Serra Annual Report 2010-2011


Serra Annual Report 2010-2011
j u n i p e r o s e r r a h i g h s c h o o l a c at h o l i c co l l eg e p r e pa r ato ry
A publication for t h e a l u m n i , p a r e n t s & f r i e n d s o f j u n i p e r o s e r r a h i g h s c h o o l
fa l l 2 0 1 1
inside: our generous supporters
annual report edition
new center for the arts & sciences has postive impact
legendary swim coach gus de gara returns to campus
annual report 2010-2011—gifts to serra
a message from the president
Dear alumni, parents and friends of Serra,
One year ago, our general contractor was drilling 58 steel-reinforced
piers into the bedrock 60 feet below ground, on the site of the old pool.
Today, these piers serve as the foundation of our new Center for the Arts
and Sciences. Every day, it is an extraordinary sight to see hundreds of
Serra students competing in the new pool and going to school in the new
science labs, music and art rooms.
President's Circle
around the halls
National Merit Program Recognizes
Top Students
Like Father, Like Son—Serra Freshmen
Join the Brotherhood
New Center for the Arts and Sciences has
Positive Impact on Serra Curriculum
Gifts in Kind
Honor Roll of Donors
profiles in giving
Dr. Norbert and Inger Bischofberger
Joe Cotchett
Lisa and Scott Pritchett
Colonel Robert Visbal '74
class notes
Fund a Dream Scholarship Luncheon
Memorial Endowment Fund
Gus De Gara Makes A Splash On
Campus—Former Swimmers Honor
Legendary Swim Coach
the arts
Phase II—Capital Campaign Gifts
Google Alert—Matt Silvestri '11
Explores Computer Science
Class Giving—Alumni Gifts
Tri-School Productions Presents
To Kill a Mockingbird
2010-2011 Highlights
Alumni Association Annual Golf Classic
global perspectives
Konnichiwa, Japan!—Michael Valdes '13
Mentors Little Leaguers
Padres Return to Campus for
Homecoming Game and Reunions
annual report
in memoriam
Annual Benefit Auction
front cover photos by
dennis agatep and
diane mazzoni
back cover by kim hernando
s u p e r k i m a g e ry. c o m
Consecutive Years of Alumni Giving
New Athletic Training Center Honors
the Malley Brothers
The Father Serra Heritage Society
Visitors touring the new facilities frequently ask where the new rooms
are in relation to the old facilities. We point out that the new music
room replaced the deep end of the old pool, where Gus De Gara, Keith
Strange and Bob Greene ’85 coached thousands of swimmers and where
thousands of children learned how to swim. The new pool is built on the
site of the old S-wing. It was there that John Catalano, Phil Garay and
Jay Jordan taught thousands of students to create beautiful music. It was
there that Pete Jensen taught Padres how to design homes and buildings,
and Ralph Stark taught them how interpret the insights of famous
writers. As I write this, I am proud to note that Jay, Pete and Ralph are
still teaching at Serra.
So now we celebrate the new buildings and the new opportunities they
provide for current and future students. The memories created in the
old buildings help us to look back with gratitude on our rich tradition.
As we celebrate and remember, as old buildings disappear and new ones
rise up, let us never forget the true foundation upon which Junípero
Serra High School was built. The teaching and learning, creating and
performing, training and competition that happen at Serra are helping our students to learn and understand life’s most
important lessons. Let us never forget that the most important lesson is that knowing, loving and serving God is the true
foundation for living a meaningful human life.
On behalf our current and future students, I offer thanks to our alumni, parents and friends who have given so generously
to Serra over the past year. Your support helps Serra to build upon its strong foundation of faith, wisdom and service.
Siempre Adelante!
Michael Valdes '13
Help Keep Padre Traditions Strong at Serra
Lars Lund, President
Serra relies on the involvement and generosity of our parents, alumni and friends to
assure that each new Padre generation can reach beyond its grasp to achieve its dreams.
Support Serra today by making your donation online at:
Gifts to Serra are tax deductible to the full extent of the law.
fa i t h
s e rv i c e
National Merit
Recognizes Top
Serra Students
Like Father,
Like Son
Serra freshmen join
the brotherhood
Seniors Rohan Acharya and Danny Shea are semifinalists in the National Merit Scholarship Program. Acharya will pursue
engineering next year in college, while Shea plans to study psychology. This fall, officials of National Merit Scholarship
Corporation (NMSC) announced the names of approximately 16,000 semifinalists in the 57th annual National Merit
Scholarship Program. These academically talented high school seniors will have an opportunity to continue in the competition
for 8,300 National Merit Scholarships worth more than $34 million.
Approximately 1.5 million juniors in 22,000 U.S. high schools entered the 2012 National Merit Scholarship Program by taking
the 2010 preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT). The nationwide pool of semifinalists,
which represents less than one percent of U.S. high school seniors, includes the highest-scoring entrants in each state.
Commended Students
In addition to Serra's National Merit semifinalists, seven seniors were named Commended Students in the 2012 National
Merit Scholarship Program. Approximately 34,000 Commended Students were recognized across the nation for exceptional
academic promise. Commended Students placed among the top five percent of more than 1.5 million teenagers who entered
the 2012 competition by taking the 2010 Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT).
“Our students continue to excel at the highest level. We congratulate these
outstanding students, their families and their teachers who have created an
environment of excellence
for these young men. They
all have a bright future and
we are proud that they are
Fifteen freshmen whose fathers graduated from Serra are part of the school’s 2011-12 student
body. Serra currently has 61 alumni sons, one freshman whose grandfather graduated from Serra
and a total of nine students who are third generation Padres. Pictured above: Back row (l-r): Marcel Larrarte
(Louis '78), Mitchell Coughlin (Michael '88), Connor McGuigan (Matt '79), Marino Pacini (Mario '84), Arden Cravalho (Greg '87),
Glenn McDonnell (Michael '61), Kevin Ponty (Brian '75); Front row (l-r): Joseph Kmak (Joe '81), Tyler Breen (Vince '81), Colin Kloezeman
(LeRoy '74), Peter Campana (Mark '85), Jeff Dalli (Joe '76), Chris Papapietro (Steve '82), Anthony Gay (Tony '82), Nick DeLuna (Shawn '86).
Father-Son Mass Celebrates Past and Present Padres
Serra alumni fathers and grandfathers united with current
Padres during the annual Alumni Father-Son Mass. The
theme was “Padres Celebrating Their Identity in Christ.”
Father Joe Bradley '73 presided.
“The alumni were so happy to be back at Serra with their sons
and grandsons,” said Liturgy Coordinator Patrick Vallez-Kelly.
“It was such a positive experience.”
In a glistening bowl of white rock, students chose value stones
with affirmations such as “faith,” “harmony,” “trust,” “believe,”
“family,” “inspire,” “hope,” “friends,” “charity” and “peace.”
These stones were given to the alumni dads and grandfathers.
“We are all here to support the boys,” said Rich Bona '56. “The
fact that so many fathers attend this Mass is very precious.”
Bona's grandson, Kevin Arms '12, gave him a “family” value
stone because he considers his grandpa to be the patriarch of
the family.
Grandpa Leo Kusber '58 was thrilled to receive stones reading
“faith” and “inspire” from his grandsons, Ben Kusber '14 and
Christopher Kusber '12. Ben said his grandfather has taught
him a lot about faith. Christopher added that Kusber has
inspired him in many ways.
“This Mass is a special opportunity to come back to Serra,”
Leo said. “I hope that my grandsons will deepen their faith
here. There are so many challenges in the secular world.”
“I'm going to be an alumnus soon, and I can picture sending
my sons to Serra," Christopher said. "Masses like this are what
continue the Serra tradition and legacy.”
— Principal Barry Thornton
Back row (l-r): Luke Longinotti, Nathan Zimmerer, Kevin Arms,
Michael Glassmoyer; Front row (l-r): Jacob Goell, Sean-Patrick
Zurcher, Faraz Fatemi.
A R O U N D T H E HA L L S 5
4 A R O U N D T H E HA L L S
New Center
for the Arts
and Sciences
Positive impact on
Serra curriculum
Since the doors to the Center for the Arts and Sciences opened in August, Serra students and teachers have
experienced significant changes in their school day. We sat down for a Q&A with Chair of the Science Department
Rob Solari, Music Director Jay Jordan, Academic Resource Director Gayle Rosenberg and Performing Arts Chair
Peggy Farrell to discuss how these changes have impacted the Serra curriculum and students’ learning environments.
What is it like to be teaching in your
new classrooms? What changes have
you noticed?
R.S. : The spaciousness and general
atmosphere of the new classrooms are
wonderful. Our teachers and students
feel that this has “upped their game.” A
big advantage of the classroom/laboratory
model is the versatility it offers. It is now
possible for students to be involved in
a variety of tasks, including classroom
work, computer web-based work and
laboratory work simultaneously.
J.J. : Just about every aspect of the
experience has changed for the better.
The four well-designed practice rooms
are a huge improvement, as well as
having state-of-the-art storage facilities
for our music libraries, which have
grown to include more than 1,000 titles.
Having a second room, the Chorus and
Green room, was something I had only
dreamed of in the past.
G.R: What comes to mind every time
I enter the new ARC is “If you dream
it, it is possible.” It is difficult to put
into words how the new environment
has improved our ability to work with
students. Even when the room is filled,
it is never too noisy or crowded.
6 A R O U N D T H E HA L S
P.F.: For the art department, the
difference is night and day. We are in
a beautiful room with natural light,
speakers and space. We also have a
new ceramics room, which enables us
to teach students more diverse forms
of art.
How have these new facilities
enhanced your teaching style?
R.S.: The technological upgrades are a
huge improvement. The new technology
is accessible and projectable in both the
classroom and the lab portion of the
room. Images, text, movies, web-based
activities, the recording of student data
and directions can be projected in the
front, back or both ends of the room.
The interactive feature of the projectors
allows teachers and students to input
information and project it.
J.J. : I'm able to easily circulate among
the students. The Men's Chorus having
its own room is also a real plus. The
biggest change has been incorporating
Smart Music Interactive Software for
assessing the band, jazz band and chorus
students. The computer workstations in
the four practice rooms were designed
with this Smart Music in mind. Students
are not only assessed more frequently, but
they actually enjoy practicing now.
"Students will tell you that they prefer to spend more time in the lab, and
the new facilities allow that to happen." — Science Department Chair Rob Solari
G.R.: The interactive board allows us to use
the Internet while teaching. During family
meetings, I have many special resources
at my fingertips. If I am talking about
technology, such as the Livescribe pen, I
have it readily available to demonstrate.
P.F. The new technology has improved
how I teach and how students learn. The
document camera allows students to watch
as I demonstrate projects larger than life. I
can use the new screen to show art movies
and Powerpoint presentations. The room is
perfectly lit. The new windows and doors
allow the natural light to shine through,
which helps me to teach about color and
shading in a natural setting. Having the
ability to open the doors and work outside
is a serious plus to my teaching style.
J. J. : They are proud of their space and
enjoy showing it to their friends. The
practice rooms are used every day and are
full many days after school. Serra's own
Exit 11 has been recording in there since
the day it opened. The "V Room" also gets
a lot of use, surprisingly by members of
the guitar club, who enjoy playing in a
"virtual arena" setting. After getting a tour
of the new music suite, with all its bells and
whistles, Nick Seitz, a junior saxophonist in
the band said, "It's like music heaven!"
G.R.: Now that we have room for a testing
area, study areas and tutoring areas, the
boys are able to focus on their studies
without interruptions. When I met with
the architects and was asked to dream my
dream, I never guessed that it would be
as fabulous as it is. I asked them for one
large center that could be divided and was
visually accessible. They created it!
P.F.: I have noticed a huge change in the
students. I think they have always enjoyed
art, but I notice a much more concentrated
nature to their work. I think they take the
art classes more seriously because they
know that the school sees art as important.
They come in and just enjoy the ambiance
of a room built to house artists and great
works of art.
How have the students responded
to their brand new, state-of-the-art
R.S.: Students will tell you that they prefer
to spend more time in the lab, and the new
facilities allow that to happen. All of the
science teachers are being trained in the
newest technology to make sure that we
have the knowledge to fully utilize all that
the new facility has to offer and serve our
students the best way we possibly can.
A R O U N D T H E HA L L S 7
Gus De Gara
Makes a Splash
on Campus
Former swimmers honor
legendary swim coach
(l-r) Head Aquatics Coach Bob Greene '85, Gus De Gara, Former Head Aquatics Coach Keith Strange
The new pool glistened under a colorful sunset on September
23, as dozens of former swimmers returned to Serra to
honor legendary swim coach Gus De Gara. During a cocktail
reception in the Class of 1959 Fine Arts Plaza, Padres from all
generations swapped stories about the man who inspired them
in so many ways.
“Serra is like a first love—you never forget your first love,” said
the charismatic De Gara, who attended the party with his wife,
Lyn. “I give these swimmers just as much credit for the success
of the swim program. It’s great to reunite all three generations
of swimming and water polo coaches—Bob Greene, Keith
Strange and myself—who helped a great deal in Serra’s
successful aquatics program. Of course it’s marvelous to see
many of my swimmers again after all these years.”
and tenacity. Born and raised in Budapest, Hungary, he was
an Olympic gold medalist who defected first to Canada, and
later settled in America. He was a member of the Hungarian
national water polo team that defeated the Soviet Union in the
semifinals of the 1956 Olympics. Many people consider that
match to be the most famous in water polo history. Through
hard work, persistence and determination, De Gara became
extremely successful in swimming and in business.
“He taught us so much about discipline and sacrifice,” said
Peter Stein ’64. “He had so much personality. I remember him
driving around town in his sports cars—he had Porsches and
a mustard-colored BMW. Everything Gus taught us carried
over into our current lives. Most of us have made fitness a
priority. Gus touched the lives of many, many people and
made such a difference.”
The year was 1963, when a dapper Gus De Gara diligently
swam laps every day in a modest pool at the Hillsdale Garden
Apartments. He quickly caught the attention of two Padres
who thought, “Wouldn’t it be great if he could coach at Serra?”
The boys bravely asked De Gara to teach them a few strokes.
Two years later, De Gara began the swim program at Serra.
Practices were held at the Elks Lodge on 20th Avenue.
Throughout the evening, the group chatted about the highlights of the De Gara era. In less than two years, De Gara
built a powerful, nationally-recognized swim program. Serra
captured its first Catholic Athletic League swim championship
in 1967, which was followed by eight straight CAL and WCAL
championships in the following years. De Gara was a friend, a
coach and even a father figure.
Although De Gara was an outstanding swim coach, the life
lessons he taught the boys are what shaped their minds and
hearts. They believed that anything was possible. De Gara
had an amazing story to share—a story based on courage
“It was great seeing Gus and meeting so many of his former
swimmers—he obviously had a huge impact on them,” said
Assistant Principal of Academics Keith Strange, who coached
swimming from 1979-2003 and water polo from 1979-1998.
8 A R O U N D T H E HA L L S
“So many of them shared how he motivated them to do things they didn’t feel they
were capable of until they met Gus. I have a special perspective since I was a high
school swimmer in the North Bay while Gus was coaching, and even swam against
a few Padres from time to time. I have always had a great appreciation for Gus as a
person, a coach and a motivator of young men.”
Tom Roth M.D. ’65 still swims a mile a day, which only takes him 35 minutes. “As
humans, we need physical exercise,” he noted. “It’s important for our mental health.
With Gus, it was never about him. It was always about you. He really cared.”
Serra Alumni Director and Head Water Polo Coach Bob Greene ’85 was thrilled to
see De Gara back on campus.
“Gus is the nicest man and he has always been so positive,” he said. “People loved
to swim for that guy. He was a mentor and a friend to so many people. My first
swim team I ever joined was at Serra High School, coached by Gus. Later, I swam at
Serra for Keith Strange, and now I’m the coach. It’s pretty wild because everything
has come full circle! I’m trying to maintain the Padre tradition, as well as the high
standards Gus and Keith set. We all shared a lot of good times.”
A R O U N D T H E HA L L S 9
Michael Valdes '13
Mentors Little Leaguers
Above: John Santaga '13 and Isidro Barragan '12
Tri-School Productions Presents To Kill a Mockingbird
Sarah Smallman (NDB '13) and
Robert Letters '15
Tri-School Productions presented To
Kill a Mockingbird in November. The
play, based on the famous novel by
Harper Lee, is a coming-of-age story
with themes of racism and social
justice. The characters and events of
the story are drawn from Lee's own
childhood observations growing up
in rural Alabama.
“This show was an educational experience,” said John Santaga
'13, who played the lead role of Atticus Finch. “The audience was
entertained and educated at the same time. The sets were amazing.”
Joey Ruggiero '13 played Bob Ewell, the despicable town bigot.
“He is a very selfish character who cares only about himself; he’s
disgusting,” Ruggiero said. “It was a tough role to play because
I was born and raised to be very open-minded and to be a wellJoey Ruggiero '13
1 0 A R O U N D T H E HA L L S
1 0 A R O U N D T H E HA L L S - T H E A RT S
rounded gentleman. Exploring the topic of racism was out of my
comfort zone, but it was good for my acting skills. Using cruel and
demeaning words toward other people is so wrong.”
When Director Daniel Demers ’01 was hired as fall director in 2005,
he knew he wanted to work on pieces that would “push the TriSchool students in the realm of acting.”
“Whether it's a comedy or tragedy, I wanted them to understand
truly what it meant to be actors and give a small portion of
themselves away to each and every member of the audience,”
he explained. “I had read the Pulitzer Prize-winning novel, To Kill a
Mockingbird numerous times in my youth. When our staff discussed
staging it for Tri-School Productions, I was both nervous and
excited. To Kill a Mockingbird is an iconic piece of literature. It has
been discussed, debated and even fought over since its publication
in 1960. I knew that if we were going to stay true to author Harper
Lee’s message, we would have to bring the story to life in every way.”
Amanda Odasz (Mercy '13)
When Michael Valdes '13 was only 11, he discovered he had a
passion for baseball and Japan. The brave sixth-grader lived with a
host family in Tokonaka, Japan, for 10 days—an experience he will
never forget. There, he played baseball with other San Mateo Little
Leaguers, immersed himself in the vibrant culture and learned to
speak Japanese.
Because the adventure inspired him so much as a little boy, Valdes
decided to mentor young baseball players by returning to Japan
this year as a junior leader. In August, he accompanied 18 Little
Leaguers to Toyonaka, where he spent 10 days teaching them
about all sorts of Japanese traditions on and off the field.
“This year's baseball players were fully immersed in the Japanese
culture and everybody meshed,” Valdes noted. “We took the
players out of their comfort zones and we all adapted to the
Japanese lifestyle. I tried to keep everything positive, inside the
dugout and on our field trips.”
Trip highlights included visiting various castles and temples in
Kyoto and Osaka. At a temple in Nara, Valdes was amazed by
a large herd of deer that has been trained to bow for crackers.
The Little Leaguers also enjoyed sushi, rice and eating ham
and cheese sandwiches for breakfast. Valdes strengthened his
own ties to his favorite Japanese family. He even introduced the
Japanese teenagers to Facebook. In Japan, the number one social
networking site for teens is Mixi.
Valdes, who pitched last year on Serra's JV baseball team, noted
that some baseball customs are different in Japan. For instance,
before each game, players line up and bow their heads. They also
have team captains, who are treated with utmost respect.
“Japanese kids are focused, dedicated and disciplined,” Valdes said.
“Their level of play is extremely competitive. Nobody is shy—they
are all very outgoing.”
“It's amazing to learn about the Japanese culture,” said Valdes.
“The city is so clean. Grandparents usually live with their families
and the food is incredible. Overall, the Japanese are very relaxed.
We played a lot of card games and board games.”
Toyonaka, a suburb of Osaka, has been San Mateo's sister city
since 1963. Every four years, San Mateo children 11 to 12 years
old try out for the Sister City Association team of 20. They are
eligible if they have played for the San Mateo Little League, or if
they are residents of San Mateo. Japanese baseball players visit San
Mateo every four years as well. Valdes' family hosted his Japanese
“brother” in 2009.
Danny Harris, president of the San Mateo Sister City Association,
said Valdes' leadership skills are invaluable to the organization.
“Having Michael come back as an adult representative of San
Mateo was a huge asset for our program,” Harris added. “He has
an ability to reach these young players because he understands
the challenges they face on the field. It was a great opportunity
for future players to look at Michael as a role model. He is such a
positive ambassador of our program and he certainly helped us to
strengthen our bonds with our friends in Japan.”
Return to
Campus for
Game and
The energy was high on October 14, when hundreds of Padres
returned to Serra for the Homecoming Game and Alumni
Barbecue. This year, Mercy and Notre Dame alumnae were
invited to the barbecue as special guests, which created a
scene reminiscent of Friday Night Lights.
“The barbecue was a blast from the past—particularly having
the ladies from Notre Dame and Mercy there,” said Kenny
Meade '86, whose class celebrated its 25th reunion. “We were
such a tight-knit group who got along along so well. It seemed
as if no time had passed at all. The class of '86 can still celebrate
something fierce! The only things that have changed are our
Padre waistlines and hairlines.”
Chris Lowenstein (NDB '86) said the Tri-School gathering was
a fantastic idea. “It was so much fun to have Serra, Notre Dame
and Mercy alums gathered in one place for the evening,” she
added. “While we all loved our schools that were exclusively for
boys or girls, we often spent time after school and on weekends
socializing together. The barbecue was a reminder of the fun
we had during our high school years, the value of our great
Catholic schools and a great opportunity to reconnect with old
friends and faculty.”
Class Reunions
On October 15, classes of '51, '61, '71, '81, '86, '91 and '01
attended their reunions in the Serra gym. The evening began
with a cocktail reception in the new Alumni Arts Plaza,
followed by dinner and dancing.
“We had more than 200 guests,” noted Alumni Director Bob
Greene '85. “It made sense to have the reunion at the school
since so much is new. It was an unforgettable evening, as Padres
from all generations mingled and reminisced about their high
school days at Serra.”
Pictured above (l-r): Class of '86 alums Kenny Meade, Brian Vidosh and
Keith Wyant reminisce about their high school days.
1 2 A R O U N D T H E HA L L S
Members of the Class of '51 were presented with platinum
diplomas, while members of the Class of '61 received golden
diplomas. Buck Schott '51 celebrated with his son, Dan '81. “The
reunion was outstanding,” he said. "I am so proud to be a part of
the Class of '51. Over the last 10 years, we have lost quite a few
of our classmates. We remembered them at our table. During
the evening, we compared our old school to what the boys have
now. The new center is as close to a high-tech college campus
that you can get.”
Schott and his wife, Patsy (NDB '52), have been married
for 58 years. “We still hold hands!” he shared. “As I look back,
I realize that Serra provided me with a strong foundation for
my family, my religion and my friendships with classmates.”
The Class of '51 spun across the dance floor to “Rock
Around the Clock.” A few nameless Padres from the Class
of '86 were spotted “doing the Elaine” to '80s one-hitwonders. Approximately 150 people took a tour of the new
Center for the Arts and Sciences and Aquatics Facilities.
Although the extraordinary new center has transformed
Serra into a state-of-the-art college preparatory high school,
one thing never changes: the unmistakable Padre spirit.
Principal Barry Thornton led the Class of '01 on a tour of
the new baseball clubhouse and dugout, weight room and
football stadium—all of which were built in '05, well after the
class had graduated. Many Padres expressed a sense of awe
over the new facilities. "The new wing of the school looks as
good as any college I've seen," said Patrick Duggan '01. "It's
pretty incredible to see how far Serra has come in a mere 10
years. My classmates and I toured the facilities with a strong
sense of pride and perhaps a slight bit of envy."
“Serra not only prepared me for college, but for life,” added
alumnus Jeff Lowenstein '86. “It taught me about ethics, hard
work and dedication that I use every day. Watching Serra's
tremendous progress over the past 25 years since I walked
those halls makes me proud. Soon, I hope that both of my
sons will walk those same halls and gain experiences and
friendships they will have for a lifetime."
Photos above: Reunion guests enjoyed mingling with Padres from various
generations and touring the new Center for the Arts and Sciences.
A R O U N D T H E HA L L S 1 3
The President's Circle
The President's Circle honors donors who have made gifts totaling more than $1,500 during the fiscal year July 1, 2010-June 30, 2011.
Members of the President's Circle are invited to attend a special President's reception each year as an acknowledgement of their
extraordinary support.
Mr. Thomas O. Duffy 
The Carl Gellert and
Celia Berta Gellert Foundation
$50,000 - $99,999
Dr. and Mrs. Norbert W. Bischofberger
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Gaddis
Pacific Cheese
Daughters of Charity
$10,000 - $49,999
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Bagnani
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Barulich
Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. Bona
Mr. and Mrs. Walter H. Chang
Mr. Gregg M. Domanico and
Mrs. Sharon A. Mark-Domanico
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin D. Flynn
Mr. and Mrs. Jon S. Handlery
Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Haslam
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ho
Mr. Kevin Kelly and Ms. Erin Jaeb
Mr. and Mrs. John McGrath
Mr. and Mrs. John Milligan
Mr. and Mrs. Brian T. Morton
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy M. Murphy
Dr. and Mr. Steve Olujic
Mr. Kevin Ragan 
Dr. and Mrs. Peter B. Rauenbuehler, PhD
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie F. Romeo
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Turzanski
Mr. and Mrs. Mark L. Vorsatz
Mr. and Mrs. David R. Whitney
Mr. and Mrs. Kieran Woods
Robert Stewart Odell and
Helen Pfeiffer Odell Fund
The Jeff Healy Memorial Scholarship Fund
Emerald Packaging Incorporated
The Drum Foundation
St. Joseph's Benevolent Society
$2,500 - $9,999
Mr. and Mrs. Per Alftin
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Archer
Mr. Peter J. Barsocchini
Ms. Nada Barulich
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde E. Beffa, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Berquist
Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Bet
Dr. and Mrs. Claudio A. Bet
Mrs. Dorothy R. Borrmann
1 4 A N N UA L R E P O RT 2 0 1 0 - 2 0 1 1
Mr. Thomas E. Brady, Jr. and
Mrs. Gisele Bundchen-Brady
Mr. and Mrs. Shawn Bulen
Mr. and Mrs. Mario Buljan
Mr. and Mrs. Phil A. Calandra
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Canovas
Ms. Margaret Collison
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Cosko
Mr. Joseph W. Cotchett, Esq.
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Cravalho
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Crisafi
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Cullivan
Mr. and Mrs. Shawn M. DeLuna
Mr. John P. Doherty and
Ms. Jennifer Tuck-Doherty
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Doherty
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Dooley
Mr. and Mrs. Laurence P. Dugoni, Esq., CPA
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Falk
Mrs. Verena M. Fleischer
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Fox
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Fox
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Fox
Mr. and Mrs. James N. Fregosi, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. James Fregosi, Jr.
