Ambassade du Royaume des Pays-Bas Alger (Algérie) ECONOMY
Ambassade du Royaume des Pays-Bas Alger (Algérie) ECONOMY
Ambassade du Royaume des Pays-Bas Alger (Algérie) Commerce & Investissements ECONOMY Macroeconomic forecast No. 39-Sept/Oct 2013 and protection of domestic production is also one of the most important measures, the PLF 2014 offers in this regard, the exemption from tax on transactions of new vehicles for locally produced cars and trailers. (El Moudjahid, Oct 28th 2013, (Source : Economic Intelligence Unit Country Report Algeria, August 2013) The draft budget bill for 2014 before the National Parliament on 28 October 2013 for discussion The draft budget law (PLF) 2014, submitted before the National People's Congress (NPC) for debate, introduces a series of measures to encouraging investment, promoting domestic production and the creation of jobs, particularly in the South. One of the key measures in this bill is the encouragement of foreign investments that contribute to the transfer of know-how or that produce goods with an integration rate greater than 60%. It allows the Board of State Holdings (CPE) authority to set the subsidy rate and the deferral period, the loans granted by banks and financial institutions to businesses and public institutions in the part of their restructuring and development. Other measures are also proposed as the development of the banking system, the credit worthiness of SMEs in granting investment loans and renewal of exemptions equity products. The promotion Draft of new Broadcasting Law before the Parliament The draft law on broadcasting activity, which is being under discussion before the Parliament authorizes the creation of thematic channels with programming insertion or information shows. The bill introduced by the Minister of Communication, Mr. Abdelkader Messahel before the ad hoc committee of the National People's Congress (NPC), on 24th october 2013, stipulates in its Article 5 that "the authorized audiovisual communication services consist of thematic channels ". Composed of 107 items, the new law allows, in Article 17, radio and television channels to insert information programs according to duly volumes specified schedules in the operating permit. (APS, Oct 26 th 2013, Algeria economic reforms on hold until 2014 election Algeria is unlikely to see substantial economic reform before the country holds elections in April 2014, a top advisor to the government said, despite growing signs that officials are edging towards liberalising policy. For decades, Algeria has tightly limited competition and foreign participation in its oiland gas-rich economy, a legacy of the Socialist ideology which it adopted after independence from France in 1962. Over the past year, there have been indications that this will change as the government comes under pressure from the population to deliver better services and living conditions. For example, the housing ministry has allowed more foreign firms to bid to build housing units. But Abdelhak Lamiri, who serves as an economic consultant for the Algerian government, said major reforms such Ambassade des Pays-Bas à Alger (Algérie) - Commerce & Investissements - No. 37-June 2013 as wholesale revisions to investment laws to eliminate red tape and make it easy for new companies to enter industries were so politically sensitive that they would have to wait. (Brecorder, Sept 28th. 2013, Algeria’s non-oil exports expected to grow 20 to 25% this year Algeria’s non-oil exports are expected to record a growth rate of between 20 and 25% in 2013, according to the President of the National Association of Algerian Exporters (ANEXAL), Ali Bey Nasri. Speaking during a Study Day on the Promotion of Non-oil Exports held at Moudjahid Museum, Nasri stated that non-oil exports had reached 1.4 billion USD in the first half of 2013, stressing that this amount should increase at the end of this year to 2.5 billion USD, compared with 2.1 billon USD last year. (NNN, Sept 25th. 2013, 10% of Algeria’s population to be 65 or older in the next few years People aged 65 and older will represent 10% of the Algerian population within the next few years, says the head of the Occupational Medicine Department of Pierre et Marie Curie Centre (CPMC), Professor Ahmed Lamara. The number of elderly people in Algeria, who represent 7.0 % of the population currently, will be at 10 % in the next few years. The life expectancy of Algerians is growing, moving from 45 years during the first years of independence to 76 years in the recent years due to the improvement of living conditions and health care, he explained. (SSIG, Sept 30th.2013, Algeria plans industrial zones Improving growth in the non-oil sector has long been a focus for Algeria's government, with the most recent push coming in the form of the planned construction of eight pilot industrial zones next year. The industrial parks represent the first wave of a broader national initiative which will see 42 dedicated zones established in 34 provinces of Algeria by 2017, part of a drive to stimulate investment and innovation across the manufacturing sector. The project, led by the Ministry of Industry, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, and Investment Promotion, has a particular focus on generating industrial activity in sparsely populated and underserved areas, including the Hauts Plateaux and southern regions, to help strengthen employment and revenues outside of the larger urban areas. To this regard, authorities launched a series of public tenders in April and May, calling for firms to carry out development studies and prepare the eight designated sites for construction work. Bids for the zones are currently being reviewed by the National Agency for Intermediation and Land Regulation (Agence Nationale d'Intermédiation et de Régulation Foncière, ANIREF), with the first parks expected to be operational