Faith Defenders - Wake Forest Baptist Church
Faith Defenders - Wake Forest Baptist Church
March 2015 Inside this issue: From the Pastor’s Desk 2 Education 3 Senior News 4 Music News 5 Youth News 6 Mission News/New Members 7 Sermon Series in March Led by Dr. Bill Slater ‘Go Deeper’ in worship... Faith Defenders Children’s Musical Drama Sunday, March 15 6:30 PM Written for Wake Forest Baptist Church by our Artists-in-Residence Charles Reese & Rebecca McCoy-Reese Children’s News 8 Other News 9 Calendar 10 Birthdays/VIPs 11 Page 2 The Grapevine March 2015 From Your Pastor...From the Heart The month of March is laser focused with one purpose in mind—to allow all of us to ‘go deeper.’ I have for years wanted to preach a series on the cross. I understand what Barbara Brown Taylor says when she writes, “As awful as it is, I will tell you something more shocking: there are people who say that Good Friday means more to them than Easter does.” The unimaginable sacrifice, the picture of love, the idea that someone died for me is something I have never been able to get over and remains the ultimate picture of God’s passion for me, even unto death. For the entire month of March, our worship will focus in creative ways upon this very bedrock foundation of our faith culminating on Palm Sunday. Every Wednesday night during March, I will be teaching a series based on a book that changed my life during my recent sabbatical—The Lazarus Life. It is based on the story of Lazarus in the Bible and what we can learn from it. Remember Lazarus came back from the grave and his grave clothes were completely removed. This story captures us on multiple levels as it invites us to discern what we need to ‘take off’ and ‘remove’ in order to now go forth with a full and overflowing life. You are invited. ‘Going deeper’ won’t happen if you stay where you are but if you are one of those who wants more and trusts there is more, then put yourself in a position where God can have a chance with you. What would your life look like if you lived daily in the shadow of the cross? What would it look like if you could take off so many ‘grave clothes’ that continue to rob you of life and now come forth new and alive? I have prayed and prepared for months with anticipation of what this month can mean for those who want this in their life. I hope it includes you. I would catch a glimpse of the cross—and suddenly my heart would stand still. In an instinctive, intuitive way I understood that something more important, more tumultuous, more passionate, was at issue than our good causes, however noble they might be...I should have worn should have been my uniform, my language, my life. I shall have no excuse; I can’t say I didn’t know. I knew from the beginning, and turned away.” (Malcolm Muggeridge) The Grapevine March 2015 Page 3 EDUCATION news Dr. Jo Ann Stancil, Minister of Education and Administration, [email protected] Learning is Change On February 8, we had our annual Sunday School Teacher Training. After Skyping with the Pastor and Associate Pastor of Warrenton Baptist Church, we had a one hour teacher training event. Kathy Slater led the Preschool and Children’s Teachers, Rob James led the Youth Teachers and Keith Vaughn led the Adult Teachers. I was privileged to sit in the adult teachers’ class. On of the things that Keith shared with us during the class was the following formula: L=C K, A, B What that formula states is that Learning equals Change. Change is exhibited through Knowledge, Attitude and/or Behavior. Keith encouraged us as Sunday School teachers to teach for TRANSFORMATION! Teach for CHANGE. As I have reflected on this, I realized that that is what my theory of ministry has been for years. In fact, that is what I believe in every day of my Christian life. I not only want people around me to experience the Change/ Transformation that Christ can make in their life, but I want to continue to experience the growing, transforming life that Christ has to offer