Mr. William J. Gannon
Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Giotinis
Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Giotinis
Mr. Robert J. Grassilli
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Hahn
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Hitchcock
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Jacobs
Mr. and Mrs. John Joly
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin M. Kearney
Mr. Martin Lauber
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Leahy
Dr. David Leibowitz and
Ms. Katherine Young
Mr. John Lewis and Ms. Claudia Girrbach
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Lockie
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald S. Longinotti
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis M. Lucey
Mr. Martin McGinn and
Ms. Gina Kaindl-Gregori
Mr. Philip A. McLeod and
Ms. Shawn M. Christianson
Ms. Kathy McMillan
Mr. Donald E. McMullen
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Mendonca
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Michelini
Mr. Carl J. Moroney
Mr. and Mrs. James Orlando
Mr. and Mrs. David Parker
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Perakis
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Philpott
President's Circle
Mr. John H. Podesta and
Ms. Katherine L. Gallo
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Pollak
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Poms
Mr. and Mrs. Eli Rapaich
Dr. Richard L. Reich
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Reilly
Dr. Glenn C. Rice and Dr. Cynthia A. Hoy
Dr. and Mrs. Richard Rolfes
Mr. and Mrs. Ricardo Rosario
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Rudolph
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Runco
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Rutledge
Mr. John C. Schrup
Dr. and Mrs. John Schulte
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Seemayer
Mr. John V. Shields, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Walt Singer
Mr. and Mrs. Graham Smith
Ms. Lisa L. Striebing
Dr. and Mrs. James B. Struven
Mr. and Mrs. George J. Tichy II
Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Tinsley
Mr. William R. Toms and
Mrs. Liz Heieck-Toms
Mr. Albert A. Totagrande and
Ms. Sheryl L. Painter
Mr. Albert Urrutia and
Mrs. Patricia A. Morgan-Urrutia
Col. and Mrs. Robert M. Visbal, USA
Mr. Randy Vogel
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick T. Walker
Mr. and Mrs. Chick Walsh
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Walsh
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Whelan
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip E. White
Firestone Auto Care
Handlery Hotels, Inc.
Hathaway Dinwiddie Construction Company
New York Life Foundation
Speramus Foundation
The Piedemonte Foundation
Visa International's Employee Giving Campaign
$1,500 - $2,499
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Acbay
Dr. and Dr. Anthony Adamis
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Ahern
Mr. and Mrs. Don Aish
Mr. and Mrs. Joe J. Albero
Dr. and Mrs. Bruce Allen
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Allen
Mr. and Mrs. Martin B. Anstice
Mr. and Mrs. Jerrold Bagnani
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Baptista
 deceased
Dr. and Mrs. Eric Barrientos
Ms. Anne H. Barrows
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Barsocchini
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Barton
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Beering
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bertoldi
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Blais
Mr. Donald R. Bocci
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Boland
Dr. and Mrs. Luis A. Bonilla
Dr. and Dr. Charles R. Bradley
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent J. Breen
Mr. and Mrs. Bart L. Buchanan
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Buckmaster
Mr. and Mrs. Emmanuel Bulatao
Mrs. Wilma Buttram
Mr. and Mrs. John Cahners
Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Cakebread
Dr. and Mrs. Christopher Callahan
Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Campana
Mr. J. Dominic Campodonico
Mr. John Canepa and Ms. Michele Gutierrez
Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence Cappel
Mr. and Mrs. Jake Caruso
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Cavers
Mr. Jimmy Chen and Ms. Fang Lin
Mr. and Mrs. Ritchie Clay
Mr. and Mrs. David P. Conklin
Mr. and Mrs. John Conway
Mr. and Mrs. Randal Cort
Ms. Janice M. Daley
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas A. D'Anna
Mr. and Mrs. Bobby del Rosario
Mr. and Mrs. Richard DeLuna
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dependahl
Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Dicioccio
Mr. and Mrs. Roberto D. Dino
Mr. and Mrs. Troy A. Dooley
Mr. and Mrs. Erik E. Doran
Mr. and Ms. Charles E. Dougherty
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Doyle
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Draeger
Mr. and Mrs. Sean Echevarria
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Elchinoff
Mr. and Mrs. James Fa'aita
Mr. Robert F. Galliven
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gibbs
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gilby
Mr. Nasir Gill and Mrs. Monazza Chaudhry
Mr. and Mrs. Gary N. Glassmoyer
Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Goyette
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Greene, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Jon Grodem
Mr. and Mrs. Charles N. Gust
Dr. and Mrs. Robert B. Hagmann
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hanson
Mr. and Mrs. Reed J. Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Brett W. Herr
Mr. Nader Heydayian and
Mrs. Hamideh Nouri
Mr. and Mrs. Vijay Hingorani
Ms. Jennifer Hipon
Rev. Stephen H. Howell
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jauregui
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Jensen
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Jison
Dr. and Mrs. Michael W. Johnston
Mr. John M. Jones
Most Rev. William J. Justice
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Kanavy
Mr. and Mrs. William Kibblewhite
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kidwell
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Kingshill
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey M. Kirkendall
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Kokrhoun
Mr. Larry P. Kollerer and
Ms. Tish Matulich
Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Kusber
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy E. Licko
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Likens
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Linehan
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Lucido
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Lumpkins
Mr. and Mrs. Lars J. Lund
Mr. Idrees Malik and
Ms. Deborah Kaufman
Mr. and Mrs. James March
Mr. Steven Marinelli and
Ms. Jennifer Moody
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Martinelli
Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Matias
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew B. McGuigan
Mr. and Mrs. Philip A. McIntosh
Ms. Mary McPherson
Dr. James Merryweather and
Dr. Ulrike Heberlein
Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Mesaros
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Mike
Ms. Peggy Milne
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Ministri
Mr. and Mrs. Mark T. Mongiello
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Moon
Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Moriarty
Mr. and Mrs. Steve M. Moriarty
Ms. Sally M. Morton
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Mostafavi
Mr. and Mrs. Masoud Mostofi
Mr. and Mrs. James Mullarney
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis A. Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick O'Hara
Dr. and Mrs. Takeshi Okai
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Olson
Mr. Anton J. Orazem, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Oswald
Mr. and Mrs. Mario Pacini
Mr. and Mrs. Agapios P. Panagiotides
Mr. and Mrs. Steven M. Papapietro
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Paratte
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Pastorino
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Perez
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Powers
Mr. and Mrs. George Prince
Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Rapp
Mr. Charles J. Rapp
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ratcliffe
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Regan
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Roberts
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Roberts, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred J. Ruggiero
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ryan, III
Mr. and Mrs. Elias Salameh
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Salemi
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Schmalz
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Schnabel
Mr. Patrick Shannon
Mr. Walter E. Shjeflo Jr. and
Ms. Carol M. Dorward
Mr. and Mrs. Dmitriy Shtalenkova
Mr. and Mrs. Bradford Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Mark R. Spini
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Sterling
Dr. and Mrs. Erich Strauss
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Strombom
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Suhr
Mr. and Mrs. T. Noel Sy
Mr. and Mrs. George Symons
Mr. and Mrs. Eddy Tabet
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Takizawa
Mr. Philip Tan and Ms. Janet Shaw
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Thornton
Mr. Jeff Tillack and Mrs. Suzanne Dauphinais
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel R. Toomey
Ms. Mary Torello
Mr. David D. Torre and
Mrs. Angie Pappas Torre
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Trabanino
Mr. Louis Tribble and
Dr. Pamela Carrington-Tribble
Mr. and Mrs. William Turner
Mr. and Mrs. George J. Uccelli, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Anthony Villanueva
Mr. and Mrs. J. Anthony Villanueva
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Wallau
Mr. and Mrs. John Walsh
Mr. and Mrs. Shaun Walter
Mr. Daniel E. Whelan
Mr. and Mrs. William Winters
Mr. and Mrs. Andreas Wolf
Mr. and Mrs. Kenny Y. W. Wong
Mr. Harvey Wong and Ms. Kathy Ptasnik-Wong
Mr. and Mrs. James Wu
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Xavier
Mr. and Mrs. Avelino Zamora
Mr. and Mrs. John Zaro
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Zimits
Collection Bureau of America
Community Health Charities
Cotchett, Pitre, Simon & McCarthy
Covitas, LLC
Gidel & Kocal Construction Company, Inc.
Kibblewhite Precision Engineering
Mobilitas LLC
Natural Bronzing
Nick's Restaurant
Nova Partners, Inc
Peninsula Parish School League
Plastering Industry Bureau of SFO & SM
Valley View Dental Care
Honor Roll of Donors
The donors listed below generously contributed to Serra High School during the
2010-2011 fiscal year July 1, 2010 through June 30, 2011.
$2,500 - $9,999
Mr. Thomas O. Duffy 
The Carl Gellert and
Celia Berta Gellert Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Per Alftin
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Archer
Mr. Peter J. Barsocchini
Ms. Nada Barulich
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde E. Beffa, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Berquist
Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Bet
Dr. and Mrs. Claudio A. Bet
Mrs. Dorothy R. Borrmann
Mr. Thomas E. Brady, Jr. and
Mrs. Gisele Bundchen-Brady
Mr. and Mrs. Shawn Bulen
Mr. and Mrs. Mario Buljan
Mr. and Mrs. Phil A. Calandra
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Canovas
Ms. Margaret Collison
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Cosko
Mr. Joseph W. Cotchett, Esq.
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Cravalho
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Crisafi
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Cullivan
Mr. and Mrs. Shawn M. DeLuna
Mr. John P. Doherty and
Ms. Jennifer Tuck-Doherty
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Doherty
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Dooley
Mr. and Mrs. Laurence P. Dugoni, Esq., CPA
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Falk
Mrs. Verena M. Fleischer
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Fox
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Fox
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Fox
Mr. and Mrs. James N. Fregosi, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. James Fregosi, Jr.
Mr. William J. Gannon
Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Giotinis
Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Giotinis
Mr. Robert J. Grassilli
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Hahn
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Hitchcock
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Jacobs
Mr. and Mrs. John Joly
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin M. Kearney
Mr. Martin Lauber
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Leahy
Dr. David Leibowitz and
Ms. Katherine Young
Mr. John Lewis and Ms. Claudia Girrbach
$50,000 - $99,999
Dr. and Mrs. Norbert W. Bischofberger
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Gaddis
Pacific Cheese
Daughters of Charity
$10,000 - $49,999
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Bagnani
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Barulich
Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. Bona
Mr. and Mrs. Walter H. Chang
Mr. Gregg M. Domanico and
Mrs. Sharon A. Mark-Domanico
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin D. Flynn
Mr. and Mrs. Jon S. Handlery
Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Haslam
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ho
Mr. Kevin Kelly and Ms. Erin Jaeb
Mr. and Mrs. John McGrath
Mr. and Mrs. John Milligan
Mr. and Mrs. Brian T. Morton
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy M. Murphy
Mr. and Dr. Steve Olujic
Mr. Kevin Ragan 
Dr. and Mrs. Peter B. Rauenbuehler, PhD
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie F. Romeo
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Turzanski
Mr. and Mrs. Mark L. Vorsatz
Mr. and Mrs. David R. Whitney
Mr. and Mrs. Kieran Woods
Robert Stewart Odell and
Helen Pfeiffer Odell Fund
The Jeff Healy Memorial Scholarship Fund
Emerald Packaging Incorporated
The Drum Foundation
St. Joseph's Benevolent Society
1 6 A N N UA L R E P O RT 2 0 1 0 - 2 0 1 1
Honor Roll of Donors
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Lockie
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald S. Longinotti
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis M. Lucey
Mr. Martin McGinn and
Ms. Gina Kaindl-Gregori
Mr. Philip A. McLeod and
Ms. Shawn M. Christianson
Ms. Kathy McMillan
Mr. Donald E. McMullen
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Mendonca
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Michelini
Mr. Carl J. Moroney
Mr. and Mrs. James Orlando
Mr. and Mrs. David Parker
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Perakis
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Philpott
Mr. John H. Podesta and
Ms. Katherine L. Gallo
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Pollak
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Poms
Mr. and Mrs. Eli Rapaich
Dr. Richard L. Reich
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Reilly
Dr. Glenn C. Rice and
Dr. Cynthia A. Hoy
Dr. and Mrs. Richard Rolfes
Mr. and Mrs. Ricardo Rosario
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Rudolph
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Runco
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Rutledge
Mr. John C. Schrup
Dr. and Mrs. John Schulte
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Seemayer
Mr. John V. Shields, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Walt Singer
Mr. and Mrs. Graham Smith
Ms. Lisa L. Striebing
Dr. and Mrs. James B. Struven
Mr. and Mrs. George J. Tichy II
Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Tinsley
Mr. William R. Toms and
Mrs. Liz Heieck-Toms
Mr. Albert A. Totagrande and
Ms. Sheryl L. Painter
Mr. Albert Urrutia and
Mrs. Patricia A. Morgan-Urrutia
Col. and Mrs. Robert M. Visbal, USA
Mr. Randy Vogel
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick T. Walker
Mr. and Mrs. Chick Walsh
 deceased
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Walsh
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Whelan
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip E. White
Firestone Auto Care
Handlery Hotels, Inc.
Hathaway Dinwiddie
Construction Company
New York Life Foundation
Speramus Foundation
The Piedemonte Foundation
Visa International's Employee
Giving Campaign
$1,500 - $2,499
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Acbay
Dr. and Dr. Anthony Adamis
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Ahern
Mr. and Mrs. Don Aish
Mr. and Mrs. Joe J. Albero
Dr. and Mrs. Bruce Allen
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Allen
Mr. and Mrs. Martin B. Anstice
Mr. and Mrs. Jerrold Bagnani
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Baptista
Dr. and Mrs. Eric Barrientos
Ms. Anne H. Barrows
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Barsocchini
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Barton
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Beering
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bertoldi
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Blais
Mr. Donald R. Bocci
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Boland
Dr. and Mrs. Luis A. Bonilla
Dr. and Dr. Charles R. Bradley
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent J. Breen
Mr. and Mrs. Bart L. Buchanan
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Buckmaster
Mr. and Mrs. Emmanuel Bulatao
Mrs. Wilma Buttram
Mr. and Mrs. John Cahners
Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Cakebread
Dr. and Mrs. Christopher Callahan
Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Campana
Mr. J. Dominic Campodonico
Mr. John Canepa and
Ms. Michele Gutierrez
Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence Cappel
Mr. and Mrs. Jake Caruso
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Cavers
Mr. Jimmy Chen and Ms. Fang Lin
Mr. and Mrs. Ritchie Clay
Mr. and Mrs. David P. Conklin
Mr. and Mrs. John Conway
Mr. and Mrs. Randal Cort
Ms. Janice M. Daley
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas A. D'Anna
Mr. and Mrs. Bobby del Rosario
Mr. and Mrs. Richard DeLuna
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dependahl
Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Dicioccio
Mr. and Mrs. Roberto D. Dino
Mr. and Mrs. Troy A. Dooley
Mr. and Mrs. Erik E. Doran
Mr. and Ms. Charles E. Dougherty
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Doyle
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Draeger
Mr. and Mrs. Sean Echevarria
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Elchinoff
Mr. and Mrs. James Fa'aita
Mr. Robert F. Galliven
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gibbs
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gilby
Mr. Nasir Gill and
Mrs. Monazza Chaudhry
Mr. and Mrs. Gary N. Glassmoyer
Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Goyette
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Greene, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Jon Grodem
Mr. and Mrs. Charles N. Gust
Dr. and Mrs. Robert B. Hagmann
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hanson
Mr. and Mrs. Reed J. Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Brett W. Herr
Mr. Nader Heydayian and
Mrs. Hamideh Nouri
Mr. and Mrs. Vijay Hingorani
Ms. Jennifer Hipon
Rev. Stephen H. Howell
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jauregui
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Jensen
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Jison
Dr. and Mrs. Michael W. Johnston
Mr. John M. Jones
Most Rev. William J. Justice
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Kanavy
Mr. and Mrs. William Kibblewhite
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kidwell
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Kingshill
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey M. Kirkendall
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Kokrhoun
Mr. Larry P. Kollerer and
Ms. Tish Matulich
Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Kusber
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy E. Licko
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Likens
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Linehan
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Lucido
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Lumpkins
Mr. and Mrs. Lars J. Lund
Mr. Idrees Malik and
Ms. Deborah Kaufman
Mr. and Mrs. James March
Mr. Steven Marinelli and
Ms. Jennifer Moody
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Martinelli
Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Matias
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew B. McGuigan
Mr. and Mrs. Philip A. McIntosh
Ms. Mary McPherson
A N N UA L R E P O RT 1 7
Honor Roll of Donors
Dr. James Merryweather and
Dr. Ulrike Heberlein
Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Mesaros
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Mike
Ms. Peggy Milne
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Ministri
Mr. and Mrs. Mark T. Mongiello
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Moon
Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Moriarty
Mr. and Mrs. Steve M. Moriarty
Ms. Sally M. Morton
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Mostafavi
Mr. and Mrs. Masoud Mostofi
Mr. and Mrs. James Mullarney
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis A. Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick O'Hara
Dr. and Mrs. Takeshi Okai
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Olson
Mr. Anton J. Orazem, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Oswald
Mr. and Mrs. Mario Pacini
Mr. and Mrs. Agapios P. Panagiotides
Mr. and Mrs. Steven M. Papapietro
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Paratte
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Pastorino
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Perez
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Powers
Mr. and Mrs. George Prince
Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Rapp
Mr. Charles J. Rapp
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ratcliffe
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Regan
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Roberts
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Roberts, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred J. Ruggiero
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ryan, III
Mr. and Mrs. Elias Salameh
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Salemi
1 8 A N N UA L R E P O RT 2 0 1 0 - 2 0 1 1
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Schmalz
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Schnabel
Mr. Patrick Shannon
Mr. Walter E. Shjeflo Jr. and
Ms. Carol M. Dorward
Mr. and Mrs. Dmitriy Shtalenkova
Mr. and Mrs. Bradford Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Mark R. Spini
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Sterling
Dr. and Mrs. Erich Strauss
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Strombom
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Suhr
Mr. and Mrs. T. Noel Sy
Mr. and Mrs. George Symons
Mr. and Mrs. Eddy Tabet
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Takizawa
Mr. Philip Tan and Ms. Janet Shaw
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Thornton
Mr. Jeff Tillack and
Mrs. Suzanne Dauphinais
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel R. Toomey
Ms. Mary Torello
Mr. David D. Torre and
Mrs. Angie Pappas Torre
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Trabanino
Mr. Louis Tribble and
Dr. Pamela Carrington-Tribble
Mr. and Mrs. William Turner
Mr. and Mrs. George J. Uccelli, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Anthony Villanueva
Mr. and Mrs. J. Anthony Villanueva
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Wallau
Mr. and Mrs. John Walsh
Mr. and Mrs. Shaun Walter
Mr. Daniel E. Whelan
Mr. and Mrs. William Winters
Mr. and Mrs. Andreas Wolf
Mr. and Mrs. Kenny Y. W. Wong
Honor Roll of Donors
Mr. Harvey Wong and
Ms. Kathy Ptasnik-Wong
Mr. and Mrs. James Wu
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Xavier
Mr. and Mrs. Avelino Zamora
Mr. and Mrs. John Zaro
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Zimits
Collection Bureau of America
Community Health Charities
Cotchett, Pitre, Simon & McCarthy
Covitas, LLC
Gidel & Kocal Construction Company, Inc.
Kibblewhite Precision Engineering
Mobilitas LLC
Natural Bronzing
Nick's Restaurant
Nova Partners, Inc
Peninsula Parish School League
Plastering Industry Bureau of SFO & SM
Valley View Dental Care
$500 - $1,499
Mr. Girish Acharya and
Ms. Krithika Bhat
Dr. Bruce T. Adornato, MD
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Afiesh
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Albert
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Alevizos
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas M. Allen
Mr. and Mrs. George Amarandos
Mr. and Mrs. George Andreini
Mr. and Mrs. David Armstrong
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Baker
Mr. and Mrs. Fernando Balazs
Mr. Robert B. Barrera and
Ms. Rosemarie G. Concepcion
Mrs. Laverne Barrett
Mr. David Barrows
Mr. and Mrs. Micheal A. Bartholomew
Ms. Jacqueline Bates
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Battalio
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Baynes, Esquire
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Bellomo
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bergamaschi
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Bertetta
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence P. Birch, II
Dr. and Mrs. Eugene Bleck
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Bradley
Ms. Angela Brassinga
Mr. Richard E. Bricker
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas F. Browning
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas A. Bruno
Mr. and Mrs. Ante Buljan
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Cabuco
Mr. and Mrs. Armando Calderon
 deceased
Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Callagy
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Camp
Mr. and Mrs. Federico E. Campos
Mr. and Mrs. Jaime Campoverde
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Cano
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Carambat
Mr. and Mrs. Jose R. Carballedo
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Caselli
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Casey
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Castelli
Mr. and Mrs. Cesar Cervantes
Mr. and Mrs. Bayardo J. Chamorro
Mr. Stephen A. Chiappari
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Chow
Ms. Lisa Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent A. Colabianchi
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Collins
Mr. and Mrs. Gary C. Conci
Mr. and Mrs. James Conn
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Connelly
Mrs. Linda Cook
Ms. Ana M. Cordero
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore T. Cordery
Mr. and Mrs. Martyn Crew
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Crocker
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cuddy
Mr. Rodney A. Curl
Mr. and Mrs. Jagruti Dahya
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Danczak
Mr. and Mrs. Fernando De Alba
Mr. and Mrs. Doug D. DeCarlo
Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Deiters
Mr. and Mrs. Rolando del Rosario
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Del Rosario
Mr. and Mrs. Julio Delucchi
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Demartini
Ms. Cynthia DeMartini
Mr. Stephen D'Eredita
Mr. and Mrs. John J. DeScala
Mrs. Nancy C. DeSmedt
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dessinger
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Dewitt
Mr. and Mrs. Michael V. Dillon
Mr. and Mrs. Sanjay Dogra
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin E. Dunleavy
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Ehlers
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Elkins
Mr. and Mrs. William Esposto
Mr. and Mrs. Gerard Evans
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Evans
Mr. Robert L. Fagan
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn W. Farrell
Mr. and Mrs. David Ferrari
Mr. Andrew S. Ferrari
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ferretti
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen R. Finn
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Fitzgerald, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Flynn, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas A. Foglesong
Mr. and Mrs. Salvador Franco
Mr. Philip J. Frengs
Mr. and Mrs. Marc M. Freschet
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Friedlander
Mr. Hector R. Garay and
Mrs. Miriam G. Benavides
Ms. Maria R. Garcia
Mr. and Mrs. Manuel T. Garcia
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Garibaldi
Mr. and Mrs. Vahan Gasparian
Mr. James P. Geary
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald M. Georgette
Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Gerrity
Rev. David A. Ghiorso
Mr. and Mrs. Gene C. Giannotti
Mr. and Mrs. Mathew M. Glauninger
Mr. and Mrs. John Glikbarg
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Godfrey
Mr. and Mrs. Cesar Gomez
Mr. Lizardo Gomez
Mr. and Mrs. Regan Goodin
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis D. Gorgolinski
Mr. Pete Gort
Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Gould, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John Greco, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Grenier
Mrs. Judith Grosey
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Gross
Mr. and Mrs. Martin C. Gruner
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gunther
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. Gunther
Michele Gutierrez
Mr. and Mrs. Charles K. Guttas, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. Hagenau
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Hansel
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harkins
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory P. Hart
Mr. and Mrs. Brian S. Healy
Mr. William J. Healy
Ms. Laura Held
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart M. Hines
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ho, Jr.
Mr. Brian Holt and
Ms. Sheila Donovan
Mr. and Ms. Jack M. Hom, Jr.
Ms. Karen T. Hoyt
Ms. Deborah Huelbig
Mr. and Mrs. Billy Ick
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Ingemansson
Mr. and Mrs. William B. Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. John Jacobson
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Jauregui
Mr. Lawrence M. Jew and Ms. Julie Y. Lum
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel M. Johndrow
Dr. and Mrs. Richard T. Jordan, MD
Dr. and Mrs. Rey Joves
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kalinske
Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Kazakoff
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Keenan
Mr. James P. Kelly
Dr. and Mrs. Masayasu Kihira
Mr. Randall D. Kinder and
Ms. Susan C. Carpenter
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley D. Kinstler
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Klase
Mr. and Mrs. Logan Klineberg
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kochevar
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Kohnke
Mr. and Mrs. Aethelstan La Rosa
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald LaJoie
Mr. Jerry Lami and
Ms. Janice Groshak Lami
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Langi
Ms. Lisa M. Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Liberty
Ms. Katherine D. Luther
Ms. Thelma Madayag
Mr. Shawn Maher and
Mrs. Monica Cordero-Maher
Mr. and Mrs. Mario A. Maldonado
Mrs. Esther Malone
Mr. and Mrs. Juan Mangual
Mr. Eric Martel and Ms. Lynn F. Milos
Mr. and Mrs. Brian McAlindon
Mr. and Mrs. Jim McCann
Mr. Niall McCarthy
Mr. Aidan McCracken
Mr. and Mrs. Gary J. McEntee
Mr. Thomas McGanney
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. McGuigan
Mr. and Mrs. Peter McIsaac
Mr. and Mrs. James McKnight
Mr. John G. McLoughlin
Mr. Thomas V. McMahon, III
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas V. McMahon, Jr.
Ms. Mary H. McMillan
Mr. Martin J. McVeigh
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Meier
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Mellott
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory P. Menzel
Ms. Lucille F Mercado
The Estate of Michele Micheletti
Dr. and Mrs. Ronald D. Mitchell
Maj. Gen. Philip Monahan, (Ret)
Mr. and Mrs. Nicolas I. Morales
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Morrow
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Murray
A N N UA L R E P O RT 1 9
Honor Roll of Donors
Dr. and Mrs. Dennis M. Nakamura
Mr. and Mrs. Vince Nannini
Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell E. Neuner
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Nguyen
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Nichol, DDS
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Noto
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Nunes, Sr.
Mr. George Nunez
Mr. and Mrs. James G. O'Callahan
Dr. Harold O'Donnell
Mr. Ralph E. Olcese
Mr. and Mrs. Jaime O'Leary
Mr. Daniel O'Leary
Mr. and Mrs. JB G. Orecchia
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin O'Regan
Mr. and Dr. Ronaldo Padula
Mr. and Mrs. William Pagendarm
Mr. Eleazar A. Panopio, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Parodi
Mr. and Mrs. Bharat Patel
Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Patterson
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Paulino
Mr. Adam C. Perez
Mr. Stanley Perkins and
Dr. Sherry Butler
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Pert
Ms. Diane Pessagno
Mr. and Mrs. Kent Peters
Mr. and Mrs. William Petersen
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Petrini
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Philpott
Mr. John F. Philpott and
Dr. Kristina Hoffman-Philpott, M.D.
Dr. Robert J. Plant, DDS
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Pritchett
Mr. John Ptasnik
Mr. and Mrs. Ramon Quezada
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Quinn
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ramey
Mr. and Mrs. Randall J. Ramian
Mr. and Mrs. Dante Ravelo
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Redburn
Mr. Walter B. Rees
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Regalia
Mr. and Mrs. Scott D. Regina
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Reidy
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Richards
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Robbins
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis L. Rosaia
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Rostad
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Runkel
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ryan
Ms. Barbara Sabean
Dr. Rubik Sadeghi
Mr. and Mrs. Ibrahim Y. Sahyoun
Mr. and Mrs. John Sanchez
2 0 A N N UA L R E P O RT 2 0 1 0 - 2 0 1 1
Mr. and Mrs. Stacy Sandkulla
Mr. and Mrs. Luz Santiago
Mr. and Mrs. Marc Santo, Sr.
Mr. Zlatko Saric and Ms. Maria Miriana
Mr. and Mrs. David Satterwhite
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Scott
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory P. Segrove, Sr.
Mr. Steven C. Seitz and
Ms. Chris M. Higaki
Mrs. Denise Severi
Mr. and Mrs. Larry A. Simpson
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Simpson
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Sims
Mr. Fred Slone and Mrs. Janet Dulsky
Mr. and Mrs. Jerold Smock
Mr. Christopher S. Sperry
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick E. Stamm
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Steadman
Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. Stephens
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Stephens
Mr. and Mrs. William W. K. Tang
Mr. and Mrs. James Terranova
Mr. and Mrs. Timko
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Todzo
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Toth
Mr. and Mrs. John Tragoutsis
Mr. Matthew Trulio and
Ms. Neira Rebecca Fineman
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Tuck
Mr. Steven Undorte
Mr. and Mrs. Santo E. Valdez
Mrs. Judy Van Doren
Mr. Anthony B. Varni
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Vavuris
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Verlinden
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Vernazza
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Vincent
Mr. Darren Vorrath
Dr. and Mrs. Hugh G. Walsh
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Wan
Mr. William W. Ward, III
LTC Peter M. Wargo, USA(Ret.)