early next year. Among the targeted segments by this industrial development plan , agroindustry, mechanics, construction materials and pharmaceuticals. Hassiba Mokraoui, the director-general of ANIREF, has indicated that the agency is keen to target partnerships between foreign and local firms for the projects, as part of a bid to encourage knowledge transfers and promote the development of Algerian construction firms and technical consultancies. On the long-term plans, Around €17.9billion is expected to be channelled into the industrial zones over a five-year period before the initiative is fully completed, according to the national press agency. Public tenders for technical studies and land development are expected to be launched in the near term for nine more parks, which represent the next phase of the project. The sites will cover a total of 2526 ha and will be built in M'sila, Sidi Bel Abbès, Jijel, Adrar, Bechar, Biskra, Sétif, Saida and Naama. Tenders for the remaining 25 facilities will be announced in the coming years as public land is made available. In August, ANIREF officials indicated that the agency may consider expanding the programme beyond the initial plan to build 42 parks in response to growing requests for land, which outnumber the available space in existing production zones. (Zawya, Oct 1st. 2013, Algeria records more than double amount of investments in the first half of 2013 Investments of which only 10% of foreign origin reported in Algeria have more than doubled during the first half of 2013 to reach Ambassade des Pays-Bas à Alger (Algérie) - Commerce & Investissements - No. 37-June 2013 856.7 billion dinars (about 11.2 billion USD) from DZ 411.6 billion in the same period of 2012, recording an increase of 108%, according to the Algerian Agency for Investment Development (ANDI). The agency, which attributed the good performance during the period to the improvement of Algeria's business climate, said in a report that the number of investment projects reported during the half-year rose 14 % to 4,756 projects from 4,183 projects during the same period of 2012. The new projects are able to create 75,075 jobs compared with 45,503 jobs for projects proposed in the same period last year, an increase of 65 per cent, stated the ANDI. (NNN, Oct 8th 2013, Algeria records trade surplus of 8.16 billion USD for the first nine months of 2013 Algeria has recorded a trade surplus of 8.16 billion USD for the first nine months of 2013, down by 53.1 % from the surplus of 17.42 billion USD recorded in the same period of 2012, according to Algerian Customs service. (NNN, Oct 22nd 2013, ENERGY Conditions for investments in Algeria’s energy sector still favourable The conditions for investment in the oil sector in Algeria remain favourable, according to Paolo Scaroni, the chief executive officer of Italian oil and gas company, ENI, noting that the country has ''very strong institutions". Scaroni was speaking at a debate on the future of energy, recently organized by the Unite States think tank Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) where he was also speaking as a consultant in energy for the CFR, one of the most influential foreign policy think tanks in the US. Unlike other oil producers in North Africa, ''everything is alright'' in Algeria so far for oil investment, said the head of ENI in response to a question of a participant who asked about the conditions for investment in the energy sector in North Africa in the wake of the political and security instability in certain countries in the region. (NNN, Oct 21st 2013, Algeria state-owned oil company mulls setting up security company to tackle terror threats Algeria's state-owned energy giant Sonatrach is mulling setting up a security company to protect gas and oil facilities in the country's wide desert areas against terror threats, a source told Xinhua. The security company would be managed by former military and security officials, the source said. The project was first discussed in June by Sonatrach and government officials, including Prime Minister Abdelmalek Sellal and Energy Minister Youcef Yousfi. Previously, Sonatrach hired some 2,000 security guards, yet in January 2013, the attack on Tiguentourine gas field prompted Sonatrach to review its security strategy. Also, Algerian authorities assigned from about 3, 000 to 5,000 soldiers to protect the oil and gas facilities in the south after this attack. (NNN, August 29th, 2013, Algeria inaugurates production at El Merk oil facilities Algerian Energy and Mining Minister Youcef Yousfi has officially brought into production El Merk oilfield in Berkine basin, located in Illizi province, 1,600 km southeast of Algiers. The oilfield, operated by Sonatrach and partner US Anadarko, will produce 146,000 barrels per day. Sonatrach holds 51% of El Merk stake, and 49% share of the production will return to Anadarko and partners Eni, Maersk, Conoco Philips and Talisman. El Merk proven reserves are estimated at 1.2 billion barrels of oil, including nearly 40% are recoverable, according to the explanations of Grouping Berkine, which is an association composed of Sonatrach and Anadarko, entrusted with the project's development. Situated in the province of Illizi, El Merk, has become the centre of Sonatrach developent strategy to increase its crude, condensate and LPG production capacities. (Menafn, Oct 28th 2013, El Merk ramping up for Anadarko Anadarko Petroleum Corp. said it expects its volumes in Algeria to significantly increase in 2014. The expected increase will come from the El Merk field, which came online in Q1 of this year. The company has a 265,000 bpd train of oil that are being ramped up and that should Ambassade des Pays-Bas à Alger (Algérie) - Commerce & Investissements - No. 37-June 2013 produce about 30,000 bpd net to Anadarko, which is basically a 10% year-over-year growth in 2013. In 