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E E R F FREE MONTHLY PUBLICATION March 2013 ESCANABA 800-743-0609 Cash Giveaway Details Inside! IRON MOUNTAIN 800-743-2088 HOUGHTON 800-682-7607 MARQUETTE 800-562-7811 Entertainment News, Recipes, Michigan Travel, Puzzles & Fun! Volume 3 Issue 17 JET SERVICE TO DETROIT w w w. d i c k i n s o n h o m e s . c o m Can Design and Build Your Home or Commercial Building 2 Daily Flights to Detroit Faster, Less Cost and with Guaranteed Pricing ~ FLY DELTA AIRLINES ~ • 906-789-5654 • 800-221-1212 Check Out Our New Merchandise! Building Since 1970 404 N. STEPHENSON (US-2) IRON MOUNTAIN 800-438-4687 SCHNEIDER’S IRON & METAL, INC. 4473 US 2&41 • (906) 789-1049 Located 2.5 miles west of Escanaba on US2&41 Are You Eating Gluten Free? Aurora, WI EAST KINGSFORD DIVISION Processors of Iron and Metal of all kinds Shredding of cars Containers available for commercial pick-up 7073 US 2 & 41 and M-35•Gladstone, MI 49837 100 E. Superior Avenue Kingsford, MI • 906-774-0644 1-800-520-0789 T ry o u r N E W G lu te n F rie n d ly P a s tie s ! Phone: (906) 789-2222 • Fax (906) 786-6620 Email: [email protected] C a ll fo r d e ta ils ! LOCATIONS IN: Escanaba, MI: 906-786-2462 Negaunee, MI: 906-228-9048 • Marinette, WI: 715-735-5152 Immediate Openings For Qualified Drivers Company and Owner Operator Victor E. Groos Basic Marine, Inc. James S. Groos Since 1938 U S 4 1 , N e g a u n e e • 4 7 5 -6 8 2 8 M a s o n ic S q u a re D o w n to w n M a rq u e tte M -F 9 -8 • S a t. 1 0 -8 • S u n . 1 1 -8 2 7 3 -1 7 1 1 • M -F 1 0 -6 V. Groos & Co., Inc. Air Conditioning Parts and Service Charge Air Coolers (Repair and New Core) Radiators Repaired and New Cored New Heaters and Gas Tanks Aluminum Welding 1400 Washington Ave. Escanaba, MI 49829-1798 [email protected] Phone: 906-786-1072 Fax: 906-786-1081 Toll Free: 877-432-7895 440 N. 10th Street, Escanaba 906-786-7120 3100 Thorntree Drive #29 • Gladstone, MI 49837 1-906-428-2074 • TTY: 1-800-649-3777 We provide affordable, maintenance free community living! “You’ve seen the rest, now stop in to see the BEST!” COMMERCIAL • AUTO • HOME • LIFE • WORKER’S COMP “WE PAY MORE FOR YOUR TRADE” No Purchase Necessary of IRON MOUNTAIN North US-2 Iron Mountain (906) 774-2120 or (800) 568-2120 Treat yourself to a one of a kind escape. Whether you are joining us for a Corporate Retreat, vacation, dinner, or a drink or two we would like to your visit to be extraordinary. We have a 55 room suite hotel with amenites that will make your stay memorable. • 9 Hole Golf Course • Full Service Spa - ease your mind, body & soul COME • Steakhouse - elegant dining • Lounge - fun spirited atmosphere US TODJOIN AY! • Lillie’s Ice Cream Parlor - take a step back in time • Boundary Waters Sports Bar - spirits and sports Ghost Tours, fishing, pontoon rides and more! The Four Seasons Island Resort! N16800 Shoreline Dr, Pembine, WI 54156 715-324-5244 • SERVING MI & WI Join us and discover the difference between having insurance and being insured. 1-877-PIETILA (877-743-8452) 2 What’s UP March 2013 Tortoise found alive, 30 years later (AP) RIO DE JANIERO Manuela the tortoise made her supposed disappearing act from the Almedia family in Rio De Janiero back in 1982. The family was renovating their home, and admittedly were not keeping an eye on the animal’s whereabouts. When they couldn’t find Manuela later, they assumed she slipped out a door left open by workers. In reality, Manuela had just found an awesome hiding spot inside a bag of junk in the house’s upstairs storeroom. The animal’s secret lair wasn’t discovered until recently, when the family was cleaning out the space. The father of the Almedia family died recently, and his children were going through the belongings their father kept in the storeroom. Some of the boxes and bags in the storeroom were taken to the curb for trash collection. It was in one of these bags that the Almedias’ neighbor spotted Manuela. The neighbor asked the family if they were planning to throw out the tortoise as well. Manuela has now been reunited with her long lost family and is free to roam the rest of the house once again. Veterinarians who examined Manuela say that she is in good health. Tortoises are know for being resilient, lasting up to three years without food. Professionals believe Manuela got by on the occasional meal of termites. What’s U.P. is a fun-filled publication geared especially for the residents of the Upper Peninsula. You will find plenty of funny, informative, interesting and just plain handy articles in the pages ahead. There is something for everyone in every issue — from helpful hints to unusual news of the day. Like to cook? You’ll find recipes galore in every issue. We think you and your family will find them absolutely delicious. Like a good laugh? You will find jokes and quirky stories that will tickle your funny bone. If you’re an entertainment buff, What’s UP will give you the National Weather 2012 Overview latest news and gossip. Just had a hard day and want to relax? Settle in with What’s U.P. and take a look at our “strange but true” stories, entertainment news, or one of the many humorous articles or puzzles in each issue. Thanks for picking up a copy of What’s U.P. Take a look inside. You’ll be glad you did! 3 What’s UP March 2013 'Nash Bridges' lawsuit for $19M HOLLYWOOD (AP) - Don Johnson is $19 million richer. The "Nash Bridges" star has settled a lawsuit he filed against Rysher Entertainment, which co-produced the series, claiming he was owed millions of dollars in profits from the show, according to The Hollywood Reporter. In the summer of 2010, Johnson sued Rysher, saying that his contract with the company stipulated that he was entitled to half of the show's earnings if it aired more than 66 episodes, THR reports. ("Nash Bridges" aired 122 episodes when it was on the air from 1996 to 2001.) Rysher maintained that, after production and distribution costs, the show did not actually turn a profit. A jury disagreed, however, awarding Johnson $23.2 million, which a judge later increased to $50 million after factoring in interest. Months later, an appellate court altered the amount to $15 million, saying it was miscalculated by both the judge and the jury. Both sides could have chosen to appeal that decision, but the lawsuit appears to have been settled after Rysher wired $19 million to Johnson's own production company last month and Johnson signed a document saying he was satisfied with the payment. Three new albums for Gretchen Wilson in the works (AP) - Gretchen Wilson has announced plans for three new albums on her Redneck Records label in 2013. Wilson has already released a new single, “Still Rollin’,” from an album of new material titled Right on Time, scheduled for an April 2 release. Wilson co-wrote the single with longtime collaborator Vicky McGehee. In addition, Wilson will release an album of 1970s rock songs titled Under the Covers on May 28, followed by her first Christmas album in October. Wilson released her previous album I Got Your Country Right Here in 2010. Her signature song, “Redneck Woman,” spent five weeks at No. 1 in 2004. Michigan's child passenger safety law requires: MICHIGAN.GOV - Children younger than age 4 to ride in a car seat in the rear seat if the vehicle has a rear seat. If all available rear seats are occupied by children under 4, then a child under 4 may ride in a car seat in the front seat. A child in a rearfacing car seat may only ride in the front seat if the airbag is turned off. Children are to be properly buckled in a car seat or booster seat until they are 8 years old or 4-feet-9-inches tall. Children must ride in a seat until they reach the age requirement or the height requirement, whichever comes first. 