Mr. Kevin Weir
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L. Williams
Dr. and Mrs. Larry Wohlford
Hon. Robert B. Yonts, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Zoucha
Mr. and Mrs. Salem Zoumot
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Zurcher
ABLE Building Maintenance
Dennis & Gloria O'Brien Foundation
Engeo Incorporated
Golden State Aquatics
Intuitive Surgical, Inc.
Kelly Litigation Group
Kidder Mathews Commercial Realestate
Honor Roll of Donors
Knights of Columbus #1346
Peninsula Infiniti
Preston Holmes Inc
Prime Time Paper, LLC
Property and Evidence Consultants
San Francisco Forty Niners Foundation
SF Travel Association
United American Bank
UPA Insurance Brokers
Up to $499
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Abbott, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Abbott
Mr. Mike Abrahmsen
Ms. Felicitas Aceves
Mr. and Mrs. David Adamis
Mrs. Marion Adamis
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel F. Adamis
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Adasiewicz
Mr. and Mrs. Sergio A. Aguilar
Mr. and Mrs. Julian B. Agustin, Jr.
Mr. Javier Alarco and
Ms. Carmen Anderson
Mr. Robert E. Alberto
Dr. Alexa Alborzi, D.D.S.
Mr. Ryan Albovias and
Mrs. Mae Galang-Albovias
Mr. and Mrs. Marc K. Alcantara
Mr. Glenn C. Alford
Mr. John A. Alich, Jr.
Mr. Thomas Alich
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Allara
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Allen
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Allen
Mr. Jonathan E. Allen
Mr. Scott M. Alstad
Mr. and Mrs. Luis E. Alvarenga
Ms. Patricia Alvarez
Mr. Anthony Amable
Mr. and Mrs. Amaya
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Ames
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Amoroso
Mr. Roger Anchartechahar
Ms. Joanne M. Andersen
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Andersen
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Curt Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Andreatta
Ms. Minda Angeles
Ms. Jocelyn Angeles
Mr. Joseph Angelini
Ms. Lisa C. Angstadt
Mr. Ryan Anoa'i and
Mrs. Manufou Liaiga Anoa'i
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce D. Anthony
Mr. Trevor D. Anthony
 deceased
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Antosik
Mr. Enrique Aparicio
Mr. Sean M. Appenrodt
Mr. David J. Arata
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Archbold
Ms. Donna B. Arevalo
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Arico
Mr. Daniel C. Arnold
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Arnold
Mr. and Mrs. Sunil Arora
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Arruda
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Atkinson, PhD
Ms. Barbara Atwell
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Atwood
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Aubert
Mr. and Mrs. Ruben Avelar
Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Avelar
Mr. and Mrs. Estevan Avila
Mrs. James N. Ayoob
Mr. Dean W. Ayoob
Mr. and Mrs. Brian H. Ayoob
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Baciocco
Mr. Douglas Bagnani
Ms. Patricia S. Bailey
Mr. William J. Bailey
Ms. Kathryn Baker
Mr. William U. Baker
Ms. Deborah Baker
Mr. David Bakhtiari
Ms. Marie Bakunas
Mr. Frank A. Baldanzi, CPA
Mr. Raymond J. Baldonado
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Balestrieri, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Rolando V. Balingit
Mr. and Mrs. Haitham Ballout
Ms. Ida Balsamo
Mr. Andrew Banachowski
Mr. and Mrs. Walt Bankovitch
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher M. Bankovitch
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Barbanica
Ms. Doris Y. Barbieri
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Barichievich
Mr. Carlos Barrera
Ms. Mary Jo Barrett
Mr. James E. Barrett
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Barrett, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Barrett
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Barri
Mr. and Mrs. Brian A. Barron
Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Bartaldo
Mr. Roberto J. Bartoli, Jr.
Mr. Joseph Bartron
Mr. and Mrs. Najib M. Batshon
Mr. Robert Battaglia
Mr. Paolo G. Battaglini
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Baur
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy M. Bayley
Mr. and Mrs. John Baylo
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Bea
Mrs. Sally M. Becker
Mr. and Mrs. F. Lee Becker
Mrs. Jeannette Beeler
Mrs. Joan Beering 
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Beering
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence C. Bell
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Bellatorre
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Belton
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Belton
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Belville
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Belvini
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Benedetti
Mr. Brian J. Bennett
Mr. Kevin A. Benson
Mr. and Mrs. Duane Berg
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Bergamaschi
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Berger
Mr. and Mrs. Luke Bergstrom
Ms. JoAnn Bernier
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Berriatua
Ms. Cynthia Berrios
Ms. Pauline Berry
Mr. Fred C. Bertetta, III
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Bertoldi
Mr. and Mrs. James Bertram
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest J. Biagi
Col. and Mrs. Larry E. Bielstein, USAF
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence P. Birch
Ms. Dixie Birch
Mr. Adam J. Bishop
Mr. Brian W. Blake
Mr. Steven J. Blandino
Mr. Robert S. Blandino
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Blank
Mr. Raymond E. Bly
Mr. Alfonso Bocanegra
Mr. Michael P. Bochi
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Bodisco
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Boesch
Mr. Brian F. Boisson
LTC Peter V. Boisson, USA
Mr. Patrick Boland
Mr. John Boland
Mr. and Mrs. John Boneso
Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Borg
Mr. Damian A. Bortolotti
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Bortolotto
Mr. Bruce L. Bosley
Miss Kim Botta
Ms. Marla Bottner
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Bottoms
Mr. and Mrs. John Bourne
Ms. Mary Bourne
Mr. and Mrs. James Bourque
Mrs. Patricia Bove
2nd Lt. Benjamin D. Bowman, USA
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory L. Boyle
Mr. Patrick J. Boyle
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Bracco
Mr. and Mrs. Bracco
Rev. Joseph Bradley
Lt. Col. and Mrs. Robert C. Brady, USAF(Ret.)
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Branch
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brignoli
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Brisbois
A N N UA L R E P O RT 2 1
Honor Roll of Donors
Ms. Nancy A. Britt
Mr. Sean S. Broderick
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Bronzini, D.D.S.
Dr. Nicolas L. Bronzini, DDS
Ms. Joan Brosnan
Ms. Sheila Brosnan
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver R. Brown, IV
Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Brown
Ms. Marinel Bruemer
Ms. Maria S. Bruno
Ms. Sarah Bruno
Ms. Lilia C. Bruno
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bucher
Mr. J. Bucher
Mr. Louie Bulka
Mr. and Mrs. Rich Bulotti
Mr. Dan Burghardt
Mr. and Mrs. David Burke
Mr. Chris R. Burnett
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Burns
Mr. Alfred Burr
Dr. and Mrs. Paul J. Burrin
Mrs. Cynthia Burt
Mr. Steven K. Bush
Col. and Mrs. Mart H. Bushnell, USAF(Ret.)
Mr. Mario J. Buttignol
Ms. Regan Byers Cinelli
Mr. Timothy M. Byrne
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Byrne
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Byrne
Mr. Leon Cabanding
Mr. Richard Cabrera
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Cahill
Mr. Wayne W. Cai and Ms. Judy Y. Xu
Mr. Hong Feng Cai and Ms. Jian She
Mr. Nicholas Calderon
Rev. Leonard J. Calegari
Mr. Michel J. Calegari
Mr. Michael A. Calegari
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Callies
Mr. David F. Calonico
Mr. and Mrs. Carl D. Cammarata, Esquire
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory S. Campbell
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth M. Campi
Ms. Sharon Campodonico
Mr. Charles E. Cancilla
Ms. Patricia Cannizzo
Mr. Richard Canziani 
Mrs. Eunice Canciani
Ms. Debbie Capizano
Mr. and Mrs. Nick Carboni
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Carboni
Mr. Raymond T. Carbullido
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Cardani
Rev. Msgr. Daniel E. Cardelli
2 2 A N N UA L R E P O RT 2 0 1 0 - 2 0 1 1
Mr. Rene Cardinaux
Mr. and Mrs. Eric A. Cardona
Mr. Kevin Cardoza
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Carey
Mr. John T. Carlin
Mr. and Mrs. William N. Carlson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Carmen
Mr. David Caro
Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Carolan
Ms. Mary E. Carpenter
Mr. Michael Carr
Ms. Joy J. Carrigan
Ms. Rita Carroll
Mr. Dennis J. Carson
Mr. Steven J. Casanova
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Case
Mr. Renato J. Casetta
Mr. Mike B. Castagnetto and
Mrs. Linda A. Trinidad-Castagnetto
Ms. Melina Castain
Ms. Alba Castro
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Cattarin
Mr. Robert A. Cattich
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Cauterucio
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cavagnaro
Mr. Robert J. Cavagnaro
Mrs. Lisa Cavallero
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Cecchi
Mr. and Mrs. Dante L. Ceccotti
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Celentano
Mr. and Mrs. Celentano
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Centis
Mr. and Mrs. James Centis
Mr. Peter J. Cerles
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Cesari
Mr. Frank Cetani
Mr. and Mrs. James Chan
Dr. Gary L. Chan, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond M. Chang Raras
Mr. and Mrs. David Chao
Mr. and Mrs. Alejandro V. Chavez
Mr. and Mrs. Victor A. Chelone, Sr.
Mr. Stephen L. Chesley
Ms. Robin Chesley
Mr. Mun C. Cheung and Mrs. Fung L. So
Mr. Varouj A. Chitilian
Ms. Corinne Cho-Beaulieu
Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Choi
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory J. Chrisman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert V. Christensen
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Christensen
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Christman
Mr. Gary W. Christopherson
Rev. Anthony Chung
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cianciolo
Honor Roll of Donors
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ciano, Jr.
Ms. Jayne Cinquini
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy M. Cirigliano
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Cirigliano
Mr. and Mrs. Tim A. Clark
Mr. James M. Clark
Ms. Roberta Clarke
Mr. and Mrs. James O. Clifford
Mr. and Mrs. Christian J. Clifford
Mr. Paul P. Clifford
Mr. Peter P. Cocconi
Mr. David J. Codemo
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Cody
Mr. and Mrs. Devin Coffey
Mr. Stanley G. Cohen
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred F. Colarusso
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Collins, Jr.
Mr. and Ms. David A. Collins
Mrs. Robert Collins
Mr. and Mrs. Craig S. Collom
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. Colombo
Mr. and Mrs. James Comstock
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Comstock
Mr. Michael Conci
Mr. Martin Contreras
Mr. Joseph S. Conway
Mr. Donald Cook and
Mrs. Denise Murguia-Cook
Ms. Michele M. Cook
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Cooks
Mr. and Mrs. Craig E. Cooper, CPP
Mr. Kevin J. Corcoran
Mr. Theodore Cordery
Ms. Carmel Corr
Mr. and Mrs. Eamon Corry
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Corsetti
Mr. Richard E. Corso
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Cort
Mr. John R. Costa
Catherina Cotter
Mr. and Mrs. Brent Cottong
Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Coughlin
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Council
Mr. Tom Cox and
Mrs. JoAnn Dugoni Cox
Mr. and Mrs. Leffie Crawford
Dr. E. Patrick Creehan, MD
Mr. and Mrs. Alphonsus J. Cronin
Mr. and Mrs. Jeremiah K. Cronin
Mr. and Mrs. B. Kevin Cronin
Mr. and Mrs. Joel Cronin
Mr. John F. Crosby
Mr. Charles J. Crotty
Mr. and Mrs. Crouch
Mr. James Crowley
 deceased
Mr. Dwight A. Crump and
Mrs. Maria T. Nepomuceno-Crump
Mr. and Mrs. Mario Cruz
Mr. David A. Cuevas
Mr. Robert E. Cullen
Mr. Lawrence Cummins
Mr. Kevin J. Cuneo
Mr. Kenneth D. Cunningham
Dr. Donald J. Curia, D.D.S.
Mr. J. R. Curtis
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D'Agostino
Mr. and Mrs. William T. Dailey
Mr. and Mrs. Morris Daley
Mr. and Mrs. John Damonte
Dr. Sanford S. Daniel, D.D.S.
Mr. and Mrs. Art Daniels
Mr. James Q. Danielski
Ms. Najat Darzi
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Daulton
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Davies
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Davis
Mr. Terence R. Day
Mr. Simeon De Jesus, III and
Ms. Marianne Villanueva
Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. De La Pena
Mr. and Mrs. Carlos De Leon
Mr. and Mrs. Carlo T. De Luca
Mr. and Mrs. David De Martini
Mr. Edward De Souza
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard T. Deasy
Ms. Janiece Debker
Mr. Timothy D. Dees
Mr. and Mrs. Francis DeFoe
Mr. and Mrs. John P. DeFoe
Mr. Andrew W. DeFrancis
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. DeFrancis
Mr. Ross Dehoney
Mr. Vincent Del Rosario
Mr. and Mrs. Don Del Zompo
Ms. Rose Del Zompo
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Delaurenti
Ms. Atina M. Delfino
Mr. and Mrs. David G. DeLora
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Delos Santos
Mr. and Mrs. Carlo T. Deluca
Mr. Scott J. Delucchi
Mr. Robert Delue
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Deming
Mr. and Mrs. David Dempsey
Ms. Teri Demski
Ms. Rosa Denis
Mr. Tony Dennis
Ms. Joanna D. D'Eredita
Mr. and Dr. Rajendra Desai
Mr. and Mrs. Dudley Desler
Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. Desler
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Di Giacomo
Mr. Larry Diamond
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Dickerson
Ms. Joyce Dickson
Mr. and Mrs. Steve A. Difu
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Diggins
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Dill
Mr. Daniel P. Dillon
Mr. and Mrs. Steven C. Din
Mr. Brad Diodati
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff M. Diodati
Mr. and Mrs. Byron S. Dizon
Mr. Sammy Dizzle
Mr. Victor J. Dodier, Jr.
Ms. Jean Dodier
Ms. Karen Doherty
Mr. and Mrs. Camille Domine
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Donahue
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Dooley
Mr. Eric W. Dooley
Ms. Eleanor M. Dossee
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Dougherty
Mr. and Mrs. John Dowden
Mr. and Mrs. Mark R. Dritsas
Mr. Ronald J. Du Bois
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey M. Dude
Deacon and Dr. Rusty Duffey
Mr. Michael L. Duffy
Mr. and Mrs. Robert V. Dugoni, Esquire
Mr. and Mrs. Brian P. Dunleavy
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick R. Dunn
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Dutto
Mr. Patrick J. Earley
Mr. and Mrs. Brian W. Earley
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Echandi
Mr. Damon X. Echevarria
Ms. Mary C. Eck
Mr. Patrick C. Edens
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald F. Edwards
Mr. John J. Egenolf
Mr. and Mrs. John Eggli
Mr. Adam Elegant
Mr. Charles V. Elizondo
Dr. Thomas S. Ellerhorst
Mr. and Mrs. Danny Elvena
Mr. Walter G. Englert
Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Eppler, PE
Mr. William Eppler
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Erdie
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Ernst
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold A. Ertola III
Ms. Carolyn Ervin
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Esplana
Mr. Gabriel J. Esposto
Mr. and Mrs. Mario Esposto
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry L. Ezrin
Mr. Michael P. Fadelli
Ms. Teleisia F. Fahy
Mr. and Mrs. David Fahy
Ms. Irene Falk
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Fambrini
Mr. and Mrs. James Fanguna
Mr. and Mrs. John Fantham
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Fanucchi
Mr. Robert Fanucchi and
Mrs. Nancy Becerra-Fanucchi
Mr. David L. Farella
Mr. and Mrs. Norm Faria
Mr. Anthony M. Farinha
Ms. Carrie Farley-Cincotta
A N N UA L R E P O RT 2 3
Honor Roll of Donors
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Farrell
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Farren
Mr. and Mrs. Fereidoun Fatemi
Mr. Gerald Feeney
Seaman Mark D. Fehrn, USN
Mr. and Mrs. Howard S. Feldman
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Fell
Mr. David Fernandez
Dr. and Mrs. Robert M. Fernandez, DDS
Ms. Rebeca Fernandez
Ms. Elena Fernandez
Mr. and Mrs. Delfin Fernando
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Ferrando
Mr. Steven B. Ficklin
Mr. Ronnie J. Fields
Ms. Barbara K. Fields
Mr. and Mrs. Albert J. Figone, Jr.
Mrs. Neira Rebecca Fineman
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick P. Finigan
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Finn
Mr. James Finnegan and
Ms. Linda McMahon
Mr. and Mrs. George Firenze
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Firenze
Mrs. Nancy Fitzgerald
Mr. and Mrs. Tomas Fitzgerald
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew P. Fitzgerald
Mr. Francis J. Fitzpatrick
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Fitzpatrick
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Flaherty
Mr. John P. Flanagan
Mr. James S. Flannery
Mr. L. Walter Fleischer
Mr. Danny Florencia
Mr. and Mrs. Rafael A. Flores
Mr. and Mrs. Mark T. Flowers
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Floyd
Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Folan
Mr. James Foley
Mr. and Mrs. Dave E. Foppiano
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald J. Forbes
Ms. Judith Forrette
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce A. Forshee
Ms. Lola Fotu
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Fox
Mr. and Mrs. John Fraher
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Frank
Mr. Mike Franklin
Mr. and Mrs. James N. Fregosi
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Freitas
Dr. Charles B. French, MD
Mrs. Pam Frisella
Mr. Raymond Froehlich
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence D. Frost
Mr. Kevin Frost
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Fruehe
Mr. and Mrs. Wycliff M. Fua
Mr. and Mrs. George T. Fulvio
Mr. and Mrs. Mark L. Furrer
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Furrer, Jr.
Mr. Richard Furrer
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce N. Furukawa
Mr. Anthony Gabriel
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Gaddis
Ms. Alexandra Gadzo
Mr. Scott D. Gaffney
Ms. Annmarie Gaggero
Ms. Diane Gaggero
Mr. and Mrs. David Gagliani
Mr. Carmen F. Gagliardi
Mr. Arthur R. Gagne
Ms. Jessica Gaitan
Mrs. Gloria Galeotti
Mr. Ambrose A. Galli
Mr. and Mrs. George Galloway
Dr. and Mrs. Michael T. Galloway
Mr. and Mrs. Roberto Galver
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Gambucci
Dr. Ronald L. Gandolfo
Mr. Steve Gannon
Ms. Senerita Gaoteote
Ms. Bernadette Garchitotena
Mr. David M. Garcia
Mr. Eugene Garcia
Ms. Bren Garcia
Dr. and Mrs. David P. Gardner, Ph.D.
Mr. Richard F. Garibaldi
Mr. Robert F. Garratt, Jr.
Mr. Dom Garza
Mr. and Mrs. Fulvio Garzoli
Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey Gatt
Mr. and Mrs. Mark K. Gauthreaux
Mr. Stephen C. Gauvin
Mr. Vadim Gavan and
Mrs. Tatiana Sefanov
Mr. and Mrs. Dagoberto Gavidia
Mr. Glen Gaviglio
Mr. Anthony J. Gay, Sr.
Mr. John C. Gaylord
Mr. Mark R. Gedymin
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Gee
Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Geenen
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Geenen
Mr. Steve Gelphman and
Ms. Jennifer Freeman
Mr. Mark A. Gerhardt
Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Ghidossi
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin E. Giacomini
Ms. Leana Giannini
Ms. Karen Gianuario
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Gill
Mr. Greg Gillis
Drs. Michael and Katherine Gillogley
Mr. Thomas Gillogley
Mr. Dermot M. Gilmartin
Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Ginsberg
Mr. and Mrs. Terrence J. Giomi
Ms. Kathy Giordano
Mr. Steven M. Giorgi
Mr. Aaron A. Giovara
Dr. and Mrs. Michael Girolami, M.D.
Mr. Marc Giron
Mr. and Mrs. Gary D. Gitch
Mr. and Mrs. David Giuliani
Ms. Maureen Giusti
Mr. and Mrs. George Giusti
Ms. Rita Gleason
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. Glenn
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Glesener
Mr. Andrew Gloskowski
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel H. Gluck
 deceased
Mr. Anthony J. Goblirsch
Ms. Moya Goddard
Mr. and Mrs. Ric S. Goell
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Goldsmith
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gomes
Ms. Donna Gomez
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gonzales
Mr. and Mrs. Antonio A. Gonzalez
Mr. Miguel A. Gonzalez
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gonzalez
Mr. and Mrs. Edward K. Gory
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff C. Goshorn
Mr. Kenneth Gottwald
Mr. and Mrs. Bud R. Grandsaert
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Grant
Mr. John Granucci
Mr. William W. Granville
Mr. Pat Gray
Mr. Eugene J. Graziani
Mr. and Mrs. Paul G. Grech
Mr. and Mrs. Roy C. Green
Ms. William N. Green and
Mrs. Grace M. Dodier
Mr. Joshua Greenberg and
Ms. Kashya Shei
Mr. and Mrs. Lou Greenberg
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Greenberg
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Greene, Sr.
Mr. Jeff Greenstreet
Mr. Norbert T. Greiner
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Grey
Mr. Terrence T. Griffin
Mr. and Mrs. James Griffin
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Griffin
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Griffith
Ms. Shirley Grimaudo
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Grogan
Ms. Jessica Grospe
Mr. Robert J. Guenley
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Guerin
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert R. Guerin, PhD
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Guidi
Mr. Joseph W. Gumber
Ms. Helen P. Gunther
Mr. Kristofer M. Gustafson
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Gutgsell
Dr. and Mrs. Robert A. Haake
Mr. Eric R. Haas
Mr. Kenneth J. Habeeb
Ms. Asma Habib
Mr. Richard Hagarty
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Haggerty II
Mr. John J. Haggerty
Mrs. Karen Hall
Mr. Michael P. Hall
Ms. Renee A. Hallen
Dr. Charles W. Halterman and
Dr. Gwendolyn F. Halterman
Mr. Gary B. Hamill, O.D.
Mr. Kevin Hamilton
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hammel
Mr. William S. Hammer
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Hannon
Mr. Michael A. Hannon
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Hansen
Mr. Steven B. Hansen
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis R. Hansen
Mr. and Mrs. Jens Hansen
Mr. and Mrs. Wil Hardee, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Scott W. Harden
Mr. and Mrs. Colin R. Hardman
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick F. Harkin
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph K. Harper
Mrs. Sally Harrington
Mr. Charles G. Harrington
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Harris
Mrs. Aileen B. Hart
Ms. Elena Hart
Mr. Joseph Hartmann 
Mr. and Mrs. William M. Hartmann
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew E. Hastings
Mr. Nathan C. Hastings
Mr. Gary J. Hausladen
Mr. and Mrs. John Haynes
Mr. Michael Hazlewood
Mr. and Mrs. Jing H. He
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Healey
Mr. Timothy W. Healy
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hegarty
Mr. Richard A. Heintz
Mr. Troy M. Held and
Ms. Cynthia Durham-Held
Mr. and Mrs. William Helfrich
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Helin
Mr. Tommy Helmes
Mr. Arthur F. Henderson
Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey M. Henderson
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce P. Henderson
Ms. Christine M. Hendricks
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis W. Henneberry
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Hennessey
Mr. Timothy P. Hennessy
Mr. Ryan G. Hensel
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Herminghaus
Mr. and Mrs. Jose A. Hernandez, Jr.
Mr. Victor R. Herreria
Mr. John Herrerias and
Ms. Ann Sabatini
Mr. Adam Hicks
Ms. Chris Higaki
Mr. Josh L. Hilden
Mr. Gregory Hillig
Mr. John T. Hills
Mr. and Mrs. Jim M. Hing
Mr. Mark A. Hinueber
Mr. Keenan M. Hird
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Hitchens
Ms. Barbara M. Ho
Ms. Theresa L. Ho
Mr. Gilbert D. Ho and Ms. Chun Lin
Mr. and Mrs. Max K. Hoberg
Mr. Dave Hock
Mr. and Mrs. Eric J. Hoedt
Mr. Kevin J. Holden
Mrs. Bernita Holm
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Horgan
Mr. Christopher P. Houle and
Mrs. Noelle Bylos-Houle
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Houle
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald K. Houle
Dr. Steven M. Howard, M.D.
Mr. Patrick Huang and Ms. Jane Wang
Mr. Martin J. Huarte, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald T. Hubner
Mr. and Mrs. Homer Hudelson
Mr. Joseph H. Hudelson
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Hughes
Mr. and Mrs. Steven R. Humrich
Dr. and Mrs. Robert S. Hunter
Mr. and Mrs. Ian Hunter
Ms. Maureen Huntington
Mr. Robert S. Hurley and
Mrs. Jeanette Riach-Hurley
Ms. Maureen Hurley
Mr. and Mrs. Findlay Hurrell
Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Hurst
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Hurst
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hutchison
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Igoe
Mr. Richard A. Iori
Ms. Maria Iorillo
Mr. Dennis H. Irving
Ms. Ko Ishikawa
Mr. Joseph L. Izzo, Jr.
Dr. Arthur A. Jackson
Ms. Teresa Jackson
Mrs. Sandre Jackson
Mr. Doug Jacobson
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick D. Jacquemet
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Jaeb
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Jajeh
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Janok
Mr. and Mrs. Edgardo Q. Japitana
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Jefferies
Mr. and Mrs. Ward L. Jennings
A N N UA L R E P O RT 2 5
Honor Roll of Donors
Mr. John M. Jennings
Mr. and Mrs. Peter C. Jensen
Mr. and Mrs. Dan B. Jensen
Mr. and Mrs. Jaime Jimenez
Mr. Louis Johnson
Mr. Mark W. Johnson
Mr. Carl Johnson, III
Mr. Stephen M. Johnson
Mr. Theodore Johnson
Mr. Rich Johnson
Mr. Stephen T. Johnston
Ms. Jean Johnstone
Mr. Barry Jolette
Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Joly
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold W. Jones
Ms. Rosland Jones
Mr. and Mrs. James Jordan
Mr. Anthony G. Jordan
Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Jordan
Mr. Alexander J. Jordan
Dr. Wayne Joseph
Mr. and Mrs. Russ Jow
Ms. P. June
Mr. William P. Junge
Dr. and Mrs. Anthony Kakis, DPM
Justice Robert Kane
Mr. Samuel S. Kang and
Ms. Elizabeth Najera-Kang
Mr. Alan J. Kappeler
Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Kardas, Jr.
