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April/May/June 2015 - Wilson Elementary School > Home
Message from Principal Mrs. Peerenboom Volume 4 April May June 2015 Dear Wilson Families and Community Members, It is hard to believe that another school year is almost over! Spring can be a crazy and hectic time as the days are longer and the weather gets warmer. Please take some time to check over some important events going on with your child at Wilson Elementary. 1. 2. 3. 4. Wilson Wire 5. 6. A number of field trips will be planned in different grade levels. Please take the time to review with your child the importance of good behavior and safety on field trips. Remaining in their seat on the bus, staying with their group, and paying close attention to adult directions will ensure they get the most out of the educationally focused events. It is never too late to register your child for summer school. Summer school can help to maintain your child’s academic, social, and behavioral gains, as well as enrich their interests during the summer months. If you have questions about summer school, please contact Mrs. Norton at 743-7306 or the Summer School Main Office at the ESC at 743-5042. Students in grades kindergarten, first and second will be taking the Measure of Academic Progress (MAP) test in April and May. This computerized test tracks each student’s personal gains from year to year. To find out the dates your child will be taking the MAP test, you may contact your child’s teacher. Results will be sent home with your child on the last day of school with his or her report card. Students in grades third, fourth, and fifth will be taking the Badger Exam test in April and May. This computerized test assesses student mastery of the Common Core State Standards at his or her grade level. The District-Wide Track Meet for 4th and 5th grade students will be held on May 19th for students in 5th grade and May 20st for students in 4th grade. The rain date for the track meet is May 21st. Last but not least, a reminder that staff and students in the School District of Janesville will have inclement weather make-up day in May. All students and staff will have a regular school day on Friday, May 22nd which was an inclement weather reserve day in the calendar. The last day of school for students will remain Thursday, June 11, 2015. The last day of school will cap off with our annual Fifth Grade Commitment Ceremony in the afternoon to wish our fifth grade students the best of luck in the future. Thank you for a great 2014-15 school year. It has been a pleasure to see the students at Wilson Elementary grow and learn throughout the year. I am very proud of the many gains that have been made and strongly believe Wilson Elementary will continue to keep moving forward in a positive direction. As always, feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns you may have. I am always willing to listen! Sincerely, Mrs. Kim Peerenboom Principal 1. Next year’s registration is August 19th from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. 2. First full regularly scheduled day of school is Tuesday, September 1st, 2015. There will no longer be a kick off day and sessions to attend as in the past. 3. School hours for next year at the elementary level will be 8:20 a.m. to 3:08 p.m. to meet Wisconsin Department of Public Instructions school minutes requirement. 1 FIRST GRADE NEWS First Graders at Wilson Elementary School have been working hard toward meeting the reading score goal of a Reading Level 12 by March. At what level is your child reading? We enjoyed sharing all of the academic success stories of our students with their parents and guardians during Parent-Teacher Conference Week. Students will also be working on + and - math timed tests with numbers 0 through 20 to be ready for second grade. How many correct answers can your child do in the one minute timed test for math? As the weather is becoming warmer, please remember to have your child dress in layers as they can then easily add or subtract clothing as the temperature changes during the day. It's also a good idea to have an extra pair of tennis shoes and socks for the upcoming muddy, wet spring days too. Mrs. Drach is also the teacher in charge of the Wilson Elementary School Community Garden so we'll be outside tilling the soil, planting seeds, and learning about vegetable gardens this spring too. It has been a long, cold winter but so far, the old saying for March “in like a lion, out like a lamb" is holding true! Lastly, ALL first grade classrooms are in need of tissues boxes and glue sticks donations. Anything your family can provide would be greatly appreciated! 3RD GRADE NEWS Third Grade News Third Graders have been very busy learners lately as we have been moving up in our reading levels. Keep filling out your reading logs every night and earning those links! Thank you for coming to parent teacher conferences. It was wonderful sharing your child’s progress with you. You play a very important role in your child’s education and it is important to have a strong home and school connection In Social Studies, students will be learning all about Janesville History. We have some fun field trips that we are planning to give our students some hands on learning. In Science, students are beginning our solar system unit. Quiz your child to see how much they are remembering about the planets and moon phases. In Language, we are learning about adjectives that compare, helping verbs, irregular verbs and adverbs. We can use these tools to help make our writing more interesting. In math we are busy finishing up multiplication and then we will be starting fractions. Your student would benefit from continued practice with basic multiplication facts. It will benefit them in our upcoming units. We continue to work on responsibility at school. Please make sure your child is showing you their Assignment Notebook nightly so you can see what they are doing at school. Third Grade Teachers 2 WILSON WIRE th Grade News 44 4ththGrade GradeNews News Fourth Grade News On Friday, May 8th at 2:00 p.m. is MASH the “boy/girl” talk. Parents are welcome to attend, but are not required. Girls will be in Mrs. Rundle’s room and the boys will be in Mrs. Mueller’s room. In Social Studies, we are learning about Wisconsin. We will take a trip to Old World Wisconsin on Tuesday, May 12th. Students will learn about waves of immigrants who came to America's heartland in search of a better life. It portrays housing and the daily life of immigrants in 19th century Wisconsin. In Science, we are studying how our Earth is always changing. We will learn about weathering, erosion, deposition as well as earthquakes, tornados, and tsunamis. We will bring the study of Wisconsin to life when we go visit Arndt and Daluge Farms in the afternoon of Thursday, May 14th. Students will experience seeing how crops are grown and produced, see beef cattle and get to eat ice cream too. Our 4th grade track meet will be in the afternoon on Wednesday, May 20 th. Parents are encouraged to come and cheer on their child. As you were informed at conferences, breakfast will now be served starting at 7:45 am. We will stop serving at 8:00 am. Children will have till 8:05 to finish eating their food. The changes are being make to insure that students are getting to class on time. Bus students will follow the procedure we have in place for them now. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. KINDERGARTEN NEWS Kindergarten students will continue to work on addition and subtraction basic math facts. In reading we will continue to work on using our reading strategies to figure out unknown words. Spring is hopeful here so we will be going outside every day even at lunch. On chilly days remember to send a coat or sweatshirt to keep your child warm. In April and May we will be learning about bugs, gardening and camping. We have a trip scheduled for the JSOL on May 22. Look for a note to come home for the cost of the trip. VOLUME 4 3 5th Grade What we have been doing: The 5th grade has re-named homework club to homework detention. Students will continue to hand in reading and math logs each Friday. Students who do not hand them in on Fridays will serve 15 min. after school on Monday, Tuesdays and Thursdays. We have noticed a significant improvement in students who are consistently handing in the math and reading logs every Friday. Every Friday we have had and will continue to have different STEM/ and STEAM activities. Most recently we have made muscles and bone structures to extend science lessons on the human body, as well as building structures to test how much weight they can hold. What we are doing in the 3rd trimester: The 3rd trimester is a busy one with the Badger exam and the Panda research project. The Badger exam is computer based test that will be given in April and is replacing the WKCE test. We will be working on a district-wide project involving the Giant Panda throughout this trimester. Activities include research, student-created videos, engineering projects, and a persuasive essay. MASH, which is the human growth and development program, will be held May 8th and 15th and will be taught in male and female groups. 4 MOVING??? If you will be moving from your current home address, please contact Wilson school office at 743-7306 as soon as possible to determine what paperwork you will need to fill out for your child to continue attending his/her current school. Please note: if you are moving to an address outside the School District of Janesville, in most cases your child is eligible to continue attending the School District of Janesville as long as you complete the appropriate paperwork within the required timeline. If you have any questions about school placement for a particular address, please contact Administrative Services Secretary Tami Carlson at 743-5006. The Administrative Services Office is open year round. If you are the parent of an elementary student and will be moving over the summer months when the elementary schools are closed, please contact Administrative Services Secretary Tami Carlson at 743-5006 or the New Student Enrollment Office at 743-5152 to complete the appropriate paperwork. READING WITH DAIZEE! AIMING HIGHER EVENT 5 Family Resource Center I would like to say thank you to everyone that participated in Family Fun Nights and Parent Plug In events. I had fun at the events and it was enjoyable to meet you. If you have anything you would like to add for next year, please feel free to email me. I am always looking for new ideas and suggestions. [email protected] Thank you for turning in Box Tops, Moola Milk Caps, and Pop Tabs. We raised almost $1000.00 in Box Tops. Please mark your calendars for upcoming events for April and May April 13th Wilson School Wide Wear Your Favorite Team Day April 13th Wilson School Wide Parent Plug In 3:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. April 22nd Family Fun Night 3:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. May 11th Wilson Parent Plug In 3:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. May 20th Family Fun Night 3:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. Everyone have a wonderful summer. It was a pleasure being the FRC coordinator for the school year of 2014-2015. Mrs. Crystal Banner Wilson School (Para and FRC Coordinator) 6 SECOND GRADE NEWS . The 2nd graders will be going on a field trip to Rotary Gardens in June. A letter with more information will be sent home in May. Please remind your child to stay out of the puddles on their way to school and during recess. Please continue reading with your child every night. It is very important that the leveled books are returned and signed by an adult. We appreciate your support! All second graders are required to take timed addition and subtraction tests each month. Please have your child work on their addition and subtraction facts to 20. 2nd graders will be MAP testing in the areas of reading and math during April and May. Please check with your child’s teacher for their testing dates. It is very important that your child is well rested and has had a good breakfast the day of testing. 7 Please keep the school office informed of changes of address, phone numbers, and emergency information that occur during the school year. It is extremely important that we are able to contact parents in the event of illness or other emergencies. All families should be sure to update information directly through the Infinite Campus Parent Portal system as it changes. If you do make a change, please notify the school to inform them that a change was made. If you do not have computer access, please contact the school to assist. Please check your information periodically. The following can be updated on line through Infinite Campus: Household Information – phone numbers, as well as preferences on how you prefer to be contacted (Phone Call, Text Message, or E-mail). You may send requests for address changes online, but as in the past, you will need to provide proof of residency to the school office (during the school year), or come to the New Student Enrollment Office at the Educational Services Center (during the summer when school is not in session). It is a requirement that you prove who you are and where you live. Please provide a driver’s license/picture ID, Proof of Residency (One of the following: Address change form that the US Post Office sends to your new address, current bill with address and date, or a lease agreement with date and address on it. Closing paperwork from purchase of new home with address and purchase date.) The proof of residency must be linked to your new address with the past month. It is always important to update your address as soon as possible. Your child(ren) will be allowed to stay at Wilson if they are not in the Wilson attendance area, but proper paperwork will need to be filled out. If your address changes over the summer, please take your proof of address along with photo ID down to the New Student Enrollment Office at the Educational Services Center, 527 S. Franklin Street. Page 8 8 NEWSLETTER TITLE UPCOMING EVENTS AT WILSON March 30-April 3 Spring Break April 13 Wilson School Wide Wear Your Favorite Team Day April 13 Wilson School Wide Parent Plug In 3:00-4:00 p.m. April 15 3rd Grade to Tallman House April 22 Family Fun Night 3:30-4:40 p.m. May 8 MASH 5th @1-2p.m. 4th 2-3p.m. Parents can attend May 11 Wilson Parent Plug In 3:00-4:00 p.m. May 12 4th Graders to Old World WI May 13 Kindergarten Orientation 8:00-4:00 open door policy May 14 4th Graders to Arndt Farms May 15 MASH 5@1-2 p.m. [email protected]. No parents May 19 5th Grade Track Meet @ Noon May 20 4th Grade Track Meet @ Noon May 20 Family Fun Night 3:30-4:40 p.m. May 21 Track Meet Rain Date May 22 Kindergarten to JSOL June 3 2nd Edwards & Anderson to Rotary Gardens June 4 2nd Martin & Wolf to Rotary Gardens June 9 4/5 Graders Walking to Bond Park June 9 Kindergarten to Madison Museum & Zoo 9 MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY 1 THURSDAY 2 FRIDAY 3 SPRING BREAK ELEMENTARY LUNCH MENU 6 Nachos/Meat & Cheese Or 7 PB&J Uncrustable # Or 8 9 Ham(T) & Cheese / WG Bun Cheeseburger/WG Bun Or Or 10 Best Express Pizza Boat Or WG Golden Chicken Tenders Ling's Orange Chicken Hot Dog*/WG Bun Turkey/Cheese/WG Bun Sloppy Joe/WG Bun Mashed Potatoes Rice Baked Beans Sweet Potato Tots Fresh Carroteenise Steamed Corn Fresh Broccoli / Dip Tossed Salad Greens Spinach Salad Fresh Cucumber Slices / Dip Fruit Choice Milk Choice Cherry Tomatoes Fruit Choice Milk Choice Fruit Choice Milk Choice Fruit Choice Milk Choice Frozen Sidekicks Fruit Choice Milk Choice 13 Egg, Cheese, Jones Sausage* Sand / WG English Muffin Or WG Macaroni & Cheese (RFRS) Cherry Tomatoes Peapods Fruit Choice Milk Choice 14 WG Popcorn Chicken / WG Roll Or WG Mini Corn Dogs (T) 16 17 Golden Chicken Tenders/WG Pizza Dippers/Marinara Sauce WG Mini Ravioli / WG G-Brd Roll Or Or Or Turkey & Cheese Sub Pulled BBQ* Pork / WG Bun Fish Sand/Cheese/WG Bun “USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer” 15 Jicama Sticks Baked Beans Potato Smiles F2S Harvest Fruit Choice Milk Choice Celery / Dip Fruit Choice Milk Choice Fresh Cucumber Slices / Dip Fresh Broccoli / Dip Fruit Choice WG Smart Cookie Milk Choice Fruit Choice Milk Choice 20 21 22 23 WG Cheese Quesadilla Pork* & Vegetable Egg Roll Lunch Buffet Or Or WG Popcorn Chicken / WG WG Chicken Nuggets Roll Fresh Carroteenise Cheeseburger/WG Bun Or Fresh Cucumber Slices / Dip Rice Choose from