14 mph Speed Limit? ASPEN, Colo. (AP) — Aspen city council members are considering a 14 mph speed limit in a residential area of the Colorado mountain town in attempt to get the attention of drivers and have them slow down. Residents say few drivers are obeying the current 25 mph speed limit and are ignoring other efforts to protect people. The Aspen Times reports Mayor Mick Ireland suggested an 18 mph limit because the number is out of the ordi- nary for a speed limit. After further discussion, council members decided to drop the proposed limit down to 14 mph. DNR winter deer yards MDNR- As part of an initiative to update maps of deer wintering complexes (also known as "deer yards") in the Upper Peninsula, the Michigan Department of Natural Resources is seeking help from the public to identify locations where deer are concentrating this winter. During the snowy winter months, deer in some areas of the Upper Peninsula traditionally migrate to areas that possess an abundance of conifer trees, especially cedar and hemlock. Cedar and hemlock provide an excellent source of food, while their branches intercept snow and serve to shelter deer from deep snowfall. The reduced snow depth in deer yards results in deer expending less energy moving between feeding and shelter areas. In addition, the conifer cover acts to insulate the deer by reducing wind movement and providing higher nighttime temperatures. Because deer have a more restricted and lower quality diet in the winter compared to other times of the year, it is imperative that they find ways to conserve energy stores.DNR field staff will be verifying the presence of deer and clarifying the deer wintering complex boundaries during the winter months. Assistance from the public in providing the locations where deer concentrate in the winter will dramatically increase the number of locations that can be checked by field staff to refine deer wintering complex boundaries. Deer observation forms can be downloaded from the DNR's website by going to and clicking on the "Upper Peninsula Winter Deer Observations" link. Hardcopies are also available at DNR offices in the Upper Peninsula (for office locations, visit Completed observation forms should be returned to: Michigan DNR, Wildlife Division, Norway Field Office, 520 W. US Hwy. 2, Norway, MI 49870. For more information contact Bob Doepker or Steve Carson at 906-563-9247. Need help? Use this directory to contact the person in your local area for questions. Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00am to 5:00pm E.S.T; Iron Mountain 8:00am to 5:00pm C.S.T. Escanaba - Ann Troutman 800-743-0608 Houghton - Yvonne Robillard 800-682-7607 Iron Mountain - Traci Charette 800-743-2088 Marquette - Jim Parks 800-562-7811 NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS: What’s UP assumes no responsibility for errors. The publisher reserves the right to cancel any advertisement at any time. Material printed in What’s UP are for Entertainment purposes only. PO Box 828, Escanaba MI Supersonic skydiver reached 844 mph CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) - Supersonic skydiver Felix Baumgartner was faster than he or anyone else thought during his record-setting jump last October from 24 miles up. The Austrian parachutist known as “Fearless Felix” reached 843.6 mph, according to official numbers released Monday. That’s equivalent to Mach 1.25, or 1.25 times the speed of sound. His top speed initially was estimated at 10 mph slower at 834 mph, or Mach 1.24. Either way, he became the first human to break the sound barrier with only his body. He wore a pressurized suit and hopped from a capsule hoisted by a giant helium balloon over New Mexico. Baumgartner was supersonic for a half-minute - “quite remarkable,” according to Brian Utley, the record-keeping official who was present for the Oct. 14 feat. The 43-year-old’s heart rate remained below 185 beats a minute, and his breathing was fairly steady. The leap was from an altitude of 127,852 feet. That’s 248 feet lower than original estimates, but still stratospheric. “It’s fun for us to see reaching Mach speeds and proving out a lot of the safety systems,” Thompson said in a phone interview from his aerospace company in Lancaster, Calif. Steve Martin reportedly becomes a first-time dad at 67 NEW YORK (AP) - Steve Martin’s become a first-time dad at 67, The New York Post reported. The “It’s Complicated” star and his wife, Anne Stringfield, 41, welcomed a child in December and have been spotted nearby their L.A. home with the bundle of joy. “They’ve had a baby, and how they kept it a secret nobody knows,” a source said. “Steve’s very private.” The source added, “They are thrilled. They worked hard to have the baby.” The couple married in 2007 at Martin’s home in a surprise ceremony where guests, including Tom Hanks and Diane Keaton, were told it was a party. ENDLESS Friday Night Seafood Buffet $10.99 ADULTS $5.49 10 & Under 5 & Under Free Loaded with Breaded Cod, Tender Clam Strips, Breaded Shrimp, Shrimp Stir Fry, Hush Puppies, Cornbread, HouseMade Casseroles, Fresh Vegetables and SO MUCH MORE! Also includes our soup, salad & fruit bar! SATURDAY ~ Home Style Buffet $10.99 Adult 10 & Under $5.49 5 & Under Free • Deep Fried Cod • Chicken • Mashed Potatoes • Gravy and Many Other Hometown Favorites! All-You-Can-Eat Breakfast Bar – $8.49 M-Th 6a-1p / Fri., Sat & Sun 6a-2p 226-1062 Marquette 4 What’s UP March 2013 Changes to DNR's Master Angler program announced for 2013 MDNR - The Michigan Department of Natural Resources has announced that effective Jan. 1, 2013, multiple changes have been made to the state's Master Angler program. This program recognizes large fish caught by recreational anglers and has been in place since 1973. To determine whether changes were necessary for the Master Angler program, the DNR's Fisheries Division reviewed entries from the past five years and determined the minimum entry weight and length needed to be updated for several species, including: Atlantic salmon, brook trout, brown trout, bullhead, channel catfish, Chinook salmon, coho salmon, crappie, freshwater drum, muskellunge, rainbow trout, rock bass and smallmouth bass. The changes to the entry criteria were based on the number of entries received for individual species from the past five years, as well as environmental changes over the last several decades that have impacted fish growth in Michigan. As a result the entry criteria for some fish have been increased while others were decreased. "The last five years have proven that catching certain species of fish of larger size in Michigan has become more