New! View the latest issue of the WESCO Utility Solutions Magazine


New! View the latest issue of the WESCO Utility Solutions Magazine
Utility Solutions
Reactive to
Taking Charge of Your
Infrastructure, Critical Assets,
and Perimeters
Page 4
Building Customer Relationships
Drop by Drop
Page 14
San Luis Obispo Goes Green
With LED Lighting
Page 16
From Transmission To disTribuTion
We’re Changing The Way
you see The World
anchors | arresters | bushings | cable accessories | connectors
cutouts | drains | enclosures | fusing | insulators | pole line hardware
protection | switches | tools & grounding | utility automation
WESCO Utility Solutions Magazine | For more information, complete the form at
Inside This Issue
Reactive to Proactive: Taking Charge of Your
Infrastructure, Critical Assets and Perimeters...................................4
Staying Grounded.............................................................................8
Leaving Luck Off the Line: Top Ten Safety Practices........................ 10
Building Customer Relationships Drop by Drop.............................. 14
San Luis Obispo Goes Green With LED Lighting............................. 16
Five Cool Reasons to Choose Cold Shrink...................................... 19
A Century-Old Wish is Granted...................................................... 20
A Safe Insect Repellent for
Flame Resistant (FR) Clothing......................................................... 25
Compact Design for Increased Connection.................................... 27
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Solutions Magazine, send your
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The WESCO Utility Magazine is distributed by WESCO Distribution,Inc. Copyright 2015.
All rights reserved. The Running Man logo is a registered trademark of WESCO Distribution, Inc.
All other marks are the property of their various owners.
Reactive to
Taking Charge of
Your Infrastructure,
Critical Assets,
and Perimeters
Jason Wolff, RCDD, PMP,
WESCO Senior Application Engineer
The security of the Electrical Grid is recognized as a top
priority by most Federal, State and Local entities. There are
16 Critical Infrastructure sectors whose security is entrusted
to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), and the
Electrical Grid is what allows the other 15 to function. The
financial resources to implement necessary mitigation
solutions to deter, detect, protect, respond, and recover
from an event are limited. Sometimes, these resources
are allocated to other less essential programs even after
a significant event occurs exposing vulnerabilities and
weakness in the over-all Grid Protection Plan. This distraction
adheres to the “Catastrophe-Reactionary Theory” developed
by WESCO’s Emmett McGrath and Jason Wolff.
1. Reactive Planning: After a serious Critical Infrastructure
attack or event occurs, a reactionary plan is created with
little oversight of funding and the solutions implemented.
Time is an enemy as the team rushes to demonstrate the
ability to move with alacrity and determination.
2. Unsatisfactory Solutions: This reactive response leads to
the implementation of unacceptable solutions which have
not been adequately installed, vetted, or tested.
3. Loss of Interest: Lastly, a general loss of interest sets in
overtime, which collectively reduces the motivation to fix,
upgrade, replace, or repair the protection of the Critical
Asset or Resource. Public and private attention is directed
to other more recent, and therefore more immediate,
Electricity started as a novelty for some, gradually morphed
into a convenience for most, and has now become an
absolute essential part of the daily lives for all Americans.
Over the past 150 years, electricity has become the essential
life blood of our nation. We depend upon this electrical
grid for the daily operation of all aspects of our lives and
for the seamless functionality of all the major DHS sectors
such as Transportation, Financial, Military, Government,
Telecommunications, and Medical. Turn on a switch and we
expect something to happen. The preservation of the “Critical
Electric Grid” requires a comprehensive approach focusing
on the risk assessment, the physical protection plan, and the
recovery blueprint.
Utilizing the WESCO cornerstone “Protection in Depth”
philosophy, Critical Infrastructure Managers can slow the
momentum of an event (accidental or intentional), allowing
security teams to gain time and respond with the appropriate
level of safeguarding for the Critical Grid. “Protection in
Depth” combines disparate solutions and unifies them into a
superior security program and avoids depending upon one or
two dissimilar defensive measures.
How the Camera Fits into the Big Picture
For example, a simple component for any security solution is
the typical camera. However in many cases cameras are an
“after-the-fact” type of protection used to identify the details
of an event. These details allow adjustment or improvement
to the Standard Operating Procedure or Security plan
and may assist with criminal investigations. Many times,
when a robust security camera plan is the primary means
of protection, it restricts the resource owner to passively
observe the destruction of their property. Picture someone
approaching a sub-station and scaling the perimeter fence.
They then walk across the compound, break into a supply
shed, take thousands of dollars of equipment, and then leave
unmolested; all this is caught on camera but not viewed
until hours after the incident, factoring in the time it takes to
discover missing or damaged inventory.
However, when cameras are woven into a “Protection in
Depth” security plan, the resource owner is able to slow
the event, trigger alerts to focus attention on that particular
camera in that specific zone from that specific compound,
analyze the data received, deploy the necessary level of
Continues on page 6
WESCO Utility Solutions Magazine | For more information, complete the form at
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For more information, complete the form at | WESCO Utility Solutions Magazine
Continued from page 4
resources to mitigate the event, and initiate the recovery plan
as required. By utilizing active sensors communicated over
fiber optic cable installed around the perimeter of any critical
compound, building, or data network, the security team can
actively monitor the resources all day, every day in real time.
Actively Listening Solutions
Intelligent Solutions are capable of “Actively Listening” for
any anomaly or sound that is not part of the previously
learned environment. The alert system instantly sends an
alarm to predetermined personnel via alert noise, text, email,
etc. An early-warning sensing fiber system allows a security
team to pinpoint the location of the event and determine
the proper response, whether it be the Marines, the
maintenance crew, or the mutt catcher!
WESCO works with customers to develop a
platform that includes the following layers:
1. Existing or newly installed intelligent, actively sensing
fiber optic cabling that can detect movement, sound,
pressure, etc., by changes in the light traveling through
the cable without the need for electronics or power
in the field. Fiber optics are immune to such things as
Electromagnetic Pulse and Electro Magnetic Interference
and are unaffected by the environment or weather. These
proven solutions protect fences, manholes, conduit, and
critical assets of all kinds. They can detect movement
or noise even when buried in the ground thus helping
to prevent buried cable from accidental or intentional
digging damage.
2. A viable and interactive Access Control System that
interfaces directly with non-proprietary unifying
Command and Control software management systems
developed in cooperation with the Department of
Defense (DoD). This includes the use of automated
keypads for card swipe/pin/biometric entry to any
compound, building, room, or even network.
3. Cameras networked into the security system can be linked
to the perimeter sensing fiber and designed to auto-Pan
Tilt Zoom to the location of the event or provide enough
location data for the security personnel to increase digital
or physical vigilance in that area. These solutions include
speaker and microphone options allowing a security
officer to remotely warn accidental trespassers or the less
dedicated malcontent from many miles away.
4. Physical concrete barriers to protect assets against many
types of projectiles. These barriers also serve to obstruct
the protected targets from outside deliberate attacks by
reducing visual reconnaissance.
5. Physical protection of the data networks. Using one,
two, or three strands of fiber, depending on the need,
an entire trunk of network cabling is protected from any
sort of physical intrusion. For Campus or long haul (many
miles) cable conduit, the entire length of the channel
can be protected plus breaks or cuts in the cable can
be detected throughout the entire length without the
need to add new infrastructure or provide power and
electronics in the field.
The Critical Infrastructure Owners and Security Managers
need to steel their resolve when securing their assets and
key resources by partnering with Critical Infrastructure
solution providers who clearly demonstrate present value
and efficacy.
Producing value isn’t just saving finances and implementing
robust security plans. You must have confidence in your
choice of vendors and depend on their expertise and past
performance. Look to one that has protected other high
security facilities and has the expertise to consult and advise
in addition to provide product solutions. They can help plan
before an event occurs, assist in implementing a quality
solution, and help regularly maintain and upgrade the
solution over time.
Contact WESCO’s Technical Team to learn how you can
protect your infrastructure, assets and perimeters!
[email protected]
Move from a Catastrophe-Reactionary Response
to a Planning and Prevention Process.
WESCO Utility Solutions Magazine | For more information, complete the form at
Quick, Safe and
More Precise
The Saber line of stripping tools offers a wide variety of features to
ensure electrical workers complete the job accurately and safely.
QUALITY. The new GTSD-1930 Drill Mounted Saber tool comes with a self-contained
depth gauge for precise cutbacks. The GTSD-1930 also incorporates a drill adaptor for
most 1/4” quick-connect drills, as well as standard keyless chucks.
ACCURACY. Cable-specific sized bushings ensure the precise removal of the cable
jacket. Each bushing comes with a preset cutting blade for the specific cable diameter
and jacket thickness.
SAFETY. A blade is no longer required when stripping cable. Lacerations are a leading
cause of recordable jobsite injuries.
GTSD-1930 Drill Mounted Saber™ Tool
For more information, complete the form at | WESCO Utility Solutions Magazine
Breakage of the shrink
tubing can break the
cabling, making the set
unsuitable for use.
Staying Grounded
By Katherine Aiardo, Hi-Line Utility Supply
Lightning, human error, static electricity, induced voltage,
backfeed… all reasons that the line you are working on could
become energized. Keeping electricity grounded when work
is being performed is critical to avoid electricity seeking your
body as the grounding path. Staying safely grounded includes
working with the correct equipment, daily inspections,
proper cleaning, maintenance and recertification, and proper
Before Beginning –
Review Safe Work Practices
Completing a job safely should always begin with the
knowledge and understanding of your company’s Safe Work
Practices including a hazard assessment prior to work (see
OSHA 29 CFR 1910.269(a)(3) & .269(c)). This will guide
you through the completion of a job in a safe and efficient
manner from beginning to end, and will include proper
grounding practices.
Grounding Standards
Protective grounding should have an electrical impedance
low enough to cause the immediate operation of protective
devices in case of accidental operation of the lines or
equipment (OSHA 29CFR 1910.269(n)(4)). Grounding
equipment must be capable of conducting the resulting
fault current that could flow at the point of grounding for
the time necessary to clear the fault. Utilize a professional
testing facility when custom building ground sets, such as
Hi-Line Utility Supply. Hi-Line can build ground sets to your
specifications, and to meet your needs on the jobsite.
Installation and removal of protective grounding should
always be done with live-line tools, with the Ground-End
connection being installed first (and removed last when
removing the grounds) (OSHA 29CFR 1910.269(n)(6)). Liveline tools should be properly inspected before use for any
damage that could inhibit their protective properties, and
equipment that has suspected damage should be removed
from use in the field (American Society for Testing and
Materials/ASTM 711-02, 8.1) and sent to a professional
testing facility. According to John “Grizzy” Grzywacz,
Professor Emeritus of the OSHA National Training Institute,
“Most utility accidents and fatalities with respect to line
contact are a result of lack of appropriate PPE, lack of
insulated line cover up, or lack of appropriate grounding.”
The Correct Equipment for the Job
Ground Set A
Ground Set B
Grounding components. When building sets, you can choose
from a variety of grounding components. Because grounding
components (cables, ferrules, and clamps) are furnished to
meet the needs of various applications, each must meet the
maximum current that could flow through the completed
set at any time. As a general rule, your equipment is only
WESCO Utility Solutions Magazine | For more information, complete the form at
Check grounds for
breakage at clamps.
If damage is found, the
cable should be removed
from use immediately and
sent for further inspection.
Check cable for any flattened or
smashed sections.
Your equipment is only as strong as the weakest component. If one
component is a grade 2 and the rest of the set is equipped to meet the
current flow of a grade 4, your grounding equipment is rated at a grade 2.
as strong as the weakest component. For example, if one
component is a grade 2 and the rest of the set is equipped to
meet the current flow of a grade 4, your grounding equipment
is rated at a grade 2.
stated in American Wires Gage numbers (AWG), and are also
classified by type. Specifications for temporary grounding
equipment can be found in ASTM F855-1990.
Clamps. In addition to ensuring all components meet the fault
current requirements for the job at hand, consideration should
also be given to the clamp style and cable length. Under
fault conditions, grounding cables can whip violently. For this
reason, clamps should be selected based on what they will
be clamped onto to avoid fly off. Stocking grounding sets of
various cable lengths is advised as a cabling too long will create
an added hazard and could cause further injury, additional
damage, or worse.
Regular cleaning of ground sets can prolong the life and
safety of the set. Several factors can reduce the effectiveness
or contribute to the demise of a set. For example, dirt and
water can actually conduct electricity and the everyday
petroleum-based products that grounds come in contact
with can damage the integrity of the ground set and reduce
protective properties. Wire brushing of the ground clamps
to remove corrosion and dirt, as well as cleaning of the
grounding cable with a rubber goods cleaner, should be
done immediately before and after each use. Don’t forget
to wire brush the cable that the clamps will be attached
to—proper cleaning will also allow for a better inspection
of the equipment, and may reveal damage that would have
previously gone unnoticed.
Cable Jackets. Cable can also be purchased with colored jackets
or clear. Colored jackets, such as yellow, can offer better
visibility of the ground set and a clear jacket provide better
visibility to the copper
Wire brushing should occur
stranding within,
before and after use to remove
making damage
dirt and corrosion.
inspection easier.
Ground cables are
Regular Cleaning and Storage
When sending grounds for recertification or repair, a
professional facility such as Hi-Line Utility Supply will take the
time to remove all corrosion and dirt from the ground set.
Continues on next page
Are your grounds and jumpers properly cared for,
maintained, and certified?
Hi-Line Utility Supply, a division of WESCO Distribution, Inc, has been a provider of
tools, equipment, and services for the Electrical Industry since 1960. Hi-Line’s two full
service testing labs in Illinois and Massachusetts, refurbish over 22,000 grounds and
jumpers per year, and test over 250,000 rubber gloves, sleeves, blankets, line hose,
hoods and boots each year. Hi-Line also offers tool repair and fiberglass restoration.
For additional information on Hi-Line’s Custom Grounds/Jumpers and Refinishing
Services, please contact Hi-Line’s Customer Service Team at (800) 323-6606 or via
email at [email protected].
For more information, complete the form at | WESCO Utility Solutions Magazine
Continued from previous page
The set will look brand new and provide peak performance.
When storing ground sets, keep them in a protective ground
set bag. As with all safety equipment, care should also be
taken to ensure sets are stored in a temperature-controlled
environment, out of direct sunlight and high humidity.
Daily Inspections
Inspection of clamps, cables, support studs, shrink tubing,
and ferrules to ensure there is no structural damage should
occur before each use. Clamps should be free of loose
parts, sharp edges, splits, cracks, and should be able to be
operated smoothly by hand (see ASTM F855-09, 10, 23, 36).
Carefully inspect the area where the cable meets the ferrule
for any breakage. Then begin inspecting the cable jacket for
any corrosion (indicated by swollen or soft spots), flattened
or smashed sections, or any cuts or breakage in the cable
jacket. Any damaged ground set should be taken out of
use and sent for repair and recertification. While damage
can sometimes be easily identified, regular wear and
tear, extreme voltage, and moisture can all cause unseen
damage. For this reason, an industry best practice is to
establish planned repair and recertification intervals based
on the type and frequency of work.