me every day. The following Wednesday night, February 11, we watched a YouTube video entitled “The Courage Leadership Requires.” Dr. Bill Hybels was the speaker. Dr. Hybels is the pastor of the Willow Creek Community Church outside of Chicago. Dr. Hybels shared principles where courage—God’s kind of courage—were absolutely necessary to be the leader God had called him to be. I was awestruck with the truth of what Dr. Hybels was saying. Dr. Hybels was giving us examples of what happens when we allow God to give us the courage to get His vision, to live His calling, and to dream His vision. In the months ahead, I believe I am going to have to use both of these formulas to be the person God wants me to be at Wake Forest Baptist. I don’t want to work off of my vision, but God’s vision for our ministry. I don’t’ want to work off of my ability, but God’s ability to do more than I could ever imagine. I don’t want to limit what this church can do by what I can do but allow Wake Forest to be all God wants it to be. This is going to take courage—God’s kind of courage. It is going to change me. I am excited about the potential. I hope those of you reading this article will pray with me that we will have the vision, the courage, the ability to change to be all God has called us to be in this day of CHANGE, God’s Way. Page 4 The Grapevine Important Dates: Senior Adult Choir March 3, 10, & 17 10:30 AM NEWS Opportunities for Fun & Fellowship: March 27: 5:30 PM Dinner & a Movie—Fellowship Hall March 2015 Opportunities of Ministry: March 24: 10:00 AM Hillside Communion March 26: 9:45 AM Carolina House Communion Senior Adults Hit the Road… Travel Opportunities For February & March A word from the Grief Recovery Group...If you are grieving the loss of a friend or family member, you’re probably facing many deep and perhaps painful emotions. Grief is not an enemy or a sign of weakness. It is a sign of being human. It is the cost of loving someone. Grief is the manner or process in which we work through the emotions and life changes that come with death of a loved one. Fortunately, we can and do heal. Grief recovery is not simply feeling better. It is the ability to find joy in life again. It is to treasure the memory of loved ones, to miss them and to live better because of the time in your life that you spent with them. During Grief Recovery Group meetings you will be able to: Acknowledge and gain a greater understanding of your grief and the grief process; Allow your grief to be recognized and shared with others who are grieving; Learn ways to cope more effectively with the stages of grief. Grief Recovery Group begins March 16 at 6:30 PM in Room 206 Alzheimer’s Support Group March 10 at 7:00 PM in Room 133 Plan to be at Wake Forest Baptist for a special meeting on ‘Planning for Frailty: Guardianships, Powers of Attorney, and Advance Directives.’ Our speaker is J. Greg Wallace who has been practicing law in NC since 1973. He has taught at the Naval Academy, served as Assistant Attorney General for NC, and Clerk of the Supreme Court of NC for 10 years. Mr. Wallace is a partner in the Monroe Wallace Law Firm. His practice focuses on Elder Law; coordinating planning for long-term care and financing, physical or mental incapacity, advance directives, administration of trusts and estates. Mr. Wallace is a member of the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys. He is past Chair of the Elder Law Section of the North Carolina Bar Association, is a member of the Board of Directors of Resources for Seniors, Chairman of the Board of Alzheimers NC, Inc. He is retired from the U.S. Naval Reserve as a Captain in the Judge Advocate General’s Corps. He has been named by his peers as one of the Best Lawyers in American in Elder Law. Everyone is welcome to attend this special Alzheimers Support Meeting. The Grapevine Page 5 March 2015 Music Ministry Children’s Choirs Spring Musical Drama: FAITH DEFENDERS March 15, 6:30 PM Sunday Afternoon & Evening