of an everyday occurrence," said DNR fisheries biologist Tom Goniea. "Updating the Master Angler criteria ensures that recognition goes to those who catch fish that truly are notable." In addition to the minimum entry criteria, multiple changes were made to the submission procedures for both "Catch-and-ImmediateRelease" and "Catch-andKeep" categories. Also, black and white photos will no longer be accepted; all photos must be in color. All changes are highlighted in yellow on the new 2013 Master Angler entry application, available online at, at any of the DNR's Operations Service Centers, or by calling 517-373-1280. The Michigan Department of Natural Resources is committed to the conservation, protection, management, use and enjoyment of the state's natural and cultural resources for current and future generations. For more information, go to 5 What’s UP March 2013 Did you know? Roaming cows at cemetery SOUTHAMPTON, Mass. (AP) — The vandals that damaged a Massachusetts cemetery this week have pleaded “moo.” Police say a small herd of cows knocked over 40 American flags and veterans’ bronze grave markers, then snacked on a few flower arrangements, at the Center Cemetery in Southampton on Monday. Motorists called to report that the cows were loose. Police contacted the owner, Henry Wykowski, who caught and removed the cows from the cemetery. Chief David Silvernail says the cows are an “ongoing problem,” and his department has responded to complaints about the roaming bovines three or four times since last spring. Cemetery Commission member Robert Floyd tells The Daily Hampshire Gazette he plans on asking the farmer to pay for the damage once he comes up with an estimate. When you shop with local merchants, more of your money stays close to home; supporting the parks, recreation centers, libraries and other things that make this community a great place to live. Former NASCAR driver leads police on 2-state chase UTAH (AP) - Ex-NASCAR driver Timothy Tyler Andrew Walker led authorities on a chase through Nevada and southern Utah. Walker had marijuana, pills and open containers of alcohol in his vehicle. Walker failed to stop for an officer in Nevada, and Arizona Department of Public Safety officers unsuccessfully tried to deflate the tires of his car. Walker’s luxury BMW sedan came to a stop in Utah after two Utah Highway Patrol troopers set up spike strips. He tried unsuccessfully to flee on foot before being arrested. The former NASCAR driver was charged with evading police, driving under the influence, possession of marijuana, possession of paraphernalia, possession of cannabis, possession of amphetamine, driving with an open container of alcohol and transporting alcohol across state lines. Walker competed in 28 NASCAR races before being suspended for violating the association’s drug policy in 2007. He drove in 19 NASCAR Nationwide series and nine Camping World Truck Series races during his career. Famous Celebrity Birthdays in March Justin Bieber March 1, 1994 Eva Mendes March 5, 1974 Sharon Stone March 10, 1958 Carrie Underwood March 10, 1983 Bruce Willis March 19, 1955 Mind Puzzle You are mixing cement and the recipe calls for five gallons of water. You have a garden hose giving you all the water you need. The problem is that you only have a four gallon bucket and a seven gallon bucket and nether has graduation marks. Find a method to measure five gallons. Screenprinting & Embroidery 1001 Ludington Street • Escanaba Trendy Has Never Been So Customized Get the latest fashions for your: • Christmas Gifts • School Functions • Business Promotions • Incentive Programs We do anything school related Brands: Bella, American Apparel, Nike, Adidas, Carhart & more! Serving All Of The U.P. Call today for more information (906) 786-0373 • (800) 469-2839 Community considers rat bounty ST. CLAIR SHORES, Mich. (AP) - A suburban Detroit community is considering offering a $5 bounty for every rat caught in the city as part of a broader rodent-control effort. The Detroit Free Press reported the idea is part of a multipronged proposal to deal with rats in St. Clair Shores, which is among several communities facing rodent problems. Officials earlier had an aggressive pilot program taking place to help curb the rat population. City Manager Mike Smith said the proposed bounty is aimed at collecting data to help the battle against rats. The idea was presented last month to the city council. Smith said officials are taking feedback from residents and the city council could take up the issue in March. The proposed rat-control program also could include inspections, baiting, updated garbage cans. We’re Not Fast Food – We’re Good Food Fast! Call Ahead For Special Or Large Orders B e e f P a s ty • P iz z a P a s ty • C h ic k e n P a s ty • F r u it- F ille d S n a il C h e c k O u t “ D a ” Y o o p e r ( U .P .) S o u v e n ie r s ! Open Mon.-Sat. Ask about our Specialty Pasties 2 4 1 8 L u d in g to n S tr e e t, E s c a n a b a • 7 8 6 - 7 3 6 3 Answer: Pour the four gallon bucket filled with water into the empty seven gallon bucket. Fill the four gallon bucket up again and poor as much as you can into the seven gallon bucket until the seven gallon bucket is fill. Now there is one gallon left in the four gallon bucket. Empty the seven gallon bucket and transfer the one gallon of water into the seven gallon bucket. Fill the four gallon bucket one more time, then pour the four gallons into the seven gallon bucket making which already has one gallon in it, making a total of five gallons. 6 What’s UP March 2013 w w w. w h a t s u p m i . c o m Escanaba • Houghton • Iron Moutain • Marquette Man stopped for beer after breakout BURGETTSTOWN, Pa. (AP) — Police say a western Pennsylvania man stopped at a bar and had a beer minutes after he broke out of a police station holding cell after his arrest on an assault charge. The Washington County public defender’s office on Wednesday declined to comment on the charges filed against 40-year-old Smith Township resident Timothy Bonner. Police say they were processing Bonner, removed his handcuffs, and placed him in the cell. That’s when Bonner allegedly knocked the cell door off its hinges and ran away. After stopping at a house to borrow shoes, police say Bonner went to Richy’s Bar, where a customer tells WPXITV the suspect acknowledged breaking out of jail and then asked for a beer. The customer says he bought a beer for Bonner, who didn’t get to enjoy it before police arrested him. Logic Puzzle Triplets The Puzzle: Three sisters are identical triplets. The oldest by minutes is Sarah, and Sarah always tells anyone the truth. The next oldest is Sue, and Sue always will tell anyone a lie. Sally is the youngest of the three. She sometimes lies and sometimes tells the truth. Victor, an old friend of the family’s, came over one day and as usual he didn’t know who was who, so he asked each of them one question. Victor asked the sister that was sitting on the left, “Which sister is in the middle of you three?” and the answer he received was, “Oh, that’s Sarah.” Victor then asked the sister in the middle, “What is your name?” The response given was, “I’m Sally.” Victor turned to the sister on the right, then asked, “Who is that in the middle?” The sister then replied, “She is Sue.” This confused Victor; he had asked the same question three times and received three different answers. Who was who? Over 6,200 miles of snowmobile trails (HOUGHTON) The Daily Mining Gazette- In Michigan, the only thing limiting snowmobilers is the need for food and sleep. More than 6,200 miles of snowmobile trails are located throughout the state, crossing six state forests, three national forests and many acres of privately owned land. The Keweenaw Peninsula Chamber of Commerce in Houghton, the Keweenaw Convention and Visitors Bureau in Calumet, the Tourist and Recreation Association of Baraga, and the Ontonagon County Chamber of Commerce provide information on the Copper Country's numerous trails systems. Some of the major trails include the Bill Nicholls Trail, which connects Rockland to Houghton; the Jack Stevens Trail, which reaches from Hancock to Calumet; the Keweenaw Trail, which stretches from Hancock to Copper Harbor; and the Freda Trail, which loops between Toivola, Freda and Atlantic Mine. The trails connect. Before a snowmobiler can take to the trails, he or she must register the sled every three years. Snowmobile decals must be displayed on each side of the forward half of the cowl above the footwall of the snowmobile. Snowmobiles are not titled. In addition to the regular three-year snowmobile registration, all snowmobilers must purchase an annual snowmobile trail permit sticker. This applies to both Michigan residents and nonresidents. Snowmobiles used on private land or used only on frozen public waters for ice fishing are exempt from the trail permit. Trail permits cost $45 each and are valid from Oct. 1 to Sept. 30 each year. Permits are sold by agents of the Michigan Department of Natural Resources such as sporting goods stores, local retailers, snowmobile dealers, department stores and motels. The generated revenue is designated to develop and maintain the trail network. According to, registration fees and snowmobile permit fees account for more than $6.8 million annually allocated for trail grooming. Between $500,000 to $800,000 is allocated annually for off-season repairs to snowmobile trail facilities. Michigan is one of only three states that offer a large system of interconnected snowmobile trails. More than 100 grooming tractors are used by four DNR offices and by 61 grants program sponsors to groom the 6,200 mile trail system. Any person over the age of 18 can operate a snowmobile. The DNR says young riders must successfully complete a snowmobile safety course if the rider is at least 12 but less than 17 years of age and driving a snowmobile without direct supervision of a person 21 years of age or older. Riders in this age range may not cross a highway or street without having a valid snowmobile safety certificate in their immediate possession. Minor league hockey team's mascot escapes BAKERSFIELD, Calif. (UPI) -- Video of a California minor league hockey team's mascot, a condor, attempting to escape during the national anthem has become a hit online. The video depicts the Bakersfield Condors' condor escaping from her handler at Rabobank Arena during the national anthem prior to a game, the Los Angeles Times reported. The condor, whose hijinks have been viewed more than 330,000 times on YouTube, slid across the ice and was grabbed by the handler, but got free again when her handler slipped and fell. The bird flapped onto a railing and made her way to the arena's locker rooms before being recaptured. The team's Twitter account said the bird was unharmed. "It was great! She's OK!" the post said. NOW ENROLLING 888-728-6982 Featuring Classes in: • Beer Making • Fused Glass • Digital Photography • Wool Dyeing • Quilting and so much more! W2244 Number 29 Rd. Daggett, MI 49821 ANSWER: The first one cannot be Sarah, because that would make the first one a liar. The second one cannot be Sarah for the same reason. So, the third sister must be Sarah. This means the middle one is Sue and the only one left is Sally. HAS THE VEHICLE YOU’RE LOOKING FOR OVER 200 NEW AND USED VEHICLES CURRENTLY IN-STOCK! 2011 BUICK REGAL # L 2 3 7 2011 CHEVY EQUINOX # L 3 1 7 2012 CHEVY IMPALA # L 2 2 0 2011 CHEVY SILVERADO # L 2 8 3 2007 CHRYSLER SEBRING # L 2 8 0 Quicksilver Metallic, Leather, 2.4l, Automatic, 18,878 Miles Black Granite Metallic, Cloth, 2.4l, Automatic, 13,861 Miles Silver, Cloth, V6, Automatic, 24,112 Miles Victory Red, Cloth, 4.3l V6, Automatic, 28,815 Miles Marathon Blue Pearl, Cloth, 2.7l V6, Automatic, 84,721 Miles 2008 CHRYSLER TOWN & COUNTRY 2009 FORD EDGE 2007 FORD EDGE 2009 DODGE GRAND CARAVAN 2012 FORD ESCAPE # L 3 4 8 # L 3 4 0 Glacier Blue, Cloth, 3.8l V6, Automatic, 46,503 Miles 2010 FORD ESCAPE # L 0 3 1 # K 7 7 7 Redfire Metallic, Leather, 3.5l V6, Automatic, 69,469 Miles Sandstone, Leather, 3.5l V6, Automatic, 84,610 Miles 2010 FORD EXPEDITION 2008 TOYOTA SIENNA # L 3 2 3 Black, Cloth, 2.5l I4, Automatic, 31,354 Miles # L 1 6 7 Royal Red Arizone Beige, Leather, 5.4l V8, Automatic, 71,239 Miles WHERE THOUSANDS HAVE SAVED MILLIONS! see us on the web @ # L 3 5 4 # L 3 2 2 Stone White, Cloth, 3.8l V6, Automatic, 30,806 Miles Sterling Gray, Leather, 3.0l V6, Automatic, 17,777 Miles 2008 FORD FOCUS 2008 PONTIAC VIBE # L 3 0 4 Dark Gray, Cloth, 3.5l V6, AWD Automatic, 75,432 Miles # L 3 4 5 Silver Frost, Cloth, Manual, 115,532 Miles Abyss (Black), Cloth, 1.8l L4, Automatic, 55,451 Miles M-28, Ewen, MI 1-906-988-2323 1-800-562-7112 7 What’s UP March 2013 Hours: Monday - Friday 9am - 5:30pm & Saturday 9am-3pm Hours: Monday - Friday 9am - 5:30pm & Saturday 9am-3pm 8 What’s UP March 2013 Mad Men’ to return April 7 NEW YORK, (AP) - AMC says “Mad Men” will return for its new season on April 7. AMC announced Wednesday that the two-hour premiere kicks off the acclaimed drama series’ sixth season. The episode was written by “Mad Men” creator Matthew Weiner. “Mad Men” is set in the advertising world of circa-1960s New York City and stars Jon Hamm as agency exec Don Draper. Other stars include January Jones, Elisabeth Moss, John Slattery and Christina Hendricks. 9 What’s UP March 2013 58-pound fish caught in sets world record w w w. w h a t s u p m i . c o m Escanaba • Houghton Iron Moutain • Marquette Why you need to shop locally owned businesses first The following 10 reasons show how more money spent at local businesses is reinvested in your community creating diversity and helping the community maintain or create its unique appeal. LANSING — The Michigan Department of Natural Resources says a muskellunge caught in Antrim County has been listed as a world-record fight. Joseph Seeberger of Portage landed the fish Oct. 13 on Lake Bellaire, about 25 miles northeast of Traverse City. The muskie weighed 58 pounds, was 58 or 59 inches long and had a girth of 29 inches. The DNR earlier said that the fish had the state record, based on weight. This week, the DNR said has been listed as a world record by the International Committee of the Modern Day Muskellunge World Record Program. The committee is a group of muskellunge scientists, industry leaders, anglers and others who track records. 