Mr. Paul Karson
Mr. and Mrs. Kosta Kasidiaris
Mr. Bryan Kauffman
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kauffman
Mr. Jon Kaufman
Mrs. Antonette Kavanaugh
Mr. and Mrs. Ray H. Kawakami
Mr. Michael C. Keily
Mr. and Mrs. Halford Kekuewa
Mr. Joseph P. Kell
Mr. William J. Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. Ross A. Kelly
Mr. Michael A. Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew V. Kelly
Mr. James C. Kelso
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel B. Kenny
Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Kent
Ms. Joan Kent
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff M. Kesner
Mr. and Mrs. Sarkis Kestekyan
Mr. and Mrs. Armand H. Kilijian
Mr. William B. Killilea
Mr. Martin Kingshill and
Ms. Laura McMahon
2 6 A N N UA L R E P O RT 2 0 1 0 - 2 0 1 1
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Kingshill
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Kingshill
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Kinsella
Mr. Timothy A. Kirby
Ms. Donna Kirk
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Kirkpatrick
Ms. Angel Kirschnman
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Kish
Mr. James Kleinbach
Mr. Jeremiah F. Kleinbach
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Klinger
Mr. Michael J. Klobuchar
Mr. and Mrs. LeeRoy J. Kloezeman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Knezevich
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Kniffin
Mr. and Mrs. David Kohnke
Mr. Philipp J. Kokrhoun
Mr. Jonathan P. Kollerer
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Koo
Mr. Patrick W. Kopp
Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Kopp
Mr. and Mrs. Jason S. Kosol
Miss Lisa Kowalski
Mr. Tom Kowalski
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Krell
Mr. and Mrs. William D. Kron
Ms. Armeda E. Kuhlmann
Mr. Tony Kwong and
Mrs. Dian Dai-Kwong
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony C. Kyaw
Mr. John T. La Torra
Mr. Ronald K. Laber
Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Lagomarsino
Mr. and Mrs. John Lahlouh
Mr. David E. Laidlaw
Ms. Diana Lam
Mrs. Jennifer Lambdin
Mr. Dennis M. Lambright
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Lanam
Ms. Sherrie Landerito
Mr. Patrick D. Landrum
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Langi
Ms. Kathy Langi
Mr. Louis A. Langi
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Langi
Mr. Armstrong Langi
Mr. and Mrs. Eric R. Langland
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Lanzone
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lanzone
Mr. and Mrs. J. Michael Laramie
Mr. Patrick Larkin
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Lau
Ms. Kathy O. Lavezzo
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Lavezzo
Mr. and Mrs. Ron F. Lavezzo
Honor Roll of Donors
Mr. David A. Lavezzo
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Laycock
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lazzara
Mr. Joseph Leach
Mr. Robert C. Leach
Mr. Richard E. Leavitt
Mr. and Mrs. Sean Leddy
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Lee
Ms. Mary G. Lee
Ms. Vivien Lee
Dr. Douglas Lee, D.D.S.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew M. Lee
Ms. Tracey Lee
Rev. G. Robert Leger
Mr. and Mrs. Stalky Lehman
Ms. Kimberly Leikam
Mr. and Mrs. Donald N. Leikam
Mr. Stuart J. Lerner and
Ms. Margaret C. Gunn
Mr. Rich Lesco
Mr. Neil Leslie and
Mrs. Judi Podesta-Leslie
Mrs. Chiara Levin
Mr. Damon R. Lewis
Mr. Jerry Li
Mr. Raymond K. Y. Li
Mr. and Mrs. Renato Lilles
Mr. and Mrs. Mark F. Lillie, Jr.
Ms. Chun Lin
Lt. Col. Herbert L. Lindemann, Jr.
Mr. John D. Lingbeck
Mr. and Mrs. Rod Linhares
Mr. Matthew Lipinski
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Lippert, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. David T. Littlejohn
Mr. and Mrs. Cary Liu
Mr. Alex M. London
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel C. Lonergan
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Long
Mr. and Mrs. En-Sheng Long
Mr. Richard Longinotti
Rev. Craig P. Looney
Mr. and Mrs. Jose Lopez
Mr. and Mrs. Ramon L. Lorenzo
Ms. Stephanie Lorton
Mr. and Mrs. Austin P. Louie
Ms. Susan Louie
Mr. James C. Loustalot
Mr. and Mrs. Ian Loveseth, Esquire
Mr. John Low
Ms. Sandre J. Lower
Mr. Douglas Lower
Mr. and Mrs. Neal J. Lucett
Mr. Stephen Lundin
Col. and Mrs. Cliff Lussier, Jr.
Mr. William D. Luther
Mr. Carl Lutu
LTJG John H. Lyons, USN(Ret.)
Ms. Ming Hui Ma
Dr. John Maa, MD
Ms. Jo Ann Mac Donald
Mr. John A. Macalik
Mr. and Mrs. Marlon G. Macaraig
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas MacKenzie
Mr. Stuart MacKenzie
Mr. John A. Macy
Mr. and Mrs. Severiano Madlambayan
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron R. Maffei
Dr. Ernest A. Maggioncalda, D.D.S.
Dr. Russell M. Magnaghi, PhD
Mrs. Diane Magner
Mr. and Mrs. David Magnuson
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Maguire
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mah
Mr. James M. Maher
Mr. and Mrs. Henry F. Maher, Jr.
Mr. Thomas O. Mahnke
Mrs. JoAnne Mahoney
Mr. and Mrs. Narendra Makan
Ms. Verna L. Makanani
Mr. Hanna J. Malak
Mr. Roy Malatesta, Jr.
Ms. Christine Mallery and
Mr. David Shaw
Dr. L. David Malone, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Malone
Chief Susan E. Manheimer
Mr. Mark O. Manoukian
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Mantegani
 deceased
Mrs. Barbara Jean Mantegani
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Mantoani
Mr. Joseph R. Marcelli
Mr. and Mrs. Mareta
Mr. and Mrs. Tomas Mariano
Mr. Charles F. Marinaro
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Marks
Mr. Jeremy Markus
Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Marques
Mr. Paul Marsili
Ms. Kelly L. Martin
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Tevis P. Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Martinelli
Drs. Alan and Nancy Marx
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Masetti
Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Massey
Mr. A. H. Pete Mathieu, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Puleola Mati
Mrs. Kathy Matthews
Mr. Robert E. Mattinson
Mr. and Mrs. Peter H. Mattson
Mr. Joseph Matulich
Mr. Joshua D. Maule, III
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Maurino
Mr. and Mrs. Perry Mazzoni
Mr. and Mrs. William McAbee
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney L. McAlavey
Mr. Kristopher J. McAlavey
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas McBreen, MD
Dr. James J. McCauley
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. McClenahan
Rev. Kieran J. McCormick
Rev. Msgr. Maurice McCormick
Mr. and Mrs. Martin McCormick
Ms. Anna McCracken
Mr. and Mrs. James P. McDermott
Mr. Kevin J. McDonald
Mr. Gerald G. McDonnell
Mr. and Mrs. Brent McElroy
Ms. Colleen McFerrin
Ms. Janet McGavin
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick W. McGlennon
Mr. and Mrs. Francis X. McGloin
Rev. Msgr. Lawrence J. McGovern
Mr. Charles D. McGowan
Mr. James M. McGrath
Mr. and Mrs. William McGuffin
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher McGuire
Rev. Msgr. Anthony McGuire
Mrs. Joan McGuire
Mr. Thomas McGuire
Mr. and Mrs. Donald H. McInnis
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff McKay
Mr. and Mrs. Sean McKenna
Mr. Joseph B. McKeon, II
Ms. Kathy McKeon
Mr. Bob M. McKercher
Mr. Troy McKinley
Mr. and Mrs. James D. McLain
Mr. and Mrs. David A. McLaughlin
Maj. and Mrs. Steven B. McLaughlin, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. McLaughlin, III
Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. McMillan
Mrs. Katherine McMillan
Mr. Bob McMillan
Mr. Richard McMullen
Mr. Donald McNab
Mr. and Mrs. Edward McNab
Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. McNab
Mr. and Mrs. John McNesby
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick McTaggart
Rev. Msgr. Edward P. McTaggart
Mrs. Frances McVeigh
Mr. and Mrs. Pete L. Meade
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Meade, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Meagher
Mr. Michael Medeiros
Mr. and Mrs. James Medeiros
Mr. Michael Megargee
Mr. Patrick M. Megargee
Mr. Peter C. Meier
Mr. and Mrs. Yoshiro Meiji
Mr. Julio Mejia
Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Melconian
Mrs. Sally Mellinger
Mr. and Mrs. Gene E. Mellor
Mr. and Mrs. Arvin Menchavez, Sr.
Mr. Roger Mendel
A N N UA L R E P O RT 2 7
Honor Roll of Donors
Mr. Ruben Mendoza
Ms. Anna-Marie Mendoza
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Menendez
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Meredith
Mr. Michael W. Meredith
Mr. and Mrs. Ferris N. Merriam
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Merrigan
Mr. and Mrs. Francis W. Merrigan
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Merslich
Mr. Rickey Mesta
Mr. Thomas C. Meuser
Mr. William Meuser
Mr. William Meyer
Mr. Steven J. Meyer
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Meyer
Mr. Kenneth A. Mifsud
Mr. R. Milan
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Milano
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Milestone
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel F. Miller, Jr.
Dr. Robert J. Miller, MD and
Ms. Shelia Town
Ms. Angela Miller
Ms. Marlene Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Scott W. Milliken
Mr. Christopher C. Minerva and
Ms. Inge Jantzen-Minerva
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Mitchell, Jr.
Mr. James A. Mitchell
Mr. and Mrs. Compton Mock
Mr. and Mrs. Krishnan Mohan
Ms. Lisa C. Molieri
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Molinari
Mr. Albert Molinari
LCDR and Mrs. Dan Molthen, USCG
Mr. Jeffrey K. Molumby
Mr. and Mrs. Alan T. Molyneux
Mrs. Diana E. Mongini
Ms. Elizabeth Monroe
Mr. Doug Monsour
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Monte
Mr. William Montecino
Mr. Adam J. Montgomery
Mr. George G. Montgomery
Ms. Marilyn J. Moodie
Dr. John C. Moon, D.D.S.
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard J. Mooney
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Moore
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Moore
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Moore
Mr. Robert E. Moran, PhD
Ms. Laura M. Moraros
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Moreno
Mr. Norman Moretto
2 8 A N N UA L R E P O RT 2 0 1 0 - 2 0 1 1
Mr. Jeffrey Mori
Mr. Brett T. Moroney
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Moroney, Jr.
Mr. D.J. Morris
Mr. and Mrs. Damian Morris
Mr. Kevin V. Morris
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Morris
Ms. Ninalei Morrison
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest G. Morrison
Mr. and Mrs. Ted R. Morton
Mr. Daniel R. Mosunich
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Mosunich
Mr. and Mrs. Brian H. Mott
Mr. Charles H. Motte, Jr.
Mr. Robert Mowat
Mr. Richard H. Moye
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Mulgrew
Mr. and Mrs. Mark W. Mulgrew
Mr. Luke B. Mulhall
Mr. and Mrs. Terrence Mullady
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Mullen
Mr. Kevin C. Mullin
Ms. Gayle Mulvey
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel P. Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. John Murphy
Mr. William T. Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Neil P. Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. William Murphy, Jr. 
Mr. and Mrs. John Murray
Mr. Thomas P. Murray
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Murray, III
Mr. Matthew A. Musante
Mr. George Musante
Mr. Peter M. Muscat
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Musich
Ms. Lori A. Musser
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Mutto
Mr. and Mrs. George Mutto
Mr. and Mrs. Gary S. Nagle
Mr. and Mrs. Mats Nahlinder
Mr. and Mrs. VenKat Naidu
Mr. and Mrs. Renato Nanez
Ms. Renuka P. Narayan
Mr. and Mrs. Alvaro Navarro
Mr. and Mrs. Nazar
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Nazzaro
Mr. and Mrs. Gavin P. Neil
Ms. Julie A. Nelson
Mr. Thomas F. Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. John Neu
Ms. Ann F. Neumann
Mr. Matthew Neumann
Ms. Ann Neumann
Mr. Mark F. Neumann
Honor Roll of Donors
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin C. Newman
Mr. Paul Ng
Ms. Gina Nguyen
Ms. Monique Nicoll
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Niederhofer
Mr. Peter Niemann
Mr. and Mrs. David Nightingale
Mr. and Mrs. Akram Nofal
Mr. Edward A. Nolan, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Razi Noor
Mr. Wasi Noor
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald F. Norman
Mr. and Mrs. David Northway
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth G. Norton
Mr. Omeed Nosrati
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Nouaux
Mr. and Mrs. John Nugent
Mr. Conrado Nunez
Mr. and Mrs. Federico Nuti
Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Nye, Jr.
Mr. Joseph E. O'Brien
Mr. and Mrs. William T. O'Callahan
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher M. O'Connor
Mr. and Mrs. James M. O'Donnell
Mr. and Mrs. Yuji Ohba
Ms. Ingrid B. Ojeda
Mr. Kevin A. O'Keefe
Mr. Michael J. Olcese
Mr. and Mrs. Neil R. O'Leary
Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. O'Leary
Mr. and Mrs. John O'Leary
Mr. Christopher C. O'Leary
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew A. Oliver
Mr. and Mrs. James Olson
Mr. James Olson
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Omaleki
Mr. Richard D. Onstad
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick O'Riordan
Ms. Marie Orloff
Mr. Steven G. O'Rourke
Mr. Alvaro Orozco
Ms. Kris Ortner
Mrs. Erin Osai
Mr. and Mrs. John O'Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. O'Sullivan
Mr. James M. O'Sullivan
Mr. Patrick O'Sullivan
Mr. Edward G. Ottoboni
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Ou
Mr. Peter F. Padovan
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Painter
Ms. Winora C. Painter
Mr. Jose Palacios and Ms. Eva Cruz
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Palakiko
Mr. Balint M. Palko
 deceased
Mr. and Mrs. Nillson Pan
Mrs. Marcia Pando
Ms. Jeannette Papapietro
Ms. Susie Pappas
Ms. S. Parish
Mr. and Mrs. Cody Parker
Mr. and Mrs. Bill M. Parker
Mr. and Mrs. James S. Parola
Mr. Thomas M. Paroubeck
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Paskerian
Mr. and Mrs. Carl G. Pastore
Ms. Parvatiben Patel
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Patterson
Mr. Ed Paulus
Mr. Peter A. Pawlick
Mr. Jefferson Pe and
Mrs. Bernice Quan-Pe
Mr. Ivan Peculic and
Mrs. Barbara Bobila-Peculic
Mr. and Mrs. Chris S. Pedersen
Mr. Brian L. Pedersen
Mr. Thomas Pellizzari
Mr. Larry Penna
Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Penner
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Penner
Mr. C. Scott Penner
Ms. Anastasia Pennington
Mr. Ben Peralta
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth O. Peralta
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Perez
Mr. and Mrs. Jacinto Perez
Mr. and Mrs. Salvador Perez
Mr. Robert D. Pericic
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey M. Perry
Mr. Richard F. Persha
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Peruzzaro
Mr. and Mrs. Carl T. Peterson
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Peterson
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Peterson
Mr. Henry Peterson
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond R. Petrin
Ms. Laurie Petrini
Mr. and Mrs. Rico J. Petrini, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Pete Petrini
Mr. and Mrs. John Petroff
Mr. Benjamin T. Pettigrew
Mr. William M. Pfann
Mr. Dick Phelan
Mr. and Mrs. William Phillips
Mr. and Mrs. David Philpott
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Philpott
Mr. Jeffrey R. Pick
Mrs. Christina Pietro
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Pineda, RD
Ms. L.A. Pinkerton
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Kenneth Pira
Mr. Christian Pirvan
Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Plaine
Mrs. Cathy A. Plevin
Mr. Robert P. Plimley
Mr. Edward J. Plume
Mr. Wayne L. Podesta
Ms. Marie Podesta
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Poland
Mr. Ted R. Pollak
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Pometta
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ponti
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Ponti
Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. Ponty
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Pool
Mrs. Christine Porter
Ms. Natalie Power
Ms. Sushila D. Prasad
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Press
Mr. S. James Presta
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Presta
Mr. James Prickitt
Mr. Jorge Prieto and
Mrs. Milan Mejia-Prieto
Mr. and Mrs. Miguel Puzon
Ms. Saadia S. Qazi
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Qualseth
Mr. and Mrs. Guillermo Quant
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory S. Quigley
Ms. Anastasia Rabago
Mr. and Mrs. Reynaldo Rabang
Mr. Lawrence A. Raffo
Mr. Richard V. Raffo
Mr. Robert J. Raffo
Mrs. Gabriela Ramirez
Mr. and Mrs. Jose Ramirez
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald J. Ramiza
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ramos
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory S. Ramos
Mr. Frank Ramos
Mr. Michael P. Ranahan
Mr. David A. Ranch
Ms. Arlene R. Rankine
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Rauenbuehler
Mr. Keith W. Rauenbuehler
Mr. and Mrs. George J. Raymond
Mr. and Mrs. Jose H. Razo
Mr. and Mrs. Antonio Razon
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Rea
Mr. and Mrs. John David Reading
Mr. Sean P. Reardon
Mr. and Mrs. Redington
Mr. Christopher E. Reed
Mr. Bernard L. Reichmuth
Mr. Daniel A. Reicker
Mr. and Mrs. Eric J. Reider
Dr. and Mrs. Michael L. Rende
Mr. and Mrs. Mandy Restrivera
Mr. and Mrs. Mario Reyes
Ms. Christine H. Rezendez
Mr. Adam R. Rezendez
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Rife, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Riffle
Mr. and Mrs. J. Roger Riffle
Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Rinaldi
Mr. David E. Rinehart and
Ms. Mary E. Hain
Mr. Michael S. Riordan Cavanaugh
Mrs. Marisela Rivas
Mrs. Jacqueline Robinson
Col. and Mrs. Robert E. Roddy, USA(Ret.)
Mr. and Mrs. William Rodgers
A N N UA L R E P O RT 2 9
Honor Roll of Donors
Mr. Charles R. Rodondi
Mr. and Mrs. Cesario Rodriguez, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Luis F. Rodriguez
Mr. and Mrs. Hugo A. Rodriguez
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Rogers
Mr. John U. Rohrer
Mr. and Mrs. John Rohrer
Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. Rojas
Ms. Karen Romagnoli
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Romeo
Mr. Thomas E. Romero
Mr. Gary Roof
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rosenberg
Mr. Lawrence Rosenberg
Mr. Michael A. Rosi
Rev. Paul Rossi
Cmdr. Philip R. Rossi, SC USN
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Roth
Mr. Robert M. Rouse
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Rowan
Mr. and Mrs. William B. Rowley
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Rubens
Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Ruble
Mr. and Mrs. Warren W. Rucker
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron J. Rudger
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Ruggeri
Ms. Rosa Ruggiero
Ms. Sandra Ruiz
Mr. John R. Ruport
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rush
Mr. and Mrs. Louis N. Ruso
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey M. Ryan
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin E. Ryan
Mr. Brendan E. Ryan
Mr. and Mrs. David R. A. Ryan
Ms. Joan Ryzner
Mr. George J. Saade
Mr. Robert Sabbatini
3 0 A N N UA L R E P O RT 2 0 1 0 - 2 0 1 1
Mr. Julian Sabbatini, PE CCM
Mr. and Mrs. Akram Saber
Mr. J. Michael Sacchetti
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Sacher
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Sadlowski
Mr. and Mrs. Ray L. Salvano
Mr. and Mrs. Jason B. Salvato
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Sambel
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Sampson, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Bartolome San Diego III
Mr. and Mrs. Angel Sanchez
Mr. and Ms. David V. Santaga
Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Santamaria
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Santin
Mr. Jimmy E. Santor and
Mrs. Patricia M. Bucher-Santor
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Sanz
Mr. and Mrs. William Sapp
Mr. William V. Sapp
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Sari
Ms. Gayle Sarlatte
Mr. James Sarzotti
Capt. Gilbert C. Sateia
Ms. Kimberly R. Sato-Gainer
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Scalmanini
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Scarpino
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Scerri
Mr. and Mrs. Clement P. Schablaske
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry J. Schembri
Mrs. Mary T. Schembri
Mr. and Mrs. Louie J. Schiavone
Mr. Brian M. Schibly
Mr. and Mrs. Stacey Schneider
Mr. Leo A. Schon, Jr.
Mr. Clarence A. Schott
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Schulte
Mr. William M. Schwarz
Mr. Ronald R. Sciandri
Honor Roll of Donors
Mr. and Mrs. John Sciutto
Mr. Michael G. Scott and
Ms. Alma DeLeon
Mrs. Ann Scott
Mr. and Mrs. David Scott
Mr. Michael V. Scotto
Mr. and Mrs. William Seagrave
Mr. James R. Seefeldt
Mr. Michael F. Seidelhuber
Mr. Carlton Seike
Ms. Geraldine B. Seil
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Seiler
Ms. Donna Seligman
Ms. Jacqueline Selinger
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon F. Selvy
Mr. and Mrs. Louie Serpas, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Tuilatai Sevelo
Mr. and Mrs. Leland Severe
Ms. Mary T. Sevilla
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffry Shafe
Mr. and Mrs. Fadi Shamshikh
Mr. Nariman Shariat
Mr. Salman Shariat
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Shea
Mr. John P. Sheehan
Mr. Martin L. Shenk
Mr. Brian D. Sheppard
Mr. David T. Sheridan
Ms. Madeline Sherry
Mr. Chien Shih
Mr. Thomas E. Shimer, III
Mr. Aaron J. Shoffa
Mr. and Mrs. James Shypertt
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory R. Shypertt
Mr. Luis C. Sierra
Mr. George F. Sigigie, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Silva
Ms. Elsa K. Silverman
Mr. Larry Simi
Ms. Marlene Simpson
Ms. Arpi Siyahian
Mr. Ron Skinner
Mr. James E. Slocum
Mr. John T. Small
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy P. Smallman
Mr. Lance Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Neil S. Smith
Hon. Douglas J. Smith
Mr. Robert J. Smith
Mr. John J. Smith
Ms. Mary M. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Philip L. Snodgrass
Ms. Paula Snyder
Ms. Tiffany So
 deceased
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence A. Soletti
Ms. Susan Sollazzi
Mrs. Linda Solorzano
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Soriano
Mr. James F. Sotomayor and
Mrs. Irma L. Delgadillo
Capt. Stephen M. Soules, USN(Ret.)
Mr. Kenneth R. Spadoni
Mr. Ralph A. Spaulding
Ms. Theodora Spear
Ms. Vanessa M. Spear
Mr. and Mrs. T.E. Spear
Mr. Robert Spear
Mr. Alexander L. Spence
Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Spini
Ms. Laureen C. Spini
Mr. and Mrs. Christian Stafford
Ms. Carmen Stanek
Mr. Michael M. Stanley, USN(Ret.)
Mr. Richard G. Stapenhorst
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Stapleton
Mr. Ronald L. Stefani
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Steil
Mr. Peter G. Stein
Mr. and Mrs. Vitalij V. Stelmashenko
Mr. James J. Stenger
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Stenson
Mr. and Mrs. Don Stevens
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Stewart
Mr. and Mrs. John Stie
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Stinson
Mr. Ralph Stinson
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Stockwell
Mr. and Mrs. Alexei Stolboushkin
Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Stoloski
Mr. and Mrs. Doug O. Stone
Ms. Mary Ann Storek
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Stoye
Mr. Adam R. Stoye
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Straus
Dr. and Mrs. David R. Stronck, PhD
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Strupeni
Ms. Kelly Stucker
Mr. Sanderson S. Styles
Mr. Gene B. Suarez
Mr. and Mrs. David Sugar
Mrs. Suzanne Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. Christian P. Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Susa
Mr. Nicholas A. Sutton
Mr. and Mrs. David I. Svendsen
Mr. L.D. Swafford
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Swartz
Mr. David Swinney and
Ms. Kathleen Stewart
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Sylvestri
Mr. and Mrs. Grade Taamu, Sr.
Mr. Yu Cheng Tai and
Ms. Wen Ling Liu
Mr. Henry Tanner
Mr. Joseph S. Tarantino
Mr. Alexander Tartaglia
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Tartaglia
Mr. and Mrs. Okusitino Tatola
Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Tatola
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald D. Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Marlon Tecson
Mr. and Mrs. Albert J. TenBruggencate
Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Terry, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Brad Tham
Mr. Paul R. Theisen
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas M. Themelis
Mr. Matthew T. Thiewes
Mr. and Mrs. Harry G. Thodos
Mr. and Mrs. Craig M. Thomas
Rev. Gary R. Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Thompson
Mr. Michael J. Thomson
Mr. Albert J. Thomson
Mrs. Alison E. Thordsen
Mr. and Mrs. Mick Tiamota
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Timko
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Tolle
Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Tolson
Mr. Dennis W. Tom
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar L. Tomasino
Mr. Henry N. Tominaga
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Tong
Mr. and Mrs. James K. Toomey
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Torre
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Torre
Mr. William N. Torre
Mrs. Rosa Torres
Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo Torres
Mr. Jeffrey T. Tostado
Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Totah
Mr. and Mrs. Edmond Trainor
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Travisano
Mr. Philip M. Traynor
Mrs. Anne Tremaroli
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Tremont
Ms. May Tren
Mr. Roy Tresaugue
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Trigueros
Mr. Timothy K. Trixler
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Troppmann
Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Trucco, Jr.
Mr. E. Michael Trucco, III
Mr. and Mrs. George N. Tsiplakos
Mr. and Mrs. Tak S. Tsui
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Tuck
Mr. William K. Tuck
Mr. William P. Tuerck
Mr. Atoa K. Tufono
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Tuiasosopo
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Tully
Mr. David E. Turner
Mr. and Mrs. Michael K. Turner
Mr. M. J. Turner
Mr. Michael E. Turturici
Ms. Daisy S. Tzeng
Mr. Andrew A. Uccelli
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Uccelli
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ughe
Mr. John F. Uhl
Mr. Raziel A. Ungar
Mr. and Mrs. Khalid Usman
Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Valdes
Mr. Donald L. Valdivia
Mr. and Mrs. Reynato Valerio
Mr. and Mrs. Paulino Valle
Dr. Tom Van Geem
Mr. Mark A. Vandenberg
Mr. and Mrs. John Vargas, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Vargo
Mr. and Mrs. Bartev Vartanian
Mr. Jim Veitch
Ms. Yolanda Velado
Mr. and Mrs. Oresti Velasquez
Mr. and Mrs. David Vella
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Venezia
Mr. Erick L. Vera
Mr. Jason J. Verbelli
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Verdoia
Mr. Richard D. Verducci
Mrs. Eunice Vernazza
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Vichot, II
Mr. and Mrs. James Vickery
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Vierra
Mr. and Mrs. Jose C. Villadolid
Mr. and Mrs. Luis Villar
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Vinal
Mr. Joseph Vincent
Mr. Raul Virgen
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald M. Visconti
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Vogel
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Vogl
Mr. Joseph Vogl
Dr. Adrian Vogt
Mr. Kurt H. von Emster, III
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Wagner
Mr. Frederick E. Wahl
Mr. and Mrs. John Wake
Mr. Joe M. Walcek
Mr. and Mrs. Michael V. Waligora
A N N UA L R E P O RT 3 1
Honor Roll of Donors
Mr. Charles Wallau
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Walsh
Dr. John W. Walsh
Mr. and Mrs. James Walsh
Mr. James J. Walsh
Mrs. Elizabeth Walsh
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Walter
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Wandro, PhD
Mr. and Mrs. Tormey L. Ward
Mr. and Mrs. Clinton S. Ward
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. Ward
Ms. Sherri Warman
Mrs. Ana Warner
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Wasson
Ms. Monique Waters
Mr. Jeffrey J. Waters
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Watkins
Mr. and Mrs. William Watt
Ms. Carolyn B. Watts
Mr. John E. Waugh
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Weaver
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Weber
Mr. and Mrs. Shane M. Wehr
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Weir
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Wentworth
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond J. Wertz III
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent West
Ms. Theresa Westerman
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Whelan
Mr. Joseph Whipp
Mr. and Mrs. William Widmer
Mr. Thomas S. Wilcock
Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Wilhelm
Mr. and Mrs. Steven M. Wilkinson
Mr. Nick Wilkinson
Mr. Sean Wilkinson
Mr. Dietmar Wille-Grauf
Mr. and Mrs. Hal C. Williams
Miss Emily Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Wilsey
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Wilson
Ms. Sharon Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Rick E. Winningham
Mr. Winston Wint and
Ms. Natalie Marks
Mr. and Mrs. David Wittwer
Mr. Dennis E. Wohrer and
Ms. Jean Stagnaro
Mr. and Mrs. Karl H. Wolf
Mr. Paul H. Wolfert
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wolger
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Won
Mr. and Mrs. Benson Wong
Mr. and Mrs. George Wong
Mr. James Wong
Mr. and Mrs. Weng K. Wong
Mr. Saoha Mak Wong
Ms. Chris Woodard
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Woodard
Ms. Johnette O. Woods
Mr. Thomas J. Wootten
Mr. and Mrs. Ward A. Woropay
Ms. Candace M. Wozniak
Ms. Yong Wright
Mr. Hou Yan Wu
Mr. and Mrs. Yong Q. Wu
Mr. and Mrs. William T. Yaley
Mr. Stephen S. Yang, DMD, MS
Ms. Flora Yang
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Yee
Mr. Barclay Yee
Mr. and Mrs. John Yee
Ms. Joanne Yee, O. D.
Ms. Katherine E. Yingling
Mr. Dennis E. Young
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Yoxsimer
Mr. Emmanuel Yulo
Mr. Mike Zabanch
Mr. Clifford A. Zachman
Mr. and Mrs. Majdi Zada
Mr. and Mrs. Vinod Zalpuri
Mr. and Mrs. John Zamecki
Ms. Chandra Zan
Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Zanardi
Mr. John E. Zappa
Mr. Lawrence G. Zaro
Mrs. Lorelei Zermani
Mr. Jack J. Zigray
Mr. Joseph J. Zimmerer and
Ms. Molly Kuzman
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Zlatunich
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Zuffi
Mr. Gregory A. Zweig
Adhesive Coatings Co.
Atlas Heating and Air Conditioning Co.
Ausiello's Tavern
Barulich, Dugoni Law Group Inc.
Beading Frenzy
Bella Ti Amo
Bizzarro's Auctions on Spring
Bronzini Dental Group
C & A Brown Co.
Chase Bank
Con Brosnan General Contractor
Crosby & Gray Funeral Home
CRS Roof Consultants, LLC
Draeger's Supermarkets, Inc.
Earthquake Sound Corp.
Estilada's Restaurant
F M Ramos Property
Flaig Insurance Services
Flying A Advertising
Foreland Parts, Inc
Freil Designs
Geller International, Inc.
Giant Horse Printing, Inc.
Give Me Five Program
Goldman Sachs
Good Hand Janitorial Service
Grassi Investment Management LLC
Gray's Paint & Wallpaper
Hart Evidence
Henry's Place
Innovative Mechanical, Inc
Italian Catholic Federation Branch #327
Joint Apprenticeship & Training
K. J. Woods Construction, Inc
Kathy Kamei Designs
Kitchen Blessings
Knights Catering
Krone Enterprises, Inc.
Local Independent Charities of America
Lynn Hill & Co. Jewelers
M.C. Publishing Co., Inc.
McGuigan & McGuigan, CPAs
Mixed Bag Designs
Mon Amie
On Track Automotive, Inc
Order Lunches, LLC
Pribuss Engineering, Inc
Procurement Concepts, Inc.
QSP Family Reading Program
Ramos Woodworks, Inc.
Rebarts Interiors
RF Bruno & Company
Royal Pin Donuts, Inc.
Rusty Hook Bait & Tackle Foundation
San Mateo County Sports Hall of Fame
Scapes Inc.
St. Cecilia School
St. Timothy School
Stella and Dot
Strides For Life Colon Cancer Foundation
Summit Auto Body & Painting
TekHome, Inc.
Terrapin Pictures
The Handlery Foundation
Turbo Gutter Vac
UB Chic
Wells Fargo Foundation
Western Region Robotics Forum, Inc.
 deceased
This Annual Report includes gifts received from
July 1, 2010 thru June 30, 2011.
Please contact Serra's Advancement Office
with corrections and accept our apologies
for any inadvertent omissions.
3 2 A N N UA L R E P O RT 2 0 1 0 - 2 0 1 1
Honor Roll of Donors
profiles in giving
joseph w. cotchett
colonel robert visbal
Joe Cotchett is one of the most
famous trial lawyers in the United
States. He is simultaneously
powerful in presence and
passionate about his calling to
defend the underdog. Named
one of the 100 most influential
attorneys in the nation for the
past 10 years, Cotchett became
a national name in 1990 when
he was the lead trial lawyer for
23,000 plaintiffs in the Lincoln
Savings & Loan Association/
American Continental Corp.
downfall of Charles Keating.
He won one of the largest jury
verdicts in history—$3.3 billion.
Despite numerous responsibilities in Afghanistan, U.S. Army Col. Robert
Visbal ’74 donates $500 per quarter to Serra's Padre Annual Fund. “It’s
the right thing to do,” said Visbal. “I believe that schools like Serra need
to thrive if we are to have any hope for the future. In today’s world,
tuition alone no longer covers all expenses. Those of us who had the
privilege of attending Serra need to take responsibility for ensuring that
today’s students will have the same opportunity.”
Cotchett is a partner at Cotchett, Pitre & McCarthy in Burlingame, with
law offices in Los Angeles and New York. He has been a champion for
justice since his college days. As an engineering student in the South,
Cotchett challenged segregation by drinking from segregated water
fountains and riding in the back of buses. Later, as a student at Cal Poly,
he established the first integrated fraternity, which prompted the other
fraternities on campus to follow suit. During his 45-year legal career,
Cotchett has tried more than 100 cases and has settled hundreds more.
He was one of four attorneys inducted this year into the National Trial
Lawyers Hall of Fame.
For many decades, Cotchett has been a generous supporter and friend
of Serra. He has donated $216,000 in cash and free legal services to the
school. “I support Serra because the school builds tremendous character
in young men,” Cotchett explained. “I’m a great proponent of singlegender education. Tragically, our public schools are underfunded these
days, and public school teachers and students are getting the short end
of the stick. Serra provides an excellent education and character-building
experiences. The new Center for the Arts and Sciences is outstanding.”
In recent years, Cotchett has taken on major corporate entities and
Wall Street. He and his firm are involved in litigation resulting from
nearly every major corporate scandal including Enron, Worldcom and
numerous others on behalf of private investors and public pensions.
The firm has represented the California Public Employees’ Retirement
System, California State Teachers’ Retirement System and the University
of California Board of Regents.
Cotchett is involved in extensive pro bono work. He is a published
author of seven books, as well as numerous magazine and newspaper
articles. In 2004, Cotchett endowed a $7 million fund to support science
and mathematics teacher education at Cal Poly to serve inner city and
rural minority children. The Cotchett Family Foundation aids people
and groups in need of assistance, particularly organizations involving
animals, children, women and minorities.
“You don’t have a society without a community," Cotchett noted. "That’s
why giving back is so important. Our country is struggling right now
because people have forgotten how to give back. I can’t be a good lawyer
without understanding the community in which I live. There is an old
Italian expression, ‘The pants you wear to Heaven have no pockets.’”
Cotchett commended the Serra faculty and administration for instilling
moral values in today’s Padres and building character in the students.
“Lars Lund and Barry Thornton ensure that students are learning the
importance of community service and excellent moral values,” he
said. “Those two are a great team and they represent the very best that
education has to offer.”
dr. norbert and inger bischofberger
Norbert is one of the inventors of the antiviral drug Tamiflu, which is
used for treatment and prophylaxis of influenza A and B infections.
Norbert works for Gilead Sciences as the executive vice president,
research and development and chief scientific officer. He received a
Ph.D. in organic chemistry at the ETH Zuerich. His post-doctoral work
was completed at Harvard University.
Recently, Norbert invited Serra science students to Gilead for a field
trip. Highlights included touring a chemistry lab, a biology lab and the
pilot plant. Students were given a presentation on Gilead, while learning
about its contributions in the areas of influenza, HIV and oncology. “At
Dr. Norbert and Inger Bischofberger have made education a top priority the end of the field trip, students had a better understanding of how the
through charitable giving. They have donated $322,000 to Serra in cash application of science can have a powerful impact on our lives and the
and pledged dollars. The Bischofbergers' gifts have benefitted the Center world,” Norbert noted.
for the Arts and Sciences, the auction and the Parent Pledge Program.
Inger grew up in San Jose, where she graduated as the valedictorian
A band rehearsal room and a chemistry lecture lab are named in their
of her high school class. She later served in the U.S. Army before
honor. Their parent pledge was the largest in Serra’s history.
completing a bachelor’s degree from the University of Maryland and an
“We believe that education provides a place where people can be
MBA from San Jose State University.
launched,” Inger explained. “We have and continue to support all the
In addition to being generous donors, the Bischofbergers support
schools our children have attended.”
school events and volunteer their time. This year, Inger is one of three
The Bischofbergers’ daughter, Irene, graduated from Mercy in 2011.
band moms who assist Jay Jordan. “Serra is one of the premier private
Their son, David, will graduate from Serra in 2013. Norbert and Inger
secondary education institutions in the Bay Area,” Norbert said. “The
have been pleased with Serra’s rich academic offerings. “Serra offers a
new building is beautiful. It is a wonderful beginning for creating a
strong academic program,” Norbert said. “David wanted to take
comfortable and engaging state-of-the-art learning atmosphere.”
German and Serra is the only high school in the area that offers it.”
Although Visbal attended Serra for just one year when he was a senior,
he said his character was shaped by his Catholic upbringing, his parents
and the Serra faculty. “I learned that you get out of life what you put in,”
he recounted. “It’s our responsibility to engage in a lifelong endeavor
to make the world a better place by using our God-given talents to the
best of our ability. We also learned to give of ourselves wherever and
whenever possible. The Serra faculty and staff have a true passion to help
their students succeed, not only in school, but in their communities well
beyond high school and college.”
Throughout a 30-year career as a field artillery officer, Visbal served in
a variety of command and staff assignments, including a combat tour in
Afghanistan. His military awards and decorations include the Legion of
Merit (1 OLC), the Bronze Star, the Meritorious Service Medal (5 OLC),
the Army Commendation Medal (1 OLC), the Army Achievement medal
(3 OLC), the National Defense Service Medal with one Bronze Star, the
Afghan Campaign Medal with two Campaign Stars, the Global War on
Terrorism Service Medal, the Army Service Ribbon, the Army Overseas
Service Ribbon (2) and the NATO
In addition, he has earned the
Army Staff Identification Badge,
the Joint Meritorious Unit Award,
the Army Superior Unit Award (3
OLC) and the Parachutists Badge.
Visbal retired in August of 2009
from the U.S. Army after 30 years
of active service. He is currently
working as a contractor with the
Army and the NATO Training
Mission in Afghanistan. He works
with two other Padres—Don
Thornhill '75 and Jim Teich '75.
“My hope for today’s Padres is that they will become and, more
important, remain men of faith, wisdom and service,” Visbal said. “Those
of us who have been successful didn’t achieve that success alone. We were
helped somewhere along the way—often by direct mentorship and other
times from behind-the-scenes benefactors whom we will never know.
While we can never repay those who helped us, we have an obligation to
help the next generations of Serra students.”
lisa and scott pritchett
When Lisa and Scott Pritchett decided to send their son, Matt '10, to
Serra, little did they know what a significant impact they would make on
the Padre community. Nor did they realize what an impact Serra would
make on their family. For the past five years, the Pritchetts have worn
many hats in various fundraising endeavors. They also have donated
more than $22,000 since Matt was a freshman. Scott recently joined the
Serra Board of Regents and made a Capital Campaign pledge of $10,000
to name the Aquatics Record Board.
Scott is a senior partner at Woodmont Real Estate Services, a property
management company that manages nine million square feet of
commercial property and 11,000 apartment units. He works with Serra
alums Ron Granville '70 and Bob Rouse '65.
“My parents never could give, but they believed in helping people in
other ways,” Scott said. “Lisa and I give because we truly believe in the
Serra High School program. Serra helps young kids to have a better
opportunity and to have a voice.”
It was at Serra that Matt found his voice in leadership, music, academics
and athletics. He came in as an unsure freshman, but left as a well-known
Padre—a talented musician, a skilled water polo player and a charismatic
leader. Last spring, he received a partial scholarship to Santa Clara
University for academic achievement and water polo.
“Serra is a place that understands boys,” Lisa said. “The single-gender
environment allows for less distraction. At Serra, Matt learned that he
could really be somebody. When he was cut from the baseball team, he
tried out for the swim team. That was a turning point for him, and it led
to playing water polo. Matt’s transformation was amazing. Serra enabled
him to explore many different aspects of his character.”
Lisa has volunteered her time in all sorts of ways. In addition to working
full time as a program assistant at the Summer Session Office at Stanford
University, she was the water polo team mom for three years, helped to
raise money for the Men’s Chorus trip to Australia and assisted with both
of her children’s sports teams. “At Serra, no student is left behind,” Lisa
added. “You can be well known in a group of 20 or a group of 200. I can’t
imagine where Matt would be today if he hadn’t chosen Serra.”
The Pritchett’s daughter, Haleigh, is a senior at Notre Dame High School.
The Pritchetts have sponsored the NDB Golf Tournament for the past
three years, which has raised $60,000. In addition, Scott currently serves
as Booster Club president at NDB.
“The message that we are trying to instill in our kids is to give of your
time and treasure,” Scott noted. “As we get older, we realize just how
important this message is as we strive to support meaningful programs
that provide better futures for young students, athletes, artists and
A N N UA L R E P O RT 3 5
Phase II Capital
Campaign Gifts
Center for the Arts & Sciences
and Aquatics Facilities
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Barulich
Dr. and Mrs. Norbert W. Bischofberger
Mr. Thomas E. Brady, Jr. and
Mrs. Gisele Bundchen-Brady
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ho
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Justice
Mr. Kevin Kelly and Ms. Erin Jaeb
Mr. and Mrs. Brian T. Morton
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sullivan
The Carl Gellert &
Celia Berta Gellert Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Hughes
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Leahy
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Lumpkins
Mr. Philip A. McLeod and
Ms. Shawn M. Christianson
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy M. Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Pritchett
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Rutledge
Mr. John C. Schrup
Loyola Foundation, Inc.
St. Joseph's Benevolent Society
The Morton Foundation
Project Managers
Mr. and Mrs. Walter H. Chang
Mr. and Mrs. Richard DeLuna
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Gaddis
Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Haslam
Dr. and Mrs. Peter B. Rauenbuehler, PhD
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Turzanski
The Casey M. Turturici Memorial Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde E. Beffa, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Mario Buljan
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Burns, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Cosko
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin D. Flynn
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald S. Longinotti
Mr. Donald E. McMullen
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Moore
Mr. and Dr. Steve Olujic
Mr. Bernard L. Reichmuth
Mr. and Mrs. David R. Whitney
The Drum Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Abbott, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Bagnani
Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. Bona
3 6 A N N UA L R E P O RT 2 0 1 0 - 2 0 1 1
Mr. J. Dominic Campodonico
Mr. and Mrs. Laurence P. Dugoni, Esq., CPA
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Falk
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Fox
Mr. Robert F. Garratt, Jr.
Mr. Anthony Gschwend and
Ms. Janine O'Flaherty
Mr. and Mrs. Brian M. Kelly
Ms. Lisa M. Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Lars J. Lund
Mr. and Mrs. James E. McGovern
Mr. Carl J. Moroney
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Olson
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Philpott
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Poletti
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie F. Romeo
Mr. and Mrs. Ricardo Rosario
Mr. and Mrs. James Terranova
Mr. and Mrs. George J. Tichy II
Mr. Randy Vogel
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip E. White
Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Zanardi
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas A. Bruno
Mr. Denis A. Eymil
Phase II Capital Campaign Gifts
Mrs. Pam Frisella
Rev. David A. Ghiorso
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ho, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. George J. Raymond
Mr. John V. Shields, Jr.
Mr. Albert A. Totagrande and
Ms. Sheryl L. Painter
Mr. Donald L. Valdivia
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Verdoia
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Zoucha
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin E. Dunleavy
Mr. and Mrs. Bud R. Grandsaert
Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Grenier
Ms. Kathy O. Lavezzo
Mr. and Mrs. Angelo Siracusa
Mr. William N. Torre
Mr. and Mrs. Sean Ward
Mr. Sean T. Ward, II
The David and Lucile Packard Foundation
Visa International's Employee Giving Campaign
Mr. Robert E. Alberto
Mr. and Mrs. Jerrold Bagnani
Mr. and Mrs. Roberto J. Bartoli
Mr. Raymond E. Bly
Mr. Richard E. Bortolussi
Mr. and Mrs. Ante Buljan
Mr. Steven K. Bush
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard T. Deasy
Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Deiters
Mr. John P. Doherty and
Ms. Jennifer Tuck-Doherty
Ms. Peggy Farrell
Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Folan
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Geenen
Mr. Michael Germano
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Greene, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Jon S. Handlery
Dr. and Mrs. Francis Healy
Dr. and Mrs. John Hornberger
Dr. and Mrs. Michael W. Johnston
Mr. and Mrs. John Joly
Mrs. Priya Kamath
Drs. Thomas and Jean Kilbridge
Mr. and Mrs. Armand H. Kilijian
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Klase
Mr. Martin Lauber
Mr. Damon R. Lewis
Mr. Thomas McGanney
Mr. and Mrs. Pete L. Meade
Dr. Robert J. Miller, MD and Ms. Shelia Town
Mr. Thomas C. Mohr
Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Moriarty
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis A. Murphy
Mrs. Linda Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Mutto
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth G. Norton
Mr. Raymond J. Picone
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Poggetti
Mr. and Mrs. William W. K. Tang
Rev. Gary R. Thomas
Mr. John F. Uhl
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Vogel
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Zlatunich
Mr. Girish Acharya and Ms. Krithika Bhat
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Albert
Mr. Glenn C. Alford
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Allen
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Archer
Mr. Brandon C. Arnold
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bertoldi
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Blais
Mr. Brian F. Boisson
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bonnici, Jr.
Mr. Paul H. Brenner
Mr. and Mrs. Robert V. Bruno
Mr. and Mrs. Shawn Bulen
Col. and Mrs. Mart H. Bushnell, USAF(Ret.)
Ms. Sharon Campodonico
Mr. and Mrs. Jaime Campoverde
Mr. Rene Cardinaux
Mr. and Mrs. Jake Caruso
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Chow
Ms. Margaret Collison
Mr. and Mrs. James Comstock
Mr. Andrew J. Comstock
Mr. Donald Cook and
Mrs. Denise Murguia-Cook
Mr. Kevin J. Corcoran
Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Coughlin
Mr. David A. Cuevas
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Cullivan
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Danczak
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Dehoff
Mr. and Mrs. Julio Delucchi
Mr. and Mrs. Michael V. Dillon
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Eagles
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Elchinoff
Ms. Carrie Farley-Cincotta
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Furrer, Jr.
Mr. Mark A. Gerhardt
Mr. and Mrs. Gene C. Giannotti
Mr. and Mrs. James Golding
Dr. Frank Griffin
Mr. John D. Gunther
Rev. Msgr. Michael D. Harriman
Mr. Michael J. Klobuchar
Mrs. Lucene Krueger
Mr. and Mrs. David T. Littlejohn
Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Marques
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. McGuigan
Mr. Martin J. McVeigh
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Mead
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel F. Miller, Jr.
Mrs. Marge Mori
Mr. and Mrs. Steve M. Moriarty
Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Morton
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Murphy
Mr. Thomas P. Murray
Mr. Peter M. Muscat
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Nazzaro
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Nichol, DDS
Mr. Bryan A. Nichol
Mr. Matthew S. Nichol
Mr. and Mrs. Jaime O'Leary
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew A. Oliver
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Petrini
Mr. and Mrs. John Petroff
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Quinn
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Reidy
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Reudy
Mr. Jordan T. Reudy
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Robbins
Mr. Justin J. Roberts
Dr. and Mrs. A. Joseph Rockmore
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Santin
Capt. Gilbert C. Sateia
Mr. and Mrs. Stacey Schneider
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Sims
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy P. Smallman
Mr. Ronald L. Stefani
Ms. Lisa L. Striebing
Mr. and Mrs. David I. Svendsen
Mr. and Mrs. Brad Tham
Mr. Matthew M. Tham
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Todzo
Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Trucco, Jr.
Mr. E. Michael Trucco, III
Mr. and Mrs. George N. Tsiplakos
Mr. Mark A. Vandenberg
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Vavuris
Mr. and Mrs. Mark L. Vorsatz
Dr. John W. Walsh
Mr. and Mrs. William Watt
Mr. and Mrs. William T. Yaley
Bronzini Dental Group
Golden State Aquatics
A N N UA L R E P O RT 3 7
Class Giving
Class of 1947
Charles J. Crotty
George Mutto
Class of 1948
Daniel E. Cardelli
Gene C. Giannotti
Joshua D. Maule
Daniel F. Miller
Clement P. Schablaske
Class of 1949
Joseph M. Cattarin
Andrew S. Ferrari
Gilbert R. Guerin
Cliff Lussier
Robert J. Miller
David R. Stronck
Class of 1950
Bruce Atkinson
James P. Brisbois
Charles B. French
Fred Furrer
Alfred Guerin
William M. Hartmann
Robert S. Hunter
Albert Molinari
Philip Monahan
John V. Shields
Class of 1951
Brian J. Bennett
Ward L. Jennings
Herbert L. Lindemann
A. H. Pete Mathieu
Maurice McCormick
Clarence A. Schott
Robert Ughe
Class of 1952
George Andreini
Gerald J. Forbes
Richard Furrer
James C. Kelso
James M. O'Donnell
Robert E. Roddy
Robert J. Smith
Henry Tanner
William Watt
Alumni Gifts
Class of 1953
Mario J. Buttignol
James Centis
Gary Cesari
Joseph Hartmann
Frank Hegarty
Richard A. Iori
Henry F. Maher
James M. McGrath
Richard McMullen
William Meyer
Thomas P. Murray
Thomas F. Nelson
Bernard L. Reichmuth
James Shypertt
Joseph Vogl
Class of 1954
Robert C. Barbanica
Larry E. Bielstein
Donald R. Bocci
Robert C. Brady
John J. Byrne
Donald J. De La Pena
J. Michael Laramie
David T. Littlejohn
Neal J. Lucett
William B. Rowley
Class of 1955
John R. Arnold
Charles E. Cancilla
Charles V. Elizondo
James Foley
John L. Gaddis
Kenneth Gottwald
Robert Kidwell
Thomas McGanney
William Meuser
Class of 1956
John Baylo
Richard R. Bona
Richard J. Cooks
Joseph S. Davis
Robert R. Eppler
William Eppler
Robert G. Evans
John Fantham
William S. Hammer
William B. Killilea
Patrick Larkin
Ben Peralta
Warren W. Rucker
John W. Walsh
Tormey L. Ward
Eugene Zlatunich
3 8 A N N UA L R E P O RT 2 0 1 0 - 2 0 1 1
Class of 1957
Class of 1960
Raymond T. Carbullido
Thomas J. Ferrando
Ambrose A. Galli
John J. Haggerty
Arthur F. Henderson
Patrick W. Kopp
Dennis M. Lucey
William F. Meade
John P. Sheehan
Lawrence A. Soletti
Philip M. Traynor
Clifford A. Zachman
John A. Alich
David J. Arata
Terry Belton
Peter P. Cocconi
George T. Fulvio
Ronald L. Gandolfo
James D. Helin
John M. Horgan
Arthur A. Jackson
Doug Jacobson
William J. Justice
Robert Kane
Michael A. Kelly
James Kleinbach
James C. Loustalot
John A. Macy
James J. McCauley
Patrick M. Megargee
Thomas J. Mellott
Carl J. Moroney
Ronald F. Norman
Robert P. Plimley
Daniel A. Reicker
Thomas J. Shea
Clayton Stephens
Hugh G. Walsh
William W. Ward
Peter M. Wargo
Robert W. Wilson
Class of 1959
Class of 1961
Ernest J. Biagi
Mart H. Bushnell
Richard Cabrera
James Crowley
James F. Ernst
James N. Fregosi
Richard F. Garibaldi
Marcus Geenen
Donald T. Hubner
Alan J. Kappeler
Robert C. Leach
Robert E. Mattinson
Martin McCormick
Larry Penna
Edward M. Trucco
Class of 1958
Robert E. Alberto
Glenn C. Alford
F. Lee Becker
Raymond E. Bly
Carl D. Cammarata
Nick Carboni
Rene Cardinaux
Robert A. Cattich
Bernard T. Deasy
Robert L. Fagan
Richard J. Fambrini
Donald E. McMullen
Pete L. Meade
Joseph E. O'Brien
Edward G. Ottoboni
Richard F. Persha
William M. Schwarz
John T. Small
Ronald L. Stefani
William N. Torre
William T. Yaley
Robert B. Yonts
Class Giving - Alumni Gifts
Michael Carr
Kenneth A. Colombo
William J. Gannon
Marc Giron
William P. Junge
Russell M. Magnaghi
Thomas C. Moroney
Robert J. Plant
Richard L. Reich
J. Roger Riffle
Martin L. Shenk
William R. Uccelli
Class of 1962
John R. Costa
Stephen M. Firenze
James P. Fox
William D. Kron
Joseph R. Marcelli
Paul Marsili
Anton J. Orazem
Edward J. Plume
Michael P. Ranahan
Jeffrey M. Ryan
James R. Seefeldt
Thomas E. Shimer
Michael M. Stanley
Richard M. Zanardi
Class of 1963
Andrew Banachowski
Clyde E. Beffa
Robert E. Cullen
Michael V. Dillon
Gerald Feeney
Robert M. Fernandez
James S. Flannery
Leonard Floyd
Robert F. Galliven
William W. Granville
James Griffin
Stephen H. Howell
Carl Johnson
Kenneth J. Mantoani
Timothy J. McClenahan
Thomas C. Meuser
Joseph C. Scalmanini
Ralph A. Spaulding
Paul H. Stephens
Ralph Stinson
Michael E. Turturici
Class of 1964
Bruce T. Adornato
Thomas F. Ames
James M. Baynes
John W. Branch
Frank Cetani
Kenneth D. Cunningham
Lawrence D. Frost
James P. Geary
Terrence J. Giomi
David Giuliani
Dennis J. Glenn
Norbert T. Greiner
Gary J. Hausladen
Stephen T. Johnston
Wayne L. Podesta
Paul Regan
Robert M. Rouse
Julian Sabbatini
Gilbert C. Sateia
Michael G. Scott
Peter G. Stein
Hugh Tuck
Gerald Wentworth
Thomas S. Wilcock
Class of 1965
Timothy M. Bayley
Kevin J. Belton
Patrick J. Boyle
Steven K. Bush
John A. Carambat
Patrick C. Edens
Stephen R. Finn
L. Walter Fleischer
John D. Krell
Ronald K. Laber
David E. Laidlaw
Gerald G. McDonnell
James A. Mitchell
Kenneth G. Norton
Kenneth J. Pool
Lawrence A. Raffo
Charles M. Riffle
Thomas Roth
John J. Smith
Douglas J. Smith
Ronald D. Taylor
Class of 1966
Thomas Alich
Joseph S. Conway
Robert J. Grassilli
Jeff Greenstreet
Daniel M. Johndrow
George Musante
James S. Parola
Jeffrey A. Quinn
Philip R. Rossi
J. Michael Sacchetti
Leo A. Schon
Edmond Trainor
George J. Uccelli
Class of 1967
William J. Bailey
Russell Bertetta
Rich Bulotti
Dante L. Ceccotti
Joseph W. Gumber
James R. Hansen
John M. Jennings
Charles D. McGowan
John G. McLoughlin
William Pagendarm
Richard V. Raffo
Charles R. Rodondi
Brendan E. Ryan
Michael A. Torre
Dennis J. Ward
Hal C. Williams
Class of 1968
Steve Gannon
Jeremiah F. Kleinbach
John T. La Torra
Dennis L. Rosaia
Michael A. Rosi
Kevin E. Ryan
Robert Sabbatini
James J. Walsh
Daniel E. Whelan
Class of 1969
John J. Barrett
Kevin J. Corcoran
Philip J. Frengs
Kristofer M. Gustafson
William Helfrich
Donald H. McInnis
Joseph B. McKeon
Bernard J. Mooney
Gary S. Nagle
Raymond R. Petrin
Neil S. Smith
Matthew T. Thiewes
Frederick E. Wahl
James J. Whelan
Peter J. Jordan
Wayne Joseph
Leon Mulgrew
Daniel P. Murphy
Stephen M. Soules
Gary R. Thomas
Richard H. Moye
Kevin A. O'Keefe
Peter B. Rauenbuehler
David T. Sheridan
Robert M. Visbal
Class of 1972
Marc K. Alcantara
John C. Caselli
James L. Freitas
Eugene J. Graziani
Daniel B. Kenny
Michael J. McGuigan
Richard F. McLaughlin
Martin J. McVeigh
Robert Mowat
John O'Leary
Brian J. Ponty
Lawrence Seiler
Louie Serpas
David D. Torre
Jeffrey J. Waters
Ronald Barri
Joseph Bartron
Bruce L. Bosley
Dan Burghardt
Terence R. Day
Richard T. Jordan
Ron F. Lavezzo
David A. Lavezzo
Ronald S. Longinotti
Robert J. Mantegani
David J. Rauenbuehler
Donald R. Ruble
Don Stevens
Timothy K. Trixler
Tom Van Geem
Mark L. Vorsatz
Class of 1973
Peter J. Barsocchini
Thomas Belvini
John F. Crosby
Walter G. Englert
Richard Hagarty
Max K. Hoberg
James M. Maher
Peter F. Padovan
Walter B. Rees
Robert A. Ruggeri
Philip L. Snodgrass
Richard G. Stapenhorst
Ronald M. Visconti
Kevin Weir
Joseph J. Berriatua
Joseph Bradley
Gary W. Christopherson
Richard L. Cirigliano
Thomas J. Fanucchi
David L. Farella
William F. Glesener
Charles L. Gould
Charles G. Harrington
Geoffrey M. Henderson
Dennis W. Henneberry
Mark W. Johnson
Craig P. Looney
Robert A. Milestone
James G. O'Callahan
Robert J. Raffo
Class of 1971
Class of 1974
Class of 1970
Frank A. Baldanzi
Thomas J. Bertoldi
Michael A. Comstock
John H. Diggins
Robert E. Dooley
Patrick P. Finigan
George Giusti
Robert J. Guenley
Timothy P. Hennessy
Dennis H. Irving
Stephen M. Johnson
Claudio A. Bet
Brian F. Boisson
Steven J. Casanova
James M. Doherty
Patrick R. Dunn
Michael J. Gillogley
Jeff C. Goshorn
LeeRoy J. Kloezeman
Steven J. Lagomarsino
Tevis P. Martin
Daniel R. Mosunich
Class of 1975
Class of 1976
Peter V. Boisson
Patrick Boland
Mark L. Furrer
Thomas Gillogley
Gregory P. Hart
Sean Leddy
Matthew Lipinski
David A. Mosunich
Steven Undorte
John Walsh
Robert F. Wandro
Class of 1977
Michael J. Gambucci
Michael C. Giotinis
Kevin J. Holden
Robert S. Hurley
Gary J. McEntee
Class of 1978
Douglas Bagnani
Michael J. Collins
James Finnegan
Kevin Frost
Mark Geenen
Michael P. Hall
Donald McNab
Gregory P. Menzel
Dan Molthen
C. Scott Penner
Paul Peterson
Mark R. Spini
Robert Vinal
John C. Vincent
Class of 1979
Robert E. Andreatta
Timothy M. Cirigliano
Ernie Giotinis
Patrick D. Jacquemet
John A. Macalik
Charles F. Marinaro
Matthew B. McGuigan
Kenneth A. Mifsud
Scott W. Milliken
Neil P. Murphy
Stanley Pastorino
Henry N. Tominaga
Class of 1980
Charles E. Beering
Michael P. Callagy
Stephen A. Chiappari
David A. Collins
Kevin E. Dunleavy
Delfin Fernando
Kevin E. Giacomini
James E. Long
Anthony J. Malone
Charles H. Motte, Jr.
