Rapport Annuel EN
Rapport Annuel EN
Sonatrach ANNUAL REPORT 2010 Message from the Chief Executive Officer Primary hydrocarbons production stood at nearly 214 Mtoe, of which 55.3 millions tons of crude oil and 145.8 billion cm of natural gas. The sales volumes of liquid and gaseous hydrocarbons, for the domestic market, confirm the growing sustained trend of the country’s domestic demand with an increase of + 3% compared to 2009 and the highest priority we attach to supply the domestic market. In 2010, a record of twenty-nine (29) hydrocarbons discoveries was achieved, thus invigorating the initiated process of reinforcing and expanding our reserves base in Algeria. Twenty-seven (27) discoveries were made by Sonatrach individually and two (02) in partnership. Mr. Nordine Cherouati Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of SONATRACH Sonatrach’s results for 2010 were positive with a substantial growth across all the company’s activities. The targets set were met and, in some cases, exceeded. In the markets, our efforts took advantage from the surge in oil prices which experienced a strengthening with an annual average price of 80.1 $/bbl in 2010 for the Sahara Blend, up 29% over the previous year. This trend was somewhat thwarted by the natural gas market prices which remained depressed. In this context, we consolidated the sound financial position of Sonatrach, thus strengthening Sonatrach Group’s contribution to the national economy. Our exports turnover thus stood at US $ 56.1 billion in 2010, increasing by 26% over 2009, with a net positive result of DZD 705 billion, a significant 148% rise over 2009. The oil tax paid by Sonatrach to the Treasury rose from DZD 1983 billion in 2009 to DZD 2 520 billion, or a 27% increase over the previous period. 04 Annual Report 2010 Regarding investment in Algeria, Sonatrach multiplied its efforts in 2010 compared to 2009. We recorded an investment level of more than 11% in physical terms value with achievements of around US $14.4 billion equivalent. The core of the investment program was achieved in the Upstream (69%), including namely the drilling of 242 exploration and development wells, 148 of which carried out by Sonatrach individually. The implementation of the established investment program continued during 2010 including major projects such as the «implementation of Hassi Messaoud LPG unit », the developments of Gassi Touil gas field, Rhourde Nouss Quartzites of Hamra deposits and also of El Merk in partnership with Anadarko, Menzel Ledjmet East in partnership with ENI, the ongoing implementation of two mega LNG trains in Arzew and Skikda and the rehabilitation projects of Northern refineries. 2010 also witnessed the reinforcement of our treatment, transportation and processing capacities through the commissioning of several significant projects for the optimisation and operation of fields and hydrocarbon production facilities, including Hassi Messaoud South Crude Processing Unit, phase II of Hassi R’Mel Boosting, Alrar « Early Production Facilities », Rhourde Khrouf gas reinjection unit (in partnership with Cepsa), phase II of TFT Boosting ( in partnership with Total and Repsol), phase III of « Moctaa Douze – Beni Saf » GZ4 gas pipeline projects, which will supply the Medgaz, «Hassi R’Mel – Arzew» LZ2 LPG transportation pipeline, and the «Three LPG Trains» and « Nitrogen Storage and Conditioning Centre» projects in Arzew. The high level of investments recorded during 2010 also includes funding to support the cost of new projects, demonstrating Sonatrach’s desire to lay solid foundations for the future. Among major projects initiated in this regard, I can mention the rehabilitation of Rhourde Nouss 100 & 300 LPG trains, the FEED for the development of Timimoun gas fields (in