1. Shopping local creates jobs. Shops in our town create local employment and selfemployment. These people in turn spend in the local community. 2. Local independent shops invest more in our communities. Local businesses are proportionately more generous in their support of local charities, schools and community events. Supporting local shops means a financial impact on your community. 3. Local shops sell a wide range of great products at affordable prices. Many people fall out of the habit of shopping locally and are then surprised by the range of products and gifts available. 4. Shopping local saves you money. Out of town shops have done a good job of convincing us that local business equals expensive. If you add travel, fees to transfer items and your time, the overall cost is often much higher. 5. Shopping local retains our communities. People don’t like losing shops and services in small towns but don’t equate this to how they spend their money. 6. Shopping local retains our distinctiveness. Independent shops create distinctive shopping experiences and stock different products. Local businesses respond quickly to the needs of local customers, stocking products to meet the changing population needs. 7. Shopping local saves the environment. Local shops often stock a high percentage of local sourced goods which do not require long car and bus journeys, helping reduce our global footprint. 8. Local shops are for Did You Know? In 2000 Al Gore won the popular vote but lost the election to George Bush. In the most highly contested election in modern history, the U.S. Supreme Court stopped the Florida recount of ballots, giving Bush the state’s 25 electoral votes for a total of 271 to Gore’s 255. Church Ladies with typewriters everyone. Most people can get to their local shops easily and this is especially important for the elderly and young generations and those without transportation. 9. Local shops value you more. Evidence from numerous surveys show people receive better customer care and service locally. These businesses survive by their reputation and repeat business, which means you get a higher standard of service. 10. Shopping local saves services. Private and public sector services tend to cluster around shops. As shops disappear so do hairdressers, banks, restaurants, etc. SO SHOP SMART. SHOP LOCAL. Days Inn of Iron Mountain 906-774-2181 2001 S. Stephenson Iron Mountain, MI • Free Daybreak Breakfast • Free High Speed Internet • Gym/Fitness Center These sentences (with all the BLOOPERS) actually appeared in church bulletins. -------------------------The Fasting & Prayer Conference includes meals... -------------------------The sermon this morning: Jesus Walks on the Water. The sermon tonight: Searching for Jesus. -------------------------Ladies, don't forget the rummage sale. It's a chance to get rid of those things not worth keeping around the house. Bring your husbands. -------------------------Remember in prayer the many who are sick of our community. Smile at someone who is hard to love. Say 'Hell' to someone who doesn't care much about you... -------------------------Don't let worry kill you off - let the Church help. -------------------------Mrs.Bonnie Talley sang 'I will not pass this way again,' giving obvious pleasure to the congregation. -------------------------For those of you who have children and don't know it, we have a nursery downstairs. -------------------------Next Thursday there will be tryouts for the choir. They need all the help they can get. -------------------------Irving Benson and Jessie Carter were married on October 24 in the church. So ends a friendship that began in their school days. -------------------------A bean supper will be held on Tuesday evening in the church hall. Music will follow... -------------------------At the evening service tonight, the sermon topic will be 'What Is Hell?' Come early and listen to our choir practice. • Pets Allowed • Pool Country Inn & Suites of Iron Mountain American Forest Management, Inc. (AFM) 906-774-1900 2005 S. Stephenson Iron Mountain, MI • Romance Packages • Heated Indoor Pool • Whirlpool • Suites Available • 24-Hour Coffee, Cookies, Candy-Complimentary AFM’s team of professionals offers timberland owners one source for all of their management needs. Our regionally dispersed offices allow us to provide individualized services, and our large overall size allows us to coordinate teams of foresters and technical specialists for large-scale, complex jobs. This unique combination makes AFM the ideal timberland management choice. We offer a broad range of forestry services including: • • • • • • S E S P P E e p tic T a n k C le a n in g a n d In s p e c tio n s x c a v a tin g e p tic / D r a in f ie ld In s ta lla tio n & R e p a ir o r ta b le T o ile t R e n ta l a r ty T e n t R e n ta l ( T a b le s & C h a ir s ) q u ip m e n t R e n ta l B r a n c h O f f ic e in G w in n , M I 8 0 0 - 8 0 0 - 5 8 1 4 Provides services including forest management plans, timber sales, records maintenance, reforestation, wildlife management and recreation services. Provides brokerage services including land sales and acquisition, broker’s opinion of value, highest and best use of analysis, and marketing. Provides timber appraisals, sales and acquisition support, financial analyses, feasibility studies and audits. Certified appraisal services are provided for properties of all sizes. Provides forest data and information management through Cypress™ GIS mapping, supports activities such as environmental site assessments, forest management planning, forest inventory design and analysis, growth and yield modeling, harvest scheduling and cash projections. 45815 Highway M-26, Atlantic Mine, MI 49905 906-483-0820 • Fax: 906-483-0862 • 10 What’s UP March 2013 American Kennel Club lists the 10 top dogs in America 7. Boxer 8. Poodle 9. Rottweiler 10. Dachshund Source: Assisted Living Inc. For more stories like this pick up USA WEEKEND Magazine every weekend in the Escanaba Daily Press, Houghton Daily Mining Gazette or Iron Moutina Daily News. “Where Your Family Is Our Family” How would you solve this? Source: Mind Puzzle Once there were 9 children, all of which were in the same family. They were all born 18 months apart. The oldest one (George) was 5 times older than the youngest one (Michael). How old was Michael? Answer 3 yrs. old. If each child was born 18 months apart, then there has to be a 12 year gap between oldest and youngest. Therefore George is 15 and Michael 3. This is the only 12 year gap that has a difference in ages of 5 times. When does it rain money? When it comes to looking for the perfect pooch, many dog lovers already have a favorite breed in mind. The American Kennel Club (AKC) announced 2012′s Most Popular Dogs in the U.S. list today and it looks as if Americans are looking to bigger four-legged friends. “Bigger breeds are making their move,” said AKC Spokesperson Lisa Peterson in a press release. “The popularity of the pint-sized, portable pooch just gave way to a litter of larger breeds in the Top 10. These predictable, durable, steady breeds, like Labs and Goldens, are great with kids and offer the whole family more dog to love.” Did your favorite make the list? 1. Labrador Retriever 2. German Shepherd Dog 3. Golden Retriever 4. Beagle 5. Bulldog 6. Yorkshire Terrier Push the cork into the bottle and shake the coin out. If you put a coin in an empty bottle and insert a cork into the neck of the bottle, how could you remove the coin without taking the cork out or breaking the bottle? 