christmas market
christmas market
GERMAN - CANADIAN CLUB LORELEY Club Loreley 389 Dean Ave. Oshawa, Ont. L1H 3E1 GERMAN - CANADIAN CLUB LORELEY Issue 3:6 (NOVEMBER & DECEMBER) 2007 GLEN MILLER NIGHT CHRISTMAS MARKET With Tom Pinto & his Classical Swing Orchestra. Sunday, Nov. 25th Live: Sat. Nov. 3rd Details: Page 9 Details: Page 7 CHRISTMAS DANCE ‘Variation’ Live band. Sat. Dec. 8th Details: Page 7 NEW YEAR’S BALL Mon. Dec. 31st. ‘Euro Connection’ - Live band. Details: Back Page Club Loreley: Durham region’s German heritage society; preserving German cultural traditions. The premier facility for holding your custom event. Specializing in weddings, business meetings and dances. Call, email, or visit our website for more information. German-Canadian Club Loreley, 389 Dean Ave. Oshawa Ont. L1H 3E1 (905) 728-9221 GERMAN - CANADIAN CLUB LORELEY 2007-2008 - Board of Directors Address Telephone/Email 2007-2008 - Active Groups Group & Leader Telephone/Email Rifle Association: Peter Biller Thursdays: 7:30 to 10:00 PM Sundays: 10:00 AM to noon President: Ernst Stader 401-110 Park Rd N Oshawa, ON L1J 4L3 Vice-President: Edwin Albrecht 1636 Edenwood Dr H: 905-576-8664 [email protected] H: 905-579-6803 [email protected] Oshawa, ON L1G 7Y 6 Loreley Sänger: Otto Heller Mondays: 1:00 to 3:30 PM H: 905-728-1045 [email protected] Heimat Sänger: Heinz Ottinger Thursdays: 2:00 to 4:00 PM H: 905-576-1199 [email protected] Ladies Auxiliary: Irene Lipski Ingrid Maier Weekly Monday Practice: H: 905-571-7972 [email protected] Kinder Tots: Kinder: Juniors: Seniors: Treasurer: Helmut Grander 14 Lormik Dr Box 606 Uxbridge, ON L9P 1R6 B: 905-985-3600 [email protected] Soccer: Hans Gotthelf Directors of Administration: Rainer Stimming 126 Raigan St. Whitby, Ont. L1N 2S9 H: 905-668-6461 [email protected] Urd Grander 14 Lormik Dr Box 606 Uxbridge, ON L9P 1R6 Karl Kreis 76 Keewatin St N Oshawa, ON L1G 6M8 House & Property: Herbert Albrecht 2 H: 905-985-8415 H: 905-436-2565 [email protected] German Language School Loreley: Christine Dejan H: 905-576-9065 [email protected] Newsletter/Webpage: Karl vom Dorff H: 905-373-1945 [email protected] Next deadline for the newsletter is 3 p.m Dec. 20th 2007 Other supporting groups H: 905-728-3577 Oshawa, ON L1J 7A7 Hall Rental: Gerda Koepp 8070 Old Scugog Rd Enniskillen, On L0B 1J0 H: 905-725-1268 [email protected] 5:30 to 6:15 PM 6:15 to 7:30 PM 7:30 to 8:45 PM 8:45 to 10:00 PM Kinorama: Hans Mager H: 905-723-5435 [email protected] Beverages: H. Dieter Keuthen 906 Tralee Ct H: 905-725-4705 H: 905-728-8133 [email protected] K.G. Loreley/Youth Dancers: Holly Henninger Club Secretary: Gudrun Fuchs 807 Greystone Court Oshawa, ON L1K 2V1 Membership Treasurer: Brian Dimock 1086 St. Andrews Ct. Oshawa, ON L1H 8B5 H: 905-697-1044 [email protected] H: 905-263-2745 Bar # 1 & 2: Lilli Rank Wanda Friedrich Club Caretaker: Joanna Tuszkiewicz Club Kitchen: Trevor Foreman H: 905-723-2107 H: 905-728-8714 Miss Loreley 2007/2008 Elizabeth Gifford H: 905-579-3120 H: 905-579-2565 [email protected] H: 905-666-8145 H: 905-259-2723 [email protected] Printing & organization of Loreley News - Ernst Stader, Karl vom Dorff, Klemens Denzel German-Canadian Club Loreley, 389 Dean Ave. Oshawa Ont. L1H 3E1 (905) 728-9221 German-Canadian Club Loreley “Das Haus der Gemütlichkeit” Club Loreley’s Bi-Monthly Newsletter Blaue Berge, grüne Täler Submitted by Christel P Page 12 Issue 3:6, 2007 Loreley Singers’ Trip to Italy Poems & Stories: Member contributed poems and stories. Page 14 &25 Page 22 President’s Report/Bericht des Vorsitzenden - Ernst Stader We have received one of the best summers in history with record breaking sunny days. Yes, we were praying for rain occasionally, but the weather can not easily be controlled. As I mentioned in our last edition, if attendance to our Preis Skat does not increase, it will be cancelled. Fortunate enough, people from Orillia ( who were also at our Oktoberfest ) made it possible to have at least 5 tables with 3 players each. So you see, we do our part, but you also have to do your part, otherwise no more tournaments. We were also fortunate enough, to pick a perfect day for our Oktoberfest. Preparation for that event started well ahead of time, and everyone who was involved in one way or the other knows through experience how much work is needed to make this as perfect as possible. Oktoberfest, and I’m not bragging, turns out to be the biggest event in Oshawa. This year our premises were too small to accommodate everyone, unfortunately we had to turn at least 60 people away, who would have loved to be part of the event. Visitors from all over were greeted by our board members, people from as far as Germany, (Erzgebirge), the Belleville Club, who arrived by bus with 27 people, about 18 to 20 visitors from Peterborough, a group from Orillia (who were also at our skat tournament), Frank and Helga Scott brought the whole Club Carib with President Ashley and his charming wife Louise, and Udo and Margret Hess who weren’t afraid to make the long trip from Michigan. Just to celebrate Oktoberfest with us. This surely is proof enough, Oshawa rates among the top places for such an event. The board of directors would proudly like to thank everyone for being part of Oktoberfest. (cont’d pg. 5). Ein Sommer mit Rekord brechenden Temperaturen, sonnigen Tagen und ein herrlicher Herbst stellen für die meisten von uns die schönsten Jahreszeiten dar. Wir haben zwar auch manchmal auf etwas Regen gehofft, der unbedingt nötig gewesen wäre, aber es ist nun einmal unmöglich, die Natur zu kontrollieren. Wie ich in der letzten Ausgabe bekannt gab, wird der Preisskat aufgelöst, wenn in Zukunft nicht mehr Leute erscheinen. Glücklicherweise hatten sich 4 Personen aus Orillia angemeldet, um am Skatspielen teilzunehmen; das ergab dann 5 Tische mit je 3 Spielern. Ohne diese Leute hätten wir mit 11 Personen dagestanden. Daher gibt es nur eine Lösung: Wir ziehen den Skat auf und ihr müsst euch daran beteiligen, ganz einfach, sonst ist der Preisskat Geschichte. Unser Oktoberfest war eines der besten in den letzten 10 oder 15 Jahren. Das Wetter war hervorragend und die Stimmung ebenfalls. Die Vorbereitungen für dieses Fest fanden schon Monate im Voraus statt und jeder der Mithelfer weiß, wie viel Arbeit damit verbunden ist. Ich übertreibe nicht, wenn ich behaupte, dass dies eines der besten Feste in Oshawa ist. In diesem Jahr war unser Klub nicht groß genug, um alle Besucher zu fassen; ungefähr 60 Leuten mussten wir den Eintritt verweigern, weil kein Platz mehr zu finden war. Besucher von Nah und Fern erschienen, eine Gruppe aus Deutschland ( Erzgebirge), 27 Leute vom Klub Belleville, sowie 18 oder 20 Gäste aus Peterborough und die Skatspieler mit ihren Frauen aus Orillia. Frank und Helga Scott brachten den ganzen Carib Klub mit dem Vorsitzenden Ashley und seiner Frau Louise zum Oktoberfest. Auch Udo und Margret Hess scheuten nicht den langen Weg von Michigan, um mit uns das Oktoberfest zu feiern. Das beweist, dass Oshawa und Klub Loreley in der Lage sind, mit den Besten zu konkurrieren. (Weiter auf Seite 5) German-Canadian Club Loreley, 389 Dean Ave. Oshawa Ont. L1H 3E1 (905) 728-9221 3 '2)40&)%,(,#$%2)%,1%)04/)"&,$#,F*'5,G$%)*)+,("/,H$"%(/, **)%6,(",(7&4=),2)25)%,$#,&.),IJ)42(&0K"3)%8L,,9'%, +,-#.$!" ! 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Nov. 25th 8(#$+()4" $-8, Z*(",f,^'0(22)",0&)**&)"8,J(5),/)",3("^)",Z*(",/'%7., B*0$,"$&)-$%&.+,40,&.(&,F*'5,G$%)*)+,-4**,5),7*$0)/,#$%,&-$, Advent Concert (Loreley Singers) Sat. Dec. 1st 3)*)0)"6,2'00,0(3)",-(0,J)'&^'&(3),=)%*("3&,-4%/6,40&, ;9-*,'4"8%*+()":-99" "#$%#&'()*$+,(&-./$M$%,(,*$"3,&42)6,&.),Y$'&.,04/),$#,$'%, -)):0,422)/4(&)*+,#$**$-4"3,M4)0&(,D)):,("/,-4**,$1)", F$**"(6;/"'$-*"U9(.E"-#"H/%+"&d+"-##$+"Y&'/4)",%)4#8, .%"./$"8$99$+"&(#2 4*/4"3,U&.),5(7:+(%/V,-(0,(,0$%),1(%&,4",&.),)+)0,$#,2("+, (3(4",$",N'*+,OP&.8,,B7&4=),3%$'10,2(+,7$"&4"'),-4&.,&.)4%, Rifle Club Christmas Party (2 p.m) Sun. Dec. 2nd 9$$+"'.$/$*":-+)7"-*"6*'$+$*"1$+E$*":-+)" 0(="./$-+"9('."+$2 $'%,2)25)%06,("/,)01)74(**+,&.),5$(%/,$#,/4%)7&$%08, -)):*+,%$'&4")8, 01#$2#34"14",#$5#&$%#&'()*./$Y7.$",0)4&,*("3)%,g)4&,-(%, 8%*+()"&d+"-##$+":$-.$+"9$B$*4"" Club Loreley Christmas Dance with ‘Variation’ Sat. Dec. 8th "9%%M$)")%:*" $1*),-.$,*4=),4",&.(&,7$21*)X,2(/),4&,(,.(54&,&$,'0),&.40, '"0,/4),Y_/0)4&),'"0)%)0,H*'5.('0)0,U,/)%,R(%&)",V,)4",T$%", Q,(*0$,-$'*/,*4:),&$,&.(":,$'%,2)25)%0,-.$,/$"(&)/,#*(30, """""""""""""""""" )(,(0,(,0.$%&7'&,&$,%)(7.,T)(",B=)8,[))/*)00,&$,0(+6,(**, a-*"9-$B$'"J+%'.:%+."&d+"C$+.-"6*)"Q(#-9-$4" German Language School Christmas Party (2 p.m) 42,B'3)8,G)'&)6,/4),4",/4)0)2,H$21*)X,-$.")"6,2(7.&)",)0, Sun. Dec. 16th #%$2,&.)4%,7$'"&%4)08,,D),%)7)4=)/,&-$,R)%2(",#*(30,#%$2, "/0,$#,3(%5(3)6,*4:),7("06,5$&&*)0,("/,$&.)%,0&'##,-(0, 047.,^'%,B"3)-$.".)4&6,/)",:_%^)%)",D)3,/4%):&,.4"&)%, J)%5,B*5%)7.&6,/4%)7&$%,#$%,.$'0),("/,1%$1)%&+,("/,S$*#, 5#&,$!.6*)76.)$&*)$*6$*)(.8$ 21)/,$",$'%,1%$1)%&+8,;.4"30,$"*+,7.("3)/,$"7),(", New Year’s Eve Dance with EURO CONNECTION Mon. Dec. 31st '"0)%)2,H*'5.('0,^',-K.*)"6,'2,^'%,T)(",B=)"'),^', B"%*"O6*$"P@./" T$"(&.,U(,#$%2)%,2)25)%,$#,F*'5,G$%)*)+V6,("/,(",B'0&%4(", (%&2)"&,7$21*)X,-(0,5'4*&,$",&.),D)0&,04/),$#,$'%, :$22)"8,T(0,.(&&),('7.,("/)%),M$*3)"h,U-)4&)%,]V, 3#,$-.69#,$:;"'#.<$<0$'&,3#.,=$ (*)"/(00="#(+2 #*(3,#%$2,9&&$,M*)407.2(""8,,B,&.(":,+$',(*0$,&$,9*(#, $1)%&+8,U7$"&\/,]V, Karneval - Mardi Gras & Costume Ball (7 p.m) Sat. Jan. 26th S'/$*1.,("/,J)*2'&,R%("/)%,-.$,&$3)&.)%,-$%:)/,$",F*'5, 36;"$-0)#$).#0#$2.#0,3#$$ G$%)*)+W0,#4%),1*("6,("/,-4&.,&.),1%$1)%,*(+$'&,1'&, B9-;":-./"'%#$" 0,3$3&#$/#&)$ )=)%+&.4"3,&$3)&.)%8,,Q,%)(/,&.),-.$*),1*("6,("/,5)*4)=),2), ! "$A$+"("/$90-*," $ 4&0,24"/,5$33*4"3,-.(&,&.),#4%),/)1(%&2)"&,)X1)7&0,+$',&$, >#.'?-#,$@",$<0$A&,3#.,4$$ :"$-8, $")$'$+A$'"'0$;-(9" ! !" D(%0&)4")%, !" 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"#$%!&'()#)*!+,-!.)/0!12)3!456/7/!8!4093!&:;!+<:!=!>-?@A!BC,!=!-CC:!7773D#$%#'()#)*3'(E! 2007 Calendar of Events %<=>?=<$@<AB0+$ ./%(#)$*0-1#*02"&32"#! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "#$!%$#&'()*+,$- ! 1$2"0/$&3$+4",$(*+5&304& ! PX?@"J(6*.%*"c%()"a('." 5'/(:("5*.(.-%" SP1"^S]" ZW@[\"[]W2[]]P" $" !" , J%0'%-9""`K*.$+9%;M-*,"`1=)+(69-;" G$$)-*,"I"<69;/-*,"`a'.-#(.-*," b$'-,*-*,"`S(*)';(0-*," G4" P" [" &:;!+<:!=!>-?@A!BC,!=!-CC:!7773D#$%#'()#)*3'(E! 4 %<=>?=<$@<AB0+$ ! F/E)!!!:?!! D(%0&)4")%, !" !" J(7:)%CZ07.$%%,, , J$*0&)", i@n?,Y*(/)=4)-,F%)07)"&,!"4&,pO@, a400400('3(6,9"&8,G?G,?jP, ;)*h,Uk@?V,nmnCmmPi,M(Xh,Uk@?V,nmnCOm@k, "#$%!&'()#)*!+,-!.)/0!12)3!456/7/!8!4093!