a variety of Chicken Patty/WG Bun Tony's 4x6 Smart Pizza Fresh Carroteenise Fresh Broccoli / Dip Cherry Tomatoes Fruit Choice F2S Harvest Tossed Salad Greens Milk Choice Fruit Choice Milk Choice 27 WG Maple French Toast Sticks / Hard Cooked Egg 28 29 30 Chicken Patty/WG Bun Turkey Ranch Roll Up Soft Tacos *(2) Or entrees, fruits, vegetables, Baked Beans breads & Fruit Choice Milk Or Jicama Sticks Kozy Shack Pudding Cup Milk Choice Or Fruit Choice Milk Choice Or Pulled BBQ(T) Sand / WG Bun WG Chicken Nuggets WG Stuffed Crust Pizza WG Mini Corn Dogs (T) Potato Smiles Steamed Green Beans Celery / Dip Cherry Tomatoes Hash Brown Triangle F2S Harvest Fruit Choice Spinach Salad Fruit Choice Baked Beans Fruit Choice Fruit Choice Milk Choice Milk Choice Milk Choice Milk 10 Choice 24 WW Spag/Meat Sauce/WG G-Brd Or Lunch prices $2.25 Reduced $.40 Extra milk $.35 *F2S Harvest = locally grown vegetables #May contain peanuts, nuts or nut oils (T) contains turkey * Contains pork LUNES MARTES MIÉRCOLES JUEVES 1 2 VIERNES 3 VACACIONES DE PRIMAVERA MENÚ DEL ALMUERZO DE PRIMARIA 6 7 8 Sándwich de cacahuate y mermelada # O Hamburguesa de queso c/pan Jamón(T) y queso c/pan integral integral O O Pollo a la naranja Ling's Hot Dog* c/pan integral Pavo y queso c/pan integral Sloppy Joe c/pan integral Arroz Frijoles horneados Trozos de papa dulce Maíz al vapor Brócoli fresco c/aderezo Ensalada mixta de verduras Ensalada de espinaca Opción de fruta Opción de leche Jitomates Cherry Opción de fruta Opción de leche Opción de fruta Opción de leche Opción de fruta Opción de leche Zanahorias frescas Rebanadas de pepino fresco c/ader. Congeladas Sidekicks Opción de fruta Opción de leche Nachos c/carne y queso O Trozos dorados integrales de pollo Puré de papas 9 10 Pizza bote Best Express O “USDA es un proveedor y empleador de oportunidades igualitarias”. 13 14 Sánd. de huevo, queso y Palomitas integrales de pollo salchicha * Jones c/pan int. en un panqué inglés integral O O 16 17 Trozos dorados de pollo c/pan Trozos de pizza c/salsa marinara integral O O Tiras de cerdo BBQ* c/pan Torta de pavo y queso integral Mini Ravioli integral c/pan int. al ajo O Sánd. de pescado y queso c/pan integral Frijoles horneados Zanahorias frescas Macarrón int. y queso (poca grasa y sal) Trozos de jícama Jitomates Cherry Cosecha F2S Apio c/aderezo Chícharos en su vaina Opción de fruta Opción de leche Opción de fruta Opción de leche Opción de fruta Opción de leche Rebanadas de pepino fresco c/ader. Opción de fruta Opción de leche 20 21 22 23 24 Hamburguesa de queso c/pan integral O Espagueti int. c/salsa de carne y pan al ajo O Quesadilla integral de queso O Palomitas integrales de pollo c/pan int. Rebanadas de pepino fresco c/ader. Rollo chino de cerdo * y vegetales O Sonrisas de papa Almuerzo Bufé Trozos integrales de pollo Cosecha F2S Opción de fruta Ensalada mixta de verduras Opción de leche Opción de fruta Opción de leche Brócoli fresco c/aderezo WG Smart Cookie Opción de fruta Opción de leche Medallón de pollo c/pan integral Pizza Inteligente 4x6 Tony's Elija de una variedad de: Arroz Jitomates Cherry Zanahorias frescas entremés, frutas, vegetales y Frijoles horneados panes Leche Opción de fruta Brócoli fresco c/aderezo Trozos de jícama Taza de pudín Kozy Shack Opción de leche Opción de fruta Opción de leche 27 28 Trozos de pan integral francés Medallón de pollo c/pan integral tostado con miel y un huevo duro cocido O Sándwich de tiras BBQ(T) c/pan O integral Mini banderillas integrales (T) Sonrisas de papa 29 30 Taco ranchero de pavo Tacos suaves *(2) Precio regular $2.25 O Precio reducido $.40 Jitomates Cherry O Trozos integrales de pollo Pizza integral c/orilla rellena Ejotes verdes al vapor Apio c/aderezo Cosecha F2S Ensalada de espinaca Frijoles horneados Triángulo de fritura de papa Opción de fruta Opción de fruta Opción de fruta Opción de fruta Opción de leche Opción de leche Opción de leche VOLUME 4 Opción de leche 11 Mini banderillas integrales (T) 15 Leche extra $.35 *Cosecha F2S" = vegetales cosechados localmente # = Contiene nueces, cacahuates o aceite de nuez aceite de nuez Page 11 * = Contiene cerdo (T) = Contiene pavo