Maintenance and Recertification
Broken and damaged grounds should be sent in for repair
and recertification. It is highly recommended that ground
sets without seemingly obvious structural damage also
be sent to a certified test lab, such as Hi-Line, for regular
recertification. Certified test labs completely disassemble
and clean each component, including ferrules, clamps, and
cable, and each are tested separately per ASTM standards. Any
necessary repairs or replacement parts are made as the device
is being reassembled, and then the complete ground set is
tested. Once the ground set passes testing, it is then labeled
with test dates and due dates for recertification, which will keep
crews in the loop about upcoming test interval expiration dates.
The complexity of the recertification and repair process requires
highly skilled and experienced personnel, and the industry trend
is moving toward having an experienced testing laboratory, such
as Hi-Line, complete these processes. Hi-Line Utility Supply tests
and refurbishes over 22,000 grounds and jumpers per year, and
also provides all required testing documentation including the
additional certifications needed by most wind farms.
Proper grounding will keep you compliant, and will also ensure
that you remain safe while working on the line. Remember, a
line that is de-energized can easily become energized in the
blink of an eye, so stay safe and safely grounded at all times,
and remember,
Leaving Luck Off the Line:
Top Ten Safety Practices
By Katherine Aiardo
Skipping the simple steps of safety is like leaning on your luck.
How much is your extra time worth? According to the Census
of Fatal Occupational Injuries, 2011 alone, there were 60
transmission and distribution fatalities in the United States.
These are the very realities that are faced in the field every
day, but the time that you take for safety can reduce the risk of
an accident.
Keep Yourself Grounded
Grounding cables and jumpers should be
inspected daily to ensure that they are free
from structural defects. Clamps should be
free of sharp edges, splits, cracks and should be able to be
operated smoothly by hand with no loose parts (see ASTM
F855-09, 10.1-10.5, 23.1-23.2, 36.1-36.2). Special care should
be taken to ensure that the grounding cable is not breaking
or that the shrink tubing is not weakened and broken where
Reviewing your company’s Safe Work Practices should always
it meets the clamp. When having new ground sets built, the
be the first step in your Daily Safety Ritual. This will take you
use of clear grounding cable offers an easy
through every step on how to complete a
inspection of cable strands and making
job safely and efficiently from start to finish
Luck has a way of
inspections easier. Any ground set with
and will be specifically geared to each task.
suspected damage should be taken out of
In addition to following these practices, let’s
use and sent in for cleaning, inspection,
walk through ten additional steps to guide
Brandon Mull, Keys to the Demon Prison recertification, and repair.
you safely through your day.
Continues on page 13
WESCO Utility Solutions Magazine | For more information, complete the form at
The CRS Splice
The new CRS Splice combines
user-friendly features with advanced
materials, including a synthetic
corrosion inhibitor suitable for any
environment. Whether splicing on a
sunny day, or a dark rainy night, the
pop-up tab informs the lineman that the
conductor has been properly inserted.
■ Pop-up tab shows proper insertion in both a visual and tactile form
■ Industry leader in corrosion protection for severe environments
■ Rated to hold a minimum of 95% of RBS of the conductor used
■ ANSI C119.4: Full Tension Class 1 connector, and High Current Class A
■ Available in sizes #4 to 795 kcmil
To see the CRS in action,
use the QR code here or
go to the MacLean Power
page on YouTube.
■ Manufactured in the USA
■ RUS listed
For more information, complete the form at | WESCO Utility Solutions Magazine
A Zepolla Innovations Product
UtiliShelf® is a magnetic,
portable work desk that
can be used in a variety of
applications. UtiliShelf will
attach to any metal surface
as long as it is 16-gauge or
higher, providing a safe,
hands-free work area.
UtiliShelf has low technical
and integration risks and
low testing, training, and
supportability impacts,
making it ideal to deploy in
the field on demand.
Stocked Exclusively at WESCO
WESCO Utility Solutions Magazine | For more information, complete the form at
Continued from page 10
Cleaning of Rubber Goods
Water and dirt are both enemies to electrical
line workers because both conduct electricity.
Daily contact with oils, greases, and petroleumbased products can weaken rubber, and reduce its protective
properties. Cleaning should occur regularly, and can be done
with wipes or cleaners formulated for use on rubber. Mild
soap and water can be used, but ensure enough drying time is
allowed before using or storing. Gloves should be dried with
fingers up to avoid water pooling inside.
Daily Inspection of Rubber Goods
Per ASTM standards, rubber goods should be
visually inspected before every use (See ASTM
F496-08, F479-06, F478-06). When beginning
your inspection, check for a current test date. If a valid date
stamp is present, continue on to a visual inspection of the
rubber. Inflating gloves with a field inflator can make this
process easier, or a field inflation tool can be used to loosely
roll the rubber. Make sure the inside and outside is inspected
and also inspect between glove fingers. You will be looking for
scratches, punctures, chemical blooms or swelling, hard spots,
cracking and dry rot (ASTM F1236-96, 7). Electrical current
can pass through weak spots in rubber and cause harm to
the user. For this reason, if rubber is expired or any damage is
suspected, the rubber should be taken out of use and should
be sent in for re-certification by a “Nail for PET” accredited test
lab, like Hi-Line Utility Supply.
Wear and Care for your FR
of wear, including holes, tears, or wear spots. Any damage
should result in the PPE being removed from use.
100% Continuous Fall Protection
The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics listed “Falls”
as one of the four most fatal injuries in the
workplace. OSHA standards require the use
of a fall arrest system if there is any risk that a worker may
fall from an elevated position, defined as six feet or more
(OSHA 1926.959). Before each use, fall protection should be
thoroughly inspected. On belts, going from one end to the
other, roll the belt in a U-shape, and inspect for cracking,
fraying, pulled or frayed stitches, cuts, chemical damage,
or burns. Hardware, locking snaps, and buckles should be
checked for any cracking, wear, binding, and bending. Rivets
should be flat against the material, not bent, which will cause
them to fail. Lubricate snaps at least once a week to maintain
smooth operation. Ropes and lanyards should be checked for
fraying and cuts. Any variation in diameter of the rope, color,
or texture should result in the removal of this fall protection
from use.
Proper Cleaning of Fiberglass
Just like with other PPE, fiberglass should
be kept clean and dry to reduce electric
conductivity. Fiberglass tools and hotsticks
can become electrically unsafe due to dampness, surface dirt
and a loss of surface glossiness. Daily cleaning of hotsticks
is required per OSHA standards (see OSHA 1926.951(d)(2)).
Specially designed hotstick wipes not only clean, but are often
infused with silicone to give the stick a water repellent coating.
Waxing fiberglass, as needed to maintain a glossy surface, is
recommended in order for water to bead off of the surface
and creates a protective barrier from dirt (IEEE 978-1984, 5.5).
Clean and waxed fiberglass is also easier to inspect for surface
In the event of an arc incident, it takes only
3 seconds to receive third degree burns. Arc
flash clothing is designed to provide protection in the event of
exposure to heat and flame. PPE should be worn in according
to your company’s safe work practices and is designed to give
Daily Inspections of Fiberglass
you additional time to escape a 2nd explosion, plus minimize
Fiberglass inspection should occur before every
the severity of a burn injury. Arc flash clothing is designed
use. The external surface of the fiberglass
to not ignite, burn, and melt like ordinary clothing that is
should be free of abrasions, scratches,
typically made of synthetic fibers which often melts into the
blemishes, and surface defects
skin, causing more extensive
injuries. To care for your arc flash Luck has a peculiar habit of favoring (see ASTM F711-02, 8.1). If any
damage is present, OSHA requires
clothing, make sure you read
those who don’t depend on it.
the fiberglass to be removed from
manufacturer care instructions
A Wise Man
use and examined and tested
before use, and keep track of
before further use. A fiberglass
how old it is. As with other forms
such as Hi-Line Utility Supply,
of PPE, arc flash clothing should be kept clean, because dirt
test fiberglass, in addition
and oils can reduce the level of protection in the event of an
repairs. Proper testing
accident. Wash clothing on a gentle wash cycle, without the
volts per foot
use of bleaches. Keeping five sets of arc protection (one for
each day of the week) will allow you to clean each piece once
tools are also required to be removed from service every 2
a week and will prolong the life of the gear. Each cleaning will
years for full recertification, even if no damage is suspected
reduce the protective properties of PPE. When not in use, arc
flash gear should be hung or loosely folded in a protective bag.
Before use, arc flash clothing should be inspected for any signs
Continues on page 15
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Building Customer Relationships
Drop by Drop
When Kansas City Board of Public
Utilities (KC BPU) installed a water and
electric AMI system in 2013, utility
managers had the community in mind.
Along with improving service and
reliability, they hoped to empower
customers to be wiser energy and
water consumers. That goal prompted
Water Department staff to make
residential leak detection a priority.
by phone, they’ll gladly guide the
customer in the hunt for the household
water problem.
To that end, the Water Department
team began running a daily leak report
that identified service connections
with at least 25.2 cubic feet or 188.5
gallons of water passing through the
meter continuously for a minimum of
24 hours.
Or, if the interval data reveal a larger
leak that might indicate a burst pipe, a
troubleshooter may be dispatched even
if utility staff can’t reach the property
For example, a lot of water – and
money – will uselessly wash down
the drain if the toilet flushingmechanism’s chain gets stuck beneath
the flapper. That could easily amount
to a residential water bill of $1,000 or
more per month. Since KC BPU doesn’t
adjust bills that reflect leaks within the
customers’ premises, those high bills
become the customer’s burden.
Wasted water also impacts the price
of service KC BPU delivers because
water processing and pumps consume
as much as 12 percent of electricity
generated. That means plugging
residential leaks saves money for the
utility and its customers alike.
Solution: EnergyAxis boosts
insight and service
With Elster’s EnergyAxis metering
system, KC BPU gets hourly readings of
residential water consumption every
day, which allows
the utility to run a
leak-detection report
and quickly notify
customers of suspected leak activity.
When utility staffers reach a customer
Often, utility staffers are on the line
when the customer finds the leaking
toilet or running faucet. If the property
owner needs assistance, the Water
Department sends out a troubleshooter
at no cost to the customer.
When that happens, field crews turn
off the water service and leave a door
hanger explaining why water was shut
off. When the customer arrives home,
he or she will find a notice with an
invitation to call the Water Department
for additional information or assistance.
Gratitude flows
Molly Sharp, the AMI water analyst
who runs the daily leak-detection
report and calls customers says almost
everyone she reaches has the same
response: surprise, then gratitude. One
woman she called was out of town,
so Sharp sent a troubleshooter to the
residence and found a sprinkler running
amid standing water. The customer was
delighted when Sharp called back to let
her know the Water Department had
shut off the water hose in the soggy
back yard.
Sharp also calls landlords about
excessive water use at their properties.
One made a point of calling her back
The great thing about this program is it shows
customers we really do have their best interests
at heart. It helps us build trust.
WESCO Utility Solutions Magazine | For more information, complete the form at
Continued from page 13
to let her know how grateful he was for the leak alert. He’d found
out that an angry tenant had let the faucet run for four days.
Ronald Roy, KC BPU’s superintendent of water meters, points out
that these leaks are being found within a day or two of when the
water starts running. “In the past, we had people reading those
meters once a month. Sometimes, we had to rely on an estimate,
so the customer could go two or three months before the leak was
noticed,” he says. “Now we’re catching these leaks within 48 to 72
hours and notifying the customer immediately.”
Benefit: Savings on tap
Between the leak-alert’s program launch in September 2013 and
April 2015, more than 1,500 customers – or 2.6 percent of the
utility’s 56,000 households served – had received a money-saving
call from KC BPU. The interval data indicated that some 80 percent
of those calls reflected a leaking toilet, something customers could
easily fix, and did so quickly. Often, customers contacted about the
leak fell off the daily leak report the day after the utility’s call.
Initially, three to five customer leak alerts showed up on the report
each day. Twenty months after the reports debut, that number had
fallen to two or three leak alerts each week.
Bad weather, however, can make the leak detection tool busier
and far more valuable for KC BPU and its customers. After an
extended period of frigid, single-digit weather, the alerts rose
from three notifications per day to 43 alerts in one day when the
temperature started to climb. Most of those leaks turned out to be
freeze-damaged pipes at vacant residences, which means Water
Department field crews saved customers thousands of dollars when
they shut the water off. This also spared many property owners
expense and hassles from extensive water damage.
Looking ahead, KC BPU staff members expect to fine tune reports
to catch even smaller leaks on residential water service hook-ups.
The utility also is developing a report and process for reaching out
to commercial customers as well.
Kansas City BPU is only one of a number of utilities actively
exploiting the near-real time water meter data collected by their
Elster EnergyAxis AMI systems.
Leak detection and notification is a popular customer service
feature that can also help catch water theft. To learn more about
Elster electricity, water and gas AMI solutions, contact
[email protected].
Have Your Gas Meters
Regularly Tested and
Gas meters should regularly
be bump tested and calibrated to ensure that
they are functioning correctly. During the life
of a testing meter there are several reasons
“calibration drift” can occur, including natural
chemical degradation and electronic component
drift, exposure to high levels of airborne particles,
extreme temperatures or humidity conditions
(both high and low), and regular exposure to
vapors and gases. The International Safety
Equipment Association (ISEA) states, “A bump test
Luck is what you have left
over after you give 100%.
Dr. L. Trey Coleman,
President of the University of Nebraska
or full calibration of direct-reading portable gas
monitors should be made before each day’s use
in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions,
using an appropriate test gas.” Equipment
should be calibrated and bump tested in line with
manufacturer’s guidelines (OSHA SHIB 05-042004). A bump test verifies calibration through
exposure to a known concentration of test gas,
then comparing the reading to the actual amount
of gas present. If levels are within an acceptable
tolerance range, then the meter passes the bump
test. If a gas detection device fails a bump test,
it should be sent in for full calibration. A yearly,
professional, recalibration recommended on these
Eye and Head Protection
According to the United States
Department of Labor, thousands of
people are blinded each year from
Work-related eye injuries. The American National
Standards Institute states that eye protection
must suitably protect against workplace hazards,
fit properly and be reasonably comfortable to
wear, in addition to being durable and cleanable.
Additionally, eye protection should provide
unrestricted vision, movement, and functioning of
any other required PPE (ANSI Z87.1-1989). Factors
like heat, humidity, and human exertion can
create lens fogging at any time, also restricting
vision. Temporary layers of anti-fog can be easily
applied with a anti fogging cloth and can resolve
the safety risks associated with fogged protective
wear. Fogging is the main reason why protective
Continues on page 17
For more information, complete the form at | WESCO Utility Solutions Magazine
San Luis Obispo
Goes Green
Founded in 1772 during the Spanish empire expansion with
the establishment of the Mission San Luis Obispo de Tolosa,
San Luis Obispo is one of the oldest communities in California.
Nestled up against the Santa Lucia Mountains in the beautiful
California central coastal region, San Luis Obispo boasts an
eclectic mix of attractions and activities that appeal to tourists
and residents alike. With so much to offer, San Luis Obispo
provides a way of life that has also brought the town the
distinction of being named the “Happiest City in America” by
researcher and author Dan Buettner.
While the City takes great pride in their heritage, they also
believe strongly in the importance of looking forward and
preserving the environment for future generations. In July
2012, the San Luis Obispo City Council adopted their awardwinning Climate Action Plan (CAP) with strategies to reduce
community-wide greenhouse gas emissions in accordance with
the California Global Warming Solutions Act (AB 32), new Title
24 Energy Efficient Standards and CALGreen Building Standards.
As part of the CAP, the City participated in local utility Pacific
With LED
provided $150,000 in PG&E rebates. With funding in place, San
Luis Obispo city engineers began looking for the solution best
able to help meet their targets — a search that led them to
Cree, an industry leader in LED lighting.
According to City Engineer Barbara Lynch, “The city had
adopted their Climate Action Plan, so our goal was to
reduce energy usage. Upgrading the street lights was a
natural evolution of the energy-saving move. LEDs have low
maintenance and long life to them, which is always helpful
when you are talking about impacts to staff and workloads.”
Lynch adds: “The other thing we looked to was the Los
Angeles testing.” In 2009, the City of Los Angeles began a
massive project to upgrade their street lighting system — the
second largest in the country — with LED technology. Cree
met or exceeded the expected performance, cost savings and
sustainability goals of that project and made the short list of
approved LED fixtures for “cobra head” street lights, with an
The City of San Luis Obispo continues to move forward with their Climate Action Plan by upgrading their
existing high pressure sodium street lights to LED lighting, achieving exceptional savings in maintenance and
energy consumption while also dramatically improving visibility for drivers and pedestrians alike.
Gas & Electric Company’s LED Streetlight Turnkey program to
upgrade existing street lights with energy-efficient LED street
lighting. According to Tom Lorish, Senior Customer Relationship
Manager with PG&E, “This program provides the City with
a one-stop-shop project while offering utility incentives for
street lights that can make a significant impact on the installed
cost of the project. The goal of the program is to implement
energy-saving projects, with money saved from reduced energy
consumption and operational maintenance costs going towards
covering the project financing costs.”
The Turnkey project helped the City of San Luis Obispo obtain
funding through a California Energy Commission grant and
estimated 140,000 fixtures being installed in LA over the next
four years. As Lynch confirms, “If you weren’t part of the Los
Angeles project, you weren’t anywhere on our list. We want to
invest in a fixture that’s going to be high quality, that’s going
to last, is easy to maintain, and provides the light we want. We
want value for our money.”
As a result, San Luis Obispo upgraded almost the entire city
with 2,165 Cree® XSP Series LED street lights. As Tom Lorish of
PG&E states, “At the time we put the project together, the XSP
Series was the new jump in performance, both from a technical
perspective and a price performance perspective.” Cree’s XSP
Series delivers up to 100 lumens per watt and up to double
WESCO Utility Solutions Magazine | For more information, complete the form at
Top Ten, continued from page 15
eyewear is not worn in the workplace, and can
lead to potential OSHA fines for non-compliance.
Furthermore, OSHA requires the use of a
protective helmet, designed to reduce electrical
shock hazard when near exposed electrical
conductors and when working in areas where
there is a potential for injury to the head from
falling objects or impact (OSHA 1910.135(a)
(1) 1910.135(a)(2)). Proper head gear should
fit appropriately, and should not slip, fall off, or
irritate the wearer. A correctly fitting hardhat
will also allow clearance between its shell and
suspension system, allowing for distribution in
the event of impact and also ventilation.
Proper Storage –
Protect What Protects
the lumens per dollar of previous generations of LED street lights.
Beyond these substantial savings in energy consumption and cost, the
XSP Series offers better optical control with the NanoOptic® Precision
Delivery Grid™ optic, delivering light where the town wants it, not
where they don’t.
With the XSP Series upgrade, the City anticipates a reduction in annual
energy usage in excess of 750,000 kilowatts while also eliminating 395,000
pounds of greenhouse gas each year. Lynch says: “According to our initial
estimate, the upgrade would reduce the city’s electric bill by about twothirds. We were spending about $150,000 a year on electricity, and we
would reduce it by around $100,000. We use that to pay off our CEC loans
for 8 or 9 years, and that savings will return to the city after.”
When asked for additional reasons why San Luis Obispo chose Cree as their
LED lighting solution, Lynch responded: “It’s about my maintenance staff.
It’s what they like, what’s workable for them. What appears to be a quality
fixture.” The XSP Series also features the same aesthetics as a traditional
cobra head luminaire, making it easier to upgrade incumbent technologies.
As to another benefit of the Cree solution, Lynch adds: “Ease of
installation. It wasn’t too heavy. Some of the fixtures were really heavy,
and if you’re up in a bucket and trying to wrestle the thing up there... we
have to be watchful of that. Keeping the weight down so one man can lift
the fixture without injuring his back is pretty important.” Cree proved to
be the right choice as the City estimates that upgrading to LED will reduce
maintenance and service costs by 60 percent annually — with fewer
replacements and truck runs, less fuel, and reduced overhead.
The combination of outstanding illumination, lasting performance
and optimum energy efficiency provided by Cree LED lighting allows
municipalities to focus their resources where it matters most. And for
San Luis Obispo, that means continuing to keep residents happy while
contributing positively to the well-being of the planet.
To learn more about street and roadway lighting from Cree, please visit
Proper storage is key in
prolonging equipment life, reducing replacement
costs, and most importantly, guards safety
equipment from the type of damage that
reduces its protective properties. All equipment
should be stored only when clean, in a
temperature-controlled environment. Often
times, the equipment needed most is tossed
on a dashboard in direct sunlight or just in the
back of a truck- it is these types of practices that
cause seen and unseen damage. For example,
fiberglass hotsticks should be cleaned after
use and kept in hotstick bags. Rubber goods
should be kept in canvas bags or tubes, and
should never be folded to fit in their containers,
as this could cause weak points in the rubber.
Rubber gloves should be clean then stored,
fingers up, with protectors removed, and both
gloves and sleeves should also be hung up for
storage (ASTM F496-8 section 8, 8.6 and F47809, section 8, 11.4). Gas meters and voltage
detectors should be kept in protective cases
when not in use, as improper handling can affect
Follow the ten tips presented here and
your company’s Safe Work Practices
to leave luck off the line.
electronic components and circuitry, leading to
incorrect readings.
For more information about anything you have
read here, contact Hi-Line Utility Supply at
(800) 323-6606 or [email protected].
For more information, complete the form at | WESCO Utility Solutions Magazine
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The Appleton and Emerson logos are registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
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Bring LED simplicity and reliability to the entire facility. Compact and easy to install,
Appleton Viamaster™ LED luminaires fit the same footprint as previous Appleton
fluorescent fixtures. They perform for at least 60,000 hours with no relamping. And
they deliver more lumens per watt compared to fluorescent luminaires – year after year.
Save installation, maintenance and energy costs with Viamaster LED – the newest
addition to our family of LED luminaires for your whole facility.
For product information: | 1.800.621.1506
WESCO Utility Solutions Magazine | For more information, complete the form at
Five Cool Reasons
to Choose Cold Shrink
While heat shrink tubing is still an option, here are five good reasons to consider cold shrink
cable accessory products for splicing, terminating, or sealing medium voltage cables.