&:; German-Canadian Club Loreley, 389 Dean Ave. Oshawa Ont. L1H 3E1 (905) 728-9221 GERMAN - CANADIAN CLUB LORELEY President’s report cont’d: This year our Youth Dancers, under the leadership of Holly Henninger, opened Oktoberfest, and what a performance they put on. From the tots to the seniors, it was a delight to our visitors. Of course the kitchen and chef Trevor, with his excellent cuisine of German origin, did their part to the satisfaction of everyone, so did the bar – personnel, Wanda and Lilli with their helpers, Karl Gores and Katrin Albrecht who did a terrific job at our shooting gallery in our basement. Also our big Raffle ( Tombola ) with Gerda and those lovely looking girls from the Youth Dancers. Last but not least, the “Euro Connection” with an outstanding performance of Oktoberfest and dance music. All in all, a perfect event, and preparations are under way already for next year. It still amazes me, that members can not spare a couple of hours to be personally informed how Club Loreley ( your club ) survives, and how the club is handling every day affairs. It would really be nice, to greet some of our new members at our general and half year meetings, because it’s held entirely in English. Some of our members will probably not receive the newspaper (next edition) in time for our next big event on Nov. 3rd, “Glen Miller Night”, with a classical swing orchestra. But those events are well advertised ahead of time, and everyone should be informed. Now to our upcoming events, one more Kino Rama before the year ends, Nov. 18th. at 2 p.m. (see flyer). Auf diese Weise möchte sich der Vorstand bei allen Besuchern für die Teilnahme am Oktoberfest recht herzlich bedanken. Die Eröffnung wurde von den Jugendtänzern eingeleitet unter der Leitung von Holly Henninger mit einer erstklassigen Vorführung von Schuhplattlern, Polkas und anderen Tänzen; die Besucher waren begeistert. Die Küche mit Küchenchef Trevor, die eine Auswahl an deutschen Speisen anbot, sowie das Barpersonal, Wanda und Lilli und ihre Helfer, hatten den Andrang meisterlich geregelt. Genau das Gleiche bei Karl Gores und Karin Albrecht, die für den Schießstand im Keller zuständig waren. Nicht zu vergessen Gerda und ihre hübschen Mädel beim Verkauf der Lose und Austeilung der Preise der Tombola ( Raffle). Dann die einmalige Kapelle “ EURO CONNECTION” mit einer Auswahl an Oktoberfest- und Tanzmusik. Ein Abend, der noch lange in Erinnerung bleibt und schon heute freuen wir uns auf das nächste Oktoberfest. Einige Worte zu unserer Halbjahresversammlung: Ich muss mich immer wundern, dass viele unserer Mitglieder nicht in der Lage sind, einige Stunden (2 bis 3) freizuhalten, um sich persönlich davon zu überzeugen, wie unser Klub arbeitet, sich über Wasser hält und sonst noch geleitet wird. Es würde mich auch sehr freuen, wenn unsere Neumitglieder mehr Anteilnahme zeigen würden, wo doch sowieso alles in Englisch geregelt wird und jeder es verstehen kann. Manche unserer Mitglieder werden wahrscheinlich nicht die neue Ausgabe ( Zeitung) früh genug erhalten, wenn der nächste Tanz “ Glen Miller Night” von der Bühne rollt. Aber hier noch einmal: am Samstag, den 3. November findet die “ Glen Miller Night” statt mit dem Klassischen Swing Orchester unter der Leitung von Tom Pinto. Es wurde genug Reklame gemacht, im Klub und auch außerhalb, ich denke jeder müsste informiert sein. Don’t forget our annual Christmas market, Sunday, Nov, 25th. from 10 a.m. till 4 p.m. Kitchen and bar are open from 11 a.m. ( see also flyer ) Zum Ausklang des Jahres noch einmal Kino Rama am Sonntag, den 18. November um 14.00 Uhr, ( Siehe Reklame ). Advent concert with the Loreley Singers on Dec. 1st. ( see report and flyer of the Loreley Singers). Nun zu unseren Veranstaltungen für die nächsten zwei Monate, als erstes der Weihnachtsmarkt am Sonntag, den 25. November von 10.00 Uhr bis 16.00 Uhr. Küche und Bar ab 11.00 Uhr geöffnet. ( mehr unter Reklame) The rifle club will have their Christmas party on Sunday, Dec. 2nd at 2 p.m. in our members’ lounge. Then comes our membership Christmas dance on Saturday, Dec. 8th with the famous “Variation” with Heinz Lindlau and his colleagues. Admission for members is free, and guests and friends cost $15.00. Come along and enjoy a holiday atmosphere at Club Loreley. The kitchen will be open from 6 p.m. The language school will hold their christmas party on Sunday, Dec. 16th starting at 2 p.m. ( see flyer). Am 1. Dezember das Adventskonzert der Loreley Singer, ( Mehr davon unter Loreley Bericht und Reklame). Die Schützengruppe feiert ihre Weihnachtsparty am Sonntag den 2. Dezember um 14.00 Uhr in der Memberslounge. Dann unser Weihnachtstanz für Mitglieder und Gäste am Samstag, den 8. Dezember mit der bekannten Gruppe „Variation” unter Leitung von Heinz Lindlau. Für Mitglieder ist der Eintritt frei und Gäste zahlen $15.00. Küche schon ab 18.00 Uhr geöffnet. German-Canadian Club Loreley, 389 Dean Ave. Oshawa Ont. L1H 3E1 (905) 728-9221 5 GERMAN - CANADIAN CLUB LORELEY Then we will be closing the old year, and ringing in the new one, with our “New Years Eve Ball” with the “Euro Connection”. Tickets on sale in advance only, dates are listed for members and nonmembers under the New Years Eve flyer. Make sure you obtain your tickets well in advance for your favored table, because they are a hot item, and will be sold in no time. It seems to be a bit early, but due to the fact our newspaper appears every two months, it is time to extend our Christmas greetings. On behalf of the board of directors we wish all of you, members, friends and sponsors a Merry Christmas and a happy prosperous New Year, and most of all, health for 2008. With best wishes, Ernst Stader, President Comments? [email protected] Bestellen Sie ihr Essen im Voraus bei Wanda in der Memberslounge. . Auch unsere Deutsche Schule feiert ihre Weihnachtsfeier am Sonntag, den 16. Dezember um 14.00 Uhr, ( Mehr unter Reklame ). Das alte Jahr endet dann wieder mit unserem Silvesterball am Montag, den 31. Dezember um 19.00 Uhr. Eintrittskarten nur im Vorverkauf, die Daten des Vorverkaufs und andere Informationen sind unter Reklame angegeben. Warten Sie nicht zu lange, denn diese Karten sind im Nu verkauft. Es ist vielleicht etwas zu früh, aber dadurch, dass unsere Zeitung alle zwei Monate erscheint, ist es jetzt schon Zeit, Ihnen das Beste für die Feiertage zu wünschen. Im Namen des Vorstandes wünschen wir allen Mitgliedern, Freunden und Bekannten ein frohes Weihnachtsfest und einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr, mit viel Erfolg und bester Gesundheit. Mit den besten Grüßen, Ernst Stader Kommentar? [email protected] KINORAMA Das nächste Kinorama findet statt: Sonntag, 18. November - 14 Uhr Kommt und erfreut Euch an einen schönen Film Nachmittag. Die Küche ist geöffnet fuer warmes Essen, sowie Kaffee und Kuchen. Die Bar ist ebenfalls offen. Für mehr Information: Hans Mager (905) 436-2565 Contact: [email protected] 6 German-Canadian Club Loreley, 389 Dean Ave. Oshawa Ont. L1H 3E1 (905) 728-9221 GERMAN - CANADIAN CLUB LORELEY Club Loreley Christmas Dance Saturday, Dec. 8th at 6 p.m. Music: by Heinz Lindlau and the “VARIATION” Free Admission for Members – non Members $15.00 Dinner by advance only at our Member’s Lounge Bring along your friends! For a taste of Germany, please come to Club Loreley for your Christmas shopping. We are the only German Club East of Scarborough, founded in 1955. COME AND BRING FAMILY, FRIENDS AND NEIGHBOURS AND START CELEBRATING CHRISTMAS! Excellent vendors, delicious food and beverages including Gluehwein, homebaked Christmas Cookies and awesome Raffle prizes await you. Kitchen and Bar open at 11 AM and SANTA himself will make an appearance! 20th ANNUAL CHRISTMAS MARKET AT CLUB LORELEY, OSHAWA Christmas MARKET November 25th 10 a.m - 4 p.m German-Canadian Club Loreley, 389 Dean Ave. Oshawa Ont. L1H 3E1 (905) 728-9221 7 GERMAN - CANADIAN CLUB LORELEY Club Loreley Kitchen Our kitchen is open every Thursday evening from 4:00 - 7:00 p.m to members and the public. We look forward to seeing you at our club to enjoy some fine European dining! We are closed June 28th & July 5th, but reopening on July 12th. Our head chef, Trevor Foreman, is a graduate of the Liaison College in Toronto (where he trained under Chef Michael Elliot). Foreman, who was raised in Winnipeg, has been cooking since he was 16. He moved to Toronto in 1997 to go to cooking school and apprenticed at the Westin Harbour Castle Hotel, as well as a number of smaller restaurants. The fallout from 9-11 dried up the convention business in Toronto and resulted in Foreman’s arrival at Pepperberries Bistro and was an origional member of the Pepperberries staff, starting as the sous chef under David Evans, an Australian. The Bistro opened in November 2001, and taking over the roll of executive Chef in 2002. He has also run a very successful in-home catering business, where he comes into your home and prepares a dinner for you and your guests - an event that you will never forget. 2005 brought on a new challenge as he took over the kitchen at Club Loreley in Oshawa. Foreman is committed and experienced in preparing exquisite cuisine for his clients at Club Loreley no matter how big or small the party may be. Club Loreley’s kitchen staff, under the direction of Foreman, invite you to come for a wonderful dinner Thursday nights (see the menu below) or consider us for your next event (more details on our website). Schnitzel Dinner Classical German style cooking. • Per serving $10.00 Appetizers, Drinks, Dessert Soup $1.50 Salad $1.50 Coffee/Tea $0.50 Cake $1.50 Chef’s Special A surprise serving. • Per serving 8 $10.00 German-Canadian Club Loreley, 389 Dean Ave. Oshawa Ont. L1H 3E1 (905) 728-9221 GERMAN - CANADIAN CLUB LORELEY ‘GLEN MILLER NIGHT’- NOV. 3rd With Tom Pinto and his Classical Swing Orchestra AT CLUB LORELEY 389 DEAN AVE. Nov. 3rd 2007 Tom Pinto Music starts at 7:30 p.m. Tickets can be obtained at our member’s lounge every: $12 Memb ers Non-memb , $15 ers eley or Club L t a e v i L Thursday from 12.00 noon on Fridays from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Come along and bring your friends! German-Canadian Club Loreley, 389 Dean Ave. Oshawa Ont. L1H 3E1 (905) 728-9221 9 ! GERMAN - CANADIAN CLUB LORELEY Last May a celebration to remember “Jupp” Josef Stäger, (a founding member and also former president of the club) took place in Club Loreley’s hall. !"#$%#&'()*+,-#.$!"!"#$%&'()*'&#+,%-$! Ernst Stader, in his capacity as president, recognized Jupp’s affiliation and activities within the club. Also, he presented me, Margret, Jupp’s wife, a framed picture of Jupp as a gift of !"#$#%"%&"'()*$''"+$,(+)-*,"./$"0(''-*,"%&"(")$(+"&+-$*)"%&"./$"1$-2 the membership. Chris, our oldest son took the photo to his home and now returned it to #(.'3*,$+4"56+")$(+$'."&+-$*)7"8%*+()"8$99$+":('";(99$)"/%#$".%"/-'"&-*(9" my house where it received an honourable place between family images. Further, I wish to thank Ernst, for writing the obituaries in the Loreley Nachrichten, and additional notices for +$'.-*,"09(;$"%*"<(=">?./7">@@?4" me. 8%*+()":('"(",+$(."&(#-9="#(*7"("9%A-*,"/6'B(*)".%"C$+.-7"(*)"(":%*)$+&69" &(./$+".%"/-'";/-9)+$*4"1$":('"(".$++-&-;"50("(*)",+$(.2,+(*)&(./$+".%"(99"/-'" Ernst and his wife Helga, have been known to us since the early pioneer club/0.$1.&,,#.0,-$(,$0,*#.#,$ days. I remember the cooperative enthusiasm for this club house endeavour.. with their hands on. ,+(*)"(*)",+$(.2,+(*);/-9)+$*4"1$"(9'%":('"(*"$D;$0.-%*(9"&+-$*)".%"(99"%&" -0)#,$2.#0,34$ Also, Helga and Olaf Rudolph had made special efforts for the success of the afternoon in 6'4"1$":-99"B$"'%+$9="#-''$)"B6.":-99"+$#(-*"-*"&%*)"#$#%+-$'"&%+"("9%*,7" Jupp’s memory I’m very grateful. 9%*,".-#$4"8%*+()"9%A$)".%"'-*,4"1$"/()"(*"(#(E-*,"0%:$+&69"B('$"A%-;$" ["%3R)K*=)&;+73) !#">?4"<(=">@@?"A$+9-$''"6*'"6*'$+" (*)"*%"%*$":-99"$A$+"&-99"/-'"09(;$4" :;&3$)K3*C)E;8+;8) Heinz Ottinger, being helpful and cooperative as always, enlightened us with the wonderful “Heimatsänger“. They 9-$B$+"G3*,$+&+$6*)"8%*+()"8$99$+"&d+" expressed the occasion’s somberness with two songs, “Feierabend” and a farewell song “Schlesien”. Urd (Rohn) F$"0(-)"%6+"9('.".+-B6.$".%"%6+")$(+"&+-$*)7"%6+":%*)$+&69";%#+()$"(*)")$2 !"##$%&$'()-##$+4"8%*+()":(+"*-;/."*6+"$-*"(M.