to view Certified Coaches by Last Name
to view Certified Coaches by Last Name
MIAA/MSSAA CERTIFIED COACHES First Shannon Alfonso Jocelyn Rebecca Jonathan Emily Ralph Brittany Sirad Randolph Gary Shane Richard John James Everett L. Thad Tim Sue Susan Chad Chelsea Dawn Eric Erica Hugh Jeremy John Kelly Nicholas Sarah Stephanie Wayne P. William Nicole Mike Paul Fernando Dawn Cynthia Molly Michelle Said Mike John Dennis Paul Jonathan Scott Brendan Doni Anthony Courtney Daniel Tim Leaha Dennis Last Abad Abadia Abaray Abate Abban Abbondanza Abbott Abderrazzaq Abdilahi Abraham Abrams Abrams Abreau Abruzzese Acciardo Achorn Ackerman Acton Adair Adamik Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams Adrien Afflitto Agnese Agostinho Ahaesy Ahearn Ahearn Ahern Ahmed Aieana Aiken Aikman Airoldi Aisner Aitkin Akashian Akers Alario Albert-Baugher Albertelli Alberts Albrecht Aldrich School Chicopee Comprehensive High School Lincoln-Sudbury Reg. High School Old Colony Reg Voc/Tech HS Hopkinton High School Hanover High School Milford High School Auburn High School Boston Public Schools Brighton High School Academy of Notre Dame Greater Lowell Tech High School Sharon High School Littleton High School Minnechaug Reg. High School Maynard High School Amesbury High School Bourne High School Amherst-Pelham Reg. High School Bedford High School Narragansett Reg. High School David Prouty High School Randolph High School Westwood High School Northampton High School Assabet Valley Reg. Voc. High School Montachusett Reg. Voc Tech High School Norwell High School New Bedford High School Medway High School Archbishop Williams High School Amesbury High School Pentucket Reg. High School Smith Academy Milford High School Worcester Technical High School Wachusett Reg. High School Wachusett Reg. High School Norfolk County Agricultural High School Charlestown High School Newton South High School Groton-Dunstable Reg. High School Assabet Valley Reg. Voc. High School Saint Joseph Central High School Lowell High School Grafton Memorial Sr. High School Fitchburg High School Newton North High School Northbridge High School Matignon High School Swampscott High School Canton High School 10/7/2016 MIAA/MSSAA CERTIFIED COACHES First Douglas Susie Audra Kristyn William Reginald Eric Rich Khalid Justin Chace Keith Kenneth Alexander Brian Craig Mark Phyllis Ray Robert Scott Luke Kevin Lindsey Benjamin Dennis Joseph Mike Jacqueline Phil Amanda Aaron Ian Susan Jeanna David Pamela Mark Rami Paulo George Paul Oscar Kurt Lawrence A. Mark Stephanie Kerilyn Matthew Anna Peter Anthony Patrick Laura George Carl W. Carrie Last Aldrich Alex Alexander Alexander Alexander Alexandre Alexson Alger Al-Haza' Alix Allain Allan Allan Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Alley Alliette Allison Almada Almeida Almeida Almeida Alongi Alston Altimar Altman Altman Alto Alunni Alvarado Alvares Alves Alwan Alzate Amadeo Amarai Amaral Amber Amblo Ambrose Ambrose Amedio Ames Amico Amirault Ammendolia Ammendolia Anacone Anastas Anderson Anderson School Foxborough High School Acton-Boxborough High School Jonas Clarke Middle School Bourne High School Andover High School Xaverian Brothers High School Watertown High School Cape Cod Reg. Tech. High School Blackstone Valley Reg. Voc/Tech High School Taunton High School Dartmouth High School Diman Reg. Voc/Tech High School Silver Lake Reg. High School Austin Preparatory School Tri-County Reg Voc High School Millbury Mem. Jr/Sr HS Algonquin Reg. High School Quabbin Reg. High School Manchester Essex Reg. High School Essex Technical HS Brockton High School Amesbury Middle School Methuen High School Plymouth PS Somerset-Berkley High School Westfield High School Somerset-Berkley High School Saugus High School Shepherd Hill Reg. High School Medfield High School Charlestown High School Sabis International Charter School Dracut Senior High School Peabody Vet. Mem. High School Putnam Voc/Tech High School Bristol County Agricultural High School Dufee High School Hudson High School Nashoba Reg. High School Medford High School Greater New Bedford RVT High School Greater New Bedford RVT High School Dighton-Rehoboth Reg. High School Oakmont Reg. High School Fitchburg High School Lenox Memorial Middle and High School Mount Saint Joseph Academy North Attleboro High School Canton High School Maimonides School Acton-Boxborough High School Acton-Boxborough High School Bartlett Jr./Sr. High School Innovation Academy Charter School 10/7/2016 MIAA/MSSAA CERTIFIED COACHES First Clarence karl Kevin Martin Matt Robert Steve Susan Tim Timothy Stephen John Chaim Christopher Amanda Craig Craig Jeff Stephen Sophia Chris Matt Rich Adam Robert Philip Carly Peter Eric Steve Joel Nicole Gail John John-West Edwin Tammi Valdir Greg Jennifer Dave Jonathan Erica James Ernie Scott Richard Margaret Beth David Howard Andrew John Carol Wally Glenn Greg Last Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Andews Andizzoni Andler Andre Andrews Andrews Andrews Andrews Andrews Andriotis (Viglas) Andros Angelo Angelo Angelopolus Anthony Antonelli Antonellis Antonellis Antonik Anzalone Aponte Apostolakos Appel Applin Aramento Araujo Araujo Araujo Arbogast Arcabascio Archambault Archambault Archambeau Archibald Ardolino Arel Arena Arguimbau Arguin Arinella Arkans Arki Armaral Armstong Armstrong Arnold Arnold School Shrewbury High School Taunton High School Lowell Catholic High School Montachusett Reg. Voc Tech High School Newton South High School Cathedral High School Bromfield School Grafton Memorial Sr. High School Ayer Shirley Reg. Middle School Mystic Valley Reg. Charter School Brookline High School Pioneer Valley Christian Acad. Dighton-Rehoboth Reg. High School Acton-Boxborough High School Acton-Boxborough High School Whitman-Hanson Reg. High School Lenox Memorial Middle and High School English High School Nashoba Valley Tech High School Wakefield Memorial High School Saugus High School Salem High School Boston Public Schools Malden Catholic High School Murdock Middle/High School Murdock Middle/High School North Attleboro High School Weymouth High School West Springfield High School Montachusett Reg. Voc Tech High School Assabet Valley Reg. Voc. High School Methuen High School Ashland High School New Bedford High School Norwood Senior High School Burlington High School Shrewbury High School Walpole High School Blackstone Valley Reg. Voc/Tech High School Medford High School Springfield Central High School Groton-Dunstable Reg. High School Sharon High School Dartmouth High School East Boston High School Monument Mountain Reg. High School Bourne High School Middleboro High School Westwood High School Academy of Notre Dame Blackstone Valley Reg. Voc/Tech High School Mansfield High School 10/7/2016 MIAA/MSSAA CERTIFIED COACHES First Nathan Jonathan Kerry Mark Courtney David James John Joseph Alicia Edward James Kevaughn Derek James Clifford Scott Meagan Brandon Kenneth Charli Jay Shawn John John Joshua Kirsten Anthony Jamie Jim Chris Karl Stephen John Gorvin Jason Michael Terry Joseph Jason Kristin John William Jeff Stacey Elizabeth Doug Daniel Russell Kenneth Brian Kathryn Michael David Kevin Nicholas Pamela Renee Last Arnold Aronoff Arouca Arria Arrigo Arruda Arruda Arruda Arruda Arsenault Arsnow Arthur Arthur Asadoorian Asam Ashton Ashworth Asp Asplundh Assad Asta-Ferrero Atkinson Atkinson Atwater Atwater Aubin Aubuchon Aucoin Audunson Audunson Aufiero Austermann Austin Austin Prep Avakian Aveni Avery Awokang Ayer Aylward Azevedo Babcock Bachey Backiel Backler Backlund Bacon Badessa Baer Bagdon Baggan Bagshaw Bailey Bailey Bailey Bailey Bailey School Quabog Reg. Middle/High School Berkshire Arts & Tech Charter Whitman-Hanson Reg. High School Mystic Valley Reg. Charter School Georgetown Middle/High School Dighton Middle School Blackstone-Millville Reg. High School Upper Cape Cod Reg. Voc Tech School Randolph High School Billerica Memorial High School Malden Catholic High School Doherty Memorial High School Boston Latin School Groton-Dunstable Reg. High School Milford High School Diman Reg. Voc/Tech High School Bourne High School Bedford High School Franklin High School Lincoln-Sudbury Reg. High School Salem High School South Shore Voc/Tech High School South Shore Christian Academy Uxbridge High School Montachusett Reg. Voc Tech High School Southbridge High School New Bedford High School New Bedford High School Weston High School Littleton High School Chatham High School Millbury Mem. Jr/Sr HS Silver Lake Reg. High School Belchertown High School Saugus High School Quabbin Reg. High School Notre Dame Academy Somerset-Berkley High School Lexington High School Milford High School Mystic Valley Reg. Charter School North Andover High School Duxbury High School Algonquin Reg. High School Boston Public Schools Montachusett Reg. Voc Tech High School Northampton High School Plymouth North High School Duxbury High School Amesbury High School Academy of Notre Dame Franklin High School Apponequet Regional High School Grafton Memorial Sr. High School 10/7/2016 MIAA/MSSAA CERTIFIED COACHES First Sydney Michael James Andrew Bob Chris David Dick Jack Matthew Stephen Tom Valerie Mary Ashley David Michael James Kristen William Leo Mark Raymond Michael Michael Donald Laura Jim Kathleen Cheryl Steve Krystal John Chris Mike Dave Edward Jessica Kimberly Luis John Tara James Hakeem T.J. Amanda Stephen Andy Erica Craig Michelle Jason James Lauren Steven Annie Nicole Last Bailey Bakaletz Bakeman Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Balaconis Balbian Baldanza Baldasaro Baldi Baldiga Baldiga Baldwin Baldwin Balser Baltier Balzarini Bamberger Banas Bancroft Banfield Bantle Bantle Baptista Barata Barbarotta Barbati Barbato Barbato Barber Barber Barbosa Barbour Barboza Barclay Barge Baril Barker Barker Barlow Barnaby Barnard Barnes Barney Barrett Barrett Barrett Barretto Barretto School Waltham High School Lee Middle/High School Melrose High School Lexington High School Apponequet Regional High School Tri-County Reg Voc High School Canton High School MIAA Needham High School Belchertown High School Bishop Fenwick High School Shrewbury High School Canton High School Boston Latin School Whitman-Hanson Regional HS Weston High School Wahconah Reg. High School Somerset-Berkley High School Hopkinton High School Hopkinton High School Northampton High School Quabbin Reg. High School Fitchburg High School Dover Sherborn High School Hopedale Jr/Sr High School Archbishop Williams High School Boston Public Schools Bay Path Reg. Voc. Tech High School Bay Path Reg. Voc. Tech High School Old Rochester Reg. High School Oliver Ames High School Drury High School St. John's Prep & Saugus High Coyle & Cassidy High School Middleboro High School Bristol-Plymouth Reg. Voc Tech Malden High School English High School Manchester Essex Reg. High School Greater New Bedford RVT High School Academy of Notre Dame-Tyngsboro Belmont High School Swampscott High School Gloucester High School Austin Preparatory School Scituate High School Stoneham High School Lawrence High School Leicester High School Milford High School Monument Mountain Reg. High School Braintree High School Belchertown High School Braintree High School Braintree High School 10/7/2016 MIAA/MSSAA CERTIFIED COACHES First Brenda Kelly Andrew Michael Richard Joao Spencer Anna (Sophie) Sharon Caitlin Christopher Crhis Heidi John Neil Paul Tom John Steve Linda Michelle Wayne Buzzy Mike Mike Leah Meagan Meagan Theordore Timothy Steven Kailynn Daniel Kevin Todd Dustin Manuel Rafael Alexis Christopher Krystal Aaron Joe Richard Amanda John Jayne John Gregory William Russell Normand Scott Billy Eric James Lori Last Barrientos Barrio Barron Barron Barron Barros Barros Barrows Barrows Barry Barry Barry Barry Barry Barry Barry Barry Barry Jr. Bartholomew Bartlett Bartley Bartolucci Barton Bartucca Barucci Basbanes Basset Bassett Bassett Bassett Bastien Bateman Bates Bates Bates Batista Batista Batista Battle Bauer Bavin Baxter Bazzano Beach Beahn Beahn Beaton Beaton Beatrice Beattie Beauchamp Beauchemin Beauchemin Beauchesne Beaudoin Beaudoin Beaudoin School Norwell High School Essex Technical HS Framingham High School Holyoke Catholic High School Brighton High School Snowden Int'l School Old Rochester Reg. High School Trivium School Old Rochester Reg. High School Billerica Memorial High School Leicester High School Leicester High School Brookline High School Walpole High School Belchertown High School Brookline High School Newton North High School Hoosac Valley High School Ipswich High School Hudson High School Jonas Clarke Middle School Malden High School Lynn English High School Foxborough High School Canton High School Reading Memorial High School Arlington High School Arlington High School Quabbin Reg. High School Acton-Boxborough High School Amesbury High School Norton High School Medford High School Durfee High School New Bedford High School Malden Catholic High School Lowell High School West Boylston Middle/High School Saint Mary's High School Mystic Valley Reg. Charter School Lexington High School University Park Campus Lenox Memorial Middle and High School Randolph High School South High Community School South High School Pentucket Reg. High School Lowell High School Swampscott High School Drury High School Drury High School King Philip Reg. High School Hoosac Valley High School Andover High School Saint Bernard's Central Catholic High School Cohasset Middle-High School Saint Bernard's Central Catholic High School 10/7/2016 MIAA/MSSAA CERTIFIED COACHES First Nicholas Robert Tanya Amanda Julie Paul Roger Stacey Sharon Jed Jim William Spencer Michael Jon Jeff Mike Robert William Amanda Robert Jake Joseph Libbey Kate Andria Bob Michael Stephen Dustin Gregory Lisa Ryan Stacey Lisa Greg Mike Andy Chris Lance Lance Patrick Mark H. William Timothy Gary Brennan Dave Jason Kim Kristin Ron Tara Jude Robin Chris Airami Last Beaudoin Beaudry Beaudry Beaulieu Beaulieu Beaulieu Beaulieu Beaulieu Beaumont Beauparlant Beauregard Beauregard Beaver Beck Becker Beckford Beckner Beckwith Bedard Beddia Beddia Beebe Behl Beinert Beksha Belanger Belanger Belanger Belanger Belcher Belcher Beldman Bell Bell Bellantoni Bellavance Bellerive Bellistri Belmont Bembenek Bembury Bemis Bemister Bendell Benedetto Benevides Bennett Bennett Bennett Bennett Bennett Bennett Bennett Benoit Benoit Benson Bentz School Southbridge High School Bay Path Reg. Voc. Tech High School Nashoba Reg. High School Winchendon Notre Dame Academy Carver High School Amesbury High School Triton Reg. High School Middleboro High School Newburyport High School No. Middlesex Reg. High School Sabis International Charter School Sabis International Charter School Chicopee Comprehensive High School Methuen High School Billerica Memorial High School Sturgis Charter School Billerica Memorial High School Matignon High School Saugus High School Lincoln-Sudbury Reg. High Sch Southwick-Tolland Reg. High School Bedford High School Franklin High School Billerica Memorial High School Gloucester High School Reading Wahconah Reg. High School Martha's Vineyard Reg. High School Archbishop Williams High School Attleboro High School Hanover High School Bartlett Jr./Sr. High School King Philip Reg. High School Tewksbury Memorial High School Lincoln-Sudbury Reg. High School Bartlett Jr./Sr. High School O'Bryant High School Saugus High School Reading Memorial High School Canton High School Everett High School Uxbridge High School Boston Public Schools New Bedford High School Newton North High School Shrewbury High School North Attleboro High School Fitchburg High School Bishop Stang High School Saugus High School Nauset Reg. High School 10/7/2016 MIAA/MSSAA CERTIFIED COACHES First John Paul Alan Jeff Alex Kelly Paul Jane Rebecca Jay Gregg Michael Adrienne Karyn Andrew Richard Anne Anthony Evan Chris Matthew Burke Catherine Greg Jim Kate Kathleen Ray Robert Amanda Matt Daniel Paul A. William Mark David Jon Helen Jenna Maureen Anne Maire Belmiro Ernie Manuel Mario Mark Page Samantha Jon Jim Josh Kevin Sean Steve Katie Lou Ann Jennifer Last Benzinger Berard Bercy Berg Berger Berger Bergesen Bergin Bergin Bergland Bergstrom Bergstrom Berkland Berkowicz Bernard Bernardo Bernazzani Bernazzani Berneche Bernier Bernstein Bero Berry Berry Berry Berry Berry Berry Berthiaume Berto Bertonazzi Bertone Bertone Bertoni Bertrand Berube Berube Bess Bessolo Best Bettencourt Bettencourt Bettencourt Bettencourt Bettencourt Bettencourt Betti Betty Beverly Beyer Bialek Bibeau Bibeau Bibeau Bielonko Bierwert Biery School Mount Greylock Reg. High School Dracut High School Lynn Voc Tech Institute Auburn High School Hopkinton High School Bourne High School North Andover High School Lexington High School Bartlett Jr./Sr. High School Billerica Memorial High School Turners Fall High School King Philip Reg. High School Whitinsville Christian School Waltham High School Somerset-Berkley High School Cardinal Spellman High School Boston Public Schools Chicopee Comprehensive HS Harwich High School Stoughton High School North Middlesex Reg. High School Boston Public Schools Lincoln-Sudbury Reg. High School Lincoln-Sudbury Reg. High School Agawam High School Boston Latin Academy David Prouty High School Joseph Case High School Algonquin Reg. High School Salem High School Everett High School Grafton Memorial Sr. High School Saugus High School Somerset-Berkley High School Somerset-Berkley High School Gloucester High School Needham High School Bourne High School Springfield Central High School Lowell High School Dufee High School Peabody Vet. Mem. High School Peabody Vet. Mem. High School Bethany Christian Academy Bartlett Jr./Sr. High School Weston High School Milford High School Northampton High School Lowell High School Nashoba Valley Tech High School Amesbury High School Tahanto Reg. High School Pioneer Valley Christian School Lunenburg High School 10/7/2016 MIAA/MSSAA CERTIFIED COACHES First Kerin Patrick Renee David Mike Angela Arthur Susan Elizabeth Stacy Robert Jacqueline Jim James Ryan Amanda Richard Anthony Anthony Brian Britt Evan Gary Pamela Pamela Sarah Simone Sophia Mario Stephanie Larry Janet Margie Andrea Dylan Peter Sherri Dorothy June Kate Scott Sharlene Scott Ethan Joshua Sarah Scott Donna Ralph Kristine Jason Harvey Jody Jody Elizabeth Thomas Marc Last Biggins Biggins Bigold Bigos Billiel Billings Billings Billings Billouin Bilodeau Bilsbury Binkoski Binney Bird Bird Bird-Clemmer Birk Biscardi Biscardi Bishop Bishop Bishop Bishop Bishop Bishop Bishop Bishop Bishop Bisol Biza Bizzotto Black Black Blackwell Blackwell Blais Blais Blake Blake Blake Blake Blake Blanchard Blanchette Blanchette Blanchette Blau Blight Blight Blinn Bliss Blonder Blood Blood Bloomer Bloomer Bluestein School Abby Kelley Foster Charter School Abby Kelley Foster Charter School Central Catholic High School Greater New Bedford RVT High School Mohawk Trail Reg. High School Stoneham High School Norfolk County Agricultural High School Bedford High School Walpole High School Manchester Essex Reg. High School Burncoat High School Hopedale Jr/Sr High School Blackstone Valley Reg. Voc/Tech High School Saint John's Preparatory School Scituate High School Austin Preparatory School Austin Preparatory School Diman Reg. Voc/Tech High School Grafton Memorial Sr. High School Hopkinton High School Billerica Memorial High School Hudson High School Maynard High School Billerica Memorial High School Leicester High School Weston High School Saint Bernard's Central Catholic High School Westfield High School Leominster High School Middleboro High School Rockland High School Carver High School Mount Everett Reg. High School Bellingham High School Ipswich High School Bedford High School Mount Greylock Reg. High School Lexington High School Bridgewater-Raynham Reg High School Marblehead High School Lynnfield High School Southbridge High School Greater New Bedford RVT High School Sharon High School Lincoln-Sudbury Reg. High School Whitman-Hanson Reg. High School Cathedral High School Lee Middle/High School Stoughton High School Hopedale Jr/Sr High School Uxbridge High School Silver Lake Reg. High School Silver Lake Reg. High School Lexington High School 10/7/2016 MIAA/MSSAA CERTIFIED COACHES First Edward William Jessica Peter Andrew Heather Joseph Jason Timothy Adam Melissa Terri David Karlyn James Travis Maureen Vicki Tina Kerri Tom Nicholas Brad Eileen Tara Matthew Vincent Jerimiah Mark Maureen Ronald Russell Justin Denis F. Josh Bryan Robert Joe Chris Tracy David Tina Jacob Chris Christopher Emmanuel Nicole Paul Robert Gary Jessica Jessica Chelsea Bruce Andrea Ann Jim Last Blum Blunt Boardway Boccia Boepple Boepple Bogigian Bohonowicz Boilard Boisvert Boisvert Boivin Bolduc Bolduc Boliver Bolte Bolton Bombardier Bombria Bomil Bona Bonavita Bond Bond Bond Bonenfant Bongiovanni Bonham Bonneau Boody Boone Booth Boraczek Bordeaux Bordes Borecki Borecki Borelli Borges Borletto Born Borrelli Bosse Boswell Botelho Botelho Botelho Botelho Botelho, Jr. Botko Bouchard Bouchard Boucher Bouck Boudreau Boudreau Boudreau School Westwood High School Millbury Mem. Jr/Sr HS Granby Jr/Sr High School Milford High School Masconomet Reg High School Danvers High School Peabody Vet. Mem. High School Wachusett Reg. High School Tyngsborough High School Wachusett Reg. High School Oakmont Reg. High School Saugus High School Algonquin Reg. High School Wareham High School McCann Technical High School Lincoln-Sudbury Reg. High School Randolph Community Middle School Quabog Reg. Middle/High School Lowell High School Drury High School Austin Preparatory School Narragansett Middle School Everett High School Shepherd Hill Reg. High School Longmeadow High School Minnechaug Reg. High School Marshfield High School Attleboro High School Amesbury High School Montachusett Reg. Voc Tech High School Norwood Senior High School Haverhill High School Mohawk Trail Reg. High School Boston Public Schools Sabis International Charter School Sabis International Charter School Hampden Charter School of Scie Joseph Case High School Billerica Memorial High School Watertown High School Diocese of Worcester Central Catholic High School Randolph High School Hudson High School Diman Reg. Voc/Tech High School Upper Cape Cod Reg. Voc Tech School Hurley Middle School Notre Dame Academy Murdock Middle/High School Dartmouth High School Dartmouth High School & New Bedford High School Joseph Case High School Mansfield High School Westwood High School Woburn High School Milford High School 10/7/2016 MIAA/MSSAA CERTIFIED COACHES First Kaitlin Karen Mathieu Nick Sarah Stephanie Gregory Lynn Judah Richard Frederick Robert Laurie Richard Albert Christopher Robert Alison Matthew Melissa Roland Mark Emily Matt Jeffrey Michael Kevin Thomas Stephen John Norman Brett Katherine Kim Amy Carole Jacquelyn Jennifer Jody Melissa Craig Andrea Brett James Joe Caitlin Rachael Robin Adam Brendan David David Eleanor Jason Rebecca Darrell Sarah Last Boudreau Boudreau Boudreau Boudreau Boudreau Boudreau Bouffard Boulay Boulet Boulrisse Bourassa Bourbeau Bourdon Bourgeoise Bourget Bourget Bourget Bourke Bourque Bourque Bourque Bousquet Boutilette Boutin Bouyea Bower Bowes Bowes Bowker Bowler Bowlin Boyd Boyd Boyd Boyden Boyden Boyea Boylan Boyle Boyle Brabham Braconnier Bradford Bradford Bradford Bradford Murphy Bradley Bradley Bradshaw Bradt Brady Brady Brady Braga Braga Braggs Bramley School Diamond Middle School Lexington High School Monument Mountain Reg Tahanto Reg. High School Tewksbury Memorial High School Methuen High School Blue Hills Regional Tech Sch. Worcester Public Schools Xaverian Brothers High School Mashpee High School Greenfield High School Turners Falls High School Algonquin Reg. High School Minnechaug Reg. High School Wachusett Reg. High School Belchertown High School Bartlett Jr./Sr. High School Academy of Notre Dame Apponequet Regional High School Fitchburg High School Bishop Stang High School Murdock Middle/High School Saint Mary's High School Quabbin Reg. High School Chicopee Comprehensive High School Newton North High School Boston Public Schools Leicester High School Arlington High School Seekonk High School Milford High School New Bedford High School Watertown High School Matignon High School Matignon High School Franklin High School Tri-County Reg Voc High School Chicopee Comprehensive High School Westwood High School Blackstone-Millville Reg. High School Winthrop High School Middleboro High School Holyoke Catholic High School Billerica Memorial High School Hudson High School Lynn English High School Urban Science Academy Norwell High School Brighton High School Arlington Catholic High School Arlington Catholic High School Medford High School Hudson High School Dartmouth High School Framingham High School Woburn High School 10/7/2016 MIAA/MSSAA CERTIFIED COACHES First John Neill Edward Phillip John Rich William Mike Meagan Robert Donald Courtney Dennis Lindsay Craig Ashley James Jon Kara Kevin Michael Paul Nicole Michael Katie Damian Mike Adam Donna Eric Gary Tonya Jennifer Matt Jonathan Thomas Paul Richard Rich Michael Dion Jessica Stacy Marlene Andrew Molly Glenn Lorraine Kimberly James Kevin Kevin B. Laura Suzanne P. Kathy William Sara Last Brandon Brandon Brandt Brangiforte Brann Brannigan Braskie Brassard Brazil Breau Breault Breen Breen Breen Brenhiser Brennan Brennan Brennan Brennan Brennan Brennan Brennan Brenner Brenton Bresciani Breton Breton Brewer Brickley Brickley Bridge Bridge Bridgers Briggs Brillo Brincklow Brindle Brissette Bristol Brito Britton Brizida Broadbent Brodka Broe Brogan Broghamer Brogioli Brookes Brooks Brooks Brooks Brooks Bros Brosnahan Brotchie Brothers School Quabbin Reg. High School Medway High School Methuen High School Boston Public Schools Milford High School Nantucket High School Monson High School Drury High School Groton-Dunstable Reg. High School Saugus High School Mystic Valley Reg. Charter School North Andover High School Milford High School North Andover High School Needham High School Notre Dame Academy Ursuline Academy Essex North Shore Agricultural Boston College High School Billerica Memorial High School Manchester Essex Reg. High School Billerica Memorial High School Swampscott High School Westwood High School Hopedale Jr/Sr High School Springfield PS Dracut High School Palmer High School Notre Dame Academy Watertown High School Seekonk High School Abby Kelley Foster Charter School Newton South High School Boston College High School Lexington High School Saint Joseph Central High School Weston High School Norton High School Dartmouth High School Duxbury High School Boston College High School Rockport High School Westborough High School Whitinsville Christian School Milford High School Malden High School Montachusett Reg. Voc Tech High School Billerica Memorial High School Granby Jr/Sr High School Belmont High School Mohawk Trail Reg. High School Blackstone-Millville Reg. High School Belmont High School Billerica Memorial High School 10/7/2016 MIAA/MSSAA CERTIFIED COACHES First Gregory Thad Kelly John Sharon Valdamar Andrew Bill Brian Christopher Craig David Dee Jamie Jason Jason Jill Kevin Lauren Logan Lori Matt Rebecca Ricky Scott Scott Stephen Taylor John Robert Melissa Patricia April Susan Michael Johanna Lindsey Michael Michelle Heidi Juliette Ken David Dorian Kori Stephen Bill Robert Dave Jim Scott Andrea Beverly Brian Debra Jessica Maureen Last Brotherton Broughton Brouthers Brower Brower Brower Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Browne Bruckner Brule Brumbaugh Brunelle Brunelle Bruning Bruno Bruno Bruno Bruno Bruschi Brush Bryan Jr. Bryant Bryant Bryant Bryant Bryce Bucchino Buchanan Buck Buck Buckley Buckley Buckley Buckley Buckley Buckley School Georgetown Middle/High School Peabody Vet. Mem. High School Natick High School David Prouty High School Springfield Central High School Mystic Valley Reg. Charter School Northampton High School Masconomet Reg High School Amherst-Pelham Reg. High School Monument Mountain Reg. High School Cathedral High School Keffe Technical High School Abington High School Springfield High School Monument Mountain Reg. High School Danvers High School Granby Jr/Sr High School Westwood High School Smith Academy Agawam High School Duxbury High School Marlboro High School Westford Academy Notre Dame Academy Dufee High School Norwell High School Dedham High School Bromfield School Needham High School Algonquin Reg. High School Tri-County Reg Voc High School Abington High School Concord-Carlisle High School Milton High School Belmont High School Peabody Vet. Mem. High School Walpole High School Notre Dame Academy Somerset-Berkley High School Norton High School Cohasset Middle-High School Quabbin Reg. High School Mount Greylock Reg. High School Drury High School Malden High School Quabbin Reg. High School Wilmington High School Wilmington High School Medford High School Saint Mary's High School Xaverian Brothers High School Revere High School North Reading High School Lexington High School 10/7/2016 MIAA/MSSAA CERTIFIED COACHES First Kathleen Clark Elisabeth Harry Karl Christian Natlaie Stephanie Bryce Vinh Rudy Jody Daniel James James Roland Diana Dan Dana Kevin Kevin Lauren Eric Brian Caitlin Chris Linda Mary Pat Ronald Tammy William Darren Shawna Jennifer Ryan Charles James Scott Scott Christopher Shane Annie Christopher Derek Jaclyn John Regina Daniel Megan Peter Jonathan John John Greg Jessica Kelley Last Budaj Budd Budd Budd Buder Bueno Bugg Buia Builbeault Bul Bulgar Bulger Bunker Bunnell Bunton Buoncuore Buonopane Buote Burbank Burchill Burgess Burgess Burgos Burke Burke Burke Burke Burke Burke Burke Burke Burke Burkey Burkhardt Burnell Burnett Burnham Burnham Burnham Burnham Burnieika Burnison Burns Burns Burns Burns Burns Burns Buron Burpee Burr Burre Burris Burrows Burt Burt Burzimati School Wahconah Reg. High School Triton Reg. High School Springfield PS Triton Reg. High School Martha's Vineyard Reg. High School Duxbury High School Hopkinton High School Maimonides School Old Colony Reg. Voc/Tech High School Boston Latin School New Bedford High School Danvers High School Boston Latin Academy Saint Bernard's Central Catholic High School Silver Lake Reg. High School Malden High School Malden High School Methuen High School North Andover High School Braintree High School New Bedford High School Arlington High School Swampscott High School Middleboro High School Shepherd Hill Reg. High School Lynn Public School Matignon High School Medway High School Bethany Christian Academy Grafton Memorial Sr. High School Ashland High School Harwich High School Belchertown High School Scituate High School Bromfield School Narragansett Reg. High School North Middlesex Reg. High School Concord-Carlisle High School Hamilton-Wenham Reg. High School Hudson High School Rockland High School Mansfield High School Reading Memorial High School Watertown High School Attleboro High School Methuen High School Attleboro High School HS of Sci & Tech Bridgewater-Raynham Reg. High School Narragansett Reg. High School Westford Academy Attleboro High School Gateway Reg. High School Billerica Memorial High School King Philip Reg. High School Manchester Essex Reg. High School Hoosac Valley High School 10/7/2016 MIAA/MSSAA CERTIFIED COACHES First Geno Steve Jonathan Peter Austin Tom George Brad Scott Kevin Michael Noelle Rich Charles Emily Ian Brad Catherine Kelly Jim Julie Jane M. George Clint Mark Mike William Vicky Enrique Rick Jim David Michael Craig John Brian Julie Stephanie Nanci Jim Lorie Peter Joe Aldo John Briana Brian Brian Marc Brian Christopher Gina Jeffrey Barry Steve Brian James Last Busa Busby Bush Bush Bushey Bushy Busnach Bustin Butch Butera Butler Butler Butler Butterfield Butterfield Butterfield Butterworth Button Byrne Byrnes Byrnes Byron Cabozzi Cabral Cabral Cabral Cabral Caburian Caceda Caceda Cadran Cady Cady Caesar Cafarelli Caffelle Caffrey Caffrey Cahalane Cahill Cahill Cahill Cain Caira, Jr. Caisse Calabrese Calabro Calandruccio Calarese Caldwell Caldwell Calenda Caligari Call Call Callaghan Callaghan School Billerica Memorial High School Stoneham High School Mystic Valley Reg. Charter School Swampscott High School Westwood High School Bourne High School Billerica Memorial High School Dufee High School Westborough High School Walpole High School King Philip Reg. High School Attleboro High School Attleboro High School David Prouty High School Fitchburg High School Shrewbury High School Stoneham High School Billerica Memorial High School Medway High School Bedford High School Mount Saint Joseph Academy Hanover High School Cohasset Middle-High School Dufee High School Taunton High School Somerville High School Apponequet Regional High School Lincoln-Sudbury Reg. High School Malden High School Malden High School Greenfield High School South Lancaster Academy Wahconah Reg. High School Greater New Bedford RVT High School Canton High School Uxbridge High School Tri-County Reg Voc High School Ursuline Academy Notre Dame Academy - Worc Burke High School Tech Boston Wilmington High School Montachusett Reg. Voc Tech High School Holyoke Catholic High School Billerica Memorial High School Minnechaug Reg. High School Uxbridge High School Andover High School Duxbury High School Dufee High School Monument Mountain Reg. High School No. Middlesex Reg. High School Greenfield High School Westborough High School Algonquin Reg. High School 10/7/2016 MIAA/MSSAA CERTIFIED COACHES First Anthony Edward John Chris Paula Rosemary Chrstine Ian Carissa Kylie Pauline Pauline Terry Lisa Steve Jeff Amanda Ryan Kenneth Stephanie Steve Nicholas Nicole Alexander Amanda Brian Ed Glen Michael Nancy Nancy Nancy Shauna Sheri Thomas Austin Dennis Steven Charles Jenny Dennis John Rick Jason Bridget Sean Mary Lynn Andrew Lauren Vito Amie Nick Kevin Joseph Michael Dawn Allen Last Callahan Callahan Callahan Callanan Callanan Calland Calligan Calnan Calvo Calzone Camara