Cold shrink cable accessory kits (terminations and splices) are designed with
minimal parts and fewer installation steps, which help minimize the chance of
errors and reduce the overall installation time. Compare the following average
installation times1:
Cold Shrink – 01:32 minutes
Heat Shrink – 10:52 minutes
Cold Shrink – 15:29 minutes
Heat Shrink – 45:52 minutes
In both instances, cold shrink cable accessories greatly reduce the amount of
time it takes experienced installers to perform their work, which can potentially
translate to valuable cost savings.
No special tools or heat sources are necessary for cold shrink cable accessory
products making them easier to install in tight places and challenging
environments. The installation is as simple as an experienced field technician
sliding a cold shrink cable accessory over the connection and unwinding the
plastic core by hand.
No Heat Source Required
Heat shrink tubing installations can require the total shut down of a power
facility to protect workers from the danger of a possible explosion due to
combustible gases. Plus, the use of a torch often requires a hot work permit
resulting in additional cost and time lost. Cold shrink tubing installations, on the
other hand, don’t require a special work permit or extra tools.
With fewer steps and tools, cold shrink cable accessory products are designed to
provide consistency, which helps increase the reliability2 of the installation.
Cold shrink cable accessories use elastomeric bonding to stretch and shrink back
onto medium voltage cable. The constant inward, elastic pressure on the cable
creates a “living seal” that protects it from the environment and helps improve
its electrical performance. Heat shrink tubing relies on flame-torch sealing,
which needs to be applied evenly all around the cable accessory in order to
provide consistent pressure around the cable.
Invented by 3M in 1968, Cold Shrink
technology has grown in popularity
and is now a leading industry trend
around the world. Using elastomeric
bonding, 3MTM Cold Shrink Tubing
offers fast, simple and safe
installations, while helping improve
the performance of medium voltage
cables. Plus, it’s designed to withstand
harsh environments and extreme
cable cycles.
3M Cold Shrink cable accessory
products are backed by a global team
of tech support experts and supply
specialists. They’re made with the
same level of care and craft of all
3M products and undergo rigorous
testing, including field-proven
performance. Already in wide use
around the world, 3M Cold Shrink
cable accessories meet or exceed the
standards set by IEEE, IEC, CENELEC
and GB.
Learn more cool reasons to switch at
3M data is based on seasoned professionals and may not be indicative of every individual’s experience with cold and heat shrink product installations.
In a 2013 study held by 3M, 3M Cold Shrink molded joints produced low (0.067%) failure rates, while 3M Cold Shrink terminations came in at an even lower
(.022%) failure rates.
For more information, complete the form at | WESCO Utility Solutions Magazine
A Century-old
Wish is Granted
Linemen have been tapping utility lines since the birth of the grid over
a hundred years ago. Attempts to solve this issue have resulted in
hundreds of different connection types over the years. Parallel groove
clamps, which are safe, reliable, and easy to install, have become an
industry standard for mechanical tapping of utility lines.
Every lineman has probably wished for a third hand to hold the tap
conductor in place when installing a parallel groove clamp. As utility
companies and their workers are continuously asked to do more with
less and get it done faster, any advances in efficiency are welcome.
With increased expectations from the public during storm
restorations, utilities are looking for solutions that quickly restore
power in a safe, reliable, and cost-effective way.
Fortunately, overhead line tapping just got FAST!
The BURNDY® FASTAP™ connector with Lineman Assist™ has added
novel features to a tried and true connector technology improving
safety, reliability, as well as ease and speed of installation.
FASTAP™ introduces four unique features to the standard parallel
groove clamp: spring loaded Lineman Assist™, duckbill handles,
conductor side entry capability, and a visual indicator notifying
the operator if the connector has been over torqued. These four
features work in concert to improve the installation speed, safety, and
reliability of the connection.
The installation begins when the lineman squeezes the duckbill
handle to allow the tap conductor to be side loaded into the
connector. This side entry feature enables faster insertion of the tap
conductor without removing any of the prefilled oxide inhibitor that
is necessary for a reliable connection. The innovative spring assist
then acts as a third hand by providing a constant force on the tap
conductor and securing it. Using the duckbill as a guide, the lineman
then snaps FASTAP™ onto the run conductor, tightens, and the
connection is complete. The entire process takes only seconds.
Cold Snap? BURNDY® FASTAP™ provides a safe
and reliable tap solution that is literally a snap to
The FASTAP™ duckbill design allows linemen to easily handle the
connector with dielectric gloves in cold, wet, and icy environments.
Add in the Lineman Assist™ feature and the linemen can now
focus on getting the lights back on and not worry about the
conductor falling out prior to tightening.
Scan the code at left to watch a
video about The BURNDY® FASTAP™
connector with Lineman Assist™ and
ask your WESCO Sales Representative
for more information.
WESCO Utility Solutions Magazine | For more information, complete the form at
ABB reclosers. Featuring multiple controller options
to meet the growing demands of power distribution.
ABB reclosers have over 15 years of proven field performance incorporating innovative technology and unique ABB know-how. Integrating ABB reclosers is simple as
they can accommodate any grid modernization application with multiple controller
options, including the PCD, RER620 and SEL-615R. With advanced HCEP material,
the highest creep distance, and the most accurate embedded sensors in the market,
ABB reclosers provide unparalleled reliability. ABB reclosers are designed for simpler, faster and safer maintenance as all of the electronics are located in the control
cabinet, eliminating the need for a bucket truck to isolate potentials to service electronics.
ABB Inc.
Tel. +1 407 732 2000
E-mail: [email protected]
For more information, complete the form at | WESCO Utility Solutions Magazine
Visit today to learn more
about our electrical grounding, bonding,
and connectivity solutions for electrical
installation and protection applications
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WESCO Utility Solutions Magazine | For more information, complete the form at
A New Angle on Access
For Better Hand Placement at the Beginning of Your Cut
The Pivot Handle Cable Cutter from H.K. Porter provides superior access in narrow
spaces like trenches, transformer vaults, and manholes because of its unique folding
handle. It allows you to get the cutting head into places that would be impossible with
standard cable cutters and lets you position your body for the best leverage no matter
where you are cutting.
The induction-hardened cutting edges can cut up to 500 MCM copper, 750 MCM
aluminum, and 1-3/8” communications cable while providing extended blade life. The
heavy-duty clevis design of the handle pivot adds strength and protects the ratchet
mechanism. The Pivot Handle Cable Cutter is made in the USA.
Available in 21” (1890FCSR) and 25” (0290FCSR) inch models.
Learn more!
New H.K. Porter Pivot Handle
21” & 25” Cable Cutters
For more information, complete the form at | WESCO Utility Solutions Magazine
WESCO Utility Solutions Magazine | For more information, complete the form at
A Safe Insect Repellent for
Flame Resistant (FR) Clothing
Everyone in the Utility industry
understands the importance of
Flame Resistant (FR) clothing and the
protection it provides during an arc
flash. What may not be as well known:
some insect repellents compromise the
integrity of FR clothing.
Traditional insect repellents contain
DEET, which is very effective at
repelling insects. However, DEET is
highly flammable and can negate the
protective properties of FR clothing
by actually making the garment
flammable. Insect repellents containing
DEET should never be applied to FR
clothing. The good news is, if DEETcontaining insect repellent is accidently
applied to FR Clothing, it can be
removed through regular washing. But
then the question remains, what insect
repellent is safe to use on FR Clothing?
clothing (garment
on the left) versus
FR Clothing treated
with CRC Insect
Repellent (garment
on the right).