-A$'" Grander, a friend since the beginning of the loreley school, selected and read a poem to honour Jupp. Alex HilleH/%+#-.,9-$)")$+"1$-#(.'3*,$+7"$+":(+" A%.$)"1$-#(.'3*,$+"8%*+()".%,$./$+":-./"/-'"&(#-9="(."./$"8$99$+"0+$#-'$'4" 2"%$3$4)5"*(1)67+8$%)9):$.;'(%7(;"+) brand, who had been around my house and Jupp’s since the birth of the Loreley life, entertained us with some (6;/"6*'$+"(99$+B$'.$+"Q+$6*)"6*)",6.$+" 56+"G=#0(./=",%$'"%6.".%"/-'":-)%:$)":-&$"C$+.-7"/-'"H/-9)+$*7",+(*)"I" quipps about the club’s early times. Next to the podium stepped:;&3$)K3*C)'$7'"+)8"##$+8$') Chris, then Ray, Jupp’s two sons. They could not 8(#$+()4" ,+$(.2,+(*);/-9)+$*"(*)"'%*'"-*29((:4" help feeling nostalgic, recollecting memories of their childhood which included construction of the hall, and the !""#$%&'()*&+$ 2"%$3$4)!;+.$%):*##7.$)?)@7A$)!73$)B)7,#,)(")0)=,#,)) first years of school in this very same building. Naturally, they also thought of their father’s activities here, where J-#$";/(*,$'"#(*="./-*,'7"B6."9%A$"(*)"#$#%+="&%+$A$+";9-*,'4"8%*+()":-99" Y;+"%7#7) F$**"(6;/"'$-*"U9(.E"-#"H/%+"&d+"-##$+" we were standing. Chris also thought of a long ago friend, Werner Hübner, who for many years tirelessly guided B$")$(+9="#-''$)"B="(99"/-'"&+-$*)'4"K.":('"(",+$(.";%#&%+.".%"./$"8$99$+"&(#2 9$$+"'.$/$*":-+)7"-*"6*'$+$*"1$+E$*":-+)" D%"''$%)E%$;')!A7()F//)7,#G)) us, as fitness instructor for the children as well as adults, in this very hall. Further, there were busy hands in the -9=".%"'$$"(9#%'."(99"%&"./$"1$-#(.'3*,$+"(."./$-+"09(;$".%"0(="./$-+"9('."+$2 8%*+()"&d+"-##$+":$-.$+"9$B$*4"" kitchen preparing loads of good tasting nourishment for everyone, including friendly “Hellos” with big smiles. Last D$%#7+)27+.*7.$)!81""3)@$.;+') '0$;.'"(*)".+-B6.$'".%"8%*+()4"KL#"'6+$"8%*+()"#6'."/(A$"9%%M$)")%:*" but not least, Friedl Fleischmann, with her effervescent enthusiasm, moving Otto and others with her persuasion IA("C$%&$'()FJ*%")K"++$8(;"+G)) 60%*"6'"(99"&+%#"/$(A$*":-./"("B-,"'#-9$4"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" a-*"9-$B$'"J+%'.:%+."&d+"C$+.-"6*)"Q(#-9-$4" to arrange the food supply!!! -++*73)M73&)5$7%')N$$(;+.)FO)=,#G)) !"/(00-$+"%;;('-%*N" Even Lilli Rank, another friend since the German school, left herY;+"%7#7) hideaway behind the bar, to very affectionately 5#&,$!.6*)76.)$&*)$*6$*)(.8$ F$"&$9."A$+="/%*%6+$)".%"0$+&%+#"(."(":$))-*,"-*"%6+";96B"%*"O6*$"P@./" greet me.Surrounded by many special long time friends, there was a never ending outpouring of well wishing, !813781&$'()9)&$7(*%;+.)(1$)P!=;8$)"&)2;&$Q)C7+R) 3#,$-.69#,$:;"'#.<$<0$'&,3#.,=$ >@@?"456+"B$'.":-'/$'".%"./$"B+-)$"(*)",+%%#"&%+"("9%*,"(*)"/(00="#(+2 embraces, hugs, tears, and laughter, “do you remember me” and so on. Of course, I remember you, we rememY;+"%7#7) bered everyone! So did Chris and Ray. +-(,$4" 36;"$-0)#$).#0#$2.#0,3#$$ -++*73)K1%;'(#7')N7%A$(V)&%"#)/L)7,#,)(")U)=,#,)) F$"/$90$)"%6.")6+-*,"Q-$'.("F$$M"B="$*.$+.(-*-*,"./$"06B9-;":-./"'%#$" We where overwhelmed by the sincerity of feelings which touched us deeply. Finally, John Uhlmann’s thoughtful0,3$3&#$/#&)$ :%*)$+&69"'%*,'7"(*)"%&";%6+'$":$"(9'%"/$90$)"%6.":/$+$"$A$+"("/$90-*," ness brought the afternoon to a conclusion with “Ich hatte einen-RT$+()K7%"3')=$%&"%#$R)7()K3*C)2"%$3$4)C4)(1$)2"%$3$4)!;+ Kameraden” which culminated the emotions of everyone present. What a wonderful afternoon, ending on such :;&3$)K3*C)K1%;'(#7')E7%(4)) a reflective note. Again, many many thanks to all /(*)":('"*$$)$)N" >#.'?-#,$@",$<0$A&,3#.,4$$ of you. It is so wonderful to belong to Club Loreley – the Loreley Family – 56+"(;;%+)-%*"09(=$+"K9'$"1$*.';/$9")-)"(",+$(."R%B"(*)"'/$")$'$+A$'"'0$;-(9" K3*C)2"%$3$4)K1%;'(#7')67+8$)) ! ./(*M'"&%+"(9'%"/$90-*,"%6."./$"S%+$9$="G-*,$+'":-./"B(;M,+%6*)"#6'-;")6+2 In the spirit of Jupp, K1;3R%$+Q')K1%;'(#7')E7%(4)FO)=,#G)) <5!NO6#)0!$0P!9)J#)0!<$)(0!KD6M)(Q8 -*,"./$-+"0$+&%+#(*;$"(."Q-$'.("F$$M4" D$%#7+)27+.*7.$)!81""3)K1%;'(#7')=7%(4) Margret, Christian and Raymond Stäger. KLA$"%*;$"(,(-*"+$(;/$)"./$"$*)"%&"#="+$0%+.7"B6."B$&%+$";9%'-*,"K":%69)"9-M$" S$X)5$7%')JT$)@733)) .%":-'/"=%6"(99"("'(&$"$*R%=(B9$"'6##$+"A(;(.-%*":-./"=%6+"&(#-9-$'"(*)" 9%A$)"%*$'T"=%6LA$"$(+*$)"(*)")$'$+A$)"-.4" !!!!!!!!!!!!! "#$!%$#&'()*+,$-! ! 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GERMAN - CANADIAN CLUB LORELEY Rifle Club Report - Peter Biller Our new season is already 2 months old and turn out has been quite good with Sunday mornings being well attended. 0#<%7"$+0+=>'%?1(8&+,%1'%"5+,%@&#$':9=%,1A&('%6$"B% "B%C)DD%E% F)DD%5GBG%H6%="#>:%01?+%("%+,I"=%'"B+%+J8+00+,(%.#$ .#$"5+9,% On September 9th we had our General8#1'1,+%1,%9%890B%9,:%$+09J1,A%9(B"'5&+$+%9B",A'(%6$1+, Meeting and attendance was not bad consider$1+,:'%9,:% ing a lot of our members were away on6$"B%9%K"$0:E809''%8&+6L%0""?%,"%6#$(&+$%(&9,%="#$%"K,%8 vacation. In case you were unable to attend I K,%80#<% will fill you in on what was discussed. &"#'+M%N0+9'+%:"%8"B+%"#(%9,:%:1,+%9(%O0#<%7"$+0+=G%N$1 %N$181,A%1,E 6"$B9(1",%1'%9'%6"00"K')! First of all, everyone on the Board agreed to keep their current positions for another term. Some more good news is that our insurance rates have actually gone down. Last year we paid ap!"#$%&'()")*%+,#(-./ ./*%012,3%4)5#% proximately $864.00 and our new rate will be approximately $530.00 per year. We also discussed some up and coming dates. Sunday November 25th there will be no shooting as the Christmas Bazaar is being held in the main hall.(I0[5! that day. .I00)(! !" "'dd))!H!P)/! C<0DA& TKL'(9)Q!^))(! CE0>A& OD60I9b)#!.I00)(! C:<0<<& It is hard to believe but it is time to talk about Christmas. On Sunday December 2nd at 2pm we will be having our annual Christmas party in the Member's Lounge. If you would like to bring any children please con: <9050<<& 0 > A & how many gifts Santa will need"6)df5!OL)DI/#! .'K)59ID!^))(! tact me as soon as possible soC; I know to bring. I can be reached Cat 697-1044. C:0A<& O'$L! Congratulations goes out to one of our own members Mike Bruene, Mike recently won first place for Top Auto Mechanic in Canada for Volkswagen and this month he will represent Canada in Germany at Cthe :0A<& C; 0 < < & O/#/Q! eI0)! World Championship. Congratulations and good luck in Germany. O'd9!.(I0[5! Peter Biller "'dd))!H!"/[)! C:0A<& Comments? [email protected] !"#$%&!'%(&)"*#+& &&&&),-&./))(#0"#1& P6)!'#Q)59!R)(K/0S"/0/QI/0!P(/2)#!1E)0D*! T0!P'('09'!</59! 470)Q!%*J!UVPP1!H!W1XTY!W&<TYU4;1YY! N!(!QI)!%)59)0!F()I5)!0/D6!Q)K!OZQ)0!%)5$D6)0!OI)! O7I55!H!"/0/QI/0!X)59/$(/09! ! 4$(!5L)DI/#9I)5!/()J! !" !" !" !" C;0A<& OD60I9b)#+ O9)/[+ O)/d''Q+ ^))d!R'$#/56+ !" !" !" !" OL/9b#I+ "6ID[)0+ 1LL#)!O9$Q)#+ "/[)!H!TD)!"()/K+ !"#$%&"'(')%*+$,+$%-%./+01,+%2$+1%345+,%6"$%7#,8&%9,:%;1,,+$% 5+342/&6*37$8&)*&9$)+,7$8& @(33#,/&6*37$8&)*&9$)+,7$8&&& & !"#$%#&'(%()&*+,&& -#.%()#/& ---01$))#,2*,304$& ::/;<&$01&=>/;<&?01& A/<<&?01&=B/;<&?01& E-%F:AG%H=B%7"?=% I.C.>/GJ%5A=B% !"#$%&E1-*%KL+,-+K(% ! F/E)!!!:C!! :;!+<:!=!>-?@A!BC,!=!-CC:!7773D#$%#'()#)*3'(E! Club Loreley, 389 Dean Ave. Oshawa Ont. L1H 3E1 (905) 728-9221 ! 77737'(#Q7IQ)9'$(53D/!>0'7!%/D[!'0#I0)A! $518 .<VPO";&1Y.!N&\R<!;TY!H!]VX\"W!1^!_`--! !"##$% #&'()*(+% F#$5!K/0*!'96)(!D$#I0/(*!Q)#IE695c! ! !"#$%&'()*+,(-./-0+0,#+ + +C``!<R&TYRP4Y!1a<3!<3! EGLINTON O"1X^4X4VR;8!4YP1XT4! G:U!C;M! G'09/E!H!GI997'D6!! -J+?!/3K!=@!L3K! .I)059/E!H!.'00)(59/E! -J+?!/3K!=M!L3K! N()I9/E! ! ! -J+?!/3K!=@!L3K! O/K59/E! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!:?J??!/3K!=:!L3K! !"#$%&'()*%+)',+--(%./% (,011,2345,657% 289:#$%;./#<;:<",=.>/[email protected]:CABD.8% "#$%!&'()#)*!+,-!.)/0!12)3!456/7/!8!4093!&:;!+ 11 GERMAN - CANADIAN CLUB LORELEY Heimatsanger Report - Christel Petrowski Most of us feel a little blue once Thanksgiving Day has passed. Even so we might still have some nice weather, but look around the beauty of colour change is over and our surrounding looks pretty dull. We have to face it, it won’t be long and the long wintry days are here. But there are plenty of club events coming up during the next two months that should help us to get over it. To mention just a few, there is Kinorama on Nov.18th , the annual Christmas-Market Nov. 25th, a Christmas Concert Dec. 1st. A Special Christmas dance is scheduled for the Dec. 8th, and our Heimatsängers Christmas Party will be held on Wednesday Dec.12th, of course we all look forward to this party. Besides all this ongoing activity, everyone will be pretty busy with Christmas shopping, baking, giving or attending Christmas parties - like always November and December are the most hectic months of the year. We look forward to Christmas caroling again this year at the club’s Christmas market and the Christmas dance. Working on next year’s Heimatabend program keeps Peter and myself busy. Our Heinz Öttinger made up a list of wonderful new songs for this event which we are eager to learn. Several people called in to inform us of their willingness to participate again next year. This is really great and we would like to thank them for informing us that early.; this makes our job so much easier Ingrid Meier celebrates her 50th Wedding Anniversary on November 26th; Gerda Wunderlich celebrates her 50th Anniversary on December 1st. my best wishes to both of you, good health and many more happy years to come for all of you. I will add like most of the time again an attachment for those who are interested of reading it. Ending report with my best wishes to everyone for a save and very blessed Christmas and a happy New Year. P.S. Again I added an interesting article. Sorry it is only in German, I don’t have the time to translate it. Until next year keep on singing and always have a happy smile on your face. Have a wonderful New Year, Christel Petrowski Comments? [email protected] Blaue Berge, grüne Täler Das „Riesengebirg'lers Heimatlied" feierte im Mai dieses Jahres seinen 93. Geburtstag Es war im Jahr 1914 als der junge Lehrer Othmar Fiebiger an einem herbstlichen Tag wieder einmal ins schöne Riesengebirge flüchtete, um den Schreckensnachrichten des 1. Weltkrieges zu entfliehen. Fiebiger (21. 04.1886 bis 23.02.1972) war seinerzeit als Dorfschullehrer an der Waldschule im böhmischen Anseith tätig. Man schrieb das Jahr 1914, als der junge Lehrer seine Gebirgswanderung startete und zur Rast die Peterbaude aufsuchte. „Soweit man sich erinnert ", sagte Othmar Fiebiger in einem Interview mit Gerhardt Seiffert vom Riesengebirgsboten, „entstand das Riesengebirgslied so: Fröhlich saß ich neben einer Wandergesellschaft in der Glasveranda der Peterbaude. Nach dem Mittagessen sah eine Dame der Wandergruppe das Wanderbuch in einer Ecke der Peterbaude liegen. Einschreiben ... hieß es wie im Chor. Ich rief dazwischen: „Aber jeder nur etwas Originelles!" Mit den Worten: „Also fangen sie an!" schob man mir das Wanderbuch zu. Schweigend und sinnend guckte ich durch die Scheiben der Glasveranda hinab ins Tal und schrieb ganz einfach in der Mundart des Anseither Tales das auf, was ich sah: „Bloe Barche, grüne Täla, mitta dren a Heisla klen, herrlich is dos Stöckla Erde, on ich bin ju darf dohem. 