partnership with Total and Cepsa) and in Touat (in partnership with GDF-Suez) to which I would include the project for the «Rehabilitation and Adaptation of Algiers’ refinery facilities» in respect of which an EPC contract worth almost 970 million dollars equivalent was signed. Our international activities recorded continued success: a second hydrocarbon discovery was made in Libya following the one achieved in 2009 on Block 65 where Sonatrach is operating through its subsidiary SIPEX. In Peru, on the Cashiriari Field, Blocks 88 and 56, in Camisea, in which Sonatrach holds stakes, 29.5 millions of liquid hydrocarbon barrels and 12.18 billion m3 of natural gas have been produced. The Company’s permanent workforce remained almost stable with 47 963 employees in 2010, or a less than 1% increase, and 17 455 persons benefited from training. The significant results achieved during the past year demonstrate the real capabilities of our Company and the tremendous potential it holds. They confirm our determination to stay the course. We are continuing our efforts in 2011 to undertake ambitious projects up to Sonatrach’s missions and to our abilities to meet challenges, improve management at all levels and strengthen the steering of the Group. For this purpose, an important program for the intensification of efforts was set up in order to consolidate our reserves base and, in this respect, a strategy was defined for the exploration of our shale gas potential. Other challenges will be addressed through the management and implementation of large-scale projects. We do indeed want to build a project engineering and management capacity consistent with our strategic goals. These efforts must obviously be coupled with the alignment of our organization and our procedures to the supply chain and contract management improvement imperatives, together with reinforcing our capacities in the training and development our human resources. To this end, and as has always been in the past, I know that we can rely again on the commitment and dedication of Women and Men in Sonatrach. Sonatrach’s Human Resources are deeply committed in the success achieved in 2010 which recorded a dynamic process of continuous qualitative improvement involving recruitment and training operations namely in core businesses. Annual Report 2010 05 06 Annual Report 2010 The General Meeting Mr. Karim DJOUDI, Minister of Finance Member Mr. Abdelhamid TEMMAR, Mr. Mohamed LAKSACI, Governor of the Bank of Algeria Member Mr. Houari KHACHAI, Representative of the Presidency of the Republic Member Minister of Prospective Planning and Statistics Member Mr. Youcef YOUSFI, Minister of Energy and Mines Chairman Annual Report 2010 07 The Board of Directors Mr. Abderrahmane Raouya, Representative of the Ministry in charge of Finance Membe Mr. Youcef OURRADI, Mr. Nordine Cherouati Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of SONATRACH Chairman of the Board Representative of the Ministry in charge of Hydrocarbons Member Mr. Noureddine BOUTERFA, Appointed for his competence in the field of hydrocarbons Member 08 Annual Report 2010 Mr. Hadji BABAAMI, Representative of the Ministry in charge of Finance Member Mr. Mustapha HANIFI, Representative of the Ministry in charge of Hydrocarbons Member Mr. Ali TOUATI, Representative of the Bank of Algeria Member Mr. Said SAHNOUN, Vice- President, Upstream Activity Member Mr. Allaoua SAIDANI, Vice- President, Pipeline Transportation Activity Member Mr. Abdelkader BENCHOUIA, Vice- President, Downstream Activity Member Mrs. Yamina HAMDI, Vice- President, Marketing Activity Member Mr. Mansour KECHCHAR, Employee Representative Member Mr. Abdelkrim MAHIEDDINE, Employee Representative Member Annual Report 2010 09 The Executive Committee Mr. Nordine Cherouati