Thomas P. O'Sullivan
Mark J. Penner
Gregory S. Quigley
George F. Sigigie
Thomas F. Walsh
Class of 1981
David A. Bagnani
James W. Beering
Vincent J. Breen
Michael A. Calegari
James M. Cravalho
Michael T. Galloway
David M. Garcia
Matthew V. Kelly
Eric R. Langland
Daniel A. Schott
Class of 1982
John T. Bradley
John F. Esplana
Kevin D. Flynn
Anthony J. Gay
Edward K. Gory
Patrick McTaggart
Michael W. Meredith
A N N UA L R E P O RT 3 9
Class Giving
Class of 1982 cont'd
Timothy M. Murphy
Thomas A. Nichol
Peter Niemann
Steven M. Papapietro
Thomas M. Paroubeck
Gregory R. Shypertt
William P. Tuerck
David E. Turner
Michael V. Waligora
Class of 1983
David Adamis
Fred C. Bertetta
Brian Burns
Robert J. Cavagnaro
Paul P. Clifford
Craig E. Cooper
Timothy D. Dees
David G. DeLora
Brian J. Desler
John D. Kohnke
Mark E. Massey
Brian T. Morton
T. Noel Sy
Class of 1984
Andrew Bodisco
John P. Doherty
John Greco
Jim M. Hing
Mark F. Lillie
Michael F. Marques
Mark F. Neumann
JB G. Orecchia
Mario Pacini
Clinton S. Ward
Class of 1985
Christopher M. Bankovitch
Damian A. Bortolotti
Mark A. Campana
Scott J. Delucchi
Dennis D. Gorgolinski
Robert E. Greene, Jr.
Steven B. Hansen
Samuel Langi
Robert J. Olson
Scott J. Papapietro
John F. Philpott
John U. Rohrer
Gene B. Suarez
Darren Vorrath
Class of 1986
Brian H. Ayoob
Paolo G. Battaglini
Sean S. Broderick
Christopher J. Bronzini
J. Dominic Campodonico
Joseph M. Carboni
Richard E. Corso
Shawn M. DeLuna
Laurence P. Dugoni
Ronnie J. Fields
Scott Igoe
Patrick J. Kinsella
John Maa
Thomas Pellizzari
Jeffrey R. Pick
Charles J. Rapp
Christopher E. Reed
Robert Rush
Santo E. Valdez
Shane M. Wehr
Class of 1987
Mark A. Gerhardt
Aaron A. Giovara
Andrew Gloskowski
William J. Kelly
Ron Langi
David J. Philpott
Thomas E. Romero
Michael J. Thomson
Andrew A. Uccelli
Mark A. Vandenberg
Class of 1988
Michael S. Coughlin
Lizardo Gomez
Michael B. Grenier
Martin Lauber
Roy Malatesta
John C. Moon
Luke B. Mulhall
Kevin C. Mullin
Alexander L. Spence
Christian P. Sullivan
E. Michael Trucco
Class of 1989
Roger Anchartechahar
J. Rey Bronzini
Christian J. Clifford
Martin C. Gruner
Ralph Ho
4 0 A N N UA L R E P O RT 2 0 1 0 - 2 0 1 1
Alumni Association Annual Golf Classic
Alumni Gifts contined
Class Giving - Alumni Gifts
James R. Lanzone
Matthew Neumann
Jerry J. Schembri
Christopher S. Sperry
Class of 1990
Steven J. Blandino
John T. Hills
Michael J. Klobuchar
Damon R. Lewis
Steven B. McLaughlin
Brett T. Moroney
Class of 1991
John P. DeFoe
Troy A. Dooley
Matthew E. Hastings
Class of 1992
Dean W. Ayoob
Gian L. Bronzini
David J. Codemo
Anthony J. Goblirsch
Joseph H. Hudelson
Louie J. Schiavone
Erick L. Vera
Class of 1993
Kevin Carey
Anthony M. Farinha
Louis A. Langi
Jeffrey M. Perry
Carl T. Peterson
Stephen P. Philpott
Brian D. Sheppard
Thomas J. Wootten
Class of 1994
Nathan C. Hastings
Class of 1995
Stephen L. Chesley
Thomas S. Ellerhorst
Patrick J. Gill
Victor R. Herreria
Christopher M. O'Connor
Peter A. Pawlick
Class of 1996
Sean M. Appenrodt
Class of 1997
Nicolas L. Bronzini
Mark T. Flowers
Joseph P. Kell
Nicholas A. Sutton
Class of 1998
Trevor D. Anthony
Andrew W. DeFrancis
Mark D. Fehrn
John D. Lingbeck
Ryan F. Melconian
Benjamin T. Pettigrew
Joe M. Walcek
Class of 1999
Keith W. Rauenbuehler
Sean P. Reardon
Daniel M. Stoloski
Dietmar Wille-Grauf
Class of 2000
Ross Dehoney
Michael J. Olcese
Class of 2001
Jonathan E. Allen
Adam J. Montgomery
Joshua Moreno
Peter M. Muscat
Dante Mutto
Class of 2002
Brian W. Blake
Robert S. Blandino
David A. Cuevas
Eric W. Dooley
Daniel C. Gagliani
Patrick D. Nagle
Michael V. Scotto
Brent TenBruggencate
Class of 2003
Christopher Denny-Brown
Kristopher J. McAlavey
Christopher C. O'Leary
Alvaro Orozco
Class of 2004
Patrick J. Bertetta
Omeed Nosrati
Salman Shariat
John A. Silva
Anthony W. Stoloski
Class of 2005
R Roberto J. Bartoli, Jr.
Nicholas Calderon
Theodore Cordery
Thomas V. McMahon
Alexander Tartaglia
Sean Wilkinson
Stephen A. Wong
Class of 2006
Anthony M. Bet
Eric G. Farrell
Alex M. London
Ernie Molieri
Gregory P. Segrove
Drew TenBruggencate
Matthew M. Tham
Class of 2007
Raymond J. Baldonado
Gavin C. Callies
Dominic Mutto
George J. Saade
Luis C. Sierra
Class of 2008
Andrew C. Bet
Matthew P. Calderon
Dennis J. Carson
Daniel R. Galver
Alexander J. Jordan
Hanna J. Malak
Adam R. Stoye
Class of 2009
Christopher E. Bertetta
Christopher A. Del Zompo
Matthew G. Dougherty
Benjamin J. Robbins
Daniel J. Segrove
Platinum Sponsors
Mr. and Mrs. Jon S. Handlery
Handlery Hotels, Inc.
Blue and Gold Sponsors
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Cosko
Mr. and Mrs. Brian T. Morton
Hathaway Dinwiddie Construction Company
Silver Sponsors
Mr. Gregg M. Domanico and
Mrs. Sharon A. Mark-Domanico
Mr. Kevin Weir
Kelly Litigation Group
Kidder Mathews Commercial Real Estate
Plastering Industry Bureau of SFO & SM
UPA Insurance Brokers
Tee Sponsors
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Barulich
Dr. and Mrs. Norbert W. Bischofberger
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent J. Breen
Mr. John F. Crosby
Mr. John P. Doherty and
Ms. Jennifer Tuck-Doherty
Mr. Gregg M. Domanico and
Mrs. Sharon A. Mark-Domanico
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Greene, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel M. Johndrow
Dr. and Mrs. Michael W. Johnston
Mr. George J. Saade
Family Sponsors
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Archer
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin D. Flynn
Ms. Moya Goddard
Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Haslam
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Kanavy
Mr. and Mrs. Rod Linhares
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel F. Miller, Jr.
Mr. and Dr. Steve Olujic
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Pritchett
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L. Williams
Barulich, Dugoni Law Group Inc.
Crosby & Gray Funeral Home
Draeger's Supermarkets, Inc.
Golden State Aquatics
Hart Evidence
Innovative Mechanical, Inc
Knights of Columbus #1346
Mass Mutual
McGuigan & McGuigan, CPA's
Pribuss Engineering, Inc
Turbo Gutter Vac
Annual Benefit Auction
Architect Level
Marshall K. Callies
Andrew J. Comstock
Matthew S. Nichol
Bryan A. Nichol
Nick Wilkinson
Contractor Level
Mr. Joseph W. Cotchett, Esq.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Crisafi
Mr. and Mrs. Jon S. Handlery
Handlery Hotels, Inc.
Mr. Philip A. McLeod and
Ms. Shawn M. Christianson
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie F. Romeo
Mr. John V. Shields, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. William W. K. Tang
Mr. and Mrs. William Winters
Mr. and Mrs. Kieran Woods
Peninsula Infiniti
Class of 2011
Project Manager Level
Donor Level
Class of 2010
Andrew Brassinga
Austen Schmalz
Ms. Nada Barulich
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Archer
Mr. John P. Doherty and
Ms. Jennifer Tuck-Doherty
Foreman Level
Mr. Andrew S. Ferrari
Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Haslam
Dr. and Mrs. Michael W. Johnston
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Leahy
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Barulich
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Belton
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Bronzini, D.D.S.
Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Cakebread
Mr. and Mrs. Phil A. Calandra
Ms. Margaret Collison
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Cosko
Mr. and Mrs. David De Martini
Ms. Leana Giannini
Mr. Robert S. Hurley and
Mrs. Jeanette Riach-Hurley
Mr. John Lewis and
Ms. Claudia Girrbach
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Likens
Russell M. Magnaghi, PhD
Mr. and Mrs. Philip A. McIntosh
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Mike
Mr. Carl J. Moroney
Mrs. Kathy Moroney
Mr. Stanley Perkins and
Dr. Sherry Butler
Mr. and Mrs. George Prince
Mr. and Mrs. Eddy Tabet
Bronzini Dental Group
Gray's Paint & Wallpaper
Rusty Hook Bait & Tackle
A N N UA L R E P O RT 4 1
Consecutive Years of Alumni Giving
The alumni listed below have donated to Serra for at least four consecutive years.
We thank them for their continued support.
18 years
12 years
Mr. Robert J. Grassilli '66
Mr. Richard R. Bona '56
Mr. Robert Kidwell '55
Mr. John D. Krell '65
Mr. Sean Leddy '76
Mr. David J. Philpott '87
Mr. Michael G. Scott '64
Mr. Clayton Stephens '60
17 years
Mr. Mark L. Vorsatz '72
16 Years
Mr. Russell Bertetta '67
Mr. John C. Caselli '75
Mr. John R. Costa '62
Mr. James M. Doherty '74
Mr. Lawrence D. Frost '64
Mr. Fred Furrer, Jr. '50
Rev. Stephen H. Howell '63
Mr. Robert J. Mantegani '72
Mr. Kenneth G. Norton '65
Mr. Carl T. Peterson '93
Mr. Jeffrey A. Quinn '66
Mr. Charles J. Rapp '86
Mr. Michael V. Waligora '82
11 years
Dr. Wayne Joseph '71
Mr. William B. Killilea '56
Mr. Paul Regan '64
Mr. George J. Uccelli, Jr. '66
10 years
Mr. Donald H. McInnis '69
Mr. Jeffrey M. Perry '93
Mr. Wayne L. Podesta '64
Mr. Peter G. Stein '64
Mr. William Watt '52
Mr. Gerald Wentworth '64
Mr. Robert W. Wilson '60
Hon. Robert B. Yonts, Jr., (Ret) '59
15 years
Mr. Steven K. Bush '65
Mr. John F. Crosby '70
Mr. John P. Doherty '84
Mr. Robert E. Dooley '71
Mr. John L. Gaddis '55
Mr. William S. Hammer '56
Mr. Michael J. McGuigan '75
Mr. JB G. Orecchia '84
Mr. Robert Ughe '51
Mr. Eugene Zlatunich '56
9 years
Dr. Claudio A. Bet '74
Mr. Robert S. Blandino '02
Mr. Charles E. Cancilla '55
Mr. Shawn M. DeLuna '86
Mr. John H. Diggins '71
Mr. Robert R. Eppler, PE '56
Mr. William F. Glesener '73
Mr. Jeff Greenstreet '66
Dr. Robert A. Haake '73
Mr. Gary Hughes '59
Mr. Ronald S. Longinotti '72
Mr. Neal J. Lucett '54
Mr. Dennis M. Lucey '58
Mr. Timothy M. Murphy '82
Mr. George Mutto '47
Mr. Thomas F. Nelson '53
Mr. Chris S. Pedersen '89
Mr. Ben Peralta '56
Mr. Robert P. Plimley '60
Mr. Richard V. Raffo '67
Dr. David R. Stronck, PhD '49
Mr. William W. Ward, III '60
14 years
Mr. Brian J. Bennett '51
Mr. Terrence J. Giomi '64
Mr. James A. Mitchell '65
Mr. Jeffrey R. Pick '86
Mr. Jeffrey M. Ryan '62
13 years
Mr. Gary Cesari '53
Mr. Patrick R. Dunn '74
Mr. George Giusti '71
Mr. Michael B. Grenier '88
Mr. Geoffrey M. Henderson '73
Mr. David E. Laidlaw '65
Mr. Tevis P. Martin '74
Mr. Lawrence A. Raffo '65
Mr. Robert Sabbatini '68
Mr. James Shypertt '53
4 2 A N N UA L R E P O RT 2 0 1 0 - 2 0 1 1
8 Years
Mr. Thomas F. Ames '64
Mr. Frank A. Baldanzi, CPA '71
Consecutive Years of Alumni Giving
Mr. John J. Barrett, Jr. '69
Mr. Raymond E. Bly '59
Mr. Michael A. Calegari '81
Mr. Gene C. Giannotti '48
Mr. Richard A. Iori '53
Rev. Craig P. Looney '73
Mr. Robert N. McMillan '80
Mr. Daniel F. Miller, Jr. '48
Mr. Brian T. Morton '83
Mr. John O'Leary '75
Mr. Stephen P. Philpott '93
Mr. Bernard L. Reichmuth '53
Mr. Ralph Stinson '63
Mr. John C. Vincent '78
Mr. Daniel E. Whelan '68
7 years
Mr. Robert E. Alberto '59
Mr. Trevor D. Anthony '98
Mr. Ronald Barri '72
Mr. F. Lee Becker '59
Mr. Fred C. Bertetta, III '83
Mr. Patrick J. Bertetta '04
Mr. John W. Branch '64
Mr. Mario J. Buttignol '53
Mr. Nick Carboni '59
Mr. Joseph M. Cattarin '49
Mr. James Centis '53
Mr. Timothy M. Cirigliano '79
Mr. Charles J. Crotty '47
Mr. Bernard T. Deasy '59
Mr. Kevin E. Dunleavy '80
Mr. John Fantham '56
Mr. Stephen M. Firenze '62
Mr. L. Walter Fleischer '65
Mr. Kevin D. Flynn '82
Mr. James P. Fox '62
Dr. Ronald L. Gandolfo '60
Mr. Marcus Geenen '57
Dr. Michael J. Gillogley, MD '74
Mr. Bud R. Grandsaert '59
Mr. William W. Granville '63
Mr. Robert J. Guenley '71
Mr. Richard Hagarty '70
Mr. James R. Hansen '67
Mr. James D. Helin '60
Mr. Robert S. Hurley '77
Mr. Scott Igoe '86
Mr. Stephen T. Johnston '64
Mr. Michael J. Klobuchar '90
Mr. J. Michael Laramie '54
Mr. Mark F. Lillie, Jr. '84
Mr. James E. Long '80
Mr. Mark E. Massey '83
Mr. Robert E. Mattinson '57
Mr. Gary J. McEntee '77
Maj. Steven B. McLaughlin, Jr. '90
Mr. Pete L. Meade '59
Mr. Thomas C. Meuser '63
Mr. William Meuser '55
Dr. Robert J. Miller, MD '49
Mr. Leon Mulgrew '71
Mr. Kevin C. Mullin '88
Mr. Daniel P. Murphy '71
Mr. Christopher C. O'Leary '03
Mr. Robert J. Olson '85
Mr. Peter F. Padovan '70
Mr. Peter A. Pawlick '95
Mr. Walter B. Rees '70
Mr. Michael A. Rosi '68
Mr. Salman Shariat '04
Mr. John V. Shields, Jr. '50
Mr. George F. Sigigie, Jr. '80
Hon. Douglas J. Smith '65
Mr. Philip L. Snodgrass '70
Mr. Lawrence A. Soletti '58
Mr. William K. Tuck '57
Mr. Frederick E. Wahl '69
Mr. Robert F. Wandro, PhD '76
Mr. Tormey L. Ward '56
Mr. Clifford A. Zachman '58
6 years
Mr. David Adamis '83
Mr. Thomas Alich '66
Mr. George Andreini '52
Mr. William J. Bailey '67
Mr. Robert C. Barbanica '54
Mr. Joseph J. Berriatua '73
Col. Larry E. Bielstein, USAF '54
Mr. Damian A. Bortolotti '85
Mr. Vincent J. Breen '81
Mr. James P. Brisbois '50
Col. Mart H. Bushnell, USAF(Ret.) '57
Mr. Rene Cardinaux '59
Mr. Steven J. Casanova '74
Mr. Michael J. Collins '78
Mr. Kenneth A. Colombo '61
Mr. Joseph S. Conway '66
Mr. Richard E. Corso '86
Mr. William T. Dailey '85
Mr. Steve A. Difu '60
Mr. Michael V. Dillon '63
Mr. Eric W. Dooley '02
Dr. Thomas S. Ellerhorst '95
Mr. James F. Ernst '57
Mr. Robert L. Fagan '59
Mr. Thomas J. Ferrando '58
Mr. Daniel C. Gagliani '02
Mr. Richard F. Garibaldi '57
Mr. Mark Geenen '78
Mr. Michael C. Giotinis '77
Mr. Dennis J. Glenn '64
Mr. Gregory P. Hart '76
Mr. Joseph Hartmann '53
Mr. Max K. Hoberg '70
Mr. Donald T. Hubner '57
Mr. Ward L. Jennings '51
Mr. Daniel M. Johndrow '66
Mr. Patrick W. Kopp '58
Mr. Martin Lauber '88
Mr. John A. Macy '60
Mr. Thomas McGanney '55
Mr. Charles D. McGowan '67
Mr. Martin J. McVeigh '75
Mr. Thomas J. Mellott '60
Mr. William Meyer '53
Mr. Bernard J. Mooney '69
Mr. David A. Mosunich '76
Mr. Robert Mowat '75
Mr. Christopher M. O'Connor '95
Mr. Brian J. Ponty '75
Mr. David J. Rauenbuehler '72
Col. Robert E. Roddy, USA(Ret.) '52
Mr. Charles R. Rodondi '67
Cmdr. Philip R. Rossi, SC USN '66
Mr. Jerry J. Schembri '89
Mr. William M. Schwarz '59
Mr. Louie Serpas, Jr. '75
Mr. Don Stevens '72
Mr. Gene B. Suarez '85
Mr. Henry Tanner '52
Mr. Michael A. Torre '67
Mr. Edmond Trainor '66
Mr. Philip M. Traynor '58
Mr. Edward M. Trucco, Jr. '57
Mr. William P. Tuerck '82
Mr. James J. Walsh '68
LTC Peter M. Wargo, USA(Ret.) '60
Mr. Steven M. Wilkinson '75
5 years
Mr. Marc K. Alcantara '75
Mr. Bruce Atkinson, PhD '50
Mr. Joseph M. Carboni '86
Mr. Raymond T. Carbullido '58
Mr. Kevin Carey '93
Mr. Frank Cetani '64
Mr. Stephen A. Chiappari '80
Mr. Joseph S. Davis '56
Mr. Andrew W. DeFrancis '98
Mr. Robert V. Dugoni, Esquire '79
Mr. James N. Fregosi '57
Mr. Kevin E. Giacomini '80
Mr. Eugene J. Graziani '75
Mr. William Helfrich '69
Mr. Timothy P. Hennessy '71
Mr. John T. Hills '90
Mr. John T. La Torra '68
Mr. Kenneth J. Mantoani '63
Mr. Michael F. Marques '84
Mr. Matthew B. McGuigan '79
Mr. William F. Meade, Jr. '58
Mr. Robert A. Milestone '73
Mr. Richard H. Moye '74
Mr. Thomas P. Murray '53
Dr. Thomas A. Nichol, DDS '82
Mr. Peter Niemann '82
Mr. William Pagendarm '67
Mr. Steven M. Papapietro '82
Mr. James S. Parola '66
Mr. Larry Penna '57
Mr. Mark J. Penner '80
Mr. Kenneth J. Pool '65
Dr. Peter B. Rauenbuehler, PhD '74
Dr. Richard L. Reich '61
Mr. Dennis L. Rosaia '68
Capt. Gilbert C. Sateia '64
Mr. Robert J. Smith '52
Mr. David D. Torre '75
Mr. Santo E. Valdez '86
Mr. Robert Vinal '78
Col. Robert M. Visbal, USA '74
Mr. John Walsh '76
Mr. Shane M. Wehr '86
4 years
Dr. Bruce T. Adornato, MD '64
Mr. Sergio A. Aguilar '71
Mr. David J. Arata '60
Mr. Paolo G. Battaglini '86
LTC Peter V. Boisson, USA '76
Mr. Gavin C. Callies '07
Mr. Stephen L. Chesley '95
Mr. Richard L. Cirigliano '73
Mr. Michael S. Coughlin '88
Mr. James Crowley '57
Mr. Brian W. Earley '85
Mr. Gerald Feeney '63
Dr. Robert M. Fernandez, DDS '63
Mr. William J. Gannon '61
Mr. Thomas Gillogley '76
Mr. Marc Giron '61
Mr. Lizardo Gomez '88
Mr. John Greco, Jr. '84
Mr. James Griffin '63
Mr. Alfred Guerin '50
Mr. William M. Hartmann '50
Mr. Alex J. Jordan '08
Dr. Richard T. Jordan, MD '72
Most Rev. William J. Justice '60
Mr. Alan J. Kappeler '57
Lt. Col. Herbert L. Lindemann,
Jr., USAF(Ret.) '51
Mr. Daniel C. Lonergan '60
Mr. Patrick McTaggart '82
Mr. Gregory P. Menzel '78
Mr. Albert Molinari '50
Mr. Carl J. Moroney '60
Mr. Thomas C. Moroney, Jr. '61
Mr. Luke B. Mulhall '88
Mr. Dante Mutto '01
Mr. Dominic Mutto '07
Mr. Thomas P. O'Sullivan '80
Mr. Edward G. Ottoboni '59
Mr. Stanley Pastorino '79
Mr. John F. Philpott '85
Mr. Gregory R. Shypertt '82
Mr. Nicholas A. Sutton '97
Mr. Henry N. Tominaga '79
Mr. William N. Torre '59
Mr. Thomas J. Wootten '93
Help Keep Padre Traditions
Strong at Serra
Serra relies on the involvement and generosity of
our parents, alumni and friends to assure that each
new Padre generation may reach beyond its grasp to
achieve its dreams. Support Serra today by making
your donation online at:
Gifts to Serra are tax deductible to the full extent
of the law.
A N N UA L R E P O RT 4 3
Friends and Malley family members shared stories about Dan and Mike
during the reception. “We have been friends with the Malley family for many
years,” said Josie Grossmann, who attended the event with her husband, Joe.
“Occasionally our paths went in different directions, but we have always been
able to keep in touch and pick up where we left off. We so admire their courage
and treasure their friendship.”
New Athletic
Training Room
Honors the
Malley Brothers
The new Serra athletic training room was dedicated in October
to Dan '84 and Mike '78 Malley—two brothers who left an
indelible mark on their alma mater. Friends and family members
united during a blessing by Father Stephen Howell '63 and a
cocktail reception in the Class of '59 Fine Arts Courtyard.
“The day was a great tribute to the Malley family,” said Serra
Athletic Director Dean Ayoob. “The Malleys have meant so much
to the Serra community. I was honored to be in attendance.”
The Michael Malley '78 and Daniel Malley '84 Athletic Training
Room was made possible by a generous donation from the estate
of Thomas Duffy, the uncle of Danny and Michael. Duffy was a
well-known and beloved Bay Area restaurateur. When he passed
away, he left a monetary gift for Serra as part of his estate plan.
“Tom made this decision thoughtfully and carefully, after
observing the good works that Serra does and the benefits it
provides others in life,” noted Duffy’s wife, Robin. “On behalf of
Tom’s estate, we were pleased to observe his wishes and provide
Serra with this gift. We hope it will help Serra to assist those in
need and continue its mission.”