0, mei1 liewes Riesageberche!" Sonst nichts. In meinem Gedächtnis klang und klangen die Zeilen weiter und gingen nicht aus den Ohren. Auf einer versteckten Bank am Turnplatz der Anseither Waldschule wurden aus den wenigen Zeilen in kurzer Zeit das Heimatlied mit folgendem Urtext: Bloe Barche, grüne Täla, metta dren a Heisla klen, herrlich is dos Steckla Erde on ich bin ju dart dohem. Ols ich einst ei's Lond gezocha, ho'n die Barch mir nochgesahn, mit dar Kendhet, mit dar Jugend, wosste nee, wie mir geschahn: 0 mei' liewes Riesageberche, wu die Elbe su hemlich rennt, wu dar Rüwazohl mit sen'Zwercha heit noch Saga on Märlan spennt: Riesageberche, Riesageberche meine lewe Hemert du! Is mir gutt on schlecht gegonga, ho'- gesonga on gelocht; doch ei' moncha bonga Stunda hot mei Herz gonz stell gepocht. On mich zuchs noch Johr on Stunde wiedo hem ei's Elternhaus, hielt's nee mehr vür lauto Sehnsucht bei dan fremda Leita aus: O mei' liewes Riesageberche ... usw. On kemmt's emol zom Begrowa, mücht ihr eiern Wella tun: ock dos Ene, jo dos Ene: Loßt mich ei'do Hemert ruhn. Wird der Herrgott dann druf frocha uwa noch'm Hemertschein, zieh' ich doitsch on stolz on fredich flugs ei's Himmelreich dann nei': Bin aus'm Newa Riesageberche ....usw. 12 German-Canadian Club Loreley, 389 Dean Ave. Oshawa Ont. L1H 3E1 (905) 728-9221 GERMAN - CANADIAN CLUB LORELEY Diese Dialektdichtung wurde im Juni 1914 in der Festschrift des Trautenauer Gesangvereines „Harmonie" erstmals gedruckt. ImSpätherbst des Jahres 1914 vertonte Vinzenz Hampel (29. 01.1880 bis 27.06.1955), Angehöriger der Hohenelber Liedertafel das Dialektgedicht für seine eigene Stimme. Hampel war in dieser Zeit Fürsorge-Erzieher in Hohenelbe. Als er das Lied zum ersten Mal seinen Freunden von der Liedertafel vorsang, war der Erfolg überwältigend. Dazu notierte sich Vinzenz Hampel in seinen persönlichen Aufzeichnungen: „In den folgenden Proben musste ich immer wieder das Lied singen. Es dauerte nicht lange, da sollte das Lied mehrstimmig gesungen werden. Ich schrieb es für Männerchor mit Baritonsolo und so wurde es Mitte März 1915 im Schützenhaus in Hohenelbe erstmals aufgeführt". Weiter führte der junge Lehrer selbst aus, dass er mit den ruhig angehenden Achtelnoten den bedächtigen Riesengebirgler nachahmen wollte und führte die Melodie im gleichen Rhythmus weiter, um mit dem Refrain die tiefe Heimatliebe zum Ausdruck zu bringen. In Hohenelbe und Umgebung war das Lied schnell zu einer Volksweise geworden, lange bevor es den Einzug in deutsche Liederbücher hielt. Eine Klavierausgabe des Riesengebirgsliedes wurde seinerzeit von einem Musikverlag abgelehnt, so das Vinzenz Hampel im Selbstverlag eine Liedkarte und eine Ausgabe für Gesang und Klavier herausgab und konnte beobachten, wie eine Stadt nach der anderen von dem Lied erobert wurde. Wie schnell es in die Herzen der Menschen aus dem Riesengebirge drang, mag darin bewiesen sein, das bereits während des 1. Weltkrieges das Riesengebirgslied mit solcher Popularität bedacht war, dass diese Zeilen auf ausdrücklichem Wunsch des verstorbenen Riesengebirgsbaudenbesitzers Endler an seinem offenem Grab gesungen wurde. Der Text in der heimischen Mundart war schnell in aller Munde, so dass das Lied bei fast allen Gebirgsfestlichkeiten angestimmt wurde. Nur dem Schöpfer Othmar Fiebiger war es entgangen, wie beliebt seine Dichtung inzwischen geworden war. Wie anders ist es sonst zu erklären, das er eines Tages verdutzt seinen Schreckensteiner Freund fragte, woher das schöne Lied denn stamme, welches er gerade von einem Lautenspieler zu Beginn einer Festveranstaltung gesungen hörte. Unter dem einsetzenden Spott musste er eingestehen, dass es seine Zeilen waren, die er einst ins Hüttenbuch der Peterbaude geschrieben hatte. Damit nun dieses schöne Werk nicht nur die Einheimischen singen sollten, hat Othmar Fiebiger seine Dialektdichtung ins Hochdeutsche übertragen und wenige Jahre später, es war im Jahre 1920, fand das inzwischen zum Volkslied avancierte Heimatlied der Riesengebirgler seinen Einzug ins Liederbuch des Deutschen Sängerbundes. Auch außerhalb des schönsten deutschen Mittelgebirges setzte sich das Lied in der Bevölkerung durch, was zahlreiche Auszeichnungen im In- und Ausland beweisen. So ist bekannt geworden, dass Anfang der Dreißiger Jahre das Lied bei einem Sängerwettstreit in Brasilien den 1. Preis errungen habe. Ob der gute Othmar Fiebiger geahnt hatte, was ihm da seinerzeit in der Peterbaude zugefallen war und nun zu einem unsterblich gewordenen Lied gewandelt hat, ist nicht bekannt geworden. Mit seinen Zeilen hatte Othmar Fiebiger den Kern der Herzen seiner Schlesier und Sudetendeutschen getroffen, doch sollte sich später dieser Erfolg negativ für den Dichter erweisen. An dem Urtext des Liedes wurde in der Folgezeit nur wenig verändert. Statt der Wiederholung des Wortes Riesengebirge im Refrain wurde u.a. auch „Märchengebirge", „schönes Gebirge" oder „deutsches Gebirge" gesungen. Da Letzteres in die Druckfassung genommen war, verboten es die Tschechen für jede öffentliche Aufführung nach 1945. Fiebiger ist am 21. April 1886 in Attenbruch im Riesengebirge geboren und wurde nach einer frohen Jugend in der schönen Landschaft des Riesengebirges nach seinem Studium Lehrer im sudetendeutschen Anseith. Wie alle Deutschen musste auch er seine geliebte Riesengebirgsheimat verlassen. Zunächst verjagten ihn 1945 die Tschechen von der böhmischen Seite des Gebirges. Nachdem er 1946 auch von den Polen abgeschoben wurde, begann er in einem kleinen Ort bei Erfurt mit einem Neuaufbau seiner beruflichen Laufbahn. In der späteren DDR erhoffte er sich die Ruhe für seine weitere Schaffenskraft. Der Schein aber trog. Ost- Deutschlands verbrüderte sich mit der Tschechoslowakei und Polen und es dauerte nicht lange, da hatte man den Schöpfer des Riesengebirglers Heimatlied, (Schlesische Nachrichten 12/2004 KULTUR / HISTORISCHES 13) welches in den Herzen der Vertriebenen zu keiner Zeit verstummt war, erkannt. Die neuen Machthaber in der DDR nahmen Anstoß daran, das Fiebiger von einem „deutschen Gebirge" sprach, wo es nach dem neuen Sprachgebrauch der DDR, der Polen und der Tschechen in dieser Landschaft kein deutsches Land gegeben hat. Einmal entdeckt, wurde die Volkspolizei beim Dichter ein ständiger ungebetener Gast. Eine Haussuchung löste die andere ab und alles Liedgut, Noten und weitere Texte beschlagnahmten die neuen Machthaber im mitteldeutschen Raum. Das Riesengebirgslied wurde auch in der DDR offiziell verboten, wie auch jeder Heimatgedanke an die deutschen Ostgebiete den Vertriebenen untersagt wurde. Da die Machthaber in dem Teil Deutschlands den Dichter nicht zur Ruhe kommen ließen, entschloss er sich, einen weiteren Wohnungswechsel zu vollziehen. Sein Weg führte ihn in die Bundesrepublik und Othmar Fiebiger fand in Bensheim an der Bergstraße eine neue Bleibe. Voller Freude verfasste er in der Bundesrepublik neue Gedichte und schuf Sinnsprüche. Seinem inzwischen vierstrophigen Riesengebirgslied fügte er eine neue Strophe, den 5. Vers, hinzu: Und kehr'n wir, will's Gott, nach Jahren wieder heim in unser Land, wo des Berggeist's Quellen rauschen und wo unsere Wiege stand; dann ans Werk, räumt Schutt und Asche, lasst uns Feld und Häuser bau'n und mit Tränen in den Augen lächelnd auf zum Himmel schaun: 0, mein liebes Riesengebirge,wo die Elbe so heimlich rinnt, wo der Rübezahl mit seinen Zwergen heut' noch Sagen und Märchen spinnt. Riesengebirge, deutsches Gebirge, meine liebe Heimat du! German-Canadian Club Loreley, 389 Dean Ave. Oshawa Ont. L1H 3E1 (905) 728-9221 13 GERMAN - CANADIAN CLUB LORELEY Loreley Singer Report - Helga Gausrab And this, my friends, is my contribution for November/December! We just have to wait a bit longer till we see our “world in violets” again. Only did Theodor Storm forgot in his poem the lovely Christmas time that !"#$%$&'()*+$#,-'.$/"#01' ! is coming up. !"#$%&'%()*%+& In any case, the “Loreley Singers” are in good form for the wonderful Christmas Season ahead. We practice Christmas songs with our Monica Cotton and she drills us with her great skill and knowledge of music. So we are !"##$%&'()*+'*',$*"+-."/'(0%122'341'()*+'*'(041$%."/'!$*50422''6$'*//'*%$'/007-48'.0% looking forward to our Advents Singing on Saturday, December 1. 07. The Concert will start in the afternoon at 2.30 +0'+)$'(*%#'($*+)$%9'!"45)-4$&',/"$'57-$5&'8%$$4'8%*55'*41',0"4+-."/'./0($%59':1$*/&'-54 pm. Admission is free, like always (a donation will never be turned away). We will have coffee and our home baked cakes (for $3.00) and……. (I341'()='40+&'($'*//'>*4'"5$'5"45)-4$'.0%'5"%$9'?"%',04$5'4$$1'*5'#">)'(*%#+)'*5'@05 have that from a very reliable source) even Santa Claus will show up!! How delightful is *41'/007-48'-4+0'*+'+)$'8%$$4'8%*55'-5'8001'.0%'0"%'$=$59'!0&'/$+;5'$4A0='5"##$%&'5+*=' that?? So, do come, bring your families and friends and enjoy a real nice afternoon to fill you with the best of Adventsand Christmas feelings. And)$*/+)=&'%$/*B'*41'5-48'C0"%'.*D0%-+$'5048522'?%'%$*1'*',007'*8*-4&'04$'+)*+'C0"'/-7$1'# then there will be a joined Christmas Concert with the “Loreley Singers” and the “Harmony United Church Choir” =$*%5'*809222E04$'0.'#='.*D0%-+$'@*5+-#$5F' on December 9. 2007 at 7.00 pm in the Harmony United Church, on the corner of Harmony Rd. and King St. in Oshawa. It is a beautiful tradition by now, that we blend our two choirs together once a year 34=(*=&'+)$'G0%$/$='!-48$%5')*1'*'(041$%."/'!@%-48'5$*5049'?"%'H04->*'I0++04'1-%$>+5' to praise the very special Christmas Time in our songs. Our singing will warm all hearts. Your and ours and mine ♥ ♥ (-+)'>)*%#'*41'8001')"#0%9'6$'/$*%4$1'($//'*41'*%$'*/(*=5'0"+5+*41-48'()$4'($'D-5-+ Our very best Birthday wishes go to the following members who have birthdays in November: Paul Müller, Joe Sala0+)$%'I)0-%5'*41'8-D$'0"%'0(4'>04>$%+5'J'K)*47'C0"'&'H04->*9' mon, Otto Böck, Hilde Balasch, Christel Rüssler and Helmut Grander. All the Best and may all your wishes come true. Three of our Singers will also celebrate their Birthdays in December. We wish all the best possible for Ursula Brock"%'L/*5+;'5-48-48'.0%'+)-5'5$*504'(-//',$'.0%'+)$'M-$5+*J6$$7'*+'I/",'G0%$/$=9'N"+'5-4>$'+)$'1$*1/-4$'.0%'+)-5'%$@0%+'-5'04' man, Monica Cotton and Else Denzel. ♥ “Each season leaves its mark so that the new season knows where to start.” *#$'1*='*5'0"%'5-48-48&':'>*440+'+$//'C0"')0('($'@$%.0%#$19'O0($D$%&':'740('.0%'5"%$&'+)*+'($'1-1'5-48'A"5+'8%$*+'*4 Happy Birthday *+'+)$'M-$5+*J6$$7JP$D$/$%5'5*48'(-+)'"5&'+)*+'+)$'(*//5'0.'I/",'G0%$/$='($%$'5)*7-48222' 4'Q"/='RS9'STTU'+)$'VG0%$/$='!-48$%5W'(-//'>0#$'+08$+)$%'.0%'+)$-%'*44"*/'@->4->9'341'+)-5'+-#$'($'(-//'8*+)$%'*+'0"%'I/" Here is a note to all “Loreley Singers”: On Monday December 17. 07 at 12.30 p.m we will gather in the Members Lounge and enjoy a very merry little Christmas Lunch!! Please be all there and eat, drink and sing with friends and fel0%$/$='*41'(-//'$4A0='+)$'(041$%."/'8%0"415'*41'+)$'H$#,$%5'G0"48$9'N$5+'($*+)$%'-5'0%1$%$1222' low singers. $/8*'N01$4($,$%'-5'+)$'1$5-84*+$1'0%8*4-X$%'.0%'+)-5'$D$4+'*41'*5'*/(*=5&'5)$'(-//',$'10-48'*'8%$*+'A0,22'H">)'*@@%$ And another reminder: After our Christmas Holidays we shall start with our singing practice on Monday, January 7th $1'22' 2008 at 1.00 pm. Hope to see you all there, and bring all of your music notes !! (except Christmas songs, of course.) $'(-//'5+*%+'0"%'4$('!$*504'04'H041*=&RR9'!$@+$#,$%'STTU&'.%0#'R'@#'+0'Y9YT'@#'*5'*/(*=59''341'*5'=0"'*//'740(&' Otto Heller and the “Loreley Singer’s” would like send the merriest and happiest Christmas wishes to all friends and 48$%5'*%$'*/(*=5'($/>0#$&'*41'40,01=')*5'+0'L%$*1;'#"5->'J'H04->*'I0++04'+$*>)$5'($//2' members of “Club Loreley”. And may the NEW YEAR 2008 bring Happiness and Health to You All. "+'04'*'#0%$'5$%-0"5'40+$9'6$')*D$'.0"%'L-4A"%$1;'!