Chairman and Chief ExecutiveOfficer Member 10 Annual Report 2010 Mr. Said SAHNOUN, Vice- President, Upstream Activity Member Mr. Allaoua SAIDANI, Vice- President, Pipeline Transportation Activity Member Mr. Abdelkader BENCHOUIA, Vice- President, Downstream Activity Member Mrs. Yamina HAMDI, Vice- President, Marketing Activity Member Mrs. Fatma Zohra BENOUGHLIS, Executive Director, Strategy, Planning and Economy Mr. Akli REMINI, Executive Director, Subsidiaries and Holdings Mr. Farid BOUKHALFA, Executive Director, Finance Mr. Samy TOUNSI, Executive Director, Engineering & Development Mr. Younes HEGUEHOUG, Executive Director, Human Resources Mrs. Naima BOUTEMEUR, Central Director, HSE (Health, Safety and Environment) Annual Report 2010 11 Organigramme Chief Executive Officer Project Review Committee International Projects Coordinating Committee Direction of Public Relations Upstream Activity Pipeline transportation Activity Group Coordinating Directions Engineering & Development Finance Human Resources Strategy, Planning & Economy Subsidiaries & Holdings Central Activities Holdings SIHC SPP SIP 12 Annual Report 2010 Executive Committee Ethics Committee Establishment Internal Security Downstream Activity Marketing Activity RCH Central Directions SVH SGS Legal Affairs Audit Group Markets Health, Safety & Environment Management of Associations AIE Annual Report 2010 13 14 Annual Report 2010 Introduction 2010 was characterized by a context marked by the strengthening of the Sahara Blend prices with a buoyant growth at an annual average of $ 80.1 /bbl compared with $61.9/bbl in 2009, or an increase of + 29%. The Sahara Blend prices, closing at $ 92.1/ bbl in December 2010, had a positive effect on the activity of Sonatrach. At the national level, the sales volumes of liquid and gaseous hydrocarbons, intended for the domestic market, recorded an increase of + 3% over 2009 and confirm the growing trend of the country's needs. Corporate bodies activities Throughout 2010, the Board of Directors of Sonatrach Spa held seven meetings where he had to assess and decide on some twenty case files related to the management and the development of the Company; 25 resolutions have been adopted. Annual Report 2010 15 Production of hydrocarbons The primary production of hydrocarbons, all products The production of natural gas reached 145.8 billion m3, combined, amounted to 213. 9 million toe, including 55.3 82% under the production of natural gas from fields opemillion tons of crude oil and 145.8 billion m3 of natural rated by Sonatrach individually. gas. The production of condensate (including condensate The regions of Hassi Messaoud and Hassi R'Mel account reinjected into crude) amounted to 11.2 million tons. for 75% of the production of Sonatrach in own effort and As regards fields operated by Sonatrach alone, the production of condensate stood at 9,02 million tons and 54% of the total primary production. accounts for 80% of the total production. The primary production of oil in 2010 consists of 64% of natural gas, 26% of crude oil, 6% of condensate and 4% of The production of LPG’s (including butane & propane fractionated in the South) amounted to 7.2 million tons. LPG. The production of LPG by Sonatrach alone accounted for The production of fields operated by Sonatrach alone to- 71% of the total LPG’s production. taled 154.8 million TOE. As for pressure maintenance, the volume of water inSonatrach’s share in the production represents 72% of jected into the oilfields reached 63.2 million m3. Gas voglobal primary production. The principal regions inputs lumes intended for injection totaled 89.1 billion m3. are located in Hassi R'Mel, Hassi Messaoud and Rhourde The volumes of natural gas cycled at Hassi R'Mel are Nouss with a total of 64% of the primary production. close to 38.2 billion m3, representing a 44% cycling rate The production in partnership reached 59.1 million toe in of gas primary production from the reservoir. 