Camara Camara Camarda Camberis Cambridge Camelio Cameron Camerota Camille Camp Campagna Campagna Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campos Candini Canessa Cangemi Cannella Canney Canning Cantoni Cantwell Canty Canty Canty-Deshaies Caouette Caouette Capizzo Capodanno Capodilupo Capone Capozzi Cappello Capra Caproni School Saugus High School Lowell High School Silver Lake Reg. High School Needham High School Needham High School Norwood Senior High School Westport High School Hudson High School Mount Alvernia High School Somerset Middle School Somerset-Berkley High School Algonquin Reg. High School Southbridge High School Needham High School Medfield High School Arlington High School Mount Greylock Reg. High School Norwell High School Westborough High School Groton-Dunstable Reg. High School Westbridgewater Public School West Bridgewater Mid/Sr High School Sutton High School Greenfield High School Tantasqua Reg. High School Newburyport High School Taunton High School Apponequet Regional High School Arlington High School Billerica Memorial High School Malden High School Silver Lake Reg. High School Dennis-Yarmouth Reg. High School Diman Regional Voc/Tech HS Milford High School Apponequet Regional High School Sabis International Charter School Lawrence High School Lowell High School Austin Preparatory School Drury High School Mystic Valley Reg. Charter School Bartlett Jr./Sr. High School Danvers High School Oxford High School Montachusett Reg. Voc Tech High School Narragansett Middle School Nantucket High School Boston PS Newton North High School Billerica Memorial High School Billerica Memorial High School Dartmouth High School Dennis-Yarmouth Reg. High School Lynn Public School 10/7/2016 MIAA/MSSAA CERTIFIED COACHES First Amber Gregory Whitney Dawn Nick Mike Peter Christopher Gregory Jessica Coleman Stephanie M. Michael Adilson Debra Edson Rachel Ann Diana Rich Douglas Hal Karissa Matt William Steven Jen Jennifer Matthew Tom Amy Brian Daren Justin Lillian Lloyd Pete Luis Jennifer Jennifer Frank David Matthew Kim Robert Christopher Ellen James Melissa Steven Tina Laura Mike Chris Michael Amy Bob Brian Christine Last Caproni Caproni Capstick Caputo Caraglia Caravella Carbery Carbone Carbone Carbone Carden Cardillo Cardin Cardoso Cardoso Cardoso Cardullo Cares Carew Carey Carey Carey Carey Carey Caristinos Carley Carley Carlino Carlough Carlson Carlson Carlson Carlson Carlson Carlson Carmona Carnevale Carney Carpenito Carpenter Carpenter Carpentier Carpentier Jr. Carr Carr Carr Carr Carr Carrabba Carreiro Carrier Carrig Carriveau Carroll Carroll Carroll Carroll School McCann Technical High School Drury High School Doherty Memorial High School Harwich High School Watertown High School North Middlesex Reg. High School Northampton High School Westwood High School Bourne High School Framingham High School Everett High School Burncoat High School Boston Public Schools Hudson High School Boston Public Schools New Bedford High School Whitcomb Middle School Grafton Memorial Sr. High School Minuteman Career and Tech High School Catholic Memorial School Westwood High School Billerica Memorial High School Peabody Vet. Mem. High School Malden Catholic High School Duxbury High School Duxbury High School Lee Middle/High School Mount Greylock Reg. High School Concord-Carlisle High School Manchester Essex Reg. High School Monument Mountain Reg Ayer Shirley Reg. High School Doherty Memorial High School No. Middlesex Reg. High School McCann Technical High School Saugus High School Hamilton-Wenham Reg. High School Bourne High School Bay Path Reg. Voc. Tech High School Ipswich High School Blackstone-Millville Reg. High School Taunton High School Notre Dame Academy Shrewbury High School Concord-Carlisle High School Northeast Metro Reg. Voc. School Billerica Memorial High School Boston Public Schools Upper Cape Cod Reg. Voc Tech School Bishop Stang High School Dean Techanical School Quincy High School Northampton High School Billerica Memorial High School Hopedale Jr/Sr High School 10/7/2016 MIAA/MSSAA CERTIFIED COACHES First Gary John Kevin Timothy F. Ivory Ken Jaclyn Kaitlin Wayne Scott Chris Kevin Wendy John Nathan Timothy John Judy james Jim Steven Brendan Phil Kate Kim Patricia Sean Thomas Paul Mike Carlos John Aaron Joseph Nicole Robert Jenny Michelle Brian Courtney Mino Kristina Luke Kevin Peter Melissa Jillian Meaghan Debra Stephen Mark Anthony Asael Casey Alan Yvonne Ken Last Carroll Carroll Carroll Carroll Carson Carson Carta Carter Carter Cartwright Carucci Caruso Caruso Carvalho Carvalho Carven Carver Carver Casagrande Casagrande Casagrande Case Casella Casey Casey Casey Casey Casey Cashman Cassata Castellanos Castriotta Caswell Cataldo Cataldo Catalini Catuogno Caty Cauley Caulfield Caulton Cavalieri Cavallaro Cavanaugh Cavanaugh Cecchi Celi Cells Cence Centerrino Centorino Cerce Cespedes Cetenick Cetti Chace Chadwick School Montachusett Reg. Voc Tech High School Northeast Metro Reg. Voc. School Saint John's Preparatory School Stoughton High School Bourne High School Norwood Senior High School Stoneham High School Ursuline Academy Tri-County Reg Voc High School Maynard High School Medway High School Mount Greylock Reg. High School Chicopee Comprehensive HS Harwich High School Groton-Dunstable Reg. High School Groton-Dunstable Reg. High School Norwell High School Northampton High School Norwell High School Monomoy Reg. HS Saugus High School Abington High School Somerset-Berkley High School Randolph High School Lawrence High School Nashoba Reg. High School Matignon High School Hopkinton High School Billerica Memorial High School Dighton-Rehoboth Reg. High School Bristol County Agricultural High School Wachusett Reg. High School Billerica Memorial High School Groton-Dunstable Reg. High School Central High School Algonquin Reg. High School Holyoke High School Canton High School Northampton High School Foxborough High School Masconomet Reg High School Hingham High School Lowell Catholic High School Medway High School Whittier Reg. Voc. Tech. High School Catholic Memorial School Maynard High School Hingham High School Hanover High School Oliver Ames High School Lawrence High School New Bedford High School Bishop Stang High School Bromfield School 10/7/2016 MIAA/MSSAA CERTIFIED COACHES First Frank Jody Jeff Amanda Danielle Stephanie Craig Alyssa Brian Sara Steven Marshall Sam Glenn Alyssa Dave Joseph Toby Tim Toby Cheryl Sarah Douglas James Kevin Mark Aaron Sara John Melissa Jeanne Lindsey Amanda Anna Shawn John Mark Richard Solomon Mark S. Richard Andrea Melissa Stephon Dan Dave Joseph Philippe Geovanni Richard Jessica Michael Jillian Anthony John Jeff Nancy Last Chaffee Chaffee Chagnon Chaisson Chaisson Chaisson Chalifoux Chamberlain Chamberlain Chamberlain Chamberlain Chambers Chambers Chambless Champagne Champigny Chang Channen Chant Chaperon Chapin Chapin Chapman Chapman Chapman Chapman Chappell Charbonneau Charette Charland Charles Charron Chase Chase Chase Chatalian Chauin Chauvin Chebor Cheffro Chenell Chenette Cheney Cherry Chery Chestercove Cheung Chevalier Chevere Chew Chiachio Chiarizio Chiasson Chiccuarelli Chicharro Child Childress School Lexington High School Oxford High School Chicopee High School Natick High School Methuen High School Fitchburg High School Shepherd Hill Reg. High School Hingham High School Hudson High School Middleboro High School Nantucket High School Nantucket High School Framingham High School Medway High School Hudson High School Reading Memorial High School Swampscott High School Westwood High School Taunton High School Cape Cod Reg. Tech. High School Hudson High School Somerset-Berkley High School Bourne High School Bourne High School Silver Lake Reg. High School Hampshire Reg. High School New Bedford High School Bishop Stang High School Murdock Middle/High School Blackstone-Millville Reg. High School Hamilton-Wenham Reg. High School Durfee High School Central Catholic High School Tri-County Reg Voc High School Bartlett Jr./Sr. High School Bedford High School Everett High School Westford Academy Tri-County Reg Voc High School Framingham High School North HS Saint Bernard's Central Catholic High School Tri-County Reg Voc High School Fenway High School Shrewbury High School Charlestown High School Bristol County Agricultural High School Austin Preparatory School Springfield PS Douglas High School Mystic Valley Reg. Charter School Diman Reg. Voc/Tech High School Tantasqua Reg. High School 10/7/2016 MIAA/MSSAA CERTIFIED COACHES First Debbi Les Mark Stephanie Wayne Don Nick Jessica Paula Amanda Richard Lauren David Jason Jessica John Michelle Caryn Amanda Marty Michael Erica Angela Christopher Renae Mike Joseph Kim Alyssa Matt Timothy Alexandra Jeff Paul Richard Stephanie Carl Peter Sonny David Daniel Mike Tessa Tessa Daniel Elizabeth Karen Michael Rose Ryann Shelia Tiffany Tom Emily Robert Sharon Jeffrey Last Childs Childs Chludenski Chmura Choquette Christensen Christian Christin Christofori Christopoulos Chrusciel Chuk Chula Chung Churchill Churchill Churchill Ciampa Ciarletta Ciarletta Ciarletta Ciarmataro Ciccarelli Cicchinelli Cicchinelli Ciccolella Cicero Cicero Cifuni Cimeno Cimeno Cincotta Cincotta Cincotta Cincotta Cintron Ciplinski Cirafice Cirincione Cividino Civitarese Claffey Clare Clare Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clarke Clarke Clark-Edge Clarkson School Lexington High School Amesbury High School Assabet Valley Reg. Voc. High School Newton North High School Granby Jr/Sr High School Duxbury High School Pope John Paul II High School Peabody Vet. Mem. High School Belmont High School Franklin High School Westwood High School University Park Campus Mohawk Trail Reg. High School O'Bryant High School Randolph High School Norwood Senior High School Ayer Shirley Reg. High School Notre Dame Academy Lexington High School Lexington High School Andover High School Bartlett Jr./Sr. High School Dufee High School Dufee High School Needham High School Bay Path Reg. Voc. Tech High School Douglas High School Newton North High School Wellesley High School Wellesley High School Westborough High School Waltham High School Marlboro High School Franklin High School Norwood Senior High School Peabody Vet. Mem. High School East Longmeadow High School Wellesley High School Ayer Shirley Reg. High School Bellingham High School Clarke Middle School Lexington High School Billerica Memorial High School Gardner High School Andover High School Silver Lake Reg. High School Ayer Shirley Reg. High School Billerica Memorial High School Wellesley High School Amesbury High School Westport Community School Norwood Senior High School Attleboro High School Oxford High School 10/7/2016 MIAA/MSSAA CERTIFIED COACHES First Abignal Michael James Allison Richard Paul Lori Jamie Jessee John John Rick Danielle Neil John Katherine Kevin Tim Brian Shaun Joanna Kyle Leah Raymond Chip Richard Kevin Scott Nicholas Gregory Steve Paul Teresa Brandi Christopher Kimberly Erin Lori Angela Benjamin Brian Racheal Rachel Robert Anthony Theresa Janet Elizabeth Sam Kimberly Joseph David Mark Holly Teresa George Ben Last Clavijo Clay Clayton Cleary Cleggett Clemeno Clemens Clement Clements Clements III Clements Jr. Clemons Clermont Cleveland Clifford Clifford Clifford Clifford Clinton Clougherty Cloutier Cloutier Cloutier Cloutier Clunie Coach Cobban Cobe Cocchi Cochrane Coco Coelho Coella Coffey Coffin Coffin Cogan Cogan Cogliani Cogswell Cogswell Cogswell Cogswell Cohen Cohutt Cojohn Colameta Colandreo Colangelo Colantuoni Colbert Cole Cole Colella Colella Colello Coleman School Masconomet Reg High School Rockport High School Northampton High School Oliver Ames High School Blue Hills Regional Tech Sch. Medford High School Newburyport High School Carver High School Blackstone-Millville Reg. High School Blackstone-Millville Reg. High School Tri-County Reg Voc High School Lowell High School Wellesley High School Algonquin Reg. High School Westwood High School Stoneham High School King Philip Reg. High School Dedham High School Goffstown High School Shepherd Hill Reg. High School Minnechaug Reg. High School Leominster High School Harwich High School Nantucket High School Amherst-Pelham Reg. High School Plymouth PS Matignon High School Minnechaug Reg. High School Saugus High School Notre Dame Academy Greater New Bedford RVT High School Needham High School Everett High School Plymouth PS Mansfield High School Oliver Ames High School Notre Dame Academy Berkshire Arts & Tech Charter Lenox Memorial Middle and High School Springfield College Springfield College Newton South High School Martha Jones Boston Public Schools Everett High School Billerica Memorial High School Pope John High School Everett High School Lincoln-Sudbury Reg. High School Gloucester High School Arlington High School Needham High School Hudson High School Lincoln-Sudbury Reg. High School 10/7/2016 MIAA/MSSAA CERTIFIED COACHES First Erin Patrick Stacey Timothy James David Brian Dan Ina Jeff John Kristin Mark Peter Peter Sean Thomas Todd William Kayleigh Victor Allison Tom Norma Daniel Jeff Ron Stephen Thomas Bethany Donald P. Robert Patrick Sheila Stephen Charlie Chalmers Richard Jeffrey Joseph Erin Steve Susan Tara Thomas Kara Rachel Bill Christopher Matthew Michael Paul Ryan Thomas James Joel Meghan Last Coleman Coleman Coleman Collamore Collanon Colli Collins Collins Collins Collins Collins Collins Collins Collins Collins Collins Collins Collins Collins Colombero Colon Colson Colson Comalli Comeau Comeau Comeau Comeau Comer Compagna Concannon Conceison, Jr. Condon Condon Condon Conefrey Congdon Conley Conlon Conlon Connell Connelly Connelly-Rose Conners Conners Connerty Connerty Connolly Connolly Connolly Connolly Connolly Connolly Connolly Connor Connor Connor School Methuen High School Norton High School Walpole High School Holyoke High School Monument Mountain Reg. High School West Roxbury Academy Wakefield Memorial High School Taunton High School Somerset-Berkley High School Somerville High School Westborough High School Greater New Bedford RVT High School Assabet Valley Reg. Voc. High School Saugus High School Reading Memorial High School Saint John's Preparatory School Grafton Memorial Sr. High School Hopkins Academy Southbridge High School Medford High School Nauset Reg. High School Lee Middle/High School Joseph Case High School North Shore Georgetown Middle/High School Dover Sherborn High School Quabbin Reg. High School Canton High School Everett High School Burlington High School Braintree High School Diman Reg. Voc/Tech High School Medway High School Malden High School Hamilton-Wenham Reg. High School Fontbonne Academy Cape Cod Academy Lynn Classical High School Braintree High School Dover Sherborn High School Billerica Memorial High School Billerica Memorial High School Norwell High School Algonquin Reg. High School Somerset-Berkley High School East Bridgewater High School Oliver Ames High School Newton North High School North Andover High School King Philip Reg. High School Norwell High School Boston Public Schools Wayland High School 10/7/2016 MIAA/MSSAA CERTIFIED COACHES First Patrick Phil Ryan Cheryl Christopher Dan Joe Shawn Chris Craig Craig Steve Jonas John Lou Nicholas Alan Edward Thomas Marcie Lynn Norma Amy Andrew Anne Joseph Kelly Terrie Beth Robert Barry Edmund Michael Barbara Debra Nena(Georgina) Raymond Raymond Judy Lindsay George Pamela Bev Mark Ryan Lawrence Joseph Richard Ryan Cheryl Cheryl Christine Emily Ashley Pat Richard Timothy J.P. Last Connor Connor Connor Connors Connors Connors Connors Connors Conry Consigli Constantinos Constatine Contakos Conte Conte Conti II Conway Conway Conway Coogan Coogan Cook Cook Cook Cook Cook Cook Cooke Cooley Coonan Coonan Coonan Cooney Coons Cooper Cooper Cooper Copley Coppens Coppez Coppola Corbett Corbett Corbett Corda Cordeiro Cordeiro Cordeiro Corey Corey Corey Corey Cormier Cormier Cormier Cormier Cormio School Bridgewater-Raynham Reg HS Lenox Memorial Middle and High School Wachusett Reg. High School Wakefield Memorial High School Saugus High School Essex Technical HS Watertown High School Boston Public Schools Mount Everett Reg. High School Milford High School Sabis International Charter School Northampton High School Walpole High School Newton South High School Sturgis Charter School East Sharon High School Billerica Memorial High School Pioneer Valley Christian School Southwick-Tolland Reg. High School Southwick-Tolland Reg. High School Dufee High School Hanover High School Somerset-Berkley High School Mount Saint Joseph Academy Bourne High School Marblehead High School Hopkins Academy Algonquin Reg. High School Blackstone Valley Reg. Voc/Tech High School Grafton Memorial Sr. High School Grafton Memorial Sr. High School Matignon High School Frontier Regional School Somerville High School Braintree High School Braintree High School Oliver Ames High School Algonquin Reg. High School Easthampton High School Burlington High School Ursuline Academy Austin Preparatory School East Longmeadow High School Wellesley High School Lowell High School Somerset-Berkley High School Abby Kelley Foster Charter School Abby Kelley Foster Charter School Nipmuc Regional High School Waltham High School Bartlett Jr./Sr. High School Montachusett Reg. Voc Tech High School Norwood Senior High School Shepherd Hill Reg. High School Reading Memorial High School 10/7/2016 MIAA/MSSAA CERTIFIED COACHES First Patrick Connie Mark Bridget Bridget Charlie Daniel Elizabeth Jack Jay Michael Michael Mike Kelly Duane Robin Eric Raymond Amanda Dave Edwin Evan Heather Jennifer Jocelyn Jocelyn Mike Randi William Zac Brian Erin Nate Andrew Justin Maria Matthew Stacey Bruce Joseph Andrew Larry Tom Christopher Patrick Karyn Eric Laurie Tom Gabe Paul Paul Chris Lisa Michelle Kenneth Steve Last Cornelius Cornell Corrado Correia Correia Correia Correia Correia Correia Correia Correia Correia Correira Corrigan Corriveau Corsetto Corwin Cosenza Jr. Costa Costa Costa Costa Costa Costa Costa Costa Costa Costa Costa Costa Costello Costello Cote Cotter Cotter Cotter Cotter Cotter Cottle Cotton Coty Couch Couet Coughlin Coughlin Coulon Cournoyer Courounis Courtemanche Coutinho Coutinho Coutinho Couto Couto Couto Coutoumas Coutu School Milford High School Fitchburg High School Attleboro High School Bishop Stang High School Bishop Stang High School Old Rochester Reg. High School Silver Lake Reg. High School Somerset-Berkley High School Somerset-Berkley High School Diman Reg. Voc/Tech High School Greater New Bedford RVT High School New Bedford High School Diman Reg. Voc/Tech High School Medford High School Shepherd Hill Reg. High School Methuen High School Manchester Essex Reg. High School Fitchburg High School Newton Public Cohasset Middle-High School Bristol-Plymouth Reg. Voc Tech Somerset-Berkley High School Fairhaven High School Bedford High School Joseph Case High School Peabody Vet. Mem. High School Silver Lake Reg. High School Diman Reg. Voc/Tech High School New Bedford High School Whitman-Hanson Reg. High School Oliver Ames High School Groton-Dunstable Reg. High School Oliver Ames High School South Hadley High School Assabet Valley Reg. Voc. High School Malden High School Randolph High School Stoughton High School Innovation Academy Charter School Randolph High School Turners Falls High School Apponequet Regional High School Medford High School Newton North High School Masconomet Reg High School North Andover High School Saugus High School Shepherd Hill Reg. High School Upper Cape Cod Reg. Voc Tech School Medfield High School Medfield High School Dufee High School Middleboro High School Fairhaven High School Billerica Memorial High School Mohawk Trail Reg. High School 10/7/2016 MIAA/MSSAA CERTIFIED COACHES First Aaron Anthony Jennifer Michael Michael Mark Jonathan Lydia Christopher Regina Pat Michael John Ariel Carolyn Jessica Kevin Mark Matt Breana Robert Jesse Maura Meredith Molly Samantha Carolyn Andy Margaret peter Trisha Jason Vernon Daniel Timothy Aaron James Chris Josh Gino George Jim Frank Fred Melinda Mike Andrew James Jon John Peter Brendan Dennis Devin Laura Aileen Neil Patty Last Couture Couture Couture Couture Couture Cove Covell Coverdale Coviello Coviello Covill Cowdrey Cowen Cox Cox Cox Cox Cox Cox Coyne Cozzone Craddock Craig Craig Craigen Cramer Crampton Crane Crane Crane Crane Cranford Crawford Creamer Creamer Crear Creed Crehan Crescenzi Cresta, Jr. Creswell Criasia Crippen Crippen Cripps Cripps Crisafulli Crites Crocker Crompton Cronan Cronin Cronin Cronin Cronin Cronin Cronin School West Roxbury Academy Chicopee Comprehensive High School Friedman Middle School Taunton High School Gloucester High School Nauset Reg. High School Malden High School Saugus High School Weston High School Shepherd Hill Reg. High School Billerica Memorial High School Hopedale Jr/Sr High School Lincoln-Sudbury Reg. High School Whitman-Hanson Reg. High School Bourne High School Saugus High School South Shore Christian Academy Attleboro High School Carver High School Newburyport High School Masconomet Reg High School Milford High School Montachusett Reg. Voc Tech High School Marlboro High School Reading Memorial High School Nashoba Reg. High School Boston College High School Dartmouth High School Milford High School Nashoba Reg. High School Walpole High School Auburn High School Lynn Public School Central Catholic High School Nashoba Valley Tech High School Bellingham High School Hopedale Jr/Sr High School Swampscott High School Auburn High School Mashpee High School Masconomet Reg High School Seekonk High School Harwich High School Attleboro High School Joseph Case High School Middleboro High School Northampton High School King Philip Reg. High School Peabody Vet. Mem. High School South Hadley High School Harwich High School Greater Lawrence Tech High School Marlboro High School Hudson Catholic High School Hopedale Jr/Sr High School 10/7/2016 MIAA/MSSAA CERTIFIED COACHES First Heather Karen Will Jeffrey Leonard Sheila Beth Michael Sean Diane Julie Peter Thomas Caitlin Thomas Dana Jacob Justin Mark David Maire Patrick Donna Mark Sean Timothy William Melanie Melanie A. Chip Christopher Donald Donald Edward Frank Jonathan Emily Katie Brewster Brewster Jack Constance Michael David Dan Joe Mary Shannon Tim Jonathan Ted Kim Derek Tom Travers Joseph Patricia Last Crosby Crosby Crosby Cross Crossman Crotts Crowe Crowe Crowell Crowley Crowley Crowley Crowley Crowninshield Crusco III Cruz Cruz Cruz Cuddy Cudmore Culbreth Culhane Cullen Cullen Cullen Cullen Cullen Culver Culver Cummings Cummings Cummings Cummings Cunard Cunha Cunha Cunningham Cunningham Cupid Cupid Curletti Curley Curley Curnick Curran Curran Curran Curran Curran Currier Currle Curry Curtis Curtis Curtis Curto Cushing School Barnstable High School Bartlett Jr./Sr. High School North Shore West Springfield Mid/Sr High School Quabbin Reg. High School Danvers High School Masconomet Reg High School Old Rochester Reg. High School Turners Falls High School East Middle School Wachusett Reg. High School Seekonk High School Taunton High School Wakefield Memorial High School Dartmouth High School Somerville High School Durfee High School Walpole High School Andover High School Weymouth High School Westford Academy Medway High School No. Middlesex Reg. High School Billerica Memorial High School Milford High School Easthampton High School Cristo Rey Boston Cristo Rey Boston Lenox Memorial Middle and High School Tri-County Reg Voc High School Worcester Public Schools Worcester Technical High School Seekonk High School Greater New Bedford RVT High School Millbury Mem. Jr/Sr HS Acton-Boxborough High School Bay Path Reg. Voc. Tech High School Wayland High School Westwood High School Monument Mountain Reg. High School Leominster High School Ipswich High School Newton South High School Andover High School Norwood Senior High School Blackstone-Millville Reg. High School West Springfield Mid/Sr High School Lowell Catholic High School Mystic Valley Reg. Charter School Norton High School Montachusett Reg. Voc Tech High School Archbishop Williams High School Cathedral High School Northampton High School Granby Jr/Sr High School Wilmington High School 10/7/2016 MIAA/MSSAA CERTIFIED COACHES First Sandy David Elizabeth Jason P. Victor Carl Chris Joel John Harold Harold G. Michael Eric Celia M. Tony Gene Lynn Michael John Don David Patrick J. Ryan Jaclyn Liane Conor Mitchell Robert Ted Michael Robert Vericonica Alexander Jacqueline Kathy Meredith Laureen Ray Ami Sara Alex Rick Jason Chris Bethany Lori Tara Kimberly Carol Dustin Adam Andrew Jim Steven David Michael Shantel Last Cuthbert Cutler Cutler Cuyler Cuzzupe Cyr Cyr Cyr Czaja Czarnetzki Czarnetzki Czepiel Czernich da Luz da Silveira DaCosta Dadekian Dagle Dagnese Dagnoli Dague Dailey Dailey Dalessandro D'Alessandro Daley Daley Daley Dalicandro Dalton Dalton Dalton DaLuz Daly Daly Daly D'Amato Dame D'Amelio D'Amours Dan Danehy Dango D'Aniello Daniels Daniels Daniels Danish D'Antuono DaPonte Darcy Dargelis Darling Darling Daron daSilva Dasilva School Medford High School Assabet Valley Reg. Voc. High School Whitinsville Christian School Saint Joseph Central High School Lexington High School Easthampton High School Methuen High School Wahconah Reg. High School Palmer High School Bourne High School Bourne High School Holyoke High School West Springfield Mid/Sr High School Westport High School New Bedford High School Greater New Bedford RVT High School Auburn High School Billerica Memorial High School Milford High School Drury High School Milford High School Everett High School Hudson High School Lexington High School Lynnfield High School Braintree High School East Bridgewater High School Newton South High School Oliver Ames High School Norwood Senior High School Dorchester Academy Ipswich High School Notre Dame Academy Marshfield High School King Philip Reg. High School Maynard High School Chicopee High School Mystic Valley Reg. Charter School Wilmington High School Monument Mountain Reg. High School New Bedford High School North Middlesex Regional HS Stoughton High School Milford High School Lexington High School Joseph Case High School Madison Park Tech/Voc High School Assabet Valley Reg. Voc. High School Oakmont Reg. High School Georgetown Middle/High School Bishop Stang High School New Bedford High School 10/7/2016 MIAA/MSSAA CERTIFIED COACHES First Wendy Bill Anna Sandra Lawrence Craig Michael Robin Amelia Anthony Brian Chuck Craig Dawn Duane Jeff Kathryn Laura March Matthew Mike Nicole Richard Russell Sonja Susan Theodore Tom Tucker William John Joyce Eric Kenneth Charles Kyle Roy William Alan John Marcy Amy Nikki Anne Marie Jim Paul Michelle Stephanie Mark Kenneth Sally Jennifer David Cynthia Stephanie Jeffrey Brian William Last DaSilva Dassat Dauphinee Davel David Davidson Davidson Davidson Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davison Davison Dawley Day Dean Dean Dean DeAngelis DeAngelo Dearden DeAvilla DeBaggis DeBarros DeBartolomeis DeBassio DeBrum DeChellis DeCiccio Decie Decker Decoff DeConto DeCosta DeCristofo Dedeian DeDominici Deeds School Attleboro High School Blackstone-Millville Reg. High School Algonquin Reg. High School Lexington High School Bourne High School Hawthorne Brook Middle School Dennis-Yarmouth Reg. High School Algonquin Reg. High School Austin Preparatory School Nashoba Reg. High School Bartlett Jr/Sr High School South Shore Voc/Tech High School Palmer High School Cathedral High School Somerset-Berkley High School Somerset-Berkley High School Chatham High School Cathedral High School Algonquin Reg. High School Westport High School Masconomet Reg High School Hudson High School Narragansett Reg HS Bristol County Agricultural High School Masconomet Reg High School Westwood High School Monument Mountain Reg. High School Narragansett Reg. High School Silver Lake Reg. High School North Shore Tech High School Oakmont Reg. High School Somerset-Berkley High School Charlestown High School Millbury Mem. Jr/Sr HS Granby Jr/Sr High School Bellingham High School Masconomet Reg High School Murdock Middle/High School Saugus High School Framingham High School Boston Public Schools Assabet Valley Reg. Voc. High School Tewksbury Memorial High School Seekonk High School Norwood Senior High School Danvers High School Quincy Public Schools Lenox Memorial Middle and High School Reading Memorial High School Dennis-Yarmouth Reg. High School Somerset-Berkley High School North Shore No. Middlesex Reg. High School Bay Path Reg. Voc. Tech High School 10/7/2016 MIAA/MSSAA CERTIFIED COACHES First Jennifer Kelly Kurt Kristine Heidi Julio Eric Mark Michael Lisa Antonio Erik Paul David Courtney Sean Christopher Jason Michael Peter Peter Sue Stephanie Earl Joe Paul Ken John Meg John Jon Jennifer Russ James Edward C. James Miguel Christine Crispin Patricia Brian Erin Denny Joseph Susan Brandon Bruce Nicole Robert William James Caitlin Riane Raymond Francine Richard Paul Last DeFusco DeGagne DeGrenier DeIorio Delaney Delgado D'Elia Delisio DeLisio Della Croce Dellasanta Dellasanta DelleChaire DeLong DeLorenzo Delorge DeLuca DeLuca DeLuca DeLuca DeLuca DeLuca DeLucia DeLue Deluise Delvecchio Demaggio Demagian DeMalia DeMarco DeMarco DeMariano deMarinao DeMartino DeMello demello deMello DeMelo Demers Demers Dempsey Dempsey Denault Denette Denmark Denneen Denson Depferd DePierro DePina Deprofio Dermody Dermody DeRosa DeSanctis Desanctis DeSantis School Framingham High School Dufee High School Mount Everett Reg. High School Billerica Memorial High School North Middlesex Reg. High School Southbridge High School North Andover High School Andover High School Swampscott High School Hanover High School Murdock Middle/High School No. Middlesex Reg. High School Fitchburg High School Westford Academy Southern Berkshire Reg. School Billerica Memorial High School Sabis International Charter School Billerica Memorial High School Assabet Valley Reg. Voc. High School Austin Preparatory School Weymouth High School Tri-County Reg Voc High School Milford High School Northampton High School Matignon High School Wilmington High School Northbridge High School Saint Bernard's Central Catholic High School Peabody Vet. Mem. High School Revere High School South Shore Voc/Tech High School Archbishop Williams High School Malden High School Seekonk High School Boston Public Schools Sabis International Charter School Diman Reg. Voc/Tech High School Fairhaven High School Whitman-Hanson Reg. High School Triton Reg. High School Cathedral High School Granby Jr/Sr High School Longmeadow High School Whitman-Hanson Reg. High School Oxford High School Mashpee High School Bedford High School New Bedford High School Lowell High School Taunton High School Easthampton High School Billerica Memorial High School Arlington High School Mystic Valley Reg. Charter School 10/7/2016 MIAA/MSSAA CERTIFIED COACHES First Paul Kevin Amber Bryan Tyler Seth Nelson Anthony Nicholas Michael Erik Geraldine Michelle Christopher Justin Anthony Charles Sara Dennis Phil Jason Michelle Thomas David Casey Ambrose Daniel John Deb Mike Lisa Bill Robert William Dawn Dottie Thyra Chris Jessica Albert James Lolita Michael Berenice Marco Shawn John P. Donald John C. Maureen Victoria Mike Joe Paul Allison David Maria Last DesBois Descarreaux Deschenes Deshler Deshler Desilets Desilvestre Desimone DeSimone Desmaraus Desmond Desmond Desmond Desnoyers DeSorgher Desousa Despotopulos Desrochers Desroches Desroches Desrosiers Desrosiers Destefano Deters Devane Devaney Deveau Deveau DeVeer DeVeer DeVergilio Devin Devincentis DeVita Devitto Devlin Dewey DeWolfe Dezieck Dhembe Diamantopoulos Dias Dias Diaz Diaz Diaz Dibartolo Jr. DiBiasio DiBiaso Jr. DiBiaso Jr. DiCarlo Dicato DiCelie DiCenzo Dick Dickerson DiClemente School Oakmont Reg. High School Quabbin Reg. High School North Middlesex Reg. High School Tewksbury Memorial High School Quabbin Reg. High School Manchester Essex Reg. High Sch Nashoba Valley Tech High School Murdock Middle/High School Billerica Memorial High School Northeast Metro Reg. Voc. School Sacred Heart High School Hoosac Valley High School Westwood High School Chelmsford High School Lincoln-Sudbury Reg. High School Tri-County Reg Voc High School Peabody Vet. Mem. High School Tantasqua Reg. High School Greater Lowell Tech High School Blackstone Valley Reg. Voc/Tech High School Mount Alvernia High School Whitinsville Christian School Scituate High School Ipswich High School Uxbridge High School Methuen High School Dedham High School Dedham High School Saint Joseph Central High School Lynn Classical High School Nashoba Valley Tech High School Milford High School Chelmsford High School Attleboro High School Chelmsford High School Gloucester High School Mount Everett Reg. High School Bay Path Reg. Voc. Tech High School Shrewbury High School Taunton High School Carver High School Malden High School North Andover High School Northampton High School Somerset-Berkley High School Everett High School Everett High School Douglas High School Malden Catholic High School Assabet Valley Reg. Voc. High School Westford Academy Walpole High School Somerville High School Cambridge Rindge & Latin School 10/7/2016 MIAA/MSSAA CERTIFIED COACHES First Dawn Chris Nicole Paul Christopher Mark Julian Anthony Fred Brent Laura Steve Todd Nicole Samantha Joe Stefan Didier James Leanne Alan Scott Matt Thomas Nicholas Lori Judy Glenn Peter Michael Robert Steve Anna Theodore Bob Quirino Michael Michael John Kenneth Kevin Gilbert Katelyn Aimee Andrea Brian Courtney Kim Paul Tom Richard Dianne Jennifer Jodi Ann John Allison TJ Last Diedricksen DiFranco Digenis DiGeronimo Digiacomo Digiovanni DiGloria DiLeo Dileone Dillard Dillon DiMare DiMario DiMassimo DiMassimo Dimucci Dinescu Dinh DiNitto Diogo Dion Dion Dionne DiPasquale DiPilato DiPrima DiRosario DiTomaso DiTommaso Diverdi DiVincenzo DiVitto Dobbins Dobbins Dobias doCanto DoCouto DoCouto Dodge Dodge Dodier Doe Doe Doherty Doherty