“Our family is truly humbled and honored by the recognition of
my brothers in this way,” said Jim Malley '76. “When I learned
that Serra was the one educational institution included in Tom’s
will, I immediately understood. Tom knew how special Serra has
The new training room supports the Center for the Arts and Sciences and
Aquatics Facilities. It is a 900-square-foot facility equipped with whirlpools,
taping tables and other equipment to keep Padre athletes healthy and strong.
Approximately 750 current Serra students play at least one sport.
“It is with great pleasure and pride that I will continue to take care of the Serra
athletes in the new training room,” said Athletic Trainer Laurie Rossi. “The
Malleys are a wonderful family. The new training room couldn’t be named
after a better family, and I would like to thank the many people who have made
this day possible.”
been to our family since the day
I entered as a freshman in 1972.
He realized the huge positive
impact that Serra made on all
of our lives. Knowing that Serra
was undergoing this amazing
transformation, I was certain
that the money Tom donated
would be put to good use.
However, I never considered
that a part of the facility might
Jim Malley '76
be named after Mike and Dan.
Being a part of the athletic facilities that were such an integral
part of our Serra experience is too good to be true.”
The boys’ parents, Al
and Joan Malley, were
supportive parents of
Serra. Al Malley donated
his time after he retired
by taking care of the
baseball field. As the
assistant groundskeeper,
Al Malley (center) is pictured with Josie
was on campus every
and Joe Grossmann
day for nearly 10 years.
He painted the backstop and dugout and even built the bullpen,
which was named in his honor in 2006.
Supporting Serra is now easier
than ever. Simply log on to:
and click on “Giving to Serra”
from the Alumni or
Development home page.
You can then choose where you
would like your donation to go.
Your choices include gifts to the:
Padre Annual Fund
Fr. John Zoph Endowed
Scholarship Fund
The Father Serra Heritage Society
Named after our founding father, the Father Serra Heritage Society is a group
of generous donors who have designated a gift through their estate plans
to Serra High School. Members of the Society have much in common with
Father Serra. They believe in quality education, leadership and innovation.
They believe that a Serra education is among the best in California and
should be preserved for future generations of Padres.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Abbott, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Allain ‘53
Mrs. James N. Ayoob
Mr. and Mrs. Kerry Bach
Mr. and Mrs. Walt Bankovitch
Mrs. Laverne Barrett
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Bertetta '67
Mr. Dennis M. Byrne '55 
Mr. and Mrs. Walter H. Chang
Mr. and Mrs. Steve A. Difu '60
Mr. Thomas O. Duffy 
Mr. Gerald J. Driscoll '49 
Mrs. Ellen Einarsson
Mrs. Eleanor Figoni 
Mrs. Pam Frisella
Mr. Robert J. Grassilli '66
Rev. Stephen H. Howell '63
Mr. and Mrs. James Jordan
Mrs. Addie Keller
Mr. Edward E. Keller, Jr. '47 
Make Your
Gift online!
Mr. George Keller 
Ms. Kathy O. Lavezzo
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald S. Longinotti '72
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis M. Lucey '58
Mr. and Mrs. Lars J. Lund
Mr. and Mrs. Tevis P. Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Michael McGinley
Mr. and Dr. Steven McLaughlin, Sr.
Mrs. Sally Mellinger
Mr. and Mrs. Carl J. Moroney '60
Mr. A. James Oakes, Jr. '58
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Peterson
Mr. Kevin Ragan 
Mr. Bernard L. Reichmuth '53
Mr. Ferencz Sipos 
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sullivan
Mr. Randy Vogel
Mr. and Mrs. David R. Whitney
Mrs. Clare C. Willard
Alumni Association Endowed
Scholarship Fund
Junípero Serra High School
Endowed Scholarship Fund
Fund A Dream Scholarship
General Scholarship Fund
All gifts to Serra High School
make a tremendous difference.
Thank you to all who continue
to support our programs.
For more information, please
contact Serra's Development
Office at (650) 573-9935.
Supporting Serra
is just a “click away!”
 deceased
Gifts in Kind
In addition to gifts of cash and securities, Serra is grateful for the generosity of businesses, vendors, parents, alumni and others
who provide gifts of goods and services to our special events and school programs.
Mr. and Mrs. David Adamis
Mr. and Mrs. Luis E. Alvarenga
Mr. and Mrs. Alessandro Baccari
Mr. Stephen Baccari
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Baptista
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Barrett
Dr. and Mrs. Eric Barrientos
Ms. Anne H. Barrows
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Belton
Mr. and Mrs. John Bentley
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Berriatua
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Bottoms
Mr. Thomas E. Brady, Jr. and
Mrs. Gisele Bundchen-Brady
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Bragg
Ms. Shannon Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Shawn Bulen
Mr. and Mrs. Ante Buljan
Dr. and Mrs. Paul J. Burrin
Mr. and Mrs. John Cahners
Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Callagy
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Cavers
Mr. and Mrs. Ritchie Clay
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent A. Colabianchi
Ms. Margaret Collison
Mr. and Mrs. Randal Cort
Mr. John R. Costa
Mr. John P. Cruden, III
Mr. and Mrs. Richard DeLuna
Mr. and Mrs. Shawn M. DeLuna
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dependahl
Mr. John P. Doherty and
Ms. Jennifer Tuck-Doherty
Mr. Gregg M. Domanico and
Mrs. Sharon A. Mark-Domanico
Mr. and Mrs. John Dowden
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Ehlers
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Elkins
Mr. Joe Escobar
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Falk
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ferretti
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin D. Flynn
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Fox
Mr. and Mrs. James N. Fregosi, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. James Fregosi, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce N. Furukawa
Mr. Robert L. Gibson
Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Gould, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Greene, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Jon S. Handlery
Mr. and Mrs. Wil Hardee, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory P. Hart
Mrs. Mary L. Hayward
4 6 A N N UA L R E P O RT 2 0 1 0 - 2 0 1 1
Ms. Jill Hessler
Mr. Adam Hicks
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Hing
Mr. and Mrs. Jim M. Hing
Ms. Brook Howie
Ms. Maureen Hurley
Mr. and Mrs. John Joly
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn W. Karcher
Mr. John Keane
Mr. and Mrs. James Keenan
Mr. and Mrs. William Kibblewhite
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Kokrhoun
Mr. Jerry Lami and
Ms. Janice Groshak Lami
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey C. Lowenstein
Mr. Douglas Lower
Ms. Katherine D. Luther
Mr. and Mrs. Mario A. Maldonado
Mr. Idrees Malik and
Ms. Deborah Kaufman
Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Marques
Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Matias
Mr. and Mrs. Perry Mazzoni
Mr. Will McCarthy
Mrs. Katherine McMillan
Ms. Mary McPherson
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Mendonca
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Morrow
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Mostafavi
Mr. and Mrs. Masoud Mostofi
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy M. Murphy
Mr. Michael Mustacchi
Mr. and Mrs. Ronny A. Ortiz
Mrs. Marybeth Ortiz
Ms. Maggie Paalua
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Panos
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Parodi
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Perakis
Mr. Justin M. Perry
Mr. John H. Podesta and
Ms. Katherine L. Gallo
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Pollak
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Poms
Ms. Lindsay Raike
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Regalia
Dr. and Mrs. Richard Rolfes
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie F. Romeo
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Rudolph
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Rutledge
Mr. George J. Saade
Mr. and Mrs. Brian R. Sabean
Ms. Barbara Sabean
Gifts in Kind
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Schnabel
Mr. and Mrs. Tuilatai Sevelo
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Silk
Mr. and Mrs. Walt Singer
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Smikahl
Mrs. Valerie I. Steil
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Strange
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Suhr
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. Okusitino Tatola
Ms. Cecilia Thorton
Ms. Losalia Tuitavake
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Turzanski
Mr. Anthony L. Villanueva
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick T. Walker
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Wallau
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Whelan
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford J. White
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Rick E. Winningham
Mr. and Mrs. Andreas Wolf
Mr. Harvey Wong and
Ms. Kathy Ptasnik-Wong
Mr. and Mrs. Kieran Woods
Mr. and Mrs. James Wu
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Zoucha
A.G. Ferrari Foods
Aida Opera Candies
Alana's Cafe
Aldo's Pizza
All About Parking
All Fired Up
All that Glitters
Alta's Dress Boutique
Always Quilting
Amici's East Coast Pizzeria
Aqua Nails
Arco's Auto Body
Argonaut Hotel
Armadillo Willy's
Art Attack
Asian Art Museum
Avis Budget Group
Bay Area Discovery Museum
Bay Cities Driving School
Beach Blanket Babylon
Being Yoga
Bel Mateo Bowl
Berkeley Repertory Theatre
Big 5 Sporting Goods
Bizzarro's Auctions on Spring
Blend Salon
Bohannon Foundation
Books Inc.
Borel Private Bank &
Trust Company
Boulder Creek Golf & Country
Bow Thai Cafe
Bow Wow Meow
Broadway By The Bay
Buckley Educational Group
Buck's Restaurant
Burlingame Pilates Studio
Burlingame Plaza Florist
Cafe La Scala
Cal Performances
California Shakespeare Theatre
Campus Cafe
Cartoon Art Museum
Champagne Salon
Charles Schultz Museum
Cheeky Monkey Toys
Classic Kids Photography
Closet Factory
Club Ed International Surf School
Coastside Photography
Communications On The Mark
Costco Wholesale
Culinary Twist
Dana's Flower Basket
Di Pietro Todd Salon
Draeger's Supermarkets, Inc.
Edible Arrangements
Edmunds Florist
Elaines Florist
Elegant Lagoon Cruises
Eureka Review
Exotic Natural Nail
Fairmont San Francisco
Fine Arts Museums of
San Francisco
Fior d' Italia
Fringe Salon
Future Pro
Garden Court Hotel
Genesis Photography
Gilroy Gardens
Give Me Five: Healthy Eating
& Exercise
Glamtini Events
GoKart Racer
Gold Medal Martial Arts
Guittard Chocolate Co.
Hillbarn Theatre
Hiller Aviation Museum
Hobee's California Restaurant
Holiday Inn Fisherman's Wharf
Ignition Tutoring
Infineon Raceway
In-N-Out Burger
Inter Continental Mark Hopkins
J. Lohr Winery
Jazz Cellars
Jumpstart Medicine
Junípero Serra Athletic Deparatment
Junípero Serra Boosters Club
Junípero Serra High School Principal's
Leadership Team
Justin Vineyards & Winery
Kathy's Kreative Kakes
Kelly-Moore Paint Company
Kerns Fine Jewelry
Kim's Perfect Skin
King George Hotel
Kirkwood Mountain Resort
Knights Catering
La Fonda de San Mateo
La Lanterna Restaurant
La Petite Baleen
Landmark Theatres
Laser Quest
Lawrence Hall Of Science
Lifetouch Photography
Lite For Life
Lunardi Markets
Lynn Hill Co
Maison Salon deux
Man Cave Memorabilia
Mandarin Oriental
Marlinda Wilson Day Spa
Marriott Fisherman's Wharf
Marriott, San Francisco
Mel's Drive-In
Michael Merrill Design Studio
Millbrae Dance Academy
Mistral Restaurant and Bar
Mixed Bag Designs
Mollie Stone's Market
Monika Stone Skin
Mountain View Center for the
Performing Arts
Mountain Winery
Mr. Pickles Sandwich Shop
Music at Kohl Mansion
Nazareth Ice Oasis
Neiman Marcus
Nikon Precision, Inc.
Oakland Athletics
Oil Stop, Inc.
Old Faithful Geyser of California
Orchard Hotel
Orin Swift Cellars
Osetra Wellness Center
OutsourceIt, Inc.
Paramount's Great America
Parc Fifty Five Hotel
Pasta Pomodoro
Pasta Primavera
Peju Winery
Peninsula Family YMCA
Peninsula Pet Resort, Inc.
Peninsula Symphony
Penman Photographic Artists
Pier 39 Limited Partnership
Provident Credit Union
Rector Porsche Audi
Red And White Fleet
Ripley's Believe It or Not
Rituals Aesthetic Skin Care
Roti Indian Bistro
San Francisco Forty Niners Foundation
San Francisco Giants
San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
San Francisco Symphony
San Jose Giants
San Mateo County Historical Association
Santa Cruz Mountains Winegrowers Association
Scapes Inc.
Scoop Studio Pilates
Seymour Center at Long Marine Lab
Shelby's Garden
Sheldon of Los Altos
Shellies Miniature Mania
Sheraton Fisherman's Wharf
Sheraton Palo Alto
Shoreline Amphitheatre
Sky High Sports
Sky Nails
Solo Bambini Infant & Children's
Spa Luxe
Spinnaker Sailing
Spiteri's Auto Service
St. Regis Hotel
Stanford Court Hotel
Stella Alpina Osteria
Stillheart Institute
Studio Rincon
Sue Oda Landscape Architect
Tahoe Donner Association
Taqueria La Cumbre, Inc
Taxi's Hamburgers
Teatro ZinZanni
Terry Demarco's Barberia
The American Bull Bar & Grill
The Fish Market
The Gravity Room
The Kleid Design Group
The Office of Congresswoman Anna
G. Eshoo
The Tech Museum of Innovation
The Wax Museum at Fisherman's
Theatre Works
Thomas A. Kelley Investments
Thomas Fallon Photography
Tiernan Opticians
Toto's Pizza
Trancas Steakhouse
Tri-School Performing Arts
Turtle Bay Seafood & Grill
USS Hornet Museum
Vampire Tour of San Francisco
Westin St. Francis Hotel
White Oak Flower Shoppe
Willa Home
Winchester Mystery House
Winter Lodge
Your Party Rentals
A N N UA L R E P O RT 4 7
Fund A Dream Scholarship Luncheon
Serra Padres are thoughtful, accomplished young men who value their Serra experience. The Fund A Dream Luncheon assures
that each young man who dreams of becoming a Padre will have an opportunity to be a part of Serra, regardless of his family's
ability to afford tuition. The Seventh Annual Fund A Dream Luncheon raised more than $127,000 for tuition assistance for
Serra's deserving young men. If you are interested in attending the 2012 Fund A Dream Luncheon, please contact Theresa Stoye
at 650.573.9935 x189 or email [email protected].
Mr. and Mrs. Shawn M. DeLuna
Mr. and Mrs. Troy A. Dooley
Mr. Kevin Kelly and Ms. Erin Jaeb
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kidwell
Mr. Larry P. Kollerer and Ms. Tish Matulich
Mr. Wallace A. Krone
Mr. Martin Lauber
Mr. and Mrs. Brian T. Morton
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Olson
Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Rapp
Mr. Charles J. Rapp
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Salemi
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. David R. Whitney
Mr. and Mrs. Kieran Woods
Collection Bureau of America
Community Health Charities
Cotchett, Pitre, Simon & McCarthy
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Natural Bronzing
Nova Partners, Inc
United American Bank
Mr. Frank A. Baldanzi, CPA
Mr. John C. Schrup
Krone Enterprises, Inc.
Mr. Kevin Kelly and Ms. Erin Jaeb
The Drum Foundation
Emerald Packaging Incorporated
Platinum Sponsors
Mr. Gregg M. Domanico and
Mrs. Sharon A. Mark-Domanico
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Dooley
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Gaddis
Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Giotinis
Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Giotinis
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Lockie
Mr. and Mrs. Chick Walsh
Hathaway Dinwiddie Construction Company
Pacific Cheese
Gold Sponsors
Mr. and Mrs. Laurence P. Dugoni, Esq., CPA
Mr. Donald E. McMullen
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Philpott
Silver Sponsors
Mr. and Mrs. Walter H. Chang
Mr. Joseph W. Cotchett, Esq.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard DeLuna
4 8 A N N UA L R E P O RT 2 0 1 0 - 2 0 1 1
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Abbott, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Albert
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Allara
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Allen
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Arruda
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher M. Bankovitch
Mr. and Mrs. Walt Bankovitch
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Barrett, Jr.
Ms. Anne H. Barrows
Ms. Nada Barulich
Mrs. Jeannette Beeler
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Berquist
Dr. and Mrs. Eugene Bleck
Mr. Alfonso Bocanegra
Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Borg
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver R. Brown, IV
Mr. and Mrs. John Cahners
Mr. and Mrs. Phil A. Calandra
Mr. and Mrs. Armando Calderon
Mr. Matthew P. Calderon
Mr. Nicholas Calderon
Fund A Dream Scholarship Luncheon
Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Callagy
Mr. J. Dominic Campodonico
Ms. Sharon Campodonico
Ms. Rita Carroll
Mr. and Mrs. Jake Caruso
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Caselli
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cianciolo
Mr. and Mrs. Tim A. Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Christian J. Clifford
Mr. and Mrs. James O. Clifford
Mr. Paul P. Clifford
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent A. Colabianchi
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore T. Cordery
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Crocker
Mr. John F. Crosby
Mr. Timothy D. Dees
Mr. Scott J. Delucchi
Mr. Robert Delue
Mrs. Nancy C. DeSmedt
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Dill
Mr. and Mrs. Michael V. Dillon
Mr. John P. Doherty and
Ms. Jennifer Tuck-Doherty
Mr. and Mrs. Camille Domine
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Donahue
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Dooley
Mr. Eric W. Dooley
Mr. and Mrs. Brian P. Dunleavy
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin E. Dunleavy
Mr. Patrick C. Edens
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Ehlers
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Esplana
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Falk
Ms. Irene Falk
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn W. Farrell
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ferretti
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin D. Flynn
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Fox
Mr. and Mrs. John Fraher
Mrs. Pam Frisella
Mr. and Mrs. Mark L. Furrer
Mr. and Mrs. George Galloway
Mr. Anthony J. Gay, Sr.
Mrs. Karen Gay
Ms. Kathy Giordano
Mr. and Mrs. Mathew M. Glauninger
Ms. Rita Gleason
Ms. Moya Goddard
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff C. Goshorn
Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Goyette
Mr. Robert J. Grassilli
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Greene, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Greene
Mr. and Mrs. Martin C. Gruner
Mr. and Mrs. Charles K. Guttas, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Hannon
Michael Hazlewood
Ms. Laura Held
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Hitchcock
Mr. Kevin J. Holden
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Houle
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel M. Johndrow
Mr. Stephen M. Johnson
Dr. and Mrs. Michael W. Johnston
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Jones
Dr. Wayne Joseph
Mrs. Antonette Kavanaugh
Mr. James P. Kelly
Mr. John J. Kelly
Mr. Michael J. Klobuchar
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kochevar
Mr. and Mrs. David Kohnke
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Lavezzo
Ms. Kathy O. Lavezzo
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Leahy
Mr. and Mrs. Lars J. Lund
Mr. Hanna J. Malak
Mr. and Mrs. Mario A. Maldonado
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Malone
Chief Susan E. Manheimer
Mr. Joseph R. Marcelli
Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Marques
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Martinelli
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Masetti
Mr. Kristopher J. McAlavey
Mr. Niall McCarthy
Ms. Colleen McFerrin
Rev. Msgr. Anthony McGuire
Mr. and Mrs. Philip A. McIntosh
Mr. Philip A. McLeod and
Ms. Shawn M. Christianson
Mrs. Katherine McMillan
Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. McNab
Mr. Donald McNab
Mrs. Frances McVeigh
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Mellott
Mr. Kenneth A. Mifsud
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel F. Miller, Jr.
Ms. Peggy Milne
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Moon
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Moore
Mr. Carl J. Moroney
Mrs. Kathy Moroney
Ms. Sally M. Morton
Mr. Kevin C. Mullin
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy M. Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Nye, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. James M. O'Donnell
Mr. Michael J. Olcese
Mr. Ralph E. Olcese
Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. O'Leary
Mr. and Mrs. John O'Sullivan
Mr. Peter F. Padovan
Mr. and Mrs. David Parker
Mr. Brian L. Pedersen
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Pert
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond R. Petrin
Mr. and Mrs. David Philpott
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Philpott
Mr. John F. Philpott and
Dr. Kristina Hoffman-Philpott, M.D.
Mr. John H. Podesta and
Ms. Katherine L. Gallo
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Poms
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Powers
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Pritchett
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Regan
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Robbins
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie F. Romeo
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rosenberg
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Rudolph
Mr. Brendan E. Ryan
Ms. Barbara Sabean
Mr. and Mrs. Leland Severe
Mrs. Denise Severi
Mr. Jim Shannon
Mr. John V. Shields, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Graham Smith
Mr. Lance Smith
Ms. Susan Sollazzi
Mr. and Mrs. John Stie
Ms. Kelly Stucker
Mr. and Mrs. David I. Svendsen
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Thornton
Mr. and Mrs. John Tragoutsis
Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Trucco, Jr.
Mr. David E. Turner
Mr. Michael E. Turturici
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Turzanski
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ughe
Mr. Randy Vogel
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Wallau
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond J. Wertz III
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Whelan
Mr. and Mrs. Hal C. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wolger
Mr. and Mrs. James Wu
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Zlatunich
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Zoucha
Adhesive Coatings Co.
Cypress Lawn Funeral Services, Inc.
Franklin Templeton Investments
Hy-Tech Construction
Industrial Emergency Council
Morgan Stanley
St. Timothy School
Visa International's Employee
Giving Campaign
Save the Date
February 23, 2012
Keynote Speaker
Tom Brady '95
Memorial Endowment Fund
A memorial gift to Serra can help to perpetuate the values that guided a loved one's life. Gifts may also honor a person
during his or her lifetime, or commemorate a significant event. Your thoughtful donation becomes a living memorial that
touches the lives of our students. All those listed in our memorial book are remembered in a monthly Mass offered in the
school chapel. Memorial/Honorees are listed in blue, followed by the names of donors.
Ms. Peggy Aiello
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence D. Frost
Mr. Gordon Anthony
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce D. Anthony
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Blank
Mr. and Mrs. James Jordan
Mr. and Mrs. Compton Mock
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Peterson
Mr. Charles J. Rapp
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Robbins
Mr. Randy Vogel
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Vogel
Junipero Serra High School Community
Mr. Nicholas V. Armanino '71
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel M. Johndrow
Junípero Serra Alumni Association
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Robbins
Engeo Incorporated
Junipero Serra Alumni Association
Junipero Serra High School Community
St. Cecilia School
Mrs. Joan Beering
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kidwell
Mr. Randy Vogel
Mr. Philip Bell
Mr. Randy Vogel
Junípero Serra High School Community
Mr. Albert Berini
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kidwell
Ms. Antoinetta Bet
Mr. Randy Vogel
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Vogel
Mr. Joseph Arnold
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth M. Campi
Mr. William Blair
Mr. Charles J. Rapp
Mr. David Baross
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Carey
Ms. Jensen Adriana Barrett
Ms. Kathy McKeon
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Boisson
Mr. Brian F. Boisson
LTC Peter V. Boisson, USA
Mr. Van Buren Beane
Mr. Robert E. Borrmann
Mr. Jack Becker
Mr. Riley Byrd
Mrs. Dorothy R. Borrmann
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney L. McAlavey
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence D. Frost
Mr. Joesph A. Calleja
Mr. Peter Becker, Jr.
Mr. Charles J. Rapp
Mr. and Mrs. James Jordan
Mr. and Mrs. James Jordan
Applera Corporation
Mr. Richard Canziani
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Mantegani
Mr. Michael F. Bedor, Jr. '08
Dr. and Mrs. Claudio A. Bet
Mr. and Mrs. Roberto Galver
Mr. John C. Gaylord
Mr. and Mrs. James Jordan
Mr. and Mrs. Lars J. Lund
Mr. and Mrs. Damian Morris
5 0 A N N UA L R E P O RT 2 0 1 0 - 2 0 1 1
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth M. Campi
Mr. Dylan L. Cappel '96
Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence Cappel
Mr. Angelo J. Carmassi
Mr. Randy Vogel
Memorial Endowment Fund
Mr. Euerto Castellanos
Mr. Randy Vogel
Junípero Serra Advancement Office
Mr. Ernest Clot
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence D. Frost
Ms. Claire Constantino
Ms. Ann F. Neumann
Ms. Jillian Costello
Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Kardas, Jr.
Mrs Rose Forbes
Mr. Joseph Hartmann '53
Mr. John Keylon
Mr. Richard G. Fornesi '59
Mr. Jeff Healy '84
Mrs. Sharon Klobuchar
Mr. and Mrs. James Jordan
Junípero Serra Alumni Association
Ms. Livia Forni
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Vogel
Mr. William Frost
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Delaurenti
Mrs. Suzanne Furrer
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Allara
Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Rapp
Peninsula Parish School League
Mr. William Giguiere '62
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Caselli
Mr. and Mrs. Peter C. Jensen
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas MacKenzie
Junípero Serra Alumni Association
Ms. Delia Del Grosso
Ms. Marie Goldstein
Mr. Herbert A. Decker
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Mantegani
Mr. Joseph A. Desmond
Mr. Andrew Brassinga
Ms. Angela Brassinga
Ms. Kathy O. Lavezzo
Mr. Thomas W. McCarthy
PG&E Matching Gifts Program
Mr. John P. Dilts '82
Mr. and Mrs. Mark L. Furrer
Mr. and Mrs. Lars J. Lund
Junipero Serra Alumni Association
Junipero Serra High School Community
St. Cecilia School
Mr. Patrick Dunleavy
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Caselli
Mr. and Mrs. Lars J. Lund
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Mantegani
Mr. Charles J. Rapp
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Stoye
Junipero Serra High School Community
St. Cecilia School
Mrs. Eda Fadelli
Ms. Kathy O. Lavezzo
Mr. Charles J. Rapp
Mr. and Mrs. David Sugar
Junípero Serra High School Community
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Stoye
Ms. Dorothy Griffin
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney L. McAlavey
Mr. William Hagen
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Vogel
Mr. Richard Hall
Mr. and Mrs. Dave E. Foppiano
Mr. Samuel S. Kang and
Ms. Elizabeth Najera-Kang
Ms. Kathy O. Lavezzo
Mr. and Mrs. Ron F. Lavezzo
Mr. and Mrs. Lars J. Lund
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard J. Mooney
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Robbins
Mr. and Mrs. Larry A. Simpson
Junípero Serra Alumni Association
Mrs. Mikki Hart
Junípero Serra Alumni Association
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Bertetta
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Byrne
Mr. and Mrs. Peter C. Jensen
Mr. and Mrs. Lars J. Lund
Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Massey
Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. O'Leary
Mr. and Mrs. Carl T. Peterson
Mr. Randy Vogel
Junípero Serra Alumni Association
Junípero Serra High School Community
St. Cecilia School
The Jeff Healy Memorial Scholarship Fund
Ms. Marian Hinkley
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Griffith
Ms. Linda Hull
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence D. Frost
Mr. Jeffery C. Isble '71
Junípero Serra Alumni Association
Mr. Milton P. Jensen '50
Junípero Serra Alumni Association
Mrs. Kathy Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Albert
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Carey
Mr. and Mrs. John P. DeFoe
Mr. and Mrs. Carlo T. Deluca
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Donahue
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ferretti
Mr. and Mrs. Lars J. Lund
Mr. Charles J. Rapp
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Robbins
Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Stoloski
Mr. Randy Vogel
Junípero Serra High School Community
Mr. Anthony J. Jurado
Mr. and Mrs. Fulvio Garzoli
Ms. Elsa K. Silverman
Mr. and Mrs. Fernando De Alba
Mr. and Mrs. Carlo T. Deluca
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Roberts
Mr. Steven G. Hart ‘05
Mrs. Barbara Keller
Mr. and Mrs. Fulvio Garzoli
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Greene, Jr.