2014 it should see significantly higher volumes coming out of Algeria as the field is fully ramped up. (Petroleumafrica, Sept 11th.2013, Major oilfield found in south Algeria’s national energy firm, Sonatrach, had discovered a major tight oil field with about 1.3 billion barrels of deposits in the south of the country, Energy Minister Youcef Yousfi said. The find was “one of the most important Sonatrach has made in the past 20 years”, he said during a visit to the site. The discovery was made 112km from Hassi Messaoud, Algeria’s largest oilfield. the outcomes of surveys, and the available information on shale gas production. (NNN, Sept 20th, 2013, Oil world price : Algeria leads top ten with cheap fuel price Algeria is among the top 10 countries where fuel is the cheapest in the world with an average of 0.180 Euro per liter, according to a study prepared by German firm GIZ specializing in multi-sector expertise at regional and international level. Ranked as the 12th largest oil producer in the world and 17th in terms of proven reserves, Algeria is the eighth country in the world where fuel is the cheapest, according to the study which includes 23 countries. (ElMoudjahid, Oct 27th 2013, th (IOL, Oct 28 .2013, Important gas finds in Algeria this year Algeria's state-run energy giant Sonatrach has made some "very important" natural gas discoveries this year, Energy Minister Youcef Yousfi said, as the country battles dwindling exports from its vital hydrocarbons sector. Yousfi gave few details on the "extremely promising" new finds, saying only that they would be announced soon by Sonatrach. He said that "Algeria's natural gas reserves are not falling. They are in the process of rising," denying speculation the OPEC country might halt gas exports due to growing local demand and limited upstream progress. Algeria has estimated proven gas reserves of around 4.0 trillion cubic metres (113 billion cubic feet), and a production capacity of 80 billion cubic metres per year, according to official figures. (Foxnews, Sept 9th. 2013,, MEO, Sept 10th 2013, Algeria needs 300 billion USD investments over 50 years to develop shale gas potentials Algeria needs to invest some 300 billion USD including 200 billion USD for drilling to develop its shale gas deposits and produce 60 billion cubic of gas annually, according to an assessment study unveiled here by the National Agency for Hydrocarbon Resource Promotion (Alnaft). Algeria should drill some 12,000 wells over the next 50 years, or 240 wells every year, in order to produce 60 billion cubic metres of gas per year, says the Alnaft. These estimates are made by Alnaft on the basis of Algeria Tiguentourine gas plant report reveals energy security gaps The first detailed report of the In Amenas gas complex terrorist attack in Algeria last January concludes there were inadequate security measures in place and Algeria's army was illprepared for such an attack. The report by Norway's Statoil, which operates the sprawling complex in the Desert with BP and Algeria's state-run Sonatrach, underlined the vulnerabilities of energy facilities in North Africa. The attack on In Amenas Jan 16th marked the first time a major energy facility been ever targetted in Algeria. The raiders planned to blow up key installations, but they were overwhelmed before they could so by Algerian special forces. (EnergyDaily, Sept 18th, 2013, Sonelgaz affiliate, SPE, and GE partner to add more than 8 Gigawatts of power for Algeria New power generation equipment to increase Algeria's generating capacity by nearly 70 %; Six new power plants to address long-term electricity needs; Sonelgaz and GE announce their intention to create a long-term JV for new Algeria; Power production facility will produce more than 2 GW of power generation equipment per year and provide 1,000 jobs. (Zawya, Sept 23rd.2013 , Ambassade des Pays-Bas à Alger (Algérie) - Commerce & Investissements - No. 37-June 2013 GE wins $2.7 billion Algerian turbine contract General Electric (GE) has secured three contracts for delivery of its heavy-duty gas turbine combined-cycle and aeroderivative gas turbine technology to Societe Algerienne de Production de l’Electricite (SPE Spa), a subsidiary of Algerian national electricity and gas company Sonelgaz. Valued at a combined $ 2.7 billion, the contracts covers six new combined-cycle power plants, which will add over 8GW of electricity to help increase Algeria's generating capacity by 70%, two fasttrack projects that add 528MW for peak demand, and a new simple-cycle power plant to add 370MW to Algeria's electricity grid. (EnergyBusinessReview, Sept 24th.2013 ,; DGT, Sept 23rd 2013,; Petroleumafrica, Sept 25th, 2013, Algeria considering to re-open Bechar coal mines Algerian authorities are considering to re-open Bechar's coal mines as they plan to build a coal-fired electrical power plant in the province, Mr Yocef Yousfi, Minister of mining, was quated saying. The minister added that such an hypothesis is being considered and that costs to extract coal are being evaluated. The Bechar mines include three coalfields, the most important is Kenadsa's which has potential reserves of 142 million tons. (ANSA, Sept 23rd, 2013, Petrofac partnership wins bumper contract with Algerian government Oilfield service provider Petrofac has won a share of a 650 million dollar contract to provide engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) services for the Algerian government. The FTSE 100 group is leading a partnership with Italian contractor Bonatti to provide a 32-month contract to extend the life of the Alrar gas field in south east Algeria for Sonatrach, the Algerian state-owned resources company. (Sharecast, Oct 30 th 2013, Ain Tsila Ready for Development Petroceltic International has moved into a “new and exciting” phase in Algeria on the Isarene Permit, according to the company’s latest report. With