Doherty Doherty Doherty Doherty Doherty Doiron Dolan Dolan Dolan Dolan Doliner Dolliver School Hingham High School Georgetown Middle/High School Fitchburg High School Scituate High School Wilmington High School Andover High School Westford Academy Palmer High School Longmeadow High School Chicopee High School Northbridge High School Monument Mountain Reg. High School Wahconah Reg. High School Wahconah Reg. High School Narragansett Reg. High School Boston Latin School Brockton High School Dufee High School David Prouty High School David Prouty High School Joseph Case High School Montachusett Reg. Voc Tech High School Shrewbury High School Nashoba Reg. High School Franklin High School Norwell High School Weston High School Immaculate Heart of Mary School Whittier RVT High School Milford High School Stoneham High School Canton High School Swampscott High School Wareham High School Diman Reg. Voc/Tech High School Somerset-Berkley High School Athol Middle School Chelmsford High School Triton Reg. High School West Springfield Mid/Sr High School Ayer Shirley Reg. HS Belmont High School Norwell High School Algonquin Reg. High School Walpole High School Tewksbury Memorial High School Billerica Memorial High School Lowell Catholic High School Westfield High School Sharon High School Newton South High School Hopkinton High School Norwood Senior High School Milford High School 10/7/2016 MIAA/MSSAA CERTIFIED COACHES First Robert Dan Brian Bridget Dan Eileen Katie Mike Patricia Patrick Paul Erik Corrine Michael John Sam Christopher David Paula Richard Scott Danny Carole Anne Patrick Paul Kevin Bill Bob Christopher Corey Dan Jason Sean E. Susan Terence Thomas William Michelle Kevin Jennifer Lindsay Ian Leo David Lisa Laura Patti Ken James Glenn Thomas Jerry Michael Laura Matt Chris Kevin M. Last Dombrokowski Domings Donahoe Donahue Donahue Donahue Donahue Donahue Donahue Donahue Donahue Donaldson Donato Donato Doncaster Doner Doneski Donnelly Donnelly Donnelly Donnelly Dono Donoghue Donoghue Donoghue Donohue Donovan Donovan Donovan Donovan Donovan Donovan Donovan Donovan Donovan Donovan Donovan Doody Dooley Dopart Dopart Doreian Dorest dosSantos Doten Doucette Dougherty Doughty Douglass Doulette Douville Dovale DoValle Dow Dowaliby Dowd Dowd School Hampshire Reg. High School Pentucket Reg. High School Austin Preparatory School Hopkinton High School Uxbridge High School Auburn High School Mansfield High School Assabet Valley Reg. Voc. High School Notre Dame Academy Assabet Valley Reg. Voc. High School Dartmouth High School Lexington High School Springfield Central High School Somerville High School Newton Public Billerica Memorial High School Apponequet Regional High School Swampscott High School Billerica Memorial High School Chicopee High School David Prouty High School Belchertown High School Malden High School Archbishop Williams High School David Prouty High School Cardinal Spellman High School Xaverian Brothers High School Lowell Catholic High School Ursuline Academy Narragansett Reg. High School Grafton Memorial Sr. High School Foxborough High School Bourne High School Upper Cape Cod Reg. Voc Tech School Amesbury High School Franklin High School Manchester Essex Reg. High School Somerset-Berkley High School Somerset-Berkley High School Boston Public Schools Cathedral High School Burlington High School Maynard High School Easthampton High School Masconomet Reg High School Hopkins Academy Turners Fall High School Northbridge High School Wakefield Memorial High School Marlboro High School Manchester Essex Reg. High School Malden Catholic High School Notre Dame Academy Somerset-Berkley High School 10/7/2016 MIAA/MSSAA CERTIFIED COACHES First Dereck Conor Kevin Megan Michael Kelly Lisa Jeff Johnna Julie Shane Shannon Robert Jaclyn Bretton Chris Steven Scott Kevin Gary Will Amy Bridget Charles Jessica Ken Patrick Sean Peter Expedito Mike Bryant Duane Edward Jennifer Katie Nicole Rich Caleb Lauren Myriah Cory John Steven Hilary Rachel Cathy Kerry Shavelle Ken Meghan Ron James Robin Angela Patrick Nicole Last Dowler Dowley Downer Downey Downing Downs Downs Doyle Doyle Doyle Doyle Doyle Doyon Dqueglia Drake Drapeau Drayton Drevitch Drew Drewniak Dreyfus Driscoll Driscoll Driscoll Driscoll Driscoll Driscoll Driscoll Duart Duarte Duarte Dube Dube Dube Dube Dube Dube Dube Dubofsky DuBois Dubuc Dubuque Dubzinski Dubzinski Duchame Ducharme Duddy Dudley Dudley Duff Duffey Duffin Duffy Duffy Dufield Dufour Dufrense School Mahar Regional School Saint John's Preparatory School Lenox Memorial Middle and High School Easthampton High School Randolph High School Oliver Ames High School Foxborough High School Silver Lake Reg. High School Nashoba Reg. High School Stoughton High School Diman Reg. Voc/Tech High School Lowell High School Douglas High School Winchester High School Norfolk County Agricultural High School Westford Academy Fenway High School Middleboro High School Andover High School Somerset-Berkley High School Weymouth High School Northeast Metro Reg. Voc. School Brighton High School Medford High School Burlington High School Malden Catholic High School Whitman-Hanson Reg. High School Martha's Vineyard Reg. High School Bishop Stang High School Old Rochester Reg. High School Greater Lawrence Tech High School Uxbridge High School Diamond Middle School Greater Lawrence Tech High School Lowell High School Triton Reg. High School Cambridge Rindge & Latin School Manchester Essex Reg. High School Falmouth High School North Andover High School Leominster High School Renaissance School Bristol-Plymouth Reg Voc Tech Woburn High School Harwich High School Pittsfield High School Nauset Reg. High School Bourne High School Hudson High School Walpole High School Archbishop Williams High School Chicopee High School Auburn High School Belchertown High School 10/7/2016 MIAA/MSSAA CERTIFIED COACHES First Andrew Dan Ryan Jessica Molley Ann Rebecca Ryan Paul Joshua John David Edward Peter Jason Sarah Martin Peter Lawrence Kevin Ryan Robert Erica Erin Paul Tom Charles Jean Michael Steven Kara Alicia Mike Travis Andrew Paula Robert L. Brad Joanne Robert Joseph Brittany Mike Greg Alexis Dena Rob Robert William Ray Scott Bob Michael Barney Sean Colleen Tara Al Last Dugan Dugan Dugan Duggan Duggan Duggan Duggan Duhaime Duhl Dullea Dumala Dumphy Dunbar Duncan Duncan Dundon Dunham Dunn Dunne Dunphy Dunse Dunton Dunwell Duplessis Duplisea DuPont DuPont Dupont Dupras Dupre Duprey Dupuis Dupuis Duquette Durand Durant Durnell Duros Durward Dushane Dussault Dutcher Duval Dwyer Dwyer Dwyer Dwyer Dwyer Dyer Dykeman Dziedzic Earl Earle Earle Early Early Eaton School Plymouth PS Dedham High School Methuen High School Canton High School East Bridgewater High School Shepherd Hill Reg. High School Burke High School Newton North High School Saint John's Preparatory School Minnechaug Reg. High School Assabet Valley Reg. Voc. High School Acton-Boxborough High School Smith Academy Overlook Middle School Stoughton High School Monument Mountain Reg. High School Shepherd Hill Reg. High School Milton High School Chicopee Comprehensive HS Dufee High School Milford High School Northeast Metro Reg. Voc. School Marlboro High School Saugus High School Assabet Valley Reg. Voc. High School Mystic Valley Reg. Charter School Millbury Mem. Jr/Sr HS Monument Mountain Reg. High School Easthampton High School Fitchburg High School Hingham High School Westford Academy Notre Dame Academy Hopedale Jr/Sr High School Shepherd Hill Reg. High School Easthampton High School Chicopee Comprehensive HS Framingham High School Shepherd Hill Reg. High School Burlington High School Duxbury High School Saint Joseph Preparatory School Milford High School Medford High School Easton Public School Mohawk Trail Reg. High School Archbishop Williams High School Southeastern Reg. Voc/Tech School Shrewbury High School Harwich High School Swampscott High School 10/7/2016 MIAA/MSSAA CERTIFIED COACHES First Graham Keith Kristen Larry Mark Matthew Ryan Leanne Derek Roger Christopher Heidi Jim Michael Lester Brian David Judy Jay Thomas Kathy Sami Myles Peter Nathan Lou Dana Olise Stuart Tracey Cathy Derek Jenifer Karrah Richard Robert Francis Brandi William Elizabeth Robert Diane Paul Andrea John Karl Amanda Matthew Chris Kyle Julie William Bryan Teydin Keith Anthony Steve Last Eaton Eaton Eaton Eaton Eaton Eaton Eaton Ebert Edgerly Edgerly Edris Egan Egan Egbert Eggleston, Jr. Ehle Ehrenkranz Eichen Eidson Eighmey Ekdahl Eladhari Eldridge Elenbaas Eleuterio Elia Ellcock Elliott Elliott Elliott Ellis Ellis Ellis Ellis Ellis Ellis Elms Elwell Emerson Emnett Englehardt English Enman Enright Enright Enroth Eppley Epstein Erath Erha Erickson Erickson Erikson Erkkinen Erwin Estaphan Estelle School Triton Regional High School Narragansett Reg. High School Braintree High School Ipswich High School Billerica Memorial High School East Bridgewater High School Burlington High School Winchester High School Whitman-Hanson Reg. High School Bedford High School Mansfield High School Billerica Memorial High School Lexington High School Arlington High School Nashoba Valley Tech High School Maimonides School Lexington High School Reading Hudson High School Lexington High School Old Rochester Reg. High School Lincoln-Sudbury Reg. High School Apponequet Regional High School Nauset Reg. High School Cambridge Rindge & Latin School Bishop Stang High School Greenfield High School Holliston High School Lynn Classical High School Mansfield High School Franklin High School Grafton Memorial Sr. High School Braintree High School New Mission High School Turners Falls High School New Testament Christian School North Reading High School Pioneer Valley Christian School Peabody Vet. Mem. High School Shepherd Hill Reg. High School Longmeadow High School Ursuline Academy Gateway Reg. High School Hopedale Jr/Sr High School South High Community School Sturgis Charter School West Acton-Boxborough High School Lexington High School Notre Dame Academy Blue Hills Reg. Tech School Whitman-Hanson Reg. High School Assabet Valley Reg. Voc. High School Monument Mountain Reg. High School 10/7/2016 MIAA/MSSAA CERTIFIED COACHES First Steven Neil Paul Matthew Joshua Gavin Heather Norman Tim James Jim Joseph Stephen Gregory David Heather Mia Greta Katie William B. Jenny Charles Dan Leo Gino Gino Ashley Jamal Jennifer Mark Todd Daniel Matthew Cyndy Susan Linda Nicole Julie Sam Anthony Jennifer Andre Kathleen Jason Anne Marie Jack Lisa Peter Bruce Michael Alan Douglas Jamieke Bill Maureen Brian Donald Last Estevez Estrella Estrella Ettinger Euglow Evans Evans Everett Everett Everhart Ewell Ewick Ewing Eyles Fabiano Fabiano Fabrizio Facchetti Facciola Fagen Fagerstrom Fahey Fahey Fahey Faia Faia Faiella Faik Fairbanks Fairchild Fairman Falcucci Fallon Falwell Famiglietti Fanciullo Fanelli Faneuf FanFan Fantasia Farabaugh Farah Fareas Farias Faris Farley Farley Farley Farmer Farmer Farquharson Farr Farrar Farrell Farren Fauvel Favreau School New Bedford High School Martha's Vineyard Reg. High School Greater New Bedford RVT High School Nashoba Reg. High School Hopedale Jr/Sr High School Dracut High School Fellowship Christian Academy Leicester Middle School Ashland High School Wellesley High School Silver Lake Reg. High School Burncoat High School Natick High School Wachusett Reg. High School Austin Preparatory School Reading Memorial High School Monument Mountain Reg. High School Hoosac Valley High School Andover High School Newton South High School Gardner High School David Prouty High School Hudson High School Hudson High School Swampscott High School Archbishop Williams High School Assabet Valley Reg. Voc. High School Hopkinton High School Somerset-Berkley High School Sabis International Charter School Burncoat High School Murdock Middle/High School Malden High School Mount Alvernia High School Wachusett Reg. High School West Boylston Middle/High School Braintree High School Stoneham High School Greater New Bedford RVT High School Somerset-Berkley High School Greater Lawrence Tech High School Wachusett Reg. High School Triton Reg. High School North Andover High School Andover High School Amesbury High School Carver High School Weston High School Hudson High School Lenox Memorial Middle and High School Amesbury High School Lincoln-Sudbury Reg. High School Narragansett Reg. High School 10/7/2016 MIAA/MSSAA CERTIFIED COACHES First Donald David Stephen Ashley Mike Joe Stephan Bernard Julia Liza Lee William Cara Phil Paul William Karyn Pat Alex Joseph Armindo Chris Steve Robert Ashley Natalie Leonard Dave Joe Mary Elvio Jessica John Michaela Peter Steven Tony Spencer Carl Jay Judith Julie Joseph Christopher Josie Ann Seth Elizabeth Caryn Matt Tammie Aaron Geoffrey Kimberly Chase David Gregg Deborah Last Fay Fazio Feathers Fedun Feehily Feintuck Felde Feldman Feldman Feldman Feldscher Felice Fenner Fensie Fenwick Feraco Ferdella Ferdinand Ferguson Ferguson Fernandes Fernandes Fernandez Ferrante Ferrara Ferrara Ferrari Ferraro Ferraro Ferrazzi Ferreira Ferreira Ferreira Ferreira Ferrelli Ferri Ferullo Fetrow Fetteroll Fialkov Field McGloin Fielding Fields Fiengo Fiero Fiero Fife Figueras Files Filiault Filipe Filker Fillion Filosa Fimiani Finale Finch School Billerica Memorial High School Andover High School Mount Greylock Reg. High School Archbishop Williams High School Bromfield School Lowell Catholic High School Murdock Middle/High School Northampton High School Assabet Valley Reg. Voc. High School Boston Public Schools Carver High School Westfield High School Bay Path Reg. Voc. Tech High School Tantasqua Reg. High School Watertown High School Douglas High School Duxbury High School Shrewbury High School Putnam Voc/Tech High School Bridgewater-Raynham Reg. High School Medford High School Silver Lake Reg. High School Attleboro High School Saugus High School Abby Kelley Foster Charter School Minnechaug Reg. HS Somerset-Berkley High School Somerset-Berkley High School Dufee High School Dufee High School Joseph Case High School Milford High School Dracut High School Mystic Valley Reg. Charter School Amherst-Pelham Reg. High School Medfield High School Westwood High School Norwell High School Lenox Memorial Middle and High School Gloucester High School Randolph High School Bristol-Plymouth Reg. Voc Tech Norfolk County Agricultural High School Doherty Memorial High School Shrewbury High School Duxbury High School Hoosac Valley High School Attleboro High School Cathedral Boston Milford High School Lexington High School Attleboro High School Fitchburg High School 10/7/2016 MIAA/MSSAA CERTIFIED COACHES First Anthony Nathan Alan Fred Ann Marie James J. Mitchell Lauren Mitch Reilly Thomas Jeanette Eamon James Bobbi David Anthony Tracey Michael Cheri Larry Marshall Nathan Kelley Nikol Ralph Bob Bill Jim Kelli Lynne Sean Jim Alice Beth Elizabeth Nicole Sydney Brian Edward Heather James Michael Scott Steve Aaron David Eileen Jim Joan Steve Eileen Keith Donald Mandy Steve Wesley Matthew Last Findley Findley Finkel Finkle Finn Finn Finnegan Finnegan Finnegan Finnegan Finnegan Finnell Finnerty Finney Finocchio Fionda Fiore Fiorelli Fischer Fisher Fisher Fisher Fisher Fiske Fiske Fiske Fitton Fitzgerald Fitzgerald Fitzgerald Fitzgerald Fitzgerald Fitzmaurice FitzPatrick Fitzpatrick Fitzpatrick Fitzpatrick Flagg Flaherty Flaherty Flaherty Flaherty Flaherty Flaherty Flamino Flanagan Flanagan Flanagan Flanagan Flanders Flannery Flemming Flick Flis Flis Flis Flood School Murdock Middle/High School Murdock Middle/High School Northbridge High School Mount Everett Reg. High School Mashpee High School Catholic Memorial School Lexington High School Lee Middle/High School Weston High School Masconomet Reg High School Lee Middle/High School Blackstone Valley Reg. Voc/Tech High School New Bedford High School Mohawk Trail Reg. High School Saugus High School Austin Preparatory School Billerica Memorial High School Wachusett Reg. High School Amesbury High School Westford Academy Mahar Regional School Monument Mountain Reg. High School Athol-Royalston Middle School Whittier Reg. Voc. Tech. High School Dufee High School Boston Public Schools Watertown High School South Hadley High School Tyngsborough High School Ipswich High School Blue Hills Reg. Tech School Medford High School Hudson High School Putnam Voc/Tech High School Billerica Memorial High School Mount Greylock Reg. High School Amesbury High School Norwood Senior High School South Shore Voc/Tech High School Carver High School King Philip Reg. High School South Boston High School Fitchburg High School Tahanto Reg. High School Medfield High School Saugus High School Natick High School Bourne High School Acton-Boxborough High School Springfield HS of Sci. and Tech. Mashpee High School Narragansett Reg. High School Narragansett Reg. High School Narragansett Reg. High School Billerica Memorial High School 10/7/2016 MIAA/MSSAA CERTIFIED COACHES First Jennifer Craig Jim Kevin Maureen Meredith Mike Nicole Peter Todd William William Alexandra Diane Sharon Paul Robert Bill Brandon Catherine Chris Courtney Deborah John Robert Ryan Matthew Sarah Roberta Kevin Mike Felipe Suzanne Grant Alyssa Ben Joseph Keith Kristi Matthew Matthew Ronald Alfred Jeana Jeff Jeff Dawn Matt Barry Marisa Derick Michael Paul Nicole Alicia Christopher John Last Fluet Flynn Flynn Flynn Flynn Flynn Flynn Flynn Flynn Flynn Flynn Flynn Fogarty Fogarty Fogarty Folan Folan Foley Foley Foley Foley Foley Foley Foley Foley Foley Follen Follenweider Folsom Fondas Fontaine Fontes Forasca Forbes Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Fordiani Forestier Forget Forget Fornari Forrest Forrester Forrester Fors Fors Forsberg Forsyth Forte Forte Forte School Nashoba Reg. High School Billerica Memorial High School Norwood Senior High School Belmont High School Revere High School Franklin High School Groton-Dunstable Reg. High School Blue Hills Reg. Tech School Billerica Memorial High School North Reading High School Duxbury High School Pembroke High School Oliver Ames High School Monument Mountain Reg. High School Douglas Intermediate Elementary Blue Hills Reg. Tech School Norwood Senior High School Waltham High School Archbishop Williams High School Boston Public Schools Montachusett Reg. Voc Tech High School Plymouth North High School Northampton High School Wakefield Memorial High School Silver Lake Reg. High School Waltham High School Westwood High School Lexington High School Amesbury High School Assabet Valley Reg. Voc. High School Murdock Middle/High School Seekonk High School Westwood High School Tri-County Reg Voc High School Methuen High School Whitman-Hanson Reg. High School David Prouty High School Randolph High School Oxford High School Bay Path Reg. Voc. Tech High School Saint John's Preparatory School Boston Latin Academy Saugus High School Lee Middle/High School Lee Middle/High School Silver Lake Reg. High School Somerset-Berkley High School Bartlett Jr/Sr HS Parker Elementary North Middlesex Reg. High School Southbridge High School Bourne High School Norfolk County Agricultural HS Ursuline Academy Ursuline Academy Ursuline Academy 10/7/2016 MIAA/MSSAA CERTIFIED COACHES First Alex Jamie Lee Pia Tammy John Spencer John Nicole Denise Franklin Jon Sara Steven Thomas Elizabeth Emily Jennifer Philip Greg Michael Kimberly Robert Charlie Greg Julie Chris Amy Robert C. Todd Eric Jospeh Marian Scott John Rosanne Paula Justin Stephanie Leslie Meredith Nicholas Patrick Suzanne Mike Shelly Michael Jen Norman Stacy Amy Keri Kirk Kyle Christina Peter Kaitlyn Stacey Last Fortier Fortin Fortin Fortune Fortwengler Fortwengler Fosberry Fossas Foster Foster Foster Foster Foster Foster Foukal Fournier Fournier Fousek Fowke Fowle Fowler Fowler Fox Fox Fox Fraioli Frais France Francis Francis Francis Francis Francis Franco Franco Francoeur, Jr. Franczek Frangules Frank Frank Frank Frasca Frasca Fraser Fraser Frates Frazier Frechette Freda Frederick Fredericks Fredericks Fredericks Fredericksen Frederickson Fredrickson Fredrickson School Narragansett Reg HS Salem High School Bristol-Plymouth Reg. Voc Tech Nashoba Reg. High School Hudson High School Gloucester High School Shepherd Hill Reg. High School Holliston High School Coyle & Cassidy High School Amherst-Pelham Reg High School Wayland High School Whitman-Hanson Reg. High School Billerica Memorial High School Marblehead High School Attleboro High School Milford High School Cambridge Rindge & Latin School Lexington High School Woburn High School Bishop Feehan High School Tantasqua Reg. High School Somerset-Berkley High School Barnstable High School Norwell High School Mansfield High School Groton-Dunstable Reg. High School Newburyport High School Somerset-Berkley High School Archbishop Williams High School Braintree High School Bourne High School West Springfield Mid/Sr High School Greater New Bedford RVT High School Lowell High School Chicopee Comprehensive High School Stoneham High School Westwood High School Notre Dame Academy Quabog Reg. Middle/High School Blackstone-Millville Reg. High School Westwood High School Norwell High School Wayland High School Dartmouth High School New Bedford High School Bristol-Plymouth Reg. Voc Tech Billerica Memorial High School Winchester High School Norwood Senior High School Braintree High School Narragansett Reg. High School North Middlesex Reg. High School Hudson High School 10/7/2016 MIAA/MSSAA CERTIFIED COACHES First Caitlin Joanna Nick Scott Hollis Timothy Jared Scott Marc Mike Timothy Michael Bryan Joel Cary Davis Matt Zack Kirk Andrew Kathy Tony Paul Andrew Doreen Doreen Erin Kyle Sarah John Paul A. John Anthony John Guy Herminio Michael Neil John Melissa Craig Tricia Alexandra Ashley Glen S. Alison Steve Thomas Anthony Allison Ian Jill Michaela Rochelle Trevor John Katie Last Freeman Freitas Freitas Freitas French French Freni Freniere Frey Friar Frias Frick Fricot Friedlander Friedman Friedman Friedman Friedman Friedrich Fritz Fritz Fruci Frykberg Fuccillo Fuller Fuller Fuller Fuller Fuller Fuller, Jr. Funk Jr. Furlong Furnari Furno Furtado Furtado Furtado Furtado Fusco Fustino Fydenkevez Gabor Gabriel Gabriel Gaccione Gadd Gadd Gaeta Gaffney Gagne Gagne Gagne Gagne Gagne Gagnier Gagnon Gagnon School Newburyport High School Hudson High School Somerset-Berkley High School Whitinsville Christian School Manchester Essex Reg. High School Bedford High School Malden Catholic High School Burncoat High School Greater New Bedford RVT High School Westport High School Mansfield High School Clinton High School Attleboro High School Wayland High School Ipswich High School Smith Vocational and Agricultu Millbury Mem. Jr/Sr HS Lexington High School Bourne High School Lexington High School Norwood Senior High School Oxford High School Austin Preparatory School Austin Preparatory School Minnechaug Reg. High School Billerica Memorial High School Reading Memorial High School Greater New Bedford RVT High School Everett High School Malden High School Masconomet Reg. High School Douglas High School Dufee High School Brockton High School Bishop Stang High School Somerset-Berkley High School Medford High School Algonquin Reg. High School Northampton High School Lowell High School Hamilton-Wenham Reg. High School Trinity Catholic High School Harwich High School Pentucket Reg. High School Pentucket Reg. High School Saugus High School Somerset-Berkley High School Holyoke Catholic High School Millis High School South Hadley High School Diman Reg. Voc/Tech High School Bristol County Agricultural High School Apponequet Regional High School Smith Vocational and Agricultu Smith Vocational and Agricultu 10/7/2016 MIAA/MSSAA CERTIFIED COACHES First Colby Jeremiah David David Kelley Douglas Jeffrey Jeffrey Julie Barbara Hugh James Fred Karen Alyson Richard Tony Laura Matthew Adison Christine Peter Tracy Joseph Peter Sally Kathryn Rebecca JoAnne Greg Brittany Jenna Stephen Kyle Matthew Cynthia Jennifer Maria Michelle Emma Amy Christopher Glenn Jon Scott Thomas Michael Thomas Bill Sarah Dan Robert Patricia Katie Katie Michael Domenic Last Gail Gainey Galisa Gallagher Gallagher Gallant Gallant Gallant Gallant Galley-Quinn Galligan Galliher Gallo Gallo Gallotta Gallucci Gallugi Galopin Galusi Galvao Galvez Galvin Galvin Gamache Gamache Gamache Gamacle Gamble Gambrazzio Gammons Gangell Gangell Gangemi Ganley Gaouette Garabedian Garaldes Garcia Garcia Gardiner Gardner Gardner Gardner Gardner Gardner Gareau Garifales Garman Garneau Garneau Garner Garrett Garrison Garvin Garvin Gary Gasdia School Mount Greylock Reg. High School Blue Hills Reg. Tech School Lee Middle/High School Advanced Math & Science Uxbridge High School Billerica Memorial High School Apponequet Regional High School Apponequet Regional High School Lexington High School North Middlesex Reg. High School Boston Public Schools Wahconah Reg. High School Lynn Voc Tech Institute Winthrop High School Braintree High School Revere High School Ipswich High School Weston High School Medford High School Taunton High School Lynn Public School Groton-Dunstable Reg. High School Maynard High School Athol High School Gardner High School Somerset-Berkley High School East Middle Abby Kelley Foster Charter School Bellingham High School Lincoln-Sudbury Reg. High School Lee Middle/High School Lee Middle/High School Somerville High School Tewksbury Memorial High School Apponequet Regional High School Saint John's High School Joseph Case High School Haverhill High School Bristol-Plymouth Reg. Voc Tech New Bedford High School Stoneham High School Wareham High School Fairhaven High School/Old Rochester RHS Lynnfield High School Shrewbury High School Quabbin Reg. High School New Bedford High School Drury High School Tantasqua Reg. High School Shepherd Hill Reg. High School Lee Middle/High School Manchester Essex Reg. High School Acton-Boxborough High School Manchester Essex Reg. High School Manchester Essex Reg. High School Leominster High School Wakefield Memorial High School 10/7/2016 MIAA/MSSAA CERTIFIED COACHES First Charles Shelley Cerissa Melissa Brian Kevin Tony Julie Kenneth James Karen Sean Tameka Tamera Scott Nancy John Sara Helen Jeff Jason Ishmael Kelly Stephen Chris Nancy Nicolas Bruce Lori Albert Phil David Danielle G. Stephen Jamie Colleen Caitlyn Holly Shawn Steve Derek Katherine Eliza Kristen Erika Jeff Jeff Nicholas Paul Megan Rebecca David Ignatius J. Kim John Jenna Colleen Greg Last Gaspardi Gaspari Gatewood Gauthier Gavaghan Gavaghan Gavelis Gavin Gay Gayton Geagan Geary Geaslen Gebo-Wilber Geddis Geenty Geilfuss Geiman Geisel Gelinas Gelmini Gelpi Gemboski Genatossio Gendreau Gendreau Gendreau Gendron Gendron Generazzo Genovese Gentleman Geoffrion George George Gerardi Germain Gerry Gersbach Gesualdi Getchell Getchell Gettinger Geuss Geyer Ghiloni Ghiloni Ghiloni Giacobbe Giammalvo Gianferante Giangregorio Giannouloudis Giard Giardina Gibbs Gibbs School Westport High School Medway High School Salem High School Medfield High School Medfield High School Natick High School Walpole High School Stoughton High School Pentucket Reg. High School Bourne High School Andover High School Andover High School Monument Mountain Reg. High School Lowell Catholic High School Oxford High School Brighton High School Attleboro High School Westfield High School Milford High School Southbridge High School Sandwich High School Somerset-Berkley High School West Springfield High School Bourne High School Bourne High School Northeast Metro Reg. Voc. School Smith Academy Wachusett Reg. High School Minnechaug Reg. High School Notre Dame Academy Rockland High School Reading Memorial High School Northeast Metro Reg. Voc. School Montachusett Reg. Voc Tech High School Palmer High School Attleboro High School Whitman-Hanson Reg. High School Southeastern Reg. Voc/Tech School King Philip Reg. High School Saint Stephen's East Bridgewater High School Norwell High School Assabet Valley Reg. Voc. High School North Middlesex Reg. High School Apponequet Regional High School Notre Dame Academy Everett High School Foxborough High School Ware High School Lenox Memorial Middle and High School Georgetown Middle/High School Wakefield Memorial High School 10/7/2016 MIAA/MSSAA CERTIFIED COACHES First Sue Michael John Matthew Alfred Ben Karim Tara Mark Patty Anthony Ken Mike Rich Chris Eric Ryan Thomas Greg Sean Aidan Robert Bernard Jessica Matthew Michelle Donna Andrew Robert Dave John Brian Louis Joseph Isobel Deena Alan Kelly Raymond Chris David Lois Karen John Anthony David Ian Dave Erin Francene Sean Justin Jean Jeff Dave Russ Michael Last Gibeau Gibeley Giblin Giblin Gibney Gibson Gibson Gifford Gigante Giggie Gigliello Gilbert Gilchrest Gilchrist Giles Gill Gill Gillespie Gillette Gilliard Gilligan Gilligan Gillis Gillis Gillis Gillis Gillogly Gilmore Gilmore Gilpin Gingras Ginisi Ginsberg Ginsburg Gioia Giordano Giorgi Giorgi Girard Girardi Giribaldi Girouard Giroux Giuliotti Gladden Glaser Glaude Gleason Gleason Gleason Gleason Glen Glennon Glew Glidden Glines Gloor School Joseph Case High School Masconomet Reg High School Nauset Reg. High School West Roxbury Academy/Urban Science Saugus High School Andover High School Boston Public Schools Bourne High School Harwich High School Shawsheen Valley Tech School Mohawk Trail Reg. High School Assabet Valley Reg. Voc. High School Fitchburg High School Mystic Valley Reg. Charter School Scituate High School Malden Catholic High School Chatham High School Littleton High School Southbridge High School Mount Everett Reg. High School Beverly High School Lexington High School Austin Preparatory School Malden High School Burlington High School Groton-Dunstable Reg. High School Norwell High School Milford High School Lowell Catholic High School Belchertown High School Millbury Mem. Jr/Sr HS Somerset-Berkley High School Tewksbury Memorial High School Greater Lawrence Tech High School Billerica Memorial High School Drury High School Quabbin Reg. High School Hudson High School Abby Kelley Foster Charter School South High School Murdock Middle/High School Hamilton-Wenham Reg. High School North Reading High School High School of Commerce (Springfield) Raynham Middle School Hyde Park High School Somerset-Berkley High School Carver High School Tahanto Reg. High School Haverhill High School Apponequet Regional High School Tantasqua Reg. High School Lexington High School Marian High School Fellowship Christian Academy Lexington High School 10/7/2016 MIAA/MSSAA CERTIFIED COACHES First Melissa Samantha Thomas Dante L. Eric Frank Kelly Paris Rachel Sharleen Jerry Isobel Doug Ryann Seana Lori Janet Daniel Meghan Chris Alicia Alicia George James Richie Robert Homar Karen Joy D. Renee James Fernando Patricia Peter Paula Jennifer Steve Lewis Michael Elizabeth Jim Kim Gerald David Julie Jon Thomas Barry Christy Michael John Chenel Paul Brian Michael Debra Mallary Last Glotzbecker Glynn Glynn Gobbi Gobiel Godjikian Goff Gogos Goguen Goguen Gohring Goia Gold Gold Golden Goldenberg Goldman Goldner Goldweber Golini Gomes Gomes Gomes Gomes Gomes Gomes Gomez Gomez Goncalves Gonet-Kelley Gonyea Gonzalez Gonzalez Good Goodchild Goodman Goodman Goodnow Goodreau Goodwin Goodwin Goodwin Goolkasian Gordon Gordon Gore Gorham Gorman Gorman Gormley Gorvin Gosselin Gosselin Gotsell Gough Goulart Goulart School Belmont High School Milford High School Arlington High School Harwich High School Wakefield Memorial High School Billerica Memorial High School Archbishop Williams High School Quabog Reg. Middle/High School Gardner High School Attleboro High School Greater Lawrence Tech High School Hudson High School Martha's Vineyard Reg. High School Bishop Stang High School Wm Pollard Middle School Cambridge Rindge & Latin School Acton-Boxborough High School Pentucket Reg. High School Malden Catholic High School Danvers High School Masconomet Reg High School Bishop Stang High School Oxford High School Greater New Bedford RVT High School Milford High School Easthampton High School Westfield High School Wareham High School Bourne High School Auburn High School Amherst-Pelham Reg. High School Academy of Notre Dame Franklin High School Longmeadow High School Southeastern Reg. Voc/Tech School Mohawk Trail Reg. High School St. Mary's Jr/Sr High School Harwich High School Ayer Shirley Reg. High School Norwood Senior High School Lexington High School Harwich High School Murdock Middle/High School Pentucket Reg. High School Ursuline Academy Holliston High School Saint Mary's High School Murdock Middle/High School Austin Preparatory School Bourne High School Montachusett Reg. Voc Tech High School Oliver Ames High School Hudson Catholic High School Falmouth High School Falmouth High School 10/7/2016 MIAA/MSSAA CERTIFIED COACHES First Shaun Connie Jillian Joel Ken Walter Jacquelin Ryan Kevin Marjorie Michelle Mike Amy Deborah Mary Ann Matthew Rick Sarah Bonnie Callie Christina Randy Sophia Betsy Melissa John Michael Shirley Dennis Derek Douglas Jon Michael Mick Pamela Susan Devon Robert Eric Liza Gary David Jason Jessica Josh Lauren Mackenzie Mary Zorica Robert Sarah Abbie Darius David Ed Katleyn Shaun Last Goulart Gould Gould Goulet Gouveia Gouveia Govoni Gower Goyette Grabmeier Graca Grace Graciale Grady Grady Grady Grady Graffurn Graham Graham Graham Grajal Grammenos Grams Gramuglia Grande Granfield Granfield Gransewicz Grant Grant Grant Grant Grant Grant Grant Grary Grasseschi Grasso Grasso Graves Gray Gray Gray Gray Gray Gray Graziano Grceva Greco Greeley Green Green Green Green Green Green School Manchester Essex Reg. High School Longmeadow High School Hopedale Jr/Sr High School Clinton High School Bishop Stang High School New Bedford High School Shepherd Hill Reg. High School Chicopee High School Ursuline Academy Hopkinton High School Berkley Middle School North Shore Saint Mary's High School Shrewbury High School Lincoln-Sudbury Reg. High School Tahanto Reg M/H School Dover Sherborn High School Georgetown Middle/High School Burlington High School Burlington High School Plymouth PS