Ensemble & Meeting Schedule March 1: For the past 10 weeks, our Children’s Choir Ministry has been teaching our children powerful truths from scripture through the music and drama of FAITH DEFENDERS. March 8: FAITH DEFENDERS is a musical drama that tells the story of how one children’s Sunday School Class comes face to face with God’s Truth as they learn the stories of Noah, Deborah, David, Esther, and many more. The script was written especially for the children of Wake Forest Baptist Church by our Artists-inMarch 15 Residence Charles Reese and Rebecca McCoy-Reese. Charles and Rebecca have served as directors of this wonderful production that will challenge each of us, regardless of our age, to March 22 live out our faith with confidence. Handbell Sampler & Music Reading Class There’s probably not a better way to learn or refresh your music reading skills than to play handbells. After a couple of false starts, I think I have finally found a more suitable time for the Handbell Sampler. We will meet on Wednesday nights from 6:15—7:20 PM in the Handbell Room adjacent to the Sanctuary on April 8, 15, 22 & 29. Come ring for the first time or the first time in a long time. Come sharpen those music reading skills through the medium of handbells. We have a core group committed to this new and improved time slot but we still have room for many more! Contact Bryant Moxley for more information. I know this is the March newsletter, but please mark your calendars now for our annual Maundy Thursday worship service on Thursday, April 2 at 7:00 PM. The service will include music from the Chancel Choir and Advanced Handbell Choir in addition to the opportunity to gather at the Lord’s Table. This is truly one of the most sacred and holy experiences we have as believers. I can’t imagine celebrating Easter without first pausing to consider the path Christ walked to the cross. March 29 12:15 PM 4:30 PM 5:15 PM 6:00 PM 7:00 PM Adult Ensemble Instrumental Ensemble Youth Choir Men’s Chorus Advanced Handbells 12:15 PM 3:00 PM 5:15 PM 6:15 PM 7:00 PM Adult Ensemble Youth Choir at Carolina House Variety Show Planning Meeting Music Instrument Team Meeting Advanced Handbells 4:30 PM Variety Show Prep Time 5:30 PM Warm-up for Children’s Choir 6:30 PM FAITH DEFENDERS 4:30 PM 5:15 PM 6:00 PM 7:00 PM Variety Show Prep Time Youth Choir Men’s Chorus Advanced Handbells 12:15 PM 4:30 PM 5:15 PM 6:00 PM 7:00 PM Adult Ensemble Variety Show Prep Time Youth Choir Music Ministry Council Advanced Handbells Worship Choir The Chancel Choir will provide worship leadership for our four Holy Week services: Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, and both Easter morning services. We have seven outstanding selections that will communicate the power of Christ’s death and resurrection in these special services. Membership in the Chancel Choir is open to all adults who can join us for rehearsal on Wednesdays at 7:30 PM. If you cannot sing with us on a weekly basis, but would like to join us for these four Holy Week services then please come join us for this short term. Rehearsals will be devoted especially to this music through April 1. As always, childcare is available by reservation. We LOVED having our “Christmas only” singers with us last fall and would love to have you add your voice as we celebrate the risen Lord! Singing His Praises, Bryant Moxley, Minister of Music and Worship, [email protected] or 304-320-0054 Page 6 The Grapevine March 2015 Disciple Now Weekend 2015 April 10-12 Mark your calendars now for this year’s Disciple Now Weekend. For those unfamiliar with Disciple Now, this is a weekend of worship, missions, a concert, and small group time with college students at host homes of church members. This year our theme is ‘Follower’ and our speaker and worship leader is Adam Fitzgerald. Our band will be Bryan Mears’ band (they are awesome!)—and Bryan has written a song specifically for our DNOW weekend! We will be joined by college students from Gardner Webb and Hamden-Sydney. The weekend culminates in worship led by our youth for both services on Sunday, April 12. On March 6, our Ichthus group will be going to DEFY GRAVITY Trampoline Park! The cost is $13 and scholarships are available. Contact Rob James for scholarship requests. RSVP to Sarah Mears at [email protected]. The Youth Variety Show will be on April 24. This awesome event will raise money for both the Youth Mission Trip to Florida this summer as well as the Youth Choir Mini Mission Trip to Virginia! There will be food, a silent auction, a cake auction, and of course, a variety of talent from our youth! Everyone is invited and tickets will be $10 and go on sale March 29. It’s that time of year—time to clean up the A-Frames and the garage from the Christmas Tree Lot. (I have already taken down the signs from the road.) Our clean-up effort will be held on Saturday, March 7 at 10:00 AM. Please bring drills and electric screwdrivers if you have them. The more people that come out, the faster and more fun this will be! Rev. Rob James, Minister of Youth and Missions, [email protected] The Grapevine March 2015 Page 7 Our next mobile market will be Tuesday, March 17, from 3:45 PM until all the food is distributed (approximately 5:30 PM), and we need your help. It takes about 35 volunteers for everything to go smoothly. If you would like to volunteer, here are a few reminders: nd WFBC Food Trailer 2 & 4th Wednesdays in March 6:00—7:30 PM at Taylor St. Park Contact Rob James if you are interested in volunteering for this amazing ministry! Due to construction at WFBC, the mobile market takes place at Wake Forest United Methodist Church until further notice; Arrive between 3:30—3:45 PM to Upcoming Food set up tables; Shuttle Dates Remember to bring a hat and apron. Plastic gloves are provided. March 17 April 21 For more information, May 19 contact Chris or Leigh Berrier at June 16 [email protected] or 919-5562321. Note: our church provides this outreach to the community the third Tuesday of each month. Welcome to our newest members Harrison Leff 505 Holding Oaks Court Wake Forest, NC 27587 (919) 570-3382 Harrison is a 5th grader at Wake Forest Elementary. He plays soccer and loves watching football with his dad. He is a UNC fan and loves the Panthers, Seahawks and Jets too. He has attended WFBC since he was born. He was in Mr. Phil’s very first class as director in the WEE preschool and has been modeled by countless Sunday School teachers such as the Cross’ and currently Mrs. Hill. He thoroughly enjoys being a part of Ichthus with Rob and Sarah helped him towards his decision in the discipleship class last year. Ken and Claudia Ferrell 1119 Willowgrass Lane Wake Forest, NC 27587 [email protected] [email protected] (919) 263-9553 The Ferrells have recently moved to Wake Forest from Durham, where they lived most of their lives. Ken is retired from Duke Medical Center and Claudia spent many years as a teacher assistant and church secretary. They have one son who is assistant principal at Heritage High School. They enjoy spending time with their three grandchildren and singing in the choir. They are also big Duke fans. Page 8 The Grapevine Minister to Children Sarah Mears [email protected] Easter Egg Hunt March 29 All children through Grade 6 and their families are invited to our Pot Luck Luncheon on March 29. Bring a dish and meet us in the Fellowship Hall following the 11:00 AM worship service. Beverages and paper goods will be provided. After lunch, an Egg Hunt will take place on the church grounds. Egg hunters are asked to bring one dozen plastic eggs filled with treats. Mother— Daughter Camp 2015 March 2015 The Grapevine March 2015 Page 9 The Grapevine Page 10 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu March 2015 Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 NYC Mission Trip 12:15 PM Adult Ensemble 4:30 PM Youth Worship Arts Tracks 5:15 PM Youth Choir 6:00 PM Men’s Chorus 6:00 PM SonDown 7:00 PM Handbells 