-48$%59-4'0"%'#-15+9' Take care, have a safe winter and don’t ever forget to sing "%'M%$11='G*"+$45>)/Z8$%'8*D$'"5'*',-8'5>*%$9'6-41-48'"@'-4'+)$')05@-+*/'*5')$'1-19'N"+')$'%*//-$1'*%0"41'*41'(*5'(-+ Helga Gausrab %$*1='5-48-48'*5'8001'*5'$D$%9' 4$+'O018504&'0"%'(0%/1'+%*D$/$%&'%$>$-D$1'*'+)-%1'4$(')-@22'35'#">)'*5'+)*+'-5'@055-,/$9'N"+'(-+)'Q*4$+&'40+)-48'-5'-#@ Remembrance - Paul Müller But all smile at the end $9'!0'5)$'5)0($1'"@'*/%$*1='.0%'5-48-48'*41'5)0($1'0.')0('($//'5)$'80+'0D$%'+)*+'0@$%*+-049'' I travel on – see airplanes fly When I was 7 or 8 years old, a distant relative – A high speed train zips by 41'0"%':%$4$'G-@57='(-//',$'A0-4-48'"5'*8*-4'-4'3"+"#49'I0#@/$+$'(-+)'*'4$(')-@'+009'H*=,$'($'(-//'5$$'C0"&':%$4$&'04 which I called uncle – always told us tall W.W. 1 It’s on it’s way to Italy stories. Some of them pretty wild. One time I >4-><9'\*4>-48'+)$'O"/*'<'C0"'*41'Q*4$+'+08$+)$%<<'K)*+'(0"/1',$'50'V60(W9' Through Europe – just as I asked him, what did you do with all the fallen To visit nephews, relatives 41'/*5+&',"+'40+'/$*5+9'?"%'?++0'N]>79'M-%5+&')$'8$+5'*'4$('^4$$22'341'*5'-.'+)*+'-5'40+'$40"8)'.0%')-#9'O$'#*4*8$5'+0' Soldiers? We buried them, side by side, he said. In northern Germany. $*7'*')-@22'?++0_9+*/7'*,0"+'*',-04->'H*422''C0"%'*%$'04$'.0%'5"%$22' Wenn I reminded him, but some of them were enemies, he looked at me as seriously as never Windturbines, standing everywhere Producing energy $//&'0.'>0"%5$'*//'0"%',$5+'(-5)$5'80'+0'M%$11=&':%$4$&'Q*4$+'*41'?++0'.0%'*'D$%='5@$$1='%$>0D$%=9'P$#$#,$%&'C0"%'*%$ before, and replied, my boy, a fallen Soldier is There is a sense of unity -55$1'*41'($'*%$'/007-48'.0%(*%1'0.')*D-48'0"%'I)0-%'-4'."//'5+%$48+)'>0#-48'5$*5049'341'.0%'C0"'?++0&'40,01='#*7$5 never anybody’s enemy! I never forgot, and this Where ever I did go. 001'>0..$$'/-7$'C0"'10922' thought finally inspired my desire to write “ Two Crosses “, which I think is rather appropriate for Just like the kids in Flander’s Fields And Crosses, Friend and Foe '+)-5'@/*>$'?++0'O$//$%'*41'+)$'VG0%$/$='!-48$%;5'(0"/1'/-7$'+0'0..$%'+)$-%')$*%+.$/+'>0410J remembrance day. And to those lonely Crosses c-4'7/$-4$%'d$%5'X"%'N$ 4>$5'+0'O$/8*'N*"#$-5+$%'*41')$%'M*#-/='04'+)$'"4+-#$/='1$*+)'0.')$%'1$*%')"5,*41'6*/+$%9' Those friends I never knew 4"48`'V!"#$%%&%"' Two Crosses stand in Flander’s Fields $'*//'($%$'5)0>7$1'*41'1$$@/='5*11$4$1'*+'+)-5'#05+'+$%%-,/$')*@@$4-48'*5'(*5'$D$%=,01='-4' I bow my head in thankfulness Where poppies used to grow. "%'I/",'G0%$/$=9' You freed my Homeland too! !->)'*"5,%$-+$4'(-$' Two souls, each other never knew I stand in awe, to see the fruits N*"#&' 0%'+01*=':'5$41'!"##$%'8%$$+-485'*8*-4'+0'M%-$415&'!-48$%5&'I/",'H$#,$%5'(-+)'#=',$5+' But called each other foe! And freedom’s awesome yields On this same fields some children play -5)$59'' Because of those two Crosses,c%1$'.e)/$4&'^%*.+'5@e In German – English – French *7$'>*%$&'7$$@'5-48-48'*41'$4A0=22' What play it is, I’m not quite sure That stand in Flanders Field. 1$#'G->)+'X"($41$ !"#$%&'%()*%+& !044$'*+#$4&'#-+'M%$ /$,$49' 14 German-Canadian Club Loreley, 389 Dean Ave. Oshawa Ont. L1H 3E1 (905) 728-9221 !`'341'*5':'*#'%$*1-48'+)%0"8)'+)$'VG0%$/$='a*>)%->)+$4W'04>$'#0%$_'I048%*+"/*+-045'*%$'-4' c/5$'[*44-7' GERMAN - CANADIAN CLUB LORELEY Membership Treasurer’s Report - Brian Dimock I’ll start off with some belated anniversary wishes to two of our member couples. Unfortunately, this information was passed on to me after the September/October paper was published. On behalf of all members and the Board of Directors, Happy 50th Anniversary to Maria and Joe Sanseng (September 28th) and Happy 40th Anniversary to Cobie and Rainer Stimming (September 2nd). Well, the year is almost over and there are still some outstanding membership dues. Club Loreley relies on membership dues to assist in the day to day operation of our Club. Please take a moment and send in your 2007 dues if you haven’t already. Thank you. Congratulations go out to the following members who have reached the 50, 25 and 10 year milestones as members of Club Loreley: 50 Year 25 Year 10 Year Christel Rüssler Christian & Oditzia Maresch Thomas & Catherine Rehder Peter & Marion Hennig Emil & Annemarie Pflanzer Hans Mager Rolf & Ursula Rocker Martha Boss Joe & Wanda Friedrich Günther Weissbach Ossi & Maria Sponer Hildegard Romankewicz Horst Sommer Karl vom Dorff 10 Year Wolfgang Plate Helga Bodenweber Walter & Inge Lüdtke Bernie & Joanne Uhlmann Christine Elste Rüdiger & Ingrid Zersch The members listed above will be invited to our Christmas Dance on December 8th to be presented with their awards. A suggestion was made at a recent Board meeting to also recognize members when they reach the various 5 year milestones, beginning at the 20 year level. The primary reason for doing this is that many members are with us for a good length of time but for one reason or another, they never reach the 25 or 50 year milestones. This was unanimously agreed to so, beginning in this issue, and continuing with the last issue of each year, we will start recognizing those members who have reached the 20, 30, 35, 40 and 45 year membership milestones. Therefore, congratulations to the following members: 20 Year 35 Year 40 Year 45 Year Hilde Reuer Josef & Helen Klemencic Hans & Henrietta Torok Otto & Friedl Fleischmann Klaus Herber Josef & Anna Neubauer Paul Pantermöller Therisia Marinzel Walter Schönerklee Hildegard Lamprecht Helga Baumeister Hubert Adebar Gerhard Fruhner Dieter & April Wunderlich Eberhard & Hilde Harm Helmut Miemiec Ewald & Ingrid Oschim Ursula Ollesch Willi & Renate Schmahl Klaus & Charlotte Anselstetter Hilde Schmid Karl & Hildegard Epping Horst & Ilse Barleben Egon Diemer I know this is very early (and such a long way off from starting my Christmas shopping on December 23rd) but as this is our last issue of 2007, I want to wish you and your loved ones a Joyous Christmas or Happy Holidays, and also a Happy New Year. Good health to all, Brian Dimock Comments? [email protected] German-Canadian Club Loreley, 389 Dean Ave. Oshawa Ont. L1H 3E1 (905) 728-9221 15 GERMAN - CANADIAN CLUB LORELEY Hall Rental Features Hauptatraktionen The main hall accommodates up to 190 people, and the lounge 55. Both facilities are equipped with a bar. Der Saal fasst 190 Leute und unsere Member’s Lounge kann 55 Leute unterbringen. Beide sind ausgestattet mit einer Bar. LCD projector, screen, TV & VCR, and sound system available. LCD projektor, Bildschirm, Fernseher und VCR, Tonanlage. Full accessibility, air conditioning, and free parking. Ideally located just off of the 401, and 20 minutes East of Toronto. Kühlanlage, freies parken, und eingerichtet für Behinderten. Leicht zu erreichen, ideal gelegen. nur 20 minuten östlich von Toronto. Catering services available from an excellent chef. Both halls are available to rent for reasonable and competitive rates. Eigene Küche mit erstklassigen Chef wenn gebraucht. Beide Räume erhaeltlich für angemessene Preise. FOR YOUR NEXT WEDDING, ANNIVERSARY, WHATEVER THE OCCASION, WE HAVE THE HALL FOR YOU! PLEASE CONTACT: GERDA KOEPP: (905) 263-2745 Hall Rental - $450 Member’s Lounge - $150 Members: half price *taxes not included *discount valid to >5 year members only. 16 FÜR IHRE NÄCHSTE FEIER, JUBILÄUM, HOCHZEIT, ODER ANDERE FEIERLICHKEITEN, WIR HABEN GENAU DAS, WAS SIE BRAUCHEN. WEITERE AUSKÜNFTE: GERDA KOEPP (905) 263-2745 Hallenvermietung - $450 Member’s Lounge - $150 Mitglieder: Halber Preis *steuern nicht eingeschlossen *um unseren Rabatt zu erhalten ist eine >5 jährige Mitgliedschaft erforderlich . German-Canadian Club Loreley, 389 Dean Ave. Oshawa Ont. L1H 3E1 (905) 728-9221 GERMAN - CANADIAN CLUB LORELEY Karneval - Mardi Gras G)H'(9!I('J!96)!K)(J/0!&/0E Costume Ball !"#$%%&'()*+(,-..+/(0/+$1(",(*+/+2(3)-4+#),($#4( 5$/+#),(6+%+0/$)+4()*+(%$,)(4$&(78(,6*77%(7#(9-#+( :/4(;")*($(8-#($#4(5%$&(4$&2( Saturday th, 2006 January 26 <=(,)-4+#),(*$>+(/+6+">+4($(,-66+,,8-%(/+57/)( 6$/42(( Club Loreley ?7,)(78()*+(,)-4+#),(*$>+($%/+$4&(,"@#+4(-5(87/( 389 Dean Ave, Oshawa '(0-)( )*+(A+;(B+$/(,)$/)"#@(7#(3+5)+.0+/(=C ! )* G)H'(9!I('J!96)!K)(J/0!&/0E$/E)!LD6''#!M! !"#$%&$'()*(+,'! .$#&(.7/+(#+;(,)-4+#),($/+(+D5+6)+42(( Dancing and Entertainment !"#$%%&'()*+(,-..+/(0/+$1(",(*+/+2(3)-4+#),($#4( A+;(,)-4+#),($)($#&($@+(8/7.(EF()7(F/$4+(G($/+( J#4%"6*(,"#4(4"+(37..+/8+/"+#(4$(-#4(4"+(36*-%+( Starting Time: 7:00 p.m. 5$/+#),(6+%+0/$)+4()*+(%$,)(4$&(78(,6*77%(7#(9-#+( ;+%67.+2(H*+(4">+/,")&(78(7-/(,)-4+#),(",($( ",)($-,K( March in At: 7:11 p.m. :/4(;")*($(8-#($#4(5%$&(4$&2( 0+#+8")2(I+(;"%%(%+$/#(;")*(8-#($#4($.0")"7#2( L+/(%+)M)+(36*-%)$@(;-/4+(>7#(36*N%+/#(-#4(J%)+/#( I*+)*+/($(0+@"##+/(7/($4>$#6+4'(,)-4+#),(78( <=(,)-4+#),(*$>+(/+6+">+4($(,-66+,,8-%(/+57/)( @+.+"#,$.($.(:2(9-#"(.")(35"+%($#4(35$O( $#&($@+(6$#(,)$/)(;")*7-)($#&(5/+>"7-,( Music by: 6$/42(( @+8+"+/)2(( 1#7;%+4@+(78(F+/.$#2( Admission: $12.00 for members, $15.00 for non-members ?7,)(78()*+(,)-4+#),(*$>+($%/+$4&(,"@#+4(-5(87/( <=(36*N%+/(+/*"+%)+#(+"#(+/87%@/+"6*+,( Advanced Tickets Meal $25.00/ $28.00 each )* including!"#$"%&'()'*+,$'-(%"+"./'0+"1&"'&0%"12' )*+(A+;(B+$/(,)$/)"#@(7#(3+5)+.0+/(=C '(0-)( P0,6*%-OM+-@#",2(L"+(.+",)+#(36*:%+/(*$0+#(,"6*( 34"'#"&&15"'()'(,%'&64((+'3('.(,%')1#7+7"&' Special prizes for0+/+"),(8N/(4$,(#+-+(36*-%Q$*/(+"#@+,6*/"+0+#'( best Costumes .$#&(.7/+(#+;(,)-4+#),($/+(+D5+6)+42(( 182')%7"82&9' German Cuisine available for purchase Kitchen opens: 6:00 p.m. 4$,,($.(=C2(3+5)+.0+/(0+@"##)'('($0+/(4$##( A+;(,)-4+#),($)($#&($@+(8/7.(EF()7(F/$4+(G($/+( For more information/tickets please call ;+/4+#(>"+%+(#+-+(36*N%+/(+/;$/)+)2( ;+%67.+2(H*+(4">+/,")&(78(7-/(,)-4+#),(",($( Ed Albrecht at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ilson Road North, ! ;<<)3'=8'".)5>,+/,) Oshawa, Ont. ,82'"%<=4+3'>,%"8';782"%8/'>8?"+8',82' ! ?($'@'2)?+7))ABC)DED) L1G 6C9 @"?1883"8'A(8',8&"%"%'B64,+"9' F<;GHD;GIIIJ) Phone: 905-725-8886 Euro Connection J " L @ @ < P 0 4 ; A E 3 3 0 ! , @ ! Facsimile: 905-725-6444 ($"&&,1.'+-#:'K$%7:'"&L#%:) !"#$%&'()'&*)+%#!%#',"),'-.)"$,',")!('&&/&0.)'++%1&,/&0) */('++,)0"&&,1.'+-2)345) 6,.7"8",-)3'+'9,:,+7)5##%/+7'+7) ! ! ! ;<<)3'=8'".)5>,+/,) ?($'@'2)?+7))ABC)DED) F<;GHD;GIIIJ) ($"&&,1.'+-#:'K$%7:'"&L#%:) ! ! D8NE,8"'H,3(' CDEBFG'>->*ECD*H-'BIJJ-D>B' ! F+#+/$%(^+5$"/,()7(P%%(?$1+,( !" J%+6)/"6$%(?7)7/,( !7/+"@#(W(L7.+,)"6( M,7,)0,++"9) !$,)(!/"+#4%&(3+/>"6+( !" L$#87,,(?7)7/(U7#)/7%,( =::(H$-#)7#(^7$4(I+,)'(d#")(e=_( U7..+/6"$%(V"@*)(!"D)-/+,( \,*$;$'(\A2(V=F(:Hf( H+%`(ab[_c(f:CZ[f<<( !" V"@*)(S-%0,(W(XYL(S$%Z !$D`(ab[_c(f:CZ]GC]( <C[(I+#);7/)*(3)2(J2( %$,),( \,*$;$'(\#)2(V=X(]^]( !" N9O5!#PQ)!%$*P0E!9PJ)! German-Canadian Club Loreley, 389 Dean Ave. Oshawa Ont. L1H 3E1 (905) 728-9221 17 "#$%!&'()#)*!+,-!.)/0!12)3!456/7/!8!4093!&:;!+ ! CDEBFG'>->*ECD*H-'BIJJ-D>B' !DKLHM'GDBBHG' ! GERMAN - CANADIAN CLUB LORELEY Youth Dancers - Holly Henninger On behalf of the K.G. Loreley Youth Dancers I am pleased to report that all 35 of our dancers are back into full swing for our 2007-2008 season. ;<<7=43,835$"2$2/3$>./0$?4?043,@ ! Recapping since registration in September, we had our first perform- ance at Oktoberfest here at Club Loreley. For those of you who attended- Wasn’t it nice to have such a full house and such a wonderfully energetic crowd! Thankyou to the Board for the invitation. Since ('U! then we ''"#$ !"#$ have ;$%)(9!H!<IJ96!K)J056)JL)(! performed at two retirement residencesthe Centennial in Oshawa and Court of Brooklin in Brooklin. It is always a great ex9! $ <(059!H!;J#I)!M/#/5D6! %"#$ hand perience for our dancers and seeing the resident’s smiles, clapping and cheering on is such a win win situation for all involved. $% &"'"()% I)(5! ! -./0$1234.45$67,#4,$8$98::5$;<<7= )+3A$ ;)#L$9!"6(J59/!N('0)(! &"#$ P(I!H!;)#L$9!Q(/0I)(! '("#$ !"