Chelsea Public Schools Bedford High School Acton-Boxborough High School Belchertown High School Cambridge Rindge & Latin School Billerica Memorial High School Billerica Memorial High School Montachusett Reg. Voc Tech High School Algonquin Reg. High School Lexington High School Needham High School Harwich High School Peabody Vet. Mem. High School Blue Hills Reg. Tech School Randolph Middle School Oxford High School Norton High School Norton High School Shepherd Hill Reg. High School Reading Memorial High School Hudson High School Malden High School Whitman-Hanson Reg. High School Oliver Ames High School Minnechaug Reg. High School West Bridgewater Mid/Sr. HS Silver Lake Reg. High School Taunton High School Lincoln-Sudbury Reg. High School Cambridge Rindge & Latin School Boston Public Schools Tantasqua Reg. High School Springfield Central High School Norton High School Monument Mountain Reg. High School 10/7/2016 MIAA/MSSAA CERTIFIED COACHES First Dave Eric John Laurie Nicole Ryan Alan Donna Neil Caleigh Caleigh Brian Garrett Kevin Amanda Vincent Amanda Jeff James William Thomas Jennifer Ed Fior Joseph Joshua Michelle Vincent Elizabeth Joyce James Michael Amanda Bernard Brian Jason Steve Mary Jean Matt David Steven Richard Kenneth Dennis Patrick Douglass Bartosz Kristin Igoe Michael Tanner Candice Corey Frank Michael Amanda Barbara Sheri Last Greenblott Greene Greene Greene Greene Greene Greenough Greenough Greenwald Greenwell Greenwell Greenwood Greer Greer Gregorio Gregorio Gregory Gregory Grein Grenier Grifa Griffey Griffin Griffin Griffin Griffith Grifoni Grifoni Grikis Grillo Grima Grimes Grimes Grimley Grimshaw Groccia Groezinger Grondin Groppo Grose Grota Grover Grubbs Grube Grucela Grutchfield Grzegorczyk Guarino Guarino Guarino Guerin Guerra Guerra Guerra Guerriero Guerriero Guerriero School Newburyport High School Norton High School Plymouth PS Lexington High School Longmeadow High School Woburn High School Bay Path Reg. Voc. Tech High School Bay Path Reg. Voc. Tech High School Tahanto Reg. High School Somerset-Berkley High School Somerset-Berkley High School Peabody Vet. Mem. High School Scituate High School Mystic Valley Reg. Charter School Revere High School Mystic Valley Reg. Charter School Diman Reg. Voc/Tech High School Natick High School Montachusett Reg. Voc Tech High School Silver Lake Reg. High School Hopkinton High School Belchertown High School Canton High School Holyoke High School Minnechaug Reg HS Peabody Vet. Mem. High School Peabody Vet. Mem. High School Blue Hills Reg. Tech School Milford High School Bristol County Agricultural High School Waltham High School Sutton High School Medway High School Leicester High School Arlington High School Duxbury High School Holyoke High School Marian High School Milford High School Somerset-Berkley High School Franklin High School Boston Public Schools Peabody Vet. Mem. High School Acton-Boxborough High School Fitchburg High School Maynard High School Franklin High School Reading Memorial High School Holliston High School Chicopee High School Milford High School Uxbridge High School Milford High School North Middlesex Reg. High School North Middlesex Reg. High School North Middlesex Reg. High School 10/7/2016 MIAA/MSSAA CERTIFIED COACHES First David Joseph Donna Karen Danielle Ryan Jameson James Kelly Paula Dan Nicholas Evren Leah Christine Ashley Paul Robert Sean Sharon Anthony Brendan Thomas Jaimie Alicia Fred Daniel Maura Daniel Steven Lindsey Vanessa Scott Cullen Devin Matthew Jim Daniel Ryan Kerry Susan Susan George Kenneth Michael William Bill Grant Antoine Kathryn William Jim Sarah Andrew Greg Tim Patricia Last Guffey Gugino Guglielmi Guillemette Guillotte Guilmarrtin Guimond Guiry Gullage Gullage Gulotta Gumlaw Gunduz Gunner Gurskis Gustafson Gustafson Guthrie Guthrie Guthrie Guthro Guttmann Guy Gwosch Gwozdz Haas Habib Hackenson Haddad Haddad Hadden Haen Hafferkamp Hagan Hagan Hagar Hagerty Haggerty Haggerty Hagglund Hagstrom Hagstrom Hague Hahn Hahn Hahn Haines Hajder Hajjar Hakanson-Stacy Hakeem Hale Hale Haley Haley Haley Halkiotis School Boston Public Schools Manchester Essex Reg. High School Norwood Senior High School Somerset-Berkley High School Somerville High School Dufee High School Medford High School Mount Everett Reg. High School West Springfield High School Hopkinton High School Masconomet Reg High School Norwood Senior High School Shepherd Hill Reg. High School Lexington High School Tri-County Reg Voc High School Boston Public Schools Mansfield High School Saugus High School Nauset Reg. High School Springfield Central High School Shepherd Hill Reg. High School Hoosac Valley High School Hopkinton High School Greater Lawrence Tech High School Shepherd Hill Reg. High School Bellingham High School Murdock Middle/High School Agawam High School Silver Lake Reg. High School Westford Academy Billerica Memorial High School Billerica Memorial High School Bedford High School Tri-County Reg Voc High School Monson High School Wachusett Reg. High School Notre Dame Academy Notre Dame Academy(H) Bishop Stang High School Northampton High School Lynn Public School Holbrook Jr/Sr High School Joseph Case High School Lawrence High School Springfield Central HS Dartmouth High School Northampton High School Braintree High School David Prouty High School Greater New Bedford RVT High School Archbishop Williams High School Amesbury High School 10/7/2016 MIAA/MSSAA CERTIFIED COACHES First Brian Jason Joshua Kristen Tiffany Jeff Emily James Jean Alan Laurie Ken Peggy Roseanne Natalie Kelsey Thomas Andrew Erik Jamie Keith Richard Steven Sue Margaret Rick Jeff Meghan Stacy Tamara Sarah Josh Christine Martha Matt Thomas Kristina Matthew Kelly Sarah Joshua Mica Ashley Robert Gregory Kristian Phil Jessica Michaela Paul Sarah Alyssa Richard Bradley Leonard David Richard Last Hall Hall Hall Hall Hall Hallenbeck Hallett Halliday Hallinan Hallquist Hallquist Halstead Halter Ham Hamblin Hamel Hamel Hamilton Hamilton Hamilton Hamilton Hamilton Hamilton Hamilton Hamlett-Cash Hamm Hammel Hammond Hampton Hampton Handman Handy Handzel Hanelius Hanig Hankey Hankins Hanley Hanlon Hann Hanna Hannify Hansbury Hansbury Hanson Hanson Harding Hardy Hardy Hardy Hardy Harel Hargreaves Harkins Harmon Harne Harriman School Ursuline Academy Plymouth South High School Oakmont Reg. High School North Middlesex Regional HS Nauset Reg. High School Medway High School Bourne High School Peabody Vet. Mem. High School Murdock Middle/High School Murdock Middle/High School Tri-County Reg Voc High School Leominster High School Bedford High School Nantucket High School Granby Jr/Sr High School Granby Jr/Sr High School Boston Public Schools Winchester High School Drury High School Worcester Public Schools Groton-Dunstable Reg. High School Oliver Ames High School Attleboro High School Snowden Int'l School Greater New Bedford RVT High School Silver Lake Reg. High School Riverview School Duxbury High School Abby Kelley Foster Charter School Canton High School Shrewbury High School Milford High School Chatham High School Weston High School Berkshire Arts & Tech Charter Lexington High School Pope John Paul II High School Boston College High School Blackstone-Millville Reg. High School Weston High School Peabody Vet. Mem. High School Billerica Memorial High School Chelmsford High School Silver Lake Reg. High School Salem High School David Prouty High School Keffe Technical High School Reading Memorial High School Bridgewater-Raynham Reg. High School Middleboro High School Westwood High School Austin Preparatory School Shepherd Hill Reg. High School Tewksbury Memorial High School Southwick-Tolland Reg. High School 10/7/2016 MIAA/MSSAA CERTIFIED COACHES First Dan Derek Kelly Kevin Mary Megan Rich Sarah James Brian Leanne Meghan Michael Mark Emily Jay Melissa Michael Michelle Nancy Paul Jeanne John Heather Scott Dick Tracey Robert Craig Madeline Brad Robert Mark Abby Christine Rob Denis John David James Lauren Liz Michelle Ryan Micah Kevin Michaela Joe Dave Traci Eric Tim Dan Brandon John Rick Stephen Last Harrington Harrington Harrington Harrington Harrington Harrington Harrington Harrington Harrington Jr. Harris Harris Harris Harris Harrison Hart Hart Hart Hart Hart Hart Hart Harte Harten III Hartford Hartley Hartman Hartman Hartshorn Hartwell Harty Harvey Harvey Haschig Hasebrook Hasenfuss Haser Hassan Hassell Hastings Hatch Hatfield Hathaway Hathaway Hathaway Hauben Hausmann Hava Haven Havlin Hawk Hawkes Hawkins Hayden Hayes Hayes Hayes Hayes School Belmont High School Medway High School Lexington High School Concord-Carlisle High School Reading Memorial High School Leicester High School Shrewsbury High School Chelsea High School Somerville High School Arlington High School Bedford High School New Bedford High School Westwood High School Brockton High School Somerville High School Belmont High School North Attleboro High School Leicester High School Algonquin Reg. High School Springfield PS Georgetown Middle/High School Old Rochester Reg. High School Leominster High School Leominster High School Lexington High School King Philip Reg. High School Swampscott High School Joseph Case High School Montachusett Reg. Voc Tech High School Trinity Catholic Dedham High School Bethany Christian Academy Plymouth PS Chelsea High School Mohawk Trail Reg. High School Southbridge High School Leominster High School King Philip Reg. High School Groton-Dunstable Reg. High School Lynn Classical High School Newton South High School Algonquin Reg. High School Westwood High School Attleboro High School Saint Bernard's Central Catholic High School Newburyport High School Masconomet Reg High School Durfee High School Hamilton-Wenham Reg. High School Triton Reg. High School Milford High School Revere High School Tri-County Reg Voc High School 10/7/2016 MIAA/MSSAA CERTIFIED COACHES First Tamara Chris Thomas Denise Edward John Nancy Nancy Patrick Christine John Stephen Devante Nicole Bob Joel Maureen Melanie Michael Monica Scott Jeff Brendan James Amy Ken Lauren Lauri Mary Patricia Michele Margaret Kristen Melissa Grant Joshua Marisol Mike Ezra Timothy Stephen Richard Steve Mark David Geoffrey Richard Janice Kenneth Tom Ezra Nicole Christina Jessica Katelyn Kyle Mark Last Hayes Hayward Hazelton Hazoury Healey Healey Healey Healey Healey Healy Healy Hearon Heath Heaton Hebert Hebert Hebert Hebert Hebert Hebert Hebert Hechenbleikner Heck Hedlund Hedtler Heenan Hefferan Hegarty Hegarty Hegedus Heggblod Heigl Heil Heiligmann Heller Helms Henderson Henderson Hendrickx Heneberry Heney Hengst Henley Hennelly Hennessy Hennessy Henniger Henningson Henrick Henrickson Henrickx Henrique Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry School Hudson High School Lynn Classical High School Mount Greylock Reg. High School Bromfield School Uxbridge High School Worcester Technical High School Lunenburg High School Weston High School Easton Public School Lexington High School Algonquin Reg. High School King Philip Reg. High School MIAA Milford High School Watertown High School Bedford High School Notre Dame Academy Duxbury High School Leominster High School Hingham High School Blackstone-Millville Reg. High School Stoneham High School Monument Mountain Reg. High School Wachusett Reg. High School Hopedale Jr/Sr High School Brockton High School Harwich High School Cape Cod Academy Hudson High School South High Community School Concord-Carlisle High School Peabody Vet. Mem. High School Hopkinton High School Boston College High School Sandwich High School Ursuline Academy Middleboro High School Nauset Reg. High School Dedham High School Ipswich High School Quabbin Reg. High School Wayland High School Groton-Dunstable Reg. High School Saint John's Preparatory School Quincy High School Duxbury High School Algonquin Reg. High School Greater Lawrence Tech High School Saint Peter-Marian Jr/Sr High School Nauset Reg. High School Dufee High School Bishop Feehan High School Bishop Feehan High School Swampscott High School Monument Mountain Reg. High School Duxbury High School 10/7/2016 MIAA/MSSAA CERTIFIED COACHES First Marty Karen Lori Ralph Mitch Todd Jim Mark Donald David Cynthia Alberto Tania Michael Jenn Ashley Josh Scott Paul Jeffrey Tom Wayne Alan Kevin Theresa Jeffrey Kimberly Andrea Chris Joseph Katie Kevan Patricia Patricia Vincent Renee Chris Michael Jay Tim Andrew Mary Mary David Yvonne Kacie Robert Kathryn Daniel Joy Nigel James Bernard Jennifer Kristen Reginald Kyla Last Henry Hepinstall-Taylor Herberich Herbst Hercule Herderhurst Herelihy Herelihy Heres Herforth Herman Hernandez Hernandez Hernon Herrmann Hersey Herzog Heslin Hession Hetu Hever Hey Hibino Hickey Hickey Hicks Hicks Higgins Higgins Higgins Higgins Higgins Higgins Higgins Higuera Hilbrunner Hill Hill Hiller Hilliard Hilliger Hilliger Hilliger Hiltz Hilyard Hinchliffe Hinds Hines Hinnenkamp Hinton Hitchings Ho Hoar Hoar Hoar Hobbes Hobbie-Welch School Assabet Valley Reg. Voc. High School Nauset Reg. High School Groton-Dunstable Reg. High School Cape Cod Academy Boston Public Schools Westford Academy Wachusett Reg. High School Wachusett Reg. High School Northeast Metro Reg. Voc. School Gateway Reg. High School Cathedral High School Mount Greylock Reg. High School Upper Cape Cod Reg. Voc Tech School Tantasqua Reg. High School Newburyport High School North Andover High School Newton North High School Dedham High School Joseph Case High School Georgetown Middle/High School Algonquin Reg. High School Andover High School Medford High School David Prouty High School North Brookfield Jr/Sr High School Cardinal Spellman High School Boston Public Schools Dufee High School Billerica Memorial High School Duxbury High School Attleboro High School Billerica Memorial High School Billerica Memorial High School Pittsfield High School Hopkinton High School Acton-Boxborough High School Belmont High School Old Rochester Reg. High School Ursuline Academy Nashoba Reg. High School Nashoba Reg. High School Nashoba Reg. High School Canton High School Holyoke High School New Bedford High School Mohawk Trail Reg. High School Cohasset Middle-High School Natick High School New Bedford High School Mount Alvernia High School Haverhill High School Westford Academy Stoneham High School Lexington High School West Bridgewater Mid/Sr High School 10/7/2016 MIAA/MSSAA CERTIFIED COACHES First David Reggie Peter Michael Evan Carla Douglas Kristin James Matt William Bob Robert Alan Danielle Kevin Brian John Katherine William Douglas Sarah Brian Kieth Thomas Herb James Scott Tom Jon Michelle Jeffrey Chris Galen Jamie Jessica Peter Keith Julie Mary Emily Jim Leanne Sherry Michelle Martin Kaitlin Michael Catherine Brian Julie Whitney Alexandra Emily Sarah Richard Jonathan Nathanial Last Hobbs Hobbs Hochman Hodge Hodgen Hodges Hodgins Hodgman Hodgson Hoeske Hoey Hofeldt Hoffer Hoffman Hoffman Hoffman Hoffses Hogan Hogan Holbrook Holch Holden Holden Holden Holland Holland Holland Holleran Holloway Holloway Creaven Holman Holmes Holmes Holmes Holmes Holt Holubesko Hom Mandell Hoover Hopkins Hopkins Horan Horeanopoulos Horgan Horkan Horndahl Horne Horsmann Horta Horton Horton Hosea Hossfeld Hostage Hottin Houghton Houghton School Plymouth PS Lexington High School Westwood High School Algonquin Reg. High School Greater New Bedford RVT High School Attleboro High School Granby Jr/Sr High School Franklin High School Nashoba Valley Tech High School Saint Bernard's Central Catholic High School Lowell High School Acton-Boxborough High School Westwood High School Avon Middle/High School Weymouth High School Norwood High School Clinton High School Lynn Voc Tech Institute Lynn Voc Tech Institute Boston Public Schools Manchester Essex Reg. High School Archbishop Williams High School Hudson High School Hurley Middle School Renaissance School Drury High School Bartlett Jr./Sr. High School Peabody Vet. Mem. High School No. Middlesex Reg. High School Northampton High School Bromfield School Algonquin Reg. High School Westford Academy Drury High School Somerset-Berkley High School Joseph Case High School Weston High School Mount Everett Reg. High School Northampton High School Wellesley High School Trinity Christian Academy Wachusett Reg. High School Ipswich High School Northeast Metro Reg. Voc. School Tyngsborough High School Mashpee High School Millis High School Somerset-Berkley High School Bromfield School Somerset-Berkley High School Norwell High School Belmont High School Boston Public Schools Sabis International Charter School Weston High School Boston Public Schools 10/7/2016 MIAA/MSSAA CERTIFIED COACHES First Jenn John Mark Mark Isaiah Maureen Christine Debbi Donald Jodi John Matt Roy Shawn Stephanie Ronald Erin Peter Matthew Mathew Bob Kim Jim Andres Dana Mark Mike Adam Kristyn Tom Jamie Jacob Willaim Kim Erin Lanie Laura Scott Sue Michael Daniel George Joseph Liam Michael Tara James Cynthia Michael Joseph Lance George Jeff Dawn Michael Michael Lisa Last Houle Houle Houle Houlthouse Houtman Hovnanian Howard Howard Howard Howard Howard Howard Howard Howard Howard Howard Jr. Howe Howell Hrenko Hubbard Huckabee Hudd Hudson Huertas Huff Huggins Huggins Hughes Hughes Hughes Hulke Hulseberg Hulsey, Jr. Humphrey Hunt Hunt Hunt Hunter Hunter Huoppi Hurley Hurley Hurley Hurley Hurley Hurley Hurst Hurvitz Hussey Hutchinson Hutchinson Hutchinton Hutton Hyde Hyde Hyland Iabarra School Clinton High School Holyoke High School Attleboro High School Westwood High School New Bedford High School Billerica Memorial High School Drury High School Mahar Regional School St. Mary's Jr/Sr High School Algonquin Reg. High School Bay Path Reg. Voc. Tech High School Abby Kelley Foster Charter School Cambridge Rindge & Latin School Bristol County Agricultural High School Drury High School Quincy High School Wellesley High School Sandwich High School Newburyport High School New Bedford High School Revere High School Nauset Reg. High School Monument Mountain Reg. High School Gateway Reg. High School Algonquin Reg. High School Monument Mountain Reg. High School Canton High School Charlestown High School South Shore Voc/Tech High School East Bridgewater High School Chicopee Public Schools Central High School Billerica Memorial High School Falmouth High School Weston High School Weston High School Althol Royalston Reading Memorial High School Lexington High School Mansfield High School Revere High School Auburn High School Whitman-Hanson Reg. High School Montachusett Reg. Voc Tech High School Somerville High School Dedham High School Algonquin Reg. High School Hanover High School South Shore Voc/Tech High School Boston College High School Montachusett Reg. Voc Tech High School Beverly High School Hampden Charter School of Scie Westbridgewater Public School Bourne High School Lenox Memorial Middle and High School 10/7/2016 MIAA/MSSAA CERTIFIED COACHES First Tony Dello Joe David Steven Gail Kevin Jeffrey Patrick Karl Katelin Krista Rania Robert Shelanda Philip Jeffrey Jason John Carlos Jacky Michelle Karen Lauren Judy Rick Tom Katherine Abby Amanda Andrew Dennis Jeremy Philip Rebecca Rebecca Stephanie Timothy George J. Barrett Thomas Donna Todd Paul Paul Paul Adam Jonathan Jessica Vanessa William Caitlin Joe Martha Bob Radek Frederick Joyce Last Iacono Iannone Iava Ide Ierardi Igoe Ilg Inderwish Infanger Invernizzi Invernizzi Ioannidis Iovanna Irish Irving Isabelle Isacs Isaf Isidoro Ismeus Ivery Iworsky Izzicupo Izzo Jablonski Jackoboice Jackowski Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jacobs Jacobs Jacobs Jacobsen Jacobson Jacques Jacques Jahnige Jakola Jalbert James James James Jamiel Jamiel Jamieson Jampol Janik Jannino Jansen School Revere High School Medway High School Plymouth PS Shepherd Hill Reg. High School Ipswich High School Norwood Sr. High School Haynes Elementary David Prouty High School Medway High School Triton Regional High School Somerville High School Everett High School Shrewbury High School Granby Jr/Sr High School Needham High School Medfield High School Seekonk High School Urban Science Academy Amesbury High School Stoneham High School Westfield High School Wellesley High School Holyoke High School Duxbury High School Masconomet Reg High School Burlington High School Boston Public Schools Wachusett Reg. High School North Middlesex Reg. High School North Middlesex Reg. High School Franklin High School Billerica Memorial High School Norwell High School Norwell High School North Attleboro High School Stoughton High School Hudson High School Milford High School Northampton High School Nashoba Reg. High School Turners Fall High School Malden High School Methuen High School Norton High School Dennis-Yarmouth Reg. High School Harwich High School Newton South High School Everett High School Mount Alvernia High School 10/7/2016 MIAA/MSSAA CERTIFIED COACHES First Jessica Rick Bill Lawrence Lindsay Mark Brian Kathryn Chris Timothy Matt John James Kalon Benjamin Kasey Jennifer Laurie Randall Nicolas Lindsey William Franklyn Ria John Mary Jeff Amanda Edward Brian Bruce David Deborah Eric Erick Erin Francis Frederick Hakim Heather Holly Jason Joseph Keilena Kevin Matthew Michelle Michelle Mike Patricia Richard Shawn Soren Sye Timothy M. Jeff Jeff Last Janus Janusz Jaques Jaquith Jardin Jardin Jarmusik Jarocki Jarvis Jason Jeffrey Jeniski Jenkins Jenkins Jenness Jenness Jensen Jensen Jepson jermyn Jeserski Jeserski Jewett Jodrie Johannan Johannesson Johansmeyer Johansson Johns Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnston Johnston School Acton-Boxborough High School Mount Everett Reg. High School Cape Cod Reg. Tech. High School Wachusett Reg. High School Dartmouth High School Somerset-Berkley High School Wakefield Memorial High School Middleboro High School North Middlesex Reg. High School Lincoln-Sudbury Reg. High School Duxbury High School Assabet Valley Reg. Voc. High School Seekonk High School Randolph High School Bartlett High School Norfolk County Agricultural High School Brookline High School Falmouth High School Oakmont Regional HS South Shore Voc/Tech High School West Springfield Mid/Sr High School Medford High School Wellesley High School Wellesley High School Bedford High School Mohawk Trail Reg. High School Holyoke High School Lynn Voc Tech Institute Duxbury High School Lynn Public School North Reading High School Pembroke High School Nauset Reg. High School Oliver Ames High School Triton Reg. High School Bay Path Reg. Voc. Tech High School Reading Memorial High School Boston Public Schools Milford High School Westford Academy Hampshire Reg. High School Natick High School Marlboro High School Springfield PS Mohawk Trail Reg. High School King Philip Reg. High School King Philip Reg. High School Somerset-Berkley High School North Attleboro High School Manchester Essex Reg. High School Northampton High School Mansfield High School Essex Technical HS McClosky Middle School Uxbridge High School 10/7/2016 MIAA/MSSAA CERTIFIED COACHES First Joseph Mary Jane Travis Daniel Edward (Ted) Georgina Harry Jeff Keith Kenneth keysha Lajhon Matthew Michael Sarah Simon Steve Kelli Ari John Katrina Mark Patricia Ronald Delia George Andrew Jacques Ronald James Jason Kali Brandon Victor Tracy Adam Dan Paul Paula Robert Mary Sheila James Jamie Michael Paula William Pauline Elizabeth Doug Richard Raymond Mike Bob Thomas Nicholas Amy Brendan Last Johnston Johnston Jolly Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones-Kyller Joniec Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordie Jose Joseph Joseph Joseph Joseph Joseph Josselyn Joubert Joyal Joyce Joyce Joyce Joyce Joyce Judge Judson Jumonville Jump Juneau Junker Junkins Jurasinski Kaake-Smith Kaczmarczyk Kagan Kalagher Kalinowsky Kalukiewicz Kamataris Kamberidis Kane Kane School Assabet Valley Reg. Voc. High School Weston High School Norton High School Austin Preparatory School Gloucester High School King Philip Reg. High School Shepherd Hill Reg. High School Wachusett Reg. High School No. Middlesex Reg. High School Northampton High School Boston Public Schools Dufee High School Malden Catholic High School Hanover High School Malden High School Monument Mountain Reg. High School Maynard High School Boston Public Schools Randolph High School Lexington High School Dorchester Academy Uxbridge High School Reading Memorial High School Newton South High School Newton South High School Assabet Valley Reg. Voc. High School Westfield High School Randolph High School Montachusett Reg. Voc Tech High School Boston Public Schools Ursuline Academy Duxbury High School Malden High School Mt. View Middle School Amesbury High School Bromfield School Malden High School Lynn English High School Archbishop Williams High School Medford High School Medway High School Wachusett Reg. High School Hopedale Jr/Sr High School Burncoat High School Lunenburg High School Old Colony Reg. Voc/Tech High School Marian High School Fitchburg High School Gardner High School Chicopee High School Acton-Boxborough High School Taconic High School Westford Academy Wachusett Reg. High School Boston Public Schools Millis High School Minnechaug Reg. High School 10/7/2016 MIAA/MSSAA CERTIFIED COACHES First Brian Bisceglia Kara Kevin Kylie Lindsay Sean Rick Alan Eric Rachel Matt Nicole Jeffrey Tim Todd Catherine Anna Richard Leonard Christian Richard Lisa Lisa Adam Noah Olive Chris Kim Justine Elizabeth Ralph Barry Gerald Ashley George Anglea Tennille Matthew Steve Chris Joseph Emily Jeremy Brendan James Rachel Sara Heather Bill Daniel Katie Kristina Lawrence Paul John Todd Joy Last Kane Kane Kane Kane Kane Kane Kapinos Kaplan Kaplan Kaplan Karakaudas Karas Kardel Karetka Karkane Karl Karolyshn Karvonen Kasprzak Kaszuba Kates Jr Katilus Kattar Katz Kaufman Kauila-Fields Kaulbfiesch Kauppila Kavanaugh Kay Kay Kaye Kayo Kazanjian Kazarian Kazer Kazijian Kazlauskars Kazprzak Keane Keaney Kearnan Kearnan Kearney Kearns Keating Keating Keaveny Keefe Keefe Keegan Keegan Keegan Keenan Keene Kefor Kehoe School Daniel Butler School Wilmington High School Quabbin Reg. High School Reading Memorial High School Quabbin Reg. High School Norwood Senior High School Sabis International Charter School Newton South High School Natick High School Stoughton High School Peabody Vet. Mem. High School Dufee High School Southwick-Tolland Reg. High School Nashoba Valley Tech High School Somerset-Berkley High School Blackstone-Millville Reg. High School Murdock Middle/High School Saint Peter-Marian Jr/Sr High School Georgetown Middle/High School Notre Dame Academy Notre Dame Academy Lowell High School Weston High School Arlington High School Springfield Central HS Malden High School Tyngsborough High School Shrewbury High School Amherst-Pelham Reg High School David Prouty High School Sharon High School Harwich High School Central Catholic High School Clinton High School Bristol County Agricultural HS Boston Public Schools Tewksbury Memorial High School Woburn Memorial High School Burlington High School Milford High School Milford High School Malden Catholic High School Lynn Public School Hanover High School Newton South High School Ashland High School Mystic Valley Reg. Charter School Malden High School Archbishop Williams High School Lowell High School Everett High School Shrewbury High School Saint John's High School Norton High School 10/7/2016 MIAA/MSSAA CERTIFIED COACHES First Shaun Kary David Raymond Mary Gail John Kevin Peter Brian Brian Amanda Amanda Jill Kimberly Larry Malachi Michael Michael Michael Paula William Sally Brendan Carline Chris Dan Jennifer Jim Joseph Kevin Kimberly Maureen Morgan Patrick Ryan Scott Shane Elizabeth Sue Susan Richard George Angela David David John Linda Meghan Steve Philip Mark George Taryn David Jacqueline Jackie Bob Last Kehoe Keiltyka Keir Keiser Kell Kelleher Kelleher Kelleher Kelleher Keller Kellett Kelley Kelley Kelley Kelley Kelley Kelley Kelley Kelley Kelley Kelley Kelley Kellogg Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly Kempskie Kendall Kennedy Kennedy Kennedy Kennedy Kennedy Kennedy Kennedy Kenney Kenny Kent Keohane Kerivan Kerr Kerrins Kessler School Stoneham High School New Bedford High School Smith Academy Dighton-Rehoboth Reg. High School South Shore Voc/Tech High School Amesbury High School Brookline High School Canton High School Mohawk Trail Reg. High School Algonquin Reg. High School Bedford High School Dighton Middle School Lowell High School Plymouth PS Wachusett Reg. High School Oakmont Reg. High School Wellesley High School Weston High School Somerset-Berkley High School Hull High School Wellesley High School Dufee High School Boston Public Schools Wayland High School Bartlett Jr./Sr. High School Stoughton High School Dufee High School Mount Saint Joseph Academy Lexington High School Lowell High School Peabody Vet. Mem. High School Taunton High School Nashoba Valley Tech High School Northeast Metro. Reg. Voc. Sch Shrewbury High School Marshfield High School Randolph High School Hopedale Jr/Sr High School Nashoba Reg. High School Notre Dame Academy Mohawk Trail Reg. High School Shrewbury High School Duxbury High School North Quincy High School Chelmsford High School Woburn High School Cape Cod Academy Lenox Memorial Middle and High School Special Olympics Tyngsborough High School Duxbury High School Dedham High School Narragansett Reg. High School Nantucket High School 10/7/2016 MIAA/MSSAA CERTIFIED COACHES First Gregory Jonathan Scott Kazar William Tim Brian Stephen Kary Alison Stephen Ryan Valerie Chris Patrick Ryan Austin Sean Joe Charles E. Meghan Lanny Joel Daniel Michelle Peter Tim Jennifer Nick Aneselm Barbara Dana Deidre Dennis Jeff Jeffrey Josh Kelly Linda Martha Sarah Susan Tanisha Tina Patrick William Thomas Randy Kristen Chris Sean Kenneth Bill Jack Charles Douglas Kristen Last Kessler Kessler Ketcham Keuchkarian Keup Kewriga Keyes Khoury Kieltyka Kiely Kiely Kiff Kilduff Kiley Kiley Kilian Killeen Killeen Killilea Kilmain III Kilpatrick Kim Kimaiyo Kimball Kimball Kimball Kinch Kinder Kineauy King King King King King King King King King King King King King King King Kingman Kingsbury Kingston Kinnas Kinneen Kinney Kinney Kinsey Kinsherf Kinsman Kipnes Kirby Kirby School Franklin High School Silver Lake Reg. High School Watertown High School Hudson High School Uxbridge High School Nauset Reg. High School David Prouty High School New Bedford High School Hanover High School Boston College High School Canton High School Archbishop Williams High School Attleboro High School Marlboro High School Bromfield School Murdock Middle/High School North Reading High School Newton South High School Elizabeth Seton Academy Jonas Clarke Middle School Framingham High School Randolph High School Rockland High School Medford High School Lexington High School Avon Middle/High School Minnechaug Reg. High School Somerset-Berkley High School Medford High School Blackstone Valley Reg. Voc/Tech High School Billerica Memorial High School Hopkinton High School David Prouty High School Dartmouth High School Billerica Memorial High School Mount Everett Reg. High School David Prouty High School Billerica Memorial High School Notre Dame Academy Narragansett Reg. High School Randolph Community Middle School Notre Dame Academy Montachusett Reg. Voc Tech High School Middleboro High School Medway High School Newton North High School Saint Joseph Central High School Groton-Dunstable Reg. High School North Central Charter Essent. School Middleboro High School Carver High School Archbishop Williams High School Barnstable High School Scituate High School Malden High School 10/7/2016 MIAA/MSSAA CERTIFIED COACHES First Ray Dennis Dan Alex Eugene Peter Donald Todd Daniel Lisa Amanda Mary Ellen Nicole Carrie Mike Mike Cassandra Erica Jane Johann Audrie Richard Jesse Sarah Thomas Craig Craig Jeffrey Jeff Stephen Jay Mike Stephanie Douglas Kevin Chelsea Daniel Dan Kenneth Ronald Heidi Matthew Jennifer Tammy James Joseph Ryan Adam Stevens Gary Danielle Lynsey Nate Brian Brittany Pamela Russell Keri Last Kirby Kirwan Kiser Kissel Kistler Kitsos Kittle Kittleson Kittredge Kittredge Klein Klein Klein Klimeczko Kline Klofas Kloumann Kluge Knets Knight Knight Knott Knowlton Knox Koch Koch Kocur Kodys Koelbel Konaxis Kondracki Kopala Kopcso Koppy Korp Korpita Korte Korzec Korzon Kosh Kosiorek Kostanski Kotthaus-Buckley Koumpouras Kovacs Kowalczyk Kozik Koziol Kozloski Kozlowski Kraemer Kraft Kramer Kramer Krause Krause Kravetz School Assabet Valley Reg. Voc. High School Archbishop Williams High School Randolph High School Malden Catholic High School Hudson High School Harwich High School Belmont High School Shrewbury High School Holliston High School Grafton Memorial Sr. High School Lincoln-Sudbury Reg. High School Marlboro High School Marlboro High School Holliston High School Newton South High School East Longmeadow High School Chatham High School Framingham High School Hamilton-Wenham Reg. High School Hingham High School Wachusett Reg. High School Medway High School Bartlett Jr./Sr. High School Dracut High School King Philip Reg. High School King Philip Reg. High School Dartmouth High School Wachusett Reg. High School Duxbury High School Beverly High School Old Rochester Reg. High School Drury High School Needham High School Attleboro High School David Prouty High School Hampshire Reg. High School Lee Middle/High School Minnechaug Reg. High School Cape Cod Reg. Tech. High School Gateway Reg. High School Northampton High School Westwood High School Lowell High School Bedford High School McCann Technical High School Belchertown High School No. Middlesex Reg. High School Lexington High School Watertown High School Northampton High School Braintree High School Shrewbury High School Shrewbury High School Oliver Ames High School 10/7/2016 MIAA/MSSAA CERTIFIED COACHES First Arthur Martha Petra Stephanie Mark Erica Amanda Robert Joe Peter Christine John Robert Pete Torrey Linda Tanya Dominic Kristie Neal Raymond Dane Matthew Kara Antonio Michael TJ Kenneth Jim Lisa William Phil Aaron Carrie Jessica Terri Michael Jamie Cory Jillian Erik Kristen Thomas Thomas Ben Cindy Aaron Farah Benjamin Carolyn Maura Chris Roger Brian Gerard Irene Jeannine Last Krikorian Kristian Kristie Krivelow Krodel Kroon Kruggel Kruse Kubala Kubiak Kuchar Kuhne Kulaga Kuliga Kulow Kuntz Kupiec Kutylowski Kyzer Labaire Labbe Laboissonniere LaBranche LaBreck LaBruna Lacasse Lacey Lacey, Jr. Lachapelle Lacombe LaCouture Lacroix Ladd Ladebauche Ladieu Ladka Ladrie LaFlash LaFleur LaForest LaFortune Laggis Laine Laine Laing Lajoie Laliberte Lalli Lally Lally Lally LaMarca Lamarche Lambert Lambert Lambert Lambert School Milford High School Hanover High School University Park Campus Andover High School Minnechaug Reg. High School Silver Lake Reg. High School Scituate High School Bourne High School Holyoke High School Tri-County Reg Voc High School Andover High School Woburn High School Seekonk High School Apponequet Regional High School Weston High School Billerica Memorial High School Bellingham High School Easthampton High School Acton-Boxborough High School David Prouty High School Marian High School Bartlett Jr./Sr. High School Chelsea High School Oxford High School Saugus High School North Attleboro High School Archbishop Williams High School Quabog Reg. Middle/High School David Prouty High School Bristol-Plymouth Reg. Voc Tech Amesbury High School Assabet Valley Reg. Voc. High School Lexington High School Tyngsborough High School Hopedale Jr/Sr High School Notre Dame Academy Assabet Valley Reg. Voc. High School Abby Kelley Foster Charter School Somerset-Berkley High School Ashland High School Tantasqua Reg. High School Natick High School Bay Path Reg. Voc. Tech High School Quabog Reg. Middle/High School Newburyport High School Gardner High School Murdock Middle/High School Essex Technical HS Burlington High School Natick High School Easthampton High School Methuen High School East Longmeadow High School Xaverian Brothers High School Austin Preparatory School Bay Path Reg. Voc. Tech High School 10/7/2016 MIAA/MSSAA CERTIFIED COACHES First Zachary Sara Rachel Jim Dave Edward Nicole Aimee Susan Joanne James Dennis David Matt Dorene Peter Christopher Ellis Erin Jeffrey Kerry Timothy Tom William David Eva Brittany James Chris Stephen Dan Sarah Nick Louis Rod James Erin Salvatore Katie Steve Kerri Marissa Matthew Mike Erin Scott Hannah Lavelle Perry Tracy William Melissa Michael Michael Paul Daniel Louis Last Lambert Lamere Lamkin Lamonde Lamont Lamothe LaMothe Lamoureux Lamoureux Lanari Lanava Lanciani Lanczycki Landolfi Landry Landry Lane Lane Lane Lane Lane Lane Laney Laney Lang Lang Langeleau Langill Langille Langlais Langmead Langner Langone Langton Laniewski Lanoie Lantry Lanuto LaPlante LaPlante Lapointe Lapointe LaPointe Larabee Largess Lariviere Larkham Larkin Larkin Larkin Laroche Larochelle Larosa LaRosa, Jr Larrabee Larrow Larry School Saint Bernard's Central Catholic High School Bromfield School North Andover High School Somerset-Berkley High School Attleboro High School Sabis International Charter School Hamilton-Wenham Reg. High School Millbury Mem. Jr/Sr HS Cathedral High School Millbury Mem. Jr/Sr HS Burncoat High School Wachusett Reg. High School Somerset-Berkley High School Duxbury High School Douglas High School Blackstone-Millville Reg. High School High School of Commerce (Springfield) Peabody Vet. Mem. High School Worcester Technical High School Tewksbury Memorial High School Lowell High School Montachusett Reg. Voc Tech High School Hopkinton High School Lexington High School Medford High School St. Marys Whitman-Hanson Reg. High School Apponequet Regional High School Ipswich High School Norton High School Hudson High School Gateway Reg. High School Carver High School Duxbury High School Bourne High School Oliver Ames High School Duxbury High School Chicopee High School Tri-County Reg Voc High School Turners Fall High School Springfield Central High School Murdock Middle/High School Hoosac Valley High School Somerset-Berkley High School David Prouty High School Gateway Reg. High School Boston Public Schools Archbishop Williams High School Uxbridge High School North Middlesex Regional HS Randolph High School Randolph High School Amesbury High School Holyoke High School Charlestown High School 10/7/2016 MIAA/MSSAA CERTIFIED COACHES First Bethany Terri Rachel Jacquline Mark Joe Jonathan Marie L. Andy Nicole M. Nicole Richard Matthew David Gary Mary Robin Brian Peter Thomas Jonathan Daniel Michael Peter Tim Suzane Tim Drew Theresa Brian Julie Dave Alexis Joe Laura Matthew Ashley Robert Willard David Kelley Rob Sean Keith Victoria Scott Laura Marc Mark Megan Pam Ryan Sarah Steve Alison John Mike Last Larsen Larsen Lassey Lassiter Latimer Laudano Lauien Laundry Laurence Lauriat Laurila Laurin Laut Lautman Lauze Lavalle Lavallee LaValley Lavery Lavery Lavien Lavin Lavin Lavin Lavin Lavoie Lawlor Lawrence Lawrence Lawton Lazaros Lazzaro Leahy Leahy Leahy Leahy Leal Leal Learned Leary Leary Leary Leary Leavitt Leazott LeBeau LeBlanc LeBlanc LeBlanc LeBlanc LeBlanc Leblanc LeBlanc LeBlanc Lecesse LeClair LeClair School Saugus High School Blackstone-Millville Reg. High School Dartmouth High School Boston Public Schools Taconic High School Somerville High School Sharon High School Mount Saint Joseph Academy Somerset-Berkley High School Northampton High School Stoneham High School Chicopee Comprehensive High School Georgetown Middle/High School Reading Memorial High School Hopkinton High School Burncoat High School University Park Campus Chicopee High School Malden High School Billerica Memorial High School Sharon High School David Prouty High School Bay Path Reg. Voc. Tech High School Dartmouth High School Boston Public Schools Southwick-Tolland Reg. High School Malden Catholic High School Needham High School Westport Community School Pittsfield High School Hudson High School Xaverian Brothers High School Wellesley High School Wakefield Memorial High School Tyngsborough High School Reading Memorial High School Dartmouth High School Greater New Bedford RVT High School Clinton High School Malden High School Cambridge Rindge & Latin School Monument Mountain Reg. High School Saint Peter-Marian Jr/Sr High School Northeast Metro Reg. Voc. School Franklin High School Hoosac Valley High School Marblehead High School Wakefield Memorial High School Tri-County Reg Voc High School Tantasqua Reg. High School Gardner High School Fitchburg High School Auburn High School Montachusett Reg. Voc Tech High School Peabody Vet. Mem. High School McCann Technical High School Montachusett Reg. Voc Tech High School 10/7/2016 MIAA/MSSAA CERTIFIED COACHES First Stephen Andy Nicholas Salvatore Kalyn Mark Justin Jennifer John Monique Thomas Courtney Dana Karen Stephen Darin Joanne Jennifer Jeff Lindsey Debra Kendra Kathleen Katie Rob James C. Jennifer Brian Allison Charlene Chuck Lacey Sam Joseph Troy Annette Amanda Christine Gwen Mathew Kent Todd Rick Mark Jason Darren Mathew Joe Michael Brian Cyndi Katelyn Megan Steven Benjamin Jeffrey Elisa Last LeClair LeColst LeColst Ledda Leddy Lederhos Lednar Ledo Ledo Ledoux Ledoux Lee Lee Lee Lee Leedberg Lee-Nieves Lee-Poulin LeFave Legendre Leger Leger Legere LeGrand Legrow Lehan LeHane Lehtinen Leichtman Leinonen Lelas Lemanski Lemanski Lemar LeMay Lemerise Lemieux Lemieux Lemire Lemire Lemme Lemoine Lemolini Lenehan Lenicheck Lennon Lennon Lentino Lenzi Leonard Leonard Leonard Leonard Leone Leong LePage Lepene School Randolph High School Peabody Vet. Mem. High School Peabody Vet. Mem. High School Dedham High School Attleboro High School Weston High School Shrewbury High School Marlboro High School Diman Reg. Voc/Tech High School Tantasqua Reg. High School Franklin High School Notre Dame Academy Somerville High School Shrewbury High School Billerica Memorial High School Innovation Academy Charter School Burke High School Amesbury High School Northeast Metro Reg. Voc. School Narragansett Reg. High School Montachusett Reg. Voc Tech High School Fitchburg High School North Reading High School Carver High School Triton Reg. High School King Philip Reg. High School Marlboro High School Blackstone Valley Reg. Voc/Tech High School Norwood Senior High School David Prouty High School Springfield PS Assabet Valley Reg. Voc. High School Agawam High School Dufee High School Murdock Middle/High School Auburn High School Agawam High School Diman Reg. Voc/Tech High School Masconomet Reg High School Abby Kelley Foster Charter School Mount Greylock Reg. High School Stoneham High School Monument Mountain Reg. High School Braintree High School Somerville High School Middleboro High School Melrose High School Hudson High School Newton South High School Somerset-Berkley High School Ipswich High School Swampscott High School Granby Jr/Sr High School Academy of Notre Dame Notre Dame Academy Somerset-Berkley High School Algonquin Reg. High School 10/7/2016 MIAA/MSSAA CERTIFIED COACHES First Amy Mark Jessica Albert Jason Lori Carmen Michael Lou Brian George Alex Charlotte Daryll Paul Nate Emmons Joe Neil Jack Brad David Edward Frank Jeff Kristen Marcus Richard Robert Scott Jean Dave Thomas Thomas David Karl Thomas Courtney Stephen Tim Glenn Piecre Alyson Tracie Richard Christopher Nicole Nelson Brian Lisa Kristopher Catherine Rockwell Amy Cynthia Brent Richard Last Lepley Lepore Leslie Lesneski Lessard Letendre Letizia L'Etoile Letourneau Leussler LeVasseur Levering Levesque Levesque Levesque Levie Levine Levine Levine Levins Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Leyton Lezenski Librera Liebel Liebrock Liljegren Lilly Lima Limone Linahan Lincoln Lincoln Lindquist Lindsey Lindsten Lindstrom Lingley Linhares Linton Linton Lisauskas Littlefield Lively Livorsi Llewellyn Lo Lobbiser School Norwood Senior High School Malden Catholic High School Peabody Vet. Mem. High School Algonquin Reg. High School Mansfield High School Harwich High School Murdock Middle/High School Worcester Technical High School Boston Public Schools Lynnfield High School Arlington High School Barnstable High School Apponequet Regional High School Diman Reg. Voc/Tech High School Manchester Essex Reg. High School Sturgis Charter School Malden High School Oliver Ames High School Cambridge Rindge & Latin School Boston Latin School Brockton High School Plymouth North High School Cambridge Rindge & Latin School Shrewbury High School McCann Technical High School Littleton High School Wachusett Reg. High School Plymouth PS Beverly High School Nauset Reg. High School Littleton High School Diman Reg. Voc/Tech High School Longmeadow High School Westwood High School Burlington High School Brockton High School Bourne High School Norwood Senior High School Westport High School Boston Public Schools Newburyport High School Lynn Public School Wachusett Reg. High School Shepherd Hill Reg. High School Nipmuc Regional High School New Bedford High School Natick High School Hingham High School Newburyport High School Duxbury High School Mohawk Trail Reg. High School Westford Academy Nashoba Valley Tech High School Arlington High School Tri-County Reg Voc High School 10/7/2016 MIAA/MSSAA CERTIFIED COACHES First Jese Christina Joseph Richard Debra Andrew Marc Jeffrey Kevin Matt Virginia Brad David Sandra Travis Katherine Martin David Michael Nicole Eurith Jackie Jessica Ann Jim John Kathleen Bill Jonathan Jeffrey Jennifer Jaclyn Kristina Donny Ralph John Lance Manuel Tiago Edward Thomas Laurence Alison Phil William Mark Joseph Kelly Rose Theodore Amanda Dan Bill Murales Lori Andrea Corey Larry Rian Last Lobo Locke LoCoco Lodi Logan Logie Loiselle Lombard Lombard Lombard Lombard Lombardi Lombardi Lombardi Lombardi Lombardo Lomp Londino Lonergan Lonergan Long Long Long Long Long Long Longe Longley Longo Longo Longtine Looney Loos Loos Lopes Lopes Lopes Lopes Lopez Lopez LoPresti Loranger Loranger Loranger Lorusso Losapio Losi Loska Lothrop Loughlin Loughnane Louis Loureiro Lovett Lovett Lovett Lovett School Brockton High School Norfolk County Agricultural High School Greater Lawrence Tech High School Algonquin Reg. High School Taunton High School Attleboro High School South Boston High School Old Rochester Reg. High School Ipswich High School Upper Cape Cod Reg. Voc Tech School Boston Public Schools Carver High School Natick High School Whitman-Hanson Reg. High School Nantucket High School Malden High School Concord-Carlisle High School Concord-Carlisle High School Minnechaug Reg. High School Ashland High School Norwood Senior High School Cathedral High School Falmouth High School Hull High School Tantasqua Reg. High School Duxbury High School New Bedford High School Hudson High School Leicester High School Shepherd Hill Reg. H.S. Westfield High School Lexington High School Chatham High School Everett High School New Bedford High School Medway High School Lincoln-Sudbury Reg. High School King Philip Reg. High School Apponequet Regional High School Billerica Memorial High School Billerica Memorial High School Bedford High School Saint Peter-Marian Jr/Sr High School Notre Dame Academy Boston Public Schools Somerset-Berkley High School Greater Lawrence Tech High School South Boston High School Boston Public Schools Lowell High School Sharon High School Greenfield High School Wellesley High School Greenfield High School 10/7/2016 MIAA/MSSAA CERTIFIED COACHES First Joe Lilian Tayna James Ted Katie Lydia Matthew Kevin David Anthony Amy David Diane Jessica David Chris Lauren David Ngheim Danielle Kenneth Richard Michael Jessica Philip Danielle David Jamie James Kevin David Christina Colleen Kerry Kevin Maura Sean Shannon Thomas Kristina Helen Natalie Paul Tom Dave Patrick Alyssa Michael Stephen Brian Jenna Josh Kristin Ashley Bill Bill Last Lowe Lowe Lowe Loynd Loynd Luby Lucas Luccarelli Luce Lucia Lucie Lucier Lucier Lucier Lucier Ludwig Luette Lukis Lundell Luong Luongo Luongo Luongo Luppino Luque Lusk Lussier Lussier Lussier Lux Lyles Lyman Lynch Lynch Lynch Lynch Lynch Lynch Lynch Lynch Lyon Lyons Lyons Lyons Lyons Lyth MaAleese Mabardy Mabee MacAdams Macchi Macchi MacCreery MacCurtiain MacDonald MacDonald MacDonald School Belmonte Middle School Pope John Paul II High School Ashland High School Turners Fall High School Natick High School Shrewbury High School Tantasqua Reg. High School Norwell High School Apponequet Regional High School Billerica Memorial High School Sharon High School Assabet Valley Reg. Voc. High School Murdock Middle/High School Whitinsville Christian School Saugus High School Ursuline Academy Sandwich High School Hopkinton High School Bourne High School Algonquin Reg. High School Wilmington High School Algonquin Reg. High School Nicholos Middle School Wakefield Memorial High School Gloucester High School Leominster High School Wahconah Reg. High School Boston College High School Randolph High School Uxbridge High School Haverhill High School Billerica Memorial High School Nazareth Academy Catholic Memorial School Burlington High School Worcester Technical High School Newton South High School Medford High School Chicopee Comprehensive HS Concord-Carlisle High School Revere High School Ursuline Academy Burlington High School Lexington High School Walpole High School Wellesley High School Belmonte Middle School Austin Preparatory School Milford High School Milford High School Franklin High School Newton North High School Central Catholic High School Somerville High School Weston High School 10/7/2016 MIAA/MSSAA CERTIFIED COACHES First Gretchen Kenneth Kristen Steve Jodi Kate Justin Luis Elizabeth John Neslon Vaughan Brian Alison Richard Ron Daniel John Dan James Brian Scott Laura Karen Antonia Meghan Dan Vincent Pamela Christopher Chris Michael Ryan Sam Scott Robert Kimbery Monique John Kenneth Daniel Stepanie Marta Amy Ryan Pat Janet Michael Bonnie Ryan James Sean Tina Diane Ray Rebecca Celeste Last MacDonald MacDonald MacDonald MacDonald Mace Mace Macedo Macedo MacFarlane MacFarlane Machado Machado Machia Machnik Maciaszczyk Macintyre MacIsaac MacIsaac MacKay MacKay Mackenzie MacKenzie Mackey Mackin Macklin Maclaughlin MacLean Macone MacPhee MacPherson Madden Madden Madden Madden Madden Magarian Magee Maggiore Magliozzi Magliozzi Magnarelli Magni Magnus Magnuson Magoni Magowan Maguire Maguire Mahan Mahan Maher Maher Maher Mahon Mahon Mahon Mahoney School Old Rochester Reg. High School Hopkinton High School Beverly High School Reading Memorial High School Cambridge Rindge & Latin School Lexington High School Hudson High School Hudson High School Silver Lake Reg. High School North Quincy High School Hopedale Jr/Sr High School Nantucket High School Minnechaug Reg. High School Somerset Middle School Milton High School Bedford High School Waltham High School Billerica Memorial High School Cathedral High School Medway High School Greater Lowell Tech High School Holyoke High School Acton-Boxborough High School O'Bryant High School Gloucester High School Tri-County Reg Voc High School Austin Preparatory School Quabbin Reg. High School Hopkinton High School Abington High School Milton High School Dedham High School Dartmouth High School Marshfield High School Belmont High School Concord-Carlisle High School Saugus High School Billerica Memorial High School Groton-Dunstable Reg. High School Millis High School Needham High School Lowell High School Pioneer Valley Regional School Somerset-Berkley High School Longmeadow High School Canton High School Harwich High School Bay Path RVT High School Swampscott High School Brockton High School Billerica Memorial High School Arlington High School Montachusett Reg. Voc Tech High School Arlington High School Westwood High School 10/7/2016 MIAA/MSSAA CERTIFIED COACHES First David Erin Erin Heather Kevin Mathew Robert Erin Kevin Tom Paul Brian Dale Peter Holly-Lyn Richard Adam Dan David Timothy Michael Caitlyn Christine Kevin Michael Robert Jenna Christopher Joseph Joseph Justin Shayna Matt Jennifer Joseph Jeremiah Julie Keith Jennifer Tiffany Daniel Ann Harry J.P. Beth Ann Kari Marla Richard Brett Glenn Stephanie Mike Tara Ed Martin Jeff Angelo Last Mahoney Mahoney Mahoney Mahoney Mahoney Mahoney Mahoney Maia Maines Maio Maitino Majoy Maki Maki Makuch Malatesta Malek Malia Malila Malloy Mallozzi Malone Maloney Maloney Maloney Maloney Jr. Maloni Maloof Malveira Malvezzi Maly Mandella Manders Manell Maney Manfra Mangan Mangan Mangano Manhart Manley Mann Mann Mann Manning Manning Manning Manning Manoloft Manos Mansfield Manske Mansour Mantie Manuelin Manzella Mara School Watertown High School Mount Everett Reg. High School Mount Everett Reg. High School Arlington High School Diman Reg. Voc/Tech High School Archbishop Williams High School Academy of Notre Dame Somerset Middle School Medway High School Montachusett Reg. Voc Tech High School Taunton High School Quabbin Reg. High School Tahanto Reg. High School Tahanto Reg. High School Somerset-Berkley High School Malden High School Sutton High School Northbridge High School Trinity Christian Academy Groton-Dunstable Reg. High School Gardner High School North Brookfield Jr/Sr High School Lexington High School Greater Lawrence Tech High School Nipmuc Regional High School Medford High School West Springfield Mid/Sr High School Dedham High School Walpole High School Minnechaug Reg. High School North Middlesex Reg. High School Oxford High School Blue Hills Reg. Tech School Marlboro High School Lynn Public School Peabody Vet. Mem. High School Chelmsford High School Medford High School North Andover High School Whitman-Hanson Reg. High School Gateway Reg. High School Dover Sherborn High School Academy of Notre Dame Lincoln-Sudbury Reg. High School Plymouth North High School Putnam Voc/Tech High School Mashpee High School Assabet Valley Reg. Voc. High School Amesbury High School Manchester Essex Reg. High School Ashland High School Whitinsville Christian School Greater Lawrence Tech High School Weston High School Burlington High School Assabet Valley Reg. Voc. High School Billerica Memorial High School 10/7/2016 MIAA/MSSAA CERTIFIED COACHES First Patrick William Joe Matthew Matthew Amanda Daniel Adam Kim Tiffany Frank Michael Harry Robert William Elizabeth Julie Joseph Kevin Matthew Peter Angela Dan Derek Marie Paula Dave Ellen Donald Chaz Chris Scott Stacie Deanna Courtney Richard Karen Harvey Michael James Chris David David Erica Dana Emily Alyssa Matthew Mike Richard Sheila Stephanie Jennifer Leah William Ashley Francis Last Mara Maradei Marani Marani Marani Marceau Marcelino Marchant Marchant Marchbanks Marchese Marchese Marchetti Marchewka Marcin Marcotte Marcoulier Marcucci Marderosian Mare Marfione Mariani Mariani Mariani Mariani Mariano Marieni Marieni Marini Marino Marino Marino Marino Marinucci Marion Marion Markey Markowitz Marnoto Marr Marresse Marrier Marrier Marrocco Marron Marsden Marshall Marshall Marshall Marshall Marshall Marshall Martel Martel Martel Martell Martell School Millbury Mem. Jr/Sr HS Austin Preparatory School South Shore Voc/Tech High School Norwell High School Norwell High School Hoosac Valley High School Greater New Bedford RVT High School Billerica Memorial High School Gloucester High School Thurston Middle School Burlington High School Malden Catholic High School Somerville High School Holyoke Catholic High School North Middlesex Reg. High School Acton-Boxborough High School Gateway Reg. High School Cristo Rey Boston David Prouty High School Hurley Middle School North Andover High School South Shore Voc/Tech High School Framingham High School South Shore Voc/Tech High School South Shore Voc/Tech High School Worcester Technical High School Marlboro High School Algonquin Reg. High School Keffe Technical High School Granby Jr/Sr High School Stoneham High School Stoneham High School Belmont High School Seekonk High School Lexington High School Narragansett Reg HS Marlboro High School Boston Public Schools Gloucester High School Sandwich High School Bromfield School Bartlett Jr./Sr. High School Bartlett Jr./Sr. High School Duxbury High School Natick High School Lunenburg High School Fairhaven High School Haverhill High School Dracut High School Manchester Essex Reg. High Sch Woburn High School Marlboro High School West Middle School Millbury Mem. Jr/Sr HS Lowell High School Bedford High School Abby Kelley Foster Charter School 10/7/2016 MIAA/MSSAA CERTIFIED COACHES First Bob Alison J. Brenda Bill Brian Darryl Derek Diana Diane Don Jan Jason Jennifer Mary Gail Michael Naomi Steve Thomas William Linda Tom Mario Leonard William David Mary Ed Joe Mallory Mitchell Christine Donald Robert Michael Mike Joseph Jay Robert Mike Daniel Edward Michael Joseph Monique Christopher R. Tyrone Danielle Dennis Erica Meghan Nicole Tyler Paul Diana Seanna Charles Barbara Kara Last Martellio Martelly Marti Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martindale Martinelli Martiniello Martino Martino Martinson Maruszewski Marvell Mascia Masciarelli Maselli Mason Mason Mason Massarotti Massman Mastaj Mastorakis Mastrobaitista Mastrogiacomo Mastrorio Mastrullo Masys Matarazzo Matheson Mathis Matook Matos Matranga Matson Matson Matt Mattatall Matthews Matthews Mattie Mattos Mattos School Uxbridge High School Somerset-Berkley High School West Springfield Mid/Sr High School Sharon High School Greater Lowell Tech High School Springfield PS Dartmouth High School Revere High School Murdock Middle/High School Hudson High School Lynn Public School Durfee High School Palmer High School Dracut High School Plymouth PS Lexington High School Marlboro High School Shrewbury High School Assabet Valley Reg. Voc. High School Andover High School Everett High School Fitchburg High School Bay Path Reg. Voc. Tech High School Oakmont Reg. High School Turners Fall High School Westwood High School Hudson High School Drury High School Bourne High School Greater Lawrence Tech High School Montachusett Reg. Voc Tech High School Watertown High School Silver Lake Reg. High School Milford High School Mohawk Trail Reg. High School Westwood High School Whitman-Hanson Reg. High School University Park Campus Billerica Memorial High School Harwich High School Charlestown High School Chatham High School High School of Commerce (Springfield) Mansfield High School New Bedford High School Tewksbury Memorial High School Andover High School Charlestown High School Canton High School Medford High School Winchester High School Arlington Catholic High School Hopedale Jr/Sr High School Burlington High School Burlington High School 10/7/2016 MIAA/MSSAA CERTIFIED COACHES First John Lawrence April Jared Jacqui Samuel Eric Jeffrey Faith Diane Pamela Patrick Paul Robert Anthony Fran John Alicia Jill Patricia Bryan Kristen Noreen Brian Karen Kathleen Mary Robert Mike Ryan Alan Bernard Lisa Shannon Robert Peter Shawn Caitlin Corinne Cory David Devin Diane Doug Garrett Jason John Jordan Kathleen Kevin Kyle Mariana Michael Michael Ryan Tara Meghan Last Mattson Maury May May May-Beaton Maylor Maynard Maynard Maynihan Mayo Mayo Mayo Mayo Mazaika Mazzola Mazzone McAdam McAllister McArdle McArdle McAskill McAuliffe McBride McCabe McCabe McCabe McCabe McCabe McCaffrey McCaffrey McCall McCann McCann McCann McCann III McCarron McCarron McCarron-Deely McCarthy McCarthy McCarthy McCarthy McCarthy McCarthy McCarthy McCarthy McCarthy McCarthy McCarthy McCarthy McCarthy McCarthy McCarthy McCarthy McCarthy McCarthy McCarty School Nauset Reg. High School Nantucket High School Drury High School Saint Bernard's Central Catholic High School Middleboro High School Springfield Central High School Fitchburg High School Middleboro High School Apponequet Regional High School Ipswich High School Dartmouth High School Peabody Vet. Mem. High School Austin Preparatory School Hopkinton High School Tri-County Reg Voc High School Millbury Mem. Jr/Sr HS Medford High School Academy of Notre Dame Old Rochester Reg. High School Lynn Voc Tech Institute Whitman-Hanson Reg. High School Notre Dame Academy Dedham High School Newton North High School Randolph High School Concord-Carlisle High School Taunton High School Groton-Dunstable Reg. High Sch Shrewbury High School Archbishop Williams High School Harwich High School Sabis International Charter School Assabet Valley Reg. Voc. High School Ayer Shirley Reg. High School Dartmouth High School Oliver Ames High School New Mission High School Hudson High School Mystic Valley Reg. Charter School Carver High School Newton South High School Chelmsford High School Weston High School Holyoke Catholic High School Fontbonne Academy Lexington High School Duxbury High School Beverly, Marblehead and Salem High School Billerica Memorial High School Thurston Middle School Triton Regional High School Weston High School Billerica Memorial High School 10/7/2016 MIAA/MSSAA CERTIFIED COACHES First Sean Jack Andrew Alfred Gordon Samantha Matt Elizabeth Edward Deborah Patti Lynn Aileen Lori Ronald Leanne Robert Kathryn Lindsay Shane John Melissa Kevin William Katie James Ashley Erynn Andrew Jordan Kevin Daniel Jennifer Joseph Kerien Lindsey Michael Ray Vince Kristen Brian Debra John Kris Martin Tara Kevin Courtney Laura Patrick Rochelle Peter Brittney John Jen Judith Dan Last McCarty McCatherin McCaul McClain McClay McClay McCloghry McClung McColgan McColl McColl McConchie McConnell McConnell McConnell Jr. McConologue McCormick McCowan McCracken McCracken McCue McCular McCullough McCullough McCully McCune McCusker McDavitt McDermott McDermott McDermott McDonald McDonald McDonald McDonald McDonald McDonald McDonald McDonald McDonnell McDonough McDonough McDonough McDonough McDonough McDonough McDormand McElroy-Yeider McFarland McFarland McFarland McGarr McGinness McGInnis McGlauflin McGloin McGlone School Carver M/H School Littleton High School Gateway Reg. High School Tech Boston Academy Archbishop Williams High School Archbishop Williams High School Smith Academy Lincoln-Sudbury Reg. High School Billerica Memorial High School Wachusett Reg. High School Medway High School Bay Path Reg. Voc. Tech High School Bedford High School Weymouth High School Wilmington High School Boston Public Schools Waltham High School Winthrop High School Attleboro High School Waltham High School Lynn Public School Nauset Reg. High School Bourne High School Nauset Reg. High School Malden Catholic High School Braintree High School Wachusett Reg. High School Saugus High School Oliver Ames High School Nashoba Valley Tech High School West Roxbury Academy Northampton High School Mount Saint Joseph Academy Monson High School Attleboro High School Murdock Middle/High School Somerset-Berkley High School Lee Middle/High School Braintree High School Norwood Senior High School Academy of Notre Dame Dennis-Yarmouth Reg. High School Westwood High School Boston Latin Academy Palmer High School Lynn Voc Tech Institute Chelmsford High School Dedham High School Newton South High School North Andover High School Bishop Stang High School Billerica Memorial High School Abington High School Lowell Norwell High School Weymouth High School 10/7/2016 MIAA/MSSAA CERTIFIED COACHES First James Kevin Sharon Sean Andrew Benji John Kelly Mark Ryan Sheila Dan Jeff Justin Mike Scott Thomas Megan Shannon Matt Rob Mark Laura Jill Patrick John Scott Bruce Dan Gavin Richard Anna Laura Ucal Michael Garth Julie Robert Jesse John Kelly Sara Sam Timothy Ed Michelle Chris Donna Erica Joe Michael Pat Patrick Paula Stephanie J. Paul Meredith Last McGonagle McGonigle McGonnigal McGovern McGowan McGowan McGowan McGowan McGowan McGowan McGrail McGrath McGrath McGrath McGrath McGrath McGrath McGraw McGuire McGuirk McGuirk Mchale McHugh McInerney McIntosh McIntyre McKee McKenna McKenna McKenna McKenna McKenzie McKenzie McKenzie McKeon McKinney McKinney McKinnies McKinnon McLaughlin McLaughlin McLaughlin McLellan McLeod McLoughlin McMahen McMahon McMahon McMahon McMahon McMahon McMahon McMahon McMahon McMahon McManus McManus School Austin Preparatory School Boston Public Schools Rockland High School Saugus High School Algonquin Reg. High School Weston High School Norwood Senior High School Hopedale Jr/Sr High School Blackstone Valley Reg. Voc/Tech High School Winthrop High School Shepherd Hill Reg. High School Concord-Carlisle High School Bedford High School West Boylston Middle/High School Bourne High School Murdock Middle/High School Mount Saint Joseph Academy Bristol-Plymouth Reg. Voc Tech Coyle & Cassidy High School Littleton High School Saint Bernard's Central Catholic High School Archbishop Williams High School Tantasqua Reg. High School Burlington High School Rockport High School Bourne High School Silver Lake Reg. High School Bishop Stang High School Beverly High School Weston High School Billerica Memorial High School Newton North High School Hopkinton High School Cambridge Rindge & Latin School Millbury Mem. Jr/Sr HS Manchester Essex Reg. High School Braintree High School Whitman-Hanson Reg. High School Somerset-Berkley High School Canton High School Nicols Middle School West Bridgewater Mid/Sr High School Groton-Dunstable Reg. High School Duxbury High School Weston High School Nauset Reg. High School Grafton Memorial Sr. High School Nashoba Valley Tech High School Shrewsbury High School Wilmington High School Dufee High School Xaverian Brothers High School Chatham High School Westport High School Lexington High School Cardinal Spellman High School 10/7/2016 MIAA/MSSAA CERTIFIED COACHES First William Maureen Lee Stephanie Stewart Thomas Brian Brittany Kayla Lauren John Keith Kevin Nicholas Ashley Annemarie Ed Gary David David James Timothy Alyssa John Joseph David James Patrick Jodi Jennifer Sarah Steven Jason William Richard Denise Ben Angela Bob Candace Derek Don Jason Justin Matt Vincent Dave Denise Fernando Kaitlyn Bernard (Jay) Rewa Nathan Dawn James Renee Shane Last McManus McManus-Hill McMillan McMillan McMiller McNair, Jr. McNally McNally McNally McNally McNamara McNamara McNamara McNamara McNeice McNeil McNeil McNeill McNulty McPherson McPhillips McQuade McSharry McSheehy McSpiritt McSweeney McSweeney McSweeney McWilliams Mead Mead Mead Meade Meagher Jr. Mears Medaglia Medeiors Medeiros Medeiros Medeiros Medeiros Medeiros Medeiros Medeiros Medeiros Medeiros Mederios Medglia Medrano Mee Meehan Jr. Melby Meleo Mello Mello Mello Mello School Boston Latin Academy Martha's Vineyard Reg. High School Essex Technical HS Boston Public Schools Montachusett Reg. Voc Tech High School West Roxbury Academy Andover High School Shrewbury High School Assabet Valley Reg. Voc. High School Norwood Senior High School Pentucket Reg. High School Blackstone-Millville Reg. High School Nashoba Reg. High School Algonquin Reg. High School Canton High School Medford High School Lynn English High School Catholic Memorial School Greater New Bedford RVT High School South Shore Christian Academy Xaverian Brothers High School Boston Latin School Pembroke High School No. Middlesex Reg. High School Mount Everett Reg. HS Medway High School Medway High School Medway High School East Bridgewater High School Newton North High School Monument Mountain Reg. High School Bedford High School Ashland High School Needham High School Amherst-Pelham Reg. High School Assabet Valley Reg. Voc. High School Bristol County Agricultural High School Tri-County Reg Voc High School Saugus High School New Bedford High School Somerville High School Joseph Case High School Bristol County Agricultural High School Diman Reg. Voc/Tech High School Apponequet Regional High School Blackstone Valley Reg. Voc/Tech High School Lynn Voc Tech Institute Whitman-Hanson Reg. High School Drury High School Mashpee High School Hudson High School Old Rochester Reg. High School Dufee High School Cambridge Rindge & Latin School Joseph Case High School 10/7/2016 MIAA/MSSAA CERTIFIED COACHES First Tiberio Christopher Derek Debra Brenadon Lee Ricardo Samantha Russ Gustavo Evelyn Lynne Michael Carolyn Jennifer Charles Patrick Matthew Nathaniel Dennis Matthew Perry Joseph Nicole Ricahrd Ryan Robert Meghan Eugene Bill Jordan