6:30 AM Lectio Divina 9:30 AM Children’s Leader Team Meeting (Rm. 206) 9:45 AM Quilting Ministry 6:30 PM DivorceCare (Rm. 207) 10:30 AM Senior Adult Choir 5:00 PM Syke Event (SC) 6:30 PM Girl Scout Meeting (Rm. 211) 6:30 PM TOPS 7:00 PM Leadership Council Mtg. (FH) 9:30 AM The King’s Daughters (Rm. 133) 5:30 PM Wednesday Night Supper 6:15 PM Preschool & Children’s Choirs 6:15 PM Ignite 6:25 PM Adult Studies 7:30 PM Chancel Choir 7:00 PM Diaconate Executive Mtg. (Rm. 133) 7:00 PM Book Discussion Group 9:30 PM Mom’s Bible Study (Rm. 133) 6:00 PM Ichthus at Defy Gravity 10:00 AM—12:00 PM Children’s Choir Rehearsal 7:00 PM American Youth Harp Ensemble Concert 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 12:15 PM Adult Ensemble 12:15 PM Family Retreat Meeting (FH) 3:00 PM Youth Choir @ Carolina House 4:00 PM Girl Scout Meeting (Rm. 103) 4:00 PM Women’s Retreat Meeting (206) 5:15 PM Variety Show Planning Mtg. 6:00 PM Deacon’s Meeting (Rm. 133) 6:15 PM Music Instrument Team Mtg. 7:00 PM Handbells 8:15 AM FA Moms in Prayer (LPR) 9:45 AM Quilting Ministry (FH) 12:00 PM Sophie Lanneau Circle (Forks) 6:30 PM DivorceCare (Rm. 207) 10:30 AM Senior Adult Choir 6:30 PM TOPS 7:00 PM Alzheimer’s Group (Rm. 133) 9:30 AM The King’s Daughters (Rm. 133) 5:30 PM Wednesday Night Supper 6:15 PM Preschool & Children’s Choirs 6:15 PM Ignite 6:25 PM Adult Studies 7:30 PM Chancel Choir Senior Adult Trip to Ava Gardner Museum 10:00 AM Roundtable Book Club 6:00 PM Ichthus (FH) 9:00 AM—12:00 PM Dress Rehearsal 15 16 17 18 4:30 PM Variety Show Prep Time 6:30 PM FAITH DEFENDERS (SonDown will attend the children’s musical) 6:30 AM Lectio Divina 9:45 AM Quilting Ministry 6:30 PM DivorceCare (Rm. 207) 6:30 PM Grief Recovery (Rm. 206) 10:30 AM Senior Adult Choir (FH) 4:00 PM InterFaith Food Shuttle (WFUMC) 6:30 PM TOPS 6:30 PM Girl Scout Meeting (Rm. 211) 7:00 PM Finance Meeting (FH) 9:30 AM The King’s Daughters (Rm. 133) 5:30 PM Wednesday Night Supper 6:15 PM Preschool & Children’s Choirs 6:15 PM Ignite 6:25 PM Adult Studies 7:30 PM Chancel Choir 22 23 24 25 Women’s Retreat at Caswell 4:30 PM Variety Show Prep Time 5:15 PM Youth Choir 6:00 PM SonDown 6:00 PM Men’s Chorus 7:00 PM Handbells SEBTS Conference (Sanctuary) 9:00 AM Marbles Madness (Preschool Outing) 9:45 AM Quilting Ministry 6:30 PM DivorceCare (Rm. 207) 6:30 PM Grief Recovery (Rm. 206) SEBTS Conference (Sanctuary) 10:00 AM Senior Adult Communion (Hillside) 6:30 PM TOPS 9:30 AM The King’s Daughters (Rm. 133) 7:30 PM Chancel Choir 29—Palm Sunday 30 31 6:30 AM Lectio Divina 9:45 AM Quilting Ministry 6:30 PM DivorceCare (Rm. 207) 6:30 PM Grief Recovery (Rm. 206) 6:30 PM TOPS 6:30 PM Girl Scout Meeting (Rm. 211) 9:45 AM New Member Orientation 12:15 PM Easter Egg Hunt & Luncheon 12:15 PM Adult Ensemble 4:30 PM Variety Show Prep Time 5:15 PM Youth Choir 6:00 PM SonDown 6:00 PM Music Ministry Council 7:00 PM Handbells 7 YMCA Schedule for Stephenson Campus Tues.—Thurs. 5:00—8:00 PM Saturdays 8:00 AM—5:30 PM 19 20 21 Women’s Retreat at Caswell 6:00 PM Ichthus (FH) Women’s Retreat at Caswell 26 27 28 9:45 AM Senior 9:30 PM Mom’s Bible Study (Rm. 133) 5:00 PM Bowen/ Crane Rehearsal (Sanctuary) 5:30 PM Senior Adult Dinner & a Movie (FH) 5:00 PM Bowen/ Crane Wedding (Sanctuary) Adult Communion (Carolina House) 8:00 PM Mom’s Bible Study (Tedder Home) The Grapevine March 2015 1 Kathaleen Chandley 17 Amanda Shaw Austin Shaw Jen Tymula Jennifer deVries 2 Berklee Edwards 3 David Burrell 18 Ann Copley Greyson Hill 19 John Leonard Lynn Norton Scott Stuchel 20 4 Betty Barham Ashlee Baucom Jill Dillow Sadie Hancox Betty Phillips Gunn Roney 21 5 Catherine Kametches Ryan Keith 22 Jerry Parker Margaret Seagroves 23 Don Stroud 24 Jana Tackema Elizabeth Williams 7 Franklin Hart 25 Anna Wolfe 8 Karen Frank Olivia Trutt 10 William Apple Mark Galutia Thea Holland Rodger Phillips 26 Lauren Quinlan 11 Ethan Dettman 12 Ryan Henkel Marcus Newnam 27 Jake Smith 28 John Wooten 13 Amy Brewer 29 Taylor Cross 30 Kate Jenks Joy