509 South 22nd • Escanaba, MI 49829 906-786-3386 Ace Rewards members get Instant Savings right in the store! AmericInn Lodge & Suites of Iron River Ideal Accommodations for the Family Vacation, Weekend Getaway or Business Travel! • Comfortable • Free WiFi • Discounted Rates • Standard Rooms • Deluxe Queen • Deluxe King • Group Rates • 1&2 Room Suites • Pool, Spa, Sauna • Non-Smoking • Whirlpool Rooms • Handicap Accessible • Pet Friendly 906-265-9100 In the heart of Iron River, MI. Near Crystal Falls and Caspian. Lots of outdoor recreation. Hoholik’s Hardware (906) 341-5612 • 145 River St., Manistique When there is a change in weather. 11 What’s UP March 2013 Astronomer: Lights in sky likely lanterns WANUIOMATA, New Zealand (UPI) -- A New Zealand astronomer said two "bright orange fire balls" spotted over a Wellington suburb were likely Chinese lanterns blown away by the wind. Michelle Turner said she and a group of 10 friends were partying in Wanuiomata at 1:05 a.m. the start of the Chinese New Year, and they spotted the lights in the sky, The Dominion Post, Wellington, reported. Carter Observatory astronomer Claire Bretherton said the lights, described as "two bright orange fireballs" moving together and changing directions, were likely Chinese lanterns carried away by the wind. ''They were probably moving with the prevailing wind. If it was something like a fireball or meteor it would not change direction," Bretherton said. ''It was just so weird," Turner said. "They were traveling at the same speed, then they turned at the same time in another direction and one looked like it disappeared, then came back, then disappeared again, then the other one disappeared.'' Man cleared in stinky feet stabbing AUGUSTA, Ga., (UPI) -- A Georgia man alleged to have cut a roommate for complaining about his foot odor was acquitted at the close of a bench trial. Crawford Jackson, 62, of Augusta, was acquitted of charges of aggravated assault and possession of a knife during the commission of a crime by Richmond County Superior Court Judge J. David Roper, who said the knife does not appear to have been used as a deadly weapon in the incident, the Augusta Chronicle reported. Darryl Harris, the alleged victim, testified Jackson became angry when Harris complained about the man's foot odor and poked him repeatedly in the stomach with the blunt end of a pocket knife, breaking the skin. Jackson was previously acquitted in May 2009 of a murder charge. He was accused of killing Phillip Wallis Scott, 51, who died two days after Jackson stabbed him in the stomach in 2008. Jackson successfully argued the incident was self-defense. 7073 US 2 & 41 and M-35 Gladstone, MI 49837 Officials give piano project a few days SAN FRANCISCO, (UPI) -- A San Francisco artist said officials have given him a few extra days to keep his baby grand piano on the bluffs overlooking a bay. Mauro Ffortissimo, 50, whose real last name is Dinucci, said he and four men moved the piano onto the bluffs overlooking Half Moon Bay Feb. 1 and he has since been holding sunset concerts every day to regale passersby with classical music, the San Francisco Chronicle reported. Ffortissimo said a code enforcement officer informed him a few days later that he would have to remove the piano because he did not have a permit, which the officer told him would take "a year" to obtain. Ffortissimo said his idea for the "Sunset Piano" project is to play the same pieces each night and see how they differ as the elements affect the instrument. "The piano's getting progressively out of tune, out of whack, out of everything," Ffortissimo said. "I'm doing the same thing, but nature's changing the piano. Everything's in flux." Or visit 1-800-520-0789 Phone: (906) 789-2222 Fax (906) 786-6620 Email: [email protected] Immediate Openings For Qualified Drivers Company and Owner Operator 919 Razorback Drive Houghton, MI 49931 Next to Wal-Mart 12 What’s UP March 2013 Amy Poehler working on book NEW YORK (AP) - Amy Poehler is working on a book that appears to be a little bit of everything. The star of “Parks and Recreation” and former “Saturday Night Live” performer has an agreement with It Books for an “illustrated, non-linear diary” with stories both true and invented. Jokes, candor and life lessons are promised. It Books, an imprint of HarperCollins Publishers, announced today that the book is currently untitled and scheduled for 2014. It’s the first book for Poehler, who recently hosted the Golden Globes ceremony with Tina Fey, her good friend and author of the million-selling “Bossypants.” MRI machine sucks up police officer's gun CAROL STREAM, Ill., Feb. 9 (UPI) -- A police officer's gun got stuck in an MRI machine at a doctor's office in Carol Stream, Ill., west of Chicago, officials said. The incident occurred when the officer responded to a reported burglary, WMAQ-TV, Chicago, reported. The magnetic force of the MRI machine pulled the officer's gun away from him. No injuries were reported. Carol Stream police got in touch with the manufacturer of the machine for advice on how to extricate the gun from the machine. Officers were also investigating the burglary. Mind Puzzle The Socks - Cathy has twelve black socks and twelve white socks in her drawer. In complete darkness, and without looking, how many socks must she take from the drawer in order to be sure to get a pair that match? Church Ladies with typewriters These sentences (with all the BLOOPERS) actually appeared in church bulletins. -------------------------Eight new choir robes are currently needed due to the addition of several new members and to the deterioration of some older ones. -------------------------Scouts are saving aluminum cans, bottles and other items to be recycled. Proceeds will be used to cripple children. -------------------------The church will host an evening of fine dining, super entertainment and gracious hostility. -------------------------Potluck supper Sunday at 5pm - prayer and medication to follow. -------------------------The ladies of the Church have cast off clothing of every kind. They may be seen in the basement on Friday afternoon. -------------------------This evening at 7pm there will be a hymn singing in the park across from the Church. Bring a blanket and come prepared to sin. -------------------------Ladies Bible Study will be held Thursday morning at 10am. All ladies are invited to lunch in the Fellowship Hall after the B. S. Is done. Call (906) 361-6100 Now For More Information & Appointments Answer: 3 Socks do not come in in left and right, so any black will pair with any other black and any white will pair with any other white. If you have three socks and they are either colored black or white, then you will have at least two socks of the same color, giving you one matching pair. Solberg’s Supper Club Crazy Low Mattress Deals