2. - Richmondd Global School
2. - Richmondd Global School
I Name: _______________________________ Std. _________________________________ SUMMER TREAT 1 Dear Children, Holidays are always a welcome change. With summer break round the corner each one of you must be excited about meeting relatives, going places and having fun. To spend your time fruitfully- be organized and follow some regular schedules as per choice. You could pursue your hobbies during this long break. Your teachers have made earnest efforts to design some activities for you. Give some quality time to your books and keep yourself gainfully occupied. Have Fun Filled Holidays! With Love PRINCIPAL 2 ENGLISH Prepare an attractive chart (using A 3 pastel sheet) according to the Roll no. Roll No. Topic 1 to 10 Nouns 11 to 20 Verbs 21 to 30 Adjective 31 to 40 onwards Prepositions Example/ Sample 3 ENGLISH Q Go Green Party / My Healthy Birthday Party 1. Create an invitation card by using recycled paper and waste material. 2. Make decoration material using old newspaper, foil papers, toffee wrappers etc. A sample shown below: 4 ENGLISH Write the missing vowels or consonants to complete each word. 5 ENGLISH Read the text and answer the questions that follow. Meet Winky. Meet Nutty. 6 1. Create your word bank. ENGLISH ENGLISH 2. Read ten stories and choose wordsword fromorder: each Circle the sentence withfive thenew correct story. 3. Complete the format given below and write the names of the stories as well as the words chosen by you. 4. Learn the spellings of these words. S.No. Name of the story Word 1 Word 2 Word 3 Word 4 Word 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 7 ENGLISH Rewrite the sentences correctly and use capital letters accurately. 8 ENGLISH PICTURE COMPOSTION Paste the pictures of places you visited and write what you liked about them. OR Paste the pictures of activities you enjoyed the most during holidays and write about them. 1 2 3 9 ENGLISH PHONICS Read aloud and learn spellings 1. Plural 2. Plural 3. ck 4. ck 5. all, ell 6. ill cats hats nets nuts pets pots rats cups mops pips beds lids pads rods vans bins hens bags legs pigs back pack rack sack kick lick sick tick deck neck peck lock rock sock duck luck muck suck tuck ball call fall hall tall wall bell fell sell tell well bill fill hill kill mill pill sill till will 7. ss hiss kiss miss bless dress less mess press cross across 8. ff, ft cliff sniff stiff huff puff stuff off gift lift left soft 9. bl, fl black bless blob block blot flag flap flat flick flip flock 10. irregular 11. irregular a be by do go no he me my so to some come was the they we saw 12. irregular i not new put said see into SIGHT WORDS is are but for had him his she one two you when with have here 10 ENGLISH HINDI LEARN SPELLING Sight words 11 HINDI 12 HINDI 13 HINDI 14 HINDI 15 HINDI 16 HINDI 17 HINDI 18 HINDI 19 MATHS 1) Complete Maths Workbook – 5 2) Learn Tables of 2, 5 and 10. 3) a) Collect and paste pictures of Places of Worship on A-4 sheet. (Hint:- Church, Gurudwara, Temple, Mosque.) b) Identify 2 D shapes in them:- Rectangle Circle Triangle Square Format is shown below:- I see number of 2D shapes _________ These are ___________, ___________, 20 MATHS Number Arrange the following in ascending order. Arrange the following in descending order. 21 MATHS Colour the box with even numbers. Cross (X) the box with odd numbers. 22 MATHS Complete the table of tens and units. One has been done for you. Number Tens Units 23 20 3 35 19 9 10 55 47 28 61 23 MATHS Colour the shapes as per the colour key. Red yellow brown orange 24 MATHS PLACE VALUE Write the place value for each underlined digit. Two have been done for you: 17 7 22 24 28 63 54 39 47 10 15 14 25 20 Expand the number. One has been done for you: 32 30 + 2 17 48 28 13 39 25 EVS 1. 2. Draw a colourful chart, house wise. Houses Topic Red Types of houses Yellow Healthy and Unhealthy food Green Good manners Blue Helpers Remember the birthdays with a birthday calendar. Take any art paper. Write the names of your family members on the left. Write their birthdays on the right. You could draw or paste their pictures too. Now, remember to make birthday cards to wish them. 26 EVS Make your ‘I Card’. Name: ________________________________ Class: ________________________________ Father’s Name: ________________________________ Mother’s Name: ________________________________ Address: ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ Phone Numbers: ________________________________ Draw your face When you are happy When you are sad 27 EVS Look at the pictures carefully. Colour the objects that can harm you. 28 EVS The names of body parts are hidden in this puzzle. Spot them and draw a circle around each. One has been done for you. 29 EVS Label the body parts shown in the picture. Colour the picture after labelling. 30 COMPUTERS Look at the pictures carefully. A letter is missing in each word given below the pictures, fill in the missing letters. A MONI FA OR MO SE 31 COMPUTERS Q. Match the pictures with their names: KEYBOARD CPU MONITOR MOUSE 32 33 LIFE SKILLS Draw the pictures in each box to show the fun activities you did with your family. Fun activities I did with my family. Reading Stories, Listening a Story, Play Shop, Craft, Fruit Party, Indoor Picnic, Puppet Show, Bird Feeding, Cycling, Water Colour Painting, Making a Scrapbook, Leaf Collecting, Swimming, Taking a Dog for a Walk, Outdoor Picnic, Planting something in the garden, Playing with Sand or Ball, Watching TV. 34