Price 31 Brian Van Voorhis 14 Gene Adams Eric Black Alyson Boone George Hurst Sarah Stroud Quinn Tedder Becky Whitaker 15 Sarah Watts 16 Andrew Homan Judy Killebrew Katie Marshall Sandy Ogburn Devin Ratte Steve Rehmar Avery Wilson Ella Weathers Abigail deVries Dianne Roper Richard Wallace Shirley Wooten Phillip Averre Lynette Beadle Jeanne Fisher Hunter Steffen Rebecca Tiffany Zachary White Hunter Caprell Jonathan Hill Clayton Amidon Tracey Thomas Smith Gupton Sherrill Brinkley Alison Hurst Toni Martin Caroline Arnold Amelia Funderburke Ed Hubbard Katie Killebrew Laurie Matthews Jimmy Perry Stephen Welch Amanda Juzwick Mike Perry Jean Scott Hilda Warren Amra Hayslett Nola Bailey Dave Juzwick David Hodgin Martha Harmening Patty Henkel Chuck Averre Spencer Aycock Christopher Creech Brooks Denny Tyler Hart Jack MacKay Keagan Osika Elizabeth Pearce Sue Seiber David Shannon Will Steffen Page 11 Volunteers In Personal Service Deacons of the Week 1—Chris Berrier 8—Anne Packett 15—Christie Hill 22—Joann Peyton 29—Jim Weathers Ushers Leaders: Jeff Renn and James Holding Dan Critcher, Rudy Roberson, Jim Worley, Wayne Vinyard, Danny Inscoe, Ken Barber, Mark Dunn, Tommy Killebrew, Buck Moye, Joe Wincovitch, Wayne Bailey, Taylor Moye Children’s Church 1—David & Emily Arnold 8—Kristi & Seth Leff 15—David & Wendy Berkhead 22—Matt & Tracy Baker 29—Lori & Marcus Newnam Teller Teams 1—Dwight Payne and Kermit Copley 8—Renee Shaw and Gail Kidd 15—Sandy Looper and Becky Screen 22—James Warren and Stephen Barrington 29—Byron Creech and James Holding Greeters 1—Doug Smith, Joan VanTilburg, JoAnn Peyton, Lynn Pulley, Emily Arnold 8—Trudy Payne, Marie McKay, Joan Hall, Peggy & Ken Barber, Danny Inscoe, Matt Baker 15—Joe & Audrey Wincovitch, Steve & Stacy Barrington, Esther Austin & Tracy Boyd 22—Ann Vinyard, Hollie Hicks, Becky Leary, Teresa Stallings, Gail & Mike Kidd 29—Doug Smith, Joan VanTilburg, JoAnn Peyton, Lynn Pulley, Emily Arnold Shared Care Workers for March March 1: Maegan Spontak, Jeanne Fisher, Cindy DIckman, Carrie Bailey, David & Mary Hitchcock, Norman & Mary Ann Turner, Jeremy & Leslie May, Josh & Karen Weathers, Janice Ishikawa, Jeff White March 8: Allison McIntyre, Annette Byrne, Jon & Joan Pritchett, Lauren Harris, Mike & Leann Tedder, David & Wendy Berkhead, Allen & Marty Overton, Matt Byrne, Judy Green March 15: Annette Byrne, Martha Harmening, Susan Leonard, Judy Killebrew, Caroline Steffen, Kathryn Sansbury, Justin & Candice Walker, Shane & Melanie Ingool, Rachel Leonard, Bill & Alyson Boone March 22: Leann Tedder, Ann Orr, Susan Debevec, Lynette Beadle, Lucy Spell, Adam & Allison McIntyre, Jon & Lisa Leary, Rynal & Kristy Stephenson, Ammy Dunlap, Pattie Soule March 29: Sarah Mears, Becky Leary, Shelia Brown, Amy Dowdle, Jeff & Maegan Spontak, Peggy Barber, Leigh Berrier, Ken Barber, Carol Day, Megan Apple, Elizabeth Wilson The Grapevine March 2015 The Grapevine 118 E. South Avenue Wake Forest, NC 27587 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED Phone: (919) 556-5141 Fax: (919) 882-1122 If you do not wish to receive the Grapevine, please contact Denise Stinson at [email protected] March Selection Book Discussion Group April Selection So We Read On: How the Great Gatsby Came to Be and Why It Endures by Maureen Corrigan Conceived nearly a century ago by a man who died believing himself a failure, it’s now a revered classic and a rite of passage in the reading lives of millions. Offering a fresh perspective on what makes Gatsby great—and utterly unusual—So We Read On takes us to explore the novel’s hidden depths, a journey whose revelations include Gatsby’s surprising debt to hard-boiled crime fiction, its rocky path to recognition as a ‘classic,’ and its profound commentaries on the national themes of race, class, and gender. Meetings are held on the first Thursday of the month at 7:00 PM in Room 133 (Old Choir Room). Please contact Lori Hubbard at [email protected] to get on the email list for reminders and updates.