Top Major Brands At... 70% to 80% Off List Price BUDGET DOLLAR & Cash Liquidator’s Located At: 425 Stephenson Ave, Escanaba 132 W. Adams Street (US-2) Iron River 411 E. Cloverland (US-2) Ironwood and The Wallace Mall located north of Wallace on Hwy 41 by the big buck PIZZA • SANDWICHES • SALADS • WINGS EVERY FRIDAY -ALL YOU CAN EAT CRISPY GOLDEN COD $9.99 DINE-IN CARRY-OUT DELIVERY 721 MAIN ST. Norway, MI 906-563-8500 207 E. HUGHITT ST. Iron Mountain, MI 906-774-3200 OR ALASKAN POLLOCK $8.99 EVERY SUNDAY NOON-7:00PM ALL YOU CAN EAT BROASTED CHICKEN WITH MASHED POTATOES OR SPAGHETTI EVERY WEDNESDAY - ALL YOU CAN EAT BLACK ANGUS RIB EYE STEAK DINNER W/Homemade Soup & Salad $6.99 OR ALL YOU CAN EAT BROASTED PORK CHOPS $15.95 $6.99 (906) 246-3227 • Felch, MI WILDWOOD RESTAURANT UT! TAKE O WE DELIVE R! The Finest & ONLY Mexican Food in the Area Also...The BEST Fish Fry! As Always - Food Features • Drink Specials “Where Old Friends Meet 363 Days A Year” Homemade: Soup & Hot Beef with Gravy, Cream Pies Including Full Menu 7 Days A Week Open 6:00am - 8:00pm Call Ahead For Take-Outs Karaoke On Wednesday Nights 1417 West Breen, Kingsford 906-828-1290 US 2, HERMANSVILLE, MI (906) 498-2342 13 What’s UP March 2013 Montana man made up sob story that got him pizza HELENA, Mont. (AP) - A Montana man whose tearful reluctance to rob a pizza restaurant earned him free food apparently made up the sob story that gained him the clerk’s sympathy. David Randall Lacey, 35, entered a Papa John’s pizza restaurant on Jan. 22 with a bandanna over his face and gave the clerk a note demanding money, Helena police said. He broke down crying and told the clerk he needed the money to support his wife and children, who were hungry. The clerk made him a large pepperoni pizza and some chicken wings as he waited, and the man left. The Independent Record reports an investigation found Lacey has no children in Helena and changed his story when he saw how little money was in the cash registerî just $24.56, according to a police report. Police received a tip that Lacey acknowledged his role in the incident and a clerk picked him out of a lineup. He was arrested on suspicion of felony robbery. He remained jailed Friday with bail set at $25,000. Lacey told police he needed the money to buy food, court records said. 14 What’s UP March 2013 $ WIN 50 IN CA$H! Here is your chance to win. Simply submit form below to one of the What’s U.P. locations listed below. Each location will randomly draw for $50.00. Drawing to be held on the 16th, of each month. Forms must be submitted as originals. No duplicates will be accepted. One application per reader. Entrants must be 18 years or older to win. Congratulations To The February Winners Wanda Klarich, Hubbell Picked up her copy from Ê LouieÕs Super Value Maria Murdock, Munising Picked up his copy from GlennÕs John Moon, Crystal Falls Picked up his copy from the Daily News Michael Thomas, Gladstone Picked up his copy from the BP Gas Station, Gladstone Sign me up to Win $50 Cash, from What’s U.P. Name Address Phone______________ Zip__________State City Email Address I pick my What’s UP at Submit your entry to the What’s UP Office nearest you. Escanaba PO Box 828, Escanaba MI 49829 Houghton PO Box 368, Houghton MI 49931 Iron Mountain PO Box 460, Iron Mountain MI 49801 Marquette PO Box 430, Marquette MI 49855 15 What’s UP March 2013 w w w. w h a t s u p m i . c o m Escanaba • Houghton • Iron Moutain • Marquette DNR's 2012 Master Angler program a success LANSING - The Department of Natural Resources today announced the 2012 results from its Master Angler program, which has been in place since 1973 and recognizes large fish caught by recreational anglers. This past year 1,189 anglers representing 25 states submitted catches that were recognized as Master Angler fish. That's an increase from the 1,105 fish recognized in 2011. Of the entries accepted, 346 were categorized as "Catch and Keep" and 843 were categorized as "Catch and Release." Here is a breakdown of the most popular 2012 Master Angler entries by species: * 119 freshwater drum * 113 rock bass * 108 bluegill * 107 smallmouth bass * 85 channel catfish * 46 carp * 43 largemouth bass * 31 Great Lakes muskellunge Master Angler entries for 2012 included four new state records, including black buffalo (37.4 pounds, captured on the Kalamazoo River by Bryan DeGoede of Kalamazoo), flathead catfish (49.8 pounds, caught on the St. Joseph River by Rodney Akey of Niles), Great Lakes muskellunge (58 pounds, caught on Lake Bellaire by Joseph Seeberger of Portage) and quillback carpsucker (8.12 pounds, captured on Hardy Dam Pond by Randy Bonter, Jr. of Grant). Submissions are already being accepted for the 2013 Master Angler program. To download an application, visit The Michigan Department of Natural Resources is committed to the conservation, protection, management, use and enjoyment of the state's natural and cultural resources for current and future generations. For more information, go to Need More? Want More? Past Editions, Videos, Puzzles & More! 16 What’s UP March 2013 17 What’s UP March 2013 A natural LUGE of winter working to control their speed around corners to make the fastest time. “You control your sled with your feet,” Rogers said. “You have complete control of your sled.” Sliders can not only steer their sled by pushing on the sled with their feet, but also control their speed using spikes imbedded in the heels of their shoes, which allows them to slow down when going around a curve, if necessary. The club typically holds several races each season, which allows the members, who are as young as four or five years old, to get in some friendly competition. In addition to the races, Rogers has also had the opportunity to travel with some of the club members to Lake Placid to get some summer training at the Olympic Training Center there. Although the Olympics showcases artificial track luge, Rogers said the training center there helped him to get in training specifically for starting a run. When a slider leaves the starting gate on a luge track, they push off using two handles, giving them their initial burst of speed. “You can’t make up speed once you lose it,” Rogers said. “It was good to go through all the training. It definitely helped.” Rogers said he hoped to attend the training camp again this summer or fall. In coming years, Rogers said he also hoped to travel to Europe to compete, and then possibly join the U.S. Junior National and then the National Luge team. Getting to the Olympics, however, will mean transitioning to the artificial track. “The Olympics luge is easier to do than the natural track luge that I do,” he said, adding that the natural luge track tends to be more technical because it’s not on a man-made surface. The main point of the whole sport, however, is to have fun. “It’s a fun sport,” he said. “I have a lot more fun than sitting inside and playing video games.” Luge is also something unique that Rogers said he participates in that not many others at his school do. “Everybody wants to be a basketball player,” he said. For more information about the public sliding or about joining the club, contact coach Tammy Wills at 