2013 A 26 part video serial ‘Kuch Tukke … Kuch Teer - prayog jinhone duniya badal di’ (Experiments That Shaped Our World)” produced for creativity the exchange among common man about the experiments which one done accidently. Type : Science Serial Duration : 22-24 min. Originally Produced : Hindi No of episodes : 26 Dubbed in Languages: English, Bengali, Marathi, Oriya, Gujarati, Assamese, Telugu, Urdu, Malayalam, Tamil, Punjabi Available for Sale : Hindi only Year of Production : 2013 The Maths Factor is a 13-part series delving into the magic that is mathematics. Each episode takes an interesting concept or area of mathematics and journeys through it using narratives, anecdotes, historical recreations and innovative problems to bring it alive. Type : Science Serial Duration : 22-24 minutes Originally Produced : Hindi/English No of Episodes : 13 Dubbed in other Languages : Bengali, Marathi, Oriya, Gujarati, Assamese, Telugu, Urdu, Malayalam, Tamil and Punjabi Available for Sale : English only Year of Production : 2013-14 17 Vigyan Prasar, A-50, Institutional Area, Sector-62, Noida-201309 (UP), India VIGYAN PRASAR SCIENCE ON TELEVISION DIVISION CATALOGUE OF VIDEO PROGRAMES Vigyan Prasar The Heated Debate The Genius of Srinivasa Ramanujan Vigyan Prasar The film revolves around the necessity of using electronics like Air-Conditioners and Refrigerators (that use Chlorofluorocarbons known to cause holes in the protective OZONE layer) while focusing on the need to find out the alternatives to these coolants. Type : Documentary Film Duration : 26:48 min. Originally Produced : Hindi/English No of Episodes : 01 Dubbed in other Languages : Bengali, Marathi, Oriya, Gujarati, Assamese, Telugu, Urdu, Malayalam, Tamil, Punjabi Available for Sale : Hindi/English only Year of Production : 2013 The film showcases the various aspects of work and life of Srinivasa Ramanujan. It explores the various theories of him along with the scientists associated with Srinivasa Ramanujan. This documentary highlights the trajectory of Srinivasa Ramanujan, seminal work and its relevance today Type : Documentary Film Duration : 1:00:35 min. Originally Produced : English No of Episodes : 01 Languages : English Available for Sale : English Year of Production : 2013 Type : Science Serial Duration : 22-24 min. . Khudbud-khel Vigyan Ke A 52-part video serial ‘Khudbud-khel Vigyan Ke’ is a unique format, a travelogue that is shot in schools and communities all over the country. In each episode several new games on science were played with children and concept were taught while playing. Originally Produced : Hindi No of Episodes : 52 Languages : Hindi Available for Sale : Hindi Year of Production : 2013-14 18 Vigyan Prasar, A-50, Institutional Area, Sector-62, Noida-201309 (UP), India VIGYAN PRASAR SCIENCE ON TELEVISION DIVISION CATALOGUE OF VIDEO PROGRAMES Vigyan Prasar A Question of Science (E) Vigyan: Jwabo me Sawal (H) Vigyan Prasar Scientific curiosity & the chase for answers is the central theme of ‘Question of Science’ – a 26 part series on the most exciting & cutting-edge research & innovations happening across India’s science labs and technology hubs. Type : Science Serial Duration : 22 – 25 min. Originally produced : Hindi/English No of Episodes : 26 Dubbed in other languages : Bengali, Marathi, Oriya, Gujarati, Assamese, Telugu, Urdu, Malayalam, Tamil and Punjabi Available for Sale : Hindi / English Year of Production : 2013-14 Scientifically Yours Vigyan Prasar, Department of Science and Technology (DST) in collaboration with CSIR-NISCAIR, has developed inspirational films titled "Scientifically Yours" on Indian women scientists who have contributed significantly to Indian science. Type Catastrophic Events in the Garhwal Himalaya A video film on Uttarakhand disaster 2013 and S & T reasons behind its occurrence. Type : Documentary Film Duration : 22-24 min. : Interview based Programme Duration : 22-24 min. Originally Produced : English No of Episodes : 26 Languages : English