#$% ;/05!H!;)0(J)99/!T'('U! <(JD!H!TJ0/!M$(E6/(I9! KJ##J!H!<#J5/%)96!S/0I)(5! Our groups are now busy working on their new Funkengarde rouOur Miss & Mini Miss Loreley tines. Our teachers this season for Kindertots are Julia Henninger and F/$#!H!1I/!O$##)(! &"#$and Michelle Hoskin; for Juniors and Seniors- Brigitte Rank her helper Taylor Willsher; for Kinders Elizabeth Gifford and Kim Sanders. Thanks so much to each of you for your ongoing support and dedication. Keep up the great work! As mentioned in my Spring/Summer report we are pleased to have Elizabeth Gifford as the Club’s Miss Loreley and Julie Otte as our Mini Miss Loreley. Both of these young ;)J0R!H!100)#J)5)!499J0E)(! )*"#$ladies are also dancers with our group. Elizabeth has actually been dancing since age 8 and teaching for the past three years. Thank you, Liz and Julie for proudly representing Club Loreley and the Loreley Youth Dancers. N$(9!H!;J#I)!SD6LJI! +',"$ 18A74,$;/B7.7835$!" "#$%&'!"()*(+! Holly Henninger On October 22nd we held our annual Membership meeting. Our committee members are as follows >>: Chairperson: O35,(F30P3,.(5:A(M,93:A.Q((( (3N5+1RS(2-6(63(R9T3(91Q(K,31U3R(.5R3.(5,3(;-9:;(,35RRS(63RRI( Holly Henninger and Tammi deLima are representing K.G. LoreI(X23S(;-(.-(;--A(6912(5(:9+3(+-RA(P33,(5:A(123(A3R9+9-B.( ley as President and Vice President. RR(123(D5A93.(62-(6-,T3A(.-(25,A(5;59:I(Y-B(69RR(P3(,3$ 5+3(51(-B,(<RBPC(.9:+3(63(25?3(129.(P35B19/BR(5,35(6912(123( Upcoming Events: 3(-:(EBRS(#C(R31W.(2-83(/-,(5(.B::S(A5SI(( Vice Chairperson: Jennifer Kacaba H3(5,3(9:(123(09AAR3(-/(5(PB.S(M93.15(633T(5:A(1251(9.(3N5+1RS V-(6-:A3,C(62-(A-3.:W1(R9T3(123.3(;,351(/,3.2(K,31U3R.I(X23S( Secretary: Eric Burghardt /--A(X,3?-,(5:A(29.(1350(25?3(+--T3A(B8I(X25:T.(1-(5RR(123(D 65,A3A(6912(5(K9+:9+(9:(EBRSC(629+2(9.(8R5:3A(1-(15T3(8R5+3(51( Treasurer: Joanne Gifford :36(K3,;-R5(63(05S(5.(63RR(B.3(91I(7-(63(.33(S-B(123,3(-:(EB (51(<RBP(D-,3R3SQ( December 17th - will be our Annual dancer Christmas party. H9.29:;(S-B(5RR(5(2588S(5:A(235R12S(.B003,Q(733(S-B(51(<RBP Costume coordinator: Linda Willsher Hopefully we will be able to have a visit by Santa. 26th January 2008 - will be our Karneval dance and our committee, along with the Board of Directors invites everyone to come ! out to have some fun. Please mark the date on your calendar !12100134&-4&5/'6135&7'8.& and look into your closets for some great costumes to wear. "#$%&'!"()*(+ ( Public Relations: Director: Gabriele Albrecht Susan Cassar ! Looking ahead, Manoeverball Competition will be held on Sat. April 5th at the Concordia Club in Kitchener. %"&(G9:;(71,331(H3.1( 4.2565C(4:1I(D'E(JG%( Our Annual Benefit Dance will be held on May 10th 2008. K2-:3L()!"#=(%&&$"!J!( On behalf of our Youth Dancer Committee and Dancers I would like to thank the Board of Directors and our Club M5NL()!"#=(%&>$&#>%( Members for your ongoing support. We are hopeful to have updated pictures posted on the Club’s website very soon. We hope you all have a wonderful Christmas season. ! !"#$%&'$()*($+,&-./.&00.-.& '">(713?3:.-:(@-5A(7-B12( 4.2565C(4:15,9-( D'E(#F'( ( !"#$%&&$'!!'( 18 )*+,-..(/,-0(123(4.2565( 72-889:;(<3:13,=( German-Canadian!Club Loreley, 389 Dean Ave. Oshawa Ont. L1H 3E1 (905) 728-9221 F/E)!!!CG!! "#$%!&'()#)*!+,-!.)/0!12)3!456/7/!8!4093!&:;!+< &:;!+<:!=!>-?@A!BC,!=!-CC:!7773D#$%#'()#)*3'(E! $"!..&/,0(,&12"!"#"$%&'(("$! GERMAN - CANADIAN CLUB LORELEY Ladies Auxiliary - Marianne Sellick !" "It's hard to believe November is here already with all that great weather we have had, but November it is and that 2(2$"1(2"N%C(+5*(1%-1+'($-1(#+N%(2+(-'(%'/C( means we are busy planning for the festive season. Just to re-cap the "Girls", Friedl, Monika, Toni, Margot, Waltraut, Anneliese and myself, Marianne had lots of fun selling our pretzels at the-'/(2$%(^"'-&(*%15&21(-*%("'@(_(L+5&/(&">%(2+( Oktoberfest. Our king size pretzels were a 2$-'>(Q-*&(Q*%"1(^+*(>%%6"'0(2*-#>(+^(+5*(1#+*%1(-&&( big hit thanks to Otto F. Karl B and Alex H. It was a great night! With Monika's leadership everything went smoothly at out October bi-annual meeting. We offered a good variety of 1%-1+'(&+'0@(9$"1(1%-1+'1(L"''%*1("'(+5*(I%05&-*( cakes and service with a smile to the members present. Maria Mueller will be over seeing our baking for the Christ?$++2"'0(8*+56(-*%V(.%*'/(`+N(4+*^^("'(^"*12( mas Market and we will be on hand to sell our homemade packaged cookies and will offer cake and coffee to our visi6&-#%C(-'/(J%2%*(."&&%*("'(1%#+'/(6&-#%@(_'(+5*( tors as well as "glu wine". ?%'"+*(?$++2"'0(8*+56V(I+&^(I+#>%*(L-1(+5*(L"'\ '%*(L"2$(8%*$-*/(7*5$'%*(2->"'0(1%#+'/(6&-#%@( On a personal note, belated congratulations and best wishes to Heinz and Monika Mehler on their 40th Wedding Anni9$"1(1%-1+'1(J"12+&(3$-N6"+'(L-1(4"%2%*(Q%52$%'@( versary. They are enjoying their second honeymoon on a vacation I+&^(I+#>%*(*-'(+5*(A-'/%*6+>-&(-0-"'(2$"1(,%-*( this fall. In November, Siegismund and Ingrid Maier will be celebrating their 50th Wedding Day. We wish them many more years of happiness with their family and -'/(2$%(^"'-&(*%15&21(L%*%(-1(^+&&+L1V(356(L"''%*( friends. November Birthday wishes go out to: Monika, Christel, and yes, I'm another year older too. December Birth"'(2$%(K"*(I"^&%(8*+56("1(J%2%*(."&&%*C(-'/(2$%(A-'\ day wishes to out to: /%*6+>-&(?%'"+*(L"''%*("1(S->+B(7"1#$%*@( Margot, Wanda, Julie and Centa who will be celebrating on December 25th, our &"#"+51(1-'/L"#$%1(1566&"%/(B,(=%&0-(?2-/%*(-'/(#+&/( most cherished %/(B,(!-*"+'(=%''"0(-'/()&&-(I+#>%*C(2$-'>1(2+(,+5(-1( member. %U#%&&%'2(-^2%*'++'(-'/(%M%'"'0(L%(#-N%($+N%(%N62,( D'(!-,(G[2$(2$%(I"^&%(8*+56(-'/(^*"%'/1(2*-M%&&%/( 2+(D22-L-(W`"%L(+5*(6$+2+1(+'(60@(GOZ@(_(L+5&/( &">%(2+(2$-'>(H*'12(?2-/%*(^+*(/+"'0(-(0*%-2(a+B( +*0-'"b"'0(2$"1(2*"6(^+*(51@(D'(2$%(L-,(L%(%'a+,%/(/%&"#"+51 /*"'>1(1566&"%/(B,(4"%2%*(Q%52$%'@(3+^^%%(L-1(1566&"%/(B,(! L%&&@(K&2$+50$(L%($-/(-(0*%-2(2*"6(2$%*%("'#&5/"'0(-'(%U#%&& $-'/%/C(L"2$(D22-L-(L"''"'0(-&&(2$%(2*+6$"%1@(.52($+6%^5&&, B-#>C(+*(-2(&%-12(+'%(+^(2$%N@( ( D'(S5'%(;Y2$(L%($-/(+5*(-''5-&(#&5B(#&%-'\56(/-,@(A%(0+ /"^^%*%'#%(2$%('%U2(2"N%(,+5(-*%(-2(2$%(#&5B@(9$%(&"12(+^(6%+ 2$-'>1(^+*(-(a+B(L%&&(/+'%@(_(L+5&/(-&1+(&">%(2+(2$-'>(8%*/2$%,(6*+M"/%/@( 6%^5&&,(L$%'(2$%,(#+N%($%*%('%U2(,%-*(L%(#-'(L"'(2$%N( The Ladies Auxiliary Group will finish the season with our A%(0+2(-(&+2(+^(L+*>(/+'%(-'/(_cN(15*%(,+5(L"&&('+2"#%(2$%( "Holiday Social" on +^(6%+6&%(2+(2$-'>("1(2++(&+'0C(,+5(>'+L(L$+(,+5(-*%C( December 5th in the membership lounge. 8%*/-(-'/(A-'/-(+'(B%$-&^(+^(2$%(05,1(^+*(2$%(2-12,(&5'#$( On that note, we want to wish all the members and their ''5-&(I"^&%(J"#'"#e(-2(3&5B(F+*%&%,(-2(G(6N@(_^("2("1(-',2$"'0( families a very ,+5(5'2"&(2$%(1%-1+'(*%15N%1(+'(?%62%NB%*([2$C($-M%(-( healthy and happy season. Frohe Weinachten to All. +$ !"#$%&'(")'&*"(+$"#,)-$"!. D5*('%U2(/-2%(2+(*%N%NB%*("1(S5&,(GX2$C(2$"1("1(+5*(dK''5-&( &">%(&-12(,%-*(,+5(L+'c2(L-'2(2+(N"11("2@(_^(_(/+'c2(1%%(,+5(5 L+'/%*^5&(15NN%*@( )'2"&('%U2(2"N%C( Marianne Sellick !"#"$%&'(("$% /012345% ! !"#$%&''&#$()*&+$ ! 78"9&-01(0" !7:!;<" H)IDJHKE(KIIKE8H!HE9?( ( A%//"'0C(."*2$/-,C(75'%*-&( ?$+L%*C(K''"M%*1-*,C(-'/(N+*%( OP:(Q"'0(?2@(A@()'"2(RP(D1$-L-C(D'2@(F;S(GFP( 9%&T7-UV(WXY<Z([P:\YX<Y(+*(;\OOO\G[X\XXG:( 7+*(%*N%*0%'#,(+*/%*1(6&%-1%(#-&&V(WXY<Z(<[]\[O;<( ( !" !" !" !" !" !"#$%&"'(( )'"*+,-&( .*"/0%12+'%( 3+'2"'%'2-&( 45'&+6( !" !" !" !" .7(8++/*"#$( 8++/,%-*( 7"*%12+'%( 8%'%*-&(9"*%( ! 3$"4&5$"6,'$." !"#$%&'()*%+++,-.-.% :;<(=+6>"'1(?2@(A$"2B,C(DE(F;E(G3;( German-Canadian Club Loreley, 389 Dean Ave. Oshawa Ont. L1H 3E1 (905) 728-9221 ! F/E)!!!:,!! 19 "#$%!&'()#)*!+,-!.)/0!12)3!456/7/!8!4093!&:;!+< GERMAN - CANADIAN CLUB LORELEY Karl vom Dorff has recently graduated from Carleton University in Ottawa with the degree: "Bachelor of Science - Biology with Honours and Minor in German" We are so very proud of your remarkable achievements and efforts considering all you have endured. A wise person once said, "No one succeeds without effort... Those who succeed owe their success to perseverance" and you are truly proof of that. Congratulations, son! You did it ! With love from your Father & Mother, Bernd & Margaret vom Dorff 40th 50th Belated best wishes to Rainer & Cobi Stimming and Heinz and Monika Mehler on their 40th wedding anniversary! Best wishes to Siegismund and Ingrid Maier, who celebrate their 50th anniversary in November. 20 Club Loreley, 389 Dean Ave. Oshawa Ont. L1H 3E1 (905) 728-9221 GERMAN - CANADIAN CLUB LORELEY Wir laden Sie herzlich bei Kaffee und Kuchen zu einem kurzen, in ganz Kanada durchgeführten - informativen Vortrag, über die Bekämpfung von Arthritis, Arthrose, Schlafstörungen und akuten Befindlichkeitsstörungen ein. Wann: Freitag, den 23. November 2007 um 14:30 Uhr Wo: German-Canadian Club Loreley Für Ihren mitgebrachten Gast erhalten Sie GRATIS ein großes Paket Magnetpflaster, zur lokalen Bekämpfung von Schmerzen. (Wert $ 59,-) Anmeldung unter: Ernst Stader Tel: (905) 576-8664 [email protected] FREIER EINTRITT VITAFLEX © - ein guter Name... ... ein Name, dem man vertrauen kann “Die Hilfe gegen Arthritis - Arthrose - Schlafstörungen“ German-Canadian Club Loreley, 389 Dean Ave. Oshawa Ont. L1H 3E1 (905) 728-9221 21 GERMAN - CANADIAN CLUB LORELEY Loreley Singer Report (Italy trip, missed publishing - sorry!) - Helga Gausrab Johann Wolfgang von Goethe put so much emphasis into his verses as he described Italy with all his love for this country. And a few members of the “Loreley Singers” were so fortunate to find out, what our most beloved Poet meant with his poems and stories so long ago. On April 9, 2007 we met with singers from other choirs of the German- Canadian Choir Association in Toronto at Pearson Airport for a Choir trip to Italy. About 125 people came together and started on a wonderful trip to a country full of history, sunshine, wine and song. And all of us were wearing our red windbreakers, as a must for identification just in case someone got lost and also as admition for sight seeing places. A long flight through the night brought us to Frankfurt were we waited patiently for the connecting flight to Rome. And the morning of the 10. of April saw us in sunny Rome. Mind you, three busses waited for us and we had to drive another 292 km to Sorrento. But that was ok, as we knew, that a visit to the eternal City was in the itinerary anyway. In Frascati we stopped for our first lunch, which was a real treat. Red and white wine, cold pork, cheese, good bread, olives, and three Musicians serenaded us with wonderful songs. A fantastic start to our Italian adventure. The drive to Sorrento along a highway similar to our 401 had most of us sleeping or just starring at the italian countryside. High mountains, rolling hills, unusually buildings, laundry hanging out of a lot of balconies or just windows, italian Umbrella Pines, lots of traffic. And then we passed Naples and had our first glimpse of the Gulf of Naples. Wow!!! High mountains still on our left and blue shimmering water far below on our right. What a picture!!! Sorrento greeted us with blooming Orange- and Lemon Trees, Roses, all sorts of lovely flowers and neck breaking, speeding traffic in very small streets. Our bus drivers were marvelous!! We stopped at a Service station in the middle of the city and all had to get out of the busses. Somebody pointed up the mountain and high on top we saw our first Hotel. “Hotel Gran Paradiso”! But how to get there as it was clear, the busses could not drive the very small laneway that was going up! Oh well…… Two little shuttle busses from the Hotel turned up and took turns to bring us and our suitcases to our destination. And as all was done and settled, we could finally have our deserved restful night!! But the night view from the “Hotel” over the Gulf of Naples was fantastic. Warm air, one could sense the water down below, mountain ranges on both sides, lights shimmering in the distance. Wow!!! After a good breakfast next morning we were off to see Pompeii, the town on the Sea!! My guide book says “ On a summer morning in 79 AD, Pompeii was buried after an unexpected and dramatic eruption of the volcano Mount Vesuvius. The tragedy left little possibility of survival for the estimated 10,000 people who lived in the town.” Can you imagine? Pompeii big like that to have a population of 10,000 people? In the year 79 Anno Domine?? I was totally impressed with the size of the city, with the architecture, with the standing walls, the streets, and the thought of having all of that buried under 7meters of ashes. And for 700 years lost in history. A farmer ploughed his land and found a vase which his King recognized as a piece from that lost city of Pompeii on the Sea. And digging began.