Permethrin vs. DEET
Permethrin is a water-based insect
repellent that has been shown not to
have an adverse effect on the flame
resistance of FR Clothing. Permethrin
is a human-made synthetic pyrethroid
that not only repels insects, but also
works as a contact insecticide, causing
nervous system toxicity that leads
to the death or “knockdown” of the
insect. The chemical is effective against
mosquitoes, flies, ticks, and other
flying insects. CRC has developed and
tested an insect repellent based on
Permethrin called Flame Resistant
Clothing Insect Repellent.
ASTM Testing
Working with a leading manufacturer
of FR Clothing, testing for CRC’s
product was performed at Kinetrics
Laboratory in Toronto, Ontario.
The flash arc test was conducted
according to ASTM F2621-06: Standard
Practice for Determining Response
Characteristics and Design Integrity
of Arc Rate Finished Products in an
Electric Arc Exposure.
Aerosol versus Pump Sprays
Through field testing, CRC has
determined that an aerosol can is
the best delivery system to apply
insect repellents. The easy-to-spray
button leaves uniform coverage on the
garments, which allows total protection
for the end user. Use of pump sprays
tends to leave uneven coverage on the
clothing leading to untreated areas.
Because the repellent binds to the
fabric, one treatment lasts 2 weeks or
up to 6 washings. (Yes, it actually lasts
through washings.) One 8 oz. aerosol
can will treat 2 complete FR
Clothing outfits: shirt, trousers
and socks.
How to order
For further information
on FR Clothing, please
consult one of the many
manufacturers of these
products. For further
information on CRC FR
Clothing Insect Repellent,
contact your WESCO Sales
Representative or visit
For more information, complete the form at | WESCO Utility Solutions Magazine
Work Safer With Personal
Lighting Products Made
in the USA
V I Z Z ® I I Intrinsically Safe
VIZZ-II WESCO-SIM# 79562602007
150 Lumens
1 Maxbright LED (Regulated)
4 White Ultrabright LEDs
72 Hours
3 AAA Alkaline (Included) or Lithium
105g With Batteries
Intrinsically Safe Apparatus Princeton Tec
Vizz II for use in hazardous locations only
as to intrinsic safety classes I, II, III; Divisions
1&2; Groups A-G; Temp Code: -20c to 40c. (T4)
Adjustable rubber strap secures
easily to hard hats
LEAGUE ® II Intrinsically Safe
150 Lumens
1 Maxbright LED
10 Hours
3 AA Alkaline (Included)
203g With Batteries
Intrinsically Safe Apparatus Princeton Tec
League II for use in hazardous locations only
as to intrinsic safety classes I, II, III; Divisions
1&2; Groups A-G; Temp Code: -20ºc to 34ºc. (T3)
LG2-NY WESCO-SIM# 79562602260
LG2-BK WESCO-SIM# 79562602259
12º angled head for neutral wrist
WESCO Utility Solutions Magazine | For more information, complete the form at
Compact Design for
Increased Connection
The transformer’s role in electrical distribution is regulation
of voltage as electricity flows from the power source to the
load, which is what consumes electrical energy. Electricity
is delivered in the form of single-phase alternating current
(AC) for residential applications and three-phase AC for both
commercial and network systems for large buildings, such as
airports, hospitals, data centers and arenas, as well as entire
city blocks. Voltage is a unit of measure for potential force
in AC.
Among transformer connector suppliers is Thomas & Betts
(T&B), a Member of the ABB Group, which includes Homac®
connectors in its catalog. The Homac® brand has been an
industry leader in transformer connectors with more than 50
years of experience and the widest product portfolio in the
industry. The Homac® line includes custom product solutions
developed to address specific customer applications and
needs, and offers in-house polyvinylchloride (PVC) and rubber
molding expertise for insulating connectors.
Connectors are available specifically for use with transformer
conductors but available space for making connections
inside cabinets is limited. As energy demands increase,
these confined spaces nevertheless must accommodate an
increasing number of conductors, while maintaining optimal
clearance to ensure the continued safety of utility workers.
In response to the demand for connectors that offer safe
and easy installation in confined transformer enclosures, the
Homac® portfolio offers solutions for single-phase, threephase and network applications. Included in the product
solutions developed as part of the Homac® brand are unique
features that reduce installation time, increase safety and
save space.
ABK™ and ZBK™ Series
Flood-Seal® FS 175 Series
Among the innovative products in the
Homac® line is the Zeebar® design, a
staggered “Z” configuration that doubles
cable capacity and improves clearance,
resulting in the equivalent of two back-toback connectors in one. The design also
provides for a more compact fitment of
the cables closer to the transformer wall,
which reduces cantilever stress on the
bushings and minimizes interference with
any high-voltage cables.
ABK Series aluminum transformer spade
connectors are designed for three-phase,
pad-mounted transformers, and feature
dual-rated, standard NEMA bolt hole
spacing. No crimping tools or dies are
needed, which reduces installation time.
In applications where there are large
conductors that must be bent in confined
areas, an upgrade to ABK Series aluminum
lay-in transformer spade connectors
will improve safety and provide quick
disconnection. For transformer connectors
with Zeebar® design, T&B offers the
Homac® ZBK™ Series of aluminum lay-in
transformer spade connectors to allow
installers to maximize clearances and
reduce risk of injury.
The Homac® portfolio also offers the
Flood-Seal® FS 175 Series clamp-on style
transformer and network protection
connectors. In addition to compact design
for confined vault and manhole spaces,
the Flood-Seal® 175 Series connectors
feature convenient multi-tap connections,
as well as a clamp-style base that provides
3¼ inches of stud contact and eliminates
the need for a jam nut. For a watertight
connection between the cable and
the connector, a Flood-Seal® rocket is
Single-phase, stud-mounted Zeebar®
connectors are available insulated (ZVW
series) and non-insulated (Z series), with
optional stud configuration for studspecific applications or universal ⅝-inch
and 1-inch applications.
Homac® Transformer connectors are designed to ensure sufficient operating
clearance, accommodate load growth within existing available space and enable
retrofitting of older equipment without altering the surrounding infrastructure.
For additional information about Homac® products, visit
For more information, complete the form at | WESCO Utility Solutions Magazine
Hazardous and harsh/heavy industrial LED lighting
Save energy and reduce downtime!
LED lighting solutions for power generation and distribution
Eaton’s Crouse-Hinds business offers the broadest portfolio of
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Why LED?
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• LED average energy
consumption is 50% less
than HID and 85% less
than incandescent
Start/restart time
• Instant illumination
compared to 10 min
restrike time for HID
Light quality
• Higher color rendering and
color temperature
compared to HID
Environmental benefits
• LED reduces carbon
• Mercury-free
Eaton’s Crouse-Hinds
1201 Wolf Street
Syracuse, NY 13208
© 2015 Eaton
All Rights Reserved
Printed in USA
Publication No. 1507-25MD
July 2015
• Rated life of 5 to 15+
years or up to 200,000
hours* depending upon
Full portfolio of LED lighting solutions
• Turbine decks
• Boiler rooms
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• Control rooms
Champ® VMV & PVM LED
Champ® LED floodlights
High bay and targeted lighting
Equivalent HID: 70-1000W
Up to 77% reduction in energy usage
Floodlighting for interior and exterior
Equivalent HID: 100-1500W
Up to 65% reduction in energy usage
Haz•Gard® EVLL LED
Vaporgard™ LED
General and area lighting
Equivalent HID: 100-400W
Up to 62% reduction in energy usage
Task and confined space lighting
Equivalent incandescent: 100-200W
Up to 85% reduction in energy usage
Industrial high bay LED
Champ® MLL linear LED
High bay and area lighting
Equivalent HID: 250-1500W
Up to 67% reduction in energy usage
Area lighting and linear lighting
Equivalent fluorescent: 2 lamp T12-T5HO
Up to 67% reduction in energy usage
Thermal management
• Effective heat sinking
ensures longer life
Quality of light
• Custom optics designed
to maximize light
distribution and intensity
Retrofit compatibility
• LED fixtures are
compatible with CrouseHinds' HID installed base
• 5 years
* 200,000 hours based on 25°C ambient
temperature for Champ® VMV and
PVM series. Please refer to website for
additional information.