906-361-4843. Coffee and Ice Cream from people who care. Why did the farmer bury all his money? to make his soil rich. (MARQUETTE) The Mining Journal Most kids know what it’s like to go sledding during the winter. And while Derek Rogers, 14, of Negaunee spends about three days a week out on a sled, what he does isn’t your run-of-the-mill sledding experience. A member of the Lucy Hill Luge Club, Rogers, an eighth- grader at the Negaunee Middle School, does his sliding down the ice coated natural luge hill in Negaunee. “To get your fastest, you have to get a good line,” Rogers said. “The shortest distance between two points is a straight line.” When he was 10, Rogers said the club’s coach Tammy Wills came to talk at his school about the club and he decided to try it out. “I thought it would be fun to try,” he said. Now a veteran member of the club, Rogers heads to the luge hill three days a week after school. Luge as a sport is divided into two types — natural luge or naturbahn luge, which is performed on a natural hill bordered by snowbanks and boards, and kunstbahn, or artificial track luge, which is the sport seen at the winter Olympic Games. Athletes lie on the natural luge sled, which rides on metal runners, face up and feet first, steering and controlling the sled with their feet and hands. Much of practice each day is spent learning to navigate the various curves on the Lucy Hill track, Rogers said. “We’ll go on a bunch of different parts of the track,” he said. Lucy Hill, like other luge tracks, has a series of gates that travel up the hill, allowing the sliders to start at different points on the hill, depending on their experience. The more experienced they are, the higher up on the hill they go, Hunters Choice Archery Pro Shop & Indoor Range Only Mathews Dealer in Marinette & Menominee Counties **Also Servicing & Stocking Crossbows** New Mission Crossbow Arriving March 1st! 119 W. Baraga Ave., Marquette • 226-2112 (within sight of the Lower Harbor Ore Dock) 2013 Mathews & Mission In Stock Now - Great Prices & Pkgs Fly By Night Ice Cream... We Now *Take Trade In’s* on Used Bows & Guns (trade in’s only - no cash - credit only towards purchase of New Bow or Crossbow) Areas Best Technical Service & Set Up Lay Away Program, Paper Tuning, Helical Fletching, Shooting Lessons & Much More! 715-582-1010 Peshtigo, WI Uniquely Marquette Hwy 41, Exit 216 161 Stephenson Ave, by Water Tower 18 What’s UP March 2013 2013 Pure Michigan Hunt winners named MDNR - The dreams of three more Michigan hunters to participate in "the hunt of a lifetime" have come true. Jason Webb of Westland, Jim Bosscher of McBain, and Dave Gittins of Kawkawlin recently received phone calls from Department of Natural Resources Wildlife Division Chief Russ Mason, letting them know they had been chosen as the three lucky winners of the 2013 Pure Michigan Hunt package. "I couldn't believe it, I thought it was a joke," said Missaukee County Sherriff Jim Bosscher of McBain. Bosscher and the two other 2013 Pure Michigan Hunt winners will be officially awarded their hunting prize package at the Thursday, Feb. 7, Natural Resources Commission meeting in East Lansing. "I am like a 5-year-old on Christmas Eve every moment of the day" since finding out, said Marine Corps veteran Jason Webb. The three winners each purchased $4 Pure Michigan Hunt applications between March 1 and Dec. 31, 2012 and were randomly drawn in the January lottery. They will each receive all of the available limited hunting licenses for 2013: elk, bear, spring and fall turkey, antlerless deer, and first pick at a managed waterfowl hunt area opening morning. In addition to the hunting licenses, each winner will receive the ultimate hunter's prize package: * 2012 Darton Crossbow package * 30.06 Ruger Model 77 rifle from Michigan Gun Owners * 12 GA shotgun from the Lake Effect Chapter of the Michigan Duck Hunters Association * Camouflage ground blind from Ameristep * Guided spring turkey hunt from East Lake Outfitters * Custom rear-window graphic from Steel Skinz Graphics * Gas cards and subscriptions from Michigan United Conservation Clubs * Sitka camouflage clothing from Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation * Camouflage vest, custom box call, and patch from National Wild Turkey Federation * Rapid River knife, duck decoy and membership from Ducks Unlimited * Herd monitoring kit and membership from Quality Deer Management Association * National and local memberships from Safari Club International * Sweatshirt and hat from Southwestern Lake Erie Chapter of Waterfowl USA The next Pure Michigan Hunt application period will start on March 1. Visit higanhunt for more information. The Michigan Department of Natural Resources is committed to the conservation, protection, management, use and enjoyment of the state's natural and cultural resources for current and future generations. For more information, go to 19 What’s UP March 2013 Joe Pesci settles dispute over ‘Gotti’ film payday LOS ANGELES (AP) - Joe Pesci has settled a lawsuit filed against a company planning a biopic on the Gotti crime family. The Oscar-winner sued Fiore Films in July 2011 claiming the filmmakers reneged on a deal for a $3 million role in the film and were offering him a lesser part in the project and a lower payday. Pesci’s attorney Jessica Trotter confirmed Monday that a settlement had been reached in the case but said she could not provide any details. Michael Froch, an attorney for Fiore Films, said he could only confirm the case had been dismissed. Pesci’s lawsuit stated the actor gained 30 pounds in anticipation of playing a childhood friend and enforcer of crime boss John Gotti Sr. The film, “Gotti: In the Shadow of My Father,” has not started filming. What goes tick-tock, woof-woof? a watchdog. LOS ANGELES (AP) - The force isn’t with the 3-D versions of the “Star Wars” prequels. Lucasfilm said in a statement Monday that it’s postponing the scheduled 3-D releases of “Star Wars: Episode II Attack Of The Clones” and “Episode III Revenge of the Sith” this fall to instead focus its efforts on “Star Wars: Episode VII.” The Walt Disney Co. confirmed that J.J. Abrams, creator of the TV series “Lost” and director of 2009’s “Star Trek” movie, will direct the seventh installment of the franchise, set for a 2014 release. Disney bought “Star Wars” maker Lucasfilm last month for $4.06 billion. “Episode I î The Phantom Menace” was released in 3-D last February and earned $22.4 million domestically its opening weekend. The original prequels were released from 1999 to 2005. in a snow bank. Lucasfilm pushes pause on 3-D ‘Star Wars’ prequels Where does a penguin keep his money? 20 What’s UP March 2013 “Settle Inn for Business or Leisure” • Themed Whirlpool Suites • Allergy Friendly Rooms • 24-Hour Pool/Whirlpool • Hot Deluxe Breakfast • Local Restaurant Discounts • Reward Program • Laundry Services • Spacious Family Suites • Meeting Room & Social Rooms Available To Rent Mention This Ad & Receive 20% Off Your Next Stay 800-688-9052 or 920-499-1900 2620 S. Packerland Dr. • Green Bay, WI Tuscan Villa *Valid one night only. Not valid on special events.
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