…..And we stood at the same place were people led an every day, busy life 2000 years ago!! So hard to imagine. But our guide Francesca brought everything to live with her knowledge and her enthusiasm. Well, back to our day. Still Wednesday, April 11. After all that walking through the years before 79 AD we had a good Pizza lunch, drove back to the Hotel on top of the mountain and prepared for an Evening Concert with a choir from Salerno. The concert was a success. Alvin Reimer conducted us with his usual enthusiasm, our Monica Cotton helped us along with the piano and our mixed choir sang real good. The Salerno choir sang a lot of classical music and earned our applause. Next day we were of to the “Isle of Capri”. What a Fairy Tale rock in the middle of the Mediterranean. Beautiful gardens, little cute houses, up and down streets, big impressive Villas, (like the one that Friedrich Krupp build. Probably on the best spot of the Island), and blue water as far as the eye can see. Paradise!!! A boat trip around the isle was also very much an education, and a disappointment as we could not see anywhere a beach!! So much beautiful water and no swimming !!! Well I guess, if you were somewhat rich and had a yacht, you could always jump in the water from the boat!!! Friday the 13th!!! The right day to visit the Mount Vesuvius!! It is said, that it is still “cooking” on the inside. Well, I was very much impressed by the still visible flow of the lava from years ago. Like a stony river bed between two mountains. The last eruption was in 1944 and now the experts think, that it will not be long before that Vesuvius starts rumbling again. A sigh of relief, that it did not do that while we were there!! A few of our group was brave enough to climb the last stretch to the moldering crater and had a look inside. I was not one of them! But I took pictures of cute little Salamanders while waiting for the climbers to come back to the busses. After a good supper a few of us went to see a musical production named “Sorrento Musical” at a theatre downtown Sorrento. Two centuries of napolitan dances, costumes and music. Wonderful!! We were greeted with a glass Champagne or a glass of wine and got preferred treatment as Canadians. What more did we want!!!! But then we had to pack for the drive to Rome early Saturday morning. Good bye Sorrento, good bye Gulf of Naples, good bye blue waters. A bit of confusion at the Service station as the shuttle busses had not enough room to bring all of us down from the “Hotel Gran Paradiso” in a hurry. But that was settled eventually and we were of to Rome. In Rome a real nice guide, Gabi, waited for us. At least for my group. (We always had three groups and a guide for each group.) Gabi took us through the Vatican and that was just out of this world!!! How can I describe all the beauty around, the marble figurines, the paintings, the architecture. I don’t know!!! A must see for sure!! And we could wish a Bride and her Groom all the Best for 22 German-Canadian Club Loreley, 389 Dean Ave. Oshawa Ont. L1H 3E1 (905) 728-9221 GERMAN - CANADIAN CLUB LORELEY their Wedding. They, of course, did not have to stand in queue like we did as tourists. Later we checked in the Hotel “Golden Tulip Bellambriana”. Nice rooms, good food and a good night sleep. On Sunday we found ourselves with lots and lots of other people at St.Peters Square in front of the Vatican to celebrate a Mass in the honor of Pope Benedicts 80th Birthday. And what a celebration that was!! A festive feeling surrounded the whole square. Even the weather was at its best. Sun and blue sky all day long. Pope Benedict blessed the crowd and went on his “walk about”. A children’s Choir sang beautifully, and, of course, among many others, one could see the Bavarian Flags all over the place. And most impressive, the Swiss Guards in their colorful uniforms. But for Joe and me waited a special surprise. Joe’s daughter Barbara flow in from London, England for the weekend and we met at Bernini’s Fountain at St. Peters Square. Later on we went on a tour with our guide Gabi through “Old Rome”. The ruins of the Forum of Julius Caesar, the Arch of Constantine, the Colosseum, Circus Maximum, the Roman Forum, etc…. unbelievable!! History all around us!! What a day we had! Barbara stayed with us till Monday evening. She was our tour guide for the day. And so we were heading out on the “Metro” (Subway) to look at the Spanish Steps first. A lovely sight to be seen!! 147 steps up and up and up!! Decorated with hug pots of flowering Azaleas. At the bottom of these steps stands the interesting “Barcaccia” fountain. (the old Barge). Hard to be seen as a lot of tourists cool their hot feet in the water. And from one fountain to the next. The “Trevi” Fountain had to be on our agenda too. Throw a coin in the fountain or drink its water and you will come back to Rome for sure. But now on to Vatican City to take a glimpse of the “Sistine chapel”. We had to line up along a high and long wall. But only for about ½ an hour and we reached the doors of the Vatican Museum. And an other fantastic tour began. I have a hard time to describe the beauty, the splendor, the richness, the loveliness of that, what awaited us. Age old Architecture, Pictures, Statues, Furniture, Gardens, Tapestries, Wall Paintings. We kept on walking, looking in awe and time stood still. A long walk through rooms, corridors filled with all the richness and décor one could imagine (or not), we finally reached our goal!! The “Sistine Chapel”!! Michelangelo’s Master piece painted on ceiling and walls around us. It is so hard to describe ones feeling to stand in the presents of such Artwork!!! I just have no words for any description. But one thing is for sure. In order to really see, understand and admire these fantastic works of Art, one has to have a lot of time on ones hands. And that is true for all of Rome and the Italian Landscape!!! Like one of the Singers quoted: All of Italy is a Museum. And another nice moment for us in the Vatican. Mass was given in the late afternoon, and we heard a School Choir from Mississauga singing. It was good to listen to these young voices and later look at their surprised faces as we told them that we are neighbors in Ontario. But we had to be ready to go again and on this Tuesday our three busses drove from Rome to Montecatini. A cozy little town in the middle of the Toscana. As we learned later, a town with lots of Spas and thermal bathhouses. But before we reached our destination, we had lunch at a Winery. At “Palazzo Bandino” we are being spoiled with very good wine samples, Grappa, and a hearty lunch. The surroundings are beautiful and so peaceful. I wish, we could stay a while. Later we checked into our “Hotel Biondi” in Montecatini, enjoyed a good supper and had a choir practice. On Wednesday we took in a guided tour of Florence. Beautiful city with a figure of Michelangelo’s David, the most perfect example of a human body. Not my words, our guide told us that. And, of course, lots of other interesting buildings, statuettes, and lots of little stores with the most intriguing gold jewellery. In the evening we had our second concert. A choir from Montecatini joined us. A good time was had by all. Next day we took in a guided tour of Lucca. Again, a beautiful little, very old city in the Toscana. Hometown of Giacomo Puccini. We found ourselves in an old Cathedral, Alvin Reimer collected all of us and we started to sing. We sang ”Sanctus” by Sebastian Bach in German and all was still. Even a few rowdy youngster were listening. A German tourist couple had tears in their eyes. We moved their hearts with our song. A most wonderful experience for all of us, And then the busses drove us to Pisa and there it stood….. the Tower of Pisa in all its “leaning” glory. That building will stand quite a bit longer yet.Another point of interest. Galileo was born in Pisa in 1173. Friday, April 20th, a day of rest for Joe, me and some other people. A guided tour to Sienna was planed. But a day in Montecatini was restful and nice. The weather is still sunny and very warm. So we were ready for our drive north to Lake Garda. Saturday morning we left Montecatini, had a real good lunch in Mantova with a guided tour through this very old little city. Drove through the Toscana landscape, rolling hills, endless wide fields, silver Olive trees and large Grape plantations. And then, suddenly, high mountain ranges were on all sides of us and the landscape was changed totally. The highway still reminded me of our 401 and the traffic too was fast and furious. The busses were driving toward Riva del Garda, a little tourist town at the very north end of Lake Garda. Our bus stopped at “Hotel Luise” and we had nice rooms again with a lovely mountain view. But as tired as we were, the rumor went around, that a Choir and Orchestra from Chemnitz (former East Germany) was giving a concert in one of the churches. So we had another wonderful experience at a moments notice. Next day we were ready for a boat trip on Lake Garda. The lake is the third biggest lake in Italy with 340 m deep, 52 km long and surrounded by high mountains. That boat ride was wonderful! We stopped at Malcesine, a little tourist town on the west side of the lake. From there our busses took us to the end of Lake Garda. There we walked through Sirmione, an old roman city on a small piece of land, that goes into Lake Garda like a tongue. Most of us went with small boats around this little city and were impressed with old, old buildings from the Roman times. Like ruins of guard towers and a big bath house. On Monday, April 23rd we finally saw Venice!!! We approached the city by boat and were amazed!! We embarked near St. Mark’s Square and were greeted by oodles of tourists and doves. But what a city!! Again lots of old buildings, beautiful churches, small and smallest streets. And, of course, the many canals with their funny little bridges and the many gondolas. And the air was clean too. Not a bad smell around!! We had supper in one of the little Restaurants and as it happened, a man approached us and German-Canadian Club Loreley, 389 Dean Ave. Oshawa Ont. L1H 3E1 (905) 728-9221 23 !"