2010. The production in partnership accounts for 28% of the total primary production; the main poles are Ourhoud & Berkine contributing up to 9% of the total production. Crude oil production in partnership represents 52% of the total oil production while natural gas production in partnership accounts for 18% of the total production. The production share taken pursuant to the Exceptional Profits Tax (TPE) for 2010 stood at 2.62 million toe against 2.53 million toe in 2009. 18 Annual Report 2010 A corporate citizen serving the cause of national development Annual Report 2010 19 Subsidiaries and Holdings in Algeria National Subsidiaries Results for 2010: Capital Turnover NAFTAL (100%) 15 840 255 275 HYPROC S.C. (100%) 12 000 Net income U: DZD Million Investments Staff (incl. temporary) 6 900 10 573 29 328 12 397 3 091 26 696 1 695 7 920 125,5 2 253 1,28 47 200 362 100 986 33 581 6 52 Holding SVH AEC (50%) NEAL (45%) SPP1 (14%) COGIZ (100%) Holding SPP 864,36 402,9 ENSP (100%) 800 8 960 1 820 1 200 2 087 ENAGEO (100%) 7 000 15 560 1 140 2 700 5 347 ENAFOR (30%) 14 800 23 589 3 330 2 700 4 716 ENGTP (100%) 6 390 17 070 130 3 500 9 163 ENAC (100%) 3 190 5 796 1 030 1 100 3 069 GCB (100%) 7 630 10 621 1 350 780 6 513 165,22 7 800 1009 400 729 23,92 1 367 95 992 162 7 560 600 139 0 117 9 000 3 248 -511 14 472 778 CASH (38,89%) 1 088,64 7 492 665 558 275 BAOSEM (50%) 0,5 164 43 37,67 68 MI-ALGERIA (40%) ALGESCO (24%) : «résultats provisoires» SAFIR (36%) En phase projet 444 --- Holding SGS TASSILI AIRLINES (100%) 34 Annual Report 2010 Turnover Net income 19,8 407,25 0 4 687 -7,21 245,31 0 780 3 2 082 40 0,1 40 50 0,13 925,44 1 742,46 800 40 465 1 656 1 333 181 99 2 120 2 072 3 824 3 035 0,4 165 61 8,9 3,02 -947 732 -60 237 0,62 8,87 271 5,38 4,92 142 27 99 63 95 3 176 1 018 71 33 573 53 2 207 2 006 3 107 32 239 13 178 0 23,4 30 20 16 Capital Investments Staff (incl. temporary) Holding SIP OSPREC (49,5%) SARPI (50%) Holding RCH ACTIM (100%) 2SP (100%) SOTRAZ (100%) MEDCO (100%) ISGA (16,66%) ENOR (48%) HELIOS (51%) SOMIK (100%) SOMIZ (100%) SORFERT (49%) 20 454,46 En phase de projet EL BAHIA FERTILIZER (49%) 2 278,50 En phase de projet HELISON (49%) SORALCHIN (30%) 1 742,46 1 344 AOA (49%) 6 566 Holding AIE SKT (49%) SKB (49%) SKS (30%) SKH (10%) SKD (49%) 23 520 3 087 3 861 1 970 26 304 714 6 085 -163 -336 En phase de projet En phase de projet 3 607 2 067 11 491 4 787 16 350 2 248 En phase de projet Annual Report 2010 35 Participation rate Unit Turover Net income SPC Trading 100% MM$ 5 004,00 112,60 NOSVL 100% MM$ 14,99 5,88 SPMC 100% MM$ 4,31 1,91 SPOTC 100% MM$ 11,72 2,79 ALTC 100% MM$ 10,92 4,42 HMTC 100% MM$ 10,92 4,57 RNTC 100% MM$ 10,19 3,19 SGCC 100% MM$ 11,40 2,49 SGTC Holding SPI BVI Med LNG 100% MM$ - 0,01 - - HeM SPTC TGP TMPC Samco 49% 100% 21,18% 50% MM$ MM$ MM$ MM$ MMCHF 19,72 1,52 354,00 54,12 1,22 1,59 1,40 75,00 11,91 0,01 MM$ 235,7 78,39 - - Holding SPC BVI 50% Holding SIPEX BVI (*) Sonatrach Peru Mauritania Ta1, 30, 31 & 35 Libya Block 65 Niger Block Kafra Mali Block 20 Mauritania Ta7 - Ta8 Mali Block 4 Libya Block 95/96 Numhyd Egypt El Dabaa Egypt Ras El Hekma SIHC (20%) ; SIPEX (80%) SIPEX Mauritanie 100% SIPEX Libye 100% SIPEX Niger 100% SIPEX Mali 100% SIPEX 20% SIPEX 33,33% SIPEX Libye 50% SIPEX 50% SIPEX 20% SIPEX 20% (*) Except for Sonatrach Peru, all SIPEX BVI’s subsidiaries are currently in the research phase. Annual Report 2010 37 Design, creation SONATRACH DCGRH.DCSI.B&N / 2011 Headquarters - Chemin Djenane El Malik, Hydra, Algiers, Algeria Phone: 213 21 54 70 00 - Fax: 213 21 54 77 00 Website: www.sonatrach-dz.com - Email: [email protected]