Tom Katelyn Mario Mark Stephanie Oliver Bridget Robert Diane David John Ben Larry Patrick Jason Steve Paul Andrew Daniel Adam Mike Beverly Brian Gary James Kari Last Melo Mendes Mendes Mendes-Arey Mendez Mendez Mendoza Mento Mentzer Mercado Mercer Merceri Mercuri Mercury Mercury Merkman Merrick Merritt Merritt Messana Messer Messer Messina Messina Metcalf Methia Methot Methven Metto Meuse Meyers Meyers Meyler Meza Mezzano Michael Michalewski Michaud Michaud Micheron Micka Middleton Midura Midura Miele Miglionico Migliorini Mignone Migonis Mikolajewski Milholland Millar Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller School Dufee High School New Bedford High School New Bedford High School Marshfield High School Old Colony Reg. Voc/Tech High School Cristo Rey Boston Central Catholic High School Danvers High School Peabody Vet. Mem. High School South High Community School Milton High School Bay Path Reg. Voc. Tech High School Hudson High School Hudson High School Weston High School Springfield PS Diman Reg. Voc/Tech High School Lenox Memorial Middle and High School Whitman-Hanson Reg. High School Wahconah Reg. High School Milford High School Northampton High School Hanover High School Hanover High School Acton-Boxborough High School Greater New Bedford RVT High School Granby Jr/Sr High School Whitman-Hanson Reg. High School Tewksbury Memorial High School Boston Latin School Westford Academy Leominster High School Newton Public Lexington High School Franklin High School Holyoke Catholic High School Andover High School Sharon High School Belchertown High School Algonquin Reg. High School Milton High School Auburn High School Nashoba Valley Tech High School Dudley Middle School Stoneham High School Swampscott High School Manchester Essex Reg. High School Bishop Fenwick High School Lynnfield High School Norwood Senior High School Bay Path Reg. Voc. Tech High School Concord-Carlisle High School Lenox Memorial Middle and High School Northampton High School Everett High School 10/7/2016 MIAA/MSSAA CERTIFIED COACHES First Lark Robert Thomas Michelle Sara Abe David Lauren Grace Michale A. Michael Matt Larry Chuck James Anna Patrick Ryan Albert John Leivinha Rita Stefan Steve Jessica Julia Sumner Gavin Noah Brian David David Erica Erin Robert Steven Temple Mark Sarah Kristen Brittany Barbara Karl Michael Debra Kim Peter Ann Lee Kelly Gavin Jerry Akil Hardy Francis Jason Jay Last Miller Miller Miller Millerd Milliken Mills Mills Mills Milner Milo Milofsky Mincone Minehan Miner Miner Minihan Minihan Minns Minotti Mio Miranda Miranda Miranda Mirasolo Mirisola Mirochnick Misenheimer Mish Misiuk Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Mizzoni Mochrie Modlowski Modoono Mofford Moisan Molinari Molle Molle Molley Mollicone Mollison Monaghan Monagle Mondalto Mondesir Mondesir Monestime Monette Monfreda School David Prouty High School Notre Dame Academy Assabet Valley Reg. Voc. High School Weston High School Sandwich High School University Park Campus Abby Kelley Foster Charter School Everett High School Concord-Carlisle High School Martha's Vineyard Reg. High School Peabody Vet. Mem. High School Mohawk Trail Reg. High School Billerica Memorial High School Maimonides School Tahanto Reg. High School Palmer High School Stoneham High School Marlboro High School Joseph Case High School Hamilton-Wenham Reg. High School Notre Dame Academy Harwich High School Tewksbury Memorial High School Hingham High School Triton Reg. High School Cathedral High School Hoosac Valley High School Archbishop Williams High School Grafton Memorial Sr. High School Masconomet Reg High School Gloucester High School Scituate High School Joseph Case High School Leicester High School Dartmouth High School Littleton High School Winchester High School Mansfield High School Lexington High School Stoughton High School Grafton Memorial Sr. High School Milford High School Revere High School Snowden Int'l School Somerset-Berkley High School Hampshire Reg. High School Grafton Memorial Sr. High School Masconomet Reg High School Amesbury High School Bedford High School English High School O'Bryant High School David Prouty High School Algonquin Reg. High School 10/7/2016 MIAA/MSSAA CERTIFIED COACHES First Lynn Penney William Karla Joseph Matt Steven Louis Shawn Lori Michelle Jason Miriam Evan Frank Joe Michael Adam Andrew Collen Gary Jeff Jeffrey Jim Matthew Raymond Stephen Daniel Daniel Danielle David Kevin Kyla Lori Paul Paul Richard Tammy Julie Ronald Denise Tara Kristen Ryan Rachel David Donald Donald Kathy Robert Robert Shaun Gina Steven Jessica Brad Jeffrey Last Monger Montalbano Montalbano Montano Monteiro Monteiro Montello Monti Montiero Montiverdi Montoya Montrose Moodley Moon Mooney Mooney Mooney Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Morais Moran Moran Moran Moran Moran Moran Moran Moran Moran Moran Morancy Morander Morano Morano Morcone Moreau Morey Morgan Morgan Morgan Morgan Morgan Morgan Morgan Morgera Moriarty Moriera Morin Morin School Old Rochester Reg. High School Narragansett Reg. High School Narragansett Reg. High School Notre Dame Academy Joseph Case High School Andover High School Northeast Metro Reg. Voc. School Hudson Catholic High School Harwich High School Quabbin Reg. High School Lynn Classical High School Weston High School Chelmsford High School Medfield High School Seekonk High School East Longmeadow High School Seekonk High School Mahar Regional School Milton High School Franklin High School Silver Lake Reg. High School Weston High School Taunton High School Bourne High School Pentucket Reg. High School King Philip Reg. High School Fitchburg High School Bethany Christian Academy Boston Latin Academy Boston Latin Academy Andover High School Tri-County Reg Voc High School Nantucket High School Danvers High School Saugus High School Boston Public Schools Bay Path Reg. Voc. Tech High School Algonquin Reg. High School Austin Preparatory School Wachusett Reg. High School Middleboro High School Milford High School Archbishop Williams High School Billerica Memorial High School Pioneer Valley Christian School Burlington High School Drury High School Silver Lake Reg. High School Somerset-Berkley High School Sacred Heart High School Worcester Tech Shrewbury High School Salem High School Greater New Bedford RVT High School Pope John Paul II High School 10/7/2016 MIAA/MSSAA CERTIFIED COACHES First Lily Melissa Christy Jason Ray Karl Mike Dana John Betsy Brian Jamie John Ken Paul Ron Darci Brian Caitlin Dave James Thomas Wayne Amanda Amanda Lindsay Loretta Jill Amanda Dave John Matthew Tim Adam Jason Stacey Josh David Steven Thomas Jacqueline Renee Nicole Richard Richard Edward Richard Vincent Mark Carolyn Paula Gary Elizabeth Anthony Courtney James Jennifer Last Morin Morin-Bernard Morley Morley Morneau Morningstar Moroney Morrill Morrin Morris Morrison Morrison Morrison Morrison Morrison Morrison Morrissette Morse Morse Morse Morse Morse Morse Mort Mortelette Mosca Mosca Moscicki Moscoffian Mosher Mosher Mosher Mosher Moskal Mosley Mosley Motroni Motsis Motta Motta Motyl Moulton Mounce Mousette Moussette Moy Mucci Mucci Mucciarone Mueller Mueller Muello Muff Muhnisky Mulcahy Mulcahy Mulcare-Sullivan School Chelsea High School David Prouty High School Masconomet Reg High School Uxbridge High School North Shore Hopkinton High School David Prouty High School Dracut High School Ware High School Algonquin Reg. High School Malden High School Winchester High School Lynn Classical High School Carver High School Concord-Carlisle High School Dorchester Academy East Longmeadow High School Abby Kelley Foster Charter School Saint Bernard's Cntrl Catholic Sharon High School Notre Dame Academy Weymouth High School Norton High School Milford High School Arlington High School Lexington High School Acton-Boxborough High School Hampshire Reg. High School Bay Path Reg. Voc. Tech High School Methuen High School New Bedford High School Minnechaug Reg. High School Somerset-Berkley High School Andover High School Brockton High School South High Community School Stoughton High School Amesbury High School Dufee High School Apponequet Regional High School Holyoke High School Algonquin Reg. High School Carver High School Hampshire Reg. High School Hampshire Reg. High School Framingham High School Montachusett Reg. Voc Tech High School Montachusett Reg. Voc Tech High School King Philip Reg. High School Leicester High School Apponequet Regional High School Westport Jr/Sr High School Acton-Boxborough High School Montachusett Reg. Voc Tech High School Shrewbury High School Assabet Valley Reg. Voc. High School Bishop Stang High School 10/7/2016 MIAA/MSSAA CERTIFIED COACHES First Michael Michael Mike Chrissy Christin Kathleen Scott Thomas J. Tim Tim George Sharyn Chris Robert John Jennifer Juan Carlos Liz Andrea Laurie Taylor Alex Allison Arthur Bob Charlene Clare M. Craig Daniel David Debra Elaine Jenessa Jennifer Jim Karen Kathryn Kelli Kevin Kevin Laura Lauren Linda Martha Martin Matt Matthew Michael Mike Nancy Patrick Patrick Patrick J. Peter Richard Stephen Thomas Last Mullarkey Mullen Mullen Muller Muller Mullins Mulloy Mulloy Mulrooney Mulrooney Mulry Mulvaney Mulvey Mundie Munro Munyon Murcia Murdoch Murdza Mure Murkland Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy School Manchester Essex Reg. High School Dighton-Rehoboth Reg. High School Old Rochester Reg. High School Weston High School Southbridge High School Oliver Ames High School Xaverian Brothers High School Everett High School Somerset-Berkley High School Somerset-Berkley High School Longmeadow High School Milford High School Bishop Stang High School Fitchburg High School Saint John's Preparatory School Tahanto Reg. High School Lynn Voc Tech Institute Tahanto Reg. High School Grafton Memorial Sr. High School Walpole High School Norfolk County Agricultural High School Murdock Middle/High School Peabody Vet. Mem. High School Auburn High School Fontbonne Academy Reading Memorial High School Billerica Memorial High School Peabody Vet. Mem. High School Dedham High School Murdock Middle/High School Amherst-Pelham Reg. High School Westwood High School Weston High School Waltham High School Medford High School Hopkins Academy Medfield High School Academy of Notre Dame Notre Dame Academy Somerset-Berkley High School Carver High School Hudson High School Tri-County Reg Voc High School Burlington High School Waltham High School Essex North Shore Agricultural Billerica Memorial High School Longmeadow High School South Shore Voc/Tech High School North Middlesex Reg. High School Nantucket High School Billerica Memorial High School 10/7/2016 MIAA/MSSAA CERTIFIED COACHES First Timothy Tom Robert Robert Gerry Jason Kara Kevin Kiely Leo Matthew Tom Tom Tom (Mike) Chris Andrew Driton Elizabeth Vinnie Rachel Denise Kaitlyn Rebecca Stephen Dante Brian Scott Colleen Steve Kenneth Robert David Amy Dan James Anthony Karen Michael Bernie David Paul Mark Lois Gustavo Jason Manoel Richard Joan Chris Amanda Ann Andrew Linday Kathleeen Jeff John Joseph Last Murphy Murphy Murphy II Murphy II Murray Murray Murray Murray Murray Murray Murray Murray Murray Murray, Jr. Murtagh Musante Mustafoski Mustafoski Musto Mustone Muth Muth Mutnasky Mutuzas Muzzioli Myers Myette Naboicheck Naboicheck Nadeau Nadeau Nado Nadzo Nagle Nagle Nalen Nalen Nanartowich Nangle Napolitano Nardella Nardelli Nardo Nascimento Nascimento Nascimento Nash Nasiff Nasis Naso Nassif Nassiff Nastri Natale Natalucci Natarelli Natola School Danvers High School Austin Preparatory School Wakefield Memorial High School Saint Bernard's Central Catholic High School Carver High School Tewksbury Memorial High School Tewksbury Memorial High School Westborough High School Shrewbury High School Bristol-Plymouth Reg. Voc Tech No. Middlesex Reg. High School Orange County Canton High School Sabis International Charter School Notre Dame Academy Notre Dame Academy Austin Preparatory School Winthrop High School Leominster High School Saint Joseph Preparatory School New Bedford High School Milford High School Belmont High School Dracut High School North Reading High School Groton-Dunstable Reg. High School Groton-Dunstable Reg. High School Attleboro High School Grafton Memorial Sr. High School King Philip Reg. High School Groton-Dunstable Reg. High School Norton High School Bedford High School Cambridge Rindge & Latin School Pope John High School Hudson High School Harwich High School Oakmont Reg. High School Fitchburg High School Westport High School Wilmington High School Boston Public Schools Medford High School Quabbin Reg. High School Notre Dame Academy Somerset-Berkley High School Bartlett Jr./Sr. High School Saugus High School Somerset-Berkley High School Medway High School Norton High School Masconomet Reg. High School Saugus High School Dedham High School Boston Public Schools 10/7/2016 MIAA/MSSAA CERTIFIED COACHES First Elizabeth Erick Jonathan Robert Matt Heather Judy George Matthew Kathryn Kristen Stephen Alan Patrick Devon Eric David Garth Gregory Jeffrey Kate Leo Michael Mike Sandra Tim Andrew Saskia Ellen Michael John Jen Kristen Smith Reginald Ross Sarah David William Stephen Josh Rebecca Alfred Eric Paul Michael Dung Michael John Kevin Dean Jonathan Justin Tricia Ryan Scott William John Last Naughton Naumann Naumowicz Navas Naventi Navien Nawrocki Nazzaro Nazzaro Neadeau Neal Neal Necchi Nee, Jr. Neely Neely Neil Nelson Nelson Nelson Nelson Nelson Nelson Nelson Nelson Nelson Nemes Nesja Netishen Netkovick Nevill Neville Neville Newcomb Newcomb Newcomb Newell Newhall III Newingham Newman Newman Newson Newton Newton Ng Nguyen Nicalek Nicastro Niceforo Nichols Nichols Nichols Nicholson Nickerson Nickerson Nickerson Nicol School Cohasset Middle-High School Everett High School Norfolk County Agricultural High School Malden High School Monument Mountain Reg. High School Algonquin Reg. High School Shepherd Hill Reg. High School Matignon High School Revere High School Dartmouth High School Rockport High School Andover High School Medfield High School Belchertown High School Berkley Middle School Ursuline Academy Hanover High School Burlington High School Oakmont Reg. High School Groton-Dunstable Reg. High School Canton High School Plymouth PS Saugus High School David Prouty High School Hopkinton High School Norwood Senior High School Lowell High School Minnechaug Reg. High School Falmouth High School Bishop Fenwick High School Somerset-Berkley High School Silver Lake Reg. High School Burlington High School Pope John Paul II High School Sacred Heart High School Montachusett Reg. Voc Tech High School Somerset-Berkley High School Norwood Senior High School Northampton High School Murdock Middle/High School Lexington High School Oxford High School Assabet Valley Reg. Voc. High School Gloucester High School Arlington High School Wellesley High School Wellesley High School Marlboro High School Leominster High School Billerica Memorial High School Nauset Reg. High School Minnechaug Reg. High School Burncoat High School 10/7/2016 MIAA/MSSAA CERTIFIED COACHES First Michael Stephen Julliana George Jennifer Kristina Paul Yosef Jacqui Roger Evan Julie Jeremy Andrea Mark Charlie Ricky Sean Christina Colin Kenneth Vanessa Michael Adrienne Andrienne Kenneth Chad Jeffrey Jody Molly Ted Timothy Catherine Christopher Kevin Bethany Meghan Susan Catherine Gerald Adrianna William David Natasha Nicole Raymond Nathan Mike Andrea A. Michael Tamara Abby Amy Audra Beth Bill Bob Last Nicolazzo Nicotera Nievergelt Nigro Nigro Nilsen Nimblett, Jr. Nimni Niosi Nix Noce Nocka Nodelman Nogueira Nogueira Noonan Noonan Noonan Nordstom Norgaard Norling Normandin Normant Norris Norris Norris Norton Norton Norton Norton Norton Norton Nosack Nosek Nosek Noseworthy Notari Notaro Noversa Nowasacki Noya Noyes Nugent Nunes Nunes (Desorcy) Nunez Nye, Jr. Nyhan Nykiel Oakes Oborsky O'Brien O'Brien O'Brien O'Brien O'Brien O'Brien School Montachusett Reg. Voc Tech High School South Shore Voc/Tech High School King Philip Reg. High School Harwich High School Everett High School Avon Middle/High School Norwood Senior High School Belchertown High School Quincy High School Edward M. Kennedy Academy of Health North Reading High School Bromfield School Silver Lake Reg. High School New Bedford High School Greater New Bedford RVT High School Ayer Shirley Reg. High School North Shore Xaverian Brothers High School Minnechaug Reg. High School Mount Alvernia High School Bedford High School Blackstone-Millville Reg. High School Westwood High School Lexington High School Lexington High School Lynn Public School Walpole High School Billerica Memorial High School Essex Technical HS Norwood Senior High School Newton Public Stoughton High School Lexington High School North Brookfield Jr/Sr High School North Brookfield Jr/Sr High School Amesbury High School Clinton High School Diman Reg. Voc/Tech High School Shrewbury High School Peabody Vet. Mem. High School Uxbridge High School Academy of Notre Dame-Tyngsboro Assabet Valley Reg. Voc. High School Norton High School Old Rochester Reg. High School Mansfield High School Watertown High School Westford Academy Randolph High School Nashoba Reg. High School Ashland High School Drury High School Needham High School Archbishop Williams High School Monument Mountain Reg. High School 10/7/2016 MIAA/MSSAA CERTIFIED COACHES First Brian Cara Christin Daniel Diane Emmitt Francis Henry Joe John Joseph Kelly Mary Matt Michael Michael Michael Michael Mike Richard Robert Tim Kristine Erin Gerald Meghan Sean William Beth Dan John Melissa Patrick Sean Sean Kerri Erin James Allison Bill Ed Mike Niall Richard Shannon David Harold Lorie Garry Paul Kelly Mollie Paul David Michael Jose John Last O'Brien O'Brien O'Brien O'Brien O'Brien O'Brien O'Brien O'Brien O'Brien O'Brien O'Brien O'Brien O'Brien O'Brien O'Brien O'Brien O'Brien O'Brien O'Brien O'Brien O'Brien O'Brien O'Coin O'Connell O'Connell O'Connell O'Connell O'Connell O'Connor O'Connor O'Connor O'Connor O'Connor O'Connor Odabashian O'Dea Odegard Odierna O'Donaghue O'Donnell O'Donnell O'Donnell O'Donnell O'Donnell O'Donnell Oevermann Ogilivie Ogilvie O'Goley O'Halloran Ohanian O'Hara O'Hare O'Hearn Ohrenberger Ojeda O'Keefe School Wachusett Reg. High School Harwich High School Greater Lawrence Tech High School Greater Lowell Tech High School Fitchburg High School Lexington High School Lexington High School Malden High School Billerica Memorial High School Northeast Metro Reg. Voc. School Northeast Metro Reg. Voc. School McCann Technical High School Weston High School Peabody Vet. Mem. High School Norwood Senior High School Oxford High School Pioneer Valley Christian School Somerset-Berkley High School Assabet Valley Reg. Voc. High School Lowell High School Monument Mountain Reg. High School Fitchburg High School David Prouty High School King Philip Reg. High School Shrewbury High School Wakefield Memorial High School Smith Academy Sandwich High School Shepherd Hill Reg. High School Easthampton High School Belmont High School Xaverian Brothers High School David Prouty High School Holyoke High School Andover High School Agawam High School Needham High School Academy of Notre Dame-Tyngsboro Norwood Senior High School Winchester High School Norwell High School Somerset-Berkley High School Everett High School Notre Dame Academy Grafton Memorial Sr. High School Assabet Valley Reg. Voc. High School Holyoke Catholic High School Somerville High School Lexington High School Duxbury High School Methuen High School Middleboro High School South High Minnechaug Reg. High School 10/7/2016 MIAA/MSSAA CERTIFIED COACHES First David John Brendon Lindsay Michael Jenna Carlos David David Joseph John Dan Matthew Coreen Dave Kirstofor Gunnar Thomas Kathy Mattew Monique Andrew Meaghan John P. Nancy Robert Sarah Sean David Francis Jeff John Shannon Steve Christine Deb Donald Keri Joseph Erik Charlie Michael Mairead Ernest Danny Danny Israel Krystal Holly Nathaniel Michael Alysia Eric Tim Nancy Meaghan Gregory Sarah Last Olano Oldham O'Leary O'Leary O'Leary Olem Oliveira Oliveira Oliver Oliver Ollquist O'Loughlin O'Loughlin Olson Olson Olson Olson O'Maley O'Malley O'Malley O'Mally O'Neal O'Neil O'Neil O'Neil O'Neil O'Neil O'Neill O'Neill O'Neill O'Neill O'Neill O'Neill O'Reilly O'Reilly O'Reilly Orellana Orlando Orman O'Rourke O'Rourke Orpen Ortega Ortiz Ortiz Ortiz Ortiz Orzech Orzech Orzeck Osgood Osgood Osgood O'Shea Oskirko O'Sullivan Oteri School Uxbridge High School Old Rochester Reg. High School Whitman-Hanson Reg. High School Malden High School Reading Memorial High School Whitman-Hanson Reg. High School Dartmouth Middle School Somerset Berkley Reg HS Attleboro High School Norwood Senior High School Arlington High School Arlington High School Nauset Reg. High School Carver High School Bedford High School Wakefield Memorial High School Narragansett Reg. High School Narragansett Reg. High School Dennis-Yarmouth Reg. High School Maynard High School Quabog Reg. Middle/High School Keffe Technical High School North Reading High School Brookline High School Holyoke High School No. Middlesex Reg. High School Quabog Reg. Middle/High School Mansfield High School Malden Catholic High School Bedford High School Essex North Shore Agricultural Fitchburg High School Boston Latin School Gloucester High School New Bedford High School Somerville High School Medway High School Innovation Academy Charter School Fitchburg High School Nashoba Reg. High School Northampton High School Methuen High School Ware High School David Prouty High School Minnechaug Reg. High School Lexington High School Needham High School Methuen High School Notre Dame Academy(H) Middleboro High School Andover High School 10/7/2016 MIAA/MSSAA CERTIFIED COACHES First Mark Louis Eric Scott Erica Michael Lisa John Kristen John Victor Alex Danny William Jessica Kevin Dave Frank Charles Thomas Ryan John Nicole Amanda Mark Margery Stephanie Greg Anthony Alyssa Brandon Erskine John Paul Trina Christina Jamie Matthew Deane Anna Dominique Eric Stuart Thomas Wayne Karen Ashley John Joseph Stephanie Joe Joseph Michael George Cheryl Joseph Bill Sam Last Ottavianelli Ottaviani III Otterson Ouellet Ouellette Ouimet Owen Owens Owens Pace Pacella Pacheco Pacheco Pacheco Pachero Padavano Pagliuca Paine Paine Paiva Pajer Palange Paley Pallos Pallotta Pally Palm Palmeiri Palmer Palmer Palmer Palmer Palmer Palmer Palmerino Paluk Palumbo Pananos Panarelli Panarelli Panasci Panasuk Pandiscio Pandolph Pantazis Panzini Paolilli, Sr. Paolucci Papageorge Papagni Papagni Papagni Papalambros Papetti Pappagallo Pappas Pappas School Taunton High School Hopkinton High School Hingham High School Drury High School Acton-Boxborough High School Boston Public School Hanover High School Medford High School Dedham High School Bishop Stang High School PHS West Bridgewater Mid/Sr High School North Brookfield Jr/Sr High School Lexington High School New Bedford High School Silver Lake Reg. High School Leicester High School West Springfield High School Oliver Ames High School Saint Joseph Central High School Immaculate Heart of Mary School Chelmsford High School Minnechaug Reg. High School Peabody Vet. Mem. High School Monument Mountain Reg. High School Northampton High School Mohawk Trail Reg. High School Barnstable High School Groton-Dunstable Reg. High School Springfield Central High School Southbridge High School Mahar Regional School Shrewbury High School Montachusett Reg. Voc Tech High School West Boylston Middle/High School Springfield Central High School Minnechaug Reg. High School Randolph Public Schools Upper Cape Cod Reg. Voc Tech School Woburn High School Algonquin Reg. High School Saugus High School Nashoba Valley Tech High School Weymouth High School Hampshire Reg. High School Northeast Metro Reg. Voc. School Northeast Metro Reg. Voc. School South High School Randolph High School Dedham High School Malden High School Austin Preparatory School Bartlett Jr./Sr. High School 10/7/2016 MIAA/MSSAA CERTIFIED COACHES First Ed Rich Robert Nicholas Dominic Brian Kyle Thomas Dave Evan Ashley Craig Dorothy J. Gregory Nicole Patrick Scott William D. Karin Robert Craig Justin Tom Kristin Matthew John Jason David David T. Lucas Mark Robert Linda Jennifer Jill Michael Christine Tiffany Joseph Vinnie Jerri Jon Megan Tiara Michele Nicole Kathleen Donna-Marie Melissa Ruddy Lisa Brian Stephanie Jason Bennett Jayson Brian Last Paquette Paquette Paquin Paras Paratore Pare Pare Pare Parent Paris Parker Parker Parker Parker Parker Parker Parker Parker Parkin Parkin Parkins Parlapiano Parlato Parnell Parody Parow Parrella Parry Parsons Parsons Parsons Parsons Partridge Paskowski Pasquarelli Passetto Pasternak Patch Patenaude Patermo Patlyek Patrowicz Patterson Patterson Patton Patton Paulding Paulhus Paulhus Paulino Paulitzky Paulsen Pavao Pavey Pawlusiak Payeur Payne School Lenox Memorial Middle and High School Hopkinton High School Watertown High School Belmont High School Pathfinder Reg. Westford Academy Mount Greylock Reg. High School Notre Dame Academy Wareham High School Framingham High School New Bedford High School Scituate High School Hudson High School Westford Academy Bay Path Reg. Voc. Tech High School Burlington High School Scituate High School Minnechaug Reg. High School Wellesley High School Notre Dame Academy Greenfield High School Chelmsford High School Masconomet Reg High School Quincy High School Methuen High School Attleboro High School North Shore Tech High School Hingham High School Pittsfield High School Bishop Fenwick High School Lee Middle/High School Somerset-Berkley High School Medford High School Somerset-Berkley High School Peabody Vet. Mem. High School Cambridge Rindge & Latin School Wellesley High School Milton High School Lowell Community Charter School Chicopee High School Rockland High School Bishop Feehan High School Oxford High School Montachusett Reg. Voc Tech High School Murdock Middle/High School Bourne High School Newton South High School Reading Memorial High School Georgetown Middle/High School Malden High School North Middlesex Reg. High School 10/7/2016 MIAA/MSSAA CERTIFIED COACHES First Kathryn Maurice Nicholas Daniel Cathy Rosemarie Wilson Steve Nicole Kristen Joseph Allison Jason Zachary Andrew Roger Deborah Jameson Jay Vincent Paul Frank Lori Adam Brad Michael Mike Travis Paul Todd Michelle Seamus Jessica Jessica Michael Mark Karen Chris John D Josephine Steven Matthew David James Karen Michael Victor Victor Federico Jason Michael Tim Denise Charles John Tina Aaron Last Payne Payne Peachy Pear Pearce Pearce Pearson Peck Pedretti Pedroso Pedulla Peete Peledge Pelham Pelis Pelissier Pelkey Pelkey Pelkey Pellecchia Pellegrini Pellegrino Pellegrino Pelletier Pelletier Pelletier Pelletier Pelletier Peloquin Peloquin Peltier Pendergast Pendleton Pennell Penney Pennington Pennington Davis Penza Penza Penza Perakslis Perazzelli Pereira Pereira Pereira Pereira Pereira Pereira Pereyra Peringer Perkins Perkins Perks Pernaa Perreault Perreault Perron School Saugus High School Quabog Reg. Middle/High School Somerset-Berkley High School Renaissance School Academy of Notre Dame Hanover High School Putnam Voc/Tech High School North Andover High School Weymouth High School Somerset-Berkley High School Clinton High School Framingham High School Innovation Academy Charter School Northampton High School Stoneham High School Lexington High School Saint John's Preparatory School Lexington High School Saint Bernard's Central Catholic High School Milford High School Hurley Middle School Sabis International Charter School Middleboro High School Montachusett Reg. Voc Tech High School Braintree High School Saugus High School Montachusett Reg. Voc Tech High School Milford High School South High School New Bedford High School New Bedford High School Bridgewater-Raynham Reg. High School Andover High School Abby Kelley Foster Charter School Westford Academy West Bridgewater Mid/Sr High School Norwood Senior High School Medford High School Medford High School Abington High School Lexington High School Belmont High school Diman Reg. Voc/Tech High School Attleboro High School Diman Reg. Voc/Tech High School Boston Public Schools Dufee High School Innovation Academy Charter School Martha's Vineyard Reg. High School Tyngsborough High School Masconomet Reg High School Westborough High School No. Middlesex Reg. High School Monument Mountain Reg. High School Chicopee High School Apponequet Regional High School 10/7/2016 MIAA/MSSAA CERTIFIED COACHES First Ernest Joseph Brandon Brooke Bruce Chris Daniel Jonathon Ernest Jim Lauren Linda Mary Maureen Rachel Stacy Charles Joseph Malik Ellen Dan Joe Mario Tom George Heidi Richard Allison Alfred Carol Michael Rob Tara Stephen Lou Susan Arlene Joanne Vincent Henry Timothy Tim Tara Emily Melanie Brian David David M. Adam Christina Corey David M. Don Jeffrey Michael Rick Charles William Last Perron, Jr. Perrone Perry Perry Perry Perry Perry Perry Perry Perry Perry Perry Perry Perry Perry Perry Jr. Perry, Jr. Perry, Sr. Pestell Peters Peters Petersen Petersen Peterson Peterson Peterson Petner Petrarca Petrell Petrillo Petrin Petrocelli Petrolati Petrovic Petrovic Petrunich Petterson-Bernier Pettis Phelan Phelan Phelps Phienboupha Philbin Philbrook Philips Philips Philips Phillips Phillips Phillips Phillips Phillips Phillips Phillips Phillips Phillips, III Phipps School Somerset-Berkley High School Methuen High School Bishop Stang High School Milford High School Attleboro High School Amesbury High School Belchertown High School Andover High School Saugus High School Ware High School Bellingham High School Notre Dame Academy Montachusett Reg. Voc Tech High School Medford High School Somerset-Berkley High School New Bedford High School Carver High School Bishop Stang High School Brookline High School Northampton High School Acton-Boxborough High School Sandwich High School Norton High School Lexington High School Oxford High School Amesbury High School Lexington High School Medway High School Carver High School Somerset-Berkley High School St. Mary's Jr/Sr High School Lowell High School Springfield Central High School Westborough High School Leicester High School Harwich High School Bromfield School Austin Preparatory School Lynn Classical High School Westfield High School Algonquin Reg. High School Arlington Catholic High School Sharon High School Sharon High School Fellowship Christian Academy Pembroke High School Somerset-Berkley High School Sharon High School Nashoba Valley Tech High School Shrewsbury High School Taconic High School Tantasqua Reg. High School Somerset-Berkley High School Medway High School 10/7/2016 MIAA/MSSAA CERTIFIED COACHES First Paul Lauren Kyle Louis Dustin Marianne Randy Judith Stephen Greg Cyndi Karen Robert Todd Wesley Anthony Lauren Craig Scott Jim David Joseph Robert Melissa Robert Susan George Jeryl Dwayne Salvador Tyrone Brad Johnathan Michael John Jessica Lindsey Megan Aminta Bruce Nicholas Peter Sotirios Christopher James Corey Paul Tim Lisa Dave Tim Jessica Laurel John David Joshua Jeff Last Piantedosi Piasecki Piazza Piazza Picillo Pickering Pickersgill Pickett Pickett Picucci Piehl Pierce Pierce Pierce Pierce Pierno Pietrasik Pietz Pifer Pignato Pignone Pike Pike Pilla Pillarella Pimenta Pimental Pimental Pina Pina Pina Pindel Pineo Pini Pinizzotto Pink Pinkham Pinksten Pinto Pinto Pinto Pinto Pintzopoulos Piscioneri Pisegna Pitcher Pitts-Dilley Piwowar Pizzano Planchet Plante Platt Plotzke Plourd Plourde Plumb Pluta School Waltham High School Notre Dame Academy Braintree High School Milford High School Franklin High School Leominster High School Harwich High School Masconomet Reg High School Arlington High School Murdock Middle/High School Shepherd Hill Reg. High School Billerica Memorial High School Bourne High School Saugus High School Revere High School Belchertown High School Abington High School Shepherd Hill Reg. High School Abington High School Nantucket High School Stoneham High School Bedford High School Harwich High School Milford High School Randolph High School Freedman Middle School Bridgewater-Raynham Reg. High School Bishop Stang High School New Bedford High School Somerset-Berkley High School New Bedford High School Dover Sherborn High School Mohawk Trail Reg. High School Algonquin Reg. High School Weymouth High School Carver High School Reading Memorial High School North Andover High School Duxbury High School David Prouty High School Billerica Memorial High School North Reading High School Drury High School Burncoat High School Monson High School O'Bryant High School Billerica Memorial High School Wakefield Memorial High School Bromfield School Westport High School Monument Mountain Reg. High School Arlington High School Hampshire Reg. High School Bay Path Reg. Voc. Tech High School Smith Academy 10/7/2016 MIAA/MSSAA CERTIFIED COACHES First Lawrence Dayne James Daniel Edward Louis Louis Jennifer Richard Andrew Christopher Jared Jared Erica Mariclare Adam Mark Keith Gaetano Dena Jenn Meredith Elizabeth Emily Jim William Kelly Kelly Anthony John Megan Stacy A. Jerry Ryan Jason Bill Keith Richard A. Roland Lauren Paul Courtney Brendan Dan Jane Joseph Kenneth Kenneth Ronald Ryan Tim Nicole Barbara Nicolas Alison Stephanie Joelyn Last Poirier Poirot Pokorny Polachek Polachek Polan Polan Police Police Poliferno Poliseno Polisher Polisher Pollard Pollicelli Pollock Polomarenko Poloskey Polselli Polverari Pond Ponn Pontes Pontes Poore Pope Porcaro Porcorro Porter Porter Porter Poste Pothier Potter Potty Poulas Poulin Poulin Poulin Poussard Powderly Powell Powers Powers Powers Powers Powers Powers Powers Powers Powers Praetoriu Prall Prandi Pratt Pratt Pray School Mohawk Trail Reg. High School Hoosac Valley High School Malden Catholic High School Northampton High School Northampton High School Austin Preparatory School Austin Preparatory School Barnstable High School Sabis International Charter School Sharon High School Blue Hills Reg. Tech School Durfee High School Fall River Hingham High School Innovation Academy Charter School Reading Memorial High School Hudson High School Bristol County Agricultural High School Dufee High School Smith Academy Uxbridge High School Triton Regional High School Taunton High School Essex North Shore Agricultural Walpole High School Northampton High School Manchester-Essex Reg. High School Manchester Essex Reg. High School Lexington High School Marlboro High School Northampton High School Everett High School Reading Memorial High School Sturgis Charter School Milford High School Ipswich High School Chicopee High School Amesbury High School Douglas High School Somerville High School Billerica Memorial High School Nashoba Reg. High School Peabody Vet. Mem. High School Nantucket High School No. Middlesex Reg. High School Stoughton High School Berkshire Arts & Tech Charter Monument Mountain Reg. High School Blackstone-Millville Reg. High School King Philip Reg. High School Durfee High School Wellesley High School Notre Dame Academy Danvers High School Westfield High School North Attleboro High School Amesbury High School 10/7/2016 MIAA/MSSAA CERTIFIED COACHES First Joseph Brian Ryan Curtis Scott Tony Walter Jessica Jessica Pat Bethany Rob Meredith Robert Robert Meghan Gerry Tasha Kris Nicholas Richard Aaron Melanie Jeremy Laurie Andrew Christopher Jacki Lynn Kelley Wayne Pasquale Mark Luis Ryan Jennifer Eric Stephanie David Scott Joe Jim James Kevin Joe Paul Jennifer Marinda Jody Pat Eric Henry James Trevor Brian David Ralph Tom Last Prenda Prescott Prescott Price Price Price Price Prickitt Pridham Priester Prince Prindle Prior Pritchett Protano Proudman Proulx Provencher Provost Provost Provost Pry Pszeniczny Puccio Puddester Pudil Pugliese Pugliese Pugliese Puglisi Puleo Pulli Pumarejo Puntiri Pupa Pupek Puracchio Purpura Pyy Quadros Quaintance Qualter Quaranto Quarterone Quastello Quental da Silva Quigley Quill Quilty Quinlan Quinlan Quinlan Quinlan Quinn Quinn Quinn Quinn School Somerset-Berkley High School Hopkinton High School St. Mary's Jr/Sr High School Reading Memorial High School Randolph High School Barnstable High School Malden High School Franklin High School Hoosac Valley High School Drury High School Methuen High School North Andover High School Needham High School Milford High School Bedford High School Billerica Memorial High School Danvers High School Murdock Middle/High School Belchertown High School Tri-County Reg Voc High School Hoosac Valley High School Ludlow High School Joseph Case High School King Philip Reg. High School Notre Dame Academy Lexington High School Arlington High School Arlington High School Andover High School Newton North High School Malden Catholic High School Springfield PS Hingham High School Hudson High School Saugus High School Taunton High School Wareham High School Amesbury High School Taunton High School Greater Lawrence Tech High School Dedham High School North Andover High School Montachusett Reg. Voc Tech High School Joseph Case High School Silver Lake Reg. High School Nauset Reg. High School Duxbury High School Saugus High School Old Rochester Reg. High School Mount Everett Reg. High School Douglas High School Hudson High School 10/7/2016 MIAA/MSSAA CERTIFIED COACHES First Emily Rob Roy Lonnie Lonnie Ruben Gary Jack Edward Samantha Priya Dana Carrie Jason Greg Kathleen Hugo "Alexander" Paul Bruno Juan Zack Brooke Christopher George Nicole Phillip Emidio Joseph Ryan Cathine Cheryl Kimberly Colleen Kennard Damon James Jeff Marcia Dana David Graham Stacey Jennifer Jessica Jeffrey Bob Jeanine Mary K Nicole Andrew Scott Neil Francesa Ken Fred Andrew Shawn Christopher David Last Quintin Quinzani Quiorion Quirion Quiroga Rabinovitz Racette Racz Rafferty Ragounath Raines Rainville Rajotte Rakovic Ralls Ramirez Ramirez Ramos Ramos Rand Randall Randall Randall Randall Rankin, Sr. Raposo Ratte Rau Rau Rausch Raver Rawson Ray Ray Ray Ray Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Reagan Reagey Reale Reardon Reardon Reardon Reardon Rebello Rebello Rebelo Recchia Recore Redeker Redfearn Redfearn Reding Reed School Somerset-Berkley High School Duxbury High School Hudson High School Hudson High School Saint Bernard's Central Catholic High School Whitman-Hanson Regional HS Drury High School Harwich High School Westborough High School New Mission High School Weston High School Lexington High School Franklin High School Northampton High School Lee Middle/High School Methuen High School Greater New Bedford RVT High School Saint Joseph Central High Scho Mahar Regional School Peabody Vet. Mem. High School Lexington High School Granby Jr/Sr High School Putnam Voc/Tech High School Dartmouth High School North Andover High School Norwood Senior High School Carver High School Nashoba Reg. High School Matignon High School Manchester Essex Reg. High School Dufee High School Tewksbury Memorial High School Hanover High School Franklin High School Wachusett Reg. High School Chicopee Comprehensive HS Weston High School Hamilton-Wenham Reg. High School Shrewbury High School Marshfield High School King Philip Reg. High School Rockland High School Lynn Public School Peabody Vet. Mem. High School New Bedford High School Cape Cod Reg. Tech. High School Burlington High School Swampscott High School McCann Technical High School Mohawk Trail Reg. High School Somerset-Berkley High School Whittier Reg. Voc. Tech. High School Whitinsville Christian School Harwich High School 10/7/2016 MIAA/MSSAA CERTIFIED COACHES First Josh Katharine Lorin Maggie Erin Suzie Bridgette Laura Amara Matt Joseph Maxwell Christopher Dan David Rosemary Art Bill Kelsey Peter Robert Christina John Rhonda Tony Wayne Wendy Jonathan Nicole Spencer Domenic Linda Kayla Edwin Daniel Beth Catherine Celeste Daniel Kenneth Mike Steve Alison Jonathan Tanya Charles Nicole Edward Carlos David John Ronald Christopher Fiona Michael Peter Kelly Last Reed Reed Reed Reedy Reeves Reeves Reffitt Regan Regehr Reginni Rego Reich Reichelt Reid Reid Reidy Reilly Reilly Reilly Reilly Reilly Reinhardt Reino Reints Reis Reissfelder Rellstab Remillard Renick Rennick Reno Repici Reposa Restrepo Reyes Reynolds Reynolds Reynolds Reynolds Reynolds Reynolds Reynolds Rheaume Rheaume Rheaume Rheddick Rhodes Rhymes Ribeiro Ricardi Ricciardi Ricciarelli Riccio Rice Rice Rice Rich School York High School Minnechaug Reg. High School Westborough High School Austin Preparatory School Wayland High School Weston High School Ayer Shirley Reg. High School Notre Dame Academy Newton South High School Archbishop Williams High School Nauset Reg. High School Cape Cod Reg. Tech. High School Easthampton High School East Longmeadow High School Montachusett Reg. Voc Tech High School Millbury Mem. Jr/Sr HS Lee Middle/High School Attleboro High School Notre Dame Academy Andover High School Silver Lake Reg. High School Hudson High School Old Rochester Reg. High School Upper Cape Cod Reg. Voc Tech School Silver Lake Reg. High School Leominster High School Palmer High School Austin Preparatory School Peabody Vet. Mem. High School Oxford High School Pope John Paul II High School Somerset-Berkley High School South High Community School Greater Lawrence Tech High School Hopkinton High School Ludlow High School Mashpee High School Wachusett Reg. High School Marlboro High School Blackstone-Millville Reg. High School Newburyport High School Westborough High School Mansfield High School Archbishop Williams High School O'Bryant High School Lexington High School New Bedford High School Archbishop Williams High School Bay Path Reg. Voc. Tech High School Duxbury High School Rockland High School Franklin High School Beverly High School Uxbridge High School Middleboro High School 10/7/2016 MIAA/MSSAA CERTIFIED COACHES First Patrick Tania Allivia Casey Chad Jessica Katie Larry Lorrie Mike Rachel James Jarrod Justin Lisa Scott Stephanie John Kevin Kevin Kurt Kerry Samantha Daniel Tina Kelly Helen Ronald Arianna Stuart Tony Sergio Jeffrey Jacquleen Rich Tiffany K. William Richard Victor Richard Michael Robert Dale Marcella Erin Deanna Mark Nicholas Alexis Amanda Catrina Rick Kendall Lauren Michelle George A. Mary Last Rich Rich Richard Richard Richard Richard Richard Richard Richard Richard Richard Richards Richards Richards Richards Richards Richards Richardson Richardson Richardson Richardson Richmond Richner Richter Riddell Rider Ridley Ridolfi Rigano Rigby Rigoli Rijo Riklin Riley Riley Riley Riley Riley Jr. Rimkus Rinehart Ring Ringuette Rio Rippel Ripston Riseman Risio Ristaino Rivard Rivard Rivard Rivard Rizzo Rizzotti Roach Roach, Jr. Robb School Ipswich High School Nashoba Reg. High School Gardner High School Montachusett Reg. Voc Tech High School Narragansett Reg. High School Westwood High School Clinton High School Montachusett Reg. Voc Tech High School Greater New Bedford RVT High School Gardner High School Lynn Voc Tech Institute Northeast Metro Reg. Voc. School Westborough High School Marlboro High School Dartmouth High School Cambridge Rindge & Latin School Avon Middle/High School Arlington High School Arlington High School Greenfield High School Lexington High School Middleborough High School Chelmsford High School Pioneer Canton High School Lynn Public School Seekonk High School Austin Preparatory School Tech Boston Academy Greater Lawrence Tech High School Newton South High School Burlington High School Murdock Middle/High School Silver Lake Reg. High School Norwell High School Marlboro High School Hudson High School Hopedale Jr/Sr High School Notre Dame Academy Bridgewater-Raynham Reg High School Shrewsbury High School Bristol-Plymouth Reg. Voc Tech Boston Public Schools Needham High School Hopedale Jr/Sr High School Hamilton-Wenham Reg. High School Bromfield School Saint Bernard's Central Catholic High School Montachusett Reg. Voc Tech High School Saint Bernard's Central Catholic High School Chelmsford High School Rockland High School Peabody Vet. Mem. High School Billerica Memorial High School Billerica Memorial High School 10/7/2016 MIAA/MSSAA CERTIFIED COACHES First Derek Liz Abrom Joe Kevin Maureen Sally Seth Cari Colleen Colleen Margaret Marge Michael Chris Alex Anthony David Gene June Kevin Lindsey Lionel Lisa Neil Scott Terrence Steven Dave Gary Mark Matthew Steven Charles Jennifer Diana Lisa Ashley Brittany Bethany Chris Joseph Keri Paul Paul Rebecca Rick Ronald Taylor Thomas Dabra Andrew Terri Anthony Michael Cory Drew Last Robbins Robbins Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Robertson Robertson Robertson Robertson Robertson Robichaud Robidoux Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robitaille Roche Roche Roche Roche Rock Rockcliffe Rockcliffe Rocker Rockman Rodday Roderick II Rodger Rodgers Rodrigueriz Rodrigues Roeder Rogers Rogers Rogers Rogers Rogers Rogers Rogers Rogers Rogers Rogers Rogers Rolfe Rollins Rollins Roman Roman Roman Romanowski School West Boylston Middle/High School Northampton High School Swampscott High School Leicester High School Holyoke High School Quabog Reg. Middle/High School Nantucket High School Sabis International Charter School Uxbridge High School Austin Preparatory School Ipswich High School Austin Preparatory School Austin Preparatory School Montachusett Reg. Voc Tech High School Quabbin Reg. High School Billerica Memorial High School Peabody Vet. Mem. High School Groton-Dunstable Reg. High School Marian High School Snowden Int'l School Dufee High School Somerset-Berkley High School Old Colony Reg. Voc/Tech High School Saint Mary's High School Lincoln-Sudbury Reg. High School Silver Lake Reg. High School Nauset Reg. High School Northeast Metro Reg. Voc. School Somerset-Berkley High School Somerset-Berkley High School Masconomet Reg High School Algonquin Reg. High School Hanover High School Brockton High School Norwood Senior High School Medway High School Oakmont Reg. High School Norton High School Braintree High School Watertown High School Greater New Bedford RVT High School Newton South High School Randolph High School Snowden Int'l School Snowden Int'l School Randolph High School Assabet Valley Reg. Voc. High School Manchester Essex Reg. High School Abington High School Lexington High School Cambridge Rindge & Latin School Ayer Shirley Reg. High School Norwood Sr. High School Ashland High School Westford Academy 10/7/2016 MIAA/MSSAA CERTIFIED COACHES First Edward Brian James Aimee James Robert Karl Jennifer George Neil Peter Kelly Angela Brian Colin Colleen Derek Jen Jen Matthew Pam Pamela Rebecca Sam Rachel Michael Jamison Michael Jutta Daniel David Frank Kelley Mark Patrick Peter Alan Scott Stephen Rebecca Robert Derek Michael Kyle Marie Deb Jessica Daniel Linda Michael Charles Lenny Terry Dave Sarah Philip Andy Daniel Last Romkey Ronayne Roney Rooney Rooney Rooney Roos Roosa Rosa Rosario Rosatti Rosborough Rose Rose Rose Rose Rose Rose Rose Rose Rose Rose Rosen Rosen Rosenberg Rosow Ross Ross Rossano Rossi Rossi Rossi Rossi Rossi Rossi Rossi Rotatori Rote Rotondi Rotti Rouine Rousseau Rousseau Roussel Roussell Rousselle Routhier Rowbotham Rowbotham Rowe Rowe Rowe Rowell Rowles Rowley Roy Roy School Billerica Memorial High School North Andover High School Amesbury High School Northeast Metro Reg. Voc. School Carver High School Carver High School Norfolk County Agricultural HS Lee Middle/High School Ludlow High School Chicopee Public Schools Masconomet Reg High School Uxbridge High School Marlboro High School Dartmouth High School Madison Park Tech/Voc High School Oliver Ames High School Mansfield High School Narragansett Reg. High School Norfolk County Agricultural High School Bedford High School Snowden Int'l School Bridgewater-Raynham Reg. High School Milford High School Bishop Stang High School West Bridgewater Mid/Sr High School Lenox Memorial Middle and High School Wachusett Reg. High School Duxbury High School Martha's Vineyard Reg. High School Martha's Vineyard Reg. High School Medway High School Harwich High School New Bedford High School Quabbin Reg. High School Dartmouth High School Newton South High School Mount Everett Reg. High School Archbishop Williams High School Concord-Carlisle High School Billerica Memorial High School Watertown High School Agawam High School Somerset-Berkley High School Maynard High School Reading Memorial High School Easthampton High School Westfield High School Westfield High School Lynn Voc Tech Institute Arlington High School Whitman-Hanson Reg. High School Falmouth High School Billerica Memorial High School Fitchburg High School Fitchburg High School 10/7/2016 MIAA/MSSAA CERTIFIED COACHES First Erin George Jean Yves Jeffery Jen Joseph Kelly Lynn Mark Michael Sara Scott Timothy Gail Eric Stephen Louis Jessica Kate Dan Lindsey Robert Jeffrey Patrick Steve Jeremy Meredith Gordon Katherine Louis Richard Mary Maryjane James Lynne Matthew Glenn Samantha Amanda Charles Robert Stephen Jane Dick John Derek James Janet Joseph Mary Mary Beth Paige Shannon Thomas Tim Laurie Nathan Last Roy Roy Roy Roy Roy Roy Roy Roy Roy Roy Roy Roy Roy Rozwadowski Rubin Rubin Rubino Rubinow Rudewicz Rudolph Rudolph Rudolph Rudzinsky Ruff Ruff Rufo Rufo Ruggaber Ruggiero Ruggiero Ruggiero Ruggles Rumbolt Runner lll Ruozzi Ruppert Ruschioni Rush Russo Russo Russo Russo Rutana Ruth Ruyffelaert Ryan Ryan Ryan Ryan Ryan Ryan Ryan Ryan Ryan Ryan Rybicki Rycroft School Quabbin Reg. High School Dracut High School Notre Dame Academy Old Colony Reg. Voc/Tech High School Malden High School Easthampton High School Joseph Case High School Shrewbury High School No. Middlesex Reg. High School Minnechaug Reg. High School West Bridgewater Mid/Sr High School Woburn High School/Reading/Burlington Montachusett Reg. Voc Tech High School Chicopee High School Needham High School Malden High School Austin Preparatory School Blackstone Valley Reg. Voc/Tech High School Canton High School Lexington High School Dracut High School Marlboro High School Boston College High School Chicopee Comprehensive HS Wilmington High School West Springfield High School Westwood High School Wilmington High School Medford High School Apponequet Regional High School Groton-Dunstable Reg. High School Drury High School Lynn Public School Canton High School Wachusett Reg. High School Melrose High School Burlington High School Northeast Metro Reg. Voc. School Chelmsford High School Watertown High School Northbridge High School Northampton High School Billerica Memorial High School Ayer Shirley Reg. High School Woburn High School Bristol County Agricultural High School Rockport High School Hudson High School Milford High School Milford High School Methuen High School Monument Mountain Reg. High School Westford Academy Westwood High School 10/7/2016 MIAA/MSSAA CERTIFIED COACHES First Joanie John Lauri Eric Caitlyn Amanda James Cheryl Benjamin Michael Faithe Brian David Jessica David Mathew Paul Dyanne Chris Kalin Michelle David Michelle Matt Kristin Amanda Gregory Keith Anthony Abdellatif Robert Matthew Aretha Andrea Jessica Mark Ron Carlee Carlee Mark Chris Jonathan Jason John Jennifer Mark Andrew Colbey Deborah John John A. Kristen Nicholas Steve Alfred Deborah Mike Last Ryder Ryding Ryding Rynhart Sa Saab Saalfrank Saba Sabbs Sabin Sabourin Sacco Sacco Sacco Saddler Sadowski Sagarino Sainato Sakelakos Salamone Salek Salett Salisbury Sallila Salmon Salois Salois Saltmarsh Salvaggio Samari Sanborn Sances Sanders Sandoval Sands Sansoucy Santacroce Santaniello Santaniello Santella Santiano Santimore Santolucito Santomassino Santoro Santoro Santos Santos Santos Santos Santos Santos Santos Santos Santosuosso Sanzone Saporito School Attleboro High School Quabbin Reg. High School Norwood Senior High School Shepherd Hill Reg. High School Auburn High School Andover High School Andover High School Academy of Notre Dame South Hadley High School Wellesley High School Medway High School Medford High School Medford High School Sharon High School Carver High School Malden High School Everett High School Weston High School Lynnfield High School Whitman-Hanson Reg. High School Leicester High School Newton South High School Seekonk High School Montachusett Reg. Voc Tech High School Mystic Valley Reg. Charter School Durfee High School Upper Cape Cod Reg. Voc Tech School Westfield High School Bay Path Reg. Voc. Tech High School Somerville High School Saint Bernard's Central Catholic High School Boston Public Schools High School of Science & Technology Holyoke High School Acton-Boxborough High School Bay Path Reg. Voc. Tech High School Lawrence High School Springfield HS of Sci. and Tech. Springfield HS of Sci. and Tech. Mount Greylock Reg. High School Austin Preparatory School Wachusett Reg. High School Malden Catholic High School Greater Lawrence Tech High School Belmont High School Lincoln-Sudbury Reg. High School Old Rochester Reg. High School Bishop Stang High School Pickering Middle School Mashpee High School New Bedford High School Hopkinton High School Diman Reg. Voc/Tech High School Attleboro High School Northeast Metro Reg. Voc. School Milford High School Monument Mountain Reg. High School 10/7/2016 MIAA/MSSAA CERTIFIED COACHES First Dib Tony Lori Bradd Larry Katelyn Bobby Marc Brian Lisa Ryan Steven Daniel E. Kurt Justin Michael Jeremy Robert Tom Lynn Kevin Jenna Ignazio Tim Jeremy John Victor George Jennifer Paul Melissa Meaghan Jennifer Mara Robert Matt Sharon Debbie Richard Bethany Cheryl Jody Terry Kristen Mike Andreas Erica Randy Craig Howard Bruce Kerry Joseph Luke Michael Mark David Last Sarkis Sarkis Sarnecki Sarro Sasso Sassorossi Saster Saucier Saulen Saulnier Saulnier Saulnier Savage Savage Savageau Savard Savarese Savoy Sawyer Sayarath Sayward Scacchi Scaduto Scaduto Scafidi Scamporino Scapin Scarpelli Scarpelli Scarpelli Scata Scearbo Schad Schanfield Schattgen Schena Schena Schick Schilder Schiller Schiller Schlacter Schlegel Schlueter Schmich Schmid Schmidt Schmidt Schneider Schneider Schneiderbauer Schnorf Schotland Schriefer Schromm Schruender Schulman School Greater Lawrence Tech High School Greater Lawrence Tech High School Carver High School Academy of Notre Dame Nipmuc Regional High School Hingham High School Douglas High School Littleton High School Milford High School King Philip Reg. High School Cambridge Rindge & Latin School King Philip Reg. High School Bourne High School Shepherd Hill Reg. High School Peabody Vet. Mem. High School North Middlesex Reg. High School North Middlesex Reg. High School Silver Lake Reg. High School Lynn Public School Gardner High School Franklin High School Wakefield Memorial High School Southeastern Reg. Voc/Tech School Montachusett Reg. Voc Tech High School Northeast Metro Reg. Voc. School Harwich High School Monument Mountain Reg. High School Medford High School Whitman-Hanson Reg. High School Whitman-Hanson Reg. High School Hopkinton High School Reading Memorial High School Norwell High School Boston Public Schools Palmer High School Bishop Fenwick High School Pioneer Valley Christian School Weston High School Bedford High School Harwich High School Boston Public Schools Joseph Case High School Acton-Boxborough High School Belmont High School Lenox Memorial Middle and High School Monument Mountain Reg. High School Canton High School Montachusett Reg. Voc Tech High School Malden Catholic High School Littleton High School Saint Bernard's Central Catholic High School Sabis International Charter School Dover Sherborn High School Silver Lake Reg. High School Duxbury High School Georgetown Middle/High School Lenox Memorial Middle and High School 10/7/2016 MIAA/MSSAA CERTIFIED COACHES First Michael Brian Susan Mary Nicole William Daneil J.P. Michael Shaun Steven Steven William Benny Kristopher Keri Joseph Louis Pam Matt Nicholas Michael Harry Sally Mike Richard Matthew T. Richard George Lori Matt Brian Brian Steven Justin Robin Kailtin Paul Bryan Sam David Kimberly Rebecca Inna Courtney Leora Chris Matthew Peter Robert Robert Daniel Gregory Megan Jay Dominic Tom Last Schulze Schurko Schwager Schwartz Sclafani Sclafani Scot Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scovotti Scribner Scroope Scunziano Scutellaro Seagrave Sebet Secatore Sedar See Segars Seguin Seibert Seklecki Selva Semaine Jr. Seman Semiao Seminara Seminara Seminerio Senecal Seneff Senior Senior Sennott Sennott Serafino Serapiglia Serbus Sergeychik Sergio Seri Serino Serino Serino Serino, III Serino, Jr Serpico Serry Seseske Sessions Sestito Severo School North Middlesex Reg. High School Malden Catholic High School Bishop Stang High School Westborough High School Dufee High School Rockport High School Oliver Ames High School Canton High School Scituate High School Tewksbury Memorial High School Silver Lake Reg. High School Silver Lake Reg. High School Longmeadow High School Harwich High School Scituate High School Bourne High School Ayer Shirley Reg. High School North Andover High School Uxbridge High School Westwood High School North Reading High School Quincy High School Wilmington High School Hopkinton High School Ayer Shirley Reg. High School Bristol-Plymouth Reg. Voc Tech Westfield Voc/Tech. High School Pioneer Valley Christian School Duxbury High School Greater New Bedford RVT High School Lenox Memorial Middle and High School Lenox Memorial Middle and High School Palmer High School Murdock Middle/High School Auburn High School Auburn High School Masconomet Reg High School East Longmeadow High School Bedford High School Belchertown High School West Bridgewater Mid/Sr High School Medfield High School Stoneham High School Saugus High School Abington High School Swampscott High School Swampscott High School Duxbury High School Randolph High School Mohawk Trail Reg. High School Westwood High School Billerica Memorial High School 10/7/2016 MIAA/MSSAA CERTIFIED COACHES First Russell Brandon Morgan Susan Rahul Zac Kevin Peter Eileen George John Jenna Joe Khalif Kevin Collin Ciara Jesse Kate Kate Anthony Fred Jeff Biff Bob Brian Jessica John Jonathan Leigh Maureen Nichola Tina Joshua Tim Erin Brian Caitlan Christine Eamonn Mary Patrick Patrick Timothy Timothy Tom Amanda Brian Christopher Meghan Arthur Julie Seth Celeste Joshua Melissa Kevin Last Severs Seward Shafer Shagory Shah Shahan Shamey Shanahan Shannon Shannon Shapazian Shapiro Shapiro Sharif Sharkey Shattuck Shaughnessy Shaughnessy Shaughnessy Shaughnessy Shaw Shaw Shaw Shea Shea Shea Shea Shea Shea Shea Shea Shea Sheahan Shearer Shearer Sheedy-Amatucai Sheehan Sheehan Sheehan Sheehan Sheehan Sheehan Sheehan Sheehan Sheehan Sheehan Sheehy Sheehy Sheehy Sheehy Sheldon Shellard Shepard Shephard Shepherd Sheppenson-Lacroix Sheridan School Attleboro High School Mount Everett Reg. High School Hoosac Valley High School Natick High School Westborough High School Mystic Valley Regional Charter West Bridgewater Mid/Sr High School Harwich High School Nazareth Academy Lexington High School Shrewbury High School Framingham High School Weston High School Putnam Voc/Tech High School Andover High School Wellesley High School Chelmsford High School Norton High School Newton North High School Newton North High School Mansfield High School Mount Everett Reg. High School Bromfield School Andover High School Everett High School Belmont High school Wellesley High School Billerica Memorial High School Fitchburg High School Dedham High School Peabody Vet. Mem. High School Bellingham High School Tewksbury Memorial High School Smith Vocational and Agricultu Norwood Sr. High School Brookline High School Billerica Memorial High School Duxbury High School Somerset Middle School Lexington High School Lenox Memorial Middle and High School Triton Reg. High School Granby Jr/Sr High School Springfield PS Cathedral High School Needham High School North Andover High School North Andover High School Waltham High School Quabbin Reg. High School Attleboro High School Drury High School Silver Lake Reg. High School Notre Dame Acadmey Attleboro High School Newburyport High School 10/7/2016 MIAA/MSSAA CERTIFIED COACHES First Phil Scott Stephen Samantha John Curtis Max Garnette Carolyn Bryan Susan William Kristin Jarrod Robert Kyle Mark Denise Emily Kimberly Kristin David Russell Paul Michael Jerry Scott Cassandra Dawn Katie Butts Jon Ed Justin Wil Timothy James Duane Jesika Shayna Lindsey Peter Amanda Bob Brittany David Jessica John Joshua Julie Lisa Michael Paul Shayne Sherilyn Tiffany Walter John Manny Last Sheridan Sheridan Sheridan Sherlock Sherman Sherman Sherry Shield Shields Shields Shields Shipulski Shoemaker Shoemaker Shonio Showan Shriver Shugarman Shuler Shumway Shunamon Shut Shvartsman Siano Sibilia, Jr. Sibley Sicard Sicari Siciak Sidorovich Siegal Siekierski Sienkewicz Sigda Signa Sigsbury Sikes Silberzweig Silk Silletti Silva Silva Silva Silva Silva Silva Silva Silva Silva Silva Silva Silva Silva Silva Silva Silva Jr. Silva Jr. School Peabody Vet. Mem. High School Manchester Essex Reg. High School Mansfield High School Braintree High School South Shore Christian Academy Martha's Vineyard Reg. High School Easthampton High School Lexington High School Manchester Essex Reg. High School Mystic Valley Reg. Charter School Wakefield Memorial High School Swampscott High School Carver M/H School Dighton-Rehoboth Reg. High School Sutton High School Hudson High School Westford Academy Silver Lake Reg. High School Burlington High School Granby Jr/Sr High School Agawam High School Lenox Memorial Middle and High School Northampton High School Matignon High School Newton South High School Billerica Memorial High School Mystic Valley Reg. Charter School Minnechaug Reg. High School Dufee High School Belchertown High School Blackstone-Millville Reg. High School Cathedral High School Chicopee Comprehensive HS Maynard High School Chelmsford High School North Andover High School West Bridgewater Mid/Sr High School Matignon High School Tyngsborough High School Joseph Case High School North Reading High School New Bedford High School Dartmouth High School Bartlett Jr./Sr. High School Wakefield Memorial High School Dufee High School Diman Reg. Voc/Tech High School Archbishop Williams High School Marshfield High School Greater New Bedford RVT High School Dartmouth High School Somerset-Berkley High School 10/7/2016 MIAA/MSSAA CERTIFIED COACHES First David Khris Youeun Shayne Daniel Chris Melissa Todd John Gary Lonnie Shawn Art Robert Alan Sam Doug Katrina Paul Gagandeep Brian Katie Walter Andrea Dru Jessica Kate Billy Matt Mark Teresa John Jason Melissa Heather Dirk Robert Robert Scott Douglas Andrea Steve Alexander Patrick Erika Amy Colleen Susannah Tracy Jillian Amanda Andrea Ashley Betsy Brendan Brian Caranine Chris Curt Last Silveira Silveria Sim Simahk Simard Simbliaris Simbliaris Simeone Simkins Simmons Simmons Simmons Simms Simon Simonian Simonian Sims Sinclair Sinclair Singh Sinico Sinnott Siryk Sisson Sisson Sistrand Sitterly Sittig Siwik Skandier Skelly Skerry Skinner Skodras Skowron Slagmolen Slater Slattery Slattery Slaughter Slaven Slavin Sledzieski Slozak Slys Small Small Smallwood Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith School Seekonk High School Gloucester High School Silver Lake Reg. High School Waltham High School Nashoba Valley Tech High School Saugus High School Walpole High School Sandwich High School Bourne High School Randolph High School Medford High School Gloucester High School Montachusett Reg. Voc Tech High School Shrewbury High School Shrewsbury High School Old Colony Reg. Voc/Tech High School Overlook Middle School Randolph High School Brighton High School Monument Mountain Reg. High School Revere High School Nipmuc Regional High School Winthrop High School Dennis-Yarmouth Reg. High School Natick High School David Prouty High School Foxborough High School Blue Hills Regional Tech Sch. Methuen High School Springfield Central High School Medford High School Amesbury High School Hurley Middle School Academy of Notre Dame Woburn High School Somerset-Berkley High School Cathedral High School Cathedral High School Amherst-Pelham Reg. High School Manchester Essex Reg. High School Canton High School Northampton High School Springfield Central High School Dufee High School Medford High School Hampshire Reg. High School Reading Memorial High School Holliston High School Milford High School Gloucester High School Concord-Carlisle High School Boston Latin School Lawrence High School Concord-Carlisle High School Monument Mountain Reg. High School Somerset-Berkley High School 10/7/2016 MIAA/MSSAA CERTIFIED COACHES First Daniel Darrin David David Deb Donald Drew Elizabeth Frank George Greg Hilary James Jillian Joe John KC Kristine Lauren Laurie Lisa Lynne Mark Matthew Matthew MIchael Mikaela Philip Robert Robert Rodney Samantha Samuel Sara Scott Terence Thomas Thomas Todd Valerie Benjamin Michael Thomas Dana Gerald Scott Matthew Stephen James Kevin Mark Michael Stephanie Craig Susan Todd Nathan Last Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smolski Smolski Smolski Smyly Snay Snella Snipe Snizek Snodgrass Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Soares Soares Soares Sobral School Wahconah Reg. High School Malden Catholic High School Martha's Vineyard Reg. High School Murdock Middle/High School Pentucket Reg. High School Notre Dame Academy Belchertown Public Schools Somerset-Berkley High School Marshfield High School Dennis-Yarmouth Reg. High School Easthampton High School Taconic High School Abington High School Tech Boston Academy Gardner High School Clinton High School Dover Sherborn High School Lawrence High School Monson High School No. Middlesex Reg. High School Notre Dame Academy Ursuline Academy Medford High School Chicopee High School Sabis International Charter School Southeastern Reg. Voc/Tech School Acton-Boxborough High School Brighton High School Beverly High School Wareham High School Hampden Charter School of Scie Methuen High School Stoneham High School Leicester High School Bristol-Plymouth Reg. Voc Tech Agawam High School Boston College High School Bedford High School Minnechaug Reg. High School Saugus High School Newburyport High School Newburyport High School Lynn Public School Worcester Technical High School Wahconah Reg. High School Weston High School North Attleboro High School Northampton High School Somerset-Berkley High School Whitman-Hanson RSD Lee Middle/High School Hopkinton High School Greater New Bedford RVT High School Fairhaven High School Greater New Bedford RVT High School Bishop Stang High School 10/7/2016 MIAA/MSSAA CERTIFIED COACHES First Michael Cindy David Donald Mathew Steven Sharen Zachary Jeffrey Andrew Greg Meagan Frank Peter Arthur Kaitlyn Mike Mary Steve Ryan Alicia Jorge Joseph M. Kim Kyle Steven Thomas Bob Mark Barbara Beth Lawrence Albert Kerri Anthony Chris Bette Jo Paul Robert Tiffany David Terri Gary Anne George James Maureen Robert Mark Steven Kevin Bill Chris Melissa Mike Ryan Matt Last Soby Socha Socha Soini Solazzo Solly Solomon Sondrini Sonis Sorensen Sorensen Sorensen Sorrenti Soteropoulos Sotis Soto Soucey Soucy Soule Souliotis Sousa Sousa Sousa Sousa Sousa Sousa Sousa Southerland Southworth Souza Souza Souza, Jr. Sozio Spagnoli Spagnuolo Spalding Sparrow Spear Spear Spearman Spears Speer Spence Spencer Spencer Spencer Spencer Spencer Spendlove Spiegel Spieler Spillane Spillane Spillane Spillane Spinney Sprague School Academy of Notre Dame Douglas High School Leciester High School Georgetown Middle/High School Newburyport High School Lexington High School Marblehead High School Drury/Hoosac Sharon High School Plymouth PS Plymouth PS Fairhaven High School Austin Preparatory School Peabody Vet. Mem. High School Ipswich High School Monson High School Northampton High School Diocese of Worcester Monument Mountain Reg. High School Triton Reg. High School Silver Lake Reg. High School Durfee High School Chelmsford High School Somerset-Berkley High School Oliver Ames High School Ursuline Academy Chelmsford High School Dartmouth High School Bourne High