#$ %&'($ GERMAN - CANADIAN CLUB LORELEY ;)I0S!K!"6I59#!F)9('75QI! !"#$ HI#6)#J!K!L/(I/!LM##)(! started to talk. It turned out, that he and his wife were on Holidays from Pickering!! What a small world. It was night when we drove back by boat to our busses. And what a sight we had over the water, Venice at night with lights and music. As romantic as it can be. R/(#!K!;I#T)E/(T!<UUI0E! )&'$ HI##I/J!K!N)0/9)!OD6J/#! The next day was slated for a visit to Verona. The city of Romeo and Juliet!! Again, a romantic old city with lots of interesting buildings, Plazas and lots of history. The story of the two lovers is an old Italian story that was translated into English and then P)(0T!K!V'*D)!FW#/0S)(! >&'$saw theP(I/0!K!F)EE*!.IJ'DQ! written by William Shakespeare as a play. But we saw the house of Romeo and we even balcony of Juliet. Tourist must have their stories, right?? I was quite taken by the traffic. The little cars, the motorcycles, the mopeds. These vehicles were parked everywhere. At night we had our final concert with an Italian male choir from Arco. And what a concert that was!! These guys had voices…. Wow. And they sang without having their noses in their music!! Just great. But we were very good also! Alvin was quite LID6/)#!K!L/(E()9)!R)##*! (?&'$ R$(9!K!<#I5/%)96!H/E0)(! happy with our singing. Our wonderful trip is nearly at its end. We had to pack again for one more night. And then we drove to Milan. Here too we had a guided tour of the city. A short look insideHI#6)#J!K!&'(I!P)I)(! the famous Milan Cathedral, the La Scala Shopping !?&'$ Gallery with all the famous Fashion designer stores, a golden M for Mac Donald!! and we saw the La Scala Opera House. Later we checked in at the Holiday Inn for a last night in Italy. Oh, and IKEA has a store also in Milan. !?&'$ Thursday,April 26th, our trip is ended and"6(I59I/0!K!4TI9S/!L/()5D6! we are on the way home again. A few people stayed longer and went on to visit with families and friends in Germany. But most if us took the Airplane home to Canada. We left sunshine, warm breezes, and blue lagoons in Italy and were glad to be back. !%&'$ That is an account of my impressions of P)(9!K!X)(T/!HI)%IDQ)! this choir trip to an old, old country. I am sure, other people have other memories and that is as it should be. I hope, the readers will get a little glimpse<(ID!K!YI0/!P$(E6/(T9! of our Whirlwind tour through Italy. @(5&$ Helga Gausrab September & October Report (missed publishing - sorry!), Vice President - Ed Albrecht The Spring is always a busy time and the summer is a time to relax and enjoy the sunshine. By the time you read this report Fiesta will be a memory. I can report to you now that we were awarded the trophy for Children’s Par! ticipation – Walking. I hope that you got a chance to see our float in the Parade. If you didn’t you can contact Roger’s and they will sell you a copy of the Parade for $25. I would like to thank first and foremost Eric Burghardt who has been my right hand man in this endeavour. I would also like to thank Peter Otte, Brian Dimock, Manny DiLima, Frank Burghardt, Martin Wrobel, Nickolas Burghardt, Zac and Lindsay DiLima and to my family who are also members, my father Heinz, !"#"$%&'$&$("#)$*++,$-.#/+.-$&-$-!"$01#23$4"56"#'!21$5""-2/*7$$8/$5)$3&'-$#"1+#-$8$&'9",$:+#$(+3 my brothers Gord and Erv, my niece Vickie, and my children Joel, Amanada, Patricia and Andrew. This year I hand an overwhelming support for this project so if I forgot anyone I would like to thank all volunteers. Maybe next year we will do it again. The !"31$%2-!$-!"$:3+&-$&/,$:+#$;2"'-&$&/,$-+$,&-"$8$&5$'-233$2/$/"",$+:$(+3./-""#'7$$<!"$-!"5"$+:$-!"$1 most important people I wish to thank is Hans and Henrietta Torok. Without the use of their barn and home this would not be pos'-$+:$?.#[email protected].#"=7$$8:$&/)+/"$!&'$&/)$2,"&'$13"&'"$A+/-&A-$5"7$$$$ sible. !"#$%&'($%'$)%'*+,"'-%".+/"0&1'"#!$%&'()*+ !" I hope that you had a chance to visit the Club and enjoy the festivities during Fiesta Week. The show at our Pavilion was fantas"$-+$-!"$3&A9$+:$2/-"#"'-$2/$+.#$42''$C+#"3")D$42/2$42''$E&*"&/-$-!&-$%&'$13&//",$:+#$4&#A!$F-!G$-!"$ tic. I got to see it all week. The dancers all deserve a great round or applause for being part of the float and for dancing all week A"33",7$$H"$%233$6"$A#+%/2/*$+.#$/"%$42''$C+#"3")G$C+#2$E:3&/I"#$&/,$42/2$42''G$J#2'-&$J&A&6&$&-$-!" during Fiesta. Thank you to Holly Henninger and her Committee for a job well done. "3")$K+.-!$B&/A"#'$6"/":2-$,&/A"$+/$4&)$L-!7$$E3"&'"$13&/$-+$&--"/,$&/,$'.11+#-$-!"$K+.-!$B&/A"# Upcoming event to look for is Oktoberfest at the end of September. Hope to see you there. 37$$<!"$>+&#,$+:$B2#"A-+#'$-!&/9'$+.#$+.-*+2/*$42''$C+#"3")G$M32I&6"-!$J2"''32/*$&/,$42/2$42''$@&2-3) Again I would like to thank everyone involved, all the Active Groups and all of the volunteers in helping make Fiesta a success. #"1#"'"/-2/*[email protected]$C+#"3")$,.#2/*$NOOPQOL7$$$$$$ I hope everyone had a safe and enjoyable summer and look forward to seeing you in the fall. A"$%"$&#"$/+%$*"--2/*$2/-+$13&//2/*$:+#$;2"'-&$-!2'$%233$6"$&$6.')$-25"$:+#$5"7$$8$%233$6"$A+/-&A-2/*$& .1'$-+$,+$-!"2#$1&#-$,.#2/*$;2"'-&$H""9$%!2A!$'-&#-'$%2-!$-!"$E&#&,"$+/$R./,&)$S./"$TU-!7$$8$%+.3, &//$<+#+9$:+#$-!"$.'"$+:$!2'$6&#/$&/,$4&#-)$E#"'-+/$:+#$-!"$.'"$+:$!2'$-#.A97$$$H"$!+1"$-+$'""$&33$5 [email protected]$A"3"6#&-2/*$+.#$!"#2-&*"7$$$$ A3+'2/*$8$%2'!$-+$-!&/9$-!"$5"56"#'$:+#$&33+%2/*$5"$-+$A+/-2/."$2/$5)$1+'2-2+/$&'$V2A"$E#"'2,"/-$:+ #7$$ #!$%&'()*+! 24 German-Canadian Club Loreley, 389 Dean Ave. Oshawa Ont. L1H 3E1 (905) 728-9221 GERMAN - CANADIAN CLUB LORELEY November & December Report, Vice President - Ed Albrecht I wish to apologize to all my volunteers from Fiesta as I had said at the Semi-annual meeting, I am now sending the report that did not get into the last edition of the newspaper because of a computer glitch so it is in this edition. The attendance at the semi-annual meeting was a little low this time. I am sure that people are very busy and I hope that they get to read the newspaper. Discussion was brought up about how to generate more money and cut costs. As I had mentioned at the meeting I am going to try and cut costs on our Fiesta float by asking for donations towards this project. You can send your donations at any time to our treasurer or to myself before June. The cost of the materials to build the float have been increasing each year. Any financial support will be much appreciated. Karneval this year will be on January 26, 2008. There will again be prizes for best costumes so I hope to see you all there dressed up. The band playing will be Euro Connection which did a great job last year. The Loreley Youth Dancers will also be performing their Funkengarde. As you can see in the flyer in this edition of the newspaper times and prices are listed. I look forward to seeing a full house as this is the big event of the winter. It might be a little early but we will soon be looking for 2 young ladies to represent us as Miss Loreley and Mini Miss Loreley. There is a certain criteria to be met to be eligible for either of these positions. Please contact me if interested. Since this will be the last report before Christmas I want to express my warmest wishes for a happy and safe holiday season for each and every one of our members. Ed Albrecht Gedicht - Erich Kaestner Er flucht, weil es so lange dauert. Das Wetter ist recht gut geraten, Man merkt daran: Er ist hier der Kirchturm traeumt vom lieben fremd. Gott. Er will den Gottesdienst beDie Stadt riecht ganz und gar suchen, nach Braten denn das erheischt die Tradition. und auch ein bisschen nach Die Stadt ist klein. Man soll nicht Kompott. fluchen. Pauline bringt das Hemd ja Am Sonntag darf man lange schon! schlafen, die Gassen sind so gut wie leer. Die Stunden machen kleine Zwei alte Tanten die sich trafen, Schritte bestreiten ruestig den Verkehr. und heben Ihre Fuesse kaum. Sie fuehren wieder mal die alten Die Langeweile macht Visite. Die Tanten fluestern ueber Dritte. Gespraeche, denn das haelt Und drueben, auf des Marktes gesund. Mitte, Die Fenster gaehnen sanft und schnarcht leise der Kastanienhalten sich die Gardinen vor den Mund. baum. Der neue Herr Provisor lauert, auf sein gestaerktes Oberhemd. Herbsttag - Rainer Maria Rilke Wer jetzt allein ist, wird es lange bleiben. Herr es ist Zeit. Der Sommer war Wird wachen, lesen, lange Briefe sehr gross. schreiben Leg deinen Schatten auf die Sonund wird in den Alleen hin und nenuhren her und auf den Fluren lass die Winde unruhig wandern, wenn die los. Blaetter treiben. Befiehl den letzten Fruechten voll zu sein; Gib Ihnen noch zwei suedlichere Tage. Draenge sie zur Vollendung hin und jage die letzte Suesse in den schweren Wein. Wer jetzt kein Haus hat, baut sich keines mehr. Silent Night - Cpl Bruce Tesky Memories from Holland When we were faced with enemies locked in a dreadful war. There in the cold still clearness On Christmas Eve of 1944 in Hol- voices began to sing land the Canadian Army stood at It was the German Soldiers full alert due to the German break- They made the frozen stillness through at the Ardennes (known as ring. the battle of the bridge). On the And for a few short moments their date of December 24th eve it was voices seemed to say very cold with some snow on the Although we will fight tomorrow, ground. The Canadian forces there’s peace on Earth today. dressed in white camouflage suits were spaced across the entire front As often as I hear the songs and on watch, when suddenly everyrecall the stars so bright thing grew very still. The only I can hear the accordion playing as sounds were the German soldiers. they sang “Oh Silent Night”. They were playing an accordion Now many years have come and and singing Christmas carols. The gone since that time so long ago sounds drifted across the water When I heard the carol singing as I that separated us. This lasted only laid there in the snow. a short time then the normal sounds of conflict resumed: Submitted By: Keith Wagar (written by Keith’s uncle who served with the Canadian forces in Holland). Silent Night Of all the songs that are sung around the great wide earth The ones I like the very best tell of the savior’s birth. When I hear the Xmas carols my thoughts go back in time To the Xmas Eve so long ago, so I put them down in rhyme. I remember well that Xmas Eve on a night so long ago When I heard the carol singing as I laid out in the snow It was a frosty Xmas Eve in Holland nineteen forty-four German-Canadian Club Loreley, 389 Dean Ave. Oshawa Ont. L1H 3E1 (905) 728-9221 25 GERMAN - CANADIAN CLUB LORELEY NEW YEARS BALL BEST NEW YEAR’S EVENT IN OSHAWA!! NEW YEARS EVE DANCE At the German-Canadian Club Loreley Monday, December 31st 2007 Starts at 7 p.m. Live Music: by “EURO CONNECTION” **Dinner, Wine, Dance & Midnight Snacks Inclusive,** Advance tickets sale at the Member’s Lounge From November 15th to December 6th For non Members from December 7th Every Thursday from 12.00 noon to 8 p.m. Fridays from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Cut off date: Dec. 21st Make your table reservation early! Please call Wanda Friedrich: 905-579-2565 or 905-728-9221 CLUB LORELEY WISHES EVERYONE A SAFE AND: $65 Memb $85 Non-m ers embers -HAPPY NEW YEAR26 German-Canadian Club Loreley, 389 Dean Ave. Oshawa Ont. L1H 3E1 (905) 728-9221