Available for Sale : Not available Year of Production : 2014 Originally Produced : English No of Episodes : 01 Languages : English Available for Sale : Not available Year of Production : 2014 19 Vigyan Prasar, A-50, Institutional Area, Sector-62, Noida-201309 (UP), India VIGYAN PRASAR SCIENCE ON TELEVISION DIVISION CATALOGUE OF VIDEO PROGRAMES Vigyan Prasar Buzz of the Pollinators A Giant Eye to explore the Universe-TMT Inspire Awards A documentary film on Pollinators is produced by. Film produced by Vigyan Prasar and Centre for Pollination study, Calcutta University. This film cover the various techniques based for pollination like buzz pollination or sonication which makes pollination more efficient. Vigyan Prasar Type : Documentary Film Duration : 24:12 min. Originally Produced : English No of episodes : 01 Languages : English Available for Sale : Not available Year of Production : 2014 Thirty Meter Telescope is a golden opportunity to participate in a world class research for Indian Scientist. They will face the most cutting edge intellectual problems of our time. The experience and technology will help India usher in a new era of Astronomy. With a Thirty Meter diameter mirror, cutting-edge adaptive optics, TMT will be the most powerful telescope humankind has ever built. Type : Documentary Film Duration : 27:25 min. The film showcase the different awards and scholarships available for the students from INSPIRE. "Innovation in Science Pursuit for Inspired Research (INSPIRE)" is an innovative programme sponsored and managed by the Department of Science & Technology for attraction of talent to Science. The basic objective of INSPIRE is to communicate to the youth of the country the excitements of creative pursuit of science, attract talent to the study of science at an early age and thus build the required critical human resource pool for strengthening and expanding the Science & Technology system and R&D base. Type : Short Film Duration : 4-5 min. Originally Produced : English No of episodes : 01 Languages : English / Hindi Available for Sale : Yes Year of Production : 2014 Originally Produced : English/Hindi No of episodes : 01 Languages : English / Hindi Available for Sale : No Year of Production : 2014 20 Vigyan Prasar, A-50, Institutional Area, Sector-62, Noida-201309 (UP), India VIGYAN PRASAR SCIENCE ON TELEVISION DIVISION CATALOGUE OF VIDEO PROGRAMES Vigyan Prasar Vigyan Aur Prodyogiki ko Janno, Bharat Ko Manno The film is about the achievements of Department of science and technology (DST), Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Ministry of Earth Sciences (MoES) and Council of scientific and Industrial Research CSIR. The film is made for the delegates visited to Pravasi Bhartiy Diwas held during January 2015 Vigyan Prasar Type : Short Film Duration : 4-5 min. Originally Produced : English/Hindi No of episodes : 01 Languages : English / Hindi Available for Sale : No Year of Production : 2015 Wise Spice Wise Spice, a 13 part series comes straight out of the Indian Spice box. A fascinating potpourri of culture, history, wellness & medicine, traditional wisdom & cuisine, agriculture and above all, scientific research. Spices have influenced the way people eat, how they live and where they live. They have cured and healed. Type Duration Originally produced No of Episodes : Science Serial : 22 – 25 min. : English/Hindi : 13 Languages : English Available for Sale : Not Available Year of Production : 2015 *(E) Title in English *(H) Title in Hindi The CD/DVDs of above video programmes are available for sale at following address: Vigyan Prasar A-50, Institutional Area Sector-62, Noida (UP) Ph No. 0120-2404427, 0120-2404430, Ext.-220 Email id: [email protected], info@ (Note: Before placing the order please confirm the availability, rates and mode of payment on above address) Update on: 18 November 2015 21 Vigyan Prasar, A-50, Institutional Area, Sector-62, Noida-201309 (UP), India
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