Eaton is a registered trademark.
All other trademarks are property
of their respective owners.
EV Series LED
Over 257 approved models!
Incandescent replacement lighting
Equivalent incandescent: 100-200W
Up to 85% reduction in energy usage
Eaton’s Crouse-Hinds has the most
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approved products for hazardous and
industrial areas.
WESCO Utility Solutions Magazine | For more information, complete the form at
A Total Solution for
Cold-Applied Joints
TE Connectivity has passed the torch
to make room for a complete line of
cold-applied cable accessories to splice
almost any combination of medium
voltage cables you may encounter. With
more than 40 years as the market leader
in heat-shrink cable joints, TE now offers
customers one-stop shopping for all their
splicing needs. This allows for uniform
training procedures to be implemented
and permits the installers to feel
comfortable and confident when jointing
cables. Whether you want heat-shrink
or cold-applied cable accessories, TE
products have you covered.
Cold-Applied Joints for
All Applications
TE Connectivity’s Raychem cold
shrink joints are designed to cover a
wide variety of cable types and sizes.
Solutions are available for multiple
underground applications, including
straight joints (solid dielectric), transition
joints, and disconnectable joints (I, Y or
H busbars).
The CSJA straight joint provides
everything you need to splice two cables
in a single box. The CSJA includes a
silicone body with integrated stress
control, re-jacketing sleeve and neutral
sock on a easy-to-remove spiral holdout
to provide a one-piece solution for fast
installation. The range-taking capabilities
of our cold shrink technology mean
that with only a few different kits, you
can splice cables from #2 through
1250kcmil. Include our Shearbolt
connector for a true all-in-one design.
Utilizing the same technology seen in the
CSJA, the CATJ and CATJ-T cold applied
transition joints allow you to splice PILC
cable to solid dielectric cable.
The innovative oil-seal solution provided
means that you can get reliable oil seals
without the need for a torch or resin.
The installation design is intuitive for
installers which enables a professional
install every time.
The CSJD cold shrink disconnectable
joint provides users the ability to re-enter
and disconnect legs from a straight,
wye, or H-joint. Using the CSJD in your
system means that you now have a coldapplied solution to isolate transformers,
sectionalize cables, and run multiple
taps. With the same range-taking cold
shrink technology, there is no longer
a need to worry about cable adaptors,
retaining rings, or specialized installation
tools. Now you get a 100% shielded
and jacketed solution for the first time
allowing for unmatched reliability and
For more information, complete the form at | WESCO Utility Solutions Magazine
Catastrophic Failure – every utility’s
worst nightmare.
These two words
mean lost equipment, injured personnel,
angry customers, and money down the
drain. And the easiest way to cause it?
For nearly a century, bushings have relied
on the same key ingredients: oil, paper,
and porcelain. Today’s climate has seen
a rise in vandals, miscreants, hoodlums,
and terrorists looking to do maximum
damage for minimal effort. On top of that,
poor maintenance, overuse, and human
error often mean the bushing that’s fine
today may not be fine tomorrow.
At ABB we’ve heard the horror stories and
decided to find a solution. Introducing
the all new O Plus Dry™ family of
bushings. By taking out the oil, paper,
and porcelain, we’ve minimized the
maintenance, the leaking, the exploding,
and the worry of traditional bushings.
So protect your transformers, protect
your people, and protect your customers.
WESCO Utility Solutions Magazine | For more information, complete the form at
Uniting Comfort, Safety and Durability
Salisbury has improved its line of arc flash protective face shields by introducing a premium
polycarbonate AS1200 arc flash face shield rated at 12 cal/cm2.
The premium polycarbonate face shield features a permanent anti-fog and scratch resistant
coating. Benefits of polycarbonate arc flash lenses include improved outdoor exposure and
life, increased warp resistance and improved visibility. The new lenses are available on the
Salisbury AS1200 and AS2000 line of face shields.
This new arc flash face shield provides the ultimate blend of comfort, safety and durability
and Salisbury is proud to be the first and only PPE supplier to offer this unique combination.
Visit Us at Lineman’s Rodeo
Scan the code to learn more or visit
© 2015 Honeywell International Inc.
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For more information, complete the form at | WESCO Utility Solutions Magazine
8/12/15 3:54 PM
Our Solutions Add Value
to Your Business
The Value Creation Program includes all of the value-added services offered by WESCO.
Dozens of distinct solutions in 10 categories help businesses reduce supply chain costs,
improve efficiencies, and achieve sustainability goals. These solutions offer long-term
benefits that make a positive financial impact on your business.
For more information about the solutions on this page, review the Value Creation Solution
Selector with your sales representative or request one via [email protected].
Production Support
Supply Chain Optimization
• Data Center Assessment
• Data Center Cooling System Evaluation
• Data Center Power System Evaluation
• Network Closet Assessment
• Assembly
• Cable Management
• Kitting
• Lean Labeling and 5S Signage
• Prefabricated Systems
• Process Streamlining
• Emergency and Disaster Preparedness
• Industrial Vending
• Job Trailers
• Lean Inventory
• Lean Warehousing
• Product Standardization
• Sourcing
• Storeroom Management
• Supplier Rationalization
• Transaction Cost Review
• Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI)
• Digital Transaction Services
• eCommerce
• e-Stock
• Market Site Integration
Energy and Sustainability
• Energy Audit
• Light Management
• Lighting Renovation Services
• New Construction Lighting
• Renewable Energy Assessments
• Sustainability Assessments and Planning
• Waste Mitigation and Recycling
• Water Conservation Assessments
Engineering Services
• Design and Automation Services
• Electrical Systems Maintenance
• Life Extension and Modernization
• Metering and Software Analytics
• Power Distribution Services
• Power Factor Correction
• Power Quality
• Arc Flash Assessment
• Chemical Management
• Compliance and Technical Services
• Emergency Notification System
• Harsh and Hazardous Area Assessment
• Lockout/Tagout
• Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
• Safety Labeling and Signage
• Spill and Leak Remediation Assessment
• Wiring Device Maintenance
• IP Camera Addressing
• IP Camera Advanced Configuration
• Rack and Stack
• Surveillance Server Optimization
• Application Training
• Product Training
Working Capital
• Asset Recovery and Distribution
• Integrated Supply
• Turnkey Services
Solutions with a green leaf have been
identified as those that can contribute
credits toward LEED® certification.
The four-step WESCO Value Creation process reveals opportunities for savings
and provides a structure for application and implementation of the solutions.
1. Identify Requirements
WESCO and the customer meet to build a
clear definition of customer requirements,
such as Customer Service Improvement, Cost
Reduction, Quality Improvement, Productivity
Enhancement and/or Safety Improvement.
2. Align Solutions
WESCO’s solution experts review all of the
customer’s requirements then align them
with the Value Creation solutions. WESCO and
the customer work together to prioritize the
solution options and create details for a
Search for Savings event.
3. Search for Savings
WESCO and supplier solutions experts
engage the customer team in a Search for
Savings event to identify improvement
4. Customize and Implement
WESCO and supplier solutions experts
design customized solutions to maximize
productivity and value for the customer.