the initiation of development activities, operations on the Ain Tsila are now governed by a separate joint operating organization, known as Groupement Isarene, which will be responsible for all aspects of development planning, contracting, supervision, and execution of the development. The formal constitutional documents for the Groupement were approved in June and signed in early-July. The next major step will be the award of the FEED contracts. (Petroleumafrica, Sept 10th, 2013, OCI Wins Algiers Refinery Gig OCI Construction Group was awarded a contract by Technip for work in Algeria. The contract is for Greenfield and brownfield work on Algeria’s Algiers refinery in Sidi Arcine. Technip is the EPC contractor on site and OCI Algeria, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the OCI Construction Group, will execute some of the civil works, paving works, underground piping, and related brownfield construction work as part of the rehabilitation and adaptation of the refinery. (Petroleumafrica, August 30th.2013, South Korea’s Daewoo picked to build oil facilities in contract worth 640 million USD South Korea's Daewoo will build for the the Algerian-Italian consortium of Sonatrach and Eni facilities for a Central Area Field Complex (CAFC) in the Berkine Basin of eastern Algeria in a contract valued at about 643.7 million USD. Under the contract signed here, the South Korean company will connect, within 34 months, 36 oil wells in the oil field located in Berkin Basin’s block 405b.The tasks entrusted to Daewoo also include the creation of a network for the crude collection, a separation and oil desalting unit, a gas reinjection station and a second station for injecting water. (NNN, Sept 25th .2013, Sonatrach Makes a Discovery in Libya Algeria’s state-run firm Sonatrach has made a gas discovery in Libya. According to Libya’s state-run firm NOC, the discovery was made on Area 95/96 in the Ghadames Basin. Sonatrach partnered with Oil India and Indian Oil Corp. made the discovery while drilling the new field wildcat well B1-95/02. The initial Ambassade des Pays-Bas à Alger (Algérie) - Commerce & Investissements - No. 37-June 2013 production test results from the Ordovician Mamouniyat Formation show the well flowed at a rate of 10 Mmcf/d. (Petroleumafrica, Sept 17th.2013, RENEWABLE ENERGY environmental protection. As an illustration, The academic researcher, Mr. Maamar Ouali, a member of a research team on solar energy at the Center of Renewable Energy Development in Algiers, presented, for the first time, a refrigerator operating with batteries charged by solar energy. (CDER, Oct 30th 2013, $ 60 billion for renewable energy The Deputy Director for the promotion of new and renewable energy and energy efficiency at the Ministry of Energy and Mines, Mr. Rachedi Menadi annouced, on the sidelines of the 4th edition of 2013 Era trade fair (dedicated to renewable energy, clean energy and sustainable development), which took place from the 28th to 30th october 2013 in Oran, that an investment plan of more than $ 60 billion will be expended by the government by 2030 to boost renewable energy, and ultimately reduce the amount of fossil fuels consumed in Algeria”. He explained that this program especially targets the exchange of experiences and the transfer of know-how in renewables and clean energy. (AW, Oct 28th.2013, Partnership and business contracts at the 4th International Exhibition for Renewable Energy The 4th International Exhibition of (ERA 2013), dedicated for renewable energy, clean and sustainable development was marked by sealing several business and partnership contracts between Algerian and foreign economic operators . The event, which took place in the convention center in Oran between 28th and 30th october 2013 have resulted in the signing of several cooperation agreements, such as the creation of a joint venture in the field of renewable energy between Algerian groups "SOPREC" and the German "EUROPSOL". (CDER, Oct 31st 2013, Techniques for domestic energy use Technological solutions were offered to businesses and users of household energy, the 4th International Renewable Energy Exhibition. Exhibitors offered, in the framework of this event organized by "Myriad com" agency in Oran, techniques to rationalize energy consumption, application models and modern equipment for energy saving and Integration of renewable energies in the promotional public housing The head of the bulding company "OMEBAT" said that a discussion is currently being engaged at his company on the possibility of integrating renewable energy into a project to build 10,000 promotional public housing in Oran. Recently borne from the Algerian-Italian partnership, this company is preparing a feasibility study on the possibility, said the director of the Algerian public housing company of Oran "Batior" , part of this joint venture. (CDER, Oct 30th 2013, Status of renewable energy in Algeria A recent report showed that energy usage in Algeria is split between three sectors, industrial (24%), transport (33%), and residential and services (43%). The renewable energy mix of solar, wind, geothermal and biomass energy as well as effective engineering applications can potentially contribute towards energy provision for these sectors and help move the country towards a more sustainable position in terms of energy provision and consumption. (Anasr, August 16th. 2013, The potential of a solar powered irrigation system to support Algerian farmers To secure power resources needed for their daily activities, Algerian farmers currently have to resort to two basic options. The first is to use free power that is supplied by the government as part of the various schemes deployed around the country for this purpose. Algeria has a well-established network of electricity reaching the majority of towns and villages, but unfortunately when it comes to agricultural lands, it only covers a small portion of farming instalments. Additionally, this option is not ideal since not all farmers within the reach of the network receive their Ambassade des Pays-Bas à Alger (Algérie) - Commerce & Investissements - No. 37-June 2013 supply of free power during adequate times of the day. (Anasr, May 12 th 2013, INFRASTRUCTURE Rise of 65% in imports of cement over the first nine months of 2013 Algerian imports of cement increased by 65% in terms of value and over 70% in Quantity totalling the amount of $322.5 million during the period going from january to september 2013, against $194.77 million for the same period of 2012, as stated by the National Center for Computing and Statistics (CNIS) controlled by the Algerian Customs authorities. According to the same source, the bill of Algerian imports of construction materials during the first nine months of 2013 reached more than $ 2.8 billion, up by 26% compared to the same period of 2012. (APS, Oct 27th.2013, DSI wins Algeria contract Drake & Scull Construction the General Contracting Arm of Drake & Scull International PJSC (DSI), was awarded a general construction contract worth 350 million dollars to develop a turnkey mix use development project in Algeria. Zeina Tabari, Chief Corporate Affairs Officer of DSI stated that more details on the project will be released soon. This is not the company's first contract in Algeria. In March, it signed a contract worth 230 million dollars in Algeria. (Nuqudy, Sept 17th.2013, The port of Algiers prepares for a major upgrading Algiers Port Company (EPAL) and the construction company Batenco Centre will proceed soon to conclude an agreement for the launch of the development and extension works of the passenger terminal of the port of Algiers. These development and extension works involve several blocks adjacent to the existing old passenger terminal, like offices of the former CNAN, those of the former PTT and the loading dock stores No.11. (Liberté, Oct 27 th 2013, Works of the construction of a new control tower launched Transport Minister, Mr. Amar Ghoul, chaired the start of the construction works of the new control tower for Algiers International Airport. This project is part of the development and modernization of airport structures plan, which includes five projects of the construction of control towers at the airports of Constantine and Oran, already under construction, plus the airports of Ghardaia and Tamanrasset. (APS, Oct14th.2013, AGRICULTURE Only 2.5% of the used land is irrigated The director of agricultural services (DSA) presented a figure-backed examination on his sector indicating that only 2.5% of the useful land is irrigated in the province of Constantine, nearly 3,800 hectares. He stated that the aim would be to reach the level of 7.7% in 2014, otherwise an area of 2 million hectares. For this to happen, he says, an estimated 27 billion centimes funding has been planned for the development of modern irrigation methods such as sprinkler and the socalled drip irrigation systems. (Econews, Oct 30th.2013, New industrial complex in Tipaza Inspired by the new management techniques of distribution channels of fresh agricultural products, the management team of RDM intends to embed in Algeria the marketing processes adopted by the major retail chains in the developed countries in the image of Carrefour Leader , Casino or other Monoprix in France and modernize the distribution of agricultural products on the domestic market, which hitherto are still marketted in the raw state. The new food processing complex consists of a laboratory for the grading of delivered fruits and vegetables, a packaging station operating with nine washing machines, grading, drying and packaging, a workshop for the promotion of agricultural products which includes 15 facilities and finally, a cooking workshop which houses seven machines. (Econews, Oct 20th.2013, Algeria's wheat imports up 14.5% in JanSept. 2013 Algeria's wheat imports increased year-on-year Ambassade des Pays-Bas à Alger (Algérie) - Commerce & Investissements - No. 37-June 2013 by 14.5 % to 1.7 billion U.S. dollars during the first nine months of 2013, according to the National Center for Data Processing and Statistics. In terms of volume it increased by 4.2 % to 4.8 million tons, against 4.6 million tons in the same period last year, said the report, adding that the rising purchase of wheat led to the increase of grain import bill. In Algeria, wheat is used essentially to make bread, which cost 1.29 billion dollars for a quantity of 3.806 million tons of wheat in the first nine months of 2013, against 1.03 billion dollars for 3.514 million tons of wheat in the same period of 2012. (Shanghaidaily, Oct 27th.2013, Rouen grain exports increase 77% on wheat shipments to Algeria Algeria's state grains agency OAIC bought 500,000 tonnes of optional-origin milling wheat in a tender, European traders said. Most of the wheat will likely be sourced from France. (Reuters, Oct 9th.2013, Hot drinks in Algeria hot drinks registered healthy 5% off-trade volume growth and strong 11% off-trade value growth in 2012. The category generated sales mostly in urban areas, and a rising purchasing power resulted in consumers buying more chocolate-based flavoured powder drinks, perceived as being for children. However, with the expansion of economy brands in 2012, lower-income consumers started to purchase more chocolate-based flavoured powder drinks and were able to afford this expense. 2010-2014 period”, he said, adding that the overall budget would be divided into annual allocations. (NNN, Sept 17th.2013, Hyflux defends pre-treatment record in Algeria Hyflux deputy CEO Sam Ong has played down reports that ILF Consulting Engineers has issued a request for proposals to upgrade the pretreatment system at Hyflux’s 200,000 m3/d Tlemcen Souk Tleta plant in Algeria. Ong disputed suggestions by Hyflux’s competitors that the tender indicates a loss of confidence in the company’s ability to deal with the issue. “The plant availability currently stands at 90-95%, excluding force majeure events,” Ong told GWI’s sister publication Water Desalination Report. The force majeure is the result of high feedwater turbidity. “There was no historic data provided to us at the time of bidding that showed that the flow of mud down the river into the sea was quite so serious. Despite this, we have been able to run the plant quite effectively,” said Ong. (GlobalWaterIntelegence, Oct 24th.2013, Beni Haroun major water transfer system The major water transfers provided under the system of Beni Haroun dam (Mila) pass, the end of 2013, a milestone with the expected receipt of the hotline for people to supply the wilaya of Batna, Oum El Bouaghi and Khenchela. (El Moudjahid, Oct 28th .2013, (Clickpress, Sept 16th.2013, OTHERS WATER Algeria sets aside 260 billion AD for fiveyear flood alleviation efforts The Algerian government is making allocation of about 3.17 billion USD for a five-year programme between 2015 and 2019 to protect the country's cities from floods, says the director of sanitation and environmental protection at the Ministry of Water Resources, Ahcen Ait Amara. Some 700 projects had already been identified to protect the floodprone cities which “were not included in the previous five-year programme covering the 22% increase in the turnover of the Algerian insurance industry in the first half of 2013 Sales in the Algerian assurances sector increased by 22.1% to 60.6 billion dinars against 49.6 billion dinars in the same period of 2012, according to figures provided by the Council of National Insurance (CNA). Damage insurance continue to produce most of the premiums with a market share of 94% during the first six months of the year, a total revenues of $ 56.2 billion against 46.6 billion Ambassade des Pays-Bas à Alger (Algérie) - Commerce & Investissements - No. 37-June 2013 AD for the same period of 2012, an increase of nearly 21%, the CNA said in its last report. (APS, Oct 26 th 2013, Philip Morris inks $625M deal to increase exposure to Algeria In a bid to boost its exposure to emerging markets, Marlboro maker Philip Morris International (PM) unveiled a $625 million deal to acquire a 49% interest in Arab Investors-TA and its stake in an Algerian joint venture. Under the terms of the transaction, Philip Morris said it will secure an almost 25% economic interest in the Societe des Tabacs Algero-Emiratie, which is a joint venture that is 51% owned by AITA and 49% by Algerian state-owned Societe Nationale des Tabacs et Allumettes. STAEM has had a partnership with Philip Morris since 2005. (Foxbusiness, Sept 30th 2013,, SSIG, August 13th.2013, ArcelorMittal sells majority of Algerian unit to state Steelmaker ArcelorMittal said it will sell a majority stake in its Algerian operations to the Algerian state as part of a $763 million investment agreement. Algerian statecontrolled entity Sider will own 51 percent of ArcelorMittal's Annaba and Tebessa units as part of the deal, with Arcelor owning the rest, according to a statement from Arcelor. The current ownership split has Arcelor owning 70 percent and Sider owning 30 percent. (Reuters, Sept 29th.2013, CMA CGM reinforces its presence in Algeria The Third global shipping group CMA CGM, opened, on 28th october, at the port of Djen Djen in Jijel, the new stop connecting this port to Malta. This line will operate weekly by using four ships. Other ships will provide in the coming months, the connection between the eastern ports of Algeria and Asia, the Gulf States, India, the Red Sea, the Mediterranean, Europe and North and South Americas. (Econews, Oct 28th. 2013, The 11th International Symposium on Programming and Systems As a known biennial event, the International Symposium on Programming and Systems (ISPS) returned again this year for the 11th edition. This year, the event was organised and hosted by the department of Computer Science at the University of Science and Technology Houari Boumediene (USTHB) from the 22th to 24th of April, 2013. Since its very first edition in 1991, the growth of this event has been steady and remarkable. (Anasr, Oct 17th. 2013, Sanofi strengthens its presence in Algeria Sanofi (EURONEXT: SAN and NYSE: SNY) announced that construction has begun on its new Sidi Abdellah industrial site in Algeria. The groundbreaking ceremony was attended by Sanofi’s Chief Executive Officer, Christopher A. Viehbacher, , Amara Benyounes, Minister for Industrial Development and Investment Promotion, and Abdelmalek Boudiaf, Minister for Health, Population and Hospital Reform. At the ceremony, Sanofi and the Algerian Health Minister also signed a letter of intent stating their intention to execute, before 31st December 2013 an agreement to improve the screening and assessment of cardiovascular risk, diabetes, and hyperlipidemia and the evaluation of their common risk factors in the Algerian population together with influenza monitoring. (Sanofi, Sept 26th. 2013, Renault to start production in Algeria Renault has started work on a plant in Algeria, which will begin production from November 2014 producing the Symbol four-door sedan for the local market. The plant will be run through a joint venture with the SNVI (Société Nationale de Véhicules Industriels, Algeria's National Company of Industrial Vehicles) and the country’s National Investment Fund (FNI). The project, which is sponsored by the Algerian Ministry for Industrial Development and for the Promotion of Investment, marks Renault’s return to the country after an absence of over 30 years. Algeria is the second biggest car market on the African continent with more than 300,000 vehicles sold since the start of 2013, with the Renault Symbol being a major success. (IFW, Sept 26th.213, Ambassade des Pays-Bas à Alger (Algérie) - Commerce & Investissements - No. 37-June 2013 Renault: cars ’’made in Algeria,’’ same quality as those produced in other countries, says CEO The CEO of Renault Algeria Production (RAP), Bernard Sonilhac, said in Oran, the vehicle "Made in Algeria" which will be released in 2014, from the assembly plant of Oued Tlelat will be of the same quality of cars of the brand produced in other countries. Sonilhac recalled the genesis of this projet under the Algerian-French partnership aiming to the establishment of an automobile industry in Algeria and national integration rate of 42%. (APS, Sept 25th.2013, Algeria's home-grown manga a hit with the young It is a massively popular book form that originated in Japan where it became a cultural phenomenon. Now manga comics are flourishing in Algeria as well. Brahimi is the founder of Z-Link, Algeria's first publisher of manga comics. And Z-Link's manga are 100 % Algerian, from the drawings to the text. Published in French, colloquial Arabic and soon in north Africa's Berber language, DZ manga has put a distinctly local stamp on a major Japanese product. initiatives towards new multi modal transport, InlandLinks and NextLogic. Emile Hoogsteden, director of Containers, Breakbulk and Logistics at the Port of Rotterdam Authority said: “Winning this award is a tremendous achievement and recognition of our efforts. As the port of Rotterdam, we are constantly working on new investments and innovations. (Hollandtrade, Oct 29th. 2013, Sun-cooled milk promises sustainable solution for farmers For farmers in many developing countries, lack of refrigeration, and lack of electricity itself, means that dairy products deteriorate rapidly and are rendered useless. This is especially true for ‘evening-milk’ and Dutch firm Mueller, a manufacturer of milk-cooling and storage tanks, was invited by renowned Dutch food research institute, the University of Wageningen, to come up with a solution that would stop this unnecessary wastage. A certain amount of the farmers’ morning milk is consumed by schoolchildren and the rest is processed at a nearby dairy unit. (Hollandtrade, Oct 21st.2013, (AFP, Sept 22nd.2013, MADE IN HOLLAND Dutch aid for Africa's biggest wind farm The government of the Netherlands is investing 10 million euros in road infrastructure in the northern Kenyan region around Marsabit where one of Africa’s biggest wind farms is being built by a Dutch consortium. On her trade mission to Kenya, LiliannePloumen, Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation, has signed an agreement with the Dutch initiators of the Lake Turkana Windpower Project to help open up the region around the wind farm for economic activity. (Hollandtrade, Oct 31st 2013, Rotterdam best container port in the world The Port of Rotterdam was named ‘Port of the Year’ during the annual ‘Containerisation International Awards’ in London. The jury praised the port for its substantial investment programme, its focus on sustainability and its Dutch consortuim wins large Costa Rica port project A Dutch consortium consisting of construction firm BAM International and dredging company Van Oord has been awarded a 340million-euro contract for the development of the port of Moín in Costa Rica. The three-year project includes design and construction of a new container terminal and marine access, a 1.5 km rock breakwater,650-metre quay wall, 40-hectare land reclamation and soil remediation and dredging of the access channel and turning basin. (Hollandtrade, Oct 16th. 2013, Dutch students win World Solar Challenge again The Nuon Solar Team from Holland's Delft University of Technology has won – for the fifth time – the Bridgestone World Solar Challenge race in Austrialia. Taking the lead from day one, Delft's Nuna7 showed to be a reliable car and drove the 3000-kilometre route from Darwin to Adelaide without giving up its Ambassade des Pays-Bas à Alger (Algérie) - Commerce & Investissements - No. 37-June 2013 leading position. The Japanse Tokai Challenger was Nuna’s main rival and came in second. The Dutch University of Twente came in third place with its car The Red Engine. The University of Eindhoven is taking part in the new category for family cars with it's car Stella, the world's first solar-powered family car. UPCOMING EVENTS 5th - 8th November 2013 Aquatech: the world’s leading trade exhibition for process, drinking and waste water (Hollandtrade, Oct 10th 2013, International Water Week Amsterdam: 4-8 November 2013 International Water Week Amsterdam 2013 is being held from 4 to 8 November. The theme is 'Integrated Water Solutions for a Green Economy' focusing on water supply, sanitation, the water-food-energy nexus, governance and control. The conference will be attended by some 25,000 water professionals from around the globe. Keynote speakers include H.E. Prince El Hassan bin Talal of Jordan, chair of the United Nation Secretary-Generals' Advisory Board on Water and Sanitation (UNSGAB). The event includes Aquatech Amsterdam, the world's largest and leading trade exhibition for water technology. In line with market demand, the special focus for 2013 will continue to be on waste water treatment and industrial water use. (Hollandtrade, Sept 6th .2013, Electric vehicles taking off fast in the Netherlands In the first half of 2013, there has been an explosive growth in the number of electric vehicles are in the Netherlands. At the end of June, there were 10,049 electric vehicles registered in the Netherlands, compared to 7,500 at the end of 2012. This includes all types of electric vehicles, with the exception of scooters and electric bikes. The majority of the registered electric vehicles (93%) are passenger cars and electric utility vans. In total, 70 percent are plug-in hybrids. (Hollandtrade, July 19th .2013, Nick Mouthaan - Sales Manager: T + 31 (0)20 549 22 99 [email protected] Marieke Leenhouts - Product Manager: T + 31 (0)20 549 23 27 [email protected] Mohamed Elhour- Administration: CARE T + 31 (0)20 549 22 52, [email protected] Credit Control: T + 31 (0)20 549 12 12 [email protected] Amsterdam RAI Aquatech Amsterdam 2013 Europaplein 1078 GZ Amsterdam The Netherlands P.O. Box 77777 1070 MS Amsterdam The Netherlands T +31 (0)20 549 12 12 F +31 (0)20 549 18 89 6th - 9th November 2013 SIPA - 5eme salon international de la pêche et de l’Aquaculture « SIPA 2013 » - Centre des Conventions d’Oran Contact Chambre Algérienne de Pêche et d’Aquaculture Adresse : Cité 400 Logements HAMMAMAT Chéraga Alger 00213 21 42 33 08 Fax : 021 43 32 52 Email : [email protected] Ambassade des Pays-Bas à Alger (Algérie) - Commerce & Investissements - No. 37-June 2013 8th - 11th Novembre 2013 Algeria FoodExpo Contact : Organiser : ElanExpo : mail : [email protected], SAFEX Expo Centre Pins Maritimes, Alger, 16000 Algérie +213 21 386727 +213 21 387058 [email protected] 21st - 25th November 2013 SITP - 11e Salon international des travaux publics d’Alger Secteurs : public works and construction machinery, Construction firms, Building materials industry Contact Palais des Expositions d'Alger Pins Maritimes, Alger, 16000 Algérie +213 21 386727 +213 21 387058 [email protected] 22nd - 25th January 2014 PRO'COSMETIQUE ALGER-Algeria International Trade Show for the Cosmetics Industry Contact Algeria : M. Rabah Alilat Mobile : +213771102300 Email : [email protected] Contact Turkey : Novo event [email protected] 4th - 6th February 2014 SIBAL Expo 2014-1st International Exhibition of Beverage and Liquid Food Technologies in Algeria Contact : SARL MEDITHERAL Address : 65, rue Djamel Harkat 16211 Mohammadia Pins Maritimes Algiers, Algeria TEL : +213 (0) 21 21 00 33 FAX : +213 (0) 21 21 00 33 E-mail : [email protected] 4th - 7th March 2014 Hassi Messaoud Expo-2014 Oil and Gas industry professionals : QHSE, Finance, IT and Telecom, Maintenance, Reservoir, Drilling, General Services, Support Services, Civil Engineering, Construction, middle management of the oil and gas, refining personnel, buyers, project developers, consultants, engineers and technicians. Contact : Petroleum Industry Communication 44, rue de Bainem Bouzareat Alger Algérie Tel : +213 (0) 550 46 88 98 – +213 (0) 550 49 60 61 – +213 (0) 770 61 08 61 Fax :+213 21 90 11 84 E-mail : [email protected] 2014 Algeria International Air Show (ALIAS) Secteurs : Aéronautique Laurence BELAICHE Chef de projet / Project Manager - ALIAS WTC - 13, rue Mohamed Semani - Hydra, 16035 ALGER Tél : +213 (0)21 69 43 07 à 09 Extension 1012 - Fax : +213 (0)21 69 29 05 Ambassade des Pays-Bas à Alger (Algérie) - Commerce & Investissements - No. 37-June 2013 Mobile : +213 (0)555 029 299 [email protected] ALIAS Algeria International Air Show USEFUL LINKS ALGERIA - Ministère du Commerce: - Ministère de l’Energie et des Mines: - Ministère des Ressources en eau: - Ministère de l’Industrie, de la PME et de l’Investissement: - Ministère de l’Agriculture et du Développement rural: - Direction Générale des impôts: et - Direction Générale des Douanes: - Agence Nationale de Développement de l'Investissement: - Chambre algérienne de commerce et d'industrie: - Office Nationale des Statistiques: - Office National du Tourisme: - Portail du tourisme algérien: - Air Algérie: - Algérie Ferries: - Transport maritime (SNTM/CNAN): - Société Algérienne des Foires et Exportations (SAFEX): - Foires et salons: - Portail algérien des énergies renouvelables: Sites B2B: - Made in Algeria: - Réseau des entreprises algériennes: Sites d’appels d’offres: - Algeria Tenders: - - MEED: - Santé: s_algeria.htm Ambassade des Pays-Bas à Alger (Algérie) - Commerce & Investissements - No. 37-June 2013 NETHERLANDS - Agentschap NL: Agence néerlandaise pour le Commerce extérieur et la Coopération internationale: (NL) ou (AN) - Port de Rotterdam: Embassy Procédure demande de visa / changement administratif: À partir du 1 juillet 2013 l’Ambassade des Pays-Bas à Alger n’est plus habilitée à prendre des décisions sur les demandes de visa. La décision concernant votre demande de visa sera prise par le Bureau de Support Régional à Amman en Jordanie. Votre dossier de demande de visa sera préparé aux services consulaires de l’Ambassade comme d’habitude, mais envoyé ainsi que votre passeport à Amman pour décision. Une décision dur votre demande sera prise dans un délai de 15 jours, mais peut prendre plus longtemps, en fonction du dossier. Toute autre règlementation par rapport aux services Orange Carpet resteront en vigueur et notre service consulaire sera à votre disposition comme d’habitude pour le retrait de votre visa. Pour d’avantages d’informations, nous vous prions de consulter L'Ambassade des Pays-Bas à Alger est ouverte de dimanche à jeudi de 8h00 à 16h30 tout au long de l’année hormis les jours fériers algériens et néerlandais. La section consulaire est également ouverte de dimanche à jeudi mais de 9h00 à 12h00. Pour le weekend, l’Ambassade est fermée chaque vendredi et samedi. Adresse: 23, Chemin Cheikh Bachir ElIbrahimi, 16030 El-Biar ou BP 72, 6030 ElBiar (Alger) T: +213 21 92 28 29 F: +213 21 92 29 47 W: Pour vos suggestions et/ou commentaires, n'hésitez pas à contacter notre Section économique: -Isabelle Van Tol Chef de Mission adjoint [email protected] - Djilali Tahar-Belkacem Chargé des Affaires commerciales [email protected] [email protected] - Khaled Benchaalal Chargé des Affaires agricoles [email protected] [email protected] Pour plus d’informations, nous vous invitons à consulter notre site web AVERTISSEMENT: le contenu de cette lettre d’information ne reflète en aucun cas la position de l'Ambassade des Pays-Bas à Alger. Elle se compose d’une sélection d'articles publiés dans la presse nationale et internationale et dont la source est clairement indiquée.
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