Naslagwerken: Contemporanisten en
Naslagwerken: Contemporanisten en
Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 1 Naslagwerken: Contemporanisten en communicatiewetenschappers op zoek naar wetenschappelijke informatie Onder de redactie van William L. CHEW III & Guy VANTHEMSCHE Inleiding De zoektocht naar relevante wetenschappelijke informatie staat centraal in de cursussen "Werkcollege over geschiedkundige vraagstukken - hedendaagse periode" (1e of 2e jaar bachelor Geschiedenis) en "Werkcollege media en communicatiewetenschappen" (1e jaar bachelor Communicatiewetenschappen), gedoceerd door Prof. Guy Vanthemsche aan de Vrije Universiteit Brussel, alsook in de cursus "History - Methods and Problems" (2e jaar bachelor International Affairs), gedoceerd door Prof. William Chew aan het Vesalius College, Brussel. Deze opleidingsonderdelen hebben immers (onder meer) tot doel de studenten vertrouwd te maken met de wetenschappelijke opzoekings- en onderzoeksmethoden. Vanaf ca. 1995 is het aanbod van informatie exponentieel toegenomen door de doorbraak van het internet. Het zou echter verkeerd zijn te denken dat de klassieke informatiedragers, onder de vorm van gedrukte naslagwerken, wetenschappelijke boeken en tijdschriftartikels, daardoor helemaal overbodig geworden zijn. Ze blijven (voorlopig) onmisbaar in het onderzoek, want het WWW herbergt (nog) niet de totaliteit van de relevante wetenschappelijke informatie! De vorm waarin de informatie verschijnt (gedrukt of elektronisch) verandert bovendien niets aan bepaalde fundamentele inhoudelijke verschillen die bestaan tussen de diverse informatiekanalen. De onderzoeker mag hun specifieke functies nooit uit het oog verliezen. Daarom hebben de auteurs van deze website ervoor geopteerd om gedrukte naslagwerken en websites samen te brengen in éénzelfde stramien waarbij precies die inhoudelijke verschillen centraal staan. Volgende definities staan daarbij centraal: 1. De bronnen zijn de oorspronkelijke, wetenschappelijk onbewerkte informatiekanalen die door de werking van de samenleving zijn ontstaan. 2. De primaire wetenschappelijke literatuur omvat de boeken, artikels in tijdschriften of bijdragen in verzamelwerken die de resultante zijn van de wetenschappelijke onderzoeksactiviteit. 3. De bibliografieën zijn de naslagwerken (of websites) die titels van de primaire wetenschappelijke literatuur opsommen. 4. De repertoria zijn de naslagwerken (of websites) die op samengevatte en overzichtelijke wijze concrete informatie over de meest diverse onderwerpen bundelen. Samen met de bibliografieën vormen de repertoria de zogenaamde "secundaire literatuur". 5. De titels van beide voorgaande categorieën naslagwerken kunnen teruggevonden worden dank zij naslagwerken die de zogenaamde "tertiaire literatuur" uitmaken, namelijk de bibliografieën van naslagwerken, kortweg ook "gidsen" genoemd. Voor de categorieën 1 tot en met 4 bestaan er geen fundamentele inhoudelijke verschillen tussen Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 2 gedrukte en elektronische informatiedragers. Ze werden dus samen opgenomen in de desbetreffende onderdelen. Voor de vijfde categorie kan het functioneel equivalent voor de gedrukte bibliografieën van naslagwerken gevonden worden in de websites die als primaire functie hebben andere websites op te sommen (zoekmachines en onderwerpsindexen of gateways). De website die de gebruiker momenteel raadpleegt bundelt meer dan 3500 verschillende referenties (gedrukte naslagwerken en websites). Die werden geordend op basis van de categorieën die zopas werden opgesomd. 1. Eerst komt de (gedrukte) tertiaire literatuur aan bod, alsook de websites die andere websites opsommen. 2. Vervolgens worden de naslagwerken en websites vermeld, die de vindplaatsen en onderzoeksinstellingen opsommen. 3. Het volgende onderdeel is gewijd aan de (gedrukte of elektronische) bibliografieën. 4. Daarna is het de beurt aan de (gedrukte of elektronische) repertoria. 5. Tenslotte worden de URL's opgesomd die toegang verlenen tot de primaire wetenschappelijke literatuur en de bronnen die op het internet te vinden zijn. In ieder onderdeel werden volgende subcategorieën voorzien: eerst de algemene referenties (zonder opsplitsing per regio of vakgebied); vervolgens de referenties die betrekking hebben op een bepaalde geografische omschrijving (werelddeel of land), zonder onderscheid van wetenschapsdomein; tenslotte de referenties die betrekking hebben op de verschillende wetenschapsdomeinen. De selectiecriteria die bij de opstelling van dit hulpinstrument werden gevolgd zijn, grosso modo, de volgende: 1. Inhoudelijk ligt de nadruk op de vakgebieden "hedendaagse geschiedenis" (met inbegrip van algemene historische naslagwerken) en "communicatiewetenschappen", gezien de samenstelling van het studentenpubliek die bovenvermelde cursussen volgt. Toch werden ook de belangrijkste algemene naslagwerken en websites opgenomen (d.w.z. zonder beperking van wetenschapsdomein), alsook de meest essentiële referenties betreffende volgende wetenschapsdomeinen: sociale wetenschappen i.h.a., sociologie, politieke wetenschappen, economie en rechtswetenschappen. Websites die historische websites opsommen betreffende een bepaalde geografische omschrijving (continent of land), werden ondergebracht in afdeling 2.1.4 (URL's per streek) en niet in de afdeling 2.2. 2. Geografisch gezien ligt een bijzondere klemtoon op België, maar daarnaast werden ook gedrukte naslagwerken en websites opgenomen die betrekking hebben op de verschillende werelddelen in het algemeen, alsook op de volgende afzonderlijke landen: Frankrijk, Groot-Brittannië, Duitsland, Nederland en de Verenigde Staten. Gezien zijn specificiteit werd het Midden-Oosten beschouwd als een aparte geografische omschrijving en werd het ondergebracht bij de "continenten". 3. Voor de websites werd niet gestreefd naar een opsomming van concrete onderwerpen. Die kan men op veel efficiëntere wijze terugvinden via de hier vermelde webindexen. Op enkele uitzonderingen na, werden de websites uit het domein ".com" geweerd. Naar bronnen en primaire wetenschappelijke literatuur werd enkel verwezen indien ze via het internet te vinden zijn; voor (Belgische) gedrukte bronnen kan men beroep doen op het werk van P. VAN DEN Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 3 EECKHOUT & G. VANTHEMSCHE, eds., Bronnen voor de studie van het hedendaagse België 19de - 20ste eeuw, Brussel, VUB-Press, 1999, 1453 p. De structuur van onderhavig werkinstrument vertoont enige overeenkomsten, maar ook een aantal verschillen met het uitstekende werk van P. VAN DEN EECKHOUT, Naslagwerken voor de studie van de hedendaagse samenleving, Brussel, VUB-Press, 1991, 557 p. . Dit boek bevat meer dan 2700 geannoteerde verwijzingen naar gedrukte naslagwerken (secundaire en tertiaire literatuur) en kan nog steeds met vrucht geraadpleegd worden door de onderzoekers in de menswetenschappen. Een aantal referenties werden hieruit overgenomen; heel wat titels werden echter ook weggelaten en talrijke verwijzingen naar gedrukte naslagwerken, gepubliceerd na 1991, werden eraan toegevoegd (naast uiteraard alle URL's). Alle annotaties zijn van de hand van de hieronder vermelde auteurs. Dit onderzoeksinstrument moet opgevat worden als work in progress: inhoudelijke lacunes zullen stelselmatig worden opgevuld; het aantal annotaties zal stap voor stap uitgebreid worden. Onderdelen van de inhoudstafel waaraan een asterisk werd toegevoegd bevatten voorlopig nog geen referenties. Suggesties en opmerkingen kunnen doorgeseind worden naar de redacteurs [email protected] of [email protected] . De auteurs van deze webpublicatie zijn (in alfabetische volgorde): William CHEW (algemene websites, alsook de gateways betreffende geschiedenis) Margo DE KOSTER (gedrukte secundaire en tertiaire naslagwerken en websites over de andere menswetenschappen) Jan FRANSEN (elektronische bronnen en wetenschappelijke teksten) An MOONS (eindredactie van de bijdragen door Anja DETANT, Jan LOISEN, Wim VANOBBERGHEN en An MOONS over de gedrukte naslagwerken en websites betreffende communicatiewetenschappen) Magaly RODRIGUEZ GARCIA en Joost VAESEN (repertoria) Rik RÖTTGER (algemene tertiaire literatuur) Guy VANTHEMSCHE (tertiaire literatuur en bibliografieën betreffende geschiedenis, alsook het gedeelte betreffende de vindplaatsen) Met bijzondere dank aan Stefaan RENARD, verbonden aan de Bibliotheek van de Vrije Universiteit Brussel, voor de technische ondersteuning geboden bij de realisatie van deze website, en Meredith NIKIDES, voor de taalkundige verbetering van de Engelse versie ervan. Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 4 Inhoudstafel - IK ZOEK NAAR ... 1. TITELS VAN GEDRUKTE NASLAGWERKEN. Die vind ik dank zij bibliografieën van naslagwerken ('gidsen') : pagina 12 terug naar het begin 1.1. zonder beperking van wetenschapsdomein : pagina 12 1.1.1. zonder geografische beperking : pagina 12 1.1.2. per streek : pagina 13 per continent : pagina 13 Afrika : pagina 13 Azië : pagina 13 Amerika : pagina 14 Europa : pagina 14 Midden Oosten : pagina 14 Oceanië : pagina 14 nationaal : pagina 14 België : pagina 14 Frankrijk* : pagina 15 Groot-Brittannië* : pagina 15 Duitsland : pagina 15 Nederland : pagina 15 Verenigde Staten* : pagina 15 1.1.3. per type van naslagwerk : pagina 15 bibliografieën : pagina 15 encyclopedieën en woordenboeken : pagina 16 adresboeken : pagina 16 atlassen : pagina 17 elektronische databases : pagina 17 terug naar het begin 1.2. over geschiedenis : pagina 18 1.2.1. algemeen : pagina 18 1.2.2. per streek : pagina 18 1.2.3. per thema : pagina 19 terug naar het begin 1.3. over communicatiewetenschappen : pagina 19 1.3.1. algemeen : pagina 19 1.3.2. per streek* : pagina 19 1.3.3. per thema : pagina 19 terug naar het begin 1.4. over andere menswetenschappen : pagina 20 1.4.1. sociale wetenschappen i.h.a. : pagina 20 1.4.2. politieke wetenschappen : pagina 21 1.4.3. sociologie : pagina 22 1.4.4. economie : pagina 23 Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 5 1.4.5. juridische wetenschappen : pagina 24 1.4.6. genderstudies : pagina 25 2. ADRESSEN VAN WEBSITES (URL's). Die vind ik dank zij zoekmachines en indexen : pagina 26 terug naar het begin 2.1. zonder beperking van wetenschapsdomein : pagina 26 2.1.2. zoekmachines : pagina 26 lijsten van zoekmachines : pagina 26 metazoekmachines : pagina 26 algemene zoekmachines : pagina 27 zoekmachines betreffende geografische omschrijvingen : pagina 28 zoekmachines betreffende wetenschapsdomeinen : pagina 29 2.1.3. indexen : pagina 29 algemene indexen : pagina 29 indexen betreffende bepaalde soorten websites : pagina 31 2.1.4. per streek : pagina 32 per continent : pagina 32 Afrika : pagina 32 Azië : pagina 35 Amerika : pagina 36 Europa : pagina 37 Midden Oosten : pagina 38 Oceanië* : pagina 39 nationaal : pagina 39 België : pagina 39 Frankrijk : pagina 39 Groot-Brittannië : pagina 42 Duitsland : pagina 43 Nederland : pagina 46 Verenigde Staten : pagina 46 terug naar het begin 2.2. over geschiedenis : pagina 61 2.2.1. algemeen : pagina 61 2.2.2. per thema : pagina 65 theorieën en methoden : pagina 65 politieke geschiedenis : pagina 65 sociaal-economische geschiedenis : pagina 68 culturele geschiedenis : pagina 70 genderstudies : pagina 74 terug naar het begin 2.3. over communicatiewetenschappen : pagina 75 2.3.1. algemeen : pagina 75 2.3.2. per thema : pagina 78 informatiemaatschappij en globalisering : pagina 78 media en cultuur : pagina 78 Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 6 media, politiek en burgerschap : pagina 81 terug naar het begin 2.4. over andere menswetenschappen : pagina 83 2.4.1. sociale wetenschappen i.h.a. : pagina 83 2.4.2. politieke wetenschappen : pagina 85 2.4.3. sociologie : pagina 88 2.4.4. economie : pagina 89 2.4.5. juridische wetenschappen : pagina 91 2.4.6. genderstudies : pagina 94 3. VINDPLAATSEN EN ONDERZOEKSINSTELLINGEN : pagina 97 terug naar het begin 3.1. bibliotheken en catalogi : pagina 97 terug naar het begin 3.2. archieven : pagina 101 terug naar het begin 3.3. onderzoeksinstellingen en wetenschappelijke verenigingen : pagina 102 3.3.1. algemeen : pagina 102 3.3.2. geschiedenis : pagina 102 3.3.3. communicatiewetenschappen : pagina 102 4. TITELS VAN WETENSCHAPPELIJKE WERKEN. Die vind ik dank zij bibliografieën : pagina 104 terug naar het begin 4.1. zonder beperking van wetenschapsdomein : pagina 104 4.1.1. zonder geografische beperking : pagina 104 4.1.2. per streek : pagina 105 per continent : pagina 105 Afrika : pagina 105 Azië : pagina 106 Amerika : pagina 106 Europa : pagina 107 Midden Oosten : pagina 108 Oceanië : pagina 108 nationaal : pagina 109 België : pagina 109 Frankrijk : pagina 109 Groot-Brittannië : pagina 109 Duitsland : pagina 110 Nederland : pagina 110 Verenigde Staten* : pagina 110 4.1.3. over bijzondere soorten werken : pagina 111 titels van tijdschriften : pagina 111 titels van dissertaties : pagina 114 titels van overheidspublicaties : pagina 115 Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 7 titels van statistische reeksen : pagina 118 terug naar het begin 4.2. over geschiedenis : pagina 119 4.2.1. algemeen : pagina 119 4.2.2. per streek : pagina 121 per continent : pagina 121 Afrika : pagina 121 Azië : pagina 122 Amerika : pagina 122 Europa : pagina 122 Midden Oosten : pagina 124 Oceanië : pagina 124 nationaal : pagina 124 België : pagina 124 Frankrijk : pagina 129 Groot-Brittannië : pagina 130 Duitsland : pagina 131 Nederland : pagina 132 Verenigde Staten : pagina 133 4.2.3. per thema : pagina 134 theorieën en methoden : pagina 134 politieke geschiedenis : pagina 135 sociaal-economische geschiedenis : pagina 136 culturele geschiedenis : pagina 138 genderstudies : pagina 140 terug naar het begin 4.3. over communicatiewetenschappen : pagina 140 4.3.1. algemeen : pagina 140 4.3.2. per thema : pagina 144 informatiemaatschappij en globalisering : pagina 145 media en cultuur : pagina 147 media, politiek en burgerschap : pagina 151 bedrijfs- en organisatiecommunicatie : pagina 154 terug naar het begin 4.4. over andere menswetenschappen : pagina 154 4.4.1. sociale wetenschappen i.h.a. : pagina 154 4.4.2. politieke wetenschappen : pagina 157 4.4.3. sociologie : pagina 162 4.4.4. economie : pagina 166 4.4.5. juridische wetenschappen : pagina 170 4.4.6. genderstudies : pagina 174 5. CONCRETE INFORMATIE. Die vind ik dank zij repertoria : pagina 181 terug naar het begin 5.1. over begrippen : pagina 181 5.1.1. zonder beperking van wetenschapsdomein : pagina 181 Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 8 algemeen : pagina 181 per geografische omschrijving : pagina 182 5.1.2. per wetenschapsdomein : pagina 183 geschiedenis : pagina 183 algemeen : pagina 183 per continent : pagina per land : pagina thematisch : pagina 192 communicatiewetenschappen : pagina 198 andere menswetenschappen : pagina 199 sociale en culturele wetenschappen : pagina 199 politieke wetenschappen : pagina 199 economie : pagina 200 juridische wetenschappen : pagina 201 genderstudies : pagina 201 terug naar het begin 5.2. over personen : pagina 201 5.2.1. algemeen : pagina 202 5.2.2. per continent : pagina 203 Afrika : pagina 203 Azië : pagina 203 Amerika : pagina 204 Europa : pagina 204 Midden-Oosten : pagina 205 Oceanië : pagina 205 5.2.3. nationaal : pagina 205 België : pagina 205 Frankrijk : pagina 205 Groot-Brittannië : pagina 206 Duitsland : pagina 206 Nederland : pagina 206 Verenigde Staten : pagina 207 5.2.4. thematisch : pagina 207 politiek en defensie : pagina 207 mondiaal : pagina 207 per continent : pagina 208 Afrika : pagina 208 Azië* : pagina 209 Amerika* : pagina 209 Europa : pagina 209 Midden-Oosten* : pagina 209 Oceanië* : pagina 209 nationaal : pagina 209 België : pagina 209 Frankrijk : pagina 209 Groot-Brittannië : pagina 210 Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 9 Duitsland : pagina 210 Nederland* : pagina 210 Verenigde Staten : pagina 210 sociaal-economisch : pagina 210 cultureel-wetenschappelijk : pagina 210 gender : pagina 211 terug naar het begin 5.3. over datums : pagina 212 5.3.1. retrospectief : pagina 212 algemeen : pagina 212 hedendaagse periode : pagina 212 per continent : pagina 213 Afrika : pagina 213 Azië : pagina 213 Amerika : pagina 213 Europa : pagina 214 Midden-Oosten : pagina 215 Oceanië* : pagina 215 thematisch : pagina 215 politiek en defensie : pagina 215 sociaal-economisch : pagina 216 cultureel-wetenschappelijk : pagina 216 genderstudies : pagina 217 5.3.2. lopend : pagina 217 mondiaal : pagina 217 per streek : pagina 217 Europa : pagina 217 terug naar het begin 5.4. over geografische eenheden : pagina 218 5.4.1. algemeen : pagina 218 5.4.2. per continent : pagina 219 Afrika : pagina 219 Azië : pagina 219 Amerika : pagina 219 Europa : pagina 220 Midden-Oosten : pagina 220 Oceanië : pagina 220 5.4.3. nationaal : pagina 220 België : pagina 220 Frankrijk : pagina 220 Groot-Brittannië : pagina 221 Duitsland : pagina 221 Nederland : pagina 221 Verenigde Staten : pagina 221 5.4.4. thematisch : pagina 222 politiek en defensie : pagina 222 sociaal en/of economisch : pagina 222 Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 10 cultureel-wetenschappelijk : pagina 222 gender : pagina 222 terug naar het begin 5.5. over cijfergegevens : pagina 222 5.5.1. algemeen : pagina 222 5.5.2. geografisch : pagina 223 per continent : pagina 223 Afrika : pagina 223 Azië : pagina 223 Amerika : pagina 223 Europa : pagina 224 Midden-Oosten* : pagina Oceanië* : pagina 225 nationaal : pagina 225 België : pagina 225 Frankrijk : pagina 225 Groot-Brittannië : pagina 225 Duitsland : pagina 226 Nederland : pagina 226 Verenigde Staten : pagina 226 5.5.3. thematisch : pagina politiek : pagina 227 sociaal-economisch : pagina 227 cultureel-wetenschappelijk* : pagina 228 genderstudies* : pagina 228 terug naar het begin 5.6. over instellingen en organisaties : pagina 229 5.6.1. algemeen : pagina 229 5.6.2. politiek : pagina 229 5.6.3. sociaal-economisch : pagina 230 5.6.4. cultureel-wetenschappelijk : pagina 232 5.6.5. genderstudies : pagina 235 6. WETENSCHAPPELIJKE TEKSTEN EN BRONNEN ONDER ELEKTRONISCHE VORM : pagina 236 terug naar het begin 6.1. zonder beperking van wetenschapsdomein : pagina 236 terug naar het begin 6.2. over geschiedenis : pagina 242 terug naar het begin 6.3. over communicatiewetenschappen : pagina 249 6.3.1. media en cultuur : pagina 249 6.3.2. media, politiek en burgerschap : pagina 251 terug naar het begin 6.4. over andere menswetenschappen : pagina 252 6.4.1. sociale wetenschappen i.h.a. : pagina 252 Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 11 6.4.2. politieke wetenschappen : pagina 254 6.4.3. sociologie : pagina 257 6.4.4. economie : pagina 257 6.4.5. juridische wetenschappen : pagina 261 Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 12 1. TITELS VAN GEDRUKTE NASLAGWERKEN. Die vind ik dank zij bibliografieën van naslagwerken ('gidsen') 1.1. zonder beperking van wetenschapsdomein 1.1.1. zonder geografische beperking (1) ALLISCHEWSKI (H.). Tafeln zur Fachbibliographie. Mit einem Register zur analytischen Inhaltserschliessung der Verzeichnisse. Wiesbaden, 1983. (2) BALAY (R.), CARRINGTON (V.F.), MURRAY (S.). (formerly SHEEHY). Guide to reference books. Chicago, 1996 11th ed. (3) BEAUDIQUEZ (M.). Guide de bibliographie générale. Methodologie et pratique. München, 1983. (4) BEAUDIQUEZ (M.), BETHERY (A.). Ouvrages de référence pour les bibliothèques: répertoire bibliographique. Paris, 1995 4th ed. (5) BESTERMAN (T.). A world bibliography of bibliographies and of bibliographical catalogues, calendars, abstracts, digests, indexes and the like. 5 vol. Lausanne, 1965-66. (6) BROWN (C. C.). The Virtual Reference Desk. URL: (7) DESCHATELETS (G.), BOURGEY (I.). REF DOC. Guide bibliographique des ouvrages généraux de reference. Montréal, 1998 3rd ed. (8) HOLTE (S.), WYNAR (B. S.). Best reference books 1970-1980. Titles of lasting value selected from American reference books annual. Littleton, 1986. (9) KATZ (W.A.). Introduction to reference work. Vol. I. Basic information sources. Stuttgart, 1999 6th ed. (10) LEA (P.W.), DAY (A.). The Reference Sources Handbook. London, 1996 4th ed. (11) MALCLES (L.-N.). Manuel de bibliographie. Paris, 1985. (12) MULLAY (M.), SCHLIKE (P.). Walford's Guide to reference material. Vol. 1. Science and technology.Vol. 2. Social and historical sciences, Philosophy and Religion.Vol. 3. Generalia, Language & Literature, The Arts. London, 1999 8e ed. (13) PREVOTEAU (M.-H.), UTARD (J.-C.). Manuel de bibliographie générale. Paris, 1996. (14) SADER (M.). The Reader's adviser : a layman's guide to literature. New Providence, 1994 14 ed. (15) SAWONIAK (H.), WITT (M.). International Bibliography of Bibliographies in Library and Information Science and Related Fields. München, 1999. (16) SCHNEIDER (G.), NESTLER (F.). Handbuch der Bibliographie. New York, 1997. (17) SWEETLAND (J.H.). Fundamental reference sources. Chicago, 2001 3rd ed. (18) TOOMEY (A.F.). A world bibliography of bibliographies 1964-1974: a list of works represented by Library of Congress printed catalogue cards: a decennial supplement to T. Besterman's A world bibliography of bibliographies. Totowa, 1977. (19) WALRAVENS (H.). Internationale Bibliographie der Bibliographien 1959-1988 (IBB) = Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 13 International Bibliography of Bibliographies 1959-1988. Vol. 1,1. Allgemeine Bibliographie. Vol. 2,2. Bildungswesen und Erziehung; 2,3. Geographie, Kartographie, Geodäsie ; 2,4. Geschichte. München, 1998-1999. (20) American Reference Books Annual (ARBA). Littleton, 1970-. (21) Bibliographic index. A cumulative bibliography of bibliographies. New York, 1938-. URL: (22) Bibliographie der Bibliographien: BB; Jahresverzeichnis selbständig und unselbständig erschienener Bibliographien. Frankfurt, 1995. (23) Bibliographische Berichte = Bibliographical bulletin. Frankfurt, 1959-1988. (24) Handbuch der bibliographischen Nachschlagewerke. 2 vol. Frankfurt, 1984-1985. (25) Informationsmittel für Bibliotheken. URL: (26) Jaarlijks repertorium van de voornaamste recente bibliografische werken. Répertoire annuel des principaux travaux bibliographiques recents 1965-1969/71. In Bibliographia belgica, nr. 93, 104, 109 en 132. Brussel, 1966-1977. (27) Reference Reviews Europe Annual. Firenze, 1996-. (28) The index and abstract directory: an international guide to services and serials coverage. Birmingham, 1989. (29) The Year in Reference. Andover, 1993-. 1.1.2. per streek per continent Afrika (30) BESTERMAN (T.). A world bibliography of African bibliographies. Oxford, 1976. (31) BOGAERT (J.). Sciences humaines en Afrique noire. Guide bibliographique (1945-1965). Bruxelles, 1966. (32) DUIGNAN (P.). Guide to research and reference works on sub-Saharan Africa. Stanford, 1971. (33) PORGES (L.). Sources d'information sur l'Afrique noire francophone et Madagascar. Institutions, répertoires, bibliographies. Paris, 1988. (34) SCHEVEN (Y). Bibliographies for African studies 1970-1986. München, 1988. (35) ZELL (H. M.). The African studies companion: a resource guide and directory. München, 1989. Azië (36) NUNN (G. R.). Asia: reference works; a select annotated guide. London, 1980. (37) BERTON (P.), WU (E.). Contemporary China. A research guide. Stanford, 1967. (38) BESTERMAN (T.). A world bibliography of Oriental bibliographies. Oxford, 1976. (39) JOHNSON (D. C.). A guide to reference materials on Southeast Asia. New Haven, 1970. Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 14 (40) PEARSON (J. D.). South Asian bibliography. A handbook and guide. Hassocks, 1979. (41) SIEMERS (G.). Bibliographie asien- und ozeanienbezogener Bibliographien. Hamburg, 1979. Amerika (42) ARZE (J.R.). Manual de bibliografía. Cochabamba, 1992. (43) GROPP (A.E.). A bibliography of Latin American bibliographies. Metuchen, 1968-1993. (44) HALLEWELL (L.). Latin American bibliography: a guide to sources of information and research. London, 1978. (45) WOODS (R.D.). Reference materials on Latin America in English: the humanities. Metuchen, 1980. (46) American Reference Books Annual (ARBA). Littleton, 1970-. Europa (47) BRUHN (P.), THIEDE (V.). Bibliographien zum Schrifttum aus und über Osteuropa: Katalog des bibliographischen Lesesaales der Bibliothek des Osteuropa-Instituts Berlin. München, 1992. (48) HORECKY (P.L.). East central Europe: a guide to basic publications. Chicago, 1969. (49) HORECKY (P.L.). Southeastern Europe: a guide to basic publications. Chicago, 1969. (50) MAICHEL (K.). Guide to Russian reference books. Stanford, 1962. (51) MUNCH-PETERSEN (E.). Guide to Nordic Bibliography. Copenhagen, 1992. Midden Oosten (52) GEDDES (C. L.). Guide to reference books for Islamic studies. Denver, 1985. (53) GRIMWOOD-JONES (D.) e.a. Arab Islamic bibliography. Hassocks, 1977. (54) SIMON (R. S.). The modern Middle East: a guide to research tools in the social sciences. Boulder, 1978. Oceanië (55) LEESON (I.). A bibliography of bibliographies of the South Pacific. London, 1954. nationaal België (56) HURY (C.). Luxemburgensia, eine Bibliographie der Bibliographien. München, 1978. (57) VAN HOVE (J.). Bibliotheca bibliographica Belgica, 1830-1930. Inventaire des bibliographies publiées en Belgique. Inventaris van de in België verschenen bibliografieën. In Bibliographia belgica, nr. 65. Brussel, 1961. (58) VAN HOVE (J.). La bibliographie de la documentation locale en Belgique. De bibliografie van de lokale documentatie in België. In Bibliographia belgica, nr. 41. Bruxelles, 1959. (59) La bibliographie en Belgique. Inventaires des contributions bibliographiques belges. De Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 15 bibliografie in België. Inventaris van de bibliografische bijdragen in België 1967. In Bibliographia belgica, nr. 112 en 123. Bruxelles, 1969-1975. Frankrijk* Groot-Brittannië* Duitsland (60) Bibliographie der deutsche Bibliographien. Monatliches Verzeichnis der selbständigen und versteck en Bibliographien Deutschlands, der Literaturverzeichnisse deutschsprachiger Veröffentlichungen der Auslandes und wichtiger ungedrückter Titelzusammenstellun. Leipzig, 1972. (61) Bibliographie der deutschen Bibliographien. Jahresverzeichnis versteckter und selbständiger Literaturverzeichnisse 1954-1965. Leipzig, 1957-1969. (62) Bibliographie der versteckten Bibliographien aus deutschsprachigen Büchern und Zeitschriften der jahre 1930-1953. Leipzig, 1956. Nederland (63) WABEKE (B.). A guide to Dutch bibliographies. Washington, 1951. Verenigde Staten* 1.1.3. per type van naslagwerk bibliografieën (64) BEAUDIQUEZ (M.). Retrospective national bibliographies: an international directory / Inventaire général des bibliographies nationales rétrospectives. New York, 1986. (65) BELL (B. L.), UNESCO. Bibliographical services throughout the world. Les services bibliographiques dans le Monde. Paris, 1951-. (66) DUPRAT (G.) e.a. Bibliographie des répertoires nationaux de périodiques en cours. Paris, 1969. (67) GORMAN (G. E.), MILLS (J.J.). Guide to current national bibliographies in the third world. London, 1987 2e ed. (68) HARDY (G.J.), ROBINSON (J.S.). Subject guide to U.S. government reference sources. Littleton, 1996 2e ed. (69) PALIC (V. M.). Government publications. A guide to bibliographic tools. Washington, 1975. (70) PARISH (D.W.). A bibliography of state bibliographies, 1970-1982. Littleton, 1985. (71) POMASSL (G.). Synoptic tables concerning the current national bibliographies. Berlin, 1975. (72) SCHWARZKOPF (L.C.). Government reference books: a biennial guide to U.S. government publications. Englewood, 1968-. (73) TARBERT (G. C.). Periodicals directories and bibliographies. An annotated guide to approximately 350 directories, bibliographies and other sources of information. Detroit, 1987. Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 16 (74) A bibliography of United States government bibliographies 1968-1976. Ann Arbor, 1976. (75) An annotated guide to current national bibliographies. Alexandria, 1998. (76) Scientific and learned societies of Great Britain. London, 1884-1964. London, 1884-. encyclopedieën en woordenboeken (77) KISTER (K.F.). Kister's Best Encyclopedias : a Comparative Guide to General and Specialized Encyclopedias. Phoenix, 1994 2nd ed. (78) AWE (S.C.). ARBA guide to subject encyclopedias and dictionaries. Englewood, 1997 2nd ed. (79) BREWER (A.M.). Dictionaries, encyclopedias, and other word-related books. Detroit, 1987 4th ed. (80) CIMBALA (D. J.). Biographical sources. A guide to dictionaries and reference works. Phoenix, 1986. (81) CLAES (F.), BAKEMA (P.). A Bibliography of Dutch Dictionaries. Tübingen, 1995. (82) CLAES (F.). A bibliography of Netherlandic (Dutch, Flemish) dictionaries. München, 1980. (83) DHONDT (J.), VERVAECK (S.). Instruments biographiques pour l'histoire contemporaine de la Belgique. Leuven, 1964. (84) FIERRO (A.). Bibliographie analytique des biographies collectives imprimées de la France contemporaine (1789-1985). Paris, 1986. (85) GODERT (W.). Multimedia-Enzyklopädien auf CD-ROM : eine vergleichende Analyse von Allgemeinenzyklopädien. Berlin, 1994. (86) JARBOE (B. M.). Obituaries: a guide to sources. Boston, 1982. (87) KISTER (K.F.). Encyclopedia buying guide: a consumer guide to general encyclopedias in print. New York, 1981. (88) LOBIES (J.-P.). Index bio-bibliographicus notorum hominum. Osnabrück, 1973-2004. (89) OETTINGER (E. M.). Bibliographie biographique universelle. Bruxelles, 1854. (90) PHILLIPS (L. B.). The dictionary of biographical reference. London, 1889. (91) RYAN (J.). First Stop: the master index to subject encyclopedias. Phoenix, 1989. (92) SCHREIBER (K.). Biographische Informationsmittel: Typologie mit Beispielen; Rezensionen von 836 allgemeinen und fachlichen Sammelbiographien von Anfang der neunziger Jahre bis Ende 1998, samt einem Verzeichnis mit Schlagwortregister aller von 1974-1993 in der Rubrik Ausg. Berlin, 1999. (93) SLOCUM (R. B.). Biographical dictionaries and related works. 2 vol. Detroit, 1986. (94) WICK (R.), MOOD (Th.). ARBA guide to biographical resources. 1986-1996. Englewood, 1998. (95) Dictionary of dictionaries and eminent encyclopedias : comprising: dictionaries, encyclopedias, and other selected wordbooks in English. London, 1997. (96) Encyclopedias and dictionaries of the world. New York, 1983. (97) International bibliography of specialized dictionaries. Fachwörterbücher und Lexika. Ein internationales Verzeichnis. München, 1979. adresboeken Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 17 (98) ANDERSON (I. G.). Current Asian and Australasian directories: a guide to directories published in or relating to all countries in Asia, Australasia & Oceania. Beckenham, 1978. (99) ANDERSON (l. G.). Current African directories, incorporating African companies: a guide to sources of information; a guide to directories published in or relating to Africa, and to sources of information on business enterprises in Africa. Beckenham, 1972. (100) CAWBELL (M. J.). Directory of financial directories. A world guide. Guernsey, 1976. (101) HENDERSON (G. P.). Current European directories. A guide to international, national, city and specialized directories and similar reference works for all countries of continental Europe. Beckenham, 1981. (102) KLEIN (B.). Guide to American directories: a guide to the major directories of the United States, covering all industrial, professional and mercantile directories. Coral Springs, 1982. (103) KORMAN (R. I.). Checklist of government directories, lists, and rosters. Westport, 1982. (104) KORMAN (R. I.). Le guide des guides. Les guides édités par les services publics. Paris, 1983. (105) SHAW (G.), TIPPER (A.). British directories: a bibliography and guide to directories published in England and Wales (1850-1950) and Scotland (1773-1950). London, 1989. (106) Directories in print. Detroit, 1990. (107) France annuaires. Paris, 1997 2nd ed. (108) International bibliography of special directories. München, 1983. (109) International directories in print. Detroit, 1988. (110) Ulrich's international periodicals directory, now including Irregular serials and annuals. New York, 1932-. atlassen elektronische databases (145) BENSON (A.C.). The Complete Internet Companion for Librarians. New York, 1995. (146) GULDENTOPS (J.). Internet en geschiedenis. Leuven, 1995. (147) HORVATH (P.). Geschichte Online. Köln, 1997. (148) OHRMUND (A.), TIEDEMANN (P.). Internet für Historiker. Darmstadt, 1999. (149) STEGBAUER (C.), TIEDEMANN (P.). Internet für Soziologen. Darmstadt, 1999. (150) TOLLENEER (J.), TRUYEN (F.). Historische informatiekunde. Leuven, 1998. (151) TRINKLE (D.A.), MERRIMAN (S.A.). The History Highway 3.0 : a Guide to Internet Resources. Armonk, 2002. (152) VON DITFURTH (C.). Internet für Historiker. Frankfurt, 1997. (153) ZAKALIK (J.). Gale Guide to Internet Databases. Andover, 1995. (154) CD-aktuell, der Katalog: Verzeichnis erschienener CD-ROM. (155) CDs und Disketten: Software (ohne Audio-CDs). Stuttgart, 1998. 4th ed. (156) Handbuch lieferbarer CD-ROMs. Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 18 1.2. over geschiedenis 1.2.1. algemeen (157) BENJAMIN (J.R.). A Student's Guide to History. Seventh Edition. Boston, 1998. (158) D'ANIELLO (Ch. A.). Teaching Bibliographic Skills in History : a Sourcebook for Historians and Librarians. Westport, 1993. (159) DAY (A. E.). History, a reference handbook. London, 1977. (160) DE KEYSER (R.) e.a. De zoektocht van de historicus : bibliografische wegwijzer. Leuven, 1996. (161) DE KEYSER (R.) e.a. Historisch-bibliografische wegwijzer. 1. Geschiedenis in onderzoek, onderwijs, samenleving. Leuven, 1991. (162) FELDMANN (R.), SCHULZE (K.). Wie finde ich Literatur zur Geschichte. Berlin, 1995. (163) FRITZE (R.H.) e.a. Reference Sources in History : an Introductory Guide. Santa Barbara, 1990. (164) GERIN (P.). Nouvelle initiation à la documentation écrite de la période contemporaine. Liège, 1982. (165) HENIGE (D.). Serial bibliographies and abstracts in history: an annotated guide. Westport, 1986. (166) HEPWORTH (P.). How to find out in history. A guide to sources of information for all. Oxford, 1966. (167) LUYKX (P.). De ware geschiedschrijver. Apparaat voor de nieuwste geschiedenis. Groningen, 1982. (168) MEYER (G.). Wege zur Fachliteratur: Geschichtswissenschaft. München, 1980. (169) POULTON (H. J.). The historian's handbook: a descriptive guide to reference works. Norman, 1972. (170) ROMEIN (J. M.), HAAK (J.). Apparaat voor de studie der geschiedenis. Groningen, 1979. (171) SLAVENS (T.P.). Sources of Information for Historical Research. New York, 1994. (172) TERMEER (H.J.C.). Historisch bibliografische gids. Groningen, 1996. (173) Bibliographies in history: an index to bibliographies in history. Santa Barbara, 1988. 1.2.2. per streek (174) BEERS (H. P.). Bibliographies in American history 1942-1978. Guide to materials for research. Woodbridge, 1982. (175) BEERS (H. P.). Bibliographies in American history. Guide to materials for research. New York, 1942. (176) COOK (C.), WALLER (D.), ed. The St. Martin's Guide to Sources in Contemporary British History. New York, 1994. (177) PRUCHA (F.P.). Handbook for Research in American History : a Guide to Bibliographies and Other Reference Works. Lincoln, 1987. (178) WERLICH (D. P.). Research tools for Latin American historians. A select, annotated bibliography. New York, 1980. Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 19 1.2.3. per thema (179) BAYLISS (G.M.). Bibliographic guide to the two world wars. An annotated survey of English-language reference materials. London, 1978. (180) BLOCKX (K.). Bibliographical introduction to church history. Leuven, 1982. (181) BRADLEY (J.E.), MULLER (R.A.). Church History : an Introduction to Research, Reference Works, and Methods. Grand Rapids, 1995. (182) CUTTER (C.), OPPENHEIM (M.F.). Judaica Reference Sources : a Selective, Annotated Bibliographic Guide. Juneau, 1993. (183) DUIGNAN (P.), GANN (L. H.). A bibliographical guide to colonialism in sub-Saharan Africa. Cambridge, 1973. (184) JAYAWARDENE (S.A.). Reference books for the historian of science: a handlist. London, 1982. (185) MESSENGER (Ch.), ed. Reader's Guide to Military History. Chicago, 2001. (186) PREVENIER (W.), STABEL (P.). Bibliographies on European Urban History. Gent, 1996. (187) SEEGERS (J. J.). Economisch-historische wegwijzer. Een gids voor het bronnen- en literatuuronderzoek van de Nederlandse economische geschiedenis. Amsterdam, 1990. (188) WINKELMAN (P. H.). Bibliografische gids voor de sociaal-economische geschiedenis. Nijmegen, 1977. 1.3. over communicatiewetenschappen 1.3.1. algemeen (189) BLOCK (E.S.), BRACKEN (J.K.). Communication and the mass media: a guide to the reference literature. Englewood, 1991. (190) STERLING (C.H.), BRACKEN (J.K.), HILL (S.M.). Mass communications research resources. Mahwah, 1998. 1.3.2. per streek* 1.3.3. per thema (191) ALDAIR (S.), EAGLE(S.). Information sources for the press and broadcast media. London-Melbourne-München-New Providence, 1999. (192) CATES (J.A.). Journalism: a guide to the reference literature. Englewood, 1997 2nd ed. This annotated bibliography is a reference guide to select English-language reference literature for print and broadcast journalism. Journalism here is defined as gathering, evaluating, displaying or disseminating news, opinion or information. The book covers 789 sources, focusing on the late 1960's through 1995. A scattering of important 1996 sources and a small number of earlier classics are included. Annotations contain exhaustive cross-references arranged by reference type; chapters include bibliographies and bibliographic guides, encyclopedia, dictionaries, abstracts, indexes and databases, biographical sources, directories and yearbooks, review sources, catalogs, handbooks and manuals, stylebooks and books of Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 20 English-language , core periodicals, miscellaneous sources, professional organizations, research centers and a chapter on commercial databases and internet sources. (193) CRAGGS (S.R.). A World Bbibliography of music bibliography. Alderschot, 2003. (194) HAGGERTY (G.). A Guide tot popular music reference books: an annotated bibliography. Westport, 1995. Popular music in this work is defined as any commercially successful music produced for mass dissemination through recording and live performance. Classical music is not included. The guide includes references to bibliographies, periodical indexes, printed and recorded music indexes, dictionaries and encyclopedias, biographies, dictionaries of terms, directories, general discographies, guidebooks, almanacs, yearbooks, and other miscellaneous sources. Two appendixes are included: individual discographies and electronic resources. Items are indexed by author, title and general terms. All 427 listed titles are English-language. 1.4. over andere menswetenschappen 1.4.1. sociale wetenschappen i.h.a. (195) AVERSA (E.) BLAZEK (R.). The Humanities : a selective guide to information sources. Engelwood, 1994 4e ed. (196) HART (C.). Doing a literature search : a comprehensive guide for the social sciences. London, 2001. This book provides a practical and comprehensive guide to searching the literature on any topic within the social sciences, identifying useful books, articles, statistics and many other sources of information. It offers the following features: a quick reference guide to sources - print and electronic abstracts, indexes, guides and gateways; an aide to planning and conducting a literature search; a concise introduction to doing either a quick review or a comprehensive review of the literature; a guide to the search tools for locating items; advice on how to indentify key items from the literature; an up-to-date list of key reference materials both printed and electronic, especially URLs and titles of guides to the literature. (197) HARZIFELD (L. A.). Periodical indexes in the social sciences and humanities: a subject guide. Metuchen, 1974. (198) HEIDTMANN (F.). Wie finde ich Literatur zur Volkswirtschaft, Betriebswirtschaft, Psychologie, Soziologie, Politologie, Publizistik, Statistik. Unter Berücksichtigung von Pädagogik, Recht, Anthropologie, Demographie, Geographie, Umwelt. Berlin, 1985. (199) HERRON (N.L.). The social sciences: a cross disciplinary guide to selected sources. 3rd ed. Englewood, 2002. This is a collection of bibliographic essays written or updated by leading subject specialist librarians. The third edition of this work has been updated and expanded to comprise more than 1500 annotated citations. After an opening chapter for general social science sources, each chapter treats one of the traditional social science disciplines: political science, economics, business, history, law, anthropology, sociology, education, psychology, geography, and communication. Each chapter opens with an essay about the nature of the discipline and its information sources. The various sections devoted to types of sources begin with brief overviews. Unfortunately, source citations do not include an indication of extent (pagination or Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 21 number of volumes), but they are followed by descriptive annotations and means of electronic access if that is available. The subtitle, A Cross-Disciplinary Guide to Selected Sources, implies special attention to newer cross- or interdisciplinary fields, such as women's studies, gender studies, and queer (or lesbian-gay) studies, but these areas are relatively ignored - they don't even make the subject index. Areas studies, by now well-established cross-disciplinary social science areas, do receive limited attention (six pages, according to the subject index). The volume concludes with indexes for authors (both personal and corporate), titles, and subjects. The subject index is largely a rearrangement of the table of contents. (200) HERRON (N.L.). The Social sciences: across-disciplinary guide to selected sources. Engelwood, 1996. 2nd ed. (201) LI (Tze-Chung). Social sciences reference sources: a practical guide. 3rd ed. Westport, 2000. Around 1.600 sources are described, generally in bibliographic essays.The text is divided into two parts - the first dealing with the social sciences in general, the second with particular disciplines. (202) OAKES (E.H.). Social science resources in the electronic age. Westport, 2004. This five-volume work guides students and scholars through the chaos of the Internet, helping them locate authoritative information on topics in social science. It aims to provide the Web's best sites for general on key topics in a broad range of disciplines, each of which has been screened by an expert in the field and chosen based on a detailed analysis of the national standards and leading subject texts. Reviews include the site's name, URL, and appropriate grade range, as well as a thorough discussion of how to use the site for research. Sites are reviewed for professional associations, academic groups, conferences, workshops, programs, clubs, and other outlets for students interested in working or doing internships in the subject. Each site sould be definitive, comprehensive, credible, and current. (203) ROBERTS (N.). Use of social science literature. London, 1977. (204) SABLE (M. H.). Research guides to the humanities, social sciences and technology. An annotated bibliography of guides to library resources and usage, arranged by subject or discipline of coverage. Ann Arbor, 1986. (205) VAN DEN EECKHOUT (P.). Naslagwerken voor de studie van de hedendaagse samenleving. Brussel, 1991. (206) WEBB (W. H.). Sources of information in the social sciences. A guide to the literature. 3rd ed. Chicago, 1986. 1.4.2. politieke wetenschappen (207) ARKIN (W.M.). Research guide to current military and strategic affairs. Washington, 1981. Reviews basic sources on military and strategic affairs. It is divided by subject, form, and geographic area. Over one thousand reference sources and six hundred periodicals are discussed. (208) BOILARD (G.), BUTTAZZONI (M.). Guide de documentation politique. 2e éd. Québec, 1991. (209) DALE (I.). Directory of political websites. London, 2001. (210) DEWACHTER (W.), BIONDI (P.), MAES (M.). In handbereik: handbibliotheek, basisstatistieken, wegwijzer bibliografisch onderzoek, voornaamste overheidspublicaties voor de politoloog in opleiding. Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 22 Leuven, 1997. (211) HARMON (R.B.). Political science: a bibliographical guide to the literature. 3rd supplement. Lanham, 1974. (212) HOLLER (F. L.). Information sources of political science. 4th ed. Santa Barbara, 1986. (213) LAGHZALI (M.), TARDY (E.). Guide de recherche documentaire en science politique. Montréal, 1986. (214) LOWERY (R.C.), CODY (S.A.). Political science: illustrated search strategy and sources. Ann Arbor, 1993. (215) MORRISON (A.M.), MANN (B.J.). International Government Information and Country Information: A Subject Guide. Westport, 2004. This guide offers a subject approach to the plentiful resources provided by international government organizations, national governments, and other foreign information sources. In addition to an overview section, 21 chapters cover rich resources of topical, statistical, and analytical information on: Agriculture and food, Crime, Health, Human rights, Laws and treaties, Transportation, Women and children, and more. Each chapter provides descriptions of Web sites, books, reports, and other important materials, and concludes with research strategies and tips on the most efficient ways to search for certain types of information. (216) PFALTZGRAFF (R.L.). The study of international relations: a guide to information sources. Detroit, 1977. (217) YORK (H.E.). Political science: a guide to reference and information sources. Englewood, 1990. 1.4.3. sociologie (218) ABY (S.H.). Sociology: a guide to reference and information sources. 2nd ed. Littleton, 1997. Provides descriptions of major reference sources in sociology, its subdisciplines, and the related social sciences. Works from United States and Great Britain predominate, though some important international sources are included. (219) BERNDT (J.). Rural sociology: a bibliography of bibliographies. Metuchen, 1986. (220) BROWN (S.R.). Finding the Source in Sociology and Anthropology: A thesaurus-index to the Reference Collection. New York, 1987. Thorough annotations for resources in sociology and many of its related disciplines (political science, education, history, etc.) and fields (applied sociology, criminology, gerontology, industrial sociology, marriage and the family, medical sociology, population and ethnic and race relations) as well as other topics. Easy to use and relatively up to date. (221) MENDELSOHN (H.N.). A Guide to Information Sources for Social Work and the Human Services. Phoenix, 1987. (222) VOCINO (M.C.), CAMERON (L.W.). Labor and Industrial Relations Journals and Serials: An Analytical Guide. Westport, 1989. This guide provides an overview of the serial literature of labor and industrial relations. It offers bibliographical information on nearly 350 titles from a variety of disciplines, drawing heavily upon the list of titles displayed by the Catherwood Library at Cornell University as the selection device. The annotations provide basic information (price, publisher, address, where Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 23 indexed/abstracted, etc.) as well as a contents analysis of recent issues. The authors are attentive to the intended audience of the serials in addition to the quality of the work published. Finally, there are several indexes to the contents, including a most useful subject index, and a list of other relevant serials that the authors could not review personally. 1.4.4. economie (223) EKKEHART (S.). Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Bibliographien, 1974 bis 1981. Kiel, 1983. (224) FISHER (W.H.). Financial Journals and Serials: An Analytical Guide to Accounting, Banking, Finance, Insurance, and Investment Periodicals. Westport, 1986. This volume contains bibliographic information for more than 500 serial publications in the areas of accounting, banking, finance, insurance, and investments. A full range of types of publications is represented, including scholarly journals, popular periodicals, newsletters, association publications, house organs, and loose-leaf services. Chapter one looks at the areas of accounting, auditing, and taxation. The second chapter examines banking-related publications. The third chapter, covering the general area of finance, is divided into four parts: general and public, which contains titles dealing with finance as a field of study and those that deal with the collection and allocation of public revenues; international finance; corporate finance; and personal finance. Chapter four covers titles available in insurance, including risk management and actuarial science. Chapter five contains investment-oriented titles, including those focusing on the stock exchanges, commodities markets, precious metals, real estate, currency, and more. Chapter six describes major indexing and abstracting services for these subjects. All indexes, abstracts, and databases cited in the annotations are included in the subject index. (225) FLETCHER (J.). Information sources in economics. London, 1984. (226) HAWBAKER (A.C.), NIXON (J.M.). Industry and Company Information: Illustrated Search Strategy and Sources. Ann Arbor, 1991. Step by step guide to researching company and industry information with illustrations of sources recommended. (227) JOHNSON (D.B.). Finding and Using Economic Information: A Guide to Sources and Interpretation. Mountain View, 1993. (228) LAVIN (M.R.). Business Information: How to Find It, How to Use It. 2nd ed. Phoenix, 1992. Discusses research methodology, reference tools, company information resources, and statistical sources. Explains how information is organized and accessed and describes the use of specific sources. (229) MAIER (E.L.). The Business Library and How to Use It: A Guide to Sources and Research Strategies for Information on Business and Management. Detroit, 1996. This book describes general types of print and electronic business information resources and discusses how they are used. Annotations are provided to hundreds of titles in such categories as: handbooks and almanacs, directories, and international sources. Also lays out basic research strategies and tools necessary for locating materials. (230) METTE (G.), SCHOPPL (E.). Wie finde ich Literatur zu den Wirtschaftswissenschaften. Berlin, 1995. (231) MOSS (R.W.). Strauss's Handbook of Business Information: A Guide for Librarians, Students, Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 24 and Researchers. 2nd ed. Westport, 2004. An update of the 1988 handbook by Diane Wheeler Strauss, this book is divided into two main parts. The first seven chapters cover business information according to the formats in which it is made available: guides; bibliographies and quick reference sources; directories; periodicals and newspapers; looseleaf services; government documents; statistics; examples of different types of electronic sources. The second part of the book covers specific topics within the area of business. Included are chapters on marketing; money, credit, and banking; and the many aspects of investment ranging from stocks through bonds, mutual funds, and futures and options. Recognizing the changes in information retrieval techniques since the first edition, special emphasis is placed on the Internet as a source of reliable, accurate, and timely information. Nevertheless, print resources have not been neglected. All sources are well annotated. (232) PAGELL (R.A.), HALPERIN (M.). International Business Information. 2nd ed. Westport, 1998. Reference work that guides business researchers and librarians to the most valuable sources for information on international business and shows how to interpret and use the data provided. The authors also describe business practices in various regions and countries, the basics of international trade and finance, international business organizations, and relevant political departments and agencies. An extensive number of exhibits and tables are featured, and the book's appendixes include glossaries, checklists for evaluating sources, and sample disclosure documents. (233) ROCK (J.M.). Money, banking, and macroeconomics: a guide to information sources. Detroit, 1977. (234) SICHEL (B.), SICHEL (W.). Economics Journals and Serials: An Analytical Guide. Westport, 1986. This bibliography lists 450 English-language serials published worldwide. The emphasis is on scholarly journals published at least twice yearly, although a few annuals and especially important government publications are included. The only foreign-language titles covered are those publications in which most articles are written in English. Each entry provides bibliographic information about the title, including the date founded, previous titles, frequency, price, name and address of publisher, editor's name, circulation, where indexed or abstracted, and target audience (academic, general public, specialist). Entries also indicate if the title features book reviews, illustrations, advertisements, an index, or is available on microform or on a database. The compilers provide full description and evaluative annotations, discussing content, editorial policy, authority of contributors, technical format, and unique or special characteristics. The geographical index, publishers' index, and classified title index are all useful. (235) THOMPSON (M. T.). Management information. Where to find it. Metuchen, 1981. 1.4.5. juridische wetenschappen (236) BENAMATI (D.C.). Criminal justice information : how to find it, how to use it. Phoenix, 1998. Comprehensive and very useful reference book providing methods for evaluating a wide range of criminal justice resources both in print and online (bibliographies, periodicals, indexes, abstracts, statistical sources, etc.). (237) BEYERLY (E.). Public International Law: A Guide to Information Sources. London, 1991. Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 25 (238) DE THEUX (A.), KOVALOVSZKY (I.), BERNARD (N.). Précis de méthodologie juridique: les sources documentaires du droit. Bruxelles, 2000. (239) GEORGE WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW AND ECONOMICS. Guide to International Legal Research. 5th ed. Charlottesville, 2003. (240) GOWIE (F.). Internetgids voor de Belgische jurist. Antwerpen, 2003. (241) HALL (K.C.). International Human Rights Law: A Resource Guide. Queenstown, 1993. (242) LANSKY (R.). Bibliographisches Handbuch der Rechts- und Verwaltungswissenschaften: erläuternde Bibliographie nationaler und internationaler Bibliographien und anderer Nachschlagewerke und Informationsmittel / Bibliographical handbook on law and public administration:. Frankfurt, 1987-1999. (243) OLSON (K.C.). Legal information: how to find it, how to use it. Westport, 1998. Comprehensive reference guide. (244) RAIMUND-EKKEHARD (W.), SEEWALD-RENNER (I.). Wie finde ich Juristische Literatur? 3 v. Berlin, 1997. (245) VANHEULE (D.), KEMPEN (M.), VAN OVERBEEKE (A.). Hoe vind ik recht?. Antwerpen, 2003. (246) VELLE (K.). Bibliografische inleiding tot het institutioneel onderzoek van de rechterlijke macht, 1796-1994. Brussel, 1994. (247) VERBEKE (C.F.). Belgian Law: an annotated bibliographic guide to reference materials, 1803-1993. Brussel, 1994. (248) WINTERTON (J.), MOYS (E.M.). Information sources in law. 2nd ed. London, 1997. 1.4.6. genderstudies (249) BALLOU (P. K.). Women: a bibliography of bibliographies. Boston, 1986. (250) CARTER (S.). Women's studies: a guide to information sources. London, 1990. Covers material from 1978 to 1988. Lists books, serials, libraries, databases, and organisations, with good coverage of non-American sources. (251) DWORACZEK (M.). Women at Work: A Bibliography of Bibliographies. Monticello, 1984. (252) KORENMAN (J.). Internet Resources on Women. Baltimore, 1997. Internet Resources on Women provides detailed information about women-related e-mail discussion forums, archives, and web sites containing syllabi, bibliographies, essays, and other useful curriculum transformation resources. Additions and changes to this book are mentionned at (253) MCKEE (K. B.). Women's studies. A guide to reference sources. Storrs, 1977. (254) OLSON (H.A.). Information sources in women's studies and feminism. München, 2002. (255) RITCHIE (M.). Women's studies: a checklist of bibliographies. London, 1980. Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 26 2. ADRESSEN VAN WEBSITES (URL's). Die vind ik dank zij zoekmachines en indexen 2.1. zonder beperking van wetenschapsdomein 2.1.2. zoekmachines lijsten van zoekmachines (256) All Search Engines. URL: (257) Beaucoup. URL: (258) European Search Engines, Directories and Lists. URL: (259) Search Engine Guide. URL: (260) Search Engine Watch. URL: (261) Suchmaschinen. URL: (262) Surfnet. URL: (263) Traffick. URL: metazoekmachines (264) Dogpile. URL: (265) Excite. URL: (266) Mamma. URL: (267) Metacrawler. URL: (268) Metasuchmaschinen im WWW. URL: Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 27 (269) Search. URL: (270) Webcrawler. URL: algemene zoekmachines (271) About Search - Find it now!. URL: (272) Altavista. URL: (273) Ask Jeeves. URL: (274) Deep Query Manager. URL: (275) DINO-Online. URL: (276) Google. URL: (277) Index of /~auswgw. URL: (278) iTools. URL: (279) Lycos. URL: (280) Northern Light. URL: (281) Profusion. URL: (282) Home Page. URL: (283) Searching the Internet: Recommended Sites and Search Techniques. URL: (284) URL: (285) Thomson Petersons. URL: Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 28 (286) URL: (287) Yahoo. URL: (288) ZIS-Datenbank Suchseite. URL: zoekmachines betreffende geografische omschrijvingen (289) Abacho. URL: (290) Ad Valvas. URL: (291) African Search Engine. URL: (292) Arabsites. URL: (293) Asia Guide. URL: (294) Asian Net. URL: (295) Echo. URL: (296) Euroseek. URL: (297) Ilse. URL: (298) Latinworld. URL: (299) Scoot. URL: (300) Search Belgium. URL: (301) SearchUK. URL: (302) Track. URL: Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 29 (303) Voila. URL: (304) Webguide. URL: (305) Webwatch. URL: zoekmachines betreffende wetenschapsdomeinen (306) From Marx to Mao. URL: (307) Gezielte Recherche mit den Suchmaschinen. URL: (308) Internet for Historians. URL: (309) Scirus. URL: 2.1.3. indexen algemene indexen (310) Academic Web Index. URL: (311) BUBL LINK / 5:15: Humanities. URL: Maintained by the Centre for Digital Library Research, Strathclyde U (Glasgow), the site covers some 120 categories with a strong focus on archaeology, history, religion and philosophy. Browsing is possible alphabetically, by country, or according to the Dewey Decimal system. Entries are of high academic quality and annotated. (312) CataList: Official Catalog of LISTSERV Lists. URL: Maintained by L-Soft international, Inc, lists some 70.000 public discussion lists, largely academic or public organization managed. Includes a dedicated search engine for the lists linked to, plus a listing by host country. (313) DutchESS. URL: Maintained by the Dutch Royal Library, the Dutch Electronic Subject Service is a stringently quality controlled national subject gateway for the academic community. Strictly monitored by specialists in the participating research libraries, DutchESS is unparalleled in the explicitness of its site selection criteria. Subjects are browsable within the broad ranges of general resources, Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 30 arts and humanities, exact sciences and engineering, and social sciences; or searchable by key terms within a variety of selectable data fields. All entries are annotated. (314) INFOMINE: Scholarly Internet Resource Collections. URL: Maintained since 1994 by the U of California (Riverside) Library, the site correctly describes itself as a unique Web resource featuring well organized access to important university level research and educational tools on the Internet. A virtual library, its links are annotated and indexed. A broad range of access points make information retrieval both easy and efficient. INFOMINE contains over 100,000 links to, i.e. databases, e-journals, guides to the Internet for most disciplines, textbooks and conference proceedings. (315) Internet Public Library Reference Center. URL: (316) Les Signets de la Bibliothèque nationale de France. URL: A closely monitored and quality controlled general research gateway for all fields of knowledge, maintained by the Bibliothèque Nationale de France. Proposes a selection of some 2500 academic sites accessible by domain, alphabetically, or by several entry points. The site excels due to its selectiveness and fine annotations. (317) Librarians' Index to the Internet. URL: (318) Resource Discovery Network. URL: (319) Subject Guides. URL: An excellent meta-gateway of academic subject guides from all fields of knowledge, selected by the staff of the Columbia University Libraries system. (320) Webliography. URL: (321) WWW Virtual Library. URL: (322) WWW Virtual Library. URL: The oldest general gateway to the web, originated by Tim Berners-Lee--creator of HTML and the web itself, the Virtual Library central catalog is maintained today by Gerard Manning. Subdivisions are maintained individually by volunteers, typically at appropriate university departments or research institutes. The VL states its mission as providing sites which are or aim to be the definitive reference guide to online resources in a particular area. Subsite maintainers are enjoined to deliver to the VL an unbiased and relatively comprehensive guide to the most valuable sources in their field. The site should aim to be one of the best resources in its area. Virtual Library sites are largely collections of links to other sources, rather than primary Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 31 data, but a brief introduction to the field, for the inexperienced visitor, is encouraged. All academic fields are included. indexen betreffende bepaalde soorten websites (323) Governement Information on the Internet : a Primer. Multi-National Organizations. URL: (324) Governements on the Web. URL: (325) Government Information and Official Publications Resources. URL: (326) Government Information on the Net. Statistics. URL: (327) Governments on the WWW: Table of Contents. URL: A must site for any political scientist or contemporary historian. Provides comprehensive links, by country, to a vast array of governmental and political agencies and institutions from the federal to the regional and municipal, including political party sites. A measure of comprehensiveness is indicated by the some 200 links provided for Belgium alone. Contains over 17.000 entries from more than 220 countries. (328) GovInfo. Governement Information on the Internet. URL: (329) HBZ. URL: (330) Historical Map Web Sites. URL: (331) Idealist. URL: (332) Maps and References. URL: (333) On-Line Dictionaries. URL: (334) Political Resources on the Net. URL: (335) Statistical Resources on the Web. URL: Maintained by the U of Michigan Documents Center, the site provides links to several hundred U.S. and international statistical sites, typically maintained by governmental agencies or international organizations. Strong focus on contemporary social, political and economic data. Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 32 (336) Virtual Reference Desk. URL: (337) Your Dictionary. URL: 2.1.4. per streek (338) Country Studies-home. URL: The site is maintained by the Federal Research Division of the Library of Congress. It is an on-line version of books previously published in hard copy under the Country Studies/Area Handbook Program sponsored by the U.S. Department of Army. The original focus was on lesser known areas of the world or regions in which U.S. forces might be deployed. Currently, 102 countries and regions are covered, but many Western and developed nations are excluded--though, notably, Germany is, with an extremely extensive and comprehensive entry. Dates of information are included for each country. In the words of the editors, The Country Studies Series presents a description and analysis of the historical setting and the social, economic, political, and national security systems and institutions of countries throughout the world and examines the interrelationships of those systems and the ways they are shaped by cultural factors. (339) Portals to the World from the Library of Congress. URL: A high quality, selective geographical portal site maintained by the Library of Congress, clearly organized alphabetically by country (some 200 listed). In the words of the editors, the site provides authoritative, in-depth information about the nations and other areas of the world. They are arranged by country or area with the links for each sorted into a wide range of broad categories. The links were selected by Area Specialists and other Library staff using Library of Congress selection criteria. When completed, the project will include all the nations of the world. Individual country information is typically subdivided by General resources, business, commerce, economy, culture, education, embassies, genealogy, geography and environment, government, politics, law, health, history, language and literature, libraries, archives, media and communications, national security, recreation and travel, religion and philosophy, science and technology, search engines, society. per continent Afrika (340) Africa Research Central. URL: Run by two scholars in African history, and with extensive archival training and experience (Susan Tschabrun, U Wisconsin-Madison and Kathryn Green Indiana U) with the support of H-Net. Is a clearinghouse of links to the archives, libraries, and museums with important collections of African primary sources. Currently lists 496 source repositories, browsable either by country, or searchable via an excellent search-by-example engine allowing the use of up to Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 33 five parameters. Links to non-African repositories are also provided. Is updated on a rolling basis. (341) Africa South of the Sahara. URL: Based on a printed guide prepared in 1994 by Karen Fung of the Information and Communication Technology Group (ICTG) and the African Studies Association, USA, this updated electronic ersion is now hosted by the African Collection of the Stanford U Libraries. Hundreds of links are organized by country, region and topic. Goes far beyond the usual academic sites one expects, listing discussion groups, local and regional radio station sites, newsletters of non-profit organizations, political party sites, pressure group site--to name some examples. A practical search form is included targeting the Africa internet directory and Stanford University Library's Africa pages. (342) African Internet Resources Relevant to Museums/Les musées, l'Afrique et Internet. URL: Bi-lingual site run by the International Committee for Documentation of the International Council of Museums (ICOM-CIDOC), a subsidiary of the International Council of Museums (ICOM), established during the 1950 ICOM General Conference in London. Specialized in providing links to African museums on the Internet as well as non-African museum with African content/collections. Also provides valuable links to on-going African progams of international organizations, e.g. the International Council on Monuments and Sites, UN, UNESCO, as well as general links on Africa: African studies, archaeology and anthropology, ethnography and history, geography and mapping, natural sciences, earth sciences and environmental sciences, art and architecture. (343) African Studies Center, U of Pennsylvania. URL: This academic website has much in common with the many other African Studies gateways as regards topical spread and country links. While not as extensive or comprehensive as most comparable sites, it does have two significant advantages over its competitors as regards topical strength and editorial approach: it includes a broader array of demographic, economic, and religious links; its links are annotated, an important measure of quality control and a valuable time saver for the scholar doing research on the web. (344) African Studies Gateway. URL: Part of the vast H-NET Humanities & Social Sciences Online listserv site run by Michigan State U, the gateway links to a dozen subdivisions on African Studies ranging from culture to politics, from gender to primary source research, to African regional studies. Provides access to current and archived scholarly on-line discussions over on-going academic topics in the discipline, as well as access to hundreds of electronic book reviews. Ideal for scholarly networking and keeping up-to-date on activities such as international conferences. Professionally edited. (345) African Studies Internet Resources. URL: The site's sponsors summarize its mission and content well: Columbia University's collection of African Studies Internet Resources is an on-going compilation of electronic bibliographic Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 34 resources and research materials on Africa available on the global Internet, created under the purview of the African Studies Department of Columbia University Libraries. Electronic resources from Africa are organized by region and country. All materials are arranged to encourage an awareness of authorship, type of information, and subject. The scope of the collection is research-oriented, but it also provides access to other web sites with different or broader missions. Beginning in early 1999, the site became the 'official' African Studies web site for the World Wide Web Virtual Library. (346) Afrique francophone. URL: Run by the French Department of Languages & Literatures at Lehman College, City U of New York, this gateway goes far beyond the general purview of the hosting department. Strong focus on media, literature, and culture. Includes major link rubrics as general Africa, continental press, references by country, regional references, commercial sites, music, literature, culture, African universities; Includes a dedicated African topics research engine. (347) A-Z of African Studies on the Internet. URL: Jointly edited by Peter Limb (Africana Dept) and Ibra Sene (History Dept) at Michigan State University Library. Provides links to several hundred sites related to African Studies in general, from history to literature, linguistics, sociology and politics--to name some of the major categories. Sites included are mainly of academic provenance (e.g research institutes, on-line journals, scholarly pages) but also include links to country pages, major regional newspapers, etc. Non-English sites, predominantly French, are included. Alphabetical listing is a bit impractical, but a special Google search bar enables instant searching through the MSU library site, the physical host. (348) Bienvenue dans Clio en Afrique. URL: Published quarterly since Spring 1997 under the direction of Jean-Louis Triaud: Directeur de l'Institut d'Etudes Africaines, U de Provence, the site proposes to facilitate the exchange of information between Francophone Africanists in general, and Africanist anthropologists and historians in particular. Its scientific advisory and editorial committee numbers some 10 international Africanist scholars. The focus of the site is the electronic publication of Francophone works-in-progress and theses, in full text and with complete scholarly apparatus. (349) SEDET->Groupe Afrique noire<. URL: Run by the U Paris VII Groupe de Recherche Afrique Noire et ocean Indien, the site is a subdivision of the larger project Sociétés en développement dans l'espace et dans le temps (SEDET). An extensive and very complex site, a must for Africanists in general, but certainly specialists of Francophone Africa, it combines elements of repertoria, gateway, scholarly discussion groups, content (on-line article publication and works-in-progress). The rubric actualités, rather than providing press links or editorial comment on contemporary issues--as one might think--links to current scholarly activities and news, e.g. conferences or new web sites of interest to Africanists. Links to relevant international scholarly journals will be added soon. Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 35 Azië (350) Asia Pacific Economic Cooporation. URL: Home page of the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation Forum, an intergovernmental economic development group based in Singapore and composed of 21 Asian and Pacific rim countries. Excellent source for current economic data on the member countries and action plans for future development. Secretariat run, on rotating basis, by member state representatives of ambassadorial rank. (351) Asia Society. URL: A non-profit organization founded in 1956 by John D. Rockefeller III, the Asia Society, based in New York, proposes to disseminate knowledge on Asian and Pacific rim countries. Scholars will find the on-line country reports with their focus on business and policy of special interest. (352) Association for Asian Studies, Inc. URL: The Association for Asian Studies is a non-profit, scholarly association, founded in 1941, and based in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Its core business is organizing international conferences and editing the Journal of Asian Studies (previously Far Eastern Quarterly). The site hosts the on-line Bibliography of Asian Studies, listing 570,000 citations--the largest of its kind in the world. This represents the Full content of the whole twenty years of the annual printed Bibliography of Asian Studies (from 1971-1991), plus citations for all articles from 1992-present in 100+ of the most important journals in Asian studies, as well as numerous other citations from recent years.(Extremely relevant but only accessible through a subscription). (353) Digital South Asia Library. URL: A project of the Center for Research Libraries of the U of Chicago, the site links to electronic scholarly reference resources, photographic databases, maps, statistics, bibliographies and union lists, indexes, journals, and the South Asia Resource Access on the Internet site. Contributors to the project include the Library of Congress, British Library, and several prestigious universities from around the world with strong Asian studies departments. (354) URL: Maintained by the Central Eurasia Project of the Open Society Institute (founded and chaired by the Hungarian businessman-philanthropist George Soros), the site proposes to provide information and analysis about political, economic, environmental and social developments in the countries of Central Asia and the Caucasus, as well as in Russia, the Middle East, and Southwest Asia. This includes cultural and human rights issues. Content is not scholarly, but of a high journalistic level and of interest within the context of a regional news clearinghouse. E.g. election watch provides current data on political parties and elections in progress, sent in by typically well-qualified regional political correspondents. (355) Internet Indian History Sourcebook. Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 36 URL: (356) Network Pacific Asia. URL: Home page of the Network Pacific Asia (NPA), established at Rikkyo University (Tokyo, Japan) for the interdisciplinary discussion of politics, economics, international relations, society, culture and modern history in the Pacific Asia region. The NPA maintains a current database of scholars active in research of the region and publishes the Journal of Pacific Asia. The scholars' directory and moderated newsgroup are of particular interest to specialists, for purposes of academic networking. (357) South Asia Resource Access on the Internet. URL: (358) Southeast Asia Guide, Memorial Library, University of Wisconsin-Madison. URL: (359) WWW VL Asian Studies. URL: Matthew Ciolek, head of the Internet Publications Bureau of the Research School of Asian and Pacific Studies (RSPAS) at The Australian National University at Canberra maintains this subdivision of the WWW Virtual Library. It provides both a general and geographic entry point to the numerous relevant links. General includes a guide to dedicated search engines (the site has its own), reviews of on-line resources, conference announcements, specialized and regional-topical bibliographies, e-journals, and e-lists. Geographical links are organized by region and country and generally link to dedicated and reliable scholarly (usually university dept) sites. Separate links to the history of each country link to the appropriate WWW VL History page. An excellent first entry point for Asianists seeking quick reliable information of a comparative nature, or as a beginning search for specific country information. (360) WWW VL Southeast Asian Studies. URL: Amerika (361) Caribbean Regional Resources. URL: (362) Caribean Countries - LANIC. URL: Run by the U Texas at Austin, the site is a subdivision of the larger Latin American Network Information Center (LANIC). Organized by countries, links are typically subdivided into the rubrics academic research resources, arts and humanities, economy, politics, environment, general, government, health, news and media, organizations, portals, travel and tourism. As such, the sites linked to tend to be of an official, rather than strictly academic, quality. International media (e.g. Le Monde fro the Francophone Caribbean) ) regularly reporting on the region are included in media listings, alongside the regional and local press. Of greater interest to political scientists and communications specialists than to historians, other than contemporary of course. Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 37 (363) Countries of the Americas. URL: Run by the University of Quebec at Montreal, the site provides a remarkable survey of links of particular interest to political scientists, media specialists and scholars of contemporary history. Arranged in an easily accessible tabular form, alphabetically by country, one finds an extensive array of links to the major on-line national (and in some case regional) newspapers, to key news magazines and other news publications, to the key government agencies and organizations providing comprehensive statistical data, and to general related web resources. (364) Internet Resources for Latin America. URL: (365) Latin America - Subject Resources. URL: (366) Latin American and Caribbean Documents Home. URL: (367) Latin American Network Information Center - LANIC. URL: (368) Latin American Studies Links. URL: (369) Library of Congress/HLAS Online Home Page. URL: (370) Stanford University Latin American & Iberian Collections. URL: Europa (371) Directory of Internet Resources on Central and Eastern Europe and Russia. URL: Maintained under the auspices of the School of Slavonic and Eastern European Studies of U College London. A comprehensive gateway of links to official, scholarly, public and private sector resources, arranged by country. Includes government and official information, elections, economics and statistics, news and media, academic sites, libraries and archives, language and literature, culture and society, regions and cities, search engines. (372) For European Recovery: The Fiftieth Anniversary of The Marshall Plan. URL: (373) Links zum Thema Osteuropa. URL: Maintained by the Historisches Seminar Osteuropa of the U of Zürich. Gateway to a selective array of high quality links: national home pages, academic research centers, leading on-line regional and national newspapers, and other related gateway sites. (374) REENIC: Russian and East European Network Information Center. Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 38 URL: Hosted by the Center for Russian, East European and Eurasian Studies (College of Liberal Arts, U of Texas at Austin). Classified by region and country, provides hundreds of links to a combination of official and academic resources covering area study centers, associations, communications, culture, current events and media, economics, education, geography and travel, government, health, history, language, law, literature, people, politics, religions, science and technology. (375) Russian and East European Studies Virtual Library. URL: Maintained by the Center for Russian & East European Studies and the University Center for International Studies, both at the U of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Provides browsable and searchable annotated links by subject, geographical region, culture and time period. Extremely useful due to the broad scope, multi-parameter search engine, level of annotations, and general academic quality of sites linked to. (376) UNCG's Slavic Studies Trails. URL: Maintained by Andreas Lixl, U of North Carolina (Greensboro), Department of German and Russian, complements larger and more comprehensive competitor sites nicely with its special focus on culture, language and literature. (377) Western European Studies Section: WESSWEB. URL: (378) WWW Virtual Library: West European Studies Home Page. URL: (379) WWW VL European Integration. URL: Maintained by Michael Nentwich (Austrian Academy of Sciences), the site is a subdivision of the Virtual Library system. the site provides a comprehensive set of links to a whole array of EU/EI-related sites, i.e. publications, EU institutions, research institutions, databases and documents, people, newsgroups and events, other organisations, Euro-sceptics, and much more. Midden Oosten (380) Arab Israel Conflict in Maps. URL: (381) Birzeit University Guide to Palestinian Websites. URL: (382) History in the News: Middle East History, Society, and Culture Resources ~ Department of History, SUNY-Albany. URL: (383) History of the Palestine Problem. Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 39 URL: (384) Internet Islamic History Sourcebook. URL: (385) Israel Defense Forces- IDF News and Information. URL: (386) Middle East. URL: (387) Middle East Network Information Center. URL: (388) Middle East Studes Association. URL: (389) Middle East Studies Internet Resources. URL: (390) Oxford Center for Islamic Studies. URL: (391) The Arab Israel Conflict in Maps. URL: (392) Wars Table of Contents. URL: (393) WWW VL Middle East. URL: Oceanië* nationaal België Frankrijk (394) Annuaire Enseignement et Recherche France. URL: Maintained by the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, the site provides a searchable (by key word, region, or municipality) index to universities, research institutions, think tanks and academic web servers for all of France. A helpful regional map allows easy access by geographical criteria. (395) ARTFL Project. URL: The ARTFL is a joint Project for American and French Research on the Treasury of the French Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 40 Language, jointly operated by the University of Chicago department of Social Sciences and Institut National de la Langue Française of the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique. The project is based on the 1957 French government creation of the Trésor de la Langue Française. designed to provide scholars with access to a large body of word samples, which has subsequently been digitized for on-line availability, so that a corpus of some150 million words representing a broad range of written French from the 17th century to the present are searchable via a database. The words represent a cross-section of some 2000 texts spanning literary and non-fictional categories. ARTFL is therefore of interest to scholars from all areas of the humanities and social sciences. (396) France: Primary Documents. URL: Richard Hacken, European Studies Bibliographer at the Harold B. Lee Library of (the Mormon) Brigham Young U, Utah, is responsible for this primary source gateway site, itself a subsection of the Eurodocs Homepage. Not providing its own content, therefore, it links to other internet source collections on French history and antiquity from 1065 until the present, chronologically structured.The site links to other collections such as French legal documents, historical collections, regional, local and family history. (397) Frankreichportal. URL: This is a French history gateway site (part of, maintained by Gudrun Gersmann (U Köln) in partnership with, i.a., the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek München, the Deutsches Historisches Institut Paris, and the Deutsch-Französisches Institut Ludwigsburg. Perhaps the most important service this site offers is a broad information service gateway which links to German, French, English and Italian press clippings on France. Current clipping archives reach back to 2001. Several dedicated professional search engines; research links to museums, institutes, multimedia, a contemporary literature database and a film database are included, not to mention a whole array of links to various specialized sites on French history. High academic quality. (398) Französische Revolution - Themenportal von URL: An academically exemplary topical country site, part of (originally U of München and Köln, now part of a larger consortium). On-site content includes an extensive structured bibliography; an impressive hyperlinked time line; short signed articles of scholarly biographies of many key players (all properly referenced); a fine gallery of digitized images of people, events, caricatures (all with provenance indicated); facsimiles of select sources (travel journals) and links to major academic collections of digitized sources. A fine selection of high quality academic sites on the Revolution and Napoleon completes the portal. (399) French Culture. URL: The site is sponsored by the Cultural Services of the French Embassy in the U.S. While the stated aim is to provide Americans the chance to learn about the world of French culture, the broad variety of links in this gateway-type site will be of more general interest to any scholars working in he area of French Culture. The site provides links to resources, online books, French Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 41 authors, and online dictionaries of French literature. (400) French History - Research Guide. URL: Maintained by the U of Pennsylvania Library, the site provides an excellent bibliographical and cyber-bibliographical first point-of-entry to key reference resources in French history. Includes Encyclopaedias and Dictionaries, Bibliographies, Indexes to Scholarly Articles, Chronologies, Biography, Histories, News Sources, Statistical Resources, Atlases and Maps, Primary Sources. Some, though not all, references are annotated. (401) French Ministry of Culture. URL: Maintained by the French Ministry of Culture and Communications, the site is a major gateway to French culture (defined as the culture of metropolitan France and the DOM-TOM). As such, itprovides a vast array of links to on-going exhibitions and events in the domains of archaeology, architecture, contemporary art, libraries and mediathèques, research, history and archives, language (French and regional), literature, museums, fine arts, monuments, performing arts. (402) Gallica, Bibliothèque numérique de la Bibliothèque nationale de France. URL: Maintained by the French National Library, Gallica offers a vast array of digital documents (ca. 70 000 printed titles, over 80 000 images and several hours of sound recordings). One of the premier digital collections freely available on the internet, Gallica proposes an encyclopaedic and patrimonial selection of its vast holdings. Encompassing numerous disciplines, most titles are Francophone, though classics from other languages are included. Format is mostly image-based, with some text-based included. (403) Inathèque France. URL: Maintained by the Institut National de l'Audiovisuel of France, according to the law of 20 June, 1992, the Inathèque of France constitutes a legal deposit archive of sound and audiovisual radio and television programming. the site is intended primarily for students and researchers, but is open to the public. The site itself catalogues some 300.000 programs, themselves to be consulted at the Bibliothèque de France. (404) Les centres de ressources documentaires. URL: The French Ministry of Culture and Communication maintains this site as a gateway to French sites concerning culture (archaeology, architecture, audiovisuals, film and photography, conservation, decorative arts, anthropology, art history, museums, fine and performing arts, cultural politics). Sites included are either dependent on or authorized by the Ministry. (405) Ministère de l'intérieur - Liste des ministres. URL: Run by the French Interior Ministry, the site lists all French ministers of the interior since 1789, with brief biographical sketches. Very helpful for quick reference. Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 42 (406) VLIB Histoire. URL: The French pendant to the WWW Virtual Library History, the site is maintained by a group of young scholars with the mission to make available a structured and systematic catalogue of mainly Francophone links of high academic quality, in the field of history. The focus is explicitly on research and pedagogical value. All sites have been critically assessed and annotated by the editorial board. VLIB Histoire is regularly updated. (407) Web Links French History. URL: Maintained by Zoë Schneider of Georgetown U, this scholarly site provides some 100 links to various archives and libraries, major e-text collections, museums, images, maps collections, and professional resources dedicated to the study of French history. An extremely well-organized and user-friendly first stop gateway for French History. Groot-Brittannië (408) 19 th Century Britain. URL: (409) Air War. URL: (410) Battle of Britain. URL: (411) Britannia. URL: (412) British Army. URL: (413) British History. URL: (414) British History: England, Britain, United Kingdom, Great Britain, Wales, Scotland. URL: (415) British Labour Party election manifesto, 1945. URL: (416) British Monarchy Official Web Site. URL: (417) British War Blue Book. URL: (418) Encyclopaedia of British History: 1500-1950. URL: (419) Georgian England. Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 43 URL: (420) Great Britain Historical GIS Project. URL: (421) Great Britain:The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001. URL: (422) H-Albion Discussion Network. URL: (423) Historical Manuscripts Commission: ARCHON. URL: (424) History of the British Army in the Great War. URL: (425) Monarchs of Britain on Britannia. URL: (426) Official Website of the British Monarchy. URL: (427) Public Record Office: Pathways to the Past. URL: (428) Royal Air Force - History Section. URL: (429) Royal Navy History. URL: (430) United Kingdom: Primary Documents. URL: (431) Victoria Research Web. URL: (432) Victorian Web. URL: Duitsland (433) 1848 Flugschriften im Netz. URL: (434) 19th Century. URL: (435) AA-Homepage. URL: (436) Auschwitz Alphabet. Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 44 URL: (437) Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften. URL: (438) Berlin Wall. URL: (439) Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychohistorische Forschung. URL: (440) Deutschland im Kalten Krieg 1945 - 1963. URL: (441) Deutschland: Könige, Kaiser, Staatschefs. URL: (442) Die Weimarer Republik. URL: (443) The German Armed Forces 1919-1945. URL: (444) German 19C Biographical Sketches. URL: (445) German Campaign in the Balkans (Spring 1941). URL: (446) German History Links. URL: (447) German History Sources. URL: (448) German Web Pages. URL: (449) Germany. URL: (450) Haus der Wannsee-Konferenz. URL: (451) Holocaust - Non-Jewish Victims. URL: (452) Holocaust Education Resources CGJS. URL: (453) Holocaust Educational Resource (Nizkor Project). URL: (454) Holocaust History Project. Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 45 URL: (455) Holocaust Memorial Center: Illuminating the Past, Enlightening the Future. URL: (456) Holocaust Ring. URL: (457) Justiz und NS-Verbrechen. URL: (458) Kalliope: Verbundinformationssystem Nachlõsse und Autographen. URL: (459) LeMO-Navigationsseite. URL: (460) Luftwaffe, 1933-45. URL: (461) Mapping the Holocaust. URL: (462) Monumenta Germaniae Historica. URL: (463) Nazi and DDR Propaganda. URL: (464) Nuremberg Project. URL: (465) Nuremberg Trials Project. URL: (466) Prussian History. URL: (467) Cybrary of the Holocaust. URL: (468) Rescuers During the Holocaust. URL: (469) Rescuers From the Holocaust. URL: (470) Responses to the Holocaust: A Hypermedia Sourcebook for the Humanities. URL: (471) Simon Wiesenthal Center Multimedia Learning Center Online. URL: (472) Stiftung Haus der Geschichte. Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 46 URL: (473) Survivors of the Shoah Visual History Foundation. URL: (474) Virtuelle Fachbibliothek Geschichte. URL: (475) World War II: Holocaust. URL: (476) Yad Vashem The Holocaust Martyrs'and Heroes' Remembrance Authority. URL: (477) z.B.Dachau. URL: Nederland (478) Anne Frank Stichting. URL: (479) Historical Sample of the Netherlands. URL: (480) Virtual Library Dutch History. URL: Verenigde Staten (481) 1896. URL: (482) 1912: Competing Visions for America. URL: (483) 1930's on Display. URL: (484) 1969 Woodstock Festival & Concert. URL: (485) A Century of Lawmaking for a New Nation: U.S. Congressional Documents and Debates, 1774-1873. URL: (486) Aboard the Underground Railroad. URL: (487) Abridged History of The United States. URL: (488) Advisory Council on Historic Preservation: Preserving America's Heritage [sm]. Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 47 URL: (489) African American and/or Black Studies Online Catalogs -- Africana Library, Cornell University. URL: (490) African American Archives, Manuscripts and Special Collections. URL: (491) African American Civil War Memorial. URL: (492) African American History - Black History Resources - Academic Info. URL: (493) African-American History and Studies. URL: (494) African-American Mosaic Exhibition (Library of Congress). URL: (495) African-American Religion: A Documentary History Project Home Page. URL: (496) African-American West. URL: (497) Africans in America. URL: (498) Alan Lomax Collection. URL: (499) Almanac of American Politics. URL: (500) AMDOC - American Documentation Center. URL: (501) America in the 1890s. URL: (502) American 1950s. URL: (503) American Civil War. URL: (504) American Folksongs / Volkslieder aus den Vereinigten Staaten. URL: (505) American Historical Association. URL: (506) American Historical Images on File. Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 48 URL: (507) American History - U.S. History - Academic Info. URL: (508) American History and Art from New England. URL: (509) American Indian Studies. URL: (510) American Life Histories: Manuscripts from the Federal Writers' Project, 1936 - 1940. URL: (511) American Memory Collection Finder Search. URL: (512) American Memory from the Library of Congress. URL: (513) American Merchant Marine at War - Revolution to World War II to today. URL: (514) American Military History and Military Affairs. URL: (515) American Notes: Travel in America, 1750-1920. URL: (516) American Revolution. URL: (517) American Slave Narratives. URL: (518) American Social History Project. URL: (519) American Studies - University of Maryland. URL: (520) American Studies @ The University of Virginia (Cultural Maps). URL: (521) American Studies @ The University of Virginia (Hypertexts). URL: (522) American Studies Electronic Crossroads. URL: (523) American Temperance and Prohibition. URL: (524) American West - Native Americans. Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 49 URL: (525) American Women's History: A Research Guide. URL: (526) Amistad Research Center. URL: (527) Anne Frank Center USA. URL: (528) Antebellum U.S. URL: (529) Asian American History - Erika Lee. URL: (530) Atomic Bomb Decision (Hiroshima-Nagasaki). URL: (531) Avalon Project: British-American Diplomacy. URL: (532) Avalon Project: Chronology of American History. URL: (533) Avalon Project: Colonial Charters, Grants and Related Documents. URL: (534) Avalon Project: Documents on Slavery. URL: (535) Avalon Project: John Adams Papers. URL: (536) Avalon Project: Journals of the Continental Congress. URL: (537) Avalon Project: Notes on the Debates in the Federal Convention. URL: (538) Avalon Project: Papers of Thomas Jefferson. URL: (539) Avalon Project: The American Constitution - A Documentary Record. URL: (540) Avalon Project: Treaties Between the United States and Native Americans. URL: (541) Avery Research Center for African-American History and Culture. URL: (542) BAAS US Newspaper Holdings Database. Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 50 URL: (543) Battleship Page. URL: (544) BBHQ: The Sixties Section. URL: (545) Been Here So Long. URL: (546) Beinecke: Exhibitions - The Illustrating Traveler. URL: (547) Belgians in America. URL: (548) Black Military History. URL: (549) Born in Slavery: Slave Narratives from the Federal Writers' Project, 1936-1938. URL: (550) Boundaries of the Contiguous United States. URL: (551) Built in America: Historic American Buildings Survey/Historic American Engineering Record, 1933-Present. URL: (552) Built in America: Historic American Buildings Survey/Historic American Engineering Record, 1933-Present. URL: (553) Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs. URL: (554) C & D Jarnagin Company, Civil War uniforms and civilian clothing and equipment, French and Indian War Uniforms and equipment, Revolutionary War Uniforms and equipment, War of 1812 Uniforms and equipment, Mexican War Uniforms and equipment. URL: (555) California Gold: Northern California Folk Music from the Thirties. URL: (556) California Heritage Collection. URL: (557) Cartoons of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era. URL: (558) Census Bureau Home Page. URL: Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 51 (559) Center for Electronic Projects in American Culture Studies. URL: (560) Chronology of the Secession Crisis. URL: (561) City Sites Electronic Book. URL: (562) Civil War. URL: (563) Civil War Artillery Page. URL: (564) Civil War Battlefield Medicine: Medicine in the American Civil War. URL: (565) Civil War Center at LSU. URL: (566) Civil War Diary Index. URL: (567) Civil War Index Page. URL: (568) Civil War Maps Collection. URL: (569) Classic African American Literature. URL: (570) Classics of American Colonial History. URL: (571) Clements Center for Southwest Studies. URL: (572) Coins of Colonial and Early America. URL: (573) Colonial Williamsburg: Where History Lives. URL: (574) Color Landform Atlas of the United States. URL: (575) Common-place. URL: (576) Congressional Biographical Directory. URL: Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 52 (577) Congressional Record. URL: (578) Continental Congress & Constitutional Convention Broadsides Home Page. URL: (579) Crossroads American Studies. URL: (580) Declaring Independence: Drafting the Documents. URL: (581) DefenseLINK - Official Web Site of the U.S. Department of Defense. URL: (582) Digital History. URL: (583) Documenting America. URL: (584) Documenting the American South Main Page. URL: (585) Documents For The Study Of American History. URL: (586) Documents Related to the Cold War. URL: (587) Early America. URL: (588) Encyclopaedia of USA History: McCarthyism. URL: (589) Encyclopedia Americana Articles: American Politics. URL: (590) Encyclopedia Smithsonian. URL: (591) Encyclopedia Smithsonian: Native American Resources. URL: (592) FedStats Home Page. URL: (593) First Nations Site Index. URL: (594) Firstgov. URL: Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 53 (595) Fort Erie War of 1812 Home Page. URL: (596) Founders' Constitution. URL: (597) Frank Lloyd Wright: Designs for an American Landscape, 1922-1932. URL: (598) Freedmen and Southern Society Project. URL: (599) From Revolution to Reconstruction. URL: (600) Furman: Secession Era Editorials Project. URL: (601) Geostat Center: Collections: Historical Census Browser. URL: (602) Geostat Center: Collections: Historical Census Browser. URL: (603) Gilded Age WebQuest: Documenting Industrialization in America. URL: (604) Greensboro Sit-Ins: Launch of a Civil Rights Movement. URL: (605) Grolier Online's The American Presidency. URL: (606) Grolier Online's The American Presidency. URL: (607) Hargrett Library Rare Map Collection. URL: (608) Harlem: Mecca of the New Negro. URL: (609) Hearts at Home: Southern Women in the Civil War. URL: (610) Heath Anthology of American Literature Web Site. URL: (611) Historic Mile. URL: (612) Historic Pittsburgh. URL: Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 54 (613) Historical Census Statistics on the Foreign-Born Population of the United States: 1850 to 1990. URL: (614) Historical US Documents. URL: (615) History - Allyn & Bacon / Longman Catalog. URL:,4094,72158,00.html (616) History - United States History presidents and statistics. URL: (617) History Matters: The U.S. Survey on the Web. URL: (618) History of American Agriculture. URL: (619) History of American Agriculture 1776-1990. URL: (620) History of Jim Crow. URL: (621) Home Page: American Memory from the Library of Congress. URL: (622) Home Page: American Memory from the Library of Congress. URL: (623) Hoskinson's Gulf War Photo Gallery. URL: (624) Images of Native America. URL: (625) Integrated Public Use Microdata Series (IPUMS) of U.S. Census Data. URL: (626) Intellectual Property. URL: (627) Levittown: Documents of an Ideal American Suburb. URL: (628) Life in the White House. URL: (629) Links to the Past: National Park Service Cultural Resources. URL: (630) Loyalist and British Songs. URL: Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 55 (631) Making of America. URL: (632) Making of America. URL: (633) Map Collections. URL: (634) Martin Luther King, Jr. Papers Project. URL: (635) McNeil Center for Early American Studies. URL: (636) Midway @ URL: (637) Monticello: The Home of Thomas Jefferson. URL: (638) Mount Vernon. URL: (639) Multicultural American West. URL: (640) NARA Presidential Libraries. URL: (641) NASA History Office. URL: (642) NASA: MultiMedia HighLights. URL: (643) National Park Service - Experience Your America. URL: (644) National Women's Hall of Fame. URL: (645) Native American History and Studies. URL: (646) Native American Home Pages. URL: (647) NativeWeb. URL: (648) Naval Air War In The Pacific. URL: Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 56 (649) New American Studies Web. URL: (650) New Deal Network: The Great Depression, the 1930s, and the Roosevelt Administration. URL: (651) North American Slave Narratives, Beginnings to 1920. URL: (652) Northern Great Plains, 1880-1920: Photographs from the Fred Hultstrand and F.A. Pazandak Photograph Collections. URL: (653) NSA - The VENONA Home Page. URL: (654) NYPL Digital Schomburg African American Women Writers the 19th Century. URL: (655) Office of the Clerk, U.S. House of Representatives. URL: (656) Omohundro Institute of Early American History & Culture. URL: (657) Operation Desert Storm. URL: (658) Operation El Dorado Canyon. URL: (659) Operation Just Cause. URL: (660) Operation Safe Border. URL: (661) Outline of American History. URL: (662) Overland Trail. URL: (663) Oyez. URL: (664) Papers of George Washington. URL: (665) Pew Internet and American Life Project. URL: (666) Pluralism and Unity. Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 57 URL: (667) Plymouth Colony Archive Project. URL: (668) Poetry and Music of the War Between the States. URL: (669) Political Database of the Americas. URL: (670) - Public Opinion Online. URL: (671) Popular Songs in American History. URL: (672) Portrait Gallery. URL: (673) Presidents of the United States. URL: (674) Red Hot Jazz Archive. URL: (675) Reel American History. URL: (676) Sailor: Inventory of African American Historical and Cultural Resources in Maryland. URL: (677) Salem Witch Trials. URL: (678) San Diego Historical Society. URL: (679) Sarah Orne Jewett Text Project. URL: (680) Scanned Originals of Early American Documents. URL: (681) SCETI. URL: (682) Schomburg Exhibition, Harlem 1900-1940. URL: (683) Selected Civil War Photographs Home Page. URL: (684) SIRIS: Smithsonian Institution Research Information System. Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 58 URL: (685) Sixties. URL: (686) Small Towns, Black Lives. URL: (687) Smithsonian Institution. URL: (688) Social Security Online. URL: (689) Social Statistics. URL: (690) Society of Early Americanists. URL: (691) Southern History. URL: (692) State and Local History. URL: (693) Statistical Abstract of the U.S. URL: (694) Stokes Collection of American Historical Prints. URL: (695) Subject Research Guides: History - American and British: Civil War Resources on the Internet: Abolitionism to Reconstruction (1830's - 1890's) (Rutgers University Libraries). URL: (696) System Overview (CWSS). URL: (697) Temple of Liberty: Building the Capitol for a New Nation. URL: (698) The First American West: The Ohio River Valley, 1750-1820 (American Memory, Library of Congress). URL: (699) THE KANSAS HISTORY GATEWAY. URL: (700) The Living City | New York City. URL: (701) The Philippine-American War (1899-1902) from Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 59 URL: (702) The United States Navy in the Pacific War 1941 -- 1945 -- Main Index page. URL: (703) The Whole World Was Watching. URL: (704) The World of 1898: The Spanish-American War Home Page. URL: (705) The World of Benjamin Franklin. URL: (706) Theodore Roosevelt: His Life and Times on Film. URL: (707) Thomas Jefferson Online. URL: (708) THOMAS: U.S. Congress on the Internet. URL: (709) Time Page American History Sites. URL: (710) U.S. Census Bureau. URL: (711) U.S. Copyright Office. URL: (712) U.S. Department of State. URL: (713) U.S. Dept of Labor Historical Information. URL: (714) U.S. Diplomatic History Resources Index. URL: (715) U.S. Election Campaign Information. URL: (716) U.S. Gazetteer. URL: (717) U.S. House of Representatives. URL: (718) U.S. National Archives & Records Administration. URL: (719) U.S. POW/MIAs In Southeast Asia. Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 60 URL: (720) U.S. Presidential Election Maps. URL: (721) U.S. Senate. URL: (722) U.S. Senate: Art & History Home. URL: (723) U.S. South. URL: (724) U.S.-Mexican War (1846-1848). URL: (725) U.S.-Mexican War, 1846-1848. URL: (726) Uncle Sam. URL: (727) United States Civil War Center. URL: (728) United States Historical Census Data Browser. URL: (729) US Airborne during World War II. URL: (730) USCWC: Images/Art, Maps, and Multimedia. URL: (731) USCWC: Index of Civil War Information Available on the Internet. URL: (732) USGenWeb Project. URL: (733) USGS Mapping Information: Geographic Names Information System (GNIS). URL: (734) USMC Monograph: Marines at Midway. URL: (735) Variety Stage: Vaudeville and Popular Entertainment, 1870-1920. URL: (736) Vietnam War Internet Project. URL: (737) Virtual Jamestown. Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 61 URL: (738) Virtual Marching Tour of the American Revolution: People. URL: (739) Vital Records Information for United States (birth, death or marriage certificate). URL: (740) VL American Indians. URL: (741) War with Germany, A Statistical Summary, Introduction and Table of Contents. URL: (742) Wars for Vietnam. URL: (743) WELCOME to the Schomburg Exhibition, Harlem 1900-1940. URL: (744) Westward by Sea: A Maritime Perspective on American Expansion,1820-1890 (American Memory, Library of Congress). URL: (745) Whole Cloth: Discovering Science and Technology Through American History. URL: (746) Women and Social Movements in the United States, 1775-2000. URL: (747) Women and Social Movements in the United States, 1775-2000. URL: (748) Women Come to the Front. URL: (749) Women in America. URL: (750) Words and Deeds in American History: Selected Documents Celebrating the Manuscript Division's First 100 Years. URL: (751) WWW VL United States. URL: (752) Yahoo! Directory U.S. History. URL: 2.2. over geschiedenis 2.2.1. algemeen Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 62 (753) URL: In spite of its dotcom status, Bartleby as one of the world's largest internet book publishers provides a helpful quick-reference service by making available in a searchable mode an array of basic yet reliable English-language reference tools (dictionaries, thesauri, general and specialized encyclopaedia, Columbia Gazetteer, World Factbook, quotation anthologies) as well as etext versions of standard literary and cultural monuments as the King James Bible, the Oxford Shakespeare, et al. Literary classics are reproduced following the printed version of the Harvard Classics and Shelf of Fiction. (754) BBC Education - Modern World History. URL: (755) CIA Factbook. URL: (756) Clio-Online. URL: This bi-lingual (German, English) academic history gateway site describes itself aptly as a central Internet gateway in the field of history. Sponsored by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) and maintained by a network of German research institutions and libraries under the heading of Prof. Wilfried Nippel, Clio-online provides a wide array of online-resources to the scholarly and general public. The core of the site is doubtless the Web Guide, offering users a gateway to ... more than 5000 sites relevant to historical scholarship ..., including institutions, databases, web sites, reference guides and other gateway sites. The user can either browse the various categories using the menu structure or search all entries with a full-text search search. (757) Conflict Data Service: Regional Internet Guides. URL: Maintained by the U of Ulster, which jointly founded INCORE in 1993 with the United Nations U. The site is dedicated to the research, resolution and management of conflict. Includes country guides, an ethnic conflict digest, information bank, full texts of key peace agreements and accords, thematic guides, and a library database. (758) Exploring & Collecting History Online. URL: (759) Galaxy : History < Social Sciences. URL: Maintained by the LOGIKA Corporation, this gateway provides links to over 15.000 history sites, organized topically in an easily browsable, hierarchical fashion. While these clearly include very many academically valuable sites, there is a strong bias towards English-language sites, and the broad scope entails the inclusion of many second-rate or commercial sites. (760) Gilder Lehrman Center for the Study of Slavery, Resistance, and Abolition: Home. URL: (761) Greenpeace International. Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 63 URL: (762) Historical Voices. URL: The site, essentially a 20th century oral history archive, is part of the Digital Library Initiative II funded in part by the [American] National Science Foundation and the National Endowment for the Humanities. Historical Voices is one of the first fully functional, multi-media, interoperable digital libraries available online. The primary goals of each of these projects will be the development of a rich set of both online exhibits and educational curricula, utilizing audio files as a key component of these resources. Historical Voices is working to create a federated archives and trans-institutional resources. To this end, Historical Voices is working with several partners [mainly American and African] to build collections. The members of the consortium determine a clear national and regional bias in selection. (763) History - Academic Info. URL: Maintained by th U of Phoenix (Arizona), the site substructures history links on the web by world history, regional histories, and topical histories. The vast majority of this well-structured site are of excellent academic quality, and by no means limited to English-language or U.S.-based sites. unding through some commercial sponsorship unfortunately adds--luckily easily identifiable and block-separated--some history dotcoms and even purely commercial sites. (764) History Data Service. URL: The site is maintained by the UK Data Archive of the U of Essex with the aim of Establishing a collection of historical digital resources drawn from a wide range of sources and with broad temporal and geographic coverage for use in research, learning and teaching. While general European, American, African and Australasian sources are included, the collection's focus is clearly on the British Isles. The collection is browsable by topic, period, and region. (765) History Guide / Informationsweiser Geschichte. URL: Maintained by the Göttingen State and U Library. The site has a strong focus on legal, constitutional, social economic and cultural history. An excellent basic site-specific search engine allows combined searching by region, time period and subject. This is complemented by an even more refined advanced search engine. Searches can even be saved and automatically updated by registering (for free!) with the site's myhistoryguide service. Annotated links to research organizations, archives, archival guides, libraries and archival repositories factual reference works, virtual libraries, bibliographies and digital sources and publications make this an excellent scholarly entry point. (766) History News Network. URL: (767) H-Net: Humanities & Social Sciences Online. URL: Maintained by Michigan State U, H-Net is an international interdisciplinary organization of Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 64 scholars and teachers dedicated to developing the enormous educational potential of the Internet and the World Wide Web. Its lists and web sites are professionally edited and publish peer reviewed essays, multimedia materials, and discussion lists. Since H-Net is host to dozens of high quality discussion networks with thousands of subscribers worldwide, it can draw upon the expertise of hundreds of scholarly volunteers willing to review recent publications. The reviews database is searchable/browsable by author, title, subject list name and includes multimedia reviews (e.g. CD-ROMs). Discussion networks (academic listservs) are free-of-charge electronic bulletin boards dedicated to dozens of historical sub-disciplines (e.g. France, Germany, Early American, Afro-American, Holocaust, etc.) Includes a dedicated site search engine for reviews and discussion list archives. (768) Human Rights Watch Reports by Country and Theme. URL: A subdivision of the home page of the international NGO Human Rights Watch. Provides up-to-date on-line access to the printed reports on the current status of human rights issues around the globe, as researched by this independent organization. Indexed by region and country, but also by theme (e.g. arms, drugs, HIV/Aids) and retrospectively by year until 1984. Includes a site search engine. (769) Lõnderportale - URL: A collaborative academic project directed centrally from the universities of Aachen and München, this German site proposes to provide access to a comprehensive information system for European culture and history with no limits as regards period. Europe is defined as the current 25 member states. Each country portal is typically subdivided into sections on current events, key cultural and historical themes, basic materials and e-texts, academics and culture. These are further subdivided, e.g. each historical theme section accesses bibliographies, e-texts, time lines, sources, image galleries and biographical sketches. Selection criteria for link inclusion are of the highest scholarly standard. A site search engine is provided and links are annotated. (770) SEHEPUNKTE: Rezensionen zur Geschichte und Kunstgeschichte. URL: The site, maintained since 2001 by a team of German scholars in collaboration with the universities of Berlin, Munich and the Herder Institute in Marburg, provides high-quality e-reviews of scholarly monographs in history. Its disciplinary scope is broad, though for the moment the focus is clearly on German language publications. Reviews are published monthly, and subscription is free. The archives are searchable according to various criteria (e.g; author, reviewer, key word, etc.). (771) Sixties Project Home Page. URL: (772) Verlage mit historischem Schrifttum. URL: Maintained by the history department of the U of Erlangen, the site provides links to the home pages of international--largely European and North American--publishers in the field of history. (773) WWW-VL The World Wide Virtual Library: History Index. Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 65 URL: The subsection of the Virtual Library (see dedicated to history ranks among the most comprehensive and qualitatively selective gateways to the subject, and is maintained at theEuropean U Institute in Florence, Italy. In addition to the usual entry points by region (then country), era and topic, the site also includes a well-developed section on research methods and manuals, which similar sites often lack. A site search engine is included. All links except those on the maintenance and editorial policy of the site itself are to subsidiary sections of the VL, as this is the history central catalog. The Florence site is now the main site, while the U Kansas site has become the mirror. 2.2.2. per thema theorieën en methoden (774) Chicago Manual of Style Form Guide. URL: (775) Chicago Style at UW-Madison Writing Center. URL: (776) Eliohs - Electronic Library of Historiography. URL: (777) Historians and Philosophers : A collated web index : index page. URL: (778) Historians and Philosophers: A Collated Web Index. URL: (779) Storia della Storiografia-History of Historiography. URL: (780) Student's Guide to the Study of History. URL: (781) Study Guides and Strategies. URL: (782) Ten Commandments of Good Historical Writing by Theron F. Schlabach. URL: (783) Why Study History?. URL: (784) Yahoo! Directory History > Historiology. URL: politieke geschiedenis (785) Aerial Reconnaisance Archives. URL: Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 66 (786) Age of Imperialism. URL: (787) Avalon Project at the Yale Law School. URL: (788) Bernard Hibbitts: Connections. URL: (789) BUBL LINK / 5:15 Internet Resources: Military history. URL: (790) Center for Military History. URL: (791) CIA - The World Factbook. URL: (792) Cold War Hot Links: Web Sorces Relating to the Cold War. URL: (793) Cold War International History Project. URL: (794) Der Erste Weltkrieg. URL: (795) Documents Related to the Cold War. URL: (796) DOD Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. URL: (797) eArt of the First World War. URL: (798) Encyclopedia of 1848 Revolutions. URL: (799) Encyclopedia of 1848 Revolutions. URL: (800) Encyclopedia of 1848 Revolutions. URL: (801) Enter Voices of World War II: Experiences From the Front and at Home. URL: (802) Famous Trials. URL: (803) FAS Military Analysis Network. URL: Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 67 (804) - The German Armed Forces 1919-1945. URL: (805) Flintlock FAQ: A Beginner's Guide. URL: (806) Germ War and Human Experimentation. URL: (807) Government Publications from WWII--Southern Methodist University. URL: (808) Harvard Project on Cold War Studies. URL: (809) Haze Gray and Underway. URL: (810) History and Politics Out Loud: a searchable archive of politically significant audio materials. URL: (811) History of the UN. URL: (812) Human Rights Watch Reports by Country and Theme. URL: (813) HyperWar: World War II on the World Wide Web. URL: (814) Military Aircraft Database. URL: (815) Military History. URL: (816) Military History. URL: (817) Naval Historical Center. URL: (818) Peace Collection. URL: (819) Photos of the Great War. URL: (820) Resource listing for WWII. URL: (821) Royal Military Academy Belgium. URL: Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 68 (822) Rulers. URL: (823) Special Operations.Com. URL: (824) U.S Special Operations. URL: (825) URL: (826) United Nations Integrated Regional Information Networks - OCHA IRIN. URL: (827) United Nations Photo. URL: (828) Virtuelle Bibliothek Rechtsgeschichte. URL: (829) Wolrd War II Sound and Image Archive. URL: (830) World Political Leaders 1945-2003. URL: (831) World War I. URL: (832) World War I - Trenches on the Web. URL: (833) World War I Document Archive. URL: (834) World War II Links on the Internet. URL: (835) World War II Poster Collection from Northwestern University Library. URL: sociaal-economische geschiedenis (836) BARJOT (D.), LETOUZEY (D.). L'Histoire économique sur Internet. URL: This collection of annotated links on economic history, the work of Dominique Barjot and Daniel Letouzey, was published in the French journal 'Historiens et geographes'. It lists organisations, government sites, collections of sites, university Web pages, and there is a section devoted to secondary education. The site is in French, but some links lead to English-language sites and the emphasis is on international resources, so it is well worth a look for researchers. The site is produced by APHG, L'Association des Professeurs d'Histoire et de Géographie de Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 69 l'Enseignement Public. (837) MIAMI UNIVERSITY. EH.Net: Economic History Services. URL: A central source of information for economic historians, including announcements, a directory of members, list archives, data files, book reviews, syllabi, abstracts in economic history and links to other business history organisations. (838) Atlantic Slave Trade and Slave Life in the Americas. URL: Maintained by Jerome S. Handler and Michael L. Tuite Jr., under the auspices of the Virginia Foundation for the Humanities and the Digital Media Lab at the U of Virginia Library. Containshundreds of images from both primary and secondary sources arranged by topical categories related to the slave trade, slave life and culture. Images are properly sourced and with brief annotations. (839) Business History. URL: Maintained by the U of Maryland Libraries, the site transcends usual gateway sites by providing bibliographical references and helpful annotations--though these vary in quality. Strong focus on American business history, with some international. Links are grouped by guides to the literature, chronologies and Encyclopaedias, bibliographies, biographical information sources, corporation reports, company and industry overviews, periodical indexes, federal government publications,statistical information sources, internet sites. (840) Current Value of Old Money. URL: Maintained by Roy Davies, librarian of St. Luke's Campus, U of Exeter (UK), this extremely helpful site links to dozens of academic sites providing data, models, calculation tables, conversion tables, et al. for currencies, prices and wages throughout history. (841) ECHO: Exploring & Collecting History Online. URL: Maintained by specialised academic staff and hosted by the Center for History and New Media of George Mason U, Virginia. ECHO proposes to provide a centralized [annotated] guide for those looking for the scattered Web sites on the history of science and technology. (842) Economic History. URL: Maintained by the Department of History of Tennessee Technological U, provides links to several hundred mostly academic sites devoted to the following aspects of economic history and research: professional associations, journals, historical price calculators, specialized sites (economic, labor, business history), conferences (recent and forthcoming), archives and information, contemporary issues and information. (843) Economic History Services. URL: Hosted by Miami U (Oxford, Ohio) and directed by Robert Whaples of Wake Forest U Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 70 (Winston-Salem, North Carolina). Affiliated with The Business History Conference, The Cliometric Society, The Economic History Society, The History of Economics Society. was chartered in 1996 to provide a wide range of internet-based services to economic historians, historians of economics, economists, historians, related social scientists and the public. Provides a wealth of links to academic bibliographies, book reviews, databases, encyclopaedia, lists and related sites, by no means limited to the USA. (844) Labor History on the Internet. URL: Maintained by the Department of History of Tennessee Technological U, provides links to several hundred mostly academic sites devoted to the following aspects of labor history and research: professional associations, labor history and studies programs, journals, specialized sites in U.S. labor history, archives and information (also international), contemporary issues and information. (845) Maritime History Research on the Internet. URL: Maintained by Peter McCracken at the School or Information and Library Science of the U of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, the site provides various points of entry into academic web-resources for maritime history, i.e. from problem oriented (researching a ship or a person) to topically or institutionally oriented (libraries and databases, webliography, museums, specific ships, nautical archaeology, music, art and images). Strong focus on American and British history, but does include links to other countries. culturele geschiedenis (846) 2000 Census Data. URL: (847) Art History Resources on the Web. URL: Maintained by Christopher L.C.E. Whitcombe, Professor of Art History at Sweet Briar College,Virginia, the site provides links to all manner of art history resources on the web, organized both by period and by region/country. General art historical context, biographical, images. Links to a combination of scholarly (e.g. university institute, museum) and high-quality public (e.g. monument home pages, on-line gallery) sites. (848) ArtServe at the Australian National University. URL: (849) Banned Books Online. URL: Run by the U of Pennsylvania Library, the site links to thousands of full-text electronic versions of books and texts (in the original or English translation) throughout history, but primarily from the West, that have at one time been banned or censored by any of several authorities, from Church to state. Sources are mainly well-known e-publication sites like Project Gutenberg, Ibiblio or (850) Base Joconde. Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 71 URL: Maintained by the French Ministry of Culture, the Base Joconde proposes to provide an on-line catalogue to the collections of the museums of France in the domains of archeology, fine and decorative arts, ethnology, history, science and technology. Various entry-points are possible to search this vast database, i.e. by museum, topic, virtual exposition, or by using the excellent advanced search engine grouping a good ten parameters (type, author, school, subject, period, etc.) The results will include a brief description card of the object, its location in France, and typically an image. Instant email links make ordering of high-quality reproductions very easy. (851) Black Studies. URL: (852) Buddhism in Europe. URL: Hosted by the U of Sunderland (UK), the site provides a scholarly annotated bibliography on Buddhism's historical development and contemporary state of affairs in Europe, arranged by country. (853) CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA. URL: Hosted by, an American Catholic organization, the site provides on-line access tothe classic 1914 edition of the Catholic Encyclopaedia, still a standard (Catholic)historical-theological reference tool comparable to, e.g. the German Lexikon für Theologie undKirche or Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwart. (854) Demographic Statistics with Historic Data. URL: (855) Egodocument Website. URL: (856) Historical Microdata around the World (1st version). URL: (857) H-Soz-u-Kult / Kommunikation und Fachinformation für die Geschichtswissenschaften. URL: (858) Human Sexuality Collection. URL: The site, maintained by the Cornell U Library, originated in the belief of the founders that society would benefit greatly from increased research and understanding of the complex cultural and political contexts of sexuality. They wanted to see a major research library take on the responsibility of preserving the materials needed for this research. This resulted in the establishment of the Cornell collection in 1988. the collection's main strength is in periodicals, pamphlets and books, films, art work, unpublished short stories, erotica, legal briefs, private correspondence, and diaries concerned with gay life and significant events in the American gay rights movement since World War II. The site provides an annotated catalog to the extensive collection, rather than actual content, with the exception of an excellent introductory guide to the research of human sexuality. Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 72 (859) H-Urban Web Links. URL: (860) Images Studies U of Amsterdam. URL: Sponsored by the Huizinga Instituut, the Dutch national research institute for cultural history, and maintained through the Humanities Faculty of the U of Amsterdam. Coordinated by Joep Leerssen, Professor of Modern European Literature (U Amsterdam). The premier scholarly site of its kind, it is dedicated to the critical study of national identity and national stereotype with an interdisciplinary approach. Provides an introduction to the field, links to related sites, and an extremely useful ibliographic database on recent scholarship, searchable by spector or spected parameters. (861) Learn about the Getty Vocabularies. URL: Maintained by the Getty Research Institute, Los Angeles, and funded by the J. Paul Getty Trust, the site constitutes a major art historical reference, providing access to The Art & Architecture Thesaurus (over 133,000 art terms, descriptions, bibliographic citations); The Union List of Artist Names (over 225,000 names and biographical and bibliographic information about artists and architects); The Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names (1.3 million place names relevant to the study of art and architecture). (862) Lesbian History Project. URL: Maintained by the library of the U of Southern California, the lesbian history research site is clearly an excellent academic gateway to the subject, providing not only access to U.S. (though these do predominate), but also to international sites. Links include the categories Lesbians of Color; Journals, Archives, Collections and History Projects; Dissertations and Theses on Lesbian History; Bibliographies; Articles, Interviews, Documents, History; Photographs and photographers; Lesbian Log - World Wide News from the Internet; Lesbian History in Other Countries; sites (lesbian/women's/gay et al) related to lesbian history. (863) L'Internet culturel. URL: Maintained by the French Ministry of Culture, the site is a comprehensive gateway to topical links to (mostly French) current cultural events or expositions in archaeology, art, architecture, cinema, language, theater, etc. Institutional links to archives and museums are included. The rubric études et recherches culturelles links to academic resources and will be of greatest interest to the scholar. (864) Living the Legacy 1848-1998. URL: Maintained by the National Women's History Project, an American feminist historians' group, the site provides a quite detailed overview of, in particular, the legal history of the women's movement in the U.S., with a focus on the period since 1848--though pre-1848 history is also included. An in-depth time line, links to womens' history sites and organizations, and links to resources on current issues, organized by topic, constitute the core of the site. Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 73 (865) Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology. URL: Maintained by the Humboldt U in Berlin, the site claims to be the world's largest site on human sexuality. Its mission is to promote, protect, and preserve sexual health through original research and by collecting, analysing and disseminating scientific information from other sources. This vast reference and link site of high scholarly standing includes the massive on-line International Encyclopaedia of Sexuality, WHO reports, a world-wide directory of sexology institutes and organizations, a critical dictionary of sexological terms both popular and academic, behavior surveys, a history of sexology, and an on-line library. (866) Mother of All Art and Art History Links. URL: Sponsored by the School of Art & Design at the U of Michigan, the site is an extensive gateway to art history departments, research resources, visual and image collections (physical and on-line), art museums and even art-related textual and linguistic resources. Research resource links are almost exclusively academic in nature. (867) Population Reference Bureau. URL: (868) Romantic Circles. URL: Published by the U of Maryland with an extensive advisory board of international specialists, the site is devoted to the study of Romantic period literature and culture and provides links to, i.a., e-texts (of outstanding editorial quality!), reviews, and scholarly resources (e.g. extensive hyper-linked chronologies of major authors, bibliographies). (869) Social Life of Cities. URL: (870) Social Science Data Collection. URL: (871) Sophia Smith Collection. URL: The Sophia Smith Collection at Smith College (a premier women's liberal arts college in Massachusetts) describes itself aptly as an internationally recognized repository of manuscripts, photographs, periodicals and other primary sources in women's history. Documents included in the collection: personal papers of individuals and families, organization records, subject collections, oral histories, periodicals, photographs, and audiovisual materials. The site provides an on-line research guide and catalog of the collection. (872) The File Room Censorship Archive. URL: Maintained by Michael Greenhalgh at the Australian National U, this site provides a vast quantity of art, architectural and decorative arts images, mostly taken by Greenhalgh, from around the Mediterranean basin, in Western Europe and Japan. Organized in a hierarchical tree structure and partially searchable. Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 74 (873) UNESCO World Heritage List. URL: Lists the 754 sites currently on the UNESCO world heritage list and provides links to relevant websites, usually hosted by local managing authorities (e.g. municipal, museum, ministerial, et al.). (874) Urban Landscape: Digital Image Access Project at Duke University. URL: (875) Urban Past: An International Urban History Bibliography. URL: (876) Urban Planning, 1794-1918:. URL: (877) Welcome to H-Urban Web Links. URL: (878) World Monuments Fund. URL: Maintained by the New York-based World Monuments Fund (WMF), a private, non-profit organization dedicated to the preservation of historic art and architecture worldwide through fieldwork, advocacy, grant making, education, and training. Lists the 100 most endangered sites and provides links to related resources, ranging from official cultural sites to cultural advocacy NGOs involved in preservation. (879) WW-Person. URL: genderstudies (880) Bibliographies, Women's Studies - University of Maryland, Women's Studies Database University of Maryland. URL: Maintained by the Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities, the site provides extensive bibliographies, compiled by specialists from various universities, in some 50 subfields of women's studies covering politics, culture, aesthetics, domestic violence, society, economics, sexuality, lesbianism--to name just a few. An excellent first bibliographical orientation. Includes not only monographs but also journal articles. (881) Celebration of Women Writers. URL: Maintained by the U of Pennsylvania Library, the site aims at recognizing the contributions of women writers throughout history. ... Our goal is to promote awareness of the breadth and variety of women's writing. ... We attempt to provide easy access to available on-line information ...[through] a comprehensive listing of links to biographical and bibliographical information about women writers, and complete published books written by women. At the moment, the scope appears largely focussed on Anglophone women, though spot-checking Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 75 indicates an ambition to broaden this approach. The database is searchable and browsable according to various criteria. (882) Documents from the Women's Liberation Movement - Duke Special Collections. URL: This on-line archival collection is maintained by the Special Collections Library of Duke U and is composed of original documents in the collection, transcribed or scanned and made available in digital format. The focus is very much on the radical women's movement in the U.S. during the 1960s and 1970s. Subject categories include General and Theoretical, Medical and Reproductive Rights, Music, Organizations and Activism, Sexuality and Lesbian Feminism, Socialist Feminism, Women of Color, Women's Work and Roles. Links to similar sites are included. (883) Gender History and Studies. URL: Maintained by the Department of History of Tennessee Technological U, the site provides a solid academic gateway to gender studies, not only U.S. but international. References sites for women's history and women's studies, women's history sites, general women's studies sites, general men's studies sites, gay and lesbian studies sites, gender history and studies journals and mailing lists, and contemporary issues constitute the main link categories. Links are predominantly to academic and public institutional sites. (884) Gifts of Speech: Women's Speeches from Around the World - Sweet Briar College. URL: Sponsored by Sweet Briar College, Virginia, the site is dedicated to preserving and creating access to speeches by influential contemporary, women from around the world. It does this by writing to women in a vast variety of professional pursuits with the goal of making Gifts of Speech a comprehensive and diverse text-based resource. All the women who are contacted are selected by careful research of newspapers, magazines, the World Wide Web, authoritative reference books, documentary and educational media, and news releases of both government and private agencies. Speeches can be accessed by using the (Boolean) search engine, browsing by author or by year. (885) Women's Studies Programs Worldwide. URL: Maintained by the U of Maryland, the site quite simply provides link access to over 700 women's studies and gender studies programs, departments, and research centers around the world. 2.3. over communicatiewetenschappen 2.3.1. algemeen (886) CLAYTON (P.). URL: (887) GAUNTLETT (D.). - Media Theory: social theory for fans of popular culture popular culture for fans of social theory. Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 76 URL: (888) HARE (G.). French links: Broadcasting and Communication. URL: (889) JANZ (B.B.). Contemporary Culture Resources. URL: (890) KOUSHA (K.). Resources for Cultural Studies. URL: (891) LAMPERT (L.). Journalism: selected research sources. URL: (892) LAPONCE (I.). Bibliographic Databases for Literature on Mass Media, Broadcasting and Communications. URL: (893) MARKOWITZ (R.). Cultural Studies Central. URL: (894) MICHELUCCI (P.). Sites of Significance for Semiotics. URL: (895) REED (T.V.). Theory and method in American Cultural Studies: a bibliographic essay. URL: (896) RYDER (M.). Semiotics. URL: (897) TONELLA (K.). Cultural Studies Resources. URL: (898) TONELLA (K.). General Communication Resources: Communication Associations. URL: (899) TUCKERS (R.). Journals, Magazines, Newspapers and Broadcast Media. URL: (900) ZINIEWICZ (G.L.). Technology and Culture: Online Resources and Bibliography. URL: (901) ADAM. The gateway to art, design, architecture and media information on the internet. URL: (902) American Communication Association Studies Center. URL: (903) Artifact. The guide to quality internet resources in the arts and creative industries. URL: (904) CCMS - Communication, Cultural and Media Studies. URL: Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 77 (905) Compendium: Cultural Policies in Europe. URL: (906) Culture and Communication Reading Room. URL: (907) Department for media, culture and sport (dcms). URL: (908) Des ressources en information et Communication disponibles sur l'Internet. URL: (909) Directory of Women's media. URL: (910) ENPA - European Newspaper Publishers' Association. URL: (911) Febelma - Federatie van de Belgische Magazines. URL: (912) Illuminations - The Critical Theory Website. URL: (913) Kulturportal Deutschland. URL: (914) Le ministère de la culture et de la communication. URL: (915) Library Services Subject Guides Journalism and Mass Communication Databases. URL: (916) Library Services Subject Guides Journalism and Mass Communication Sources. URL: (917) Liens utiles: Presse. URL: (918) Popular Culture: Resources for Critical Analysis. URL: (919) Référence sur le Web - Actualité. Presse d'actualité. Médias. URL: (920) SOSIG Communication. URL: (921) SOSIG. Social Sciences Information Gateway. URL: (922) Telecoms Virtual Library. URL: Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 78 2.3.2. per thema informatiemaatschappij en globalisering (923) MONTECINO (V.). Cyber Culture / Hypermedia Resources. URL: (924) Observatory on the Information Society. URL: (925) The Center for Information Society Studies Resource Guide. URL: (926) Understanding the face of Globalization. Online Internet Guide. URL: (927) Webworld - Communication and Information. URL: (928) World Summit on The Information society. URL: media en cultuur (929) CHRISTIE (L.A.). Science fiction in film and television: a bibliography of resources in print. URL: (930) GAUNTLETT (D.). - Media Theory: social theory for fans of popular culture popular culture for fans of social theory. URL: (931) HOWARD (S.). Early modern resources: early modernity on film. URL: (932) HOWARD (S.). Early modern resources: litarature and 'the arts'. URL: (933) JANZ (B.B.). Aesthetics and visual culture. URL: (934) JANZ (B.B.). Contemporary Culture Resources. URL: (935) LIU (A.). Voice of the shuttle. Website for humanities research: Media Studies Page. URL: (936) McELDOWNEY (P.). Women in cinema: a reference guide. URL: (937) TIAN (M.). Film Studies Guide. Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 79 URL: (938) TONELLA (K.). Cultural Studies Resources. URL: (939) TONELLA (K.). Film Studies Resources. URL: (940) TONELLA (K.). Visual Communication - Visual Rhetorics. URL: (941) ZINIEWICZ (G.L.). Technology and Culture: Online Resources and Bibliography. URL: (942) ZUPKO (S.). - Sarah Zupko's Cultural Studies Center. URL: (943) ADAM. The gateway to art, design, architecture and media information on the internet. URL: (944) Artifact. The guide to quality internet resources in the arts and creative industries. URL: (945) Arts Council England. URL: (946) BUBL - Catalogue of internet resources: Laguage, literature and culture. URL: (947) BUBL Link - Catalogue of internet resources: Creative arts. URL: (948) Compendium: Cultural Policies in Europe. URL: (949) Cultuur Lokaal. URL: (950) CultuurLink 2: Wegwijzer voor cultuur in Vlaanderen en Brussel. URL: (951) CultuurNet Vlaanderen. URL: (952) - dé gids voor kunst / cultuureducatie. URL: (953) Department for media, culture and sport (dcms). URL: (954) digi-arts: UNESCO Knowledge Portal. URL: Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 80 (955) Film - Philosophy: online writings. URL: (956) FMiV - De Federatie van Muziekfestivals in Vlaanderen. URL: (957) Kulturportal Deutschland. URL: (958) URL: (959) Le ministère de la culture et de la communication. URL: (960) L'Europe et la culture: Europese portaalsite voor cultuur. URL: (961) Ministerie van onderwijs, cultuur en wetenschappen. URL: (962) Muziekcentrum Vlaanderen. URL: (963) kunst en cultuur. URL: (964) Popular Culture: Resources for Critical Analysis. URL: (965) Portaalsite voor sociaal-cultureel werk. URL: (966) The British Academy PORTAL. The British Academy's directory of online resources in the humanities and social sciences: History of art and music. URL: (967) The Europe of cultural co-operation. URL: (968) Ultimate fashion and fashion design. URL: (969) UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization): Culture. URL: (970) Vitruvio. Ch: Architecture on the Web. URL: (971) Vlaams Centrum voor Amateurkunsten (VCA). URL: Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 81 (972) Vlaams Theater Instituut. URL: (973) Vlaamse Centrum voor Volkscultuur. URL: (974) Vlaamse overheid: administratie cultuur. URL: (975) Vlaamse Overheid: Administratie Cultuur: Cel voor Cultuurbeleid. URL: (976) Vlaamse Overheid: Administratie Cultuur: Regelgeving. URL: (977) Vlaamse Overheid: Administratie Media. URL: "media, politiek en burgerschap" (978) HERNANDEZ (J.J.). Research Guide for Politics JP Workshop #2 Mass Media & American Politics. URL: (979) LAMPERT (L.). Journalism: selected research sources. URL: (980) LAPONCE (I.). Bibliographic Databases for Literature on Mass Media, Broadcasting and Communications. URL: (981) LAPONCE (I.). Mass Media, Communications, Journalism and Propaganda. URL: (982) SHER (J.). JournalismNet. URL: (983) TONELLA (K.). Journalism Resources. URL: (984) TONELLA (K.). Political Communication and Campaign. URL: (985) TUCKERS (R.). Journals, Magazines, Newspapers and Broadcast Media. URL: (986) WILKINS (D.). Journalism & Media References & Resources. URL: (987) AEJ - Association of European Journalists. URL: (988) Des ressources en information et Communication disponibles sur l'Internet. Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 82 URL: (989) Directories of News Media. URL: (990) ENPA - European Newspaper Publishers' Association. URL: (991) European Federation of Journalists. URL: (992) European Journalism Centre online. URL: (993) Febelma - Federatie van de Belgische Magazines. URL: (994) Fonds Pascal Decroos. URL: (995) IFJ - International federation of Journalists. URL: (996) Institut Français de presse. URL: (997) International Press Institute. URL: (998) Internet and Politics resources - Parliamentary representation in the Internet age. URL: (999) JAM - Journalisten-Auteurs Maatschappij. URL: (1000) La bibliothèque. Sciences sociales. Politique. URL: (1001) Library Services Subject Guides Journalism and Mass Communication Databases. URL: (1002) Library Services Subject Guides Journalism and Mass Communication Sources. URL: (1003) Liens utiles: Presse. URL: (1004) Nazi and East German Propaganda Guide Page. URL: (1005) News and journalism sources. URL: (1006) Raad voor de Journalistiek. Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 83 URL: (1007) Référence sur le Web - Actualité. Presse d'actualité. Médias. URL: (1008) Reporters sans frontières. URL: (1009) SOSIG Communication. URL: (1010) SOSIG Political Communication. URL: (1011) SOSIG Use of the Media. URL: (1012) The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press. URL: (1013) UPP - Unie van de uitgevers van de Periodieke Pers. URL: (1014) Nederlandse Vereniging van Journalisten. URL: (1015) VVJ - Vlaamse Vereniging van Beroepsjournalisten / AVBB - Algemene Vereniging van Beroepsjournalisten. URL: 2.4. over andere menswetenschappen 2.4.1. sociale wetenschappen i.h.a. (1016) APPLEBY (K.). Research Resources in Social Science. URL: (1017) BRITISH ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL RESEARCH COUNCIL, UNIVERSITY OF BRISTOL. Social Science Information Gateway (SOSIG). URL: Funded by the British Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) at the University of Bristol, and part of the UK Resource Discovery Network. The most important webliography (collection of websites) for the social sciences. SOSIG aims to provide a trusted source of selected, high quality internet information for researchers and practitioners in the social sciences (including women's studies), business and law. Contains descriptions of a broad range of Internet resources. Included are, for each academic subject area, entries of bibliographic databases, bibliographies, resource guides, journals (abstracts or full-text), papers / reports / articles, research centres, government publications, etc. (1018) JISC & ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL RESEARCH COUNCIL. Resource Guide for Social Sciences. Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 84 URL: Directory of annotated links to bibliographic, reference, and research information, subject gateways, datasets, image collections, and software services in the field of social science research. Includes journals, abstracts, reports, books, newspaper articles, full text official publications, and details of training opportunities in business, economics, education, anthropology, geography, law, philosophy, politics, and statistics. (1019) KUHN (R.). Marxism page. URL: (1020) LIU (A.). Voice of the shuttle. Website for humanities research: Media Studies Page. URL: (1021) MCKIE (C.). Research Resources for the Social Sciences. URL: This site lists (mostly annotated) links to social science web resources. The links are arranged by subject categories as sociology, anthropology, news/journalism, psychology, law, demography, political science, economics, geography, women's studies, and security services, and various categories as data archives, general reference materials, search engines, and sections of the social sciences WWW virtual library. The site is updated monthly. (1022) MERCKLE (P.). Liens Socio: le portail français des sciences sociales. URL: (1023) NEDERLANDSE KONINKLIJKE BIBLIOTHEEK. DutchESS (Dutch Electronic Subject Service). URL: DutchESS has been developed by the National Library of the Netherlands and is a quality controlled subject gateway aimed at the academic community, covering all academic subject areas. Quality resources are selected and submitted by subject specialists of participating Dutch academic libraries. This gateway includes entries of bibliographies, journals, encyclopedias, dictionnaries, etc. All items are selected, evaluated, catalogued and described. The best starting point is to browse the database and select a subject area under the heading 'social sciences', but it is also possible to search the database using keywords. (1024) STRATHCLYDE UNIVERSITY. BUBL LINK / 5:15 Catalogue of Selected Internet Resources. URL: BUBL LINK is the name of a catalogue of selected Internet resources covering all academic subject areas and catalogued according to DDC (Dewey Decimal Classification). All items are selected, evaluated, catalogued and described. Links are checked and fixed each month. LINK stands for Libraries of Networked Knowledge. (1025) TILBURG UNIVERSITY. Tilburg University Library Internet Links. URL: Dutch subject gateway at the Library of Tilburg University. This site lists a limited but good selection of links to quality information sources in the field of the social sciences, economics and law. The links are arranged by subject category but are not annotated. Specialises in sociology, gender-studies, psychology and behavioural sciences. Updated every six months. (1026) UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. INFOMINE: Scholarly Internet Resource Collections: Social Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 85 Sciences and Humanities. URL: A virtual library providing organized access to university level research and educational tools on the Internet. Special section for the social sciences and humanities. (1027) UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA. Social sciences WWW Virtual Library. URL: (1028) UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. Argus Clearinghouse: Social Sciences & Social Issues. URL: American subject gateway, section Social Sciences and Social Issues. Access point for value-added topical guides which identify, describe, and evaluate Internet-based information resources. On topics pertaining to the study of people and their activities, customs, origins and institutions, as well as the larger social context and social concerns under consideration or debate. (1029) Development Gateway. URL: (1030) Eldis Gateway to Development Information. URL: (1031) Humanities Hub. URL: (1032) Jensen's Scholars' Guide to Humanities & Social Sciences. URL: Maintained by Richard Jensen (prof. em. of history) at the U of Illinois-Chicago, the site is a broad gateway comparable to the Virtual Library, only combining the three fields of history, political science, and area/ethnic studies (and general humanities), which will facilitate the work of the interdisciplinary researcher at the intersection of these closely related fields. Links are frequently annotated and typically to university or scholarly organization web sites. The main link rubrics are search engines for the WWW, area/ethnic studies, demography & ethnicity, economics & business, education, history: general, history: USA, history journals, humanities, libraries and bibliographies, full text on-line magazines & books, on-line maps, news sources, political science, popular culture, cinema, museums, publishers, religion. (1033) internet archive. URL: (1034) The Voice of the Shuttle - Web Page for the Humanities. URL: 2.4.2. politieke wetenschappen (1035) BECK (R.J.). Foreign Affairs online. URL: Annotated recommendations for foreign affairs resources. Contains links to official government material, the UN, nongovernmental and intergovernmental organisations, think tanks, news Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 86 sources, maps, and texts of constitutions of different countries. Topics include human rights, international relations, and law. (1036) CENTRE FOR SECURITY STUDIES ZURICH. International Relations and Security Network (ISN). URL: A clearing house for resources in the field of international relations and security. Includes sections on specific regions of the world, current conflicts, resources in areas such as government, political science, human rights and communication. (1037) DARTNELL (M.). Online resource guide to political inquiry. URL: Useful and systematic selection of political science-related websites. Provides both gateways to research as well as materials on specific themes. (1038) DERECHOS HUMAN RIGHTS. Concise Guide to Human Rights on the Internet. 2nd ed. URL: This site gives first-time researchers a sense of the kind of human rights resources available on the Internet. (1039) DESPRETZ (P.). Répertoire PSI - Paix et Sécurité Internationales. URL: (1040) DUVAL (B.). Poly-Cy: Internet Resources for Political Science. URL: (1041) GONZAGA UNIVERSITY. CEESource : Central and East European Legal, Business and Economics WWW Resources. URL: The site of CEESource focuses on legal, political, business and economics links to Central and Eastern Europe, with an emphasis on government, academic, NGO and news agency sources. The site can also be searched by country. Mainly in English. (1042) INSTITUT FUR POLITIKWISSENSCHAFT TUBINGEN. Political Science in the World Wide Web. URL: In this pool of hyperlinks you can find WWW-addresses relevant to political science in a systematical order, arranged in a index of topics in German. You can also find in this site a short index in English. (1043) KEELE UNIVERSITY. Keele Guides to Government and Politics on the Internet. URL: Collection of links to government and politics resources around the world. Resources are arranged by geographical region, then by country, and then by type. Also includes resources covering international and transnational issues and resources relating to political thought, ideology and theory. (1044) KEELE UNIVERSITY. The Keele Guide to Political Thought and Ideology on the Internet. URL: Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 87 (1045) KIMBER (R.). Political Science Resources. URL: A gateway to most significant resources relevant to political science, covering a wide range of topics and a wide range of countries. (1046) LAPONCE (I.). Political science : a net station. URL: Extensive selection of political science-related websites subdivided into twelve categories (for instance foreign governments, international relations and political philosophy). Internet guide that directs users to appropriate electronic and print research resources in political science, political geography, political philosophy, political sociology and anthropology. A particular feature is Canadian politics and Canadian materials. (1047) SELCHER (W.A.). The WWW Virtual Library - International Affairs Resources. URL: This section of the WWW Virtual Library system presents over 2600 annotated links in a wide range of international affairs, international studies, and international relations topics. Most of the sites are in English and are carefully selected for their long-term value, favoring those with cost-free, high-quality information and analysis online. Each site is described only in general terms because of the typically rapid changes in the details of its contents. We suggest you begin with the Starter Tips for Internet Research page. (1048) STAATS- UND UNIVERSITATSBIBLIOTHEK HAMBURG. ViFaPol: Virtuelle Fachbibliothek Politikwissenschaft. URL: (1049) TUCKER (R.). Political Science Research Resources. URL: (1050) UK POLITICAL STUDIES ASSOCIATION. Politics WWW Gateway. URL: Launched in January 1995 the Political Studies Association Website has grown to an impressive collection of over 6,000 links to political information sources on the internet. Contains a link to the PSA political science database as well as a comprehensive search engine. (1051) YORK (G.). Political science resources on the web. URL: A comprehensive website on political science as a subset of the document center for governement publications of the University of Michigan. (1052) Internet and Politics resources - Parliamentary representation in the Internet age. URL: (1053) Political science general resources. URL: (1054) PoliticalWeb.Info. URL: Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 88 (1055) Politics & Government Guide. URL: 2.4.3. sociologie (1056) BANNISTER (J.). WCSU List: Sociology Internet Resources. URL: (1057) BLAIR (M.). The SocioWeb: your independent guide to sociological resources on the Internet. URL: The SocioWeb is a worldwide guide to sociological resources on the internet and offers information about organisations, publications, software, conferences, and current research in the social sciences. (1058) CUNEO (C.). Sociology WWW Virtual Library. URL: Overview of important internet resources in the field of the social sciences, divided by -Institutions; -Associations & Organizations; -Directories of Resources; -Discussions; -Research Centres; -Databases & Archives; -Courses & Curricula Resources; -Electronic Journals & Newsletters; -Theories; -Software Resources. (1059) DARGAUD (M.). Ressources électroniques en Sociologie. URL: (1060) GRONNING (T.). Sociology Web Resources. URL: (1061) KEARL (M.C.). A sociological tour through cyberspace. URL: The sociological tour is maintained at the Trinity University in San Antonio, USA. It offers links to the major subject directories in sociology, sites on sociological theory, data resources, research methods and statistics, a guide to writing a research paper and links to some cognate subject areas. (1062) MAX PLANCK INSTITUTE FOR HUMAN DEVELOPMENT. Clearinghouse: Sources on Social Sciences: Sociology. URL: (1063) NETHERLANDS INTERDISCIPLINARY DEMOGRAPHIC INSTITUTE. NiDi: The World Wide Web of Demography. URL: A comprehensive overview of demographic resources on the World Wide Web. Links include web sites on demographic research institutes and organizations, information resources, census, survey and data facilities, literature, conferences, and software and demographic models. (1064) PAPADOPOULOS (T.). Social Policy WWW Virtual Library: The International Social & Public Policy Research Information Gateway. URL: Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 89 (1065) PAPADOPOULOS (T.). The UK Social & Policy Sciences Information Gateway. URL: (1066) PIERRAT (M.-J.). Sociopôle: ressources francophones en sociologie. URL: The following major sections constitute this virtual library of links on French sociology (in French): 1 Enseignement de la sociologie. Universités et Grandes Ecoles 2 Organismes. Maisons de la recherche, Instituts, Ecoles 3 Recherche. Laboratoires, Centres et Equipes 4 3e cycle. DEA, DESS et Ecoles doctorales 5 Sociétés savantes et associations professionnelles 6 Sites thématiques 7 Banques de données 8 Revues 9 Annuaires et autres sites 10 Adresses pour doctorants 11 Moteurs et signets. (1067) UNIVERSITEIT AMSTERDAM. SocioSite: Going Dutch Sociology. URL: This high-quality site offers access to a wide variety of sociological resources and publications. It is an information system of the Sociological Institute of the University of Amsterdam. All items are briefly described. (1068) WHITE (E.J.). Anthro.Net Research Engine: Anthropology and Archeology. URL: Anthro.Net queries a database of over 40,000 pages from reviewed web sites with anthropological content and bibliographic references. The system collects the search terms submitted by its users and uses proprietary software to hunt down internet based journal articles, well developed topical sites and bibliographic references for anthropology, archaeology and the other social sciences. (1069) Ressources en Sociologie: Sélection de sites. URL: (1070) URL: This international site provides links to sociological reference sources, periodicals, book reviews, research institutes, etc. 2.4.4. economie (1071) BANNISTER (J.). WCSU List: Economics Internet Resources. URL: (1072) BROSIUS (J.). Labour Economics Gateway. URL: Collection of resources featuring links to the Web pages of labour economists, research centres, statistics on labour markets, datasets for labour market research, a discussion forum, and a selection of journals, online books, and articles. (1073) DAVIES (R.). The Internet and Economics. URL: This is a page of links to sources of information about the economics of the Internet. It is Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 90 frequently updated. (1074) GARDNER (H.S.). World Economics Web Resources. URL: (1075) GOFFE (B.). RFE: Resources for Economists on the Internet. URL: This is the well known resources for economists site edited by Bill Goffe, of the Dept. of Economics and International Business at the University of Southern Mississippi. He says that 'In selecting these resources, I exercise some editorial judgement and select items that either offer a substantial amount of information, or are specialised to a specific area.' This guide is sponsored by the American Economic Association. It lists 1,311 resources in 96 sections and sub-sections available on the Internet of interest to academic and practicing economists, and those interested in economics. The site is searchable and browsable by section. Almost all resources have a line or two of description. (1076) INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT. IISD's Research Library and database. URL: IISD's Research Library and database contain information on sustainable development and related topics that are of interest to researchers, policy analysts and business strategists worldwide. Both the library's extensive print collection and its links to hundreds of Web sites can be sourced through SD-Cite, the library database. Topics covered are: sustainable development theory and practice, international sustainable development negotiations and regimes, general works on the relationship between environment and development, international development, climate change policy and implementation, energy policy, economic instruments, trade, foreign direct investment, natural resources management policy, etc. (1077) KEELE UNIVERSITY. Management Web Resources Database. URL: The Management Web Resources Database aims to give business and management users access to the most relevant links for management information and business resources on the Internet. Both academic and commercially useful management and business related links are listed. (1078) KRICHEL (T.). NetEc : Ressources for economists. URL: NetEc is an international academic effort to improve the communication of economics via electronic media. It consists of: information on printed working papers on BibEc, data about electronic working papers on WoPEc, code for economics and econometrics on CodEc, Web resources in economics on WebEc, home page papers in economics on HoPEc, and jokes about economists and economics on JokEc. (1079) LEE (D.Y.). Web resources for international economics & business. URL: This site offers a business, economics, and finance database. It is divided into thirteen major categories providing international coverage of trade, finance, development, trade law, business, accounting, management, marketing, economics and reference sources. Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 91 (1080) LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES. Subject Guide for Management and Entrepreneurship. URL: (1081) MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY. globalEDGE: international business resource desk. URL: Collection of links to research materials, news and periodicals, and trade information pertaining to international business. Offers outlines of the political structure, economic climate, history, and statistical data for more than 180 countries, and also features a glossary of business terms used worldwide. (1082) SAARINEN (L.). WebEc: World Wide Web Resources in Economics. URL: WebEc is a volunteer classification effort to improve the availability of information in economics on the World Wide Web. An extensive collection of resources is categorised by subject areas. (1083) UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. INFOMINE : Business and Economics. URL: A virtual library providing organized access to university level research and educational tools on the Internet. Special section for business and economics. (1084) YAHOO. Yahoo UK and Ireland: Economics. URL: Resources in economics, accounting and auditing, finance and investment, monetarism and poverty. (1085) Altaplana. International Economics Gateway, Resources and Data Archives. URL: (1086) EconoLink: Best Economics Links and Reviews. URL: 2.4.5. juridische wetenschappen (1087) AMERICAN SOCIETY OF INTERNATIONAL LAW. ASIL Guide to Electronic Resources for International Law. URL: This guide discusses electronic resources of international law in different areas (commercial law, criminal law, etc.) on the internet. It has been published by the American Society of International Law since 1997, and is continuously updated and expanded. (1088) BRISTOL UNIVERSITY. SOSIG: Law Gateway. URL: Set of links to selected, evaluated and annotated Internet resources about law. (1089) COLOMBIA LAW SCHOOL. A Selective List of Guides to Foreign Legal Research. URL: (1090) GREEK (C.). Cecil Greek's Criminal Justice Links: International. Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 92 URL: Created and maintained by Dr. Cecil E. Greek at the School of Criminology & Criminal Justice, Florida State University. This excellent site provides very complete information about criminal justice in general (crime, juvenile delinquency, corrections, policing, etc.), as well as an extensive collection of links related to international criminal justice resources on the Internet. (1091) HOFFMAN (M.). Researching International Human Rights Law. URL: (1092) INDIANA UNIVERSITY. WWW Virtual Law Library. URL: A collection of subject related Web sites around the world, each administering a different subject. Material is organized by organisation type (e.g. US government servers) and by legal topic (eg contracts). (1093) LAW LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. Library of Congress Guide to Law Online. URL: The Guide to Law Online is an annotated hypertext guide to sources of information worldwide on government and law available online without charge. (1094) MAASTRICHT UNIVERSITY. Maastricht Internet Law Library (MILL). URL: (1095) MAGAGNI (M.). Research Guide to International Law on the Internet. URL: The University of Bologna, Faculty of Political Science created a series of research guides on topics such as the United Nations, the European Union, International Organizations, Peace & Security, Human Rights, International Criminal Law, Environmental Law, Law of the Sea, Air & Space Law and International Trade Law. This Guide has been conceived and organized by Massimo Magagni (Professor of International Law at the Political Science Faculty of the Bologna University). (1096) MALLIET (C.). LLRX - Research Guide to Belgian Law. URL: (1097) MASON (E.). Guide to International Refugee Law Resources on the Web. URL: (1098) MAXIMILIAN VENTURES LLC. LawRunner: Internet Legal Resource Guide. URL: Internet Legal Resource Guide is a categorized index of more than 4000 select web sites in 238 nations as well as more than 850 locally stored web pages and downloadable files. This site was established in 1995 to serve as a comprehensive resource of the information available on the Internet concerning law and the legal profession, with an emphasis on the United States of America. Designed for everyone, lay persons and legal scholars alike, it is quality controlled to include only the most substantive legal resources online. Intelligent agent-based front-end interface. (1099) MUNZER (M.J.). Jurweb : Juristische Informationen im Internet / Legal Information in the Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 93 Internet. URL: Links and gateways to legal resources on the Internet, ordered by continent, countries, and supra-/international organisation. In German and English. (1100) ROBERTS (R.). Law and Politics: Internet Guide. URL: Designed for the legal profession, academia and the public, Law and Politics: Internet Guide is a valuable source for legal research. Index of legal, judicial, and government information including law journals and publishers, book reviews, continuing legal education resources, and political material. Mostly US material. (1101) ROZNOVSCHI (M.). LLRX- Guide To European Legal Databases, Update 5. URL: (1102) UNIVERSITY OF SAARLAND. Law Related Internet Project. URL: The University of Saarland, Germany hosts a Law Related Internet Project that links to internet resources about German law offered in Saarbrücken and a wide range of other sites around the world. Another index of internet resources offers a guide to the best legal sites all over Europe, and is sorted by country. It also includes a selection of resources on legal history. (1103) VAN DER WEES (L.). Juridische Internet Bibliotheek. URL: The JIB = Law Internet Library is developed in a joint effort by the law faculty of the Catholic University Brabant at Tilburg, the University of Maastricht Library and the law library of the University of Utrecht. JIB is primarily focused on the law of the Netherlands and secondary on European and international law. The site offers publications of stafmembers of the participating universities and a selection of law sources of the Netherlands, foreign and international case law, and treaties. All in full text. The topics are thematically arranged. The searchable site contains also a weekly newsletter. Netherlands sources are in Dutch. (1104) VAN DYCK (P.). Law Links Belgium. URL: Law Links Belgium is a tool for searching of Belgian legal materials. The site presents in English a list of legal links, classified firstly by geographical region (International, European and Belgian law, and the laws of the Belgian regions) and secondly by topic. Most information is in full text and free accessible and searchable by keyword. Texts in Dutch and French. (1105) ZIMMERMAN (A.). Zimmerman's Research Guide: an Online Encyclopedia for Legal Researchers. URL: Zimmerman's Research Guide is a searchable, browsable reference guide to legal research information. (1106) LAWLINKS: Legal Information on the Internet. URL: LAWLINKS is a selected an annotated list of Web sites for legal information, including starting Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 94 points for legal research, UK resources, primary legal materials, current affairs, law worldwide, special legal topics, European Union information, international law (including treaties and international organisations), human rights, the legal profession, legal publishers, legal journals, and discussion lists. (1107) WorldLII - World Legal Information Institute. URL: An index of legal resources covering the whole world. Items are arranged by continent, by topic or by source type. 2.4.6. genderstudies (1108) ASSOCIATION OF COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES, WOMEN'S STUDIES SECTION. WSSLINKS : Women and Gender Studies Web Sites. URL: WSSLINKS (Women's Studies Section Links) is developed and maintained by the Women's Studies Section Collection Development Committee of the Association of College and Research Libraries. The purpose of WSSLinks is to provide access to a wide range of resources in support of Women's Studies. Subject categories include: archives, art and film, education, health, history, lesbian sites, politics, science, and theology. (1109) CANADIAN WOMEN'S VIRTUAL INFORMATION CENTRE. WomenNET: Links. URL: Directory of Canadian Women's Resources and hundreds of annotated links to international and Canadian women's sites. (1110) CENTRE FOR WOMEN'S STUDIES, UNIVERSITY OF ANTWERP. Women's studies EuroMap. URL: Site - partly in Dutch - of the Centre for Women's Studies at the University of Antwerp, Belgium, with detailed information about women's studies and equal opportunities, concentrating on Europe. With amongst others information about WISE (Women's International Studies Europe), NOISE (the largest European educational exchange programme in women's studies in Europe), WINGS (the second European educational exchange programme), SIGMA (a State of the Women's Studies Programmes at the European universities) and AOIFE (a formal European Association of Women's Studies institutions). (1111) COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES. Women's studies: periodical indexes. URL: This website is a very practical guide providing an overview and descriptions of computerized indexes (with links), indexes in print, and computerized indexes which include women's studies, but are not specific to women's studies. (1112) EVERTZEN (A.). Gender Reference Guide. URL: This updated reference guide contains a number of SNV gender documents and deals with themes such as gender mainstreaming, human resources management, capacity builders, Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 95 'gender within the SNV themes' and funding. The last topic is a new addition. For most topics, bibliographies are included. The guide also contains cases and practical tools and references to relevant websites and databases. Besides information taken from the Internet, data has also been provided by SNV gender advisors working in the field. (1113) INSTITUTE OF DEVELOPMENT STUDIES BRIGHTON. Genie: Gender Information Exchange. URL: Genie provides links to and information about gender mainstreaming resources produced and/or funded by donor agencies i.e. bilaterals (government agencies and ministries) and multilaterals (inter-governmental organisations). It is an international resource. Genie has been developed and is maintained by the Institute of Development Studies, Brighton, UK. The Web site provides access to gender resources database, which contains policy documents, sectoral reports, guidelines, good practice cases, bibliographies, background papers, research reports and tools. Each resource has an abstract, and key resources have longer summaries outlining the main issues covered in the text. There is also a gender country profiles database which provides a range of key issues in the country of focus, and a database of consultants. The databases hold non-English information. (1114) JOHNSTON (D.). Women's studies : a research guide. URL: This guide is an introduction to women's studies research at the New York Public Library, with an emphasis on the holdings of the library of the General Research Division. It also contains links to resources on the internet. (1115) KORENMAN (J.). Internet Resources on Women: Updates. URL: Monthly updated site with announcement of additions and changes to the printed guide Internet resources on women; it provides detailed information about women-related e-mail discussion forums, archives, and web sites containing syllabi, bibliographies, essays and other useful curriculum transformation resources. (1116) KORENMAN (J.). Women's Studies/Women's Issues Resources Sites. URL: Women's Studies / Women's Issues Resource Sites is a selective, annotated listing of web sites containing resources and information about women's studies and women's issues, with an emphasis on sites of particular use to an academic women's studies program. The list is grouped into topical sub-sections, but can also be viewed in alphabetical order by title. If you're looking for sites on a specific women-focused topic, you may prefer to use the subject sections rather than scroll through the all-inclusive alphabetical listing (the last updated sections are marked ). (1117) NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY. NYPL - Women's Studies Research Guide. URL: This collection of reading lists has been compiled by the Research Libraries of The New York Public Library. NYPL has a strong collection of women's studies resources, including manuscript, archival and current material, which reflects new trends and thought on feminist theory and scholarship. The guide is an introduction to women's studies research at NYPL, with Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 96 an emphasis on the holdings of the General Research Division. It covers both national and international sources. Its subject headings include feminist theory, bibliographies, biographical sources, literature, social, legal and health resources, and a guide to women's studies resources on the internet. (1118) STANFORD UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES. Feminist Studies Collections. URL: This site is part of the Stanford University Libraries and Academic Information Resources site. It is divided into three sections - Web links, Stanford resources and Databases. Stanford databases and catalogues are accessible only to users with a valid password. Stanford resources suggests encyclopedias, biographies, bibliographies, indexes, statistics, primary sources, other libraries, Internet resources, and other guides as ways to begin research on topics such as women in society, lesbian/gay/bisexual studies, women in history, and women writers. (1119) UNIVERSITY OF BUFFALO. Women and Society: An Internet Reference Project on the World Wide Web. URL: A web site for finding academic resources for women's studies. It links to Internet resources organised under the following headings: Webliography, Bibliography, Filmography, Biography, Encyclopaedic Dictionary, List of Academic Journals, List of Associations, Unpublished Papers Repository and Course Syllabi Repository. The site is run by researchers at the University of Buffalo, State University of New York. (1120) UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT BERKELEY. International Gender Studies Resources. URL: This site contains research and teaching materials meant to facilitate the integration of Women's and Gender Studies into International and Area Studies philosophy and curricula. It includes general and specific bibliographies and filmographies on issues pertaining to women and gender in Africa, Asia, Latin America, the Middle East and Arab World, and among minority cultures in North America and Europe. Information on courses and resources offered at the University of California at Berkeley is available, as well as links to other resources on the Web. (1121) UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SANTA BARBARA LIBRARY. Information Resources for Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Studies. URL: (1122) UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND. Women's Studies Database. URL: The Women's Studies Database, based at the University of Maryland, was founded in September 1992 to provide an information resource to people interested in women's studies as an academic enterprise and in general women's and gender-related issues. It contains information on the women's studies profession, women's studies conference announcements, syllabi, and employment opportunities in gender-related fields, as well as feminist film reviews, information on gender-related issues such as sexual harassment and employment discrimination, and political/activist resources. Includes an entry to bibliographies. (1123) UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN. Selected Women and Gender Resources on the World Wide Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 97 Web. URL: Selected list of links to web resources in the field of women and gender studies by the University of Wisconsin System Women's Studies Librarian. (1124) UNIVERSITY OF YORK LIBRARY. Women's Studies Information Sources. URL: The University of York Library - Women's Studies Information Sources site is a guide to the Library in general as well as a specific guide to sources of information for women's studies. It includes links by subject to Internet sites on women in law, music, science, technology, writing, history, and health. Other sections include: electronic journals, academic sites, societies and organisations, bibliographies and reference sources, guides to the Internet, and discussion lists. 3. VINDPLAATSEN EN ONDERZOEKSINSTELLINGEN 3.1. bibliotheken en catalogi (1125) BERGSMA (A.). Vakbibliotheken in Nederland en België. Een beschrijving van de interessantste gespecialiseerde bibliotheken, met adressen en telefoonnummers. Haarlem, 1993. (1126) BROGAN (M.). Research Guide to Libraries and Archives in the Low Countries. Westport, 1991. (1127) COLLISON (R.). Published library catalogues, an introduction to their contents and use. London, 1973. (1128) DOWNS (R. B.), DOWNS (E. C.). British and Irish library resources. A bibliographical guide. London, 1981. (1129) DOWNS (R.B.). American library resources. A bibliographical guide. London, 1950-1981. (1130) FREITAG (R.). Union lists of serials: a bibliography. Washington, 1964. (1131) HUWEL (R.), PALLEMANS (A.). BRABO. Bibliografieën en recente abstracts voor bibliografisch onderzoek. Brussel, 1986. (1132) KELLER (C.D.). American library resources cumulative index, 1870-1970. Chicago, 1981. (1133) MEHO (L.I.), NSOULI (M.A.). Libraries and Information in the Arab World. An Annotated Bibliography. Westport, 1999. (1134) NELSON (B. R.). A guide to published library catalogs. Metuchen, 1982. (1135) NOËL (I.). Répertoire des bibliothèques et centres de documentation belges : communication, politique, sociologie, économie. Bruxelles, 1992. (1136) WEHEFRITZ (V.). International loan services and union catalogues. Frankfurt, 1980. (1137) WEI (K.F.). Library and Information Science in China. An Annotated Bibliography. Westport, 1988. (1138) Antilope. Collective Catalogue of Journals [in Belgian Libraries]. URL: (1139) BBB-Bibliotheken, Bücher und Berichte. Verzeichnis deutschsprachiger Kataloge und Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 98 Institutionen. URL: This comprehensive list of library science catalogues of the German-speaking world is searchable by city or field, with catalogue links. (1140) Belcat. Belgian Library Catalogues. URL: This site provides access to OPAC's list of Belgian libraries (general libraries, academic, university, scientific, governmental libraries, etc.), maintained on behalf of the User Forum Workgroup on Libraries of Belnet, the Belgian Research Network. It also provides access to all existing Belgian library network sites. (1141) Bibliothèque Nationale de France. URL: Opale is the electronic catalogue providing access to the French Bibliothèque Nationale de France's collections. (1142) BOLD. Belgian Online Libraries Directory. URL: This Online Directory of Belgian Libraries, created by the Belnet User Workgroup on Libraries, and maintained by the universities of Brussels and Antwerp, registers several hundred Belgian libraries (with direct links to their OPAC) including: university, scientific or general libraries, association libraries , organizations, public administrations, private enterprises, documentation centers, and others. This site is searchable by institution type, library name, and subject location (or by combination of these criteria). (1143) British Library. URL: This is the British Library homepage. (1144) Catalogue Collectif de France (CCFr). URL: The titles of over 16 million documents in 160 French libraries are searchable through this site, which provides unique access to the three largest library catalogues in France: Opale (Bibliothèque Nationale de France), SUDOC (Système Universitaire de Documentation) and BMR (catalogue of municipal and specialised libraries). (1145) Collective catalogue Belgium (CCB). URL: (1146) Dbo. Deutsche Bibliotheken Online. URL: This site provides an extensive list of German libraries, classified by location. It also provides access to the DiGiBib (Digitale Bibliothek), which allows simultaneous searches in different catalogues and databases. (1147) Deutsche Bibliothek. URL: Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 99 Homepage of the Deutsche Bibliothek in Frankfurt. (1148) Deutsche Bibliothek Database. URL: (1149) Gabriel. The Gateway to Europe's National Libraries. URL: Gabriel is, in its own words, the World Wide Web service of Europe's National Libraries represented in the Conference of European National Librarians (CENL). It provides links to the OPAC's of these libraries, along with common projects, such as the Bibliotheca Universalis, which aims to put major works of worldwide cultural and scientific heritage comprising text, images and sound, at the disposal of the general public. (1150) Gemeenschappelijke catalogus van de bibliotheken van de federale overheidsdiensten. URL: Deze website bundelt de catalogi van de bibliotheken van de federale overheidsdiensten. Iedere catalogus kan afzonderlijk geraadpleegd worden; het is echter ook mogelijk om alle catalogi tegelijkertijd op naam van auteur of op titel te doorzoeken. (1151) HBZ. Bibliotheks-OPACs und -Informationsseiten. URL: The HBZ (Hochschulbibliothekszentrum Nordrhein-Westfalen) provides an extensive list of library OPAC's worldwide, along with a useful overview of bibliographical research instruments on the internet. (1152) Koninklijke Bibliotheek (Den Haag). URL: Homepage of the Dutch National Library. (1153) Koninklijke Bibliotheek Albert I (Brussel). URL: Homepage of the Belgian National Library. (1154) LIBCAT. A Guide to Library Resources on the Internet. URL: Libcat not only offers a worldwide list of OPAC's, but also provides a list of databases, collections and bibliographies freely accessible via these libraries. US libraries are arranged by state; non-US libraries are organized by country. (1155) LIBDEX. The Library Index. URL: LIBDEX is, in its own words, a worldwide directory of library homepages, web-based OPACs, Friends of the Library pages, and library e-commerce affiliate links. More than 18, 000 links are available through this website, searchable by country or by OPAC-vendor. (1156) Library of Congress. URL: This is the Library of Congress in Washington homepage. Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 100 (1157) Libweb. Library Servers via WWW. URL: Libweb, maintained by Berkeley Digital Library SunSite, in collaboration with several large libraries worldwide, provides links to 6,600 pages from libraries in over 115 countries. Search by keyword, location, library type, name or other information is possible. (1158) National library catalogues worldwide. URL: (1159) Nederlandse Centrale catalogus. URL: (1160) Répertoire National des Bibliothèques et des Centres de Documentation (RNBCD). URL: This Repertoire provides descriptions for over 4,000 French libraries and documentation centers, with an overview of over 1,200 different collections. (1161) The British Library general catalogue. London, . URL: (1162) The CURL Union Catalogue (Consortium of University Research Libraries). URL: (1163) The RLG Union Catalogue (Research Library Group). URL: (1164) The WWW Library Directory. URL: This site indexes more than 8,000 libraries from over 130 countries worldwide. The US is prominently represented; for other countries, the collection is less spectacular (e.g.: the country list for Belgium contains only 25 items). (1165) Unesco Libraries Portal. URL: The Unesco Libraries Portal provides more than 13, 000 links to libraries or library associations. The database is searchable by continent, country, keyword or subject. This site contains, for example, 287 links to national and international library associations, 116 to national libraries, 5,012 to public libraries, 3,713 to academic libraries, 317 to governmental libraries, 182 to history libraries, and 158 to social science libraries. (1166) Vlabidoc. Vlaamse Archief-, Bibliotheek- en Documentatiegids. 6e uitgave. Antwerpen, 2005. URL: Vlabidoc lists more than 1,400 archives, libraries, and document centers of Flanders. The site also provides information about the different institutions' collections. (1167) VLACC. Vlaamse centrale catalogus van openbare bibliotheken. URL: VLACC is the central online catalogue of six major Flemish public libraries (Antwerpen, Brussel, Leuven, Hasselt, Brugge, and Gent); it provides access to over 690, 000 book titles, including Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 101 general and non-scholarly literature. (1168) World Directory of Business Information Libraries. Chicago, 2000. (1169) World guide to libraries. Internationales Bibliotheks-Handbuch. München, 1966-. URL: (1170) Worldcat. URL: 3.2. archieven (1171) BROGAN (M.). Research Guide to Libraries and Archives in the Low Countries. Westport, 1991. (1172) COOK (C.), ed. The Making of Modern Africa : a Guide to Archives. New York, 1995. (1173) COPPENS (H.), LAURENT (R.). Het Rijksarchief in België 1796-1996 : geschiedenis van de instelling en bio-bibliografisch repertorium van de archivarissen - Les Archives de l'Etat en Belgique 1796-1996 : historique de l'institution et répertoire bio-bibliographique des archivistes. Brussel, 1996. (1174) DeWITT (D.L.), ed. Articles describing archives and manuscript collections in the United States : an annotated bibliography. Westport, 1997. (1175) DeWITT (D.L.), ed. Guides to Archives and Manuscript Collections in the United States. An Annotated Bibliography. Westport, 1994. Covers guides, directories, calendars, inventories and registers on archives and manuscript collections in the US; guides to the vast holdings of the US government; and guides to foreign archives which are important to US history. Some 2000 titles are arranged topically and geographically. (annotation taken from Greenwood catalogue). (1176) GRIMSTED (P.K.), ed. Archives of Russia : a Directory and Bibliographic Guide to Holdings in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Armonk, 2000. (1177) Access to English Archives Project. The English Strand of the UK Archives Network. URL: (1178) Archiefnet. URL: Founded in 1995, Archiefnet is an initiative of the Historisch Centrum Overijssel (the Netherlands); it provides links to the websites of archival institutions worldwide, with a special emphasis on the Netherlands and Flanders. (1179) Archives Hub. A National Gateway to Descriptions of Archives in UK Universities and Colleges. URL: (1180) Archon. URL: Archon is the Historical Manuscripts Commission's (HMC is the UK's central advisory body on archives and manuscripts) portal site providing access to all British archival collections (national, regional and local), with information on location, opening hours, related professional associations, etc. This site contains a list of online archive catalogues and online history resources. Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 102 (1181) National Register of Archives. URL: (1182) RLG Archival Resources. URL: (1183) Unesco Archives Portal Site. URL: This portal site, managed by Unesco, provides access to archival service websites worldwide (national, regional and local archives are included, as well as university and other research institutions archives). This site also provides information on primary sources accessible online. (1184) Vlabidoc. Vlaamse Archief-, Bibliotheek- en Documentatiegids. 6e uitgave. Antwerpen, 2005. 3.3. onderzoeksinstellingen en wetenschappelijke verenigingen 3.3.1. algemeen (1196) Braintrack University Index. URL: (1197) The Scholarly Societies Project. URL: + This important website, sponsored by the University of Waterloo Library and begun in 1994, lists more than 3,870 scholarly societies worldwide with links to 3,613 websites (as of May 2004). The database is available in eight different languages and uses a search engine; scholarly societies are classified by country, language, foundation date or subject, and include short descriptions of the societies. There are 82 different categories; for the subcategory history, alone 142 societies are listed, and Communication lists 36. Academies, royal societies, international unions and federations of scholarly societies are specially classified. A special subproject lists 252 scholarly societies founded before 1800; for 178 of them, a history page is provided. An URL Stability Ranking is provided for each society's website. 3.3.2. geschiedenis (1198) History Departments Around the World. URL: The Center for History and New Media of the George Mason University manages a search engine, which provides access to over 1,200 university history department websites from all over the world. Tree search by university name, town and country is possible. (1199) Links for the History Profession. Organizations and Institutions. URL: (1200) National Council on Public History. URL: 3.3.3. communicatiewetenschappen Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 103 (1201) ANGENOT (M.). Le Réseau d'analyse des idéologies et cultures contemporaines. URL: (1202) GIROUX (D.). Centre d'études sur les Médias. URL: (1203) JAMIESON (K.H.). The Annenberg Public Policy Center. URL: (1204) Boekmanstichting: Studiecentrum voor kunst, cultuur en beleid. URL: (1205) Center for Arts and Culture. URL: (1206) Center for European Political Communications. URL: (1207) Center for Media and Communication Research. URL: (1208) CIM - Het Centrum voor Informatie over de Media. URL: (1209) CIRCLE - Cultural Information and Research Centres Liaison in Europe. URL: (1210) Comedia: urban policy and culture. URL: (1211) CRETV - The Center for Research on the Effects of Television. URL: (1212) Culturelink Network: Networks of Networks for Research and Cooperation in Cultural Development - WWW Resource Center. URL: (1213) ERICarts - European Institute for Comparative Cultural Research. URL: (1214) Political Communication Lab. URL: (1215) Princeton University: Center for Arts and and Cultural Policy Studies. URL: (1216) RAND Corporation. URL: (1217) SIAP - Social Impact of the Arts Project. URL: Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 104 (1218) Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau. URL: (1219) Steunpunt Re-Creatief Vlaanderen. URL: (1220) The Center for Media and Public Affairs. URL: (1221) The European Institute for the Media. URL: (1222) The Joan Shorenstein Center on the Press, Politics and Public Policy. URL: (1223) The Pew Research Center for the People & the Press. URL: (1224) University of Chicago: Cultural Policy Center. URL: 4. TITELS VAN WETENSCHAPPELIJKE WERKEN. Die vind ik dank zij bibliografieën 4.1. zonder beperking van wetenschapsdomein 4.1.1. zonder geografische beperking (1226) Article DataBase (ADB). URL: (1227) Current Contents. URL: (1228) FRANCIS. URL: (1229) Get Cited. URL: (1230) IBZ. Internationale Bibliographie der Zeitschriftenliteratur. Abteilung A. Bibliographie der deutschen Zeitschriftenliteratur. 128 vol. Leipzig, 1897-1964. (1231) IBZ. Internationale Bibliographie der Zeitschriftenliteratur. Abteilung B. Bibliographie der fremdsprachigen Zeitschriftenliteratur. Leipzig, 1911-1964. IBZ. Internationale Bibliographie der Zeitschriftenliteratur aus allen gebieten des Wissens. Osnabrück, 1965-. (1232) Social Science Citation Index. URL: (1233) Web of Science (WoS). Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 105 URL: (1234) International Books in Print: English-Language Titles Published outside the United States and the United Kingdom. München, 4.1.2. per streek per continent Afrika (1235) ASAMANI (J.O.). Index Africanus. Stanford, 1975-. (1236) BEDERMAN (S.H.). Africa: a bibliography of geography and related disciplines. Atlanta, 1974. (1237) BEDERMAN (S.H.). Cumulative bibliography of African studies. 5 vol. Boston, 1973. (1238) CEDAF. Bulletin bibliographique. Liste d'acquisitions. ASDOC. Bibliografische berichten. Aanwinstenlijst. Bruxelles, 1985-. (1239) Centre d'analyse et de recherche documentaires pour l'Afrique noire (CARDAN). Bibliographie des travaux en langue française sur l'Afrique au Sud du Sahara. Sciences sociales et humaines 1977. Paris, 1965-. (1240) FONTVIEILLE (J.R.). Guide bibliographique du monde noir. Histoire. Litérature. Ethnologie. 2 vol. Yaounde, 1971. (1241) PADEN (J.N.), SOJA (E.W.). The African experience. Bibliography. vol. III a. Evanston, 1970. (1242) PANOFSKY (H.E.). A bibliography of Africana. Westport, 1975. (1243) PEARSON (J.D.). International African bibliography 1973-1978; books, articles and papers in African studies. London, 1982. (1244) SHINAR (P.). Essai de bibliographie sélective et annotée sur l'Islam maghrébin contemporain: Maroc, Algérie, Tunisie, Libye (1830-1978). (1245) Africa bibliography 1984-. Manchester, 1985-. (1246) Africa index to continental periodical literature 1976. Oxford, 1978-. (1247) Africa South of the Sahara: index to periodical literature 1900-1972. Boston, 1971-1973. (1248) Africana journal. New York, 1970-. (1249) Annuaire de l'Afrique du Nord 1962-. Paris, 1964-. (1250) Bibliographie africaine. Afrikaanse bibliografie. Bruxelles, 1969-1971. (1251) Bibliographie de l'Afrique sub-saharienne. Tervuren, 1932-. (1252) Bibliothèque africaine. Bibliographie courante. Afrika bibliotheek. Literatuuropgave. Bruxelles, 1950-1968. (1253) Bulletin interieur du CEDAF. Liste d'acquisitions. Mededelingen van het ASDOC. Aanwinstenlijst. Bruxelles, 1973-1984. (1254) Current bibliography of African affairs. New York, 1962-. (1255) Current contents Africa. Oxford, 1976-. (1256) Documentatieblad. The abstracts journal of the African studies centre. Leiden, 1968-. Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 106 (1257) International African bibliography: current books, articles and papers in African studies. London, 1971-. (1258) Journal des Africanistes. Paris, 1931-. (1259) La Documentation française. Afrique contemporaine. Paris, 1962-. (1260) BUSTIN (E.). Congo-Kinshasa. Guide bibliographique In Les Cahiers du CEDAF, 1971, nr. 3-4. (1261) HEYSE (T.). Bibliographie du Congo belge et du Ruanda Urundi in Cahiers belges et congolais, nrs. 4-7, 9-12, 16-22. Bruxelles, 1946-1953. (1262) HEYSE (T.). Documentation générale sur le Congo belge et le Ruanda Urundi 1950-1960. In Bibliographia belgica nr. 4, nr. 18, nr. 39, nr. 56. Bruxelles, 1954-1960. (1263) RODEGEM (F.). Documentation bibliographique sur le Burundi. Bologna, 1978. Azië (1264) BIRNBAUM (E.). Books on Asia, from the Near East to the Far East. A guide for the general reader. Toronto, 1971. (1265) CHAND (A.). Southeast Asia and the Pacific: a select bibliography 1947-1977. New Delhi, 1979. (1266) CHENG (P.). China. Oxford, 1983. (1267) CHENG (P.). Current books on China, 1983-1988: an annotated bibliography. New York, 1990. (1268) JOHNSON (D.C.). Index to Southeast Asian journals 1960-1979. A guide to articles, book reviews and composite works. Boston, 1977. (1269) KUEPPER (Klaus). Bibliography of Asian studies. Ann Arbor, 1969-. (1270) LUST (J.), EICHHORN (W.). Index sinicus: a catalogue of articles relating to China in periodicals and other collective publications, 1920-1955. Cambridge, 1964. (1271) PATTERSON (M.L.P.). South Asian civilisations: a bibliographic synthesis. Chicago, 1982. (1272) SKINNER (G.W.). Modern Chinese society. An analytical bibliography. 1. Publications in Western languages 1644-1972. Stanford, 1973. (1273) SUKHWAL (B.L.). South Asia: a systematic geographic bibliography. Metuchen, 1974. (1274) TANIS (N.E.) e.a. China in books: a basic bibliography in Western language. Greenwich, 1979. (1275) TREGONNING (K.G.). Southeast Asia; a critical bibliography. Tucson, 1969. (1276) Cumulative bibliography of Asian studies, 1941-1970. Author bibliography. Subject bibliography. 16 vol. Boston, 1969-1973. (1277) Deutsche Fernostbibliographie. Deutschsprachige Veröffentlichungen über Ost-, Zentral- und Südostasien 1979-. München, 1981-. Amerika (1278) DELORME (R.L.). Latin America: social science information sources, 1967-1987. Santa Barbara, 1981-1988. (1279) DORN (G.M.). Latin America, Spain and Portugal: an annotated bibliography of paperback books. Washington, 1976. Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 107 (1280) HERSTEIN (S.R.), ROBBINS (N.C.). United States of America. Oxford, 1982. (1281) MARCELL (D.W.). American studies. A guide to information sources. Detroit, 1982. (1282) WILGUS (A.C.). Latin America, Spain and Portugal: a selected and annotated guide to books published 1954-1974. Metuchen, 1977. (1283) American book publishing record. New York, 1960-. (1284) American book publishing record. Cumulative 1876-1977. An American national bibliography. 30 vol. New York, 1978-1980. (1285) Bibliographic guide to Latin American studies 1978-. Boston, 1979-. (1286) Books in series, 1876-1949. Original, reprinted, in-print and out-of-print books published or distributed in the United States in popular, scholarly and professional series. 3 vol. New York, 1982. (1287) Books in series. Original, reprinted, in-print, and out-of-print books, published or distributed in the United States in popular, scholarly, and professional series. 6 vol. New York, 1985. (1288) Bücher zu Lateinamerika. Köln, (1289) Handbook of Latin American studies. Gainesville, 1936-. (1290) HAPI. Hispanic American periodicals index 1970-. Los Angeles, 1977-. (1291) Hispanic American periodicals index: articles in English 1976-1980. Westwood, 1984. (1292) Index to Latin American periodical literature 1929-1970. 12 vol. Including supplements. Boston, 1962-1980. Europa (1293) HORAK (S.M.). Russia, the USSR and eastern Europe. A bibliographic guide to English language publications 1964-1985. Littleton, 1978-1987. (1294) HORECKY (P.L.). Russia and the Soviet Union: a bibliographic guide to Western language publications. Chicago, 1965. (1295) JONEs (D.L.). Books in English on the Soviet Union 1917-1973: a bibliography. New York, 1975. (1296) KREWSON (M.B.). The German-speaking countries of Europe: a selective bibliography. Washington, 1989. (1297) PEARSON (R.). Russia and eastern Europe, 1789-1985. A bibliographical guide. Manchester, 1989. (1298) THOMPSON (A.). Russia/USSR. A selective annotated bibliography. Oxford, 1979. (1299) American bibliography of Russian and East European studies 1956-1966. Bloomington, 1957-1967. (1300) Bibliographic guide to Soviet and East European studies 1978. Boston, 1979-. (1301) European bibliography of Soviet, East European and Slavonic studies. Bibliographie européenne des travaux sur l'URSS et l'Europe de l'Est 1975. Birmingham, 1977-. (1302) Südosteuropa Bibliographie 1945-1970. München, 1956-1982. (1303) The American bibliography of Slavic and East European studies 1967. Columbus, 1972-. Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 108 Midden Oosten (1304) . Arab culture and society in change. A partially annotated bibliography of books and articles in English, French, German and Italian. Beiroet, 1973. (1305) ATIYEH (G.N.). The contemporary Middle East 1948-1973. A selective and annotated bibliography. Boston, 1975. (1306) AUCHTERLONIE (P.). Middle East and Islam: a bibliographical introduction. Supplement 1977-1983. Zug, 1986. (1307) BEHN (W.H.). Index Islamicus, 1665-1905. A bibliography of articles on Islamic subjects in periodicals and other collective publications. Millersville, 1989. (1308) BERQUE (J.). Bibliographie de la culture arabe contemporaine. Paris, 1981. (1309) DE GROOT (A.H.). A bibliography of Dutch publications on the Middle East and Islam 1945-1981. Nijmegen, 1981. (1310) GRIMWOOD-JONES (D.). Middle East and Islam, a bibliographical introduction. New York, 1979. (1311) PEARSON (J.D.), ASHTON (J.F.). Index Islamicus 1906-1985. A catalogue of articles on Islamic subjects in periodicals and other collective publications. Cambridge, 1958-1990. (1312) ROSSI (P.M.), WHITE (W.E.). Articles on the Middle East 1947-1971: cumulation of the bibliographies from The Middle East Journal. Ann Arbor, 1980. (1313) SHINAR (P.). Essai de bibliographie sélective et annotée sur l'Islam maghrébin contemporam: Maroc, Algérie, Tunisie, Libye (1830-1978). Paris, 1983. (1314) Annuaire de l'Afrique du Nord 1962-. Paris, 1964-. (1315) Middle East journal. Washington, 1947-. (1316) Mideast file. Oxford, 1982-. (1317) The Middle East. Abstracts & Index. Pittsburgh, 1978-. (1318) The quarterly index Islamicus. Current books, articles and papers on Islamic studies. London, 1977-. Oceanië (1319) FRY (G.W.), RUFINO (M.). Pacific Basin and Oceania. Oxford, 1987. (1320) GOETZFRIDT (N.J.). Micronesia, 1975-1987: a social science bibliography. Westport, 1989. (1321) GROVER (R.). New Zealand. Oxford, 1980. (1322) HEYUM (R.). Bibliography of periodical articles relating to the South Pacific 1974-1978. Suva, 1976-1982. (1323) JACKSON (M.M.). Pacific Island studies: a survey of the literature. Westport, 1986. (1324) KEPARS (I.). Australia. Oxford, 1984. (1325) MARSHALL (M.), NASON (J.D.). Micronesia, 1944-1974: a bibliography of anthropological and related source materials. New Haven, 1975. (1326) O'REILLY (P.), REITMAN (E.). Bibliographie de Tahiti et de la Polynésie française. Paris, 1967. Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 109 (1327) TAYLOR (C.R.H.). A Pacific bibliography: printed matter relating to the native peoples of Polynesia, Melanesia and Micronesia. Oxford, 1965. (1328) Bibliographie de l'Océanie 1972-1976. Paris, 1982. (1329) Bibliographie de l'Océanie in journal de la Société des Océanistes. Paris, 1945-. (1330) South Pacific periodicals index 1979-1981. Suva, 1984. nationaal (1331) World Bibliographic Series. Oxford, 1978-. België (1332) DEVOLDER (J.). Algemene bibliografie van publicaties uitgegeven in de Zuidelijke Nederlanden voor de periode 1800-1829. 3 vol. Gent, 1989. (1333) MUQUARDT (Ch.). Bibliographie de la Belgique ou catalogue général des livres belges publiés par la librairie nationale et étrangére. Bruxelles, 1838-1868. (1334) Bibliographie de Belgique. Belgische bibliografie. Brussel, 1875-. URL: (1335) Bibliographie nationale. Dictionnaire des écrivains belges et catalogue de leurs publications 1830-1880. 4 vol. Bruxelles, 1886-1910. (1336) BAEYENS (R.). Documentatie over België. Selectieve en analytische bibliografie. Brussel, 1970. (1337) RILEY (R.C.). Belgium. Oxford, 1989. Frankrijk (1338) CHAMBERS (F.). France. Oxford, 1980. (1339) LASSERRE (R.). La France contemporaine. Guide bibliographique et thématique. Tübingen, 1980. (1340) Bibliographie de la France. Biblio. Paris, 1972-1979. (1341) Bibliographie de la France. Journal général et officiel de la librairie. Paris, 1811-1971. (1342) Bibliographie de la France. Notices établies par la Bibliothèque Nationale. Paris, 1975-. (1343) Bibliographie nationale française depuis 1970. Paris, 1971-. (1344) Livres de la semaine. Livres hebdo. Les livres du mois. Paris, 1979-. (1345) Biblio. Bulletin bibliographique mensuel des ouvrages en langue française parus dans Ie monde entier. Parijs, 1933-1970. Paris, 1933-1971. Groot-Brittannië (1346) JACKSON (P.). British sources of information. A subject guide and bibliography. London, 1987. (1347) STEVENSON (B.). Reader's guide to Great Britain. London, 1977. (1348) WESTERGAARD (J.). Modern British society: a bibliography. London, 1978. (1349) The British national bibliography. London, 1950-. Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 110 URL: Duitsland (1350) BOCK (H.M.). La civilisation allemande, guide bibliographique et pratique. Paris, 1971. (1351) DETWILER (D.S.), DETWILER (I.E.). West Germany. The Federal Republic of Germany. Oxford, 1987. (1352) HERSCH (G.). A bibliography of German studies, 1945-1971. Bloomington, 1972. (1353) MENUDIER (H.). L'Allemagne après 1945. Paris, 1972. (1354) PICHT (R.). Basisbibliographie zur Bundesrepublik Deutschland. München, 1984. (1355) PRICE (A.H.). The Federal Republic of Germany. A selected bibliography of English-language publications. Washington, 1978. (1356) WALLACE (I.). East Germany. The German Democratic Republic. Oxford, 1987. (1357) Deutsche Nationalbibliographie. Leipzig, 1931-. (1358) Gesamtverzeichnis des deutschsprachigen Schrifttums 1700-1965. 310 vol. München, 1979-1987. (1359) Jahresverzeichnis der Verlagsschriften. Leipzig, 1972-1978. (1360) Jahresverzeichnis des deutschen Schrifttums 1945/46-1967. Leipzig, 1948-1971. Nederland (1361) Brinkman's cumulatieve catalogus van boeken. Nederlandse bibliografie bevattende de in Nederland en Vlaanderen uitgegeven of herdrukte boeken die werden ontvangen door het Depot van Nederlandse Publikaties. Leiden, 1846-. (1362) CRIENS (S.R.). Literatuuroverzicht van de Nederlandse Antillen. Amsterdam, 1985. (1363) KENNEDY (R.). Bibliography of Indonesian peoples and cultures. New Haven, 1962. (1364) KING (P.), WINTLE (M.). The Netherlands. Oxford, 1988. (1365) KREWSON (M.B.). The Netherlands and Northern Belgium: a selective biblography of reference works. Washington, 1989. (1366) Bibliographia Neerlandica. Den Haag, 1962. (1367) Brinkman's Cumulative Catalogue on CD-ROM: Dutch National Bibliography = Brinkman's cumulatieve catalogus op CD-ROM [Database].1996-. (1368) DOTA. Dokumentatie van tijdschriftartikelen. Den Haag, 1974-. URL: (1369) Nederlandse bibliografie: B-lijst bevattende de titels van in Nederland uitgegeven publicaties van bestuurslichamen, wetenschappelijke instellingen en daarmee gelijk te stellen organisaties; in eigen beheer uitgegeven proefschriften en andere academische. Alphen-a/d-Rijn, 1984. (1370) Nijhoff's index op Nederlandse en Vlaamse periodieken. Den Haag, 1909-1970. Verenigde Staten* Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 111 4.1.3. over bijzondere soorten werken titels van tijdschriften (1371) BOEHM (E.). Historical Periodicals Directory. Santa Barbara, 1981-1985. (1372) UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CALIFORNIA LAW LIBRARY. USC Law Legal Journals Listing. URL: Index of English-language, mostly US Law Reviews, arranged by type (general, subject specific, foreign law, etc.), then alphabetically listed by title : except from the general law reviews, all the journals are described. Links to tables of contents and in most cases also abstracts and full-text articles. (1373) UNIVERSITY OF WARWICK. Electronic Law Journals Directory. URL: In 1997, within the Electronic Law Journals Project, a comprehensive list of UK Law Journals was established to assist users to quickly find accurate information about UK law journals (both paper and electronic). Where applicable, links have been made to on-line information sources such as publishers home pages, electronic contents and abstracts of journals etc. (1374) Association des Revues Scientifiques et Culturelles. URL: De VZW ARSC bundelt talrijke wetenschappelijke en culturele tijdschriften uit de Franstalige wereld (België, Frankrijk, Zwitserland, Luxemburg en Quebec). (1375) CIC Electronic Journals Collection. URL: (1376) Directory of Electronic Journals and Newsletters. URL: (1377) Directory of Open Access Journals: Social Sciences. URL: The Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) provides access to a growing collection of several thousand free, full text, quality controlled scientific and scholarly journals covering all areas of the sciences, social sciences and humanities. Key social sciences covered include: law, politics, government, Anthropology, Education, Gender Studies, Sports Studies, Media and Communication studies, environmental sciences, Geography and Health care. It is hosted by Lund University Libraries Head Office. The project is funded by Open Society Institute Budapest and also supported by SPARC (The Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition) with the aim of increasing the visibility and accessibility of open access scholarly journals. It is possible to search by journal title or browse by subject. It is also possible to search for individual articles within the database. (1378) Ejournal Site Guide : a Meta Source. URL: (1379) Electronic Journals Ingenta. URL: Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 112 (1380) Full-Text Electronic Journals. URL: (1381) History Journals Guide. URL: Maintained by Stefan Blaschke, a German medievalist and doctoral candidate, the guide is a subsection of the VL History and is probably the most comprehensive directory of its kind on the web, including discussion lists as well as journals. Some 5.400 serials are listed, accessible through a search engine, alphabetically by title, by period, language, publishing institution or geographical region. The directory is updated bi-weekly! Entries are very comprehensive and provide direct links to home pages, publishers, et al. (1382) Labour History Journals. URL: (1383) NewJour - Electronic Journal and Newsletter Archive. URL: (1384) Zeitschriftendatenbank OPAC. URL: Maintained by the Deutsche Bibliothek at the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, the ZDB is the worldwide largest single union catalog of serials (i.e. ranging from newspapers to journals). It contains references to over 1.1M titles in all languages, published since 1500, and available in some 4.300 German libraries. Various search criteria are possible, and search results list the holdings of all German libraries in the possession of any issues of the relevant serial. Electronic serials are also included. Search results also provide links, as appropriate, to previous or later titles (in the case of title variations over time) and to publishers. (1385) . World list of specialized periodicals. Latin America. Liste mondiale des périodiques spécialisés. Paris, 1974. (1386) AGENTUR SOJUSPETCHAT. Russische Presse. Moscow, 1995. (1387) BAER (E.A.). Titles in series: a handbook for librarians and students. 4 vol. New York, 1978. (1388) BENN. Benn's media directory, Incorporating Benn's press directory. London, 1846-. (1389) BIBLIOTHEQUE NATIONALE. Département des périodiques. Bibliographie de la presse française politique et d'information generale 1865-194 . Paris, 1964. (1390) BIBLIOTHEQUE NATIONALE. Répertoire de la presse et des publications périodiques françaises 1956-1978. Paris, 1958-1981. (1391) BIRKOS (A.S.), TAMBS (L.A.). Academic writer's guide to periodicals. African and Black American studies. Kent, 1975. (1392) BIRKOS (A.S.), TAMBS (L.A.). Academic writer's guide to periodicals. East European and Slavic studies. Kent, 1973. (1393) BIRKOS (A.S.), TAMBS (L.A.). Academic writer's guide to periodicals. Latin American studies. Kent, 1971. (1394) BIRKOS (A.S.), TAMBS (L.A.). Répertoire des périodiques paraissant en Afrique au sud du Sahara. Sciences sociales et humaines. Paris, 1982. Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 113 (1395) BLAKE (D.), TRAVIS (C). Periodicals from Africa. A bibliography and union list of periodicals published in Africa. First supplement. Boston, 1984. (1396) BOHRMAN (H.), UBBENS (W.). Zeitungen verzeichnen und nutzen: aktuelle Ansätze und Unternehmungen zur bibliographischen und archivalischen Beschreibung und Nutzung deutschsprachiger Zeitungen. Berlin, 1998. (1397) CADY (S.A.) e.a. The serials directory. An international reference book. 3 vol. Birmingham, 1986. (1398) COVINGTON (P.H.). Indexed journals: a guide to Latin American serials. Madison, 1983. (1399) KATZ (W.A.), KATZ (L.S.). Magazines for libraries: For the general reader and school, junior college, college, university and public libraries. New York, 1997. (1400) LJUNGGREN (F.), HAMDY (M). Annotated guide to journals dealing with the Middle East and North Africa. Kaïro, 1965. (1401) MOON (B.E.). Periodicals for South East Asian studies. A union catalogue of holdings in British and selected European libraries. London, 1979. (1402) NUNN (G.R.). Southeast Asian periodicals. An international union list. London, 1977. (1403) STAMM (W.). Leitfaden durch Presse und Werbung. Essen, 1947-. (1404) TRAVIS (C.), ALMAN (M.). Periodicals from Africa. A bibliography and union list of periodicals published in Africa. Boston, 1977. (1405) WALFORD (J). Walford's guide to current British periodicals in the humanities and social sciences. London, 1985. (1406) WILLING. Willings press guide. A guide to the press of the United Kingdom and to the principal publications of Europe, the Americas, Australasia, the Far East, Africa and the Middle East. London, 1874-. (1407) WOODWORTH (D.P.). Current British journals. Boston Spa, 1982. (1408) ZELL (H.M.). The African book world & press; a directory. München, 1989. (1409) Annuaire de la presse et de la publicité. Paris, 1878-. (1410) Belgische bibliografie. Bibliographie de Belgique. Supplement. Nieuwe tijdschriften en reeksen. Supplement. Périodiques nouveaux et séries nouvelles. Brussel, 1982. (1411) Bibliographie de la France. Publications en serie. Paris, 1946-. (1412) Catalogus van Belgische en Luxemburgse periodieken in het bezit van de Nederlandse Kamer van koophandel voor België en Luxemburg. Brussel, 1985. (1413) De Pers. Driemaandelijks tijdschrift van de Belgische vereniging van dagbladuitgevers. La Presse. Bulletin trimestriel de l'Association belge des éditeurs de journaux. Brussel, 1954-. (1414) Deutsche Bibliographie . Zeitschriften-Verzeichnis. Bibliographie der in Deutschland erscheinenden periodischen Veröffentlichungen sowie der deutschsprachigen Periodica Osterreichs, der Schweiz und anderer Länder 1945/52. Frankfurt, 1958-. (1415) Deutschsprachige Zeitschriften. Deutschland-Osterreich-Schweiz und internationale Zeitschriften mit deutschen Beiträgen. Köln, 1956-. (1416) EBSCO. Serials Directory. Birmingham and Peabody, 1986-. Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 114 URL: (1417) Etudes africaines. Liste mondiale des périodiques spécialisés. African studies. World list of specialized periodicals. Den Haag, 1969. (1418) Gale directory of publications and broadcast media. Detroit, 1880-. (1419) Gale international directory of publications: an international guide to more than 4.800 newspapers, magazines and other periodicals 1989/90. Detroit, 1989. (1420) Handboek van de Nederlandse pers en publiciteit. Schiedam, 1999. (1421) Katalog der Osteuropazeitschriften. München, 1993. (1422) Media. Uitgave 19.. van de Reklamegids. Edition 19.. de l'Indicateur publicitaire. Brussel, 1934-. (1423) Sub-Saharan Africa. A guide to serials. Washington, 1970. (1424) The Standard periodical directory. New York & Detroit, 1964-. (1425) Ulrich's international periodicals directory now including Irregular serials and annuals. New York, 1967-. titels van dissertaties (1426) FRANCOIS (L.). Een eeuw Gentse historische school : bibliografie van de licentiaats- en doctoraatsverhandelingen voorgelegd aan de Sectie Geschiedenis van de Universiteit Gent 1891-1992. Gent, 1993. (1427) FRANCOIS (L.) e.a. De vele gezichten van de nieuwste geschiedenis. Bibliografie van de licentiaats- en doctoraatsverhandelingen betreffende de Belgische nieuwste geschiedenis, tot stand gebracht aan de Belgische universiteiten, buiten de seminaries nieuwste geschiedenis, 1975-1991. Gent, 1992. (1428) FRANCOIS (L.) e.a. De vele gezichten van de nieuwste geschiedenis. Deel 2. Bibliografie van de licentiaats- en doctoraatsverhandelingen betreffende de Belgische nieuwste geschiedenis, tot stand gekomen aan de afdelingen geschiedenis van de Belgische universiteiten, 1975-1991. Gent, 1995. (1429) Dissertation Abstracts International. A. The Humanities and Social Sciences. Ann Arbor, 1969-. See also Series C: European Abstracts / Worldwide. Electronic equivalent: Dissertation Abstracts Ondisc. CD-ROM version. Indexes dissertations accepted for doctoral degrees by accredited North American educational institutions and over 200 other institutions. Also contains citations and abstracts to masters' theses (since 1988). Abstracts are included since 1980. Covers approximately 3,000 subject areas. Also available as online database through ProQuest Dissertation & Theses. Free access to the most current two years of citations and abstracts in the Dissertation Abstracts database. To search the entire database of more than 1,6 million titles, connection from a subscription institution is required. Access via (1430) Electronic Theses and Dissertations in the Humanities. URL: According to the editor, Matthew G. Kirschenbaum of the U of Virginia, the site serves as a clearing-house for online information related to electronic theses and dissertations (ETDs) in Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 115 the humanities. The site's most important feature is a directory of most (maybe not quite all) of the ETDs that are currently in progress in the various disciplines that comprise the academic humanities. At present, the site has a limited and selective (U.S.) listing, but this promising initiative bears watching, as many dissertations are published in complete form, and the project is expanding. (1431) BLEEK (W.), MERTENS (L.). Bibliographie der geheimen DDR-Dissertationen. Müchen, 1994. (1432) REYNOLDS (M. M.). Guide to theses and dissertations. An international bibliography of bibliographies. Phoenix, 1985. (1433) ASLIB. Index to theses accepted for higher degrees by the universties of Great Britain and Ireland and the Council for national academic awards, 1950- 1967. London, 1953-1967. (1434) Bibliografie van Nederlandse proefschriften. Dutch theses 1977-. Utrecht, 1980. (1435) Catalogue des thèses de doctorat soutenues devant les universités françaises 1959-1978. Paris, 1960-1985. (1436) Catalogue des thèses et écrits académiques 1884/85-1958. Paris, 1885-1959. (1437) Catalogus van academische geschriften in Nederland verschenen 1924-1972. Utrecht, 1925-1976. (1438) Cyberthèses. 1972-. URL: (1439) Deutsche Bibliographie. H. Hochschulschriften-Verzeichnis. Frankfurt a/Main, 1945-. URL: (1440) Dutch theses. A list of titles submitted to Dutch universities. Utrecht, 1975-1977. (1441) Hochschulschriften 1945-1992 (CD-ROM). Frankfurt, 1993. (1442) Index to Theses (UK, 1716-2004). URL: (1443) Inventaire des thèses de doctorat soutenues devant les universités françaises 1981. Paris, 1982. (1444) Proquest Digital Dissertations. URL: (1445) Repertorium van de doctorale proefschriften. Répertoire des theses de doctorat 1971-1984. Brussel, 1973-1985. (1446) Retrospective index to theses of Great Britain and Ireland 1716-1950. London, 1975-1977. (1447) UMI Dissertation Services. URL: titels van overheidspublicaties (1448) BOPCRIS. British Official Publications Collaborative Reader Information Service. URL: (1449) ALA (American Library Association), WESTFALL (Gloria). Guide to official publications of foreign countries. Chicago, 1997 2nd ed. Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 116 (1450) AUFRICHT (H.). Guide to League of Nations publications. A bibliographical survey of the work of the League 1920-1947. New York, 1951. (1451) BUTCHER (D). Official publications in Britain. London, 1983. (1452) CONOVER (H.F.), WALKER (A.A.). Official publications of British East Africa. Washington, 1960-1963. (1453) DE WEERDT (D.). Bibliographie rétrospective des publications officielles de la Belgique 1794-1914. Leuven, 1963. (1454) DOWNEY (J.A.). U.S. federal official publications. The international dimension. Oxford, 1978. (1455) GHEBALI (V.Y.), GHEBALI (C.). A repertoire of League of Nations serial documents 1919-1947. 2 vol. New York, 1973. (1456) GIBSON (M.J.). Portugese Africa. A guide to official publications. Washington, 1967. (1457) GREGORY (W.). List of the serial publications of foreign governments 1815-1931. New York, 1932. (1458) HAJNAL (P.I.). International information : documents, publications, and electronic information of international governmental organizations. Englewood, 1997 2e ed. (1459) HOPKINS (M.). European Communities information. Its use and users. London, 1985. (1460) HOPKINS (M.). Policy formation in the European Communities; a bibliographical guide to community documentation 1958-1978. London, 1981. (1461) HOWELL (J.B.). East African community. Subject guide to official publications. Washington, 1976. (1462) JEFFRIES (J.). A guide to the official publications of the European Communities. London, 1981. (1463) JOHANSSON (E). Official publications of Western Europe, Volume 2. Austria, Belgium, Federal Republic of Germany, Greece, Norway, Portugal, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom. London, 1988. (1464) JOHANSSON (E.). Official publications of Western Europe, Volume 1. Denmark, Finland, France, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Spain, Turkey. London, 1984. (1465) KANELY (E.A.); BUCHANAN (W.W.). Cumulative subject index to the Monthly catalog of United States government publications 1885-1971. Washington, 1973-1975. (1466) MOREHEAD (J.), FETZER (M.). Introduction to United States public documents. Littleton, 1999 6th ed. (1467) NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY. RESEARCH LIBRARIES. Catalog of government publications in the Research Libraries. Boston, 1972. (1468) NURCOMBE (Valerie J.). Information Sources in Official Publications. London, 1997. (1469) RICHARD (S). Directory of British official publications. London, 1984. (1470) RISHWORTH (S.K.). Spanish-speaking Africa. A guide to official publications. Washington, 1973. (1471) ROBERTS (J.E.). A guide to official gazettes and their contents. Washington, 1985. (1472) RODGERS (F). A guide to British government publications. New York, 1980. Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 117 (1473) SEUSING (E.). Europese Gemeenschappen. Communautés européennes. Catalogus van de publikaties. Catalogue des publications 1952-1971. Brussel, 1972. (1474) THOMSON (I.). The documentation of the European Communities. A guide. London, 1989. (1475) VAN DEN EECKHOUT (P.), VANTHEMSCHE (G.), eds. Bronnen voor de studie van de hedendaagse Belgische samenleving, 19e-20ste eeuw. Brussel, 2001. (1476) VAN ZANT (N.P.). Selected U.S. government series; a guide for public and academic libraries. Chicago, 1978. (1477) WALKER (G). Official publications of the Soviet Union and eastern Europe 1945-1980. A select annotated bibliography. London, 1982. (1478) WESTFALL (G.). French official publications. Oxford, 1980. (1479) WITHERELL (J.W). French-speaking West Africa. A guide to official publications. Washington, 1967. (1480) WITHERELL (J.W). French-speaking central Africa. A guide to official publications in American libraries. Washington, 1973. (1481) Bibliografie van in Nederland verschenen officiële en semi-officiële uitgaven 1953-1976. Den Haag, 1954-1977. (1482) Bibliografie van in Nederland verschenen officiële uitgaven bij rijksoverheid en provinciale besturen 1977. Den Haag, 1978-. (1483) Bibliographic guide to government publications, foreign 1975-. Boston, 1976-. (1484) Bibliographic guide to government publications, U.S. 1975. Boston, 1976-. (1485) Bibliographic guide to government publications. Thorndike, 1975-. (1486) Bibliographie de la France. Série F. Publications officielles. Paris, 1950-1974. (1487) Bibliographie de la France. Supplément II. Publications officielles. Paris, 1975. (1488) Bibliographie der EG-Zeitschriften 1952-1980. Ein Bestandsverzeichnis der periodischen Veröffentlichungen von den und über die Europaïschen Gemeinschaften anhand der Bestände der Bibliothek des Instituts für Weltwirtschaft. Kiel, 1983. (1489) Bibliographie sélective des publications officielles françaises. Paris, 1952-1982. (1490) Bulletin de renseignements documentaires. Bruxelles, 1973-1984. (1491) Bulletin signalétique d'information administrative. Biblios. Paris, 1982. (1492) Catalogue of British official publications not published by HMSO 1980-. Cambridge, 1981-. (1493) Catalogus van de publikaties der Europese gemeenschappelijke instellingen. Catalogue des publications des institutions communautaires européennes 1972-1973. Brussel, 1974. (1494) Deutsche Bibliographie. Verzeichnis amtlicher Druckschriften. (from 1956). Frankfurt a/Main, 1963-. (1495) Directory of United Nations information sources. New York, 1994. (1496) EUROCAT : the complete catalogue of EC publications and documents / Office for Official Publications of the European Communities. Cambridge, 1994. (1497) Her Majesty's Stationery Office. Annual catalogue. Government publications of #. London, 1923-. Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 118 (1498) Index CE. Guide des publications et documents des Communautés européennes. Maastricht, 1985-1986. (1499) Index to United Nations documents and publications on CD-ROM from 1990. + Archival Disk 1946-1991. New Canaan, 1990-. URL: (1500) International bibliography. Publications of intergovernmental organizations. New York, 1973-. (1501) Le guide des guides. Les guides édités par les services publics. Paris, 1983. (1502) Lijst van officiële uitgaven verschenen in Nederland en Nederlandsch Oost- en West-Indië 1929-1952. Den Haag, 1930-1953. (1503) Publikaties en dokumenten van de Europese Gemeenschappen ontvangen door de bibliotheek. Publications et documents des Communautés européennes reçus par la bibliothèque 1978-1987. Brussel, 1986-1987. (1504) Publikaties van de Europese Gemeenschappen. Publications des Communautés européennes 1980-. Brussel, 1981-. (1505) Recente publikaties over de Europese gemeenschap ontvangen door de bibliotheek. Publications récentes sur les Communautés européennes reçus par la bibliothèque. Brussel, 1985-. (1506) Répertoire des publications officielles (séries et périodiques). Administrations centrales françaises. Paris, 1979. (1507) Répertoire des publications périodiques et de série de l'administration française. Paris, 1973. (1508) Scad Bulletin. Brussel, 1985-. (1509) U.S. Superintendent of documents. Catalog of the public documents of Congress and other departments of the Government of the United States 1893-1940. Washington, 1895-. (1510) U.S. Superintendent of documents. Monthly catalog of United States government publications 1895. Washington, 1895-. (1511) UNBIS. United Nations bibliographic information system. (also available as UNBIS Plus on CD-ROM). New York, 1979-. URL: (1512) UNDEX. United Nations documents index: series A. Subject index 1970-1978; series B. Country index 1970-1978; series C. List of documents issued 1974-1979. New York, 1970-1978. (1513) UNDOC. Current index. United Nations documents. 1979-1997. New York, 1979-1997. (1514) United Nations documentation. A brief guide. New York, 1981. (1515) United Nations documents index (UNDI) 1950-1973. 24 vol. + Cumulated index. Volumes 1-13. 1950-1962. 4 vol. New York, 1950-1973. titels van statistische reeksen (1516) HARVEY (J.M.). Statistics Africa. Sources for social, economic and market research. Beckenham, 1978. (1517) HARVEY (J.M.). Statistics America. Sources for social, economic and market research (North, Central and South America). Beckenham, 1980. Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 119 (1518) HARVEY (J.M.). Statistics Asia & Australasia. Sources for social, economic and market research. Beckenham, 1983. (1519) HARVEY (J.M.). Statistics Europe. Sources for social, economic and market research. Beckenham, 1987. (1520) RAMSAY (A.). Eurostat index. A detailed keyword subject index to the statistical series published by the Statistical Office of the European Conimunities. With notes on the series. Edinburgh, 1983 + 1986. (1521) REPER (F.C.). SISCIS. Subject index to sources of comparative international statistics. Beckenham, 1978. (1522) WESTFALL (G.). Bibliography of official statistical yearbooks and bulletins. Cambridge, 1986. (1523) American statistics index. A comprehensive guide and index to the statistical publications of the United States government. Washington, 1973-. (1524) Catalogus van de publikaties uitgegeven door het Nationaal instituut voor de statistiek. Catalogue des publications de l'Institut national de statistique. Brussel, 1990. URL: (1525) Centraal bureau voor de statistiek. Nederland. Den Haag, 1983. URL: (1526) Centraal bureau voor de statistiek. Systematisch overzicht van de CBS publikaties. (Belgium). Voorburg, 1979. (1527) IIS. Index to international statistics. A guide to the statistical publications of international intergovernmental organizations. Washington, 1983. (1528) OFFSTATS. Official Statistics on the Web. URL: (1529) Statistical reference index: to current American statistical publications from sources other than the US government. Washington, 1980. (1530) Statistical resources on the Internet. URL: (1531) Statistics sources. An international guide to statistics on 22.000 topics. Detroit, 1990. (1532) Statistischen Bundesamtes (Germany). Mainz, 1951. URL: (1533) United Nations. Directory of international statistics. Vol. 1. New York, 1982. 4.2. over geschiedenis 4.2.1. algemeen (1534) BOSSCHER (D.F.J.) e.a. Literatuurgids eigentijdse geschiedenis. Utrecht, 1982. (1535) CALDWELL (R.J.). The era of the French Revolution. A bibliography of the history of Western civilization, 1789-1799. New York, 1985. (1536) CHARNY (I.W.) e.a. Genocide : a Critical Bibliographic Review. S.l., s.a. Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 120 (1537) COHEN (S.S.), ed. Antisemitism : an Annotated Bibliography. München, 1997-2003. URL: This bibliography on the history of anti-Semitism (1984-; since 1988- also on the history of the holocaust) is available both in print and online. It lists titles of books and scientific studies, and includes primary sources concerning Jewish experience; however, anti-Semitic publications, fiction, and newspaper articles are excluded. (1538) FRANZ (G.). Bücherkunde zur Weltgeschichte. Vom Untergang des römischen Weltreichs bis zur Gegenwart. München, 1956-. (1539) GUIRAL (P.) e.a. Guide de l'étudiant en histoire moderne et contemporaine. Paris, 1971. (1540) HARCOURT (F.), ROBINSON (F.). Twentieth-century world history. A select bibliography. London, 1979. (1541) JENKS (S.), RÜBSAMEN (D.), eds. Magazine Stacks. Tables of Content of Historical Journals, Monographic Series and Occasional Volumes. URL: This work-in-progress, supported by the Stadtbibliotheke Mainz and Frankfurt, University College London and the Germanisches National Museum Nürnberg, hosted by the University of Erlangen, retrospectively indexes tables of content for several hundreds of historical journals (mainly in German and English, but also in other select languages, i.e. French). It also lists German dissertation titles since 1882 (currently, only a few years have been indexed), contents of Festschriften (classified by name of person being celebrated), and exhibition catalogues (classified by title keywords). (1542) KINNELL (S.K.). Historiography. An annotated bibliography of journal articles, books, and dissertations. Santa Barbara, 1987, 2 vol. (1543) MILLER (J.C.). Slavery and Slaving in World History : a Bibliography. Armonk, 1999. (1544) NEWTON (M. & J.A.). Terrorism in the United States and Europe, 1800-1959 : an annotated bibliography. New York, 1988. (1545) NORTON (M.B.), GERARDI (P.). The American Historical Association's gulde to historical literature. Third Edition. New York, 1995. (1546) PETZL (K.-G.). International alphabetical-bibliographical manual 1914-1945-1996. Selected List of International Works, Building-Stones and Tools for Contemporary History. Wien, 1996. (1547) ROACH (J.). A bibliography of modern history. Cambridge, 1968. (1548) WEINBERG (M.). World Racism and Related Inhumanities. A Country-By-Country Bibliography. Westport, 1992. (1549) Annual bulletin of historical literature. London, 1912-. (1550) Bibliographie internationale des travaux historiques, publiés dans les volumes de Mélanges 1880-1939. Paris, 1955-. (1551) Hin-T - Historie in Titels. URL: (1552) Historical abstracts. Bibliography of the world's historical literature. Santa Barbara, 1955-. URL: Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 121 This basic bibliography for the study of modern and contemporary history (1450-2003) has a world-wide scope (except for the US and Canada, treated in another ABC-Clio product, America, History and Life). It contains article abstract titles (selected from over 1,700 periodicals in 40 languages from all over the world), and book and dissertation titles. It covers a wide range of themes, from all fields of history. The website provides free access to a database sample; full access is available only by subscription. (1553) Historische Zeitschrift. München, 1859-. (1554) History E-Book Project. URL: This website, constructed by the American Council of Learned Society (ACLS), mentions (in October 2003) some 800 important history books (in English), concerning all periods of world, American and European history (with special emphasis on contemporary history). Some of these books are accessible in electronic form, but only by subscription. Some 250 titles (along with new categories) are added annually. (1555) History. The Journal of the Historical Association. London, 1912-. (1556) Index of Articles on Jewish Studies (RAMBI). URL: (1557) International bibliography of historical sciences. Bibliographie internationale des sciences historiques 1926. Paris, 1930-. (1558) Recently published articles. Washington, 1976-. (1559) Revue historique. Paris, 1876-. (1560) The American Historical Association's gulde to historical literature. New York, 1961-. (1561) The American historical review. Washington, 1895-. (1562) The combined retrospective index set to journals in history 1838-1974. Washington, 1977-1978. (1563) Tijdschrift voor geschiedenis. Groningen, 1886-. 4.2.2. per streek per continent Afrika (1564) GREGORY (J.W.) e.a. African historical demography: a multidisciplinary bibliography. Los Angeles, 1984. (1565) MATTHEWS (D.G.). Current themes in African historical studies. A selected bibliographical guide to resources for research in African history. Westport, 1970. (1566) VELLUT (J.-L.) e.a. Bibliographie historique du Zaïre à l'époque coloniale (1880-1914) : travaux publiés en 1960-1996. Louvain, 1996. (1567) WILLIAMS (M.W.). Pan-Africanism : an Annotated Bibliography. Englewood Cliffs, 1992. (1568) Africa since 1914. A historical bibliography. Santa Barbara, 1985. Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 122 Azië (1569) BURNS (R.D.), LEITENBERG (M.). The Wars in Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos, 1945-1982 : a Bibliographic Guide. Santa Barbara, 1984. (1570) CARTER (A.). Mahatma Gandhi. A Selected Bibliography. Westport, 1995. (1571) CASF (M.H.). South Asian history 1750-1950. A guide to periodicals, dissertations and newspapers. Princeton, 1968. (1572) HAY (S.), CASE (M.H.). Southeast Asian history: a bibliographic guide. New York, 1962. (1573) LAWRANCE (A.). Mao Zedong : a bibliography. Westport, 1991. (1574) PANDIRI (A.M.). A Comprehensive, Annotated Bibliography on Mahatma Gandhi. Westport, 1995. (1575) South Asian History : Bibliographies and Other Resources. URL: Amerika (1576) CORTES CONDE (R.), STEIN (S.J.). Latin America. A guide to economic history, 1830-1930. Berkeley, 1977. (1577) GRIEB (K.J.). Central America in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries: an annotated bibliography. Boston, 1988. (1578) GRIFFIN (C.C.). Latin America: a guide to the historical literature. Austin, 1971. (1579) LaFRANCE (D.G.), JONES (E.D.), eds. Latin American Military History : an Annotated Bibliography. New York, 1992. (1580) MARTIN (F. S.). American Presidents : a Bibliography. Washington, 1987. (1581) America; history and life. A guide to periodical literature. Santa Barbara, 1964-. URL: (1582) Bibliographic guide to North American history 1978. Boston, 1979. (1583) Bibliographical Guide to North American History 1998. Thorndike (Maine), 1999. (1584) HAHR. The Hispanic American historical review. Durham, 1921. (1585) Harvard guide to American history. Cambridge, 1975. Europa (1586) ALDCROFT (D.H.), RODGER (R.). Bibliography of European economic and social history. Second Edition. Manchester, 1993. (1587) BLOOMBERG (M.), BARRETT (B.B.). Stalin : an Annotated Guide to Books in English. San Bernardino, 1993. (1588) CARTER (A.). Marshal Tito. A Bibliography. Westport, 1989. (1589) CIENCIALA (A.). Select English Language Works on the History of Eastern Europe. URL: Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 123 Prof. A. Cienciala of Kansas University compiled this extensive and periodically updated bibliography of scholarly books and journal articles (published in English) on the history of Eastern Europe from the Middle Ages to the end of the 20th century. Emphasis is placed on the former Austro-Hungarian Empire, its successor states (except Austria), the Balkans and Poland. It consists of three parts (the latter 19th c., first half of the 20th c., and post 1945). A detailed table of contents facilitates research. The author also provides short annotations. (1590) EDELHEIT (A.J. & H.). The Rise and Fall of the Soviet Union. A Selected Bibliography of Sources in English. Westport, 1992. (1591) FERNEKES (W.B.). The Oryx Holocaust Sourcebook. Westport, 2002. (1592) FRAME (M.). The Russian Revolution, 1905-1921. A Bibliographic Guide to Works in English. Westport, 1995. (1593) GRIFFITHS (R.H.). EU-History Bibliographies. URL: R.T. Griffiths, a professor of Leiden University, compiled an extensive bibliography of recent historical studies on different aspects of EU-integration history (beginning with the Marshall Plan). (1594) HACKEN (R.D.). Central European economic history from Waterloo to OPEC, 1815-1975: a bibliography. Westport, 1987. (1595) MEYER (K.). Bibliographie der Arbeiten zur osteuiropaïschen Geschichte aus den deutschsprachigen Fachzeitschriften, 1858-1964. Berlin, 1966. (1596) PEARSON (R.). Russia and Eastern Europe, 1789-1985 : a Bibliographical Guide. 1989. (1597) RUTHCHILD (R.G.). Women in Russia and the Soviet Union : an Annotated Bibliography. New York, 1993. (1598) SCHMIDT (C.D.) e.a. Bibliographie zur osteuropaïschien Geschichte. Verzeichnis der zwischen 1965 und 1974 veröffentlichtten Literatur in westeuropaïschen Sprachen zur osteuropaïschen Geschichte bis 1945. Wiesbaden, 1983. (1599) WIECZYNSKI (J.L.), ed. The Gorbachev Bibliography, 1985-1991. A Listing of Books and Articles in English on Perestroïka in the USSR. New York, 1996. (1600) Jahrbücher für Geschichte Osteuropas. Stuttgart, 1953-. This important bibliographic website pertaining to Jewish studies, where history figures prominently, is a product of Israel's Jewish National and University Library. It lists titles of scientific studies (books, articles in journals and edited volumes) concerning various fields of Judaïca, written in Hebrew, Yiddish and European languages. The complete collection (started in 1966 and consisting of 50 volumes in 2004) has been retrospectively converted into a free-access databank, searchable by author, subject or source. (1601) Literaturdatenbank Geschichte Ostmitteleuropas. URL: This current bibliography of scientific studies on the history of East and Central Europe, published in German and other Western languages, is maintained by the Herder Institute at Marburg, in cooperation with institutes in Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia. This Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 124 enterprise goes back to the 1950s, but was reorganized in 1995, through the production of a database which is searchable by author, subject, title, publisher, etc. (1602) Literaturdatenbank Geschichte Ostmitteleuropas. URL: Maintained by the Herder-Institute (one of the premier academic think-tanks specialized in East European history) of the U of Marburg, Germany, the multi-lingual site offers access to an extensive bibliographical database searchable by various criteria. Midden Oosten (1603) MIKDADI (F.). Gamal Abdel Nasser : a bibliography. London, 1991. Oceanië (1604) GOETZFRIDT (N.J.), PEACOCK (K.M.). Micronesian Histories. An Analytical Bibliography and Guide to Interpretations. Westport, 2002. (1605) Pacific History Bibliography, in Journal of Pacific History, 32, 1997-. nationaal België (1606) AELBRECHT (V.). L'entre-deux guerres en Belgique 1918-1940 : bibliographie. Vol. 3 : L'enseignement secondaire. Bruxelles-Louvain-la-Neuve, 1991. (1607) AUBRY (M.) e.a. Bibliographie de l'histoire urbaine Belgique-Luxembourg - Bibliografie van de stadsgeschiedenis België-Luxemburg. Liège, 1994. (1608) BEIRENS (G.). Proeve van een algemene bibliografie van de stad Dendermonde 1612-1970. Dendermonde, 1974. (1609) BEUSEN (P.) e.a. Bibliographie d'histoire des villes de Belgique et du Grand-Duché du Luxembourg - Bibliografie van de geschiedenis van de steden van België en van het Groothertogdom Luxemburg. Brussel, 1999. (1610) BOTS (M.), PAREYN (L.). Bibliografie van de geschiedenis van het Belgisch liberalisme : beknopte bio-bibliografie van liberale prominenten 1830-1990. Gent, 1992. (1611) BOTTEMANE (D.). De Tweede Wereldoorlog : bibliografie van de documentatie bij de centrale bibliotheek, Landsverdediging - La Seconde Guerre mondiale : bibliographie de la documentation à la bibliothèque centrale, Défense nationale. Brussel, 1980. (1612) BOUDIN (H.R.). Bibliografie van het Belgisch protestantisme - Bibliographie du protestantisme belge 1781-1996. Brussel, 1999. (1613) BRUNEEL (Cl), ed. Des revolutions à Waterloo. Bibliographie selective d'histoire de Belgique (1789 à 1815). Brux, 1989. (1614) CALCOEN (R.). Comité belge d'histoire des sciences. Belgisch Komitee voor de geschiedenis der wetenschappen. Notes bibliographiques. Répertoire cumulatif séries 1 à 71, 1946-1968. Bibliografische nota's. Kumulatief repertorium. Brussel, 1970. Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 125 (1615) COPPENS (G.). Bibliografisch repertorium van universitaire thesissen m.b.t. de geschiedenis van het liberalisme in België (tot 1982). Gent, 1983. (1616) DE BELDER (J.), HANNES (J.). Bibliographie de l'histoire de Belgique. Bibliographie van de geschiedenis van België, 1865-1914. Leuven, 1965. (1617) DE BRUYNE (J.-P.). Instruments pour l'étude de l'histoire de la marine militaire belge des origines à 2000 : bibliographie, chronologie, navires, commandements et bases navales. Deurle, 2001. (1618) DE SCHAMPHELEIRE (H.) e.a. Bibliografische bijdrage tot de geschiedenis der Belgische vrijmetselarij 1789-1855. Leuven, 1973. (1619) DE SCHUYTER (I.). Geschiedenis van het Belgisch liberalisme 1830-1987. Een selectieve bibliografie. Gent, 1989. (1620) DE VROEDE (M.). Bibliografische inleiding tot de studie van de Vlaamse beweging 1830-1860. Leuven, 1959. (1621) DE VROEDE (M.) e.a. Bibliografie van de geschiedenis van het voorschools, lager, normaalen buitengewoon onderwijs in België 1774-1986. Bibliographie de l'histoire de l'enseignement préscolaire, primaire, normal et special en Belgique 1774-1986. Leuven, 1988. (1622) DE WACHTER (L.). Repertorium van Vlaamse gouwen en gemeenten. Antwerpen, 1942-1957. (1623) DE WAELE (M.). Bibliografie van de Belgische buitenlandse betrekkingen 1830-1980. Gent, 1980. (1624) DE WEERDT (D.), VAN LYSEBETTEN (A.). Socialisme en socialistische arbeidersbeweging in België. Bibliografie van werken en tijdschriftartikels verschenen sedert 1944. Brussel, 1988². (1625) DE WIN (P.). Rechtshistorische bibliografie van België 1980-1985. Brussel, 1991. (1626) DERENETTE (L.J.). Bijdrage tot een bibliografie van de geschiedenis van de Belgische militaire luchtvaart. Deel 1. Koksijde, 1997. (1627) DEVOS (I.). Selective Bibliography of Belgian Historical Demography, 1891-2001 (19th and early 20th centuries), in Revue Belge d'Histoire Contemporaine, 31, 2001, p. 347-369. (1628) DUMOULIN (M.). Bibliographie pour servir à l'histoire des relations entre la Belgique, l'Italie et le Saint-Siège de 1914 à 1919. Bruxelles, 1978. (1629) DUMOULIN (M.), ed. La question charbonnière et l'immigration en Belgique : bibliographie rétrospective 1945-1970. Louvain-la-Neuve, 1988. (1630) DUMOULIN (M.), HANOTTE (J.). La Belgique et l'étranger : 1830-1962. Bibliographie des travaux parus entre 1969 et 1985, in DUMOULIN (M.), STOLS (E.), La Belgique et l'étranger aux XIXe et XXe siècles. Louvain-la-Neuve, 1987. (1631) FRANCOIS (L.) e.a. Bibliografie van de geschiedenis van Oostende. Oostende, 2000. (1632) FRANCOIS (L.) e.a. De Boerenkrijg (1798) : bibliografie van de fictie- en non-fictie-literatuur. Gent, 1998. (1633) GAUS (H.) e.a. Beknopte bibliografie van de politieke en sociaal-ekonomische evolutie van België 1918-1988. Gent, 1988. (1634) GAUS (H.), vAN EENOO (R.). Beknopte bibliografie van de politieke en sociaal-ekonomische evolutie van België 1945-1992. Leuven, 1992. Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 126 (1635) GENICOT (L.), ed. Vingt ans de recherche historique en Belgique 1969-1988. Bruxelles, 1990. (1636) GERIN (P.). Bibliographie de l'histoire de Belgique, 1789-1831. Leuven, 1960. (1637) GYPEN (M.). Bibliografische oriëntatie rond de Vlaamse emigranten, in Ons Heem, 1998, p. 51-60. (1638) HEYSE (M.), VAN EENOO (R.). Bibliografie van de geschiedenis van België. Bibliographie de l'histoire de Belgique, 1914-1940. Leuven, 1986. (1639) HOEBANX (J.-J.). La Franc-Maçonnerie belge. Bibliographie (1974-1993), in FERRER BENIMELI (J.A.), ed., La Masoneria Espanola entre Europa y America. Zaragoza, 1995. (1640) JOURET (A.). Bibliographie de l'histoire du Hainaut, 1951-1980. Mons, 1984. (1641) KENIS (L.). The Louvain faculty of theology in the nineteenth century : a bibliography of the professors in theology and canon law with biographical notes. Leuven, 1994. (1642) KOSSMANN-PUTTO (J.), WITTE (E.). Historical research in the Low countries 1981-1983: a critical survey. Leiden, 1985. (1643) LEENAERTS (R.J.). Algemeen genealogisch-heraldisch repertorium voor de Zuidelijke Nederlanden. Handzame, 1969-1979. (1644) LEENAERTS (R.J.). De periodieke drukpers in België. Bronnen voor de geschiedenis van de periodieke drukpers in België van 1605 tot op heden. Deel I. Bibliografisch repertorium. Torhout, 1987. (1645) LEFEVRE (P.), LORETTE (J.). België en de eerste wereldoorlog: bibliografie. La Belgique et la première guerre mondiale: bibliographie. Brussel, 1987. (1646) LOUCHEZ (E.), MEYERS (W.C.M.). Bibliographie sur la vie catholique durant l'occupation. Bruxelles, 1998. (1647) MAERTEN (F.). L'entre-deux-guerres en Belgique 1918-1940 : bibliographie. Vol. 1 : La presse. Bruxelles, 1989. (1648) MARES (A.). Bibliografisch overzicht, in WITTE (E.), MARES (A.), Twintig jaar onderzoek over België. Brussel, 1998. (1649) MATHELART (S.), GUBIN (E.). Pour l'histoire des médias en Belgique. Bibliographie de 1830 à nos jours. Bruxelles, 1994. (1650) MEYERS (W.C.M.). België in de tweede wereldoorlog. Bibliografie 1970-1980. Brussel, 1983. (1651) MEYERS (W.C.M.). The German Occupation of Belgium : a Bibliographical Essay, in WARMBRUNN (W.), The German Occupation of Belgium 1940-1944. New York, 1993. (1652) MIESSEN (W). Bibliographie zu Geschichte, Sprache und Literatur der Deutschsprachigen Gemeinschaft Belgiens 1945-1983. Brussel, 1986. (1653) MIESSEN (W.). Die deutschsprachige Gemeinschaft Belgiens : Bibliographie 1945-2002 - De Duitstalige Gemeenschap van België : bibliografie 1945-2002 - La Communauté germanophone de Belgique : bibliographie 1945-2002. Brussel, 2003. (1654) NEVEN (M.), ORIS (M.). L'entre-deux-guerres en Belgique 1918-1940 : bibliographie. Vol. 4 : Histoire de la population, de la famille et de la santé. Bruxelles, 1995. (1655) NOIRET (S.). Political Parties and the Political System in Belgium Before Federalism, 1830-1980, in European History Quarterly, 24, 1994, p. 85-122. Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 127 (1656) ORIS (M.). Bibliographie de l'histoire des populations belges : bilan des travaux des origines à nos jours. Liège, 1994. (1657) ORIS (M.) e.a. Bibliographie de l'histoire urbaine Belgique-Luxembourg - Bibliografie van de stadsgeschiedenis België-Luxemburg. Vol. 2 : 1994-1995. Liège, 1997. (1658) PIRENNE (H.) e.a. Bibliographie de l'histoire de Belgique. Catalogue méthodique et chronologique des sources et des ouvrages principaux relatifs à l'histoire de tous les Pays-Bas jusqu'en 1598 et à l'histoire de Belgique jusqu'en 1914. Bruxelles, 1931, 1979². (1659) PRAET (Ph.). E. de Laveleye : bibliografie. Gent, 1992. (1660) PROVOOST (G.), VAN DEN STEENE (W.). Vijfentwintig jaar Vlaamse beweging. Bibliografie 1945-1970. Brussel, 1973. (1661) REUNIS (R.). Bibliographie bruxelloise. Bruxelles, 1994. (1662) RYCKAERT (M.). Stadsgeschiedenis in België. Een selectieve bibliografie. L'histoire urbaine en Belgique. Une bibliographie sélective 1982-1986. Gent, 1985-1987. (1663) SCHOLLIERS (P.). Bibliografie industriële archeologie en industrieel erfgoed in België Bibliography on industrial archeology and industrial heritage in Belgium. URL: This website, maintained by Peter Scholliers, a professor of the Free University of Brussels, lists scholarly works (books and journal articles) on industrial archaeology (in the broadest sense of the term); the works, mainly located in Belgium, but also including Western European countries, are classified by category. It includes links to other industrial archeology sites in Belgium and abroad. (1664) SCHOLLIERS (P.), VIAENE (P.). Bibliografie industriële archeologie & industrieel erfgoed in België, in MIAT. Tijdschrift voor Industriële Cultuur, 1993, p. 7-21. (1665) SCHREIBER (J.-Ph.), VAN DOORSLAER (R.). Bibliographie sélective de l'histoire des juifs en Belgique, 1918-1945, in VAN DOORSLAER (R.), Les juifs de Belgique. De l'immirgation au génocide 1925-1945. Bruxelles, 1994. (1666) SERVAIS (P.). L'entre-deux-guerres en Belgique 1918-1940 : bibliographie. Vol. 3 : Histoire des sciences et des techniques. Bruxelles, 1994. (1667) STEFFENS (S.). L'industrie à Bruxelles : bibliographie. Bruxelles, 1993. (1668) TALLIER (P.-A.), SOUPART (S.). La Belgique et la Première Guerre Mondiale : bibliographie. Tome 2 : Ouvrages édités de 1985 à 2000. België en de eerste Wereldoorlog. Deel 2 : Werken uitgegeven van 1985 tot 2000. Brussel, 2001. (1669) VAN DEN STEENE (W.). De Vlaamse beweging na 1945. Bibliografie 1971-1975. Brussel, 1977. (1670) VAN DEN STEENE (W.). De Vlaamse beweging na 1945. Bibliografie 1981-1985. Gent, 1989. (1671) VAN EENOO (R.). De belangrijkste bibliografische instrumenten, in ART (J.), ed., Hoe schrijf ik de geschiedenis van mijn gemeente ?. Gent, 1993. (1672) VAN EENOO (R.), ed. Bibliografie van de geschiedenis van België - Bibliographie de l'histoire de Belgique in Revue belge de philologie et d'histoire. Belgisch tijdschrift voor filologie en geschiedenis. Brussel, 1953-. Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 128 (1673) VAN EENOO (R.), VERMEERSCH (A.). Bibliografisch repertorium van de Belgische pers 1789-1914. Leuven, 1962-1973. (1674) VAN GEERTRUYEN (G.), VAN SPAANDONCK (M.). Belgen en migranten : een bibliografisch overzicht van Belgische publicaties over migranten en hun families in België. Gent, 1984. (1675) VAN HOUTRYVE (A.). Bibliografie van de geschiedenis van Brugge. Handzame, 1972-1986. (1676) VAN HOUTTE (J.A.). Un quart de siècle de recherche historique en Belgique 1944-1968. Leuven, 1970. (1677) VAN SAS (N.), WITTE (E.), eds. Historical Research in the Low Countries. Den Haag, 1992. (1678) VANHAUTE (E.), VRIELINCK (S.). BelgianTowns in Demographical Censuses, 19th and 20th Centuries. A Bibliographical Guide, in PREVENIER (W.), STABEL (P.), eds.Bibliographies on European Urban History. Gent, 1996. (1679) VELLE (K.). Recht en gerecht. Bibliografische inleiding tot het institutioneel onderzoek van de rechterlijke macht (1796-1994). Brussel, 1994. (1680) VELLUT (J.-L.) e.a. Bibliographie historique du Zaïre à l'époque coloniale (1880-1914) : travaux publiés en 1960-1996. Louvain, 1996. (1681) VERBEKE (C.). Belgian Law : an Annotated Bibliographic Guide to Reference Materials, 1803-1993. Brussel, 1994. (1682) VERDOODT (A.). Bibliographie sur le problème linguistique belge. Quebec, 1983. (1683) VERLINDEN (C.) e.a. Bibliografie van de geschiedenis van de Belgische scheepvaart. Brussel, 1984. (1684) VERSTRAETE (P.J.), VAN DEN STEENE (W.). Bibliografie van de Vlaamse Beweging. Deel 5 : 1986-1990. Antwerpen, 1998. Continuation of Provoost's and Van den Steene's bibliography. Contrary to these works, which only cite publications dating after 1945, this bibliography (containing over 2,200 references) also cites works published from the Flemish movement's commencement. (1685) VERVAECK (S.). Bibliographie de l'histoire de Belgique. Bibliografie van de geschiedenis van België, 1831-1865. Leuven, 1965. (1686) VIAENE (P.). Bibliografie industriële archeologie & industrieel erfgoed in België, in TIC. Tijdschrift voor Industriële Cultuur, 1994-. (1687) WILLEMS (M.). Bibliografie van de Belgische politieke partijen. Leuven, 1978. (1688) YANTE (E.). L'histoire de l'administration en Belgique. Etat bibliographique, in Jahrbuch für europäische Verwaltungsgeschichte, 1997, p. 261-280. (1689) Bibliografie van de geschiedenis van Gent, in Handelingen van de Maatschappij voor geschiedenis en oudheidkunde te Gent. Gent, 1944-. (1690) Bibliographie de l'histoire militaire belge des origines au premier août 1914. Brussel, 1979. (1691) Bulletin bibliographique de l'histoire liégeoise, in Annuaire d'histoire liégeoise. Liège, 1948-. (1692) Bulletin critique de l'histoire de Belgique. Gent, 1967-1975. (1693) Comité belge d'histoire des sciences. Belgisch Komitee voor de geschiedenis der wetenschappen. Notes bibliographiques. Bibliografische nota's. Brussel, 1946-1982. Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 129 (1694) Haven van Antwerpen : bibliografie periode 1860-1973. Antwerpen, 1974. (1695) L'intermédiaire des généalogistes. De middelaar tussen de genealogische navorsers. Brussel, 1946. (1696) Mededelingen van het Navorsings- en studiecentrum voor de geschiedenis van de Tweede Wereldoorlog [voortgezet als] CEGES-SOMA Berichtenblad. Brussel, 1969- [1997-]. (1697) The Low countries history yearbook. Den Haag, 1966-1982. Frankrijk (1698) BARBIER (F.). Bibliographie de l'histoire de France. Paris, 1987. (1699) CARON (P.). Bibliographie des travaux publiés de 1866 à 1897 sur l'histoire de France depuis 1789. Paris, 1912. (1700) CARON (P.), BRIERE (G.). Répertoire méthodique de l'histoire moderne et contemporaine de la France pour l'année 1898-1912/13. Paris, 1899-1918. (1701) CARON (P.), STEIN (H.). Répertoire bibliographique de l'histoire de France 1920/21-1930/31. Paris, 1923-1938. (1702) DALE (L.A.). A Bibliography of French Labor. New York, 1969. URL: This is the electronic version of a bibliography on the history of French labor published in 1969. This unannotated work lists source titles, and scholarly book and article titles. It is accessible through subscription via (1703) DOLLINGER (P.). Bibliographie d'histoire des villes de France. Paris, 1967. (1704) DWYER (P.G.). Charles-Maurice de Talleyrand, 1754-1838. A Bibliography. Westport, 1996. (1705) ECHARD (W.E.). Foreign policy of the French Second Empire: a bibliography. Westport, 1988. (1706) EVLETH (D.). France under German Occupation 1940-1944 : an Annotated Bibliography. New York, 1991. (1707) EVLETH (D.). The authorized press in Vichy and German-occupied France, 1940-1944 : a bibliography. Westport, 1999. (1708) FIERRO (A.), ed. Bibliographie de la Révolution française. Paris, 1989. (1709) HEINZ (G), PETERSON (A.F.). The French Fifth Republic. Stanford, 1970-1974. (1710) LE QUILLEC (R.), DALOTEL (A.). La Commune de Paris : bibliographie critique 1971-1997. Paris, 1997. (1711) McLYNN (F.). Napoleon : a Bibliography. Boston, 2002. (1712) MEYER (J.A.). An annotated bibliography of the Napoleonic era. Recent publications 1945-1985. Westport, 1987. (1713) WHALEY (L.A.). The Impact of Napoleon, 1800-1815 : an Annotated Bibliography. Metuchen, 1997. (1714) Bibliographie annuelle de l'histoire de la France du cinquième siècle à 1939 (1958). Année 1955. Paris, 1956-. (1715) Bibliographie d'histoire de l'éducation française. Titres parus au cours de l'année ..., in Histoire Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 130 de l'Education, 1998-. (1716) Recent Books and Dissertations on French History, in French Historical Studies, 1, 1958-. Groot-Brittannië (1717) ALTHOLZ (O.L.). Victorian England 1837-1901. Cambridge, 1970. (1718) BARRETT (B.B.). Churchill. A Concise Bibliography. Westport, 2000. (1719) BROWN (L.M.), CHRISTIE (I.R.). Bibliography of British history 1789-1851. Oxford, 1977. (1720) CATTERALL (P.). British history 1945-1987 : an annotated bibliography. Oxford, 1991. (1721) CHALONER (W.H.), RICHARDSON (R.C.). British economic and social history. A bibliographic guide. Manchester, 1983. (1722) COX (R.W.). Sport in Britain : a bibliography of historical publications 1800-1988. Manchester, 1990. (1723) ELTON (G.R.). Modern historians on British history, 1485-1945. A critical bibliography 1945-1969. London, 1970. (1724) GOODALL (F.). A bibliography of British business histories. Aldershot, 1987. (1725) HANHAM (H.J.). Bibliography of British history 1851-1914. Oxford, 1978. (1726) HANNAM (J.), HUGHES (A.), STAFFORD (P.), eds. British Women's History : a Bibliographical Guide. New York, 1996. (1727) HAVIGHURST (A.F.). Modern England 1901-1984. Cambridge, 1987. (1728) KANNER (B). Women in English social history, 1800-1914: a guide to research. New York, 1987, 3 vol. Onvoltooid. New York, 1987-1990. (1729) MIKDADI (F.). Margaret Thatcher. A Bibliography. Westport, 1993. (1730) NASH (S.D.). Prostitution in Great Britain, 1485-1901 : an Annotated Bibliography. Metuchen, 1994. (1731) NEWTON (S.), PORTER (D.). Joseph Chamberlain, 1836-1914. A Bibliography. Westport, 1994. (1732) PALMER (G.), ed. Bibliographies of British Statesmen. Westport, 1988-. (1733) PORTER (A.), ed. Bibliography of imperial, colonial, and Commonwealth history since 1600. London, 2002. (1734) POWELL (J.). Art, Truth, and High Politics : a Bibliographic Study of the Official Lives of Queen Victoria's Ministers in Cabinet, 1843-1969. Metuchen, 1996. (1735) RASOR (E.). Winston S. Churchill, 1874-1965. A Comprehensive Historiography and Annotated Bibliography. Westport, 2000. (1736) ROBBINS (K.). A Bibliography of British History 1914-1989. Oxford, 1996. (1737) SMITH (H.). The British Labour movement to 1970. A bibliography. London, 1981. (1738) SWEENEY (P.E.). Biographies of British Women : an Annotated Bibliography. Santa Barbara, 1993. (1739) WINTERS (J.), PAYNE (A.). Historical Research for Higher Degrees in the United Kingdom. Part 1 : Theses completed 1999. London, 2000. Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 131 (1740) Annual bibliography of British and Irish history 1975. Hassocks, 1976-. (1741) Bibliography of historical works issued in the United Kingdom 1946-1975. Oxford, 1957-1977. (1742) British Business History : a Review of Periodical Literature, in Business History, 44, 2002-. (1743) The Royal Historical Society Bibliography. URL: This free access bibliography hosted by the Institute of Historical Research, contains more than 350, 000 references (as of May 2004) for all fields of British and Irish history from 55 BC to the Present; books and articles in edited volumes and journals are included, without detailed sources. Cross-referencing by subject is possible, and the site lists journals currently under research. (1744) Writings on British history. London, 1968-. Duitsland (1745) AUERBACH (R.R.), ed. The Jewish Question in German-Speaking Countries, 1848-1914 : a Bibliography. New York, 1994. (1746) BAUMGART (W.). Bücherverzeichnis zur deutschen Geschichte. Frankfurt, 1982. (1747) DAHLMANN (F.C.), WAITZ (G.). Quellenkunde der deutschen Geschichte. Stuttgart, 1931-1932; 1965-. (1748) DOWE (D.). Bibliographie zur Geschichte der deutschen Arbeiterbewegung, sozialistischen und kommunistischen Bewegung von den Anfängen bis 1863. Bonn, 1976. (1749) FOUT (J.C.). German history and civilization 1806-1914: a bibliography of scholarly periodical literature. Metuchen, 1974. (1750) GASSERT (P.), MATTERN (D.S.). The Hitler Library. A Bibliography. Westport, 2001. (1751) KEHR (H.), LANGMAID (J.). The Nazi era 1919-1945. A select bibliography of published works from the early roots to 1980. London, 1982. (1752) KEYSER (E.). Bibliographie zur Städtegeschichte Deutschlands. Köln, 1969. (1753) KLOTZBACH (K.). Bibliographie zur Geschichte der deutschen Arbeiterbewegung 1914-1945. Bonn, 1981. (1754) MADDEN (P.). Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Epoch : an Annotated Bibliography of English-Language Works on the Origins, Nature and Structure of the Nazi-State. Lanham, 1998. (1755) MERRITT (A.J.), MERRITT (R.L.). Politics, economics and society in the two Germanies, 1945-75; a bibliography of English-language works. Urbana, 1978. (1756) RUCK (M.). Bibliographie zum Nationalsozialismus. Darmstadt, 2000. (1757) RUCK (M.). Bibliographie zum Nationalsozialismus, 1945-2000 2 v. Darmstadt, 2000. Revised and extended edition of the bibliographic standard work, containing over 37.000 references and covering the whole era of National Socialism. Also available on CD-ROM. (1758) SHOWALTER (D.E.). German military history, 1648-1982. A critical bibliography. New York, 1984. (1759) STACHURA (P.D.). The Weimar Era and Hitler 1918-1933: a critical bibliography. Oxford, Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 132 1977. (1760) WEHLER (H.U.). Bibliographie zur modernen deutschen Sozialgeschichte. Göttingen, 1976. (1761) WEISZ (C.), ÜNAL (I.). Bibliographie zur Zeitgeschichte. München, 1996. (1762) Annual Bibliography of Publications and Theses on the History of Sport in Britain, in Sprots Historian, 19, 1999-. (1763) British Labour History Publications, in Labour History Review, 60, 1995-. (1764) Historische Bibliographie Online. URL: + This is the online version of the Historische Bibliographie published by the Arbeitsgemeinschaft außeruniversitärer historischer Forschungseinrichtungen in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (AHF). All issues from 1990 on are available online, and contain more than 156, 000 records (in 2004), including books, articles in journals and edited volumes concerning all periods of history. The vast majority of these titles (both in German and foreign languages) concern all German history fields. Access by subscription only; free access to a sample (one year of the HB). (1765) Jahresberichte für deutsche Geschichte 1925-1940. Leipzig, 1927-1942; 1949. Berlin, 1952-. (1766) The Third Reich at war. A historical bibliography. Santa Barbara, 1984. (1767) The Third Reich, 1933-1939. A historical bibliography. Santa Barbara, 1984. (1768) The Weimar Republic: a historical bibliography. Santa Barbara, 1984. Nederland (1769) BOS (Th.), SCHILLINGS (M.). Repertorium van boeken en tijdschriftartikelen betreffende de geschiedenis van Nederland verschenen in 1991-. Den Haag, 1995-. (1770) BRINKMAN (M.). Negentig jaar sociaal-democratie in boek en tijdschrift: beknopte bibliografie van de geschiedenis van de Nederlandse sociaaldemocratie - SDAP en PVDA - 1894-1984. Amsterdam, 1984. (1771) BROUWER (W.D.). Bibliografie van de Nederlandse landbouwgeschiedenis, 1875-1970. Wageningen, 1975. (1772) BRUEGGEMANN (G.W.F.), COPPENS (E.C.). Bibliografische inleiding in de Nederlandse rechtsgeschiedenis van de negentiende eeuw. Zutphen, 1985. (1773) COOLHAAS (W.PH.). A critical survey of studies on Dutch colonial history. Den Haag, 1980. (1774) DE BUCK (H.), SMIT (E.M.). Bibliografie der geschiedenis van Nederland. Utrecht, 1979². (1775) HARMSEN (G.J.). Idee en beweging: bibliografische aanwijzingen bij de studie en het onderzoek van de geschiedenis van het socialisme en de arbeidersbeweging in Nederland. Nijmegen, 1972. (1776) JAPPE ALBERTS (W.), VAN DER STEUR (A.G.). Handleiding voor de beoefening van lokale en regionale geschiedenis. Weesp, 1984. (1777) LEURDIJK (J.H.) e.a. Bibliografie van de buitenlandse politiek van Neerland, 1945-1980. Leiden, 1985. (1778) SLICHER VAN BATH (B.H.). Voorlopige systematische bibliografie van de Nederlandse demografische geschiedenis. Wageningen, 1962. Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 133 (1779) VAN HERWIJNEN (G.). Bibliografie van de stedengeschiedenis van Nederland. Leiden, 1978. (1780) Archief voor de geschiedenis van de katholieke kerk in Nederland. Utrecht, 1959-. (1781) Bibliografie Nederlandse rechtsgeschiedenis: keuze uit het kaartsysteem van het Nederlands Centrum voor rechtshistorische documentatie. Amsterdam, 1971-. (1782) Bibliografie van op Nederland betrekking hebbende landbouwhistorische literatuur verschenen in de jaren 1964 tot en met 1974 in Historia agriculturae nr. X. Groningen, 1976. (1783) Itinerario. Bulletin of the Leiden Centre for history of European expansion. Leiden, 1977-. (1784) Kroniek-database van het Koninklijk Nederlands Historisch Genootschap. URL: In 1994, the KNHG began publishing Kroniek (Chronicle), an overview of important publications (scholarly book and journal articles) concerning the history of the Netherlands. This database is searchable by subject or entry. (1785) Recente bijdragen tot de geschiedenis van de Nederlandse wetenschap, in Gewina. Tijdschrift voor de Geschiedenis van Geneeskunde, Natuurwetenschappen, Wiskunde en Techniek, 24, 2001-. (1786) Repertorium Geschiedenis Nederland. URL: (1787) Repertorium van boeken en tijdschriftartikelen betreffende de geschiedenis van Nederland verschenen in 1940-. Leiden/Den Haag, 1943-. Verenigde Staten (1788) BURNS (R.D.). Guide to American foreign relations since 1700. Santa Barbara, 1983. (1789) BURNS (R.D.), BUCKINGHAM (P.H.), eds. Twentieth-century presidential bibliography series. Wilmington, 1990-. (1790) CASSARA (E.). History of the United States of America. A guide to information sources. Detroit, 1977. (1791) GERHAN (D.R.). Bibliography of American Demographic History. The Literature from 1984 to 1994. Westport, 1995. (1792) GERHAN (D.R.), WELLS (R.V.). A retrospective bibliography of American demographic history from colonial times to 1983. Westport, 1989. (1793) HUTCHINSON (W.K.). American economic history: a guide to information sources. Detroit, 1980. (1794) JACKSON (R.). The 1960s : an annotated bibliography of social and political movements in the United States. Westport, 1992. (1795) KUEHL (W.F.). Dissertations in History : an Index to Dissertations Completed in History Departments of United States and Canadian Universities. Lexington, 1965. (1796) KYVIG (D.E.), BLASIO (B.A.). New Day/New Deal. A Bibliography of the Great American Depression, 1929-1941. Westport, 1988. (1797) NEUFELD (M.) e.a. American working class history. A representative bibliography. New York, 1983. Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 134 (1798) ROTHENBERG (M.). The history of science and technology in the United States : a critical and selective bibliography. New York, 1983 & 1993. (1799) SAUTTER (U.). Americana 1964-1976. Literaturbericht über Neuerscheinungen zur Geschichte der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika. München, 1978. (1800) TINGLEY (D.F.). Social history of the United States. A guide to information sources. Detroit, 1979. (1801) TISCHAUSER (L.V.). Black/white relations in American history : an annotated bibliography. Lanham, 1998. (1802) Labor in America. A historical bibliography. Santa Barbara, 1985. (1803) Writings on American history. A bibliography of books and articles on United States history 1902-1961. Washington/New York, 1904-. 4.2.3. per thema theorieën en methoden (1809) BERDING (H.). Bibliographie zur Geschichtstheorie. Göttingen, 1977. (1810) DOUZOU (L.). Eléments de bibliographie pour la recherche historique et les sources orales, in Cahiers de l'Institut d'Histoire du Temps Présent, 21, 1992, p. 125-161. (1811) GROSSBART (S.R.). Quantitative and Social Science Methods for Historians : an Annotated Bibliography of Selected Books and Articles, in Historical Methods, 25, 1992, p. 100-120. (1812) HERUBEL (J.-P.). Annales Historiography and Theory. A Selective and Annotated Bibliography. Westport, 1994. (1813) KAVANAUGH (G.). A Bibliography for History, History Curatorship and Museums. Brookfield, 1996. (1814) PERKS (R.). Oral history : an annotated bibliography. London, 1990. (1815) POK (A.). A Selected Bibliography of Modern Historiography. Westport, 1992. (1816) RICHARDS0N (R.C.). The study of history: a bibliographical guide. Manchester, 2000². (1817) Annual Bibliography of Works About Life Writing, in Biography, 23, 2000-. (1818) Bibliography of works in the philosophy of history 1945-1957. Den Haag, 1961-1984. (1819) CROMOHS. Cyber Review of Modern Historiography. URL: In 1995, the Universities of Firenze and Trieste launched a fully electronic journal devoted to the history of modern historiography. CROMOHS has compiled a bibliographic database (searchable by author, title, year of publication and/or publisher), which contains titles of studies (books and articles in journals) concerning historiography. (1820) History and theory. Middleton, 1960-. (1821) Selected Bibliography, in Oral History Review, 21, 1993-. (1822) Theoretische geschiedenis. Amsterdam, 1974-. Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 135 politieke geschiedenis (1823) ALALI (A.O.), BYRD (G.W.). Terrorism and the Media : a Selected, Annotated Bibliography. Jefferson, 1994. (1824) BABKINA (A.M.). Nuclear Proliferation : an Annotated Bibliography. Conmack, 1999. (1825) BABKINA (A.M.). Terrorism : an Annotated Bibliography. Conmack, 1998. (1826) BAXTER (C.F.). The war in North Africa, 1940-1943 : a selected bibliography. Westport, 1996. (1827) BENNETT (J.R.). Political Prisoners and Trials : a Worldwide Annotated Bibliography, 1900 Through 1993. Jefferson, 1995. (1828) BLACKEY (R.). Revolutions and Revolutionists : a Comprehensive Guide to the Literature. Santa Barbara, 1982. (1829) BLOOMBERG (M.), WEBER (H.). World war II and its origins: a select annotated bibliography of books in English. Littleton, 1975. (1830) BOSSUAT (G.). Histoire des constructions européennes au Xxe siècle. Bibliographie thématique des travaux français. Bern, 1994. (1831) BUMS (G.). The Nuclear Present : a Guide to Recent Books on Nuclear War, Weapons, the Peace Movement, and Related Issues. Metuchen, 1992. (1832) CALDER (J.D.). Intelligence, Espionnage and Related Topics : an Annotated Bibliography of Serial Journal and Magazine Scholarship, 1844-1998. Westport, 1999. (1833) CHAMBERS (S.D.). Political Leaders and Military Figures of the Second World War : a Bibliography. Brookfield, 1996. (1834) COLE (R.). Propaganda in Twentieth Century War and Politics : an Annotated Bibliography. Metuchen, 1996. (1835) DOBKOWSKI (M.N.), WALIMANN (I.). Genocide in Our Time : an Annotated Bibliography with Analytical Introductions. Ann Arbor, 1992. (1836) DOERR (J.C.). The Big Powers and the German Question, 1941-1990 : a Selected Bibliographical Guide. New York, 1992. (1837) DUPUY (T.N.), ROPP (T.). Guide to research sources in military history. New York, 1977. (1838) EDWARDS (P.M.), ed. The Korean War : an Annotated Bibliography. Westport, 1998. (1839) ENSER (A.G.S.). A subject bibliography of the first world war. Books in English 1914-1978. London, 1990. (1840) ENSER (A.G.S.). A subject bibliography of the second world war: books in English, 1939-1974. Aldershot, 1990. (1841) FLOYD (D.E.). The world bibliography of armed land conflict from Waterloo to World War I. London, 1979. (1842) FUNK (A.L.). The second world war. A select bibliography of books in English published since 1975. Claremont, 1985. (1843) GILISSEN (J.). Introduction bibliographique à l'histoire du droit et à l'ethnologie juridique. Bruxelles, 1963-1972. Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 136 (1844) HOUSE (J.M.). Military Intelligence, 1870-1991 : a Research Guide. Westport, 1993. (1845) JOES (A.J.). Guerilla Warfare : a Historical, Biographical and Bibliographical Sourcebook. Westport, 1996. (1846) LUBITZ (W. & P.). Trotsky bibliography : an international list of publications about Leon Trotsky and Trotskyism 1905-1998. München, 1998. (1847) McCOY (R.E.). Freedom of the Press : an Annotated Bibliography. Carbondale, 1993. (1848) ORGILL (A.). The 1990-91 Gulf war : crisis, conflict, aftermath : an annotated bibliography. London, 1995. (1849) PRUNCKUN (H.W.). Shadow of Death : an Analytic Bibliography on Political Violence, Terrorism, and Low-Intensity Conflict. Metuchen, 1995. (1850) RASER (E.). The Southwest Pacific campaign, 1941-1945 : historiography and annotated bibliography. Westport, 1996. (1851) ROHWER (J.). Neue Forschungen zum Ersten Weltkrieg. Koblenz, 1985. (1852) ROUSSEAU (X.). Criminality and Criminal Justice History in Europe, 1250-1850 : a Select Bibliography, in Criminal Justice History, 14, 1993, p. 159-181. (1853) SMITH (M.J.) Jr. World War II : the European and Mediterranean theaters : an annotated bibliography. New York, 1984. (1854) TUTOROW (N.E.), WINNOVICH (K.). War Crimes, War Criminals and War Crimes Trials : an Annotated Bibliography and Source Book. New York, 1986. (1855) VAN FLEET (D.D.). Online Bibliography of Military Leadership. URL: 4,200 references are arranged alphabetically by author. It provides book and journal article references dating from the 1950s, which are exclusively in English. Author and subject search is possible; however, subject searches require the user to scroll through the author list first. This personal initiative by D.D. Van Fleet is hosted by Arizona State University, where the author teaches. (1856) ZIEGLER (G.). World war II: books in English 1945-1965. Stanford, 1971. (1857) Bibliographie internationale d'histoire militaire. Bern, 1978-. (1858) Revue d'histoire de la deuxième guerre mondiale. Paris, 1951. sociaal-economische geschiedenis (1859) BARATAY (E.), MAYAUD (J.L.), eds. L'histoire de l'animal : bibliographie, in Cahiers d'Histoire, 42, 1997, p. 443-480. (1860) BLASCHKE (S.). The History of Rape : a Bibliography. URL: (1861) CORTADA (J.W.). Second Bibliographical Guide to the History of Computing, Computers and the Information Processing Industry. Westport, 1996. (1862) CORTADA (J.W.), ed. A Bibliographic Guide to the History of Computer Applications, 1950-1990. Westport, 1996. Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 137 (1863) EDER (F.X.). Bibliography on the History of Western Sexuality 1700-1945. URL: (1864) ENGELI (C.). Gesamtdarstellungen zur Stadtgeschichte (von Städten über 50.000 Einwohner) : eine Bibliographie, in Informationen zur Modernen Stadtgeschichte, 1, 1994, p. 32-59. (1865) ENGELI (C.), MATZERATH (H.). Modern urban history research in Europe, USA and Japan. Oxford, 1989. (1866) FUSSELL (G.E.). Agricultural history in Great Britain and Western Europe before 1914: a discursive bibliography. London, 1983. (1867) HERRING (S.D.). From the Titanic to the Challenger : an annotated bibliography on technological failures of the Twentieth century. New York, 1989. (1868) HOFMEESTER (K.). De ontwikkeling van arbeidersbewegingen in internationaal vergelijkend perspectief : een geannoteerde bibliografie. Amsterdam, 1990. (1869) HURT (R.D.), HURT (M.E.). The History of Agricultural Science and Technology : an Annotated International Bibliography. New York, 1993. (1870) JOHNSON (M.E.). The International Monetary Fund, 1944-1992 : a Research Guide. New York, 1993. (1871) LOWOOD (H.), ed. Current bibliography in the history of technology (1990-). Cleveland, 1992-. (1872) MAFFIOLETTI (G.), TODISCO (E.), TRAMONTANA (F.), eds. Bibliography on Skilled Migration, in Studi Emigrazione, 30, 1993, p. 591-682. (1873) MCBREARTY (J.C.). American labor history and comparative labor movements. Tucson, 1974. (1874) MILDEN (J.W.). The family in past time. A guide to the literature. New York, 1977. (1875) RODGER (R.). A Consolidated bibliography of urban history. Oxford, 1996. (1876) SOLIDAY (G.L.). History of the family and kinship: a select international bibliography. Millwood, 1980. (1877) STELTER (G.A.). The Urban Past : an International Urban History Bibliography. URL: (1878) STERLING (C.H.), SHIERS (G.). History of Telecommunications Technology : an Annotated Bibliography. Lanham, 2000. (1879) TENFELDE (K.). Arbeiter und Arbeiterbewegung im Vergleich. Berichte zur internationalen historischen Forschung. München, 1986. (1880) VAN DALEN (A.), BOON (W.). Nieuw gezicht op oud werk. Industriële archeologie: introductie en bibliografie. Rotterdam, 1986. (1881) WOLFF (P.). Guide international d'histoire urbaine. Tôme 1: Europe. Paris, 1977. (1882) Accounting History Publications, in Accounting, Business and Financial History, 10, 2000-. (1883) Anarchy Archives. URL: Created by Dana Ward of Pitzer College in California in 1995, the Online Research Center on the History and Theory of Anarchism contains an extensive bibliography on works (both scientific books and articles in scientific journals) on the history of anarchism (in different Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 138 European languages, but predominantly in English). After a list of general works, the reader is provided with an extensive choice of bibliographic references arranged by country and subject. The bibliography includes primary sources (e.g. works by anarchists). (1884) Annales de démographie historique. Paris, 1965-. (1885) Annual List of Articles on Agrarian History, in Agricultural History Review, 50, 2002-. (1886) Bibliographia historiae rerum rusticarum internationalis 1960/61. Budapest, 1964-. (1887) Bibliographie Geschichte der Technik. URL: The Bibliographie Geschichte der Technik, maintained by the Sächsische Landesbibliothek Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Dresden, contains over 36,000 titles of works (scholarly monographs, journal articles and edited volumes) concerning general technology history. More than 1,200 journals are being excerpted for this current bibliography, which grows by 3,000 titles annually. BGT only lists titles published in Germany (irrespective of language) and studies published in German outside of Germany. This database is searchable by author, publisher, subject, etc. (1888) Bibliographie zur Unternehmensgeschichte, in Zeitschrift für Unternehmensgeschichte, 39, 1994-. (1889) Bibliography [on Maritime History], in Mariner's Mirror, 2002-. (1890) Current Bibliography of Urban History, in Urban History, (Continuation of Urban History Yearbook), 1974-. (1891) Historia agriculturae. Tentative bibliography 1971-1975. Groningen, 1975. (1892) Landbouwhistorische bibliografie voor het jaar 1950 in Historia agriculturae. Groningen, 1953-. (1893) Publications on Financial History, in Financial History Review, 1, 1994-. (1894) Technology and culture. The international quarterly of the Society for the history of technology. Detroit, 1960-. (1895) The Great Depression : a historical bibliography. Santa Barbara, 1984. (1896) Tijdschrift voor zeegeschiedenis. Den Haag, 1982-. (1897) Vierteljahrschrift für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte. Wiesbaden, 1903-. culturele geschiedenis (1898) ART (J.). Psychologische geschiedenis : enkele bibliografische ankerpunten, in Revue Belge d'Histoire Contemporaine, 27, 1997, p. 213_228. (1899) CORSI (P.), WEINDLING (P.). Information sources in the history of science and medicine. London, 1983. (1900) DAUBEN (J.W.). The History of Mathematics from Antiquity to the Present : a Selective Annotated Bibliography. Providence, 2000. (1901) DE MAUSE (L.). A bibliography of psychohistory. New York, 1975. (1902) DUNBAR (G.S.). The history of modern geography. An annotated bibliography of selected works. New York, 1985. (1903) GILMORE (W.J.). Psychohistorical inquiry: a comprehensive research bibliography. New York, Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 139 1984. (1904) HEINEMANN (M.). Die historische Pädagogik in Europa und den USA. Berichte über die historische Bildungsforschung Teil I. Belgien, Finnland, Frankreich, Grossbritannien, Italien, Niederlande, Norwegen, Osterreich, Polen, USA. Stuttgart, 1979. (1905) HIGBY (G.J.), STROUD (E.C.), ed. The History of Pharmacy : a Selected Annotated Bibliography. New York, 1995. (1906) MILLER (G.L.). The History of Science : an Annotated Bibliography. Pasadena, 1992. (1907) NOORDMAN (J). Literatuurwijzer historische pedagogiek. Nijmegen, 1978. (1908) PEETERS (H.F.M.) e.a. Literatuurgids historische gedragswetenschappen. Baarn, 1985. (1909) SMITH (R.). Biographies of Scientists : an Annotated Bibliography. Metuchen, 1998. (1910) Annual Review of Work in Newspaper and Periodical History, in Media History, 1, 1995-. (1911) Bibliographie d'histoire de la géographie et de géographie historique 1976. Paris, 1978-. (1912) Bibliographie zur kirchlichen Zeitgeschichte, in Kirchliche Zeitgeschichte, 6, 1993-. (1913) Index to Sport History Conference Proceedings, Journals and Essay Collections, in Sports Historian, 17, 1997-. (1914) International Bibliography for the History of Science, Technology and Medicine. URL: This bibliography, containing more than 240,000 records (1975- ), is published under the auspices of the International Union of the History and Philosophy of Science, and integrates four previously created bibliographies, in order to establish the definitive international bibliography for the history of science, technology, and medicine and their influence on culture, from pre-history to the Present. It is accessible only by subscription from the Research Library Group. (1915) International bibliography of the history of religions. Bibliographie internationale de l'histoire des religions 1952-. Leiden, 1954-1979. (1916) Isis cumulative bibliography. A bibliography of the history of science formed from Isis critical bibliographies 1-90, 1913-1965. London, 1971-1984. (1917) Isis. An international review devoted to the history of science and its cultural influences. Philadelphia, 1912-. (1918) Italian Bibliography of the History of Science (BISS). URL: The Bibliografia italiana di storia della scienza (1982-, published electronically since 1999) (BISS, Italian Bibliography of the History of Science), maintained by the Institute and Museum of the History of Science in Firenze, lists titles of studies (monographs, journal articles and edited volumes) on the history of science published in Italy. Over 700 periodicals are being consulted for this purpose. (1919) Kirchengeschichte des 19./20. Jahrhunderts, in Geschichte in Wissenschaft und Unterricht, 51, 2000-. (1920) Paedagogica historica. Gent, 1961-. (1921) Publications in University History Since 1977 : a Continuing Bibliography, in History of Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 140 Universities, 15, 1997-. (1922) Revue d'Histoire Ecclésiastique. Louvain-la-Neuve, 1900-. genderstudies (1923) BINDOCCI (C.G.). Women and Technology : an Annotated Bibliography. New York, 1993. (1924) CULLINAN (M.), DEVINE (F.), eds. Women and Labour History : a Select, Retrospective Bibliography, 1980-1995, in Soathar, 23, 1998, p. 133-141. (1925) FREY (L.), FREY (M.). Women in Western European history: a select chronological, geographical, and topical bibliography: the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Westport, 1984. (1926) HOFSTETTER (E.). Women in global migration, 1945-2000: a comprehensive multidisciplinary bibliography. Westport, 2001. Comprehensive compilation of the international literature on women immigrants, with over 5,100 entries in several languages. Focusing particularly on sources from North America and Western Europe, this book includes feminist analyses, bibliographies, demographic studies, economic comparisons, educational research, health and medical reports, legal discussions, biographies and autobiographies, psychological case studies, religious reports, sociological investigations, and publications dealing with general aspects of female immigration. The bibliography includes books, journal articles, essays and chapters in books, dissertations, ERIC reports, national and international government documents, and statistical sources. (1927) OFFEN (K.), ed. Bibliography of Edited Collections of Scholarly Articles in Women's History and Theme Issues on Women's History in Scholarly Journals Since 1970, in Journal Of Women's History, 6, 1994, p. 134-160. (1928) OGILVIE (M.B.), MEEK (K.L.). Women and Science : an Annotated Bibliography. New York, 1996. (1929) PILAND (S.). Women Artists : an Historical, Contemporary and Feminist Bibliography. Metuchen, 1994. (1930) VERTINSKY (P.A.), ed. Sports History and Gender Relations, 1983-1993 : Bibliography, in Journal of Sport History, 21, 1994, p. 25-58. (1931) ViVa. A Bibliography of Women's History in Historical and Women's Studies Journals. URL: This current bibliography, created and maintained by collaborators of the International Institute of Social History at Amsterdam, contains more than 8,000 references to articles published since 1975 in more than 167 history and women's studies journals worldwide. 4.3. over communicatiewetenschappen 4.3.1. algemeen (1932) ALALI (A.O) (ed.). Mass media sex and adolescent values: an annotated bibliography and directory of organizations. Jefferson, 1991. This international bibliography lists 3,235 annotated titles and emphasizes work from the early 1960s to the 1990s, with a brief selection of historical and miscellaneous pre-1960s works. The Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 141 bibliography focuses on works about women and mass communication (film, television, radio, newspapers, magazines, video, public relations, advertising and wire services) from an international perspective. Works are arranged by continent and region under six broad themes: gender studies, historical studies, images of women, women as audience, women as practioners, women's studies. Author and subject index are included. (1933) BARNARD (H.). Pierre Bourdieu Bibliography (Works in English). URL: (1934) BEISSWENGER (M.). Bibliography on chat communication. URL: (1935) BLAKEMORE (H.). Bibliography: working in the cultural industries. URL: (1936) BLUM (E.), WILHOIT (F.G.). Mass media bibliography (3rd edition). Urbana, 1990. (1937) BREDIN (M.). Media and Minorities: Research Bibliography. URL: (1938) CAROTHERS (D.F.). Radio Broadcasting from 1920 to 1990: an annotated bibliography. New York, 1991. (1939) CHANDLER (D.). MCS - The Media and Communications Studie Site. URL: (1940) CHANDLER (D.). Semiotics for beginners: suggested reading. URL: (1941) DAVIS (E.), VITUNIC (B.). Media in East / Central Europe. URL:,%20Media%20in%20East-Central%20Europe.pdf (1942) DE BONVILLE (J.), BERNIER (L.), FOURNIER (A.). La presse Québecoise de 1764 à 1914: bibliographie analytique. Sainte-Foy, 1995. (1943) GRIFFITHS (S.), JONES (G.). British Television Drama. URL: (1944) GRUBER (S.). Selected Bibliography on Education, Media and Human Rights in South-East Europe. URL: (1945) HANDMAN (G.). Women in Film & Television: a bibliography of selected materials in the UC Berkeley Libraries. URL: (1946) HELMERS (M.), et. al. An introductory Bibliography to Cultural Studies. URL: (1947) HINNENKAMP (V.). Interkulturelle Kommunikation. Heidelberg, 1994. (1948) HOWARD (F.). Bibliography: Understanding Media Literacy. URL: Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 142 (1949) KELLY (P.T.) (ed.). Television violence: a guide to the literature. New York, 1996. (1950) KOBERSTEIN (H.). Medien und Kommunikation in Lateinamerika. Eine Auswahlbibliographie. Berlin, 1996. (1951) LANGE (A.). Bibliograhie: études sur la télévision. URL: (1952) LANGE (A.). Bibliographie. Télévisions régionales et locales. URL: (1953) LANGE (A.). Histoire de la télévision en Europe. URL: (1954) LANGE (A.). L'Europe de l'audiovisuel. URL: (1955) LENT (J.A). Bibliography of Cuban Mass Communication. Westport, 1992. (1956) LENT (J.A.). Bibliographic guide to Caribbean Mass Communication. New York, 1992. (1957) LENT (J.A.). Women and mass communications: an international annotated bibliography. New York, 1991. This international bibliography lists 3,235 annotated titles and emphasizes work from the early 1960s to the 1990s, with a brief selection of historical and miscellaneous pre-1960s works. The bibliography focuses on works about women and mass communication (film, television, radio, newspapers, magazines, video, public relations, advertising and wire services) from an international perspective. Works are arranged by continent and region under six broad themes: gender studies, historical studies, images of women, women as audience, women as practioners, women's studies. Author and subject index are included. (1958) LIAO (Y.), DE ZEPETNEK (S.T.). Bibliography of Comparative Media Studies. URL: (1959) LOOS (E.F.). Auswahlbibliographie zur interkulturellen Kommunikation. Duisburg, 1991. (1960) MAIGRET (E.). Publications Eric Maigret. URL: (1961) MATUS (M.). Media & Democracy Bibliography. URL: (1962) MAYER (L.). Bibliographie sur la diversité culturelle. URL: (1963) O'DONNELL (P.). Social Communication & Journalism Bibliography. URL: (1964) POMERANCE (M.). Reading list on media and society. URL: (1965) REDEKER (G.). Geannoteerde Bibliografie Communicatie- en Informatiewetenschappen. URL: (1966) ROMY (F.), HOLTZ-BACHA (C.). Frauen und Massenkommunikation. Eine bibliographie. Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 143 Bochum, 1993. (1967) SCHUSSMAN (A.). Culture, creativity and the economy: an annoted bibliography of selected sources. URL: (1968) SHEDDEN (D.). Diversity Bibliography. URL: (1969) SHIERS (G.), SHIERS (M.), MENKES (D.). Early television: a bibliographic guide to 1940. New York, 1997. Bibliography containing works written between 1990 and 1999 about survey research methodology. It lists 617 titles, which are all annotated and contain, where necessary, cross references. These works are arranged by themes that reflects the different steps in survey research (sampling, interviewing, data collection methods, respondents, analyses, ....). All listed works are of English language. (1970) SIGNORIELLI (N.). Women in communication: a biographical sourcebook. Westport, 1996. (1971) SILVER (D.). Cyberculture: an annotated bibliography. URL: (1972) VAN DIJK (T.A.). Bibliography discourse, media and emotions. URL: (1973) WALDEN (G.). Survey research methodology 1990-1999: an annotated bibliography. Westport, 2002. (1974) WALSH (G.). The media in Africa and Africa in the media: an annotated bibliography. London, 1996. This bibliography traces the role of media in Africa and its challenges in African society. The work lists 1,755 annotated titles, primarily journal articles but also monographs, written by both African locals and visitors, regardless of affiliation to African media. The bibliography only lists sources available in American and European libraries. The listed works are arranged by four themes: the press, broadcasting, film and general communication. Author, subject and geographic indexes are included. (1975) WARNER (W.). Media Culture Bibliography. URL: (1976) ZUCKERMANN (M.E.). Sources on the history of women's magazines, 1792 - 1960: an annotated bibliography. New York - Westport - London, 1991. (1977) A Bibliography of material on Islam, Muslims, and the media. URL: (1978) Bibliography for media and anthropology. URL: (1979) Bibliography of Postmodernism and Critical Theory. URL: (1980) Bibliography of publications relating to cultural indicators. Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 144 URL: (1981) Bibliography: culture and the mass media. URL: (1982) Bibliography: Media Literacy. URL: (1983) Citizen's Media: Bibliography. URL: (1984) General Critical Studies of Television. URL: (1985) Jahresbibliographie Massenkommunikation 1975-. Bremen/Berlin, 1975-. (1986) Journalism and Society. URL: (1987) Le Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication: département des études et de la prospective: les Bibliographies. URL: (1988) Literature of Communication. URL: (1989) Mass Media and Minorities Bibliography. URL: (1990) Media. Le livre des Médias. Paris, 1995. This French bibliography provides an overview for all the books TEKHNÊ, a library specializing in communication, has printed in years past. The bibliography lists 802 annotated books of both English and French language, arranged by different themes related to media. These themes are: theoretical approaches to communication, general works on media, history of the media, the relation between media, culture and society, media and audiences, media and power, media and education, books, press, journalism, photography, radio, television and film, multimedia and telecom, media and economy, and manuals for media study. It also provides a list of specialized periodicals and journals based on media. Author and title index are included. (1991) Pierre Bourdieu: nouveau Sartre ou sociologue terroriste?. URL: (1992) Resource Center for Cyberculture Studies: Book reviews. URL: (1993) Selected Publications and Recent Papers from CRITC. URL: (1994) Société pour l'Histoire des Médias: bibliographie: médias. URL: 4.3.2. per thema Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 145 informatiemaatschappij en globalisering (1995) ABRAHAMSON (D.). An evaluative bibliography: digital culture, information technology, the internet, the web. URL: (1996) BECKER (J.). Bibliographie Information, Kommunikation, Öffentlichkeit, Informationsgesellschaft. URL: (1997) EGGERMONT (S.), BROOS (A.), ROE (K.). Marginality in the information age. Reasons for non- and low adoption of digital applications. Selected bibliography. Leuven, 2000. (1998) FUENTES-BAUTISTA (M.). Rural Telecommunications Policy Bibliography. URL: (1999) GATES (K.). Bibliography: Digital Media and Related. URL: (2000) GRIMES (S.M.). Children, Youth and New Media in the Home. Annotated Bibliography. URL: (2001) JOHLER (R.). Die wiederkehr des Ortes: Das Lokale im Globalen. URL: (2002) KENNEY (K.). Media Convergence: a Working Bibliography. URL: (2003) KERN (B.). Global Information Society: Bibliography. URL: (2004) LAGOS (T.). Taso Lagos' Global Citizenship Bibliography. URL: (2005) LANGE (A.). Bibliographie. Les relations Est-Ouest et la libre circulation de l'information. Les médias en Europe centrale et orientale. URL: (2006) LOUDEN (A.). New Technologies & Elections. Selected Bibliography. URL: (2007) LOWOOD (H.). Current bibliography in the history of technology. Cleveland, 1990. (2008) MAYER (L.). Bibliographie sur la diversité culturelle. URL: (2009) METIVIER-CARREIRO (K. A.). Information Policy Bibliography. URL: (2010) MONTECINO (V.). Bibliography of Cyber Culture Books / Texts / Theory. URL: (2011) NIEDERMAN (F.). Annotated Bibliography of Global Information Technology. Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 146 URL: (2012) PFAFF (S.). Globalization references. URL: (2013) SAFFADY (W.). High definition television. Westport, 1990. Bibliography containing over 1,550 non-annotated citations to publications dealing with High Definition Television technology, products, applications and markets. Part one contains citations to books, reports, journal articles and magazine articles. Part two includes citations to papers and presentations in published conference proceedings. Part three lists citations of select newspapers and news magazine articles dealing with High Definition Television. (2014) SAUERS (M.P.). The Information Superhighway: A Bibliography of Its Past, Present, and Future. URL: (2015) SCOTT (H.). Information and older people - present and future. URL: (2016) SERFATY (V.). L'internet et le discours politique. Bibliographie sommaire. URL: (2017) SILVER (D.). Exploring Technoculture: Computers, Society, Pedagogy. URL: (2018) STERLING (C.H.). Mass communication and electronic media: a survey bibliography. Columbus, 1992. (2019) STERLING (C.H.), SHIERS (G.). History of telecommunications technology: an annotated bibliography. Lanham, 2000. This annotated bibliography provides more than 2,500 bibliographic entries. In fifteen chapters the bibliography traces the history of major telecommunications technology over the past 175 years. Focus is placed on English language works including U.S., British, Canadian and other English speaking people's sources. The first chapter includes general reference works and sources, useful for beginning research into the history of telecommunications technologies (bibliographies, dictionaries and encyclopedias, directories of archives, libraries and museums, chronologies, statistics). Chapter two lists serial publications about telecommunications technologies in relevant periodicals. The third chapter lists general surveys on the history of telecommunication technologies. Chapters four to fifteen list monographs about institutional and company histories, biographies about inventors, scientists and engineers, histories of the telegraph, telephone, electromagnetic waves, radio, electroacoustics, recording, electron tubes, solid state devices, television, new media technologies, mobile, satellite, fiberoptic and internet transmissions and other pertinent facts about telecommunication. Author and title indexes are included. (2020) STEWART (J.). Bibliography of research on technology and social change. URL: (2021) STROVER (S.), MARTIN (S.). Comprehensive bibliography on Information Society Literature. URL: (2022) TAVANI (H.). The Tavani Bibliography of Computing, Ethics, and Social Responsibility. Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 147 URL: (2023) THORNTON (A.). Does internet create democracy ?. URL: (2024) VASISHTH (A.). Media Imperialism and the Internet: Working Bibliography. URL: (2025) WARNER (W.), HAMM (R.). Information / Media / Culture Bibliography for Digital Initiatives. URL: (2026) WEISCHENBERG (S.). Trends der Informationsgesellschaft. Eine annotierte Bibliographie zur Zukunft der Medienkommunikation. Münster, 1995. (2027) WILSON III (E.J.). Globalization, Information Technology and conflict in the second and third worlds. A Critical review of the literature. URL: (2028) Bibliographie thématique: Les technologies de l'information et de la communication dans l'éducation. URL: (2029) Bibliography: the EU and e-government. URL: (2030) Culture, Trade and Globalisation - bibliography. URL: (2031) IFLA (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions): Electronic Collections. URL: (2032) International Conflict and the Media. Bibliography. URL: (2033) Media Democratization: a partial bibliography. URL: (2034) The World Bank Group: Documents & Reports. URL: (2035) World summit on the information society - background material: a selection of books. URL: media en cultuur (2036) BLAKEMORE (H.). Bibliography: working in the cultural industries. URL: (2037) BOHLMAN (P.V.). Central European folk music: an annotated bibliography of sources in German. New York, 1996. (2038) BROOK (B.S.), VIANO (R.). Thematic catalogues in music: an annotated bibliography. Stuyvesant, 1997. Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 148 (2039) CARLIN, (G.), JONES, (M.), EVANS (M.). The 1960s: Subculture, Pop Culture, Counter-Culture - Bibliography. URL: (2040) CHEESMAN (T.). German Film Bibliography. URL: (2041) COWDEN (R.H.). Popular Singers of the twentieth century: a bibliography. Westport, 1994. (2042) EMERSON (I.). Twentieth-century American music for the dance: a bibliography. Westport, 1996. (2043) GATTEN (J.N.). Rock music scholarship: an interdisciplinary bibliography. Westport, 1995. This work lists 934 annotated titles dealing with rock music from the mid-1950s to the Present. The aim of this work is to provide an interdisciplinary bibliography of humanities and social sciences research on rock music. It is divided by ten themes: communication, education, etnomusicology, history, literature and arts, music, politocology, phychology, religion and sociology. Each theme contains article, monograph , dissertation, film and video overviews. Author and subject index are included. All listed titles are English-language. (2044) GEERINCK'S (J.). Taste Bibliography. URL: (2045) GOSSET (P.). Bibliorock. Repertoire signalétique de 1500 livres en français sur l'histoire du rock et de ses artistes. Bruxelles, 1998. This bibliography lists 1,591 book titles. It covers 627 general works on rock music, 942 books about or written by rock artists and 22 dissertations. Entries are unannotated and in English and French languages. Author and title indexes included. (2046) GREEN (R.D.). Foundations in music bibliography. New York, 1993. (2047) GRIFFITHS (S.), JONES (G.). British Television Drama. URL: (2048) HANDMAN (G.). Women in Film & Television: a bibliography of selected materials in the UC Berkeley Libraries. URL: (2049) HARRIS (C.). Hip Hop Bibliography. URL: (2050) HELLER (G.N.). Historical research in music education 3rd edition. Lawrence, 1995. (2051) HELMERS (M.), et. al. An introductory Bibliography to Cultural Studies. URL: (2052) KARTORSKI (V.J.). A Bibliography of source readings in music education. Warren, 1997. (2053) KIBBY (M.). Bibliography: Masculinity & Representation. URL: (2054) KNELL (S.J.). A bibliography of museumstudies. Alderschot, 1994. (2055) KRUMMEL (D.W.). The literature of music bibliography: an account of the writings on the history of music printing and publishing. Berkeley, 1992. Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 149 (2056) LEMS-DWORKIN (C.). African music: a pan - African annotated bibliography. London, 1991. (2057) LENT (J.A.). Comic art in Africa, Asia, Australia and Latin America: a comprehensive international bibliography. Westport, 1996. This bibliography lists 6,506 unannotated citations to publications dealing with comic art in continents and regions of Africa (15 countries), the Middle East (8 countries), Asia (18 countries), Australia and Oceania (4 countries), South America (16 countries) and the Caribbean (6 countries). The first chapter includes citations referring to comic art that crosses boundaries or that defies easy categorisation or geographical placement. Common topics for each country are resources (bibliographies, dictionaries, encyclopedias, catalogues, collections, libraries, checklists, guides, fanzines,indices,...) general resources, historical aspects, cartooning and cartoons, cartoonists and their works, characters and titles, and the individual types of comic art - animation, comic books, comic strips, and political cartoons. Author and subject index included. (2058) LENT (J.A.). Comic art in Europe: an international, comprehensive bibliography. Westport, 1994. This bibliography list 8,809 unannotated titles and attempts to capture the history and contemporary status of European comic art (covering 29 countries) as it was reflected in literature. Most citations in this bibliography are current, ranging from 1960s to Present, with a select few dating back to the 18th and 19th centuries. Comic art in this work represents animation, caricature, comic books, comic strips, gag, illustrative, magazine and political cartoons. The first chapter lists general studies and reference works on comic art that crosses boundaries or defies stereotypes or geographical placement. Individual chapters are allotted to comic art of France, Italy, Great Britain and Germany, and a subsequent two chapters deal with other European countries, with a special focus on Belgian comic history. Author and subject index are included. (2059) LEYSER(B.J.). Rock stars/pop stars: a comprehensive bibliography. A bibliography of monographs about popular music artists and groups. It lists over 3,600 citations, arranged alphabetically by individual or group name. All listed titles are English language. A large portion of selected titles are private publishings and/or limited edition. Author, subject and title indexes are included. (2060) McCOY (J.). Rap music in the 1980s: a reference guide. Metuchen (NJ), 1992. An annotated bibliography of rap music, listing more than 1,000 articles, books and reviews. Information is provided on music, artists, culture and politics of rap. It includes a select discography of 76 milestone albums, each with historical annotation. It also includes artist, date of publication, subject and title indexes. (2061) McLEAN (M.). An annotated bibliography of oceanic music and dance. Warren(Mich), 1995. Annotated bibliography of 3,700 titles on music, dance, lyrics and instruments of the Oceanic (all islands of the Pacific, New Guinea and nearby Islands; Australia, Malaysia, Philippines and Indonesia are excluded). The bibliography lists book, journal article, review, LP recording issued with brochures or sleeve notes, public institution manuscript and thesis references in select European languages (i.e. English, French, German, Italian and Spanish). Entries are not annotated and are arranged alphabetically and chronologically by author. Area index is included. (2062) MIXTER (K.E.). General bibliography for music research. Michigan, 1996. Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 150 (2063) MURATORI (F.). Film: A selected bibliography of reference sources. URL: (2064) O'REGAN (T.), BARTH (J.), GILLARD (G.). Australian Film Annoted Bibliography. URL: (2065) O'REGAN (T.), SHANAHAN (R.). Australian Film Bibliography. URL: (2066) PADUNOV (V.). Russian and Soviet Cinema: bibliography. URL: (2067) PENAFRIA, (M.), HOLDWAY (N.), SMOCK (R.M.). Reality Film: Bibliography. URL: (2068) POMERANCE (M.). Reading list on media and society. URL: (2069) POMERANCE (M.). Reading list on media and society: film and society. URL: (2070) RANCK (J.). Hip Hop Bibliography. URL: (2071) ROOSSENS (L.), SALU (L.). History of photography: a bibliography of books. London, 1989-. (2072) SCHLEMOWITZ (J.). A Glossary of Film terms - Bibliography and links. URL: (2073) SCHNELL (H.). Bibliographie des fantastischen Films. URL: (2074) SCHUSSMAN (A.). Culture, creativity and the economy: an annoted bibliography of selected sources. URL: (2075) SHEPHERD (J.), HORN (D.), LAING (D.), OLIVER (P.), TAGG (P.), WICKLE (P.), WILSON (J.). Popular Music studies: a select international bibliography. London, 1997. (2076) SLATER (J.). Consumer culture bibliography. URL: (2077) SMART (E.). Lesbian and gay cinema: a selective bibliography. URL: (2078) SPAETH (P.J.). Selective Subject Bibliographies of Film. URL: (2079) WEBERG (L.), WESTON (M.). Bibliography: fashion. URL: FASHION%20PHOTOGRAPHY (2080) ZARATE (M.). Italian Cinema: bibliography. Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 151 URL: (2081) Bibliography: culture and the mass media. URL: (2082) Culture, Trade and Globalisation - bibliography. URL: (2083) Le Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication: département des études et de la prospective: les Bibliographies. URL: (2084) Music as Social Practice - a select bibliography. URL: "media, politiek en burgerschap" (2085) ALALI (A.0), BYRD (G.W.). Terrorism and the News Media: a selected, annotated bibliography. Jefferson, 1994. (2086) ASANTE (C.), ROGERS (E.M.). Press Freedom and development: a research guide and selected bibliography. Westport, 1997. (2087) BENNET (J.R.). Control of the media in the United States: an annotated bibliography. New York, 1992. Bibliography listing discourses between media and big business/government and illustrating the symbiotic relationship between them. The bibliography has 4,749 annotated entries, organised in three parts. (2088) COLE (R.). Propaganda in twentieth century war and politics: an annotated bibliography. Lanham, 1996. (2089) DANKY (J.P.), HADY (M.E.). African - American newspapers and periodicals: a national bibliography. Cambridge (Mass), 1998. (2090) DE CHEVEIGNE (S.). Publications Suzanne de Cheveigné. URL: (2091) DEUZE (M.). Database of Journalism Research (Mark Deuze, ASCoR). URL: (2092) DWORACZEK (M.). Censorship on the internet: a bibliography. URL: (2093) GREENBERG (G.S.). Tabloid Journalism: an annotated bibliography of English-language sources. Greenwood Press, 1996. The work emphasizes English-language journal articles and monographs discussing tabloid and sensational journalism during the period 1975-1994. International primary sources and monographs are also included. Focus is on press and television. (2094) GRUBER (S.). Selected Bibliography on Education, Media and Human Rights in South-East Europe. URL: Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 152 (2095) HAGELWEIDE (G.). Literatur zur deutschsprachigen Presse. Eine Bibliographie. 1985 - 1993. (2096) HOWARD (P.N.). Politics online reading List. URL: (2097) LANGE (A.). Bibliographie. Les relations Est-Ouest et la libre circulation de l'information. Les médias en Europe centrale et orientale. URL: (2098) LANGE (A.). Bibliographie. Télévisions régionales et locales. URL: (2099) LANGE (A.). Télévision et communication politique. URL: (2100) LAPONCE (I). Canadian Politics and Society Bibliography. URL: (2101) MacDONALD (B.I.), PETHERAM (M.). Keyguide to information sources in media ethics. London, 1998. (2102) MATHELART (S.). Pour l'histoire des médias en Belgique. Bibliographie de 1830 à nos jours. 1994. Bibliography listing 5,356 titles on Belgian press, television and radio from 1830 to 1994. The bibliography deals primarily with Belgian literature, however, sources outside of, but relevant to Belgium, are included. (2103) MATUS (M.). Media & Democracy Bibliography. URL: (2104) McCOY (R.). Annotated Bibliography on Freedom of Expression. URL: (2105) McCOY (R.E.). Freedom of the press: an annotated bibliography. Carbondale, 1978 - 1992. (2106) MOISE (E.E.). Vietnam War Biliography: the Media. URL: (2107) MORRIS (C.). Conflict Transformation and Peacebuilding: a Selected Bibliography - Media, Conflict and Society. URL: (2108) O'DONNELL (P.). Social Communication & Journalism Bibliography. URL: (2109) PETROVIC (J.). U.S. Politics and the Media A Selective Guide to Materials at the British Library. URL: (2110) REGERSTER (C.B.). Black entertainers in African American Newspapers articles. Jefferson, 2002. (2111) SERFATY (V.). L'internet et le discours politique. Bibliographie sommaire. URL: Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 153 (2112) SHEDDEN (D.). Broadcast Journalism Bibliography. URL: (2113) SHEDDEN (D.). Diversity Bibliography. URL: (2114) SHEDDEN (D.). Politics & the Press Bibliography. URL: (2115) SHEDDEN (D.). Public Journalism Bibliography. URL: (2116) THORNTON (A.). Does internet create democracy ?. URL: (2117) A Bibliography of material on Islam, Muslims, and the media. URL: (2118) Agenda setting bibliography. URL: (2119) Articles on Propaganda. URL: (2120) Contemporary Political Studies 1994-2004. PSA Annual Conference Papers. URL: (2121) International Conflict and the Media. Bibliography. URL: (2122) Journalism and Society. URL: (2123) Justin Lewis' Publications. URL: (2124) Mass Media and Minorities Bibliography. URL: (2125) Media Democratization: a partial bibliography. URL: (2126) New Technologies & Elections: Selected Bibliography. URL: (2127) Propaganda Critic: References. URL: (2128) Public & Community Journalism Bibliography. URL: (2129) Television News. URL: Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 154 bedrijfs- en organisatiecommunicatie (2130) McNEAL (J.U.). A bibliography of research and writings on marketing and advertising to children. New York, 1991. 4.4. over andere menswetenschappen 4.4.1. sociale wetenschappen i.h.a. (2131) PUBLIC AFFAIRS INFORMATION SERVICES. PAIS International in Print. New York, 1991-. Bibliographic references for political, social, and public policy issues. Merger of: PAIS Bulletin (1976-1990) and PAIS Foreign Language Index (1972-1990). Online version: PAIS International on OCLC FirstSearch (1972-), a database of the Public Affairs Information Services covering the full range of the social sciences, with emphasis on contemporary public issues and the making and evaluating of public policy. Provides selective subjects and bibliographic access to periodicals, books, hearings, reports, gray literature, government publications, Internet resources, and other publications from 120 countries. Contains more than 480,000 records, each with bibliographic information and brief, descriptive abstracts. Worldwide in geographic scope, PAIS indexes publications in English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish. Brief abstracts are present for approximately 95% of the records added since 1985. Available through the OCLC FirstSearch service for users worldwide who are conducting research on public policy and world affairs. Subscription is required, but there is a 60-day free demo, which is a collection of 6,000 bibliographic records that represent a wide range of dates and record formats; see PAIS International is also available on CD-ROM. (2132) SOCIAL SCIENCE ELECTRONIC PUBLISHING (SSEP). Social Science Research Network (SSRN). URL: This site allows users to freely access thousands of abstracts and full-text research papers in the social sciences. The core of the site is the Electronic Library, which consists of two parts: an Abstract Database containing abstracts on over 28,100 scholarly working papers and forthcoming papers and an Electronic Paper Collection currently containing over 13,200 downloadable full text documents in Adobe Acrobat pdf format. (2133) UNIVERSITY OF LEIDEN LIBRARY. Free bibliographies and bibliographic databases on the Web in the Arts & Humanities, Social Sciences and General Science. URL: This is a - largely unordered but very interesting - collection of bibliographies and bibliographic databases in the Arts & Humanities, Social and Behavioral Sciences and General Science on the Web, most of them free. Archives of (working) papers and preprints are also included. The list concentrates on the secondary bibliographies with at least some periodical literature. Check the links for economy & finance, gender studies, law & criminology, politics, international relations & development, sociology. At the end of this list the collections and databases of dissertations are to be found. Some items are described. Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 155 (2134) WEPSIEC (J.). Social sciences : an international bibliography of serial literature, 1830 - 1985. London, 1992. (2135) Bibliografie Nederlandse sociale wetenschappen: vakbibliografie voor Nederland en Nederlandstalig België. Utrecht, 1990-. Dutch annual journal, continues: Bibliografie Nederlandse sociologie (1968-1989). This retrospective bibliography for the social sciences covers the period 1972-1996. In 1999, it has been transformed into a freely accessible online database, the BNSW Database. This database contains descriptions of about 80.000 scientific publications in the Dutch and Flemish social sciences, published since 1978. Included are entries (with subject headings) of books, dissertations, inaugural addresses, conference papers, and articles in journals and collective works, and covers the period 1978-2000. From the early 1990s on, reviews of the publications are also included. The database is searchable by title, by author and by keyword. Access via (2136) Contemporary Social Issues: A Bibliographic Series. Santa Cruz, 1986-. The bibliographies in this series form a combination of legal, feminist, multicultural, social, political, economic, and philosophical perspectives. The books contain the more provocative and liberal materials of smaller publishers, alternative presses, and activist organizations, and they provide up-to-date information on contemporary social issues (f.e.: philosophical, psychological, security, race, class, and gender issues). Sources include bibliographies of materials in several formats: books, pamphlets, government documents, dissertations, periodical articles, videos, internet resources. The entries are conveniently arranged by main subject areas and then divided by formats. (2137) Current Contents: Social & Behavioral Sciences. Philadelphia, 1969-. Electronic equivalent: 'Current Contents Connect (CCC): Social and Behavioral Sciences with Author Abstracts'. Database is powered by ISI Web of Knowledge. Tables of contents from about 7,600 journals and 2,000 books; includes links to more than 4,300 ISI-evaluated Web sites and over 400,000 searchable, full-text Web documents through Current Contents eSearch. Access via the VUB Central Library website: (2138) London bibliography of the social sciences. 47 v. London, 1929-1989. The most important subject bibliography in its field. Bibliographic coverage extends back at least to mid-1600s. From 1990 onward, coverage that would have appeared in the London Bibliography is generally picked up by the four parts of the International Bibliography of the Social Sciences. (2139) Sage Publications / SRM Database. URL: This database resulted from a fusion of Social research methodology bibliography and social research methodology abstracts and has been composed, since 1970, by a team of social scientists from the Erasmus University of Rotterdam. The database is published - online since May 2002 with 10 updates a year and once a year on CD-ROM - and distributed by Sage Publications, so access requires subscription or purchase. It contains approximately 40.000 references to journal articles, books, reports and parliamentary records, mainly published in German, English, French and Dutch concerning methods for the Social Sciences in general and for the various disciplines (f.e. media and communication studies, political sciences, sociology). Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 156 New literature references are regularly published in a printed form in the SRM-bulletins (see: Social research methodology bibliography and social research methodology abstracts). (2140) Social research methodology abstracts. Rotterdam, 1979-. Currently fused with Social research methodology bibliography and continued as SRM bulletin: abstracts and bibliographic references on social research methodology, a quarterly publication. Electronic equivalent is the RSM - Social research and methodology database. (2141) Social research methodology bibliography. Rotterdam, 1978-. Currently fused with Social research methodology abstracts and continued as SRM bulletin: abstracts and bibliographic references on social research methodology. This highly current information quarterly informs about recent published literature. As a quick service new titels and abstracts are effectively indexed on author(s) and on subject(s); for over 1.164 standardised terms it is possible to check the treatment of subjects in the literature. Electronic equivalent is the RSM - Social research and methodology database. (2142) Social Sciences Citation Index. Philadelphia, 1966-. Electronic equivalent: 'Social Sciences Citation Index Expanded with Cited References and Author Abstracts from 1992'. Provides access to current and retrospective bibliographic information, author abstracts, and cited references found in over 1,700 of the world's leading scholarly social sciences journals covering more than 50 disciplines. Updated weekly; back-files to 1956. Database powered by The ISI Web of Knowledge - Web of Science. Acces via the VUB Central Library website: Also available on CD-ROM. (2143) Social Sciences Index. New York, 1974-. Indexes and abstracts articles of ca 500 English-language periodicals published in de U.S. and elsewhere, from 1983 to present. Coverage includes anthropology, criminology, economics, law, geography, policy studies, psychology, sociology, social work, and urban studies. Online electronic equivalent is the bibliographic subscription database 'Social Sciences Full Text', produced by the H.W. Wilson Company. Abstracting coverage begins with periodicals published in january 1994, full text coverage begins in january 1995. This database is also available on CD-ROM. (2144) The International Bibliography of the Social Sciences. London, 1955-. The International Bibliography of the Social Sciences printed volumes constitute an essential reference source for any student or researcher in the social sciences. The four volume publication covers the disciplines of anthropology, economics, political science, and sociology. The four volumes contain 24,000 article and monograph titles between them. New IBSS print volumes are available from December of every year. Re-print editions of back issues from as early as 1951 are now also available. Electronic equivalent: IBSS online on BIDS. This is a searchable database consisting of over 2 million citations and abstracts of articles, editorials, and reviews from selected international social sciences journals dating back to 1951. Over 2,700 journals are regularly indexed and some 7,000 books included each year. Abstracts are provided for up to half of all current journal articles and full text availability is increasing steadily. IBSS online covers the core disciplines of economics, sociology, politics and anthropology. Freely available to UK higher education, but a username and password are required. Access via BIDS: IBSS is also available on CD-ROM; the CD-ROM version contains records from 1981 to the present (1 million records). Approximately 100,000 records Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 157 are added annually to this service in regular, quarterly updates. 4.4.2. politieke wetenschappen (2145) BENNETT (J.R.). Political Prisoners and Trials: A Worldwide Annotated Bibliography, 1900 through 1993. Jefferson, 1995. This book provides annotated entries on violations of human rights throughout the world. Arranged according to country. Index included. (2146) BRACHER (K.D.). Bibliographie zur Politik in Theorie und Praxis. Düsseldorf, 1982. (2147) BRUNK (G.G.). Theories of Political Processes: A Bibliographic Guide to the Journal Literature, 1965-1995. Westport, 1997. This excellent guide to papers about politics that have appeared in the journals of all social science disciplines categorizes 10,000 of the most theoretically significant articles according to subfields and research themes, allowing scholars easy access to developments outside of their own specialities. (2148) BUTT (I.), EICHLER (M.). Bibliographie Politik und Zeitgeschichte : Deutschsprachige Hochschulschriften und Veröffentlichungen ausserhalb des Buchhandels 1966-1980 / Bibliography of politics and contemporary history : bibliography of German-language dissertations and publications. München, 1993. (2149) CHARNY (I.W.). Genocide: A Critical Bibliographic Review. 3 v. New Brunswick, 1988-1994. Provides an encyclopedic-like statement of the knowledge base in a given field or area of study of genocide, and an annotated critical bibliography. (2150) DIMITROV (T.D.). World Bibliography of International Documentation. 2 v. Pleasantville, 1981. Contains 9.000 references in many languages to literature about intergovernmental organizations, bibliographic control of documents published by intergovernmental organizations, and lists bibliographies about world politics, nuclear weapons and peace, etc. (2151) ECCLESHALL (R.), KENNY (M.). Western Political Thought: A Bibliographical Guide to Post-War Research. New York, 1995. A comprehensive guide to the literature that has appeared since 1945, providing a brief annotation of the content of many entries and, where appropriate, indicating their significance, controversial nature, and readability. Following a general section are seven chronological ones, the first three covering the Western tradition until the 16th century and the next four each subsequent century. Each section begins with a sub-section on general works, followed by ones on geographical areas and specific thinkers. (2152) EMORY UNIVERSITY. Ethnic Conflict Research Guide. URL: The most interesting part of this website is the bibliography; check 'Searching for Ethnic Conflict Books. (2153) ENGELFIELD (D.), DREWRY (G.). Information Sources in Politics and Political Science: a Survey Worldwide. London, 1984. A very useful guide to the main English language sources in political science. Although it has a British bias, it is very comprehensive in its coverage. All chapters are written by specialists in Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 158 their field. It is recommended to students at all levels. (2154) FERMANN (G.). Bibliography on international peacekeeping. Dordrecht, 1992. This reference guide provides a comprehensive summary of all quantitative research on world politics published in journals between 1970 and 1991 and is thus an invaluable overview of the field in recent times. (2155) GIBBS (B.H.), SINGER (J.D.). Empirical Knowledge on World Politics: A Summary of Quantitative Research, 1970-1991. Westport, 1993. (2156) LINDBERG-HANSEN (S.E.). Third World Democratization: A Partly Annotated Bibliography of Recent Literature. Copenhagen, 1994. A Web version of the published work can be found on the Democratization bibliography webpage, posted by the British Library for Development Studies. This WWW version includes items added after the print version was published. These can be found at the bottom of each subject/country page, marked as 'New items'. Access via (2157) MARLATT (G.E.). Chemical, Biological, and Nuclear Terrorism/Warfare : A Bibliography. URL: (2158) McCLEAN (A.). Security, Arms Control, and Conflict Reduction in East Asia and the Pacific: A Bibliography, 1980-1991. Westport, 1993. Impressive work which contains information on more than 8,100 different books, articles, dissertations, and official publications on issues of international and intranational security, arms control, conflict preventing diplomacy, and militarization in East Asia and the Pacific. (2159) MICKOLUS (E.F.). Terrorism: A chronology of events and a selectively annotated bibliography, 1980-2001. 5 v. Westport, 1988-2002. The most comprehensive source of global terrorist information. This series started in 1980; each volume provides a tightly organised and well-indexed bibliography. (2160) MOCHMANN (E.), OEDEGAARD (I.C.), MAUER (R.). Inventory of National Election Studies in Europe 1945-1995. Bergisch Gladbach, 1998. The Inventory of National Election studies in Europe documents election dates and election studies conducted in European countries with well established election research programs, that cooperated in the International Committee for Research into Elections and Representative Democracy (ICORE). The time period covered extends from the Second World War untill 1995. The purpose of this Inventory is to provide information about electoral data suitable for longitudinal and/or cross national election research in Europe. Thus for each country a list of election dates, an overview table containing detailed information about the election study, study descriptions and a list of literature is provided. Countries involved with the study include: Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Great Britain, Hungary, the Netherlands, Norway and Sweden. (2161) ABC Pol Sci: a bibliography of contents. Santa Barbara, 1969-1995. Only in electronic version from 1996 on; included in the subscription database CSA Worldwide Political Science Abstracts from 2001 on. (2162) Acta Politica. International journal of political science. Basingstoke, 1966-. Published quarterly; continues: Acta Politica. Tijdschrift voor politicologie. Acta Politica is the Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 159 official journal of the Dutch Political Science Association. The prime objective of Acta Politica is to publish high-quality work reflecting research and developments of both a theoretical and empirical nature in all sub-areas of the discipline, including Dutch and comparative politics, international relations, political theory, public administration, and political communication. Each issue has a lenghty book reviews section. The website of this journal provides access to online tables of contents and abstracts from 2003 on. Full-text articles are available through subscription, which is free of charge. Access via (2163) American political science review. Washington, 1906-. The American Political Science Review (APSR) is the longest running publication of the American Political Science Association (APSA). APSR, first published in November 1906 and appearing quarterly, is the preeminent political science journal in the United States and internationally. APSR features research from all fields of political science and contains an extensive book review section of the discipline. In its earlier days, APSR also covered the personal and personnel items of the profession as had its predecessor, the Proceedings of the APSA. The table of contents for the most recent issue is available from the journal's website. Users whose institutions subscribe to JSTOR, an online archive of scholarly journals in the social sciences (, have access via this service to the full text of all articles from vol. 1 (1906) to vol. 94 (2000). (2164) CSA Worldwide Political Science Abstracts. URL: The bibliographical subscription database CSA Worldwide Political Science Abstracts (covering 1975-present) was created in 2001 out of a merger of the electronic versions of ABC PolSci (1984-2000) and Political Science Abstracts (1975-2000). The database provides citations, abstracts, and indexing of the international serials literature in political science and its complementary fields, including international relations, law, and public administration / policy. The serials list of the new database is actively under construction, with a focus on expanding international coverage. From February 2004 on approximately 1.432 titles are being monitored for coverage; this list will continue to grow. Enhancements to the new database include the capability to link to electronic fulltext and the addition of new fields to the record structure. Furthermore, many records from key journals in political science, published since 2000, also include the references cited in the bibliography of the source article. Each individual reference may also have links to an abstract and/or to other papers that cite that reference; these links increase the possibility of finding more potentially relevant articles. All records added since 2000 are indexed using a thesaurus of over 3.000 terms. (2165) Foreign Affairs. New York, 1922-. Published every two months by the Council on Foreign Relations. Online contents of this journal (the backfile of Foreign Affairs magazine can be browsed back to 1973), book reviews (section 'books') and a selection of 'outstanding' new books are on the website: (2166) International political science abstracts. Oxford, 1951-. Electronic equivalent is a bibliographical database providing abstracts from approximately 900 journals and yearbooks in the fields of political science, international relations, public administration, and public law. The Internet version covers from 1989 to the present. In most Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 160 cases the abstracts are in English, and in some cases (non-English articles) in French. Where the original article is not in English, the title in the record is in its own language, English and French. Also available on CD-ROM from 1995. (2167) International social science bibliographies. International bibliography of political science, 1951-. London, 1952-. Indexes articles and books in the fields of politics from 1952 to the present.In various languages. Belongs to the series International bibliography of the social sciences since 1955. Annual. (2168) ISN LASE: International Relations and Security Policy Search Engine: bibliographies. URL: The ISN's Limited Area Search (ISN LASE) performs full-text search in over 9 million online documents. Search on the word bibliography'. (2169) Neue politische Literatur. Berichte über das internationale Schrifttum. Frankfurt, 1952-1998. Published as Politische Literatur between 1952 and 1955. Series has ceased. (2170) POL-DOK. Politische Dokumentation. München, 1966-1992. No longer published in print from 1992 on. Electronic equivalent: online, free database POLDOK: Die Politik der 80er Jahre. This searchable database contains abstracts to research on German and international politics in the 1980s. It includes articles published in German-language scholarly journals, between 1977 and 1988 (about 41.000 citations). This database is maintained by the Freien Universität Berlin. Access: (2171) Policy Library. URL: Policy Library is a free database of full text online research papers grouped according to four major subjects: social policy, economic policy, international issues and political thought. A few of the papers are from policy library itself, but most are provided on the servers of other organisations. There is a simple search engine (section Policy Paper Database). In addition to the papers, the site contains a list of policy and research organisations, research resources and search tools, and conferences and seminars. (2172) Political Science Abstracts. New York, 1967-. Political Science Abstracts is an annual supplement to the Political Science, Government, and Public Policy Series of The Universal Reference System, which was first published in 1967. Also available as an electronic database, produced by IFI/Plenum Data Corporation, covering 1976 to the present. Since 2001, it is included in the subscription database CSA Worldwide Political Science Abstracts. (2173) Political Science Quarterly. New York, 1886-. Scholarly journal on government, politics, and public policy, published since 1886 by the New York-based Academy of Political Science. Includes ca 150 book reviews each year. The electronic edition provides selected articles (see 'Free Full-text Articles' under 'Quick Links'), previews of the upcoming issue (see 'forthcoming issue' under 'Quick links'), and an index (see '1886 - Present Archive' under 'Quick links') with abstracts for volumes 91-111 (1976-1996). Access via Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 161 (2174) Political Studies Review. Guildford, 2003-. This journal, published three times a year, is an offshoot of the leading political science journal Political Studies (online content listings and abstracts of all Political Studies articles published since March 1997: published by the Political Studies Association. Political Studies Review aims to publish cutting edge review articles and book reviews. The Web site provides free electronic access to the full text of all recent reviews that have appeared in Political Studies since March 1997 up until the launch date of Political Studies Review (2003) and will continue to maintain an archive. Books reviewed cover all aspects of politics including: public administration, electoral systems, globalization, international relations, political theory, political policy, political parties and comparative politics. The book reviews database can be searched by author, title, reviewers' name or keyword. It also has a browsable subject index. All book reviews are put up on-line as soon as the editors receive them, often months ahead of print publication. Further, 'The Editors recommend' feature provides immediate, on-line guidance to the best newly published books across nine different areas of political science. Access via (2175) Politische Vierteljahresschrift. Opladen, 1960-. Published quarterly. Twice a year a supplement PVS-Literatur is published, that contains thematical discussion of the political science literature and book reviews. (2176) The political science reviewer. Hampton / Sydney, 1971-. The Political Science Reviewer is an annual journal featuring essay-length reviews of classic and contemporary studies in law and politics, as well as examinations of leading political science textbooks. Each review provides in-depth evaluation without a narrow, over-specialized focus. (2177) The Yale Political Quarterly. An undergraduate publication. New Haven, 1979-. The Yale Political Quarterly is published by students of Yale University to foster political debate. Its main specialisms are American politics and US foreign policy, although it also provides coverage of all the main fields of political debate including political theory and constitutional history. It also offers political quotations and book reviews. The full text of articles from 1995 onwards are available on the website: (2178) UN Reform: a bibliography / Les Nations Unies : une bibliographie en français. URL: This online bibliography, compiled by the United Nations Dag Hammarskjöld Library and the first in a series on the United Nations, contains ca 150 English-language monographs published between 1945 and 1996. It does not include articles from journals or any titles which were published by or under the auspices of the United Nations and its Specialized agencies with the exception of the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR). The webpage also provides a link to a bibliography of French language publications on this topic, Les Nations Unies: une bibliographie des ressources en français; direct access via (2179) Working-Paper Sites of Political Science. URL: A compilation of links to the working papers of political science scholars, institutes, and Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 162 organizations. Annotations are provided with each link. Updated regularly. 4.4.3. sociologie (2180) AGYEI-MENSAH (S.). Fertility decline in developing countries, 1960-1997: an annotated bibliography. Westport, 1999. (2181) ATKINSON (A.B.). A bibliography of published research on the measurement of inequality and poverty 1970-1982. London, 1982. (2182) BARNARD (H.). Bibliography of works from and about the Centre for European Sociology and Pierre Bourdieu. URL: This site contains bibliographies from and about the Centre for European Sociology and the French sociologist Pierre Félix Bourdieu (1930-). The site also offers information about conferences, lectures, etc., and a link to the Bourdieu Forum (e-list and other materials). (2183) BLASI (A.J.), CUNEO (M.W.). The sociology of religion : an organizational bibliography. New York, 1990. (2184) CHALFANT (H.P.). Sociology of poverty in the United States : an annotated bibliography. Westport, 1985. (2185) DUMON (W.A.). Bibliographie des politiques familiales nationales dans les états membres de l'Union Européenne (1990-1993) / Bibliography on national family policies in the member states of the European Union (1990-1993). Brussel, 1995. (2186) HAAG (E.E.). Research Guide for Studies in Infancy and Childhood. Westport, 1988. The heart of this book is Section 2: specialized subject bibliographies on families; child care; communication; cognition; behavior social/cultural, physical, and atypical development; and creativity area further divided by subtopics (e.g., `Adoption,' `Child Abuse,' `Siblings' are three of the dozen subsections under `Families'). The approach is cross-disciplinary, with emphasis on social sciences and humanities. Descriptive annotations accompany all entries. Chapters edited volumes or series may be listed and annotated individually thought to be important, independent contributions. Materials are recent, many from the last several years. Despite its billing, this is more an annotated bibliography than a guide to research. Section 1 consist of a very brief introductory chapter on search strategy; a chapter on relevant databases (by Dana Johnson); and a chapter on general references works by type. Databases to consider for each topic are listed at the heads of the Section 2 chapters. (2187) HARRIS (D.K.). The sociology of aging : an annotated bibliography and sourcebook. New York, 1985. (2188) HARTNETT (A.). Sociology of education: an introductory guide to the literature. Liverpool, 1975. (2189) HERFURTH (M.). Bibliographie zur deutschen Soziologie, 1945-1977 / 1978-1995. 5 vol. Bonn, 1980 / 1997-1998-2002. (2190) HURD (A.E.). Sociology and religion : a bibliography selected from the A[merican] T[heological] L[ibrary] A[ssociation] database. Chicago, 1988. (2191) INTERNATIONAL LABOUR OFFICE. Bibliography on international return migration. 2nd ed. Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 163 Genève, 1986. (2192) JAVIER (T.A.). The sociology of law : a bibliography of theoretical literature. Lewiston, 1998. (2193) JONES (R.A.). The Durkheim pages. URL: This site is devoted to the French sociologist and philosopher, Emile Durkheim (1858-1917). It includes a biography, summaries and reviews, a timeline, bibliographies, a glossary of terms and concepts, and information about ongoing research. (2194) KURTZ (L.R.). Evaluating Chicago sociology : a guide to the literature, with an annotated bibliography. Chicago, 1984. (2195) LANE (M.V.). World poverty : a bibliography with indexes. New York, 2002. This book includes primarily the book literature available on poverty issues, although there is some periodical coverage. The information is searchable through author, title, and subject indexes. (2196) LANTZ (J.C.). Cumulative index of sociology journals: 1971 - 1985. Washington, 1987. (2197) LAW (J.). Actor Network Resource: An Annotated Bibliography. Version 2.3. URL: Bibliography, available both by thematically organised list and alphabetically, on the subject of actor-network theory. (2198) LILLY (T.A.), PITT-CATSOUPHES (M.), GOOGINS (B.K.). Work-Family Research: An Annotated Bibliography. Westport, 1997. The bibliography is organized by major themes and topics in the study of work/family. Within each chapter, entries for articles, books, chapters, reports, and other materials are organized alphabetically and provide full citations as well as annotations. (2199) MAGILL (F.N.). Survey of Social Sciences: Sociology Series. 5 v. Arizona, 1994. Geared to the general reader, this five-volume set provides alphabetical entries dealing with general sociological topics. The articles include a brief summary of the topic with focus on the topic's significance and an annotated bibliography of related books and articles. (2200) OLDAKOWSKI (R.K.). A bibliography of elderly migration literature. Monticello, 1983. (2201) PARVIN (G.). The sociology of work : a critical annotated bibliography. New York, 1990. (2202) REMMLING (G.W.). The sociology of Karl Mannheim: with a bibliographical guide to the sociology of knowledge, ideological analysis, and social planning. London, 1975. (2203) SECKER (J.). A bibliography of relevant research in social work education and training. Edinburgh, 1992. (2204) SHARDLOW (S.). A bibliography of European studies in social work. Lyme Regis, 2000. (2205) SUPICIC (I.). Music in society: a guide to the sociology of music. New York, 1987. (2206) TREMBLAY (J.-M.). Les classiques des sciences sociales. URL: Online library, developed in collaboration with the University of Québec in Chicoutimi, containing 953 original works by 356 authors (Weber, Marx, Elias, etc.). Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 164 (2207) VAN HOUTTE (J.). Sociology of law and legal anthropology in the Dutch speaking countries. Dordrecht, 1985. (2208) VAN KRIEKEN (R.). Norbert Elias and Process Sociology. URL: This site - by Robert van Krieken from the University of Sydney - identifies and provides internet resources for all social scientists working with the ideas of Norbert Elias and process sociology. It contains information about conferences, ongoing research, bibliographies, discussion lists. (2209) WALDEN (G.R.). Survey Research Methodology, 1990-1999: An Annotated Bibliography. Westport, 2002. Covers the survey research literature of the 1990s, with 617 annotations averaging over 200 words each, and with a 20-page subject index. (2210) WEINBERG (M.). World racism and related inhumanities : a country-by-country bibliography. New York, 1992. This mammoth work contains 12,000 references to monographs, journal articles, book chapters, dissertations, and published papers relating to the worldwide study of racism and other inhumanities (antisemitism, colonialism, sexism, slavery). The scope is comprehensive, covering 135 countries as well as devoting a chapter to each continent, a short section to the ancient world, and a section to other related bibliographies. The emphasis is on recent literature written in English, French, German, and Spanish, with well over half the references prior to 1960. There are no annotations and only a short introduction. The author index is complete; the thematic subject index enables the researcher to locate references to broad topics (e.g., sexism) country-by-country. (2211) WEPSIEC (J.). Sociology: an international bibliography of serial literature 1880-1980. London, 1982. (2212) Annual Review of Sociology. Palo Alto, 1975-. The website of this journal offers free access to the tables of contents and abstracts of articles published in the Annual Review of Sociology. Access to the full text (from 1996 onwards) is available only by subscription. There is a search option by author, keyword or citation available. Access via (2213) British Journal of Sociology. London, 1950-. Quarterly journal focusing on current developments across the discipline of sociology. Its website Offers abstracts of volumes from 1996 onwards. Each issue has a book reviews section. Access via departing from the VUB-network. (2214) Contemporary sociology: a journal of reviews. Washington, 1972-. (2215) Current sociology / La sociologie contemporaine. 1952-. Contains trend reports and bibliographies on various sociological subjects. Texts or reports in English or French with summaries in the other language. International in coverage. (2216) European Sociological Review. Oxford, 1984-. Quarterly journal, including a lengthy book reviews section in each issue. Its website provides access to online tables of contents, abstracts (from May 1996 on) and full-text articles (from March 2000). Use the 'Browse the archive' function. Access via departing from the VUB-network. Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 165 (2217) International social science bibliographies. International bibliography of sociology, 1951-. London, 1952-. Classified list of books, periodical articles, and pamphlets. In various languages. Belongs to the series International bibliography of the social sciences since 1955. Annual. (2218) Inventory of Marriage and Family Literature. 1969-1994. Each annual volume included some 4.000 journal articles and 500 books on family studies. Each volume has three types of index: 1. a broad topical classification 2. author and 3. keyword in title. From 1969 to 1974 the I.M.F.L. was called The International Bibliography of Research in Marriage and the Family which covered the literature on family studies for the period 1900 to 1972. In 1995, all the records of the discontinued print version, plus abstracts which were never available in print were included in the Family Studies Database (1970-present), available on CD-ROM. This database is a comprehensive, systematic, and non-evaluative resource of research, policy, and practice literature in the fields of family science, human ecology, and human development. FSD, including FAMILY (Australian Family & Society Abstracts; 1980-present), provides over 181.000 abstracts and bibliographic records drawn from over a thousand professional journals, books, popular literature, conference papers, government reports, and other sources, many of which are indexed exclusively in FSD. About 9.000 abstracts are added to the CD-ROM each year. (2219) POPLINE (POPulation information onLINE) Database. URL: The POPLINE database gives access to citations with abstracts of published and unpublished literature in the field of population, family planning, and related health issues. POPLINE is provided and maintained by the Population Information Program at the Johns Hopkins School of Hygiene and Public Health. Subjects covered within the database include family planning technology, family planning programs, fertility, population law and policy, demography, and population and the environment. Information is sourced from family planning organisations, governments, and a variety of international agencies and includes references to books and book chapters, reports, journal articles, conference papers, and theses. The database is updated twice monthly and may be searched by keyword or browsed by subject area. A POPLINE CDROM is also freely available to applicants that have a need for and an interest in population and family planning information. (2220) Population Index. Princeton, 1935-2000. From Princeton University, published quarterly with annual cumulated indexes to literature of demographic research worldwide. It presents an annotated bibliography of recently published books, journal articles, working papers, and other material on population topics. Publications in twenty western European and Slavic languages are indexed. All kinds of published materials are included except maps, graphics, and newspaper articles. Unpublished works such as theses and annual reports are also excluded. The website version, Population Index on the Web, provides a searchable and browsable database containing 46.035 abstracts of demographic literature published in Population Index in the period 1986-2000. The database was updated for the last time in March/April 2000, when the last regular issue (Volume 65, Number 4), the 1999 Cumulative Indexes, and a supplemental batch of 71 abstracts (called Volume 66, Number 1) of 1999 population literature were added to the search and browse pages. Access via Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 166 (2221) Sage Family Studies Abstracts. 1981-. Each quarterly issue contains some 250 abstracts of journal articles, books and government publications, research studies and pamphlets on family studies arranged by topic with author and subject indexes. Also available on the Web from 1999 through FirstSearch from OCLC. Subscription is required, but there is a tryout version, which is a collection of 6,000 bibliographic records that represent a wide range of dates and record formats: (2222) Sociological Abstracts. 1953-. URL: The basic indexing and abstracting service for over 1,800 international journals on sociology, published six times a year. Issues 1 to 5 are devoted to journal articles arranged under subject categories. Each issue also includes The International Review of Publications in Sociology which abstracts books in sociology and provides citations to book reviews. Each issue has author, source, and subject indexes. Issue 6 is the Conference Abstracts Supplement. Cumulative indexes are published once a year. Sociological Abstracts is also available online; access via VUB Central Library: 4.4.4. economie (2223) ASSIDON (E.), DEHLI (K.), JACQUEMOT (P.). Economie et sociologie du Tiers-monde: un guide bibliographique et documentaire. Paris, 1984. (2224) BLADES (C. A.), CULYER (A. J.), WISEMAN (J.). The international bibliography of health economics: a comprehensive annotated guide to English language sources since 1914. 2 v. Brighton, s.d. (2225) BOUCKAERT (B.), DE GEEST (G.). Bibliography of law and economics. Dordrecht / Boston, 1992. A Web version of this encyclopedia is also available. This site attemps to provide a survey of the whole law and economics literature. Each entry contains two elements: a review of the literature, followed by a quasi complete bibliography. Access via (2226) BREALEY (R.), EDWARDS (H.). A bibliography of finance. Cambridge, 1991. (2227) CRAINER (S.). Die ultimative Managementbibliothek. Frankfurt / New York, 2002. (2228) DANIELLS (L.M.). Business information sources. 3rd ed. Berkeley, 1993. A standard comprehensive bibliography for quick referral rather than thorough reading. One should consult the index to locate a description and explanation of a particular reference source, or for an analysis and comparison of the information available on a subject. (2229) FILDES (R.). A bibliography of business and economic forecasting. Farnborough, 1981. (2230) GRIFFITHS (A.), RIGONI (R.), PRESCOTT (N.). An annotated bibliography of health economics: western european sources. Oxford, 1980. (2231) HUTCHINSON (W.K.). American economic history: a guide to information sources. Detroit, 1980. (2232) KARP (R.S.), SCHLESSINGER (B.S.). The Basic Business Library: Core Resources. 4th ed. Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 167 Westport, 2002. This work provides an annotated bibliography of more than two hundred resources. The fourth edition contains an updated core list of the best current business resources, as well as a collection of new essays on important topics in business librarianship. Entries in the core list provide full bibliographic information, online ordering information, brief descriptions of authority and scope, and brief evaluations of the works' strengths and weaknesses. A very thorough index completes access to this valuable collection. (2233) LIBRARY OF THE LONDON SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS AND POLITICAL SCIENCE. British Library of Economic and Political Science (BLPES). URL: The home page of the British Library of Political and Economic Science, which serves as a national collection of material for research as well as being the working library of the London School of Economics (LSE). The library contains around 1 million bound volumes and some 28,000 journals covering social science subjects in the broadest sense. The site is designed to support local users and so access to some of the services offered is restricted to those outside the LSE. A significant resource for all users however, is the full web access to the library's catalogue. (2234) LIU (L.-G.), PREMUS (R.). Global Economic Growth : Theories, Research, Studies and Annotated Bibliography, 1950-1997. Westport, 2000. Designed to facilitate teaching and research on economic growth, this book aims to help the scholar and student to navigate the literature on determinants of economic growth. The book's opening essay highlights the important theories and empirical findings, while the bibliography includes over 1,2000 annotated entries. International in scope, the volume covers individual-country studies, cross-country comparative studies, and cross-continent and worldwide research. (2235) McCARL (H.M.), HANDLIN (J.). Bibliography on urban economics. Monticello, 1982. (2236) NEW SCHOOL UNIVERSITY. History of Economic Thought. URL: Extensive exploration of the history of economic theory, where information is arranged according to schools of economic thought such as thematic, neo-classical, political, or alternative, or alphabetically by theorist. The History of Economic Thought site includes pages for over five hundred economists from the 17th Century until the modern day. Each individual web page contains a bibliography of their most important works plus some comments on their individual contributions to economic theory. Writings by eminent economists are available, along with essays and surveys, on subjects including the theory of value, and macro and microeconomics. (2237) PAJEVIC (M.), SIEFKES (F.). Bibliography on economic transition in Eastern Europe : English and German language titles published in the years 1990 to 1993 / Bibliographie zum ökonomischen Wandel in Osteuropa : deutsch- und englischsprachige Literatur aus den Jahren 1990 bis 1993. München, 1993. (2238) STEINER (B.), MEYERHOFF (J.). Kommentierte Bibliographie Umwelt und Ökonomie. Berlin, 1993. (2239) SWANSEA UNIVERSITY. Standard of Living Debate. Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 168 URL: This bibliography, produced by the history department at Swansea University, could be useful for students of economic history. The books listed consider subjects like the industrial revolution and emergence of the working class, consumption, diet and unemployment, wages, literacy, women, children, and antebellum slavery. (2240) VERBIC (N.). Bibliography on economic cooperation among developing countries, 1981-1982, with annotations. London, 1984. (2241) WORLD BANK GROUP. World Bank Research. URL: Collection of results relating to economic research and conducted by the World Bank, covering topics such as domestic finance, health and population, international economics, poverty, private sector development, transition economics, AIDS economics, and gender disparity. (2242) ZIMMERMAN (C.). Quantitative Macroeconomics and Real Business Cycles Bibliography Online. URL: This is not supposed to be a comprehensive bibliography; rather this is an edited listing of the important papers is various subfields. This bibliography is ongoing work and more items are added every month. (2243) Abstracts of working papers in economics : the official journal of the AWPE database. New York, 1989-. The AWPE database is incorporated in the online bibliographical database EconLit. Access via the VUB Central Library: (2244) BibEc. URL: BibEc is a bibliography of printed working papers in economics. It contains over 130,000 papers (as of 2002). These are not available in full text electronic format; users need to contact the institution listed to obtain paper copies. BibEc uses the RePEc dataset of economics publications. There is a link to RePEc on this Web site. BibEc is mirrored in the USA and Japan. (2245) Bibliographic guide to business and economics. Boston, 1975-. (2246) Bnet. URL: Bibliographical database. Keyword searches return abstracts and extracts on a range of business related topics including accounting, advertising, exportation, information technology, public relations and risk analysis. Business news, management guides, case studies and information directories are also available. Subscription is free to all students, lecturers and librarians in further and higher education. (2247) Business Periodicals Index. 1958-. Available on CD-ROM as Business Abstracts from 1982. (2248) Business Source Premier. Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 169 URL: This online database, hosted by EBSCO, provides full text coverage of more than a 3.000 scholarly business , management and economics journals. Includes also publications covering topics such as accounting, banking, finance, international business, marketing, sales etc. Datamonitor Company profiles for ca 5.000 companies worldwide. Access via the VUB Central Library: (2249) Foreign Trade and Economic Abstract. (2250) Harvard Business Review. Cambridge, 1922-. Harvard Business Review, published monthly, covers the complete range of strategic management subjects of interest to managers and researchers, including accounting, automation, business ethics, industry analysis, strategic planning, and trade. The website of this journal (Harvard Business Online) provides online table of contents, abstracts and full-text articles since July 1996. See Also available as an electronic subscription database, which contains the complete text of the Harvard Business Review from 1976 to the present. In addition, the database contains citations and abstracts to Harvard Business Review articles from 1971 to 1975, plus 700 classic earlier articles. (2251) Index of Economic Articles. Homewood, 1969-. See also online availability through EconLit. Access via the VUB Central Library: (2252) Inomics: The Internet Site for Economists. URL: (2253) Insurance Periodicals Index. 1973-. (2254) International social science bibliographies. International bibliography of economics, 1951-. London, 1952-. Classified list of books, periodical articles, and pamphlets. In various languages. Belongs to the series International bibliography of the social sciences since 1955. Annual. (2255) Journal of Accounting Research. Chicago, 1963-. The Journal of Accounting Research has been published since 1963 by the Institute of Professional Accounting at the Graduate School of Business, University of Chicago. Its remit is wide and covers material that uses analytical, empirical, experimental, and field study methods in an accounting research context. The tables of contents are available from its website back to 1998. Users whose institutions subscribe to JSTOR, an online archive of scholarly journals in the social sciences ( have access via this service to the full text of all articles from Vol 1 (1963) to Vol 38 (2000). Acces via (2256) Journal of Economic Literature (JEL). 1963-. Continues Journal of Economic Abstracts. Also available online within the reference database EconLit, a source of citations and abstracts to economics research going back to 1969. EconLit includes journals indexed for years in the Journal of Economic Literature as well as books and dissertations. In addition, EconLit includes citations to articles in collective volumes indexed in the annual volumes of the Index of Economic Articles and the full-text of JEL book reviews. EconLit also incorporates the Abstracts of Working Papers in Economics (AWPE) database, Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 170 licensed from Cambridge University Press. Access via the VUB Central Library: EconLit is also available on CD-ROM. (2257) Oxford Review of Economic Policy. Oxford, 1986-. Quarterly economics journal, with online tables of contents, abstracts and freely available full text articles in PDF format from 1996 onwards. Topics include real interest rates, imperfect markets, product strategies, public finance, and environmental policy. See: (2258) WoPEc. URL: WoPEc is the part of NetEc that collects bibliographic information on working papers in economics available on the Internet. This allows the end-user to search for these papers based upon this bibliographic information. There are over 80,000 working papers drawn from many hundreds of series from academics working in institutions from around the world. The database is continually increasing in size. WoPEc is a project supported by the Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) of the Higher Education Funding Councils, as part of its Electronic Libraries Programme (eLib). Substantive bibliographic information is supplied; all papers are downloadable but not always free. In these restricted cases a message will be shown, explaining conditions for downloading. 4.4.5. juridische wetenschappen (2259) AMERICAN BAR ASSOCIATION. Law on the Internet Booklist. URL: Guide to legal resources by the American Bar Association, which provides a list of law-related internet books and newsletters published in different countries (Italy, U.K., the Netherlands, Germany, etc.). (2260) BARTELS (M.). Bibliography on transnational law of natural resources. Deventer, 1981. (2261) BEIRNE (P.), HILL (J.). Comparative Criminology: An Annotated Bibliography. Westport, 1991. This bibliography includes journal articles, books, chapters, proceedings, and unpublished papers from 1960 to the present, in English. Citations are grouped into three broad areas: meaning and measurement in comparative criminology; cross-national crime rates; and social control and criminal justice. The 500 entries are numbered and arranged alphabetically by authors' last names within chapters. Each has a descriptive annotation, and some include cross-references. Appendixes contain a register of countries in cross-national data sets, lists of UN Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute publications and staff papers, and miscellaneous research aids. The book concludes with author and subject indexes. (2262) BELLMANN (R.). Bibliographie handels-, gesellschafts- und wirtschaftsrechtlicher Dissertationen von 1950 bis 1980. Heidelberg, 1986. (2263) BERENS (J.F.). Criminal Justice Documents: A Selective, Annotated Bibliography of U.S. Government Publications Since 1975. Westport, 1987. Bibliography of 1,098 U.S. government documents published between 1975 and October 1986. Classified under eight broad subject headings, materials cover the criminal justice system, crime and criminals, law enforcement, the courts, corrections, juvenile justice, security, and Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 171 special resources. Each chapter is further divided. For example, chapter 2, Crime and Criminals, contains separate sections on such specific crimes as arson, bombings, gambling, homicide, and even computer crime, white-collar crime, and such special topics as women and crime. The descriptive annotations run from 50 to 100 words. The convenient arrangement is augmented by four indexes: author, subject, geographic, and associations/organizations. (2264) BOUCKAERT (B.), DE GEEST (G.). Bibliography of law and economics. Dordrecht / Boston, 1992. A Web version of this encyclopedia is also available. This site attemps to provide a survey of the whole law and economics literature. Each entry contains two elements: a review of the literature, followed by a quasi complete bibliography. Access via (2265) DE SCHUTTER (B.). Bibliography on International Criminal Law. Leiden, 1972. (2266) FRIEDMAN (J.R.), SHERMAN (M.I.). Human Rights: An International and Comparative Law Bibliography. Westport, 1985. Multilingual list of sources of information on human rights is arranged in three parts. Part 1 has nearly 2,000 entries for 37 rights listed in alphabetical order.... A second sequence is headed `Institutions' and also has close to 2,000 entries. It includes the names of procedures, doctrines, and practices.... Part 3 lists the principal sources used in the preparation of the main compilation and gives full bibliographic information for each. There is an author index and a secondary subject index that brings together citations falling into two or more categories in the main body. The work as a whole concentrates on providing information about three key concepts and their interrelationships--human rights, international law, and comparative law. It gives the user a broad perspective on both primary and secondary sources. (2267) GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY LAW CENTER. Researching Foreign and Comparative Law. URL: (2268) HARTJEN (C.A.), PRIYADARSINI (S.). Delinquency and Juvenile Justice: An International Bibliography. Westport, 2004. This book provides a comprehensive view of the research on youth criminology and juvenile justice. The publications included cover a quarter-century (from 1975 through 2001) of criminological research and writing. Within each broad topic category is a reference list organized by individual country to make locating relevant literature for specific localities easy. Since many references involved research or comment on two or more localities, a Multinational section is included at the end of each topic grouping. Each reference is listed alphabetically by author name and accompanied by a brief annotation. Author and subject indexes help the user find all referenced publications included. (2269) MALLIET (C.). Elementaire bibliografie Belgisch recht. Gent, 1999. This comprehensive bibliography no longer appears in print, but an updated 2004 version, covering 1988-present and including references to websites and CD-ROM's, is available online: (2270) PEACE PALACE LIBRARY THE HAGUE. Bibliography on International Criminal Law. URL: Online bibliographic database on international criminal law compiled by the Peace Palace Library in The Hague. The library houses one of the largest collections in the field of Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 172 international law, public and private law and foreign national law. The database can be searched by author, title, subject and date or a simple search combining all fields can be carried out. The database contains references to items available in the Peace Palace Library including books, journal articles, reports and internet sites. The bibliographic record gives publication details and subject terms assigned to the item. The full record gives hypertext links to words in the title, the source and organisation providing links to other listings in the database. The URL is given if the item is available online. Some of the records refer to materials held locally. (2271) REYNOLDS (T.H.), FLORES (A.A.). Foreign Law: Current Sources of Codes and Basic Legislation in Jurisdictions of the World. Littleton, 1989. (2272) STANFORD UNIVERSITY. Stanford Law Faculty Bibliography. URL: A database of Stanford Law faculty books, working papers, briefs, articles, CD-Roms, videos, et cetera, searchable by author, keyword, format, and/or year. (2273) SZLADITS (C.). Bibliography on foreign and comparative law : books and articles in English. New York, 1955-. (2274) UC BERKELEY HUMAN RIGHTS CENTRE. Bibliographies on Issues in Human Rights. URL: (2275) UNITED NATIONS. Human Rights on CD-ROM. This bibliographic database contains citations to UN documents and publications related to human rights. The CD-ROM supplements the paper version Human Rights Bibliography 1980-1994. Eleven major subject categories are divided into sub-categories for searching in English, French, or Spanish. (2276) UNIVERSITAT DUSSELDORF. RAVE - Rechtsprechung und Aufsätze zum Völker- und Europarecht. URL: This is an online database of citations offered in English, French and German, of recent decisions and articles on public international law as well as European law since 1995. 183 legal journals are covered and it is updated on a fairly regular basis. RAVE offers hyperlinks to publications if they are available on the Internet. (2277) WEISSBRODT (D.), HOFFMANN (M.). Bibliography for Research on International Human Rights Law. URL: An updated version of this bibliography is available as a supplement to the 3rd ed. of International Human Rights Law: Law, Policy, and Procedure (Cincinnati, OH: Anderson Pub., 2001). (2278) Abstracts on criminology and penology. Deventer, 1969-. (2279) American Journal of International Law. Washington, 1907-. Published quarterly, the American Journal of International Law features articles and editorials, notes and comments by preeminent scholars on developments in international law and international relations. The Journal contains summaries and analyses of decisions by national and international courts and arbitral or other tribunals, and of contemporary U.S. practice in Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 173 international law. Each issue lists recent publications in English and other languages, many of which are reviewed in depth. Online contents from 1997-, abstracts of articles, and book reviews; access via (2280) Contents pages from law reviews and other scholarly journals. URL: The Tarleton Law Library (TLL) provides an online version of the contents pages from more than 750 law reviews and other scholarly journals related to the law published in the United States and abroad. The files are updated daily and are very current. Keyword searching is available. Copies of articles are available through the library's document delivery service. (2281) Crime and Justice : An Annual Review of Research. 1979-. (2282) Criminal Justice Abstracts. 1970-. (2283) Current Law Index. Los Altos, 1980-. Indexes over 800 English language legal journals from the U.S. and the Commonwealth. It is available online as Legal Resource Index (LRI database on WESTLAW : and LAWREV/LGLIND on LEXIS : - commercial subscription databases). It is also available as Legaltrac on CD-ROM. Most law school subscribers cannot access the versions on WESTLAW or LEXIS unless they subscribe to the CD-ROM or LRI. Updated monthly. There is some debate as to whether all three versions (paper, online, and CD-ROM or the web version) are identical. (2284) EJIL - The European Journal of International Law. Oxford, 1990-. Online contents and full-text articles, see book reviews. Access via (2285) Findlaw : Law and Economics Journal Bibliographies. URL: Indexes eight main scholarly journals in the field of law and economics : content pages by volumes. (2286) Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals: A Subject Index to Selected International and Comparative Law Periodicals and Collections of Essays. Chicago, 1960-. Covers selected legal periodicals on public and private international, comparative, and domestic law of countries other than the U.S., the British Isles, and the British Commonwealth. Also available on CD-ROM from SilverPlatter Information, Inc. Updated quarterly. IFLP is now available on the web through CitaDel ( (2287) Index to Legal Periodicals. New York, 1929-. Contains more than 113,500 citations to articles selected from more than 550 legal periodicals, including yearbooks, journals, and annual reviews. Available on CD-ROM from H.W. Wilson Co. and SilverPlatter Information, Inc. Also available on LEXIS (LAWREV/ILP) and WESTLAW (ILP). Access to the online versions is only available to law school subscribers if they also subscribe to the CD-ROM version of the index. Note that the electronic versions of this index only go back to 1980. (2288) Judit Databank Rechtsdocumentatie CD-ROM. Judit has a bibliographic part with some 100.000 references to articles and other smaller legal texts. Access via the VUB Central Library website : Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 174 Online version is Jur@: the website by Kluwer contains, apart from legislation, also the contents of the CD-ROM Judit. (2289) JURIST - Legal Research - Working Papers. URL: Provides access to recent working papers, law reviews and books (mostly US); see the New Articles and Books page of JURIST's Legal Scholarship section. (2290) Justel. URL: Apart from legislation and case law, the database Justel has an important bibliographic part. It holds 100.000 references about Belgian books and law review articles since 1965. It is a free database, but nevertheless a good way to start a search for articles on Belgian law. This database is limited to articles, so no case law is included. It is a governmental website, but due to inexplicable internal problems at the Ministry of Justice, the name as well as the address of the website are insecure. One can only hope this address will change in the future because is the website of the Belgian supreme court (Cassation), and that court has nothing to do with the legislation of the country. Justel is also available as a CD-ROM since a few years, but not for free, so this CD will probably cease to exist. (2291) Legal Journals Index. Indexes approximately 485 journals from the UK & Europe. Coverage is from 1986 to present. The print versions of this index (Legal Journals Index and European Legal Journals Index) discontinued in 1999. Legal Journals Index (LJI) is also available on WESTLAW. Part of the CLI Service from Sweet & Maxwell ( (2292) Public International Law: A Current Bibliography of Articles. Berlin, 1975-. Lists articles from over 1400 journals and collected works, prepared by the Max Planck Institute. Information about this publication is available on the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law website ( (2293) RAJBi (Recueil Annuel de la Jurisprudence Belge) CD-ROM. The Recueil Annuel de la Jurisprudence Belge used to be a paper index in the form of a yearbook, which has been put on a CD-ROM in 1996 with a new edition every year. Like Jura and Justel, it is a national reporter, but this one focuses a bit more on the Francophone judgments. It has a bibliographic part for journal articles too, but rather limited. Plans exist to make the database available on the Internet, but it might take a while before they realize. (2294) The British Journal of Criminology. Oxford, 1950-. In addition to publishing peer-reviewed articles, The British Journal of Criminology (BJC) contains a substantial book review section and provides a listing of articles and official publications in criminology and related areas. See also 'Books received' section. Online abstracts are available since 1996, full-text articles and book reviews since 1999. Search the volumes through 'Browse the Archive'-function. Access via 4.4.6. genderstudies Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 175 (2295) AUGUST (E.R.). The New Men's Studies: A Selected And Annotated Bibliography. 