Mrs. Aileen B. Hart
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory P. Hart
Ms. Geraldine B. Seil
Property and Evidence Consultants
Ms. Kathy McKeon
Mr. Michael J. Klobuchar
Ms. Fiona Knight
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence D. Frost
Mrs. Maureen Landeck
Mr. and Mrs. Carlo T. De Luca
Mr. Charles J. Rapp
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Stoye
Mr. Harry Lawford
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Tolle
Mr. Thomas Leach
Mr. Randy Vogel
Mr. Wallace P. Leach
Mr. and Mrs. Lars J. Lund
Junípero Serra High School Community
Mr. Michael Leddy
Mr. and Mrs. James Jordan
Mr. Frank Legnitto
Ms. Jeannette Papapietro
Mr. Scott J. Papapietro
Mr. and Mrs. Steven M. Papapietro
Mr. Larry Luchetti
Ms. Kathy O. Lavezzo
PG&E Matching Gifts Program
Mr. Paul Macy '62
Junípero Serra Alumni Association
Mr. Thomas Magner '49
Mrs. Diane Magner
Mr. Ramon Maldonado
Mr. Randy Vogel
Ms. Bernice Martinez
Mrs. Cathy A. Plevin
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kidwell
Mr. Dennis Kennedy '51
Junípero Serra Alumni Association
A N N UA L R E P O RT 5 1
Memorial Endowment Fund cont'd
Ms. Christina Martinovich
Mr. Christian Pedersen
Mr. Henry J. Sarlatte '60
Mr. Ronald J. Martinson
Mr. Don Pershing
Ms. Phyllis Schnalle
Ms. Lena Massucco
Mr. Christian Petersen
Ms. Kathy O. Lavezzo
Junípero Serra High School Community
Mr. and Mrs. Nicolas I. Morales
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney L. McAlavey
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Delaurenti
Mr. James P. McCarthy '64
Junípero Serra Alumni Association
MR. Harold Petroni
Mrs. Barbara Jean Mantegani
Mrs. Peg Philpott
Mrs. Margaret McCool
Mr. and Mrs. David Philpott
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory P. Hart
Mrs. Alice Puccetti
Ms. Marcella McGrath
Mrs. Barbara Jean Mantegani
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Mantegani
Mrs. Joyce Quirk
Mrs. Soledad Milanese
Mr. and Mrs. James Jordan
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence D. Frost
Ms. Albert Ratto
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sullivan
Mrs. Kathy Moroney
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kidwell
Mr. and Mrs. Lars J. Lund
Mr. Randy Vogel
Junípero Serra High School Community
Mr. Robert Mummert
Mrs. and Mr. Eunice Canziani
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Canziani
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Mantegani
Mr. Michael Murphy
Ms. Kathy O. Lavezzo
Mr. and Mrs. Lars J. Lund
Mr. Randy Vogel
Junípero Serra High School Community
Ms. Ada Nicolopulos
Ms. Frank Renda
Mr. and Mrs. Carlo T. De Luca
Mr. and Mrs. Peter C. Jensen
Mr. and Mrs. Lars J. Lund
Mr. Charles J. Rapp
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Robbins
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Stoye
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Tolle
Mr. Randy Vogel
Junípero Serra High School Community
St. Cecilia School
Mr. Jack T. Reviglio '56
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kidwell
Junipero Serra Alumni Association
Ms. Kathy Rogers
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Mantegani
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence D. Frost
Mr. Jose Nuila
Mr. Gregory H. Rosecrans '93
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas MacKenzie
Mr. Charles J. Rapp
Mr. and Mrs. Carl T. Peterson
Mr. Steven Rubin
Ms. Fern Olson
Mr. Martin McGinn and
Ms. Gina Kaindl-Gregori
GMG Janitorial, INC.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth M. Campi
Mr. Mario Oneto
Mr. Austin Rustrum
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth M. Campi
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence D. Frost
Ms. Barbara Parodi
Mr. Lenard Saldanha
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Albert
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas MacKenzie
Mr. Charles J. Rapp
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Robbins
5 2 A N N UA L R E P O RT 2 0 1 0 - 2 0 1 1
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Stoye
Mrs. Barbara Jean Mantegani
Memorial Endowment Fund
Ms. Gayle Sarlatte
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Robbins
Mr. Randy Vogel
Ms. Audrey Seiler
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney L. McAlavey
Mr. Fred Spencer
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Caselli
Ms. Darlene Steen
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Carey
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cuddy
Mr. David Stevens
Mr. Mike Abrahmsen
Mr. and Mrs. Nick Carboni
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Donahue
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry L. Ezrin
Mr. and Mrs. Peter C. Jensen
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Kniffin
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas MacKenzie
Mr. Dick Phelan
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory S. Quigley
Mr. Charles J. Rapp
Mr. Randy Vogel
Mr. Gabe Suarez
Mr. and Mrs. Lars J. Lund
Junípero Serra High School Community
St. Cecilia School
Mr. Martin J. Sweeney, PhD. '51
Junípero Serra Alumni Association
Mr. Ray Taft
Mr. Randy Vogel
Mr. Richard Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth G. Norton
Mr. Giovanni Torres
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney L. McAlavey
Mr. Scott A. Uccelli '79
Ms. Deborah Baker
Ms. Ida Balsamo
Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Bartaldo
Mr. and Mrs. David Burke
Ms. Jayne Cinquini
Mr. and Mrs. Art Daniels
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Delaurenti
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald F. Edwards
Ms. Carolyn Ervin
Ms. Renee A. Hallen
Ms. Donna Kirk
Ms. Diana Lam
Mr. Neil Leslie and
rs. Judi Podesta-Leslie
Dr. Ernest A. Maggioncalda, D.D.S.
Mrs. Barbara Jean Mantegani
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Mantegani
Mr. Paul Marsili
Ms. Janet McGavin
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Milano
Ms. Jeannette Papapietro
Ms. Marie Podesta
Mr. John C. Schrup
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Straus
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Swartz
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Uccelli
Grassi Investment Management LLC
Joint Apprenticeship &
Training Committee
Junípero Serra Alumni Association
United American Bank
Mrs. Irene Valbusa
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Robbins
Mr. Richard Van Doren, Sr.
Ms. Donna B. Arevalo
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Arico
Mr. and Mrs. Carl D. Cammarata, Esquire
Ms. Rita Carroll
Mr. Stanley G. Cohen
Mr. Larry Diamond
Mr. Michael L. Duffy
Mr. and Mrs. Norm Faria
Ms. Karen Gianuario
Mr. and Mrs. Gary D. Gitch
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley D. Kinstler
Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Lagomarsino
Ms. Vivien Lee
Mr. and Mrs. John McNesby
Mr. and Mrs. Yoshiro Meiji
Mr. Rickey Mesta
Ms. Elizabeth Monroe
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Palakiko
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Parodi
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Paskerian
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Peterson
Mr. and Mrs. William Phillips
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Press
Ms. Joan Ryzner
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Tremont
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Uhlenkott
Mrs. Judy Van Doren
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Wagner
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent West
Ms. Johnette O. Woods
Flying A Advertising
Goldman Sachs
M.C. Publishing Co., Inc.
Procurement Concepts, Inc.
SF Travel Association
The Handlery Foundation
Mr. Bernard W. Van Warmerdam
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Robbins
Mr. Randy Vogel
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Vogel
Mr. John Woodard '78
Ms. Chris Woodard
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Woodard
Mr. Anthony Yaquinto
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Roberts
Mr. Dewain Zeglin
Mr. Charles J. Rapp
Mrs. Ethene Vergie
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Albert
Ms. Moya Goddard
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Lockie
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas MacKenzie
Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. O'Leary
Mr. Charles J. Rapp
Mr. Randy Vogel
Mr. Ronald E. Fierra '68
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Vierra
Junipero Serra Alumni Association
Mr. Joseph Vinal
In Honor of
Nicholas Auriana '15
Mr. and Mrs. John Stie
Jay and June Jordan
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sullivan
Robert M. Mulvey '63
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Caselli
Mr. and Mrs. Peter C. Jensen
Mr. and Mrs. Lars J. Lund
Mr. and Mrs. Ferris N. Merriam
Mr. Charles J. Rapp
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Robbins
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Vinal
Mr. Randy Vogel
Junipero Serra H.S. Community
St. Cecilia School
Ms. Gayle Mulvey
Mr. Karen Vinci
Mr. Daniel E. Whelan
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence D. Frost
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Walsh, Sr.
Dr. John W. Walsh
Ms. Maureen Walsh Quinlan
Randy Vogel
PG&E Matching Gifts Program
Mrs. Verena M. Fleischer
Ms. Moya Goddard
Ms. Kathy O. Lavezzo
Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. O'Leary
Raymond J. Whelan
Walter '82 and Jocelyn
Bankovitch's 5th Wedding
Mr. and Mrs. James Jordan
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Tolle
Mr. Michael D. Whelan '66
Mr. Daniel E. Whelan
Mr. Raymond J. Whelan
Mr. Daniel E. Whelan
Mr. William Williams, Jr. '63
Junipero Serra Alumni Association
Mr. William Wong
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth M. Campi
For the Speedy Recovery of
Ms. Carol Bearden
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence D. Frost
Mr. Jack Becker
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence D. Frost
Mr. Teddy O'Neill
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence D. Frost
A N N UA L R E P O RT 5 3
Class Notes
your 60-year reunion will be held in October. More details to follow.
david henry recently placed eighth in the Sports Car Club of America
Solo National Championships in Lincoln, Nebraska.
your 50-year reunion will be held in October. More details to follow.
danny frisella was posthumously inducted into
the Washington State University Hall of Fame in
September. As a pitcher, Danny was 17-1 over two
years for the Cougars before being drafted by the
New York Mets in 1967. Danny’s mother, Pam, and
brother, Jason, attended the ceremony.
ed mcaleer is serving his sixth term as mayor of the City of Delafield,
The life of father gary thomas was
the basis for the movie The Rite, which
opened in theatres in early 2011. He
appeared on set for one week to advise
production and direction. Father
Thomas currently is the pastor of
Sacred Heart Parish in Saratoga.
your 40-year reunion will be held in October. More details to follow.
michael verdone has been
appointed as a director for the
California Association of Realtors,
representing the San Mateo County
Association for legislative issues.
Michael will celebrate 40 years as a
professional realtor.
your 30-year reunion will be held in October. More details to follow.
your 25-year reunion will be held in October. More details to follow.
michael fadelli reunited with Tom
Brady '95 after the Patriots vs. Raiders
game on October 2. Michael is a
General Sales Manager for Entercom
In Memoriam
roger rouse is the commander of
volunteer services for the Broadmoor
Police Department in San Mateo
County. He oversees 25 reserve officers
and has been an active member of the
department’s patrol division. Roger
is also the owner of on24web, a web
design, hosting and search engine
optimization company.
your 20-year reunion will be held in October. More details to follow.
brian philip was promoted to police sergeant in July and currently runs
a midnight patrol team for the Palo Alto Police Department. He is also a
S.W.A.T. team leader and a press information officer. Brian is married to
Dr. Bridget Marchetti Philip. They have two daughters, Sabrina (5) and
Olivia (2).
byron werner just finished principal photography as the director of
photography for Sony Pictures 1970s cold war Russian submarine movie
Phantom. The movie stars Ed Harris, David Duchovny and William
Fichtner. Expected release is mid to late 2012.
daniel frisella is the new vice principal at Nevada Union High School
in Nevada City. He and his wife, Julie, welcomed their second son, Nico,
last year.
staff sergeant joseph zamora is serving his seventh deployment
in Afghanistan.
your 10-year reunion will be held in October. More details to follow.
david aguirre '90 passed away on
September 8, 2011. His was the son
of Ed and Alicia Aguirre of San
Mateo. David was an exceptional
baseball player who played second
base for the Serra baseball team.
kyle hutchison ’07 wins back-to-back
rowing championships
Folsom’s Lake Natoma hosted the 2011 Western
Intercollegiate Rowing Association (WIRA) Championship
Regatta April 30 & May 1. Rowers from 33 colleges sped
through 2,000 meter races in eight, four and two-person
boats on Lake Natoma, a world class rowing facility formed
by the Nimbus Dam impound of the American River.
Kyle Hutchison ‘07 and teammate Bo Breitreed, the
defending champions from Loyola Marymount University
(LMU), took to the water on April 30 for a qualifying heat.
They posted the fastest qualifying pairs time.
The finals proved intense from the start. Kyle and Bo were
back in the pack to start, in third position at the 250 meter
mark, a narrow first at 500 meters and led a tight pack
through 1500 meters. As the LMU men entered the home
stretch, they found another gear and the boats marking
them struggled to answer. Kyle and Bo rowed away from
their competitors in the last 250 meters, finishing first by a
boat length over second and third place finishers UCLA and
Sacramento State. Kyle is now a two-time champion for
the Lions as he finishes his senior year.
joseph beresford, jr. '59 passed
away on August 29, 2011 from
pancreatic cancer. He is survived by
three sisters.
mark b. bynum '80 passed away on
September 16, 2009.
ambrose a. galli '58 passed away
on November 7, 2011. He was the
grandfather of Andrew Galli '09.
lawrence e. galvin '64 passed
away on May 27, 2010. He was
the brother of William Galvin ’68.
Lawrence was a veteran of the US
robert l. johnson '58 passed
away on October 2, 2011. Robert
graduated from the University of
San Francisco before joining the
U.S. Army. He worked for Hewlett
Packard for more than 30 years. He
is survived by his wife, Judie, and
his children, Robin and Lynne.
victoria and richard tallerico,
parents of Jeff Tallerico '80 passed
away in 2011within 27 days of one
charles (buddy) terry, grandfather
of Michael Rockwell '06 (Serra's
technology systems administrator)
and Brent Rockwell '08 passed away
on October 27, 2011.
robert m. watkins '51 passed away
on December 10, 2010.
jeff isble '90 died suddenly from
a heart attack on April 12, 2011
in Tucson, Arizona. He was the
brother of Don '66, Steve '72 and
Janice (Mercy '74). After graduating
from Serra, Jeff earned a degree in
criminal justice. He went on to have
a career as a San Francisco police
officer and retired after 34 years of
andre monney married
Jessica Escalante (NDB
'03) on August 6 in
St. Helena, California.
They met in high
school while running
on their cross country
teams. Groomsmen at
the wedding included Best Man Alexander Monney '05, Dino Santos '03,
Derrick Homer '03, Rajiv Jhurani '03 and Rohaum Raji '03. Andre and
Jessica honeymooned in Paris, Brussels, Amsterdam and London. The
newlyweds reside in San Mateo.
jon nowakowski recently made an appearance in the summer blockbuster
Contagion as an extra and will appear in next year’s Fox TV show Alcatraz.
He has also done numerous modeling shoots during the past year.
Join us on our Serra Padre Facebook fan page and check out our YouTube channel!
Catch up on the latest news, sports scores, alumni events and more.
Every decade of alumni is represented.
You can also find the links on the homepage of our website. Log in to:
A N N UA L R E P O RT In Memoriaum 5 5
For more information, contact Jonathan Allen at: [email protected]
2010-2011 Highlights
Matt Silvestri '11 Explores
Computer Science
Matt Silvestri '11 (far right) is pictured with fellow CSSI students.
Under sunny skies on a perfect California day, Matt Silvestri '11
rode his yellow bike around Google's mini city in Mountain View.
While passing international restaurants, volleyball courts and even
a bowling alley, a recurring thought continuously flowed through
his brain: I dream of working here one day.
Silvestri was chosen last summer as one of an elite group of 60
students who participated in Google's Computer Science Summer
Institute. More than 400 students applied from all over the world.
“The Computer Science Summer Institute (CSSI) is a three-week
summer program for rising college freshmen,” explained Google
University Programs Coordinator Jessica Lulovics. “During
their time at Google, students attend courses taught by Google
engineers. At the end of the program, students work in teams to
create interactive web applications using the knowledge they gained
throughout the program. The goal of CSSI is to encourage students
to pursue computer science in college and, ultimately, a career in
Upon his arrival, Silvestri received gifts ranging from a new cell
phone to a $100 VISA gift card to a computer bag filled with the
essentials for deep thinkers. He quickly became friends with his
roommates, who trekked across the country from Michigan and
New Jersey. By day, the students dominated Google computer labs
with innovative ideas for websites and phone apps. By night, they
were up until all hours playing volleyball, ping pong and ultimate
Frisbee. Weekend activities included laser tag, a boat cruise on the
San Francisco Bay, a day at Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk and a
night at Santana Row.
“At Google, there's no dress code, everybody rides yellow bikes and
it's an open-dog campus,” Silvestri noted. “I've never seen anything
like it. It's hard to explain, but everybody is happy.
They really know how to treat their employees and everyone seems
to love working there. The energy is unbelievable!”
What's not to like? Wherever they go, employees are only 150
feet away from “micro-kitchens,” stands packed with all sorts of
5 6 A LU M N I N E WS
free snacks and drinks. Whether you're craving sushi, burritos or
Chinese food, you'll be sure to find your favorite at one of Google's
25 cafes. Best yet, the meals are complimentary for employees.
The first day on the “job,” Silvestri's assignment was to make
his own app by lunchtime. His first invention was called Hang
Chicken—a form of Hangman played with a rubber chicken. Next
was a trickier endeavor—creating a website with a group of likeminded students. Silvestri and his crew decided on Superfluity,
a website that provides out-of-the-box options to beat boredom.
Superfluity won for best layout and design.
“I would really like to pursue our website,” Silvestri admitted.
“The project gave us the confidence to go for it. Look at what's
happened with Facebook—that started with a simple idea. During
the camp, we were assigned one-on-one mentors, who were Google
Silvestri is studying computer science at Santa Clara University. He
hopes to return to Google one day as a computer scientist.
“They told us that by the year 2015, the demand for computer
scientists will be twice or three times greater than it is even now,”
Silvestri noted. “Words can't describe what I learned and the fun I
had while spending those three weeks at Google. CSSI was a oncein-a-lifetime experience. In fact, I'd have to say it was the best three
weeks of my life.”
if you've recently graduated,
married,celebrated the birth of a new baby,
started a new job, retired, or just have
something you'd like to share,
we'd like to hear about it.
images should be high resolution
(at least 300 dpi) in either .jpg or .tif format.
email: [email protected]
Construction completed for the new Center for the Arts &
Sciences and Aquatics Facilities
Eighteen alumni sons join Class of 2014
Seven Padres honored by National Merit Scholarship Program
59 students were named Advanced Placement Scholars
Juan Rodriguez ’11 receives prestigious Ohleyer Memorial
Award from Olympic Club foundation
AP pass rate surpasses 82% for third consecutive year
Akash Desai ’11, Derek Lee ’11, Brandon Tineo ’11, Xiang Xu
’11, Rohan Acharya ’12, Clinton Cosko ’11, Spencer Hall ’11,
Daniel Janok ’11, Vasanth Mohan ’11, Patrick Oh ’11 & Alexander
Yoxsimer ’11 earn perfect 800 scores on SAT subject tests
One day outbreak of “Orange Flu” linked to Giants World
Series Parade Celebration
Patrick Walsh honored as San Francisco 49ers high school
head coach of the week
Freshman football team earns WCAL championship
Mock Trial and Robotics among most popular of Serra’s
35 clubs
Norm Angelini ’65 (baseball), Rich Bricker ’91 (water polo &
swimming), Jason Hardee ’00 (football & basketball), Jeff
Healy ’84 (baseball & basketball), Adam Perez ’93 (cross
country & track) and Coach Peter Jensen inducted into Serra’s
Athletic Hall of Fame
Serra Symphonic Band members Sean Evans ’11 (percussion),
Katherine Cummings (NDB ’12) (bassoon), Hoon Oh ’11
(clarinet) and Jordan Ginsberg ’11 (alto-sax) named to CSUEast Bay Honor Band
Tri-School Productions performs Philadelphia Story
Parker Toms ‘11 named WCAL football Kicker of the Year
Eric Redwood ‘13 named WCAL football Sophomore of
the Year
Benefit Auction Hard Hats & Heals raises $189,000
Padres sponsor eleven families through Adopt-A-Family
Padres win tenth consecutive Jungle Game
More than 40 graduates return for Alumni Career Day
Mike Bertoldi ’11 and Adam Lumpkins ’11 win $50,000
on Wheel of Fortune
Kevin Donahue named State Athletic Director of the Year
Ron Longinotti ‘72 honored with Junípero Serra Medal
Andrew Licko ’13 accepted into California State Honor Band
Jay Jordan named San Mateo County Arts Educator of the
Year for music
Attention Alumni Basketball Fans!
Come and support Serra basketball!
Invite the entire family to show some
Padre spirit – we’d love to see you!
Clip these coupons and enjoy one free
admission ticket and one free food item.
Principal Barry Thornton receives a doctorate in education
from the Institute of Catholic Educational Leatership at the
University of San Francisco
Tri School Musical Into The Woods staged at Hillbarn Theatre
Former faculty member Dave Stevens posthumously honored
with In Via Award
Rick Justice ’67 is keynote speaker for Fund-A-Dream
Campus Ministry expands Kairos retreat program
Connor McGrath named San Mateo County Times Boys
Basketball Player of the Year
Padre JV basketball team crowned WCAL champs
Wrestlers Travis Roberts’12, Luimere Hayes ‘11 & Tim
Glauninger ’12 win WCAL individual titles
Travis Roberts ’12 qualifies for state wrestling championships
Tom Brady ’95 wins second NFL MVP Award
Groundskeeper Jeff Wellemeyer honored for 30 years of
service to baseball program
Track & Field standouts Ben Parodi ’11 (shot put), Dalyn
Pacheco ’11 (triple jump) and Zachary Mitchell ’13 (300 m IH)
win individual WCAL championships
Student groups travel to Croatia, Germany, France and Peru
Sean Talmadge ’13 named San Mateo County Times Tennis
Player of the Year.
Stephen Lumpkins ’08 (Royals) and Richie Mirowski ‘07
(Nationals) sign professional baseball contracts
Ben Parodi ’11 (football and track & field) receives Shea
Sportsmanship Award
Tony Renda ’09 named Pac-10 baseball Player of the Year as
Renda and Logan Scott ’08 participate in College World Series
for UC Berkeley
Harvard bound Max Murphy ’11 earns water polo All-American
honors for second consecutive year
Serra holds 65th Annual Commencement at St. Mary’s
Class of 2011 awarded more than $7.5 million in college
Campus Ministry students work on farms in Watsonville
during summer immersion trip
Faraz Fatemi ‘12 and Carsten Stann ’12 attend California Boys’
State program
Traditions magazine wins first place at San Francisco Peninsula
Press Club’s awards ceremony
Cut Along Dotted Line
restrictions: coupon must
be used by a serra alum
Go Padres!
does not include:
serra vs. si (jungle game)
Cut Along Dotted Line
restrictions: coupon must
be used by a serra alum
A publication for the alumni, parents & friends
of Junípero Serra High School
For questions or comments, contact:
Antonia Ehlers
Office of Advancement & Alumni Relations
451 West 20th Avenue
San Mateo, CA 94403
650.573.9935, ext. 183
Lars Lund
[email protected]
Barry Thornton, Ed.D.
[email protected]
Alumni Director
Bob Greene '85
[email protected]
Communications Manager
Antonia Ehlers
[email protected]
supporting serra
ways to give
A Junípero Serra High School education provides unique opportunities for young men to develop lifelong habits of learning
that prepare them to become leaders throughout their lives. An unrestricted gift to Serra helps support the annual activities of
the school and enables the school to direct funds to where they are most needed.
outright gifts
Outrights gifts can include cash, Visa or MasterCard. Gifts can
be made online. All cash gifts are fully tax deductible, up to the
maximum of 50 percent of your adjusted gross income. Any
excess can be carried over and deducted over as many as five
subsequent years.
matching gifts
Many employers participate in a matching gifts program. This
is a tremendous benefit that can double or sometimes even
triple your gift to Serra. Check with your human resources
department for matching gift forms. Visit the Serra website to
see if your employer participates in a matching gifts program.
gifts of securities
Gifts of stock offer twofold savings. Donors pay no capital
gains on the increased value of the appreciated stock and
receive an income tax deduction for the full market value at
the time of the gift. Transferring securities is easy; however
to insure proper tax credit, timely acknowledgment, and
accurate processing of your stock donation, please contact the
Development Office for a transfer form and more information.
memorial and honorary tribute gifts
A gift to the Memorial Endowment Fund perpetuates the values
and ideals that guided a loved one's life. Gifts provide a tribute in
memory of a loved one's passing and honor a person during his/
her lifetime. All contributions to the memorial program help fund
financial aid for deserving families, assuring the continuance of
Serra's legacy of inclusiveness and diversity.
gifts of real estate
Real property, either in entirety or in part, can be deeded to
Serra. It is even possible to arrange a sizable tax deduction by
deeding a home or farm to the school now, while continuing
to occupy the property for life. All real estate transactions are
subject to inspection and final approval by the Archdiocese of
San Francisco.
the father serra heritage society
Members of this society have thoughtfully included Serra
in their estate plans or wills. These gifts of forethought and
generosity take many forms: bequests, living trusts or life
income plans, which name Junípero Serra High School as
beneficiaries in their estate plans or wills. If you would like
more information about making a planned gift, contact the
Serra Advancement Office at 650.573.9935.
Graphic Design and Website Manager
Michelle Wilkinson
[email protected]
J O I N S E R R A ' S N E W A L U M N I P O R TA L TO D AY !
V I S I T W W W. S E R R A H S . C O M A N D C L I C K O N “A L U M N I ”
Join the hundreds of Padre alums who have already registered for
Serra's new Online Alumni Portal. Once a member, you will be
able to update your personal profile, post class notes and family
pictures, reconnect with your classmates and friends, and see what
events are being planned on and off campus.
just follow the four easy steps below to begin catching up!
Feature Writer/Editor:
Antonia Ehlers
Michelle Wilkinson
Jonathan Allen '01
Randy Vogel
Photo Credits:
Dennis Agatep
Aaron Chao '12
Kim Hernando
Diane Mazzoni
Prestige Portraits by Lifetouch
Pam Robbins
Pat Zurcher
Board of Regents
Vince Breen '81
Dominic Campodonico '86
Greg Cosko
Michael Dillon '63
Laurence Dugoni '86
Kevin Dunleavy '80
John Esplana '82
Kevin Flynn '82
Rev. Dave Ghiorso
Ford Goodman
Robert Jauregui
Linda Lucido
Tom Mohr
Andrea Moore
Brian Morton '83
Robert Olson '85
Scott Pritchett
Joshua Raffaelli '98
Rev. Mark Reburiano
Ric Rosario
John Schrup
Jim Terranova
Lori Whitney
Joe Zoucha
1. log on to
2. click on alumni
3. click on alumni portal
4 . l o g i n . your user name is your first initial, followed
by your lastname, followed by your two-digit grad year
(example: jsmith75). your password is the number located
directly above your name on the address label of this
edition of traditions. (if you have previously logged in,
your user name and password has not changed.)
Contact: Alumni Director Bob Greene '85
650.573.9935 ext. 191
[email protected]
or Michelle Wilkinson, Graphic Design and Website Manager
650.573.9935 ext. 184
[email protected]
LO G O N TO : W W W. FA C E B O O K . C O M / S E R R A PA D R E S
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Re tu r n S er v i c e Re qu e ste d
december 2011
6 th - 7th Alumni Phonathon
2 3 rd Alumni Crew Row
january 2012
2 1 st Booster Club's Crab Cioppino Dinner
february 2012
9 th Jungle Game
2 3 rd Fund A Dream Scholarship Dinner
Keynote Speaker: Tom Brady '95
24th Alumni 50-Year Club Luncheon
march 2012
Junípero Serra and Merit Awards Ceremony
april 2012
7 th Alumni Volleyball Game
Alumni Baseball Game
28th Serra Fashion Show
june 2012
1 8 th Alumni Golf Classic
Questions? Contact:
Alumni Director Bob Greene '85
650.573.9935 ext. 191
email: [email protected]
or visit Serra's website at