School Diman Reg. Voc/Tech High School Cape Cod Reg. Tech. High School Foxborough High School Lynn Public School Uxbridge High School Pope John Paul II High School Mansfield High School Framingham High School Chicopee Comprehensive HS Archbishop Williams High School Putnam Voc/Tech High School Wachusett Reg. High School Watertown High School Lincoln-Sudbury Reg. High School Saint John's High School Wellesley High School Billerica Memorial High School Easton Public School Quincy Public Schools Hopkinton High School Franklin High School Franklin High School Franklin High School Oliver Ames High School Watertown High School North Reading High School Duxbury High School 10/7/2016 MIAA/MSSAA CERTIFIED COACHES First Richard William Daniel Ronald Matthew Gary Melissa Aly Kenneth Kevin Gary Mark Colin Mark Arthur Kara Daniel Melissa Robert Erik Jarred Chris David David Seth Michael Bill Jonathan Chris Douglas Julie Jody Mark Lindsey Carl Fred Sam Abigail Ray Todd Raymond Zachary Steve Shane Paul Matt Derek Megan Wayne Carissa Laura Peg Ann Heather Maureen James Jeff Last Sprague Sprague Spring Springer Sprissler Spurr Spury St. Amand St. Jean St. Laurent St. Peter Stachowicz Stack Staffier Staffiere Jr. Stafford Stahelski Staiti Stall Stancombe Stand Stanek Stanick Stanick Stantial Stanton Stapleton Stapleton Stark Stark Starling Starr Starr Stasz Stauffer Stec Steed Steele Steele Steffanides Steimel Stein Steinbergher Steinman Stella Stenuis Stephanian Stephens Stephenson Stering Stern Steurewald Stevens Stevens Stevens Stewart Stewart School Harwich High School Oliver Ames High School Millbury Mem. Jr/Sr HS Oxford High School Catholic Memorial School O'Bryant High School Assabet Valley Reg. Voc. High School King Philip Reg. High School Saint Bernard's Central Catholic High School Diman Reg. Voc/Tech High School Gateway Reg. High School Lunenburg High School King Philip Reg. High School Stoneham High School Winchester High School Boston Public Schools Durfee High School Quabbin Reg. High School Littleton High School Narragansett Reg. High School Douglas High School Lincoln-Sudbury Reg. High School Tantasqua Reg. High School Leicester High School Beverly High School Assabet Valley Reg. Voc. High School Saint Peter-Marian Jr/Sr High School Apponequet Regional High School Uxbridge High School Whitinsville Christian School Westwood High School Acton-Boxborough High School Dartmouth High School Somerville High School Dracut High School Everett High School Belmont High School Somerset-Berkley High School Murdock Middle/High School No. Middlesex Reg. High School Reading Memorial High School Drury High School Bourne High School Belchertown High School Dover Sherborn High School Fitchburg High School Barnstable High School Bethany Christian Academy Montachusett RVT High School Lenox Memorial Middle and High School Lenox Memorial Middle and High School Nauset Reg. High School Everett High School Maynard High School Uxbridge High School 10/7/2016 MIAA/MSSAA CERTIFIED COACHES First Kathryn Kerrin Kristi Meredith Mark Jason Mark Sarah Jillian Steve Marci Mark William Craig Joshua Colleen Craig Jennifer Keith Jake Paul Amanda Drew Peter V. Timothy Kerri Kristen Dennis Joshua Matthew Paul Ann Marie Matthew Chris Molly Sandra Richard Kerry Kenneth Greg Kim Jami Edward Ramon Megan Timothy David Noreen Brad Brenda Bruce Carrie Chris Christopher Cori Dennis Frank Last Stewart Stewart Stewart Steyer Stickney Stien Stierle Stillwell Stira Stockwell Stoda Stokes Stokinger Stokowski Stolp Stone Stone Stone Stone Storey Storti Stowe Stowik Strack Stratford Strauss Strazzulla Streeter Streit Striebel Stringham Strode Strother Strycharz Stuart Stuart Stuchlak Studley Stukonis Sturges Sturgis Styrczula Suarez Suarez Sudak Sugrue Sukoff Suleski Sullivan Sullivan Sullivan Sullivan Sullivan Sullivan Sullivan Sullivan Sullivan School David Prouty High School Acton-Boxborough High School Acton-Boxborough High School Saint John's Preparatory School Hopkinton High School Southbridge High School Longmeadow High School Assabet Valley Reg. Voc. High School Reading Memorial High School Leicester High School Lincoln-Sudbury Reg. High School North Quincy High School Walpole High School Gateway Reg. High School Norwell High School Barnstable High School Lynn Public School Boston Public Schools Chelmsford High School Uxbridge High School Monument Mountain Reg. High School Tri-County Reg Voc High School Tri-County Reg Voc High School Saint Joseph High School Belmont High School Groton-Dunstable Reg. High School Milford High School David Prouty High School Belmont High School Northampton High School Seekonk High School Bourne High School Newton North High School Westfield Public Schools Burlington High School Assabet Valley Reg. Voc. High School Wareham High School Field of Dreams Golf Academy Assabet Valley Reg. Voc. High School North Brookfield Jr/Sr High School Saugus High School Central Catholic High School Fitchburg High School Holyoke High School Beverly High School Holyoke Catholic High School Bedford High School Amesbury High School Wakefield Memorial High School Maynard High School Nashoba Valley Tech High School Weston High School North Reading High School North Reading High School Maynard High School Northampton High School Somerset-Berkley High School 10/7/2016 MIAA/MSSAA CERTIFIED COACHES First Fred James James James Jessica Jim Jody Katey Melanie P. Dennis Robert Scott Stephen Thomas Timothy Travis Nancy Carol Maura Ronald Melissa Michael Deric Jennifer Tom David Matt Richard Bethann Bill Bryan Christopher James James Joseph Keith Michael Mike Sandra Michael Peter Meghan Philip Mark Geoff Sara Shane Steven Steve Wayne Kimberly Nate Bethany Daniel David Duane Jamie Last Sullivan Sullivan Sullivan Sullivan Sullivan Sullivan Sullivan Sullivan Sullivan Sullivan Sullivan Sullivan Sullivan Sullivan Sullivan Sullivan Sulllivan Sunderland Supinski Suprenant Jr. Suriani Susco Suttles Svatik Swank Swanson Swanson Swanson Swartz Sweener Sweeney Sweeney Sweeney Sweeney Sweeney Sweeney Sweeney Sweeney Sweeney Sweet Sweet, Jr. Sweezey Swenson Swetland Swett Swett Swift Swinhart Swymer Sygrove Sylva Sylvester Sylvia Sylvia Sylvia Sylvia Sylvia School Wellesley High School Nashoba Valley Tech High School Norwell High School Somerset-Berkley High School Burlington High School Oliver Ames High School Harwich High School Burlington High School Braintree High School Mount Everett Reg. High School Sandwich High School Norwood Senior High School Woburn High School Lexington High School Blackstone-Millville Reg. High School Mahar Regional School Wilmington High School Westport Community School Putnam Voc/Tech High School Burncoat High School Mansfield High School Westwood High School Putnam Voc/Tech High School Mount Greylock Reg. High School Dover Sherborn High School Gloucester High School Hingham High School Masconomet Reg High School Taconic High School Northeast Metro Reg. Voc. School Stoneham High School Norwood Senior High School Silver Lake Reg. High School Middleboro High School Whitman-Hanson Reg. High School Assabet Valley Reg. Voc. High School Lawrence High School Reading Memorial High School Avon Middle/High School Monument Mountain Reg. High School Reading Memorial High School Nashoba Valley Tech High School Wareham High School Stoneham High School South High School Silver Lake Reg. High School Lexington High School Notre Dame Academy Bedford High School Duxbury High School Old Colony Reg. Voc/Tech High School Bishop Stang High School Nantucket High School Middleboro High School New Bedford High School 10/7/2016 MIAA/MSSAA CERTIFIED COACHES First Ryan Terry Mary Ann Jason Justin Michael Jacob Shane Jeffrey Scott Chris John Cindy Juan Carl Carl Amanda Joseph Michele Richard Laura Alicia Michael Tom Melissa Dave Noel Andrea Richard Karen Laura Matthew Cherylann Denelle Dennis Eleanor Harold Kent Matthew Michael Sara Ashley Robin Kim Marissa Hayley Valdemar Stan Thomas Shelley Arvid Dan Tracey Stephen Richard Charles John Last Sylvia Sylvia Symanski Symmes Sypek Szawlowski Szulak Szydlo Tache Taggart Tamborra Tamburini Tanner Tapia Tarabelli Tarabelli Tarantelli Tarantello Taranto Tarby Tardivo Tardugno Tarka Tarpey Tarpy Tarsa Tashjian Tassinari Tataronis Tatro Tatro Tavares Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Teasdale Tebo Tedesco Teed Teich Teixeira Teman Temple Tenaglia Tenney Tenney Tenney Terpak Terrio Tesch Testa School Bishop Stang High School Cambridge Rindge & Latin School Mohawk Trail Reg. High School Methuen High School Belchertown High School Northampton High School Carver M/H School Shepherd Hill Reg. High School Saint John's Preparatory School Algonquin Reg. High School Shepherd Hill Reg. High School Stoneham High School Uxbridge High School Boston Public Schools Needham High School Wellesley High School Bishop Stang High School Hingham High School Ursuline Academy Malden Catholic High School Maynard High School Methuen High School Millbury Mem. Jr/Sr HS New Bedford High School Haverhill High School Drury High School Stoneham High School Brockton High School Assabet Valley Reg. Voc. High School Montachusett Reg. Voc Tech High School David Prouty High School Randolph High School Northbridge High School Wellesley High School Bedford High School Bishop Stang High School Carver High School Norton High School Whittier Reg. Voc. Tech. High School Blue Hills Reg. Tech School Belchertown High School Diman Reg. Voc/Tech High School Quabog Reg. Middle/High School Natick High School Holyoke High School Newton South High School Stoughton High School Millbury Mem. Jr/Sr HS Hudson Catholic High School Franklin High School Leominster High School Murdock Middle/High School Murdock Middle/High School Taconic High School/Pittsfield High School North Middlesex Reg. High School Somerville High School Algonquin Reg. High School 10/7/2016 MIAA/MSSAA CERTIFIED COACHES First Kevin Mike Melissa Dennis Pamela Paul Willie Wendy Stephanie Bill Corey Stephen Tony Shawn Kevin Alicia Kyle Richard Carrie Barbara Werner Karen Matt Colleen Greg Larry Pam Rachel Raymond William Amanda Brenda Christopher Daniel David Greg Jessica Linda Rick Stephanie Timothy Lyndsay Sean Shawn Erin Bob Judy Cesar Jeff Shannon James Jim Michael Rubin James Martin Bill Last Testa Testa Tetreau Tetreault Teufel Texeira Tharps Theall Thebado Theodore Theodore Theodore Thepngone Therault Thibault Thibeault Thibeault Thibeault Thibodeau Thissell Thissen Thistle Tholander Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thomson Thornton Thornton Thorpe Thorsen Thrasher Tiago Tibbetts Tibbetts Tidmarsh Tierney Tierney Tiexiera Tighe Tighe Tilden School Marian High School Hudson High School Melrose High School Greater New Bedford RVT High School Scituate High School Westport Community School Madison Park Tech/Voc High School Weston High School Marlboro High School Bishop Stang High School Bishop Stang High School Newton South High School Silver Lake Reg. High School Andover High School Chicopee High School Chicopee High School Lexington High School Lexington High School Dedham High School Fitchburg High School Triton Reg. High School North Andover High School Fitchburg High School Avon Middle/High School Somerset-Berkley High School Duxbury High School Canton High School Belchertown High School Bourne High School Northampton High School Groton-Dunstable Reg. High School Tantasqua Reg. High School Greater Lawrence Tech High School Greater Lawrence Tech High School Westfield High School Manchester Essex Reg. High School Tri-County Reg Voc High School Innovation Academy Charter School Sandwich High School Murdock Middle/High School Triton Reg. High School Grafton Memorial Sr. High School Pope John Paul II High School Burlington High School Weston High School Bourne High School Greater New Bedford RVT High School Quabog Reg. Middle/High School David Prouty High School Lynn English High School West Springfield Mid/Sr High School Pope John Paul II High School Canton High School Sharon High School Attleboro High School Old Rochester Reg. High School 10/7/2016 MIAA/MSSAA CERTIFIED COACHES First Cynthia Ryan Megan Garrett Todd Alicia Richard Steve Precious Sarah Kevin Edward Timothy Rebecca Monty Jane Mike Michael Paige Tina Jessie Mark Alan Barbara Mike Kristina Christopher Jamie Jason Robert Joe Jill Geno J. Kenneth Kiersten Ryan Susan Andrew Danielle Dave Christine Nikolas Gideon Cynthia Caitlin John Amy Kelly Kate Tom Joshua Stephen Missy Elizabeth Elaine Emily Jesse Last Tilden Tilley Tincher Tingle Tinker Tinsley Tinsley Tisbert Titus Titus Tkachuk Tobin Tobin Tocchi Toch Todd Todd Tollefson Tollner Tomasino Tomich Tomich Tomlinson Toohey Toomey Topham Toppin Torelli Torres Tosca Tosches Tosti Tosto Totas Touponce Touponce Tourigny Tourtelotte Tousignant Tousignant Tower Tower Toxla Tozzi Tracy Tracy Tragert Trahon Trainor Trainor Tranfaglia Traphagen Traversi Travis Treado Tremaine Tremblay School Old Rochester Reg. High School Silver Lake Reg. High School Needham High School Everett High School Monument Mountain Reg. High School Shrewsbury High School Somerset-Berkley High School Andover High School Charles Witcomb School Blue Hills Reg. Tech School Notre Dame Academy Bristol-Plymouth Reg. Voc Tech Milford High School Assabet Valley Reg. Voc. High School Saint Peter-Marian Jr/Sr High School Montachusett Reg. Voc Tech High School Nashoba Reg. High School Tyngsborough High School Methuen High School Mount Everett Reg. High School Mount Everett Reg. High School Chicopee Comprehensive HS Hanover High School Lawrence High School Saugus High School Billerica Memorial High School Saugus High School Taunton High School Stoughton High School Grafton Memorial Sr. High School King Philip Reg. High School Lexington High School Wahconah Reg. High School Wahconah Reg. High School Fitchburg High School Boston College High School Methuen High School Academy of Notre Dame Bristol-Plymouth Reg. Voc Tech Revere High School Notre Dame Academy Monument Mountain Reg. High School Ipswich High School Notre Dame Academy Weston High School Tyngsborough High School Xaverian Brothers High School Boston Public Schools Attleboro High School Bristol-Plymouth Reg. Voc Tech Pentucket Reg. High School Lexington High School Tahanto Reg. High School 10/7/2016 MIAA/MSSAA CERTIFIED COACHES First Thomas Bernadette Chris Jim William Sabrina Sean Kathleen Andy Katelyn Daniel Daniel Charles Tom Courtney Sarah Charles Ann Lisa Jimmy Alison Cindy Dorothy Nicholas Paul Andrew David James Maurice Jerry David Christopher Joseph Peter (Ken) Andrew Albert Corey Carol Craig Laura Mark Marybeth Santina Sarah Joseph Kathy Bret Stephen Daniel Nicole Alan Jonathan Matt Nicole David Ed Sakhon Last Tremblay Trenholm Tresca Trevena Trimble Trinca Trindall Tringale Troiano Trotta Trowers Trudeau Truett Trull Trupiano Trussell Tryder Trytko Tsaur Tsekrekas Tseng Tseng Tsotsis Tucci Tucci Tuccio Tucker Tucker Tucker Tuite Tullgren Tullson Tully Tully Turchon Turco Turer Turner Turner Turner Turner Turner Turowski Tuxbury Tuzzolo Twitchell Twombly Twombly Twomey Twomey Twomley Tynes Tyrrell Uliasz Ulmschneider Unger Uon School Waltham High School Randolph High School Scituate High School Old Colony Reg Voc/Tech HS Somerville High School Randolph High School Nauset Reg. High School Monument Mountain Reg HS Blackstone Valley Reg. Voc/Tech High School Randolph High School Hampden Charter School of Scie Uxbridge High School Randolph High School West Bridgewater Mid/Sr High School Saint Bernard's Central Catholic High School Lynn Public School Hampshire Reg. High School Bedford High School Newton South High School Innovation Academy Charter School Weston High School Wachusett Reg. High School Medford High School Tahanto Reg. High School David Prouty High School Georgetown Middle/High School Nashoba Reg. High School Assabet Valley Reg. Voc. High School Hopkinton High School Dartmouth High School Carver M/H School Winchester High School Masconomet Reg High School Northeast Metro Reg. Voc. School East Longmeadow High School Wareham High School Mystic Valley Reg. Charter School Watertown High School Joseph Case High School Bedford High School Boston Public Schools Norton High School Harwich High School Groton-Dunstable Reg. High School Newburyport High School Murdock Middle/High School Randolph High School Oxford High School Drury High School Dufree High School Norwood Senior High School Dufee High School 10/7/2016 MIAA/MSSAA CERTIFIED COACHES First Robert Edward Keith Victoria Michael Alitzah Peter Richard Peter Brian Phil Randy Peter Kristen Leeann Tracy Mark John Michael Charles Caitlin Peter Wilson Joan Neil Justin Raymond Gary Britanee Alice Patrick Andrea Andy Allison Jake Dennis John Kera Terry Bryan Nicholas Thor Edmar Michael Ted Renee Erika John Chris John Kambiz Ann Mary Michael Kaitlin Lamothe John Last Upton Urban Urkiel Ursch Usher Utain Uzoma Vacarelo, Jr. Vacca Vaccaro Vaccaro Vacchi Vacchina Vadala Vadala Vadala Vadnais Vail Vail Valacer Valair Valente Valente Valenti Valeriani Vallas Vallee Vallerand Vallone Vamivakas Van Amburgh Van Horn Van Horn Van Laethem Vanada Vanasse Vanderkeyl Vanderspek Vandewater VanDorp Vantangoli VanVaerenewych Varlea Varone Vartanian Vasquez-Solis Vassal Vassallo Vasseur Vasta Vatan Vaughan Vaughan Vaughan Vaughn Vayda School Lynn Classical High School Charlestown High School Douglas High School Somerset-Berkley High School Randolph Fitchburg High School Billerica Memorial High School Somerset-Berkley High School Reading Memorial High School Bourne High School Hudson High School Andover High School Andover High School Andover High School Drury High School Immaculate Heart of Mary School Academy of Notre Dame-Tyngsboro Groton-Dunstable Reg. High School Ursuline Academy Diman Reg. Voc/Tech High School Diman Reg. Voc/Tech High School Norton High School Northeast Metro Reg. Voc. School Nashoba Valley Tech High School Waltham High School Berkley Community School Burlington High School Palmer High School North Andover High School North Andover High School Masconomet Reg High School Somerset-Berkley High School Wachusett Reg. High School Milford High School Braintree High School Duxbury High School Archbishop Williams High School Quabog Reg. Middle/High School Sharon High School English High School Braintree High School Hudson High School Lincoln-Sudbury Reg. High Sch Greater New Bedford RVT High School Billerica Memorial High School Peabody Vet. Mem. High School Milford High School Arlington High School Pope John Paul II High School Mount Greylock Reg. High School Leicester High School Foxborough High School Quabog Reg. Middle/High School 10/7/2016 MIAA/MSSAA CERTIFIED COACHES First Matthew Sophia Patrick Angel David Ryan Armand Rob Robert April Michelle Ellen Lawrence Janet Alejandro Elizabeth Rick Stephanie Daneil Lisa Giovanni Kyle Richard Sean Miguel Anthony William Nicole Shelley Ann Michael Michael Vincent Oliver Joe David Ron Kathleen Carol Greg Anthony Craig Heidi Rich Michael Mike Kurt Nick Michael Tyler Kimberly Brian Brian Emily Mark Asif Abdul Jonathan Last Vecchio Veiga Veilleux Velez Veling Venditti Veneziano Venne Veno Ventrice Ventura Vera Vera Veracka Verdaguer Vermette Vernon Verrier Verrington Verrochi Viana Vickers Vickrey Vickrey Vidal Vieira Vieira Viele Vieweg Vigeant Viggiano Viggiano Viglione Vil Vilaine Vincent Vincent Vincuillo Virdinlia Visinho Vitale Vitale Vitale Vitali Volpe Von der Heyde Von Sneidern Vooys Vulcano Vuylsteke Wach Wade Wadell Wadleigh Wadness Wadud Waggenheim School Saugus High School Randolph Community Middle School Danvers High School Minnechaug Reg. High School Manchester Essex Reg. High School Bromfield School Boston Latin Academy Algonquin Reg. High School Middleboro High School Holyoke High School Boston Latin School Lexington High School Fairhaven High School Duxbury High School Masconomet Reg High School Ware High School Tri-County Reg Voc High School Blackstone Valley Reg. Voc/Tech High School Essex Technical HS Norwood Senior High School Holyoke High School Somerset-Berkley High School Randolph High School Ashland High School Attleboro High School Somerville High School Leominster High School Westport Community School Boston Public Schools Madison Park Tech/Voc High School Billerica Memorial High School Oliver Ames High School Somerville High School Jonas Clarke Middle School North Middlesex Reg. High School Hudson High School Marian High School Silver Lake Reg. High School Carver M/H School Chelmsford High School Silver Lake Reg. High School Tri-County Reg Voc High School Uxbridge High School Nauset Reg. High School Stoneham High School Agawam High School Algonquin Reg. High School Beverly High School Hopkinton High School Lee Middle/High School Attleboro High School Newton North High School Sabis International Charter School Douglas High School 10/7/2016 MIAA/MSSAA CERTIFIED COACHES First Lasbat Robin Lisa Timothy Robert Bruce Jeffrey Daniel Eric Fred Gail Gary Julius Kaitlin Lynda Michael Sean Charles Mark Brian Dave Shawn Elizabeth John Robert Ryan Ryan Thomas Tim Tom Michelle Natalie Missy Christina Keith Bridget Matt Michael A. Meghan Dan Lori John Chris Dan Doug Gordon Katie Cheryl Adam Mark Meghan Nicole Katherine Michael Sheila Christopher James Last Waheed Wahl Wainwright Wakefield Wakelin Walberg Waldron Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walkovich Wall Wallace Wallace Wallace Walsh Walsh Walsh Walsh Walsh Walsh Walsh Walsh Walther Walther Walthouse Walton Walton Ward Ward Ward Ward/D'Angelo Wareham Waresmith Warner Warren Warren Warren Warren Warren Warren-Powers Warsofsky Wasnewsky Waterbury Waterhouse Waters Waters Waters Watson Watson School Somerset-Berkley High School Taunton High School Stoughton High School Falmouth High School Grafton Memorial Sr. High School Blackstone Valley Reg. Voc/Tech High School North Middlesex Reg. High School Fitchburg High School High School of Commerce (Springfield) Uxbridge High School Cathedral High School Needham High School Ayer Shirley Reg. High School Duxbury High School Oakmont Reg. High School Saint Bernard's Central Catholic High School Matignon High School Wachusett Reg. High School Tri-County Reg Voc High School Newton North High School Braintree High School Pentucket Reg. High School Harwich High School Dartmouth High School Mystic Valley Reg. Charter School Peabody Vet. Mem. High School Westwood High School Carver High School Groton-Dunstable Reg. High School Amesbury High School Longmeadow High School West Bridgewater Mid/Sr High School Amesbury High School Springfield Central High School Lenox Memorial Middle and High School Montachusett Reg. Voc Tech High School Saugus High School Barnstable High School Weston High School Lee Middle/High School Westport Community School King Philip Reg. High School Cape Cod Reg. Tech. High School Shrewbury High School Diman Reg. Voc/Tech High School Foxborough High School Dover Sherborn High School Pittsfield High School Snowden Int'l School Douglas Intermediate Elementary Notre Dame Academy Billerica Memorial High School King Philip Reg. High School Brookline High School Coyle & Cassidy High School 10/7/2016 MIAA/MSSAA CERTIFIED COACHES First Jeffrey Pat Stan Abby Andrew Heidi Melissa Jerry John Jeremiah Katie Gary John Peg Sharon Jackson Jason Richard Shawn John Carlyn Edward Max Nicole Friend Richard Alan Alexandra Patrick Steven Joseph Darcey Diane Gayle Greg Jason Jessica Mike Thomas Jason Charles Christina Gary Joseph Joshua Julie Mary Kim Dan Michael John Laurie Erica Cathy Dan Gary Emily Last Watson Watson Watson Watt Watts Waugh Waugh Wawrzyk Way Wearing, JR. Weaver Webber Webber Webber Webb-Moore Weber Weber Weber Weber Wedge Weed Weiand Weider Weiler Weiler Jr. Weinhold Weintraub Weir Weir Weitzler Welby Welch Welch Welch Welch Welch Welch Welch Welch Weld Wellington Wellington Wellington Wells Wells Wells Wells Wells-Dufresne Welty Wentworth Wentzell Wentzell-Ryan Wenz Wenzel Wenzel Werden Werner School Medway High School Georgetown Middle/High School Needham High School Sturgis Charter School East Quabbin Reg. High School Lynn Voc Tech Institute Minnechaug Reg. High School Bartlett Jr./Sr. High School Springfield HS of Sci. and Tech. Peabody Vet. Mem. High School Monson High School Newburyport High School Ipswich High School Bourne High School West Springfield High School Chicopee Comprehensive High School Tyngsborough High School Whitinsville Christian School Hamilton-Wenham Reg. High School Hudson High School Randolph High School Smith Vocational and Agricultu Ursuline Academy Duxbury High School Murdock Middle/High School Westport High School Boston Public Schools King Philip Reg. High School Peabody Vet. Mem. High School Weston High School Randolph High School Hopkinton High School North Andover High School Peabody Vet. Mem. High School Holbrook Jr/Sr High School Uxbridge High School South High School Holbrook Jr/Sr High School High School of Commerce (Springfield) Lee Middle/High School Lee Middle/High School Woburn High School Tri-County Reg Voc High School Somerset-Berkley High School Danvers High School Tahanto Reg. High School Algonquin Reg. High School Ware High School Westborough High School Lynn Public School Boston Latin School Bourne High School Joseph Case High School Sharon High School Boston Public Schools 10/7/2016 MIAA/MSSAA CERTIFIED COACHES First Ryan Alyssa Nicole Karen Patrick Peri Marie Ben Judy Rodney Lisa Leanne Gerald David Jim John Matt Nate William Philip James James Todd Christine Tim Carly Carly Claudette Michelle Richard Sarah William David Grant Emily Phil Dean Stephen Brendan James Fran Ryan Stephen Sean Timothy Scott Sue Mollly Taylor Brandon Amanda Brett Jim Raymond Rick Michael Robert Last Werner Wesoly Wessen West West West Westerkamp Westerman Westgate Weston Wetherell Wetzel Whalen Whalley Whealan Wheeler Wheeler Wheeler Wheeler Wheelock Whelton Whelton Whitaker Whitcomb Whitcomb White White White White White White White Whitehead Whiteway Jr. Whiting Whitley Whitney Whitney Whitson Whittemore Whitten Whitters Whittey Whittle Whyte Wick Wick Widrick Wiedemann Wilbur Wilcox Wilcox Wilcox Wilcox Wilcox Wilkins Wilkinson School New Bedford High School Dover Sherborn High School Milton High School Wahconah Reg. High School Wahconah Reg. High School Weston High School Bedford High School Keefe Technical HS Walpole High School Bourne High School Ludlow High School Wachusett Reg. High School Haverhill High School Southwick-Tolland Reg. High School Tri-County Reg Voc High School Mohawk Trail Reg. High School Shrewbury High School Tahanto Reg. High School Belchertown High School Nipmuc Regional HS Norwell High School Norwell High School Gateway Reg. High School Littleton High School Nashoba Reg. High School Nashoba Reg. High School Wachusett Reg. High School Winchester High School Northampton High School Northeast Metro Reg. Voc. School Wachusett Reg. High School Belchertown High School Billerica Memorial High School West Bridgewater Mid/Sr High School Rockport High School Murdock Middle/High School Gloucester High School Millbury M/H School David Prouty High School Algonquin Reg. High School Taunton High School Manchester Essex Reg. High School Murdock Middle/High School Boston Public Schools Francis Parker Charter Walpole High School Newton South High School Silver Lake Reg. High School Randolph High School Bridgewater-Raynham Reg. High School Goffstown High School Weston High School Middleboro High School Stoneham High School Manchester Essex Reg. High School Nauset Reg. High School 10/7/2016 MIAA/MSSAA CERTIFIED COACHES First Kara Ellen David Janice Jenna Johnny Kristen Leopold Megan Rebecca Pamela Rich Sarah Scott Suzanne Timothy Una Wade John John Anthony John Cliff David Donald Donald Frank Justin Katie Kenneth Matt Stephen Steven Edward Robert Steve Carl Esther William Rob James Micah Stanley Jennifer Jim Garry Russell Suzanne Donna Nicole Ian Jean Peter Julia Kevin Michael Rebecca Michael Last Will Willey Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Jr Williamson Willis Willis Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Winch Wineberg Winer Winkelman Winkler Winn Winograd Winslow Winston Winston Winters Winters Wise Wise Wise Witala Witkov Witt Witt Witts Witzig Woelfel Woelfel Woelfel Woessner School Hampshire Reg. High School Medfield High School Renaissance School Lexington High School Algonquin Reg. High School West Roxbury Academy Peabody Vet. Mem. High School Auburn High School Braintree High School Duxbury High School Cathedral High School Northampton High School Silver Lake Reg. High School North Middlesex Reg. High School Wachusett Reg. High School Bourne High School Boston Public Schools Sabis International Charter School Norfolk County Agricultural High School Cathedral High School Norwell High School West Roxbury Academy Shepherd Hill Reg. High School Burlington High School Grafton Memorial Sr. High School Minnechaug Reg. High School Middleboro High School Shepherd Hill Reg. High School Nashoba Valley Tech High School Notre Dame Academy Norwood Senior High School Hyde Park High School East Longmeadow High School Cathedral High School Nashoba Reg. High School Auburn High School Concord-Carlisle High School Cambridge Rindge & Latin School Assabet Valley Reg. Voc. High School Renaissance School Wellesley High School Swampscott High School Silver Lake Reg. High School Murdock Middle/High School Uxbridge High School South High Community School Montachusett Reg. Voc Tech High School Matignon High School Worcester Public Schools Braintree High School Dracut High School Masconomet Reg High School Harwich High School Harwich High School Athol High School 10/7/2016 MIAA/MSSAA CERTIFIED COACHES First Kristen Jennifer Ralph Rebecca Christopher Eric Eric Jay Joshua Kyle Paula Rick Robert Stephanie Lynn Charles Kevin Beverly Christopher Donald Frank Jack Keith Thomas Thomas Timothy Avery Rachel Jo Ann Russell James Robert Kirk Paul Clifford Zyara-Star Heather Jennifer Allison Andrew Ashley Bill Derek John James Dana David Bingxin Michael Harold Lisa Lok-Tin Amber Barry Ernest Wendy George Elizabeth Last Wold Wolfe Wolfendale Woloski Womack Wood Wood Wood Wood Wood Wood Wood Wood Wood Woodman Woodman Woods Woods Woods Woods Woods Woods Woods Woods Woods Woodworth Woodworth Woolf Woollacott Wooller Wooster Wormack Worth Worthley Worthy Wozniak Wozniak Wright Wright Wright Wright Wright Wright Wronski Wunschel Wylie Xu Yager Yandle Yanhauski Yao Yaroshefski Yeadon Yeaw Yelle Yentz Yerasian School Westport High School Shrewbury High School No. Middlesex Reg. High School Cathedral Boston Boston Public Schools Oakmont Reg. High School West Springfield Mid/Sr High School Amesbury High School Cambridge Rindge & Latin School North Andover High School Hudson High School Marlboro High School Austin Preparatory School Silver Lake Reg. High School Harwich High School Blue Hills Reg. Tech School Fitchburg High School Fitchburg High School Boston Latin School Arlington Groton-Dunstable Reg. High School Medfield High School Medfield High School Nashoba Valley Tech High School Triton Reg. High School South Middle School Oliver Ames High School No. Middlesex Reg. High School West Springfield Mid/Sr High School Nauset Reg. High School West Roxbury Academy North Shore Tech High School Worcester Technical High School Chicopee High School Hampshire Reg. High School Rockland High School Triton Reg. High School Lexington High School Manchester Essex Reg. High School Medway High School West Roxbury Academy Somerset-Berkley High School Billerica Memorial High School Greater New Bedford RVT High School Middleboro High School Wareham High School Canton High School Cathedral High School Charlestown High School Uxbridge High School Burlington High School South Shore Voc/Tech High School Pope John Paul II High School Durfee High School Mansfield High School 10/7/2016 MIAA/MSSAA CERTIFIED COACHES First Jennifer Chanthoeun Matthew Kimberly Heather James Kristen Richard Ronald Russell Michelle Steven Tim Pete Christopher James Robert Richard Nancy Michael Ronald Elisa Paul Maria Ted Thomas Daniel Jim Melanie Jason Anthony Matt Jeffrey Justin Samantha Ashley Cynthia Adam William David Kyle Donna Frank Jennifer Kim William Michael Robert Henry Amber Last Yianakopolos Yin Yost Youkstetter Young Young Young Young Young Young Yuille Yurek Zablowsky Zacchilli Zacharer Zahoruiko Zajac Zalneraitis Zammito Zampell Zampell Zanini Zapantis Zarrella Zawada Zaya Zeitz Zellmann Zeneski Zerfas Zerilli Zerneri Zesch Zexter Ziehl Ziemba Ziemba Zilcoski Zimmerman Zina Zinchuk Zinetti Zizzo Zlotnik Zogalis Zompetti Zukowski Zurinskas Zussman Zygmont School Amesbury High School Attleboro High School Andover High School Worcester Technical High School Chatham High School Lowell High School Norton High School Southbridge High School Lynn English High School Whitman-Hanson Reg. High School New Bedford High School Assabet Valley Reg. Voc. High School Old Rochester Reg. High School Milford High School Lowell High School North Andover High School Quabbin Reg. High School Mansfield High School Medford High School Medford High School Catholic Memorial School Clinton High School Woburn High School Leicester High School Reading Memorial High School Northeast Metro Reg. Voc. School Turners Fall High School Hoosac Valley High School Reading Memorial High School Gloucester High School Smith Academy Newton South High School New Bedford High School Bourne High School Chicopee High School Chicopee High School Bedford High School Somerville High School Hudson High School Lenox Memorial Middle and High School Pope John Paul II High School Matignon High School Gardner High School Tri-County Reg Voc High School Marian High School Lynn Classical High School Southeastern Reg. Voc/Tech School Abby Kelley Foster Charter School Joseph Case High School 10/7/2016
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