2nd ed. Englewood, 1994. The New Men's Studies consists of 1049 annotations of books relevant to men's issues in a 16 pitch mirco-type. Books reviewed range to issues from single fatherhood, men in literature, female perpetrated domestic violence to male bonding and the father-son and father-daughter relationship. Consistent with the men's movement's commitment to a balanced examination of gender roles, August also reviews many popular and scholarly misandric books of the feminist movement. Extremely valuable bibliographic work. (2296) AUSTRIAN NATIONAL LIBRARY. Ariadne: Kooperationsstelle fur Frauenspezifische Information und Dokumentation. URL: Ariadne is a German-language bibliographic database of 35,000 records (mainly articles) from the holdings of the Austrian National Library in Vienna. It focuses on Austrian and international women's studies literature. Indexing is with feminist keywords and partly with abstracts. A bi-monthly Newsletter is available which gives an annotated acquisition-list. Help with feminist information retrieval can also be obtained. (2297) BELMONTE (F.R.). Women and health: an annotated bibliography. Lanham, 1997. (2298) BOCK (U.). Thema Frau: Bibliographie der Deutschsprachigen Literatur zur Frauenfrage 1949-1979. Bielefeld, 1980. Lists over 4.000 German works. (2299) BYRNE (P.R.). Women in the Thirld World: a historical bibliography. Santa Barbara, 1986. (2300) CALLENS (M.), LODEWIJCKX (E.), DEVEN (F.). Gender relations, family formation and patterns of work: an annotated bibliography of CBGS research in the nineties. Brussel, 2002. (2301) COLLIN (B.). Bibliographie Frauenforschung über Frauenarbeit in Produktion und Reproduktion, 1979-1984. Bielefeld, 1986. (2302) DECOSTE (F.C.). Feminist legal literature: a selective annotated bibliography. New York, 1991. (2303) DICKSTEIN (R.). An Index to Women's Studies Anthologies: Research across the Disciplines, 1985-1989. Boston, 1996. (2304) GABACCIA (D.). Immigrant women in the United States: a selectively annotated multidisciplinary bibliography. New York, 1989. (2305) GHORAYSHI (P.). Women and work in developing countries: an annotated bibliography. Westport, 1994. This volume provides a comprehensive bibliographic record of books, articles, dissertations, and audiovisual sources on women and work in developing countries. The first chapter of the book provides entries for general works and for works of a theoretical nature, and is divided into sections on the global economy, theoretical considerations, and methodological concerns. Other chapters are devoted to particular geographic areas and include sections on introductory works; the social construction of gender; development policies; work and family issues; women's experience of wage-work; work in rural areas; and the efforts of women to promote change. Each entry is accompanied by a descriptive annotation. The last chapter is on audio-visual resources, and the volume concludes with an appendix of organizations and research institutions. Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 176 (2306) GILBERT (V.F.). Women's studies: a bibliography of dissertations, 1870-1982. Oxford, 1985. (2307) GOTEBORG UNIVERSITY LIBRARY. KVINNSAM: Women's, Men's and Gender Studies. URL:;jsessionid=0E753CC294CEEA4582EBD01F19A5D19A?lang=eng This is a bibliographic reference database produced by the Women's History Collections at Gothenburg University Library, the Swedish National Resource Library for Women's, Men's and Gender Studies. KVINNSAM covers mainly humanities and social sciences and the number of references until 1998 are about 60.000, mainly in English. The database is distributed by LIBRIS Websearch and updated once a month. The references include books, journals, articles, chapters and research reports. In the searchable subject headings index the gender aspect is implicit. The database goes back to 1981. The website also provides general information about the Women's History Collections. Users should note that two interfaces are available to the database - one in swedish and one in english. (2308) GREEN (L.), RAWLINGS (J.). Feminist and Women's Periodicals at Stanford. URL: This bibliography was compiled by Standford University, Academic Information Resources, US in 1997. It lists Standford University libraries' directories, guides and union lists, indexes and abstracts, full text, current awareness, collections on microfilm, historical titles for the U.S.A and Great Britain and Ireland, and comtemporary feminist and women's journals. (2309) HARDING (S.), NORBERG (K.). Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society. Chicago, 1975-. Founded in 1975, Signs is recognized as the leading international journal in women's studies. Signs publishes articles from a wide range of disciplines in a variety of voices-articles engaging gender, race, culture, class, sexuality, and / or nation. The focus of essays ranges from cross-disciplinary theorizing and methodologies to specific disciplinary issues, framed to enter conversations of interest across disciplines. Every issue contains a comprehensive section of book reviews. The available issues of the Signs Electronic Edition begin with Volume 27, number 3 (Spring 2002). Access to full-text articles via (2310) HUBER (K.R.), SPARLING (K.). Women in Japanese society: an annotated bibliography of selected English language materials. Westport, 1992. (2311) IPU. Women in Politics Bibliographic Database. URL: The Women in Politics Bibliographic Database is maintaioned by the Inter-Parliamentary Union and has been developed in association with the United Nations Development Programme. It provides bibliographic references to books, reports and journal articles on all aspects of womens participation on political life worldwide. The main emphasis is upon building up a collection of references to newer materials. The database can be searched by subject keyword. It is also arranged thematically by geographical region, organisation (eg United Nations, European Union) and topic. (2312) JOHNSON (C.), KRUSE (C.). Core Lists in Women's Studies. URL: Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 177 An extensive list of books that relate to women's studies. Basic bibliographic information for each book is given. The list is organised into subject headings such as family, education and health. The lists are compiled by the Women's Studies Section of the Association of College and Research Libraries in the USA and published on the Web by Women's Studies Librarian's Office at the University of Wisconsin. The 2004 Core Lists Updates are in the new Women's Studies Core Books database: (2313) KERNS (K.). Feminist Studies Collections. URL: This site is part of the Stanford University Libraries and Academic Information Resources site. It is divided into three sections - Web links, Stanford resources and Databases. 'Stanford resources' is the most interesting section; it suggests printed encyclopedias, bibliographies, indexes, biographies, as well as statistics, primary sources, other libraries, Internet resources, and other guides as ways to begin research on topics such as women in society, lesbian/gay/bisexual studies, women in history, and women writers. (2314) KIMBALL (M.R.). Muslim women throughout the world: a bibliography. Boulder, 1997. (2315) LOEB (C.). Women's studies: a recommended core bibliography, 1980-1985. Littleton, 1987. Also provides a listing and description of a number of feminist/women's periodicals. (2316) MAMAN (M.). Women in agriculture: a guide to research. New York, 1996. (2317) MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY. H-Women Bibliographies. URL: H-Women is part of H-Net which is an international interdisciplinary organization of scholars and teachers dedicated to developing the enormous educational potential of the Internet and the World Wide Web. Our edited lists and web sites publish peer reviewed essays, multimedia materials, and discussion for colleagues and the interested public. The bibliographies cover Gender, Ethnicity and Class, Feminism, General History, Religion, Sexuality, War, Individuals and Others. (2318) MILLER (C.). Feminist research methods: an annotated bibliography. New York, 1991. This bibliography cites more than 400 English-language sources published between the 1920s and 1990 that explore feminist research tasks, techniques, and approaches. The articles, books, and reports identified here represent work by feminists across a broad range of disciplines from anthropology to science to urban planning (literary criticism, philosophy, education, nursing, and medicine are the noted omissions). The work is organised by subject-oriented chapters. Annotations are informative and readable, their usefulness enhanced by the introductions to each chapter which provide an overview of the annotated sources and outline the consequences of the feminist critique. Subject and author indexes offer additional access. (2319) NATIONAL INFORMATION SERVICES CORPORATION USA. Men's Studies Database. URL: (2320) NISC. Women's Studies International. URL: Database covering the core disciplines in Women's Studies to the latest scholarship in feminist research. Women's Studies International supports curriculum development in the areas of Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 178 sociology, history, political science & economy, public policy, international relations, arts & humanities, business and education. Nearly 800 essential sources include: journals, newspapers, newsletters, bulletins, books, book chapters, proceedings, reports, theses, dissertations, NGO studies, important websites & web documents, and grey literature. Over 2,000 periodical sources (since 1972-) are represented and include ISSNs. Access is, however, not free. The database is also available on CD-ROM. (2321) NOFSINGER (M.). Women, Work, & Gender. URL: Bibliographical database. (2322) NORDQUIST (J.). Feminism and Postmodern Theory: A Bibliography. Santa Cruz, 1996. (2323) NORDQUIST (J.). Feminism worldwide: a bibliography. Santa Cruz, 1996. (2324) NORDQUIST (J.). Violence against women: international aspects: a bibliography. Santa Cruz, 1998. (2325) O'SHEA (K.A.). Female offenders: an annotated bibliography. Westport, 1997. (2326) PURVIS (J.). Studies on Women and Gender Abstracts. Oxfordshire, 1983-. Current title since 2000; continues Studies on Women Abstracts (1983-1999). This is an abstracting journal available in print (published bi-monthly; previously Studies on women abstracts) and online. It offers a good point for literature searching on topics relating to women and gender, as it covers abstracts from many international journals. Abstracts are prepared by an international team of experts, are non-evaluative in form and are accompanied by detailed bibliographical citations. An author and subject index appear in each issue to facilitate the rapid retrieval of relevant information. These are cumulated annually and bound in the final issue of each volume. The online database (Studies on Women & Gender Abstracts Online) comprises abstracts from the journal, dating back to 1995. Abstracts are linked where possible, to either full-text, document delivery and inter-library loan services. The database is only free to institutional subscribers. A 30-day free trial is available to other users, though after that a paid subscription is required. Access via (2327) RADCLIFFE (S.A.), TOWNSEND (J.). Gender in the Third World: a geographical bibliography of recent work. Brighton, 1988. (2328) RIDINGER (R.B.M.). The homosexual and society: an annotated bibliography. New York, 1990. This bibliography pulls together a scattered literature of popular periodical articles, monographs, and sources from the legal press to create a picture of the treatment of the homosexual in both contemporary and past societies. Subject coverage has been limited to eight areas of society in which homophobic attitudes have been frequently expressed: the military, child custody, adoption and foster care, religion, censorship, employment, and police-community relations. Sources cited in this work are those which are most accessible. Annotations expand the scope of entries and are cross-referenced. Both legal and alternative press sources are included for greater scope. (2329) RUTHCHILD (R.G.). Women in Russia and the Soviet Union: an annotated bibliography. New York, 1993. (2330) RYAN (B.). The women's movement: reference and resources. New York, 1996. Comprehensive bibliography for women's studies in the U.S., with sections on first-wave Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 179 feminism, second-wave feminism, women activists, feminist discourse, issues and sources. (2331) SCAIFE (R.). Diotima: Women and Gender in the Ancient World: Bibliography. URL: Exhaustive list of printed bibliographies (monographs and articles) relating to the study of women and gender in the Ancient world. (2332) SCHULT (L.). Women, race, and ethnicity: a bibliography. Madison, 1991. (2333) SHREIR (S.), HARPER (F.J.). Women's movements of the world: an international directory and reference guide. London, 1988. (2334) SOPHIA. Sophia vrouwenstudies / études féministes: Onderzoek en publicaties / Recherches et publications. URL: Since 1995, Sophia indexes Belgian ongoing research and publications in the field of women and gender studies. This bibliographical database is searchable by topic, author or title. In French and Dutch. (2335) STONER (K.L.). Cuban and Cuban-American women: an annotated bibliography. Wilmington, 2000. (2336) SWITALA (K.). Feminist Theory Website. URL: Collection of information intended to encourage research into feminist theory, international dialogue and the generation of new ideas about feminist theory and women's movements. Provides bibliographies of material within various fields of feminism including Anarcha Feminism, Essentialism, Lesbian Studies, Political Theory and Socialist Feminism, along with details of publications addressing different national and ethnic feminisms. Also features biographical information on individual feminists, arranged alphabetically by surname. Information is available in English, French and Spanish. (2337) THOMAS (V.G.). African American women: an annotated bibliography. Westport, 2001. (2338) TONNELLA (K.). Reviews of Feminist Theory Books. URL: This webpage is part of the Women's Studies Resources website compiled by Karla Tonnella, University of Iowa. It contains an exhaustive list of links to online reviews of books in the field of feminist theory. (2339) UNITED NATIONS. Women: a selective bibliography, 1988-1999. New York, 2000. (2340) UNIVERSITAT KOLN. gender Inn: Women's and Gender Studies Database. URL: This searchable database provides bibliographic records for more than 7.500 items, including feminist criticism on English and American literature and related material on pedagogy, sociology, history, and psychology. The site's most useful service is its indexing of monographs and essay collections - up to 20 keywords per document. In English and German. gender Inn is continually updated. (2341) UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND. Women's Studies Database: bibliographies. Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 180 URL: (2342) UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO. Resources for Feminist Research/Documentation sur la recherche féministe. Toronto, 1972-. This is a bilingual (English/French) Canadian scholarly journal, published since 1972, at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto. Resources for Feminist Research/Documentation sur la recherche féministe addresses both Canadian and international feminist research issues and debates. Four issues are published each year (Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter): two are devoted to interdisciplinary works, one to a particular theme in Women's Studies, and one to an annual book review. Each issue contains bibliographies, book reviews, abstracts, and announcements of calls for papers and events. Available on the Web site itself are abstracts and tables of contents from back issues; ordering and subscription information; related Internet resources, journals and women's resources: (2343) UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN SYSTEM WOMEN'S STUDIES LIBRARIAN. Feminist Collections: A Quarterly of Women's Studies Resources. Madison, 1988-. Feminist Collections: A Quarterly of Women's Studies Resources, published by the University of Wisconsin System Women's Studies Librarian, contains news of the latest print and audiovisual resources for research and teaching in women's studies. Thoughtful articles by experts explore women's publishing, Internet resources, library organization, archives, and other tools for feminist scholarship. New periodicals and special issues of journals in other disciplines are announced in each issue. The website of this journal includes a table of contents for past and current issues, along with several full-text articles and reviews from each issue. There is an extensive section of World Wide Web reviews (of women's studies websites), which include links to the sites mentioned. The website's address: (2344) UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN SYSTEM WOMEN'S STUDIES LIBRARIAN. Wisconsin bibliographies in women's studies. URL: This web page provides exhaustive lists of bibliographies of monographs and scholarly articles in women's studies. This series of bibliographies is published by the University of Wisconsin System Women's Studies Librarian's Office. The bibliographies have been prepared by librarians, women's studies faculty members, graduate students in library and information studies, staff members of the Women's Studies Librarian's Office, and others. In addition to the bibliographies available electronically here, there are older bibliographies available in print versions only. (2345) VAN DEN HOMBERGH (H.). Gender, environment and development: a guide to the literature. Utrecht, 1993. (2346) WATSON (G.L.). Feminism and women's issues: an annotated bibliography and research guide. 2 v. New York, 1990. (2347) WHEELER (H.R.). Women & aging: a guide to the literature. Boulder, 1997. (2348) WILLIAMS (W.L.). The International Gay & Lesbian Review (IGLR). 1997-. URL: The purpose of this online journal is to provide as many abstracts and reviews as possible of books that relate to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgendered Studies. Selected unpublished Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 181 Ph.D. dissertations and MA theses may also be included. The website provides access to full-text reviews and is searchable by keyword, by author or by title. (2349) European Journal of Women's Studies. 1994-. The European Journal of Women's Studies is published quarterly by Sage Publication with the support of WISE (The European Women's Studies Association). As well as publishing articles, the journal includes overviews on the state of Women's Studies in different European countries, short topical and polemical pieces, reviews and conference reports. The Web site provides information about its special issues, review its has received, a list of what publications abstract and index its articles, and its international editorial board. The journal is electronically available to print subscribers: (2350) Lover : driemaandelijks literatuuroverzicht voor de vrouwenbeweging. Nijmegen, 1974-. (2351) Women and Social Movements in the United States, 1600 to 2000. URL: (2352) Women Studies Abstracts. New York, 1972-. A quarterly publication that indexes feminist and scholarly books and periodicals, and contains abstracts. The entries are classified under broad subject headings. Book review listings and special essays are included. Also available online in Women's Studies International, a subscription database of NISC, which is also available on CD-ROM. The majority of citations in this database are to scholarly women's studies journals and women's studies materials, including citations to books and audiovisual material. Some material dates from 1972, the bulk from 1984 to present. Women's Studies Abstracts contributes more than 75,330 records. Approximately 3,000 abstracts of core literature are added per year. (2353) Women's Studies Index 1989-. 1991-. Indexes a wide range of periodicals. Electronic equivalent is the online subscription database Women's Studies on Disc. This database provides access to bibliographic citations dealing with women's studies and issues from more than 120 popular magazines and scholarly journals. Focus is on United States publications, although other areas are included. Coverage is 1989 to the present. 5. CONCRETE INFORMATIE. Die vind ik dank zij repertoria 5.1. over begrippen 5.1.1. zonder beperking van wetenschapsdomein algemeen (2354) CRYSTAL (D.), ed. The Cambridge encyclopedia. Cambridge, 1997. (2355) LAGASSE (P.). The Columbia encyclopedia. New York, 1997. (2356) Britannica Online. URL: (2357) Cambridge International Dictionary Online. Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 182 URL: (2358) Encarta. URL: (2359) Encyclopedia Universalis. URL: (2360) Grolier's Multimedia Encyclopedia Online. URL: (2361) Logos. URL: (2362) Merriam Webster Online. URL: (2363) Meyers Lexicon. URL: (2364) The Concise Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia. URL: (2365) Wikipedia. URL: per geografische omschrijving (2366) BALANDIER (G.), MAQUET (J.). Dictionary of Black African civilization. Secaucus, 1974. (2367) BEARMAN (P.J.). The encyclopedia of Islam. Leiden, 1994. (2368) BOWRING (R.), KORNICKI (P.). The Cambridge encyclopedia of Japan. New York, 1993. (2369) BRADLEY (C.), RASSAM (A.), LEVINSON (D.), MIDDLETON (J.). Encyclopedia of world cultures. Boston, 1994-1996. (2370) BRIEL (H.), ed. German culture and society. The essential glossary. London, 2002. (2371) BUCKLEY (S.). Encyclopedia of modern Japanese culture. London, 2002. (2372) COLLIER (S.), SKIDMORE (T.E.), BLAKEMORE (H.). The Cambridge encyclopedia of Latin America and the Caribbean. Cambridge, 1992. (2373) DILIP (H.). Dictionary of the Middle East. New York, 1996. The Dictionary of the Middle East provides biographical information on individuals and factual material on the countries and most important cities and territories of the region, as well as on its geo-political, cultural, historical, military and socio-economic aspects. Only those personalities who made an impact on the politics, military, religion or literature of a country or the region as a whole around the turn of the 20th century and later are included. The entries are arranged alphabetically and include cross-references. Maps and an alphabetical index are also included. (2374) ESPOSITO (J.L.), ed. Oxford Encyclopedia of the Modern Islamic World. Oxford, 2001. (2375) FRANZ (N.) (Hrsg.). Lexikon der russischen Kultur. Darmstadt, 2002. (2376) HIRO (D.). Dictionary of the Middle East. New York, 1996. Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 183 (2377) HOOK (B.), TWITCHETT (D.C.). The Cambridge encyclopedia of China. Cambridge, 1991. (2378) LEVINSON (D.), CHRISTENSEN (K.), eds. Encyclopedia of modern Asia. New York, 2002. (2379) MIDDLETON (J.). Encyclopedia of Africa south of the Sahara. New York, 1997. (2380) NUNEZ (B.). Dictionary of Afro-Latin American civilization. Westport, 1980. (2381) SIMON (R.S.), MATTAR (P.), BULLIET (R.W.), eds. Encyclopedia of the modern Middle East. New York, 1996. (2382) The Encyclopedia Americana. Danbury, 1996. (2383) The Encyclopedia Americana: international edition. Danbury, 1997. 5.1.2. per wetenschapsdomein geschiedenis algemeen (2384) AUCHTER (D.). Dictionary of Historical Allusions and Eponyms. Santa Barbara, 1998. This reference work contains short definitions and etymology for roughly 600 allusions and eponyms. Each entry includes bibliographical references. A subject index is included. (2385) BELCHEM (J.), PRICE (R.), eds. A Dictionary of Nineteenth-Century World History. Oxford, 1994. The dictionary provides a quick reference to some of the most common themes, events and personalities of the period between 1800 and 1900. Along with the political, diplomatic, military, social and economic history, this reference work provides overviews of the artistic and cultural history of the nineteenth century. The entries are arranged alphabetically, provide the author's name, and some include suggested readings and cross-references. A chronology for the most relevant political, cultural and economic events, maps and an alphabetical index facilitate research. (2386) BLACK (J.). A Dictionary of Eighteenth-Century World History. Oxford, 1994. The dictionary presents the most important historical events of the nineteenth century worldwide, with emphasis on Europe between 1690 and 1815, and a strong focus on political and philosophical subjects. Articles include the authors' names and bibliographical references. The dictionary also includes a bibliography, chronology, maps and dynasties of eighteenth-century political leaders. (2387) BOUDET (J.). Les mots de l'histoire. Dictionnaire historique des événements, moeurs, mentalités, opinions et paroles mémorables de tous les temps et de tous les pays. Paris, 1990. (2388) BRUNNER (O.), ed. Geschichtliche Grundbegriffe. Stuttgart, 1979. (2389) BURGUIERE (A.). Dictionnaire des sciences historiques. Paris, 1986. (2390) CARLISLE (R.P.). Encyclopedia of the atomic age. New York, 2001. (2391) CARPER (N.G.), CARPER (J.). The meaning of history. A dictionary of quotations. New York, 1991. (2392) COOK (C.). Macmillan Dictionary of Historical Terms. Houndmills, 1990. Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 184 This reference work lists terms that are frequently used by history students and researchers. It includes technical terms (mostly from the Middle Ages, e.g. 'manumission'), foreign words that have become part of the historical vocabulary (e.g. 'Risorgimento' or 'kibbutz'), or recent terms that are not yet used in traditional historical reference works. The entries are short and ordered alphabetically. Most include the term's etymology, but do not contain bibliographical references. (2393) COOK (C.), STEVENSON (J.). Longman Handbook of the Modern WorldInternational History and Politics since 1945. London, 1999. (2394) DREXEL (J.), ed. The facts on file encyclopedia of the 20th century. New York, 1991. (2395) FUCHS (K.). DTV Wörterbuch zur Geschichte. München, 1987. (2396) FUCHS (K.), RAAB (H.). Wörterbuch zur Geschichte. München, 1980. (2397) GROSSMAN (M.). Encyclopedia of the interwar years. New York, 2000. (2398) HABERKERN (E.). Hilfswörterbuch für Historiker. Bern, 1974. (2399) HENDERSON (A.K.), BAKER (L.W.). Worldmark encyclopedia of the nations. New York, 1997. (2400) HOWAT (T.M.D.), ed. Dictionary of World History. London, 1973. (2401) MINIHAN (J.). Miniature Empires. A Historical Dictionary of the Newly Independent States. Westport, 1998. (2402) MOURRE (M.). Dictionnaire encyclopédique d'histoire. Paris, 1996. A very broadly conceived reference work in five volumes provides some 20,000 entries on facts, actors and places concerning history in a global perspective. Moreover, ca. 1000 articles provide greater depth on a number of issues concerning concepts, periods and historical objects. Non-European cultures were included as independent entities, i.e. no longer in relation to Western countries. The reference work provides information from different perspectives, such as political, economic, social, technological, ideological and key events. About 25% of the work is dedicated to the history of France. (2403) OLSON (J.S.), ed. Historical Dictionary of European Imperialism. New York, 1991. This dictionary provides a ready reference tool for students and scholars. It focuses on the Spanish, Portuguese, British, Dutch, French, German, Belgian and Italian empires from the late fifteenth until the twentieth century, and provides short but informative data on a variety of topics: colonies, prominent individuals, legislation, (revolutionary) wars, technology and treaties. The entries are arranged alphabetically and most provide the author's name, suggested readings and cross-references. Research is also facilitated by an alphabetical index and three appendices, which provide a guide to contemporary languages in former colonial areas, a chronology of European imperialism, and a table of island systems in the world. (2404) PALMER (A.W.). Dictionary of Modern History, 1789-1945.1977. (2405) PALMER (A.W.). Dictionary of Twentieth Century History, 1900-1982.1983. (2406) PALMER (A.W.). Penguin Dictionary of Modern History, 1789-1945. Harmondsworth, 1986. (2407) PALMOWSKI (J.). Dictionary of Contemporary World History From 1900 to the Present Day. Oxford, 2003. (2408) PALMOWSKI (J.). Dictionary of Twentieth Century World History. Oxford, 1997. Intended for students in history and political science, this work proposes a global scope. Persons and events are emphasised, but attention has also been paid to concepts, tendencies, Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 185 organisations and religion. (2409) RITTER (H.). Dictionary of Concepts in History. New York, 1986. Only some basic concepts in historical writing were included in this dictionary. Information is provided on tendencies, ideas and ideologies. Each entry includes bibliographical references. (2410) RITTER (H.). Dictionary of concepts in history. New York, 1986. (2411) TAYLOR (A.), ed. Dictionary of World History. London, 1973. (2412) TEED (P.). A dictionary of twentieth century history, 1914-1990. Oxford, 1992. . (2413) TOWNSON (D.). New Penguin Dictionary of Modern History, 1789-1945. Harmondsworth, 1994. (2414) VALLAUD (D.). Dictionnaire historique. Paris, 1995. (2415) WOOLF (D.R.). A Global Encyclopedia of Historical Writing. New York, 1998. (2416) BBC - History. URL: (2417) Historia Siglo 20. El sitio web de la historia del siglo 20. URL: (2418) The Cassell Atlas of World History. Oxford, 1997. (2419) BERENGER (J.). Lexique historique de l'Europe Danubienne, XVIeme à XXeme siècle. Paris, 1976. (2420) BLACKWELL (P.). A History of Latin America. Oxford, 1997. (2421) BLAIR (A.). The Longman Companion to the European Union since 1945. London, 1999. (2422) BOSSUET (G.), GERBET (P.), GROSBOIS (T.), eds. Dictionnaire historique de l'unité européenne. Bruxelles, 2002. (2423) CHAMBERLAIN (M.E.). Longman Companion to European Decolonisation in the Twentieth Century. London, 1998. (2424) CHAMBERLAIN (M.E.). Longman Companion to the Formation of the European Empires, 1488-1920. London, 2001. (2425) CHANDLER (D.), ed. A Traveller's Guide to the Battlefields of Europe, from the Siege of Troy to the Second World War. Wellinborn, 1989. (2426) COOK (C.). European Political Facts, 1848-1918. London, 1978. (2427) COOK (C.). European Political Facts, 1918-1990. Houndmills, 1992. (2428) COOK (C.). Longman Handbook of Modern European History 1763-1997. London, 1998. (2429) COOK (C.), BROADHEAD (P.). The Longman Handbook of Early Modern Europe. London, 2001. (2430) COOK (C.), PAXTON (J.), eds. European Political Facts of the Twentieth Century. Houndmills, 2001. (2431) COOK (C.), STEVENSON (J.). Longman Handbook of Modern European History 1763-1997. Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 186 London, 1998. (2432) COOKE (J.E.), ed. Encyclopedia of the North American Colonies. New York, 1993. (2433) CRAIG (R.D.), KING (F.P.). Historical dictionary of Oceania. Westport, 1981. (2434) DAVIS (M.B.). Native America in the twentieth century: an encyclopedia. New York, 1994. (2435) DINAN (D.). Encyclopedia of the European Union. Houndmills: Macmillan, 1998. (2436) EMBREE (A.T.). The encyclopedia of Asian history. New York, 1988. (2437) EMSLEY (C.). The Longman Companion to Napoleonic Europe. London, 1993. This reference work provides concise information on Napoleonic Europe. It consists of fourteen sections providing chronologies of important events and processes, lists of European and US rulers and governments, details of the departments of Napoleon's empire, information on the economic and military potential of the leading powers, biographies of prominent figures of the period, notes on (among others) battles, coalitions and treaties, a glossary of terms, a bibliography (annotated and arranged by topic), maps and genealogical tables. A practical guide for students and other interested readers. (2438) FARAGHER (J.M.). Encyclopedia of Colonial and Revolutionary America. New York, 1990. (2439) FARAGHER (J.M.), ed. Encyclopedia of Colonial and Revolutionary America. New York, 1990. (2440) FLETCHER (S.). The Longman Companion to Renaissance Europe 1390-1530. London, 1999. (2441) FLORINSKY (M.), ed. McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Russia and the Soviet Union. New York, 1961. (2442) FRUCHT (R.), ed. Encyclopedia of Eastern Europe: From the Congress of Vienna to the Fall of Communism. London, 2000. This encyclopaedia provides seven extensive articles on the East-European countries concerned. Entries concerning geography, history, government, economy, culture and ideas are included. The focus is on biographies and political aspects. Bibliographical references are included. (2443) HELD (J.). Dictionary of East European history since 1945. Westport, 1994. (2444) HUPCHICK (D.P.). Concise Historical Atlas of Eastern Europe. Houndmills, 1997. (2445) LEACH (R.). Europe: a concise encyclopedia of the European Union from Aachen to Zollverein. London, 1998. (2446) MORSY (M.). Lexique du monde arabe moderne. Paris, 1986. (2447) ODO (F.). Columbia Documentary History of the Asian American History. New York, 2002. (2448) OLIVER (R.), CROWDER (M.), eds. Cambridge Encyclopedia of Africa. Cambridge, 1981. (2449) OLIVER (R.), CROWDER (M.), eds. Cambridge Encyclopedia of the Middle East and North Africa. Cambridge, 1988. (2450) OVENDALE (R.). Longman Companion to the Middle East since 1914. London, 1998. (2451) PAGE (W.F.). Encyclopedia of African history and culture. New York, 2002. (2452) POLLEY (M.). A-Z of modern Europe since 1789. London, 2000. With over 400 entries, this introductory work focuses on important events and personalities in contemporary European history, in particular political and military persons, events, concepts Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 187 and movements, though information is also provided on some social and economic issues. The limited extent of the work implies a narrow focus. The entries are cross-referenced and preceded by a very short bibliography. Six maps clarify the geopolitical organisation of Europe. (2453) PRITZKER (B.M.). Native Americans: An Encyclopedia of History, Culture, and Peoples, Vols1-2. Santa Barbara, 1998. (2454) ROBINSON (F.), ed. The Cambridge Encyclopedia of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bhutan and the Maldives. Cambridge, 1989. Information on the nations listed in the title is provided through thematic chapters. These concern the country, its people and history, political aspects, foreign affairs, the economy, religion, society and culture. (2455) SALZMAN (J.), SMITH (D.L.), WEST (C.). The encyclopedia of African-American culture and history. New York, 1996. (2456) SOURDEL (D. & J.). Dictionnaire historique de l'Islam. Paris, 1996. (2457) TENENBAUM (B.A.), DORN (G.M.). Encyclopedia of Latin American history and culture. New York, 1996. (2458) URWIN (D.). Dictionary of European History and Politics Since 1945. London, 1996. Divided into four sections, this work provides information on events, territories, organisations and persons in European history and politics since 1945. The main selection criterium for entries was their impact on the national and international level, so the main focus is on the Great Powers. (2459) WIECZYNSKI (J.L.). The modern encyclopedia of Russian and Soviet history. Gulf Breeze, 1976-2003. This comprehensive reference work treats Russian and Soviet history. The ambitious project consists of over 60 volumes dealing with the political, socio-economic, cultural, religious and military aspects of Russian history. It focuses on major facts and events, as well as on personalities and institutions. The articles vary in length from a few lines to several pages. Though other periods are treated, the focus is on contemporary history. Provides bibliographical references per entry. (2460) The European communities encyclopedia and directory 1992. London, 1991. (2461) The European Union Encyclopedia and directory 1996. London, 1996. (2462) ADAMS (J.), ed. Dictionary of American History. New York, 1940-1963. (2463) ANDREWS (W.), ed. Concise Dictionary of American History. New York, 1962. (2464) ARNOLD-BAKER (C.). Companion to British History. London, 2002. (2465) BEDURFTIG (F.). Lexikon III. Reich. Hamburg, 1994. (2466) BEHNEN (M.). Lexikon der deutschen Geschichte 1945-1990. Stuttgart, 2002. (2467) BERSTEIN (G.), BERSTEIN (S.). Dictionnaire historique de la France contemporaine. Bruxelles, 1995. (2468) BOYER (P.S.), ed. Oxford Companion to United States History. Oxford, 2001. (2469) BROWN (A) et al., eds. The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Russia and the Former Soviet Union. Cambridge, 1994. Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 188 (2470) BUHLE (M.J.), e.a. Encyclopedia of the American left. New York, 1990. (2471) BUSE (D.K.), DOERR (J.C.), eds. Modern Germany. An encyclopedia of history, people and culture, 1871-1990. New York, 1998. (2472) BUTLER (D.), BUTLER (G.). British Political Facts, 1900-1994. Houndmills, 1994. (2473) CANNON (J.), ed. Oxford Companion to British History. Oxford, 2002. (2474) CANNON (J.), HARGREAVES (A.), eds. Dictionary of British History. Oxford, 2002. (2475) COINTET (M.), COINTET (J.P.). Dictionnaire historique de la France sous l'occupation. Paris, 2000. (2476) COMMAGER (H.S.), MORRIS (R.B.), eds. Encyclopedia of American History. New York, 1965. (2477) CONNELLY (O.), ed. Historical Dictionary of Napoleonic France, 1799-1815. Westport, 1985. (2478) CONZE (W.), HENTSCHEL (V.), eds. Ploetz Deutsche Geschichte. Freiburg, 1998. (2479) COOK (C), STEVENSON (J.). The Longman Handbook of Modern British History 1714-1987. London, 1988. This reference work provides, in seven chapters, concise information on political, social, religious and economic history, foreign affairs and defence. The last three chapters provide (short) biographies of the most eminent British personalities, a glossary of terms and a topical bibliography. It is a condensed work detailing British history from the year 1714 to present day, and is useful to teachers and students researching this period. The alphabetical index is a useful search tool. (2480) COOK (C.). Longman Companion to Britain in the Nineteenth Century 1815-1914. London, 1999. (2481) COOK (C.), STEVENSON (J.). The Longman Companion to Britain since 1945. London, 2000. (2482) COOK (C.), STEVENSON (J.). The Longman Handbook to Modern British History 1714-2000. London, 2001. (2483) COOK (C.), WALLER (D.). Longman Handbook of Modern American History, 1763-1996. London, 1997. (2484) CUNLIFFE (B.),, eds. Penguin Atlas of British and Irish History. New York, 2002. (2485) DECAUX (A.). Dictionnaire d'Histoire de France. Paris, 1988. (2486) DELFORGE (P.), e.a.,eds. Encyclopédie du Mouvement Wallon. Charleroi, 2000-2001. (2487) DUCHAK (A.). A-Z of Modern America. London, 1999. (2488) ECHARD (W.E.), ed. Historical Dictionary of the French Second Empire 1852-1870. London, 1985. (2489) FARAGHER (J.M.), ed. American Heritage Encyclopedia of American History. New York, 1998. (2490) FINDLING (J.E.). Dictionary of American diplomatic history. New York, 1989. (2491) FONER (E.), ed. The Reader's Companion to American History. Boston, 1991. (2492) FURET (F.), ed. Dictionnaire critique de la Révolution francaise. Paris, 1992. The dictionary is thematically divided by actors, institutions and ideas with each chapter further divided by subthemes. Bibliographical references are included at the end of each theme. The final chapter includes a thematic interpretation and historiographical discussion of leaders and Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 189 historians. (2493) GASCOIGNE (B.). Encyclopedia of Britain. Basingstoke, 1993. (2494) GREENE (J.P.). Encyclopedia of American political history. Studies of the principal movements and ideas. New York, 1984. (2495) GREENE (J.P.), POLE (J.R.). The Blackwell Encyclopedia of the American Revolution. Oxford, 1991. (2496) GREGORY (J.). The Longman Companion to Britain in the Eighteenth Century 1688-1820. London, 2000. (2497) HAIGH (C.). Cambridge Historical Encyclopedia of Great Britain and Ireland. Cambridge, 1993. (2498) HASQUIN (H.). Dictionnaire d'histoire de Belgique. 20 siècles d'institutions. Les hommes, les faits. Bruxelles, 1988. (2499) HOUSTON (R.A.), KNOX (W.W.J.), eds. New Penguin History of Scotland: From the Earliest Times to the Present Day. London, 2002. (2500) HUFFMAN (J.L.). Modern Japan. An encyclopedia of history, culture and nationalism. New York, 1998. (2501) HUGHES (A.), READER (K.), eds. Encyclopedia of contemporary French culture. London, 1998. (2502) HUTTON (P.H.), e.a. Historical dictionary of the Third French Republic, 1870-1940. London, 1986. (2503) IWAO (S.), IYANAGA (T.), ISHII (S.), eds. Dictionnaire historique du Japon. Paris, 2002. (2504) JENTLESON (B.W.), PATERSON (T.G.), RIZOPOULOS (N.X.). Encyclopedia of US foreign relations. New York, 1997. (2505) JOHNSON (T.H.). Oxford Companion to American History. New York, 1966. (2506) KESSEL (W.B.), WOOSTER (R.), eds. Encyclopedia of native American wars and warfare. New York, 2003. (2507) KE-WEN (W.), ed. Modern China. An encyclopedia of history, culture and nationalism. New York, 1998. (2508) KOBLER (G.). Historisches Lexikon der deutschen Länder. Darmstadt, 1999. (2509) KRAVITZ (W.). Congressional Quarterly's American congressional dictionary. Washington, 1993. (2510) KUTLER (S.). Encyclopedia of the United States in the twentieth century. New York, 1996. (2511) LAPIDGE (M.), ed. The Blackwell encyclopedia of Anglo-Saxon England. Malden, 1999. (2512) LEVENTHAL (F.M.). Twentieth-century Britain: an encyclopedia. New York, 1995. (2513) LONGLEY (D.). The Longman Companion to Imperial Russia, 1689-1917. London, 2000. (2514) McCAULEY (M.). The Longman Companion to Russia Since 1914. London, 1998. (2515) MILLAR (J.R.), ed. Encyclopedia of Russian history. New York, 2004. (2516) MORRIS (R.B.), MORRIS (J.B.). Encyclopedia of American History. New York, 1982. The encyclopaedia of American history covers the history of the United States from the pre-Columbian era through the first year of Ronald Reagan's presidency. It includes entries on Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 190 politics, government, culture, economy, science and technology. The encyclopaedia is divided in four chapters. First, a basic chronology is provided for the most important political and military events since the voyages of discovery. Recent perspectives on internal and external factors are included. Furthermore, the topical chronology places emphasis on the arts, science, literature, religion, economy, etc., and these are divided by subcategories. Finally, the third part of the encyclopaedia provides biographical information on 500 major historical figures. Lists of governments and ministers, information on the Supreme Court, political parties and full texts of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence are included. (2517) MURRAY (C.J.), ed. Encyclopedia of modern French thought. New York, 2004. (2518) NASH (G.B), ed. Encyclopedia of American history. New York, 2002. (2519) NEWMAN (E.L.), SIMPSON (R.L.), eds. Historical Dictionary of France from the 1815 Restoration to the Second Empire. London, 1987. Broken into 2 volumes, this specialised reference work focuses on French history from 1815 until the Second Empire. This work covers a broad scope of issues from varied societal themes like child labour and population statistics, to the political, biographical, economic (railroads, banking, etc.), cultural and key events of the period. Special attention is also given to movements within each of these themes. (2520) NORTHCUTT (W.), ed. Historical Dictionary of the French Fourth and Fifth Republics, 1946-1990. New York, 1992. (2521) OLSON (J.). Dictionary of United States Economic History. Westport, 1992. The dictionary of US economic history features basic information on the topic and lists some 1300 entries on persons, laws, institutions and organisations, including concepts and historical events. The focus is on the United States. In annex, a chronology of the economic history of the US from 1492-1991 is given, though only the most important events were included. The work focuses mainly on the 19th and 20th century, though some entries cover earlier years as well. A select bibliography per entry as well as cross-references is included. (2522) OLSON (J.). Historical Dictionary of the British Empire. Westport, 1996. (2523) PAK-WEH (E.), ed. Historical Dictionary of Revolutionary China, 1839-1976. London, 1992. (2524) PAXTON (J.). Companion to Russian History. New York, 1985. (2525) PAXTON (J.). Encyclopedia of Russian History. From the Christianization of Kiev to the Break-up of the USSR. Santa Barbara, 1993. This general reference work centres on the Russian Empire from the 10th century to 1991 and is characterized by biographical information and a focus on geographical terms and places. Over 2,500 entries list information on persons, places, and both geographical and period terminology. Select bibliographical reference is provided. (2526) PAXTON (J.). Imperial Russia. A Reference Handbook. Houndmills, 2000. (2527) PERKINS (D.). Encylcopedia of China. The essential reference to China, its history and culture. New York, 2000. (2528) PURVIS (T.), ed. A Dictionary of American History. Oxford, 1997. (2529) QUEEN (E.L.), PROTHERO (S.R.), SHATTUCK (G.H.). Encyclopedia of American religious history. New York, 2002. (2530) RAMSDEN (J.). Oxford Companion to 20th-Century British Politics. Oxford, 2002. Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 191 (2531) ROBINSON (R.), ed. United States Business History, 1602-1988. New York, 1990. (2532) ROESSLER (H.), ed. Sachwörterbuch zur deutschen Geschichte. München, 1958. (2533) SANDFORD (J.), ed. Encyclopedia of contemporary German culture. London, 1999. (2534) SCHMIDT (B.), e.a. Frankreich-Lexikon. Schlüsselbegriffe zu Wirtschaft, Gesellschaft, Politik, Geschichte, Kultur, Presse- und Bildungswesen. Berlin, 1981. (2535) SHAW (W.), PRYCE (D.). Encyclopedia of the USSR: 1905 to the present - Lenin to Gorbachev. London, 1990. (2536) SHELLEY (T.J.), GLAZIER (M.). The encyclopedia of American catholic history. Collegeville, 1997. (2537) SHUKMAN (H.), ed. The Blackwell encyclopedia of the Russian Revolution. Oxford, 1988. (2538) SIRINELLI (J.F.), ed. Dictionnaire historique de la vie politique française au XXe siècle. Paris, 2003. (2539) STEINBERG (S.H.), ed. Steinberg's Dictionary of British History. London, 1970. (2540) TADDEY (G.). Lexikon der deutschen Geschichte bis 1945. Stuttgart, 1998. (2541) TORKE (H.J.), ed. Historisches Lexikon der Sowjetunion, 1917/22-1991. München, 1997. (2542) TORKE (H.J.), ed. Lexikon der Geschichte Russlands, Von den Anfängen zur Oktoberrevolution. München, 1985. (2543) VERNADSKY (G.), ed. Dictionary of Russian Historical Terms from the 11th Century to 1917. New Haven, 1970. (2544) VINCENT (C.P.). A historical dictionary of Germany's Weimar Republic, 1918-1933. Westport, 1997. (2545) VOLMULLER (H.W.J.). Nijhoffs geschiedenislexicon Nederland en België. Den Haag, 1981. (2546) WEBB (A.). Longman Companion to Germany Since 1945. London, 1999. (2547) WEIGALL (D.). Britain & the world 1815-1986. A dictionary of international relations. London, 1987. (2548) WOOLRYCH (A.). Britain in Revolution. Oxford, 2002. (2549) ZENTNER (C.), BEDÜRFTIG (F.), HACKETT (A.), eds. Grosse Lexikon des Dritten Reiches. The encyclopedia of the Third Reich. New York, 1997. (2550) Dictionary of American History. New York, 1976-1978. (2551) Beyond the Pale: The History of Jews in Russia. URL: (2552) Bucknell Russian Studies Department. URL: (2553) Czars Lobby. URL: (2554) Encyclopedie van de Vlaamse Beweging. Tielt, 1998. (2555) Face of Russia. URL: Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 192 (2556) History & Culture of Russia. URL: (2557) History of the Russian Navy. URL: (2558) Illustrated History of Russia and the Former USSR. URL: (2559) Liberty, Equality & Fraternity - Exploring the French Revolution. URL: (2560) Napoleon. URL: (2561) Napoleon. URL: (2562) Nazi and GDR Propaganda. URL: (2563) Russia.Net History. URL: (2564) Russian History. URL: (2565) Russian Revolution. URL: (2566) Soviet History. URL: thematisch (2568) ARMS (T.S.). Encyclopedia of the Cold War. New York, 1994. The theme of this reference work is warfare with special focus given to the sub-theme of ground warfare. It deals not only with wars and major figures, but also with military concepts, political and gender issues, and other important aspects of warfare. It provides information for the years 1700 to 2000 with a focus on Europe and North America. The articles vary from short (a few lines) to lengthy (several pages). Several maps are included, and the work is cross-referenced with bibliographical references per entry. (2569) AXELROD (A.), PHILLIPS (C.L.). Encyclopedia of historical treaties and alliances. Chicago, 2001. (2570) BENZ (W.), PEHLE (W.H.), eds. Lexikon des deutschen Widerstandes. Frankfurt, 1999. (2571) BERSTEIN (S.), MILZA (P.), BURUCOA-BRUANDET (C.). Dictionnaire historique des fascismes et du nazisme. Bruxelles, 1992. (2572) BIARD (R.). Dictionnaire de l'extrême-gauche de 1945 à nos jours. Paris, 1978. This alphabetically arranged reference work provides - in more than 250 entries - concise and Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 193 clear information on extreme-left groups, organisations and journals, and interesting perspectives on the main ideological movements of the extreme-left such as anarchism, Maoism and Trotskyism. The main entries include bibliographical references and cross references to other entries in the dictionary. (2573) BRECHER (M.), WILKENFELD (J.), MOSER (S.). Crises in the twentieth century. Handbook of internationcal crises. Oxford, 1988. (2574) BRUCE (A.), COGAR (W.). An encyclopedia of naval history. Chicago, 1998. (2575) BUHLE (M.J.), BUHLE (P.), GEORGAKAS (D.). Encyclopedia of the American Left. Oxford, 1998. (2576) BYNUM (W.F.), PORTER (R.). Companion Encyclopedia of the history of medecine. London, 1993. (2577) CAYTON (M.K.), GORN (E.J.), WILLIAMS (P.W.). Encyclopedia of American social history. New York, 1993. (2578) CHANDLER (D.). Dictionary of the Napoleonic Wars. Ware, 1999. (2579) CHARNY (I.W.). Encyclopedia of genocide. Santa-Barbara, 1999. (2580) COLE (R.). The encyclopedia of propaganda. London, 1998. (2581) CORDELLIER (S.). Le dictionnaire historique et géopolitique du 20e siècle. Paris, 2003. (2582) CORVISIER (A.). Dictionnaire d'art et d'histoire militaires. Paris, 1988. (2583) CORVISIER (A.), ed. A dictionary of military history. Oxford, 1994. Situated in the new military history-tendency, this work focuses on the relations between army and society. Information is listed on people, military themes and key events, with special attention placed on social issues. Broad conceptual entries compose this standard work. (2584) CULL (N.J.), CULBERT (D.), WELCH (D.). Propaganda and mass persuasion. A historical Encyclopedia, 1500 to the present. Santa-Barbara, 2003. (2585) DAVIES (P.). The Routledge Companion to Fascism and the Far Right. London, 2000. (2586) DAVIS (P.K.). Encyclopedia of Invasions and Conquests from Ancient Times to the Present. Santa Barbara, 1997. (2587) DEAR (I.), FOOT (M.R.D.), eds. Oxford Companion to World War II. Oxford, 2001. (2588) DUPUY (R.), DUPUY (T.N.), eds. The Encyclopedia of Military History, from 3500 BC to the Present. London, 1977. (2589) DUPUY (R.E.). The Encyclopedia of Military History. New York, 1986. (2590) DUPUY (T.N.). International military and defense encyclopedia. Washington, 1993. (2591) ENSMINGER (A.H.), ENSMINGER (M.E.), KONLANDE (J.E.), eds. Foods and nutrition. Encyclopedia. Boca Raton, 1994. (2592) FERAL (T.). Le national-socialisme: vocabulaire et chronologie. Paris, 1998. (2593) FINSCHER (L.), ed. Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart. Stuttgart, 1994-. (2594) FRICKE (D.), e.a. Lexikon zur Parteiengeschichte. Die bürgerlichen und kleinbürgerlichen Parteien und Verbände in Deutschland 1789-1945. Leipzig, 1983-1986. (2595) GUTMAN (I.). Encyclopedia of the Holocaust. New York, 1990. Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 194 Nearly a thousand entries deal with various aspects of the Holocaust. Geographical terms, biographies of key characters and information on key concepts and ideas are provided. Attention is also given to the post-war impact of the Holocaust on society. (2596) HARMER (H.). Longman Companion to Slavery, Emancipation and Civil Rights. London, 2001. (2597) HOLMES (R.), ed. Oxford companion to military history. Oxford, 2001. The theme of this reference work is warfare with special focus given to the sub-theme of ground warfare. It deals not only with wars and major figures, but also with military concepts, political and gender issues, and other important aspects of warfare. It provides information for the years 1700 to 2000 with a focus on Europe and North America. The articles vary from short (a few lines) to lengthy (several pages). Several maps are included, and the work is cross-referenced with bibliographical references per entry. (2598) JACKEL (E.),, eds. Enzyklopädie des Holocaust. München, (2599) JESSUP (J.E.). An encyclopedic dictionary of conflict and conflict resolution, 1945-1996. Westport, 1998. (2600) JOHNSON (J.W.). Historic US Court cases 1690-1990: an encyclopedia. New York, 1992. (2601) JONES (C.). Longman Companion to the French Revolution. London, 1988. (2602) KEENAN (J.). Encyclopedia of American Indian Wars, 1492-1890. Santa Barbara, 1997. In 450 entries, this work covers the period of 1492 to 1890 in early North American history. Key events are listed along with varied concepts and terms, but with a focus primarily given to wars, treaties and leaders of this era. (2603) KELLY (J.N.D.). Oxford Dictionary of Popes. Oxford, 1988. This source provides a chronological list of popes and anti-popes from the inception of the Catholic Church to the present day; biographical information is provided for both popes and anti-popes. (2604) KIRK (T.). Longman Companion to Nazi Germany. London, 1995. (2605) KOHN (G.). Dictionary of Wars. New York, 1986. (2606) LEVILLAIN (P.), ed. Dictionnaire historique de la papauté. Paris, 1994. This reference work provides an extensive breadth of information on the papacy including biographical information on popes along with entries on the political, institutional, economic and social aspects of the papacy. There are 912 entries with some illustration. (2607) LEVY (L.W.), e.a., eds. Encyclopedia of the American Constitution. New York, 2000. The encyclopaedia covers topics of American history, law and political science. The entries centre on five themes: concepts of constitutional law (55% of the total entries), people (15%), judicial decisions (15%), public acts (treaties etc., 5%) and historical periods (10%). The articles vary in length from very short to lengthy and comprehensive. Cross-references are included. Thus, ca. 2,100 articles provide not only cursory descriptions of several topics but analyses as well. Most of the articles are intended for the general public, but some are highly specialised. A selection of important documents including the United States Constitution, are included in the annex. Furthermore, two chronologies are provided: one specialised chronology concerning the framing and ratification of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights and one more general chronology concerning the American constitutional history. Three indexes conclude this reference work: one concerning court cases, another concerning names and the last Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 195 concerning general topics. A selected bibliography for each entry is included. (2608) LIEBERMAN (J.K.). A Practical Companion to the Constitution, How the Supreme Court Has Ruled on Issues from Abortion to Zoning. Berkeley, 1999. This dictionary focuses on U.S. constitutional law. The introductory chapters provide information on the Constitution and various perspectives for its interpretation; also included is an explanatory piece on the means and methods of Supreme Court functioning. Entry focus is on concepts, juridical decisions and laws related to the American Supreme Court with entry lengths varying from cursory to extensive. (2609) LIVINGSTONE (E.A.), ed. The Concise Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church. Oxford, 1977. (2610) LUDWIG (K.). Bedrohte Völker. Ein Lexikon nationaler und religiöser Minderheiten. München, 1994. (2611) McDONALD (W.J.), ed. New Catholic Encyclopedia. New York, 1966. (2612) McGRATH (A.E.), FORRESTER (D.). The Blackwell encyclopedia of modern Christian thought. Oxford, 1995. (2613) McNEIL (I.), ed. Encyclopedia of the History of Technology. London, 1996. This work focuses on varied aspects of technology and human creativity and is divided into thematic chapters covering: materials, power sources, transport, communication, technology and society. It covers a wide timeline from the Ancient to the Present Era. Bibliographical references and glossaries are included. (2614) MELCHIOR-BONNET (B.). Dictionnaire de la Révolution et de l'Empire. Paris, 1965. (2615) METZGER (B.M.), ed. The Oxford Companion to the Bible. New York, 1993. Approximately 250 persons wrote the articles of ca. 700 entries in this broadly conceived reference work on Western civilization. Factual and biographical information are included along with the concepts and ideas, which influenced Western civilization's formation. Modern topics are also addressed. A number of the articles are not only descriptive, but are also interpretive and analytical. (2616) MILLER (J.C.), FINKELMAN (P.). Macmillan encyclopedia of world slavery. Hemel Hemstead, 1998. (2617) NICOLSON (C.). The Longman Companion to the First World War Europe 1914-1918. London, 2001. (2618) NORTH (M.). Von Aktie bis Zoll. Ein historisches Lexikon des Geldes. München, 1995. (2619) OLSON (J.). The Historical Dictionary of the 1960's. Westport, 1998. (2620) OLSON (J.), ed. Dictionary of the Vietnam War. New York, 1998. (2621) OLSON (J.S.), e.a., eds. Historical Dictionary of European Imperialism. London, 1991. With its focus on European imperialism this reference work provides information on the colonial empires of Spain, Portugal, Great Britain, the Netherlands, Germany, Belgium and Italy during the last 500 years. Information is provided in short articles on persons, places, wars, treaties, colonies and law. Prominent attention is given to politics and events. Bibliographical references are included. (2622) OPDYCKE (S.). The Routledge Historical Atlas of Women in America. London, 2000. Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 196 (2623) PAGE (M.E.). Colonialism. An international social, cultural and political encyclopedia. Santa-Barbara, 2003. (2624) PARKINSON (R.). Encyclopedia of Modern War. London, 1977. (2625) PAXTON (J.). Companion to the French Revolution. New York, 1988. (2626) PEARSON (R.). The Longman Companion to European Nationalism, 1789-1920. London, 1994. This reference work includes an international chronology with military and diplomatic data, an historical atlas with maps detailing the impact of nationalism on the political situation, a listing of geo-political aspects (territorial jurisdiction), national chronologies of key events and statistical data on economic, social and demographic factors. Focus is primarily on key events. Biographical lists and a political glossary with terms and concepts conclude the work, and a bibliography is included. (2627) PFETSCH (F.R.), ed. Konflikte seit 1945. Freiburg, 1991. (2628) PHILIP (R.), EPSTEIN (E.J.). Dictionary of the Holocaust. Westport, 1997. (2629) POLMAR (N.). World War II: America at War, 1941-1945. New York, 1991. This encyclopaedia is divided in several chapters, which cover a narrow period of time and approach the Second World War from an American perspective. It provides an introductory prologue to war covering the period of 1919 to 1941 (full text, no entries), followed by a war chronology that starts with 1941. Finally, a war guide lists entries that are arranged alphabetically. Focus is given to American campaigns during the Second World War. Article length varies widely. (2630) POPE (S.), WHEAL (E.A.). The Macmillan Dictionary of the First World War. Houndmills, 1995. (2631) RAMSBOTHAM (O.), WOODHOUSE (T.). Encyclopedia of International Peacekeeping Operations. Santa Barbara, 1999. (2632) REICHARDT (R.), ed. Handbuch politischer und sozialer Grundbegriffe in Frankreich 1680-1820. München, 1985ff. (2633) RODRIGUEZ (J.P.), ed. Historical Encyclopedia of World Slavery. Santa Barbara, 1998. Two volumes compose this reference work on world slavery that covers a period from ancient to present. It covers the theme of world slavery from a global perspective and provides detailed information on persons, movements, places, perspectives and ideas; bibliographical references and illustrations are included. Over 200 authors authored the roughly 650 entries that compose this work. (2634) ROSEN (P.), EPSTEIN (E.J.). Dictionary of the holocaust. Biography, Geography and Terminology. Westport, 1997. Detailed in 2000 entries, this reference work provides factual and statistical information about persons, places and (foreign) terms that are essential for an understanding of the Holocaust. Most articles are short, but include suggested readings with references that are also cited in the bibliography. An alphabetical index is included. This is an interesting research tool for students of the Holocaust and World War II. (2635) SCOTT (S.F.), ed. Historical Dictionary of the French Revolution, 1789-1799. Westport, 1985. This work is comprised of two volumes with ca. 525 entries, which focus on the people and concepts (laws included) of the French Revolution. This specialised reference work provides Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 197 comprehensive articles with bibliographical references. (2636) SHUKMAN (H.), ed. Blackwell Encyclopedia of the Russian Revolution. Oxford, 1988. This work focuses on events of the Russian Revolution. It provides background information on the Russian Revolution and its causes and effects on political and socio-economic life and ethnic structures. Emphasis is placed on society and institutions, movements (revolutionary organisations), the revolution itself, political events and cultural impact. Entries cover different aspects of the years 1860 to 1921. Entries are ranked thematically and chronologically. (2637) SNYDER (L.L.). Encyclopedia of the Third Reich. London, 1976. (2638) SNYDER (L.L.). Louis L. Snyder's Historical Guide to World War II. Westport, 1982. (2639) SOBOUL (A.), ed. Dictionnaire Historique de la Révolution Francaise. Paris, 1989. (2640) STEARNS (P.N.). Encyclopedia of social history. New York, 1994. (2641) STEIMER (B.), PARKER (M.G.). Dictionary of Popes and Papacy. New York, 2001. (2642) STURGILL (C.C.). The Military History of the Third World since 1945. Westport, 1994. (2643) THORPE (A.). The Longman companion to Britain in the era of the two world wars, 1914-1945. London, 1994. . (2644) TRINDER (B.), FÖHL (A.), SHAYT (D.H.). The Blackwell encyclopedia of industrial archaeology. Oxford, 1992. (2645) TUCKER (S.C.), ed. European Powers in the First World War. An Encyclopedia. London, 1999. This is a complement to The United States in the First World War, therefore focusing on European (non-US) aspects of the First World War. Over 600 entries provide information on politics, aspects of the war and biographies. Information on all war fronts is provided, and bibliographical references are included. (2646) TUCKER (S.T.), ed. Encyclopedia of the Vietnam War: A Political, Social and Military History, Vols 1-3. Santa Barbara, 1998. Over 900 entries as well as maps and illustrations cover several facets of the Vietnam War in this work. Primary focus is given to political and military themes; however, adjacent themes such as the refugee-problem are also addressed. Not only key events in the war are incorporated, but also biographical information, institutional perspectives and factors, national information and protest information is provided. Several key documents from the period are included in volume 3. (2647) TULARD (J.), ed. Dictionnaire Napoléon. Paris, 1987. Primarily French experts author this comprehensive work. It focuses on people, institutions, places, wars and political repercussions with additional information on economic and financial aspects, arts, religion etc. Summary articles and bibliographical references are included in select entries. (2648) TULARD (J.), FIERRO (A.), eds. Histoire et dictionnaire de la Révolution francaise. Paris, 1987. (2649) Union des associations internationales. Encyclopedia of world problems and human potential. München, 1994-1995. (2650) WEBER-FAS (R.). Das kleine Staatslexikon. Stuttgart, 1995. Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 198 (2651) WHEAL (E.A.), The Macmillan Dictionary of World War I. Houndmills, 1995. This work focuses on people, weapons and politics of the First World War. Furthermore, entries with information on countries involved and battlefields are provided. The work covers the continents involved in the First World War. Focus is placed on key events. (2652) WHEAL (E.A.), The Macmillan Dictionary of World War II. Houndmills, 1995. (2653) WIEGAND (W.A.), DAVIS (D.G.). Encyclopedia of library history. New York, 1994. (2654) YOUNG (J.). The Longman Companion to America, Russia and the Cold War, 1941-1998. London, 1999. (2655) Brief History of Computing. URL: (2656) Dictionnaire d'histoire économique de 1800 a nos jours. Les grandes puissances. Les grands thèmes. Paris, 1987. (2657) EH-Net (Economic History) Encyclopedia. URL: (2658) URL: Department of History (2659) International petroleum encyclopedia. Oklahoma, 1993. (2660) Jones Encyclopedia of Media & Technology Information: new media, media history, Internet history, audio music recording, media law, telecommunications law. URL: (2661) NASA's History Office. URL: (2662) Encyclopedia of Western Signs and Ideograms. URL: (2663) Technology History. URL: communicatiewetenschappen (2664) GRIFFITHS (D.). The encyclopedia of the British press, 1422-1992. London, 1992. (2665) MALYON (J.). Artcyclopedia: The Fine Art Search Engine. URL: (2666) NEWCOMB (H.). The Encyclopedia of Television. URL: (2667) PENAFRIA, (M.), HOLDWAY (N.), SMOCK (R. M.). Reality Film: Glossary. URL: (2668) CCMS-Infobase. URL: Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 199 andere menswetenschappen sociale en culturele wetenschappen (2670) BONTE (P.), IZARD (M.), ABELES (M.). Dictionnaire de l'ethnologie et de l'anthropologie. Paris, 1991. (2671) ELIADE (M.), ed. Encyclopedia of Religion. New York, 1987. (2672) FRIES (H.). Handbuch theologischer Grundbegriffe. München, 1973. (2673) GRAWITZ (M.). Lexique des sciences sociales. Paris, 1988. (2674) JOHNSON (A.G.). The Blackwell Dictionary of Sociology. Oxford, 1995. (2675) KUPER (A.). The Social Science Encyclopedia.1996. (2676) KUPER (A.), KUPER (J.). The social science encyclopedia. London, 1985. (2677) MAGILL (F.N.), ed. International Encyclopedia of Sociology. Chicago, (2678) SEYMOUR-SMITH (C.). Macmillan dictionary of anthropology. Boston, 1986. (2679) TURNER (J.S.), ed. Grove Dictionary of Art. London, 1996. politieke wetenschappen (2681) BEALEY (F.). The Blackwell dictionary of political science. Oxford, 1999. This reference work covers political theory and practice of the 20th century. Information on eminent political writers and theories is provided in the approximately one thousand entries. (2682) BECKETT (I.F.W.). Encyclopedia of Guerrilla Warfare. Santa Barbara, 1999. (2683) BESETTE (J.M.), MAGILL (F.M.), GOLD (D.). International Encyclopedia of Government and Politics. London, 1996. (2684) BOGDANOR (V.). The Blackwell encyclopedia of political institutions. Oxford, 1987. (2685) BURGESS (H.), BURGESS (G.M.). Encyclopedia of Conflict Resolution. Santa Barbara, 1997. (2686) COMBS (C.C.), SLANN (M.). Encyclopedia of terrorism. New York, 2002. (2687) CRENSHAW (M.), PIMLOTT (J.), eds. International Encyclopedia of Terrorism. Chicago, (2688) DE MONTBRIAL (T.), KLEIN (J.). Dictionnaire de stratégie. Paris, 2000. This work focuses on strategy within warfare and provides a broad information base on people, events, weapons and relevant societal themes. (2689) EVANS (G.), NEWNHAM (J.). The dictionary of world politics: a reference guide to concepts, ideas and institutions. New York, 1990. (2690) HOHLEN (D.), ed. Lexikon der Politik. Darmstadt, 1998. (2691) KURIAN (G.T.), ed. World encyclopedia fo parliaments and legislatures. Washington, 1998. (2692) LASZLO (E.), YOO (J.Y.). World encyclopedia of peace. Oxford, 1986. (2693) LIPSET (S.M.). The encyclopedia of democracy. Washington, 1995. (2694) MAGILL (F.N.), ed. International Encyclopedia of Government and Politics. Chicago, (2695) McCREA (B.P.), e.a. The Soviet and East European political dictionary. Santa Barbara, 1984. Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 200 (2696) MCLEAN (I.), ed. Oxford concise dictionary of politics. Oxford, 1996. In ca. 1500 entries information is provided on major international political institutions, thinkers and concepts. This work, meant to represent a global perspective, focuses almost exclusively on the Anglo-Saxon world. It features information from ancient to present. (2697) MEYER (T.), e.a. Lexikon des Sozialismus. Keulen, 1986. (2698) MILLER (D.). The Blackwell encyclopaedia of political thought. Oxford, 1987. (2699) MOREAU DESFARGES (P.). Dictionnaire de géopolitique. Paris, 2002. (2700) OSMANCZYK (E.J.). The encyclopedia of the United Nations and international agreements. Philadelphia, 1985. (2701) PHILLIPS (C.S.). The African political dictionary. Santa Barbara, 1984. (2702) PLANO (J.C.), OLTON (R.). The international relations dictionary. Santa Barbara, 1988. (2703) RIFF (M.A.). Dictionary of modern political ideologies. Manchester, 1987. (2704) ROSSI (E.E.), PLANO (J.C.). The Latin American political dictionary. Santa Barbara, 1980. (2705) SAINT-OUEN (F.), ed. Dictionnaire international du fédéralisme. Bruxelles, 1994. (2706) SEGAL (G.), ed. Political and Economic Encyclopedia of the Pacific. London, 1989. This encyclopaedia focuses on major issues and forces within Pacific region. It emphasises post-1945 political, economic and security issues from Vladivostok to Vancouver and Valparaiso. The entries are alphabetically ordered. There are two general types of entries: national and international. 'National' entries contain basic information on individual countries and comprise the bulk of this work. 'International' entries cover bilateral and multilateral issues in the fields of security, economics, ideology, culture and resources. The encyclopaedia provides a general index of all main entries; each entry includes the authors' name(s) and provides cross-references to other entries. The factual and statistical data of individual countries in this work is outdated. (2707) SHIMONI (Y.). Political dictionary of the Arab world. New York, 1987. (2708) SMOUTS (M.C.). Dictionnaire des relations internationales: approches, concepts, doctrines. Paris, 2003. (2709) TACHAU (F.). Political parties of the Middle East and North Africa. Westport, 1994. (2710) WELLS (D.A.). An encyclopedia of war and ethics. Westport, 1996. (2711) WUTHNOW (R.). The encyclopedia of politics and religion. London, 1998. (2712) ZIRING (L.), KIM (C.I.E.). The Asian political dictionary. Santa Barbara, 1985. economie (2713) BOUILLON (H.). Terminologie de l'économie/Wirtschafts-Terminologie. Bruxelles, 1991. (2714) BREMOND (J.), GELEDAN (A.). Dictionnaire des théories et mécanismes économiques. Paris, 1984. (2715) BRUNNER (P.). Dictionnaire des termes boursiers et financiers. Paris, 2002. (2716) CAPUL (J.Y.). Dictionnaire d'économie et de sciences sociales. Paris, 2002. (2717) CATE (T.), ed. An encyclopedia of Keynesian economics. Cheltenham, 1997. Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 201 (2718) EATWELL (J.), MILLGATE (M.), NEWMAN (P.), eds. The new Palgrave: a dictionary of economics. London, 1987. (2719) EATWELL (J.), MILLGATE (M.), NEWMAN (P.), eds. The new Palgrave: finance. London, 1989. (2720) GLASNER (D.), COOLEY (T.F.). Business cycles and depressions: an encyclopedia. New York, 1997. (2721) HOOGVELT (A.), PUXTY (A.G.). Multinational enterprise. An encyclopedic dictionary of concepts and terms. London, 1987. (2722) JAMES (S.). A dictionary of taxation. Cheltenham, 1997. (2723) MAGILL (F.N.), ed. International Encyclopedia of Economics. Chicago, 1997. (2724) O'HARA (P.A.), ed. Encyclopedia of political economy. New York, 1998. (2725) RUTHERFORD (D.). Dictionary of Economics. London, 1992. The 4,200 alphabetically ordered entries of the Dictionary of Economics provide short but informative information on key terms, issues and concepts in current economics. The Dictionary covers several sub-themes including, but not limited to: important figures and their work in the field of economics, economic history, commercial law, econometric and statistical techniques. Most entries provide a short bibliography and cross-references. An index based on the Economic Journal subject classification system is provided, which facilitates research. (2726) WOELFEL (C.J.). Encyclopedia of banking and finance. Chicago, 1994. juridische wetenschappen (2727) ALGRA (N.E.), GOKKEL (H.R.W.). Fockema Andreae's juridisch woordenboek. Alphen a/d Rijn, 1985. (2728) CORNU (G.). Vocabulaire juridique. Paris, 2003. (2729) CURZON (L.B.). A dictionary of law. London, 1986. (2730) DEBARD (T.), LE BAUT-FERRARESE (B.), NOURISSAT (C.). Dictionnaire du droit de l'Union européenne. Paris, 2002. (2731) FOW (J.R.). Dictionary of International and Comparative Law. New York, 2003. (2732) TILCH (H.). Münchener Rechts-Lexikon. München, 1987. (2733) WALKERS (D.M.). The Oxford companion to law. Oxford, 1980. genderstudies (2734) GAZE (D.), ed. Dictionary of Women Artists. Chicago, 1997. (2735) HANNAM (J.), HOLDEN (K.), AUCHTERLONIE (M.), eds. International encyclopedia of women's suffrage. Santa-Barbara, 2000. (2736) KRAMARAE (C), TREICHLER (P.A.). A feminist dictionary. New York, 1985. (2737) LISSNER (A.), e.a. Frauenlexikon. Traditionen, Fakten, Perspektiven. Freiburg, 1988. (2738) TUTTLE (L). Encyclopedia of feminism. New York, 1986. 5.2. over personen Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 202 5.2.1. algemeen (2739) AVES (A.), et al., eds. Dictionary of World Biography. Chicago, 1999. (2740) BRIGGS (A), ISAACS (A.), MARTIN (E.), eds. Longman Dictionary of 20th Century Biography. Essex, 1985. This reference work contains biographies on influential individuals of various cultures and nationalities. It covers various aspects of human achievement: politics, economy, culture, religion, science and sports. The ca. 1,700 entries are arranged alphabetically and provide the family background and education of the subject and a short description of his or her achievements or misdemeanours. Most articles include the subject's most important writings and bibliographical references for further research. (2741) CANNON (J.), DAVIS (R.H.C.), DOYLE (W.), GREENE (J.P.), eds. The Blackwell Dictionary of Historians. Oxford, 1988. The Dictionary of Historians contains over 450 biographical entries on historians (from Herodotus to the present), who have been influential on the theory and practice of history and the role of the historian (historiography). Emphasis is placed on the European and American historiographical tradition, with some biographical information on Chinese and Australian historians included in 25 articles. The dictionary also provides forty entries on more specific themes or subjects, i.e. archaeology and history, black historiography and positivism. Most entries include a short list of the main publications of historians included in the dictionary along with bibliographical references. The entries are alphabetically ordered and listed again in the index. An important research tool for students following courses on historiography. (2742) CRYSTAL (D.), ed. The Cambridge biographical encyclopedia. New York, 1998. (2743) Gale Research. Encyclopedia of world biography on CD-ROM. Andover, 1999. (2744) Gale Research. Encyclopedia of world biography. Detroit, 1998. (2745) LOBIES (J.P.), ed. Index Bio-Bibliographicus Notorum Hominum. Osnabrück, 1973-. (2746) OGILVIE (M.B.), ed. Biographical Dictionary of Women. New York, 1997. The Chambers Biographical Dictionary, comprised of 17,500 alphabetically arranged articles, is broken into 250 sections that describe the nationality, occupation and achievements of important, influential and interesting individuals. The dictionary covers a wide range of human achievement (politics, philosophy, culture, science, sport, etc.) from the pre-Christian era up to the present. Bibliographical references and quotations are included in the sections and some of the entries. Theoretically this work represents a global variety of individuals, however, in practice western personalities comprise the bulk of this work. The entries are short, and bibliography and index are not included. (2747) PALMER (A.). Who's Who in Modern History 1860-1980. London, 1980. This reference work provides biographical information on prominent individuals who lived between 1860 and 1980. The groups of people covered are: crowned heads of state, politicians, military figures, intellectuals, scientists, sportsmen and religious figures. Entries provide short but informative data on the life and work of both North American and European eminent men and women. Few bibliographical references are made. (2748) Biographical Dictionary. Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 203 URL: (2749) Biography index. A cumulative index to biographical material in books and magazines. New York, 1946. (2750) URL: (2751) International Bibliography of Biography. London, 1988. (2752) Internationaler biographischer Index, CD-ROM. München, 1995. (2753) The international who's who. London, 1935-. (2754) Who's who. An annual biographical dictionary. London, 1849-. (2755) World biographical index of politics, social sciences and economy. München, 1996-. 5.2.2. per continent Afrika (2756) BROCKMAN (N.C.). An African Biographical Dictionary. Santa Barbara, 1994. This biographical dictionary provides information on 549 prominent sub-Saharan African and non-African individuals who were influential in Africa. The dictionary places emphasis on the post-colonial contemporary period and its political leaders. However, cultural figures, scientists and religious personalities are also included. Most articles provide background, achievements or misdemeanours of individuals, along with bibliographical reference and suggestions for further reading. Several appendixes are included and provide: a list of post-independence states of Africa, a collection of political maps, a list of African political leaders, a list of subjects and their nations of influence, and a final appendix which arranges individuals according to their field of significance (e.g. politics, culture, economics). The alphabetical index is useful to students, researchers and the general public alike. (2757) LIPSCHUTZ (M.R.), RASMUSSEN (R.K.). Dictionary of African historical biography. Chicago, 1986. (2758) MEDIAVILLA (V.H.), ed. African biographical archive. München, 1994-. (2759) WISEMAN (J.A.). Political Leaders in Black Africa. A Biographical Dictionary of the Major Politicians since Independence. Brookfield, 1991. By 'black' Africa the author means that he includes only those persons coming from sub-Saharan Africa; Arab States of North Africa are not included. The dictionary includes biographical information of African figures, politicians, clerics, trade unionists, military men and intellectuals who have been influential in politics. Roughly 500 entries are arranged alphabetically and offer short information on background, achievement and/or misdemeanour of the individuals. This reference work facilitates research with a listing of abbreviations and acronyms, a chronology of major events in Africa since 1960 and a geographical index. (2760) African biographical index. München, 1998. Azië (2761) BARTKE (W.). Biographical dictionary and analysis of China's party leadership 1922-1988. Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 204 München, 1990. (2762) GUPTA (K.L.). Reference Asia: Asia's first who's who of men and women of achievements and distinctions. Delhi, 1975-1980. (2763) SCHOLBERG (H.). South Asia biographical dictionary index. Zug, 1987. Amerika (2764) ALEXANDER (R.J.). Biographical dictionary of Latin American and Caribbean political leaders. London, 1988. (2765) WILSON (C.N.), ed. Twentieth-Century American Historians. Detroit, 1983. This work belongs to a series of biographies entitled, The Dictionary of Literary Biography. Wilson's work lists the biographies of 59 American historians, chiefly of the Twentieth century, who wrote about (North) American history. Both academic and popular historians are included with a focus on the historians as writers (i.e. literary artists). Long articles list a biography of each author along with a photo and a list of their works. (2766) Afro-American Almanac Biographies. URL: (2767) American biographical archive. Series II. New York, 1986-. (2768) American biographical index. München, 1993-. (2769) Who is who in Latin America: government & politics, banking & industry. New York, 1988. Europa (2770) BROWN (A.H.). The Soviet Union: a biographical dictionary. New York, 1990. (2771) FREY (A.). Russian biographical archive. München, 1997. (2772) LANE (A.T.), ed. Biographical Dictionary of European Labor Leaders. Westport, 1995. This dictionary focuses on (democratic) labour leaders from the main centres of European labour history: Great Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Russia, Scandinavia and Eastern and Central Europe. Labour leaders from totalitarian regimes (Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy and the Soviet Union) are, with one or two exceptions, excluded from the dictionary. Although the vast majority of entries contend with leaders of organisations representing propertiless wage- or salary-earners, this reference work also includes biographical information on pioneers of cooperatives and other self-help organisations of self-employed artisans and peasant farmers. The periodisation of the dictionary differs from region to region; however, the overall chronology spans from late Eighteenth century to the present. The entries are arranged alphabetically with author's name and bibliographical references. Articles provide information on the life and achievement of individuals along with a list of their important works. An appendix with a list of labour leaders classified by state or national/ethnic group, a select bibliography and an index are included at the end of the second volume. (2773) MCCAULEY (M.). Who's who in Russia since 1900. London, 1997. . (2774) NICHOLLS (D.), MARSH (P.), eds. A Biographical Dictionary of Modern European Radicals and Socialists 1780-1815. Brighton, 1988. Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 205 The term 'radical' in this dictionary means to apply to those individuals who wished to change the existing economic, social and political structures by political action and/or theoretical criticism which cannot be incorporated in the prevailing ideological consensus of their time and place. The individuals included are judged according to the political and social context of their society and not by any universal concept of radicalism. An overwhelming majority of the radicals included in this dictionary were active in France and Germany. Approximately 200 entries are alphabetically arranged and most include a list of the individuals' writing and bibliographical references. Each article's author, cross-references to other entries and an alphabetical index are included. (2775) Biografisch archief van de Benelux. München, 1992-1997. (2776) Biografische index van de Benelux. München, 1996. (2777) Biographies. The History of the European Union. The European Citizenship. URL: (2778) Soviet Leaders. URL: (2779) Who was who in the USSR. A biographical directory containing 5.015 biographies of prominent Soviet historical personalities. Metuchen, 1972. Midden-Oosten (2780) REICH (B.). Political leaders of the contemporary Middle East and North Africa: a biographical dictionary. Westport, 1990. (2781) The international who's who of the Arab world. London, 1978. Oceanië (2782) Who's who in Australasia and the Far East. Cambridge, 1989. 5.2.3. nationaal België (2783) DECAN (R.), ed. Qui est qui en Belgique francophone. Bruxelles, 1985. (2784) DECAN (R.), ed. Wie is wie in Vlaanderen. Brussel, 1989. (2785) DELZENNE (Y.-W.), HOUYOUX (J.), eds. Le nouveau dictionnaire des Belges. Bruxelles, 1998. (2786) SCREIBER (J.-Ph.). Dictionnaire biographique des Juifs de Belgique. Bruxelles, 2002. (2787) Biographie nationale. Bruxelles, 1866-1938. (2788) Nationaal biografisch woordenboek. Brussel, 1964. (2789) Nouvelle biographie nationale. Bruxelles, 1988. Frankrijk (2790) BIZIERE (J.M.). Dictionnaire des biographies. Paris, 1992. Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 206 (2791) CARATINI (R.). Dictionnaire des personnages de la Révolution. Paris, 1988. (2792) HEBRARD (A.), ed. Who's who in France. Qui est qui en France. Dictionnaire biographique de personnalités françaises vivant en France, dans les territoires d'Outre-Mer ou à l'étranger et de personnalités étrangères résidant en France. 2002-2003. Levallois-Perret, 2002. (2793) WATTEL (B), WATTEL (M.). Who's who in France. XXe siècle. Dictionnaire historique des Français disparus ayant marqué le Xxe siècle. Levallois-Perret, 2001. (2794) YVERT (B.), ed. Premiers ministres et Présidents du Conseil : histoire et dictionnaire. Paris, 2002. (2795) Archives biographiques françaises. Deuxième Série. München, 1989-1991. (2796) Index biographique français. München, 1993. Groot-Brittannië (2797) ELLIS (R.). Who's who in Victorian Britain. London, 1997. (2798) RAPPAPORT (H.). Queen Victoria. A biographical companion. Santa-Barbara, 2003. (2799) SIEVEKING (P.), BAILLIE (L.), eds. British biographical archive. Series II. München, 1984-1989. (2800) TREASURE (G.), ed. Who's Who in British History: Beginnings to 1901. Chicago, (2801) TREASURE (G.R.). Who's who in late Hannoverian Britain (1789-1837). London, 1997. (2802) WRIGLEY (C.). Winston Churchill. A biographical companion. Santa-Barbara, 2002. (2803) British biographical archive. Series II. München, 1991-1994. (2804) British biographical index. München, 1991. (2805) Oxford dictionary of national biography. Oxford, . URL: Duitsland (2806) BENZ (W.), GRAML (H.). Biographisches Lexikon zur Weimarer Republik. München, 1993. (2807) KILLY (W.), ed. Deutsche Biographische Enzyklopädie. Darmstadt, 1995-. (2808) ROESSLER (H.), ed. Biographisches Wörterbuch zur Deutschen Geschichte. München, 1975. (2809) WEIß (H), ed. Biographisches Lexikon zum Dritten Reich. Frankfurt, 1999. (2810) WISTRICH (R.). Who's Who in Nazi Germany. London, 2000. (2811) Der Gotha (Gotha - Directory of German Nobility). München, 1997. (2812) Deutscher biographischer Index. München, 1986-. (2813) Deutsches biographisches Archiv. München, 1982-1985. (2814) Neue Deutsche Biographie. URL: Nederland (2815) Biografisch woordenboek van Nederland. Den Haag, 1979-. Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 207 URL: Verenigde Staten (2816) GARRATY (J.A.), CARNES (M.C), eds. American National Biography. New York, 1999-. This reference work consists of twenty-four volumes comprising nearly 17,500 biographies arranged alphabetically - of both US and non-US citizens who influenced the course of US history with their achievements, fame or ideas. Significant personalities in the world of politics, culture, art, science, social sciences, business and sport are included. Entries are arranged chronologically, and each article contains the subject's background, education, career, important details of private life and his or her key achievements. The author of the entry and a descriptive bibliography are included at the end of each entry. Volume 24 includes four alphabetical indexes: index of subjects, index of contributors, index of place of birth in the US, and index of occupations and realms of renown. An indispensable reference tool for students and researchers looking for basic biographical information of prominent figures in US history. 5.2.4. thematisch politiek en defensie mondiaal (2817) BOURNE (J.M.). Who's Who in World War One. London, 2002. (2818) GORMAN (R.A.), ed. Biographical Dictionary of Marxism. Westport, 1986. (2819) GOTOVITCH (J.), e.a.,eds. Komintern : l'histoire et les hommes. Dictionnaire biographique de l'Internationale Communiste. Paris, 2001. (2820) HOLGER (H.H.), HEYMAN (N.M.). Biographical Dictionary of World War I. Westport, 1982. The Biographical Dictionary of World War I starts with an extensive historical introduction detailing the most important events leading to the war, the development of the war itself on all fronts and the peace Treaty of Versailles. The articles in the dictionary are arranged alphabetically and provide interesting and extensive information on the life, achievements and influence of prominent individuals during this period. Most of the entries also include bibliographical references. Furthermore, the dictionary provides maps, two appendixes with a chronology of events and occupations (pre-war, wartime and post-war period) of included individuals, a bibliography and an alphabetical index. An indispensable reference tool for students and scholars studying World War I. (2821) JENKINS (J.), VANDEN BLOOCK (C.) eds. Who's Who in International Organisations. München, 1992. (2822) KEEGAN (J.), ed. Who's Who in World War II. London, 1995. This work focuses on the biographies of military commanders, military theorists and technocrats of the Second World War; specific focus is given to the heroes and campaigns of the era. (2823) KEEGAN (J.), WHEATCROFT (A.). Who's Who in Military History from 1453 to the Present Day. London, 1996. This reference work covers military history from 1453 to the present with a focus on military Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 208 commanders, military theorists and technocrats. Specific attention is given to heroes and conquerors. Only biographies are included in this work. (2824) LENTZ (H.M.), ed. Heads of states and governments: a worldwide encyclopedia of over 2300 leaders, 1945 through 1992. London, 1995. (2825) LIPSET (S.M.). Who's who in democracy. Encyclopedia of democracy. Washington, 1997. (2826) MAHONEY (H.T.). Biographic Dictionary of Espionage. San Francisco, 1998. (2827) PALMER (A.). Who's Who in World Politics. From 1860 to the present day. London, 1996. This reference work provides information on the life, social and educational background, and achievements of individuals who have shaped the political world from 1860 to the present. The term politics is interpreted broadly. This book covers not only rulers, their chief ministers or insurgent leaders, but also great strategists, theorists and other men and women who influenced modern world politics. The articles are arranged alphabetically, and include bibliographical references and cross-references. (2828) REES (P.). Biographical dictionary of the extreme right since 1890. New York, 1990. (2829) ROSS (M.). Rulers and Governments of the World, Earliest Times to 1929. London, 1978. (2830) SPULER (B.). Minister Ploetz. Regenten und Regierungen der Welt. Würzburg, 1962. This reference work covers significant rulers and governments from the period of 1492-1918. Basic data on rulers and ministers is included. (i.e. birth and death dates). (2831) TAPSELL (R.). Monarchs, rulers, dynasties and kingdoms of the world. London, 1984. This reference work focuses on sovereign rulers from 3000 BC to the twentieth century through a political lens. Information is provided on 13,000 rulers from 1,000 separate dynasties on a global scale. The first chapter contains an alphabetical dictionary of dynasties and states, and also provides information on major cities within states. Seventeen genealogical charts are provided along with maps illustrating family links between the major multi-national royal families. The second chapter provides a list of 1,000 dynasties cataloguing names, reign dates and genealogical information. A bibliography precedes the dictionary. (2832) Union of International Associations. Who's who in international organizations. München, 2003. (2833) From Marx to Mao. URL: (2834) Marxist Writers. URL: (2835) Who's who in international organizations: a biographical encyclopedia of more than 13000 leading personalities. Münich, _1996-. per continent Afrika (2836) BUTE (E.L.), HARMER (H.J.P.). The Black handbook. The people, history and politics of Africa and the African diaspora. London, 1997. This work provides information on the African Diaspora both in the African continent and in other non-African localities. The work is thematically divided in several chapters: people, places Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 209 and events, terms, movements and ideas, colonialism, liberation and war, countries of Africa and the African Diaspora, political parties and leaders, intergovernmental organizations and treaties, rebellion, emancipation and civil rights in the USA. A chronology follows each chapter, and most entries are short and address persons, events and ideas. An introductory work. Azië* Amerika* Europa (2837) TORKE (H.J.). Die russischen Zaren, 1547-1917. München, 1995. (2838) Who's who in European politics. National and international politicians, with an extensive directory. München, 1990. Midden-Oosten* Oceanië* nationaal België (2839) DE PAEPE (J.L.), RAINDORF-GERARD (C.), eds. Le parlement belge 1831-1894. Bruxelles, 1996. (2840) GAUS (H.), e.a. Politiek-biografisch lexicon van de Belgische ministers en staatssecretarissen 1960-1980. Antwerpen, 1989. (2841) VAN MOLLE (P.). Het Belgisch Parlement 1894-1972. Le Parlement belge 1894-1972. Ledeberg, 1972. (2842) Belgische Senaat. Senat de Belgique. Biografisch handboek. Brussel, 1959-. (2843) Kamer van Volksvertegenwoordigers. Chambre des Représentants. Levensberichten. Notices biographiques. Brussel, 1959-. Frankrijk (2844) ARBOUR (R.). Dictionnaire des femmes libraires en France (1470-1870). Genève, 2003. (2845) BELL (D.), e.a., eds. Biographical Dictionary of French Political Leaders since 1870. London, 1990. (2846) BELL (D.), JOHNSON (D.), MORRIS (P), eds. A biographical dictionary of French political leaders since 1870. New York, 1990. (2847) DRAGO (R.), HUMBERT (J.), TULARD (J.), eds. Dictionnaire biographique des membres du conseil d'Etat, 1799-1999. Paris, 2002. (2848) YVERT (B.). Dictionnaire des ministres (1789-1989). Paris, 1990. Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 210 Groot-Brittannië (2849) LAYBOURN (K.). British political leaders. Santa-Barbara, 2001. (2850) STENTON (M), LEES (S.). Who's who of British members of Parliament. Brighton, 1976-1981. Duitsland (2851) UEBERSCHAR (G.R.), ed. Hitlers militärische Elite. Darmstadt, 1998. (2852) Kürschners Volkshandbuch. Deutscher Bundestag. Darmstadt, 1890-. Nederland* Verenigde Staten (2853) WILSON (R.L.). American political leaders. New York, 2002. (2854) Biographies of the Founding Fathers. URL: (2855) The Presidents of the United States. URL: sociaal-economisch (2856) CAREY (C.W.). American inventors, entrepreneurs and business visionaries. New York, 2002. (2857) FINK (G.M.). Biographical dictionary of American labor. Westport, 1984. (2858) HAMILTON (N.A.). American social leaders and activists. New York, 2002. (2859) INGHAM (J.N.), FELDMAN (L.B.). Contemporary American business leaders. A biographical dictionary. New York, 1990. (2860) KURGAN (G.), BUYST (E.), eds. 100 grands patrons du Xxe siècle en Belgique. Bruxelles, 1999. (2861) KURGAN (G.), e.a., ed. Dictionnaire des patrons en Belgique: les hommes, les entreprises, les réseaux. Bruxelles, 1996. (2862) MAITRON (J.). Dictionnaire biographique du mouvement ouvrier international. Paris, 1971. (2863) Biographisch Woordenboek van het Socialisme en de Arbeidersbeweging in Nederland. URL: (2864) Dictionnaire biographique des militants du mouvement ouvrier en . Tome 1 : A-BBelgique. Bruxelles, 1995. (2865) Geschichte der deutschen Arbeiterbewegung. Biographisches Lexikon. Berlin, 1970. (2866) Leitende Männer und Frauen der Wirtschaft. Darmstadt, 1940-. cultureel-wetenschappelijk (2867) ARESTIS (P.), SAWYER (M.). A biographical dictionary of dissenting economists. Hants, 1992. (2868) ASIMOV (I.). Biographical Encyclopedia of Science and Technology. The Lives and Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 211 Achievements of 1.510 Great Scientists from Ancient Times to the Present Chronologically Arranged. New York, 1982. (2869) BLAUG (M.). Great economists before Keynes: an introduction to the lives and works of one hundred great economists of the past. Cambridge, 1987. (2870) BLAUG (M.), VANE (H.R.), eds. Who's Who in Economics. Cheltenham, 2003. (2871) BOIA (L.). Great Historians of the Modern Age. An International Directory. New York, 1990. (2872) DAY (L.), McNEILL (I.). Biographical dictionary of the history of technology. London, 1996. (2873) DURHAM (J.L.). World cultural leaders of the twentieth century. Santa-Barbara, 2000. (2874) HALL (T.L.). American religious leaders. New York, 2002. (2875) JENKINS (J.) ed. International biographical dictionary of religion: an encyclopedia of more than 4,000 leading personalities. München, 1994. (2876) WILSON (C.N.), ed. Dictionary of literary biography, vol. 30: American historians, 1607-1865. Detroit, 1984. The dictionary of literary biography focuses on writers as literary artists. In this volume, a broad timeline of information is covered on American historians. Thus, several types of historians are included: chroniclers from the colonial, revolutionary and national era; narrative historians from the 19th century (Romanticism) and a group of biographers, editors, popular and specialised historians. Attention is given to historians as writers and their participation in the intellectual commerce of the nation. Photographs of each subject and a list of works are included. (2877) Antrophology Biography Web. URL: (2878) Geïllustreerd biografisch woordenboek der kunstenaars in België na 1830. Brussel, 1991. (2879) Les prix Nobel. Stockholm, 1904. gender (2880) IRELAND (N.O.). Index to Women of the World from ancient to modern times. Biographies and Portraits. Westwood, 1970. (2881) JAMES (E.T.), e.a., eds. Notable American Women. Cambridge, 1982. (2882) PARRY (M.). Chambers biographical dictionary of women.1996. This biographical repertory lists ca. 1,300 entries with information on eminent inventors of various technological fields. The work covers a timeline of ancient to present with a select focus on the 18th and 19th centuries; with a superficially global perspective, Western inventors receive the majority of attention in this work. (2883) UGLOW (J.S.), ed. The Macmillan Dictionary of Women's Biography. New York, 1989. (2884) YOUNG (S.). Encyclopedia of women and world religion. New York, 1999. (2885) 4000 Women of Science. URL: (2886) Distinguished Women of Past and Present. URL: Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 212 (2887) International Who's Who of Women 2004. London, 2004. (2888) The International Who's Who of Women. London, 1992. (2889) The world who's who women. Cambridge, 1973. (2890) Who's who of American women. Chicago, 1958. 5.3. over datums 5.3.1. retrospectief algemeen (2891) BOND (J.J.). Handy-Book of Rules and Tables for Verifying Dates With the Christian Era. New York, 1966. (2892) EATWELL (J.), MILLGATE (M.), NEWMAN (P.), eds. The new Palgrave: time series and statistics. London, 1990. (2893) FREEMAN-GRENVILLE (G.S.P.). Chronology of World History. London, 1978. (2894) HUBERT (M.-C.). Construire le temps: normes et usages chronologiques du Moyen-äge à l'époque contemporaine. Paris, 2000. (2895) MORBY (J.E.). Dynasties of the world: a chronological and genealogical handbook. Oxford, 1989. (2896) OCHOA (G.), COREY (M.). The Wilson chronology of ideas. New York, 1997. (2897) WIKTOR (C.L.). Multilateral Treaty Calendar. Répertoire des traités multilatéraux 1648-1995. Den Haag, 1998. (2898) WILLERVAL (B.). Chronologie illustrée de l'histoire universelle: les faits, les hommes, les civilisations. Paris, 1992. (2899) WILLIAMS (N.), WALLER (P.). Chronology of world history. The modern world 1763-1992. Oxford, 1995. Information is provided on an annual basis on an array of topics. On the left page, key events in political history, international relations, wars, conquests and natural disasters are listed. Pages on the right provide information on the arts and sciences, including data on technology, philosophy, art, religion, sports, economy, statistics etc. There is a focus on Europe, America and Russia. (2900) Der Grosse Ploetz. Die Daten-Enzyklopädie der Weltgeschichte Daten- Fakten Zusammenhange. Darmstadt, 2002. (2901) Hyper History Online. URL: (2902) Web Chron. The Web Chronology Project. URL: hedendaagse periode (2903) BERG (E.). Chronologie internationale, 1945-1997. Paris, 1997. Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 213 (2904) CARBONELL (C.O.). Les grandes dates du XXe siècle. Paris, 1987. (2905) COMPAGNON (B.), THEVENIN (A.). Chronologie du XXe siècle: les grandes tendances et les grandes dates. Paris, 1997. (2906) FERRO (M.). Chronologie universelle du monde contemporain, 1801-1992. Paris, 1993. (2907) MAGILL (F.), ed. Great Events From History, Worldwide Twentieth Century Series, 1900-1979. Englewood Cliffs, 1980. (2908) MERCER (D.), ed. Chronicle of the 20th century. Farnborough, 1993. (2909) OCHOA (G.), COREY (M.). Facts about the 20th century. New York, 2001. This chronology is divided in four chapters. The first chapter provides a time line with important political, social, economic, cultural and military events. The second chapter provides ca. 300 entries with information on events and ideas that characterized the century - focusing chiefly though not exclusively on the political. The next chapter lists the biographies of roughly 900 major figures in short articles while the last chapter features short histories of each nation with general data (government, population, surface, etc.). Article length varies with each nation. The scope of this work includes both superpowers and lesser known or influential nations; however, information on the superpowers comprises the majority of this work. (2910) WALLER (P.), ROWETT (J.). Chronology of the 20th century. Oxford, 1996. (2911) Chronik des 20. Jahrhunderts. Dortmund, 1983. per continent Afrika (2912) COOK (C.), KILLINGRAY (D.). African political facts since 1945. New York, 1991. Azië (2913) BOWMAN (J.S.). Columbia chronologies of Asian history and culture. New York, 2000. (2914) LIANGXING LIANG. China's foreign relations: a chronology of events (1949-1988). Beijing, 1989. (2915) PERES (R.). Histoire du Japon au XXe siècle: histoire des faits économiques, politiques et sociaux. Paris, 2001. (2916) Asia Source: Timelines & Chronologies. URL: Amerika (2917) ARTAUD (D.). Chronologie des Etats-Unis. Paris, 1997. (2918) BRUNE (L.H.). Chronological History of United States Foreign Relations, 1776 to January 20, 1981. New York, 1985. (2919) HORNSBY (A.). Chronology of African-American history: significant events and people from 1619 to the present. London, 1991. (2920) KASPI (A), TROCME (H.), MONTAGUTELLI (M.), eds. Les grandes dates des Etats-Unis. Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 214 Paris, 1989. (2921) MARLEY (D.F.). War of the Americas. A chronology of armed conflict in the New World, 1492 to the present. Santa Barbara, 1998. As the title suggests, this work focuses only on the American continent and more specifically on armed conflict. A detailed outline is provided for each conflict with additional information on crucial dates and events. A short introduction precedes each conflict entry. (2922) Americana annual. An encyclopedia of events. New York, 1923-. (2923) Chronology of Important Events in American History. URL: Europa (2924) BOUDET (J.). Chronologie de l'histoire de l'Europe. Paris, 1991. (2925) BOURNAZEL (E.), VIVIEN (G.), GOUNELLE (M.). Les grandes dates de l'histoire de France. Paris, 1987. Forty chronological chapters summarise the history of France from the Bronze Age to the present. Each chapter starts with a short introduction reflecting on the main characteristics of the period. The entries (dates) provide short information on political and institutional life, foreign relations, economy, society, religion and culture. The end of each chapter provides biographies of prominent individuals of the period along with bibliographical references. The dictionary includes an alphabetical index and maps. (2926) CARROT (G.). Histoire de la police française: tableaux, chronologie, iconographie. Paris, 1991. (2927) CHARMASSON (T.), LELORRAIN (A.-M.), SONNET (M.). Chronologie de l'histoire de France. Paris, 1994. (2928) CIBIEL (F.). Journal de la France et des français. Chronologie politique, culturelle et religieuse de Clovis à 2000. Paris, 2001. (2929) CONTE (F.), ed. Les grandes dates de la Russie et de l'U.R.S.S. Paris, 1990. (2930) FRYDE (E.B.). Handbook of British chronology. Cambridge, 1997. (2931) GODECHOT (J.). La Révolution francaise, chronologie commentée, 1787-1799. Paris, 1988. (2932) HÖSCH (E.), ed. Daten der russischen Geschichte. München, 1981. (2933) JOUETTE (A.). Toute l'histoire par les dates et les documents. Chronologie de l'histoire de France et regards sur le monde. Paris, 1989. (2934) LEHMANN (H.G.). Chronik der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 1945/49 bis heute. München, 1989. (2935) LEHMANN (H.G.). Chronik der DDR 1945/49 bis heute. München, 1988. (2936) LELORRAIN (A.-M.). Chronologie de la France contemporaine de 1815 à nos jours. Paris, 1997. (2937) MAGILL (F.), ed. Great Events from History, Modern European Series, 1469-1969. Englewood Cliffs, 1972. (2938) MAGILL (F.N.), ed. Chronology of European History. Chicago, 1998. (2939) POWELL (J.). Chronology of European History. London, 1998. Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 215 (2940) POWELL (J.). Chronology of European History. London, 1998. (2941) TOFAHRN (K.W.). Chronologie des Dritten Reiches, Ereignisse-Personen-Begriffe. Darmstadt, 2003. (2942) Britannica book of the year. Britannica world data. Chicago, 1938. (2943) Chronologies de la France. URL: (2944) Chronology of Russian History. URL: (2945) Communauté européenne. Commission. Etapes européennes. Chronologie de la Communauté européenne. Luxemburg, 1985. (2946) Russian Revolution in Dates. URL: Midden-Oosten (2947) EDELHEIT (H.), EDELHEIT (A.J.). Israel and the Jewish world, 1948-1993: a chronology. Westport, 1995. (2948) Proche-Orient, la déchirure. URL: Oceanië* thematisch politiek en defensie (2949) BROWNSTONE (D.), FRANCK (I.). Timelines of war: a chronology of warfare from 100.000 BC tot the present. Boston, 1994. (2950) COOK (C.). The Facts on File World Political Almanac. New York, 1989. (2951) DEFARGES (P.M.). Chronologie des relations internationales depuis 1945. Paris, 1996. (2952) HERMAN (G.). The Pivotal Conflict. A Comprehensive Chronology of the First World War, 1914-1919. London, 1992. (2953) MATSUURA (K.), MÜLLER (J.W.), SAUVANT (K.P.). Chronology and fact book of the United Nations 1941-1991. New York, 1992. (2954) MORBY (J.E.). Dynasties of the World, A Chronological and Genealogical Handbook. Oxford, 2002. (2955) OTAN. Manuel de l'OTAN: chronologie. Bruxelles, 1998. (2956) ROHN (P.H.). World treaty index. Santa Barbara, 1983-1984. (2957) RONNEFARTH (H.K.G.), ed. Vertrags Ploetz. Konferenzen und Verträge. Bielefeld, 1958. (2958) Royal Institute of International Affairs. Chronology and index of the Second World War, 1938-1945. London, 1990. Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 216 (2959) TRUHART (P.). Regents of Nations. Systematic chronology of states and their political representatives in past and present. A biographical reference book. München, 1984-1988. (2960) VANTHOOR (W.F.V.). A chronological history of the European Union, 1946-2001. Cheltenham, 2002. (2961) Chronologies. The History of the European Union. The European Citizenship. URL: (2962) Naval Post Graduate School: Chronology of Significant Terrorist Incidents. URL: (2963) Table of Contents for Military Chronologies. URL: sociaal-economisch (2964) DIGGS (E.I.). Black chronology: from 4000 BC to the abolition of the slave trade. Boston, 1983. (2965) JAGGI (G.). Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA): chronology and statistics. Washington, 1995. (2966) JAGGI (G.), RUNDLE (M.), ROSEN (D.). China's economic reforms: chronology and statistics. Washington, 1996. (2967) RODRIGUEZ (J.P.). Chronology of World Slavery. Santa Barbara, 1999. The Chronology of World Slavery is a complement to the Historical Encyclopaedia of World Slavery. It focuses on historical patterns and cause-and-effect relations. Primary sources and detailed articles are included within the chronological approach of this work. On a per annum basis information is provided on various aspects of world slavery, with special attention to topics like: movements, concepts, theorists, persons etc. It covers the ancient world along with Europe, Asia and America. A bibliography concludes the work. (2968) TEULON (F.). Chronologie de l'économie française. Paris, 1996. (2969) WRIGHT (R.O.). Chronology of labor in the United States. Jefferson, 2003. (2970) International Energy Chronologies. URL: cultureel-wetenschappelijk (2971) DE LA BROSSE (O.). Chronologie universelle : église et culture occidentale. Paris, 1994. (2972) LEBRUN (F.), ed. Les grandes dates du Christianisme. Paris, 1989. (2973) LEVINSON (D.). The Wilson chronology of the world's religions. New York, 2000. (2974) MAGILL (F.N.), ed. Chronology of Twentieth-Century History: Arts and Culture. Chicago, 1998. This chronology lists key historical events in the cultural and artistic life of the Twentieth Century. The articles are arranged chronologically in two volumes: beginning with Stanislavsky's development of method acting in 1897 the volumes end with the murder of fashion designer Gianni Versace in 1997. The broad range of artistic and cultural topics (modern architecture, visual arts, dance, fashion and design, literature, modern music, radio and television, etc.) are (richly) described in 502 articles, which include an annotated Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 217 bibliography, the authors' names and cross-references to other articles in the Chronology. The chronological list of events in the first volume, along with the alphabetical, subject/key word and category indices in the second volume, facilitate research for students, researchers and all those with an interest in the arts world. (2975) UNESCO. A chronology of UNESCO, 1945-1987: facts and events in UNESCO's history with reference to documentary sources in the UNESCO archives and supplementary information in the annexes 1-21. Paris, 1987. genderstudies (2976) BRAKEMAN (L.). Chronology of women worldwide: people, places and events that shaped women's history. Detroit, 1996. (2977) GREENSPAN (K.). The timetables of women's history: a chronology of the most important people and events in women's history. New York, 1996. (2978) OLSON (K.). Chronology of women's history. Westport, 1994. 5.3.2. lopend mondiaal (2979) CEPESS. Cepess data. Ephemeriden van de maand. Ephémérides du mois. Brussel, 1962-. (2980) CEPESS. De internationale toestand. La situation internationale. Brussel, 1962-. (2981) Royal Institute of International Affairs. Survey of international events. London, 1925-1977. (2982) International institute for strategic studies. Strategic survey. London, 1971-. (2983) Jahrbuch Dritte Welt 1983-. München, 1983-. (2984) Keesing's Historisch Archief. Deurne, 1931-. (2985) L'Histoire en ligne. URL: (2986) Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI). SIPRI Yearbook. World armaments and disarmament. Stockholm, 1968-. (2987) The Economist. Country report. Analysis of economic and political trends every quarter. London, 1952-. (2988) The Web Chronology Project. URL: (2989) United Nations. Department of international economic and social affairs. World economic survey. Current trends and policies in the world economy. New York, 1927-. per streek Europa (2990) L'année politique, économique et sociale en France 1944/45. Paris, 1945-. (2991) Politiek jaarboek. Année politique in Res Publica. Brussel, 1976-. Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 218 5.4. over geografische eenheden 5.4.1. algemeen (2992) BARRACLOUGH (G.), ed. Times Atlas of World History. London, 1993. (2993) ENGEL (J.). Großer Historischer Weltatlas, Dritter Teil Neuzeit. München, 1981. (2994) KINDER (H.), Atlas of World History. Harmondsworth, 1987. (2995) KURIAN (G.). Encyclopedia of the Third World. New York, 1987. (2996) KURIAN (G.T.). World encyclopedia of cities. Santa Barbara, 1994. (2997) PARKER (S.P.). World geographical encyclopedia. New York, 1995. (2998) WEBSTER. Webster's New Geographical Dictionary. Springfield, 1980. Webster's Dictionary contains over 47,000 entries and 217 maps. This dictionary of names and places gives geographical (location, surface, etc.) and historical information (historical evolution, economic features, etc.) per entry. Independent states, colonies, greater administrative subdivisions, big cities, etc. are included in this work, with many of the articles having a historical dimension. Emphasis is placed on the United States and Canada with fewer entries dedicated to countries outside of these regions. There are ca. 15,000 cross-references. Summary articles provide specific information on a selection of topics and are augmented by a glossary of terms. (2999) Atlas historique. URL: (3000) Country Watch. URL: (3001) Hargrett Library Rare Map Collection. URL: (3002) Historical and Cultural Atlases: U.S. and Europe. URL: (3003) Historical Atlas of the Twentieth Century. URL: (3004) Library of Congress Geography and Maps: An Illustrated Guide. URL: (3005) Map History / History of Cartography. URL: (3006) Mappoint. URL: (3007) Mapquest. URL: (3008) National Geographic Maps & Geography Online: Atlas, Games ... Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 219 URL: (3009) Oddens' Bookmarks. The Fascinating World of Maps and Mapping. URL: (3010) Perry-Castañeda Library Map Collection. URL: (3011) Political handbook of the world. New York, 1927-. (3012) The Statesman's year-book. Statistical and historical annual of the states of the world for the year ... London, 1864-. (3013) The World Factbook. URL: (3014) UN Atlas of the Oceans. URL: (3015) World Sites Atlas. URL: 5.4.2. per continent Afrika (3016) HOFMEIER (R.), SCHOENBORN (M.). Politisches Lexikon Afrika. München, 1988. (3017) MORRISON (D.G.), e.a. Black Africa. A comparative handbook. New York, 1989. (3018) Africa South of the Sahara. London, 1971-. Azië (3019) LAFLEUR (R.). China. A global studies handbook. Santa-Barbara, 2003. (3020) TAYLOR (R.). Asia & Pacific. New York, 1990. (3021) China. URL: (3022) China's Official Gateway to News & Information. URL: (3023) Foreign Governments Asia and the Pacific. URL: Amerika (3024) BOLES (J.B.), ed. Companion to the American South. Malden, 2002. (3025) EARLE (J.). The Routledge Atlas of African American History. London, 2000. (3026) FRANK (A.K.). The Routledge Historical Atlas of the American South. London, 2000. (3027) Comparative and Foreign Government on the Internet: Latin America. URL: Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 220 (3028) Lewis and Clark: Maps of Exploration 1507 -1814. URL: (3029) Maps of Native American Nations, History, Info. URL: Europa (3030) BARBOUR (P.), ed. The European Union Handbook. Chicago, 1996. (3031) BEAZLEY (M.). L'Europe du centre et du nord-ouest. The Encyclopedia of people and places in North-Western and Central Europe. Paris, 1992. (3032) CHANNON (J.), HUDSON (R.). Penguin Historical Atlas of Russia. Harmondsworth, 1995. (3033) CRAMPTON (R.), CRAMPTON (B.). Atlas of Eastern Europe in the Twentieth Century. London, 1996. (3034) GILBERT (M.). Routledge Atlas of Russian History. London, 2000. (3035) MOSTYN (T.), ed. The Cambridge encyclopedia of the Middle East and North Africa. New York, 1988. (3036) Russia. URL: (3037) The Europa world year book. London, 1926-. (3038) Western Europe. A political and economic survey. London, 1988-. Midden-Oosten (3039) FREEMAN-GRENVILLE (G.S.P.). Historical Atlas of the Middle East. New York, 1993. (3040) GILBERT (M.). Routledge Atlas of Jewish History. London, 2000. (3041) KETTERMANN (G.). Atlas zur Geschichte des Islam. Darmstadt, 2001. (3042) Foreign Governments Middle East and North Africa. URL: Oceanië 5.4.3. nationaal België (3043) Belgium. URL: (3044) Belgium. URL: Frankrijk (3045) PINOL (J.L.), ed. Atlas historique des villes de France. Paris, 1996. Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 221 (3046) Atlas de la Révolution française 10. Economie. Paris, 1997-2000. (3047) France. URL: (3048) Les liens utiles - La France - Gouvernement et Ministères. URL: (3049) URL: Groot-Brittannië (3050) GILBERT (M.). Routledge Atlas of British History. London, 2002. (3051) OAKLAND (J.). A Dictionary of British Institutions. A student's guide. London, 1993. The Dictionary of British Institutions contains a selection of basic terms and references, which illustrate select central institutional aspects of British national life. It provides students (particularly non-British) with short but informative data on British institutional jargon. The entries are arranged alphabetically and cover political, socio-economic, cultural, sociological and scientific issues. (3052) UK online. URL: (3053) United Kingdom. URL: Duitsland (3054) FREEMAN (M.). Atlas of Nazi Germany. A Political, Economic and Social Anatomy of the Third Reich. London, 1995. (3055) SCHAFERS (B.). State of Germany Atlas. London, 1998. (3056) Das Kaiserreich. URL: (3057) Germany. URL: (3058) RegierungOnline. URL: Nederland (3059) Netherlands. URL: (3060) Netherlands. URL: Verenigde Staten Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 222 (3061) GILBERT (M.). Routledge Atlas of American History. London, 2000. (3062) KAGAN (H.H.), ed. The American Heritage Pictorial Atlas of United States History. New York, 1966. (3063) Central Intelligence Agency. URL: (3064) The US Government's Official Web Portal. URL: (3065) United States. URL: 5.4.4. thematisch politiek en defensie (3066) BANKS (A.), PALMER (A.). Military Atlas of the First World War. London, 1975. (3067) CHALIAND (G.). Atlas stratégique: Géopolitique des rapports de forces dans le monde. Paris, 1983. (3068) DELURY (G.). World Encyclopedia of Political Systems and Parties. New York, 1987. (3069) GILBERT (M.). Routledge Atlas of the First World War. London, 1994. (3070) GILBERT (M.). Routledge Atlas of the Holocaust. London, 2002. (3071) GILBERT (M.). The Routledge Atlas of the Arab-Israeli Conflict. London, 2000. (3072) GILBERT (M.). The Routledge Atlas of the Holocaust. The Complete History. London, 1993. (3073) MIECZKOWSKI (Y.). The Routledge Historical Atlas of Presidential Elections. London, 2001. (3074) MUNRO (D.), DAY (A.J.). A world record of major conflict areas. Chicago, 1990. sociaal en/of economisch (3075) STOVER (J.S.). The Routledge Historical Atlas of the American Railroads. London, 2000. cultureel-wetenschappelijk (3076) CARROLL (B.). The Routledge Historical Atlas of American Religion. London, 2001. (3077) JEDIN (H.), ed. Atlas zur Kirchengeschichte. Die christlichen Kirchen in Geschichte und Gegenwart. Freiburg, 1970. gender 5.5. over cijfergegevens 5.5.1. algemeen (3078) OECD Statistical Compendium. URL: Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 223 The OECD Statistical Compendium is a statistics publication covering the full scope of OECD's areas of expertise: Development and Aid, General Economic Problems, Economic indicators, National accounts and Historical Statistics, Labour Market and Social Issues, Financial and Fiscal Affairs, Industry, Science and Technology, Foreign Trade, Agriculture, and Energy. The site also hosts many other sources of information such as the OECD's annual report, newsletters, working papers, gateways etc. The OECD is based on thirty member countries, which share a commitment to democratic government and market economy. OECD's impact is global with active relationships to approximately seventy other countries, NGOs and civil societies. (3079) Statistical Resources on the Web. URL: The Documents Center is a reference point for local, state, federal, and foreign government information. Functioning as a statistical information metasite, the web pages include data on government, political science, news and statistics, which are searchable by index.( Business, demographic, labor, education and sociology indexes are included). Includes annotated links to government resources on the web. Maintained by University of Michigan Documents Center. (3080) United Nations Statistics Division. URL: (3081) World Bank. World development report 1978-. Oxford, 1979-. (3082) Your Nation. URL: 5.5.2. geografisch per continent Afrika (3083) MITCHELL (B.R.), ed. International Historical Statistics: Africa, Asia and Oceania, 1750-1993. Houndmills, 1998. Azië (3084) National Bureau of Statistics of China. URL: Amerika (3085) MITCHELL (B.R.), ed. International Historical Statistics: The Americas, 1750-1993. Houndmills, 1998. This work provides statistical data on the Americas from 1750 to 1993; this period, however, is not inclusive to each nation involved. It provides information on population, economy, national accounts and education. The work is mainly intended for economists and historians. (3086) Statistical abstract of Latin America 1955. Los Angeles, 1956-. Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 224 Europa (3087) CLARKE (R.A.), MATKO (D.J.I.). Soviet economic facts 1917-81. London, 1983. (3088) Europese Commissie: EUROSTAT. 50 years of figures on Europe: data 1952-2001. Luxemburg, 2003. (3089) EUROSTAT. Algemene statistiek. Luxemburg, 1985-. URL: Author: Statistical Office of the European Communities. Offers diverse online data: long term indicators (structural indicators from the Commission's Synthesis Report, covering employment, innovation and research, social cohesion and environment, economic reforms and free data tables on many areas of life, work etc.) and short term indicators (Euro-indicators for the EU-15 and the Euro-zone, updated daily). Moreover this site offers publications of the Statistical Office in PDF-format, news releases, working papers and studies and up-to-date summaries of the main results of statistical surveys, studies and analyses. (3090) EUROSTAT. Jaarboek 1995-. Luxemburg, 1995-. (3091) EUROSTAT. Panorama of the EU. Luxemburg, 2001-. (3092) EUROSTAT. Pocketbook. Luxemburg, 1999-. (3093) FLORA (P), State, Economy and Society in Western Europe 1815-1975. A Data Handbook. Frankfurt, 1983. This handbook is a useful instrument for students and scholars of political, social and economic development in Western European states starting with the Congress of Vienna. It consists of two volumes of equal length, which cover most Western European nation states, with the exception of Spain, Portugal, Greece, Luxembourg and select others. The first volume, entitled The Growth of Mass Democracies and Welfare States, contains basic data on states (boundaries, population, cultural heterogeneity), the evolution of mass democracies (suffrage, electoral results, government coalitions), the growth of public budget and bureaucracies, and the development of welfare states. The second volume, The Growth of Industrial Societies and Capitalist Economies, is more selective and concentrates on social and economic developments such as: indicators of economic growth, measures of income distribution, urbanization and housing, the structure of the labour force and patterns of industrial conflict. Altogether the handbook contains nineteen chapters. Both volumes include a historical-sociological introduction, and each chapter starts with an explanation of included tables, graphs and methodology. (3094) MITCHELL (B.R.), ed. European historical statistics 1750-1993. London, 1998. This work lists statistical data for a large selection of European countries; data includes information on: population, economic aspects (prices and labour force), national accounts and education. It covers the period between 1750 and 1993, with some country's data starting later than 1750. An introduction is provided per entry on countries' changing frontiers along with information on currency change and official sources. The work is mainly intended for economists and historians. (3095) SHOUP (P.S.). The East European and Soviet data handbook. Political, social and developmental indicators, 1945-1975. New York, 1981. Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 225 Oceanië* nationaal België (3096) BELGOSTAT. URL: (3097) Ecodata. URL: Author: Federale Overheidsdienst Economie, KMO, Middenstand en Energie (Belgian Ministry of Economy). The Ecodata site offers numerical data on employment, population, tourism and other economic parameters for Belgium and other countries. The Belgian statistics are categorized by province, district and municipality. (3098) Industriële statistieken 1900-1961. Statistiques industrielles 1900-1961. Brussel, 1965. (3099) Nationaal Instituut voor Statistiek / Institut national de Statistique. URL: The NIS, Nationaal instituut voor de statistiek, is an official institution charged with the gathering, handling and distribution of Belgian statistical data. The material is classified under seven headings: territory and environment, population and society, economy and finances, agriculture, industry, services, trade and transport. Downloadable schedules provide ready-for-use detailed data. Moreover the website offers a recent and global outline of the Belgian conjuncture, through conjectural indicators. The Dutch and French versions are superior to the current English version. (3100) Nationale bank van België. URL: (3101) Prijzen, arbeids- en sociale statistieken 1900-1961. Statistiques des prix. Statistiques du travail. Autres statistiques sociales 1900-1961. Brussel, 1965. Frankrijk (3102) Institut national de la statistique et des études économiques / National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies (INSEE). URL: The Institut national de la statistique et des études économiques (INSEE) collects and produces information on French economy and society. This information is made available to the national community (government, business, researchers, educators, media, and individuals) for study, forecasting, and decision-making purposes. Main indicators of economic and financial data & profiles of French regions are provided. The data also includes information on important economic statistics such as income, labour, employment, consumer prices, businesses, GDP, production, and financial markets. Groot-Brittannië Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 226 (3103) Office for National Statistics. URL: The official United Kingdom Statistics Site provides recent U.K. statistical data, along with free, downloadable, recently-released publications. The site is organized thematically, including but not limited to: crime and justice, economy, education and training, social and welfare, and the labour market. Other features include charts of current economic indicators, the latest headline information on official data, a list of new publications, and a sample cross section of data illustrating current U.K. lifestyles. Duitsland (3104) Statistisches Bundesambt Deutschland / Federal Statistical Office. URL: This site offers information about the Federal Statistic Office of Germany, extensive press releases, short term economic indicators (GDP and the like for recent years), basic statistical figures, time series (only in German at the moment), and book and media store (including on-line data). Nederland (3105) 1899-1984. Vijfentachtig jaren statistiek in tijdreeksen. Den Haag, 1984. (3106) Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek. URL: (3107) The Historical Sample of the Nederlands. URL: Verenigde Staten (3108) The White House. Social Statistics Briefing Room. URL: Access to current federal social statistics on crime, demographics, education, and health. Links are produced and provided by numerous federal agencies. Graphics are available. (3109) Economic Research Service. US Department of Agriculture. URL: (3110) Statistical Abstract of the United States. URL: Excellent resource for statistical information: demographics, employment, industrial production statistics, and government financial information. Online information covers data from 1995 to 2000. (3111) Stat-USA. URL: This site, run by the Department of Commerce, specializes in timely reporting of federal government statistics. Through a single, well-organize site one can access data from Census, BLS, the Fed and BEA. Access to most data requires payment -- subscriptions (both for Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 227 individuals and site licenses) are available, and single reports can also be purchased. For those interested in recent statistics, Newsstand provides recent data, including a section for individual report purchases. Besides daily and hot releases, its major headings are: General Economic Indicators, Housing and Construction, Employment, Manufacturing and Industry, Monetary Statistics, and Economic Policy. (3112) U.S. Census Bureau. URL: The site includes population and poverty data, both historical and current. See especially the International Data Base (IDB) from the US Census Bureau; The International Data Base (IDB) is a computerized data bank containing statistical tables of demographic and socio-economic data for 227 countries and areas of the world. (3113) US Department of Commerce. Bureau of Economic Analysis. URL: (3114) US Department of Labor. Bureau of Labor Statistics. URL: Author: Bureau of Labour Statistics, U.S. Ministry of Labour. Allows for customized extraction from a wide variety of BLS Data series. BLS is the principal fact-finding agency for Federal Government in the field of labour economics and statistics. Available are: Comparative civilian labour force statistics (ten countries, 1959-2002 at, which includes employment and unemployment data), and Consumer Price Indexes (Sixteen Countries, 1950-2002 politiek (3115) GORVIN (I.). Elections since 1945. A worldwide reference compendium. Harlow, 1989. (3116) International institute for strategic studies. The military balance. London, 1958-. sociaal-economisch (3117) BAIROCH (P.). Statistiques internationales rétrospectives. La population active et sa structure. International historical statistics. The working population and its structure. Bruxelles, 1968. (3118) LIESNER (Th.). Economic statistics 1900-1983. United Kingdom, United States of America, France, Germany, Italy, Japan. London, 1985. (3119) OECD. Main economic indicators: historical statistics: prices, labour and wages 1962-1991. Paris, 1993. (3120) OECD. Principaux indicateurs économiques. Paris, 1960-. . (3121) The International Institute of Social History. The IISG Datafiles of Historical Prices and Wages. URL: Data on price and wages are among the most important sources of information in social and Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 228 economic historical research, especially for the pre-statistical period. The International Institute of Social History (IISH) has taken the initiative to set up a network of scholars working with this kind of data; the result is the establishment of a moderated list of data files of historical prices and wages. The long-term goal is to enhance exchange and (re-)use of this data in order to write truly international-comparative histories of market development and its institutional settings. The focus will be on data bases related to Europe and non-European (in particular Asian) countries in the period before 1914. All data bases will not only include the data itself, but also descriptions of the way in which data is constructed, the sources used, and relevant publications in which the data is analysed. (3122) EUROSTAT. General government accounts and statistics 1970-1987. Comptes et statistiques des administrations publiques 1970-1987. Luxembourg, 1990. (3123) Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). URL: (3124) International Energy Agency / Agence internationale de l'énergie (IEA). URL: (3125) International Labour Organization. URL: (3126) OECD Economic outlook. Historical statistics 1960-1988. Perspectives économiques de l'OCDE Statistiques rétrospectives 1960-1988. Paris, 1990. (3127) OECD Labour force statistics. OCDE Statistiques de la population active 1956/66. Paris, 1968-. (3128) OECD Main economic indicators: historical statistics 1969-1988. OCDE Principaux indicateurs économiques: statistiques rétrospectives 1969-1988. Paris, 1990. (3129) OECD National accounts. vol. 1 Main aggregates 1960-1988. Paris, 1990. (3130) OECD Revenue statistics of OECD member countries 1965-1989. OWE Statistiques des recettes publiques des pays membres de l'OCDE. Paris, 1990. (3131) Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). URL:,2639,en_2825_293564_1_1_1_1_1,00.html (3132) Popnet. URL: (3133) The ISSH List of Details of Historical Prices and Wages. URL: (3134) United Nations Industrial Development Organization. URL: (3135) World Health Organization Statistical Information System. URL: cultureel-wetenschappelijk* genderstudies* Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 229 5.6. over instellingen en organisaties 5.6.1. algemeen (3136) BUREK (D.M.), ed. Encyclopedia of associations. Detroit, 1992. (3137) MACFARLANE (T.J.). Encyclopedia of associations. International organizations. Detroit, 1998. (3138) MAKI (K.E.), ed. Encyclopedia of associations 1996: international organisations. New York, 1996. (3139) REID (D.T.), IRVIN (L.). Encyclopedia of associations. Detroit, 1991. (3140) SCHIAVONE (G.). International Organisations. A Dictionary and Directory. New York, 1992. (3141) THURN (L.). International organizations. Encyclopedia of associations. Detroit, 1996. (3142) Birmingham Civil Rights Institute. URL: (3143) Council on Hemispheric Affairs. URL: (3144) LIBER - Organization - Activities. URL: (3145) National Coalition of Independent Scholars. URL: (3146) National Preservation Institute. URL: (3147) Worldwide government directory with international organizations. Bethesda, 1981-. 5.6.2. politiek (3148) AMERINGER (C.D.). Political parties of the Americas, 1980s to 1990s: Canada, Latin America and the West Indies. Westport, 1992. (3149) DRAGUHN (W.), e.a. Politisches Lexikon Asien, Australien, Pazifik. München, 1989. (3150) JACOBS (F.). Western European political parties. A comprehensive guide. Harlow, 1989. (3151) WETTERAU (B.). Congressional Quarterly's desk reference on the states. Washington, 1999. (3152) Annuaire des Communautés européennes et des autres organisations européennes. Yearbook of the European Communities and of the other European organizations. Bruxelles, 1977-. (3153) Association of Caribean states. URL: (3154) Committee of the Regions. URL: (3155) Congressional directory. Washington, 1857-. (3156) Council of the European Union. URL: Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 230 (3157) Defense & foreign affairs handbook. Washington, 1976-. (3158) Europa: Gateway to the European Union. URL: (3159) European Commission. URL: (3160) European Parliament. URL: (3161) International Institute for Strategic Studies. URL: (3162) Latin American political movements. New York, 1985. (3163) Organisation of American States. URL: (3164) Truth and Reconciliation Commission. URL: (3165) U.S. Department of Education. URL: (3166) United Nations. URL: (3167) United Nations Association of the United States of America. URL: 5.6.3. sociaal-economisch (3168) BROBECK (S.), MAYER (R.R.), HERRMANN (R.O.). Encyclopedia of the consumer movement. Santa Barbara, 1997. (3169) CRISP. Répertoire permanent des groupes d'entreprises. Bruxelles, 1979-. (3170) STOPFORD (J.), e.a. The world directory of multinational enterprises. London, 1982-. (3171) Annuaire des sociétés et des administrateurs. Paris, 1907-. (3172) Annuaire des sociétés et des administrateurs. Jaarboek der bedrijven en bestuurders. Bruxelles, 1989-. (3173) Directory of European associations. Part 1. National industrial, trade and professional associations. Beckenham, 1971-. (3174) Directory of European community trade and professional associations. Commission des Communautés européennes. Repertoire des organisations professionnelles européennes dans la CE. Brussel, 1990-. (3175) Dunn's 20.000. De belangrijkste Nederlandse ondernemingen. Rotterdam, 1987-. (3176) Dunn's 40.000. Les principales entreprises de Belgique et du Luxembourg. De voornaamste ondernemingen in België en Luxemburg. Brussel, 1971-. Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 231 (3177) European Central Bank. URL: (3178) European Economic and Social Committee. URL: (3179) Institute of International Economic Relations. URL: (3180) International consumer directory. Harlow, 1967-. (3181) International Labour Organisation. URL: (3182) International Monetary Fund. URL: (3183) Major companies of the Arab world. London, 1977-. (3184) Mannheimer Zentrum für Europäische Sozialforschung: Startseite. URL: (3185) Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights. URL: (3186) Standard & Poor's register of corporations, directors and executives. New York, 1928-. (3187) Trade unions of the world. London, 2001. (3188) Trends Top 20.000.1978-. (3189) UNICEF. URL: (3190) United Nations Conference on Trade and Development. URL: (3191) United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific. URL: (3192) United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia. URL: (3193) United Nations Economic Commission for Africa. URL: (3194) United Nations Economic Commission for Europe. URL: (3195) United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. URL: (3196) United Nations Industrial Development Organization. URL: (3197) United Nations Population Fund. Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 232 URL: (3198) United Nations World Food Programme. URL: (3199) Verbände, Behörden, Organisationen der Wirtschaft. Darmstadt, 1955-. (3200) Who owns whom North America. London, 1969-. (3201) Who owns whom United Kingdom & Republic of Ireland. London, 1958-. (3202) Who owns whom. North and South America. Bucks, 1998-. . (3203) Who owns whom: Australasia and Far East. London, 1971-. (3204) Who owns whom: continental Europe. London, 1961-. (3205) World Bank. URL: (3206) World guide to trade associations. Internationales Verzeichnis der Wirtschaftsverbände. München, 1973-. (3207) World Health Organization. URL: (3208) World Trade Organisation. URL: 5.6.4. cultureel-wetenschappelijk (3209) Advisory Council on Historic Preservation. URL: (3210) African Studies at Harvard. URL: (3211) Air Force Historical Research Agency. URL: (3212) American Institute for Conservation of Historic & Artistic Works. URL: (3213) American Political Science Association (APSA). URL: (3214) American Studies Association. URL: (3215) America's First Holocaust Memorial Center. URL: (3216) Association for History and Computing. URL: (3217) British Association for American Studies. Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 233 URL: (3218) Ceges/Soma. URL: (3219) Center for Documentary Studies. URL: (3220) Center for History & New Media. URL: (3221) Center for Research Libraries. URL: (3222) Center for World Indigenous Studies. URL: (3223) Center of Military History. URL: (3224) Central Eurasian Studies World Wide. Resources for the Study of Central Eurasia. URL: (3225) Centre for Metropolitan History. URL: (3226) Centre for Metropolitan History. URL: (3227) CLIO en Afrique. URL: (3228) David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies. URL: (3229) European Institute. URL: (3230) Fernand Braudel Center. URL: (3231) Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History. URL: (3232) Historisches Institut Osteuropäische Geschichte. URL: (3233) History: Website of the Institute for Historical Research. URL: (3234) H-Popular Culture Association American Culture Association. URL: (3235) Human Resources Management and Industrial Relations. Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 234 URL: (3236) Immigration Hisotry Research Center. URL: (3237) Ingeborg Rennert Center - Overview. URL: (3238) Institute for the Advanced Study of Information Warfare. URL: (3239) Institute of Baltic Studies. URL: (3240) Institute of Contemporary British History. URL: (3241) International American Studies Association. URL: (3242) International Institute for the Study of Islam in the Modern World. URL: (3243) International Institute of Social History. URL: (3244) International Institute of Social History. URL: (3245) International Psychohistorical Association. URL: (3246) International Society for Intellectual History. URL: (3247) Labor & Working-Class History Association. URL: (3248) Latin America Studies Association. URL: (3249) Max-Planck Institute für Geschichte. URL: (3250) Münchner Zentrum für Wissenschafts- und Technikgeschichte. URL: (3251) National Endowment for the Humanities. URL: (3252) National Trust for Historic Preservation. URL: (3253) National Trust for Historic Preservation. Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 235 URL: (3254) Organization of American Historians. URL: (3255) Roper Center for Public Opinion Research. URL: (3256) Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture Home Page. URL: (3257) Simon Wiesenthal Center. URL: (3258) SLAS: Society for Latin American Studies. URL: (3259) Société Française d'Histoire Urbaine. URL: (3260) Society for American City and Regional Planning History. URL: (3261) The Holocaust Memorial Center. URL: (3262) The Society of American Archivists. URL: (3263) U.S. Army Military History Institute. URL: (3264) Urban History Association. URL: (3265) W.E.B. Du Bois Institute for African-American Research. URL: (3266) Western History Association. URL: (3267) YIVO Institute for Jewish Research. URL: 5.6.5. genderstudies (3268) BARRETT (J.K.), ed. Encyclopedia of women's associations worldwide. London, 1993. (3269) SHREIR (S.). Women's movements of the world. An international directory and reference guide. Harlow, 1988. (3270) Association for Women in Science. URL: (3271) Feminist Majority Foundation. Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 236 URL: (3272) Global Fund for Women. URL: (3273) Global Women's Project. URL: (3274) ILO's Gender Web Site. URL: (3275) International Alliance of Women. URL: (3276) International Federation of University Women. URL: (3277) The African Women's Development and Communication Network. URL: (3278) The Association of Women in International Trade. URL: (3279) The League of Women Voters. URL: (3280) United Nations Inter-Agency Network on Women and Gener Equality. URL: (3281) Women's International League for Peace and Freedom. URL: 6. WETENSCHAPPELIJKE TEKSTEN EN BRONNEN ONDER ELEKTRONISCHE VORM 6.1. zonder beperking van wetenschapsdomein (3282) Bibliothèque Interuniversitaire de la Communauté française. BICTEL. URL: BICTEL is the result of the creation of the French Community of Belgium's Interuniversity Library, the culminating effort of Belgium's nine French-speaking universities. The project BICTEL/e gathers research (theses and e-prints) from universities in the French Community of Belgium, and makes full text accessible online. (3283) Koninklijke Bibliotheek Nederland. Depot of Dutch Electronic Publications. URL: The Royal Library (KB) of the Netherlands is responsible for online publications, including electronic journals published by major publishers and Internet publications. The Library catalogues, stores, and provides access to publications through DNEP. Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 237 (3284) Leland Stanford Junior University. High Wire Press. URL: HighWire Press is a division of Stanford University Libraries, which produce the online versions of high-impact, peer-reviewed journals and other scholarly content. It hosts the largest repository of free full-text life science articles in the world, with more than 600,000 available online. From 1995, with the launch of the Journal of Biological Chemistry (JBC), to the continuous online production of hundreds of prestigious journals, like Science Magazine, the New England Journal of Medicine, PNAS and JAMA, HighWire has established an outstanding reputation for helping to disseminate primary scientific information on the Web. (3285) Look Smart. Find Articles. URL: is a comprehensive archive of published articles that can be searched free of charge. Constantly updated, it contains articles dating back to 1998 from more than 300 magazines and journals in different fields such as history, political sciences, sociology etc. (3286) ProQuest. PCI Full Text. URL: PCI Full Text draws on the strength of index records in PCI by using a growing number of periodical back-files and making them available electronically. PCI Full Text contains contents of 259 journals, providing access to over 5.4 million article pages, representing over 860,000 articles. These are drawn from the 13 million-plus article citation records in the PCI index. PCI Full Text should represent 300 journals by the end of 2003. It covers 37 key subject areas in the humanities and social sciences. PCI Full Text digitizes key scholarly titles, but also includes journals of historical interest that began publication in the 19th century. As with PCI, participants in JSTOR's Arts & Sciences I and Arts & Sciences II Collections can link directly from the relevant index records in PCI Full Text to the corresponding text within JSTOR. Periodicals in PCI Full Text can be purchased as collections for permanent online access. There are currently two collections, each containing 100 titles, PCI Full Text Collections 1 and 2, with a third currently in development. These contain full-page images plus index records for all journals included in the collections. (3287) Roper Center for Public Opinion Research. Roper Center for Public Opinion Research. URL: A leader in public opinion research for almost fifty years, the Roper Center (a non-profit research organisation) provides a wide range of services, programs and publications. The Center's Public Opinion Location Library (POLL) gives online access to an enormous database that includes many of the public opinion poll questions asked nationally in the U.S. from 1936 to Present. In total, the Center maintains machine-readable data files for more than 10,000 surveys conducted in the United States and around the world. The collection goes back to the earliest days of systematic survey research and includes current material. (3288) Sint-Lodewijkscholen. E-thesis. URL: Author: Sint Lodewijkscholen. The purpose of this educational project is to make available to the public theses, doctorates and essays of Flemish universities. It covers history, anthropology, communication sciences, economics, political studies, sociology, criminology, Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 238 culture studies etc. Currently 219 works are online. (3289) Ugent Libraries. Ugent Institutional Archive. URL: Full text repository of Ghent University publications: master-, bachelor theses, PhD, articles etc. (3290) Universities of Cornell and Michigan. Making of America. URL: Author: Cornell University & University of Michigan. Drawing on myriad primary sources of their respective libraries, these two institutions are developing a thematically-related digital library documenting American social history from the Antebellum period through Reconstruction. At Cornell University, 109 monographs (267 volumes) and 22 journals (955 volumes) with imprints primarily between 1840 and 1900 were selected, scanned, and made available through the present system. The Michigan process focuses on monographs in areas of education, psychology, American history, sociology, science and technology, and religion. The collection currently contains 8,500 books and 50,000 journal articles with nineteenth-century imprints. Librarians, researchers, and instructors continue to work together to determine the content of this digital library and to evaluate its impact on research and teaching in both institutions. (3291) University of Sussex. UK Data Archive. URL: A specialised UK national resource containing the largest collection of accessible electronic data in the social sciences and humanities. Through this web page it is also possible to search catalogues of other national archives for electronic data and to use the services of the Data Archive to acquire it. The Archive is funded jointly by the University of Essex where it is located, the ESRC (Economic and Social Research Council) and JISC (Joint Information Systems Committee). The Bibliographic Information Retrieval Online (BIRON) is the Archive's primary search engine. Catalog record search of the Archive's collection is possible through study and keyword descriptions. (3292) Virginia Tech. Networked digital library of theses. URL: Union Catalogue serves as a repository for rich graduate educational material contributed by a number of member institutions worldwide. The hope is that this project will increase the availability of student research for scholars while empowering them to convey a richer message through the use of multimedia and hypermedia technologies. It promotes the advance of digital library technology worldwide. (3293) Academic search elite. URL: of via Academic Search Elite provides full text for more than 1,850 publications, including nearly 1,300 peer-reviewed journals. In addition to full text, indexing and abstracts are provided for all 2,900 journals of the collection. This database offers information in nearly every area of academic study including: social sciences, humanities, education, computer sciences, engineering, physics, chemistry, ethnic studies and more. Examples of titles offered in Academic Search Elite include: Acta Sociologica, American Historical Review, American Journal of Political Science, American Sociologist, Social Forces, Sociological Review, Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 239 Women's Studies etc. In addition to journal coverage, Academic Search Elite provides full text information from a variety of source-types including scholarly monographs. The majority of full text titles are available in native PDF, or scanned-in-colour. Full text information in this database dates as far back as 1985. (3294) Blackwell Synergy. URL: Synergy is a full text database and includes 370,911 articles from 737 leading journals, with 31 in political sciences, 26 in sociology and 18 in history. (3295) Cambridge Journals Online. URL: Cambridge Journals Online (CJO) provides full text for over one hundred journals of science, social science, and humanities. This newly upgraded system allows users to conduct searches, view tables of contents, and view abstracts for all journals on the site. Full-text access to all journals is available to both registered and unregistered individuals in subscribing institutions. A powerful search engine runs a database-wide search for full text and allows the user to set search parameters; these parameters have all the advantages of a Boolean search. (3296) Columbia International Affairs Online. URL: Columbia International Affairs Online (CIAO) is the most comprehensive source for theory and research in international affairs. It publishes a wide range of scholarship from 1991 on that includes working papers from university research institutes, occasional papers series from NGOs, foundation-funded research projects, conference proceeds, books, journals and policy briefs. CIAO is also a widely-recognized source for teaching materials, which includes original case studies written by leading international affairs experts and course packs of background readings for history and political science classes. All sections of CIAO are updated monthly. (3297) DBI. Digital Book Index. URL: (3298) Directory of Electronic Texts Centers. URL: (3299) Directory of open access journals (DOAJ). URL: The DOAJ is a directory of 'open access' e-journals. The aim of the DOAJ is to increase the visibility and accessibility of open scientific and scholarly journals thereby promoting their increased use and impact. This service covers free, full text, quality controlled scientific and scholarly journals. There are currently 1,091 journals in the directory. The Directory is comprehensive and covers all open access scientific and scholarly journals that use a quality control system. All subject areas and languages are covered. Topics: History (33 journals), Law (20 journals), Political Science (21 journals), Social Sciences (Anthropology 11, Sociology 20, Gender Studies 11) etc. (2002). (3300) Ebsco Host. URL: http://www/ Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 240 Full text access to databases covering science and humanities. Full text periodicals available at Ebsco are frequently subject to an embargo-period, which can extend from a few months to a few years - during which time the full text is not available. A hard copy of recent periodicals should be attained as a practical solution to the embargo. (3301) Electronic Text Center. URL: Maintained by the U of Virginia Library, the center was established in 1992. Its current holdings include approximately 70,000 on- and off-line humanities texts in thirteen languages, with more than 350,000 related images (book illustrations, covers, manuscripts, newspaper pages, page images of Special Collections books, museum objects, etc.) The focus is on literature and history, with strengths related to UVAs special collections (e.g. Jeffersoniana). Digitized texts are all properly referenced to the original print version and sometimes supplied in facsimile. Not all texts are available to the general public, i.e. some access is limited to UVA members. (3302) Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETD) Digital Library. URL: (3303) Elsevier Science Direct. URL: The ScienceDirect database provides access to over 1,800 scientific, technical and medical peer-reviewed journals in fields such as social sciences and arts and humanities. Science Direct also provides access to full text articles to subscribing institutions. (3304) Federal Research Division of the Library of Congress - Country Studies. URL: This website contains the on-line versions of books previously published in hard copy by the Federal Research Division of the Library of Congress under the Country Studies/Area Handbook Program sponsored by the U.S. Department of Army. Because the original intent of the Series' sponsor was to focus primarily on lesser known areas of the world or regions in which U.S. forces might be deployed, the series is not all-inclusive. At present, 102 countries and regions are covered. Notable omissions include Canada, France, the United Kingdom, and other Western nations, as well as a number of African nations. The date of information for each country appears on the title page of each country and at the end of each section of text. The Country Studies Series presents a description and analysis of the historical setting and the social, economic, political, and national security systems and institutions of countries throughout the world and examines the interrelationships of those systems and the ways they are shaped by cultural factors. (3305) Internet Archive. URL: (3306) ISER Working Papers. URL: ISER, based at the University of Essex, specialises in the production and analysis of longitudinal data - evidence which tracks changes in the lives of the same individuals over time. It publishes a series of working papers which are the result of the research done by members and associates of the Institute. This site lists works chronologically from 1991; from 1996 it Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 241 abstracts are normally provided; and from 1999 virtually all papers are downloadable in full text, PDF format (requiring Adobe Acrobat software). The site also provides instructions for ordering a print version. (3307) JSTOR. URL: of via KULeuvenNet Funded by the Mellon Foundation. This full text and bibliographical database offers access to digital publications of periodicals. Access is limited to older periodicals and the database works with a fixed or moving wall. (3308) Le Monde Diplomatique. URL: (3309) Project Bartleby. URL: (3310) Project Gutenberg. URL: (3311) Project Muse. URL: Author: John Hopkin's University Press in collaboration with The Milton S. Eisenhower Library. Project Muse is sponsored by the National Endowment for the Humanities and makes Johns Hopkins journals available online. Currently, Project Muse offers nearly 250 quality titles from forty scholarly publishers (American). As one of the academic community's primary electronic journal resources, Project Muse covers the fields of literature and criticism, history, visual and performing arts, cultural studies, education, political science, gender studies, economics, and many others. Access to full-text issues is limited to those affiliated with subscribing institutions, but bibliographic material and tables of contents are freely accessible for all journals. (3312) Questia. URL: (3313) The Avalon Project Yale Law School. URL: Authors: William C. Fray and Lisa A. Spar, Yale Law School. The Avalon Project is a major source of digital primary source documents in the fields of law, history, economics, politics, diplomacy, and government. Documents are categorized by time period (mainly century), author/title and subject. The database includes the Nuremberg Trials Collection, Native American Treaty Collection, American Diplomacy Collection, Annual messages of the Presidents, The Middle East 1916-2002-Collection, September 11, 2001-collection of documents, United Nations-documents, documents about World War II etc. A recent addition to the digital repository is a section on the Cuban Missile Crisis and its aftermath with over 250 documents (including editorial notes), prefatory essay, and lists of persons and abbreviations a good example of the project's aim to provide more than raw data. (3314) The Online Books Page. URL: (3315) Ugent Dissertations: full text. Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 242 URL: Author: Veerle Van Conkelberge, Central University Library Gent. University of Ghent's electronic Doctoral and Masters Dissertations. (3316) Universal Library Project. URL: (3317) Virtual Reference Desk - Electronic Texts. URL: 6.2. over geschiedenis (3318) ACLS History e-book Project. The History E-Book Project. URL: On September 1, 2002, the ACLS History E-Book (HEB) Project launched over 500 high quality history books on its website. Currently, the total number of titles stands at nearly 800. These works are of major significance to historical study-books that remain vital to both scholars and advanced students, and are frequently cited in literature. Over the next few years, the History E-Book Project plans to add approximately 250 books annually to the collection, along with 85 new electronic titles. This effort represents the potential of web-based technology to communicate the results of scholarship in new ways. History e-books are accessible to students and scholars through subscribing libraries and their institutions. ACLS is collaborating in this initiative with eight scholarly societies and a select group of University Presses to assist scholars in the electronic publishing of high-quality history works, to explore the intellectual possibilities of new technology, and to help assure the continued viability of history writing in today's changing publishing environment. (3319) AHDS History, University of Essex. History Data Service. URL: Author: AHDS History, UK Data Archive, University of Essex. The History Data Archive collects preserves and promotes the use of digital resources that result from or support historical research, learning and teaching. It holds over 500 separate data collections transcribed, scanned, or compiled from historical sources. The collection covers a time period from the late tenth century to the twentieth century and, although the primary focus is the United Kingdom, a significant body of cross-national and international data collections is included. The collection is particularly strong in nineteenth- and twentieth-century economic and social history. (3320) Arts Faculty of the University of Groningen. From Revolution to Reconstruction. URL: Author: Arts Faculty of the University of Groningen. This metasite is a comprehensive resource for all aspects of American History, and is divided into five general sections: outlines, essays, documents, biographies, and presidents. It is organized around several United States Information Agency Publications: An Outline of American History, An Outline of American Economy, An Outline of American Government, and an Outline of American Literature. While the text of these Outlines remains unaltered, it has been enriched with hypertext links to relevant documents, original essays, and other Internet Sites. Currently this site contains over 3,000 relevant HTML documents. Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 243 (3321) Bibliothèque Nationale de France. Gallica. URL: The French National Library endeavours to digitize major contributions to French history and culture. The selections, ranging from the Middle Ages to the nineteenth century, pertain to philosophy, literature, history and science. To date, over 80,000 documents have been added, including text, prints, audio, and video. The site is entirely in French. (3322) H.B. Lee Libary, Brigham Young University. History of Belgium: Primary documents. URL: Author: Harold B. Lee Library, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah, USA. A diverse collection of hundreds of primary documents covering Belgium from medieval through modern times. Many documents have been expertly photo reproduced from the archives of Mount Holyoke College, the Belgian-American Research Collection, the Internet Resource handbook and others. Selections include primary documents from Belgian history during the French Administration, World War I, World War II, and the Interwar Period. (3323) H.B. Lee Libary, Brigham Young University. History of France: Primary Documents. URL: Author: Harold B. Lee Library, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah, USA. An eclectic collection of hundreds of primary documents in French, German, Spanish, and English covering France from Medieval through modern times. Many documents have been expertly reproduced from the Bibliothèque Nationale and other archives through photography, and selection quality is high. A considerable number of documents have been translated. The selections include, Les très riches heures du Duc de Berry, the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen, Emile Zola's J'accuse, and an impressive section on World War I, World War II and the Liberation of France. (3324) H.B. Lee Libary, Brigham Young University. History of Germany: Primary documents. URL: Author: Harold B. Lee Library, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah, USA. Representing hundreds of primary documents on Germany from medieval through modern times, this eclectic collection includes a diverse selection of documents concerning the Holocaust, German Constitutional and Legal Documents, National Socialism, World War I and Weimar Republic, German Local and Regional History Sources etc. The documents were expertly photo reproduced from various archives. (3325) H.B. Lee Libary, Brigham Young University. History of the Netherlands: Primary documents. URL: Author: Harold B. Lee Library, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah, USA. An eclectic collection of hundreds of primary documents covering the Netherlands from Medieval through modern times, including but not limited to: World War I, World War II, the Interwar Period, and a collection Historische kranten. Several documents in the archives have been reproduced through expert photography. (3326) H.B. Lee Libary, Brigham Young University. History of the United Kingdom: Primary documents. URL: Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 244 Author: Harold B. Lee Library, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah, USA. A rich and eclectic collection of hundreds of primary documents covering the United Kingdom from Medieval through modern times. There are digitized representations of primary documents from World War I, the Interwar Period and World War II, which were assembled at Mount Holyoke College, along with a collection of largely British primary sources from Hillsdale College and primary documents from the Internet Modern History Sourcebook .Documents were expertly reproduced from an assortment of archival material, and represent a high quality of selection. (3327) HALSALL (P.). Modern History Sourcebook. URL: http://www. Author: Paul Halsall, Fordham University. One of the first and most extensive online collections of primary historical documents, both excerpts and full texts. Though many are older English translations, the site also includes texts in French, Spanish and Latin, as well as some secondary literature. Searchable, with texts listed under convenient categories as well as by author and title. (3328) HUNT (L.), CENSOR (J.). Images of the French Revolution. URL: Authors: Lynn Hunt of UCLA & Jack Censer of George Mason University. This website provides an accessible and lively introduction to the French Revolution as well as an extraordinary archive of some of the most important documentary data from the Revolution, including 338 texts, 245 images, and a number of maps and songs. The site itself is a collaboration of the Center for History and New Media (George Mason University) and the American Social History Project (City University of New York), supported by grants from the Florence Gould Foundation and the National Endowment for the Humanities. (3329) Library of Congress. A Century of Lawmaking For A New Nation. URL: In 1832, Congress established the Law Library of Congress as a separate department of the Library. It houses one of the most complete collections of US Congressional documents in their original format. In order to make these records easily accessible to students, scholars and interested citizens. A Century of Lawmaking for a New Nation brings together records and acts of Congress from the Continental Congress and Constitutional Convention through the 43rd Congress, including the first three volumes of the Congressional Record, 1873-1875 online. (3330) Library of Congress. American Memory. URL: The American Memory Web site contains online versions of photographs, documents, sound recordings, and motion pictures from the Library of Congress Americana collections. American Memory contains rich primary source material relating to the history and culture of the United States. Currently the site offers more than seven million digital items from over a hundred historical collections. New collections are added monthly, making American Memory one of the largest digital archives projects currently available. (3331) London School of Economics and Political Science. Social Policy Pamphlets. URL: Author: Higher Education Digitisation Service, University of Hertfordshire. The library was founded in 1896 as the library of the London School of Economics and a national library for the Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 245 social sciences. Since that time the collection of primary source material (i.e. pamphlets) has been an important part of the Library's acquisitions policy. Most of this material is published by pressure groups, political parties and trade unions. The historical focus of the collection is the 19th and early 20th century but information into the 21st century is included. The majority of pamphlets in this Social Policy Pamphlets guide have been digitised and are available via the Internet. (3332) STEWART (D.). Documents in Military History. URL: Author: Dave Stewart, Associate Professor of History, Hillsdale College. This collection currently focuses on European military history before the twentieth century; however, American and non-Western military heritage and contemporary warfare are also incorporated. The site now offers 401 documents, two maps and one secondary source online. (3333) The International Institute of Social History. The Historical Sample of the Netherlands. URL: Author: The International Institute of Social History. This site presents a longitudinal and representative sample of approximately 80,000 people born in the Netherlands from 1812 to 1922, and is derived from birth , death and marriage certificates, records from the population registers, and other historical sources. Occupation, location, and other information have been encoded for statistical analyses. A provisional data set from the Utrecht pilot project can be ordered at a nominal price. (3334) University of California. Berkeley Digital Library Sunsite. URL: This site offers both digital collections of archival material and resources for their development. The catalogues and indexes page lists databases for finding historical documents, while the Collections section links to primary documents available for perusal on the Web. Part of the Berkeley SunSITE is Other Digital Text Sites, a list that links users to dozens of digital text collections on the World Wide Web. It covers multiple topics and is a good site for historians who draw from other disciplines in their research. (3335) University of Kansas. AMDOCS. URL: Part of the Electronic Library of the University of Kansas, this site provides access to hundreds of important documents vital to American history studies. The materials date from the Fifteenth Century to the Present. (3336) University of Leiden. History of European Integration. URL: The Treaties of Paris, Rome, Maastricht, Amsterdam, and many more are included. (3337) University of Virginia Library. Special Collections Digital Center. URL: From 1930 to the Present, transcriptions and numerous translations comprise this large and up-to-date collection. (3338) Woodrow Wilson International Center. Cold War International History. Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 246 URL: Author: Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Washington. The project supports full and prompt release of historical materials by governments on all sides of the Cold War. In addition to Western sources, the project provides translations of documents from Eastern European archives that were released with the collapse of the Soviet Union in the late 1980's. The project accelerates integration of new sources, materials and perspectives from the former Communist bloc with the historiography of the Cold War from Western archival sources of past decades. It also transcends language, geographic and regional specialization barriers by creating new links between Cold War scholars. Users may join discussion groups and download issues of the Bulletin issued by CWIHP. (3339) Archim. Archives Nationales - images et documents. URL: (3340) Archive of European Integration. URL: Edited by Phil Wilkin, Social Sciences Bibliographer, U of Pittsburgh, who now serves as AEI Editor, and Michael Nentwich, Austrian Academy of Sciences, the site is a major online repository of full text materials on European integration. Depositing institutions include European Institute of Public Administration (Maastricht); European Political-economy Infrastructure Consortium (EPIC), London; European Union Institute for Security Studies (Paris); European Union Studies Association (Pittsburgh); Institute for Advanced Studies (Vienna); National Bank of Belgium (Brussels); U of Bonn, Center for European Integration Studies; Department of Political Studies, European Centre Jean Monnet. (3341) Digital Scriptorium. URL: In collaborative projects with Duke University faculty, students, and staff, The Digital Scriptorium develops digitized versions of historical materials from the Rare Book, Manuscript, and Special Collections Library of Duke University, and makes them accessible online. Duke University's Digital Scriptorium provides a range of mainly U.S. sources - for example, over 16,000 pages of sheet music published in the U.S. between 1650 and 1920. There are also comprehensive collections on African-Americans, advertising, and women's history along with some of the university's impressive papyrus collection. Duke Papyrus Archive provides electronic access to texts and images of 1, 373 papyri from Ancient Egypt. A database of over 9, 000 advertisements and publications from 1850 to 1920 illustrating the rise of consumer culture and the birth of professional advertising industry in the U.S. are available on the site. Archival collections feature scanned pages and texts of African-American women, Civil War women and Women's Liberation Movement writing. (3342) Digitale Texte im Seminar für Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte. URL: This project is digitizing the collection of rare historical works from 17 to 19th century in the Seminar für Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte, i.e. works by Georg Simmel, Max Bauer, August Bebel, etc. Some statistical data is included. All works are in original German text and have not been translated. (3343) Documenting the American South. Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 247 URL: This database provides nearly 1,400 primary documents on the American South during the 18th, 19th, and early 20th centuries. Culled from the premier collections at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (UNC), the database features seven major projects. First-Person Narratives of the American South, 1860-1920 offers approximately 140 diaries, autobiographies, memoirs, travel accounts, and ex-slave narratives, and concentrates on women, African-Americans, workers, and American-Indians. North American Slave Narratives furnishes approximately 250 texts, and the Library of Southern Literature makes available an additional 51 titles in Southern literature. The Church in the Southern Black Community, Beginnings to 1920, traces how Southern African Americans experienced and transformed Protestant Christianity into the central institution of community life. The Southern Homefront, 1861-1865 documents non-military aspects of Southern life during the Civil War. The North Carolina Experience, Beginnings to 1940 provides approximately 575 histories, descriptive accounts, institutional reports, works of fiction, images, oral histories, and songs. North Carolinians and the Great War offers approximately 170 documents on the legacy of World War I. The projects are accompanied by essays from the Encyclopaedia of Southern Culture, and are searchable by author, keyword, and title. They reflect a larger effort, begun in 1995, to digitize the Southern collections at UNC. (3344) EuroDocs: Western European Primary Historical Documents. URL: Although maintained by the history department of Brigham Young U, the Mormon U in Utah, the site has no discernible bias as it is largely a gateway (though with some own content). It links to a large selection of academic sites, by country, with mainly primary historical documents transcribed, or reproduced in facsimile, often in the original language or in translation. Links can be of varying quality, but in many instances key material or even previously unpublished material, is made centrally available. (3345) F.D.Roosevelt Presidential Library Digital Archives. URL: Most documents found in the FDR Library Digital Archives come from the collection known as the President's Secretary' File, or PSF. The PSF is arranged by correspondent or subject and is divided into five series: the Safe Files, the Confidential Files, the Diplomatic Files, Departmental Files, and The Subject Files. The first batch of PSF documents to be digitized was 6,500 pages kept locked in FDR's White House safe that were known as the Safe Files . The library also digitized those portions of the Diplomatic Files pertaining to U.S.-Vatican relations during World War II, approximately 1,000 pages entitled the Vatican Files , as well as the German Diplomatic Files , which contain over 2,500 documents concerning U.S. relations with Germany in the 1930s and 40s, and the British Diplomatic Files , which contain over 3,000 documents on Anglo-American relations. These 13,000 pages can be viewed in original and text format. (3346) Historical Newspapers Online. URL: Author: ProQuest Information and Learning Company. In addition to indexing the Times of London (1790-1980) and The New York Times (1851-1922), this resource enables one to find the full text of every article in every issue of The Times (London) from 1785-1870. Palmer's Full Text Online 1785-1870 makes available full text of all articles and issues of The Times during Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 248 one of the most important periods in the social, political and economic development of the industrialised world. This exciting new resource consists of a fully searchable electronic index to The Times in which each record is linked to a high quality image of the relevant article. Using Palmer's Index to the Times, one can move from the index entry directly to any column of any issue in The Times from its foundation as The Daily Universal Register in 1785 up to 1870. (3347) Historical Text Archive. URL: (3348) Historical US Census Data Browser. URL: Author: Geospatial and Statistical Data Center, University of Virginia Library. Descriptions are provided for people and economy in the United States for each state and county from 1790 to 1970. In addition to basic population and housing counts, information on race, gender, and household size and composition is also provided. Beginning with 1840, some economic characteristics such as education and occupation are included. Later decades have many variables, including ancestry, literacy, and income. In a few cases, the census data was augmented with information from the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the National Council of Churches of Christ. (3349) History Study Center. URL: (3350) Nato/Otan on-line library. URL: Contains basic NATO texts, including the Antecedents of the Alliance (i.e. the Atlantic Charter) juridical texts and formal agreements (1949-1997) (i.e. Washington Treaty) and key policy documents like the Harmel Report and the Ottawa Declaration etc. (3351) NBER's Macro-Historical Database. URL: This database comes from the early history of the National Bureau of Economic Research. To quote from its introduction: During the first several decades of its existence, the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) assembled an extensive data set that covers all aspects of the pre-WWI and interwar economies, including production, construction, employment, money, prices, asset market transactions, foreign trade, and government activity. Many series are highly disaggregated, and many exist at the monthly or quarterly frequency. The data set has some coverage of the United Kingdom, France and Germany, although it predominantly covers the United States. Over 3,500 series are available. Data is arranged in 16 chapters, including chapters on income and employment, production of commodities, foreign trade, money and banking, government and finance etc. (3352) Netherlands Historical Data Archive. URL: The Netherlands Historical Data Archive registers documents and makes accessible digital resources relevant to historical research. The collections of historical datasets, CD-ROMs and websites, are known as the Netherlands Historical Data Archive. The main objective of the NHDA is the archiving and dissemination of history datasets. This collection consists of Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 249 datasets created for research purposes and based on archival sources. The NHDA restricts itself to collecting datasets about Dutch history, and/of datasets created by Dutch scholars. The NHDA also has a large collection of historical CD-ROMs (i.e. Dutch national accounts 1800-1913), which can be consulted in the library of NIWI-KNAW. (3353) The Avalon Project Yale Law School. URL: (3354) U.S. Historical Documents. URL: 6.3. over communicatiewetenschappen 6.3.1. media en cultuur (3355) BELL (V.). Other Voices. The (e-)journal of cultural criticism. URL: (3356) BRAWLEY (L.), CHANDLER (N.), ENGLISH (J. F.). PMC. Postmodern Culture. URL: (3357) COPELAND (D.), DOUGLAS (D.). Media History Monographs. An online journal of Media History. URL: (3358) DAUNCEY (H.), HARE (G.). The Web Journal of French Media Studies. URL: (3359) DUNNE (M.), DUNNE (S.L.). Studies in Popular Culture. URL: (3360) HUGHES (P.). Screening the past. URL: (3361) JENNINGS (P.). Critical Thinkers: Noam Chomsky Resources. URL: (3362) KROKER (A.), KROKER (M.). URL: (3363) LILLIE (J.). Nmediac. The journal of new media and culture. URL: (3364) MARTEINSON (P.G.), MICHELUCCI (P.). Applied Semiotics / Sémiotique Appliqueé. URL: (3365) MORRIS (G.). Bright Lights film journal. URL: (3366) TRACEY (G.), ABELE (E.), NG (D.), FISHER (C.). Images. A journal of film and popular culture. URL: Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 250 (3367) Americana. The journal of American popular culture 1900 to present. URL: (3368) Cultural Analysis. An interdisciplinary forum on folklore and popular culture. URL: (3369) International Journal of Public Opinion Research. URL: (3370) Journal of Media Psychology. URL: (3371) OECD Publications. URL: (3372) Political Communication Report. URL: (3373) Resources Gateway. URL: (3374) Samenleving en Politiek. URL: (3375) Scope. An on-line journal of film studies. URL: (3376) The World Bank Group: Data and Statistics. URL: The World Bank offers a wealth of information on development and growth. Their Country Data provides Country Briefs (several thousand word descriptions of economic policies and events) and Country-at-a-Glance (summary statistical information, with many cross-country comparisons). They also offer World Development Sources, which has some 6,000 searchable World Bank reports. In Development Topics there are many items of interest for economists, including Economics & Trade (Economic Growth Research, Economic Management and Policy Courses, Environmental Economics and Indicators, Prospects for Development etc). The Research area includes abstracts of current studies, policy research working papers, and evaluations of research etc. Also available are various well-known publications (some of which are available online in full text, including back issues): The World Development Report, Global Economic Prospects, World Development Indicators, World Bank Journals etc. At deview one can access the World Bank's daily webzine, which features articles on recent advances and challenges in world development. This site also provides free access to articles as far back as February 1999. (3377) VAF - Vlaams Audiovisueel Fonds. URL: (3378) Vlaamse Overheid: Administratie Media. URL: Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 251 6.3.2. "media, politiek en burgerschap" (3379) ANCIAUX (B.). Beleidsnota 2000-2004 Cultuur. URL: (3380) GRINGRAS (A.M.). Pierre Bourdieu et la communication politique. URL: (3381) KEULEN (M.). Beleidsbrief Media 2004. URL: (3382) SLAATTA (T.). Media and Politics. Research Strategies in a Crossdisciplinary Field. URL: (3383) VAN GREMBERGEN (P.). Beleidsbrief Cultuur 2004. URL: (3384) Besluit van 31 maart 2004 tot Wijziging van Besluit tot oprichting van het programma Cultuur 2000. URL: (3385) Commission Staff Working Paper. e-Inclusion - the information society's potential for social inclusion in Europe. (SEC(2001) 1428. URL: (3386) Decision of 14 february 2000 establishing the Culture 2000 Program. URL: (3387) e-Europa 2002. Impact and priorities (COM(2001) 140 final). URL: (3388) e-Europe 2002. An Information Society for All. URL: (3389) e-Europe 2005. An Information Society for All (COM(2002) 263 final). URL: (3390) e-Europe. An Information Society for All (COM(1999) 687),. URL: (3391) Europe and the global information society (Bangemann Report). URL: (3392) Europe's Way to the Information Society. Update of the Action Plan (COM(94) 347 final). URL: (3393) Europe's Way to the Information Society: an Action Plan (COM(94) 347 final). URL: Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 252 (3394) Final policy report - Building the European Information Society for us all. URL: (3395) Green paper: living and working in the information society - people first (COM(96) 389 final). URL: (3396) Julian P. Kanter Political Commercial Archive. URL: (3397) Kenniscentrum Administratie Planning en Statistiek: cultuur en jeugd. URL: (3398) Networks for people and their communities: making the most of the information society in the European Union. URL: (3399) The Role of egovernment for Europe's Future (COM(2003) 567 final). URL: (3400) White Paper on growth, competitiveness, and employment: the challenges and ways forward into the 21st century (COM(93) 700 final). URL: 6.4. over andere menswetenschappen 6.4.1. sociale wetenschappen i.h.a. (3401) Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique. Banque de Données Socio-Politiques. URL: Author: Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS). Political information and social indicators about France: spatial data and time series of electoral results, survey data, opinion poll data etc. Searchable (WAIS). (3402) European Commission. Europinion. URL: This is the website for the Public Opinion Analysis sector of the European Commission. European Continuous Tracking Survey (CTS) began in January 1996. It consists of some 200 telephone interviews carried out in each Member State, each week, 44 weeks a year. Results are made available every four weeks. Regular releases of these results are published in Europinion reports. Surveys and studies address major topics concerning European citizenship: enlargement, social situation, health, culture, information technology, environment, the Euro, defence, etc. (3403) Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan. Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research. URL: The Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR), established in 1962, is an integral part of the infrastructure of social science research. It maintains and provides Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 253 access to one of the world's largest browsable and computerized archives of social science data for research and instruction. There are approximately 400 social science data sets that may be downloaded from UMass. Coverage includes but is not limited to: crime and criminal justice, foreign and national opinion polls, health, consumer surveys, and historical data sets. The data sets are intended for researchers familiar with statistical procedure and analysis; ICPSR is not a resource for individuals looking solely for statistical tables. (3404) JENSEN (U.). Zentralarchiv Empirische Sozialforschung. URL: The Central Archive for Empirical Social Research archives primary material (data, questionnaires, code plans) and results of empirical and historical studies in order to prepare them for secondary analysis and make them available to the interested public. Contains a library (empirical social research), data catalogue, ALLBUS, Eurobarometer, ISSP, politbarometer, election studies and more. (3405) Mannheimer Zentrum für Europäische Sozialforschung. Eurodata Research Archive. URL: Access to the data is dependent and/or limited by data type and user affiliation with ICPSR member institutions. (3406) TAYLOR (M.). European Center for Analysis in the Social Sciences. URL: A Large Scale Facility for European Research and Data Analysis, under the Training and Mobility of Researchers (TMR) Programme of the European Commission. ECASS (European Centre for Analysis in the Social Sciences) is an interdisciplinary research center at the University of Essex, housed within the Institute for the Social Sciences (ISS). It conducts and facilitates the empirical study of social and economic change by integrating longitudinal and cross-national European datasets, providing the support services required for their analyses, and acting as a host for major substantive research programmes. (3407) UNESCO. Management of Social Transformations Program. URL: http://www.unesco/org/most/ A research programme, designed by UNESCO, to promote international comparative social science research. It supports large-scale, long-term autonomous research and transfers the relevant findings and data to decision-makers. It also publishes state of the art reports that assess existing information on specific topics. MOST concentrates on three research areas: multi-cultural and multi-ethnic societies, cities as arenas of accelerated social transformation, and globalization and governance. The long-term objective of MOST is to establish sustainable links between science and policy communities and to emphasize the relevance of social science research for policy-formulation. (3408) Australian Social Science Data Archive. URL: (3409) Les Auteurs classiques. URL: Deze website, verzorgd door hoogleraren Sociologie uit Quebec, geeft de volledige tekst van Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 254 1602 oorspronkelijke werken van ongeveer 520 grote auteurs uit de sociale wetenschappen, van de oudheid tot heden. (3410) Qualidata ESDS (Economic and Social Data Service). URL: (3411) Social Science Working Papers on the web. URL: The research and teaching interests of the Social Sciences Faculty of the California Institute of Technology cover economics, finance, law, political science and psychology. The Faculty shares a common belief in applying rigorous theoretical, empirical, and experimental analysis to the study of economic and political institutions. This analytical interest is reflected in the staff/postgraduate working papers, over forty of which are available online in PDF format, a few with abstracts. The papers are presented chronologically from 1997, in a no-frills design, along with a list of earlier papers, from 1974 (over 1000 in all). (3412) Steinmetz Archive. URL: The Steinmetz Archive is co-ordinator of the Dutch national membership of the Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research - ICPSR) in the United States. (3413) The Global Library for Critical Social Science. URL: The Archive holds 2,000 data sets with documentation available in English. Data collections include public opinion polls, data from public bodies, election studies, and the Continuous Social Survey. A catalogue of the Archive's holdings and a newsletter are available from the Archive. The Steinmetz Archive specializes in the acquisition, documentation, processing and distribution of empirical data from social science research projects which were partially or fully carried out in the Netherlands. The data holdings center on Dutch social science research, but the Archive also reaches beyond national borders to many foreign data archives and international organizations. The Archive serves as a gateway for the Dutch researcher to a wealth of international empirical data sources. 6.4.2. politieke wetenschappen (3414) Department of Political Science, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Working Papers Department of Political Science. URL: Working papers 2002- of the Department of Political Science of the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Papers are downloadable in PDF format. (3415) Department of Political Science, Vrije Universiteit Brussel. Belgische Verkiezingen op het Web. URL: Author: Department of Political Sciences, Vrije Universiteit Brussel. Begun in 1999, this database provides electoral results of political parties from 1830 to the Present. (3416) Doc. centrum Nederlandse Politieke Partijen & Universiteit Groningen. Archive of Web Sites of Political Parties in the Netherlands. Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 255 URL: http://www.archipol/nl/english/index.html In the year 2000, the Documentation Center for Dutch Political Parties (Documentatiecentrum Nederlandse politieke partijen; DNPP) and the Groningen University Library launched a joint project under the name of ARCHIPOL. The aim of the project is to archive web sites of political parties in the Netherlands; it is funded by the SURF Foundation, within the context of Innovation in Scientific Information Provision (Innovatie Wetenschappelijke Informatievoorziening; IWI) and the University of Groningen. The DNPP sees the archiving of political web sites as a logical extension of its original purpose, namely to archive printed publications by and about political parties. The digital archive is a valuable resource for journalists and researchers from varied disciplines, including history and political science. (3417) European Parliament. Europarl. URL: This website provides different kinds of e-information from the European Parliament: treaties and basic documents, the bulletins of the European Institutions (Parliament and Commission), studies and background documents, inter-institutional agreements, full-text reports of the European Council summits since 1985 etc. (3418) Political Studies Association, Department Politics, University Newcastle. Contemporary Political Studies 1994-2004. PSA conference papers. URL: Author: Political Studies Association. This Site integrates all the PSA Annual Conference papers 1994 - 2004 that were made available in electronic format. (3419) Archive of European Integration. URL: Author: AEI University Library System. University of Pittsburgh. The Archive of European Integration is an electronic repository and archive for research material on European integration and unification. The AEI collects two types of materials: select independent research and official European Community/European Union documents. For direct access to official European Community/European Union documents, go to Archive of European Integration-Official European Union Documents (AEI-EU) This section of the archive (AEI-EU) contains, with a few exceptions, primary sources or official documents, produced by EC/EU institutions or committees, the Member States, or statements by EU and Member State officials. At present, the AEI contains 1,136 documents. Documents in the independent research section of the AEI are comprised of working or policy papers, small monographs, serials, etc. Secondary works in this section are produced by individual authors, mainly scholars. (3420) Archives Premier Ministre. URL: Author: French Government. The database provides full constitutional texts since 1789, government member speeches, government decisions, communications, press conferences etc. Free access to the archives of French Prime Ministers from 1996 on is available. (3421) Columbia International Affairs Online (CIAO). URL: Columbia International Affairs Online(CIAO) is a subscription service which provides access to Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 256 the full text of several hundred working papers, conference proceedings, journal abstracts (as well as links to the journals' home pages - where they exist) and some monographs in the field of international affairs published by a number of leading International relations university departments, think tanks and research institutes in the UK and USA since 1991. These include: the Brookings Institution, the Council on Foreign Relations and the International Studies Association. The full range of international affairs topics are covered, including international security, wars and conflicts, diplomacy international relations theory and United States foreign policy. The site is fully searchable; the service covers 1988-present. Access via the VUB-network, see the database-webpage of the VUB Central Library: (3422) European Foreign Policy Bulletin. URL: This full text database brings together foreign policy documents issued by the European Union since 1985. (3423) European Research Papers Archive. URL: ERPA is a common access point for online series in the field of European Integration research. These include, but are not limited to: online publications on European research of the Robert Schuman Centre and Academy of European Law at the European University Institute, Discussion Papers of the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies in Cologne, Jean Monnet Working Papers European Union Jean Monnet Chair NYU Law School. At present, the ERPA database contains 741 papers. (3424) European Research Papers Archive (ERPA). URL: ERPA is a common access point for the online working paper series in the field of European integration research. Over 600 papers can be found in the 8 archives covered. (3425) Lijphart Elections Archive. URL: The Lijphart Elections Archive, housed at the University of California, San Diego campus, is a research collection of district level election results for approximately 350 national legislative elections in 26 countries. The Archive's objective is to systematically collect election statistics in as much detail as possible, including, at minimum, results according to individual election districts, where votes are converted to seats. The Archive originally acquired print copies of data, but now focuses on online data. The catalog of holdings details archive holdings of both print and online data as well as providing information on other accessible data. In addition the catalog links to other sources of online election data. (3426) Minda de Gunzburg. Center for European Studies. URL: Working papers from summer, 1997 are available. (3427) THOMAS: US Congress on the Internet. URL: A Library of Congress team brought the THOMAS World Wide Web system online in January Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 257 1995 as a result of the 104th Congress's directive that federal legislative information be made freely available to the public. Users can search for congressional bills, the Congressional Record, committee bills, and historical documents. FAQ's regarding THOMAS is available. Links to other government agencies are provided. 6.4.3. sociologie (3428) WOLTON (D.). L'Année Sociologique. URL: (3429) Council of European Social Science Data Archives. URL: http://www/ Author: Council of European Social Science Data Archives. A map of Europe organizes links to fourteen important European social science data archives. This web site also allows researchers to search the holdings of eleven electronic data repositories through its Integrated Catalogue. The database brings Catalogues of the European Social Science Data Archives together, allowing for a comprehensive search of all databases through a single search profile. This page allows you to search (using WAIS) the data catalogues of national data archives in the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Germany, France, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Hungary, and Australia. Search fields include title, names, contents, geographic focus, and start and end years. (3430) Social Science Data Archives (SocioSite). URL: Author: Albert Benschop. The SocioSite is a project based at the University of Amsterdam's Department of Social Sciences. They provide resources and information relevant to the international sociological scene. The SocioSite is a user-friendly, comprehensive information system, which acts as an international address directory for social scientists. It contains high quality resources and texts. This worldwide listing of social science data centers describes sites of diverse interest to social scientists. Some sites contain only raw data, while others act as guides or provide indices to other data resources (often for a specific country). The intention is to provide a comprehensive listing of all sociology resources on the Internet. 6.4.4. economie (3431) BizEd, Institute for Learning and Research Technologies, University of Bristol. BizEd. URL: BizEd (Business Education) Net is designed for students and faculty members. They currently offer the Penn World Tables, along with data from the Office for National Statistics of the U.K., which is a substantial resource with economic datasets and labour market data. Also offered is MIDAS (Manchester Information Datasets Associated Services), summary demographic data from the U.S. Census Bureau, Extel Data (offering substantial financial data for 500 well-known companies), Company Report Browser, and Company Report Profiler. (3432) C. Zimmerman, Department of Economics, University of Connecticut. Internet Documents in Economics (IDEAS). URL: Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 258 Author: Christian Zimmerman, Department of Economics of the University of Connecticut. Bibliographic database dedicated to economics and available on the Internet. Over 270,000 items of research can be browsed or searched, and over 175,000 are downloadable in full text. IDEAS (Internet Documents in Economics Access Service) is a service which provides information on working papers to economists. IDEAS uses the RePEc database; RePEc stands for Research Papers in Economics and is an internal name for a group working on the provision of electronic working papers. (3433) Center for International Comparisons, University of Pennsylvania. Penn World Tables. URL: Author: Center for International Comparisons, University of Pennsylvania. The Penn World Table displays a set of national accounts economic time series covering several countries. Expenditure entries are made with a common price set and currency, so that real quantity comparisons can be made, both between countries and chronologically. It also provides information about relative prices within and between countries, as well as demographic data and capital stock estimates. The Penn World Tables is comprised of data for 150 countries and 30 subjects, including population, real GDP, consumption share of GDP, investment share of GDP, real GDP per adult, a Standard of Living Index. Data and papers are available for download from the site. A new version is expected soon. (3434) HELLEMANS (J.). Bibliothèque Electronique Economique de l'ULB. URL: Htm The Bibliothèque Électronique Économique is part of the Library of Humanities' Economy section at the ULB. It provides information on economics, finances and statistics. Databases on CD-Rom are easily accessible (as a member of ULB) for students or researchers. Two examples of available databases are BELFIRST, a data provider for more than 290,000 Belgian and Luxembourg company accounts, and AMADEUS, a Pan European financial database containing information on over 200,000 companies from 31 countries (including all EU-countries). (3435) KARSSON (S.). Econpapers. URL: Author: Sune Karsson, Stockholm School of Economics. EconPapers use RePEc bibliography and author data, providing access to the largest collection of online economics working papers and journal articles. A majority of full text files are available free, but some require that you or your organization subscribe to the service providing the full text file. RePEc is a distributed data set residing in over 100 archives operated by research organizations, academic departments and publishers. (3436) SAARINEN (L.). Webec. URL: Author: Lauri Saarinen, Helsinki School of Economics. This site is part of the NetEc project, which makes materials available online for economists. It is a comprehensive site providing a wide array of economic data, links and general economic resources. Web resources are arranged and searchable according to the Journal of Economic Literature Classification System. (3437) Statistics Division United Nations. DESIPA. Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 259 URL: The UN Statistics Division collects diverse statistical information. Featured data is provided in the Monthly Bulletin of Statistics, which is now available online for a fee (currently $295 for academic users, and $525 for the business sector). Data includes national accounts, labour force, prices, forestry, industry, mining, energy, manufacturing, construction, finance, international economic relations, transport, and population. There is also snapshot cross country data for socioeconomic indicators. (3438) World Trade Organisation. World Trade Organisation. URL: This organization oversees international trade. Their web site has three main sections: general information about WTO, trade topics, and international trade resources. One can register for e-mail notification of new developments, updates, publications, reports etc. They offer information on goods, services, intellectual property, environment, development, policy reviews, dispute settlements, government procurements, legal texts, and international trade. They also offer working papers and information on the economic research and analysis division (ERAD). Their Document Dissemination Facility (DDF) provides select documents (i.e. WTO founding papers). Finally, there is a news release section, which includes a restricted access area for news media. (3439) Bundesbank. URL: The central bank of the Federal Republic of Germany offers extensive information about itself on this site. Of great interest is their Monthly Report, which includes extensive macroeconomic and financial data on Germany (in recent years). Other items of interest are their press releases and speeches. They also offer daily updates for some data (mostly financial data). A list of their publications is available. (3440) Business Source premier. URL: This site provides a bibliographic and full text database for articles (full text available for 2,817 journals). Full text is provided for important management and marketing periodicals such as Harvard Business Review, MIT Sloan Management Review, California Management Review, Administrative Science Quarterly, Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Industrial & Labour Relations Review, Journal of Management Studies, Journal of Marketing Management, Journal of Marketing Research (JMR), Journal of Marketing, Journal of International Marketing, etc. The database also contains national economic reports from the EIU, DRI-WEFA, ICON Group and CountryWatch. Moreover, the database contains detailed profiles of the 5,000 largest companies in the world. Accessible through the reference system Ebscohost. (3441) Centraal Planbureau. URL: The Centraal Planbureau (CPB) is the Dutch official research center which provides macro analyses and forecasts. It is also the budgetary and economic policy accounting center for the Netherlands. This site provides general information about the CPB, member information, press releases (mostly in Dutch), job openings and seminar listings, publications, Dutch and English Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 260 reports on the Dutch economy and its future, information on the current research agenda, highlights of the year's most important projects, and downloadable economic data in the form of spreadsheet files (mostly in Dutch). (3442) De Nederlandse Bank. URL: This site offers information on the Dutch Central Bank, banknotes, news releases, details of supervisory duties, and monetary and financial statistics (relatively long time series are available). Information on the research department is available, and there is extensive information on their research papers. In addition, they offer Fysioen software which illustrates macro principles, derived from MORKMON, their macro econometric model of the Dutch economy. (3443) German National Library for Economics. URL: Author: Jan Weiland, German National Library for Economics. The German National Library for Economics specialises in information relating to international economics and maintains an extensive collection of publication from international organisations. The holdings from 1986 onwards are contained in the database ECONIS which is available for free via the internet. ECONIS has 1.2 million title records with 420,000 references to articles. 20,000 links to free documents in the internet, particularly working papers, allow direct access to the full text. (3444) Groningen Growth and Development Centre. URL: The Groningen Growth and Development Centre is a research group of economists and economic historians at the Economics Department of the University of Groningen. The group carries out research on comparative analysis of levels of economic performance and differences in growth rates in the world economy. They have a number of data bases available for free including these: 1) Total Economy Database, with time series for GDP in constant 1990 and 1999 prices, Employment, Population and Working Hours for at most 75 countries. Series for GDP per Capita, GDP per person employed and GDP per hour worked are also available. Series run from 1950-2002 for OECD countries and from 1950-2000 for other countries. 2) 60-industry database: series on value added in current and constant prices, employment and value added per person engaged for at most 60-industries covering the economy for 16 countries. Series run from 1990 onwards. 3) 10-sector database: consists of series on real GDP in national currencies, employment and, in some cases, annual working hours by broad sector of the economy for about 20 countries from 1950 onwards. 4) ICOP industry Database: provides estimates of comparative productivity levels by industry, which is compiled within the framework of the International Comparisons of Output and Productivity project. Annual series from 1950-2000 for manufacturing. The GGDC also publish working papers. (3445) International Monetary Fund. URL: The official site of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) includes its annual report and extensive material on its structure, fact sheets on a number of topics, press releases, news briefs, speeches from the managing director, and details from their publications catalog. Data includes currency exchange rates. Among the publications provided, are the IMF Survey, which Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 261 provides topical coverage of the IMF's activities, policies, and research in the context of global economic and financial developments, and the full text of IMF Working Papers, Staff Country Reports, and Papers on Policy Analysis and Assessment. They also offer Letters of Intent, Economic Programs, Memoranda of Economic and Financial Policies and Policy Framework Papers for countries participating in the IMF. Their Dissemination Standards Bulletin Board contains the Special Data Dissemination Standard (SDDS) which provides information about national economic and financial data to international capital markets. (3446) Working Papers in Economics. URL: Author: José Manuel Barrueco Cruz, Biblioteca de Ciències Socials Universitat de València. This site provides the means for finding and downloading the latest research results in economics. WoPEc collects data about full text electronic working papers on various servers so that they can be queried simultaneously. It provides over 100,000 documents in electronic format, 75,208 working papers and 99,408 journal articles. All papers in WoPEc are downloadable but not necessarily free. A restriction message stating the conditions of document access will appear when a subscription is necessary for select documents. 6.4.5. juridische wetenschappen (3447) B.J. Hibbitts, University of Pittsburgh School of Law. Jurist. URL: Author: Professor Bernard J. Hibbitts, University of Pittsburgh School of Law, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA. Several US law schools are now publishing new faculty articles as Working Papers. Many US law professors are also posting their latest scholarly articles (now too numerous to catalog individually) on their personal websites and/or third-party commercial or institutional archives. For recent working papers, law reviews and books, see the New Articles and Books page of JURIST's Legal Scholarship section. (3448) Cel Juridische Dienstverlening. Ministerie van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap. Vlaamse Codex. URL: Author: Cel Juridische Dienstverlening. Ministerie van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap. Fully harmonized Flemish legislation since 1987. This system is more comprehensive than Juridat and has extensive search capabilities. (3449) H. De Wit & V. Hein. Regelgeving in de Nederlanden. URL: This is a valuable resource for those interested in the genealogy of the Low Countries. It provides historical legal sources from the Low Countries from 1292 to the Present, including Flemish/Dutch transcriptions, facsimiles and maps. (3450) Harvard Law School. Harvard Jean Monnet Working Papers. URL: Working papers on European affairs. This site is part of the Academy of European Law online, a joint partnership of the Jean Monnet Center at NYU School of Law and the Academy of European Law at the European University Institute. (3451) Institute of Advanced Legal Studies & Law Faculty of University College Cork. British and Irish Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 262 Legal Information Institute (BAILII). URL: The British and Irish Legal Information Institute (BAILII) provides access to the most comprehensive set of free online British and Irish primary legal materials. As of 6 February 2003, BAILII included 34 databases covering 6 jurisdictions. The system contains around six gigabytes of legal materials and around 475,000 searchable documents with approximately 15 million internal hypertext links. BAILII is hosted in the UK and Ireland by the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, London and the Law Faculty, University College Cork. The databases on BAILII are derived from a number of sources. Some of the data comes from existing free to air sites. Most of the databases are based on published and unpublished CD-ROMs or rely upon direct and indirect feeds by relevant courts, government departments and other organisations. (3452) J. Nouwt, University of Tilburg. URL: Author: Dr. J. Nouwt, University of Tilburg. Portal site to Dutch Internet Law Libraries. is the result of Dutch university initiative to create an internet library in the field of law. The site centers on Dutch law primarily, but has a secondary focus on European and international law. (3453) Juris GmbH. Juris Web. URL: This is Germany's chief database for legislation and administration of law; full text and bibliographic references are included. (3454) Law Faculty of Düsseldorf. Research of Articles and Decisions in Public International Law and European Law. URL: Author: Law Faculty of Düsseldorf. RAVE is a database that provides a systematic list of recent public international law and European law publications (articles and decisions), including article citations. Detailed in structure, RAVE provides up-to-date information on countless available legal services. Additionally, direct access via hyperlinks to relevant material published on the WWW (judicial decisions, national statutes, documents of international organizations and full-text articles) is available. RAVE is a great time-saver and is tailored to the needs of scholars, legal practitioners, law students and the general public interested in getting an overview of recent publications on select legal topics. (3455) Law Library of Congress. The Global Legal Information Network. URL: The Global Legal Information Network (GLIN) is a database of laws, regulations, and other complementary legal sources. The documents included in the database are contributed to a server in the United States of America's Library of Congress and include original, official texts deposited by government members. Open, guest access is available for summaries and citation information of law and legal writing in the database. Search by jurisdiction, subject, date, or type of legal instrument or by a combination of these elements is possible. Subject search is based on a select list of terms, collected in the GLIN thesaurus. Summaries are in English, but in some cases a summary in a second language has been appended. Access to full text of documents is restricted to members. Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 263 (3456) M. Nentwich, Institute of Technology Assessment. European Research Papers Archive. URL: Author: Michael Nentwich, researcher at the Austrian Academy of Science, Institute of Technology Assessment. The ERPA network was founded by the Harvard Jean Monnet Chair, Prof. J.H.H. Weiler, the directors of the Cologne Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies, Prof. Fritz Scharpf and Prof. Wolfgang Streeck, Prof. Philip Alston (Academy of European Law) and Prof. Yves Mény (Robert Schuman Centre) of the European University Institute, and the editor of the European Integration online Papers (EIoP), Dr. Michael Nentwich. ARENA (Oslo), the MZES (Mannheim), the ESRC One Europe Programme and the Queen's Papers on Europeanization (Belfast) also belong to the network. The aim is to provide a common access point for the growing number of participating institutions' online working paper series, therefore aiding research in European Integration studies. The database includes all papers of participating series which deal with aspects of European Integration and are available online. Other papers cannot be searched via ERPA, but must be attained through the participating institutes' homepages or ordered directly. (3457) Région Wallonne. Wallex. URL: Author: Région Wallonne. This site provides an incomplete set of coordinated Walloon legislation. Full text and subject rubric search is possible. (3458) Belgisch Staatsblad-Moniteur Belge. URL: This is the online official source of Belgian legislation, identical to the print version, and providing information from 1997 on. The site is useful for recent legislation and is updated daily, rendering print subscription redundant. The Ministry of Justice plans to digitize pre-1997 print versions. (3459) Bundesverfassungsgerichts-Entscheidungen. URL: This website contains full text verdicts of the Bundesverfassungsgericht from 1998 to Present. (3460) Eur-Lex. URL: EUR-Lex is the single entry point to complete EU legal text collections in all EU official languages and provides direct access to official document repositories and diverse institutional document sources, including CELEX (powerful search tool which requires payment). The repositories are managed by various institutions and the Publications Office. The mission of EUR-Lex is to publish European Union law in its entirety, with a focus on select legislation, case law, and decisional procedures between the Commission and other institutions. (3461) Find Law: International Law. URL: (3462) German Law Archive. URL: Author: Gerhard Dannemann. The German Law Archive is part of, which also Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 264 hosts the Oxford University Comparative Law Forum and the University of Oxford's Institute of European and Comparative Law website. The German Law Archive publishes cases, statutes and literature on German law in English. Through an English language database on German law and published bibliographies one can find cases, statutes and literature on German law. The goal of the site is to make German law accessible to international Internet users. The German Law Archive is, and is intended to remain, a free website. As of mid 2003, some 250 HTML files with a total of some 9 MB text were published in the German Law Archive. (3463) Her Majesty's Stationary Office. URL: Her Majesty's Stationery Office (HMSO) is headed by the Controller and operates as part of the Cabinet Office under the ministerial control of the Minister for the Cabinet Office. From the Legislation section one can search all UK legislation dating back to 1988. This section contains full text of all Public and Local Acts of the UK Parliament, the Explanatory Notes to Public Acts, Statutory Instruments and Draft Statutory Instruments, and Measures of the General Synod of the Church of England. The Chronological Tables of Local and Private Acts are also available under this section. (3464) Hof van Cassatie. URL: Author: Hof van Cassatie (Belgian High Court). This is a critical, free component of Juridat's global database system. It offers excellent search possibilities through a system of keywords. From 1990 on verdicts are provided in full text. The website provides verdict summaries from 1965 on. (3465) Juridat. URL: http://www.juridat.htm This bibliography, relating to Belgian law, provides access to full text, summaries and references, depending on the source of law. There are 35,000 full text references of consolidated legislation with historical versions (=Justel Wet CD). An index of legislation provides titles with references to the location of all legislation since 1945 in the Belgian Law Gazette. Summaries of over 50,000 Court of Cassation judgements since 1965 are provided, with full text version available from 1990. Moreover, summaries of all Court of Arbitrage judgments are available, along with 100,000 references to juridical articles and books. (3466) Law by Source - Cornell University Legal Information Institute (LII). URL: (3467) Legifrance. URL: Author: Legifrance, le service public de la diffusion du droit. This website began in September 2000 and offers free full text on legislation and administration of law for all jurisdiction. (3468) Lexis. URL: Lexis contains the entirety of American legislation and law administration (rechtspraak). The site also contains non-American sources of law, acquired through American take-over of European publishers, like Juris-Classeur (France) and Butterworths (UK). The database is Naslagwerken: versie 3.0-2005 - pagina 265 replacing the printed juridical publications of the US, including the integral publishing of handbooks. Moreover, American periodical publishing of articles on non-American law offer extra information about international and European law. (3469) URL: Author: Ministry of Home Affairs of the Netherlands. Free online database with laws, royal decrees and ministerial regulations. Moreover, this government site offers texts dating from 1995 on of official publications like Law Gazette and the proceedings of the Dutch parliament. These texts are only available in Dutch. (3470) Raad van State. URL: This website offers all Raad van State verdicts since 1994, with the exception of immigration cases. The database makes recent verdicts available, an improvement on the print version, which experiences a several year publication delay. Search possibilities are limited to full text. (3471) URL: This website offers integral administration of law (rechtspraak) of all Dutch courts, since 1999. Texts are only available in Dutch. (3472) Westlaw. URL: Westlaw contains the entire range of American legislation and administration of law. Moreover, this site offers access to almost 1,000 American law journals. Westlaw also holds non-American sources of law acquired through Thomson's takeover of several European publishing agencies (Sweet & Maxwell, UK; Aranzadi, ES; Swisslex, CH; Transactive, FR; Ellis, NL). Moreover, articles on non-American law published in American periodicals offer abundant information on international and European law. (3473) Lex Mercatoria. URL: